#hood: veronaville
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katatty · 2 days ago
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Oh, Veronaville, how I've missed you!
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microscotch · 1 year ago
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base game cover recreation but with characters that actually appear
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simsllama · 1 month ago
Been sorting out my Sims 2 hood pairings:
🌳 Pleasantview (PV) – using @strangetomato's PV with a twist, paired with Sim State University (SSU), Downtown (DT), and Bluewater Village (BV).
🛸 Strangetown (ST) – @chrisnewbie's PSP version, linked with La Fiesta Tech (LFT), Viper Canyon (VC), and Desiderata Valley (DV) using @katatty's DV makeover.
🎭 Veronaville (VV) – paired with Academie Le Tour (ALT), Belladonna Cove (BC), and Riverblossom Hills (RH) with @katatty's RH makeover.
All hoods include all vacation destinations obviously. I also plan to use @katatty's DT and uni hood makeovers in the future.
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sovaharbor · 2 months ago
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loreaspiration · 1 year ago
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The Chapel of the Sacred Heart is the church on the Capp side of Veronaville (which I've dubbed Old Towne). I love building church lots in my game, I just need to find more stuff for my Sims to do there so it's actually worth visiting!
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ts2lotmakeoverdb · 2 months ago
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Veronaville by Kingakicia2001
Download (MTS)
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heromonty · 1 year ago
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My account is officially the Daniel Pleasant hate account and the Monty Women fan account. Bianca Monty’s living on her own, in a house bought for her by her parents…I wish (fr though, I’m not going anywhere in the next 5-7 years @ this rate with how expensive everything is).
I’ve got some ideas brewing in my head of what I want to do with her 🤫
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Also I resurrected Hero 🌚 So instead of her dying mysteriously, I’m going to do something like the below (credit to @sabrinassims ). Ofc instead of her being actually assassinated 😭, she survived an attempt. Wonder who could’ve planned that…. I also just like the Monty’s more so 🫣
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Also also, this is how I’ll forever view these two families (with a little bit of Shakespeare flair) because it makes so much sense 😭 Ty random person’s comment on reddit I found while bored.
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falling-turtle · 1 year ago
University of Illyria - a university subhood for Veronaville
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For centuries, the famed university of Illyria has been heralded as one of the biggest centers of literature and culture. What will it offer to new generations of Sims? As I promised, here it finally is! A university subhood for Veronaville with Sims inspired by Shakespeare's plays so you can enjoy more Shakespeare in your neighborhood!
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Features: 5 households with 8 students in total, based on Shakespeare's plays Twelfth Night and All's Well That Ends Well, all complete with relationships, memories, skills, bios and hobby enthusiasm. 3 dorms, 7 residential lots and 8 community lots. Community lots are fully furnished while with residential lots I left lots of opportunities for you to clutter them with your own cc.
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The neighborhood name when you download it is UILL so make sure you don't have another university by that name already. The neighborhood is built on the Three Lakes Template so you shouldn't need a camera mod to see all the lots. Because of the way subhoods work in Sims 2, the names of professors, dormies and other NPCs will be randomized when you add the university to your neighborhood. I included a folder with more Shakespeare-sounding names for your NPCs if you want them for more "Shakespeare immersion" but don't want to come up with them yourself. You can use SimPe to change the names.
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Mods that you WILL need: 50 new lifetime wants by Lamare Fix subhood selection by Mootilda Lifestyle Build Bundle (the second link in the top post; extracted from Lifestyle Stories by Argon) Bespoke Build Set by Honeywell Sweetening Fruit Nectar Bar Recolors (ALWoodColours only) and pcsims_smb Seasons Kiosk and More MM Recolours (recolors only) by Michelle
Recommended mods:
Veronaville 2.0 by Delijume is what I prefer to play instead of the original Veronaville, so if you want even more Shakespeare than what the original Veronaville + my university gives you, I recommend you check it out! Veronaville 2.0 also includes a university, in the "English" style so I modeled my university more after the "Italian" style so it'd complement Delijume's. I also created the playables so that they wouldn't "clash" with any of those from Veronaville 2.0
Little Stratford by me, a shopping district also created for Veronaville for even more Shakespeare!
Meet the students at the University of Illyria!
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Orsino is trying to win the heart of his beloved Olivia, but maybe there is somebody else close by whose heart he already won?
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While at university, Olivia is trying to focus on her studies and leave the partying and dating to others. But will Orsino's new roommate change those plans?
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Sebastian hasn't talked to his sister Viola in a long time. Will there be a joyful reunion once the siblings see each other again?
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After being dumped by her boyfriend, Helen followed him to the university he's enrolled at with one goal: get him back! Her best friend Diana is fully on board with the plan. Will they be successful?
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Bertram and Parolles intend to enjoy their college life to the fullest. Will they also manage to mantain their good grades? And is Parolles truly a bad influence on Bertram?
Thank you for checking this out! Side note: I ran into some bugs while testing the neighborhood. I'm pretty sure they are ironed out now and the university is working exactly as intended but please let me know if anything seems amiss.
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buildbuymode · 1 year ago
if anyone else associates colours with the ts2 neighbourhoods what colour do you associate with veronaville? it's blue for pleasantview and green for strangetown for me but veronaville isn't as like. obvious to me, maybe purple?
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sulsulsalem · 2 years ago
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Primrose brings home Angela Pleasant from school for a game of chess, just before the first snow falls.
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katatty · 2 days ago
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"I got accepted into Academie Le Tour!"
"That's wonderful, Desdemona. Your mother was worried you were going to follow Miranda into the desert. Honestly, what kind of serious institution calls itself 'Fiesta'?"
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polinationtech · 1 year ago
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Some Tycutio screenshots of my most recent Veronaville (sorry for the low quality, I used the camera option in-game without realizing 😭)
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simptasia · 1 year ago
of the veronaville sims left in that poll, i hope tybalt wins the whole thing because of the characters left, he's the one with the most personality and flavour
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oceansmotion · 2 years ago
The VV subhood is coming along....slowly
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There's not much yet, but this is hours worth of building because for some reason I decided to furnish all of these lots. I just want to know how Maxis made a whole entire hood English inspired but only put in like two colors of those paneled walls. But I'm almost done with this particular style of homes before I move on to more English stone farm house styled ones. This area is for middle to upper class Sims, the rest of this side of the river will be lower to lower middle class homes. Someday I'll get the energy to start the castle I have planned for the Edgar Allen Poe inspired household.
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simlith · 1 year ago
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hi there! i'm lily and i've been playing the sims 2 since 2001.
i mostly play sims 2 rotationally and currently, i am on r5 of my first ever strangetown playthrough. i am a pleasntview stan at-heart and i will always (ALWAYS) give dina caliente the life she deserves 💸💸💸
so basically, you'll find rotational gameplay here with my custom rules, s2 cc finds reblogs, the occasional sim download, might start a bacc as that's something i've never tried before so that'll be hilarious.
i use clay hairs and i (try to) only use maxis-match / 4t2 clothes.
wcif's are welcome~
👽 STRANGETOWN DUMPS. + family tree (wip)
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loreaspiration · 1 year ago
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I've also been playing Veronaville rotationally, though I haven't been in this hood for a few weeks now!
I feel like Veronaville used to be the most underrated of the basegame hoods. But over the years, I've definitely seen more people play in it again, which I love! I have such fond memories of exploring this hood when I was little.
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