saucyjothoughts · 3 months
This one has been on my mind for a couple of days now, so here we go: festival sex with Jan.
Girl meets boy, reader x Jan, at a metal festival. They don't know each other but meet at the festival and end up making out during the headliner show. Where are they going to take it to the next level? Back at the crowded festival camping in a tent that is a bit too small for 2? Or do they try to find a dark and secluded spot in the nearby forest?
Anonyboo, I am in love with you for this concept.
Edit: part two here
(nsfw under the cut)
The crowd has been amazing and you've spent all of the first day spotting band shirts and battle jackets, admiring all the obscure tattoos and brazen piercings on show, seemingly not a single person there with normal coloured hair. You've been making friends with tipsy strangers, exchanging compliments and feeling good in an outfit you don't normally get the chance to wear, co-ordinating between your small group which stages to flit between to catch your favourite artists. The air is full of the smell of mud and grass, your belly is full of overpriced beer and salted meat, your skin a little sunburnt, your body a little achey. But he's just the same, pushing through the sweat and dehydration to enjoy the music and the atmosphere.
You saw him at one of the smallstages; an obscure indie band that none of your friends liked so you went alone. Long black hair, a nose ring and chipped nail varnish. Effortlessly vicious style and kind eyes. Cute. Slightly drunk. Jan, he said his name was. He preferred their older stuff and thought your hair was cool. Were you here for the whole weekend? You're sharing a tent with some friends with shit taste? Him, too.
You thought that would be all, just some harmless flirting with one of the hundreds of hot alternative guys here (so many to choose from and it's only the first day of the festival). But then he's stood near you for the headline act. He's with some friends but you catch each other's eye and before you know it, you're screaming the words at each other as loud as you can, your voices buried in the crowd. Between songs, he's stood behind you and it's easy to back up into him just a little, close enough that he knows it's on purpose and places a hand on your waist and warm breath on your ear. What are your plans after this last show? Do you want to go somewhere?
You do. His dark hair is a little sweaty from exertion under the show lights and the summer night is darkening. Yes, you really do.
"Somewhere" ends up being through a gap in a fence and behind a row of closed food stalls. It's dark back here and smells of petrol from the generators, but there is an illusion of privacy that makes you brave. It's you who makes the first move, shutting up his rambling with your lips, but he soon takes the hint.
Mostly clothed but his hands are everywhere, his breath this close full of sweat and smoke and beer, slim frame deceptively muscular. You're stroking his erection through his pants, hungry for each other, and he's moaning into your kiss and squeezing at your hips, wanting to take you, pushing you back so your butt presses against the top edge of a locked storage trailer. You don't realise how wet you already are until his hand snakes down inside your underwear and he explores you, spreading slick from your pussy all over your lips, all over your clit. His fingers feel good but you both need more. He unzips, letting his fat erection free, and it throbs in your hand, your pussy feeling emptier than ever, needing him urgently. He fumbles with a condom for a moment, taking just long enough to let you shift your clothes to give him access and then he's lifting you to sit on the trailer and pushing your knees apart to stand between your legs. You've known him for a matter of hours, you don't know where he's from and you're not even sure if he remembers your name. You're a young pair of misfits, meeting by chance and crashing together and he uses his hand to position the tip of his cock against your pussy and pushes. The festival ground is still noisy with crowds but it all seems distant, irrelevant, while your fucking is secret, just out of sight. He has his lips on your neck and his fist in your hair while he's fucking you deep and hard, right there in the open air.
He's slurring compliments at you as he comes, hips thrusting erratically where you can feel him deep in you, his skin slapping against yours. You're not there yet. His teeth are on your shoulder, his arms around you, while you both catch your breath. You figure it's over (maybe you can get yourself off in the tent later after your friends have fallen asleep) but after he's dealt with the condom and you've hopped down from the trailer onto your feet, he doesn't let you fix your clothes. He's not done. He sweeps his long hair out of his face and drops to his knees, hitching one of your legs over his shoulder to push his face hungrily against your dripping cunt.
He's good at it.
Afterwards, you need to find your way back to your respective tents. He's pretty sure he can kick his tent-buddy out tomorrow night, if you were maybe free to hang out again? Maybe you will be. You put your number in his phone. Your real number.
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boog-how · 6 months
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🎪𝗛𝗮𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗛𝗼𝗼𝗸𝘂𝗽𝘀 (𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝟯𝟭, 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗲): Clown🤡 [1/2]
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Bonus spicy🔥 alt
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babyblue711 · 5 months
(Modern AU) Aegon II Targaryen x Female!Reader x Aemond Targaryen - Part 2 (read Part 1 Here) Summary: Having spent the week at the Targaryen's countryside estate, you find yourself pulled into an unexpected tryst when Aemond confronts you about your mixed signals. Words: 5K
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Warnings: NSFW, Sexual Content 18+, Smut, Language, Alcohol, Threesome, Lots of Sexual Shenanigans A/N: As requested by popular demand, here is Part 2! I think this was the most fun I've ever had when writing a fic. (And please, for the banner, let's pretend Ewan has one eye for Aemond's sake 😅) I hope you all enjoy! 🔥
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Various forms of tension now fill the house and you can’t help but feel responsible. There is a magnetic attraction that lingers in the air between you and Aegon, but your playful text to Aemond had clearly not been well-received; he had never bothered responding and was now resolutely ignoring you. In return, you mirrored his behavior, determined not to let it affect you.
On Sunday morning, Helaena approaches you with an enticing offer: to extend your stay for the entire week. With your laptop in tow, the prospect of working remotely from their opulent estate is exciting, especially since it means you can continue spending time with Aegon.
Luckily, neither Helaena nor Daeron knows about your hookup with him. For the rest of the week, he visits your bed each night and it is the best sex you’ve ever had in your life. He’s a generous lover, prioritizing your pleasure before his own and his attentiveness afterwards is always exceptional, although he never spends the full night with you. Mindful of Aemond’s text message, you try to tone down your lusty moans of rapture, but you still feel like he knows what’s going on regardless.
On the last full day before you are set to return to the city, you and Aegon make plans to go for another trail ride. However, after lunch he starts to complain of a stomach ache leading Aemond to step in and offer to take you riding instead. This unexpected turn of events leaves you feeling momentarily stunned, given Aemond has been doing a very good job pretending you didn’t exist up until that moment. Despite your reservations, you agree to Aemond's proposal, still feeling a little wary of his sudden change of heart. 
“You can ride on Sunfyre this time,” Aegon groans from the couch, referring to his grey gelding, as you and Aemond head out the door. 
At first you are unsure of what to expect, but soon find yourself embarking on another memorable riding adventure, only this time with Aemond. It quickly becomes apparent that he shares your love for horses and the great outdoors, if not even more passionately than his brother. You make a bit of small talk as you ride, but most of the time, the gentle plodding of your horses’ hooves and the swish of their tails are the only things that can be heard.
The day was hot and humid, though cooler in the shade of the woods along the trail. A few miles into your ride, you come across a babbling stream with crystal water and decide to stop to let the horses rest and take a much needed drink. 
“Thank you for letting me ride Vhagar this week,” you say sincerely, taking a refreshing gulp of water from your canteen, “She’s a good horse.” Aemond offers a small smile, affectionately patting his mare on the neck. 
“No problem,” he replies casually, “She seems to like you and, to be honest, she doesn’t warm up to most people. Typically bucks them off within a few minutes,” he glances up to gauge your reaction. “I figured that’s why Aegon had you take her out, so he could laugh when you fell off,” he adds nonchalantly as if he didn’t just throw Aegon under the bus. 
Your expression falters briefly, causing you to second guess your perception of Aegon if what Aemond is saying is true but you quickly regain your composure.
“Fortunately, that didn’t happen,” you manage to say as Sunfyre starts to paw, splashing water everywhere and soaking your boots. You urge him from the stream before he decides to roll in the cool water and Aemond follows on Vhagar; you swear you think you see a small, smug smile tug on the corners of his lips. 
As you head back home, the mood seems to lighten and you finally feel like you have a small breakthrough with Aemond. Unlike his brother, Aemond’s nature is more naturally reserved, but you are growing to appreciate his calm demeanor in contrast to Aegon's chaotic behavior. He isn’t as quick to laugh or make jokes either, but you manage to coax him into opening up by asking about his interests, particularly books. He eagerly shares insights into the history of the Targaryen family and their estate, keeping the conversation lively until you reach the barn.
You hand Sunfyre off to the attending groom once more, feeling hot and sticky from your ride, eager to get back to the house to take a cool shower. Aemond falls into step beside you. 
“So you and Hel are headed back to the city tomorrow?” Aemond inquires casually.
“Yeah we are, have to get back to the grind,” you say with a sigh, a note of reluctance in your tone. The week spent away from the city, immersed in fresh air and nature, had been incredibly rejuvenating and you weren’t ready to leave just yet. Fortunately, Helaena is also your flatmate, and the prospect of returning to hectic city life isn’t as daunting when you have a familiar companion by your side.
“What are your plans?” you ask him in return, aware of his involvement in the family business and his regular trips to the city too. 
“I have a flight to catch to New York tomorrow. Work trip. It’s always hard to leave Vhagar…” he trails off with a slight hedge to his voice and you sense he may have more to share, but something seems to be holding him back. 
“Hmm,” you murmur noncommittally, letting the moment ride out, feeling if you were patient, he would speak. It works a little too well. He takes a deep breath before he begins. 
“That text you sent a few days back…” he starts and your heart instantly leaps. Oh god, here we go, you think, now deeply regretting how shameless you had behaved in the moment.
“Did you mean it?” he asks curiously, catching you completely off guard. You had thought he was about to scold you and you certainly didn’t expect him to be inquisitive instead. Your previous words seem to swim in your mind: [Join us next time, then?]  
Did he think you had been serious? You really had only meant it to tease. Regret bubbles in your stomach. 
“I still hear you every night,” he says quietly, gently, not like a reprimand at all, and you continue to feel more unsettled with each passing moment. You blush, embarrassed that you were having this conversation in broad daylight with Aemond of all people.
“I’m sorry, Aemond, truly, I…I tried to be more quiet…” you stammer, trailing off as he takes you by the arm, turning you to stop and face him. You stare up into his crystal blue eye, so much lighter than his brother’s, noticing how much taller he is than Aegon too. Up close, his beauty is so breathtaking, the leather eyepatch that covers his left eye only serves to complement his perfect appearance and intrigue you further. Aemond never spoke about what happened to his eye and you were too intimidated to ever ask. 
“It’s not that,” he cuts you off abruptly. “Your offer, did you mean it?” he asks more insistently and you feel like you could shrink under the intensity of his stare. Did you really want to have a threesome with him and Aegon? Cowardly, you opt to take the easy way out.
“It would be up to Aegon, I suppose,” you manage to choke out, feeling confident that Aegon would never agree. The way he possessively devours your body, like he is trying to consume your very being when you are together makes you think he isn’t the type to share.
Aemond nods, seeming satisfied with that answer as he abruptly resumes walking back to the house and you can barely keep up with his long strides. What the hell was that about? 
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Feeling refreshed from your cold shower, you open your bathroom door, still wrapped in only a towel to see Aegon sprawled across your bed, giving you a calculated stare. Your heart skips a beat at his unexpected presence in your bedroom and he has a look in his eye you don’t think you’ve seen before. 
“So,” he says lightly and gets right to the point, “You want to have a threesome with Aemond?” 
You gape like a fish out of water as you backtrack. “I - I didn’t say that. Aemond mentioned it to me on the way back to the house,” you mumble, trying not to feel like you’re in trouble.
“Oh really?” he raises an eyebrow, glancing down at his phone, scrolling as if he’s looking for something, “What’s this then?” 
He holds out his phone and shows you a screenshot of the message you had sent to Aemond earlier in the week, inviting him to join you and Aegon. Aemond clearly has shown Aegon proof of your “offer”, the traitor. Clearly, your lighthearted jest has taken an unexpected turn and signals have been crossed between these two brothers. 
Aegon cannot contain a look of triumph as your guilty eyes flash back to his face. Before you can explain more thoroughly he smirks, “I didn’t know you were also into my brother…”
“Aegon, it was just a joke, I was teasing him,” you try to clarify your intentions and prove you aren’t trying to hide anything, now thoroughly wishing you had been this direct with Aemond too. You didn’t foresee it coming back to haunt you like this. 
“Really? Because that’s not what Aemond said,” Aegon counters, “So do you want to? It would be hot watching my brother fuck you,” he adds provocatively and your breath catches in your chest at his words. 
So many emotions whirl through your mind in an instant. Shock. Guilt. Bewilderment. Confusion. Hurt that he would give you up so easily to another man. Excitement. Lust. Desire. Simultaneously, another thought tugs at your heart: a mixture of determination and defiance. You had been so sure that Aegon would be the one to tell Aemond ‘no’ and you were starting to question his attachment to you, if indeed there had been one at all. If he was so willing to share you with someone else, perhaps you should make him regret this decision. The thought of making Aegon insanely jealous ignites a spark of mischief within your chest.
“Fine,” you say coolly, lifting your chin. “I’d love to fuck your brother,” you taunt seductively, pretending not to care more deeply about Aegon than you do and deliberately trying to push his buttons, but Aegon only gives you a devilish grin. 
“Brilliant. I’ll tell him then,” and with that, he springs off your bed, his earlier stomach ache seemingly forgotten, and bounds out the door in search of Aemond. 
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You were a nervous wreck the whole rest of the day. What had you just agreed to? You curse your need for revenge on Aegon. 
That evening, you opt to quietly observe Aemond, feeling a need to familiarize yourself with the person that you would soon be sleeping with. While Aegon could be abundantly charming when he wanted to be, Aemond was simply grace incarnate. You pay particular attention to his interactions with each sibling: he is tolerant of Aegon’s antics, patient with the youthfulness of his younger brother, Daeron, and generously kind to his sister, listening to her discussions about various bugs with genuine interest, as if her words are the most interesting thing in the world. Coupled with his ethereal beauty, you start to question that Aemond might actually be the better of the two brothers. Boyfriend material flashes through your mind. 
At last, you bid the group goodnight for the evening and retire to your room. As soon as you shut your door, you sprint to the bathroom, rushing to brush your teeth, apply more deodorant and fix your hair, trying to make yourself as presentable as possible for perfect, proper Aemond. You aren’t sure why you were doing this; why do you care what Aemond thinks of you so much?
Finished with your “prep”, you put on your usual pajamas, wishing you had brought something a little sexier than an oversized t-shirt and shorts and sit on your bed to wait. Soon a soft knock comes from your door and you know instantly it’s Aemond. Aegon never knocks.
“Come in!” you manage to squeak out, voice unusually high, feeling nervous. Aemond enters, looking entirely unruffled, carrying something behind his back. He approaches the bed and reveals his surprise, holding out an expensive bottle of champagne. 
“I figured there’s no hurry,” he remarks casually with a shrug as he opens the bottle and takes a gulp, handing it to you. Feeling a bit unconventional drinking expensive champagne straight from the bottle, you take a sip, enjoying the tangy liquid that runs cool down your throat. 
You both sit in the middle of your large bed facing each other, talking softly while taking turns swigging from the bottle. Soon, you find yourself relaxing and enjoying his company, forgetting that Aegon was supposed to be joining you. You didn’t even wonder where he was. 
When the bottle is empty, you start to feel properly tipsy as Aemond lays a large, warm hand on your leg. You stiffen instantly, unable to help yourself, glancing up into his intense, one-eyed stare.
“I just want to ask, one more time, if you’re sure you want to do this,” he says with soft sincerity. 
This is it. Your way out. You didn’t have to sleep with Aemond. However, you were finding yourself more and more drawn to him as you discovered his admirable traits. You believed deep down that Aemond was genuinely kind, one of those "nice guys," so to speak. Moreover, defiance still pounds in your heart at the thought of making Aegon jealous, if he decided to show up at this point.
“Yeah, I want to Aemond, truly,” you respond genuinely, placing your hand overtop of his and giving it a reassuring squeeze. He nods and seems to relax, his sensuous mouth curling into a true smile.
“Should we start without him?” you whisper, alluding to Aegon. 
“Yeah, fuck him, I’m not waiting,” Aemond replies boldly before grabbing you by the ankle and pulling you across the bed so you’re right next to him. You slide easily on the soft satin comforter and giggle in delight. Aemond’s lips meet yours and you sigh into his mouth as you melt into him immediately. 
Aemond's kiss ignites a fire within you; while you considered Aegon a skilled kisser, a few moments with Aemond had you wondering who was better. His kiss is effortless, your lips fitting together flawlessly, his gentle tongue playfully exploring your mouth, as you take turns sucking on each other’s bottom lip. You moan softly as you instinctively grasp his hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him closer to you. Already you can feel your core getting slick with desire and an ache forming at the apex of your thighs.
Aemond maneuvers you to lay on your back and settles overtop of you, lightly pressing you under his weight and you surrender once more to a new man, but this one you think might be more worthy than the last. Still clothed, you are fully immersed in battling his tongue when you hear a low whistle.
“You fuckers started without me,” Aegon growls, low and deep, and you jump, startled since you hadn’t heard him come in. You break the kiss with Aemond, turning to look at Aegon standing beside the bed, seeming completely unfazed seeing his younger brother on top of the girl he’s been fucking all week. Aemond ignores him completely as he kisses your exposed neck, pretending like there’s been no interruption. You notice Aegon is holding his own bottle of champagne and a bag of popcorn, now grinning like a barn cat that has just caught the biggest mouse; he moves to sit in the corner and waves his hand for you to continue. 
You roll your eyes and return your attention to Aemond, who is now sucking a hickey onto your collarbone. You decide to get things moving before you lose your nerve now that you have an audience. You slide Aemond's shirt off, taking a moment to appreciate the contours of his fit physique by tracing your fingers across his chest and along the defined muscles of his back. It's almost like a choreographed dance as you and Aemond smoothly help each other out of your clothes, moving with such synchronized ease that it feels like you're perfectly attuned to each other.
As you remove his shorts, his cock springs free, large and heavy against his thigh. Taking him in hand, you give him a few experimental pumps, making him grunt appreciatively; you find yourself absentmindedly wondering who is bigger, the Targaryen men are clearly blessed in this particular department. 
You try to ignore the sounds of Aegon chewing popcorn as you and Aemond settle back onto the bed, completely unclothed now. Aemond doesn’t seem to mind being naked in front of his brother and you take his lead as your heart flutters nervously, still mindful of having a witness. He bites down onto the fleshy part of your breast, sucking with enthusiasm and you don’t even care about the mark you know it’ll leave. He moves on and takes one of your nipples into his mouth next, rolling the other between his fingers as he works his way down your body, finally settling between your thighs and licking your soaked pussy like a lollipop; you both groan with pleasure. You spread your legs wide for him and start to knead your own breasts, putting your body on display for Aegon, feigning more confidence than you felt in the moment. You glance over and see him watching you and Aemond hungrily. 
Aemond’s lips lock around your bud and he sucks harshly causing you to buck your hips into his face and cry aloud, your breath picking up as pleasure courses like electricity through your body. You feel him slip a finger inside of you followed by another and he crooks them against your sweet spot all while continuing to suck on your bud like he is trying to slurp the thickest milkshake. 
It’s not long before your thighs are shaking around his head as you wail in ecstasy, your orgasm ripping through your core, pussy clenching tightly down onto Aemond’s fingers. You no longer notice Aegon’s presence and you secretly hope he’s burning with jealousy at the way Aemond is unraveling you thoroughly. Aegon clears this throat as you come down from your high and return to your senses.
“I want her on top, Aemond,” he commands from the dark corner of the room. You think Aemond will refuse as he isn’t the type that usually takes orders, and especially not from Aegon, but he lays on his back and positions you to hover above him. Achingly slow, still sensitive from your climax, you spear yourself on his hard, thick cock, sinking inch by delicious inch, savoring the stretch of your soft velvet walls. You breathe through your nose as you try to relax and welcome Aemond into your body, joining as one.
You both groan in unison when you finally sit flush against him, his cock buried deep. He gives you a moment to adjust and lets you set the pace. Knowing Aegon is seated behind you, you lean forward slightly, bracing your hands against Aemond’s chest, arching your back as you ride his cock, letting Aegon get the best view of Aemond’s thick length sliding in and out of your tight pussy, no longer feeling insecure about being watched. In this position, your sensitive bud rubs consistently against Aemond’s pubic bone and you can already feel another orgasm mounting deep in your belly. You toss your hair and moan loudly in pleasure, uttering filthy words to Aemond, knowing full well Aegon can hear you too. You want to leave him without any doubt just how much you are enjoying his brother. 
Beneath you, Aemond looks like a fallen angel. His one eye is hooded and dark with lust, the angles of his exquisite face are sharp in the low light, his sensual lips are parted slightly as he pants softly while you move up and down on his length. His luminous blonde hair is splay out on the bed, creating a sort of halo around his head.  You don’t think you’ve ever seen anything more beautiful in your life.
Spurred on by your passionate words of lust, Aemond grasps your hips and picks up the pace, fingers digging into the soft flesh and you hope for bruises. Taking control, he fucks up into you from below, hitting your sweet spot repeatedly. You start mumbling nonstop again, like you always do when you’re about to cum.
“Yeah? You gonna cum on my cock, sweet girl?” Aemond says in a low growl as he watches your tits bounce above him. 
“A-Aemond, don’t stop,” is all you can manage as your peak crashes over you with the force of a hurricane and Aemond groans as your pussy tightens like a vice around him. He rides out your climax, sustaining your pleasure as you soar into oblivion. Finally, feeling like jelly, you topple off of Aemond and onto the soft bed, breathing heavily and trying to recover from your second mind-blowing orgasm. 
“My turn,” suddenly, Aegon stands on the edge of the bed, totally naked and stroking his hard, thick cock. Now that the two are visually out for comparison, you think Aemond’s might be a tad longer, but they are both just as thick.
Your brain feels fuzzy, swirling with endorphins from the rush of your climax. Despite your haze, excitement pulses through your chest when you see that Aegon has finally come to play, hoping he got tired of watching Aemond fuck you so thoroughly. Although being with two men at once is entirely new territory, you trust them completely to take care of you properly and not abuse their positions of power. With a new sense of confidence, adrenaline surges through your veins and you decide to take charge.
“Lay on the bed,” you direct at Aegon and he obeys you instantly, climbing onto the bed and laying his head on your pillow. You crawl over to him, swaying your hips seductively and meeting his dark blue gaze.
“So, did you enjoy watching that?” you purr innocently while taking his cock in your hand and squeezing. 
“More than you know,” he manages to respond before you lower your head and take him in your mouth. Maintaining eye contact with him, you put on a bit of a show as your tongue teases the sensitive tip.
Realizing Aemond is watching from afar, you look over your shoulder at him while continuing to pump Aegon with your other hand. You consider him for a moment, impressed with his endurance as he still hasn’t cum himself, despite riding out your orgasm while buried deep within your body. 
“Aemond, I need you too,” you whine, tossing your hair over your shoulder and bringing your ass in the air, giving him a pointed look; his lips lift in a devilish smirk. 
As Aemond comes to kneel behind you, there is a kinetic sort of energy that passes between the brothers as their eyes meet and you feel a shift as the energy in the room suddenly becomes charged. The hair stands up on the back of your neck and you aren’t entirely sure why; all you know is that you suddenly feel like a lamb caught between two apex predators. Undaunted, the thought makes you chuckle; Aemond has already begun to pick you apart with absurd precision and you feel ready for more. 
You take Aegon into your mouth again as you feel Aemond spread your ass cheeks apart with a firm grip, taking a moment to admire the view before re-entering you from behind, moving slowly to help you adjust to this new angle. You moan in pleasure as Aemond’s cock hits your sweet spot perfectly in this position. Aegon grunts as your moans reverberate around his dick and you hear him whisper “yeah, that’s it,” as your head bobs along his thick length. With one hand wrapped around the rest of Aegon’s girth that you can’t fit into your mouth, the other grips his thigh, trying to hold yourself steady as Aemond’s hips snap roughly into your backside. 
“She really does have the most perfect cunt, brother,” Aemond rumbles, grunting in appreciation as he watches his fat cock slide in and out of you, glistening with your arousal. “You were right.”
“I told you she could be our perfect little slut,” Aegon groans in agreement and gives you a dark smile. You try to ignore the fact that they are talking about you like you aren’t even there. Despite your senses being fully enveloped in a primal sort of lust, you feel a small prick of unease. How much did they discuss about you before today? Have they planned this all along?
You hardly have time to consider further before Aegon takes you by the hair and earnestly starts to fuck your mouth, spit dribbling down your chin as he thrusts in and out. You hollow out your cheeks and try your best to take him, choking at times as his cock touches the back of your throat, all while Aemond continues a steady pace fucking your pussy from behind. Tears prick your eyes and Aegon wipes them away with his thumb, murmuring “good girl” softly and encouraging you to keep going. You watch as his abs contract in pleasure as your tongue swirls around the sensitive tip; you find it becoming more difficult to focus on Aegon as Aemond brings his hand around and starts to play with your bud, rubbing tight, fast circles. Your breath is caught in your chest and you let out a sultry moan. 
For a moment, all that can be heard is heavy breathing, grunts of pleasure, skin slapping erotically, and a juicy sucking noise from your mouth as your orgy progresses. With Aemond’s expert attention on your bud, your walls start to flutter again and you redouble your efforts to suck off Aegon, determined that you both should cum at the same time; his breathing is becoming labored and you know he’s close. Within a few more moments, the three of you climax together in unison; Aegon grunts as his girth pulses in your hand, shooting his seed down your throat just as Aemond’s cock pumps his into your pussy, emptying deep inside you. He gives your ass a hard slap and you wail once more as mind numbing pleasure courses through your belly as your pussy milks Aemond dry.
Swallowing your mouthful, you collapse, exhausted, onto the bed next to Aegon, completely worn out by your third orgasm. Aegon pants softly beside you and Aemond plops down on your other side, the only one to still seem composed despite the sheen of sweat on his chest from his own exertion. 
The next few minutes are spent in comfortable silence as your breathing returns to normal. Aegon rolls to his side and captures your lips between his own. You think he’s just giving you a sweet sort of kiss as a “thank you” for a great time, until he takes your leg and swings it over his hip, reaching down and playing with your sensitive bud. You buck you hips away from his hand and whine pathetically, telling him without words that you are almost too sensitive to touch at this point. He shushes you gently and you feel him reach down to your entrance and gather Aemond’s spend that’s leaking from your pussy, bringing it up and circling your bud with a featherlight touch.
You feel Aemond move until he’s spooning you from behind, trapping you. He brushes your hair to the side as he starts to pepper your neck and shoulder with kisses while his large warm hand caresses your back, moving down to squeeze the ample flesh of your ass. Despite your exhaustion, you feel yourself getting aroused again at their attention. Aegon’s skin is burning as you lay facing him, chest to chest, and Aemond is just as hot against your backside. You feel caught between two flames, like you could catch fire entwined around the brothers.
Aegon continues to kiss you slowly, circling your bud, your leg still hooked over his hip when you feel another set of digits come to play at the entrance of your pussy. You flinch slightly, but Aemond doesn’t enter you digitally, instead seeming to gather more fluid on his fingertips. Without warning, you jump when you feel him spreading his spend on your asshole. Aemond hushes you sweetly, kissing right below your ear, as he starts to push ever so gently on your puckered hole. 
“Come now,” Aegon whispers against your lips, “You didn’t really think we would be done with you already, did you?” His hand moves up to tightly grip your thigh around his hip, holding you in place as Aemond slowly starts inserting a digit into your ass, causing you to moan and arch your back, unfamiliar with this new intrusion.
“Hmm,” Aemond hums appreciatively, nibbling on your earlobe as Aegon watches your face. The pressure is mounting as Aemond pushes his thumb into your ass and realization dawns that they are far from finished with you. They aren’t going to stop until every last bit of you is sore from stretching around their thick cocks repeatedly; their intention to possess you both at the same time becomes abundantly clear as Aemond works to open your tight puckered hole and you know they’ll continue to cover your body in bite marks, hickeys, and bruises, effectively marking you as their own. They haven’t even begun to truly consume you yet. 
“Yes, sweet girl,” says Aemond, an authoritative edge to his tone, “We’re just getting started.”
The story continues in Part 3
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Tags: @rhaenyslay, @elizarbell, @aemondsscar, @peonamay, @cyeco13, @quinnquinn317, @multyfangirl, @myfandomprompts, @thekinslayed, @pandemonium105, @fan-goddess, @vencuyot
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wriothesleybear · 8 months
I barely request fanfic ideas but i cant get the thought of a Knight! Wriothesley x Princess! Reader smut outta my head i need it bad 😭😭
~Warnings: mentions of sex, secret relationship, talks of breeding, jealousy, slight angst, fem!reader, smut drabble below cut. Enjoy!
I got you boo!😉❤️ I included some headcanons and there's a bit of a drabble at the end, but I love this idea! Especially if it's a forbidden romance. Knights can't fall in love and marry a princess. Princesses can only marry a prince or a king. But that doesn't stop you two from falling for each other. He tried not to. He knew it was against your kingdom's laws. He could be killed for doing such a thing. But you make it hard for him to hold back, to ignore his desires when you tease him, giving him those lust filled eyes and batting your pretty lashes at him. Cornering him when you get a chance, pushing yourself against him when no one is looking. Fuck. How can he deny you when you're asking him, begging him to fuck you. When you grace your hand down from his chest, to his stomach, to his cock and rub him, he puts a firm but not harsh grip on your hand, pausing your ministrations. "You know we can't princess," he says with a dark look in his eyes. But that doesn't stop you. It only turns you on more. He usually has good self control, trained to be able to withstand the toughest challenges. But when it comes to you, he's weak. He just wants to lose control and give into you. To feel you, to taste you. And god, when you use that excuse 'isn't the knight suppose to do everything the princess asks of him?', he can't say no because you are technically right in a way.
Secret hookups in the darkest corners of the castle, late night fucks when everyone in the castle is fast asleep except for you two, who are busy exploring each other's bodies. You two try to keep your voices down so as to not wake anyone, but it's hard to when Wrio's fucking you so good into your soft mattress. As much as he enjoys hearing your moans and whimpers, most times he has to silence you so you don't get caught. Either by using his hand to cover your mouth, shoving his fingers in your mouth, or by using his own mouth. As much as you beg him to cum inside you, and he would love to, he can't because what if you become pregnant with his child. Your family's reputation would be ruined and he would be killed for 'tainting the kingdom's precious princess'. So for now, he cums on your beautiful, soft skin or in your nice, warm mouth where you swallow it all without a drop wasted. But fuck, would he love to breed you. The thought just makes him hard, pushing him over the edge quickly that he almost misses the chance to pull out, almost accidentally cums inside your womb.
He accompanies you on meetings with potential suitors. He's usually waiting nearby, with a stoic expression on his face, minding his own business but secretly eavesdrops on your conversations with your potential future husband. It drives him wild with jealousy seeing another man greet you with a kiss on the back of your hand, making you blush and laugh when talking with him. Makes him seethe with anger and jealously. He knows he shouldn't be because he already knew that there was no chance for you two to end up together. You were bound to marry a prince for your kingdom and he was bound to be your knight and protect you from danger.
~Drabble below~
Later that night, he drops by your room to do his nightly check in and to say goodnight. When all you do is wish him a good night and nothing more as you ready yourself for bed, he doesn't immediately leave. He stands there and waits for you to make the first move. To kiss him goodnight, and end up asking him to stay a bit longer and lay with you as it usually goes. When you finally notice him standing there in silence, you give him a teasing smile, knowing exactly what he's waiting for. You get up from your vanity chair and walk over to him as he watches your every move. You cup his face in your hands. Closing his eyes, he places his hands over yours, not wanting you to remove them, basking in your gentle touch. You softly call his name, causing him to open his eyes and meet yours. Getting on your tiptoes, you pull his face close to yours. You both melt once your lips meet into a gentle sweet kiss.
It lasts for a few seconds and you both pull away slightly. No words are exchanged as you search each other's eyes and his gaze looks down to your lips, silently asking for more. He doesn't waste anymore time and pulls your lips back to his. This time the kiss lasts longer and is filled with more passion, need, and want. He's trying to express his feelings to you without saying them aloud. You wrap your arms around his neck as he wraps his own around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You return your feelings to him through the kiss as well.
Without breaking the kiss, he picks you up and places you onto your bed, laying on top of you. Wrapping your legs around his hips, you pull him closer to you, rubbing his crotch against your core through your night gown. The kiss intensifies as your tongues intertwine with one another and explore each other's mouths. His hand moves to cup your breast, feeling your harden nipple through your thin night gown, slightly pinching it, causing you to gasp into his mouth. He glides his hand down your stomach and hip to your thigh, caressing your soft skin, slightly rising your gown up.
He knows he should stop, pull himself off of you and let you go. He can't let this go on, but he can't stop himself. Not when your whining into his mouth, begging him to touch you more, grinding against his cloth cock, showing him just how much you want him. He wants you just as much. No, needs you just as much. He buries his negative thoughts and just lets go, indulging in his needs. He pushes your dress up and rubs you through your panties, feeling a wet spot. He smirks, loving the effect he has on you. He wastes no time and pulls your panties off, spreading your legs apart and shoving his head between your legs. He sucks, licks, and feasts on your pussy, enjoying your sweet nectar. He could cum just from this. From you withering and moaning his name as he eats you out, your fingers combing through his hair, pulling him closer as you near your orgasm.
When you finally cum, he drinks and licks up every drop, not wanting to waste a single drop of your delicious taste. Once he's finished and removes his face from between your legs, you're gasping for air, chest heaving as you calm down from your high. Once you gather yourself, you pull his face to yours, kissing him as you taste yourself on his mouth. Breaking the kiss, you stare into his eyes and beg him to fuck you. To shove his cock into you and make you cum on it. He doesn't hesitate and removes his slacks, setting his hard cock free from its tight confines. God, does he have a pretty cock. You could stare at it all day, but you don't care about that right now. All you want is for him to be inside you, to hold him close as he thrusts into you, making your legs shake and mind numb.
Grabbing his cock, he rubs his head between your folds, against your sensitive clit as your juices coat his cock. He slowly inches himself inside you, filling you up with his thick cock. Your eyes roll back as you quietly moan. He shudders from the feel of your tight pussy as you clench around him. Once he inserts himself all the way in, he begins a slow pace, watching as his cock slides in and out of you with ease. His eyes move up to your face. He watches the expressions of pleasure as it graces your beautiful features.
Only he can make you feel this way. Only he can see you like this. No one else can. No other man. Only him. But the same goes for you. Only you can make him feel like this. To feel love and pleasure. The only one who can make him lose control. To be willing to break the rules if it meant he'd be with you.
He wants to hear you say it though. To tell him how much you want him. Need him. How much you love him. He halts his movements, causing you to open your eyes in confusion. Cupping your cheek, he stares deeply into your eyes, as if they're searching for something. "Do you love me?" he asks. You're taken aback for a second. "Why are you asking that now Wrio?"
"I need to know. Do you love me?" You notice the slight desperation in his voice, in his eyes. You give him a soft smile, and cup his cheek. "Of course I do."
"Do you love only me?" He inquires for more. "Only you."
"Will you be only mine? No one else's?" "Only yours."
"Do you want only me?" "Yes, only you, Wrio."
"Tell me again. That you only want me. That you're mine." He says as he begins his pace again. You moan, the pleasure making it hard to speak. "Please. Tell me." "Only y-yours. I want o-only you. No one else." Your nails scratch down his back as his pace quickens. He's getting close, your validating words helping to push him towards the edge quicker. "Tell me you love me. Please." "I love you. I love only you Wrio." His breath stutters. "Say it again and keep saying it." You do as he says and repeat the words, declaring your love for him. His eyes close in bliss as he drowns in the pleasure from both your words and the feel of your pussy. He curses as his pace gets sloppy. He knows that he should pull out but he doesn't want to. He wants to cum inside. He needs to claim you for himself. His thoughts are supported as you tell him to cum inside you, begging him to fill you up.
That finally pushes him over the edge. He fills you up, his warm cum spurting into you as you cum on his cock. He kisses you to muffle your moans and screams of pleasure, holding you close as you shake in his hold. He smothers your face with kisses as you calm down. He turns onto his side and holds you close to him. You nuzzle your face into his chest, basking in his warmth and comforting hold. You both lay in silence for a bit until you break it with a question that's been nagging you.
"You asked me to say it but you didn't say it to me." "Hm?" He mumbles. You move your head up to look at him. "You told me to tell you that I love you, but you didn't say it back. Do you love me?" You ask. He can hear the slight nervousness in your voice. Giving you a gentle look and cupping your face, he softly and slowly kisses you. Once he pulls away, he answers your question. "Yes. I love you. There's no one else I love but you. I only want you, just as much as you want me." His words cause your heart to flutter and your eyes to slightly water. You return his smile with your own. You both meet for one last kiss, then snuggle into one another, drowsiness overtaking you two.
Although, your relationship may have to continue to be kept secret until it eventually has to ultimately end, but that doesn't matter right now. He'll indulge and enjoy your time together while he can.
To be continued...?
~a/n: After this ask, I actually want to write another post with headcanons about Knight!Wriothesley x Princess!reader and elaborate on what that relationship would be like. Also, I will be getting to other asks! It just takes me a bit to get the inspiration to finish them because I want them to be good. I do apologize that they are late but I will get them done eventually. Thank you for being patient!🥰❤️
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bitchlessdino · 1 year
lee chan needs love too (m)
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Pairing: fuckboy!chan x fem!reader
Genre: smut, humor
Word count: 9.3k
tags: pwithp, mention of high school, mention of alcohol, college au, virgin!chan, fuckboy!chan, frat boy!chan, lip piercing!chan, blonde!chan, yearning, car sex, unprotected sex, breasts play, oral (rec.), degradation, kinda exhibitionism, manhandling, possessive!chan, pet names
Summary: There was Lee Chan from High school and now Lee Chan from college. You insist they are not the same person. The only thing they have in common is they both got to fuck you.
author note: happy early bday to me hehe 🥳🥂🎉🎊🎂 this was entirely self indulgent and although i think i could've done better with the plot, i think it makes sense some what for what it is and regardless i hope you guys enjoy. at least the banner is very cute and look blonde chan even has a piercing.
Tag: @shiningstar-byulxx @misssugarlips @tommolex @hoeforhao @honglynights @homerunhansol @dkakapizzaboy @junhui-recs @svtup @buffhoshi @meowmeowminnie @caratochan @lovebot4han
The last time you saw Lee Chan was in the back of his used Camry at Boo Seungkwan’s graduation party. 
He blossomed the fuck out of nowhere into an unrecognizable gorgeous specimen of a man when you caught him fucking your roommate during the middle of finals season when you desperately need the peace and quiet to study. It was probably the dead of night—10 pm in your case—and the juice in your Bluetooth earbuds had just died. It was especially unfortunate since they were sound blocking you didn’t realize how badly you needed it with the fuckfest in the room across from you.
By the sound of it, Minnie was having a great time—which you usually aren’t mad about—but so was her friend, who you might add was obnoxiously loud (hot too, but that wasn't the point). You screamed at them from your desk, but you doubt they heard anything with the music on blast you’re assuming was to block out their noise. It was proven less than fruitful when you get no response in return. Finally, you forced yourself out of your room and began pounding hard against her door in desperate pleas. “I should be used to it by now, but please, please keep it down, even a smidge. I have a really important exam in the afternoon. And I can’t t—“
Before you can continue rambling, the door opens from the other side. You met the eyes of a bottle blonde, 5’8, taut and misted with sweat all over, adorned with a pretty piece of metal at his bottom lip. Oh no, he’s hot.
The man looked surprised at your appearance, despite the fact he was the one that turned the knob and swung it open. He stood there, looking more attractive than you anticipated, and just observed you in incomprehensible disbelief. “Well, shit.”
“Yeah. Look I get it, you guys have every right to…continue what you’re doing, all I ask is,” You squeeze your index and thumb to indicate something small, “take it down a notch, a little notch.”
He scoffed, looking amused. He crossed his arms and lean against the door frame, very fortunately wearing underwear (boner shapely and defined). And it only took a second for you to trace the outline of his gorgeously crafted body. As if he was made with marble, he looks as though one of the greats did him a solid by sculpting him one of the most beautiful bodies you’ve ever seen. You almost didn't realize you were ogling at it until he began to speak in his smooth tenor tone of voice. “Can't really take a notch down, but I can promise it’ll be quick.”
You didn’t like the suggestion in his tone nor the wink he displayed either.
“Come back to bed,” your roommate whined in the background. You shut your eyes in disdain, now in disbelief that you were negotiating with one of her hookups right now. “How quick?”
He grinned. “How do you feel about joining?”
“Not happening.”
“Then…” he pondered in thought, “give or take 10, 15 minutes.”
“How the hell is that quick? Don’t college guys cum for like 5 minutes?”
He chortled, and you caught that gleaming smile that likely coerced your roommate in the first place. “I’m a feminist. Ladies first.”
“I’m also a lady, so I say, make it quick…please and thank you.” You walked off with that and waited patiently for them to be done, only to realize it was going to take way longer for both of them to finish than it would be to charge your earbuds halfway, so you settled for the latter.
By the time he left, it was the morning after and you were honest to Minnie about ‘not liking this one,’ to which she laughed like it was the funniest thing you ever said.
Pieces really began to be put together one afternoon going through your old school yearbooks when you found them in the back of your closet. Minnie joined you in your period of nostalgia, wanting to see possible future hotties to cross reference to now. Then she sees him, points out the fact he was the one you confront around a week ago, and it all comes full circle. Your eyes shot back at the aged pages in pure shock, pulling it up to face to make sure you were seeing it clearly. “No way...”
“Oh my god,” she pulled it back from you, “Chan looks so cute here. I just wanna gobble him and put him in my pocket.”
He had his natural black hair, kind brown eyes, and—dawning on you on that very second—the smile that bares more joy than a kindergarten classroom. Back then, this kid didn’t have the blonde hair or piercings he had now. What he did look like was any other teenager that would listen to his parents and go to church. He was the model good boy. 
The model good boy whose virginity you took when you were 18 years old after a very public breakup with your ex at someone’s graduation party.
“What are you doing in my car?” Chan interrogated the second you let the door shut behind you.
You really had no plan then, all you knew was you wanted to evacuate the party immediately the moment things ended with Gyu. He had to be irrational and so utterly infuriating that you couldn’t stand to look at his face anymore. So, you just entered the nearest vehicle, forgetting the fact you never called an Uber or Lyft.
You weren’t ready to face the music yet, so a change of subject was in order. “What are you doing leaving early?”
“I asked you first.”
You crossed your arms obnoxiously, “And if I don’t want to answer?” In a second, you regret that, seeing the genuine concern on his face. You dropped your arms to the side. “I don’t wanna be around people right now.”
He gave you a sympathetic smile. “I’m people. Do I not count?”
“You’re a little too…perfectionist to be a regular person. Now, why are you leaving early?”
He simply shrugged. “Curfew.”
You rolled your eyes, lightly scoffing.“Of course, you have a curfew.”
You both sat in complete silence. You should’ve questioned why you were still in here, a car that didn’t belong to you with its owner, a magnet for college recommendation letters and scholarships rather than people with a potential romantic connection. But no, you just stayed there, wallowing in your internal conflicts of average day teenager, thinking about a tomorrow that you wouldn’t even remember two or three years from now.
“Wanna talk about it?” Chan initiated, breaking the silence.
You exaggerated a sigh like the theater kid you were, forearm to the forehead. “No.”
“Wanna hook up?”
You sat up from the seat to stare back at him stunned. It was a shock that such an idea would come out of his mouth even as a joke, yet temptation lingered in your body, making you clench your thighs as if you heard the lewdest thing to be said ever in history. Safe to say, it didn’t get much rile up a person on the rebound.
Before he could jump in and say the automated pathetic phrase, “Just kidding,” followed by an awkward chuckle, you’ve already thrown yourself against him from the passenger seat. You moved against him expertly as one in a high school long relationship could, tightening the crotch of his pants as he could think of anything but what he actually put in his commended college essay about his experience with—fuck what was it about?
He pulled himself away the moment he felt tongue, restraining himself to the car window for dear life. “W-what was that for?”
“You propositioned me first.” You smiled, breathless. You drew closer to him, trying to retrieve the distance–or lack thereof–you had with Chan seconds before where you could practically taste the innocence on his lips. “I want to go through with it.”
His eyes shot open like Wile E. Coyote. “W-what? Here?”
“Yes, here, Chan.”
“W-why?” he stuttered, which he did a lot of. Perhaps, he should look into that.
You mustered a sultry expression, narrowing your eyes at him which helps you notice his dilated eyes that quivered in both fear and arousal. “Because maybe all this time…I’ve wanted you. It’s always been you.”
You let out a small laugh. “Well, no. But just tonight I can.”
“Does this have to do with why you left early?”
“Do you always talk this much before you fuck someone?”
“No—uh, I don’t know, I—“
You pulled back in realization. “Oh my god, you’re a virgin.”
“Shut up!” he said, typing to cover your mouth to prevent you from exposing him, which you successfully avoid.
“You had a girlfriend all throughout junior year!”
“No, I didn't. She was my secretary. I was the student body president.”
“But she kept giving you eyes.”
He squinted. “What eyes?”
“Nevermind. What matters is do you want to go through with this?”
“Having sex in my car?” He clarified, somehow doubtful.
“Yes, nerd.”
“Is the insulting really necessary?” He winced, you notice playfully.
“It’s my kink,” you dryly jestered.
You’re about to tackle him again when he pulled back one last time.“W-wait, what about condoms?”
“I’m clean,” you shrugged, “don't worry about it.”
“What about, you know?”
You scoffed. “Please, I've been taking birth control before you even started puberty. You can cum in me, Chan.”
His cheeks then turned a vibrant hue of scarlet, spreading from his cheeks to his ears. “I-in you?”
“Yes, Chan.” You climbed on top of him, straddling his lap, hand ruffling through his hair, which was quite soft despite the product. “You can cum all you want in me.” You kissed the top of his nose as your body brushed up against something big and firm. “And by the rock in your pants, you’re not against it.”
“There actually is a rock in my pants.” Chan struggled to get the geode gift given to him by his teacher at the diploma ceremony and he casually tossed it in the cupholder, chuckling nervously.
You fingered over this cheek, noticing the smooth, almost flawless skin adorned by a few moles, particularly one on the left side of his face beneath his eye was devastatingly cute, “Obviously, that’s not the rock I was talking about.”
You leaned into him, your cherry zero coke breath fanning his cheeks, and he can feel the curves of your body fit into his hollows. He stifles a breath before you kiss him again, your tongue brushing against his bottom to regain access. Naturally (as natural for Chan anyway), his hands came up your sides as he familiarized himself with your lips. You lightly moaned, digging your hips at him, before hearing a moan back that sent chills up your spine and pebbled your skin.
“Fuck, you’re so cute, Chan.”
“Y/n…” he whined unbelievably soft and malleable.
You threaded through his soft, dark hair, lightly down his scalp. 
You remember making out with him for a serial amount of time before he ‘accidentally’ (you’re still not sure to this day) lowered his seat position until he was nearly flat on his back. He uttered a soft apology before you were on him again. Clothes were tossed to the back seats and you see the bit of definition he developed from being co-captain on the dance team. You bathed in the heat of his skin as you unbuttoned his khakis, and revealed his untouched glory.
You reveled in being the first of the kind, somehow excited that you were the one to enjoy this side of Chan first, kissing him in unbridled, visceral lust. You lathered him in your wet, raw arousal, feeling the twitch of his cock against your slit as he’s groaning your name. You teased his voice, cooing praises at him for being so big and good for you until you let him take residence. 
You could feel him push through your walls, levying his sizing and stretching until your warmth. It does more than distract you, it satisfies you. You swear you hear a hiss of his voice, followed by, “fuck, that’s good,” before you bounce against his cock. You hope that the car can muffle noise because all you could repeat were your anguished moans and his name, the name that sounded like pure music to the young man’s ears.
You took his unoccupied hands, resting each on either breast while riding his firm, strong thighs. His jaw dropped. The sensation of your plush walls around his girth and the pillowy texture of your tits between his fingers made his hips buckle.
“That good?” You asked softly, to which he nodded. His eyes glaze over back at you, difficulty keeping them wide open and he finds the courage to twist your nipples between his fingers, your stomach churning whimpers escaping you the moment he does. “C-Chan…”
“Sorry, did that hurt?”
You shook your head, “No,” and folded into him, your chest immediately hitting his line of vision. “Touch me more…”
He does as you asked, staring back at you like a deer lost in wonder, and like that, everything after comes second nature. The warmth of his mouth takes over your naked breast, drawing circles against your textured skin with his tongue and he moves more freely against your body. It was fluid the way he moved like his virgin status was and is all it was, a status, not showcasing any of his skill. You fed off of him, his energy, his body, his want. He didn’t even know what he was doing. He was just a natural.
“C-can I fuck you?”
“Fuck me?”
His lips quivered, face flushed red and misted in sweat, “Yes, can I fuck you against the seats?”
You slowly nodded before readjusting in the seats. Chan, still inside you, found his natural pace, letting his cock hit you with enough power and depth that it made your legs freeze and bent in the air as a response, “Mmh, Chan…”
“Is that—ump—good?”
“Yes, but faster, don’t be scared to break me.”
He isn’t sure what you mean by that but he tries. His thrusts become his own, disciplined and sharp, enveloping himself in your fluttering walls that clench harder around him the faster he went. Your hands gripped his upper body, lips latching on his to dampen the sound of your voice. Your body pressed to the tautness of his, pushing him deeper inside and you felt it mere seconds away. An orgasm. An actual orgasm.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me, Chan!” You were blistering the heat of your climax, you writhe underneath him and clutched against him by the back of your knees.
He’s eternally grateful because he was seconds away from cumming himself. He let your hips falter, coming down from the high before letting his hips take over. Drowning you in his grunts, he fucked you until he climaxed, his final thrusts painting your insides in ivory honey and making you feel whole. He panted against you, a tired smile on his face as he held his cum in you with mere his cock. Finally, he rests.
“Congratulations,” you said, laughing.
He scoffed lightly, “Thanks.”
It stayed like that for a few minutes, cock wet and warm in you, finding peace in the gentle chaos. He pushed himself from on top of you and looked down on your sweaty, exhausted form. His lips crashed against yours, and you sense his gratitude as he backed off. “Really. Thank you.”
You smiled lightheartedly, “Shut up and get me some wipes, please. I know you have them.”
He let out a little giggle before retrieving the assumed wipes from the glove compartment, helping you get clean. It wasn’t a thorough job but it did what it could. “Want me to take you home?”
“Might as well as payment,” you joked again, thinking it will get rid of this tension that still lingered. 
The ride went on in silence beside the radio’s pop music, consumed in your thoughts. It’s funny, you were used to being the type to always have to say something in any conversation, but with Chan right now, you had nothing, forcing the quiet until you arrived home. He parked his car, letting you know personally he arrived where the GPS said and you look off at one another, noting how his hair was still messy from an earlier event and you can’t help but fix it.
“Don’t want you caught,” You chuckled, moving your hands through until it was in proper Chan form. “There.”
“Hold on.”
His hand reached over your face. Thinking it was for another liplock, you stayed seated, prepared for the cushion of his lips as you pursed yours. Instead, he’s wiping away whatever it was from the corner of your lips, staring back at you with the sparkle in his eyes. “You got something there.”
“Um, Chan…I’m not wearing anything on my lips.”
“I-I knew that—,” You crushed your lips against him one last time, the salty-sweet taste of want from your tongue lingered on his, and you exit the car to never see him again. Or so you thought.
Was it the best sex you ever had up until now? No, definitely not. Was it good sex? Yes, way better than you anticipated. Then again you were comparing it to your ex, and at that point, anyone’s dick was the next coming of Jesus the more you think about it. 
“God, Chan grew up so hot,” Minnie gushed.
“I’ll say,” you agreed in reflex, “I mean, he sure looks different.”
“Different? They’re like two separate people,” She said, biting her lip, “Is it weird I wanna call him over again?”
She rolled her eyes at your answer before flipping through the pages while you were still processing this information. You’ve had time to forget it happened and have had plenty of sex after then, but Chan will always be a little special. And you’d be lying if you weren’t the tiniest curious about how he turned out after all this time. It was hard to believe he's who he is now.
Since then and after some light stalking, you found out the college he attended was a neighboring one. He took part in a popular frat (gamma, omega, theta, whatever) that, surprise surprise, hosted some of the biggest parties that even students from your university attended. He just so happens to be one of the members actively posted on the site surrounded by hot people with his gorgeous blonde lip piercing ass. Goddamn, it.
Okay, that’s it. You can stop right there. No need to dig any deeper. Besides, he’s just some guy you hooked up with once (a great once for his first time), just once. That’s it. There’s no need for you to go all yourself like you used to do for your exes. This was just Lee Chan.
“Hi there, you’re Minnie’s roommate.” You found Lee Chan grinning back at you with a stack of fliers in his hands as you walked the neighboring streets that you conveniently heard he’d be around. Social media is a curse. “We have a charity event where all proceeds will be going to feed the starving homeless at a couple of shelters down in the area.”
You accepted the flier and tucked it under your pit as you crossed your arms in a questioning manner. “When were you going to let me know?”
“Ah,” his smile stretched wider as his hand slapped against the stack before clutching it to his chest, “took you long enough.”
“So what, you were just gonna wait until I realized it myself?”
“That was the idea, but I knew you were smart. You’d figure it out—charity event, we’ll keep you company,” he handed off the flyer to a pair of girls with an effortless wink before they’re scurrying off blushing a squealing.
“Isn’t this something the pledges do, what are you even doing out here?”
He stands beside you, a devious smile tattooed on his face, “I’m one of the people that manage social media. I pay attention to our activity feed and couldn’t help but see a like pop up and disappear in front of my very eyes.”
Your cheeks heat up, caught red-handed, “So you knew I’d be here and came out anyways.”
“Figured you wanted to talk,” he said, keeping his hands busy and eyes wide and charming.
“Why? Thinking about me?”
“You’re not someone that I could just stop thinking about, Y/n.”
Your name in his voice burned your ears, making you flick it away as if it were a bug. “Well, just came here because I remembered something I saw. That’s all. Go about your day.”
You’re about to storm off when he’s calling for you again and you shamelessly look back. His eyes turned up the way his smile does, sauntering over as he locked you in his trance. You were almost hypnotized by the sterling steel that looked so pullable you had to physically restrain yourself with pinches to your forearms. “You’re coming to the party.”
“Says who?”
He has this permanent playful expression, one that doesn’t recall down days or cram studying. He looked entirely carefree. So unlike the Chan from high school. “Says me. Plenty of booze, plenty of champagne, plenty of food, plenty of me to go around.” 
“What’s that?” 
“Kidding,” He laughed. “But don’t you think it’s rather serendipitous that we found each other again? After so many years?”
You squinted at him. “Yeah, sleeping with my roommate.”
“It’s like I somehow found my way back to you.”
“You have a hickey on your neck.”
His eyes shoot open, and a hand came over his neck, “Road bumps exist to get to our destination.”
“I lied, there was nothing there,” you said, not falling for his whimsy, ready to walk off again.
He chased after you, trying to lure you back with that smile he somehow found out you can get enough of. “Not fair, but fine. But don’t try to convince me you aren’t happy to see me. You wouldn’t be here otherwise.”
“I…I don’t know why I came here. I didn’t know what I was expecting.”
He gave you a befuddled look. “What do you mean? It’s me. Chan. I thought maybe you’d be at least a little excited to see me.”
The Lee Chan you knew was so different from now, blonder, spunkier, riskier for the faint of heart. Your fair trade of relationships was a healthy amount, enough to know what you wanted and somehow it all lead back to Chan three years ago. Like it meant something to be joined in something intimate with him. Your eighteen yourself would be laughing at you right now at the thought of you yearning for Lee Chan of all people. Not that anything was wrong with him, just that Chan was Chan and you were you. And now Chan is Chan and you were, well, same old you.
“You…I’m not used to this.”
His brows furrowed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You could read the offense as soon as it arrived, immediately coming to defend yourself. “I was excited to see you.”
“Well, I’m here. What’s the problem?” If you knew any better, he looked hurt.
“You’re like a whole other person. I don’t know this Chan.”
“Then get to know me. No offense, but you barely even knew that Chan.”
“I—,” he wasn’t wrong. You hardly spoke as classmates. Hell, the sex was the longest conversation you’ve ever had. Before that was him asking for directions to where the auditorium was since it was a part of campus he never visited, but you weren’t ignorant to him. You always noticed Chan. Just never in that light until the last minute. Yet, you missed that Chan. Not like you had any right to. “I shouldn’t be here.”
“Why do you already think that lowly of me? You think we can’t be in the same town breathing the same air as each other?”
“Chan, of course not.”
“I get it. Stranger dangers and all that shit right? But we’re a little more than strangers, aren’t we?”
For some reason, you couldn’t answer and instead stared down at your feet. He let out a frustrated sigh, in disbelief the carefree person he knew several years ago was this same person in front of him. “Is there a problem you have with me?”
Because he looks like a fuckboy and you avoid fuckboys like the plague now. Remember?
“I don’t know,” you crossed your arms.
He took a step forward, taking the flier folded against your arm and smoothing out the wrinkles before he placed it in your hand. “Well, it’s just a party. So come. See me, ignore me, drink your heart out. Whatever, but come.”
He gave you one last bittersweet smile before deciding to walk off, following his frat brother who was already far ahead of him.
There was a tug of war between your mind and body, fighting the internal conflicts that make you hesitant to reconnect with Chan again. There’s no doubt a piece of you still hoped for the old Chan that lingered in your mind throughout all these years and the imminent lure of new Chan who was just the embodiment of every red flag you’ve ever seen in your past relationships.
Saying going to this party is a mistake would be an understatement.
“Oh my gosh, it looks so pretty here!”
You came arm in arm with Minnie, admiring the aesthetic light fixtures on the walls, while wearing the nicest garb you could conjure up from your closet. It was a navy blue dress in crushed velvet that hits you right at your ankles that could only be paired with a light pair of heels for the night to go on a little easier. You mused around at the decorations, impressed with the craftsmanship, surprised this was an event planned by college bros obsessed with Greek life. “It does look nice here.”
One block heel over the other, you were subconsciously scanning for a bright blonde head in sight. Instead, you were surrounded by several familiar faces of his members in suits and ties, remembering seeing them all over the Fraternity’s Instagram. They greeted you as hosts do and two of them took you and Minnie to unoccupied seats. The person that guided you to your seat, Seokmin, offered you a refreshment, while Soonyoung, Minnie’s guide, did the same for her. Once they had disappeared for a few minutes, Minnie could do nothing but gush over their looks.
“They’re so cute! Oh, do you think they’d wanna double date us?” Minnie asked with her eyes cheery and bright.
You looked back at the pamphlet and the itinerary, pointing at something peculiar. “Maybe, if we win the date auction with them.”
“Boo, I’m broke,” she pouted, “I’ll just have to charm myself the way I always do.”
You chuckled at her delight before the boys returned and chatted you up for the time being. You remained mostly cordial while Minnie brought in the charm she’s so famous for and amidst the jokes and lighthearted pandering, the awaited blonde is seen entering, greeting other guests that have made their arrival.
Your chest felt light, letting out a sigh of relief as though Lee Chan’s appearance made the event all the more tolerable, and maybe it had. However, it’s tightened as soon as you realize how incredibly his body fits the cream-colored suit, reminding you of white chocolate. Decadent and unique on your tongue, echos of his moans so familiar infiltrate the busiest part of your brain, blocking out background noises and images other than Lee Chan.
“All good, Y/n?” Seokmin so politely asked.
In a broken trance, you turned to them and nodded, seeing Minnie doubtful of your answer. You started getting from your chair, apologizing. “I’m fine. I think I saw my friend? You guys keep chatting. I’ll be back.”
You escorted yourself, smoothing the wrinkles of your dress before approaching him out of his view. He doesn’t suspect the anxious figure walking up to him, attention focused on other company while giving them that dazzling toothpaste smile on his face. As you tapped on his shoulder, he turned to you, melting into a soft, long gaze once he drank in your appearance. He politely excused himself from his previous company and offered you his elbow. Pleasantly surprised, you took it with stride, interlocking through, and quietly followed him somewhere a bit more private (as private as it can be in a semi-public event). “You look ravishing,” He whispered only loud enough for you to hear. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled flushed, arm wrapping tighter around him, “You look really put together like this.”
“‘Put together?’ Way to damper a guy’s confidence,” he laughed, feigning offense.
“You know exactly what I mean.”
“It’d be nice to hear it too.”
You exhaled, “You look really…handsome, Chan.”
A peaceful smile grazed his face. “Better. So, did you take a look at the itinerary?”
You nodded, twiddling your fingers before conjuring up the courage to ask, “Are you going to be in that auction?”
“Straight to it,” he chuckled melodiously, “What’s it to you?”
“Nothing like that, just curious.”
He shrugged. “Well, I will be one of the dates for the auction. Get your wallet ready.”
You lightly nudged him, chuckling, “You wish.”
“I do wish.” His lips neared your ear. “Maybe you winning is my end goal.”
Feeling the heat radiate off your cheeks, you shove him off of you away from innocent bystanders. “You’re so funny.”
“It’s my best asset,” he said, joining your arms back again. “Winner gets a weekend date of their choice with a budget of $75. Tempting, isn’t it?”
“You would be one to think so.”
“I’d make our date worthwhile.”
His dark temptation sent chills down your spine and you punched his arm, hard. “Stop it.”
“Stop what,” he teased, rubbing his likely bruised arm.
“Being this.”
He was quiet for a moment. “Why are you bothered by me? Be honest.”
You sighed, loosening the grip on his arm. “You were right and I don’t know you. I never really did. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about you. It’s just strange to see someone I saw one way again after a few years and you’re completely different.”
“You don’t like the way I look?”
You shook your head. “No. In fact the opposite, I like it so because it reminds me of so many of the people I’ve been with, but I don’t want you to be any of them. I want you to be Chan.”
“I am Chan,” He said, taking you aside and holding your hand in his. “Just because I look a certain way doesn’t make me any less me. But I’m flattered you think so much about me.”
“What do you even get out of this?” You changed the subject. “Inviting me to places, talking sweet, and being nice to me.”
He shrugged his shoulders, an unsure smile on his face. “Okay, so maybe, I felt something when I saw you again.”
“Just like you felt something when you saw Minnie?” You snapped.
“...That’s not what this is,” he answered seriously.
“What is it then?”
He gave you a grim expression. “I’m not sure either.”
“Be honest, Chan. How often is it that you go on dates, or hook up with someone like you did with Minnie?”
“I don’t see how that’s relevant.”
“Because it is. How would I be any different than that? What makes me different from everyone else?”
“Because you’re not like anyone else.” He answered definitely.
Before you could ask him what he meant, Chan is pulled away by the other members of his frat to get him prepared for the auction coming up soon. He graced you with a bitter smile before disappearing behind doors where you’re forced to rejoin Minnie and the boys you left behind. They asked if you were alright, to which you less than sublimely answered, but they didn’t push it.
You tried being good company the rest of the night, making small jokes, greeting new people, and taking advantage of the catering that is surprisingly better than you expected. Yet, Chan was still running rampant in your mind. The auction was seconds away from starting and he would be there on that stage just like everyone else, devastatingly handsome and charming that you could melt in a puddle. You somehow come with several glasses of champagne that night to the point Minnie issued you an end to it by force-feeding you water to sober up. It doesn’t work that well.
The stage lights turned on and music loudly played in the background. A man in a suit different from the rest began introducing potential suitors available for auction, including the friendly members you’ve come to know this evening, who waved back at your table when they got on stage. It goes for a few hours so far and the Greek house has accumulated several thousands of dollars in funds. Meanwhile, your sobriety was gradually replenishing over time until the announcement of the next auction date would step on stage.
“Up next we have is Lee Chan, respected brother and life of the party!”
The blonde stepped on stage with fierce charisma, smiling and waving like it was his own red carpet, even striking a few poses for good measure. The emcee goes on about qualities you already knew and some you didn’t as the slideshow is off in the background like it was for all of the previous dates on stage. That’s when the show really began for you. Photographs of Chan playing basketball, obviously playing for team skins, as his hair bundled up in a sweaty, sexy mess. They were the kind of pictures people used for body fitness inspiration or just plain inspiration because what better motivation could one have other than the bare torso of Lee Chan. 
Cheers of encouragement cause a deep blush to appear on his gorgeous face, and you swear you saw him tug anxiously at his lip ring in the most delectable way. You stifled a breath, heart pitter-pattering like rain in a violent storm. “Holy—“
“Shit,” Minnie breathed out, “Go, Chan.”
You suddenly remembered who and where you were, wiping away your drool before it was visible.
“Let’s start out the bidding at $50.”
“Woah, woah, looks like we already got a couple of takers. Are we hearing a $255?”
The longer that went on the more severe the anxiety was bubbling up inside you. The numbers only got higher and higher, louder and louder, taunting your inhibitions. Before you knew it, you’re jumping up from your seat in a clearly unsober but confident state screaming, “One thousand dollars” from the top of your lungs. Chan looked in your direction, shocked, eyes wide as doe while his lips started parting in a small smile, a reasonable surprise considering the mixed signals you were giving.
You weren’t sure what you were doing since there was no way you had that kind of money, but you couldn’t stop yourself. The higher the bid, the higher the influence. You couldn’t deny it anymore. You were falling under a similar spell they were all under. You had to do everything you could to—
“Two thousand dollars.”
Your gaze swung in the voice's direction to a gorgeous girl standing a few feet from you, beaming with confidence. You slumped down in your shame while the emcee congratulated the highest bidder and shy Chan for reeling in the highest amount of money so far tonight. 
The hours after just drone on, just as much as champagne did and there you were pathetic and sad to have lost. Minnie doesn’t know how you keep finding refreshments for yourself, she blames the eyes candies willfully distracting her. “Okay, seriously stop. I will ban you from alcohol for life.” Minnie carried you off outside, hugging you to her as she went to listen to your unnecessary babble.
“He was mine…”
“I know, sweetie, but she was paying a month and a half’s rent. No way we could’ve paid for that.” Your whines muffled in her shoulder, mumbling something about “fuck the rich” before you started to cry. Even Minnie found it embarrassing.
“Want me to take over?”
Chan is the first person you laid your eyes on coming up from the surface of your drunk childish tantrum, making you wipe the tears away from your eyes in a hurry. “Uh, hi.”
“Hi,” he said lethally soft.
“Hi!” Smiling at you both before getting up from her seat. “Usually, I wouldn’t approve of letting my girl alone with a frat boy while intoxicated but I have her location on and I know where you live. So, take good care of her or I’ll kill you.”
He gave her a gregarious nod before waving. “Bye, Minnie.”
“Bye, Chan. No more drinks, Y/n.”
She left you to Chan, following after Soonyoung and Seokmin who were surprisingly waiting for her by the door. Good for her, you thought.
“That was stupid of you,” He said sitting next to you.
“Tell me about it.”
“Did you even have $1000?”
Pouting, you shook your head. “No, but I wanted to win.”
“You wanted to win me?” He said smiling.
“Yes, isn’t it that obvious?” Your head fell against his broad welcoming shoulder. You let out a long low breath at that, clutched the breast of your dress as you tried your damnedest to breathe. You were aware of your heart rate, pounding away at your chest like a drum. Your weight pushed against him but made no change to his posture. He was like a boulder that chipped away at your weakness and made you ache for his fullness no matter how much your head told you otherwise. “Why are you doing this to me?”
“Doing what?”
“Be…this. And make me crazy about you.”
His head turned down to see your face, warm brown eyes staring back into yours. “I could say the same about you. You have sex with me once years ago, give all the time in the world to recreate a feeling like it, just to chase me back when I think I’m finally forgetting about you? Diabolical of you.”
You thought you’ve heard it all before. Usually, sweet nothings go to one ear and out the other. Many of those sugar-coated words and phrases have blended into something homogenous, overplayed tactics that got you into loveless relationships fueled by sex and desire. Who knows if Chan is different, but the words he speaks, and the burning he gives you, you wanted every little bit of it. You grasped his lapel, pushing your face closer. “You thought about me?”
“That’s what I’ve been saying this entire t–”
Your patience soon wore thin. His lips tasted sweet like nectar, felt soft as pillows, warm as the summer. The heat of his skin was in stark contrast to the cool steel of his lip ring expectedly grazing your skin, churning whatever it was in your stomach. You attempted to gain leverage control, thirsting more, but you learned soon his muscles weren’t just for show. “You’re drunk, Y/n.”
“But you taste so good…”
He took a deep breath before sighing. “Let’s just get you someplace to rest up and I can take you home after.”
Chan made good on his promise. As your body was giving in to sleep, your knight in blonde carried you off on his back to the nearest place of rest, which ended up being his bedroom that he luckily didn’t have to share. He laid you sprawled out on his thinly veiled mattress, tucking you underneath his blanket until he couldn’t see any inch of skin except your head up, and he let your soft airy snores play out.
He made his shower quick to return to you, relieving himself of the heavy suit he’s been wearing all night. He gets back to his room and placed the suit in the bag back into his closet. You’re still sound asleep as soon as he’s back but now stir in your sleep, staring to thrash around even. That made him come to your side in a hurry, trying to calm you down. He puts his hands on your body through the covers, soothing you to the best of his ability. Unfortunately, that is what makes you start to gain consciousness, pushing yourself to sit up from the bed. “Where am I?” 
“You’re awake, shit, sorry.”
“Chan?” You blinked back at him with tired eyes, barely focusing through the small slits of your vision to make out the man tending to your drowsy state.
“Yeah, you were really out of it? I had to make sure you were okay.”
Chan looked down at his body to realize what you meant. He only came to the bathroom with a single pair of sweatpants with him fully intending to just throw a shirt on the moment he got back to the room. Now he was deeply regretting the decision seeing how awake you are. Grim at the thought of you perceiving him as some typical perverted college guy, which he was if not a little more respectful than most. “Sorry. I’ll put something on.”
You tugged him back by his wrist, stopping him. “Don’t.”
“Don’t?” He repeated, heart starting to take race in his chest.
You shook your head definitely. “Don’t.”
“Why not?”
You shifted on the bed, realizing how you were still in your dress, subconsciously shrugging off the flimsy straps. Your hand traveled from his wrist and up his forearm. The hairs of his arms stood up at your touch and he sucked in shallow breaths as your hand smoothed over to the back of his neck effortlessly. Your finger threaded through his hair. There’s a look in your eyes, unlike the others you’ve shown so far since he’s reunited with you. They only come close with the gaze he say several years ago when you defiled his 18th birthday gift at a random peer’s graduation. “Lee Chan.”
He doesn’t want to fall for it, but damn it, did he want to be an idiot and just fall, fall hard. “You’re still drunk, maybe–”
“My Lee Chan…” God, did his heart throb.
“You’re definitely drunk.”
Your hand moved over to cup cheek, feeling how he instinctively nestled in your palm. His gaze softened back at you in this familiar way it did once back in the first time and both of you can’t help but call back to that night again. It’s like you’re right where you started, seconds away before melting into one another like hormonal teenagers.
“What are you doing to me now?” He asked so softly you almost didn't make it out.
If his body wasn’t already so goddamn enticing, it was the expression on his face. You could etch out the writhing on his face when you rode his body the first time, remembering how his strong thighs buckled at your touch, burning under the heat of your thighs. Your abdomen was physically contracting thinking about it.
“Kiss me, Chan.”
He doesn’t have the will to resist you any longer and he took the opportunity, crashing his lips into yours. You embraced his naked torso, clinging on to him and tugging against his piercing before pulling him towards you in bed with a thud. You didn’t know what true love felt like but it felt as half as good as Lee Chan, you’d risk your heart over and over again just to have it in your arms.
“Take it off for me,” you whispered once his hand landed on the zipper of your dress. The common plastic rubbed over your spine, and the sound of it traveling down pooled bountiful amounts of arousal in your core. You moaned against his lips helplessly, digging your nails through his scalp. 
His sweatpants did no good in hiding his aroused state as it poked back at your thigh coming out of the slit of your dress, groan at the pain you cause him but was pleased nonetheless. His hands come up your shoulder confidently, sliding down the rest of the material as it slid off the bed and hit the ground. Your knee came up behind him, pressing him down to reunite your curves and hollows as he moved to nip the skin at your clavicle, murmurs from lips occasionally leaving his lips.
“What was that?” you asked, already intoxicated in something other than alcohol for once tonight.
“I said, ‘I’ve been wanting to fuck you the moment I saw you again.’”
His voice exhibited a gravelly rasp, one you wouldn’t have expected knowing him, but fuck, if it didn’t make your pussy full-out throb. “Yeah,” you egged on, “You wanted to see if you still fit your cock in me?”
He gave out a low growl. “I forgot how annoying you were.”
“I guess not too annoying to fuck me full in the front seat of your Camry.”
“I miss that thing. Too many good memories.” His sigh fanned over the back of your neck before his lips sucked against the skin under your ear, causing you to crumble underneath him. “But it’s fine, I can make new memories. And I won’t be worried about breaking you this time.”
His hips dipped down in yours, teasing his bulge at your wet, clothed core before you’re thrusting back in whines. Your hand roamed through his blond locks, gripping like you were doing into your insanity, if only there were just as surprisingly healthy and strong. “Fuck me already. I want you to stuff me with your cock just like the last time.”
He shook his head, that smile of his filling your insides with need and desperation. “Thought I’d catch you up on a bit on how I’ve improved first.”
He trailed kisses down your body, hands caressing over your breast before your sides. You tremble as the pads of his fingers grazed the edges of your panties, pulling them down and off of your body leaving you nothing but nude. Your glistening arousal stared back at him like a limitless fountain of youth, inclination bubbling up inside of him. The back of his hand rubbed against the moisture of your folds, seeing you thoroughly coat him as he wrapped his lips against your thighs, moans ebbing from his lips and yours.
“Your pretty pussy is so wet for me. Just like I remember.” Your clit was squeezed between his fingers, swelling up so enticingly he just had to suck against it. You clenched your abdomen, calling out for him, “fucking hell,” and then his tongue was inside you as though it was digging for gold, “holy shit.”
The sounds he made were simply carnal, like he hadn’t been feeding for months and until now you could help but eat every second up as he devoured you entirely. Your toe curled, your breath stolen from, and your cunt flooded until you could overflow a dam. “I could eat your pussy all night, baby girl…if I knew you tasted this good…would’ve been the first thing I’d done to you.” His thumb presses on your clit, flicking it from side to side, and the stripes he ran up your slit become ravenous, monstrous, torturous.
“You’re gonna make me cum, please…”
“Already,” he teased, kissing your entrance, “I’ve barely started. Or are you saying because you’re such a slut for my cock?”
You winced as he pinched your clit, holding back tears. “No, no. I’m really about to—ah—cum…”
“Guess I should savor it when it arrives, shouldn't I?”
He ate you out until you’re practically screaming, the creak of the bed would be normally something that’d bother you, but his tongue is so tantalizing you don’t even notice. Meanwhile, his hands have taken over your breasts, squeezing them so possessively in each hand you feel like you’re truly his, and none otherwise.
“Such a pretty little mess…cum on my tongue, baby girl…I need you cumming in my mouth…” His pleas sounded dirty, desperate, devastating. Your whines cried out as you begged for more, pushing his face deeper into you, feeling the burn of your cheeks. “Shut…up—fuck!”
You involuntarily came in him as he wished. Painting the inside of his mouth with your milky climax, he laughed contently in your heat as he pulled away. Your cum stretched from your sopping pussy to his lips, forcing you to watch as he licked up the mess, starting with the collection from his cheeks. “Such a good slut for me,” he wiped the cum from the underside of his chin, putting his fingers between his mouth while groaning. “I needed this so bad with the week I’ve had.” 
He wounded himself tight around his digits, letting go with a ‘pop. “Especially with how confused and horny you make me…I’m gonna fuck your stupid cunt until you’re sure you want me just as much as I want you.”
He reached over his bedside to rip open a condom and rolled it on himself, giving you the glimpse you needed to be reminded of how big and delectable just Chan’s cock was. There he then held your legs until they folded against you, spreading you wide and perfect for him to fuck into. Plunging through your cum lubricated walls, he entered you with ease, the familiar sensation of your fluttering grip took him back to his youth. “Shit, that’s good.”
You suppress a moan, to which he scolded you by squeezing your cheeks, gripping your face harshly in his direction, and what he said next was enough to make you want to cum right there on the spot. “Don’t do that. I want you to be loud. I want everyone in this house to hear you while I fuck you senseless to the point you forget your name.”
Whoever dare says Lee Chan is a liar is the real liar because he knows how to keep a promise.
His body, heavy and strong, pressed you unto the mattress mercilessly, pounding out the cheap strings that were bound to break. Your screams of his name bounced off the thin walls, taking every stroke of his cock until you were mistaken for bloody murder. It wasn’t what you expected, and yet you couldn’t be happier to be wrong. Your head threw back at the claim of his hands on your hips, now pulling at you to manually use you for his bidding, only to bottom out in you repeatedly. “Fuck Chan…please…”
After having been told to let your vocal cords loose, you took it personally and screamed his name from the rooftops, which you might as well have done with how obnoxiously boisterous you were taking every gorgeous inch. 
“Good slut,” He flipped you on your stomach, only to rut into you deep. His hand caressed your back, “I’m a bit possessive if you can’t tell. Usually, I wouldn’t care if anyone heard, but with you, I can’t help but do care. I want everyone to know who it is you’re fucking. Who it is ruining you like this.”
“Shit, that’s so hot…” you whine, your ass cheeks burning in the rage of his hips.
“Say it for me then. Say how you like me inside you. Say how you like how I’m fucking you stupid.”
You choked on your words as he pushed in you without abandon, riling himself up at the anticipation of your words. “I love you inside me…I love how you fuck me so stupid, Chan…”
He pulled you up by your arm, his hands clenched your breasts, fondling them on his palms and pinching your pretty erect nipples as his sweaty, toned chest pressed against your back. “You listen to me so fucking well,” he landed a strike on your breast, causing you to moan in response, “I wish I could’ve been fucking you like this all the time. No one was ever like you.”
Your back arched into him, convulsing as you felt the stream of your climax rise up the surface again, controlling you much the way Chan did. As if Chan could read your mind, his lips pressed against your ear tenderly, fingers coming at your swollen clit to rub it pain-achingly perfect. “Do it, cum all over my cock, baby…I want–need you to cum so hard on my cock.”
Even when you cum another time, Chan’s stamina doesn’t cease and he’s asking for another. “Just one more” he pleaded. And he’s fucking you over and over again, until you’re in his lap, grinding on his hips with cock stuffed back inside you as his legs lifted up in repetitive thrusts to rearrange your insides. His tongue roamed in your mouth without abandon, lip ring still brushing against your kiss-swollen lips as he’s whimpering how good you clench around him or perfectly you whine for him in that mouthwatering infliction. “Your pussy’s so damn perfect. Shit, I’ll—fuck, oh god.”
Your pungent honey releases once more, while Chan, unfortunately, poured him into his into the rubber, having you silently mourn the waste. He clenched you against him, your twitch so tantalizing, he had to feel every spasm, kissing you sweetly until you were soothed into stability. He whispered praise of your beauty, your body, your efforts. Bad memories of others washed away with his presence, only allowing his acts of worshiping every inch of you.
“I’m happy I came tonight.”
Chan chuckled, thinking about the unintended innuendo, as he pressed your body nestled into his closer, “Me too. Next time we can do it again, maybe without the condom next time.”
“Not without testing I hope,” You said after hearing him giggle at the thought. Then his words are repeating in your head, ‘Next time.’ You weren’t about to make the same mistake you’re used to and because it was Chan, you were confident with him it’d be different. You held his fingers in yours, lacing them through before pressing them to your lips, “Next time as in the next time we fuck or the next time we’re together?”
He softly smiled. “Looks like someone has a crush.”
“Ugh, fuck you.”
You let go of his hands, initiating his boisterous laughter and euphoria-inducing smile as he spooned your bare backside. “Next time we’re together. After I take you on a proper date that is.”
“What about your auction date?”
He sighed, suddenly remembering that. “It’s unavoidable, unfortunately, but I’ll promise to come to see you right after and show you what things I rather do to you than anyone else.”
“That a promise?”
“Cross my heart, hope to die.”
You turned around to face him again and pressed your hands against his soft and supple cheeks, kissing his lips long and languidly. “You’re so cute.”
“Ugh,” he groaned, pulling you by the waist, “I thought the blonde and piercing would change that.”
“You’ll never not be cute. Everything cute about you I’ll l-adore.”
“You were going to say something else.”
“I wasn’t.” You denied.
“Oh my god,” he gripped tighter around, enough to almost suffocate you, “you love me.”
You flailed in his grip. “What the fuck?”
“Oh, you so love me,” He sang.
“Shut up, I don’t,” You rolled your eyes, “but I do end up loving someone, it wouldn’t be so bad if it was with you first.”
“Is that a promise to one day love me? To have and to hold?” He teases, secretly hopefully.
“Let’s say it’s wishful thinking. All Lee Chans in needs love too.”
“What does that mean?”
“Oh, someone will make sense of it.”
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unsolvedjarin · 1 year
pleeeeeease something fluffy and domestic about jenson😩😩😩 there is not enough fics of him AND after those beautiful pics he posted i crave slmething tbh anything that has to do with him
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pairing: (jenson button x driver! reader)
summary: you and jenson finally have a peaceful anniversary, but both of you have surprises for one another.
note: i love love LOOOOVE this idea so much. saying yes any day to domestic jenson. i had so much fun writing this, hope you have fun reading it too!
content warning: none, just a lot of domesticity and once again, say it with me, my verb tenses bouncing like frogs!
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“And you’re sure you can handle this?”
“She’s a three year old, what harm could she possibly do?” Fernando asks. You look at him with faux seriousness in your eyes, “A lot. You can’t even begin to imagine.”
Jenson chuckles at your antics, double checking if you had brought all the things your daughter needs for the weekend. It was you and Jenson’s anniversary, and Fernando had volunteered to take care of your daughter so you could both get away.
“You know, if you told me back in 2016 that I would be taking care of you two’s child, I would have never believed it,” Fernando remarks, looking at the three year old dead asleep in his living room.
“Why, ‘cause you can’t take care of children?” You joke. He shakes his head in response, “No, because I never thought Jenson would have the balls to make a move.”
The mentioned man looks up from what he was doing when he hears his name, not fully invested in the conversation. “Sorry?”
“I said I never thought you would have the balls to make a move on Y/N. You pine for four years and all of a sudden have a burst of confidence, I still don’t understand how you did it.”
“Well some things are better left a mystery, eh Nando?” Jenson teases, nudging him on the side. “Besides, you don’t need to know how, just that we’re here now and we’re happy.”
“Boo, corny.” You butt in, giving Jenson a playful thumbs down.
“Hey you’re supposed to be on my side, I’m defending our love out here!”
Fernando grins at your banter— it reminded him of the good old days. Back when Jenson was on the grid along with him in Mclaren, hearing his teammate constantly pine over their friend— you— who happened to be a driver as well.
Ever since he could remember, Jenson had been head over heels for you. Sure during your rookie year he had only seen you as a friend, but the years following that, there was no time Fernando can remember where Jenson wasn’t trying to grab your attention or trying to impress you one way or another.
It was astounding how you hadn’t caught a clue on just how much Jenson liked you during those days. He had even given up his so-called ‘playboy’ lifestyle back then just to impress you, but the only reaction he had ever gotten from you was “So no more free drinks for me from your hookups when we’re out? Shame.”
“Are you absolutely certain you can handle this, Nando?” You ask the Spaniard, causing him to snap back to reality.
“Please, I got this covered, trust me,” he boasts. If only he knew what chaos was in store for him this weekend.
You say your goodbyes to Fernando and give your child a kiss on the head, making sure she doesn’t wake up. Stepping out the front door, you see Jenson staring far into the distance while waiting for you.
“You alright Jense?” you ask him as you walk towards the car. He doesn’t say a word until you both get in the car and close the doors, letting out a deep sigh of relief.
“Alright? I’m fucking fantastic!” he exclaims. You grin at his sudden burst of energy, shaking your head. Speaking softer this time, he adds, “This is the first weekend I’ve had all year without our kid. And don’t get me wrong, I love her very much, but I missed spending time with you more.”
He gives you a chaste kiss, pulling away to look at you with so much love. God, he could never be sick of this sight. You give him a soft smile as he adjusts to pull the car away from Fernando’s home, headed back towards your own.
You didn’t say anything as he started driving, unsure how to breach the topic you wanted to talk to your husband about. You wanted this weekend to go smoothly, after all it was your anniversary, but also because it was the first actual one on one time you’ve had with each other in god knows how long. With you still racing and him with his job, you didn’t see each other enough as much as you would like to.
Of course you were always home whenever possible, doing your part in taking care of your kid, and they always tagged along to races when they could— but to you it still wasn’t enough. You felt like you were doing Jenson wrong with pursuing racing while he had to do most of the heavy lifting at home.
So you wanted to retire.
You thought it was reasonable, after all you had been racing since 2012 save for the year you stopped when you were pregnant. You were satisfied with your career and your two world championships. Sebastian Vettel had told you last year that when you know it’s time to retire you just know, and you think that time is now.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Jenson asked, pulling you out of your train of thought.
“Are my thoughts that cheap?”
“Okay, dollar for your thoughts then. Jesus, we really are in an economic crisis.”
“Corny,” you reply, slapping him on his shoulder with a grin.
“Ah, but you smiled.” Jenson teased. It made you roll your eyes at him fondly, “Eyes on the road you silly man.”
The rest of the trip home was spent in comfortable silence, Jenson putting his hand on your leg whenever you reached a stoplight. He claimed to have the whole weekend planned, and was seemingly very excited to show off whatever it was he had in store. You asked him a week ago if you could get a clue and the only response you ever got from him was a shrug and a simple “Well there’s no fun in that now, is there?”
Pulling up to your house, you contemplate when exactly is the right time to tell your husband you’re retiring. Not before his surprise, no definitely not, that would ruin it. But you weren’t so sure if after the surprise would be such a good idea too, especially if it would ruin the spirit of the weekend.
“Want something babe?” Jenson asks as he approaches the house bar. He had it made last year on his birthday, a gift for himself, he had said. Safe to say not a single speck of dust has been found on that countertop nor has it been left abandoned for a day since it’s been made. It was his favorite thing in the house, besides you, of course.
You shake your head to his question, instead opting to lay down on the couch with an oomph, turning on the television to see if anything good was on. “So what’s your big secret surprise plan? Can I know now?” you question Jenson, looking at him from your position.
He gives you a knowing grin in reply, moving towards you with his drink. He takes a sip of it before closing the TV so you would focus on him.
“Hey I was gonna watch!”
Ignoring your comment— because he knows you weren’t really going to— he bends down to kiss you on your forehead and mutters, “My plan, my darling,” he gives you another kiss, “Is to stay home all weekend.”
You give him a confused look.
Was that it? Was that the big thing he had planned? Not that you were complaining of course, any time spent with Jenson was good to you. But it puzzled you why he had kept it a ‘secret’.
“Confused?” he asks, giving you a knowing look as he picks his drink back up and takes another sip. “I would be if I were you.”
Now absolutely muddled, you get up from the sofa and follow him towards his beloved bar. Sitting on one of the stools, you’re unable to find the right questions and simply shoot him a look that said ‘what?’
Jenson grins, leaning on the counter so you were face to face with each other. “So, you’re probably kerfuzzled.”
You had used that term once when you accidentally forgot the word ‘confused’ and it had become an inside joke between the two of you.
“Yes, I’m kerfuzzled, Jenson. So you have nothing planned this weekend?”
“Well besides me cooking you the most delicious home cooked meals and treating you like the absolute goddess you are,” he says, inching closer towards your face. He gives you a light kiss before continuing normally, “Then no, I have nothing planned.”
“So all that buildup these past few weeks, nothing.”
“Absolutely nothing,” Jenson smirks.
“You seem oddly proud of yourself for that,” you tease. While you were confused with the whole situation, you had no problem with it. A weekend with Jenson alone was everything you could’ve ever asked for, especially after a stressful season.
“I am proud of myself. Wanna know why?”
“You’re asking an awful lot of rhetorical questions today. But sure, why are you so proud of yourself, sweetheart?”
“Because,” he beams, “I have noticed that throughout this entire year, we’ve spent only two full days together, just the two of us. One of those days we spent shopping for our son’s new bed, and another one of those days was spent doing our taxes. Do you see where I’m going with this?”
“We haven’t properly shagged this whole year?”
“Close, but we will circle back to that later tonight,” Jenson winks. “No, what I was trying to say is that we haven’t spent time with each other. At first I had planned a trip to Italy for this anniversary of ours, then I thought, well you’d already been there for the Monza Grand Prix. Plus, it felt like just another chore we would be doing. That’s when I had an epiphany.”
He pauses for a second, seemingly waiting for a reaction from you. Rolling your eyes, you question, “Fine, I’ll bite. What epiphany did you have o great philosopher?”
“Well I’m glad you asked. I realized that with such a travel packed schedule all year round, going on a vacation for our anniversary would be boring to you. Not only that but the travel itself would be tiring, and we would be focused on the itinerary more than our anniversary itself. Therefore, I have brilliantly concluded that the best thing I could set up this year was not only something we haven’t done in a while, but something relaxing while at the same time thoughtful. That’s why— drumroll please— my surprise is a weekend at home.”
Jenson takes a small bow after his whole speech, grinning at the way you slowly clapped for him with faux annoyance. You had to give it to him, he was spot on. You weren’t really up for any big trips on your week off, especially when that was practically what you’ve been doing the whole season.
“First of all Jense, I do actually love your plan, and I love you,” you say, giving into his antics. He smirks in reply, shrugging nonchalantly. “I’m just thoughtful like that.”
“Okay, don’t push it,” you retort, but with no malice. “But my question is, why did you keep it a secret? You know you could’ve told me if we were just staying home.”
“Yes, I could’ve told you, but because I didn’t tell you, you mentally prepared for more traveling, and now that I’ve told you that we’re staying home, it feels more refreshing, no?”
Damn him and his smart mind. You forget he was smarter than he usually lets on. The media had labeled him as a himbo of sorts back then, but they couldn’t have been more wrong. Well, except for that one time he nearly left the stove on before a race weekend. He still gets reminded of that everytime you leave the house.
“Wow, that’s actually impressive,” you concede, leaning back on your chair. Jenson pours you your favorite drink across the bar, despite you declining earlier. He knows that in the five minutes that have passed you’d now want a drink. He knew you too well. “You really thought this through, huh?”
“Of course I have. I use ninety-nine percent of my brain power on you.”
“Can’t tell if that’s a compliment or a complaint.”
“Assuming that I use only ten percent on anything else, then it’s a compliment.”
You snicker at his joke, taking a sip of your drink. From your peripheral vision you can see Jenson watching you intently while leaning on the wall, as if it was the first time he had ever seen your face. Even as you put your glass down, his eyes still follow the lines of your lips and the curves of your cheeks, with a soft smile plastered on his own face. He seemed so…content.
“Stop looking at me like that,” you say while looking at anything but him, a light blush on your cheeks you try to hide to no avail. So many years together and yet he could still make you feel like a schoolgirl with a crush. It was so silly.
“Like what?” he asks, despite knowing what you meant. If only you knew that you made Jenson feel the same way he made you feel, if not even more.
“Like that.”
“I don’t know what you mean, I’m looking at you like I usually do.”
“Yeah, sure. If you usually looked at me with puppy eyes and like you’ve discovered the secret to life in my eyes,” you retort, playing with your drink, still refusing to look him in the eye. Jenson chuckles, before pushing himself off the wall and leaning on the bar, using two fingers to move your chin and face you towards him. Your faces were inches apart, his soft yet smug smile still evident as he looked at your slightly parted lips then at you. “Darling, you are the secret to life.”
Jenson’s words linger for a second, before you snigger and push him off of you. He laughs too, knowing how corny what he just said was. While you were touched with what he said, you just couldn’t help but laugh at the seriousness of it all. You were well past love declarations in your relationships. Now those declarations were in the smaller things, like how he texted you whenever he saw something that reminded him of you and how you buy him books from every country you visit– also the reason you had to expand your library recently.
“God you are– ha!– you are so corny. That was worse than some of your dad jokes,” you cringe.
“I thought you love my dad jokes!”
“I love them because of how corny they are. This…this took the cake though.”
“Jeez, can’t even profess my love for you anymore without being made fun of. What has the world come to,” Jenson says sarcastically.
It reminds you of when he first confessed to you back in 2016.
“I can’t— I just can’t carry on without you knowing. Y/N, I am so hopelessly in love with you. And I know this is so out of the blue but if I spend one more minute with this secret I might explode. So please— please, Give me a chance to prove myself to you.”
A moment of silence passed. The usually busy streets of Monaco felt quiet outside the bar that night. It was just the two of you.
This is a prank. This must be a prank. Snapping to your senses, you replied, “Very funny. Who put you up to this, was it Fernando? I’ll kill him. Or was it Seb? He’ll get it worse if it was him.”
Jenson rubbed his face before moving a step closer to you. “Don’t you get it? I’m in love with you. I have been, for so long. No one put me up to this but myself.”
“You’re drunk, that’s what you are. Let’s get back to the hotel,” you reasoned, to yourself more than to him. You tried to walk away but he didn’t let you, taking your hand and making you face him.
“Y/N please just listen to me I— I can’t breathe without you, I can’t sleep without you, I can’t live without you. It’s you, it always has been. I understand if you don’t like me back, in fact I’ll take it with pride but please— please don’t abandon me. Please don’t leave me with no answer.”
“Don’t do this,” you begged him. “Don’t lead me on.”
“I’m not leading you on, Y/N. I swear to you, I am not. This is real. Am I so bad?” he asked, practically near to tears. He had kept this secret for so long that spilling it all out felt so overwhelming.
“You’re not bad Jenson, god that’s not it,” you laughed ironically, as you felt your eyes water. “It’s because— oh fuck it. I love you too. I love you too, okay? I have since 2014. And I— I didn’t wanna answer you because if I wake up tomorrow and find out this was all because you’re drunk then I will be so heartbroken I don’t think I could live with it. And now that this is all out there I— I don’t know what to do.”
Your words hung there for a minute, both of you emotionally vulnerable in a random street in Monaco at three in the morning. Then, Jenson, with teary eyes, slowly smiled. “You mean that?”
“More than anything. So please, tell me you’re not just saying this all because you’re drunk.”
“No, no of course not,” Jenson quickly replied. He moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around you and for a second you thought he was going to kiss you, but thankfully even in his inebriated state he knew to take things slowly. Instead he hugged you tightly, holding you as if you would disappear. You hugged him back, resting your teary eyed face on the crook of his neck.
You both stood there in silence for a moment, not caring if anyone saw you, which was unlikely because of how empty the streets were. When Jenson pulled away you missed his touch, but he immediately held your hand and asked with a grin, “Well, now that that’s over with, we can go back to the hotel. Wanna take care of a drunk guy?”
You laughed, wiping away your tears. “Do I have a choice?”
“No, sorry. You’re contractually obligated to take care of me for the rest of the night and tomorrow.”
You both start walking to the hotel, the streets now seeming more lively than they were a second ago. It was almost as if the background noise had come back.
“Jense,” you started, leaning your head on his shoulder as you walked. Jenson practically melted on the spot at that. “Even if you regret your decision to tell me all of that today, please promise me you won’t break our friendship.”
Jenson turned his head to you at that. Couldn’t you see just how much love he held for you?
“Even if I regret my decision— which I won’t, by the way, because I’ve been dying to say this for four years— nothing will change between us. We’ll still be friends, trust me on that at least. I’ll always be here for you. Now c’mon, it’s starting to rain.”
He pulled you by the hand, both of you running to the hotel as the rain got louder. He slept in your room that night, you didn’t do anything, he just wanted your company. The next morning he regretted nothing.
“Penny— no, sorry— dollar for your thoughts?”
Jenson snaps you out of your trip down memory lane, taking you by the hand and standing you up from the bar stool. He wraps his arms around your waist and you sling your own around his neck, sighing contently.
If there was one thing you could never be sick of, it was the way Jenson looked at you. Always, without fail, when you catch him staring at you, there’s so much love and adoration in his eyes that you feel overwhelmed with a sense of lovesickness.
You never wanted this moment to end. You wanted more of these, more peaceful and loving moments with him and also your daughter. It makes you remember the piece of news you wanted to tell him earlier.
As you both stand there in the middle of your quiet house, just enjoying the company of each other, you lean your head on his shoulder. It was now or never.
“Jenson, I’m retiring.”
He pauses his soft swaying for a moment, and you pull away to look at his reaction. He looked shocked yet at the same time calm, as if he had been expecting you to say that.
“Is that what you really want? I mean, I’m not opposed to it, but baby you still have so much left in you for racing. Shit I mean, you could even win another world championship.”
“Sure I could. Let me just catch up on Max who has a 200 point difference with me, easy peasy,” you scoff with a grin, slapping him on his shoulder. “Yes, this is what I really want, Jense. I’ve thought about it a lot and I think it’s time. I’m satisfied with how my career has gone, and I think it’s time I pulled my weight around the house and our daughter.”
Jenson raises his eyebrow at you, “You do pull your weight. Do you think that you don’t?”
“Well I’m definitely doing less than you,” you sigh.
Jenson could tell the topic was upsetting you, and he reached for your hand to squeeze it. “Darling, you do enough around the house and for our kid. Sure, I’m with her more, but that’s just because I have a freer schedule. There’s no malice in you being away for work. Plus, you make insanely more money than me, which is also part of pulling your weight. If you’re thinking of retiring just because of this, then maybe you shouldn’t yet.”
You frown, feeling the sting of tears in your eyes. You wouldn’t cry, you promised yourself you wouldn’t. “It’s just— I feel like I’m missing out on my life, you know? On our life. I’ve been driving karts since I was four and now I’m fully grown and I’m still driving. But this— this is new. Our family. And I want to be here for it. For you.”
“Oh sweetheart,” Jenson mutters, before taking you for a hug. He holds you tightly, just like he did all those years ago, your head in the crook of his neck with tears pricking your eyes.
He holds you there for a moment, and you feel safe in his arms like you always do. Even when everything changes he’s there, and just like he promised many moons ago, he wasn’t going anywhere.
“Look who’s being corny now,” Jenson mumbles into your hair after a pause of silence. It makes you giggle, and you pull away from him.
“And look who ruined the moment,” you retort. You try to walk back to the bar and get your drink but Jenson keeps his grip on your waist, pulling you back towards him. You shoot him a look but he simply grins, pulling your waist even closer to him.
“I love you, just in case you ever forget. Happy Anniversary.” He mumbles, kissing you on your nose, making you scrunch your face. Jenson thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world.
Taking his face in your hand, you smile at him, looking satisfied. This was it. This was everything you ever wanted and everything you could ever want. “I love you too, my everything. Happy Anniversary.”
“God, corny,” Jenson mutters, before kissing you fervently and with all the love he could muster. You feel him smile into the kiss, and you do too.
Pulling away, you sigh with a smile, content. Jenson smirks at you before commenting, “You better save some of that for tonight, darling.”
You match him with a grin of your own, “Only if you can keep up.”
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number1mingyustan · 8 months
Just in Case ☾
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bestfriend!seungkwan x fem!reader
Warnings: kissing, cursing, explicit smut, marking, mentions of cheating, protected sex, riding, mentions of oral (f.)
Summary: It was always gonna be you
Word Count: 2.9k
(a/n: i really meant it when i said I was planning to be more active. school is still kicking my ass and I've been so unmotived to write I'm sorry. i still have a bunch of unfinished drafts but there's no telling when I'll actually finish them)
You first met Seungkwan in December 2019.
You’d gone out to the club and accidentally spilled your drink on him. In a drunken panic you tried to help, but only ended up making the situation worse and staining his clothes.
However, he didn’t get upset. He just chuckled and told you it was fine and joked about how it wasn’t his best shirt anyway.
You offered to buy him another drink to make up for it, but he politely declined and made another joke about how you’d only end up spilling it on him again.
You apologized again and went your separate ways thinking it would be the last time you saw each other. But of course, fate has a weird way of bringing people together.
Less than 4 hours later he would find you, sneaking out of his roommate's room in his apartment with your dress on backwards.
It wasn’t unusual for Jeonghan to bring a girl home, but he never could have expected it to be the clumsy girl who spilled a drink on him just a few hours prior.
Jeonghan was the first to leave the club with you and Seungkwan went back home later that night with Seokmin.
He got up to get a glass of water before going to sleep and you were there, tiptoeing around his apartment and trying to go unnoticed.
You were doing a horrible job at being quiet, but luckily Jeonghan was a heavy sleeper. Such a heavy sleepover that he didn’t realize you and Seungkwan spent the entire night talking.
Conversation came naturally to you. He was shocked initially, to say the least. But he said one thing to you and the conversation ended up lasting for hours leading into the morning.
There was something so familiar about you. It felt like you’d known each other your entire lives and you could talk so easily. You talked about any and everything together like old friends catching up.
When Jeonghan finally woke up and saw you in the kitchen chatting it up with one of his housemates, he’d assumed you’d woken up just before him. Even now it remains a secret between the two of you that you never slept that night.
Since that day, Boo Seungkwan has been your best friend.
After that night, he invited you to roller skating after finding out it was something you both enjoyed. The two of you hung out more and more over time and you were eventually adopted into the friend group.
You got comfortable with all of them, Joshua, Jihoon, Seokmin, Seungkwan, and even Jeonghan. Despite the very one time hookup, you still consider Jeonghan to now be one of your best friends.
But you’ve always been closest with Seungkwan.
“We’re gonna get so fucked up!” You scream to Seungkwan over the loud music in the club.
He shouts back at you in agreement before taking your hand in his. He drags you through the crowd, navigating like an expert and ensuring that you stay close to him.
You make your way to the bar and order your drinks. The bartender is nice, but a little flirty. You can admit he's cute, but he's a little touchy and you're not really feeling him all that much.
Seungkwan can sense your discomfort and nearly startles you when he touches your waist. As soon as you realize it's your best friend, you melt into his touch and all your discomfort has dissolved.
"Sorry," he says. "Didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted him to get the message."
You nod. "I understand, thank you." You smile.
You both down your drinks easily and continue with your night out. You spend the new few hours dancing and singing along to the generic club music. Your best friend stays close to you and he looks out for you like he always does.
"You don't have to stay attached to me all night you know, it's your first night out as a single man in a while." You bump your shoulder against his playfully. "I don't wanna scare off any opportunities for you to meet someone."
"You know I didn't come here looking for anything," He gives you a soft smile.
"That doesn't mean you can't find something," You muse, raising an eyebrow.
He takes a sip from his drink. "Thanks, but no thanks. Let's just have fun tonight."
You shrug, bumping your glass against his before downing the rest of your drink.
The next few hours were spent dancing, laughing and drinking. It was nice to see your best friend let loose again, but the night eventually came to an end and he ordered an uber.
The ride was quiet, but not uncomfortable. The two of you sat leaned against one another in the backseat. The ambiance was comforting, set by the music playing quietly from the radio and the lights from the city surrounding you.
You two enter his apartment together and you immediately throw yourself onto the couch with a sigh of satisfaction. Your eyes fall shut and a smile appears on your face. "My feet were killing me."
Seungkwan crouches down in front of you wordlessly and helps you take off your shoes. You thank him quietly and he disappears into his bedroom.
When your eyes flutter open, he's re-entering the living room with something in hand.
"Here," He hands you a t-shirt of his. "So you don't have to stay in that dress either."
You mouth a 'thank you' before stumbling into the bathroom to change out of your clothes.
"You know," You plop down on the couch next to him. "You still haven't told me why you guys ended things.
Seungkwan sighs. "I know. It's nothing though, don't worry about it. Things just weren't working out, you know?"
"Yeah, it's a shame."
"You didn't even like her," Seungkwan chuckles.
"That's only because she didn't like me first!" You defend. "Never even understood that."
"She was just... nevermind. Doesn't matter now."
"No," You sit up and frown. "Tell me."
He sighs. "She was just kind of jealous of you. Ended up driving the whole relationship into the ground."
A beat.
"You guys broke up because of..me?"
Seungkwan leans his back against the couch. "Like not really... but yeah."
You frown. "Why would you do that?"
"You already knew she didn't like you Y/n."
"Yeah, but you ended a two-year-long relationship. What the hell?"
"Things just weren't working out."
"Yeah... because of me!" You sigh.
"You didn't do anything. She was just jealous and insecure. You ended up being the topic of conversation way more than needed and it was so frustrating. It was a constant argument for those two years and I got exhausted."
"I knew she didn't like me, but I didn't know it was that serious. I feel guilty as hell now, like I ruined your entire relationship."
"You didn't."
"But I did," You frown.
"Do you know how exhausting it was? For two years I had to put up with her turning everything into an argument about you. I was constantly being accused of something and then I'd have to be reassuring her and coddling her like a baby. It was like a never-ending cycle about the same thing Y/n. I could only do that so much before I lose my mind."
You frown. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be, you didn't do anything wrong." He pats your head softly. "Seriously."
"I know I just... feel bad. I feel like I compromised your happiness" You pout.
"You could never. You're my best friend." He gives you a reassuring smile.
He rises to his feet.
"I'm getting tired, are you ready for bed?"
You remain silent, giving him a small nod. About 10 minutes later you find yourself laying in bed next to him. The lights are dim, but you can still make out the features of his face clearly.
You don't know why your heart is suddenly beating so fast. It's so quiet in the room that he just might be able to hear it.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"Huh?" You mumble. "Nothing."
"You know you can't lie to me," he grins.
"I don't know," You sigh. "You just feel so like... close right now. I don't know."
"Oh," He breathes out. "Do you want me to take the couch? It's never been an issue before."
"No!" You say a little louder than intended. "No," Your voice softens. "I just... what you told me earlier about Hayeon. Like, what if she's right?"
"That there's something romantic between us? I'm not sure I understand you Y/n."
"I mean, you just said it yourself. It's never been a problem for us to sleep in the same bed, but isn't that kind of weird? Like you and I have always been close... but maybe this is too close?"
"I think you're drunk and still hung up on my stuff with Hayeon.
"You're drunk too," You frown.
"Yeah, but I'm not speaking a bunch of nonsense right now." He pushes your hair out of your face softly. "Go to sleep Y/n."
"No," You protest.
You weren't really thinking when you kissed him. It just sort of... happened. Granted, he wasn't really thinking when he kissed you back either.
It felt so natural, like you were kissing a lover of 10 years. it was easy to melt into his touch, everything was just so easy with him. Your hands are in his hair, tugging lightly at the blue-tinted strands atop his head.
You let out a soft moan against his lips, pressing your body against his.
You feel like you're floating and drowning all at the same time. Floating on a cloud of bliss while simultaneously drowning deeper and deeper in him.
He pulls away, breathless with swollen lips. You both lay on your side, staring at one another. Neither of you really know what to say. Your heart is still beating out of your chest as you lick your lips slowly, relishing in the lingering taste of him.
"What the hell Y/n?"
"I'm sorry! I don't know," You panic, covering your face in embarrassment.
He sighs, falling onto his back. "Why did you do that?"
"It's not like we've never kissed before."
"Yeah, but not like that. The worst I've ever done with you was barely a peck. That was different."
"You felt it too?"
You fall silent. There's a million things running through your head and they're all circling back to him.
"I don't know!"
"That's not a good enough answer.
"That's not fair to me," he frowns.
"Of course I have," he huffs out. "From the very first moment I met you, you made me feel something. It's been what, 5 years? When you left the bar that night, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I was convinced I'd never see you again. And then I did! Yeah you had just fucked my roommate and it was somewhat heart breaking, but from the moment I met you I knew I wanted you in my life. You were just... I don't know. You were shining a little brighter than anyone else in that club. You've got an aura about you that's hard to ignore."
You sit there, completely speechless.
"I know that I felt something for you since that night. I don't know if it really ever went away. I know I loved Hayeon when I was with her, I'm not saying I didn't. I don't know if I've been ignoring what I've felt for you, or if I really did get over it. But you suddenly deciding this now is confusing for me." He frowns.
For the second time that night, you act before thinking yet again. Your lips are on his and you find yourself melting into his touch. He kisses you back, pulling your body on top of his.
You don't know what you're doing or why you're really doing it, but it feels good. It feels right, like it's something you know you won't regret even though it may be confusing.
You straddle his lap and his hands rest comfortable on your lower back. His kisses are addictive, leaving you breathless with a fuzzy head.
You pull away to catch your breath, staring down at him with lust in your eyes. Wordlessly, you feel his shirt off your body and toss it onto the ground.
His eyes go wide and his breath gets caught in his throat. "Are you sure?"
"Never been so sure in my life. I want this... if you do too," you breathe out.
"Course I want this," He responds.
He pulls you back down and reconnects your lips with fervent passion. You grind yourself against him slowly, body moving on its own accord with his.
You tug at his shirt lightly and he breaks the kiss again to pull it off of his body.
"Shit," You breathe out. "Do you have any condoms?"
He nods. "In the drawer."
You reach over to his nightstand and open the drawer. You fish out the small gold package and tear it open with your teeth.
"You know, it's not safe to do that." he muses. "Could poke a hole or something."
"Oh well," You smirk, disposing of the gold packaging. "Maybe you'll just have to knock me up."
He raises an eyebrow at your statement. "Knock you up? But you're my best friend."
You let out a scoff and lean back, rolling the latex on his length. "Don't think.." You lift your hips, slowly sinking down onto him. You wince at the initial feeling. "Don't think I'd be on top of you like this if I was just your best friend."
He breathes out, tilting his head back into the pillow. His nails dig into your hips as he feels himself stretching you out.
You both let out a gasp as you start grinding down on him slowly. He holds you steady by your hips as you start to pick up your pace. you tilt your head back, gripping onto the sheets for support.
"Shit," he breathes out.
Your breathing grows heavier and you find yourself getting lost in the pleasure. It feels so good, so right. It's not fully processing in your head that you're riding your best friend right now.
"Should've done this sooner," You mumble to yourself.
Seungkwan can only nod in agreement. He's in awe watching as you bounce on his cock. The room is still dimly lit, but there's just enough moonlight seeping between the blinds for him to see how gorgeous you are.
He wants this image of you forever etched in his brain. He slides one of his hands from your hip to your inner thigh. Your pace is disrupted when you feel his thumb pressed against your clit.
"Oh fuck," You curse out.
He smirks to himself as he picks but the pace with his finger. You match his movements, falling back into your rhythm as ride him. He leans back deeper into the bed and pushes his hips up to meet you halfway.
His cock now brushes deep inside of you, hitting the same spot that has you struggling to stay quiet. Your nails are digging deeper into his bedsheets and you're whining out loud.
His thumb draws quick circles on your clit and his eyes never leave your frame. He watches you bounce on his cock, filling yourself up and cry out his name.
Fuck. He really regrets not doing this sooner.
He knows he won't last much longer. The intimacy and pleasure of it all is too intense. He applies more pressure on your sensitive bud, causing you to moan louder.
"Close," You warn him breathlessly.
He sits up on the bed, pulling your frame closer against his. His head falls into the crook of your neck. He sucks on your skin, nibbling softly and ensuring he marks you. He knows he might regret this in the morning, but he can't help himself. He has you now and he can't help but want a little reminder.
Moments later you're falling apart in his lap. You gasp your air pathetically as your hips lose rhythm and you tighten around his cock. He's losing his fucking mind.
You squeeze around him, driving him into his own orgasm and milking him for everything he's got. He groans into your skin as he spills his load into the condom.
Both your chests rise and fall against one another as you tap back into your senses. He places one last kiss on your cheek before he lifts you off his lap and lays you on the bed. He disposes of the condom and lays down next to you.
The room falls silent and neither of you is really sure what you should say.
You break the silence. "Now what?"
He shrugs.
"I feel like, like we need to talk about this."
"We should."
"Okay.... so.." You start.
He shushes you lightly, placing a finger on your lips. "Later."
You blink at him slowly. “What?”
He ignores you, pulling you in by the legs. “Later.”
“Is now a bad time?” Your voice is filled with confusion.
"No, it’s just you know…," he strokes your arm softly. "If we wake up tomorrow and decide this isn't for the better, I want to have at least had a taste."
You eyes go wide.
He smirks at you, pulling your body closer to his. "Just in case, y'know?"
You bite your lower lip, meeting his suggestive gaze.
"Yeah," You lean into his touch, allowing him to pin you down on the bed. "Just in case."
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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swissboyhisch · 10 months
F1 x Hockey
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Liked by yourbestie, colecaufield and others
yourinsta: the brother and in-laws decided to take me to a Habs game. Let's do this hockey! tagged: scottyjames, chloejames and lancestroll
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canadiens: thanks for coming! it was awesome having you and the squad come cheer on the team.
user: was this your first hockey game?
yourinsta: no! I'm a huge fan of hockey. Though it was my first Habs game.
user: Ahhhh! It was such a good game
chloejames: Bestie you're more wild than Lance games
yourinsta: 🙈
user: Who is this?
user: She is the younger sister of Olympic Snowboarder, Scotty James. He is engaged to Chloe Stroll, sister of F1 Driver Lance Stroll. The Stroll family are rich rich. Scotty is also best friends with fellow Aussie, Daniel Riccardo who also a F1 Driver.
user: Dont forget she is also a stylist for her brother, the Stroll siblings and their mother, Riccardo and a couple of F1 drivers. On the odd occasion she will style other people but she liked to be close with the people she styles.
user: anyone else see Cole in the likes?
canadiens: 👀👀👀
user: The fact that she was a fan of
user: 🤔
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habsfan: Caufield and Suzuki walking into the Centre Bell for last night's game tagged: colecaufield and suzuki14
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user: Cole got a new suit?
user: is it just me or have they got new suits?
user: they look so good
user: Cole 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
yourinsta posted to their story
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Liked by yourinsta, user and others
astonmartin: Got some special guests today for the weekend. Another F1 x Hockey crossover?
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colecaufield: thanks for the invite!
astonmartin: don't thank us, thank you know who 🤫
user: um WhAT?!
user: These three are chaos waiting to happen!
user: Imagine if these three met Lando 🤣
user: admin won't leak who :(
scottyjames: I'm glad that it was shorty
chloejames: SCOTTY!
yourinsta: 🤦🏻‍♀️
user: Did anyone see the comments by Scotty before it was deleted?
user: Cole has to be dating baby James
lancestroll: Just another sport added to the gang Liked by colecaufield
jackhughes: thanks for the hookup colecaufield
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Liked by colecaufield, chloejames and others
yourinsta: Well... my idiot brother spoilt our 6 month hard launch plan. But here's the F1 X Hockey couple ❤️
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colecaufield: my little speed demon 🫶🏻
user: they're steamy 🥵
jackhughes: fly us out to another race?
yourinsta: uhhhhh let me think... no.
jackhughes: boo you whore
user: Jack with a mean girls reference?
user: this is something I didn't know I need
chloejames: can't wait for a little brother
lancestroll: um what about me?
chloejames: 👩🏻‍🦯👩🏻‍🦯👩🏻‍🦯
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Tag List:
@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @dasiysthings @dancerbailey3 @puckmaidens @cole-mcward48 @sammiejane22
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saucyjothoughts · 2 months
Festival sex with Jan was my umazane misli request, and I love you too. Because YAAAAAY ADDGSSTHDFH🥵🥵 that was amazing and cute and hot and so much more than I had hoped for. My heart started beating faster when I saw my request on your Tumblr and I've read it at least 7 times by now. I looooooove it.
Thank you so much! Thank you thank you thank you ❤️ The whole festival atmosphere was spot on. In my mind it never was a just-for-once-hookup and I love it that you made them actually exchange numbers. Real numbers. They will definately hook up again on the second night, won't they? The festival weekend is far from over. So if you're up for a sequel..😇
Festival Sex with Jan - Part Two
(part one here)
(nsfw under the cut)
You can still feel him on your mouth when you get back to your tent. You’re a little tender between the legs and you smell of him and he’s left marks on your neck and your friends immediately quiz you about where you’ve been. Annoying, but also kinda good for your ego.
The second day of the festival goes much like the first. Except this time, you’re checking your phone a little more frequently. Because once wasn’t enough. The sun is hot and so are you, and you’re thinking about how his body felt against yours, how his cock pulsed in your hand, how good his tongue felt against your clit. It's another day of rushing between stages and singing until your lungs are raw and indulging in greasy food and feeling your skin burn under the summer sun and meeting people with cool styles but no one grabs your interest for too long because none of them are him.
When his message finally comes through, you forget all about the next band.
Jan Nosering Festivalfuck: “Can still taste you x”
Something deep in your gut quivers. He tells you that his tent buddy suffered an injury that meant he had to leave the festival early, so he has room if you want to 'hang out' later.
It’s already dark when he meets you at the agreed place and walks you back to his tent, leading you by the hand. So it wasn’t just the beer goggles yesterday – he really is as cute as you remember. You’d missed his voice and that little smile. He sneaks you inside when the coast is clear, zipping it up behind you. It smells of grass and his dirty clothes and cologne and there’s just enough room for you to stretch out and get comfortable before he’s touching the side of your face, asking about your day. You tell him about which bands you saw while he’s running his palm over the curve of your hips and about those amazing cinnamon churros while he’s tracing his fingers along your thigh and about your friend getting one of her shoes stuck in a tree while he’s flicking gently at the spot where your nipple pokes against your top. All the while he’s listening, asking you questions, telling his own stories, and you begin to realise you might actually like him. He’s nice, he’s funny, and you need him in your mouth right now. You don't even know how badly he's been craving you all day and how greedy his body is with you finally right there under his touch.
He cranes his head back for you to devour that milky-sweet neck and this time you’re in no rush, this time the whole night is yours if you want it. The grounds are loud but his tent is a bubble and before you know it, you’ve taken his shirt off and let him remove yours and the air is steamy, heavy with tipsy-tired breath and the need for relief after a long, restless day. It’s almost too warm to be this close to him but his bare chest against yours feels so good, even though you’re both sweaty and breathless, every touch almost unbearably intense.
He’s exploring your tattoos with his gaze, his fingertips, his mouth - logging every inch of you to his memory to keep him satisfied for long after the festival is over - while you fumble out of the rest of your clothes and you can’t get over being able to see all of him, to feel him everywhere. You wonder what his job must be to have these rough but oh so delicate hands, this lithe muscle (he mentioned something about playing guitar but half the people at this festival do - he probably isn't even good) but now isn't the time for such personal questions. He has just the perfect amount of body hair across his chest and down his abs and under his navel and… how did you get down here? He shifts a knee and if you’d looked up you’d have seen him biting the back of his wrist, but your attention is squarely on the cock that gave you so much pleasure last night. The tent isn't big enough for this to be comfortable but you don't care, crouching over to take his erection in your hand and kiss at his balls as he groans in encouragement, trying to keep himself quiet. His musk fills your lungs and his body tenses in anticipation of your mouth and when you do finally take mercy on him and press your kiss against his cock, he hisses an inhale through his teeth and bucks his hips up against you. He's been dreaming of your lips all day; against his own or around his dick. Those lips, too.
You suck him leisurely, all spit and salt, cock jumping in your mouth and the taste of precum on your tongue, balls tightening until he reaches down to lift your chin.
“I need to fuck you.” His voice is delicious.
He flips you over in the cramped, sweaty little tent and tastes himself on your mouth unapologetically. On your back, he kneels between your legs and takes a moment to drink in the sight of you while he dresses his erection and then all at once he’s on top of you, as close as anyone has ever been. He explores you with his fingers first, slippery and skillful, and then it’s his cock pushing into you as you wrap one leg around his waist and he holds it for you there, rocking his hips deep into you. It’s intense and filthy, an indulgent little luxury in the liminal space of this festival, of this tent. His hair is wet with sweat - as is yours - and a bead of it drips from his brow onto your cheek which he hastily follows with his mouth, lapping it back up. He feels so good inside you. You’re eager to let go, to push through into euphoria.
He pauses. You note him hushing his breath and lifting his head, listening. There are new voices outside, close. His friends have returned. His thrusts slow but don’t stop altogether, and you can feel every inch of him as he moves. The feeling provokes an involuntary whine from your lips and Jan Nosering FestivalFuck slowly places a hand over your mouth, begging your silence. His hand is big and rough over your face and he uses just enough pressure to push the back of your head into the ground. There's naughtiness in his dark eyes, wickedness in his smile. In a playful moment, you push your tongue out to lick at his palm and he just about melts above you.
You hear voices call his name and after letting you suck on his fingers for a second, he reaches to pull a sheet over you both, covering your nakedness. Just in case anyone tries to open the tent. A part of you hopes they do.
You want to make this worse, to make it harder for him to keep his cool. You slip a hand between your hot bodies to touch yourself while he’s inside you, his cock leaping in you when he realises what you're doing. Watching him drunk on you, losing more and more control, it doesn't take long for your orgasm to hit. With the way your wet pussy clenches around his cock and how your pleasure shudders through your voice and makes you cling onto him so tightly, he's coming hard in you while you're still high. He continues slamming himself wetly into you for a long time after your peak is passed and you free fall together through the ecstasy of this intimate moment, landing softly on each other.
Afterwards, sweaty and sensitive, he continues touching you, cuddling you, your body quivering in residual pleasure. The whole tent reeks of sex and you never want to leave.
But you'll have to.
You're heading home tomorrow. You’ll never see Jan Nosering FestivalFuck again. You wonder if you'll message him anyway (maybe share some naughty pics) but it'll be pointless in the long-term. After the summer you’re moving all the way to Ljubljana to study pure mathematics at the university. Maybe you’ll find someone there to take your mind off him.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 8 months
Alphonse: Boo, when you said you were “magical in bed,” this isn’t exactly what I had in mind.
Boo: (holds up a 3 of diamonds) Is this your card?
Alphonse: Holy shit.
Basically what happened when Al thought they were looking for a hookup.
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heich0e · 7 months
need to know who u voted for and what ur thoughts are on who among the seijoh 4 are the best in bed (i voted mattsun i am a issei pussy pounder back breaker truther)
here is my definitive thought process re: ranking (no one is allowed to boo me)
#4 oikawa: PROBABLY A VERY UNPOPULAR OPINION but i think he rests on his pretty boy laurels a bit! not saying that he's in ANY way a bad fuck but i simply do not think he outranks his competitors here. so hot it's almost kind of annoying when he takes his clothes off.
#3 makki: he's got the spirit!! into weird stuff but is also very eager to please. very average guy energy but in an endearing way. still a very good fuck and especially as a hookup because he makes u feel very comfortable.
#2 mattsun: listen. i wanted to put him first. i really did. this is where i quite literally agonized in my internal debate. in fact, i would argue that he IS the most sexually charismatic of the four—however i live and die on the hill that his dick is HUGE. to the point that. it is arguably too big. u cannot have a quickie with issei because u either need like an hour of foreplay or enough lube that u basically need to take a hazmat shower after you're done. this is the only reason i marked him down. champagne problems.
#1 iwa: i don't think this needs a lot of explaining. iwaizumi hajime loverboy and pussy pleaser extraordinaire u will ALWAYS be famous to me.
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shawtuzi · 1 year
eren being a guest at the playboy mansion, and spending an *eventful* night with a particular chubby bunny.
idk i think its a cool idea :)
OUUUU UR MIND!!!! this just made me so excited omg (i listened to cozy and summer renaissance while writing this heh AND this is set in the early 2000’s!!!!)
this is 18+ mdni obvi///cw include: chubby black fem!reader, little mention of drug use, oral f receiving, mating press, choking, spitting, a little titty sucking, kinda rushed :((
i did a little research and it seems like a lot of actors were guests at the playboy mansion so let’s say eren is a new upcoming actor. he was the main star in a new film that had been doing numbers!!! with the way he can effortlessly display emotions and act his ass off—plus the fact that he has a face that looked like it was carved from the gods it wasn’t hard for him to book jobs.
it didn’t take long for him to get an invite to a party at the infamous playboy mansion and lucky for him he had the privilege to be in the presence of playboys most famous playboy bunny—you ofc!!!
you were playboys first and only plus sized bunny and boy did the public love you. the way you confidently flaunted your curves and gorgeous assets had men wanting you and with your entire career surrounding around body positivity and the way you strived to get plus sized women more involved in the fashion world women absolutely adored you!!!
now these typically weren’t black tie events ppl usually dressed casual so eren decided to pop out in just a plain oversized white t-shirt, jeans that were a little too baggy on him, and a pair of fila high tops. his hair that went just a little past his shoulders was tied half up half down and he made sure to wear his most expensive diamond stud earrings.
upon arriving people were already chatting him up, the most asked question being if he had a lil boo thing to which he replied no. and it was true! sure he’d had a few hookups with people in the business but he wasn’t quite sure he was ready for someone to hold him down. well yk he thought that until he laid eyes on the drop dead gorgeous woman sitting in a gigantic champagne filled glass. you and two other women were the centerpieces of the whole event as you all sat oh so prettily in the glasses—yours being the tallest. after taking a closer look he recognized your face immediately and suddenly lost all interest in the conversation he was having.
eren slowly trailed over to you, his eyes wide with wonder. your legs slowly swung back and forth over the glass as you scoped out the scene when suddenly your eyes landed on the man that looked as if he was in a trance. a smile made it way onto your lips as you beckoned him close with your fingers. you pulled your legs in the glass and slowly moved to sit on your knees and leant ever so gently on the rim of the glass. the faux champagne had your brown skin glistening in the blue hues that shone from the lights above you.
eren was about two feet shorter than the eight foot champagne glass and if he was any closer he might’ve asked you if he could taste the gloss on your plump lips. “you look awfully familiar have i seen you on tv before?” you giggled tilting your head to the side. it took eren a minute to regain his composure before he nodded, “uh yeah i was in this action movie that came out a couple months ago.” you gasped bringing a hand to your mouth, the slightest bit of champagne splashing out of the glass. “that’s where i know you from! i loved that movie i went to see it like three times in theaters! i’m a total sucker for spy movies,” you ran your pierced tongue over your bottom lip before nibbling on it.
“it’s your first time here correct? i’d remember a pretty face like yours,” you sat up straighter and brought your hands to your breasts, squeezing them together, letting the champagne wet them and make them glisten even more. even though you were in a semi engaging conversation with eren you were still on the clock and had to entertain the guests by showing off your goods which eren didn’t mind at all except it did get him a little distracted. “yeah…it’s my first time,” he mumbled bringing his eyes to your breasts before snapping them back to your eyes.
you could see it in eren’s eyes how enamored he was with you and you loooved it. the way he couldn’t keep his pretty jade eyes off you made you wanna jump his bones and that’s exactly what you set out to do. “how about i get down from here and we talk some more hm?” eren didn’t say a word instead he just nodded dumbly.
once you had gotten down from the champagne glass one of your many assistants brought you a pair of heels and a robe, you put the robe on but didn’t tie it up, leaving your body on display. although the heels were a nightmare to walk in bc your feet were wet with faux champagne you still walked like you owned the room, eren trailing behind you like a lost puppy. you abruptly turned around, eren’s chest bumping into your naked one, “let’s talk somewhere quiet this music is a bother.” your smaller hand grabbed onto his larger one and led him through the crowd until you were at the part of the mansion where your room and the other girls’ rooms were.
“holy shit…” eren mumbled as he stepped into your very large room. it was almost as big as the room the two of you were previously partying in and it was very very pink! you kicked off your heels and walked over to eren, you pulled him close by the belt loops in his pants and gave him a sweet smile. your eyes were low and red due to the two blunts you had smoked before the party started. “you know i didn’t invite you in here to actually ‘talk’ right?” as you said those words eren mumbled out a thank god before smashing his lips into yours. ‘strawberry lipgloss’ he thought to himself as he ran his tongue over your glossed up bottom lip.
eren has slipped your robe off your shoulders leaving you in only a pastel pink thong that was practically getting swallowed by your pussy. eren leant down and wrapped his lips around your pierced nipple, moaning around the bud. you were so wrapped in the pleasure you hadn’t even noticed eren had carried you to your california king bed, setting you down ever so gently. in a flash he had yanked your thong off and attached his lips to your soaked pussy.
eren had made you cum two times on his skillful tongue before you were yanking him up by his hair much to his dismay. “we can eat my pussy another time, i need your dick now,” you brought your pedicured foot to the bulge in his jeans and pressed down on it making him groan. “fuck okay you got a condom?” he asked undoing the button and zipper on his pants. you reached under your pillow and pulled a condom, a sly smile on your face.
eren plucked the condom from your hand letting out a tiny chuckle, “oh so you knew you were getting laid tonight?” you giggled giving him a quick nod. “i just didn’t know it was gonna be by my new favorite actor!” you giggled which turned into a squeak when you felt eren’s fat tip tap against your puffy clit. eren ran his dick between your folds before slowly sliding in, “fuuuck,” he groaned, his hand finding purchase on your pretty neck that was decorated w diamond necklaces. after adjusting to his size eren began to move, “m’your new favorite actor huh?” he chuckled throwing your thighs over his shoulders.
you let out a tiny ‘mhm!’ as you grasped onto his shoulders for dear life. eren captured your lips in a nasty kiss, moaning at the way your pretty little pussy gripped him like a vice. “hmm maybe i’ll bring you to my next movie premiere yeah? you can be my cute lil date?” eren pulled out until only the tip was in before slamming his hips back down nearly knocking the breath out of you. “yesss please w-wanna be your date so—ah! bad,” tears were now brimming your pretty brown eyes and it only encouraged eren to pick up the pace of his thrusts.
“s-shit open your mouth,” before you could even comprehend what he said eren brought his thumb to your lips and forced them apart before spitting in your mouth. you swallowed it happily and even stuck your tongue out to show eren—now that had his hips stuttering and his arms feeling wobbly. “m’gonna cum you close bunny?” you nodded your head feverishly your back arching up.
you and eren came together in a fit of groans from him and high pitched moans from yourself. while you were still trying to recover from you earth shattering orgasm eren was eyeing the pretty pink bunny ears that were on your bed side dresser. he reached over to grab them and unintentionally pushed his dick further into your weeping pussy causing you to let out a tiny whimper. “why didn’t you wear these bunny?” he asked holding the bunny ears in front of your fucked out face.
“i didn’t want them to get wet while i was in the champagne glass,” you laughed plucking them from his fingers, “but….i can wear them for you.” you both felt eren’s dick twitch at your words and that’s when you knew you had your answer. “you got anymore condoms?” he asked pulling out to remove the one he was wearing. you gave him a devilish grin and reached under your pillow to pull out yet another condom, “i always keep a second one under because no man can ever go just one round with me and there’s even more in my drawer.” fuck you were gonna be the death of him.
to make a long story short you and eren fucked till the sun came up and you had to postpone your photo shoot the next day bc you could barely even stand on your legs. eren made sure to leave you his number when he left and it didn’t take you long to text him and ask when you could see him again <333
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srirachacatarchieves · 9 months
Seventeen Virgins and Not Virgins : MY TAKE
People might flame me for this but I think this man is definitely a virgin. He’s had his dick sucked, most definitely. But I don’t think he’s stuck it in yet. Not that he couldn’t lose it if he wanted to, he just doesn’t care for it, and he doesn’t have the time.
Not a virgin. I mean that is just so obvious. His demeanor, everything. He’s incredibly mature, even more mature than you’d expect a 27 year old to be. Plus, he just has that effortless sex appeal. He definitely gets some pussy and/or some ass in the DL. Often too, cuz he always chill. He probably fucked Hyungwon too.
Not a virgin. I don’t even have to elaborate, do I?
Not a virgin. Even though he’s a good actor, I think him and Yi Zhang fucked, definitely. The chemistry was too real and you could just feel it between them. Also with his hip flexibility, I know he be hitting it weekly at least.
Not a virgin. He’s definitely had sex before, yeah definitely. He probably gets some at least a couple times a month, and I’m around 99% convinced it’s with either a red velvet member or a fellow dancer. Call it a gut feeling, that’s definitely right.
Not a virgin, but I don’t think he gets it often. His last hookup was probably like a year or so ago, and he’s not really big on sex anyways.
If you had asked me three months ago, I would have said virgin. But these days, have yall seen this man? He is glowing, I mean literally glowing like never before. I don’t know what to call it but a sex afterglow, lol. Check on Seventeen’s TT, every dance challenge he does he is so just cheery, and I’ve never seen him like that before. In conclusion, he’s getting pussy and/or ass really often these days. Or dick idk.
This man is not a fuckin virgin. Those muscles, that voice, that face? THOSE thighs? He has sex, and he’s good at it. He acts silly on the outside, and goofy and shit, but he’s serious in the bedroom. He’s probably sweet but also mean, and I stand by this.
A dick virgin by choice. Not to say that he hasn’t had MULTIPLE opportunities, but I think he’s too shy. That being said, I think he’s been fucked before. He’s just a submissive person in general, lololol.
NOT a virgin. This man, gets bitches. Chinese, Korean, American, all of em. He probably got girls lined up in his phone, listed by numbers. I’m half joking, but either way, he’s a total dom in the bedroom, and he probably fucks often.
Not a virgin. He’s really popular with korean media especially, and in variety shows, etc. Especially in the new netflix show that came out, he probably had some people come to his room. My point being, he has an unspoken rizz. Watch any of his were lives and you’ll see that. I’m not talking about entertainment king Boo Seungkwan, I’m talking about actual Seungkwan. I say this again, watch one of his live videos, and watch him be effortlessly cool, sexy, and rizzzzzyyy.
Not a virgin, he chill and he get some on the down low as well.
Not a MOTHERFUCKIN virgin! He fucks bitches, a lot. I just know it. He can get anyone, anytime. He packing too…. His body is literally..perfect, he has broad shoulders, thick thighs. He’s every girl and guys dream.
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sim0nsays · 7 months
Park Joonggil Imagines [Ch 1 : Hookup]
"i want you.." you breathed out against his lips. he raised an eyebrow at your sudden confession, before letting his gaze fall onto your lips. "please." you whispered, as he brushed a thumb against your lips. he admired your features as you sat in-front of him.
he brushes a strand of hair from your face, before pulling a fistful of hair back to have more access of your neck, where he decorates with hickeys, from your collarbone to your jawline before pulling away and moving towards your lips. his hand comes to caress your cheek before placing his lips on yours. the hand that caressed your cheek slammed down on the table beside you as he moved closer, almost towering over you. your heavy breathes filled the room, as you tangled your fingers in his hair, as you kissed back impatiently. sexual tension filled the room, as tongues were pressed against each other.
only once, he pulled away, breaking the kiss to loosen his necktie and undo a few buttons. grinding against him in need of more skin-ship, you bit your lip as you looked up at him. he grabbed ahold of your neck and pressed your lips together again for another sensual kiss.
— 𓆩♡𓆪 —
and that's all i got because i don't fully write smuts because i don't really have the confidence to anymore.
i ain't got an idea what to name the title. so that's the title for now.
boo bye 𓆩♡𓆪
edit: i copy and pasted this from my wattpad account. there are smuts to come, i was lying.
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pastelavender88 · 2 years
What pet names do you think Buck and Eddie would use the most of their gfs?
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I feel like Eddie is more old-school boyfriend than Buck is. Probably because he was out of the game when stuff like hookup culture and sleeping around was accepted more and more.
So he's an "Angel, Beloved, Darling, Love, My Other Half" kind of boyfriend.
If you share a kid together or you're pregnant I can see him calling you "Mama" as a joke.
Most of that’s before marriage and stuff though. After a while you get special nicknames and maybe even ironic nicknames.
He may call you “Pat” because once at an aquarium (the interactive part) a starfish got stuck to your hand and naturally his head went to the iconic Patrick star from Spongebob.
Or maybe “cougar” because once at a bar a kid, who looked way too young to be in a bar, hit on you (awkwardly) and called you a cougar to your face. 
Now Buck is a diiferent story. If you guys start off as like hookups or something he calls you awkward nicknames like “Bud” or “Pal”.
As time goes on and you get more serious you get a “Babe” and ���Honey”
I can see him also using your background as a pairing with your nickname. 
Like if you're from Georgia, he’ll call you “Peaches” or “Sugar” (that’s because he believes that everyone talks like a character from True Blood.)
Over time you notice his nicknames are more heartfelt and meaningful. Like using favorite foods, and hobbies, maybe if you speak another language, he’ll go as far as finding out more about your language and going off of that as well.
Cara Mia (Italian for "beloved"), Principessa (Italian for "princess"),Mi Cielo (Spanish, literally "my sky")
Bonus: What they like to be called...
Eddie: Honey, Sugar, Mi Amor, Mi Guapo, Baby Boy (it started as a joke but he enjoys it more than he admits subeddie confirmed), and Good-looking
Buck: Bub, Sexy, Boo Thang (started as a joke but it stuck), Romeo, McDreamy (Buck is the type of boyfriend that complains about your “cheesy” shows but sits there and watches everything, so he understands this reference), and Hercules (because big strong sexy man, duh!).
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formulapookie · 2 months
8 + rosquez
8. who did this to you
it’s been a while they’ve finally stopped senseless hookups labeled as with no feelings and actually talked it out.
It has been difficult at first yes, but everything is with them.
Especially now with Marc being Pecco’s teammate and him still being scarred after what Vale did.
“I am not leaving this time, unless it’s you asking me to leave I am not going to do it”
It had reassured Marc, and it was beautiful.
Being able to trust again, trust someone you loved so much and still hurt you.
On Vale’s part too, knowing Marc trusts him and doesn’t want him to leave.
Waking up together, feeling the love in their every action, going to sleep in the same bed and getting used to having the other in the same bed in the morning too.
No one knew about them, not even the academy or Alex, they were good at hiding it.
On track for marc it was still uneasy, booing still the same, the tension in the air always thick.
But never like this year had he ever felt so much resentment. Misano felt bad from the start, sending the Ducati into the gravel, a red flash on the side of the track.
But he got up and started again, like always.
Feeling hawk-like eyes on him ready to analyze his every mistake.
By the time the GP ended and he won it was a mixture of emotions.
Happiness for gaining the lead in the championship, proudness towards his team, and that same feeling of unease he had since the start of the weekend.
Italy wasn’t his territory, he knew that, but he thought being with Ducati could’ve made this better.
Turns out it didn’t.
Vale knows Marc went partying with the crew and a few friends, rightfully so, and knew that once he came home the two would’ve shared one of those nights neither could forget.
But when he hears their knock at his door and opens it already thinking about Marc he is in shock.
A bruise on the man’s zygome is pretty the only thing he can focus on right now, some blood still on his cheek, dry.
“What the fuck”
Marc pushed in, trying to hide the bruise Vale has obviously already seen.
“Marc come here”
“Let me go to sleep Vale I just- I just need to sleep”
But Vale is not one to let the person he so dearly loves go to fucking sleep when he’s good blood on him.
He makes a run towards the feet of the stair leading to their room, planting himself in the middle of it.
“No. You are not going to sleep like that. Come here, I need to look at that and do something”
It feels unreal. That’s a punch mark he’s got on his face, how could no one in the Ducati crew fucking see it?
Marc wants to protest, but can’t, just follows Vale to the kitchen, sitting on one of the table chairs and waiting.
The man comes back from the bathroom with a safety kit he keeps there, and starts cleaning the wound and applying creams to make it go away.
Marc can feel the anger radiating from Vale’s body and his stupid brain thinks it’s directed towards him.
“Are you angry with me?”
“Angry with- now why would I be angry with you? You’ve got a fucking bleeding cheek and you think I’m angry at you?”
Marc has tears he’s holding back, he doesn’t want to let them out.
“I am worried for you Marc, not angry, never angry”
It is true, a marc knows the tone in Vale’s voice when he’s being honest, that is it.
“Now. Tell me” Vale sits down, practically bloodshot eyes and fingers tapping against the wooden table.
“Who did this to you?”
and Marc wants to sink in the chair and stay silent.
He doesn’t want to look weak.
What asshole did this to you?”
and this time Marc answers, telling him about a guy with a 46 cal who’s been in the VR46 box, garage, the whole time, and which Vale has heard comment about Marc in a not so pleasant way.
“Ok” there’s a pause in which they’re both so silent Marc can only feel
his heartbeat and Valle’s rushed and rapid one.
“I’ll have him blacklisted from every paddock on earth and go talk to him very quickly”
“No Vale I - no”
“Marc he punched you. He punched you because you are you and because I said those horrible things about you. And he believed me.
I am not letting this go unnoticed”
“I love you want to avenge me or whatever you’re thinking but right now I just need you to stay here. With me. Please I need you to stay with me”
and Vale crumbles. Marc is hurt, not just physically, hearing those words again must have gotten a hit on him.
“I’ll stay here then. Make sure you don’t hurt and make you fall asleep. But i’ll have him kicked out anyway. He’s dangerous”
Marc nods, while Vale walks him to the couch,pulling him into a hug so tight it could be suffocating.
And Marc just curls up in his embrace, head against Vale’s chest, feeling the man’s heartbeat slow down as he strokes his hair.
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