#hope this was still a suitable answer <3
deliciousangelfestival · 10 months
Cozy Secrets || Bucky Barnes
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Character: Spy!Bucky x Roommate!Reader
Summary: Y/N discovers her seemingly perfect roommate, Bucky, is a spy.
Chp 1, Chp 2 , Chp 3 , -
Main Masterlist || buy me Ko-fi 🥹💓
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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In the heart of the bustling city, Y/N  found herself looking for the perfect roommate. Her previous housemate had bid adieu after getting engaged, leaving Y/N in the lurch to find a suitable replacement.
After countless interviews, Y/N finally stumbled upon what seemed to be the answer to her roommate's quest – Bucky, a sports photographer with a penchant for cleanliness and a propensity for quiet nights.
His nocturnal work hours meshed well with Y/N's daytime routine, and his willingness to contribute to the apartment's upkeep made him the ideal housemate.
The first three months of their living arrangement went smoothly. He was always punctual with rent, impeccably tidy, and even willing to take on household chores without complaint – he was the roommate Y/N had always dreamed of.
However, something twisted happened one day when she returned home later than usual.
As she swung open the door, ready to unwind in her sanctuary, her eyes widened in disbelief and horror.
Her once-immaculate living space was now a chaotic mess, and right in the middle of the turmoil were two men engaged in a heated scuffle, with Bucky caught in the crossfire.
"Excuse me, what the heck is this?" Y/N exclaimed, her initial shock transforming into a mix of rage and confusion. The three combatants froze, turning their attention to Y/N.
The two men, realizing they were caught in the act, exchanged nervous glances but didn't utter a word. Bucky seized the opportunity for a strategic move in the split second of confusion.
With a swift motion, he expertly maneuvered between the brawlers and shut them down with a series of impeccably executed moves, leaving them in a stunned heap on the floor.
"Bucky, what in the world is happening here?" Y/N demanded, her eyes darting between the mess and her roommate, who was now defensive.
Bucky, seeing the need for a more honest approach, took a deep breath and decided to come clean. "Y/N, there's something you should know. I'm not just a sports photographer. I'm actually a spy."
Y/N stared at him, her initial anger giving way to sheer disbelief. "A spy? Are you serious, Bucky? Is this some sort of elaborate prank?"
Bucky shook his head, his expression serious. "No, I'm dead serious. I chose this apartment because it provides the perfect vantage point to keep an eye on a target across the building. Those guys you just saw? They were after the same target, and things got a bit out of hand."
Y/N blinked, processing this unexpected revelation. "Wait, so you're telling me that all this time, while I thought you were just a neat freak sports photographer, you've been living a double life as a spy?"
Looking genuinely remorseful, Bucky began, "Y/N, I'm really sorry about the mess. This wasn't supposed to happen, and I didn't mean to put you in this situation. It was a mistake, and I take full responsibility."
Y/N, arms still crossed, nodded. "Apologies won't fix my now-ruined living room, Bucky. This is unacceptable. I thought I finally found the perfect roommate, not a spy who turns my place into a battlefield."
Bucky, understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded solemnly. "I understand, Y/N. My agency will cover the expenses for the repairs and replacements. I'll make sure everything is back to normal. You have my word."
True to his word, Bucky coordinated with his agency, ensuring a team was dispatched to clean up the aftermath of the brawl. Broken items were replaced with new ones, and the apartment was restored to its former glory.
A few days later, as Y/N surveyed the now spotless living room, Bucky approached her tentatively. "I hope this makes up for the mess, Y/N. I really didn't mean for any of this to happen."
Y/N, now feeling a bit more forgiving, sighed. "Fine, Bucky. You've cleaned up your mess, literally. But I still need time to get over the fact that my roommate is a spy who uses my apartment for covert operations."
Bucky hesitated, "Y/N, I hope you don't want me to move out. I really like it here."
As Y/N contemplated whether she should ask Bucky to find a new place, her phone buzzed with a notification about her upcoming high school reunion. The idea of attending filled her with dread.
"Ugh, a high school reunion," she muttered to herself.
Bucky, overhearing, raised an eyebrow. "Problem with the reunion?"
Y/N grimaced. "I despise those events.” She doesn’t want to meet the popular girl from her school who constantly bullies her. But this time, she wants to show off. She got an excellent job nice apartment. But there’s one she doesn’t have. 
A boyfriend. 
Y/N looked Bucky from head to toe and mumbled, “What if..." But this idea was insane; she shook her head. 
Bucky looked curious. "What if what?"
Bucky, understanding the high school dynamics, chuckled. "Ah, trying to one-up the mean girls from the past. So you need someone to accompany you? I'm in.”
Y/N fell silent for a moment, a realization slowly dawning on her. "You knew about my personal life?"
Bucky rubbed his head, a hint of embarrassment coloring his expression. He didn't deny it, saying, "Well, I'm a spy, and my agency does background checks on everyone."
Her hands now covering her face, Y/N sighed, "Oh no...."
Bucky couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. "What do you think? With my spy skills, I bet I could impress everyone at the reunion. In exchange, please don't kick me out. Pleasee...."
Y/N grumbled, her frustration apparent. "Fine."
Bucky grinned, a mix of relief and amusement in his eyes. "Thanks Y/N. I swear you won’t regret this."
As they navigated the quirks of their unique living situation, little did they know that more surprises and adventures awaited them in the days ahead.
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Chp 1, Chp 2 , Chp 3 ,-
Main Masterlist || buy me Ko-fi 🥹💓
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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nicka-nell · 2 months
omg ur taking requests!
can you do some angst to fluff with Atsumu, Iwaizumi, Suna, Kuroo, Ushijima, and Sakusa (I’m sorry if they’re too many you can choose whoever you want to write about from these characters, I luv all of them soooo much)
Can you make it like really really Angsty in the start. Like the characters doing something they’ll regret a lot and then they spend a lot of efforts making up for it? Please make it fluffy in the end, I can’t handle sad endings 😭
Also please don’t include anything with infidelity or mentions of it. My boyfriend of 3 years cheated on me last month and I’m having such a hard time.
Thank you for considering my request. And there’s no pressure to accept, I don’t mind at all.
Hi! yes I am taking requests right now. 😇 First of all, I'm so sorry that you had such a negative experience. But tbh, you're better off this way. Nobody needs such an ass cheating on them! 😔😤 My ex did that too, with my ex-best friend btw. I also had a hard time but quickly felt better because I realised that it's a waste of time to cry over such a dick. I hope you don't lose hope in a healthy relationship based on trust. There really are good people out there and I hope you find someone who can appreciate you. Sending you a lot of hugs and kisses. 🤗💚❤️‍🩹
And for your request. I've written three stories for Tsumu, Iwa and Suna. Unfortunately they got a bit tooo long for my taste, so I only made these 3. I hope that's okay. I really had problems making it super angsty (urg, I need more practice for angsty stuff 😵‍💫). As you wished, I didn't include anything with cheating (even though I had a few ideas haha.) and I also added a trigger warning before each story. I think Iwa's and Suna's in particular might be a bit darker... so you can decide on your own if you want to continue reading it or not. Anyway, I hope you still like it, and thanks for your request. Stay healthy! 🥰💚
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Regretting their actions
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Pairing: Atsumu x, Iwaizumi x, Suna x reader
Warning: angst to fluff, break-up (Atsumu, Suna), mention of abuse/anger issues, mention of blood (Iwaizumi), mention of abortion, mention of drugs/pills (Suna)
Part 1 | Part 2 (End)
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tw: mention of break-up
You met Atsumu when he came to his brother’s onigiri store for the housewarming.
The two of you got along well quickly. And it wasn’t long before he kissed you at a party, looked at you with his cheeky grin and said, “Tastes better than a victory.”
More things happened that night. Not just simple kisses and when you woke up next to him in bed, he asked you, still sleepy: “You’re my girlfriend now, aren’t you?”
You’ve been together for several years now and were thinking about moving in together soon when Atsumu’s career suddenly took off. He was traveling abroad more often and had less time for you or looking for an apartment.
And then it happened…
You scroll through the apartment search app for something suitable for the two of you, lying on the bed while missing him terribly. You close the app to go to your messenger, only to realize that you were the one who last texted Atsumu... two days ago… Two blue check marks indicate that he has read your messages but has not replied. Your fingers hover over the keypad of your phone and you think about writing to him. Maybe he read your message during training and didn’t have time to reply. Maybe he just forgot about it afterwards... maybe...
“Hey Tsumu... I know you’re busy but, I hope you’re doing well. Love you.” you type into your phone and send the message with a strange feeling in your stomach. It doesn’t take long before you see under his name that he is online. The gray check marks next to your message turn blue, but instead of replying, you see that he went offline again. You swallow a big lump down your throat, your heart feels heavy. Maybe he can’t answer you right now... you try to convince yourself again.
Several hours pass as you sink your head into your pillow and try to stifle your tears. Atsumu’s sports t-shirt is in your arms, which he had given you before his trip abroad. Time passes and suddenly you hear the ringtone of your phone as a message arrives. Your heart hits loud against your chest as you reach for your phone and see your boyfriend’s name. But your joy quickly disappears, the lump in your throat gets bigger and you can’t breathe. 
>> Hey... listen, I think it’s better if we end the relationship… break up. I don’t know, but I just don’t have time for it. I’ll see you around. <<
It feels like a slap in the face. As if this is a poor joke. You want to write to him, ask him what this is all about, but your tears blur your vision. The only thing you send is a “really?” but the message is no longer read. It remains on one gray check mark.
Two days go by and you still think it was all a bad joke, but every time you read his message, you feel like throwing up. Has he really dumped the whole relationship? By a shitty text message? You open your Instagram account and enter his name almost as if on autopilot.
Another slap in the face as your tears run down your cheeks again. His bio no longer says “Best setter and proud boyfriend” but simply “Setter MSBY Black Jackal”. All the pictures he had with you on his account have been deleted. Instead, you can only see advertising photos or private photos of him. The last eight pictures are of him, Hinata and Bokuto dancing and having fun with fans in different bars. Atsumu grins at the camera as if he doesn’t care about you at all. As if your relationship meant nothing to him.
You text him some more times, leave him voicemails because he never answers your calls. But after a few days, you let it go. It only frustrates you even more to see how little this relationship actually meant to him. For days, you cry yourself to sleep, what doesn’t go unnoticed by Osamu. After all, he sees you three times a week when you help him out in his store. When you tell him what has happened, he is also speechless, because Atsumu has really pissed him off with all his raving about you. So why would he break-up with you out of the blue? Osamu can’t see you as devastated as a heap of misery. So he also tries to find out the reason for the break-up between you and his silly brother. But when he calls him, Atsumu only faces him coldly on the phone. “Did she tell you to ask me? Leave it okay? I think I just realized that I don’t want a relationship.”
Two months go by and somehow you still can’t believe that your relationship just fell apart. Osamu tries to distract you somehow, but it doesn’t help because he reminds you too much of your idiot ex-boyfriend.
Nevertheless, you are grateful to Osamu for swapping your shift with his coworker’s shift so that you can open the store with him in the morning. That way, you avoid running into Atsumu, who is more likely to be in the restaurant in the evening as soon as he returns from his stay abroad. You’re not ready to face him at the moment.
Just as you’re about to finish work, you remember that you wanted to show Osamu a video on your phone. “Look, the new trailer for the second season of this soccer series is out. Shall we watch the first episode together on Saturday after work?” you ask Osamu as he approaches you and looks over your shoulder. He rests his hand on the counter next to you, his chest almost touching your back, but he keeps his distance from you respectfully. You are both focused on the trailer, not hearing the doorbell from the store.
Atsumu is tired. The flight was delayed, and he hasn’t been able to sleep properly for weeks. How could he sleep well with all the partying and Hinata as his roommate, who spent the night in the hotel calling his friends from Karasuno. At least that’s what he tells himself… that this is the reason for his sleepless nights. But this thought vanishes when he steps into his brother’s store hungry, actually only wanting to eat a few onigiris and then go home. Into his apartment. His empty, dreary apartment. But as he walks through the door of the store, it feels as if someone has hit his chest with full force, knocking the air out of him.
He sees Osamu leaning towards you with a sense of familiarity. What’s going on there? And why does it bother him so much that you giggle and look at Osamu, who returns your gaze with a nod and a smile before turning to the door? His brother winces when he sees Atsumu. As you turn around as well, your smile disappears.
You look at Atsumu as if you’ve just seen a corpse, before packing your bag and saying goodbye to Osamu with a “See you tomorrow.”, only to walk past Atsumu with quick steps. You don’t even give him a glance, knowing that if you locked eyes with him, your tears would run. You would want to ask him questions upon questions. Why did you break up with me? Why am I not enough for you? Why did you lie to me for so long? Why...
As you walk through the door, you accidentally bump into him. This nudge, which was actually rather gentle, felt so painful. Why does it bother Atsumu to see you standing so close to his brother? Why does it hurt him that you stared at him with those empty eyes, as if he were a stranger? No. Worse, as if he were someone who had hurt you. Why does he have the feeling that he couldn’t make a sound if he opened his mouth now? The answer is simple, and even Atsumu seems to understand it by now as he looks from the now closed door over to Osamu, who stares at him with an indifferent expression crossing his arms in front of his chest. “So this is what someone who has realized that he doesn’t want a relationship looks like? Ya look like shit.”
Oh, how Atsumu would love to punch Osamu in the face. “Why are ya touchin’ my girl?” is bitter on his tongue, but he has no right to say it out loud. After all, he was the one who turned you down. The blonde Miya suddenly realizes how incredibly stupid his action was.
Back then, Atsumu had not expected to be traveling abroad so often. At first, it was only temporary stays. Nothing that would damage a relationship.
But the last few times in particular, he was sometimes away for several months. You kept telling him on the phone that everything was okay, but every time he called Osamu, he said that your eyes were sometimes red when you came to work and that you looked tired and sad.
Atsumu knew he was the reason. That you’d probably be better off without him. After all, you’re a great woman, someone who would find a new partner quickly.
You didn’t deserve to be sad all the time when he was gone. You should be happy. After all, a smile suits you so much better than a sad expression.
Atsumu would concentrate on his career. It would be difficult for him at first, but he would manage without you. He had to… for your sake.
So his mind was made up when he read your unanswered, concerned messages. If he texts you now to say that it’s over, being an ass to you, you’ll be able to forget him quickly… That was what he thought. 
But it wasn’t that easy. Your puzzled messages, your crying voice on his voicemail, broke his heart. Yet he tried to cover it all up with parties and his dear fans. He convinced himself that he was fine. Only to arrive home, see you and realize what an idiot he was, how much he missed you.
And now it’s Atsumu who reaches for his phone and texts you message after message.
Atsumu 8:02 PM: Hey babe, no.. hey Y/n. I know I have no right to text you. But please… let’s talk. I fucked up. Damn, I fucked up so hard that I don’t even know how to start… shit…
Atsumu 8:12 PM: Please… please answer your phone, babe…
Atsumu 8:44 PM: I know I’ve fucked up. I know I hurt and disappointed you. Fuck, I know I was an ass. Yk, I thought I was doing the right thing. 
Atsumu 9:34 PM: Fuck… please answer me… I still… damnit. 
That was the last message you received from Atsumu before you put your phone away and tried to forget him. Why is he doing this to you? Why is he stirring up your feelings again?
But Atsumu doesn’t think about stopping now. He runs to your house, to the apartment building and rings your doorbell. Once, twice, he rings so often that you can’t ignore it. You are about to tell him to leave through the loudspeaker system, but he interrupts you.
“Fuck baby, please open the door. I’m… I still love ya, okay? I always loved ya. I - shit, can ya even hear me? Fuck…” he curses agitatedly and presses the bell next to your nameplate again several times.
But instead of letting him in, you go down to the entrance of the apartment building and open the door with an expression on your face that Atsumu has never seen before. What is it? Anger, sadness, despair? Everything somehow.
“Say... are you kidding me? Do you think that’s funny?” you ask him, bewildered, still standing in the open doorway. Of course, you wouldn’t just believe him. Atsumu could have guessed. Your reaction was completely understandable. But he has to do something to show you that he’s serious.
“No, no, I don’t. I’m dead serious. Please let me explain,” he says, and starts to tell you that he thought a break-up would be best for you because he’s not good enough for you. Since you were obviously so sad about him leaving so often and he didn’t want to be the reason. He tells you that he thought he could get over you, but that he had to realize that you are the most important thing to him. Something… someone he doesn’t want to lose. With shaky hands and a still agitated voice, Atsumu takes out his phone.
“I wanted ya to hate me so that it would be easier for ya. But believe me, I... I couldn’t forget ya. Look, you’re still my wallpaper. All the photos of the two of us are still on my phone, all the memories-“ he is about to unlock his screen when his phone falls out of his hand and drops to the floor. Atsumu seems to be completely overwhelmed right now, as if he doesn’t know what to do. Should he bend down, pick up the phone, should he keep talking to you or hug you? He doesn’t know.
”Baby, please, please, I’ll do anything. Please gimme a chance. I’ll talk to my agent about not takin’ so many jobs abroad. I will be with ya more often. Always write to ya and call ya in the evening when I’m not at home. Let’s look for an apartment so we can move in together. Please, please, I would do anything. Please believe me that I love ya. Please..." he begs in a voice that becomes more and more brittle with every word. His eyes are full of emotion and his hands, which have unconsciously reached for yours, are trembling terribly.
“Two months... two months you ignored me, treated me like a piece of trash.” You say in a low voice as you search for eye contact. Atsumu has never felt so scared. Only now does he realize that the love of his life is standing in front of him, and that this might be the last time he’ll see her again, the last time he’ll touch her skin. But then again… Atsumu was an ass, so why should you forgive him? No, he can’t think like that. After all, you loved him. And if you love him as much as he loves you, then maybe there’s still hope.
“I know, and I know I can never make it up to ya. I know it’s not done with an ‘I’m sorry’. I’m the dumbest, most idiotic ex-boyfriend you’ve ever had. But... I’m stubborn too. And if that means chasin’ after ya for 10 years, drivin’ to yer apartment every day to ring the doorbell and tell ya I still love ya, wishin’ ya a good night every day, nice dreams and telling ya how important you are to me... I’ll do it. Every damn day, if it means there’s still a little hope for us.” He answers you hoarsely, keeping eye contact, hoping that you see how honest his words are.
You sigh, bend down, and pick up his phone before handing it to him. Atsumu doesn’t know what to do with all this. His face grimaces as if he’s expecting the worst. “Then... you shouldn’t lose your phone... if you want to write to me every day,” you answer him, a weak smile on your lips. Atsumu’s sorrowful expression suddenly changes and you see him looking at you with hope.
“Does that mean ya...” the blonde Miya can no longer contain his emotions as he leaps forward and pulls you into his arms. His embrace is so tight that you can barely breathe, as if he’s afraid you’ll slip out of his hands. Firm, but quivering. His whole body is shaking and you’re sure you’ve just felt something wet on your skin. Tears? Is Atsumu crying? “I promise to be a pain in yer ass every day. To text ya, to call ya, to be there for ya. Even in yer sleep. Okay? I love ya... I love ya so much...”
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tw: abuse, anger issues, mention of blood
You’ve been with Iwaizumi since your school days. Back then, as a little flirt at school, Oikawa and Matsukawa mainly teased Iwaizumi for having a crush on you.
But in the end, many were jealous of the perfect couple who waltzed together on the dance floor at the prom with loving looks on their faces.
You were inseparable. Even Iwaizumi’s stay in America for his university didn’t affect your relationship. So it was no wonder that you got married after his return and were the perfect happy couple.
At least for the first few years.
The stress of being a coach for the Japanese national team is weighing on Iwaizumi’s mind. He normally handles stressful situations well, but he is under pressure.
If the team fails to perform in the next few games, he will lose many sponsors and possibly even his job.
Iwaizumi is constantly on edge and you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around him so you don’t provoke him.
More often, he has sudden temper tantrums, shouting at you about things that aren’t worth mentioning. “Damn it, I told you I need this one shirt for today. Why isn’t it clean?”
And once, when you stumbled with your words and asked him whether it might not be better to take a break as a coach, he was so angry that he almost hit you. But he managed to hold back and just sighed before going out for a beer in a nearby bar.
You don’t want to admit it to yourself, but right now, you’re really scared of your own husband.
Today was another training match between the Japanese national team and the Indonesian team. The team’s performance was better, but nowhere near good enough to shine. You watched the game on TV and run through your imaginary list in your head already, of potential trigger points for Iwaizumi. You don’t want him to get upset. The laundry is done; the house is clean; the food is also ready and in the fridge. Did you take out the trash? You chew nervously on your lower lip as you walk to the kitchen and let out a relieved sigh. That’s done too.
You are just closing the lid of the garbage can when you hear the key in the lock of your front door and Iwaizumi comes home with a surprisingly normal, “I’m home, my love, smells good in here”. Your shoulders relax immediately, a smile is back on your lips as you walk cheerfully into the hallway to greet Iwaizumi.
“Hello darling! How was your day?” Iwaizumi hugs you and leans down so you can kiss his cheek. “Let me eat something first. My day has been really exhausting,” he sighs, watching you nod and turn around to warm up the food for him. Your husband hangs up his jacket, puts down his bag and is about to turn around to follow you when he stumbles against a nearby vase that you had placed as a decoration for the fall changeover. The vase swings, loses its balance and falls to the floor in pieces.
“Shit!” You hear Iwaizumi curse and immediately run to him, anxiously hoping that nothing has happened to him. But luckily, he is unharmed. “Wait, I’ll clean up the broken pieces, you eat-“ you’re about to say, but Iwaizumi interrupts you loudly. “Always this stupid bullshit you put up. Shit, I could have hurt myself. If I miss now, that’s it for my career!” he shouts and stomps past you. You turn around hastily and apologize. “That wasn’t my intention, really,” you say, before realizing that it was a mistake to talk back. Iwaizumi turns around, his eyes ferocious and angry like a wild animal as he takes a step towards you. Your heart is beating restlessly and you are suddenly afraid.
“Not your intention? Admit it, you’d be happy if I got rid of the job!” he shouts, noticing how you start to tremble and shake your head. But Iwaizumi doesn’t seem to be in his right mind as he takes another step towards you. “Go clean up the mess! Make yourself useful!” he says through gritted teeth as he looks at your anxious and puzzled face. You know you should move, but your body doesn’t seem to listen, too scared to move a finger. And then it happens.
Iwaizumi grabs you by the hair and pulls you towards him. You cry out, weeping bitterly as you hear his voice again. “Are you deaf?! Get going!” he shouts, before pushing you away with more force than necessary. You lose your balance, stumble over your own feet as you fall and hit your head on the edge of the stairs in the hallway next to the broken vase. Your head hurts terribly, something warm flows down your face, sticking to your hair and making your vision suddenly completely different. It gets smaller and smaller before everything goes black in front of your eyes and the sounds around you stop completely.
Iwaizumi is abruptly perfectly sober and only now understands what has just happened. What he has just done to you, the woman he loves more than anything.
His eyes are big as he stares at his hands, which start to tremble in front of him.
Panic spreads through him as he looks at you. At your motionless body, at all the blood under your head.
He doesn’t know how he did it. His memories are hazy, but he can still remember trying to wake you up, in vain.
He had taken off his shirt, pressed it on your head injury to stop the bleeding and somehow managed to call an ambulance. Iwaizumi can’t remember anything else, just the one question from the paramedic who put you on the ambulance stretcher and took you to the hospital. Since Iwaizumi was your husband, he was allowed to drive with you.
“How did this happen?” the paramedic asked, as Iwaizumi answered quietly, “I don’t know... I really don’t know.”
It’s now been some hours after the accident and your head had been stitched up. Thank God it wasn’t as bad as it looked at first.
You’re still in the recovery room, Iwaizumi next to your bed on a chair, his hands folded in his lap as he hangs his head in bewilderment, looking at his wedding ring shining on his ring finger.
What happened? What has become of him? He still can’t believe what he has done.
He looks at his hands again, opens them, starts to tremble, clenches them into fists and realises how he lets out a frustrated sigh, which he had been holding back, as warm tears roll down his cheeks, soaking the fabric of his trousers.
In his mind, there’s only your shaking body, that frightened look, your screaming, and then this unbearable silence.
When you open your eyes, your head throbs a little and you have to squint through the bright, clinical light. “Where... where am I?” you say quietly, looking around the room and noticing that you’re lying in a hospital room. Next to your bed is none other than Iwaizumi. But he looks different. Broken… He shrinks at your words and looks up at you. You see his red eyes and how he hesitates whether it’s okay to take your hand in his. Iwaizumi gets up from his chair, wants to close the distance to your bed but his legs collapse and he falls to his knees when he suddenly starts to... cry? 
“Haji- me...” you say, still feeling exhausted. “I’m... god I...” Iwaizumi doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know how to look you in the eye. He takes a deep breath, regains his courage before peering at you. Carefully, he grasps your hand, checking if you are afraid, but you don’t seem to pull it away. Maybe because you’re still too tired. Awkwardly, he strokes the back of your hand before resting his forehead on it and closing his eyes briefly.
“I’m a terrible husband. I’ve done everything I shouldn’t have done. Instead of carrying you on my hands, bringing a smile to your face and protecting you from everything that would harm you, I’ve done the exact opposite. Instead of being happy to see me, you’re just scared of me, aren’t you?” he says in a shaky voice and looks up at you again. You are calm. Just stare at him with a hurt look.
“I.... I can understand if you want a divorce. If you don’t want to be with a monster like me anymore. I really can’t even blame you. But... please let me tell you one thing. When I saw you lying on the floor like that, the world collapsed inside me. I was afraid of losing the most important thing in my life. And the most important thing is not my job, no, it’s you. And I’m ashamed that I’ve forgotten that. I am disgusted with myself and I know that is no excuse. What I have done is unforgivable. But please... if there is still a bit of hope, then I will try to do everything I can to be the man you fell in love with again. I want to be your Haji-bear again. Your place of peace, and your favorite person. I will go to anger issues therapy, behavioral therapy. If it’s better for our relationship, I’ll step down as a coach and see if I can find a job as a volleyball coach at a school. No matter what, I would do anything.” Your hand becomes wet as his tears land on it. His words move something inside you. You want to believe him, you don’t want the relationship to end either, but everything that has happened so far will not pass by without damage.
“I need time, Hajime... If you really mean it, please grant me the time...” you answer him and notice how your words seem to tear him apart. But at the same time he seems to want to make the best of the situation. He lets go of your hand and stands up just to sit back down on the chair next to your bed, looking at you determinedly, his eyes still red and swollen. “As much time as you need. If it means we still have a chance...”
A few months pass. Iwaizumi has passed on the house to you and moved into his parents’ house to give you the space you need. He goes to therapy three times a week and tells you about his progress. He is still coaching the national team, but his assistant coach is taking a lot of the work off his hands and the volleyball team seems to be playing better again.
Just like when you were at school, you’ll find a letter in your letterbox once a week. Back then, Iwaizumi always told you a bit about his week and wrote it down because, funnily enough, he was too shy to talk to you in person. Only that in his current letters he writes that he misses you, but hopes that you are doing well at the moment.
He meets you in public places, goes out with you, so that you gradually feel more comfortable with him again, that you can see his progress in therapy and don’t just think it’s empty words.
Six months have passed since the incident. You are standing in the bedroom, changing the sheets, when Iwaizumi comes through the front door of the house. “My love, I’m home,” you hear Iwaizumi’s calm voice. Coming home from his therapy session, he hangs up his jacket in the hallway as your voice lets him know where you are. 
Iwaizumi puts the flowers he bought for you on the kitchen table before he sneaks into the bedroom and sees you trying to unfold the sheets to put them on the blankets. With silent steps, he reaches around your waist to throw you onto the bed with him, wrapped in the covers that were in your hands earlier. Screaming, you laugh in unison with his chuckle as you look into each other’s eyes. “Hajime! Don’t scare me like that.” you laugh softly, while his hand gently tucks your hair behind your ear. Iwaizumi looks at your forehead, at the small scar that is left from your injury, before leaning forward and giving you a kiss on that spot.
“I’m sorry, but that was just so tempting,” he says, closing his eyes as he pulls you closer and just relaxes in bed with you. He strokes your back and kisses your forehead once more. “Hajime... what’s going on? Why are you so clingy suddenly?” you laugh, but Iwaizumi doesn’t join in the laughter, instead answering you seriously.
“Today, six months ago, I almost lost you. I’m just grateful that nothing happened to you. Thankful that you gave me another chance, even though I showed my worst side.” You can’t think of the right words to answer him, so you just smile, snuggle closer to him, and close your eyes. Safe in his arms, with his pulsating heart at your ear, you fall asleep.
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tw: mention of abortion, mention of drugs/pills (without consent) 
Suna and you were just friends for a long time. Even if the others saw you more like a couple.
You were the only one Suna didn’t mind when you sat next to him and pulled out one of his earphones to listen to music with him.
You always had the same route to school and if one of you came to school alone, you knew immediately that the other one must be sick. 
With graduation, you mentioned that you might want to study abroad. That time, Suna had a weird feeling in his stomach for the first time. As if he was afraid of losing you.
That was the day he realised that he felt more for you than just friendship.
The same evening, he asked you to come over and watch a movie when he yawned in a very clichéd way to put his arm over your shoulder and pull you closer to him. He didn’t know why he was so nervous, but he just was.
A number of things went through his mind. What if you don’t feel the same way about him as he does about you? Will you still want to study abroad? Would you end your friendship with him if you didn’t feel the same way?
He tried to block out the questions and then, with his usual calmness, asked you if you could imagine anything more than a friendship. Luckily for him, you said yes.
From that moment on, everything was perfect. You had created your own little world over several years. You studied, and luckily not abroad. Suna was successful in volleyball, so you were both able to buy an apartment together quickly.
Just the two of you. Your friends were there from time to time, but in the evenings you were always alone at home, arm in arm, in the quiet flat without any noise or other people to disturb you.
Until one morning where you look at the little piece of plastic in the bathroom, stunned, when the two red stripes tell you that you are pregnant.
You hadn’t spoken to Suna about having children yet, but you’ve been together for so long now and everything is going well that you assume he would be just as happy as you are.
You thought…
When Suna comes home, you’ve already prepared a little surprise. There are a pair of baby shoes on the table in the living room, the pregnancy test in front of them and a little balloon with “Best Dad” written on it. You can’t help smiling as you see Suna walk into the room when you call out “surprise”, looking a little shy in his direction. But Suna’s reaction differed from what you expected.
Almost disgusted, he looks in your direction. “This better be one of those stupid TikTok pranks, right?” he says, and your smile disappears abruptly. Your stomach turns and you feel sick. And not because of the pregnancy. You stand there irritated, only able to utter a quiet “No... it’s not a joke”, confused by his negative reaction. “No? What week are you in? Tell me you can still have an abortion...” he says, annoyed, as he walks towards the table to see if there is any information about the week of pregnancy on the pregnancy test. 
“What?” you say in bewilderment, still looking at Suna, who throws the test on the table in frustration before starting to massage his temples. “We’ll go to the gynecologist tomorrow, okay? Get rid of it. A child means responsibility. You have to look after this thing all the time, you’re no longer flexible and it’s noisy too... I just don’t want that.” 
His words feel like a thousand stabs. Never have you seen Suna act like this before. You anticipated that he might be a bit taken by surprise and perhaps not be able to deal with the situation at first, but Suna seems to have a very clear opinion on the subject. He doesn’t even seem to be willing to talk. But abort a child? Let Suna’s and your baby die just like that? You can’t do that. You don’t want that. 
The two of argue. Suna’s look gets progressively angrier. Yours sadder until he decides to leave the house with a “Do what you want, maybe it’ll die anyway”. Now you’re home alone with his painful words. You stand rooted to the spot in the room for several more minutes until the strength in your legs finally gives way and you slump to the floor, crying bitterly. The night, you spend alone in your bed, without Suna. He doesn’t answer his phone and doesn’t reply to your messages. You don’t hear from him the next day either, and he hasn’t come home. Thank God you get a message from Osamu, who texts you that Suna is with him and that you have nothing to worry about. But how are you supposed to stay at home without worrying if your boyfriend doesn’t get in touch with you and you’ve been arguing for days? You are scared. Afraid for the baby, afraid for the relationship and everything you two have built up.
Another day passes. You lie in bed, tired and lacking in energy. Nevertheless, you pull yourself together and get up, go to the bathroom to get ready for the day and don’t notice when the front door opens and Suna walks in. “Baby doll, I’m at home... and... I’m sorry...” you hear Suna’s voice and walk out of the bathroom. Even though you had a fight, you are still happy to see the man you love so much again. With a somewhat sad smile, he stands there, a bouquet of flowers in his hand as he approaches you.
“I’m really sorry. I behaved like an ass. You took me by surprise with the news and somehow... I don’t know. What do you say you sit down now? I’ll make us a drink and we can talk about all this. About the baby, and what happens next?” You can hardly believe his words. What has Osamu done in the last few days to make Suna suddenly do a full turnaround and be willing to talk to you openly, without shouting about becoming a parent? You make a mental note to thank Osamu later, before nodding with a smile and sitting down on the sofa in the living room.
But what you don’t know is that Suna went to a friend, a doctor, who gave him two pills before he came home. Pills for an induction of abortion. You have to take one now and the other two to three days later.
Suna knows that you wouldn’t take these pills voluntarily.
So he makes sure that you are indeed sitting in the living room before he takes out a small bag containing a pill, puts it in the grinder and turns it into a fine powder before mixing it into your iced tea.
He takes a deep breath, putting his smile back on as he walks towards you in the living room, where you are already waiting for him with happy eyes.
Without saying much, he hands you the glass, sits down next to you and watches you.
“I know it’s all so sudden and I could have said it differently. I really took you completely by surprise with the news,” you say quietly, looking at the iced tea in your hand, unaware that an abortion pill is floating there.
Suna listens attentively as you talk about how you first had to understand what a pregnancy means, but that your overwhelm quickly turned into joy because you are looking forward to holding a mini version of the two of you in your arms in less than 9 months. You talk about all the beautiful things that are going through your head, while Suna continues to listen to you, his eyes constantly focus on the tea in your hands and you.
He keeps looking at you as you raise the glass and press it to your lips, ready to drink the poison cocktail, when he realizes what he was doing. What he’s trying to do here.
Panic strikes him. His green eyes widen as he literally knocks the cup out of your hand. It falls to the floor with a loud thud. “Don’t drink that!” he says in an unsteady voice and looks at you in horror.
But you don’t understand anything, only shake your head.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I... I think I just made the worst mistake of my life,” Suna says, looking back from you to the broken cup. You don’t understand what’s going on and tilt your head, asking him if everything is all right. But when Suna continues talking and tells you what was in your tea, your world collapses. You are shocked that your own boyfriend wanted to do this to you. “I was overwhelmed. I... I know that’s no excuse. But when I heard you talking, I realized that -“ Suna wanted to continue, but your voice cut him off, your words silenced him.
“Let’s break up,” you say, and unlike before, unlike when you argued a week ago, your voice is determined now, your eyes full of pain and betrayal. Those green eyes that used to mesmerize you are now looking at you desperately. “What?” Suna whispers softly, followed by a “No, wait”. But you interrupt him again.
“You just wanted to give me some drugs without my consent so I’d lose the baby?! No, Rintarou… I’m breaking up with you. That... no, I can’t do that.” Abruptly, you get up from the sofa, ignoring the hand that tries to grab you before quickly slipping into a jacket and a pair of shoes just to leave the apartment. Suna wants to run after you, but his legs won’t move. His mind and heart are screaming to run after you, to stop you and tell you he’s sorry, but his body just won’t obey him. When he finally manages to get up, you’re already gone.
Still wearing his slippers and without putting on a jacket, he eventually runs out to check out all the places you love, all your friends, to see if he can find you somewhere. But no matter where he looks, he can’t find you. You don’t reply to messages or phone calls. The mechanical voice of your voice mail greets him directly. “Shit, shit, shit!” he yells as he stands in the park where you two had your first official date. The surrounding people look at him. Some with an irritated look, some as if they were pitying him.
Without really knowing where to go, your legs automatically led you to the bus that goes to Kita’s home.
Kita was one of your best friends back then. And you knew that if you went to Kita and told him not to tell Suna that you were there, he wouldn’t tell his friend either. And that’s exactly what Kita did.
You were in Kita’s guest room when you heard Suna’s voice in the hallway.
He sounded shattered, broken, as he begged Kita to tell him where you were.
This went on for several weeks, until one evening Suna rang the doorbell again, trying to talk to Kita in a voice you had never heard before.
His voice was so thin, so fragile, as if a heap of misery was speaking out of him.
Kita tells him once again that he doesn’t know where you are when you hesitantly open the door, thinking about going downstairs and listening to what Suna has to say. But for now, you just listen to the conversation.
“Please, Shinsuke, I know you know her location. Please, just give her this. Please...” Kita sighs, followed by a soft “ok...” before the front door closes. Your best friend’s footsteps creak beneath the floor as he walks up the stairs, looks at you a little twisted and hands you a large package.
You know that you demand a lot from Kita. It’s not easy for him to lie to his friend either. Eventually you have to talk to Suna.
Alone in your guest room, you spend almost half an hour looking at the unopened package at the other end of the bed until you finally decide to open it. When you see what’s inside, surprise catches you. Multiple emotions flow through your body without you even noticing how your eyes suddenly turn glassy. Small letters and several items are in the box. You take out the letter that is on top of all the other items.
“My love, I don’t even know where to start. I can’t apologize for what I did. Nevertheless, I want to tell you that I’m sorry. I was confused and scared. Our relationship has always been perfect so far and I thought it was great that it was just the two of us and that no one else disturbed our privacy. I was afraid that when we had a child, we would argue, have no more time for each other, and grow apart. I was selfish and didn’t think about how you would feel. I wasn’t thinking about our baby. The thought that we were both going to be parents hadn’t crossed my mind at all. But every time I walked past those little shoes you had placed in the living room, I couldn’t think of anything else but seeing our child standing in them. How it tries to move around in it, sometimes falls down because it loses its balance and seeks shelter with its beloved mom. I regret every second of what I’ve done, every word I’ve said. Hurting you was the last thing I wanted to do, and yet I did it. I am sorry. I am so terribly sorry.
I did some research. Did you know that it is currently very difficult to find midwives? You should probably start looking very early on. My team colleague gave me the number of the midwife he and his wife had at the birth of their two children. I also have three other numbers. You might want to give them a call. There are also birth preparation classes in our town. I have also put a brochure in the package for you. You don’t necessarily have to go there with your partner. With me… So... if you want, you could also go there with Kita, even if I would be happy if we both did it together. But I can understand if you don’t want to.
Are you eating enough? You should pay particular attention to your diet during pregnancy. A lot of women suffer from a vitamin deficiency during pregnancy. But you have probably already discussed this with your gynecologist. Anyway, I’ve written down a few recipes for you that are rich in vitamins. I admit that Osamu helped me a little with this. Oh, and on the back are some things you shouldn’t eat during pregnancy. Raw eggs and products containing them such as ice cream, mayonnaise and so on... you should not eat them, because the risk of salmonella infection is high. Peanuts can contain aflatoxins, which can also harm the fetus... but as I said, I’ve put together a list for you. In case you didn’t already know all this already. There are a few other things in the box. Maybe you’d like to take a look.
I hope you are doing well. I hope the baby is doing well too. Have you thought of a name yet? Do you know whether it will be a boy or a girl? I’m sure there’s already a little bump on your belly. I... would really like to be with you right now. Would love to hold you in my arms and stroke your tummy. I know I made a mistake that can never be fixed. But if you’re willing, if that’s what you want, I’d really like to be by your side again. And if not as your boyfriend, then as the father of our baby. I would like to do couples’ therapy with you so that we can find our way back to each other… So that you can trust me again. Because in all of this, I was the problem and never you. But only if you want it too, of course. I know it may be hard to believe, but I love you. So much that a life without you scares me. I am sorry…”
You’re crying bitterly by now as your tears blur the ink on the letter before you put it aside and look in the box. Next to a small onesie for babies, there is a note with the telephone numbers of midwives, a small book with recipes, the brochure he had mentioned and another box containing photos and memories. Pictures that Suna had always secretly taken of you at times when he thought you looked extra pretty. You always found the photos embarrassing, but for him they were beautiful to look at. Because they were moments when you were just being you, not smiling for the camera or doing anything else to disguise yourself.
There was also a necklace with shells on it in the box. You made it for Suna when you were on vacation in Croatia. It turned out incredibly ugly, yet Suna wore it proudly during the whole vacation. You’re touched that he still has this ugly necklace. Little notes that you wrote to each other at school are also in there. So many more memories from the past. Where had Suna hidden this little box in your apartment so that you never noticed it?
You hastily get up, open the door and run down to the hallway as Kita comes out of the living room and looks at you questioningly. “Is everything all right? Do you need to see a doctor?” He asks concerned, but you just shake your head, wanting nothing more than to see Suna, talk to him again. He asks you if you are absolutely sure, but your determined nod is enough for an answer. So he grabs his jacket and car keys, driving you straight to your ex boyfriend, to your apartment. He doesn’t want you to take the bus in your current state.
Suna is sitting in the living room. In front of him on the coffee table are various reports on pregnancy, parenting and more. His head is leaning on his hands as he takes a deep breath. Have you opened his package yet? He wonders, unable to think clearly, when he hears the key in the door lock and runs into the hallway as if stung by a tarantula. His eyes are wide as he looks at you, standing rooted to the spot in the doorway, not knowing how to react.
“Shinsuke... Drove me here...” you say. “I opened your package.” You continue, watching Suna swallow hard, still not moving an inch from the doorframe. “How are you, the baby?” he asks quietly, almost absent-mindedly, as if he can’t believe you’re really standing in front of him. “Good... can... can we talk?” you ask and watch him nod, having trouble sorting out his feelings. You take a step towards him, clearly seeing the dark circles, the red eyes, the slightly thinner face, as if he has lost weight. And on closer look, you can see his whole body trembling.
“Is everything you wrote in your letter true?” you ask him, trying to keep your voice as calm as possible, even though you’re at your wits’ end. “Yes, yes all of it. I’m sorry for everything... I want nothing more than to see you happy. To see our baby happy. And if you want another partner by your side to be happy, if you don’t want me in your life, then I will accept that.” Suna whispers, knowing that if he were to speak even a little louder, his voice would fail and he would cry. You take another step towards him. “What if I want you? Want to give it another try?” You have barely spoken your sentence before you hear a bitter shuffle from Suna, which he seems to have been suppressing the whole time. His shaky hands carefully reach for your face before he presses his forehead against yours and says softly, “I would wish for nothing more than that.”
Although you hesitate for a second, you finally put your hands around his back and stand with him in the doorway for a while. Neither of you says a word. Both of you let your tears run until Suna releases you at some point and gives you a kiss on the forehead. “You shouldn’t stand for so long. You’d better get some rest,” he says in a somewhat steady voice before helping you out of your jacket and leading you into the bedroom, where he pushes the sheets aside so you can lie down. 
“Rin, but I’m not tired at all...” you say, even though you are exhausted, but Suna lies down right next to you, pulling you close while his free hand moves to your stomach. “I know... But... let’s just lie here like this for a moment, regain our strength before we talk... Talk about everything, our future, how I can make it up to you, our little baby… Agree, baby doll?” He whispers tiredly. Yet you also notice how all the crying is slowly making you a little tired. “Agree, Rin.” you smile weakly, snuggling closer to him as you both fall asleep arm in arm, his hand protectively on your baby bump, your hand on his.
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soxcietyy · 7 months
can we get yuuta x virgin reader. Reader loses her virginity on her birthday to yuuta. She feels the need to “loose it” because she’s older now. Yuuta tells her it’s not a big deal and doesn’t push her to do it but reader wants to so he takes her virginity and talks her through it and gives her aftercare.
(Whenever you decide to write this is up to you <3 )
Birthday Wish
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The candles are lit and are ready to be blown. Yuuta held a Polaroid camera up as he snapped a picture of you spacing out. All your friends sat around you waiting for the big moment to happen. So here you were about to blow out the candles. This was the part where you make a wish. A wish that you hoped would come true and make you happy. You knew what you wanted but didn’t know if you dared to wish such a thing. Usually people wished for health and happiness but yours was a bit more interesting. It’s something you’ve been wanting for a long time
"Common y/n, make a wish" Maki persuadesyou.
You close your eyes as you blew and opened them once you smelled the candle wick. Opening your eyes you could see everyone smiling at you dearly.
"What did you wish for?" Itadori yells.
Your face turned a light shade of pink as you thought twice about answering that. Not only was it embarrassing because all of your friends were here but also because your crush was sitting in front of you.
"It’s okay if you don’t want to say." Yuuta says as he places the Polaroid he just took on the table.
"I want to know what the big secret is." Maki says as she leans towards you. Nobara follows Makis lead and also leans in.
Maybe it wouldn’t hurt if they knew. Maybe they could help make your wish come true. You lean in and whisper your wish to them. The wish of loosing your virginity. Maki looks up at you baffled as Nobara smirked.
"Why is that your wish?" She asks genuinely confused.
"I’m not getting any younger! It’s embarrassing still having it. None of you have it but me." You avert your gaze down.
"Now we have to know what it is if Maki is making faces." Itadori laughs.
You shake your head with a laugh. The party went on until half the room was wasted. You wernt much of a drinker so you stayed sober. You made sure nobody acted up to the point of hurting themselves though. Eating another piece of you watch how Nobara stumbled across the room to Yuuta. He had a couple of drinks but not enough to deem himself tipsy. You watched as she leaned into Yuutas ear and whispered something. Unfortunately you couldn’t catch it because of the music and Maki who was currently ranting about a missing weapon.
It must of been something interesting if he wire such a surprised look. He was also now staring at you back. You turn around blushing trying to ignore him.
"Yea I’m not going to lie I broke a cursed tool not too long ago. Principal Yaga said he’d fix it." You tell Maki.
"You guys really need to be careful doing that. You guys have cursed energy I don’t. I need these weapons more than you guys." She sighs. "Oh hey Yuuta." She says making your head snap back.
He was standing behind you and you didn’t even notice, not even with such a strong curse energy output. This was embarrassing as a sorcerer not being able to detect him. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and smiled at you.
"How’s the birthday girl?" He asks.
You could feel a lump in your throat.
"I’m great! Almost everyone is wasted and the party is over at this point. Just enjoying the last few hours of this night."
"You know, I was told the birthday girl had a big wish. Something I can help come true seeing that I’m the most suitable candidate." His hold of you hardens.
You could feel as your face began to turn red. So that’s what Nobara was telling Yuuta. This was so embarrassing but is it something you will let happen? Having Yuuta take your virginity?! You didn’t know whether to curse or thank her for opening her mouth.
"We can go to your room right now while your roommates clean." he says
You look at his dark blue eyes searching for any sigh that could trust him. Then again who wouldn't?
"Fine but promise not to laugh at me." you mumble.
"you know id never, common." he grabs your hand and leads you to your room. Looking back you could see Maki smiling at you and mouthing "good luck".
Walking behind you could see him reach out to the speakers to raise the volume. Did he think you were going to be loud? You couldn't imagine yourself as a loud person in bed. you couldn't imagine yourself making noises that embarrassing. Little did you know that it wasn't meant to hide your moans but your crying.
"alright just relax and follow my lead. If you're uncomfortable with something then tell me okay?"
You give him a shy nod as you lay in your bed with him already on too of you.
"first thing is for play. It's just to set the mood okay? so dont get surprised on how I grab you." he laughs.
sitting up he grabbed your legs and hooked them on his arms to yank you closer to him. You gasp at the sudden pull. He then kissed you, his soft lips touched your making you feel butterfly's. Those few innocent kisses soon turned into something else. You could now feel his hot tongue intertwined with yours. As he did that you could feel how his hands were occupied with fondling your breast causing small noises to come out of you. you could feel the smirk he wore with every kiss. Grabbing your legs he pushed them up on your chest as his hands moved to the inside of your thighs giving them a tight squeeze. You jolt at the sudden odd feeling. You could hear an amused huff come from him as he did it again.
"Yuuta! I said don’t laugh at me." You look at him.
"Ah Im sorry I just can’t help it, you’re too cute." He kisses your forehead as he pulls your bottoms down quickly in one motion. You gasp seeing how it happened so quickly.
You try to cover yourself up but he stops you by grabbing your hands.
"I’m going to see everything eventually, so why hide it?" His whispers in your ear as he pulls your top off. Your breast bounce the second its support system came off.
He looked mesmerized by your body. He couldn’t help but stare at how perfect it was. No matter if it did have scars or stretch marks. It was just so perfect. He was quick to latch onto on of your breast. You let out a moan as he began to play with it. His tongue flicking and pushing it.
"I’m going to finger you, don’t be surprised." He says as his hand slowly snaked down to you cunt as and shoved his finger in. You jump at the sudden feeling. His finger felt so big inside of you. You throw your head back as he curled his fingers. This wasn’t something new to you. You’ve explored down there on your own before.
Your hand runs through Yutas hair as he continues to play with your breast. His teeth sinking down to leave a mark. You moan as he bites your flesh, as he pumps his fingers in and out of you, as his thumb circles around your clit. You could feel how overstimulating everything was as you loved it.
"Yuta! Mmh"
"You like that? Like how my fingers are stretching you out?" He moans as he’s rubbing his hard on in his pants with his hand.
"Ima put it in now okay?" He says as he starts to unbuckle his pants with one hand. You were too focused on his fingers to even notice that he was now completely naked. When you did take note of it you could help but turn into a shy mess. Not only was he so hot, but he had a monstrosity resting on his stomach.
"This is going to hurt a bit but bear with me. Don’t be embarrassed to say anything and if it’s too much we can stop." Yuta says.
He pushed your legs onto your knees one again and lined himself with your entrance.
"Wait!" You yell.
He looked up at you concerned.
"Are you sure it’s gonna fit?" You ask.
"Positive, don’t focus on my size y/n just focus on my face okay? And here." He says putting his index finger on your lips. You were confused for a second but proceeded to suck on it. "Mmh that’s very cute but that not quite the reason for it."
He kisses your cheek before pushing him self in. When he did you let out a whimper. It hurt so much it felt like he was ripping your insides. You bite you lip hard enough to the point of you taking something metallic as he continued to go in but suddenly he stopped. Your eyes were shut tight but opened once he stopped. He placed his fingers on your mouth once again.
"Open," he says and you comply.
He slid his finger in between your front teeth and told you to bite down anytime you needed too. He said it would hurt him to see you walking around with injured lips knowing he was the cause.
Leaning once again you could feel the burning sensation. You grip his arm as he slowly slides inside, his eyes not leaving your face. He wanted to make sure it was going to hurt you too much.
"That’s it, you’re taking it so well, I’m almost half way." He kisses your forehead.
His hand falls to your crotch and begins to rub your bud in circles. This was such a big relief for you now. There was now a mixture of pleasure instead of full on pain.
"We can take this slow or I can go in really fast so we won’t be here for long." He says.
The fast the pain is over with the better right? You agree with the second choice.
"Mmh okay but be strong okay? No backing out last second." He says and before you could say anything back he shoved himself in. You thought he was going to kill you with the amount of pain you were feeling. You grabbed his neck and pulled him down as a tear fell down your face. You shaking hands gripping his skin as the pain slowly went away.
"You did do well, I’m fully in you. I’m just going to keep it slow from now on." He says as he removes you hands from him. He places them on his chest instead. Slowly he goes in and out of you making you go crazy. You try to hold back groans of pain but couldn’t help a few whimpers slip by.
He wiped away any tears that fell from your face as he continued. He knew you would be disappointed if you wish didn’t come true. Looking down Yuuta could see a bit of pink on his member but decided to keep that to himself for now. He didn’t want to scare you off now. He forced himself in and out of you in a slow pace. You were just so tight that it made him want to fuck you full on force. Unfortunately he had to restrain himself because he would never want to betray your trust like that. So he focused his mind on you rather than his dick.
He was quite happy that Nobara told him your wish. Not only that but the fact that he would be great for the job. Nobara said that you had a secret crush on him and that you were to embarrassed to try and get closer. He thought it was meant to be if he also had the same feeling for you. Though Maki said that he would corrupt your innocent mind with Inumaki and panda. So he kept his distance.
You did look pretty innocent now that he was looking down at you. You pretty wet lashes were closed shut and your cheeks were pink. Your eyebrows furrowed from the uncomfortable pain. Your lips pouting unconsciously. He never thought he would have someone as pure as you under him. He couldn’t help but smother you in kisses. You gasp as he caught you by surprise when his lips made contact with your neck.
"Yuuta, make it feel better." You say
"I’ll try my best sunshine, just bear with me." He said under his breath as he started to rub your clit again.
You hold him closer to you as you tensed up at the pleasurable feeling. Once again you were in a mist of euphoria as he worked on you. You mumbled his name over and over. Begging for him to go faster. He could feel you squeezing him so tightly that it became hard to not finish before you. He focused on your cunt until you were screaming his name. Cumming all over his member. When you finished he continued moving his hips back and forward until he pulled out and finished in your stomach.
"You did such a great job sunshine," Yuuta panted. "So good that I don’t think I wanna get out of bed."
313 notes · View notes
grandlinedreams · 10 months
Hii Salem! Thank you so much for effort everytime <3
Can I request something about Law x insecure yn? Something like yn has seen Law and Robin a few times together and yn thinks that Robin is much prettier, taller, intelligent and more suitable for Law than her and for this gets sad about not being enough for Law
OUGH sorry this took so long to get to bb, I hope that I did this justice for you!!
[Heads up!: a little dose of angst, hurt/comfort, established relationship]
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The problem isn't with Robin.
You like her, you really do. She's kind and intelligent, beautiful ㅡ and a wonderful addition to her crew.
The problem is with you.
You tell yourself over and over that you're better than this, that you won't let the little green monster rear its ugly head inside you, that jealousy has no place in your relationship with Law.
But watching Robin and Law be deep in conversation with each other still makes you wonder. Would Law be happier if you were like that? Taller, smarter, prettier?
You're strong in your own right and you're by no means dumb, nor have you ever had reason to doubt your own beauty ㅡ and yet. Law deserves the world, even if he doesn't think he does. He deserves someone who can give that to him ㅡ even if it isn't you.
Your dismal mood persists even as you try your best to shove it down, the dimished cheer and way your smile doesn't quite meet your eyes unnoticed by all but the one person who often knows you better than you do.
Law waits until after dinner to confront you about it, finding you in the lounge, idly watching the fish swim around in the tank. "Something is bothering you."
It's a statement, not a question ㅡ and a silent demand for an answer. He won't pry if you truly don't want him to, but he also doesn't like the idea of you being upset.
You watch a fish flit beneath an arch of rocks, iridescent scales shimmering before you sigh softly. How do you even go about this? You don't want to make this a bigger issue than it has to be ㅡ especially when the problem is only in your head. "If there's anything I can change to be a better partner for you, I'd like to know."
The buzz of the fish tank seems to grow louder in the silence that follows. Your stomach twists. Why had you said anything? Perhaps this is what does it, what pops the bubble you've been happily living in for the better part of a year ㅡ your own thoughts and self-doubts.
Law watches your expression crumble further, the knit of your brow and press of your lips as you stare at the fish, and he frowns. Had he done something to make you think you weren't enough? The idea alone is absurd, even more so for the fact that you think he'd want you to change for him ㅡ to diminish what makes you inherently you for the sake of your relationship.
As if all of your little quirks and habits weren't the exact reason Law developed feelings for you in the first place.
"No," he answers at last, settling a hand on your head. "I don't want you to change anything."
You turn towards him. "Butㅡ"
"If I didn't think that this would work out in the long run," he says softly but firmly, "then I never would have said anything. I want you as you are now, not a watered down version." He pauses. "Provided you still want me as I am?"
You blink. "Of course I do."
Law's lips quirk before his hand at your head slips down to press to your cheek, watching as you lean into the soft, subtle comfort. "Then there's nothing to worry about."
395 notes · View notes
The Meet Cute - Law's Story - 2
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Source for pic
The Great Pretender 2
Word Count: 4816
Tags For The Whole Story: Fem!Reader; Law is a soft dom; you have bratty tendencies (not all the time); voice kink; praise kink; cursing; very suggestive behaviour and innuendo from the start; sexual tension; teasing; so much flirting; romance; slow-burn; fluff; slight angst; mature audiences (though explicit NSFW moments will be properly tagged on the chapter); possessive Law; protective Law; soft Law; teasing Law; manipulative Doflamingo; inappropriate Doflamingo; fake relationship trope; only one-bed trope; reader has some anxiety issues; reader is a control freak and perfectionist; modern day AU
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: After moving away from the hustle and bustle of Grand Line City to help your father around the property following a horse-riding accident - and in the hopes of healing your broken heart after your asshole ex-fiancé cheated - you settle into the country calmness of the Calm Belt. You and Law (your father's doctor) start to build a flirty friendship because of your father’s procedure. So much so that when he’s invited to Baby 5’s wedding (his cousin), he asks you to be his date. His uncle Doflamingo - who is filthy rich - is very adamant on finding a suitable wife for him. Seeing as he wants to avoid that, he asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend for the weekend.
Notes: Here's chapter 2! We're still setting up the stage to more exciting events coming up! It's time for Shanks' surgery now.
Tag List: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn @jintaka-hane @sprinkklz @baby5555
|Chapter 1| | |Chapter 3|
“What do you know about Dr. Law?” Sipping your coffee you stare at Nami, trying to hide the curiosity gnawing at your brain. You haven’t been able to stop thinking about the handsome dark-haired doctor since the appointment two days ago. When you slipped him your number, you unconsciously hoped he would send you a text or give you a call, but then again, why would he? You gave him your number for professional reasons and, despite all the fun teasing when you were with him, you know he’s very professional at his job. 
Also, you knew Kaya would be able to answer any and all lingering questions you might have about him, but Kaya was too invested in trying to set you up and, as attracted as you felt to him, you didn’t really want to act on it.
It was just curiosity.
“Dr. Law? From the clinic?” Nami placed a finger on her chin as her eyes wandered to the ceiling. “Well, he’s a very good doctor but he’s not very sociable. I think Luffy knows him and they get along well. But he doesn’t party very much. He drinks a lot of coffee - I think Sanji can vouch for that - but he doesn’t hang around coffee shops. He keeps to himself, mostly.” She sighed. “Maybe you should ask Kaya? She sees him on a daily basis! Oh, Robin might answer some questions for you too, they worked together on some paper for a science magazine a while ago.”
Damn it. Not one drop of interesting information. Only that he wasn’t a social butterfly. Shrugging, you nodded and were about to change the subject when Nami’s brow rose. “Why?”
You tried to hide your blush behind the coffee mug. “Oh, no big deal! He’s my dad’s doctor and he’s going to be the one performing his back surgery, should he agree to it. I just wondered how good of a doctor he really was. He seemed professional but you never know!” She was still watching you closely. You were rambling, so you shut up with another sip of coffee. 
“Riiiight.” Her smirk grew. “I’ll pretend to believe you. But I want all the information when things progress between you two!”
Another two days go by without any exciting news and, somehow, you manage to push Law to the back of your mind, what with the constant scolding of your father’s terrible seating habits, all the helping around the property, and a part-time job Nami had recommended to you at her firm. It was basically sorting files and organising old data and, despite Nami’s assurance that it was mind-numbing, boring work, you secretly loved it.
Because, as Law perfectly diagnosed, you are a bit of a control freak. 
Now that you are back to thinking about him, you remember him telling you that he had a few tips for you to let go and relax. Was he talking about everyday tips or… intimacy tips? Because his tone of voice had suggested something else. 
You are wound up so tight that the thought of relaxing in someone’s care is-... exhilarating. 
Fortunately the buzz of your phone wakes you from your reverie and, patting the cow in front of you on the hind, you walk away from the barn while picking up the call.
The deep voice calling your name on the other side brings shivers down your spine. It’s Law. “Is this a good time to speak?”
“Yes!” You shake your head and inhale deeply. “Sorry, I was doing some chores for my dad. It’s fine, I’m fine. I mean… yes, you can speak.” Fuck. Once again you wonder what is it about his voice that makes you weak in the knees and dumb in the head?
The vibrato of his chuckle doesn’t have the same effect on you over the phone, but it’s still very endearing. “I’m calling because I’ve managed to check your notebook and I would like to arrange a house call so we can surprise your father.”
Ah, the ambush! You are ready for that. Shanks isn’t.
“I think he will be working around the property all day this week. I won’t be available in the mornings, though. If you can manage a visit in the afternoon, it would work best.”
He hums on the other side and you sit down on a hay bale. Can there be a way to avoid being affected by a tone of voice? Would online research help? “I can make it tomorrow, if that works?”
“Yes! I’m open for you.” You almost bite your tongue as your hand slaps your head. “My schedule is open for you! My schedule!” You bet that if you could see his face, the man would be smirking.
There’s definitely amusement in the tone of his voice. “Tomorrow it is, then.” 
You say your goodbyes and put the phone away as you groan in frustration. How dumb can you be, really?
When you get home from your part-time job, your organisational needs fulfilled for the day, your father tells you that Ace had come by to help and all the chores were taken care of, so he’s heading out to Beckman’s for beers and to watch the football game.
“No! No, no!” You quickly grab your phone and text the number from which Law called, hoping it’s his personal, or at least professional phone and that he’s carrying it with him now. You quickly say your dad is about to leave and he needs to come ASAP.
Then you turn to Shanks with a pained smile. “Dad, the car is giving me trouble again and I need your help. Teach me how to get it to work effortlessly every time!”
Shanks sighs and looks at his watch. “Fineee. The game doesn’t start for another four hours anyway.”
Placing your hands on your hips, you scrunch your nose. “Four hours? Then why the hell are you going there so early?”
Shanks guffaws. “Pre-game drinks, bug! Why else?” Rolling your eyes to the back of your head, you make your way outside to your car. You keep pestering Shanks about different things, trying to buy your time and, slowly, pissing him off inadvertently, until you spot a fancy car coming up the driveway. 
“Oh, thank God.” You mutter, having exhausted all your car-related questions in your arsenal. 
“Thank God, what? Who’s that?” Shanks closes the door of your car and tilts his head sideways. Once he sees the driver, he groans. “An ambush?” His glare could almost burn holes into you.
“Sorry, Shanks. It’s the only way you’ll speak with Dr. Law! You will undergo that surgery. It’s for your own good!”
Your dad still tries to escape, but as soon as he witnesses the scowl on Law’s face, he stops trying to struggle and resigns himself to the situation. Law is dressed casually without his doctor’s coat on: black t-shirt and again with those cute, spotted jeans. He’s so tall and lean, with defined muscles, but nothing too big. And the tattoos… paired with the earrings and the rebel goatee, they almost make you want to squeal. This man is too damn hot to be walking around.
He says your name as he leaves the car with a sly smile and then turns to your dad. “Mr. S. Hi. So sorry for the ambush, but you wouldn’t come to me, so I had to come to you. I’m told we’re going through with the surgery and I’m here to explain everything.”
Shanks groans and you chuckle. “Let’s go inside, I’ll make coffee.” 
Law’s ears perk at that, as you knew they would, and now you’re feeling the pressure of making a good cup of coffee. Fortunately, you’ve just stocked up on some amazing roasted coffee beans that Sanji recommended, and they truly make a delicious brew. 
Two and a half hours are all it takes for Law to go over the questions in your notebook. He compliments your organisational skills with a slight smirk, and a teasing remark about you trying to control everything, but you try to ignore his tone and he continues. 
He also answers all of your father’s sillier questions, even the one where he asks if he would lose function of any necessary limbs - you know what he’s referring to and you just shake your head at him - but Law handles it very professionally.
By the end, Shanks seems to be a bit more at ease with the whole process - and frankly, so are you - so he agrees when Law says he’ll schedule all necessary pre-surgery exams and the surgery itself.
Shanks leaves in a hurry to go and meet Beckman because the game should be starting in under two hours and he’s not nearly tipsy enough to watch his team lose. Thanking Law, he leaves you two alone telling you not to wait up for him.
Sighing, you get up from your chair to collect the empty coffee mugs. “That went well!” You can’t hide a soft smile from gracing your lips. Law gets up too as he helps you by grabbing his mug and a plate with cookies you had set out, and follows you to the kitchen.
“It really did. I’ll let you both know when the exams and the surgery are scheduled. His jitters will come back, but, if we’re lucky, only on surgery day. He’s going to be fine.”
You finish placing the dirty mugs in the sink and turn to him, leaning on the counter slightly and nodding your head with a weary smile. “Yes, yes, I know. He’s in good hands.”
Law approaches and, reaching behind you, places his dirty mug in the sink, his body a breath away from yours. You can almost feel his own breath in your ear, just for a moment, before he pulls back and steps away from you.
You release the breath you barely realised had been trapped as he keeps eye contact with you. “Thank you for the coffee you made for me. It was delicious.”
“I…” The praise! The damned praise! It turns your legs into jelly and leaves your tongue tied. You have to clear your throat before you manage to utter a full sentence. “Thank you. Sanji said it was a very good quality bean and I followed his instructions.”
His smirk disarms you as much as his praise and he partners it with a slight chuckle and by crossing his arms over his chest. “And do you always follow instructions that well?”
Oh… cheeky.
“Not always. It depends on the instructions. I tend to be a bit of a brat, sometimes.” You respond in kind to his teasing and, as you notice the glint in his eyes and the slight bob of his throat, you don’t regret it one bit. 
The look you give each other feels charged with tension, electrical, almost. Again, this was supposed to be a professional visit. Why do the two of you keep playing this dangerous game of teasing each other?
Are you willing to push the game further?
You wouldn’t mind trying a few naughty things with the doctor, but then again, you came to the Calm Belt to get your mind off romantic affairs and help mend your broken heart. 
But then again… this wouldn’t be romantic… just a bit of fun. And don’t they say that rebound sex is good for broken hearts?
Your wandering thoughts are cut short by an insistent beep from Law’s pager. He grunts and grabs it, glancing at it before sighing. “It’s the hospital. I have to go. We’ll keep in touch, okay?”
Yeah you wouldn’t mind that… keeping in touch…
“Yes! We’ll wait for the exam confirmations. Thank you for all your help.” You say while accompanying him to the door. 
As he descends the steps of the porch, he glances back to give you one last smirk, the tension of your previous moment still hovering above you both. “You did very well with that notebook. It was very thorough and neatly organised.” 
Your breath hitches and you feel your cheeks flush with colour. Law opens the door to his car and gazes at you, burning you with his stare. “I can’t wait to witness how you act when you stop trying to control everything and just… surrender.”
His voice is low, teasing and commanding. Laced with a promise of something more, something else, a not so subtle invitation to a very enticing what if. As his car rides up the driveway, you’re left standing in the doorway, your pulse quickening, even though he’s long gone. 
The day of the surgery finally arrives and you’re sure that your father didn’t sleep a wink. And neither have you. You shower and get dressed and when you get downstairs, he’s sitting by the kitchen chair looking very pale and worried.
“Morning, dad.” Shanks can’t eat or drink anything pre-surgery so you fill your coffee cup and stuff an apple in your purse for later. “How are you feeling? Get any sleep?”
Shanks groans. “I’m terrible, bug. I didn’t sleep a wink.”
You smile as you reach and hug his shoulders from behind. “It’s okay, daddy. You’ll sleep under anaesthesia.” He doesn’t laugh as you hoped he would, so you try to reassure him. “Dr. Law is very good at his job, dad. You’ll be in and out in an instant. Everything will be alright! Plus, I’ll be there waiting for you, okay?”
You asked for days off work to help a family member and arranged with Ace to feed the animals on the property, so you’re covered. All you have to do is worry nonstop in a hospital waiting room while your father is being operated on. 
Nothing too serious. 
Everything passes in a blur after you both leave the house. Shanks is feeling more and more anxious and you aren’t faring much better either. By the time you reach the hospital - in the next town over, where Law performs surgeries on his days off from the clinic - you are both very pale and nauseous. 
You check him in and, as he’s being taken to a room to get prepped for surgery, Law appears and asks you to come in so he can speak with both of you. He reviews the process step by step as you nod along - having studied the procedure from front to back, as the little control freak you are - assures you both that he will be there the entire time, reassuring you that it’s a routine procedure and everything will be alright. 
Shanks feels better once the nurses start to apply drugs to the IV, but you’re still wound as tight as a rope, so Law gently grasps your arm, leading you to the room where you will be waiting for the surgery to be over. He seats you in a chair and fills a cup of water from the dispenser.
“Drink.” He uses the commanding tone you’re slowly getting used to, and you do as you’re told. “You have nothing to worry about. I’ll take care of your father. He’s a strong man and this is routine. He’s got this.” Your eyes fix somewhere in front of you, staring into a void as your heart thumps against your eardrums in a deafening rhythm. Law’s firm hand captures your chin as he tilts your head up to meet his amber gaze. “I’ve got this. I won’t let anything happen to him. Do you trust me?”
It seems like such a charged question. As if he’s asking this and meaning so much more than the hours he’ll spend operating on your dad. Yet, you have no doubt about the answer.
“I do.” You whisper softly. 
Nodding, he turns to leave. “It will pass in an instant, okay? Try not to worry.” He leaves you alone, feeling the weight of fear crushing you and pressing down on your back. You feel helpless, impotent about what you can do to help, to make sure the outcome is a happy one.
But everything feels too out of control. 
Half an hour passes. The clock ticks relentlessly, and you still haven't moved. You brought a book and your cell phone is fully charged, yet you haven’t even taken your purse off your shoulder, your fingers still clutch the plastic cup that Law filled with water for you.
Your throat is dry yet you can’t find the strength to get more water. Your breath comes in shallow, uneven gasps, and your legs are restless.
Another ten minutes pass before you feel a light tap on your shoulder, pulling you back from the stress of the unknown, the unplanned, and the endless possibilities of what can go wrong.
“Kaya?” You whisper, your voice hoarse and ragged with fear.
Your friend smiles at you as she sits down by your side. “Dr. Law called me. He said to leave the clinic to the two morons - Penguin and Shachi are some of his closest friends, did you know that? - and said that I should come to you, immediately! Leaving no chance to argue back. He said he would pay me extra, but I told him to shove the berries in his back pocket because I’d gladly help you without any coercion.”
You blink slowly, your mind still too deep in the fog of uncertainty to really focus on Kaya’s words. Besides, she just dumped a lot of information on you, though one thought lingers front and centre: Law told her to come to you.
“Wait, Law told you to come here?”
She squeals excitedly while nodding with vigour. “He did! He said you looked scared and on the verge of a panic attack and he didn’t want you to be alone in the waiting room for two to three hours. How romantic is that?”
You take a deep breath and, finally, lean back in your chair, removing the strap from your purse and drinking the rest of the water. You already feel more at ease. Kaya’s presence is already reassuring you and easing your fears. “Not as romantic as you make it seem, since I’m about to shit my pants with fear.”
Kaya chuckles and takes the empty cup from your hand, throwing it in the trash and sitting back down. She takes your hand in hers in a reassuring way. “Honey, there’s no need to fret. Dr. Law is the best. You really don’t have to worry. You have no idea how many awards he has! And he’s still so young! He’s not even thirty yet, the man is a medical genius or something!”
She chuckles again and you stare in awe. You had no idea. Kaya sees your reaction and continues. 
“He even skipped a few grades in school. He took advanced classes and entered university two years early! He managed to finish his degree in half the time. He’s really smart and diligent.”
“Wow…” You say dumbly. “I didn’t know that. He did seem very professional and young, but I had no idea he was so good.”
“Honey, he’s much better than just good! I guarantee you that!” She giggles one more time, certainly already adding another chapter to her imaginary novel of your romance. “Did you know he comes from money?”
Raising a brow you turn fully to her, waiting for her to continue.
“He’s related to the Donquixotes. They’re filthy rich.”
Oh, you know damn well who the Donquixotes are. They’re close friends of the Vinsmokes, your ex’s family. You know they have loads of money, influence, power, status… you name it. You never made official acquaintance with them, but you glimpsed the head of the family, Donquixote Doflamingo, at some important parties, and the whole demeanour of the man demands respect. 
You had no idea Law was related to them. 
“I had no idea, Kaya. I know who they are. My ex’s family was very influential and they often frequented the same social circles.”
She’s just about to retort with some more gossip - you assume - when the staff door opens and a slightly frazzled nurse comes to speak with you. Immediately standing, you hope to hear her say that the surgery’s over, but her countenance tells you otherwise, and her words confirm it.
“There was a slight complication with your father’s procedure. There’s some unexpected swelling and inflammation in the tissue surrounding the herniated disc. Dr. Law wanted me to reassure you that all is well, and the only thing this means is that the surgery will be prolonged since he needs to proceed slower and with more caution.” The nurse gives you a strained smile. “He was very adamant that I make sure you understood that he would never let anything happen to your father and to confirm you were already accompanied by Nurse Kaya.”
You nod as you slump back down in the chair, all words stripped away from you, leaving Kaya to answer instead.
“Thank you nurse. Please assure Dr. Law that I’m with her and she’s very grateful for his help.”
The nurse nods and goes back inside while you review the surgery procedure again in your head. You remember reading something in the complications section about tissue swelling. Going back and forth on your mental notes, you don’t think it's something to worry about, but that means that Shanks is going to be under anaesthesia for at least one or two hours more than originally planned and-...
“What? Sorry!” You answer, as Kaya had been repeating your name for a while, trying to ground you back in reality. 
“I said he’s going to be fine! It’s a very normal thing to happen in these procedures. Dr. Law is perfectly equipped to handle it! Remember? He’s a genius!”
You nod vigorously. You know he’s going to be fine. You just know. 
He has to.
Five hours and thirty-three minutes.
That is the total amount of time that your father stayed in the operating room. But now that a nurse has come by to tell you the surgery is over and they are moving him to the recovery room, you can finally breathe. 
Kaya has stayed by your side the whole time. You received a bunch of phone calls from your friends and neighbours and time passed. Sometimes slowly, other times in a blink. But now everything is fine.
And the man you have to thank for that, has just opened the door to speak with you. His eyes seem weary and tired, the bags under them a bit more pronounced, but he has a reassuring smile on his lips as he approaches you.
He says your name and you get up to meet him halfway. “The surgery is over, Mr. S. is fine and will recover from the anaesthesia in one or two hours. After that he’ll be transferred to a room where I specifically said that you were allowed in, at any time of the day during how long you wish to remain.”
Your eyes feel wet and prickly as the lump in your throat tightens and makes it hard to breathe. Kaya squeezes your hand and Law continues.
“Despite the unexpected complication, everything went according to plan. The hernia was removed and, after appropriate recovery time and some physical therapy, your father will recover perfectly well.”
You are so grateful that you have to fight the urge to wrap your arms around his neck. “Thank you, Law.” The sound that comes from your lips is a mere whisper. 
“I told you to trust me, didn’t I?” His smile deepens and you hear a muffled squeal coming from Kaya, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Law. “Nurse Kaya, thank you for being here.”
She nods and grins at him. “I would never leave our girl alone and afraid, Dr. Law!”
Our girl? You raise an eyebrow at her expecting Law to make some stern remark, but he just chuckles and nods. “Right.” He says. “Thank you. I will check on Mr. S. in a couple of hours.” Then he stares straight into your eyes, his amber gaze full of care and assuredness. “If you need anything at all, you have my number.”
Kaya wants to stay with you until you are allowed to see your dad, but you tell her to go home. Usopp, her fiancé, has already called her because she’s usually off work by now, and you don’t want to impose.
Besides, there’s nothing else to be scared of. The surgery is over and Shanks is fine. 
She finally relents and leaves you alone and you barely have to wait another hour before the nurse summons you and takes you to your father’s room. He’s lying in bed with a very tired look on his face.
“Dad!” You exclaim as soon as you enter.
“Bug, I thought you were home.” His voice seems very hoarse and you can see he’s making an effort, so you sit down in the chair next to the bed and take his hand, squeezing it tightly. 
“Don’t speak, dad. Just rest. I’m so happy you’re okay. Law said I was allowed to stay in your room for as long as I wish. I’ll stay here with you!” You eye the couch set in the corner of the room. It seems perfectly comfortable for you to sleep on. You just don’t want to leave him.
You forced him to undergo surgery, so you feel responsible for his well-being and want to be there to cater to his every need. 
He nods and closes his eyes. “Are you in pain? Just nod or shake your head, don’t try to speak.” He shakes his head and you sigh. “Okay daddy.” You lean in and place a lingering kiss on his temple. “I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”
“How are we feeling?” Law asks from near your chair and you jump. You didn’t even hear him enter the room. 
Shanks opens his eyes but doesn’t speak, instead, he raises his thumb to give Law a thumbs up, making the doctor chuckle lightly. 
“Alright, Mr. S., I’m going to do a quick check-up before leaving you to rest for the night, okay?” Shanks nods and you get up to give Law some space. After he finishes the exam, checking the drugs in the IV bag and his charts, Shanks is already snoring, so he beckons you to follow him outside the room.
“How is he?” Anxiety laces your question as you wring your fingers together. “From what I’ve read, there can be about a 10% chance of post-surgery infection, so we need to watch out for any redness or swelling, and maybe some fever. Though since he’s under a lot of drugs, we might not spot a fever right away. And, oh! There’s also a supposed 3% chance of blood clots occurring -...”
“Relax.” His hands rest against your shoulders, pressing firmly while his thumbs draw soft circles against your shirt. “I told you I’ve got this. Your father’s in good hands. You said you trusted me.”
You open your mouth to speak, clearly still meaning to add more information about post-surgical statistics you’ve been reading about since Kaya left, but one of his hands climbs up your shoulder and rests on your cheek in an affectionate gesture, much more intimate than you were expecting. 
“Relax. There’s no need to be in control now. I’m in control here. Okay? Just let go.”
All the breath leaves your lungs at once. The firmness of his touch and the assuredness of his voice make you nod and comply, your shoulders slumping forward, immediately relaxing your posture.
What the hell?
You have suffered quite a bit in the past with anxiety and stressful situations, often finding yourself spiralling because you couldn’t control a specific situation. You had never managed to calm down so easily, so effortlessly. Ichiji only made it worse, so you never really had an anchor to ground you. But Law… he did it in the blink of an eye. With a touch and a few words.
This is a first.
Surprise is still etched on your face when he steps back, leaving only a cold void within you. “His vitals are all stable and he’s not in pain. The night nurse will keep monitoring his condition. You’re welcome to stay by his side or go home and rest. He’s in good hands.” 
You nod, still too stunned to speak and exhaustion is beginning to take its toll on your body and mind. “I’ll… I’ll stay. My brain is too numb to drive home now.”
He nods in understanding. “I’ll be here around lunchtime to check on him again. Try to rest. Everything’s alright now.”
Once again, his words stir something within you, a feeling of safety, and you nod in agreement. 
It will all be fine now.
|Chapter 3|
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beomiracles · 3 months
congrats on ur 500 serene!! would like to ask for a bonus scene from professor kang? tysm <3
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#serene adds ✎... I have a crush on my math teacher, he's 6'5 sue me. he also lets me pass all exams even when I only answer like 3 questions! — anyway I went back to reread the original fic and my eyes started burning from my bad writing. at the same time it made me happy, it puts into perspective just how much I've progressed these past months!!
original fic here (I am apologising in advance for the writing of it)
cw, teacher x student relationship (reader is well above the age of 18, uni), taehyun kinda exploits his role as a teacher, porn photography, + suggestive make out
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You knew that it was bad the second he placed your test results on your desk without as much as a glance in your direction. Your stomach drops as your gaze falls on the cursive writing. 12/35. Swallowing the lump in your throat, your fingers curl into fists around the flimsy material of your skirt and you keep your head down, hoping he wouldn’t address you. — It was weird, you never scored this low, never, especially not in physics. 
It was inevitable, you knew that, yet you still felt your heart leap as your professor beckoned you over after class. The walk toward his table felt miles long and when you finally stopped before him, your hands clasped in front of you as your head hung low, you drew in a short breath. — Your professor sighs as he leans back in his chair, pushing his glasses further up on his nose. “You do know why I’ve called you here?” Taehyun asks and you meekly nod. 
“And you understand that you do need to hand in extra material in order to pass?” His statement manages to draw your gaze from the floor as you look up at him with a frown, “am I not supposed to retake the exam?” You quietly wonder, your thumbs digging into the back of your hand as you try to calm your beating heart. Your professor shakes his head before reaching down to fish up a bag. Your eyes widen as you recognize the expensive brand, and before you know it, he’s shoved it in your hands. 
You blink as you peer down to study its contents, your lips parting as you realize what exactly he’s bought for you. — “Five photos will suffice”, Taehyun drawls as he studies your stunned expression. “Unless you would rather retake the exam, the offer still stands”, he muses and you let out a shaky exhale. Unable to tear your eyes away from silky lingerie, its bold and almost intimidating red color perfectly matched the one currently on your cheeks. 
“Five photos?” You ask and your professor nods. 
The smooth fabric felt nice against your skin and as you glanced at yourself in the mirror, you felt your face heat up at the erotic sight. You played around with angles, making sure to get a few that captured your tits, nipples on full display beneath the practically see through silk. Then a few of your ass, one of your hands sliding along the curve of it as you snapped a couple of photos. 
Once you were done, you walked over to your bed as you sat down to pick out five suitable ones. You hesitated as you attached the images to the email, checking over and over that you had the correct address before you finally sent them. — It took barely five minutes to get a reply back, and your jaw slacked as you read the short sentence. 
“7.30am, my office, wear it.” — Sent from Iphone 
Taehyun’s slender fingers easily slide your unbuttoned shirt off your shoulders as his eyes shamelessly roam your exposed skin. Fingertips tracing the curve of your breast, his thumb rubbing your nipple through the fine crimson lingerie. You shudder as your legs spread further, hands gripping on to the desk behind you, his graded tests pushed back to make room for you on his study. 
“T-The photos…did you like them?” You gasp as his hot mouth trails along your neck, tongue dragging across your skin as his hand snakes around your waist, instantly sliding under your skirt to grope at the flesh of your ass. He hums as his other hand creeps up your thigh, “five more and I’ll raise you to an A.” 
You blink as you consider the offer, your stomach fluttering at the thought of posing for him once more. His fingers slip beneath the fabric covering your throbbing cunt and you cry out as he slides them inside. “Your gpa would certainly benefit from it”, he drawls as he kisses the shell of your ear. 
Slowly nodding, you bite your lip as you glance over at the other student’s hard efforts, scattered across his desk, long forgotten as your professor’s attention remained solely on you. Perhaps it was wrong, unfair, and even selfish, but as his thumb grazed over your clit you suddenly didn’t care anymore. 
You scored an A after that.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 7 months
Part 3 to the fwb series.
You leave Eddie feeling a little blue after your last encounter... In more ways than one. Wayne visits and Eddie finds out distressing news...
18+ only. Minors shoo!
Angst ahead 🖤
Eddie had spent the weekend after your visit unbelievably cranky, horny and on edge. His argument with Chrissy had resulted in her storming out. "I'm not coming back this time Eddie, I mean it" she warned him.
Was it bad that he was really struggling to care? All Eddie could think of quite frankly, was you. After you left there was a sick feeling in his gut, some weird ache in his chest that he hadn't felt before.
Whatever it was he didn't like it. Not one fucking bit. Even strumming along on his guitar was no comfort and that always helped when he was feeling out of sorts.
He jolts out of his by a knock on the door, it'd probably Chrissy he sighs and signals for her to come in, dreading the argument that's sure to follow.
Turns out that it isn't Chrissy, it's his Uncle Wayne who's holding a casserole dish full of macaroni cheese and sets it on the table.
Eddie greets his uncle with a wave, his uncle merely nods then promptly cuffs him around the head, Eddie yelps and his eyes widen.
"What the fuck old man?" Wayne glares at him, he looks disappointed and Eddie hasn't seen that look in a long time. It makes him feel like he's a kid again, or an unruly teenager.
"Sorry boy, you know I love you but you deserved that. Had a long chat with that lovely girl who's dating Joanthan, Nancy Wheeler'' Wayne pauses to glance at Eddie and make sure he's listening.
'Now you wanna tell me why you're stringing along some poor girl, hurt her real bad Nancy said" Eddie grows flustered, runs his hands through his hair and wilts under Wayne's stern gaze.
"It was just a friends with benefits type thing, I made that clear Uncle Wayne" his uncle cocks an eyebrow and settles at the rickety old table, that Eddie has been meaning to fix for a while.
"Right, and you never gave her false hope I take it?" Eddie opens his mouth to say something, then closes it and shuts up. ''That's what I thought boy" his uncle shakes his head.
"She left. We aren't together anymore" he tries to explain, doesn't dare mention what happened a few days ago. Wayne begins to dish out the macaroni cheese and two beers, sets the meal and the drinks down on the table.
"That's not the point son, the point is I raised you better than to be such an asshole to a lady. Same goes for Chrissy, that shit ain't working Eddie so you need to do the right thing"
Eddie slumps down on the chair and nods feeling suitably chastised. Begins to shove forkfuls of his Uncle's delicious mac and cheese in his mouth but his Uncle's next words stop him in his tracks.
"Suppose you'll be happy to know that you won't be bothered by that ex anymore. Yn is it? Heard she's on a date with some hot shot tonight" Wayne shrugs and looks to Eddie, who's mouth has went suddenly dry.
"She's on a date?" he asks just to make sure he's heard right, Uncle Wayne nods and he suddenly doesn't feel hungry anymore.
"It's not to late to fix things son" Wayne claps him on the shoulder, gives his a sympathetic look. Suddenly, the knee jerk reaction to saying to himself that he doesn't care isn't working so much anymore.
He doesn't know why he drives to your house, he's sure he's just being a fucking martyr... Or an idiot.
Still it doesn't take long before he's knocking on your door, shielding himself from the wind and rain.
You answer and don't look happy to see him, his heart sinks and he's beginning to realise how badly he's fucked up.
"Wayne said you had a date" he says to you and you nod, don't give anything else away.
"Why are you here Munson?" Munson not Eddie, he doesn't know what to say, he's scrambling for something, anything to think of.
"I messed up, I'm sorry sweetheart" you pause, clearly you weren't expecting Eddie to outright apologise, show up at your door.
"Apology accepted, but it's too late Eddie. You hurt me so many times, dangled hope in front of me that we could be more, then you swept it away. You didn't care when I left so why should I care that you're here now"
He growls frustrated, wants you to so desperately understand that he's sorry, that he knows he fucked up.
"I'm sorry okay? I don't want to lose you alright. I admit that now" he watches as tears pool in your eyes, you immediately chase them away and steel yourself.
"You already have lost me Eddie" your voice shakes but it doesn't stop you from closing the door on Eddie's face.
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papikyoo · 21 days
what drew you to kabumisu? :3
i've meant to answer this since forever but oh my it's going to be a long post XD
I once said it's Kabru's line of thoughts for me. I don't think he will move on with his day and not thinking of how promising Mithrun's life is, he would want to be there, witnessing it, helping him find the purpose even. I believe it's a bit ooc for him not to do so. While he also finds comfort in the absense of social expectations, when you examine closely he has some cynical view about people because he's learned at a young age that he needs to prioritize others' safety and feelings, it is expected of him (Milsiril as an immature mother and Kabru who lost his hometown and family so he set the impossible standard for himself)
He deduces their motive so he's always one step ahead and solves their problems. So when he faces a person who doesn't expect anything of him, it helps him developing the need to do things for himself, that need is still about helping others ofc because he's not going to unlearn the trauma response soon and helping others encourages improvement as long as you don't sacrifice your own needs, the difference is helping Mithrun also let him reflect on himself, swallow a bitter pill, and lead by example.
And here's Mithrun, needing a guide, needing someone who will bring understanding and stop him when he's going to set himself on fire or crossing the lines, while knowing where he comes from. I don't think Mithrun shared his backstory to anyone except Kabru because he even tried to deter Kabru's enthusiasm, other canaries members don't really understand him, he started to cry when Kabru, possibly the only person who knew, touched him because he knew Kabru would relieve his sadness that's bottled up, so it's safe to say that he wasn't that comfortable telling everyone his own past or struggles, it makes sense to me that Kabru noticed and told him the world didn't need to know all of that, treating him like a human with grace. You see, there's always one guy who will be one step ahead and hold him down.
Let's say I just think they complement each other, similar but not the same, what the other person lacks challenges the other to be a better person, they can pick up the slack for the other's weaknesses and work well as a team as you can see in the six days chapter. If i'm being honest, I don't think that their relationship journey is a path paved with rose because both of them have their own conflicts waiting to be resolved. But I really can't think of more suitable characters to ship them with, so they are an endgame ship to me. They also have their funny moments too lol. Thank you for the question, I hope this is comprehensible!
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ch0k3herwithaseaview · 7 months
@jegulus-microfic | feb 29 address | words 1881
hi, so this one is so fucking long, i don’t even know how it happened. anyways, hope you’ll enjoy it :3
first part | previous part
Will you be there tonight?
James looked at the message he received almost half an hour ago and for the hundredth time deleted his response.
‘Of course I’ll be there’ sounded too eager. ‘Yeah’ was out of question with it being too dry. ‘I’ll try to make it’ was just mean, like when you have a big event at school and your parents say that exact line, and you just feel like shit. So he sat there, on his couch, contemplating how to answer the man he apparently fancies. He thought the crush went away with them going separate ways after school, but oh well. With just one dinner, all the feelings came back, making him feel like a teenager again.
He deleted another answer when Regulus texted him again.
You know I can see you typing then changing your mind over and over again, right?
And that, ladies and gentlemen, was his chance to keep this from getting any weirder.
yeah i know sorry about that
and answering the first question yes ill be there
With that, he threw his phone as far away from himself as he could and went to have a crisis while taking a shower. And don’t get him wrong - he really wanted to be there, to see the art Regulus makes, but at the same time he didn’t want to make a fool of himself. He liked Reg, he wanted to get to know him again after all those years they haven’t talked. And yet, he was still afraid he would fuck it up somehow.
“No you won’t” he said to his reflection in the mirror. “You won’t, just pull yourself together. And don’t act weird, just… be who you are. If he doesn’t like it, back off.”
After that little motivational talk, James started to get ready properly. He did his skincare routine, tried to (and failed) tame the nest on his head, also known as hair, and went to the closet to find something suitable for the occasion. How does one even dress for opening?
Having no better option, James decided to do the most stupid thing he could do.
“What are you wearing tonight?” he asked without any greeting. On the other side he heard the most feral laughter ever and just groaned at it. “It’s not funny, I really don’t know!” the laughter became even more hysterical, so James just stood in the middle of his closet, waiting for Sirius to calm down.
“Oh god, this is too good” his best friend chuckled a little breathlessly. “Are you trying to impress my brother or what?”
“I’m not trying to impress anyone, I just… what should I wear? To not look like an idiot?” more giggles from Sirius.
“Yeah, well, me and Moony are going in our usual clothes, so maybe something in between?”
“You mean I should go as a slutty grandpa?” James grumbled. His bestie just barked another laugh at that.
“Yes, exactly! Hope I helped, gotta go, see you there” and the call ended.
It actually did help, to his surprise. He put on a maroon turtleneck, paired it with suit trousers and his favourite red converse. The entire outfit, although simple, seemed to emphasise his muscles, giving the exact result James was aiming for. He put three golden hoops in his ear and finally felt ready.
Grabbing the phone from the armchair it landed on, James check if Regulus sent any new messages - he did.
I’m glad.
Don’t overdress, it’s a casual event, nothing fancy.
Do you know where to go?
Should I send you the address?
Are you alive?
James, it’s been more than an hour, are you alright?
James smiled at all of this, quickly replying with ‘yes everythings good the shower took longer than it should pls send the address’.
He arrived at a small local art gallery, where the opening took place. As soon as James got out of his car, Remus and Sirius spotted him, practically running in his direction. The shorter man, dressed in a silk shirt, unbuttoned halfway down his chest, and tight jeans (all black, of course), jumped into his arms, screaming excitedly, like he hasn’t seen him in a while (since yesterday). From behind, Sirius’ fiancé rolled his eyes, smirking at their antics.
“Fancy seeing you here, Prongs” Remus said cheekily, when the long-haired man came to his side. It was James’ turn to roll his eyes.
“Are we coming in or are we just gonna stand here and freeze?” Sirius asked, snuggling closer to Remus.
“You should’ve dressed accordingly to the weather. I’m feeling petty so - Moony, would you mind giving me a fag?” James chirped sweetly, batting his lashes at the taller man.
He didn’t give him the cigarette, what’s with his shivering partner, so they just walked in to the gallery.
James spotted Regulus immediately. He was wearing a dark green sweater with a white collar sticking out from under it, black trousers and low Docs. He looked innocent and hot at the same time. He could see the younger man noticing him, too, when his lips turned into a little smile.
“Hi, Little Star” Reg snorted at that, and that was all he had to do to get himself a wide grin from James.
“Hello, James. Thank you for coming” came the slightly amused answer. They scanned each other for a second. From up close Regulus looked even better, James thought.
“You look good, I mean, like, very good” Reg chuckled softly at that and the other man melted a little.
“You look good, too” younger man replied, his cheeks turning slightly pink.
Their moment was interrupted by Sirius barging in, saying how proud of his little brother he is, while ruffling Reg’s hair. Even though he didn’t like it, Regulus hasn’t voiced his displeasure. It was nice of him, really.
Not long after, some professor welcomed everyone from the middle of the room, talking about all the hard work his students put into this exhibition and how glad he was to see so many people coming to appreciate that work. Some ovations. Then they were free to admire the pieces. Most of them were paintings, but there were also sculptures and some photographs.
The theme of the exhibition was ‘love’, so the students presented how they perceived it - some in a cute way, whit elderly couples sitting on a bench or some places they loved, but there were also darker ones, presenting the topic as suffocating or painful. James felt sorry for all those people who suffered because of something that should have been beautiful.
When they finally reached Regulus’ pieces James felt something warm crawling inside his chest. He didn’t immediately understand them, since Reg created abstract art, but the longer he looked the more he could see. On the first one there were spots of paint that must’ve been two cuddled figures in the dark place, surrounded by a little light, just around them, like a halo. James thought it must represent how Regulus felt about his brother, what was confirmed as he spotted Sirius’ eyes glistening in the bright lights of the gallery.
The second one was brighter, like it was some kind of meadow maybe? There also were smudges of paint in different colours - some of them lighter others darker. Those probably were Regulus’ friends and James had an urge to comment on that one.
“That’s so cute. They must’ve loved it so much” he said, looking down at Regulus. “Where are they, by the way?”
“They will come later, when there’s not so many people so we can really discuss others works” the younger man replied simply. “We’ll probably just end up laughing at them, really” he added with a shrug.
At that James pretend to be outraged, gasping and putting a hand to his chest.
“Oh! Am I not worthy of laughing at other people’s art with you? Tell me how can I be granted this privilege, I’ll do anything!” He kept up his act, grabbing Regulus by the shoulders, bending his knees like a sufferer begging for water.
The younger of Black brother looked at him, trying real hard to not look amused, but his eyes were giving him away.
“You’re pathetic” he said, not even a little bite to it. To be honest he sounded a little like he was enjoying James’ antics.
“Yet, you like me so much you managed to rob your own brother of my number” James said it like he was plotting something. “And you wanted to rob me of my time, the audacity.”
“Please stop” the shorter man buried his face in his hands. “Don’t mention it ever again” he added, a little muffled by the hands. He had really nice hands, James noticed.
“Oh, I will not stop till the day I die.”
They moved to the third piece and- oh. James might not be the brightest person alive, but he knew what was on the last painting. It was similar to the other two they saw earlier, smudges of paint in different shades creating two figures. The figures were hugging, not like the first ones, but more like lovers trying to become one. One person was rather pale, contrasting with the other who looked tanned. Their hair was black and deep brown, respectively.
James looked at it with awe, felt the butterflies waking up in his stomach and flying freely all over his body. He looked at Regulus, but the other man hasn’t met his eyes, staring straight ahead at his work. James noticed he turned a pretty shade of reddish pink on every bit of his face. His own lips turned into a big fucking grin. He wanted to reach out, touch Regulus, hug him, anything really.
Unfortunately, from behind him came Sirius’ gasp and then excited “Oh my god, Reggie, you painted me and Moony? Oh, that is so lovely, can I have it later?”
James, Remus and Regulus looked at the man at the same time, each one with a deep frown, not believing how delusional Sirius is. As if they shared a brain cell, all three of them nodded in agreement to not lead him astray.
Regulus cleared his throat, and turning to his brother he said “Yes, that’s you and Remus, and no, you cannot take it.”
As the older turned to stare daggers at the younger, they just started bickering about who should have the painting, Remus and James looking at them with amusement.
After some time Regulus’ friends came and the three older man ushered to exit so the younger guys could have fun together. Just before they left, James approached Regulus one last time, cheeky smile on his lips.
“Sirius and Moony, huh?” it earned him an eye roll and a sheepish ‘shut up’. He just smiled wider and leaned down to whisper in Reg’s ear, feeling the black-haired man’s breath hitching “Text me when you get home.”
With that he walked backwards in the general direction of the exit, still looking at Regulus who looked positively stunned. James winked at him and Reg, after waking from the haze, flipped him off. James just chuckled at that loudly, turning to the door.
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Replica (Part 3)
Summary: It seems even the primarch doesn't understand who you are to him.
Warnings: incest (kinda), possessive behavior, manipulation, hint of masturbation.
Word Count: 2397
While I was writing this part, I was listening "Darren Korb - Song of the Sirens". Hope you enjoy it.
Song: Mitski - Washing Machine Heart
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Perturabo fulfilled his promise. No one else dared to offend or touch you. All serfs knew this and even the Space Marines had to reckon with it. You still couldn’t figure out how you managed to earn such an attitude from the Primarch of the Iron Warriors. But you don't want to complain, just enjoy your new life.
You began to live next to the Iron Lord in the next room. It had already amazed you with size and wealth, but this was not enough for the primarch. He began to reinterpret it, adding new details that, according to him, you should like. No, he knew you would be delighted with them.
Even your wardrobe has undergone changes. No more gray serf robes. Although you weren’t able to wear such strict and sophisticated outfits as the girls from Olympia. Instead of complex hairstyles, your hair was always loose or tied up in something simple. When Perturabo first saw you like this, he was about to reprimand you, but in the end he changed his mind.
You even got two servants. You tried to resist such innovations, but the primarch refused your request. After all, a girl of your position is supposed to have maids. Besides, if you refuse, the serfs will be sent to do hard work. You didn't get to experience such life, but you heard enough from the other slaves to make your skin crawl. Seeing the fear in your eyes, Perturabo grinned, noticing that you were always kind.
Sometimes you forget about his other side.
You were also aware that the primarch continued to attack Imperial worlds, taking resources in the form of fuel and people for the Iron Blood. He consumed all living things and left hell behind. It was frightening and devastating. You should have felt disgust and pure horror towards him. But as soon as you saw the primarch again, only tenderness remained in your soul. Perturabo continued to pamper you in every possible way with an absolutely stoic face.
Although sometimes you were puzzled by him. Once he told you about the customs of Olympia, when mature young men chose a new name for themselves. Perturabo, of course, refused to follow this rule and you shook your head and whispered his name. At this moment, the man tensed and looked at you. Closely and deciding.
“Perhaps you would like to undergo this ritual?” - the primarch began carefully. You became nervous at how slowly he chose his words. As if afraid of your reaction. And it’s not clear which one exactly. - “I know a suitable name.”
“But I’m not a young man. Besides, I like my name. Do you like it?” - You smiled softly at the man, gently placing your small hand on his. The Iron Lord looked at it and then into your eyes. Did you imagine or did you see a mixture of disappointment and relief? It was as if he himself was not sure what answer he wanted to hear.
"Yes. It's very beautiful".
Finding yourself in the primarch's favor, you nevertheless spent all your time only with yourself or with the Iron Lord. But soon Perturabo completely forbade you to leave your room under any pretext. According to the lord, Iron Blood will have to go to a rather dangerous place and not alone. Moreover, the primarch's companion is an extremely pretentious person whom you should not have met. You soon learned from the maids that he was talking about Fulgrim.
There was a strange tension in the air. Unnatural. It tastes disgusting. Your slaves told you that Perturabo's guest behaves absolutely terribly, throwing away his own and Iron warriors as well as toys. As for the Emperor's Children, they no longer looked like perfect warriors. You tried to find out the details, but the serfs fell silent.
You think that was the last time you saw them. Later they disappeared and a servitor began to serve you. All you could do about this was cry into your pillow. You really didn’t want to be alone and you hoped that you could protect these girls. You disered to befriend with them. Now your only company is a slave of flesh and metal. And your food has acquired a reddish tint and a strange iron taste. But you had to give it credit, you felt much healthier after every meal.
This went on for some time and you got used to the new daily routine... until one day the primarch came into your room. Only it wasn't Perturabo.
“I knew that he was hiding something valuable from me, but I could not even think about it,” Fulgrim spoke with a grin.
You felt the stench. A sickeningly cloying smell, as if the primarch had gone too far with perfume. And not only with them. His entire face was covered in powder, and his whole appearance screamed defiantly. He stood and looked at you like you were a bug, barely holding back his laughter.
“So many worlds, so many solar systems. Billions, trillions of lives. But still he met you.” - an evil grimace painted the primarch’s face, and a long tongue crawled across his lips. You cringed. He reminded you more of a snake than a demigod. - “But you are different. I wonder what he does to you.”
"Nothing. We're just talking. I-I,” you started to stutter, unable to handle the pressure. And how could you explain to Fulgrim your relationship with Perturabo if you yourself did not fully understand it. You couldn't say that you were his friend? It is unthinkable for a demigod to be friends with a mere mortal girl. He had his own reason for keeping you with him and you would never dare ask him about it.
“You, you.” - The primarch knelt down and took your chin. It was as if he was feeding on your fear, enjoying your trembling and appearance. - “Don’t whine. Give me your attention, which my brother lacks so much, imperfect replica.”
“Get out.”
Fulgrim didn't even have time to turn around or stand up before the Iron Lord picked him up by the scruff of the neck like a kitten and threw him into the corridor. You covered your mouth with your hands, holding back a scream. Throwing an unreadable look at you, Perturabo walked out into the corridor, closing the door behind him. You saw no more of the primarch of the Emperor's Children. But you heard his groans and cries of pain while Perturabo beated him.
You've never been so terrified. It seemed to you as if all the Iron Blood was rusting from the surge of emotions. Once again you heard the sounds of beating, but this time you were not the cause of the quarrel between the brothers. A couple of times the ship entered into battle, but you couldn’t even see them because your window was tightly sealed and you were hiding under the blanket. But you heard, you felt. It was driving you crazy.
And yet, after some time, everything calmed down. It was as if everyone had died. Until the primarch came to your chambers. He sat down loudly on the bed and your heart bled with pity. He looked so tired, as if every second he was carrying a huge stone on his shoulders. The already gray eyes dimmed.
“He betrayed me” - you didn’t even have to ask who exactly. Your hands began to tremble on their own as soon as you remembered that carnivorous look. - “My brother wanted me dead. He didn't receive it. Lost honor. But he became perfect.”
The man whispered the last word with contempt and looked at you. His face took on a strange expression and you thought he was going to cry.
“But you won’t leave me?”
"No, of course not". - You couldn’t hold back your tears. You began to sob even more when the primarch's hand began to stroke your hair. He did it so carefully and easily, trying not to break you. Surrounded by nothing but iron, you were now nothing but flesh and blood. Alive.
Everything was supposed to return to its place, and the meeting with Fulgrim was to be forgotten like a bad dream. You started visiting his workshop again, talking about everything in the world. You didn’t bring up the topic of your slaves, strange food, and especially not about his brother. You just couldn't make him sad. Or angry.
Moreover, every day the primarch became gloomier and depressed. You heard how he took out his anger on everything he could get his hands on. The screams of the serfs. And once he scolded the Iron Warrior right in front of you. You felt in your gut how the Space Marine felt shame while Perturabo humiliated him in front of a mortal girl.
You didn't know how to explain it, but your relationship had also changed. Perturabo has let you into his life again. But it was as if he had built a wall. Even if you now had lunch with him. And he carefully made sure that you ate all your rations. He let you take a nap in his chair. Taught you how to make simple things. He started asking you to do other duties. And you were only happy to please him.
You didn’t notice how only you two were left.
The primarch was very tired. He didn't tell you much about his research. But all you cared about was that he finally rested. So now you served him fruit and wine while he took a bath. The murmur of warm water and puffs of steam completely engulfed the chambers, creating the illusion of safety. There was no war, no suffering and no smell of burning iron. Just completely calm.
While the primarch was soaking in the bath, leaning his elbows on the bars, you sat next to him on the pillows. He remained silent, and you continued to chirp about the recent book he gave you to read. You were delighted with the Olympian poetry, but this did not surprise Perturabo at all.
"Help me". - the primarch croaked. You, relaxed, looked at him. Without the implants on his head, he looked less intimidating. In addition, he recently decided to grow a beard, as was customary at Olympia.
Seeing him pointing at the oils made you smile. Iron Within, Iron Without? You were ready to argue with this statement as you soaped the man’s shoulders, feeling him relax under your touch. No, he is not alien to softness, but he is trying to hide it behind seven locks. You understood that you loved him as a friend. Like a brother.
Suddenly you felt the man tense. You looked at him perplexed until you heard his whisper.
“Come down.”
You involuntarily licked your lips. You carefully lowered your feet into the water. You didn’t want to get your dress wet, but you didn’t want to be left without it even more. Even if many serfs could go without clothes and there was a demigod in front of you, you could not cope with shyness.
The man was reclining and you could almost reach his chin. But only almost. You felt his eyes touch you and pursed your lips. Trying not to pay attention to the strange tension, began to soap his shoulders and torso. Gradually, the awkwardness passed and you almost decided to continue the conversation, but made a mistake.
You looked straight into his eyes.
Can steel burn? The primarch's gray eyes turned into two lights. The man clenched his jaw, but he didn't look angry. With your palms you felt his body tense and he leaned towards you. A shadow fell on your face, absorbing your entire insides. A little more and you will fall into the abyss.
Breath hitched and a squeak escaped your lips. The man continued to take your space. His hand landed on your back. It almost hurt. You tried to say his name, but only one syllable came out.
Suddenly everything stopped. Few would have believed you, but you clearly saw the shock on the primarch’s face. He was dumbfounded, his lips trembling. You could almost hear his heartbeat.
"Leave me." - Perturabo was still holding your back, loosening his grip. Seeing that you were still standing, he frowned and turned away from you like a child. “NOW!”
Stunned, you had no choice but to leave the primarch alone with himself. Alone with thoughts.
He couldn't get this image out of his head. Rosy cheeks, gentle eyes, small hands on his body. That tousled hair and those clothes falling awkwardly off your shoulders. He saw you, but he also saw her. He heard you sigh, but he heard her say his name. You both merged into one.
Perturabo didn't know how to describe his feelings at that moment, but he wanted to break you. Strangle. No. Squeeze in a hug. Save her image or, on the contrary, destroy her so that only you remain. You're almost the same. Almost. You are imperfect.
“She’s not your sister, you know that, right?”
“So pretty.”
Yes, you were imperfect. You were supposed to be a copy, a replacement. You had her eyes, facial expressions, body, voice. You even loved the same things. But it was still different in some ways. Be it the way you wore your dresses and carried yourself at ease. How you remained silent when he said things she didn't like.
You won't contradict him. You support. You respect. You obey. You love him.
He hated you for it.
He adored you for it.
Perturabo still could not throw out the words of his traitor brother, continuing to replay them in his head. He knew this. He couldn't explain the desire he felt. He loved her. And he loved you too. But differently. Quite different.
The primarch felt not only his hearts, but also his body being overcome by a previously unfamiliar desire. He had no choice but to surrender to it and throw out the accumulated tension. Take relief.
He was grateful that you left. You should not see him in such a state, in such an action. The primarch took a deep breath, remembering your voice like a siren's song. How deeply you have sunk your roots into his soul.
Yes, you were more than a replica.
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baby-jaguar · 6 months
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Lust by Nature {Part 1}
Masterlist, Part 2, Part 3
Read on ao3
Pairing: Captain John Price x fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, (eventual) slightly dubious consent, (eventual) Somno, he wants you but is stubborn, violence, succubus reader, sexual tension, reader is given a callsign, minimal descriptions of reader, will update tags as I go
Word Count: 4,015
Summary: A demon by nature; a succubus. Now finally designated to a team, you’re a pilot in how demons and hybrid creatures alike can change the war. However, your previous commanders didn't account for a man too stubborn for his own good. Captain Price stands firm in his morals and ethics, developed by his hardened years in the SAS. You, a lustful little devil, will put him to the test.
And maybe along the way, he’ll put your nature to the test.
A/N: For my own logistics, reader was born seemingly human but the traits and magic did not solidify until reaching adult years, making you appear youthful while stuck in that age. This was originally going to be PWP but I sit here 20k words later... I hope ye enjoy!
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Being a far descendant of a fallen angel, you could laugh at the pitiful life you’ve led yourself into.
You’re a pretty thing- beautiful, really. Full of allure and a natural aura of sin that draws others in with a simple look. The blood that pumps and fuels your magic has been alive for a long, long time.
Boredom is a constant in the life of the soulless and damned. It’s agonizingly blurry if you don't set a task or just choose to meander around the world but fortunately for you, you’ve got quite the life ahead of you.
Coming from a state-of-the-art high-security prison base, you’re technically a super soldier with a special drawback. Needing humans to fuel your power; you suck the life out of them, literally, and take energy from their sexual desires and touch.
It’s almost the brunt of the joke when you answer the question of what you are, feeling each time such an expectant shame and laugh to be cast upon you like heavy stones.
A succubus.
Long-acting jester of the demons taken for a lust-driven fool.
Being detained early on in your young lifespan, you were trained to be used as a weapon. Not of mass destruction, but rather something to make these stupid games of war go by so much easier. Not having to slay countless bodies for information and getting a damn good meal from the lives you stole (maybe a few quickies when your superiors weren’t looking), it’s a considerably content life compared to others.
Graduating from training after a few decades was quite the celebration for you and the officials who have been overseeing you for a plethora of years. The military had found a suitable team for you, and you were designated to be put under the supervision of an elite task force.
Supernatural beings were not uncommon in the military, as a large amount were free to live their lives if docile. In the lands of gods and monsters, the humans still held supreme reign over the controlled populations. However, beings similar to you were quick to be captured and either trained or distributed- the world turning a blind eye to what you were capable of achieving in the good and the bad.
John Price. The name stuck to your tongue like you were thirsty and you had a thick paste in your mouth.
No, not semen. At least not yet.
Being appointed to Task Force 141 was exciting. It’s your first time with this much trust, but you know you’d never fuck around too much to land you back to your containment. Captain Price had steely eyes locked onto your form the moment you stepped out of the convoy; high-security cuffs around your wrists and a large band of metal wrapped around your torso. The assumption is to keep you from shapeshifting or lashing out at anyone now that you’re out from the heavy locks and fences.
To everyone else, you looked human. Nothing amiss besides the heavy security detail on your body.
“Captain Price.” Your General’s voice rings out for you, greeting him with a firm handshake.
“General, pleasure.” His eyes dart away from you to greet the man, and you take a small dissatisfaction at the notion, your eyes traversing the expanse of him, already ruminating and calculating his presence.
He’s strong. His energy is sturdy; A cement wall that has cracks laced upon itself, layers of bonding to cover them up and just barely sanded over to appear brand new. His physical appearance leaves your internal senses giddy with the sense of a new adventure. If you’d release your glamour illusion, your tail would be swaying slowly.
The contract was simple; Your powers would be used in specific operations under Price’s command. You were his, and his only, not being allowed to act under any other authority. Behave well and you’ll be integrated more into society by his terms, but the worse you were, the worse your containment.
Your payment? Being able to form a bond with Price, one that will satisfy your demon, while being sure to keep you useful.
The etymology humans created portrayed a slew of differing conditions for succubi contracts, most being a damning thing to land humans a hot spot in hell. Being able to create this tie meant that they’d be your selected mate while they’d bear your mark to ward off any other demons. Under this, it barricaded you from killing said person. Instead, the feeding would come from sexual desire, touch, and yes, semen.
Watching Price, the flames of your creation begin to already yearn for his touch.
It's with a simple handoff of your file, a thick manilla envelope, that gets passed off to Price with no other words spoken, and you can’t help but marvel at how they treat your ownership like a back alley drug. The General nods towards you, speaking your name before the simple “But we just call her Little Devil.” A small twitch of Price's mouth makes you wonder if he disapproves.
“She may be a demon but keep her well-kept, Price. Your trial run in this program is going to do more than change war tactics.” 
Shifting the envelope in his hands, Price takes a survey of how much documentation they have on just your captive existence. There could be some good and some bad, maybe all bad but the chance of letting a temperamental half-demon could cause serious repercussions to both sides. Hypothetically. 
“We’ll be in touch.” Price responds, the forced-looking grin making the blue of his eyes slightly disappear for a moment. A nod of his head, then attention back on you while judging how to best go about this.
“You speak…?”
It sets a bristle off inside you with an internal scoff. The chance to insult him for accusing you of being either incompetent or something of the silent type settles, but your probation period keeps you inside the lines of behavior. “Yes, Captain.”
When he hears your voice; It sounds ethereal. Like the crisp jingle bells while the sound is eclipsed if not swallowed by soft and red velvet.
A small tick of his right eyebrow was the only movement accompanying a hum in acknowledgment. “Right, well. Let’s get you settled in then.”
With the queue of acceptance, the General brings a small key from a pocket unbeknownst to you, moving to unlock the cuffs. There’s humor in watching you, the new operator being uncuffed while accepted onto base- and hey, maybe you could ponder the religious message it brings forward too.
But there’s not enough time for that notion.
Walking off the tarmac and into the nearby administrative building brings steady heed of stares. “So… Your previous situation. Was told it was more of a containment type of thing. Would you mind speaking on that?” Price’s toned-down voice comes out after more than a few paces into the building, leading you towards a stairwell into the third floor.
“The best way to describe it in normalcy would be similar to what you human soldiers do here- the barracks. Just imagine its very high security.” It takes a moment to draw up the answer, having expected the man to be as nitwitted as the normal “A sex demon, huh?” question asked in every new encounter.
 “You’ve always been in that situation?”
The clicking of both sets of feet confidently strikes the ground. A sense louder than the random soldiers milling around you and the lack thereof as others stop and stare in bewilderment.
“No. Not sure if you’re making small talk or haven’t read my file yet, but my demonic integration did not start manifesting until I was in my early adult years. Got turned in when I was walking around the streets in full form. No control whatsoever on shifting.” 
A broken-off hum leaves the man, sensing the almost frazzled static around him as he works to keep walking while maintaining an eye on you. “I have. Just wanted to hear it from you.” Truthfully, if you were in his place with an unshackled demon that had years of military experience walking alongside you, you’d have some sense of fear too. “And how long ago was that? When you matured?”
Eyeing him for a moment, he looks mid-40s if anything. Handsome, worn down from war so possibly a bit younger. “Quite some time ago. I’d say when your parents were born, Captain.”
He stops in a mid-step, balances perfectly set before turning to whirr his head at you. Eyes give an up-down motion on you before ticking his jaw. “Huh.”
He pushes his way through a wall of soldiers to an office door before opening it. “And how old-”
“Body stopped aging when all the changes settled. A second sense of puberty that I’m locked into.” The small upturn of your lips doesn’t pass him. All he can do is nod in response.
He makes his way to the desk against the back corner of his office room; The space is a good size, Having enough for his L-shaped desk with two chairs in front of it. A worn-in leather couch on an adjacent wall while a few framed documents hang on the wall, military in nature with medals attached to them while undusted fake plants serve as accents in the corners.
“Very well,” He gives a soft grunt when adjusting himself in his seat before opening up the large manilla folder. “You, are going to be judged based on your nature and human interaction during your uncontained enlistment. Ability to perform assignments, be of aid, and see what your specific capabilities can put forward with us.”
Head nodding in check with each item listed, “Understood, Captain.”
His blue eyes leave the documents for a moment to find your gaze already on him. “You’ve got a good rapport with every previous task, but your previous COs still didn’t state trust as a key factor. Why would that be?”
For a moment, you get lost in the focus of his body language; Price folds his arms over the table, holding his elbows as the pages become spread over his desk. The way he purses his lips after a question that holds an answer he will depend on. His lips make a small smack in the action, and it's cute in the way he’s so human.
“I didn’t trust them.”
An eyebrow arches at the vague response prompting you to continue. “Kept me like a lab animal, fed me or let me feed when deemed easy for them to write off in the report. That’s not how you treat a demon when expecting to use their powers, sir.” 
“And this feeding… There’s multiple ways listed here but to be frank- I’ve still yet to get my head wrapped around it. You’re a sex demon, yeah?”
Ah. There it is.
His eyes dart down to the few pages that cover your needs and methods of survival, studying the paragraphs of information. A how to keep your demon alive handbook if you will.
“The premise of everything I need stems from what is deemed as life force, or just called energy. Sex is easy, and feels the most satisfying.” A breath before continuing. “ But relying on just energy wont last me long, yet its easier in some situations. Those barely alive are easy to take from.”
He knows there's more to be had with you. A temptress trained well with a pedigree in what you were made for. But he can only hypothesize. “And what are you expecting from being here?”
A look of surprise flashes in the widening of your eyes, not used to someone asking in consideration. “I’m expecting more hostiles, interrogations, or kills that I could take to feed myself. And sex too.”
“Oh-” A half cough leaves him before looking to the side. Surely he should have known, it's stereotypical but at least true.
“If you want me at full strength, I’m going to need the energy. I’m sure you could understand that, Sir?” The small tilt of your head, almost an aloof look sends alarm bells into his mind. They wouldn’t have sent a succubus in here without some sort of plan already being formed, some procedure and measure being used to-
“I am expecting to form a relationship with you, Captain.”
And at that, a full choked sound leaves him. He deserves doubled pension for this.
“And in what right mind, was that established in, hm?” He grounds out, opening a desk drawer to pull out a cigar before taking a cutter to the end of it. You measure the time it takes for him to light it and take a first steady puff.
“Well, the way I see it- and having discussed it with my previous superiors, this is supposed to mirror a real dynamic. This is the only point of contact to report on my behavior. I don’t think engaging in what I need would go over well if I went wild with other operators or soldiers around the base. Confirm or deny?”
Price’s eyes narrow as you speak, dragging his gaze away to stare at his locked computer screen. A grunt in the back of his throat sounds before taking another inhale of his cigar. For a man who has been fighting on the front lines for countless years, he keeps the smoke in for a steady amount of time. Healthy lungs. Good for him. 
You haven’t tried a cigar, only have gotten a whiff of the burning tobacco coming from superiors. This smell is the lingering one you picked up on Price even when standing on the tarmac. Sweet, vanille and tobacco leaves.
“You said your previous company spoke on this with you.” He starts with a swift movement to rifle through the pages on his desk. “This in writing or are you taking the piss now?” He speaks in a deep grumble, holding the burning cigar between his lips.
An internal groan rattles your mind, already sensing this may be more of a struggle than ease of getting what you were promised. “Last few pages. It’s all in writing.” He seemed like a sensible man in the way that if a warm and inviting body was laid out to him while asking for himself, he’d take it.
“Commanding officer is to set an established and cohesive exchange, herein the succubus will be fed from a relationship in physical and sexual natures while in exchange not damaging or harming the officer.” His accent slides in a bit more thickly than you’ve heard up until now, eyebrows scrunched while he mumbles the page to himself. “And why in the bloody hell, was this not communicated to me beforehand?”
You can’t control the wry smirk that steals your lips while looking at him, trying not to laugh. “They thought it would be a no-brainer.” A pause, “Sir.”
Plucking the cigar out of his mouth, Price sighs while leaning back in his chair seemingly defeated. “You sufficed well without any previous relation in the company, there’s no evidence that this will turn out well.” His eyes now land on you in a quick movement.
“As I mentioned-” He cuts you off with a wave of his hand.
“No. I’m not going to sleep with my subordinate, less so one that can kill me if so pleases.” The uptick of his chin bleeds with firmness, a decision that screams arrogance of finality. 
Settling down in a way that almost matches his, your jaw ticks. “Yes, sir.”
And truthfully it's all you can say. Agree and accept to stay here and be the guinea pig for others like you. You can warn all you want but by the devil himself, humans won’t learn until their wrongs meet them in their face.
“If I could so much as advise you, Captain;” Your chin dipping, licking the front of your teeth, and feeling the small prick of your dormant fangs. He nods for you to continue, “If you want me at my full capacity, I will need every ounce of energy I can get. You’re going to need to keep that in the back of your head. It’s not simple like a meal you eat. It’s a life I take or the sex I make.”
Now, a quick smile flashes over him only disappearing when he takes a long, longer drag of the cigar. “I’ll keep that in mind, Demon.” Sitting up straighter, leaning on the desk again.
“But whether or not you are a good girl, depends on what ethics I choose to apply.” The smoke puffs out in small bursts as he speaks, tendrils leading up toward heaven before it stills in limbo at the weight of it.
The men- your teammates, Ghost, Gaz, and Soap, each greeted you with somewhat seasoned restraint and respect by holding their tongues yet their eyes spoke their curiosity while roaming over you.
You could see the disappointment in their eyes. Being met with a seemingly normal human was not what they had been briefed on. Having let their imagination run wild at the title of a succubus, you’d guess they would have wanted to see every aspect of what kind of mystical enchantress you would be. Once the disappointment of not seeing such things the churches pray against, the view of your human form set in.
Lords above you were the finest piece of- 
It felt like a surefire version of winning the lottery to have you assigned to them. Banking on the fact that you’d be their little guard dog and they yours, Gaz already having to scare recruits away at PT while you stared on with a coy smile. Training was as you’d have expected. Executions of strategies, questioning of tactics, and scoring your shooting were all within the long hours of the day. What you hadn’t expected was the lack of insults thrown your way in passing when you met their standards. No degrading words of being a a demon, or a slut by association of your breed.
It was two weeks before you were allowed to come on an assignment with them; The mission in the bitter snow of the Russian Tundra. 
12 hours in and having stormed a bunker with countless bodies already strewn across, blood stains the polished cement and a flicker of sinister delusion makes you wish the snow was this color.
Tattered remains of your shirt sleeves show the color of your skin underneath, but miraculously no wounds present themselves even as your kevlar has obvious points of damage. The sight of you standing, gun raised and firing quick bursts of succession as the last body falls to the ground. It’s like a scene out of a soldier's bible.
Your chest heaves, mouth opens to lick your teeth as the adrenaline slows its production in your blood. Price is sure that if he put a body cam on you, it would be a haze of movements, a shadow clouding up the corners of the screen and filled with static. He’s still not sure what to think of you in the short amount of time you’ve been here. Quiet and speaking only when spoken to. And it’s not what he was prepared for; The thick dossier of yours being filled with reprimands, complaints, and classified lines that hid your after-action reports with details on your kill count.
From the first meeting, he knew you were spoiled rotten in that compound, save the punishments given on your worst days. You knew how to get what you wanted. Bitting time and time again to still be fed. Yet, now all he can see is you biting at others if only to protect your men.
“Saint.” The spur of Price’s voice makes you jump, the scene of death halting, eyes darting to a stack of crates where he lays. His squinted eyes lock onto your form, trailing up and down for a moment before he tries to adjust himself with a grunt.
“Who?” You ask while taking a secondary cautious sweep of the room before moving to him in a quick few steps.
“You, sweetheart. Saint.” 
His grunt of pain doesn’t faze you, instead focusing the whiff of a sweeter metallic smell hits you. “Is that supposed to be funny?”
Ghost, Gaz, and Soap have the outside perimeter locked down with getaway snowmobiles at Price’s word. He touches the side of his com to activate it, roughly alerting them you both had cleared the floor and will need to medevac in the next coming moments.
“Let me get that for you.” It was a severe contrast to the inhumane growling and yelling from moments before as you tore into the enemies, ones that had you in a blind rage for landing a shot on Price.
Shaking his head, he reaches out his hand to stop you. “‘M fine, just need a quick patch. We need to leave.” He grounds out, leaning forward while covering the wound on his thigh.
Common knowledge brought the understanding that succubi had a level of regenerative power, but most not having been raised in military secrecy or being able to develop themselves into having control.
“Stop. Just-” A breath settles in your lungs, measuring itself and the expanse of what you could do- how you could help and be useful. The previous rage and fight instincts transform with concentration and the swirling of conjuration. “I need a little…” You trail off, eyes sweeping upwards to his.
There’s a shame that humans hold. You blame it on them being entirely born of boring flesh, but that would be hypocritical to an extent. Taking his vest in hand, you pull yourself forward to lean in.
“What the bloody-” Price jerks back but can't even finish as you sush him, giving him a deep stare that almost sedates him. He stills and quiets at the same time, now holding your gaze that he swears he saw the current color be flooded by a deep red.
He blinks for a moment, already trying to fight the small calming waves you push into him but the sudden feeling of long talons priking into his shirt makes him freeze. Like an animal with food aggression, you keep him there while moving in to bring your lips together. 
You can taste a bit of blood, and the saltiness of his sweat, while trying not to groan at just how good he feels against you. His lips are surprisingly plump, probably from being irritated due to the cold, but it adds a level of eroticness to feel his wet lips slide over yours. 
“Stay still for me.” You pause the kiss that he’s surprisingly reciprocating eagerly, breathing into each other's mouths. The soft plea drives his heart rate up and you can feel the sense of adrenaline spiking. He’s going to sleep like a fucking brick tonight.
He shudders when you come back together with more force, purposefully dragging the tip of your fangs against his bottom lip as you crowd him. 
There is the sickly sweet thrum of arousal in his body that makes his mind stir, what you could give in a bastardized excuse of lust right now.
“Mmm, give me a minute.” Comes your wet slurred speech when pulling away, eyebrows furrowing as you focus on on his bullet wound.
The sight of you could be his glory to fight. Tattered from battle, your lips are tinted red, clothes dirty from the gunpowder floating in the air, looking as if so carelessly lethal while your presence is a magnet to him. He's already caught himself wondering why you were chosen to represent a being that fell so far from heaven when your instincts screamed the opposite in small moments.
Looking down to be sure he’s healed just enough, you miss the look of blatant shock he gives when the pink and unmarred flesh greets his eyes. “A right fuckin’ saint you are.” He murmurs, watching you call the boys for exfil, no longer medevac.
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edytae · 10 months
Chapter 3: picnic (smut-mature) ft. Kim Taehyung x Reader
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pairing: Taehyung x (female) reader        
summary: very soft scenes and Taehyung is in love
rating: fluffff!!! slight smut, still do not interact if you are underage
genre/warnings: there isn't much. Taehyung imagines some hot stuff briefly. 
word count: 21K
A/N: chapters aren't in chronological order. Check out my other work on my masterlist.
Chapter 1:  Needy Love
Chapter 2: Tae-time
Chapter 3: picnic
“Y/N, do you know I called you here, darling?” Your father asked gingerly as he sipped the coffee you made for him. You pulled yourself up from the couch and shook your head nervously. “No, father, but I was hoping we could chat about my studies.” You were perfectly bending your voice to appear calm. 
“It is about your future, my darling daughter.” He sipped another big gulp and nodded his head approvingly. “You know you are in the age of-” You sighed at the same old introduction to the same old topic, marriage. “Please, don’t roll your eyes. I– we– your mother and I firmly believe that it is your time have a serious relationship.” His voice was way nicer than your mother’s. She would just start complaining about you and it never ended well.
“Namjoon is still single.” You had an answer ready all the time. 
“Well, your brother is a man. He is— I know sweetheart, I know it must feel so unfair as we treat you differently because you are a woman. I think it is bullshit too, but I must care for you regardless.”  When you thought about it objectively, you couldn’t find your parents unreasonable. They were already beyond their peers to support you in your career. 
“But marriage is– scary!” You shrugged eyes stuck on the shining pen holder he had on his desk.
“It is not supposed to be… Also, since when you think Taehyung is scary?” Your father asked you playfully. You choked on your breath at the sound of his name. Your heart started beating crazy, your palms got sweaty immediately. 
“Wh-what do y-you mean- Taehyung?” You asked with your cheeks burning like charcoals. Your father continued with a reminiscent smile on his face. “Oh, you thought we forgot the times you cried to be Taehyung’s bride?” 
You remembered your twelfth birthday when Taehyung decided that he was too cool to play with kids, and you screamed in his face, “You can’t go Kim Taehyung. Our wedding didn’t even start yet.” He had replied with, “No, Y/N. I am not a child anymore; I don’t want to play with your friends.” The denial had made you cry your eyes out to his parents. They had soothed but you continued to cry, tugging at your white dress, “But I-i want to be Taehyung’s bride! No, I want him!” 
You couldn’t reply to your father without turning into a beetroot. Your knees were shaking from where you were sitting. Your ears were buzzing as if strong winds were blowing. “Does he know about this?” You whispered as you covered your face with your hands. 
“Of course, he does. We have talked about a prospect of an actual marriage, but if you don’t want to marry him, that’s something else. You may find another suitable ma–” 
You didn’t let your father finish his words. “Fine.” Your father knew your facade. He knew that you would act uninterested, but the blush on your face was enough of an answer. “You don’t have to rush–” He tried to continue but you shut him up again with a huff. 
“I said fine! Now, please excuse me. I am late to bed.” You left your father's office with your cheeks redder than the sun. He was laughing after you, chuffed with your infatuation with Taehyung.
The air was colder in the corridors. Your shoes clinked on the marble rhythmically as you rushed your wing. You needed alone time to process all of this. Thankfully, it was way after dinner, everyone was in the living room for drinks so you could easily excuse yourself to your wing without anyone noticing it. 
When you entered your small living room, you could hear your heart beating in your ears. You were beyond excited to hear the expected news. 
Taehyung was your childhood love. He was your first and only love, your best friend for years. He was always kind, understanding, generous and fun. Oh, he was so fun to be around. He could always make your day with a simple thing. He was thoughtful. He would always bring you various gifts when he travelled. He would get you jewellery, clothes, shoes, hats… He would get you flowers to plant in your greenhouse at his parent’s mansion. He would help you care for your baby orchids and trees. He used to write you long letters when you were away in a boarding school. He would write everything that happened, his feelings, his plans. You would read them over and over again. He was also very attractive too. He was the most charming person you ever met. He could easily captivate anyone with his contagious laugh and seductive words. 
Just like that, you heard a couple of laughs. You walked towards to window and looked outside to see Jimin, Namjoon and Taehyung sharing a cigarette just below the arbour. They were inhaling the cigarette smoke quickly and passing it around like a bunch of teens. Taehyung was standing in the middle; he was facing your family’s mansion. Jimin and Namjoon were on his sides, laughing at something very enthusiastically.
Taehyung must have sensed as his eyes immediately found your room’s window. You flinched back when his eyes grazed your face through the thick glass. There was no way he could see you in your dark room, but still, you held your breath. Taehyung slightly squinted, and then his lips curled. Right after, Namjoon and Jimin left with their wrestling game. Taehyung dismissed them with a nod of his chin. You assumed he would leave too, but he kept staring at your window. 
With a sudden urge of confidence, you turned on your lamp light beside your window. This was where you sat and read before going to bed so your lamp was conveniently close. Taehyung’s brows rose up as you finally quit being so stubborn. 
You pulled your window open, “What are you looking at?” 
Taehyung chuckled, “Looking at my beautiful fiancée!” He shouted back with a grin. Oh, he already knew why your father wanted to talk to you. That was why he held your hand before you left to see your father at his office.
You huffed, stomping your feet on the ground. Even though Taehyung didn’t get to see it fully, he was beyond glad to see you this flustered so his laugh only grew larger until you poked your tongue at him and closed your window with blinds tightly shut. 
Taehyung eyes were locked onto your window, sort of in shock when you poked your tongue. You were still that annoying little girl with two ponytails, and now you were going to be his wife. He rolled his neck slowly. He was feeling amazing. Taehyung loved you for as long as he could remember. You were his play friend since you were babies. You were his best friend while growing up. But things changed when Taehyung hit puberty first. As his body changed to be a man, he realised his feelings were deeper than a friendship. He was in love with you as he yearned to spend time with you every single day. 
Also, he craved you like a mature man as he woke up to soiled underwear with you in his mind. You were a pretty, lovely woman he adored endlessly. Since he was a kid, Taehyung has been referred to as your future husband, but now, he was closer to turning that into a reality.
Taehyung had multiple meetings with your father about your future with him. Your dad was a simple, direct man. He wanted you to marry Taehyung. He was very well aware of your infatuation for each other since you two were teenagers. But he also wanted you to have a perfect marriage without any dishonesty. 
“Look, kid… You know, I like you so listen carefully. Y/N is my only daughter and I want her to have a perfect life. And I know you love her but I need to be sure that you are perfect for her… I need to be sure that you will never put her second and that you don’t and won’t have any lovers. My daughter cannot ever be a second to another woman, nor a mistress. I am giving you some time to get yourself together.” 
Your father’s talk was short, precise and non-negotiable. Taehyung knew if he didn’t live up to those set expectations of a perfect husband, you could easily find hundreds of men to tie the knot. He didn’t remember how many times he wanted to punch someone right in the face because they were dying to meet you, would love to take you out for an opera… So, Taehyung did get himself together.
He was already in business with your father so he was always in the spot which made him work harder and be more sensible. Taehyung knew this wasn’t about money. Only a part of your inheritance was enough to feed a village for years. 
Then, he had cut his ties with many of his friends, which your father considered not good friends, a considerable amount of them consisted of females. 
Taehyung came to thr next meeting with your father with a good profit, a refreshed social circle and a prayer on his lips to have you as his wife. “I am glad you improved, my son. I know you will be good to my daughter… You will understand what this means when you have a daughter of your own.” When your father gave him the green light to proceed further, he sobbed like a young kid right there.  Your father was surprised as he watched Taehyung cry in his chair. Taehyung knew how meticulous your parents were about your life. Taehyung’s parents were the same as his sister. He understood that well and wanted to be his best for you. 
Taehyung saw a shadow move behind your curtains, a few minutes later the shadow disappeared as you turned off your gas lamp. Taehyung lit up another cigarette, this time smoking with joy as he imagined you cuddled up in your big bed with big pillows. Soon enough it would be him that you cuddled. 
On a warm and sunny afternoon, a few days after your dad’s talk with you, Taehyung arrived at your family estate, eager to see you. Your families were living very close lives. On gorgeous days like these, they would take turns to make dinner plans and enjoy each other's company. In the past days, you made an incredible effort to avoid Taehyung, your actions often resembled those of a playful child as you gasped every time you saw Taehyung hide.
You felt a mixture of excitement and shyness that made your heart race. It had always happened with Taehyung. You were running and Taehyung was chasing. He would do that with you gladly as long as you landed in his arms. 
 You were usually in your garden before dinner, soaking up the last bit of sun before saying goodbye to it for the day. You enjoyed being with tall trees and flowers despite not liking the accompanies that came with them: the bees and flies. As he strolled through the lush garden, he called your name. "Y/N, where are you? I can't wait to see you!" Taehyung's voice was filled with love and anticipation.
Taehyung's brow furrowed in playful frustration as he continued to search for you. "Y/N, you can't hide from me forever!"
He wandered deeper into the garden, searching for your hiding place, his determination mingled with amusement. He couldn't help but find your shyness endearing.
Finally, his eyes caught a glimpse of the delicate lace from your dress peeking out from behind the roses. He moved closer, his smile widening as he saw you blushing, your face partially concealed by the blossoms.
"Found you," he whispered, his voice warm and loving.
Your shyness only seemed to deepen as he approached. "Taehyung," you said, your voice barely above a murmur. “What are you doing here?” You asked while trying to look busy with gardening, but your attempts were cute. 
"Y/N," Taehyung replied, feigning innocence but with a mischievous glint in his eye. "I was just strolling through this lovely garden and, well, I couldn't resist the temptation to find the most beautiful flower here."
You gasped largely at him, cheeks flushed. "You and your leisurely strolls," you teased, pretending to be engrossed in tending to the roses. “Since when you are a man of the green?”
It was true that gardening wasn’t Taehyung’s liking, but it didn’t mean that he wasn’t good at it. He always helped you when you were kids.
He took a step closer, his tone playfully innocent. "Am I not allowed to visit my future wife's garden?"
Your heart fluttered at the words "future wife," but you maintained your facade. "You can't just sneak up on a lady. You're supposed to be a gentleman!”
Taehyung raised an eyebrow, a sly grin on his face. "Who said I was sneaking? I called your name."
“Well, I happen to not hear it.” You shrugged and continued awkwardly patting a flower. He took another step closer, his gaze unwavering. "You know, I find your attempts to look busy very cute."
“What? I am not pretending!”
Taehyung chuckled at your faux indignation. "Oh, I'm sure you're the most diligent gardener I know with a lace dress right before dinner."
You rolled your eyes but couldn't hide the smile on your face. "Well, someone has to tend to these flowers."
Taehyung took another step closer, and now he was right beside you. He plucked a stray leaf from a nearby plant and studied it for a moment. "You're right. But you know, I have been trying to spend some time with my lovely flower too."
You raised an eyebrow, trying to sound nonchalant but failing as your heart raced. "Your lovely flower?"
He flashed a mischievous smile, "Yes, my lovely, shy flower who hides in the garden."
You huffed playfully, "Shy? Me? Never."
Taehyung shook his head, his dark hair ruffling in the breeze. "Oh, I beg to differ. I've seen you turn redder than those roses whenever I'm near."
You are offended. "I do not!"
He moved even closer, his gaze warm but teasing. "In fact, you're blushing right now."
Your cheeks grew warm, and you turned away to hide your face, missing the triumphant grin that crossed his. Taehyung laughed, and the sound was like music to your ears.
“I– Taehyung!” You hid your face in your hands before turning to run back to the house.
Taehyung chuckled, following you at a leisurely pace, though the mischievous glint in his eyes didn't fade. "Hey, don't run away now!"
Taehyung could easily catch you but he intentionally walked slowly and stood behind you. Your dress, hair and your shoes weren’t for running at all. You were a pretty doll to be enjoyed by Taehyung’s eyes. 
The dining room was expansive, with high ceilings adorned with intricate chandeliers that bathed the space in a warm, golden glow. The walls were covered in rich, dark wood panelling, which gave the room a sense of grandeur. Large, ornate paintings hung from the walls.
The table was set with fine china, crystal glassware, and silver cutlery. A clean white tablecloth draped over it, adding to the air of sophistication.  The chairs around the table were upholstered in plush, dark velvet and featured intricate carvings that added to the room's old-world charm. At the head of the table, there were two particularly imposing chairs, one reserved for your father, and the other for Mr. Kim, Taehyung's father.
The room was adorned with other antique furnishings like a grand wooden sideboard on one wall. A beautiful marble fireplace dominated the other wall, with a roaring fire that added a cosy touch.
The large windows, draped in heavy curtains, offered a glimpse of the manicured gardens outside. The entire scene created an atmosphere of timeless elegance, a reminder of the grandeur of the aristocratic society to which both your families belonged.
As you rushed into the dining room through the big glass door, the delicious aroma of dinner greeted you. Your parents were already there, waiting for dinner to be ready. They shared knowing smiles and soft laughter at the sight of you and Taehyung being so playful and clearly in love. They couldn't resist a bit of teasing and playful banter flowed freely. There was a shared delight in seeing the two of you so deeply in love.
Your father raised an eyebrow and said, "Ah, the young lovebirds have graced us with their presence." 
Taehyung's family, the Kims, couldn't resist joining in the fun. Mr. Kim, with a chuckle, said, "Well, it's good to see that you two are as inseparable as ever." Mrs. Kim added, "Young love is a beautiful thing, isn't it?" They were holding hands elegantly. 
This light-hearted teasing made you blush, and you sought refuge by stepping closer to Taehyung. Your cheeks turned a shade of pink as you playfully hid your face behind his shoulder, allowing him to shield you from the teasing.
Taehyung looked behind, seeing you get smaller and smaller. As you playfully hid behind Taehyung from the teasing, he couldn't help but find you utterly endearing. He wanted to wrap his arms around your waist, swirl you around and bury his nose into your neck. His strong, protective instincts kicked in. 
As the light-hearted teasing continued, Taehyung couldn't help but notice how your discomfort was increasing. So, with a playful yet protective smile, he decided to divert the attention away from you.
"Alright, alright," Taehyung said, his voice carrying a touch of playful authority. “Please stop before Y/N turns completely red.” He was so desperate for physical touch. He wanted to coo your cute face and kiss your temple when you looked up at him with thankful eyes. 
Casual chatter filled the room, and Taehyung's protective gesture hadn't gone unnoticed, and you felt grateful for the considerate and caring partner by your side. The blush on your cheeks began to recede, replaced by a feeling of contentment. As the chatter continued and the delightful aroma of the dinner filled the air, your families proceeded to dinner in the grand and sophisticated dining room. The long, intricately carved wooden table was adorned with fine china and sparkling crystal glasses. The soft glow of the chandeliers above cast an enchanting light across the room.
You and Taehyung took your seats next to each other, as etiquette suggested for an engaged couple. Despite not being officially married yet, the two of you were forced to embrace the traditions and formalities even in intimate family dinners.
Throughout the dinner, Taehyung's attention was solely on you. He ensured your glass was never empty, expertly striking up conversations to draw you into discussions. His eyes held a special tenderness whenever he looked at you, filled with a silent promise of a future together. However, as the evening continued, and the sweet scent of the wine lingered in the air, Taehyung's desires grew more physical. He had been drinking to stop himself from gawking at you. His leg brushed against yours under the table, and he couldn't help but steal subtle glances in your direction. His longing for you was evident in the way his gaze lingered and his fingers lightly grazed your hand during the pauses in conversation.
Your skin felt tingly when he touched you, but still very comforting. You found yourself craving for his touch, but you pushed the indecent thoughts from your head. Taehyung couldn’t though. He was almost addicted to daydreaming about you until your voice filled his ears. 
“It is really important for our city as well as it is for our business. The DeVergensky family has a really good relationship with the King.” Mr Kim commented after your father announced their trip to Lyon. 
The DeVergensky family, wealthy and distinguished, had decided to leave Russia amidst the ongoing conflict in their homeland. Their reputation preceded them, prompting the Russian ambassador, Mr. Charles, to request that your father accommodate them during their initial days in France. So, Taehyung and Namjoon had been working on the possibility of a trade agreement since the notice of their arrival. Plus, their daughter was a friend of yours from boarding school.
“How long will they be staying Marseille?” You asked. 
“We aren’t informed yet, but I assume not long since Mrs DeVergensky health.” Your father reasoned. 
“Thank you so much already for accepting to help, Y/N. We appreciate it.” Mr Kim thanked you sweetly and you enthusiastically nodded. 
You were sent to a boarding school in Switzerland as a young girl. Despite your peers, your father wanted you to have a proper education that made you stand out. Your years in the beautiful Alps were long and enlightening. Now, you were fluent in both German and Russian and had a strong understanding of history and philosophy. All of these made you a very good prospect for Mr Charles, who has been trusting you with his foreign visitors. 
This was also an opportunity to prove yourself and contribute significantly to your family's business ventures. Your proficiency in Russian would undoubtedly play a crucial role, in bridging any potential gaps in communication between the visiting family and your own.
“Despite my fullest enthusiasm to be a diligent host, I want to remind you that their wealth coming from the land cannot be trusted.” You concerningly repeated. The air in the room shifted into a tension. Your mother immediately jumped in, “Darling, it is fine. Everything will be alright at the end.” She gingerly smiled. 
You impatiently gulped, “It is not just an acute incidence, mother. Everyone knows that something big is going to happen over there.” You looked at your father and Mr Kim. “We’ll see another revolution in our life-times, father. People like DeVergensky’s have the power of people they exploit. After the storm, they will have nothing. The Bolsh–” Your words were harshly cut by your mother’s. 
“I think it is enough, Y/N.” She tried to be stern, but you could see the discomfort in her eyes. You couldn’t blame her. She was scared. Nonetheless, the way she interrupted you was rude. Your eyes flickered down in defeat. Your shoulders shrugged. Taehyung held your hand in understanding over the table. His pretty eyes closed in acknowledgement.
“You are right, darling. We must not rely on them for long, but we can’t deny their influence on the King’s household.” Your father valued your point of view dearly and often opposed you to have a better understanding of the situation. 
“He isn’t as affluent as his cousin in London. The Brits got ahead with their cha–” Your words got interrupted again.
“But still there is nothing that concerns us.” Your mother forced. 
You were hot-blooded. You loved to debate. You had the best upbringing for it with hours-long classes just to brainstorm. As the heated words were about to fly out from your mouth, you held them in with a hitch. You decided to completely change the topic for the sake of your family’s well-being. 
“Mrs Marie, can I have my dessert early, please?” You asked as the maids were shuffling. 
Taehyung squeezed your hand one more time and got ready to watch you enjoy a bowl of profiteroles. As the maids rushed to fulfil your request, Taehyung's gaze never left you, filled with an unspoken admiration for you. You gave him a grateful smile, silently conveying your appreciation for his support.
While you waited for your dessert, the conversation gradually shifted to more light-hearted matters. Mr. Kim shared stories about the recent expansions in their upcoming stores, and how difficult it was to train the new staff members they had recently hired.
The tension in the air was replaced with the gentle hum of laughter and the clinking of cutlery. The rich aroma of the freshly prepared profiteroles soon filled the plate as the maids presented the dessert to you with a flourish. Each bite was a delightful explosion of flavours, and you couldn't help but express your satisfaction with an occasional hum of delight.
Taehyung watched you with a contented smile, his gaze lingering on your animated expressions as you savoured each bite. As the delicate dessert graced your taste buds, your eyes lit up with delight, and a soft sigh of satisfaction escaped your lips. Taehyung couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer joy radiating from you, his affectionate gaze following the movement of your hand as you reached for another delectable profiterole.
The gentle glow of the dining room's lights cast a warm ambience over the scene, accentuating the play of emotions on your face. With each bite, your expressions shifted from pure bliss to a hint of mischievousness, as if each taste was a secret pleasure shared between you and the dessert.
Taehyung's contented smile only grew as he observed the subtle nuances of your enjoyment. The way your eyes closed momentarily, basking in the sweet flavours, and the delicate movement of your hand bringing the dessert to your lips created an enchanting sight that he couldn't tear his eyes away from. He couldn’t figure out if you were intentional with the way you gave him a little show. He both wanted and didn’t want his little angel to be tainted. Regardless, he found himself so much amused that he took you out for desserts regularly. He knew that it wasn't just the dessert you were savouring; it was life itself. In these moments, he was reminded of the many reasons he had fallen in love with you – your ability to find beauty in the simplest of pleasures, the way you lit up a room with your presence, and how you turned an ordinary evening into a masterpiece of joy.
Dinner ended very soon after the dessert was served. Not many were keen on having something sweet as they would indulge in wine soon anyway. Before your father called it done, Taehyung cleared his throat, gathering his courage to ask for permission, his eyes flickering to your father. "Mr L/N" he began, a touch of nervousness in his tone, "I was wondering if I could steal Y/N away for a walk. The weather is still so lovely, and I thought it would be nice for us to enjoy it together."
Your father regarded Taehyung with a knowing smile, his eyes twinkling with pride. "Of course, my boy," he replied, his voice warm. He didn’t need to add anything on as he knew Taehyung would take the best care of you.
Taehyung’s mother chimed in with a laugh, her gaze shifting to his son. "We'll be keeping an eye on you, you know."
You felt your cheeks flush at their playful teasing, but you couldn't help but smile at the familiar banter. With a grateful nod to your parents, you stood up, ready to join Taehyung for the strolls he seemed to love. His outstretched hand met yours, and as you intertwined your fingers, you could feel the excitement bubbling within you. The prospect of a quiet walk with Taehyung, under the soft glow of the moon, seemed like the perfect ending to a delightful evening.
As you stepped outside, the cool evening air enveloped you, prompting Taehyung to help you into your fur jacket with a tender gesture. His fingers brushed lightly against your skin, eliciting a shiver that had nothing to do with the temperature. You couldn't help but relish the sensation of his warmth surrounding you rather than your rich coat. 
Once you were properly wrapped up, Taehyung linked his arm with yours, and together, you set off on your leisurely walk. He watched your step so closely and held you secure as the terrain was uneven. 
The night was serene, and you both strolled, savouring the peaceful atmosphere. The gardens were bathed in moonlight, and the sound of the gently rustling leaves added to the tranquillity of the moment.
As you and Taehyung wandered through the moonlit garden, you couldn't help but fuss about your long coat concealing your beloved lace dress with open shoulders. You sighed, "Taehyung, I really adore this dress, but this coat hides it completely."
Taehyung, his eyes gleaming like stars, chuckled warmly. "Y/N, as much as I admire your dress, you must also think about keeping warm. It's a chilly night."
You pouted playfully, "But I want to be seen in this dress. It's so lovely."
Taehyung raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "But there's no one here to see it. It's just the two of us."
You grinned mischievously; your eyes locked on his. "Then, you look at it!"
Taehyung's eyes softened as he gave you a gentle scoff. "Well, in that case, let's give your beautiful dress the attention it deserves."
He held your one hand up and twirled you around yourself. Your lace dress with delicate open shoulders exuded an ethereal charm under the soft moonlight. The intricate lacework adorned the fabric, creating an elegant and graceful appearance that perfectly accentuated your natural beauty. The way the dress clung to your form, highlighting your curves in all the right places, left Taehyung mesmerized. “A beautiful princess.” He breathlessly said. 
“Right? I love this dress so much. It is so beautiful.” You patted your waist.
“It is you that is beautiful, darling.” Taehyung pulled you closer, his eyes locked onto yours. You always shied away whenever he got close, lowering your face.
“Well, you were the one who picked this colour and lace for me.” You bit down your lips. 
“Did I?” Taehyung was surprised. There was no possibility to count the gifts he gave you. “That’s why it is my favourite.” You added. 
“My darling…” Taehyung sighed and tipped his chin slightly up, “The moon bathes you in its soft radiance as if you were a celestial being yourself," Taehyung murmured, his voice tender and filled with awe. "Even the flowers in this garden pale in comparison to your grace and beauty. You are truly a vision, my love." 
Your cheeks grew in his hands in an adorable pout, but you didn’t look away. “Taehyung…” You whispered.
He gently traced the delicate lace detailing on your dress, his touch feather-light and respectful. "This dress does justice to your elegance, but it's your heart that truly shines. It's a treasure I'm blessed to cherish every day."
You felt a rush of warmth flood your cheeks at his heartfelt words. "You always have a way with words," you mused, trying to mask the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"Only when it comes to you, my dear. You inspire the poet in me." His gaze never wavered, and the sincerity in his eyes made your heart flutter even more.
“Oh, Taehyung.” You were properly charmed and shied away now. “Thank you so much, dar–” You stopped yourself last minute from calling him darling. You didn’t know why it rolled out this easily. 
Taehyung's eyes glimmered with affection as he glanced at you, his gaze warm and understanding. "You almost called me something there," he teased gently, a playful glint in his eye.
Your cheeks flushed with an invisible hue, the sudden realization of what almost slipped from your lips causing you to feel flustered. "I...I mean to," you stammered, your words faltering. "It just...came out."
"It's okay, Y/N," Taehyung reassured, his smile widening. "We don’t have a rush. I just want you to feel safe and loved, darling." He squeezed your hand gently, his touch a comforting reassurance that filled you with warmth.
You gasped at how sensually he said the pet name. 
“You are the only place I feel safe, Taehyung.” You said eyes closed, letting your head rest on Taehyung’s shoulder as he walked your body for you. 
Taehyung's heart swelled with affection as you nestled closer to him, his protective instincts kicking in. "I'm always here for you, Y/N. You can count on me for anything, my love." His voice was tender, conveying a depth of emotion that made your heart flutter.
You lifted your head slightly to meet his gaze, your eyes locking with his in a moment of quiet intimacy. "I trust you, Taehyung," you whispered, your voice barely audible in the evening air. "Please promise me you'll always be honest with me, no matter what."
Taehyung nodded, his expression earnest. "I promise, Y/N. I'll never keep anything from you. You mean the world to me, and I want you to always feel that way."
Your heart swelled with gratitude, feeling the depth of his devotion wash over you. "I do… You make me feel like I own the world.” 
This time it was Taehyung's turn to blush. Thankfully, it was dark so you didn’t realise it. “Well, soon I will…” You cheekily smiled as your hands pressed on his chest, barely feeling his heartbeat. He was closer now, his breath ghosting your cheek as your chest heaved with the sweet proximity. 
The corners of Taehyung's lips quirked up in a playful grin as he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your skin. "Do you think your parents were peeking through the window to catch us in the act?" he teased, his voice barely above a whisper. "I wouldn't be surprised if they were, just to make sure we're upholding the family's traditions."
Your cheeks flushed with warmth, the humour of the situation easing any lingering tension. "I wouldn't put it past them," you chuckled softly, the sound light and carefree. "But I think they trust us enough to know we'll abide by the rules, even when they're not looking."
Taehyung's hand found yours, intertwining his fingers with yours in a gentle, affectionate grip. "I think you're right," he murmured, his gaze soft as it met yours. "But if they were watching, they’d see if you would let me steal a kiss from you.” 
With his words, you shuddered with anticipation. The fact that you didn’t have your first kiss made Taehyung so hungry for you in a way that he could explode. 
“What makes you think I will let you steal a kiss?” You were ever full of banter. Before Taehyung could oppose with something witty, he felt your cold fingers grasp his face. Then, you planted a soft kiss was on the corner of his mouth, where his dimples lay. 
Taehyung felt the ground slip under his feet. It was as if time stood still, the world fading into the background as the sensation of your affection enveloped him completely. His mind raced, trying to process the surge of emotions that swirled within him. He was utterly captivated by the softness of your touch, the lingering warmth that remained on his skin, and the delicate yet powerful message that your gesture conveyed. In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still for him.
A surge of excitement coursed through his veins, electrifying every inch of his body. He could feel his heart racing, its steady rhythm disrupted by the sudden rush of adrenaline that pulsed through him. Every nerve in his being seemed to jolt with an overwhelming sense of joy.
The intensity of the moment was etched into his memory, leaving an indelible mark that he knew would linger for a long time. 
After the trick you pulled on him, you had the audacity to giggle right in his face. It was so pleasant to see him affected by your moves. “Do you want to sit on the garden swing?” You asked. 
Taehyung was still speechless. Before Taehyung could find his words, he nodded dreamingly. "I would love that," he managed to say, a hint of wonder still lingering in his voice. As you made your way to the garden swing, he followed you, trying to regain his composure. 
The swing was located on the left side of your gardens, where no one would come to visit so it made an excellent spot for you to hide. Joseph, footmen of your household, built that for you. When Taehyung sat down next to you slowly, the wooden hinge squeaked. There wasn’t enough room for two of you so you sat next to each other body to body.
“Are you cold?” He asked, concern lacing his voice when you pulled your coat tighter around you and got closer to him.
“Just a little,” You admitted with a faint puff of fog that came out of your mouth. 
Taehyung immediately tried to take off his jacket. “No, no, Taehyung it’s fine!” You tried to stop him. “You will be cold as well.” Thankfully, the swing was too small for him to move. 
“Of course not, Y/N. Have my jacket.” There was no question in his mind. 
“Just– Just sit closer and I’ll be fine.” You wrapped your hands around his arms timidly. Taehyung huffed, he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to his side. "Is this better?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.
You nodded, grateful for his warmth. "Much better, thank you," you murmured, leaning into his embrace. As he gently swung the two of you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of security and comfort that only he could provide.
"Y/N," Taehyung began, his voice soft and appreciative, "I wanted to tell you how smart I think you are. Your insights during dinner were truly remarkable. You have such a quick mind, and it's one of the many things I love about you." He was annoyed that your mother disregarded your attempts to make an argument.
Your lips curled down, and a shrug followed. “I try my best.” 
Taehyung shook his head no, his warm breath visible in the crisp night air. "You do more than try, Y/N. You excel. You bring a unique perspective to every conversation, and I find that incredibly attractive."
“Oh, Taehyung.” You were properly charmed and shied away now. “Thank you so much.” You hid your face in his shirt. You couldn't help but appreciate how good he smelled. Taehyung's cologne mixed with his natural scent was a heady combination. Interestingly, the cigarettes he seemed to be eating were gone.
He continued to swing the chair gently, kind of scared that it would break. “So, you know one of the DeVergensky’s?” He asked.
"Yes, their daughter, Nina was in my dorm," you said absentmindedly, your voice almost dreamy as your thoughts lingered on Taehyung's comforting warmth. His strong, protective aura enveloped you, making you feel secure and cherished. A flicker of ambiguity flashed across Taehyung's gaze as he probed further, his eyes narrowing slightly in curiosity and concern.
"Were you good friends?" he inquired, his tone gentle yet intent, as if he was trying to unravel a mystery.
You shrugged, the frown on your face deepening as you reminisced. "Not really," you admitted, your voice tinged with a hint of regret.
"Why not?" Taehyung's curiosity seemed to be piqued, and his protective instincts were on full alert.
"Well, she wasn't the kind of girl I would hang out with," you explained, trying to downplay the significance of your past acquaintance.
"Was she mean to you or did she cause trouble? If yes, it’s gonna be tough to have them around," Taehyung remarked, a note of possessiveness creeping into his words, his protective nature surfacing.
You pulled your face from his chest, meeting his gaze with a playful glint in your eyes. A mischievous giggle bubbled up as you prepared to share the intriguing details. "No, she was fine and, well, she didn’t play pranks on people, but you see... She was very interested in boys. Always had an interesting story to tell.” You giggled. It was so much fun to sit around with the girls and gossip about boys.
Your words seemed to strike a chord with Taehyung, his brows furrowing slightly as he processed the information. A shadow of concern flashed across his features, mingling with a hint of possessiveness.
"So, she was quite popular with the boys, huh?" Taehyung's voice sounded slightly strained, and his grip around you tightened imperceptibly.
You nodded, a playful grin playing on your lips as you recounted the wild stories that circulated in the dorm. "Oh, you wouldn't believe the number of boys she managed to charm," you remarked. You clearly remembered once she went canoeing with a boy and got fallen into the lake. Poor girl came to the dorms with soaked clothes but still didn’t snitch you on the headmaster for helping her skip classes.
A flicker of insecurity flashed in Taehyung's gaze, and his jaw clenched ever so slightly. “How were there any boys in an all-girls boarding school?” 
You giggled, “I wasn’t in a monastery! We could go anywhere we wished on weekends. And well, on weekdays if you were good at jumping.”
Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed slightly, a hint of irritation tugging at his features. "I suppose you girls were quite the little escape artists," His jaw clenched slightly, a subtle sign of his discomfort. "And you? Did you ever... I mean, did you have a lot of attention from boys?" His attempt at nonchalance couldn’t hide the protective edge of his words.
You detached from his side and let your head hang on the chair, eyes looking up to the sky. You would watch the sky a lot in boarding school too, always had one of your friends to chat with.
You playfully nudged him, enjoying the way his gaze lingered on you. "I had my moments," you replied. Taehyung gritted his teeth. His mind went absolutely haywire with all the possibilities… Oh, he was getting angry now. He could imagine how those boys would do everything to charm you. 
You couldn't help but tease Taehyung a little further, not fully realizing the storm of jealousy brewing within him. "No one significant that I can remember." you said, flashing him a sly smile.
He took a deep breath in, hand holding yours to reassure himself you were here with him. He struggled to maintain his composure. "Did any of them... kiss you? Have you... had your first kiss?" he asked, his voice strained.
You paused for a moment, weighing his reaction. “Well…” Taehyung couldn’t play anymore. "Y/N," he began, his voice low and intense. "Have you ever been kissed?" The vulnerability in his eyes pulled at your heartstrings. 
You met his gaze, observing the mix of emotions swirling in his eyes. “No…” You clearly answered him. 
Relief flooded Taehyung's features, the tension in his shoulders visibly melting away. His eyes, once clouded with doubt and jealousy, now sparkled with gratitude and reassurance. The creases that had formed on his forehead softened, and his lips curved into a gentle smile.
You could almost feel the weight lifted off his chest as he exhaled, the air carrying his pent-up anxiety and worry with it.
You found his relaxed face almost annoying. “Did you have your first kiss, Taehyung?” You asked bitingly. 
Taehyung's mouth hung slightly ajar as he processed your biting question. The momentary relaxation in his expression shattered, replaced by a sense of discomfort and regret. His mind raced, grappling with the memory of his past interactions as he was quite experienced in the same milestones. 
You annoyingly giggled, your voice had zero joy with the same jealousy that poisoned Taehyung. 
The silence between you grew thick, the air charged with unspoken words and unresolved tension. It was as if your question had opened a door to a place neither of you was fully prepared to explore. In the midst of this emotional turmoil, you both were faced with the raw reality of your individual pasts and the consequences they held.
After a lengthy pause, Taehyung finally spoke, his voice laced with vulnerability. “Y/N," he said, his eyes seeking yours with sincerity. The past is... well, the past. What's important is the present and our future together."
Your gaze met his, and while a trace of lingering hurt remained in your eyes, there was also a glimmer of understanding. You sighed, relenting to the power of your emotions. "You're right.” You nodded understandingly. 
Taehyung could almost read your mind as your mind got lost in possibilities. He was sad that he upset you. “There is only you now. I only see you, darling…” He turned his whole body to you, still holding your hand like a lifeline. You looked down to his hand grasping yours up to his face. 
“You better.” You warned him, the playful warning in your voice laced with a hint of vulnerability and annoyance. 
“Y/N…” Taehyung called your name in a serious tone. He engulfed your cold hands in his large ones and brought them to his lips. “Please look at me…” He whispered; his warm lips caressing your knuckles. You looked at Taehyung’s face. He was so handsome. His warm, honeyed eyes held an ocean of emotions, each glance capturing your attention and igniting a fire within you. The gentle curve of his lips seemed to beckon you closer, inviting you into a world of comfort and safety. His strong, defined jawline exuded confidence, complementing the softness of his gaze and lending an air of mystery to his already magnetic aura.
Every time you saw Taehyung, your heart would race, and a feeling of pure, innocent love would wash over you. He was the embodiment of your childhood dreams, the prince from your favourite fairy tales, and the protector who would always be there to keep you safe. 
Taehyung opened his mouth to search for words that seemed to pour out his heart so gently and smoothly. This time he fell short on sophisticated words and spoke his one and only truth. “I love you so much.” 
Your heart skipped a beat at Taehyung's heartfelt confession. It was a simple declaration, devoid of any elaborate language, but its sincerity and depth resonated with you. You closed your eyes to not let your tears fall down. You didn’t realise you were on the brink of crying. “Darling?” When he worriedly cupped your face, your cry grew even larger. 
You took deep breaths to calm yourself to answer him. With a shaky voice, you replied, “I love you too, Taehyung, more than I can express."
His intense gaze held yours, and in that profound moment, his own tears spilt over. You watched as they trailed down his cheeks, a poignant reflection of the depth of his feelings. His tender touch cradled your face, his thumb brushing away the tears that escaped your own eyes. He leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, a gesture of solace and unwavering devotion. In that shared vulnerability, he leaned down and placed a soft kiss upon your forehead, a silent pledge of devotion. You find your way into his embrace and place your head on his chest. Your face pressed onto his neck as pressed you to himself. “I promise I will be so good to you, my love. I will continue to worship you. 
The night continued to envelop you both in its embrace, the bond between you strengthened by the unspoken words. You held each other until both of you stopped crying and the night grew colder. It was time to take you back inside. 
Taehyung helped you get up and walked you back to the house. When the two of you entered the house, your family's laugh was filling the estate. As you and Taehyung entered the warmth of the house, the familiar sound of laughter, the hearty, rich laughter of your families, enveloped you like a comforting embrace. It was a sound that bespoke joy and shared bonds, a sound that resonated with the harmony of relationships cherished over time. You glanced at Taehyung, his eyes still glistening with traces of the tears that had fallen moments before. In that gaze, you found an unspoken understanding, a silent vow to protect the love that had blossomed between you.
Your families, upon seeing the two of you, erupted into gentle teasing and knowing smiles, their eyes filled with the warmth of affection. Your mother, with an endearing twinkle in her eye, ushered you both toward the crackling fireplace. She insisted that you both sit and warm yourselves, ensuring that you were well cared for in the tender glow of the fire. 
As you settled into the comfort of the ottoman with Taehyung sitting right beside you. His arm was wrapped around your waist to provide you backrest while engaged in conversation with your father. The sight of him engaging with your family, the ease with which he blended into the dynamic, only served to deepen your love for him.
Taehyung’s mother called out, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Have you two been having a good cry out there?"
Taehyung’s father joined in, a playful glint in his eye. "Ah, the young ones must be experiencing the emotional rollercoaster of young love. Did you shed a tear, Taehyung?"
You exchanged a quick, knowing glance with Taehyung, a silent understanding passing between you. "Cry? Us?" you retorted, feigning innocence. "Of course not! We were just enjoying the beauty of the night, weren't we, Taehyung?"
"Absolutely," Taehyung agreed, his voice laced with a chuckle. "No tears, just the beauty of the night sky."
Your parents and Taehyung's parents shared knowing glances, their eyes sparkling with amusement as they exchanged playful remarks.
Taehyung's mother chimed in, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "It seems like our children are already practising the art of melodrama." 
Taehyung laughed a rich and hearty sound that echoed through the room. "We're just enjoying the fresh air, I assure you. No drama here, not yet at least." 
Your mother chuckled, playfully shaking her head. "Well, you both look like you've been crying." 
You couldn't help but join in the laughter, feeling the warmth of the familial banter surrounding you. "It’s just same old Taehyung… always making me cry.” Your voice came out hoarse due to crying previously. Taehyung chuckled next to you as he rubbed the small of your back gently. 
“So, we assume two of you made up your minds?” Mr Kim asked you gently. He saw you his second daughter, acting more carefully than your own parents.
Taehyung looked at you for the answer. He had decided years ago. 
You looked at him and down to your hands. You took a deep breath, then met Mr. Kim's eyes with a sense of conviction. "We've talked about it, Mr. Kim. And yes, we have made up our minds." Your words were met with a chorus of smiles and nods from both sets of parents, and you felt a wave of support and understanding wash over you. Taehyung squeezed your back, his heart fluttering like a baby bird. 
“Ah, Y/N!” Taehyung’s mother rushed to your side and pulled you into a hug. “You were always a part of our family. Now, you will be my daughter too!” Her excitement brought back the tears to you.  
When she let you go, your mischievous side decided to play again. You look at your parents. “But I have one condition.” 
Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, their expressions shifting from curiosity to mild concern as they tried to anticipate your condition. Taehyung's grip tightened around your hand, his gaze fixed on you, a mix of anxiety and excitement flickering in his eyes.
You cleared your throat dramatically, as if about to make a life-altering announcement. "I want Taehyung to propose to me." you declared.
A collective gasp of relief and laughter filled the room. Taehyung's heart, which had momentarily felt like it was about to burst from his chest, now seemed to flutter with both relief and amusement.
Your families chatted amongst themselves at your silliness as Taehyung turned to you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, really? That's your condition?"
You nodded with a teasing smile. "It is. I want a romantic, down-on-one-knee proposal, with all the clichés – a ring, flowers, and a heartfelt speech."
Taehyung feigned surprise, his hand on his chest. "Well, if that's what it takes to have you as my wife, I guess I have no choice."
The families watched with affectionate smiles, happy for the love that had grown between you.
His mother clapped her hands excitedly. "Well, let's not waste any more time, shall we? I have a feeling we're going to have a lot of planning to do!"
Oh, you did have a lot of planning to do. Starting from the next morning too. 
The next morning, even before your father’s wake-up time, your mother came knocking on your door. Last night you couldn’t stay awake until the Kims left and fell asleep on the ottoman near the fireplace. Taehyung was amused by how sleepy you got and sat on the floor and watched you sleep while the conversation grew into past midnight. Even though he was eager to carry you to your bed, your mother complained while she tugged you upstairs like a doll. After that you couldn’t fall asleep, swam between dreams and consciousness, your body clearly yearning for Taehyung’s comfort. As a result, when your mother came to wake you up, you were upset, to say the least. Apparently, Julia, your families’ dressmaker was coming today and you had to be at Kim’s this morning. 
You hate to be disturbed while sleeping. It reminded you of your school days but got dressed without complaining. Your maids were extra glad that you were sleepy and didn’t make a fuss about how you looked. You weren’t dressed in an intricate dress as you were going to be changing in and out of clothes all day. However, the thin and flowy dress wasn’t made for a crispy morning. Even though the carriage was closed on all sides, you were shaking from the wind. 
“I didn’t know Julia was coming today. When did Mrs Kim booked it?” You asked your mother as you pulled your cloak securely over your head to avoid cold weather outside. 
“We’ve been out of our minds because of you and Taehyung’s engagement! But don't worry dear, we will order dresses for the ceremonies we will attend with our guests. But maybe you want to look at a few wedding dress models, what do you think?” Your mother squealed like a young girl, face plastered with a large smile. 
You nodded and let the carriage swaddle you like a baby and lull you into a nap. Unfortunately or fortunately, Kim's mansion wasn’t that far away, and once again you were brutally woken. You somehow carried yourself into the front door, thankfully your driver stopped the carriage right beside the door. 
Kim's household wasn’t fully awake as the fireplace wasn’t even lit yet. As you stood with a pout on your lips, contemplating whether to go to the kitchen to warm up, Mrs Kim greeted you still in her nightwear. “Y/N! Good morning!” She welcomed you in a hug. 
“I am sorry for waking you up this early, but Julia will be here very early and we have so much to do!” Their enthusiasm was to be taken as an example. You looked at her through your sleepy eyes, wondering if she would let you go for now. 
And she did.
“Why don’t you go and wake Taehyung up? Or you can watch him sleep just like he did for the whole night.” She patted your arms, remembering his dear son’s affection for you. 
Suddenly, you were wide awake. 
As you moved through the lavish Kim mansion, the ornate walls adorned with intricate paintings and gilded mirrors, the sense of opulence surrounded you. The soft carpet beneath your feet absorbed the sound of your hurried steps, and the subtle scent of fresh flowers from the nearby vases filled the air.
Reaching Taehyung's chambers, you stood before the ornate door, its intricate carvings a testament to the family's refined taste. The richly decorated walls were adorned with intricate tapestries and historical paintings, the vibrant colours catching your eye as you made your way towards Taehyung's wing. The faint scent of polished wood and the delicate fragrance of flowers in vases added to the luxurious ambience, creating an atmosphere of refined elegance. You knocked gently, and there was a rustling sound from within. The door opened slightly, and Taehyung peered out, expecting to see one of the footmen. 
His eyes widened in surprise and delight as he saw you, and for a moment, he was rendered speechless. The morning light filtering through the window highlighted the strong contours of his puffy face, his tousled hair lending him a slightly disheveled yet utterly attractive appearance. You couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat as you took in his tall, commanding figure, dressed in a finely tailored suit that emphasized his powerful build.
"Y/N?" he exclaimed, momentarily taken aback by your unexpected visit. "What a wonderful surprise!" The hint of excitement in his voice was unmistakable as he ushered you inside, his warm gaze never leaving your face.
You groaned out when he invited you into his warm wing. The fireplace was burning with full power, most probably fire was started an hour ago. “I was freezing…” You mumbled and let Taehyung guide you into his couch. 
“Oh, my darling…” He cooed your face. “It is so chilly in the mornings, right? You should have woken me up. I would have been here to warm you up."
You leaned into his touch, relishing the way his presence brought immediate comfort. “We just came.” You mumbled into his cream shirt. 
“What is the reason, my darling?” He asked as you melted in his chest even though it seemed like your back was straining from hugging him.
“Hmm… The dressmaker will come today.” Why wasn’t your bed this comfortable?
Taehyung leaned back on the couch, letting you get comfortable on his chest. When you found your perfect spot like a cat, his hand caressed your face. “Are you feeling better now, my little ice cube?” He teased you.
You snuggled deeper into him, enjoying the warmth that emanated from both the crackling fireplace and Taehyung's proximity. “Much better now, thank you,” you quipped, a playful twinkle in your voice. "Maybe I should just move in here permanently.”
Taehyung hissed at the offer. His head dropped back as he let out a groan. He would fucking want that so much. You in his room, in his bed… to have you in his naked arms… oh, to have his way with you. Your body was already so soft to his touch, that he could feel your shape to his hold. Mornings were a bad time for you to be around him. He had just stopped dreaming about you, and now you were in his arms in reality. 
“But I don’t think I can ever let you go if I stay here.” You lifted your face in his hands and looked up to him. Taehyung gently kissed your forehead. “I am here as long as you want.” 
His kiss made wonders to you. It seemed like your grumpiness was eradicated with his lips on your forehead. 
That’s when you decided to bless him with another kiss. You puckered your lips and planted a soft kiss on Taehyung’s cheek. “Good morning, darling.” You rasped. 
Taehyung's breath hitched at the sound of your voice, his eyes widening with a mix of surprise and unmistakable adoration. His lips parted slightly as he drank in the sight of you, the soft morning light casting a gentle glow on your face. The husky rasp of your voice only added to the allure, sending a shiver down his spine. Despite his infatuation, he needed to leave your embrace before you felt his secret hiding inside his pants. 
But he couldn’t bring himself to let you go. “Good morning.” His voice was raspier, waking up the feelings within you that no man was allowed to. 
“Will you be picking pretty dresses for me, love?” Taehyung needed to get you out of his mind. 
You nodded with quite a mumble. You held Taehyung’s hand on your face. You rubbed your face onto him like a cat and planted a kiss on his palm. When your fingers delicately wrapped around his, Taehyung was so scared that he was dreaming. 
“I can maybe pick a few things for my bridal gown too…” You sheepishly smiled at the possibilities. “Also, for the affairs with our guests…” Taehyung was almost sure you were fully asleep. “Maybe I can pick something pretty to go out with you…” You sniffed and stopped murmuring.
Taehyung took a mental note to leave a fat cheque to his mother for your expenses. You were to be his wedded wife, his everything, so he needed to provide for you starting from now. 
“That’s sounds amazing, darling. Make sure you don’t get too tired, okay?” He gently scolded you. You nodded. 
Taehyung hissed at your obedient nature. He really needed you to stop pushing his buttons. 
“Why don’t you get into my bed, sweetie? I need to leave now, but I’ll come early.” With gentle guidance, Taehyung led you to his bedroom, the atmosphere exuding a comforting warmth that embraced you as you crossed the threshold. The room was bathed in a soft morning glow, and his cologne lingered in the air, creating an intimate ambience that wrapped around you like a familiar embrace. He helped you remove your cloak, the heavy fabric was the only thing to keep your fragile body warm. “Sit down, sweetie.” He whispered and sat you down on his bed. He didn’t remember if it was in accordance with etiquette to have you like this, and he didn’t give a fuck. When you sat down, he helped you out of your shoes and  Taehyung smoothed the covers around you, ensuring you were snug and cosy. His bed, adorned with a plush comforter and a pile of fluffy pillows, looked especially inviting with smell still lingering on the pillow. 
You hummed and buried your face into his pillow, legs rubbing against the smooth bedsheets. 
Taehyung stood in the doorway; his gaze fixed on your serene form. He didn’t trust himself to stand closer as he was yearning for your soft touch already. 
A rush of tenderness and protectiveness enveloped him, stirring an instinctual urge to safeguard you from any harm that might dare to disrupt your peaceful slumber.
Taehyung smoothed his clothes, and put on his jacket. He straightened his tie and walked to his desk. His chequebook was in the drawer. He put a large number on the paper and put it in his pocket.
He left his wing with a prayer to have every day of his life like this morning. Your mother and his were downstairs in the small drawing room. Housekeepers were preparing the large room for the dressmaker. 
“Good morning ladies.” Taehyung’s voice was full of confidence. 
He announced his presence to your mother and his. They were sitting down with tea in their hands.  
“I see, you couldn’t let your lover go easily. Your father has already left.” Mrs Kim smiled at his son. 
Taehyung nodded. He didn’t care what happened as long as he spent time with you. 
"It’s fine. Y/N is still resting in my room. I request you'd let her sleep a bit more," Taehyung explained, a soft smile gracing his lips as he spoke of you. "I don't want her to be disturbed."
Mrs. Kim's eyes softened with understanding, her gaze conveying an unspoken warmth and affection for you. "Of course, Taehyung. I won't disturb her. She's like my own daughter, you know that," she replied, reaching out to squeeze his hand reassuringly. 
Taehyung nodded, touched by his mother's words. He then reached into his pocket and withdrew the cheque, he slid down the table towards his mother.
"This is for Y/N," he explained. "Please make sure she gets everything she likes. I know you and Dad will cover, but I want her to have the freedom to choose whatever she wants." As he spoke, a sense of determination and protectiveness emanated from him, accentuating the weight of his words. 
Your mother and Mrs Kim shared a knowing look. They were amused at how protective and caring Taehyung got. 
"Of course, Taehyung. I'll make sure she has everything she needs," she reassured him, her voice laced with warmth and affection.
“I will come early.” With a final nod and a small smile, Taehyung turned to head out, his mind not in full ease, wondering if you were cold, if you were hungry. 
Despite his promise, Taehyung’s work seemed to stretch over the lunch. Normally, he would leave his office whenever he pleased, but he was going to be a man of a household; therefore, he needed to be more patient. 
He placed his arms on his desk, over the files lying on his deck and closed his eyes. You appeared in his head. The images in his head sometimes were memories of the past, sometimes visions of the future but they all had you in their centre. 
Taehyung's mind drifted away from the documents on his desk, and soon, his office became a canvas for his daydreams. Vivid images of you sleeping peacefully in his bed flooded his thoughts. He imagined the gentle rise and fall of your chest as you breathe, the soft curls of your hair splayed across the pillows, and the delicate curve of your lips, set in a serene expression. 
As he continued to lose himself in the trance, Taehyung envisioned himself lying next to you in the bed, arms wrapped around your soft, warm body. Your limbs entangled into his, your breath on his neck. He imagined kissing your forehead like the little princess you are. You were his pretty baby. Then, he would kiss all over your pretty face to wake you up. He almost heard your little laugh. 
Taehyung wouldn’t stop kissing your face.  Oh, he wouldn’t… He would beg you to steal kisses on your neck. He knew if he kissed your neck once, he wouldn’t be able to stop.
He would whisper in your ear, “Baby…” You’d let him continue obediently. Then, he would kiss down your throat, and bite your collar bones. He’d lick your delicious skin and suck little bruises to show everyone. By then you’d be wide awake. “Does that feel good, baby?” He’d ask.
Your whimper would be so soft, “Taehyung… It–” 
He wouldn’t let you stop your sentence and suck your nipple into his mouth. Your knobby nipple would feel delicious in his mouth. He’d kiss your breasts for minutes on end as your thighs rubbed to his knee. Your cries would fill his ear, “Tae.. What are you doing to me?” Taehyung is going to be the first and only man to satisfy your needy desires so he’ll explain to you everything your body craves. 
“I am making love to you, sweet girl.” He’d inform despite your dirty mind that imaged this repeatedly. Your hands would tug at his hair and you would bless him with a moan. “Taetae…” Your cries would be loud and he’d have to busy your mouth. 
He would whisper, “Dirty girl… Why are you moaning? You like your fiancée doing unholy things to you, hmm?” Then, he’d bite your bottom lip but your cries would only grow louder. 
Then, the only thing that would suffice would be Taehyung’s fingers in your mouth. “Open up, cry baby.” You’d follow his request like an obedient slut you are. Taehyung would only place one finger in your warm, wet mouth.
“Fuck… Such a warm mouth… Suck on it, baby. Keep your mouth shut, my pretty girl.” You’d nod.
Taehyung’d add, “And let me play with this little pussy. Can I touch you there, baby?” Taehyung knows you are a virgin so he’d ease you into it.
“Y-yes, p-please.” You’d whimper like a fragile bird.
“Oh, such a polite lady.” But he’d treat you the opposite of a lady. First, he would feel you over your garments, “Fucking drenched! You’re very excited right, baby? Hmm? I am too.” 
After a few kisses to soothe you, he’d start stirring little circles over your clit. As the cute bundle would be deprived of any stimulation, even the smallest touch would turn you crazy. 
“Tae…” You’d moan around his drenched finger.
“Hush!” He’d continue with a quicker tempo, scared of getting caught. “Do you want to climax, darling?” He’d mockingly ask you as your eyes largen. “Do you know what that means?” 
When you pliantly nod, he’d punish you for knowing what it is. “Oh, you do? I thought my sweet girl was innocent… I guess you can show me how it is done, right?”
With enough stimulation on your poor clit, you would experience your first real high in front of Taehyung’s eyes. He’d watch you as your face crumbled into pleasure and bite his finger off.  
The sound of the door opening snapped him back to reality, and Taehyung's cheeks flushed as he hastily straightened in his chair. “Well, well, well.” Jimin rushed into his office, catching Taehyung slacking. 
Jimin's excited voice filled the room, drawing attention to the news of the forthcoming wedding. 
“I was gone for two weeks, and I came back to have my best friends engaged to each other.” Jimin shook his head cutely as he sat down in front of the desk.
Taehyung chuckled as he sat back, “We aren’t technically engaged yet.” He pressed his lips together. “Miss Y/N wants me to propose her first.” 
Jimin's eyebrows shot up in amusement. "Oh, the mademoiselle got her demands already, huh?" He leaned back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his eye. He looked at Taehyung’s infatuated face. “She already has you wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she?” 
Taehyung laughed with a soft and carefree sound that echoed through the room. "You have no idea," he admitted, his eyes sparkling with affection. "But I wouldn't have it any other way. I'd do anything to see that smile on her face."
“You were always like this, nothing new.” Jimin said. he teased, a reminiscent glint in his eyes. "Remember that time at the park when you made my tooth fall out because I scared Y/N with a frog I caught?”
Taehyung's face lit up with a mischievous grin. "Oh, how could I forget? You had it coming by scaring her like that." He laughed, the memory vivid in his mind. 
"Y/N was so scared, she wouldn't even talk to me for a week after that." Jimin chuckled along, remembering the incident vividly. "You were always looking out for her, even back then." Jimin's eyes softened with the shared memory.
Taehyung smiled, filled with nostalgia and gratitude. "Well, Y/N is very special to me, and I'll always try to keep her safe and happy."
Jimin nodded. "You two are meant for each other." His eyes welled for his best mate. He was so glad that the two of you figured it out despite your stubbornness. "Well, you better not keep her waiting for that ring. You wouldn't want to start off on the wrong foot with the future Mrs Kim, would you?"
Taehyung took a deep breath, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I am thinking of a way to propose her. I want to do it when she least expects it."
“Well, you are Mr Poet for a reason. I am sure we will figure something out.” Jimin teased as he offered Taehyung a cigarette. 
Taehyung shook his head no, “Y/N doesn’t like the smell of cigs.”
Jimin rolled his eyes, “Changed my mind, Mr Devoted!” 
Old friends laughed together and chatted about Jimin’s travels. Taehyung envied his best friend’s endless trips and wished to make them with you in future. 
Meanwhile, at Kim's estate, you had been trying on different fabrics for what seemed like hours. The bustle of activity never seemed to subside with excited gasps and humming of the dressmaker’s sewing machine crafting lining and moulds of the dresses you envisioned. 
Julia always had her charm and creativity with her. Even after being widowed, she was able to support herself as no man could with her captivating skills. She had known you since you came from Switzerland and she was quick to pick up on your style and taste. After a 10-minute chat, she placed sketches of her visions in front of you.
You put your teacup down, “They look wonderful…” 
The first dress they contemplated was a true masterpiece. A floor-length ball gown in a deep and rich burgundy shade, it seemed to embody sophistication and grace. The bodice was a masterpiece of lace, adorned with intricate patterns that seemed like they were inspired by the garden's most delicate roses. The lace flowed down to the full, voluminous skirt. 
The second dress you examined was equally enchanting, though more charmingly and playfully. It was a tea-length gown in a soft pastel blue. Delicate embroidery and intricate beadwork adorned the neckline and sleeves.
Then was the most special dress, the one you wished to wear to your engagement party. You want it to be simple and elegant. You want Taehyung to look at you and fall in love with you again and again, desperately want you as his wife. The coloured, off-the-shoulder satin dress with the soft, lustrous fabric draped delicately over your frame, subtly highlighting your natural curves. You could imagine Taehyung’s eyes fluttering as his manly hands gently caressed your skin. His hands were usually shy, not wanting to scare you away, but his eyes were always hungry, eating your clothes away. You want to make him loose control of his hands and hold you forever.
After making a few changes, you were stripped to your undergarments whilst Julia expertly took measurements and diligently sewed the initial drafts of your clothes. 
Taehyung's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, all leading back to you, as he left work early, unable to focus on anything but the thought of your company. The horse-drawn carriage took him swiftly back home.
As Taehyung's carriage neared the Kim estate, the magnificent stone walls came into view, bathed in the warm, golden hues of the setting sun. The ivy-covered facade of the mansion lent a timeless, almost ethereal beauty to the entire scene.
The sound of horses' hooves on the cobblestones echoed through the trees that lined the estate's long driveway, creating a rhythmic melody that seemed to serenade Taehyung on his journey home. The crisp, country air bore hints of blooming flowers and freshly mown grass, adding to the sense of serenity.
He couldn't help but gaze out of the carriage window, the anticipation of seeing you making his heart race. As the carriage rolled closer to the grand entrance, the intricately designed wrought iron gates came into full view. 
He couldn't help but daydream about the life he envisioned building with you in this very estate. The thought of having children, watching them grow and play in these very gardens he spent his childhood in. The laughter of his own kids echoing through the estate was a scene he couldn't wait to witness.
And beyond that, he imagined you both growing old together in this tranquil sanctuary. Walking hand in hand in the evening, sharing stories of your adventurous youth, and cherishing the quiet moments. The years passed together, creating a tapestry of shared memories.
The carriage came to a gentle stop, the footman leaping down to assist Taehyung out. Stepping onto the cobblestones, Taehyung paused to appreciate the meticulously manicured gardens and the estate's stately exterior. The transition from the bustling city to the tranquil beauty of the Kim estate was always a sensory delight.
As he entered the estate, the air felt different, charged with excitement and a sense of bustling activity. He heard the faint chatter of voices and the rustle of fabrics. Making his way through the elegant hallways, he followed the sound to the sitting room, where the usual calm ambience was replaced by vivacious energy.
His heart quickened as he caught sight of you, surrounded by your mother and Mrs Kim, standing on the platform with only a skimpy gown on that did so little to cover your skin. You were wearing something close to nightwear, something that you would wear to bed and for his eyes only. With your bare legs, the sheer fabric did almost nothing to cover your skin. Gladly, the fireplace was well-lit to keep you warm. And yet, you were standing in front of the living room like a doll. Julia was bent towards your side stitching a draft for the bust. 
He felt his throat dry. Taehyung was sure he wasn’t allowed to see you like this yet.  He stood by the door, taking a moment to simply observe you before anyone noticed. Adjusting his cufflinks, smoothing down his waistcoat and most importantly his trousers, he took a deep breath, bracing himself for the joyous chaos that awaited him.
He coughed, “Am I allowed, ladies?”
Taehyung's sudden appearance startled the ladies, and a faint blush crept onto your cheeks as you quickly tried to adjust your gown, which earned you a notice from Julia.
Your mother kissed him welcome. “Of course, what a question!” His mother was too busy talking to one of the apprentices, describing something urgently whilst holding a gorgeous blue satin.
“Taehyung!” You welcomed with him the brightest smile. He noticed your body wanting to jump towards him.
“You're always allowed, Mr Kim,” Julia said before giving her all attention to you. “So, you don’t want it to end here, Miss Y/N?” 
“Exactly. I don’t like it when the back ends there. It gives me a weird hump.” You explained you turned your back to your viewers to show Julia what you were talking about. 
The piece of fabric you were wearing was a very basic draft of a bust so it could be folded and reshaped. Julia watched you through the mirror. She nodded. 
“I say we go either all the way up–” You pulled the extra fabric to your shoulders. “–or just backless.” 
Julia nodded, her expression thoughtful as she observed the garment. "I completely understand your concern, Miss Y/N. A backless design can be very elegant, especially for someone of your age. It just looks so beautiful.” She sighed before placing the needles to adjust the draft. 
Taehyung further concentrated on you and your bare back. Your muscles were strained as Julia worked very close to your skin. Taehyung gritted his teeth; he was scared of needles hurting you.
“I think Mr Kim might fire me if I accidentally prick you, Miss Y/N.” Julia joked. 
Taehyung gave her half a chuckle, “I am afraid I might.” Taehyung’s serious tone was hilarious to you. Julia has been your family’s dressmaker for over five years and she has never pricked you before. 
Taehyung carefully observed the way the dressmaker draped the fabric, her fingers working with such precision that every stitch seemed to be an extension of her artistry. Taehyung's admiration for the craft was only surpassed by the adoration he felt for the woman at the centre of it all – you, his beloved.
Despite the temptation to gaze at you without restraint, he remained resolute in keeping his demeanour composed. He knew he mustn't give in to his desire to drink in your ethereal beauty, not with so many eyes upon the two of you. Instead, he opted to immerse himself in the vibrant energy of the room, cherishing the moments that would soon become cherished memories of a love that knew no bounds.
After the rough shape of the draft was done, the bust was taken off your body. You quickly wrapped yourself in a more modest dressing gown to cover more skin. Julia retreated to the sewing machine as Taehyung’s mother approached you. 
“Y/N.” She called your name while holding a deep sapphire fabric. “I want to get this dress for you as a gift for the gala. I think the colour will suit you so perfectly, my darling daughter. This could be one of yours something blue! You don’t have to wear it if you don’t like it, okay? I am– I am just so happy that you blessed our family.”
You genuinely could see her happy. Her eyes have been teary since you pulled yourself out from Taehyung’s bed fully rested, and accepting her offers to allow her to spoil you. You knew she was already extra emotional since her daughter, Taehyung’s sister, was away in a boarding school, so she had really missed having mother-daughter time. 
Taehyung's heart swelled with an overwhelming sense of contentment as he observed you and his mother exchanging heartfelt words. He cherished these moments, seeing the woman he loved wholeheartedly embraced by the family that meant everything to him. The deep connection between you and his mother reaffirmed his belief that you truly belonged in his life and in the Kim family estate.
He marvelled at the way you expressed your gratitude and warmth, reciprocating his mother's affection with such genuine appreciation. It was a sight that reinforced his belief that you were the missing piece in their family puzzle, the one who brought a different kind of joy and completeness to their lives.
"Mother, enough now," Taehyung chuckled as Mrs. Kim embraced you tightly, her eyes glistening with tears. His playful jealousy extended even to his own mother, it seemed. You joined Taehyung's laughter as he gently pulled you away from his mother's loving embrace.
"Stop making fun of your old woman! You don't understand how much this means to me," she sniffed, her voice wavering with emotion.
Taehyung intercepted your attempt to hug her again by your arm, his expression shifting to a more serious tone that you couldn't quite decipher. "Taehyung?" you queried, looking at his firm hold on you.
"You both are lucky to have each other," she said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “I am so happy.” She added.
Your mother came to soothe her friend, Taehyung released his touch. “My friend, we have a long time to enjoy their happiness. It is your turn now.”
As Mrs. Kim's maid entered the living room, Taehyung knew it was time to leave. You made a quick decision to accompany him. "Taehyung?" you called out, stopping him in his tracks. "Can I have some of your time?" Your voice was tinged with a hint of shyness.
Taehyung turned to face you, his expression softening. "Of course, my darling. I came early to see you."
"Okay, that's awesome," you stammered, feeling slightly flustered. "Just give me some time to change my clothes." You hurried to keep up with his stride.
Taehyung nodded, his gaze gentle and understanding. "I'll change as well. I'll be waiting for you in the library near the guest rooms."
You bit your lip nervously, hesitating before adding, "My clothes are actually in your room. The maids were cleaning the main guest room, and your mother allowed me to use your room." With very frequent trips to each other’s home, the main guest room was always reserved as your room at Kim’s estate. As your position in the family changed, Mrs Kim allowed you to have Taehyung’s room. In addition, Julia brought the previous month’s order so Taehyung’s chamber was big enough to hold them.
Taehyung's eyebrows raised slightly, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Is that so?" he replied, a sly smile forming on his lips. "Well, I guess we have to be roommates.” He giggled as he noticed your uneven breath as you walked to match his speed. He slowed down immediately. “Feel free to use anything you need; my room is yours. You know that." As the two of you ambled towards his room. 
Taehyung's steps were deliberately slow now. "Were you able to sleep, my darling?" His voice carried a tender concern, highlighting the depth of his care.
You felt a surge of warmth at his attention, the way he noticed every detail about you. Nervously, you bit your lip, you craved his simplest touch since this morning. You touched his elbow, begging him silently to understand what you were going to do. His intense gaze locked onto you, his expression a mixture of curiosity and tenderness. Your heart skipped a beat, and in a moment of desperate need, you reached for him, intertwining your arm with his, the connection soothing your nerves.
"Oh, darling…" Taehyung's voice was laced with amusement and affection. He lifted your hand, gently pressing his lips to the back of it in a tender kiss. Then, secure your arm in his. You answered him with a pleasant hum. Even the littlest change made your mind calm down with the desire to touch him
A shy smile graced your lips as you gazed up at him. "Yes, I slept amazingly." You whispered softly, finally answering his question. “In fact, I don’t think I slept this good in a while. Your bed was so comfortable.” 
“That’s amazing, my love. I am glad you liked where you will be sleeping in future.” he teased, his voice a smooth murmur that set your heart alight. His thumb continued to trace gentle circles on the back of your hand, a subtle yet intimate connection that sent delightful shivers down your spine.
He was being extra flirtatious because he knew you were easy to shy away and it amused him dearly. Even though your lips didn’t say it, he could see your body yearned for him.
Taehyung’s chamber was slightly rearranged to fit your new clothes as the maids scurried about, meticulously arranging your belongings on Taehyung's tasteful furniture, ensuring that your clothes remained impeccably neat. The room seemed to come alive with your presence despite the mess, and Taehyung's delight was evident as he watched his personal space intertwine with your essence. Even his belongings liked you. 
“Oh lord…” You whined. “I am sorry, Taehyung. I thought they were going to pack them for me.” Taehyung let your arm go as you covered your face. 
“That’s totally fine, my darling. Everything I own is yours. You can make every change your heart desires.” You peeked through your fingers, catching the affectionate glimmer in his eyes, and couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by his unwavering support and generosity. His genuine words resonated deeply within you. 
The head of the maids spoke. “Miss Y/N, will you be changing now?” 
You nodded. “I will be, please stay to help me.” 
She bowed and closed the door, waiting for your sign. 
"Take your time, my love. I will wait for you outside," Taehyung gently encouraged, his warm breath grazing your skin as he leaned in to press a tender kiss on your forehead. Soft and affectionate, his touch conveyed a silent reassurance that filled you with warmth.
He pulled back slightly, his voice barely audible as he murmured, "I will take you out later, pretty girl." You looked up to him with excited eyes and lips curved into a smile. His gaze held yours for a lingering moment as you nodded. With a last, lingering glance, he turned and left his room to leave you to get ready.
You quickly got in one of your new dresses. You chose a dusty pink tea dress with cream-coloured heels. Taehyung didn’t take too long to change from his work suit to a casual one while you brushed your hair and powdered your face. 
As promised, he was ready to take you out after his sudden disappearance for 15 minutes. He showed his gentlemanly attitude when he asked your mother for permission to take you out despite knowing he would be granted. 
And yet, Mrs Kim cautioned the two of you not to get too close since the engagement hadn't been formally announced yet. Taehyung responded respectfully, assuring her, "I don't think it will be a problem, Mother. But do not worry, I would never do anything to damage Y/N's honor." With a bow to both mothers, he then took your hand. 
"Are you ready, my dear?" he asked, guiding you toward the waiting carriage. You allowed him to lead you, relishing the sensation of his strong, yet tender grip. As he helped you up into the carriage, you playfully teased, "Why would you lie to your mother, Taehyung?"
He recognised the teasing in your voice and waited for you to finish. “Do you think you will be able to keep your hands off of me?” You looked at his one arm curling behind you and resting on your waist while the other hand enveloped your hand.
 Taehyung bit his lip off as you tugged at his perfectly ironed cream shirt. “Who says I am taking you to a public place?” He teased. 
As the carriage sped up, he comfortably melted into the seat, sweetly pressing you between his body and the leather walls. He held your hand and explained. “Newly courting couples should spend their time together in intimate settings to get to know each other. Public appearances are avoided until the engagement is agreed and partners spend most of their time with each other’s family.” 
You rolled your eyes at him as he explained the etiquette to you.
“So…” Taehyung brought his lips to your ear. “As much as I would love to flaunt you, my pretty doll, we will be alone together…” His breath ghosted your skin.
You shivered next to him as your fingers dug into his. “Where are you taking me?” You asked. 
Taehyung pressed his lips together into a straight line and shook his head. “A surprise.” He quipped. 
"Taehyung, please tell me where we are going," you pleaded, tugging at his arm. Taehyung's lips curved into a secretive smile as he resisted your pleas, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "It's a surprise, my love. You'll know soon enough," he teased, savouring the anticipation.
You pouted, trying to feign annoyance but failing to hide your growing eagerness. "You know I don't like surprises," you protested, pretending to cross your arms in playful defiance. "Come on, give me a little hint at least?" Taehyung's eyes gleamed with mirth at your adorable antics. "If I tell you now, it won't be a surprise anymore," he teased, the corner of his mouth lifting into a half-smirk. "But I promise you'll love it."
You groaned in mock frustration, knowing very well that Taehyung enjoyed teasing you. "You're so mean," you huffed, although the hint of a smile tugged at the corners of your lips. Taehyung's warm laughter filled the carriage, a delightful sound that soothed your impatience. "You'll thank me later, I promise," he assured you, squeezing your hand gently. "Just trust me." With his words, you couldn't help but settle back against the plush seats, your heart dancing with excitement for the mysterious surprise he had in store.
“Okay, I trust you.” It baffled Taehyung when you stopped being stubborn, shrugged and let your head rest on his shoulder. 
He hummed softly, his voice a gentle rumble as he pressed a tender kiss to the crown of your head. With your head resting on his shoulder, he couldn't help but marvel at how much smaller you seemed in comparison to his frame. It made him feel protective and responsible for your well-being.
“Have you thought about when to have our wedding ceremony, Taehyung?” You asked dreamily. “It is the only topic your mothers talked about since yesterday.”
He laid his cheek on top of your head, “I’ve been thinking about the day I’ll marry you for a long time, my love.” He replied softly as you giggled.
“But I want to know what you think, seriously.” You moved your head, causing him to gently squeeze you. You looked up at his eyes.
"Perhaps next summer would be perfect. I want to have every kind of blooming flower to witness the day I take you as my beloved lady…” He said ever so sweetly.
As you rested your chin on his shoulder, a playful pout graced your features. "So, nine months later?"
He nodded, a serene smile gracing his lips. "That's correct."
You pouted slightly, and Taehyung couldn't help but be charmed by your impatience. "Nine months seems too far away," you sighed.
Taehyung laughed amused. “I thought I was the eager one to get married?”
You shrugged again; you weren’t the one who was good with words. You looked at his pretty side profile. He was a masterpiece, sculpted with elegant lines and subtle contours that made your heart skip a beat. His strong jawline, chiselled and defined, tapered down to a perfectly shaped chin. He was not only strikingly handsome but possessed a kindness and warmth that made you feel like the luckiest person in the world. 
Taehyung was taken aback by your touch, admiring so dreamily. Like he knew, you weren’t good with words so you touched him.
“You think I am not eager to marry you?” You said, voice adorned with a tint of sadness.
Taehyung opened his mouth, weighing his words before he uttered them. Before he could, you spoke. "You are my childhood love, Taehyung. You are the one who made my heart race so fervently that it felt as though it might burst from my chest. I loved you since I can remember. You were always my supporter, play friend, confidant…"
“Darling…” A gentle sigh escaped Taehyung's lips as he absorbed your words, realizing the depth of emotion that lay behind them. You knew that he was going to coo you but you needed to get everything off your chest.
"I never want you to doubt my eagerness, Taehyung," You added sincerely, your voice soft and reassuring. "I've loved you ever since, and my desire to be with you is never to be question… even though I am not good at showing you."
He looked into your eyes, his own filled with a mixture of fondness and enthusiasm. You could see that he needed to hear this. 
"We can get married tomorrow if you want," he suggested in a raspy voice, his eyes gleaming with sincerity. 
You couldn't help but giggle at the notion. "Well, technically, we did decide to get married yesterday. It would only be fair to act quickly and make it official," you teased back. 
Taehyung chuckled, playing along with the jest. "But are we ready to face our mothers' wrath if we did that?" he inquired with a mischievous glint in his eye. 
You widened your eyes playfully. "Oh, never! They've already chosen the colour of the napkins for the dinner after the ceremony at the church. Oh, and the wine we'll be serving too," you listed off with a grin.
 “I know that our mothers are eager, but I want you to know that you are the only person in charge to make decisions, okay? If you are shy to oppose them, just tell me and I will deal with it.” The way he granted you all the options and choices this delicately made you feel very special. He was just an incredible man.
You leaned towards his touch. “Okay, I will wait until summer.” Taehyung could figure that out since you hate winter. You let him kiss your cheek once again and gave him a beautiful melody of your laugh. “My princess…” He whispered against your skin, your smell tickled his nose.
As he thought your conversation came to an end, you spoke, this time without looking at his eyes as you laid your head on his chest. 
“What about the children? Do you want to have children with me?” You asked. 
Taehyung's heartbeat quickened at the question, a surge of warmth enveloping him. “Of course, my love. I only want healthy and chubby babies from you, no matter how many.” His low voice vibrated his chest as you listened to him. “The important question is if you want, my darling.”  Taehyung's fingers traced delicate patterns on your back, a soothing rhythm that mirrored the gentle sway of the carriage. 
You nodded, a serene smile playing on your lips. "I want to start having babies when I am 25 years old," you began, thumbing your fingertips onto his tummy. "The first baby at 25, preferably a boy, the second baby girl at 27, then the third one at 28. And maybe another one before I turn 30." You listed your plans.
Taehyung chest hummed under your ear with a very low chuckle, “I have a plan to keep up with, huh?” You wouldn’t even begin to imagine how ready he was to give you kids. Hell yes, he was ready to fill you up with his seed, make you bloat with it, make you whine about the mess he created, and make you cry with overstimulation. 
His mind drifted to the process of making him a father. Suddenly, the carriage was too hot for him. Your warm body snuggled to him was too much. 
Again, he needed to find another topic to busy his mind. “Honestly, we will be fine with two sets of adoring grandparents.” He couldn't suppress the smile that tugged at his lips, “Ah, yes, they will be spoiling our little ones rotten.” 
You joined him with a giggle as he kissed your head again. “My precious girl.” He whispered, making you shiver. 
You remained lying on his chest with his arms around you, his fingers caressing your waist gently as the carriage manoeuvred on the roads. You could see the change of scenery from a calm view of Kim’s estate to the bustling city and again to the countryside. 
“When will be there Taehyung?” You pouted. Your face was adorned with the traces of the button of his shirt. Taehyung chuckled as he pressed onto your soft skin. 
"We should be arriving shortly, my love," Taehyung replied, his voice a tender caress. You excitedly picked yourself off his chest and looked outside from the window. The carriage began to slow down, the rhythmic clip-clop of the horses' hooves growing softer as they neared their destination. 
"Are you excited to see where I'm taking you?" he asked, a playful lilt in his tone. His hand moved to intertwine with yours, his fingers lacing through yours as if he couldn't bear to let go.
“Yes, I am so glad that we will spend time together…Doesn’t matter where we are. But Taehyung… I am so hungry!” You blurted out excitedly, holding your stomach to emphasise. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart.” He kissed your hands that he was holding. “I will feed you good.” 
You laughed, “Will you hunt for food or what?” You pointed to the endless grassland that you were looking at.
Taehyung bit down his lips, “If I have to, yes! All those hunting parties aren’t for nothing.” 
You rolled your eyes as Taehyung let his body hang outside and spoke to the driver. Soon the carriage came to a halt. 
As Taehyung led you out of the carriage, the sight that greeted you was nothing short of breathtaking. A sprawling meadow, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, spread out before you. The air was filled with the gentle fragrance of wildflowers, and a light breeze rustled the tall grasses, creating a soothing, almost ethereal atmosphere.
You couldn't help but admire the beauty of the scene. "Taehyung, it's stunning here," you said, taking in the breathtaking surroundings.
When your feet hit the ground, he walked behind you and wrapped his arms around your figure. Your insides fluttered when you felt his rigid body fully. 
You took a deep breath and dropped your head to his chest, feeling a sense of serenity wash over you. "It's beautiful," you breathed, a sense of awe lacing your words. "But why did you bring me here?" You turned your face to him with a question.
Taehyung's smile widened as he squeezed your waist gently. "I thought we could have a little picnic here, just the two of us. A chance for us to enjoy each other's company in the midst of nature's embrace," he explained, his eyes never leaving yours.
Horses shuffled as the driver asked, “Will you be starting now, Mr Kim?” 
Taehyung unwrapped his arms, “Yes, we will. Please leave the baskets and you may leave to pick us up a few hours later.”
The driver approached the back of the carriage and retrieved the two well-stocked baskets, their woven exteriors brimming with an assortment of tantalizing aromas. He effortlessly balanced both containers and laid them at your feet, offering a courteous nod before retreating to his seat. With a light flick of the reins, the carriage rumbled back to life, wheels turning as it gradually disappeared into the distance.
You watched the carriage fade into the horizon, feeling a swell of contentment as you turned your attention to the treasure treat that Taehyung had prepared. You smiled at him. “Let us pick a tree and settle under its shadow.” He announced.
You smiled largely and tried to reach for one of the baskets. "Please, my love, let me handle this," Taehyung insisted with a warm smile, gently intercepting your attempt to take one of the baskets. He deftly manoeuvred them, balancing them with apparent ease. “I am your man, sweet girl. I’ve got everything under control.” 
You chuckled at his playful stubbornness, watching as he expertly balanced the basket and the blanket, his confident stride never faltering. "But Taehyung," you protested, "I can at least help carry something. It's not fair for you to do it all on your own."
He simply shook his head, his gaze warm and determined. "It's my pleasure to take care of you. You just pick a tree for us, my lady. I've got this handled."
You let Taehyung into the meadow, walking a few steps ahead. “I don’t want to sit too close to the water. Frogs are awfully loud.” As you pondered over which tree to choose, your gaze flitted from one to another, considering their characteristics and positions within the meadow. Taehyung watched you with a tender expression, his eyes following your every movement with unwavering adoration.
“Okay, okay, I will pick here!” You pointed to the large willow tree.
As Taehyung pulled the picnic blanket, you rushed to help him. “Darling, I said no.” He sternly warned you. “You are my wonderful princess, and you will do nothing but enjoy this gorgeous outing.”
You still held the side of the blanket as he laid it out for you. “Now, you sit beside the tree. Darling, do you want me to take your shoes off? Would that be comfortable for you?” He asked.
You nodded. “I will take–” Taehyung didn’t let you finish again and knelt before you, his nimble fingers delicately undoing the straps of your shoes. He handled each buckle with care. With gentle precision, he slipped the shoes off your feet, placing them carefully aside. “My princess never does things while her man is around.” He reminded you again. You bite your bottom lips and smile at him shyly, thanking him for the hundredth time. 
As you settled against the tree trunk, feeling the rough texture of the bark against your back, Taehyung slipped off his jacket, a gesture of warmth and protection. He gently draped it around your shoulders, ensuring that you were shielded from any pricking. "There," he murmured softly, his voice tender and soothing. "Is that more comfortable?"
You couldn't help but lean into the soft fabric of his jacket, feeling the comforting scent of his cologne enveloping you. The warmth of his presence cocooned you, his attentive nature making you feel cherished and cared for.  “I would have worn something else if I knew we were going to have a picnic.”
Taehyung shook his head no, “You look gorgeous, my darling. Don’t worry.”
The meadow's beauty was amplified as Taehyung began to unpack the picnic baskets, revealing an array of tantalizing dishes. The soft rustling of leaves above, the occasional songbird's melody, and the gentle warmth of the sun created a romantic ambience.
Taehyung's strong, lean form knelt gracefully beside the picnic spread, casting a handsome shadow under the midday sun. His fingers worked deftly as he removed each item from the baskets. The sunlight danced in his hair, highlighting the copper tones in his dark locks. You felt yourself drool over his figure; your body felt tingly with pleasure by just looking at him.
He unveiled a bottle of sparkling champagne and two crystal flutes from the icebox, and gently wiped the extra water off of them. "Of course, some bubbly to celebrate our time together."
Then, he revealed assortments of finger sandwiches with different fillings, including cucumber and cream cheese, egg with mayo, and chicken salad. "I thought we'd have a variety," he explained. "But I know you have your favourites."
Next, he set out a selection of cheeses and fruits. "I will prepare you a gorgeous charcuterie board, sweet girl.” 
Then, he looked at your eyes with a short pause. “You were asking me why I was gone just before we left, right?”
You nodded as he dug inside the icebox. "Look at what we have here," Taehyung said with a playful glint in his eye, his voice infused with excitement, as he carefully lifted a metal tray brimming with freshly baked eclairs. "I was so afraid that the chocolate would melt, but it seems the icebox did its magic." 
“Taehyung! Those are my absolute favourites! Oh, I didn’t even know they were baking them,” you exclaimed, your eyes gleaming with anticipation. You were already leaning in, eager to savour their irresistible flavour.
He arranged the delectable pastries on a delicately designed wooden board, each one exuding a rich, inviting aroma. As you gasped in delight, he couldn't help but smile at your exuberance.
Taehyung, after arranging the eclairs, playfully licked the remaining chocolate from his fingers. You looked at him with a pout, your eyes fixed on the lingering sweetness.
“Do you want to taste?” Taehyung's voice was laced with amusement as he offered his chocolate-coated fingers to you. Without a moment's hesitation, you closed your eyes and wrapped your mouth around his proffered fingers, savouring the rich, decadent taste of the chocolate that lingered on his skin.
Taehyung realised his mistake as your warm mouth wrapped around his finger. He felt dizzy as in a second his body pumped all of his blood to his dick. He let his moan gurgle out as a low growl. The way your tongue caressed his fingers sent shivers down his spine. He marvelled at the softness of your lips, the gentle pressure with which you held his fingers by his wrist. 
For a brief moment, his mind wandered to realms of this current moment’s possibility. You would take his invitation to delve into the uncharted territory of the sweet dance of love if he asked. But he had to be careful and gentle with you. You were too precious to be used mindlessly, just because he felt like it. 
“Taste amazing…” You complimented with a glint in your eyes, you seemed very well aware of your actions.
“Y/N…” He whispered your name as the breeze hit his wet fingers. He had the urge to suck your spit off his finger but was currently frozen in his stance.
“Should we start our picnic? I am starving.” You pouted him innocently as Taehyung sat down. 
Taehyung replied, his voice came out raspy. You settled into your comfortable spot, the vibrant colours of the meadow surrounding you, adding to the magic of the moment. Meanwhile, Taehyung started to prepare the charcuterie board for you. He always had a perfect artistic eye, so he created a beautiful assortment. 
As he worked silently– mostly to calm his raging body– you picked up the finger sandwich. The egg and mayo ones were your all-time favourites as the platter mostly consisted of them. You couldn't resist the urge and with a playful glint in your eye, you extended the half-eaten sandwich toward him.
"Care for a bite?" you teased, your eyes dancing with playful affection. Taehyung rolled his eyes but accepted it with a smile, his lips brushing against your fingertips as he savoured the taste. 
“Hmm, why is it sweet!” He said with a faux surprise. 
You looked at him confused and ate the small piece left in your hand. “You made it sweeter by touching it with your sweet lips!” He retorted, his gaze soft and affectionate. It was his turn to overwhelm you despite he couldn’t play dirty like you.
You pouted your lips adorably as you fell into his trap and continued the savour the scene. As Taehyung picked up the champagne bottle. “We should start with a toast, right?” 
He weighed the bottle in his hands and read its label to you. “The finest champagne for my lover, dear Y/N.” his thumb traced over the intricate label. "Brought all the way from the vineyards in Reims, France. It's a vintage 1889.” The strong and lean muscles of his arms flexed ever so subtly as he deftly twisted the bottle. Your gaze lingered on the strong lines of his long fingers and the way he moved with practised ease.
"Is there anything you can't do elegantly?" you quipped, a note of admiration colouring your voice. Taehyung glanced down at you, a playful glint in his eyes. He let you savour the sight of him for a moment. Then, he coaxed the cork to release with a satisfying pop. You squealed, genuinely scared.
Taehyung laughed at you airly. You playfully swatted him on the arm, teasing him for scaring you. His laughter was infectious, filling the meadow with its warmth. "You just scared a family of squirrels Y/N!” he teased you further whilst pouring the champagne into the delicate crystal flutes. The liquid bubbled and frothed, its golden hue catching the last rays of the sun.
“I shall make a toast for you, my dear.” He announced as he held his glass up, his voice was warm and rich as he spoke, and his eyes locked onto yours with unwavering devotion. "To the most wonderful woman a man could ask for," he began, his voice carrying the weight of his sincerity. "I am beyond grateful for every moment we share, and I promise to spend the rest of my days making you as happy as you make me."
You felt a rush of emotion swell within you, your heart overflowing with love and gratitude for the man sitting before you. Before he could gesture you to drink, you raised your glass too. "To the man who has stolen my heart and continues to fill my life with joy and mischief," you said, your gaze unwavering. "I promise to stand by your side, to support you, and to love you unconditionally, for all the days of our lives."
With that, you raised your glass and clinked it against his, but throats dry with overwhelming emotion. “To your health.” He said and drank the entire glass in one go. You chuckled and joined him with a sip. 
After the two of you devoured most of the sandwiches, you were worried that your time with your lover was about to end. So, you angelically called his name, “Taehyung…” He looked at you with curious eyes. “Cuddle me.” You pushed the plates and opened your arms towards him. 
Taehyung gave you a lopsided grin as he crawled towards your lap. “Put your head on my lap, darling. I will feed you.” You murmured as he took his place on you. Normally he would oppose to this position, but he has been supporting a raging boner since you licked his fingers despite gulping down four glasses of champagne. Even though you could see the very obvious tent on his crotch, he didn’t want you to feel what you had done to him. 
He laid between your legs, over the length of your pink skirt. he laid his head on to your soft thigh while letting his hand rest on the opposite one. He hummed sweetly when you brought your hand to his hair.  “Let me take care of you too, baby.” You whispered; his lips curved into a soft smile.
He had never been this close to you despite all the cuddling he received. He was, now, very close to your intimate spots. Your perky chest was a few inches from his face, slightly obstructing his view of your face with their plumpness.
Your tummy was soft against his head, he was filled with intention to bury himself into your flesh, bite your soft skin. “Open up, Taetae.” Instead of your delicious taste, you gave him a grape. Taehyung gladly accepted it as he nestled into your lap. He was ridiculously tall, his feet were outside of the blanket. It felt like a giant was on top of you as his smallest move shook your body. 
“I can already hear my mother’s nagging about where I took you, what we did, what we talked.” Taehyung sighed as he smiled. 
You continued to caress his hair with a giggle. “She is so excited. She is planning our wedding like it’s the biggest event of the century.” 
He shook his head onto the soft meat of your thigh, “That doesn't surprise me. My mother loves grand affairs, and she is beyond delighted that you are my bride. And Jimin, too. He visited me at my office today, and he was so delighted for us. We haven't seen him that thrilled in a while."
“He might be happy because of the free booze.” You loved your alcoholic friend regardless. 
Taehyung's expression softened, and he looked thoughtful. "Speaking of friends, Eunjin…” You gave Taehyung an airy laugh when he mentioned his sister with this much scare. 
“She's going to lose her mind when she hears the news of us getting married. Ahh! I can’t even imagine the squeals. Let us uninvite her, darling." Taehyung squeezed his eyes, but he didn’t mean the annoyance. 
Fond memories of your childhood friend and Taehyung's sister flooded back. "Taehyung! You know we can’t do that. I already want her as my maid of honour…I really miss her. It’s boring to go tea parties without her."
Taehyung chuckled, "I am sure she will make sure everyone behaves well.” He reminisced about his little sister and her control issues.
You shared a warm smile, appreciating the shared memories you both had with your families and friends. 
"I think Namjoon won’t be surprised." You mused, thinking about your sweet and clumsy brother who was currently outside of town, attending a hunting party.
“He already knows,” Taehyung replied, his tone nonchalant.
"What do you mean he knows?" you inquired, a furrow forming on your brow.
Taehyung shifted, his expression becoming more serious. “Well, I have been preparing for this for a while now,” he explained, his gaze intense.
Confusion clouded your features. “Preparing for what, Taehyung?” you pressed, wanting to understand.
“Princess…” he hissed, a possessive glint in his eye. “Your father spoke to me about our future together before the summer started. So, I have been readying myself to be one of the prospects.”
“Before summer? It is more than three months ago?” As you absorbed his words, you felt a mixture of surprise and a thrill of possessiveness at his declaration. He nodded, “You have many bachelor candidates waiting for you, pretty girl.” Taehyung leaned in, his fingers tracing soft patterns on your thigh as he listed some of the eligible bachelors from various corners of the world with disgust in his low voice. "There's Carl Harrington, the textile magnate from Madrid. Then, Louis Beau, a barrister in London. Then there's Edmund Sinclair, heir to the prominent shipping company in Scotland, a man of stature in the maritime world."
As he recited the names, a tinge of possessiveness crept into his voice, showing his unease with the idea of you being courted by them. With those words, Taehyung lifted himself up from where he had been lying on your thighs, his head now resting against your heart, his nose tickling your skin. The alcohol in his body didn’t help him to make the right choices. Every etiquette, every rule disappeared from his mind as you pulled him in with your sweet smell. 
“Well, I can’t lie, I had some points in my block, but I had to be the best one for you, darling.” he murmured, his jaw set with determination.
“What made you think I would want them? You have my heart, Taehyung. I don’t think you need any other qualifications,” you stated firmly, your gaze meeting his with unwavering affection.
 “That’s great, my sweet girl, because you belong to me now. No other man…” His voice was a soft murmur, his breath caressing your skin as he claimed you. 
He rubbed his nose against your collarbones. his lips left a trail of soft, lingering kisses along your collarbones, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine “I want you to know, my love, that I won't allow anyone else to have what's rightfully mine," he declared firmly. “I will give you everything as your husband, okay?” 
You obediently nodded; head only filled with his presence. 
The fervour in his declaration was palpable, and you found yourself surrendering to the intensity of his love and devotion. 
“Taehyung…” You hummed his name just like in his dreams. Taehyung noticed the slight confusion in his voice as he kissed your skin one last time. 
“My love…” He mimicked your voice as he supported his whole body with his one arm. He was equally captivated. “Y/N… Can I kiss you?” He begged you silently, his nose brushing your cheek.
“Y-you know I haven’t ha-d my f-first–” You blabber. 
“I know, baby. I know… Do you want me to be your first?” Taehyung didn’t have the intention to be this desperate, but you made him so weak.
“What if I am bad?” You closed your eyes as his nose continued to rub your cheek. 
“Never, my darling. But if you don’t want to….” He licked his lips and took a deep breath to have enough of your captivating smell.
“I- I want to…” You murmured. 
“Oh, baby...” Taehyung whimpered. 
Taehyung's heart pounded as your request hung in the air, his desire for you only intensifying. His gaze never wavered from your face, drinking in the beauty and vulnerability that you displayed in this moment.
The world around you seemed to fade into oblivion, and all that remained was the two of you, drawn together by an irresistible force. Taehyung's hand, trembling ever so slightly, cupped your cheek, his thumb tenderly tracing your lips. He leaned in, his lips hovering just above yours, a silent request for permission.
Your heart raced, and a thousand thoughts flooded your mind. What if you weren't good at this? What if you disappointed him?
Gathering your courage, you nodded slightly, granting him the permission he sought. With a soft sigh, Taehyung closed the remaining distance, and his lips met yours in a sweet, unhurried kiss. It was a promise, a beginning, a declaration of love. His kiss was gentle yet ardent, his breath mingling with yours.
When Taehyung's soft lips met yours, it was like a delicate brush of silk upon your skin. The sensation was an exquisite blend of warmth and tenderness. His lips felt like a gentle whisper against your mouth.
The kiss, rather a prolonged peck, carried a need to express the depth of his emotions, yet it was imbued with patience as if he were willing to wait an eternity for you. His lips were slightly moist, shaking but still sure of what they desired.
“This was your first kiss, right?” He asked, his tears were about to fall from his cheeks.
You didn’t trust your voice, so you nodded. 
Taehyung pressed his lips to yours again as you froze in your place. “This was your second… I am your first and second.” 
“Taehyung…” You whimpered. 
Taehyung looked up to your eyes with fear, what if you regretted this already?
But your lips were curled into a content smile as you sucked on your bottom lip. “Hmm?” Taehyung couldn’t speak. 
Your eyes were closed but your smile got bigger. “You like that?” He gathered the courage to ask you. You nodded. “You gave me my first kiss…” Your voice was so quiet, scarred of ants and bees hearing you.
Taehyung’s arm grew weak, and he placed his back into your neck, lying on his side. “I did…” He whispered.
“Oh my Lord! Taehyung!” Your voice filled your lungs cheerfully. “You gave me my first kiss!”
Taehyung was a weak man. He was on a tide of emotions.
He was either poisonously possessive and jealous which made him bitter, or he was head over heels with ever-growing love. After sharing two quick pecks, his heart couldn’t slow down despite the relaxing encouragement from you. You weren’t different, you wore a delusional smile on your face and giggle with the remainant taste of him. 
After having the kiss, he laid back on your thigh, taking deep breaths to savour the moment. As he laid on, his driver returned, marking the time as 4 p.m. It was time to return home. Taehyung packed the stuff up hurriedly, he shoved most of the stuff back into the baskets. But Taehyung helped you get the carriage with utter gentleness and held your hand during the ride back home. 
On the ride, Taehyung's gaze occasionally shifted toward you, his eyes conveying a mixture of tenderness and protectiveness that had become all too familiar. The ride back felt shorter than the journey there, perhaps because of the warmth that enveloped you both at the newfound intimacy.
You stole glances at him too, admiring the subtle lines of his profile, the way the fading sunlight played upon his features, casting a golden halo around his countenance. The tender memories of your first kiss lingered, the sweetness of the moment still etched in the recesses of your mind.
Your entrance back to Kim’s estate was wordless too, your bodies thriving in the spell of love together. Taehyung’s henchman greeted you at the door with a big smile. As you entered the house, Taehyung took your jacket off for you. “Thank you, Tae.” You shivered when his knuckles brush your shoulders. 
“Your mothers are at the blue drawing room, Mr Kim.” The henchman announced as he closed the door behind you.
You and Taehyung proceed into the room as another maid took your jackets. Ever gentleman, Taehyung offered you his arm. You accepted, “The blue drawing room is my favourite!” You quietly squeal. 
Taehyung gave you a sweet chuckle, pecking your temple. He could see the little girl he used to chase down the halls with your words. “Are you ready for the big inquisition?” He asked.
You playfully rolled your eyes at him. “Take me back to the meadow!”
As you and Taehyung entered the lavish blue drawing room, the silver and blue furnishings gave the room an air of refined elegance. The intricate silver-framed portraits adorned the walls, complementing the lavish blue draperies that billowed gently in the evening breeze. The chandeliers above illuminated the room with a soft, golden radiance, casting enchanting shadows across the floor.
Both your mother and Mrs Kim had already adorned themselves in their evening finery, complete with sparkling tiaras that added an extra touch of glamour. Their eyes lit up as they spotted the two of you, immediately eager for the details of your day.
Taehyung greeted them first, “Oh lord! The room is so bright with your elegance, mothers!” Taehyung's playful charisma shone through as he addressed the company in his charming manner. 
They gave Taehyung a melodic giggle, “Son, you are a charmer as always.” Your mother said.
“Come on, sit down, you love birds. Tell us what you have done!” Mrs Kim chippered quickly. Your mother gave her a knowing look. “How was your day, my dear Y/N? Did my son treat you well? If not, you just only tell!” Her hand reached for her heel.
You couldn't help but smile, feeling the warmth of their interest. "It was absolutely delightful, thank you! Taehyung took me on the loveliest picnic. We had the most wonderful time together under the sun." you replied, your voice filled with the remnants of the joy and excitement from the day's escapades.
"It sounds like very romantic day…" Mrs Kim added with a soft sigh, the memory of the picnic bringing a pleasant warmth to your cheeks. Both of the mothers couldn't help but express their admiration and fondness for the idyllic setting. 
Your mother, with a playful glint in her eye, interjected with a teasing remark. "Yes, but you two used to bicker so much, it's a wonder you didn't drive each other crazy! It seems you've found a way to get along." She shot a knowing look at Mrs Kim, who chuckled in agreement.
Taehyung, always quick with a quip, responded with a grin, "Oh, well, Y/N came long way, I think. She even shared her eclairs with me, isn't that right, my darling?" He reached for your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as his eyes met yours with a twinkle.
You pouted with a huff, “Taehyung!” Just like that two of you returned to bickering. 
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ronearoundblindly · 5 months
Dominance & Sleepy Sex for Fools Rush In Steve! <3
Loved your most recent one with Curtis btw 😘🖤
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed Curtis's dirty headcanon (for the legit-dirty man).
Now to FRI Steve, the tricky and ever-growing love of my life! Prompts from this dirty ask game.
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While there are several stories in the Fools Rush In series that are suitable for all ages, this headcanon is not. MINORS DNI, please.
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D - Dominance
This is a story of a very slow evolution. Steve develops excruciatingly over months and years in the FRI series--which I do love, for the record, I love to detail every little thing that makes him understand his body, his love, and how to show it--but that's for a reason.
He has the specific problem of his senses. It makes him a better soldier to feel less, be more immune to pain, and be affected very little by those hormone fluctuations in response.
Throughout Do You Two Fondue? and This All Day, we see him come into his own as a sexual partner. That blossoms further when he's finally married to Keeps (unlocking his first kink, sorta, when he gets to call you 'Mrs. Rogers' and 'my wife'), and throughout his isolation in Dignity of His Choice, Steve realizes he's not terrible for having fantasies and wanting sex.
He's...slow to initiate anything.
What I haven't gotten to write yet is Steve being exposed to a Hydra gas (sex pollen) that reduces him to his basest, most animalistic desires, and it takes a lot of therapy and talking to shake his learned-shame. He's been conditioned to believe things like dominance and anal can only ever be wrong/disrespectful to the one he loves. (It's important to specify that Steve holds himself to this standard and no one else.)
So, please enjoy a snippet where our soft!boi admits that he might be interested in more than his so-far-pretty-vanilla intimacies.
excerpt from Not A Perfect Soldier But A Good Man
“It’s still you and me, Steve. Doesn’t matter where and it doesn’t matter how. I feel just as safe and loved now as I did before. I know you think you hurt me, but I can’t watch you hurt yourself anymore.” “But I remember it.” His voice is so quiet you think he can barely hear it, but you’re so focused. Your hands cup his face and raise his jaw, but Steve won’t look at you. “We remember a lot of things th—“ “You don’t understand,” he interrupts, the words wet from his closing throat, his long lashes shimmering with tears he’s straining to keep squeezed in. “I…”  There’s a beat before Steve sobs one huge release and reins it back in just as fast. The whiplash of keeping himself together forces him to his knees, planting him right at your feet.  He grabs your legs, pressing his forehead to your closed thighs. “I liked it,” he whispers, likely hoping he’s too far away and too quiet for you to hear. “God help me. I liked it.”
FRI Steve never becomes what I would classify as a Dom, however. He gets better at initiating and steering sex in a way he's excited about, but I can't see him regularly and entirely taking the lead in bed.
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S - Sleepy Sex
The short answer: yes.
He gets much more comfortable with the slow and easy enjoyment of morning sex.
Please enjoy another snippet from the upcoming tale about soulmarks:
excerpt from Something Wrong Is Something Right
He drags a light few fingertips across your arm, making you shiver and snuggle into him more. There’s another faint whine before you bury your head in his pec and breathe deeply. Your heart rate increases. So does his. It’s a testament to how in-sync you two are now that before you even say a word or look up at him, your arm slides down his abs and you rock your hips closer to him. Ok, now Steve’s just plain excited. He loves morning sex. Tired-You turns into a rag doll in his arms and gets loud. He feels powerful and a touch controlling, but really it doesn’t take much to get both of you off even lazily when it’s this early. You let out that little sigh, the one that pairs with the perfect hug, but as Steve has learned over the years, it really pairs with any genuine embrace between you two. It’s contentment and freedom and the invitation he’s all too willing to receive.
(I couldn't fit it in because the snippet would be too long, but one thing I just melt over is that he's categorized your scent between three levels of arousal...which, I mean, oh my, fucking swoon, am I right??? No? Ro's a perv? Ok, yeah, that checks out.)
Steve does not usually wake you up already between your legs or anything; that's a bit aggressive for him. Like, he'll rub on you but won't put his tongue or cock in you until you're aware enough to look at him.
He's been given consent to, several times, but he enjoys the participation--sharing the experience--more than just the act of getting off.
Since in FRI, Steve is a super soldier, it's unlikely he's ever completely asleep if you are significantly moving around, so you can't surprise him with a blowjob. He is finicky about those. Again, that feels impersonal and distant compared to having his arms around you.
He goes for runs so early that Steve's amazed you two have as much morning sex as you do. It turns out that's a great way to make you tired enough to fall back asleep, and you can spread out happily on his still-warm spot while he heads to the gym. You can even shower with him when he returns! Yay!
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Dirty Asks Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
This completes the TWENTY-SIX dirty asks from the past week. WOOHOOOOOO, we did it, gang!!! Now right back to the drawing board/notebook/multiple scrivener projects...anyway, you get it. Thanks for reading 💕
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xiaq · 1 year
Steddie outsider POV fic Pt. 4
AO3 Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
Eddie watches Steve leave the hospital room and Will watches Eddie watch Steve leave. 
The longing is familiar. Will thinks—he hopes—that he hides his inadvisable crush a little better. Then again, Will is not currently high as a kite on painkillers recovering from a near-fatal injury. Eddie probably can’t help the way he looks at Steve right now. 
“Are you in love with him?” Will asks. It’s maybe unfair to ask, all things considered. They barely know each other. But if Eddie is like him; if Eddie knows, he’d give anything to find someone to talk to. To see himself in. Especially someone like Eddie.
Eddie closes his eyes.
He doesn’t answer for several seconds. When he does, it's resigned. “Maybe.”
“I won’t tell anyone,” Will says, because he’d want to hear it.
Eddie opens his eyes to roll them. “I know, kid. You ain’t too subtle either.” He makes a moue of distaste. “And you have shit taste in men. You could absolutely do better. At least I chose a suitably gorgeous out-of-my-league object of worship. If you’re going to pine after someone unattainable, have the self-respect to pick a really,” he sighs, the roll of words slowing to a crawl, “really impressive specimen.”
“Hey. I do not have—I think you’re hot.”
“You’re just confirming my point,” he says, gesturing to his admittedly pretty battered face. “Shit taste in men.”
Will feels like he should probably tell Eddie not to talk about himself like that, but he’s never been good at stuff like this.
“Steve has been here every day,” Will points out. 
“Because we bonded through trauma and he thinks he owes me for valiantly saving Henderson’s life at the near expense of my own. We all know Dustin is his favorite.”
“I’m just saying. My situation is hopeless. I know that. Yours might not be.”
“Please stop talking, Byers.”
“Sorry. Can I ask about something else?”
“Sure kid.” Eddie sounds exhausted.
“When did you know? That you were—uh.”
“When didn’t I know,” he mutters. “I don’t think I ever had the luxury of not knowing.”
“But you’re so…”
Will gestures at him: the bandana holding back his curls, the rings and the nail polish and the oversized Metallica shirt Steve had cut down the back and added a safety pin fastening to at the top so the nurses still had easy access for bandage changes.
“You’re so cool. Different. Loud. And the guys said you aren’t afraid of anything. That you’ll get in jocks’ faces and make speeches standing on cafeteria tables. How do you do that without being afraid?”
“Being afraid of what?” Eddie asks, “Afraid if I’m noticeable people might notice? That I’m gay?”
He says it so easily. Will has never even said the word out loud. “Yeah.”
Eddie shifts, wincing, as he reaches to scratch his chin. “I was never good at being subtle, is the thing. So I didn't have much of a choice. But in middle school I started getting into fights. Because people suspected. By high school I figured if people were going to stare I’d give them a reason before they could make their own. It was—”
He drops his hand, flexing his fingers, considering the rings on them.
“It was sort of like designing a character. Except the character was myself. The summer before freshman year, my uncle took me to Indy and we hit all the thrift stores. Found me a whole new wardrobe, and he taught me to sew to customize some vests. I figured it’d be easier to BS my way through acting brave if I looked the part.”
“And that worked?”
“It worked,” Eddie agrees quietly, attention still on his hands. “Maybe a little too well.”
Will touches the slightly jagged line of his hair. He tugs the collar of his shirt and studies the scuffed toes of his sneakers. “If I wanted to do something like that, would you help me?”
“Of course,” Eddie says. “Yeah, of course. Just say when.” 
Three months later, Will drives to Eddie’s trailer in his shiny new bribe-from-the-government car and knocks on the door.
There’s a crash, a muffled thump, and then Eddie hissing, “Ow, fuck—no don’t, I’m fine, just stay––I know, but hold on. I think it’s one of the kids.”
“Uh…Eddie?” Will calls. “Are you ok?”
“Fine! Totally fine. One second.”
And then Eddie is wrenching open the door just wide enough that he can poke his head out. His mouth is red. His face is flushed. He’s wearing jeans that are neither buttoned or zipped and it is readily apparent that there’s no underwear underneath them. Will drags his attention back up to Eddie’s face, probably slower than he should, but Eddie is hot, even with––maybe especially with––all his scars. Sue him.
“Hi,” Eddie says, more a panted exhalation than an actual word. “What’s up?”
Will may have woefully nonexistent sexual experience, but he knows what a hickey looks like. And Eddie has…a lot of them. He has like, an entire necklace of hickies.
Eddie frowns at him, follows the direction of his attention, and then brings up a hand to cover his throat. “Oh, you motherfucker,” he mutters.
“No no, not you.”
“I can…come back later,” Will says. “If you’re doing something else.”
He thinks he hears muffled laughter from inside.
Eddie sighs. “It’s fine.” he glances behind him, running a harried hand through his even-wilder-than-normal hair. “My boyfriend is here, but he can wait.”
“Oh. Oh.” Will is sort of dumbfounded that Eddie found someone in Hawkins. Maybe he’s not from Hawkins. Maybe he’s visiting from somewhere else? “That’s great. That’s really great, Eddie. But what about––”
“SO,” Eddie says loudly, before Will can say Steve’s name, “why is it that you’ve graced my humble abode with your presence, Will the Wise?”
“Um,” Will says. “You know that thing we talked about, in the hospital?”
“We talked about numerous and sundry things in the the hospital.”
“About not being afraid anymore. About giving people something to look at.”
Eddie’s expression softens. “I do.”
“I think I’m ready to not be afraid anymore. But I need help.”
“I see. How wild are we getting here, kid?”
“Hair and clothes. And maybe…I was thinking maybe get my ear pierced.”
Eddie whistles. “I’m honored you’ve selected me to accompany you on this journey. Is there anyone else you want to join the party?”
“I was thinking maybe Steve. Except he wasn’t home when I went by earlier. I thought I saw his car parked a few houses down from here, though. He might be at Max’s.”
Eddie presses his palms together like he’s praying, and touches pursed lips to his index fingers. “Give me a minute,” he says. And abruptly disappears behind a slammed door.
There’s frantic whispering, a choked off laugh, and then the door is being pulled open again by—
“Holy shit,” Will says.
Steve is also shirtless; his pants are at least buttoned. His chest looks like it’s been clawed by an Eddie-sized cat, though.
Will tries to tell his dick that the situation is mortifying, not sexy. His dick does not agree. 
“So,” Steve clears his throat. “Impromptu trip to Indy?”
“We’ve both got work tomorrow,” Eddie says, “but Saturday?”
“Yeah,” Will agrees.
He can’t stop staring at Steve’s arm, curled proprietarily around Eddie’s waist; at Eddie’s hand resting on Steve’s wrist, like he’s not even conscious of its placement. Will wants that. He wants it so bad it winds him.
“Hey. Don’t make that face,” Eddie says, like he knows exactly what Will is thinking. He probably does. “You’re sixteen. You’ve got time. Hardly anyone ends up with their highschool crush. I’m an outlier.”
“And no offense dude, but Mike?” Steve says, “You could totally do better.”
“That’s what I said!”
“Hold on,” Steve backtracks, turning to look at Eddie. “I was your teenage crush?”
Eddie’s eyes go wide. “What? No.”
“That’s literally what you just said.”
“We really need to get you back to that concussion doctor,” Eddie says, “because clearly you’re hearing things, and auditory hallucinations are very concerning.”
“Hey,” Will interrupts. 
Those both turn back to look at him.
“I’m driving,” he says, trying to sound firm. “I’ll pick you both up here at 9am on Saturday.”
“You’re assuming I’ll already be here?” Steve asks.
“Won’t you?” Will argues.
“I like this assertiveness, Byers,” Eddie says approvingly. “A+ start. But maybe you pick us up at ten.”
“Nine,” he repeats. “See you then.”
He nods decisively and turns to walk back through the yard.
“Jesus Christ,” Steve mutters behind him. “These kids are going to kill me.”
“Shut up, you love them,” Eddie says, and then, louder, “Hey Byers, keep this to yourself, will you? At least for now.”
Will holds out his hand, thumb up.
When he gets back in the car, Will puts in a Dio tape and cranks up the volume. He grins all the way home.
Will arrives at the final Hellfire club meeting of the summer wearing a cropped Black Sabbath shirt, ripped jeans that rival Eddie’s, and shitkicker boots that were well worth the eye-watering amount of money he paid for them. His hair is fresh-shaved on the sides and slicked back on top. The guys are mostly used to his new look by now but Max and El both give him appreciative once-overs that are gratifying. 
“Bitchin,” El says approvingly.
Will’s attention doesn’t linger on Mike. Doesn’t look for his specific reaction. It hurts less to look at him, now; gets easier every day to see him and El and not feel like their affection is engineered to hurt him. It helps that he’s gone back to Indy twice since he went with Steve and Eddie. He’s still too baby-faced to get into the bars, but he can wander through the record stores and thrift shops in the neighborhood. Sit in a cafe where no one knows him or his name. Flirt, carefully, while bumming a cigarette from a cute guy with a bandana in his pocket. The world is so much bigger than Hawkins. And he’s going to see it one day.
However, he’s still stuck there for two more years, and he plans to make the best of his time. Exhibit A:   Today is both the end of Eddie’s final campaign, and the day in which Eddie selects his successor as dungeon master.
Will thinks, maybe, it might be him. He wants it to be him.
Except when he gets to the basement, there’s no sign of Eddie. And Eddie is never late.
“Has anyone talked to him today?” Dustin asks. He’s pacing.
No one has.
“Have you tried calling him?” Will asks.
“Have you tried calling Steve?”
“Why would I call Steve?”
“Maybe just try? They’ve been hanging out a lot recently.”
Max meets his eyes and Will gets the distinct feeling she knows.
Dustin stomps up the stairs, then back down again a minute later.
“No one picked up at Steve’s house either.”
“Robin?” El suggests.
Dustin groans and heads back upstairs.
“No,” he yells down. “Any other suggestions?”
“Family Video,” Lucas shouts. 
“Or the garage!” Mike says.
Dustin has a muffled conversation first with someone who is clearly neither Steve nor Robin at Family Video, and then a longer conversation with someone else at the garage. It’s full of stops and starts and anxious-sounding questions.
“Guys,” Dustin says, coming back down the stairs. “I think Eddie and Steve might be in trouble.”
“I’ll drive,” Will says. 
They’re piled in the car and tearing off toward the garage in a matter of minutes.
“Tell me again what he said,” Max demands.
“Jason Carver and some of the guys came in to drop off a car and they were harassing Eddie last week. Since then, they’d been waiting in the parking lot across the street sometimes when Eddie got off work. So Steve has been picking him up.”
“Okay but what about today?”
“He didn’t know!” Dustin’s voice cracks in Will’s ear where he’s leaned forward over the center console from the back seat. “He said that Eddie came in to work a few hours in the morning and Steve picked him up. That Jason and his friends may have followed them but he wasn’t certain.”
“What time?”
“Over an hour ago.”
“Where would they go? If they’re not at their houses?”
“The quarry,” Will says. “Or skull rock.”
“Why would they go there?” Dustin shrieks.
Will meets Max’s eyes in the rearview mirror.
He abruptly changes course.
Quarry first.
His stomach goes sour when they round the corner. Because there are two vehicles at the quarry. One is Steve’s BMW.  There’s a rucked quilt on the hood and one glass coke bottle tangled in it, tipped on its side, staining the floral fabric. A second bottle is on the ground, shattered by the front tire. Steve’s keys are laying in the gravel next to the broken glass.
 The second vehicle, parked at a haphazard angle beside it, is Jason Carver’s truck. All four doors are open. The engine is still running. The radio is still on. But there are no people to be seen.
“Oh no,” Dustin says. “Oh no, no, no. This is not good.”
“Shit,” Lucas says, “shit, ok. So they probably ran for the woods, right? Do we have any weapons?”
“Lucas,” El says.
“Ok, obviously you. But we’re going to have to split up to search for them and the rest of us can’t exactly defend ourselves with our minds.”
Will pops the trunk.
And gets out the bat.
He’d felt kind of ridiculous when he’d made it, carefully hammering nails into the wood until it looked like Steve’s. He hadn’t even practiced with it or anything before he’d put it in the trunk with the first aid kit and the jumper cables and the tire iron: all things he’d hoped he’d never have occasion to use. He’s grateful for it now as he swings it experimentally.
“Dude,” Lucas says.
“Nice,” Max says. She takes the tire iron.
“Let’s go,” Will says.
It probably shouldn’t come as a surprise that Will is the one who finds them.
It feels right, all things considered. Less Deus Ex Machina and more destiny. 
Eddie is on the ground and Steve is standing over him, arms out, like he can protect him from Jason––Jason who is pointing a gun at Steve's chest, while his three goons are circled around them, watching. 
A gun. God, it’s almost insulting. The very idea that a gun might be the thing to end one of their lives.
Steve’s voice is low and frantic.
And Will is angry.
He knows he should be scared. Maybe he is. But he’s faced far worse that Jason fucking Carver. And when he looks at Jason he sees Lucas’ battered face and Max’s casts. He sees every bully with straight teeth and a letterman jacket that ever shoved him in a hallway.
The hand not holding the bat curls into a fist.
“Hey,” he shouts, and stalks forward.
“Stop right there,” Carver says, swinging around wildly to take aim at him.
“Or what?” 
“Do you not see the gun in my hands?”
“Yeah, you see the bat in mine?”
He keeps walking.
“You think I’m joking?” Carver’s arm is shaking.
“You think shooting me will work?” Will shouts back, heart loud in his ears, but voice shockingly cavalier, “I came back from the dead once, maybe I’ll do it again.”
He keeps walking.
“What the fuck,” one of the guys says, “is that Beyers?”
“Jason,” another one says, “Jason, come on, this isn’t what we talked about. Harrington and now the Beyers kid? You can’t––”
“Shut up,” Carver yells.
Will keeps walking.
He brings his free hand to his mouth and whistles. Loud. Piercing. Something the party had practiced until they all could do it three summers before.
He immediately gets three whistles back.
“Over here!” he shouts. He stops walking just within range of Carver. 
He plants his feet. He taps the bat against the side of one boot.
“You’re about to be outnumbered,” he says.
“Fuck man,” one of the guys says. “I’m out.” And with the sudden departure of one, the rest follow. Including, after a moment, Jason himself. He starts with a few steps backward, then his arm drops to his side and he scrambles into a run.
Steve watches them until they’re out of sight, and then he’s collapsing like a puppet whose strings have been cut, reaching for Eddie as Eddie reaches for him, colliding in a tangle of desperate hands.
“Are you okay?” they demand of each other, and then, after a moment of frantic reassurances, they turn to face Will.
“Jesus Christ, kid,” Steve says, eyes on the bat. “What the fuck were you thinking?”
“Gee, can’t imagine where he learned it from,” Eddie mutters, spitting blood as they struggle to their feet. Steve doesn’t look to be in much better shape than Eddie but at least his face is mostly unscathed.
“Oh, don’t even try to pin this on me.” Steve wraps one arm around Eddie’s waist to keep him upright and throws out the other to gesture half-heartedly at Will. “Look at him.”
“Well sure, but I don’t go around with a fucking nail-bat in my trunk and I sure as hell don’t provoke people when I’m up against stupid odds unlike some dipshits who have no appreciation for their own mortality.”
“The safety was on,” Will points out. He whistles again. Three whistles back again, this time accompanied by shouting. 
“What?” Eddie says.
“Jason,” Will says. “The gun he was holding. The safety was on. I definitely could have hit him before he could have shot me.”
Eddie lets out a hysterical little laugh. 
He trips on something and nearly takes Steve down with him.
“Whoa, hey.” Steve hoists him back up as Max and Lucas come stumbling through the undergrowth. 
“Oh shit,” Lucas says, “guys, are you ok?”
“Peachy keen,” Eddie warbles.
Steve uses his shirt to wipe blood off Eddie’s upper lip. Will thinks his nose might be broken. 
“Hey, look at me,” Steve says. “How’s your head?”
“Fucked,” Eddie groans. “Probably still better than yours, though, sweetheart. Should change your name to King of Brain Damage.” He blinks blearily at Steve, smiling through pink-stained teeth. “ Or maybe King of pretty eyes.”
“Stop trying to flirt when you’re concussed.”
Dustin crashes into the clearing next, throwing himself at Steve and Eddie and nearly dumping them back onto the ground with his exuberance. 
And then El and Mike are there and Will is handing his bat to Lucas and pulling Eddie’s other arm over his shoulder, nodding to Steve as they move forward.
“Hospital?” He asks.
“No,” Eddie whines between them.
“Yeah,” Steve says. “And we gotta call Hopper to come get pictures and take our statements.”
“Hopper is gonna kill us,” Mike sighs.
“Nah,” Steve says. “But Joyce might kill Jason for pointing a gun at Will.”
“...do we have to tell them that part?” Will asks. 
“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” Steve says.
Will sighs. 
It’s going to be a long night.
Ten minutes later, they stumble out of the trees and make their way down the quarry rim to the cars. Carver’s truck is gone.
“Will,” Steve says, “you mind driving us?”
Will glances across Eddie’s ducked head to meet Steve’s eyes. “Sure.”
“You’re going to let someone else drive the BMW?” Dustin says incredulously. “You never let anyone else drive the BMW.”
“Special circumstances,” Steve says. “Hey, Sinclair. You got your permit, right?”
Lucas looks like this might be the best day of his life.
“Yeah,” he says breathlessly. “Passed with flying colors.”
“Be still my heart,” Eddie croons, “for King Steve cannot bear to be separated from his humble bard.”
“Bard, sure,” Steve mutters, “humble, not so much.”
“You wound me, sire. And on my deathbed too?”
“You’re not dying,” Steve argues, aggrieved. “Hold on.” He opens the back car door and Will helps Steve slide Eddie inside.
“I can sit with him,” Dustin says. “If you still want to drive, I mean.”
“No,” Steve says. “It’s fine.”
“We cannot be parted!” Eddie shouts from inside, “For Lo! Young we are and yet have stood like planted hearts in the great Sun of Love so long (as two fair trees in woodland or in open dale stand utterly entwined and breathe the airs and suck the very light together) that we have become as one, deep rooted in the soil of Life and tangled in the sweet growth!”
“Is that…” Dustin bends, hands on his knees, to frown at Eddie. “Why are you quoting Tolkien’s wedding vows?”
“Boys are so stupid,” Max says. “No offense, Will.”
“None taken,” Will murmurs.
“No offense Will?”” Lucas repeats.
Steve exhales loudly, eyes closed, pinching the bridge of his nose, but he’s smiling. He crawls into the back seat, pulling Eddie’s head into his lap. He runs his fingers, gentle, through the mess of Eddie’s hair. He smooths his thumb against the quickly swelling curve of his cheekbone.
“Wait,” Lucas says. “Wait, wait, wait. Are they––”
“Uh,” Mike says.
“So stupid,” Max repeats, stooping to pick up Steve’s key’s from the ground. She tosses them to Lucas. “Come on, let’s go. We can deal with your complete inability to see what’s right in front of your faces at the hospital.”
Will agrees. Dustin slides into the passenger seat of Will’s car, still spluttering, as Will is buckling his seatbelt. He starts the engine.
He glances in the rearview mirror just in time to see Steve duck to press his lips to the mangled bridge of Eddie’s nose; to see Eddie’s grin in response.
“Wedding vows, huh,” Steve murmurs.
“I’m concussed,” Eddie says primly, “I’m out of my mind.”
“On that we’re agreed,” Steve says, but he’s looking down at him with such fondness it makes Will feel like a voyeur.
He suppresses a smile of his own and puts the car in drive, turning up the radio over Dustin’s demands for details. 
If he wasn’t before, Will is definitely going to be Eddie’s choice for dungeon master, now. Did Dustin save Eddie’s life by threatening Jason Carver with a nail bat while Jason Carver was pointing a gun at his face? No. No he did not. 
Will did.
Pt. 5 (Tommy Hagan)
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its-in-the-woods · 4 months
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 6
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out.  Little angst, lots of fluff, handholding,kissing, Very Fluffy, Pinch of Angst, Relationship Development, Hurt/Comfort, Older man/ Younger(30s) women, Alternative universe, fictional work (IDK WHY BUT I AM PUTTING IT) Probably more as I go.
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.
I think I may have an ending now. Posts will continue to be 2-3k long. Every other day more than likely. The whole fic will be around 30k words.
Thank you all again and again for taking the time to read the stories I put out.
Your phone hasn’t stopped buzzing, your head is a little fuzzy but not nearly as bad as you’d experienced. Opening your eyes you flip the phone over to see it’s nearly twelve-thirty in the afternoon. Blinking a few times you make yourself sit up in bed flipping your phone on to see a deluge of text messages. Groaning you turn your phone off and stretch. Before any messages were answered you need coffee and maybe a shower. 
Showered and suitably caffeinated you finally flip open the text messages. 
9 am: So what happened?
9:1 5:Hello?
9:30: Look do I need to call the police?
10:30: It’s been hours….
10:32: You never texted me when you got home
11:01: Okay it’s after eleven. You never sleep in. 
12:45: I am coming over in thirty minutes if I don’t hear from you. 
You reply:
I am fine, I just got home super late. I hope you’re not coming over
You scared me! 
Why didn’t you text me back?
How late were you out
Wait did you go back to his place?????
You groan squeezing your eyes close and drinking a healthy swig of coffee.
We went for sushi, then went down to the beach. 
That’s all you're giving me! What kinda 1950s dating scene is this?
You chuckle replying:
We stayed at the beach until 3 am. 
Trevor: Wait did you have sex on the beach
It’s an important question. Don’t want to find out on the gossip train.
why can’t I have nice things TREVOR. No there was no sex in PUBLIC, we kissed and held hands. Can I not do that????
Trevor: Are you secretly asexual? There is nothing wrong with that. I think it’s romantic. 
I am going to become asexual if it means you stop asking me these questions. 
You could almost hear him laughing at you. 
You like it! 
You snorted and switched messages.
10 am: Hey beautiful, wanted to check in. See how you’re doing this morning. 
11 am: I was wondering about maybe going out to bar a city over next Friday? 
11:10 am: Promise I am not trying to kidnap you.
12:20 pm:  Thought you never slept in?
Hey handsome, sorry I actually slept in. Kept me out past my bedtime.
I would love to go out with you next Friday, fingers crossed they don’t keep us late
You set your phone down, pondering if you still trusted the milk in the fridge to make pancakes. Getting up you get a refill of coffee, phone buzzing. 
If they do we can always go out saturday? Can’t be keeping you up so late. Got make sure you can keep up with this old man. 
Oh I am sure I can keep up with you 😉
Careful little lady, I might have to come by and test that theory.
Your face goes bright red and that heat coils low in your belly. 
You: Promises, promises, 
If I didn’t have a zoom meeting in ten minutes 😠
Maybe next Friday. 
You’re not sure why you’ve become a tease, but you’re enjoying winding him up. 
Monday will be more like it.
😜 Your trailer or mine.
Yours just so Trevor will stop texting me.
You let out a laugh, seemed like Trevor was also enjoying winding him up. You spend the rest of the day chatting with both of them. Sunday is a bit quieter, more zoom calls for Walt and Trevor had gone to Decon’s. 
*** Monday goes by in a blur, Walton keeps his hands to himself when others are around. But it doesn’t stop him from following you behind the food tent to steal kisses. You are now sporting a permanent flush and some of your co-workers are raising eyebrows. You are ever grateful that Trevor has kept his mouth shut. Liz is as pissy as ever but seems to be letting it lay. Katie has slowly warmed up to you again, why you weren’t sure. 
The rest of the week is pretty similar. Early mornings bleed into later evenings, the endless weeks have worn on you. Then Walton slides into your chair with his latest story and you feel like a weight is lifted off of you. The man once more touches you gently and gives you lingering cheek kisses as he goes over to set or costumes.   
Friday night rolls around and it’s going to be a long one. You fiddle with a few of your brushes when the door opens quickly. 
“We are being released. There was a fire on stage, and it looks like we are out at least until Monday,” Liz rolls in looking flustered, her normal perfect facade gone. She looks haggard and frazzled. 
“There was a fire on set?” You ask sitting up and feeling much more awake. Panic shoots down the back of your neck.
“Yep, green sparky left a light on too close to set.” Liz sat in the chair grabbing cleaner. You had stayed in the trailer to start tucking things away as Walton was off-screen for the first three setups. You are out the door before she has time to say more. You stop at costumes knocking at the door. 
Rebeccas opens it and looks down at you, she looks flustered but still has a smile on. “Hey, I am guessing you heard about the fire?”
“Yes, I did,” You say trying not to sound panicked, even though your mind is racing. The thought of him being hurt makes you nauseous. “Umm -is.”
Rebecca looks into the trailer, “Walt. You almost done in there?” There is a bunch of commotion going on in the trailer, with people moving back and forth, and different actors in various stages of undress.
You looked at her puzzled at how she knew you were looking for him. 
Rebecca turns back to you, “He never shuts up about you, so figured that’s why you are here,” She replies, and you immediately feel flustered, clearly rumors are moving again. 
“Oh- umm- Yeah. I just wanted to make sure he was okay.”
Walton pops his head above Rebecca his fingers nimbly button up his shirt. “Be right out.”
You blush and look away, “Sorry, I should probably go.”
Rebeca waved her hand at you, “Your secret is safe with me,” she winked. You wonder not for the first time if you were the only one who was never included in the rumor mill. 
Walton pops down the stairs, and has on grey button-up sleeves rolled up, navy wash jeans. He tilts his head when he looks at you. You let out a sigh seeing him unscathed. 
“You okay?” He asks, his hand touching your shoulder. You nod your head, turning to walk back towards the makeup trailer. You really don’t want to make a scene right now, there were way too many eyes on you both right now. 
“I know I said we should go to the bar tonight,” Walton says, his fingers brushing against yours. You try not to grab his hands, just to know he is still there. “But maybe we should get take out at my place?”
You get to the trailer, unable to stop looking around. He looks right at you, the way he could focus on you was both flattering and unnerving. Especially as you are trying to keep things under wraps. 
“Have to stop and grab a few things first.” You say trying to keep your voice from carrying. “Have you pick me up again?”
He smiles, “I would pick you up any day.”
You are bright red, as you open the door and follow the man into the trailer. 
A large paper bag of Chinese food was acquired, along with a couple of bottles of wine. You both devest at the door, slipping off your shoes, and placing the wine on the counter. You watch him move around the kitchen. Practice ease, you watch his muscles move under his shirt. You were tired as anything but being in his kitchen, waiting to eat greasy Chinese food couldn’t have been more perfect. 
You grab plates from him, laying out the smorgasbord board of different food. The two of you scooped a little of everything, before sitting down at the table and pouring some wine. 
“I feel like I should apologize for having you over instead of going out somewhere,” Walton says taking a sip of wine. “I don’t want you to think I am taking advantage of you being here.”
You chuckle, “Don’t know what you mean Mr. Goggins. I thought you invited me to your place to play some chess and listen to swing jazz.”
Walton nearly loses his food at the comment, his hand covering his mouth. “Swing jazz? How old do you think I am?”
“Oh you got to be at least in your seventies,” You tease back taking a bite out of your spring roll. 
Walton coughs, “I didn’t realize you where into grandfathers.”
You choke a little, “Well to be fair,” You wave your hand, “I am usually good with trying anything once.” 
Walton sips on his wine eyebrows raised, “Anything?”
You nod your head, a smile spreading across your face. “Can’t say I don’t like it unless I try it.”
He puts his glass down, watching you carefully as you finish your cup. “I could make some coffee while we clean up.”
You grab his plate stacking it with your own as he grabs the glasses. You two make it over to the kitchen, there is tension in the air as you clean things up. He grabs a French press out of the cupboards aswell as some coffee and cups.
You slide over to the counter and sit on top of it. Feet kicking back and forth as you watch the man ready things.  Flicking the kettle on to heat the water. He comes over and moves himself in between your legs.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are?” He whispers, placing hands on either side of your hips. Face inches from you.
You wrap your hands lazily over his shoulders, opening your legs to let him in closer. 
“No, you haven't today.” You lean in to kiss him, kissing him will never get old.
“You are stunning.” He whispers against your ear. Sending shivers down your spine. The kettle clicks and he's moving away from you. You watch him pour grinds and then water into the press. 
“Why did you wait so long to ask?” You inquire, moving your feet back and forth. Letting yourself briefly wonder if maybe the question was too forward.  
He turned to look at you, bottom lip caught in his teeth. “Umm-”  
Leaving the coffee he came over to you. Cheeks slightly pink, he tucked his hair behind his ear. 
“I - ahh. I didn't think you'd want to go out with me.” 
Your mouth falls open, “Are you serious?”
He shrugs, fingers fiddling with the outer seam of your jeans. You take his hand in yours using the moment to drag him back between your legs. Once he is there, you tip Walton’s head up to look right at you.
“You're so dumb,” You grin leaning in to kiss him. He chuckles and leans into the kiss, strong arms wrapping around you. “I am also dumb, 'cause I thought the same thing about you.”
Walton pulls back looking at you, eyebrows scrunched. “Didn't you just call me dumb? Seems like we both may have missed the sign somewhere along the way.”
You grin one hand finding its way to rub along his jawline. “Took us long enough.”
He smiled, “Trevor is never going to let us live this down.”
You let out a groan, “He is beyond impossible. I am gonna have a small textbook of text messages.”
Walton’s eyes glint, and he pulls his phone out. “Why don't we give him an update.”
You can't help but laugh, “Oh absolutely!” 
Walton flips his phone on turning on the camera he flips it to the two of you. You lean in and kiss him deeply as he clicks the button. The phone is placed on the counter as you wrap your legs around his waist. You pull out a deep moan that rumbles out of his chest when you bite at his bottom lip. It doesn't stop you from pushing your tongue in. Rocking your hips a little, the room feels hot. 
Walton pulls away, breathless, “If you keep doing that, I am liable to forget about our coffee.”
You let out a sigh, “I suppose a little coffee couldn't won't hurt.” You unwrap yourself from him. 
He moves down the counter as you slide off it. He mixes your coffee just the way you like it, handing you the cup as he fixes his own. You wait, watching him work, he turns and gestures toward the living room. You make your way over to the couch.  
Folding yourself up on the end of the sofa, tucking one leg underneath the other. You sip on the coffee, it is delicious and beats any store bought. Walton comes over and sits beside you, taking a long sip of his drink. Looking out the windows you can see part of downtown and the north shore. The lights still dazzling, as the evening wore on. 
“I know, before, I said I wasn’t sure you would want to go out with me,” He said looking out at the window as he spoke. “I tried, unsuccessfully to give you space. But the further I got away the more I missed being near you. Then when we went out for sushi, it all just kinda clicked. This isn’t conventional.” He gestures between the two of you. You hold your cup listening intently. 
“I am, ahh, older than you. And my life is not exactly straightforward. I don’t take relationships lightly, not that this is that. Or.” You can’t suppress the smile as he tries to explain himself. “I am terrible at this. I don’t want to move too fast, but also. I can’t stop thinking about you.” 
You put your cup down, and gesture for him to come closer. He places his cup down beside yours and moves over. Patting your lap, he slips down and lays his head on your lap. You run your hands through his hair, his eyes close and he hums softly against your legs. 
“I can’t tell you what's going to happen,” You say softly, “I am also not good at this, but I am willing to try. However fast or slow you want to go. As for the age thing, I don’t care, it’s never bothered me.” 
Walton’s breath slows and his hand slips under your thigh holding you close. You sit there a while longer, letting him just relax against you. Again you are struck by how simple it is, to just sit here with a warm cup of coffee and the city lights. You could get used to weekends like this. But as always he is moving sitting up and smoothing out his hair, grabbing his cup of coffee and taking a sip. 
“Would you like to come to bed with me?” He asks, you turn away from the lights. His eyes fixed on you, not hungry but curious. 
“I would like that a lot,” You say licking your lips and heart pounding in your chest. 
Walton stands up offering you a hand, which you take, pulling yourself to your feet. The coffee is left on the table as you follow him. Fingers laced together like they are two puzzle pieces. You pass by the guest room and there is a door at the end of the hallway. He opens it and you walk into the large room. There are floor-to-ceiling windows looking out over the sea, a large king-sized bed on a wooden platform. The room is sparse, with two side tables with lamps. A large walk-in closet to your left along with a bathroom beside it. You wonder for a moment how often he has brought others back here. The thought lingers in the back of your mind as you wander over to sit on the edge of the bed. Walton has disappeared into the bathroom.
“I think I have another toothbrush in here,” He calls out, poking his head around the corner. 
You smile and move towards him, “I thought you wanted to take things slow?”
He’s blushing again and handing you the unopened toothbrush, “I–I umm. Just figure I’d offer.” 
You move into the bathroom grabbing some toothpaste off the counter and leaning against it, “I appreciate it, besides don’t want to have coffee breath. Would you happen to have makeup wipes?”
Walton thinks for a moment before he scoots you out of the way, as you brush your teeth. He pops up with a bottle of cleanser and a fresh hand towel. “I knew I had it here somewhere.”
You grin and thank him, he brushes his teeth before disappearing again. You take the moment to clean off your face and neck. Looking into the mirror you got a permanent smile on your face. Letting out a happy sigh you finish up, telling yourself not to put the cart in front of the horses. You walk out and Walton is standing there shirtless, blinds drawn. He slips into a grey cotton t-shirt, that you currently hate, and black sweatpants. Sensing you staring he turns around to see you. 
Chapter seven
*tiny cliffhanger. I always need at least one 😜*
*As always if you'd like to be tagged let me know! *
*reblogs, likes, and comments appreciated! *
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daipeanutsaiban · 2 months
Hello! Um I know it's been a few months since you said people could ask you more questions on your tgaa thoughts, but I was hoping to ask about your baskerzieks and genshinxwife ones. Like how they met, or what their last in person convos went like before each couple separated/died, etc, bc I really adore your Lady B & Mrs. Asougi designs! They deserved first names 😭
Also I'd love to hear your genklint/ville thoughts too if you care to share those!
ALSO I wanted to say you're 100% correct that if Kazuma & Klint ever actually met good ending au Kazuma would think he's the most annoying person alive. It's funny if genklint is platonic or romantic too, it's like Herlock Sholmes is right there and instead Kazuma thinks his dad's bf (best friend OR boyfriend lol) is significantly worse. Something something hating your parallel
Anyway no pressure, and sorry if you aren't looking to answer more questions at this time!
HI i love to yap and to yap about dgs especially so you're good haha <3 i'm the kind of person who needs to be asked tbh bc i tend to be self conscious/doubt myself so questions are always super appreciated 🥹💗 this post got LONG so i'm going to put it under a break to spare anyone who's just here for art or trying to look at memes during their lunch break
TL;DR: klint and primrose were engaged as kids but it was broken off upon his parents' death, it was renewed when he earned prestige as a prosecutor; their last conversation was when primrose forced him to confess his crimes to her but she'd started having doubts months ago; in my favorite hc, gkv never pursued one another beyond dropping hints here and there but because i am bisexual i also want them to have fun; genshin and yukari met by chance as teens and genshin had to convince his father to let them marry each other after finding out she was pregnant; he could never say his last words to her because writing about the professor's identity could've endangered her and kazuma.
first of all thank you so much, it makes me so happy when people enjoy my designs and characterizations for lady baskerville and mrs asougi!! for clarity, i'll be calling them by the names i gave them in this post, primrose and yukari respectively.
klint and primrose's engagement was decided by their parents and they met as children- i think they were probably feeling awkward around each other for a while since children don't really care about such things (right..?) and primrose actually chose to spend her time reading when her father would take her to visit, and she might've even been more interested in talking/playing with barok because there wouldn't be the daunting idea of an engagement looming on the horizon lol. eventually, she and klint do grow closer and come to consider each other friends thanks to him putting in a lot of effort to make her feel welcome and also have more fun (she finds him boring- i characterize klint as having been a very serious and dutiful child, though he does play with and dote on his brother).
when the van zieks parents die in my hc, losing their life in a fire specifically, primrose's father chooses to cancel their engagement because he doubts klint can suitably provide for his daughter- a cruel but logical decision as klint is just fourteen years old with no backing or achievements. as an aside, the fire is declared to be an unfortunate accident but klint silently believes it was premeditated- this incident contributes to him considering prosecution as a career. out of care for his brother, he never brings up this idea to barok.
still, primrose is a very clever child who's acutely aware that her father's doting is a form of control (such as making her wear beautiful, white clothes to easily find out if she's been sneaking out, which i think i talked about before), and she insists on meeting klint either at his estate or in the city while they both (and occasionally barok) wear disguises/common clothes. the latter option allows them to meet people outside of their social caste, and to develop a sympathy for them from an early age which also contributes to klint's growing bitterness towards other nobles. throughout his struggle to be taken seriously by these men in spite of his age, primrose continuously encourages him and even spies on her father's meetings with other gentlemen to then report to him, and this continues in their adult life with her reporting rumors and "gossip" from other ladies about their own husbands (with perhaps dire consequences in the long run, haha...)
primrose has ambitions of her own, though, many of which are philanthropic in nature and stem from guilt at being born in a wealthy household to a father who does not care about people other than his own. they are difficult to achieve as an unmarried woman (or even as a woman in general), as her father would never greenlight her ideas, and as such she becomes enraged with klint when he allows the engagement to be dispelled due to believing she would ultimately "be happier with someone else" when it would effectively condemn any ounce of freedom she could have. from primrose's perspective, klint is the only candidate for marriage because he actually respects her and understands her as a person.
their engagement was eventually reinstated following klint's multiple achievements, chiefly when he made a name for himself as an extremely prolific prosecutor and primrose's father couldn't really object to it (ha) anymore. when i researched, i learned that men in the victorian era would commonly get married in their thirties once their careers were established, and i especially like that for this couple because it means that genshin could've attended their wedding. (it's also amusing to picture klint pitching him as the best man while primrose is firmly in barok's camp and they have a silly spat about that, haha. but ngl i prefer genshin as their best man because it was tradition that the best man would drive the married couple to their month long honeymoon directly after the ceremony so. he could stay behind a little while if you catch my meaning. teehee)
on the topic of genklintville, my ultimate preference/personal "canon" is that they never outright acted upon their romantic or sexual interests in one another although the tension was clearly there. but like any bisexual on the internet, i like to indulge a little bit, as shown in my previous paragraph hehe. i like to imagine a kind of kinship between genshin and primrose as they are interested in similar literature and share a similar sense of humor as well (chiefly teasing klint- in a deadpan manner for genshin). klint and primrose tend to dote on genshin in a way they think is discreet, because they can sense his loneliness at being apart from his family even though he generally doesn't voice it, but as we all know genshin isn't a fool and it leaves him quite flustered haha. genshin also relates to klint in the way that they are both heirs to something "greater than them" (the asogi clan/the van zieks heritage) and sometimes yearn to break away from it which might contribute to why genshin left for london if the first place. i'd like to add that if i draw genklint without primrose present, it's taking place with her knowledge and consent, though them being pushed to cheating due to increasing stress or suchlike circumstances is an interesting angle- it's just not something i see myself making at present. though now saying that has made me think about the ways it could be fun to explore the way klint's lying and gaslighting keeps piling up, so what's one more lie? so i'd be interested in reading a story that would attest to his guilt from committing the act and his gaslighting towards not only his wife but also to himself, hmm. the best way that i can put it is that if i'm to explore gk without the v, she must be a relevant character because i'm not about to discard a canon female love interest to focus solely on the yaoi lmao.
now for genshin and yukari, or genyu for short as i like to call it in my head (lol)... there's a lot to cover here too 😵‍💫 some of this, particularly the stuff concerning ayame, is still undecided on but i thought the more context the better!
to understand their dynamic, it feels important to state/repeat my headcanons about the asogi clan aka genshin's immediate family beyond her and kazuma, which were mentioned here. but to summarize, they are very patriarchal, strict, and the type to suppress their emotions. genshin is his father's illegitimate child, and his real mother is... hm, well, she won't ever appear in my art because it's suitable for her character, but she's a high ranking courtesan, aka "oiran", and therefore pregnancy/being a mother could bring shame to her and likely ruin her livelihood, because they are meant to project the image of being unattainable both in appearance.. and price. her disappearing for some months to a year wouldn't be all that suspicious as few men can even afford to meet her.
because the oiran brings the House where she works good money, they help her cover up her pregnancy and her son's existence by sending him to live with his father as soon as possible. once, genshin tries to visit his mother, but he is turned away. in short, his first experience was to be abandoned by someone who was supposed to love him. i think this backstory also serves to give reason to his name (written with the kanji 'shadow' and 'truth') because he is a truth meant to be hidden by the government. if you think about his father giving him that name, it becomes quite sad and implies shame for bringing his son into the world. i think it would also justify the personality i like for him, which is more reserved and serious than how i portray the rest of the visiting trio (with a boisterous but ambitious seishiro and a downtrodden but shy and earnest yuujin), and with a greater disposition for being suspicious... which is naturally a good thing for a detective.
genshin's father's wife lost her life to an illness some years prior to genshin integrating into the asogi clan, which is why he sought comfort from the oiran. to avoid unsavory rumors and to preserve both women's reputation, syoma (genshin's father) forbids his son from venturing outside of the house - paralleling primrose's childhood, which they could bond over later in life - until he turns a certain age. he's the dark sheep of the clan, to make it short. it's by sneaking out as a child that he meets seishiro, and then yukari who is accompanying ayame.
as an aside, i want to add that while syoma holds misogynistic beliefs, he still feels a sense of responsibility so he does eventually pay off the oiran's debt in the end- not that she's particularly grateful since he led her on and made her promise not to abort his child without ever planning to marry her. not a great guy, but def a fun character to write. those are things genshin deduces in his teenage years, and he swears to never become like his father.
as for yukari, her family history is also nebulous, and i don't know if i even want to establish her circumstances before meeting ayame and genshin because i like the meta irony of those details remaining unknown to us just as they were unknown to those around her outside of how she is tied to other people. ayame's friend, genshin's wife, kazuma's mother- never her own person. she reaches a breaking point during genshin's absence, but i won't go into detail about that for now because it's part of a long project of mine. what i can say about her is that she does housework for ayame's family in exchange for room and board, but she's not categorized as a servant because ayame cherishes her, a privilege that makes her feel awkward at times.
genshin fell for her due to her frank and joyful approach to life which was so different from the outlook he was raised on, and she piqued his curiosity with her unusual and often "silly", but free, behavior. he has the utmost respect for her, which is why as much as i like gkv and think it could work in a modern au with yukari's inclusion/approval + rapid methods of communication, i think realistically genshin wouldn't have the heart to start anything with someone else when she is waiting for his every letter so far away. he wouldn't be able to read the expression on her face, and she could easily lie about being okay with it.
in this wikipedia article about marriage in japan in the edo period (1600-1868), it reads: "Members of the household were expected to subordinate all their own interests to that of the [household], with respect for an ideal of filial piety and social hierarchy. [...] Marriages were duly arranged by the head of the household, who represented it publicly and was legally responsible for its members, and any preference by either principal in a marital arrangement was considered improper."
you might've guessed where i'm going with this, but genshin's father had already chosen a wife for him, and that person was ayame, who is from a 'good' family. obviously that marriage didn't go through with yukari becoming pregnant at 18 or 19 (!!), and syoma capitulated to genshin's request that he be given permission to marry his girlfriend which only further strained his relationship with his father further. as for ayame, she was fortunate that the man she was interested in was studying medicine, and therefore struggled less for her family to accept yuujin as her husband. but for yukari, although she knows genshin doesn't love ayame, there's always that nagging feeling that she was the "wrong" choice. after all, she has to witness the interactions between genshin and his family every day, and her presence is often the source of tension. her only rock after ayame's death and genshin's departure is her son, who starts rejecting spending time with her as he grows older because, well, he's a teenager (something i want to expand on in that project i mentioned).
in yukari's case, she was never able to read her husband's last words as even writing about the professor's identity could endanger hers and kazuma's lives, but perhaps genshin had promised he would briefly return at the half-way point of his stay overseas and then ended up having to break that promise by choosing to investigate the professor killings before eventually losing his life. yukari's feelings of helplessness were confirmed as the truth in her eyes then.
as for primrose and klint's last conversation, it's been sitting in my wips for a while LOL. i def think she had her suspicions, and when she finally gathered her courage to confront him, he broke down and told her the truth. i've revised this comic and especially its dialogue so many times that i don't even know if i like it anymore, please pray for me 😅
It's funny if genklint is platonic or romantic too, it's like Herlock Sholmes is right there and instead Kazuma thinks his dad's bf (best friend OR boyfriend lol) is significantly worse.
this made me laugh LMAO honestly kazuma would be so petty about it meanwhile i feel like he'd get along super well with the man's own wife 😂 i also think that as an adult kazuma would admire his father less and even be a bit of a tsundere lol, but yeah in a No One Dies/Good Ending AU(tm) he'd probably resent genshin a little for leaving him and his mother, whose struggles he witnessed firsthand for ten years. hell, maybe he does resent him in the current circumstances even if it's not the dominant emotion when it comes to his father, it of course being grief... still. lord van zieks get your paws off my dad!! 🙄💢 also if genshin starts reciprocating the attention kazuma might start killing LOL
...this answer is now well over 2000 words and i still feel like i'm leaving things out i feel CRAZY omg. autism diagnosis unnecessary atp lmfao.
also just found this in my #yukanotes i should've just copy pasted all this augh. i love yukari very much she is extremely dear to me. 😊💗
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thanks again for your questions I'M SORRY IT'S SO LONG....... i DO love to yap 🥹🥹💗
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