#hope these are ok I did stick to a theme cuz I have so many I like I could be here all day
hannibalussy · 2 years
hannibal fanfic recs pretty please?
OH BOY DO I GOT SOME RECS FOR YOU! But one thing about me? I love AU fics set in canon where characters meet under different circumstances. And Hannibal being a simp. Oh and also wips.
A consequence of consumption A mystery that deals with Will being kidnapped by our favourite gardener, Eldon Stammets and the fallout coming from it, including gathering the attention of a local friendly cannibal. WIP
Impasto Will retired from police work and now restores oil paintings as a job and Hannibal has a piece he needs fixed. Features a very sassy rude lil shit Will. Complete
The width of a scar Will is wrongfully imprisoned as the Chesapeake Ripper before ever meeting Hannibal. But when he does, Hannibal is immediately infatuated and decides to help him. A fav of mine with amazing lines such as "Ah. He truly is stupid then. Marvelous." WIP.
Paragon Very similar premise to the previous one, exceedingly longer and kinkier tho if you’re looking for that. (Haven’t finished this one cuz it’s like 500k words but I like it thus far. Truly the Hannigram bible of smut.). Complete
Trade Secrets A favourite trope of mine where both Will and Hannibal are killers and just happen to accidentally meet when the other kills their victim and they just stand there pointing at each other like that Spiderman meme. WIP
We killed the dragon last night Will wakes up in past after falling off the cliff months before first meeting Hannibal. And with all his memories intact, he decides to try other means of influence. Mainly smooching. This story is 3 parts and while they're all masterfully written, the last 2 made me personally mad as hell, so I would recommend just reading this first part. Unless you like being mad as hell while reading, then go forth. Complete
Sisyphus rising Similar premise to the last one but after falling off the cliff Will wakes up years earlier and decides peace was never an option (goose honk) and travels to promptly kill Hannibal. Understandable. WIP Mind the tags on all of these! Hope you like at least some of them!
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mossymultiverse · 9 months
me: yeah im gonna revamp the theme maybe thatll make me want to go back to pokemon ::]
me now: me now: ah.
ok, so, dont worry, im not gonna abandon this blog. i am, however, going to change it. as much as i love this community and have had a great time here, i do not control the hyperfixation, and i think instead of fighting it, im going to come up with a new solution for it.
technically, ive HAD a solution for it for a very long time- that solution being the very character i rp as on this blog now. moss is not confined to any one world, nor even to the same flow of time. that allows my brain to jump around and do whatever the got darn heck it wants to, because i can throw my little guy / self insert / persona / myself into as many worlds and situations as i want, and nobody can tell me im wrong. well, they can, but they can also suck my
if you were following me for pokemon irl stuff, feel free to unfollow, i wont be upset. i will still do some pokemon stuff from time to time (as well as a lil in-character transition/explanation of the blog change), but tbh i doubt its gonna be for a while. i AM going to do a bunch of silly interdimensional meta multiverse bullshit, because the undertale fandom (among others, but that was my first and tbh strongest fandom, so) changed me, and i am trying to learn to embrace what makes me happy again, even if it is Cringe(tm).
i dont really have a proper story planned out per se, so its not gonna be super coherent all the time.. altho tbh i never really did, so ig thats not gonna change much :skykid_giggle: itll mostly just follow moss thru whatever they happen to be goin thru! which will usually be whatever i happen to b thinkin of, so.. ye! gonna b a bit.... odd.
so uh.. yeah. expect a theme change, prolly just back to the default tungle theme cuz im lazy rn, and expect a few posts where moss explains whats happening. or dont, and if you're unfollowing, i hope you enjoyed the ride! stay safe have fun ilu ::3
oh, one more thing. since i will no longer be confining this blog to one world (and tbh it had long since left the old chateau) i will also be changing the blog's NAME. that will be an in-character post, so dont worry too much, and im also gonna add that to my pinned, which.... also needs updating, actually. guess we're gonna be under construction for a while, huh. ....anyway.
if you do decide to stick around.... enjoy!
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thatsridicarus · 4 years
Gonna say something about Soup.io real quick
Ok maybe not-so-real-quick. Hooboy. Where do I even begin?
It was my LIFE for a significantly long time. It was my anti-Tumblr before I even got a Tumblr. It was a safe haven to upload things I don't really wanna share with my friends.
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Starting from the early 2010s I've been trying A LOT of alternatives for popular sites, some are thankfully stable, most of them aren't. For the longest time I thought Soup was one of the most stable sites I could rely on & it did prove me right for many years. Like, whenever an alternative site failed on me I'll always store a backup of whatever important posts I have there on Soup.
Yfrog died? Off to Soup.
Twitwall died? Back 'em dreamjournal entries up in Soup.
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FYI  I used to dump all my dream journal entries in the (now defunct) text auto-imports from Twitter, Jaiku, Ask.fm, etc. And it also works as a bookmarking site when all the bookmarking sites I've tried failed on me everytime.
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Speaking of the anti-Tumblr part, I was pretty proud to own a Soup blog in place of a Tumblr blog & I would repost all the memes & stuff from my friends' Tumblr blog into Soup. (It was a hassle of course but I didn't even care). But the one thing I got a kick out of was copying other people's Tumblr fanart & turn them into Soup, since I thought nobody would care or even notice. To me this felt kinda robin-hood-ish, taking the love & attention of one perceived popular website & giving it to its less popular alternative. Back then I was still doing finals in university, & turning all those blues into reds lifted & kept my spirits up.
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After graduating from university I moved on to actually making original fanart for Soup in the meantime, while still looking for jobs back then. A few of those fanart got featured in their ads & the developers liked it so much they sent me a Soup t-shirt & a tank top as a thank you gift which I still wore today. The thought of them sending shirts from across the globe all the way here is totally unexpected. Count this as an early birthday present (cuz it was days before my birthday) and to this day I still can't thank them enough for it.
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Weird cuz in the previous year, just for fun, I photoshopped this Soup logo on a red shirt I already have, hoping I could have a Soup shirt for real. My prayers have been answered.
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In a way, Soup also gave me room for experimenting in blog customization. In the early days I'd go around trying to copy my friends' blogs' looks (they're mostly on Tumblr & Blogger with multitudes of themes & Soup has like 4 other themes besides the default) & since I only know simple HTML & CSS & not much beyond that, I had to view the source page of these other blogs & tried seeing what codes can make certain pics float, or cursors change, or the likes.
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There was one time when I actually made the cursor on my blog change, but I still couldn't nail the layouts like those other tumblr/blogger/wordpress/livejournal blogs. In the end, changing the background images is good enough... until Notasecondtowaste introduced Souperstyles to all of us, with lots of customized themes & even more customizable CSS-es. Also also that one time someone made a grid look for their Soup, that happened too, & that got me drawing this comic.
After getting my own Tumblr 2 years after I got my Soup, I went full matchy-matchy on both blogs in case one or the other screws up or something, then I'll still have backup on the other. Who would've guessed Soup was the first to die, after all these years. Gotta say I'm lucky I didn't really need to export my Soup content much following the site's demise, as besides my artworks, music & memes simultaneously posted on tumblr, my chat screencaps & dreamjournals are safe somewhere else.
There’s still some things I don’t quite like about Soup though, like how it doesn’t allow multiple images in a post (they used to, though, using automatic imports we can make a gallery from all the images we selected, not anymore). Also there’s not a lot of fandom comunities in Soup too, especially with my fandoms (the blame’s on me & not the website) thats why I was glad when I found out group blogs for Doctor Who, My Chemical Romance, 30 Seconds To Mars & comic enthusiasts exist in Soup.
Despite all that, Soup still wins me over with its versatility.
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To me, Soup is a place where I can be alone & yet still interact with other people. Completely different people from my usual online friends I have in other social media. All the other alternative social sites I've tried don't really have a significant amount of active users, thus using those sites still feels kinda lonely without all the reactions. In Soup they’ll still react & repost your posts into groups & stuff.
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Recently I’ve tried Soup clones popping out before Soup’s death, like Loforo, & earlier last year, Newtumbl. They’re light, they’re alright, though they still don’t really feel like Soup. But hey I’m sticking around Loforo for now, it’s still improving & introducing new features.
I'm really gonna miss Soup.io. Thnks fr th mmrs.
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onestowatch · 4 years
Boy Willows Drops Dreamy Music Video for "Fila" [Q&A]
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Boy Willows, aka Landon Fleischman, makes music that offers a deep amalgamation of incandescent alt-pop, jubilant jazz, and psychedelic-tinged folk. Impeccably paired with sensory lyricism and passionate vocals, he delivers a hypnotic and singular resonance.
The LA-via-Maryland artist recently shared his new single "Fila" with Dylan Minnette of Wallows. On "Fila," Boy Willows stretches out to embrace relatable themes of vulnerability and healing both inwardly and outwardly without feeling overbearingly serious. "Fila" serves as a therapy session between two friends as they cope with being alone in different ways. Nestled in a warm and gentle soundscape, the sonic components are woven with nostalgia, charm, and a bit of whimsy. We caught up with Willows for a quick Q&A about the track and the equally nostalgic and whimsical music video directed by Boy Willows, shot by Seannie Bryan (Madeline Kenney, Skullcrusher) and edited by Jordan Pories.
Ones to Watch: This song, although short and sweet, seems to have a lot of complexity to it. It sounds like throughout the single, the main characters are grappling with feelings of loneliness and figuring out how to cope. What is this song about to you, and how did this song come to be?
Boy Willows: I think both verses deal with the thoughts that bubble up when you feel useless, small, or alone, but what I love about the song is there's a twinge of hope. My goal with Fila was to spur myself into believing that I could create my own reality of acceptance and momentum. I had been feeling isolated a while before the pandemic hit - on the perimeter looking in on other people's social circles or relationships or success. My hope was that by acknowledging these truths in a song, I could start to take up my own space, make my own club of acceptance per se.
What was the creative process like for the single? What made you want to go for this very ethereal sound, and were you inspired by anything in particular?
I worked on this super grand, minute-long glitchy harmony thing and pitched it down an octave (oooo). It was so soothing and slow and big, I started producing around it, and I felt like I was in a dream where I could say anything I wanted, no matter how heavy or light.
What are your thoughts on girls that wear Fila?
Haha, in short, they're cool. This song is truly a peek into all the thoughts that were swirling around my brain, making me feel alone - and one of those thoughts was about aging. I wish this wasn't the truth, but I was feeling fear about getting older. I wrote that line about Filas and didn't think much of it or even really understand why I wrote it until a couple nights ago. It's definitely a light-hearted observation about youth culture, but I think I wanted to poke fun at it cuz I felt like I wasn't a part of it for the first time - and that frightened me. It's insane that even that line was born out of the fear of being left out, but I'm pretty sure that's the true true.
I loved not only the sonic atmosphere you created, but also the story of you told through the lyrics. Do you have a favorite verse from this track or one that speaks to you? What is your approach when it comes to songwriting?
I just love how much the endings of each verse stick out - "I just feel like I don't deserve this life." It's a line you could interpret so many different ways, and each way would be true. When I'm working on a song, it starts with the music. I picture where it takes me, how fast I'm moving, if I feel cool or angry or defeated, and if I'm lucky, a phrase will fall out of my mouth that feels true, even if it doesn't make sense at first.
I think the music video does a great job of visualizing the lightheartedness of "Fila." What was the creative process like, and what was it like working with your team on the video?
There's this fucking incredible animated video called Satiemania from 1978 made by this Croatian animator, Zdenko Gašparović. In it, there's a delectable section where it's just different shoes walking in an impossibly groovy way. I wanted that tone of animation mixed with the camaraderie and fuckit-energy of The Pharcyde's "Drop" music video. I brought those ideas to my genius creative friend/ shaman, Jordan Pories, and we got to work, exploring the world of the song, trying to amplify and showcase everything in a dreamy, slow way. Seannie Bryan is a recent friend of mine and a killer DP. She captured the dreamy light perfectly. We rolled up to the spot at 6am. It was 90 degrees, and we knocked it out in an hour and a half, only stopping once because I was going to throw up from spinning.
Dylan Minette's voice perfectly compliments the laid back yet introspective vibe of the song, and it looked like y'all had a lot of fun doing the music video. What was working with him like, and how did he get involved with this single?
He and I go way back. We used to be in rival boy scout gangs. No, I do lighting for Wallows, and we met through that. One day on the tour bus, I was showing him some new tunes, one of which was "Fila." It was 35 seconds, and he said it needed to be longer, so I said, "hop on in." He added his verse, and we were OFF TO THE RACES. He's got a really strong creative compass and just knows what he likes. We finished the song in a couple days - fucking painless, dare I say, very enjoyable bordering on a lot of fun.
Tell me about Desert Mike. I feel like although rattlesnakes do deserve some love and I agree that the war between them and human beings is senseless, I'm not exactly in a rush to give them a pat on the head...Ok, but for real, tell me about this clip at the end. Is it an easter egg for a future single? In your last single, "i love it when you talk," you intercut the clips of you with film footage from the 80s and 90s. Is Desert Mike a Boy Willows creation or a relic from the past?
SHEESH, am I paying you?? because if not, then I SHOULD. The Boy Willows canon is a long, meandering labyrinth of characters that doesn't conform to traditional standards of "time" or "being funny" or "good. Desert Mike exists in all Boy Willows worlds, though, this much I can say. In the ILIWYT video, Desert Mike easily could have made a feature, and now I want to know who you've been talking to...your ability to connect the dots is...suspicious.
Has the pandemic effected you or inspired you as an artist? If so, how?
Really hot take comin at ya, I think the pandemic is not good. Bad even! I lost my job, so financially, I've been very inspired to survive haha. This isn't the sexiest answer, but the truth for me is, I put everything into my music but am also looking for a job - sometimes balancing those two things is really fucking hard. Instead of feeling inspired to write about my difficulties, I just want to solve them. So I'm really looking forward to landing a part-time gig as a call representative for Spirit Airlines, so I can get back to making my music.
Once the world comes to a state of a new normal, what's the first thing you want to do?
I'd love to travel somewhere new with my friends. A friend of mine is living in New Zealand working on an alpaca farm. You bet your ass I'm flying there at the first chance.
Alternate fun idea: Get a table at a restaurant, deep in the back, as far inside as possible. Order one appetizer every 30 minutes and stay there for a minimum of nine hours, just being so loungey and just snacking hard, mozzarella sticks flying every which way, napping in marinara sauce.
When shows and concerts are back, who do you want to see, and who do you want to tour or play with?
When touring comes back, I would LOVE to tour with Jadu Heart, Far Caspian, Sure Sure, to name a few. I just want to crowd surf for a month straight honestly. Give a ton of sweaty hugs. I want to see Toro y Moi, Thumpasaurus, Squirrel Flower.
Who have you been listening to throughout the pandemic? Are there any Ones To Watch?
A lot of Tribe Called Quest for long drives. I'll put "Check The Rhime" on repeat. I just discovered this dude named Shuttle his song "Boy" is fucking groooovy. I'm an OG KT Tunstall stan too - I've been bumping her 2013 album "Invisible Empire" like a mad man. Kevin Morby for the campy vibes, Rufus for the stank, Lomelda for the love, Van Morrison because if I get married, my first dance will be to "Crazy Love," and I like to daydream about that when I drive. Last but most important, The Prince of Egypt soundtrack.
Oh also, I've been listening to a lot of Anna Burch, Far Caspian, Bea1991, a compilation of geese wearing hats, Mei, Shuttle and this new artist you HAVE to listen to - he's a little out there but give him a try, Drake.
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peaches-of-1 · 6 years
📷 Photo Evidence 🍋
Jay Park x Female!Reader x G Dragon
Summary: You and your friend are invited to a pool party for Jay Park’s not yet released song and it’s not only the water that gets you wet.
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You had put on your favorite bathingsuit today for the pool party concert you were invited to through some connections. They would be using it for filming but wanted it to be a genuine party. One of your best friends was a makeup artist, so she wanted to do your makeup for it.
“I have products that could withstand armageddon.” She said.
“I’m going swimming. I don’t need makeup to swim.”
Then she corrected you, “You’ll be swimming on camera, though. I won’t do anything crazy. At least let me give you a red lip or something. Please? It’s an AOMG party. You have to let me do your makeup. Glitter. C’mon, (Y/N). I’ve never bothered you this much about makeup before.”
“It was prom, and it was just foundation, eyeliner, and gloss!”
You rolled your eyes, but she got on her knees and hugged your legs. There was no way you could reject her. She was a makeup artist. You’d look fine no matter what she did.
With a sigh, you said, “Ok, only a red lip and some liner. I don’t wanna do any foundation or anything too extreme.”
“BB Cream at least? Smooth the pores?”
She put her hands up, “Ok, lip and liner. Nothing more. I’m doing eye primer though to make sure it lasts.”
“Fair enough.”
After Matilda aka Tilly finished, you were glad she didn’t do more than she said. The lips were more pink than red, but at least it matched your bathing suit. It wasn’t too extreme considering how she usually styled you for celebrity events. You weren’t even a celeb. Not an idol. Not a model. Just you.
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You threw on some denim shorts, a crop top, and some sandals you wouldn’t mind being affected by the pool chlorine. After borrowing a pair of Tilly’s glasses and making sure you had everything you needed in your tote bag, you and her left your apartment and hopped into a taxi. The drive wasn’t too long, and all expenses would be paid once you showed the valet your invite. You and Tilly listened to all of the songs that had come out by AOMG artists.
To be completely honest, rap and hip-hop weren’t your favorite genres, but you loved the artists more than their art. However, 90% of Jay Park’s stuff was a bop. Tatted head to toe. You wondered if there were any that you didn’t know about and where they were.
Tilly tapped your arm, “You good, sis?”
“Uh, yeah. Just thinking.”
“You think too much.” She scoffed. “What was it this time?”
Jay Park’s possible dick tat…“Nothing.” You replied. “Just a bit nervous, ya’know? What if something happens?”
She laughed, “Like what? Jay-oppa notices you and you get into the VIP area?”
“Oh my god! Even if I did, we would only be using our lips.”
“To suck dick!”
“To talk! To ask why I’m there in the first place.”
Tilly laughed, “You don’t have to be innocent with me, (Y/N). I’ve seen your computer.”
Your cheeks began to burn, “You what?”
“I was joking, but now I’m curious.”
“Don’t be.” You shoved her arm.
The pair of you began to wonder if you should’ve gone to a cafe first even though you had eaten at home. Not too much because you wanted it to all be down before getting in the pool and drinking some booze. Once at the party, you got the driver paid and he asked if you guys needed to be picked up afterwards. Tilly said she’d let him know and he drove off.
The shorter valet asked if you girls wanted to be entered in a raffle to get backstage passes. You both said yes cuz why not? Phone number and name. They’d text you if you won. Then off to the pool deck. Lots of people had shown up already and sat around the edge looking cute. Why the hell were there heels beside some sunbathers? Ugh. Like, it’s fine to be fashionable and whatnot or like to feel tall, but it’s a pool High heels weren’t the smartest idea for footwear.
Then again, Tilly was wearing peep toes behind you. You two parked your things besides two pool chairs that were next to each other and then walked around to check things out after discarding your tops to reveal the bathing suits underneath. You had talked her into wearing matching gold body chains the day before but now wondered if it made you stand out too much.
You looked out from behind your reflective monsters that a fan gave Tilly from Gentle Monster, but she had just bought the same pair in a different color. The fan sent one was her fave color, so she gave the ones she bought herself to you. So many young fans, no one over 35 in sight, or at least they had gotten enough work done that they didn’t seem their age.
“So, we gots a bar, an off limits lounge, food, and lots and lots of pool toys.” Tilly announced. “What do you wanna do first, (Y/N)?”
“Food.” You answered as if it was the obvious answer. Cuz it was.
Where the food was located, it was all Valentine’s Day themed. The video would be coming out that day as well. In a week. You were excited to see it mostly because of Jay Park and whoever his special guest was. Most of the internet said it was Mino from Winner or one of the rookie rappers that came out this year.
If it was being teased this much, it probably was someone more famous than a rookie. At least, that was your plan of thinking. You piled your plate up with fruits and all sorts of chocolates. There was a fountain, so you stuck a skewer through some mini soft pretzels and let the milk chocolate drizzle all over them.
“Someone’s got a sweet tooth.”
A voice made you jump as you pulled the skewer back. You set it on your plate and looked back to see Jay Park smiling at you. Where the fuck was Tilly?
“Yeah,” You said. “It’s a 24/7 thing. Never a thing as too many sweets.”
He laughed, “You got that right. Wanna do me a favor?”
“Depends what it is.”
Jay smiled, “I like a clever girl. Anyways, here.” He handed you a pink camera. “Take a few good shots for me? Just stick ‘em on any board you come across.”
You shrugged, “Sure, sounds like fun.” You grabbed the camera. “Can’t wait to see you perform later.”
“Well, I just hope you like it.”
“I probably will.” To say you couldn’t breathe would be an understatement.
The Jay Park was smiling and chilling right there in front of you. Someone called his name and he had to go prep or something. You exhaled and wanted to scream, but you were able to snap a pic of him walking away with one hand. He turned around, and you just smiled.
“You told me to get good shots.” How the f were you being so smooth?
He pointed at you and then continued on his way. Internal screaming intensified. You looked around and  noticed the other eyes watching. Tilly. You walked back to your seats and set your plate on the small table near it.
“Gorl,” She said.
“I know!”
Her eyes were wide with shock, “What the frick? He gave you a camera?”
“He wants me to get some good shots of the party. I don’t know what they’ll be used for, but I can’t believe he asked me directly.”
“What did you say to him?” She patted her knees in excitement.
So you told her about how you might have flirted on accident and she told you to secure the Jay shaped bag. As if you could! You decided it was just an artist to fan thing and did as told after eating your fill of chocolate covered salty bread. Most of them were taken of just the scenery and of Tilly. Some of them were taken together in cute poses.
After they were spat out all aesthetic and stuff, you went through and chose your favorites to put on the board. They were sectioned off into colors. Blue, mint, pink, white, red, and orange. You guessed it was just to make sure that’s how they made sure which pics came from where or whatever.
Then as the sun went down, an official looking person asked for the camera back. It was hard to take pics in the dark. Made sense. You danced to the music on one of the floating stages with Tilly’s hand on your hip. Some tipsy dude bro decided to dance behind her. She raised her brow, and you put your tongue in your cheek. Not her type.
The two of you jumped in the water and swam off to the next stage over.
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You were now closest to the stage when the lights suddenly changed.
“Yo, waddup, waddup?” Jay showed up with a mic pressed to his lips.
Everyone cheered.
“How we feelin, tonight?”
Louder cheering.
He smiled, “That’s what I like to hear! Now I know y’all out here to hear my new song tonight, but we gonna sing some of your faves first.”
He launched into “Ain’t No Party Like an AOMG Party” and went straight into “Soju” the remix and all the other peeps he collabed with showed up to. Then your fave Jay Park song came on, and you screamed so loud that Tilly was shook. Then she laughed at you. This was your song! Your body moved to it as your mouth moved the words like it was a prayer you knew from birth. Then again, if this was prayer, you’d become a nun or a monk.
Some girls in hot pink bikinis and guys in their own bathing suits began to get into place and dance as a familiar song came one. It was the tattoo you had gotten on your hip. “Mommae” You and Tilly began to twerk to the song like every other girl at the party, even some guys to be real with you fam.
“Get it, Gold Chain!” You heard from the main stage.
Turning your head, you saw him pointing directly at you. At this point, you were loosened up enough not to care about everyone staring at you shaking your ass. So you turned around and twerked in a circle getting more cheers.
“Yeah, girl!” he laughed and copied you.
You laughed as well and onto Tilly’s shoulder. Once a new song came on, you didn’t know this one, like at all. It was a bop and a half. You danced with your bestie as he rapped and then another familiar voice was heard.
Then screams so loud that they’d break the sound barrier. G Dragon’s first public appearance since being discharged. He got a lot of the weight off, but that was the life of an idol. There was like half a love handle left and you loved it for sure. They sounded damn good together. Everyone cheered when it was over and didn’t mind the cameras and drones.
“Thank you!” G Dragon said and bowed.
Jay jumped on his back and screamed. They were such dorks. Then the two men went backstage and told everyone to have fun. You and Tilly went back to your seats to dry off and get some more drinks and food. It was greasy and carbfilled, so you hadn’t gotten too drunk yet. Maybe a little bit past tipsy.
You still had your own head and chilled on the side for a bit as other AOMG hits played. Tilly began gushing about how Jay had noticed you again. She loved coming to parties with you because of how different you seemed. Of course it was just cuz you loved a party whether there was booze or not. As long as there was music and room to dance, you were gonna have a good time.
Then you checked your phone and replied to some messages, took a selfie or six. Some Snapchat video. Insta too. Then you got a text from an unsaved number.
> Hey there, (Y/N). You win the backstage pass! Meet me by the Tiki Bar ASAP.
OMG are you serious?<
>Absolutely! Do you accept or should we choose another winner?
I’m on my way! <
“Tilly, I won the backstage pass!” You said as you pulled your shorts on. “Watch my stuff and don’t go home with any strangers unless you send me a pic of their face first.”
“I ain’t going home with anyone. Here.” She said as she handed you the lipstick she had used on you.
Just because you didn’t know what would happen and a part of you hoped your fantasies had part in it, you refreshed it and then stuck it in your pocket. You thanked her and then started walking to the meeting location.
Tilly then called after you. “Get sum dick, gurl!”
You shook your head with a smile and went to the Tiki Bar with your phone in your back pocket and praying no one knocked you into the water. Luckily, you made it to the bar as dry as possible. The woman checked your phone to make sure you were actually the winner. You also had to take a breathalyzer test.
“Good enough.” She said.
What did that mean? Then you were taken into the VIP area. Black lights and neon lights led you up the stairs.
There were three doors at the top of the stairs. One with a cloud, a pink heart, and a t-shirt. You were told to ender the cloud room, so you did.
You approached the bed and saw your pink camera there on pink fur. Well, it wasn’t yours, but it was the one that had been given to you earlier by--
“So, you won.”
“Holy fu--Jay!” You were thinking of punching him. “Stop sneaking up on me, holy crap!”
He laughed, “Sorry. But I’m glad it was you.”
You smiled and felt your cheeks blushing, “Thanks. Um, so what do we do? This seems more VIP than Backstage.”
The platinum blonde GD walked up to you two, “Depends. What do you wanna do? I mean, I have some ideas, but I wanna know if you’re up for it.”
“Tell what you have in mind and I’ll let you know.” You replied.
“You were right about her.” He smirked at Jay and picked up a camera. “First, some memorial pics.”
So the boys got some pictures of you and them being all cute in the neon scene. One of their managers took the photos when both of them wanted to be next to you. You were sitting on their laps when GD kissed your neck, and you made a noise. It was maybe a moan. More like a gasp. Jay just smirked and told the manager they’d take the rest of the pics. She set the camera down on a surface and left.
“What was...that?” You looked at him.
“My original idea.” He smirked at you.
Jay squeezed your hand, “Do you want to?”
You nodded, “Yeah, but I get to say no at any time.”
He smiled and then you looked over at G Dragon to see him grinning as well and then licking his lips as he surveyed your body.
“Of course.” Said Jay Park.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” G Dragon agreed and began kissing your neck once more.
You giggled and the other began to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer to his chest. Your eyes fluttered shut as he kissed your lips as if it were the last drop of water on Earth. Ring covered hands began to feel up your body through the bathing suit. Even though you felt G Dragon move from the bed, you were too preoccupied to give it any more thought. Jay’s hands rubbed up your thighs to the waist of your jean shorts.
He unbuttoned them with his lips still locked on yours and slid his hand down. You moaned into his kiss when you heard the click of a camera. Looking at the source, G Dragon had the pink camera in his hands once more...and his tank top was tucked into his pocket.
“What a beautiful shot.” He said as he grabbed the photo and fanned it to help it dry. “Very nice. You wanna see?”
You nodded and he showed you the sensual picture. Jay asked if he could keep it, and you said yes. He smiled and turned you around to straddle him as your lips met once more. Another click, but you ignored it this time as you got brave and took off Jay’s shirt to place pink kisses all over his neck and chest. This was all going to your head, but you’d let it just for tonight.
His hands grabbed at your breasts, and you could feel him smile as you returned to his lips. You tipped him over until his back was flat on the bed. He rolled over so that he was on top of you now. Another click, this time from Jay Park himself. You were already breathing hard and things had barely even started.
“God damn, Beautiful!”
He got off of you as G Dragon began to slide your shorts off. Click. Click. And tossed them to the side. You only saw wet blonde hair as his mouth tugged on the area of gold chain which rested on your bathing suit covered stomach. A moan escaped when you felt his fingers slide into your wet pussy.
“Oh fuck!”
“Who, me?” GD asked with a cocky grin.
He trailed his tongue all the way up the chain until it reached your neck. You’d be wearing turtlenecks until summer with all the attention he gave the space above your shoulders. Although you wanted to give a cocky response, his tongue was too good to even think about speaking. And the way he was grinding on you told you he wanted to use so much more to please you.
Your hands began to undo his belt and you gave breathy moans from underneath him.
“Take ‘em off.” You said and looked over at Jay. “You too.”
“Yes, ma’am.” GD said. “Eager, aren’t we?”
You bit your lip as their members sprang free. They had been ready for a while, it seemed, probably since pictures. You couldn’t help but lick your lips. Click. It wasn’t until now that you realized that the kiss marks you had left on him were glowing under the blacklights. GD’s lips had a slight glow to them as well.
A naughty part from inside you wondered what else you could get to glow as you beckoned Jay towards you. God, you just wanted his cock inside you. Wanted to taste it. So you did. You licked around the tip and grinned to yourself when you saw that there was a tattoo on his cock. It said “Handle with care”
You laughed, “Oh look, it comes with directions. Hopefully it’s not the only way it comes.”
Before he could reply, you loosened your jaw to take him in. Not spectacularly long but thick as hell. He cursed as you took him in. Click. He really wasn’t one to miss out on a photo opportunity.
“Look at me, Beautiful.” He said and took a photo when you did.
GD grabbed the straps of your bathingsuit, “Don’t want this getting dirty, so let’s get it off of you, huh?”
You let him strip you of the rest of you ‘clothing’ and noticed Jay shifting his attention to the man behind you. Click, and G Dragon chuckled. You couldn’t really look back, so you just trusted him to show you the picture once it came out of the camera, which he did. It was a photo of G Dragon opening a condom wrapper with his teeth.
Then click from behind you, “You’re so wet, Beautiful. You ready?” the blonde asked.
You nodded and he slid into your vag with much ease, letting out a lovely moan as he did. The trusts on both sides became more animalistic. Jay used both hands to keep your head still as he fucked your eager mouth. Your favorite part was that they weren’t afraid to let out their groans of pleasure and praise you every chance they got.
“Oh, god, (Y/N). You’re so. Ah! Good, (Y/N)!” the AOMG member crooned while the BigBang member left hot breath and steaming kisses down the spine of your back.
“Oh, your pussy clamps down on me when we say your name. You like us calling out your name, (Y/N)?”
You could only moan in reply. It did make your pussy tingle to hear two of the most handsome men on the planet say your name as if it were the name of a goddess. As Jay got more erratic with his thrusts, you could tell that he was close. The strings of curses got longer.
GD chuckled, “Close, old friend?”
“Yeah. Yeah. So, unf, close. (Y/N)~” He had his head thrown back, and you couldn’t help but whine at the way he moaned your name. “Close your eyes, Beautiful.”
You did as told and kept your mouth open as he rubbed himself in front of you, moaning and panting until you felt wet ropes of heat on your face. He was pleased with himself. Click. A souvenir of his work. It was soon after that G Dragon did the same, releasing into the condom and taking a moment before sliding out.
He tied it off and then the two boys switched. Jiyong kissed your cum covered lips and flipped you on your stomach, 69-ing you while Jay got himself ready again. Your legs began to shake as you came. GD kept them open as you moaned all over his cock and your eyes were shut tight as he kept lapping up your juices as you orgasmed.
When he took his cock out of your mouth, you were breathing so hard. You couldn’t recall the last time you came like that.
“Fuck.” You laughed.
“Speaking of which. We’re not done yet, (Y/N).”
You couldn’t help but smile at the wild sparkle in Jay’s eyes. You spread your legs wide enough and let himself get situated. He pulled you up into his lap so that he could kiss you while GD kissed your shoulders. Part of you told you not to be so loud, but it was being drowned out by your moans. The smells of sex and three orgasms filled your nose.
Tilly was right. The passing thought came to you. Your tongues tangled with the rapper in front of you as you gripped his shoulders tightly. The next orgasm was collecting rapidly in the pit of your stomach.
“Relax, beautiful.” Jay said. “We’ve got you.” He looked into your eyes.
You nodded, “Ok, Jay.”
That boy was tiny but knew how to work his mf’n hips! You screamed his name and GD’s as he played with your exposed breasts and nipples. You were gonna cum again, and Jay chuckled in your ear.
“Let’s do it together, yea?”
“Yeah.” You replied breathlessly.
It wasn’t even five minute later as you rested your head in the nape of neck and felt the wave of pleasure crash. Jay Park pushed your back on the bed and then slid out of you to let himself cum onto your heaving stomach and chest while GD came on your face. They laid next to you and told you to smile for the camera.
You didn’t know how long you had been gone until you saw Tilly backing dat azz up on a cute stranger. The three of you had had one more round in the shower as you got cleaned up. Your bestie quickly came towards you, drink in hand and obviously knowing what happened.
“I want details.” She smiled.
“You were right, but it was both of them.”
“Both of who?”
They had come out of the house and people cheered for them as they jumped into the pool with the remaining party guests. Mostly just AOMG members and the people they were planning to sleep with and their friends and a few managers who were off the clock. Also a few people passed out here and there. G Dragon called out to you.
“Yo, Gold Chains, join us!”
“Gorl.” Her eyes widened at you.
“Girl, I know!” You replied.
The two of you grabbed hands and ran and jumped into the pool together. You stayed until the threat of sunrise showed in the sky. The two of you were given gift bags and one of Jay’s drivers to take you both back home. You and Tilly couldn’t stop talking and fangirling as you told her everything. She was only shown a few of the pictures of you still clothed.
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sansan prompt list - MBD edition
This is just a little personal thing to throw down some ideas I have for creative endeavors based around SanSan using themes/lyrics from my favorite band Murder By Death. Normally I would just write this type of thing down in my idea journal but I also thought that others might be interested in some of the themes/ideas these songs inspire. I will always talk up this band to friends in the hopes they’ll enjoy and support them, and there are a few songs in particular that give me major SanSan feels. I guess technically, more songs give me Sandor feels, but I wouldn’t have those feels without SanSan, so here we are! There are even a song or two that match Sandor and Arya’s dynamic (not included, but one is called Piece by Piece, and it’s a Rly Good Song). I’ll put the rest under a read more, as I’m about to get incredibly rambly. and also song lyrics take up a lot of space. Feel free to get creative using any of these prompts too, if you so desire!
Before the song/lyric/prompt list, let me just explain you a MBD thing since they’re a huge creative inspiration and influence to me, as well as amazing musicians and story tellers through their music. Plus I’ve had the pleasure of seeing ‘em a bunch of times, and they’re some really rad down to earth individuals. (this is not a sponsored post I just really love this band wow.)
💀Murder By Death, or MBD as we’ll call them from here on, is a five piece “American Indie Rock Band” out of Bloomington, IN. However, my favorite musical genre description for them is “Gothic Folk Brooding Americana” ;3 Their sound is difficult to narrow down to a mere description, so I won’t get too into it, but what I want to focus on here is the song writing. At least a few of their albums are concept albums with coherent storylines or themes. Their second studio album *Who Will Survive, and What Will Be Left of Them? released in 2003, and was their first concept album however I am omitting it from this list as the themes aren’t really as relevant for this list, and their sound/style was not quite found yet at this point. It’s a really cool album though.*lmao had to make an edit here cuz i mixed up the title
In Bocca Al Lupo
A concept album with the themes of sin, punishment, guilt, and redemption. (HMMMMMMM SOUNDS SUSPICIOUSLY FAMILIAR...) Despite those Very Relevant Themes, I won’t be using too many of these songs for my list, but there are definite Sandor feels throughout this album.
In the first song, Boy Decide ;
Some men crave women and some men crave gold Some folks die too young and some die too old Some just want to pass life with liquor and cards Some work to the top and well some don't get far Boy, Decide Boy, Decide You're too old to fuck around and too young to die Time to try life on for size Cause you're pissin' into the wind Squandering the life you were given Now what will you do? You're wasting away your life Digging a hole you can dive into When you get tired of fighting
There are other songs that could definitely fit as well, but honestly my main feel with this album is just the title itself. In Bocca Al Lupo is an Italian phrase that literally translates to “into the mouth of the wolf” and is used as a kind of “good luck”. It is most fortunate our dear Sandor has found himself in the mouth(s?) of wolves, I think. ;3
Red of Tooth and Claw
I don’t think this album is technically considered one of their concept albums, but it is the album that gives me the most SanSan feels, so I’m voting it in as an honorary. It’s also one of my favorites so the bias is there. I could probably just literally post entire songs and it could be an entire theme itself, but I’m going to try and keep it shorter and only post the lyrics that really get my creative juices goin’ (ew)
Steal Away
Well your momma and your papa, they don't like me too much. I've got a dark streak in my ways. But you and me will stick together. We're two birds of a feather; together 'til the end of days.
The heat floats on top of our skin. Like an ice cube in a glass of gin. I can't even hear the words you say. I need to leave, but I want to stay. Baby, it's been so long that even the roses hips are turning me on. Baby, it's been so long.
I want you. I want you. I get the feeling if I stay with you, you'll never let me go. I want you.Feel like a ship on dry land. Or an island in the sand. Your kiss is cool, despite the heat. You've got my senses beat. If I stay, I won't last long. You've got a hold on me so strong. I hear your song. All I hear is your song.
Good Morning, Magpie
Ok, so technically only a couple of the songs off this album give me the feels, but since my blog title is taken directly from a song title on this album, I’m gonna go ahead and include it too. This one’s a treat though, as the album has a song with the same title that is actually... nearly perfect. I did omit some of the lyrics only to try and streamline the post a bit.
My wings are dusted With frost and cold For a little thing like you I'm too heavy a load You'll struggle and falter Amble around Just follow some other storm Cause I'll only weigh you down You carry me home My love Still you carry me home Little dove You carry me home My love Still you carry me home Little dove You'll ride towards the sun As it guides you home But don't be afraid, little bird (!!!) You aren't alone A hoard of friends Will keep darkness at bay You're the needle In the hay You carry me home My love Still you carry me home Little dove Still you carry me home My love Still you carry me home Little dove Hear it approaching The shuffle of feet The clamor of metal And hounds in heat (!!!!!!) We'll steal away To the glen in the east Where the path is clear
For you and me.
I MEAAANNNN. I don’t even have to say anything more on that... 
I could probably go on... and on. But I’m tired now and this got a little convoluted lmao. But since I have a little idea/pet project in mind, I just wanted to get the songs/themes that really stand out to me down. If anyone else is inspired, then that’s even better!
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trashp1x1e · 5 years
Some shit went down at this Christian co op that I go to
Tw: homophobia and light swearing (I'm also on mobile and with a phone which tends to disagree with what I'm typing sometimes )
(for those who want to know I'm 14 and a pan cis guy)
SO (excuse my language) SOME BULLSHIT FUCKERY HAPPEND STRAP IN FOLKS THIS IS A LONG ONE!!! (that's what she said) goddddddddddd i'm mad i i rarely get mad and swear but boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy howdy now here is how i might have gotten kicked out of my co op for talking about lgbt
me and my homie / closeted ex boyfriend who we shall bestow the name Link were talking about lgbt stuff like we do every time we are on break in the empty hallways and someone overheard us (probs cuz´ we were being loud)and went and talked to the owner and later in the day he told us to come talk to him in an icy calm tone (never a good thing)
Now Link was already in some hot water because in cooking my friend who we shall name Zelda (real orignal I know) made a joke (i can't remember what it was about but it was harmless ) which caused the teacher to tell at Zelda to leave and caused Link to have an anxity attack because his partner was getting yelled at and the teacher told him to get out as well when we were walking with the owner who we shall call Gannondorf (sticking with the Zelda theme) we saw the cooking teacher which Gannon was talking to so i thought "oh hey he's gonna talk to Link about getting kicked out of cooking...but wait why am i here instead of Zelda..I'm not in cooking I don't even get there before it starts " right as my mind is racing Gannon told us That talking about gender and sexuality it and it violated the code of conduct under "egregious"acts.
(I'm scared for Link's safety so I tell him to out me instead of himself cause I think his mom has some sort of grudge against the whole ass lgbt)
Y'all smell that..? Oh no sorry i just stepped in some BULLSHIT!!!! The fucking code of conduct doesn't give that any examples of egregious act s!!!!Jesus fucking Christ c'mon at least SOME examples if you are gonna send someone home turn this bullshit!
And what we were talking about wasn't that bad unless you count "hey i thought my father was gay lol i don't know why i thought that when I was really young" and "oh I'm really grateful that you accept you for liking guys" nothing NSFW just joking around and talking about lgbt..which we do every fucking time we hang out!!
(Now i'm scared for Link's safety so I tell him to out me instead of himself cause I think his mom has some sort of grudge against the whole ass LGBTQ+ )
Anyways Gannon tells us to call our parents and tell them that we need to be picked up and he would be sending an email to our parents and seeing if we could come back(which in my opinion was dumb reason to send someone home)
Link is now panicing and is calling there mom and shaking because A his mom might be homophobic and suspect that he's in the lgbtq B his mom mentally barrages him enough C it's a 30 minute drive from to get to co op so yay for Link's mom...she I'm ok because I'm out to my parents and I tell my mom and dad what's going down and my dad said he will pick me up since my mom is at work
While waiting for our parents to get here Link got up to get something and he came back with my BI-Icon/dad who I'm gonna call Impa she tells me to not out myself and to out her instead (she is a fucking legend) but its too late now and I tell her that,then a spiteful Bitch who I was decently acquainted with asked Link "are you going to cry again?" NOW LET ME TELL YOU NOBODY FUCKS WITH MY FRIENDS AND SAYS THAT TYPE OF SHIT TO THEM is what I thought...I wanted to beat the shit out of this fool but I breathe in and let the anger disappear but I made sure my words rang with force I said "that was extremely rude and unnecessary get out." because it's not worth it to get in a fight and causing legal shit. Once that bitch finally left we told Impa to go get our group of friends which we call the HomieSexuals since the Gay best friends doesn't have a ring to it
Impa returns with everyone and they were just as pissed as I was but I didn't show it because that would stress everyone out even more so my body language and tone said "Pass me a la Croix " but I was pissed and then there was my number one Ally who looked like they were bout to cry but she said she " cries when she is pissed off " that's the first time I've heard her use anything close to swearing
(insert angry as fuk picture)
My ride gets here and I say my goodbyes and I hug everyone and say "ight I'm bout to head out" to ease the tension and lighten the mood
I head out and enter my dad's car and tell him what went down and he said with how many little kids he saw n coming out the bulding it wasn't my call weather they were exposed to the lgbt or not and that that's up to their parents" first off dad you make it sound like I was dressed up as a drag queen and was handing out pride flags to kids (something I would do tbh) he was more or less pissed that i was so chill about things (which I do when I should be nervous around my friends I want them to feel safe because fuck stress) after he got after me for being chill I got home and got to texting people to see what happened while I left A Gannons wife who looks like a Karen in training you know what I'm gonna call her KIT for short, KIT told the HomieSexuals to leave Link alone and as far as I was informed they weren't being too loud...after that I got a few texts from some others that i knew and hung around with told me that this was indeed bullshit and they had my back and that it's discrimination and that's kinda illegal cause this is technically counted as a private school . so Gannon if you do some how by some medical read this that's illegal buddy...make talking about lgbt against the rules and you might have a problem on your hands 😀👉👉
I haven't gotten a response from Link to see if they are ok yet but I'll keep y'all posted
Peace out my HomieSexuals
Tldr I might have gotten expelled from a co op talking about lgbtq
Edit#1 link is ok he just got the dumb ass pubishment of not being able to cut his hair
I got the option of being able to take class but not hang out on break or leave and and get a refund
So me and my mom said “ight ama head out”
Oh oh and you know what’s funny?
Link is ok! He’s in the clear that boi is Gucci oh no no Bitch I’m done! I’m so glad I left that place! Wanna know why that fucker is ok? Cause it told him to put my PanSexy ass! And he did! Hey fucker! That’s discrimination! But we can’t do jack fucking shit against Gannon cause he called my mom instead of emailing her there isn’t proof that he fuckin kicked me out!
Oh! Btw! My friend who I’ll call Joji found out who told Gannon :D
He is an adult who high key is a boomer ngl.
But heyyyy now I won’t have to deal with baby boomer bullshit from that place now!
If I ever see Gannon I hope i can record him saying some incriminating shit
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werewolveonsen · 6 years
3 Fandoms!
Got tagged by the lovely @just-a-secret-helper​  ma bestie on this whooole site! luv u boo 
Rules: Choose any three fandoms and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
Top 3 Fandoms:
2. One Piece
3. Shaman King
The first character you loved:
1.Deku!! Could relate to him to some level, and i loved the hard work he put in not losing his kindess on the way! A real role-model if u ask me
2. That’s gotta be Sanji! He’s so COOL! Always sticking by his principles even if it kills him (which happens more often than u’d think), not to mention he is a badass cook! I almost gave up on my plan on becoming a doctor to try becoming a chef, but then Chopper hit me like a truck.
3. THAT’S GOTTA BE YOH! My boy! I love him so much! All he wants is to have a chill life and hoo boy, can i relate to that. And just like him i got on the hardest path possible for that... we are not the brightest heheheheh!
The character you never expected to love so much:
1. Id say Kirishima! Dude is a simple jock on the outside but he’s acutally very uncertain of himself and that is relatable af! Comparing himself to those around him all the time and still trying to become as good as possible! Neve give up Kirishima! Im rooting for u bud!
2. Id say Robin... ever since she joined the crew i was suspicious and not exactly sure what her role there was. But after Enies Lobby she grew a lot on me and now i rly like her! Not to mention that her knowledge will be useful to get to Laftel, im sure of it.
3. Not gonna lie, im not usually a fan of villains. Usually am with the ppl on “cool story, still murder” vibe. But Hao is SO FUCKING PRECIOUS! I mean, he HAS to make up for all the shitstorm he made to get to where he is imo. But after readin Mappa Douji, u will have to think twice on his beliefs.
The character you relate to the most:
1. Tbh id say Kirishima! Upon closer inspection id say the boy has too much going on and still trying his darnest, cant be more relatable than that ehehhehe
2.  Tbh ive felt too much like a monster in my lifetime not to relate to Chopper. Wanting to fit in when surrounded by ppl who dont give u even a small chance at being a friend is rough and by the time i got to Chopper’s arc in OP i was feeling like that in school. Everytime i watch those few episodes of Hiluluk flashback i have to hold out on crying a bit, part bc of feeling like u want to fit in and part bc their relationship reminds me a lot of me and my dad and hoo boy am i gonna cry now
3. Chocolove. Sad but going for the smiles! Make comedy your weapon and any weapons fall before your hand made kangaroo 
The character you’d slap:
1. Everyone would say Mineta. Id punch him tho. Bakugo on the other hand deserves a backhanded slap to the face!! Im from the not so well recieved opinion that the whole bullying he put deku through was not smth to be treated as lightly and even tho i get it that this is a lighter themed show, i would rly like for this toppic to be adressed sometime soon. I agree, however, that he is just a kid and should not be held accountable for this through his whole life, but to me, he still hasnt come to the conclusion that what he did was wrong. i dunno, i just want them to get along, but i need more development on this part reggarding bakugo
2. Luffy, of course. He is a great guy, dont get me wrong, but he NEEDS to learn to be a bit more careful. He almost dies with such a frequency that ANY insurance company would turn down ALL Gold Roger’s treasure if they had to take him in
3. Hao tbh. If he’d just go through the Shaman Fight like everybody else he would have won. Didnt need to fuck up half the character’s backstories just to do that.
Three Favourite Characters (In Order of Preference):
1. Deku, Aizawa, Nedzu 
2.Chopper, Sanji, Ussop
3. Matamune, Yoj, Chocolove
A Character You Liked At First But Don’t Anymore:
1. Id say Shigaraki Tomura... i kinda liked the whole bratty vilain trope, but now he’s just outshined by everyone else hehehe
2. Im kinda sorry to say Vivi... I rly miss having her in action, i hope she gets to travel alongside them again sometime soon
3.Tao Ren, he was ok as a rival and all, but when he  Vegeta’ed he lost a bit of the impact i thought he would have. A powerfull ally, yes, but he wasnt exactly my favourite as one of yoh’s allies
Three OTP’s:
1. Ozuocha, Todomomo, Kouteri (thanks tumblr)
2. Franky/Robin ; Sanji/Pudding ; Chopper/ That reindeer mink (yeee)
3. Yoana ; Ren/Jeanne ; Jun/Lee
Ye im not gonna tag anyone (mostly cuz i don rly have many friends in here that i talk to a lot [except for A, of course]) but feel free to try this, its a fun exercise, also, tag me so i can look at chu, will ya? 
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My BTS WINGS Tour in Chicago Fan Account
THIS IS A LOT. Like 4 whole pages in google docs 😬. Don't feel obligated to read the whole thing just because you follow me. If you have any questions to ask me feel free to message me :-)
OK first things first shout out to the uber guy who was blasting a kpop spotify playlist when he pulled up to get me lmao
He told me he personally wasn't into it but that he had been driving people to the venue since like 11:00 AM and he already saw people lining up so i was like 💀
I got to the venue by 6:30PM and had to wait like 5 minutes to get in
OK…..so I ended up getting an ARMY bomb ewhvfqghrlhotw
And….here’s the kicker……….it was $60 🙃🙃🙃
It was impulsive af but i had the money and i was so afraid i wouldn't get anything else because shiz was selling out fast so i panicked 😬
I waited in this long ass line because i knew I had to get some kind of souvenir but by the time i got to the front the ARMY bombs were the only things left
And you know what's hilarious? i ended up not even using the ARMY bomb because after waiting in the second line i didn't even have enough time to charge it 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
So i was just like Fuck It and bolted to my seat which was 2nd tier
Even though my seat wasn't close to the guys...it didn't feel too far away? The venue is really nice tbh like i was of reasonable distance and could see everything fine.
My seat was at the end of a row in the middle seats so i didn't feel squished which is a HUGE bonus cuz that was my main concern so overall I think my seat was pretty good.
Before i talk my head off about the performances i want to give a big shout out to the people who filmed, did artwork and put together the VCR’s throughout the concert. Everything was so beautiful and fit the themes and songs well.
After the first VCR, which was arguably an art film, these guys came out with Not Today and y’all….
That was honestly when i realized that this was...Actually Happening.
Like these guys i care about so much were performing right in front of me
I screamed so damn loud lmaooo
After Not Today they did their introductions and they were all SO CUTE ☺️
Ofc Hobi did his iconic “I’m your Hope!” and my heart fell out of my ass LMAO
Yoongi was so freakin Extra™ he took his damn ear buds out and made that cocky hand gesture where he closed his eyes and put his palm to the back of his ear to get everyone to scream for him I CAN’T with him 😒
But.. i still screamed as loud as i could 😏
I screamed for all the members everyone did
After their cute introductions and small talk they continued on with the concert where they performed Am I Wrong (an under appreciated tune), Baepsae (LIT 👅👅👅 they all looked so hot) and the Dope which i hadn't listened to in a while so i felt nostalgic jamming to it.
And then we got to the solo stages...
Jungkook is such a talented kid tbh. Like i joke about him a lot in my tags but he looked so cool performing Begin. His footwork was something else 👌🏾
After him was Jimin with Lie and HE HAD HIS TIDDIES OUT (I’m calling his mama lmao). But no it was just a reallllllly low cut shirt like 👀 I see you chimchim. The performance was literally art in motion for me with the choreography and background VCR, and the song itself is just a masterpiece, my fave solo after MAMA. Jimin is so captivating to watch.
After him was Yoongi with First Love and it was so beautiful and passionate. The background VCR had really well done art and complimented the beauty of the song. Yoongi has such a cool energy to him, very confident and unafraid. I really appreciate what he had to offer.
And look... I already knew Yoongi was a good looking dude but like…Idk what happened but this concert made me realize how beautiful he really is??? Hobi is my bae you guys know that but Yoongi had me swerving a couple of times jesus 👀
After that they came back together as a group perform Lost (vocal line only, and another under appreciated bop) Save Me (my favorite group performance, when Hobi’s part came on I screamed and then loudly repeated the only english line he had in his verse,”The best of me!”) and then I Need U (a classic)
After that was Namjoon who performed Reflection which was very mellow. It is a very vulnerable song that encompasses emotions I think anyone can relate to. I am glad he could openly share those feelings in a song. When he go to the part where he repeats the “I wish I could love myself” line we were all chanting WE LOVE YOU like the fans at Brazil and Newark. It was so sweet ☺️
After him was Taehyung with Stigma and HE DID THAT. Tae really gave his all during that performance. I still worry over his vocal technique tho cuz he is a natural baritone and that solo had a lot of high notes. But he was so immersed in his song and it was so soulful like 😭 I’m super proud of him.
And after him...MY MAN CAME OUT 😰 😰 😰  
Y’all i was NOT ready Hobi KILLED IT. Mama is such a bop but the meaning behind it is so gorgeous this boy really does love his mom. He danced, rapped and during the ending chorus he had his lil singing adlibs and I was just felt so content and happy seeing him perform with all his energy. He really is our Hope 😭😭😭😭
And during Hobi’s solo they showed soooo many baby pictures 😱 they showed pictures of him I never seen before including awkward pre teen photos of him posing like a superhero and I LOVED THAT cuz we all have those super awk photos we took when we were 12 thinking we looked badass and then we see them now and we’re like 🙄 so I’m really glad he was confident enough to show that he’s just as human as everyone else. And then...
ALRIGHT so here’s the deal…
Hobi is my Official Bias™ and Yoongi is my now confirmed Bias Wrecker™ but…
Jin is…idk I can’t explain it but he has such a special place in my heart. He gets overlooked a lot and in his solo song Awake he sings about this. Feeling like he is sometimes not a part of his own group and I’ve felt that way before so many times. Hell all my life even. When he was singing his solo I honest to god teared up like he’s just such a great guy with a great sense of humor who works so hard in everything he does. I sang most of the song and I screamed so loud for him, everyone did. I just hope he felt loved that night ❤️
Jeez i teared up just writing that…
And then….after that was the cypher 💀💀💀
EVERYONE was hyped, rap line went off, it was around this time were my voice was starting to hurt 😥
After that was Fire, another hype song
And then it was a huge mashup of their debut/rookie years title songs. It made me realize how far they’ve all came when it comes to music.
Diring that they performed Run which is the era i really started to stan them. It brought back some more nostalgia, mainly back to when the fandom life didn't feel so damn dramatic 25/8 😒
After that was when the started to talk with us again. They talked about how they spent their time in Chicago and how happy they felt to be there.
Namjoon said he went to look at Lake Michigan and the Michigander in me was like 😵😵😵
Like yes boys come to Michigan sometime! Swim across the lake lmao 😭
Namjoon also said that if he had to chose any US city to live in it would be Chicago which i thought was super cute and everyone around me was going nuts. I like Chicago a lot too and i hadn't been there in such a long time so it was good to come back for the concert. Hopefully I can stay longer next time
Also! The Chicago Armys did the rainbow project as well!!! It was so pretty. The organizers did such a great job. I remember when American Armys were first talking about making a project with the light sticks but people (including other American fans) were sort of putting them down because they thought we should leave making good fan projects to the Korean Armys which made me go??? But you guys really pulled it off!!!! Im proud of y’all.
The boys looked shocked that the American fans did it again because they had already did the same project at the Newark concerts, they all looked so happy and commented on it and how grateful they were.
After that they performed their more recent songs off the WINGS album including 2! 3! Hope For Better Days which had a beautiful montage of all the members from debut era. I know i keep saying this but it was obviously nostalgic
The also performed the WINGS Intro which I LOVE and wish it were made to a full song but for the concert they made it longer than usual so the boys could goof off and interact with fans and the stuffed animals the fans tossed at them. Jungkook wore these cute bunny ears  ☺️ ☺️ ☺️ super cute. They all looked like they were having a blast with the fans at the floor seats. That was the only time I felt jealous of not getting a floor seat. There’s always next time tho!
The last songs they performed were Boy Meets Evil(Hobi’s other solo that was the album intro, and ofc he freaking killed it!!! He is such a talented dancer and i hope he goes on Hit the Stage one day so everyone, especially non-fans, can finally see how great of a dancer he is) BST(LIT!) and Spring Day(Beautiful performance, a great way to end the concert)
The boys stayed on stage for the longest time even after Spring Day ended. They all took their sweet time doing final bows and saying goodbye to the fans. They were so sweet this whole concert and always kept the crowd hyped when they could talk to us throughout the concert. I'm so thankful I saw them. I'll never forget this and I hope to see them again.
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2slowgoers · 5 years
10-16-19 bed rest
 Hey W,
I thought I’d chime in just a bit today, since I am in self-imposed bed rest. I wanted to follow up a bit on your previous post. Also, I updated our profile photo and website theme, you can only see it in desktop form, haha. It’s not the type of theme I would usually go for, but I like the simplicity and tech vintage-ness of it. It reminds me of our friendship, communicating so well over text messaging and remotely. So, I picked that theme, because this Tumblr is like us writing emails to each other. And in a world without computers, we would be swell pen pals.
1) Thank you for acknowledging the privilege and nonsensicalness of that trip. Haha. I mean, that was my reaction. I know T is one to do trips like that, but I appreciated that you added your own flare of “ok I’ll do one quick short trip, but we’re gonna get gummies!” The primary thought I had was wow, how easy it was for you two to go to Brussels, which is near where H lives. My initial thought was, wow I wish I could go so easily to help with the long distance woes. I was joking with H how I need to date T and have two partners so then I can use this benefit to go visit H. OR i would date you and you would work for united, then I can go visit H. All just a joke. Another thing I noticed was how when you first got gummies, you were telling me like “omg I spent 25 euros on gummies” as if it was a lot, but after you got back, you wished you bought more. 
2) Your writing on Time and Space was very spot on for me. Travel is also something that is very special for me. I learn to really appreciate being somewhere, when I don’t have the ease of mobility/movement. It’s like... so many people we know are kind of in their one location for a long long time, with small spurts of travel here and there. But most people I know, don’t leave their day to day home very often. I think I already travel more than many people I know or work with. I look back to the trips I have done, and I have appreciated the experiences most when I feel “stuck” in a place. Like in India and Nepal when I had my tickets confirmed, and there was no way I could afford any tickets to leave the country in those 6 months, so as if I was “stuck”, I was able to really focus on being there and digging deep into it. During my Berlin study abroad, there was a guy who went back to the US for thanksgiving to surprise his family, and that was something that actually surprised me. I feel like I was immersed in the study abroad, and to suddenly go back to MN to see H would have been disruptive to my experience. I agree with you, travel feels like a dream, and the short trips especially feel like a dream for me. But once I get to be somewhere for a prolonged period without leaving, that’s when it stops feeling like a dream, even after I leave! It feels like a real experience I had. In some ways, I appreciate the limitation of plane tickets being expensive. Because it forces us to stay in a place and makes the act of traveling a special one. I do appreciate that currently, and often wonder what life would be like if I did have the ability to go home or see H more frequently, coming in and out of my reality here in the Bay Area - it would be disorienting, I think. 
3) Imagine if you did a quick weekend trip to Budapest. That would feel weird, right? A place with so many memories and small everyday moments, and to go back in a rush, I guess I kinda felt that way when I went to Berlin for 1 day. It was very weird, because I was mainly going around a place I had never been, Neukoln. This is an area that is now where all the activists and artists are, and 4 years ago, it was more focused in Kreuzberg. Berlin is gentrifying a lot too, and I imagine in 2015, Neukoln was a place more filled with refugees and immigrants and not a place the middle class frequented. Now, that is where hip and artsy cafes are popping up. So, the only familiar thing I saw again was really the airport. Everything else was new. And yet, the roads, buildings, smells, trees, felt familiar. I would want to go back again and explore on my own terms and pace, but the abrupt ending of that friendship doesn’t sit well with me, making me think I won’t be back for a while.
Anyways, today is a significant day for me because as you know, I removed a part of me that has caused a lot of inconvenience in my everyday life. It’s been YEARS where I had to deal with something poking out everytime I had a bowel movement. I have had to learn the skill of carefully poking through the toilet paper to poke this lil thing back inside, without breaking the paper and dirtying my fingers. It has caused me so much distress and made me believe that I cannot camp or travel the way I want to (multiple days in rural areas with no shower). I remember when this first started and clumps of poo was sticking to it, and I had to go into the shower to wash off. I absolutely hated how messy it all was. And how I had to touch my own poo. But hey, it’s been a couple of years, and I have grown skilled in it. I learned to poke it back in and not be grossed out with my own body’s waste. I learned to be more conscious of my health so that situation doesn’t get worse. And then today, bam it got cut off! My funny imagination has thought of this little round ball of skin as a friend that I had a love/hate relationship with. Of course I hate it mostly, but I also had to learn to love it (it’s a part of me!) to take care of it and not cause more pain to myself. I know, it seems like something small, and though it was physically small, it did change me. It is what made me more conscious about physical things.. and health things.. and taking care of my body. I don’t know, it’s one of those things where I guess I felt like I had a relationship with this lil round ball, and today I said goodbye to what basically, felt like a harmless parasite! I had gone in originally for a banding procedure, which is what I thought this lil round ball was and would be banded and fall off in a couple of weeks. But the doctor told me the round thing is NOT a hemorrhoid and needs to be surgically cut off. Can you imagine, I was already lying down, half naked, and told I need to be numbed? I was scared! So scared. I was not prepared. I also super appreciated the doctor though - she knew my health insurance was changing at the end of the month (cuz employer is changing their default) so she wanted to fix it all for me today. So I appreciated it, and it was scary to get injected down there, but hey it all worked out - at least for now. But moments like this, albeit not the biggest deal, reminds me that life is short, and I could have more and worse health issues in the future, and that means i need to live a life I really want to live while I still can. I never know when I may have more issues in my body and I cannot leave the benefits of a stable job.
Those are thoughts from today ~ hope you enjoy the concert!
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