Children Prayer  Can Parents Pray on Behalf of Their Child
Hey everyone, Welcome to Pillai Center Practice YouTube channel. Through this video I will be talking about Selfless Service For Personal Growth & Seva. I had always thought of myself as a pretty selfish person. At a young age my mom became a single parent of 3 kids, and at that point I had to start taking care of myself and my siblings, and during that time it became about survival. I think that pattern continued and I just kept taking caring of myself until I met Dr.Pillai, and he taught me that service to others called ‘Seva’, selfless service is part of your personal growth – it’s part of your spiritual evolution and your personal development – that there are inherent benefits to helping people.
In this video, Pillai Center teacher Swamini Valli answers whether parents can do prayers on behalf of their child. You can chant mantras and do prayers on behalf of your child. Swamini Valli also describes how to properly do prayers on behalf of your child.
I recognized that right away through his suggestions and practice. Simple things like serving your friends and family, asking who wants things, cooking for people, feeding the homeless, going out of your way to make sure others have what they need, and that can be done on a very small scale, or a very large scale.
Tripura Foundation became my gateway to selfless service, and I had the opportunity to meet people, children in underdeveloped countries, giving them nutritious food, education, inspiration through our Hope Centers in Tripura, and then also through Phonemic Intelligence where Tripura offers intelligent enhancing techniques that kids learn at a young age that then benefit them through their entire life.
I make sure I give my donations every single month so that it’s taken care of, and the trick about service or selfless service is that it’s not selfless at all. In the sense that as long as you do it without expectation, what you receive back is multiple times what you gave.
So, I encourage you to follow your passion of what you feel is important to give back to become part of something bigger than yourself and serve; serve others whatever that looks like for you in the world.
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Dr. Pillai's mission is to alleviate pain and suffering of the human race through his educational and humanitarian programs. The Pillai Center for MindScience is an educational institution geared toward enhancing human intelligence and positively transforming every aspect of life. The Pillai Center is Dr. Pillai's teaching vehicle that offers MindScience courses in four primary areas: health, prosperity, relationship and spiritual evolution.
The Pillai Center for MindScience is an educational institution geared toward enhancing human intelligence and positively transforming every aspect of life. The Pillai Center is Dr. Pillai's teaching vehicle that offers MindScience courses in four primary areas: health, prosperity, relationship and spiritual evolution. For more details please visit our Website - www.pillaicenter.com
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