#hoo michael kahale
f0xgl0v3 · 8 months
Octavian and Michael quest where Venus lost her girdle.
This is totally random but I wanna write it specifically because I wanna write tiny little baby 13-year-old Michael and Octavian sit there and have to get to like, Santa Barbara and pick it up from like Artemis because she had one of her hunters bag it because she lost in Uno against her or something.
Super stupid example but I needed something really quickly and I dunno. Feels like a thing Artemis would do to her Aunt(?) in Pjo canon I think its like her Great-Aunt.
That example obviously has massive repercussions to the Hunters and their knowledge of both camps and whatever. And like Octavian and Michael having to somehow retrieve it without being like turned into a dog or something I don’t know!
Anyway probably expect a like skeleton of that potential story soon once I figure out what their doing.
(Except for the prophecy. I can’t make prophecies, I’m worse than Pjo Apollo at trying to poem myself so that will… have to be figured out.)
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For reference that’s the distance between Berkeley (I think that’s where Camp is) and Santa Barbra. Though I might move it to being in Santa Cruz so I can make stupid Disney shenanigans.
Also this entire concept is totally subject to change but I just wanna write what Octavian and Michael’s quest was but I also wanted it to be very like. Not super duper serious? Sure the Girdle is a very powerful thing but I didn’t want it to be like on the brink of war whatever,
Honestly how it’s going down in my head is like, two sisters arguing about clothes swapping but instead it’s like, “JUNOOOO! Where is my girdle??” Haha silly Iliad reference and then like Juno does the whole “I don’t know Venus have you blah blah blah” and then Like you get the idea.
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devils-little-sista · 2 months
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Will about Nico: I can fix him!!! (He cannot)
Percy and Jason and Cupid and Michael Kahale about Nico: ok well I can make him scared of me and hard (they indeed can)
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aroaceleovaldez · 11 months
why are PJO characters most consistently measured in scales of Michaels?
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Like. this is some of the most specific height information we have out of most characters, besides maybe Percy being an inch shorter than Jason. The Michaels Scale...
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blagam0nie · 3 months
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I just wanted to say that I love you guys, whole octavian fandom. You make me smile, sometime laugh. And I wish that this art of our cinnamon rolls will make you happy.
OctaKahale is actually the sweetest ship I ever have
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octag0n-l0v3r · 5 months
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Massive Camp Jupiter shitpost bc I was very bored.
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octavian wet cat headcanons
@odysseus-crewmate-number38 and i have decided that there has been enough of rick's writing which transparently only made octavian an object onto which to project hate, rather than a character. because i am the sexiest and smartest person on the planet, i understand octavian better than rr, and know that what he is actually meant to be is a traditionally queer-coded, camp, homosexual villain, who enjoys being a villain immensely. the following are a compilation of ody and mine's absolutely true and fully verified octavian facts (he told me):
his little augur rituals are like drag performances
in which i don't means he dresses up in drag but rather that he's exaggerated and dramatic
he does the thing where he rubs his grubby little hands together
he's the type to say "well well well look what the cat dragged in"
light in the office opens dramatically as octavians spinny chair turns to the door
’i’ve been expecting you’
he’s done this 12 times already
he says the same name of. the person who hes been expecting. he eventually is right
WHY does octavian's wiki page say his ancestors are VENUS, JUPITER (also apollo obviously) and. a bunch of mortal guys like hercules? what the fuck. guy must be so inbred
his ancestory is just the olympus family tree
but i mean he's a legacy of venus so that explains everything. he's just suffering from a terminal amount of prettyboy syndrome
octavian would wear so much gold. 90 pounds soaking wet 138 pounds with all his robes and jewelery on
he'd get things covered in gold leaf just because he can
his closet takes up the space of like three entire barracks of the cohort
‘where did the funding for the new buildings in camp jupiter go’ . new suspiciously closet shaped building implemented:
not that he doesn't already have enough money. he just likes doing it like this
nobody else is allowed to touch his clothing though. high treason actually
one of his henchmen (bryce) can bc he knows exactly how to handle it and which setting on the washing machine to use with which detergent
oh he’d watch the devil wears prada and base his personality on the boss from that movie
his room has a shrine dedicated to meryl streep actually .reyna accidentally walks in on him once and sees him praying to her. they never talk about it
octavian could deify miranda if he tries hard enough
oh my goddd. do you think his biggest internal conflict during hoo would be "can a girl like me really have more than ONE evil henchman?"
how is he going to strut down the halls in an iconic triad formation if he only has ONE henchman . he has to follow in his ancestors footsteps (heather chandler, chanel oberlein, regian george-)
his henchman no1 is michael kahale, son of venus, who's canonically fit as fuck and pretty close to octavian, headcanonically a gayboy who rolls his eyes and sips his starbucks drink waaaay too loudly when people he doesn't like are talking (he does this in the senate meetings)
his henchman no2 is bryce lawrence, legacy of orcus, god of punishment, who was canonically banished from camp jupiter bc he killed someone, but in boo, octavian takes him back. he's supposed to be really big and burly, with some "traditionally unattractive" traits (which i've decided to allow, as long as michael and octavian call them pretty in a totally infatuated way)
edit: someone said that since he doesn't have a last name, it should be octavian gallo (since it means rooster), and i'm making that canon now
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irishskeptic · 9 months
The three Michaels of the Riordanverse:
Michael Yew
Michael Kahale
And Michael Varus
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zazzander · 1 year
I wasn't super convinced by the Michael Kahale was the traitor theory but now I'm reading the scene again... I'm starting to really see it.
Not only did Octavian not make the order but no one in the legion was following his orders at that point!!
Michael Kahale was the traitor 🤯🤯🤯
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argoii-official · 3 months
did michael at least help tavy clean up after the water gun fight...? 😭
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drewtanakagf · 5 months
So i was scrolling through the drew tanaka tag as one does and found this post by @curseofdelos that i was like !!!!! about, and i read through it and I was like. Yes, but also… 
So this is my also. I suggest reading the post first as it does very well in explaining the issues with Piper and Drew’s writing and why that’s harmful. 
But I’d like to take it a step further and extrapolate to the bigger picture of cabin 10. 
What about the boys? 
TL;DR: There are a lot of in-text and meta negotiations of masculinity versus femininity that occur in /influence PJO/HOO, and that leaves boys in the Aphrodite Cabin in an awkward limbo. 
Before we get into the nitty gritty, I first want to establish that masculinity is not femininity. Which like, duh, but that means that anything that is not masculine can and will be considered feminine. Point blank, no nuance (There is a literature backing, but I think its a bit too much, so I’ll just put it at the end if you wanna find the article I’m referring to). 
And that’s what Rick is operating on, while you can’t deny it is a spectrum, at the time of writing TLH and such, there was a general societal understanding of masculinity as being macho and strong and rejecting softness for hardcore or whatever. And this positioning is where femininity comes in, and where we can begin to talk about Cabin 10. 
Rick writes Cabin 10 as inherently feminine, thus attaching “beauty” to this narrow idea; best shown through describing the cabin as a Barbie house and Piper's claiming ordeal. It is a place where there is nothing “masculine,” leading to the stereotype of Aphrodite kids not being able to fight, since war is masculine and thus out of their purview. 
This does deconstruct with Silena and then Piper, but the existence of Drew proves that it is still upheld and important enough to the story. 
I do believe that Rick tried to have his “oh you can still be feminine without being hyper feminine!” moment with Piper & Drew’s conflict, however, he failed to give Drew enough agency to make it seem like there was a genuine conflict rather than just “mean girl v girl-next-door.” (again, @curseofdelos explained it very well, go read!). 
Now with the girls out of the way, the boys are kinda… lost in the sauce? The only Aphrodite boy we get is Mitchell and it is very telling that a lot of people hc him as gay… which again is the posturing of masculinity vs femininity and whatever is not masculine is therefore feminine. And being gay is being attracted to masculinity and this feminine etc etc (according to societal norms). The fact that he is the only male Aphrodite kid rep is again, telling and really affirms the inherent femininity of Cabin 10. 
“Hey! He’s not the only ‘Aphrodite’ Kid! What about Michael!” And Michael just further proves my point! He’s the son of Venus, and Roman counterparts are considered as more “warlike” than their Greek ones. War being considered masculine and a rejection of femininity, as established earlier w/ Cabin 10 kids not being warriors. Now, Micheal exists as a (hyper) masculine counterpoint to Drew’s (hyper) feminine, making the Roman Venus a direct opposite as the Greek Aphrodite. 
This is actually, kinda commendable in terms of plot, since it helps reinforce the differences between Greek and Roman and how extreme they were. Great storytelling device, bad everything else. 
One more thing I want to touch on is the vilification of femininity, and why it must be rejected in the pjo/hoo. You can only fight if you adopt masculine traits, and therefore not fighting and still surviving means that you are doing something dishonorable like, abusing charmspeak (Drew) or using magic (Circe, Medea, etc) or even spying (Silena). Which is a very masculine idea, of how things should be solved by violence ( i mean, look at violence perpetrated by men compared to women in our society…) I think I’ve said this before, but in Piper’s arc, there needs to be an antagonist to prove how she doesn’t “fit in” at CHB, and create that tension of her either choosing to save her father and betray or continue the quest as is; and that antagonist ended up being Drew, and that makes sense bc Cabin 10 is against what Piper is characterized as, and she just is a rejection of that femininity. 
Anyways, let me not get away from myself. Basically, within the story, there is no real opportunity for the characters to reject gender stereotypes without falling into others. And Rick wrote himself into that hole. 
Literature Referenced: Shippers, Mimi. “Masculinity and Femininity, Theories of.” The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, 2016. Edited by Nancy A. Naples. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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shattered-glasswork · 5 months
Mike: I ran into Octavian in the kitchen at 1 AM last night and when I asked him what he was doing, he just shrugged, said “these are my roaming hours,” and wandered off, strumming vaguely on his guitar
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f0xgl0v3 · 6 months
Random bits of SoN re-imagined!!
I have no motivation to write out the plot overview draft for the CJ part of SoN re-imagining because I’ve already written several drafts on paper and converting them to digital always sucks but I still desperately want to talk about it and I’m stuck at home sick right now so this seems like the best time to rant about cool parts of it before I can put it into formal words,
Uhh, starting off Bryce Lawerence gets a character. Since HoO re-imagined expands the timeline by a few months overall he gets to have his moment to shine doing things like; manipulating Percy into decimating everyone in the war games with his powers even though it’s not the Roman way even though Dakota asked him to please not because he wants to try and win this genuinely (ties into hcs about how camp views power usage and stuff-) uh, he’s the one that stabs Gwen, he gets to have a family heirloom Pilum and stuff and like- yeah.
Octavian and Michael get to be shown as being actual close friends!! They pretty much get to be vibing together; silly friends, pals, friends, bros. Idk what I was getting at there, but uh, Octavian gets a character-
Dakota and Gwen also get a character. For plot purposes and characterization Gwen gets to be a daughter of Mithras; they get an extra chapter to actually be focus characters for a second and Gwen gets to like- say more than a few bits of Dialogue!
That’s all of the stuff that I really am excited about, uh. Yeah :3 this was a really weird post but like I said, I still need to type out the full Camp Jupiter part of the SoN re-write
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devils-little-sista · 3 months
As a multishipper. Never underestimate my ability to ship Nico with a bunch of random guys in the riordanverse. Here’s a list of them in random order
Connor Stoll
Sherman Yang
Michael Kahale
Cupid/Eros (sometimes as himself and sometimes in Percy’s form but Nico knows it’s Eros)
I don’t really ship him with them but Nyx and Achlys are obsessed with him in every way possible and bug him all the time but Nico wants nothing to do with either of them
Possibly more that I am forgetting about
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blagam0nie · 2 months
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Tavi is doing his best to paint mike's nails, but his shaking hands make it messy. Luckly Michael doesn't care, he just enjoy the moment.
I just wonder why Tavi's shirt is so big 🤔
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octag0n-l0v3r · 4 months
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Part 5
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