#hoo boy this one hit a little close to home
pumpkinbxtch · 5 months
— two people, one umbrella ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° headcanons
the hoO boys when starts to rain and there's just one umbrella. ft. apollo
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who's here: frank zhang, jason grace, leo valdez, percy jackson and apollo
warnings: none
a/n: its friday, so headcanons arrives here. kisses for y'all. enjoy.
— frank *⁠.⁠✧
This guy doesn't hesitate for a second, he's got you covered with the umbrella, most (if not all) of it.
"I don't want you getting sick," he says while holding the umbrella.
He's so tall he doesn't need to raise it any higher than necessary, and you keep pushing it toward the center so each of you gets at least a little covered.
He might pretend he's covered, but his shoulder is getting terribly soaked.
He's thinking about the shape-shift, imagining what it would be like if you had a canary on your shoulder while walking in the dry, safe rain.
But in the end, he obeys you. He takes your hand and tries to cover both of you (because he thought he might get sick, then you'd want to help him, and he doesn't want to bother you).
— jason *⁠.⁠✧
Once the umbrella is fully open, he figures out the best way for both of you to be covered, always putting you first in his mind.
He moves you in front of him, but he can see you might trip.
He considers just covering you, but he knows you'd both end up fighting and getting wet anyway.
So, he wraps his arm around your waist to pull you closer. Now, you're both under the umbrella, dry.
He smiles at you and takes advantage of the closeness to kiss your cheek and your knuckles.
“let me, my love” he says soflty if you try to help him with the umbrella.
He's the type to hold your hand and tuck it into his jacket to keep you warm.
Another thing he could do is control the air so the umbrella holds itself up and you can walk together even more comfortably.
— leo *⁠.⁠✧
"I already anticipated that!" he exclaimed when he saw that both of you weren't completely covered by the umbrella he was carrying and smiled eagerly at you.
He presses a button on the umbrella's handle and it expands even more, Hurray! You're both covered.
As you continue walking on the sidewalk, Leo looks at other couples in similar positions, only much closer, cuddling and lovingly playing around, while the umbrella with the improvements he invented works so well that you even walk a bit away from him.
Oh no... :(
He wants to do those cheesy things with you too, and he plays the fool.
If a child of Hephaestus can fix something, they can also break it, so he presses the button too hard, for breaking it. The extra space is gone.
"What happened?" you ask confused, some drops start to wet your hair, and Leo smiles seeing how beautiful the dew looks on you,
he just shrugs "I don't know, I guess it doesn't work anymore" he says uninterestedly, and he pulls you to him impatiently,
definitely using some of his warmth so you don't get cold.
He adjusts himself, hugs you, and you walk together.
— percy *⁠.⁠✧
He literally gives a fuck if it rains or not, so the problem is, he never carries an umbrella.
But that's because he can control his waterproofing. If Percy Jackson doesn't want to get wet, he won't, but you're not him.
"Don't worry, babe," he says with a confident smile as you cover yourself with your hand from the increasingly heavy rain.
He bites his lips and looks above you, now the rain avoids you both, and you're no longer getting wet.
He winks at you, and you hug him sideways. Let the mist take care of what others see, and he leans in for a kiss. You give it to him.
suddenly feeling the drops hitting your hair again. For a few seconds, neither of you cares, and he hugs you, prolonging the kiss.
A kiss in the rain.
When the water trickles down your noses and you can taste some of those drops, you break apart with a giggle.
"Oops," he says, and he focuses again to keep you both rain-free.
Though you run to get home as soon as possible because for Percy, it's hard not to want to stop and kiss and cuddle you.
— apollo *⁠.⁠✧
He's a god, and the god of the Sun. He could literally make a few calls to get rid of that silly rain bothering his beloved.
But oh no, Apollo lives for the drama, for love, it's for the feelings he exist, so he conjures up an umbrella and covers you.
Apollo will definitely sing "Singing in the Rain" while dragging you along and giving you gentle spins.
For him, it's such a mundane moment, but because he's with you, he wants to turn it into the greatest musical ever told, because it's for the two of you and for him, it's better.
He takes your hand and swings it with great humor.
He's literally a sun walking on the streets full of people grumpy because of the bad weather and a gray, cloudy landscape.
When he sees you smile and chuckle, his spirit overflows with joy, and unintentionally, the sun appears among those clouds, and the rainbow makes a nice trio in the sky.
He gives you a peck on the lips when you raise your eyebrows at his mischief.
"I can't help it," he says with a smile and links your arm with his to continue the walk.
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doonarose · 2 months
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New fic!!! The big one that I've been thinking about and writing for ages and I really, really, really want it to be good! Chapter one is here! The next nine chapters are written and will drop about once a week!
CW/TW: Explicit sexual content in later chapters. Minor human injuries, major animal injuries, car accident in this chapter.
Summary: Aziraphale and Crowley are from different worlds with little in common and no reason for their lives to ever intersect. But then one dark, cold, miserable night their meeting becomes unavoidable as they narrowly avoid their cars colliding. They're left with an injured wild animal and the inevitability of starting to fall for each other. But, of course, it isn't as simple as that...
A/N: Hoo boy. This story has been percolating for seven and a half months. It's my first try at a human AU and I first came up with it as some sort of coping mechanism after I hit a kangaroo in my brand new car and had to limp another four hours home without a headlight.
I never would have thought about trying to write it properly without the needling, annoying, and cheerleading of the GOAD writer's chat! Extra special shoutouts to u/harlotofupdog and u/Paperclip_ninja for being at the forefront of the push for 'deer fic' and then agreeing to beta without realising that would also mean listening to me bemoan every last little decision and detail for weeks on end! Thanks also to u/FuzzyGoblinoid for even more cheerleading and also making the lovely header art!
Nine chapters are already written and the whole story mapped out so I will be updating about once a week with those and hopefully stay ahead! There are some feelings to be had, but do not fear, the smut is closer than you think and, I promise, everything will work out in the end!
Excerpt It is a truly horrendous winter’s night, cloaked in pitch black darkness and pelting rain. Howling winds make the little white hatchback shudder and tilt as it rolls along, Aziraphale grasping the steering wheel tighter as he wills the tyres to maintain their grip on the road.
The night is all the more miserable for being a Monday, in all likelihood the start of a fairly rotten week, and a teeth-chattering eight degrees Celsius — both inside and outside the car because, of course, Aziraphale’s heating hasn’t worked since December. He should have left London earlier and been home already, snuggled under the blankets with a good book and a cup of tea. But Sharron, the bookshop owner, had called to say she was stuck on the other side of town and asked him to work back. It hadn’t occurred to him to say no.
Which is why he is now squinting through the windscreen as the wipers squeak back and forth and the rain starts to come down even harder. The first crack of lightning makes him jump in his seat and illuminates the dense woodland streaming past on either side. It also reveals that the twin gleaming tail lights ahead belong to an old-fashioned, sleek beast of a car.
Aziraphale eases off the accelerator to put a few more metres between him and the vehicle ahead and grumbles as the digital clock ticks past nine. They are both driving at well over the speed limit but Aziraphale knows these roads, knows his way home. He so desperately wants to be there already, instead of here, miserably holding his whole body tense against the onslaught of weather outside.
The road curves and the hatchback’s tyres slip for a moment, hydroplaning and skidding towards the wrong side of the road before Aziraphale regains control around the next turn. He really, really just wants to be home and he feels his bottom lip start to wobble involuntarily.
Around another curve, this one tighter, but Aziraphale knows it well. Only another dozen miles or so and —
The tail lights ahead are suddenly too close and too red — the hulking car’s brake lights flash and then it’s skidding, spinning sideways on the road ahead of him.
Aziraphale has no time to process, barely enough to react.
To continue reading head on over to AO3!
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internetskiff · 8 months
hoo boy. SOMA. I definitely do not think of that game often ahaha that game certainly has not affected me in any way
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Anyways!! Catherine Chun is honestly my favorite deuteragonist in gaming because of how well she's written (sorry Wheatley (he's a close second though)). On my first playthrough I (and I assume a lot of other people) just immediately decide "OK, she's the only other sane 'person' on this station, so she's automatically a friend", and hell, it seems that's how Simon himself views her from the moment they first speak at Upsilon's comms center. But reading into her dialogue, she really doesn't seem to view Simon as a buddy at all up until like.. Their heart-to-heart at the Climber methinks. Just look at how she speaks with him whenever he starts getting existential.
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She speaks to him as more of an annoying coworker at times. Considering her attitude towards other sentient machines, I think it's extending even to Simon. She sees him as a means to an end, or at least tries to, up until she has to copy and paste his mind into a new diving suit. And then, when she fails to hide the original Simon from the newly created duplicate and he is rightfully distraught and furious - I think that's when the actual weight of it all hits her.
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This interaction still fucks me up a little. The distress in that "Please, stop" as Simon (very righftully) lashes out at her. It's even worse when you consider this is how most of the people she scanned treated her. They're all desperate. They hope that when they sit down in that Pilot Seat and close their eyes, they'll open them in paradise. But when they end up exactly where they were. and realize a copy of them is going to be living it large on a spaceship while they continue rotting down at Pathos II, it's no wonder they'd suddenly view the whole thing as cruel and disgusting. It's still wrong and selfish, of course - especially directing that anger at the one person responsible for preserving humanity simply because you refuse to understand how brain scans work. It's worse when you realize she never got to defend herself from all of it, and in the end she was killed by her own desperate coworkers. And now she's experiencing it again. Unknowingly, Simon's putting her through the exact same thing her human template went through over and over and over again. She viewed him as a means to an end, but I think that stopped after she had to go through that. She shares her memories of home with Simon. I'd say they only REALLY start getting along at like, Phi, which makes the exchange immediately after the ARK is launched that much more gut wrenching. The thing is, while I think Catherine stopped viewing Simon as a means to an end, Simon didn't stop viewing her as one. From the moment she tells him about the ARK, he was probably itching to get on it. Sure, saving humanity is great, but you'd probably also want to be saved aswell, no?
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The fact that this is her last exchange and these are the last words she manages to say is absolutely fucked up. You can just imagine what was going through Catherine's mind as she was saying this - Simon telling her she's "Fucking disgusting!", a sentiment echoed by people she considered acquaintances (people she was saving), seeing her own corpse with it's head bashed in by a wrench.. This wasn't just aimed at Simon, I think. This is basically her finally standing up for herself. Her standing up to everyone who despised her simply because THEY didn't understand how brain scans work. She did everything right, she saved humanity - and she was still treated like garbage in the end. And she doesn't even get to finish her sentence before her chip fries and she dies for the second and final time. And if Simon saw things from her perspective for once, he would have the time to pull her Omnitool out and save her from that.
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“You look surprised to see us in your home.  C’mon in we have things to discuss.  If you are looking for a place to run, Bubba behind you will make sure you don’t do that.  You should feel free to come into your own home.  Get in.  Bubba close the door….
“You seem too calm for this.  It’s like you expected three strange men to be in your trailer home out here in the middle of nowhere.  Do you know why we are here?  Yeah, you do.  You raped a fourteen-year-old girl, and then due to a technicality got off. 
“We have no idea who this little girl is, nor who her family are.  We don’t even know who the friend of the family is who contacted someone who contacted someone who contacted us.  We were provided your pic, your address, and who in town still cares for you.  Nobody.  We were sent here to make sure you never do it again. 
“Bubba.  Hold him.  You ain’t going anywhere.  Here, this collar will help with that.  Zeke hand me the lock….  And… it’s on.  Bubba let him go. 
“Ok Shithead.  I will give you one second to run, if you can get free then you are free.  One, two,… three. 
“Ha! Ha!  Your one second didn’t even get you to the door before that shock collar knocked you on your ass.  That delivered a punch, hunh?  Keep in mind that was on setting one.  There are five.  Each of us have a remote, and we can up it to any setting we feel like.  A few things about that collar, first it isn’t just an animal collar; it was designed by some very twisted men in Berlin.  There are three terminals, so that at least one will be in touch with your neck.  There are sensors that will monitor if you should want to put a barrier between the contacts and your skin.  There are other sensors in place should you want to cut it off.  Basically, you’re fucked.
“…Well, figuratively fucked.  The literal fucking will happen as soon as you get up….  Get up bitch….  There you go.  Now strip for us.  We want to see what we get to play with.  You heard me.  And take your time.  We are going to enjoy you putting on a show for us. 
“Shirt first.  Look at those pecs!  Nice abs too.  Your chest hair is kinda weird, like it’s all in one spot between you nips.
“What you don’t know about us three is that we prefer men.  I know I am getting a chubby.  How about you guys? 
“Now shoes and socks….  Pants and undies!...  Well lookie there….  You go commando.  More men should do that.  Average dick.  Zeke! Look at those balls.  They are huge! 
“Zeke likes balls….  Bitch, don’t you pull away.  We are going to be doing some nasty stuff to you.  We have every right to access every part of your body.  You don’t have any say in that.  You got that? 
“Now turn around and show us your asshole….  Damn! That’s one bubble butt.  Boys, I think we hit the jackpot with that.  Oh man….  Now show us that hole.  That’s it, bend over and pull your cheeks apart.  Damn!  That’s a virgin hole for sure.  Bitch, you a virgin back there?...  Hot damn!  We get to smash yet another cherry.  Hoo-wee!  Face us and get on your knees…. 
“Guys show him your remotes….  See them Bitch?  That’s so you don’t forget what non-compliance looks like.  Nod if you understand….  Good!
“Now which of us three do you want to rape you first?...  What the fuck?...  Pleading now?  None of us care about you other than being our cumdump pain freak.  So, you have three seconds before you experience shock level two.  Who do you want to take your cherry?  One… Two…
“Me?  Wow.  I haven’t been selected in a long time.  Our victims usually go for Bubba or Zeke, foolishly thinking that the quiet ones aren’t as much of an asshole.  OK bitch, crawl over to me and take my cock out of my pants.
“There you go.  Reach up and feel my bulge.  It’s big hunh?  All three of us are.  Unzip me and take me out.  I too go commando.  Look at my dickhead.  Just think that’s going to be shoved in deep in just about a minute.  Right now, your job is to get as much spit on it as you can.  Throat slime would be better.  That’s the only lube I will use when I smash your cherry.
“If you want a lot of slime on it, try to touch your chin with your tongue.  Like that.  Here let me do this.  Your throat opens up nicely with that.  Choke and gag on this dick!  I can feel the slime coating my cock.  Remember this trick.
“Keep going.  You’ll want to get your hole to relax.  We are going to be using it all day.  All three of us are multiple cummers.  But we are going to do other things too.  My arm will eventually go in your cunt.  Zeke will be destroying your balls.  And Bubba will sit on your face for a deep tongue cleaning.
“We are here until around midnight.  We don’t want to be seen leaving with you secured in our truck.  And when Bubba torches this place, we want to have it burn completely to the ground before the fire department comes out.  Yeah, you are not going back to the shambles of your previous life.  You are going to disappear into the underground where you will be sold into a much different existence.  No one will care that you are gone.
“Guys, there it is; the realization has hit him.  Get him bent over his couch…  Hold him down.  Let him struggle futilely as he grasps the last moment of being a man.
“Bitch, we were paid to rape you and make sure you never do it again.  And if you are wondering how we will prevent you from doing it again, let me just say that Zeke grew up on a farm and he knows how to castrate bulls.  Your balls are the only verification the person who hired us wants.
“Hot damn!  Here it goes.  Scream fucker!  Scream!  Goddamn!  I love smashing virgin cunt!”
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yourfriendlyauthor · 4 months
Hello. I don’t know if you do story anymore or even request. But if so, here’s a little idea. (Thanks & happy holiday)
The rp/story: wife/husband scenario at hospital
1. Symptoms: Period
2. Baby/egg: One baby
3. Kind: human x human (without power)
4. Tools: Vacuum & episiotomy
5. Position of labor/pushing: Squatting then to laying down
6. Position of baby: normal
7. Complication during pregnancy: none
8. Complication during birth: Stuck/long pushing
9. Partner through birth: spouse (wife & husband) & Doctor
10. Clothing during birth: Only bra
Emma frown analyzing the calendar hang on the wall of their kitchen, Nathan had just come home after work in confusion he look at her again "uh...Why are you staring at the calendar like you wanna murder it?" He asked her hesitantly
"umm..." Emma turns to him snapping out her reverie she looks at the calendar again and back to him "just that 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘴 I'm late" she replied rubbing her forehead
"huh...?" Nathan question his eyes widening in realization on what she means he rushes to her hugging her gently from behind "You mean your pregnant, right?" He asked hopefully
Emma chuckles at his eagerness "maybe...I don't know"
Nathan gently nudges her urging her to the bathroom "take the test" he urges
Emma nods and went to the bathroom after few minutes she came back a positive pregnancy test in hand "positive..." She informs him
"Oh God...I'm gonna be a Dad!!!" Nathan laugh immediately scooping her up to his arms and spinning her around the air she laughs she rested her head against his shoulders
He stops staring lovingly at her before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss
Emma groan holding to his arm as another contractions hit her, the pangs is now coming seven minutes apart her free hand clutching her dome of a bump her bump had look like she's carrying a large egg oblong-shaped that it wasn't a surprise to her and Nathan that their baby is a boy and estimated to be 11lbs since Nathan was 13lbs when he was newborn.
"Breath...breath through it" Nathan comfort her their OB Dr. Ana had told them to go to the hospital when her contractions are about 7 minutes apart which lead them in this.
The baby bag swung over his shoulder supporting her while they're currently stuck at the middle of their stairs because of her contractions lasting 5 minutes long each
"Heee....Hoo, ah god ok, I can walk" Emma breath out she nods to him as the contraction stop they start walking again (in her case waddling) to their car quickly before another seven minutes pass and a contraction start again
Finally they got to the car after stopping two times earlier by the middle of the stairs and by the front door
Once making sure Emma had put on her seatbelt, Nathan quickly start the car driving as fast as law can allowed him shifting and avoiding other cars to get to the hospital faster
Now sitting in a wheelchair the nurses guided Emma to the delivery room where Dr. Ana waits for the two of them
"Ok, first lets check your dilation before letting you continue" Dr Ana informs her once she is wheeled inside left only Nathan and Dr. Ana to take care of her
Still sitting on the wheelchair she allows Dr. Ana to spread her legs apart removing her blue maternity panties which is soaked with sweats and fluids, she noticed the faint outline of her mucus plug stuck at the soaked underwear
"Mhmm....owe" she moans her hands clutching at the armrest of the wheelchair she feels her lips being stretch and two fingers entering her canal
"I know it's uncomfortable, dear...just breath through it" Dr. Ana reassure her while Nathan whispers sweet nothings close to her ear putting her hair up "it's gonna be ok" he whispers to her tying her hair with an elastic so it won't disturb her later
She closes her eyes gasping as she feels Dr. Ana's hand reaching her cervix therefore feeling herself painfully stretching while Dr. Ana count her dilation "7 cms" a sigh of relief leaving her as the fingers are quickly removed out of her
Now her contractions 3 minutes apart, Nathan helped her to stand Dr. Ana had instructed them to walk around the room to ease her contractions and to fasten her labour
"AHHH...HAahha!, god my waters" She gasped doubling over in pain grasping at Nathan arms "ish...your so close, doing good" he comforts her caressing her back as her amniotic fluids flow freely out her
Dr. Ana quickly supports her to hoding her bump up and helping her to discard her shirt leaving her on her sports bra "hoo...HEEE...ahh, no get out please I need to push!" Emma moans and grunt her body lean against Nathan, as Dr. Ana's fingers prods again inside her canal
"Alright... let's get you situated" Dr. Ana informs leading her to hold onto the birthing bar she groans her legs spread wide firm in a squatting position "your doing great, were gonna meet our baby soon" Nathan whisper to her placing a comforting kiss on her forehead his hands supporting her waist and bump
"Push, at the next contraction, Emma" Dr. Ana instructed gently whilst she lays out towels beneath Emma's to catch the dripping liquids off her
"Hngghhhhh, Gagh....mhmm owe, baby please cooperate with mommy" She groans she strains hard with the 5minute long contraction "Awe, c'mon, ish your doing great" Nathan shush her rocking her hips gently to help ease her pressure
"....he's so big," Emma gasped out she regains her breath after a contractions Dr. Ana's fingers back to checking her canal feeling for the baby's head which is just enter transition
"He is on the bigger size, but nothing to worry about Push!" Dr. Ana instructed as a new contraction start "AGGHHHH....NGHHHH, come out, come out please" her legs trembles at the strain on both how hard she's pushing and how hard the contractions are coming now
Her toes curled up she was sure if wasn't for her husband holding her up she would have fallen to the floor hours ago
"your so close, so close, I so in love with you right now" Nathan whisper to her ears she strains to push again now feeling the wide forehead of her child finally entering her canal
"NHHGGAGH ...AHHAHHH, Gosh" Her hips bucking up at the strain she's now situated in a weird squat her legs spread as far as they go the head is stuck by it's neck inside her canal not progressing at all
"ok, let's try again before we take measures" Dr. Ana informs them "C'mon...give it all you got" Nathan encouraged her as another contraction build up
"ahahah...AGGHH,HGHNNNN COME OUT!!" She strains her noises starting quiet bolefore turning to loud screeches her legs shaking, knees buckling to get the broad shoulders of her baby inside her canal
"Emma...listen" Dr. Ana call out her attention while the contractions stop and she's left heaving for air "we'll get you to bed and see if the vacuum can help you get the baby out" Dr. Ana informs her she nods, and her hands both grasping Nathan's for dear life they quickly walked her to the bed which is thankfully only 5 steps far from them
She's then situated to the bed her legs held wide spread open by Dr. Ana's hands her back leans against Nathan chest "I'm scared..." She admits to him
Nathan smiles lovingly at her although her brows are creased in worried "it'll be fine, I promise...you'll get through it Your strong, a strong mommy" she comforts her caressing her bump which is now dropping lower cause of the baby's weight shifted down uer canal
"Alright...deep breaths" Dr. Ana instructed she makes good used of the oxygen tube Dr. Ana had given her as the suction cup is inserted into her canal causing a short gasp out of her, her nails digging against her husband's skin but he didn't mind it as the suction cup is placed on the baby's head
"Push...the vacuum will pull" She nods at Dr. Ana's instruction the next contraction begun and she can feel the strong force of the vacuum pulling at the head of her baby as she strains "AGGHH..... Hggh..." She gasped for air her hips bucking up but Nathan hold her firm she feels the whole body of her child finally entering her whole canal filling her up with intense pressure
Dr. Ana's fingers pushing her lips down us the suction cup slowly but surely reveals a teardrop of the baby's head "Holly, Emma our baby his just there...he got your hair" Nathan exclaims excitedly at the sight of his child slowly coming out of her
"Good...let me push him" She replied back although a small smile etched her face as she holds her trembling thighs she pushes again with the help of the vacuum pulling this time much faster as the baby reaches full crown
"You two wanna feel it?" Dr. Ana questions Nathan hands are quickly cupping the wide forehead of the blond hair baby "our baby" he whispers guiding her hand to the baby's head which she sobs softly in relief
"Ish...c'mon were almost there" he encourages "AGGHH HGHNNNN.....Owe, owwe god that's so big hurts" she gasped hips bucking and arching up and back down she collapses on his chest as the baby's large head finally POP out of her amniotic fluids covering the bed underneath the suction cup is then removed as Dr. Ana clears the baby's airways
"Just the shoulders" Nathan reassures her but their worries only deepens when Dr. Ana announces "Emma...I would need to numb you and enlarge your hole to get the shoulders out" she informs her Emma whimpers but agreed since they've all wamted to get the baby out safely
She closes her eyes flinching she feels the sharp needle against her perineum then it's waited for minutes until the anesthesia take effects she can only feel the scapel tracing her perineum
"Push, now!" Dr. Ana instructed "AGGHHHH HNGGHHHHH....GOSH, this baby" she groans straining a bit grateful at the anesthesia mostly covering the stretching pain of her vagina as the shoulders pop out and the weight down there is now place wailing on her chest
"Awww, our baby...I'm so proud of you" Nathan whispers to her she weakly place her hand over the newly born baby boy now place on her chest while Dr. Ana busies herself on stitching Emma's vagina
"What you gonna name him?" Dr. Ana askedto distruct her out on looking down her vagina and the stitches
"Well?" Nathan looks at her lovingly caressing their baby's cheek while he still comforts her with soft kisses "Theo, Theodore" Emma murmurs grinning tiredly she makes good used of the oxygen tube to regain her breaths while the now calm newborn nuzzles against their parents
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intoloopin-archive · 8 months
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TWS: A rapist and drugs are very briefly mentioned. The boys are fighting. And I believe that's all. characters (starring): Na Seungsoo. Woo Gyujin. word count: 2,457 words. time stamp: January 21th, 2024 (the day Dylan released his mixtape). author's note: not exactly super beated because I am literally dying! But anyways! Transitionary piece to get this plot going! Productivety! Hell yeah! *passes out*
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January 21th.
Seungsoo doesn’t miss LOOPiN’s old dorm because he can’t miss it.
So every time he gets close to airing a complain about their current house, he instead makes a point to remember that their former two story apartment came straight out of Jiahang’s pockets, rented with a fraction of one of his many, many trust funds set by his millionaire parents for when he grew up and decided to go to college to study rare plants, or be a nepotistic model, or move to Monaco and do nothing forever. It becomes very easy to cultivate a vendetta against it that way.
But right now what Seungsoo can’t help but miss is having a bigger balcony, one that won’t cramp him when he tries to have a peaceful and quiet meltdown in his own goddamn home. There's a breeze hitting him right on the face while he’s staring at the goddamn sunset but he still feels suffocated. And he’s only sharing space with Taesong’s outside plants, their leaves a depressing shade of sick green, and Haegon’s brand new bike, which he only bought because he wasn't allowed to get a haircut after leaving Sunyoung for the nth time. 
From behind him, Seungsoo hears the sound of the balcony’s door being quietly pushed open, and of a series of steps growing closer. The living room’s light has been turned on and it’s painting his body in yellow light.
“Haruki, look–” Seungsoo breathes, turning on his heels quickly, ready to raise his arms high in rendition.
Who he finds behind him is someone else, tough, someone worse – or maybe not. Haruki hates him now, romanticizes the living Hell out of Dylan now, so he would have certainly been way worse to look in the eyes now than Gyujin.
Gyujin who, with his brand new eyebrow piercing and wet hair from his one hour long shower, greets him with a smile then says, as if he’s queued to deliver a joke, “You wish.”
“Great,” Seungsoo mutters to himself, turning his back to him, getting back at supporting his elbows on the wall. For a second, he marvels at how nasty the fall would be if he jumped to the backyard. “Get out, Gyujin, seriously. I’m not in the mood.”
“Boo-hoo. I didn’t ask.”
With that, he comes close. He sits on the thick wall in the little space the plants give him, both hands holding on the concrete while he bends dangerously backwards, dangling his feet. 
And Gyujin just stays there, barely moving and not talking, only whistling like a goddamn cartoon. In retaliation, Seungsoo frowns harder at the horizon and begins to fidget on his sleeping clothes, fingers anxious to hold onto something.
He never picked up on smoking and he kind of regrets it now, can’t remember the reason why. Maybe because he likes to smell like cologne too much, or because he hates the thought of being unable to kiss someone without it tasting bitter.
It takes a mere minute or so for him to break, because that’s what Seungsoo does best: he can’t hold back an impulse, can’t swallow a single word down. He needs a collar, he’s realized recently, a muzzle, and no one ever gets him one – no one ever gets him.
“That was just so damn childish,” He mutters through his teeth. “Releasing all the songs like that.”
“Oh?” Gyujin tilts his squared chin down. He’s almost looming over Seungsoo, with the way he’s set – taking him from up above, an angle Seungoo’s had a problem being perceived from ever since he was the youngest of his mother’s kids. “And unfollowing Chihoon on Instagram wasn't childish?”
“I don’t like when any of our private business gets exposed, no matter how vague. He knows that.”
“Didn’t you just make it more public now with your little show? Or do you really think no one will connect the two, that the timing isn’t obvious, that you aren’t raising tension?”
Seungsoo suppresses a little scream by pressing his knuckles hard against his lips.
“You didn’t think that far, did you? Tsk, you just never do,” Gyujin lets out a laugh. “So what is it, Seungsoo, really? Why did you do that? What’s wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me?!” Seungsoo breathes, straightening up quickly, viciously – he almost hits Gyujin on the forehead with his head by doing so. “What is wrong with you?! Do you really think it’s okay for him to make something like that and release it without checking with us first?! When it’s mostly about the team?! We’re not illiterate! We can understand all his goddamn English!”
“Hm. Little League’s mean, I never said it wasn’t,” Gyujin agrees, but his relaxed posture lets it clear to Seungsoo that he does so only partially, half heartedly, even – always so comfortable with the possibility of a fall, he thinks, eyeing his horrible posture. “It’s a mock song made to piss Haegon off, and it got the job done. He’s justified in everything he chose to do about it. I just don’t get why you’re so offended. Is it because Chihoon didn’t write about you?”
“Are you insane? It’s not about getting a song or not, or Dylan doing things on his own or not, I just don’t–” Seungsoo shakes his head, searching for the right words, any other words but–
“You don’t like remembering we’re not friends,” Gyujin completes – spot on like fucking always. “That he doesn’t feel like he owes us secrecy anymore.”
And to think there would be a time, not even so long ago, where Seungsoo would immediately jump to refute him, banging on his chest and saying with real pride, “We’re all friends! We’re all close!”
But saying it now would just make it sound like a blatant lie; a joke with an awful punchline. So he bites his tongue and goes back to being quiet.
“Na Seungsoo, I need you to listen to what I’ll say to you,” Gyujin tells him, his voice set on a tone deeper than his usual, making the full name ring off his mouth like an intimation. Ungrundly, Seungsoo listens. “You need to start processing the things you do before you do them.”
Seungsoo scoffs, forced and loud, and looks away from his face quickly – runs from the ice underneath his setting jaw.
“We have problems, alright? All great groups do,” Gyujin keeps up, bumping their shoulders together once, then not again; Seungsoo recoils more against the wall and lightly grates his arm all to escape his follow up attempt by a matter of millimeters. “Sometimes things get sour and they spill over, and that’s just how it is. You get around, you know I’m right. No one has it easy. Idolmaker is in the middle of a PR nightmare with all the Hosung freakout, we’ve been seeing it first hand, and you won’t find Gayoung or Jeonghun getting petty in public because it isn’t smart.”
“So what can I actually do, Gyujin, about our situation?” Seungsoo asks him. A spot on his jaw is hurting from how hard he’s clenching it.
Gyujin gives him that awful, awful look of his that always tells him ‘You’re an idiot’. “Seungsoo, please. Dylan’s vent album is not a situation–”
“C’mon, Gyujin, I know it’s not!” Seungsoo says, too close to yelling. “And I know your little speech isn’t really about the goddamn unfollow! It’s you trying to get inside my head and control how I’ll act now that I know the group’s ending!”
The words make Gyujin pause. He almost fully freezes. It’s all the confirmation Seungsoo needs, the mute answer to the question that’s been eating him alive since Christmas.
“You’ve heard the fucking rumors, you– Gyujin, you know! I know you know! The March shareholder’s meeting has been canceled, Minwoo hasn’t sat down to write a real song since October, and Jiahang’s fucking dad called him back to China last month. For what?! He’s backing out, isn’t he?! He’s selling his shares because New Wave is dying. They’re going to debut the girls and just– fate out with us in it!”
Gyujin takes a defeated breath. Finally, he makes his way down the wall. “Sony hyung–”
“Don’t you Sony hyung me, man!” Seungsoo exclaims, angling his head up to fully face Gyujin, round eyes on round eyes. “Look, I know I talk even when I shouldn’t, I know my brain is goddamn slow, that it makes me do stupid shit, but why is everyone keeping things from me now?! I’m a producer too, aren’t I?! I’m a part of LOOPiN just as much as everyone, maybe even more than some people we got! Isolating me is fucked!”
“No one is isolating you, Seungsoo. Things are just complicated when it comes to giving you confidential information,” Gyujin counters, crossing his arms in front of his chest. His voice is again different, hitting at him cutting and terminal. It infuriates Seungsoo more. “And you know why that is. You put yourself in a hard position. Face it: you broke the trust. This is your own doing.”
Seungsoo’s mouth hangs open, stays open. “I broke the– what?! Why?! Because I pushed Jiahang once when he was about to do cocaine off an Inkigayo sink?! Because I took Dylan with me to haunt down a serial rapist?! I don’t regret any of those things, and I never will!”
“Was that all you did, really? Because the way I see it, the way it came across for everyone, was you going all vigilante over the members' private business,” Gyujin stresses. “And what good did any of these things do for anyone? You almost costed Jiahang his eye, Seungsoo. You almost got Chihoon arrested–”
“So now it’s all my fault?! We’re sinking, we’re doomed, and it’s all my fault?! Fuck you! You have no idea how or why– what do you even know about anything, really?!” Seungsoo spits at him, infuriated. “You just fucking got here, and– and you’ve been with us for a year and some fucking weeks, max! And it seems like everyone forgot that, that they all forgot that there was a time without you, but I didn’t! Do you even know what Haegon said, when he came with the idea of unfollowing Dylan?! ‘No matter what we do now Gyujin’s gonna fix it in the morning, so let’s do something dumb and tiny, so he won’t kill us!’ Like you’re in control or something! But news flash, this is New Wave Music, and you’re not in control, no one is! And if someone was, that someone would be me! Minwoo, Jimin, and me!”
“Or maybe not, now!” Seungsoo’s mouth keeps on going. He’s griping at the concrete of the balcony with one hand, pointing one straight at the center of Gyujin’s chest, and just letting a whole torrent out. “Maybe you do deserve trust more than I do! You– You know everything because everyone tells you everything, and you songwrite too, you can still play the tuba, why don’t you just take my fucking place, uh? If I get it all wrong and you do it all right?! Go be an executive producer, go on! Fuck writing all over just Beomseok, end me too! Minwoo likes you better anyway, maybe you can make his slump go away! Jimin fucking likes you better too, he won’t even mind me being gone, you might even get him to stop hiding Nicola from everyone, who knows!”
Seungsoo takes a shaky pause to breathe, his chest rising. He’s sure his face is red, that there’s a line of sweat on his forehead.
Gyujin remains too close and unmoving, his eyes semi close, analyzing.
“And what else?” He asks. He’s still grinning like he knows something Seungsoo doesn’t. “C’mon, go on. Spill it all out. I wanna hear it.”
“You sick–!” Seungsoo grunts, then takes another deep inhale, ends up almost choking on his own spit.
Coughing, he dismangles his grip off Gyujin’s shirt and forces himself to fall silent – they both do. Somewhere down in the street, a million cars honk and make out a disastrous symphony, and it pierces through Seungsoo’s ears like he’s in the middle of traffic. He’s minutes away from developing a killer migraine.
“So this is what comes out of you when you’re scared, yeah?” Gyujin eventually notes, quiet. Seungsoo can almost hear the tiny smile on his face stretching and growing warmer, showing just a flash of front teeth, white like a goddamn grain of salt. “Pretty animalistic reaction, although highly entertaining–”
“I’m not scared,” Sengsoo fires back, even though he is. He knows it deep in his bones, by the lack of good sleep: he’s terrified of blinking too slowly and missing any more warning signs, more sunny days; fearing they’re already all long behind him. He turns his head down. “Just, just– Tired of feeling– Tired.”
And feeling like I don’t belong, is what he thinks but doesn’t say: Like I’m not good at my job. Like no one will ever forgive me. 
He feels one of Gyujin’s warm hands setting over his shoulder, offering it a squeeze. This time Seungsoo leaves it there, allowing it to linger. “Hyung, I can see that. We all can. You’ve been putting on some crazy hours in the studio lately. We appreciate how hard you’re covering for Minwoo hyung. I might not have thanked you for that yet, so–”
“Spare me the prase shower, Woo Gyujin,” Seungsoo grunts, running a hand over his face, onto his hair. “Just tell me to fuck off now so I can go to sleep with at least one argument settled.”
“And make it that much easier for you? Ha, of course not,” Gyujin laughs, amused. “Besides, we’re not fighting, have never fought, and never will. You have nothing to settle with me. But I’ll give you space to gather your courage to face who you really should.”
“Fuck you,” Seungsoo says, just to be the one to get the last words as Gyujin’s walking back and away. It comes off sounding tiny and defeated, a little ashamed.
He doesn’t get that: as soon as Gyujin gets a hand on the door, he calls back, “And in the meantime…”
Seungsoo takes an annoyed peek over his shoulder to glare at him. “What?”
“Follow Dylan back, you fucking drama queen,” Gyujin says, rolling his eyes, grinning like the Devil he pretends he isn't. “And relax, okay? We’ll be fine. We always are.”
And he disappears behind the glass, pulling the curtains inside and turning off the light.
On the tiny balcony only Seungsoo and the never quiet city remain, looking as the sun goes down and down.
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andmaybegayer · 9 months
Look, I'll be honest, I got very little for you here.
Typically around this time of year I'm either still out wandering some wild place in South Africa or I have just got back home from said wandering and either one of those means I've got like, three or four books that I've just finished and a bunch of albums and probably some kind of photographic shenanigans.
These are not happening right now.
I am currently in an apartment in Prague with some visiting family I've been touring around so it is. Different. In light of this fact we're going to do our:
Last First Monday of the Year 2024-01-01
which is going to be a wrap-up of notable entries from 2023. It's true, I got some notes!
Listening (Music):
There is a clear winner for Most Important Album for me this year and that has to be Titus Andronicus putting out The WIll to Live. I picked up Titus Andronicus a few years ago on a rec from a guy on IRC and after putting The Monitor on loop for days I was so down with it. Unfortunately while the rest of their repertoire is honestly really solid punk, The Monitor is truly next level shit. The Will to Live finally closes that gap. It's so good.
There's a lot of good pull songs from this one but I do adore Baby Crazy which is just a breathless rundown of the core philosophy of the album. Part of what links The Monitor and The Will to Live is a very heavy handed metaphorical through line, The Monitor through American Civil War references and The Will to Live through the convoluted nuclear family analogue.
Truly no one is doing it like Titus Andronicus.
Listening (Podcasts):
Noted originator of the new weeklypost tradition @girlfriendsofthegalaxy was always talking about Friends at the Table and so I was like "Hey her taste is pretty good that's probably better than the median TTRPG podcast" and hey. It was. SO much more than I was expecting.
I started with Partizan which was at the time the current season, and hoo boy. F@TT does many things that handily sidestep a lot of my issues with RPG podcasts. By running tight little game systems with strong narrative focus and leaning more into the storytelling side than actual play (while still allowing rolls and player decisions to completely upend the plot) they get into the action quickly, have strong character driven scenes, and manage to hold my attention.
I will be open and say that the politics of Austin Walker's storytelling are very mixed. A lot of people act like these games are incisive political commentary but they only really hit that occasionally, which I think is good. Leaning into the weirdness of these settings is important, and trying to make them cleave too close to modern problems at all times would weaken them, compared to what they actually do well.
What If Han Solo Was Beyoncé. Remember: You Have Beaten Your Worst Days. Destroy Something Instead Of Understanding It.
Within four episodes of the start of Partizan, one half of the game has seen the death of a minor god and started a false flag operation with consequences that would persist to the end of the season. The game systems in play often outright prevent character death in all but the direst situations, but they replace that with dramatic character change. Clem becomes Obsessed, Valence becomes Righteous, Sovereign Immunity becomes Paranoid.
They are definitely playing "for the camera", if you aren't a fan of heavy allusions to other media as part of storytelling you will not like this, but they work it out well. There's a commitment to interesting storytelling that follows well into the next point, which is:
They are very good at getting into characters motivations. Clementine Kesh is despicable, she is terrible, and she's the central focal point of a huge run of Partizan. Hella Varal of the Hieron series is also a spectacularly character-driven entity, frequently a major driving force of the plot, doing things none of the players would really want to have happen. This also applies to Lem King, to an extent.
After catching up with Partizan I went back and I've been running through the backlog. I am almost caught up to Twilight Mirage, I might step out to listen to the current season since it follows directly from Partizan. I'll see.
Without a doubt the big one this year was Terra Ignota. Absolutely lodged in my brain forever.
Terra Ignota is like the flipside of the Culture. The Culture assumes that its members are so far gone from their humanity that their utopian issues are almost incomparable to ours. The Hives are instead a utopian society built on a hard break from modernity that has left them very, very vulnerable to our modern problems. The approach Terra Ignota takes to gender, nationality, and family is set up to argue a very interesting case, not that those things cannot be changed, but that you can't just go cold turkey on them.
(The Gender is particularly forceful. Mycroft's haphazard attempts to reverse-engineer gender for his imagined Reader are so good, they perfectly replicate the internal experience of going to a very very queer environment with a brain that was still ultimately wired by the recent past.)
The actual plot of Terra Ignota is kind of secondary to the spectacle of all these Types Of Guys interacting and exposing their internal processes in a way that is so satisfying. The Hives are unusual in part because there's so few that probably appeal to the readers. I don't think pretty much any of Terra Ignota's expected audience have much interest in the Europeans, Masons, or the Mitsubishi, and while some of them might agree with the Brillists they are given so little screen time that it's hard to say. Really it ends up being the Humanist/Utopian debate at its core, with the Cousins there to balance it. As a result it's impressive that by the end I think most people I've talked to are less sure whether they agree more with the Humanists or the Utopians.
Arcane, a one that I don't think I talk about too much, in part because it's so tidy. A perfectly wrapped gift of tragedy! Any story where at almost any point a few characters could just talk it out and resolve all their problems but they don't is *chef's kiss* to me. If you like Othello you will love Arcane is what I'm getting at here.
Arcane is such a gorgeous show, dripping with character, every single scene is so carefully considered. There's an extremely long (in time) close shot of Jayce throwing up over a bridge that I think of all the time.
Arcane is so clear and uncompromising in its presentation of its characters. I've said before that there's actually very little character development among any of the main cast, instead the show builds on bringing very strongly defined characters into conflict and exploring what they do next. This works wonderfully.
And the music! I have probably listened to the Arcane soundtrack a little too much. Basically the only time I went on spotify this year was to look at the Radio channels for songs from the soundtrack.
Given that I spent so long playing Breath of the WIld this year you'd think it would be that and you'd be dead wrong. Not that great! It's fine! I like an immersive sim open world game but do you know what I actually do when I feel like I want to play a game just for the pure thrill of it. I go open TItanfall 2.
Titanfall 2 is the ideal first person shooter campaign. It is short and sweet and interesting and manages to keep you sufficiently overpowered without making you feel like it's easy. I played the campaign on Hard at the start of the year and it is the shooter I remember shooters I don't actually like as being.
The reason I play first person shooters is for the fast reaction twitch play. I do not care for long kill times, I do not care for gradually plinking enemies down, I do not want to think about a target for more than 5 seconds. Titanfall is absurdly fast if you play it right, you never stop, you optimize for shooting on the run, and you bounce around the field like a pinball. Delightful.
Titan Combat in the campaign is meh, it's so often just a slog against artificially toughened bosses, or figuring out how to deal with those little AI bots. It's fine. I like being a big robot. Titans are probably better in multiplayer. At some point I will install Northstar so I can try multiplayer lobbies.
Tools and Equipment:
The 3D printer! I have been in the orbit of 3D printing types for ages but now that I have one I can see why its an essential tool for so many electronics types. The ability to just Make The Thing You Need is so powerful. Printed items have their limitations but they all pale in relation to "I hit a button and the exact thing I need appears in 2-12 hours".
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So many projects stall out because you need a bracket or an adapter or a flange or a box that you know all the specifications for but that will take two weeks to arrive or has to be ordered in batches of 200 or costs 10× as much as you're willing to pay.
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My printer is cheap as shit, the Anycubic Neo cuts as many costs as possible without being actively bad, and it's still a great printer. It can do anything I need well enough that I can carry on with the rest of my life. It has the precision to do slip fit parts and even basic materials have the strength for fairly crucial components.
Like, sure, you can make a lot of these things quickly by hand if you have the parts available, but like, even if somehow all your problems can be solved by cutting a PVC pipe to the right size and shape, do you keep all possible dimensions of PVC pipe in a drawer somewhere? No, you run into a problem that needs 60mm pipe and you only have 50mm pipe and now you gotta go to the hardware store and buy 2m of pipe for a project that needs 0.2m of pipe. It is such a problem-solver to be able to fabricate arbitrary complex shapes from plastic stock.
The big one. The Penrose Quilt.
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This took months for me and my mother to put together, and it came out exactly like we hoped. It's so good, it looks incredible, we put it together by hand with needles and thread and time, I sleep under it every night, it is the ideal item. Few things to build your handsewing confidence like backstitching probably over a hundred meters of seams.
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This was a really ambitious project and yet we pulled it off. Absolutely ridiculous.
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billyboyblue · 4 months
Hiii! 💛
I'm back on duty and I'm here to tickle the collective fandom brain.
With Presumed Innocent coming out soon (aaaah), I would just like to hear all your thoughts on Rusty. 
Is he guilty? If so, would we still do unholy things with him (duh, obviously)? Or is he just an innocent little guy and only guilty of cheating and murdering pussy? He obviously likes being choked and I'm not complaining. What else might he like? Is he a pancakes or bacon/scrambled egg breakfast kinda guy? He does need his protein tho, for several reasons... 👀
Please let me/us know all your thoughts and hopes for the new show and the character we're blessed with this summer, thank youuuu.
Paying my Rusty tax for inspiration ✨
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Hi there hi!! Thank you so much for asking dude that's so considerate of you, I'm smiling like a loon whenever I see a little ditty about Jake going around 😊.
Oh yeah, so Rustholomew Jones Sabich the third is a full on useless man. And he expressed it multiple times in so many ways. The first thing we see is him looking for his phone first thing in the morning. What a dumb thing for a cheating man to do, lose his phone even in his own home. And then he asks someone to call it and it's his daughter that does so. Even for a little joke all I saw was chekovs gun.
Okay so I got insanely curious about the original after Jake's recent interview and watched it tonight and gosh yeah I'd recommend if you haven't seen it for Harrison's voice of nothing else, but in the movie there's a segment where he, Sabich, spells out the prosecutor's theory on himself and it's exactly what everyone sees in the new version. A jealous man driven mad with love and obsession pushed too far when left for another man. It's basically what's teased in the new trailer.
But what's different is the circumstances of the wife's role. I have 3 very specific moments I want to focus in on, this one:
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The two times Rusty and Barbara look to each other with smiles on their faces and in the worst circumstances. One while on trial in front of the family and the other while presumably blowing up his mistress' phone on family night. One thing that immediately came to mind was huh. That's weird. Then this
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Here she's saying that He and Her will fight to save their family. And he's puppydogging along as culpable as all hell doing his due repentance to save his family. As he should but also as he has no other choice because I believe that the murderer is his daughter or son. I'm leaning towards daughter as she didn't exist in the movie, she's an added layer to the plot directly drawn attention to 3 separate times in the trailer.
So what I think happens is this. Carolyn and Rusty begin their affair and it goes south, my instinct is something happens between Rusty's phone, his daughter and Carolyn to cause the strife. On the night Rusty texts her 30 times the daughter is there confronting Carolyn and struggle maybe?
Either way Carolyn is dead the daughter is responsible and now Rusty and Barbara have to close ranks. Rusty poses her in like a victim in a prior case to throw the cops off the trail.
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To shine a bright suspicious spotlight on Rusty. To make it look like a multitude of things. It could be a prior killer seeking to mess with authorities and Rusty; it could be someone framing Him with the case they began their affair during; it could be rusty himself messing with the crime scene to mess with motive, (something the prosecution accuses him of doing in the movie). But really it's all a red herring to cover for his daughter and falling on the sword one way or the other. Either covering up a murder he's responsible for to protect his daughter or go to jail for a crime he didn't commit for his daughter.
I won't spoil the movie or who the killer is in it but hoo boy does it hit hard with an ending monologue and epilogue. I definitely wouldn't be surprised if the modernizing done was from the murderers standpoint. Either way I'm hoping for a good mystery over audience subversions.
There's something about pathetic men and the power trips they go on when they think they've found a space they can lose all the tie ups and inhibitions and insecurities. The euphoric rushes that come with secrets and taboo midnight confessions, panted and whined and gasped into a lovers mouth. The stinging ache of shame that splatters across his chest and cheeks as he's tied up and torn into like a present for a greedy hand make him feel that same warmth he used to get from being a good man and husband.
The sharp hatred and ragged words he fucks into Carolyn's more than accepting places feel like a balm on his soul. Not just the filthy things he says to her, or the shapes he folds her into, or the marks only he can leave are enough for men like him. They eat their obsession whole. Consume them to fill up all the hollow places they themselves carved into their life.
And that's what some men do. Use up the women in their lives in every way, stealing their life force ala Gone Girl like @ Stephendorff mentioned. It'd be beautiful poetry if after discarding his wife for Carolyn, and Carolyn for his daughter, that he pays that price.
But that's just a theory a game- no, no it's too soon. Sorry matpat it's too raw. Thanks you again Daphne! Hope I didn't let ya down and you liked the theory lolol😅
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impyssadobsessions · 1 year
Bully: The Deal
I've been proud of what I wrote for a big story idea for Bully (the game by rockstar) but its still like first chapter and I probably wont get to it anytime soon. So I wanted to post some bits and pieces. Mostly showing like Pete's perspective and resemblance of like Gary and his Grandfather Also this is the game Bully so offensive language is kind of part of the deal.
Pete Kowalski have had many bad days in his life. As being a small and shy, but curious child, it was bound to be the case. Like the time when he was five and a bunch of boys poor glue all over his head. Or like the time he was eight and he watched his dog get hit by a car because he wanted to play outside with him.
The lady who hit the dog, fussed at Pete for not keeping him on a leash and demanded his parents pay for the damage done to the bumper. Pete never asked for another pet since.
There was also a time when Pete first started Bullworth. A bunch of bullies stuck him into a trash can and rolled him off of school grounds down into the beach path. He rolled straight into the water. Pete had to swim back to shore as the trash sailed off to sea. And that was just a few really terrible ones that came to mind, however, none of them compared to the deep sense of dread and anxiety of today. Well... maybe the dog thing was worse, but this was a close second. “Hello~ Earth to Fem-boy!” A hand waved in front of his face. The hand retreated back, like a pulled curtain, revealing a scarred face with a wicked grin. Gary Smith was back for another year at Bullworth. “I hate to disappoint you, Petey, but I don't swing that way. Though I know its hard not to stare. I'm an incredible. Human body at its peak.” Gary flexing his arms, “Humanities greatest achievement. Genetic marvel, really.” “Not mentally.” Pete bit his tongue as soon as he let his words slip. Cursing internally as Gary turned back towards him.
“Ooohoo hoo~ I see someone got started on their testosterone while I was gone.” Gary cooed with a nastier grin. Eyes sharp. Petey rolled his eyes, as he always did with the boy. Though he can't deny after the stunt Gary pulled last year, he was highly on edge. Just being in same room with Gary, set off his flight response. Pete couldn't imagine rooming with the guy again for another year or two. “Whatever Gary. What are you even doing here?”
“Oh, you know! Just like every snot-nose moron that infect these halls, I was.. forced to.” Gary gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, shaking it a little.
Pete raised a brow, his arms crossed. Forced to? “Yes! Girly-boy,” Did Pete say his thoughts out loud again? Though, with Gary, it could be that he read Pete's expression or that he wanted to continue for the sake of dramatic effect. “-Forced! Forced by the unfortunate trash that gave me life to attend this sorry God-forsaken zoo we call a school.” Gary flopped back on his bed, opposite of Pete's, arms crossed. His back against the wall. “Trust me, this is the LAST place I would want to be. Well, I guess second to that damn asylum.” Petey couldn't say he was shocked. Letting out a sigh, Pete asked mostly to himself, “Why me though?” “I don't know, Petey. Why don't you go ask Dr. Crabs-for-brains? After all, I'm sure he'll tell you with all the sucking up you had to do to get the title of HEAD boy. Or maybe he might even switch you with Hopkins if you offer some ass.” Pete's face flush with embarrassment and scrunched up in absolute disgust at the comment. “You're so gross.”
“I'm not the one sucking cock-” “Whatever, Jerk. I'm outta here.” Pete swiftly turned to walk out of the dorm. “Give the head a good kiss for me~ Right on the ass che-!” Pete slammed the door shut, a bit harder than he wanted to, but within ten minutes in the same room with Gary and Pete was ready to go back home. Too bad his parents wouldn't let him even if he did. 'You spend too much time inside!' 'Go out and play, son!' 'Don't you have a girlfriend, yet?' 'You're sixteen, Pete! Go to the park, go ride a bike, or get drunk at a party- just go do something!' Pete pinched the bridge of his nose while sticking his free hand into his pocket. To think he was even looking forward to the new year. He had FRIENDS.. well a friend and his friend's current... girlfriend? Jimmy never made it clear what Zoe was, but neither did Zoe. He was the head boy, which was bound to gain him some respect. At least by the smaller kids. The cliques were somewhat on good terms since Jimmy beat their asses again. Things were looking up for once. But... Pete should have known better by now, that anything that goes up must come down.
“Here he is, Mr. Smith. The perfect model student of Bullworth Academy. Our Head Boy, Paul Kowalski-”Dr. Crabblesnitch stood up and patted Pete on the shoulder. “Peter, sir.” Pete corrected with a muttered. “Aha-yes yes. My mistake. Peter Kowalski.” Dr. Crabblesnitch's hand squeezing Pete's shoulder. His face keeping a stressed smile. “Head Boy?” The gruff voice of the older man asked with a raise brow. Pete tried hard not to frown as he recognized that tone. Mr. Smith plopped down in a empty chair right next to the one that was overturned on the floor. “This puny punk? Ha! He looks like one step away from wearing a dress and changing his name to Patty.” Okay, yeah. They were definitely related. Pete's face twitched in annoyance. “You must be Gary's grandfather. I can see where he gets his sense of humor from.” Petey outstretched his hand out towards Mr. Smith, trying to ignore the painful grip of Dr. Crabblesnitch's hand on his shoulder.
Mr. Smith tilted his head as his mustache swished back and fourth. Pete tried to keep his smile in place. He didn't want to appear weak or intimidated, but the silent tension was making Pete nervous. “Hahaha! Nice to meet you, Peter.” Mr. Smith burst out laughing while he reached out to shake Pete's hand. “Nice. To meet. You. Too... Mr. Smith.” Pete said through gritted teeth, trying to not let the pain show as Mr. Smith crushed Pete's hand in his grip. “Call me Allen, son.” Mr. Smith let go of Pete's hand and leaned back into his chair. He nodded his head slightly, as if he given Pete his approval. Pete let out a slight breath in relief. He folded his arms behind his back and rubbed his aching hand. Jerk. “Nice to meet you, Allen, sir.” --------------------
“So I thought to myself on how we could prevent the past from repeating itself and then it occurred to me. Our major blind spot is among his peers, thus entrusting a student with upstanding morals for the task was top priority.” Dr. Crabblesnitch looked over at Mr. Smith, “Of course, Gary Smith will be tested regularly as well to make absolutely certain that no tampering has arise.” This was a bad idea. A VERY bad idea. Pete couldn't stop Gary last year! He definitely couldn't, didn't WANT to this year. Gary did what Gary wanted too. He could fake it so easily and Pete... Pete was pretty certain all this would bite him in the ass. In more ways than one. “Hmph. Sounds like a lot of hoopla to me.” Allen's voice snapped Pete out of his daze. “S-sir! I was Gary's roommate last year and-and I don't think-” Petey stuttered. He had to say something, anything to try to get out of this. “Splendid! Then you'll already know what his condition is like with or without his medication.” “No-I mean yes, but-!” “Well! You've certainly convinced me, Crabblesnitch. I think its a wonderful idea.” Allen laughed loudly, standing up with a grin. Pete froze as he whipped his face towards Allen in confusion. What were all the adults on in this town?! The old man walked over to him, and slapped his back making the poor boy stumble forward. “I feel quite satisfied that this young lad is going to be playing caretaker to my grandson.” Allen barked. Pete's eyes danced between the headmaster and Mr. Smith. Confusion still written clearly on his face. “Ah, I'm so glad you've come to reason, Mr. Smith. Though Peter is not going to be responsible for Gary Smith's actions, he will at least keep us updated.” Dr. Crabblesnitch letting out a small breath of relief. Pete was too stun to reply. His fate was sealed, just like that.
“Ah, finally some fresh air. I was getting tired of smelling all that bullshit in there,” Allen chuckled as he gave Pete a wink. Pete choked on a snort. “It was.. stifling to say the least.” Allen barked a laugh as he started to walk again. “Well, I'm glad there was at least one person that isn't stuck so far up their own ass that they can't smell shit around them.” Pete hummed in response, not sure how to take the compliment.
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taeyongsfemdom · 2 years
| A Deal With The Devil |
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●femdom!readerxsub!taeyong & older!male character
●contains: taeyong gets fucked by an older man (if not your speed, then don't read) bdsm, light electrocution, cunnilingus, vibrators, orgasm denial, degration, cuck-holding. dollification mention! Also y/n is the boss of a sex toy company and is super rich (don't ask lmao) just pure FILTH
●this the story that was supposed to come out after "Just One Touch" but I got real busy with school while writing this (actually graduating college this semester woo-hoo 🎓) and actually forgot about it until recently, so I got back on it! Anyway I hope ya'll like it!
●also I made an outfit reference (an outfit that taeyong wore obviously) hopefully ya'll caught it
"Why does today have to be so stressful?" Your whole company was in a frazzled state due to your boss's big visit, Mr. Charles J. Swan, one of the biggest names in the sex toy industry who definitely had you as a favorite when it came to company visits.
"MARK! GET THIS TEAM TOGETHER PLEASE!" You had seven other boys running around your office building trying to clean everything up for the big visit and were beyond stressed the entire but you had your wonderful assistant Mark Lee by your side, such a big sweetheart who always kept you calm when times got crazy 
"Don't worry Ms. y/n! I got this under control, Mr. Swan will be pleased like he always is, trust me on this" you gave him a sweet smile "Thank you Mark, I appreciate it, I really do. I don't know how I could run this place without you"
"Just go to your office and relax! We'll give you a call when he's here" you watched the craziness of the office die down a bit when he spoke to you
"I'll pray a bit while I'm in there" you said while heading to your office, opening the door and walking to your desk that was clean and organized, your eyes going straight to the framed picture of Taeyong in an orange t-shirt while smiling as big as he can in the corner of your desk. He was your whole world and happiness that you experienced every time you came home from a crazy day at work like today, his beautiful smile and big brown doe eyes just looking at you when you walk in the door "I wish my little rose was here with me, cute thing is my good luck charm" you started to daydream as your phone dinged with a notification from Mark saying "He's here!"
"Kill me now, oh my fucking god"
A whole hour passed while you were walking with Mr. Swan. He was an older, tall, handsome, dark-skinned man with black hair with broad shoulders and brown eyes who was definitely a hit with the ladies, but he had a small secret….he was a questionable man behind closed doors. "The building is looking wonderful Ms. Y/n, running like a well oiled machine" you gave a small sigh of relief "But, I do want to talk to you in your office for a brief moment and trust me, it's nothing bad" your day just couldn't get any better, can it? 
The both of you head right into your office, Mr. Swan going in first and you follow him right after. One thing you knew about him is that the man chose to be arrogant at times when he felt like it, he'll be sweet most of the time, but becomes cocky quite quick. 
"You know Ms. Y/N, your company is in great shape and I always give such a good rating of all my buildings that I own but something isn't feeling right over here and I might have to give this location a low rating" 
"Sir, but why? We always get a 5 star rating from you! What's going on? You said everything was good" the confusion was stuck on your face for a solid few seconds
"I know but something needs to be done in order for a good review, so I would love to have an exchange be done with you Ms. Y/N" you raise an eyebrow 
"Which is?...." 
Mr. Swan's eyes go straight to the framed picture of Taeyong on your desk, his lips turning into an evil smirk 
"Who is this pretty little thing sitting on your desk right here? I'm assuming he's the one you do all the test runs of your toys on, hm?" 
"T...that's just a friend of mine, his name is Taeyong and we both live with each other"
"So he's your boyfriend?" He said while chuckling, trying to get you to spill the beans on your secret yet sexual relationship with Taeyong
"Sir, he's just a friend of mine that I spend a lot of time with" 
"So a boyfriend?....." 
"Well yes…no…maybe…doesn't matter! Why do you want to know?"
"He probably is your boyfriend and you don't want to admit it, also I have made my decision!" your eyebrow quirks up while you listen.
"Let me play with the boy…." 
"E..excuse me?" 
"You heard me, if you want that perfect review that I always give you, bring Taeyong to my house this evening so you and I can have some fun with him….do we have a deal? If you deny my offer then you can kiss Mr. Mark Lee goodbye because I can make you fire him on the spot"
Your eyes widened in shock, you couldn't lose Mark. He was one of the reasons why your company was well-organized and coordinated minus how chaotic the building could get "Mr. Swan!!! I-" he cut you off with his finger pressed against your lips "You heard what I said….I want the boy" Your boss's request left you speechless. You were basically gonna hand him your sweet angel for his own pleasure, and on top of that, he was a straight man with a whole sugar baby who's out for his money, you just couldn't wrap your head around it.
"Mr. Swan, please sir, Taeyong is not a doll He's….only mine" that was a massive lie you told because he really is just a sex toy that you use everytime you come home "I don't think I wanna do that and on top of that sir, aren't you dating a woman currently? Very shocked that you would ask that question to me" 
"Y/n I know you've always wanted to have a duo dom session, I can read you like a book everytime I see you and I sent her on a trip to Hawaii, she is only a sugar baby, so she won't know. Has Taeyong ever been with an older man before or dealt with an older partner? I will give you a warning, I WILL break him" he let out an evil chuckle "You know how rough I can be with brand new toys, so what do you say?" 
You looked at your nude acrylic nail set that was freshly done and you fidgeted your hands around from the nervousness inside you but you finally came to making a decision ~I can't lose Mark, I just can't...I really can't believe I'm doing this~
"You have my word..." your heart raced for a minute as he stood up from your desk with open arms 
"WONDERFUL!! The both of you better arrive on time at my home at 8 PM and no later than, understood?" He got up from the desk and lifted your chin up, forcing you to look up at him "Yes sir" I said confidently "Good girl" the tall man headed out your door "I don't think he's ready for what I have in store for him, plus you're gonna be assisting me obviously, you know how much he can take" You nodded but got up from your seat quickly, walking in front of the man "I know you're in charge of me but I wanna set a few things straight" your face became serious as you got chest to chest, eyes going straight to his "I don't know if you understand how important Taeyong is to me, and he's possibly the most beautiful and innocent human being to walk this shit-hole that we call earth. But if he gets hurt in anyway possible, I WILL crack both of your nuts in half and cut your dick off so you won't be able to nut in another prostitute that you pay to suck your dick every week for money, You got that? 
All he did was give a light giggle and a smirk "You don't have to worry about that Y/N, the boy won't get hurt. He'll be in good hands" 
"I sure fucking hope so, because I swear to god" He looked at you yet again as he walked out "Also, bring a suitcase with stuff for you and him, you two are gonna be with me for a while" 
Before you knew it a whole day had passed. It was the evening that finally came, you were driving to Mr. Swan's house to deal with Taeyong sitting in your front seat looking out the window watching the sunset just looking so innocent. He was literally the cutest thing you've ever seen, he was wearing a white t-shirt with blue jeans, his hair combed nicely with a small bedazzled rose hair clip that you gave him that he used to keep his hair pulled back since it it was getting quite long, but he still looked adorable as ever, you were just conflicted on the fact that your boss was about to steal that innocence away from him. You had your hair in a high ponytail with your makeup done, a sheer black cocktail dress with a Celine leather jacket with metal accents along with a pair white high heels hovering over the gas pedal.
"So, who am I meeting again?" 
"Mr. Charles Swan, he's my boss that makes a visit from time to time to make sure everything is running smoothly at the company! He's a very nice man and he's been wanting to meet you for a while actually" 
"Oh that's exciting! I bet he's a nice man!"
You never told Taeyong the real reason why you two were going to visit your boss so late in the evening. You let out a small sigh as you pulled into the driveway of the Swan mansion, the house was massive, but it looked like he had renovations done since the last time you visited him.
"We're here finally" 
"Such a big and beautiful home!" you looked at Taeyong with a small smile, your hand touching his thigh, he looked at you with a shy smile. "You let me know if something doesn't feel right, okay? We can go home if you feel uncomfortable sweetheart, understand?" 
"Yes ma'am, I understand" 
"That's my good boy" the both of you head out the car and to the front door, your hand ringing the doorbell. "Hopefully he heard! That man does get stuck on the phone pretty often."
"Yes sweetheart I'll send your $500 tomorrow! I already gave you a deposit before I sent you to Hawaii for the week, give me some time…COMING!" 
"You will get it! I'll talk to you tomorrow" He said while opening the door for his two special guests while putting his phone away in his pocket
"Y/N! Welcome! And you look quite beautiful this evening as well. Sorry for the wait, I had call to take care of" The man was wearing a gray suit, his eyes looking dark when they landed on the very innocent and oblivious Taeyong 
"And this must be Taeyong" The man gave a predatory smile while looking at the petite boy, his eyes scanning every feature from his jawline to his shoes 
"What a handsome young man you are, I can see why Y/N always talks about you" 
A small blush appeared on his face when he received the compliment, his brown eyes getting glued to the ground.
"Someone is quite shy this evening aren't they?" Mr. Swan said while walking us inside to his office den area which was deep in his mansion, the sound of your heels clicking against the marble floor. 
"He tends to be a little shy when he gets a compliment, he gets them quite often actually" You said as you took off your leather jacket and sat it on a coat rack and placed the large suitcase in the corner. 
"You think he'll receive them quite a bit tonight if he behaves? Or we'll have to punish him?"
"P..punish?" Taeyong stuttered as he watched you close the door and lock it, his hair getting pulled tightly and his body being pushed onto the ground by Mr. Swan who was way stronger than he was "A…AHHHH!!!!!! OW!!!!" The boy screamed as you held him by his shoulders to make sure that he doesn't scurry away from the both of you.
"Let's set some ground rules here pet" Swan said while pulling Taeyong's hair back so he can look at him in the eyes 
"You will address me as Sir and her as Mistress, just like you do at home, you will be doing everything we say and if you behave, we will reward you, but if not….there will be punishment arranged"
"What do you say to him Taeyong?" 
"Y..yes sir, I'll be good!"
"Good boy… you know Y/N told me that you were quite obedient, so I wanted to experience it myself. I've been having my eyes on you for long time Taeyong, the day finally came where I finally got my hands on you" You looked at him with your arms crossed as he got up off the floor and grabbed some red rope out of a drawer and handed it to you "Go ahead and start tying his hands behind his back" you obeyed quickly and started working on wrapping up Taeyong's small wrists, doing your best at trying to make it tight, so that he doesn't move, you squatted down on your heels as you tied, your tight dress exposing the view of your panties.
"Now while she's doing that, how about we get this show started?" The man had his crotch right in front of Taeyong's face which had still had a light blush on it "Such a pretty little thing you are, just look at those plump lips you have and those big brown eyes...I wanna get a better view of them while those lips are wrapped around my cock. Don't you think that would be a good idea? Nod for me, please" He said while undoing his pants, a massive bulge visibly peeking through his underwear and then sliding it down to reveal his fat ten-inch cock, veins in clear view, shaft wide and girthy to the point where it would struggle to fit any hole near him, and balls that were definitely backed up with potent sperm that has been in there for longer than a week. 
"Gonna take his big cock in your mouth baby boy? Hm? Show Master how good you are at sucking. You do a good job already with the dildos I bring home for you to try out along with the straps that I fuck you with every night" 
Taeyong's mouth was already greedily open while nodding quickly just waiting to take the fat cock down his throat, his own cock in his pink undies throbbing and leaking pre-cum from being manhandled by his Master and Mistress, The blush on his face becoming a darker shade of red.
"He already has his mouth open for me, what a good little slut" he said as he shoved his cock into the needy boy's mouth, face-fucking him quite slow yet roughly the the point where the sloppiest noises escaped Taeyong's throat, his small tongue trying to lick every single inch of the whole thing without gagging, spit dripping onto his bare chest with a few tears leaving his pretty eyes that were glued to his Master. 
"I fucking love these fat lips all over my cock, so soft and plush, I didn't even have to remind him to look at me while he sucks me off" Swan kept changing the pace of his thrusts to let the boy breathe "such beautiful sounds our little fuck-toy is making! I fucking love it" He eventually pulled himself out of his mouth since he knew there were more activities to be done "Y/N your gonna have to be careful with this one, I almost blew a thick load down his throat" 
"Oh I know, he does turn into a little whore when dick gets brought up in a conversation, now what do you say to master? He let you have a taste of him since you've been a good boy" You already knew Taeyong wasn't gonna struggle with sucking someone off, either if it was your strap or another man's cock, the boy was pretty much pornstar material when it came to blowjobs since it was one of his favorite things to do when it came to pleasure. 
"T...thank you for letting me suck your cock, sir" 
"I'm definitely gonna have you thank me even more" he rubbed his thick tip across his plump lips.
An evil smile creeped on your lips as you pulled Taeyong off the floor "Wait Mr. Swan, I wanna look at that pretty face" your eyes look into his gorgeous brown ones that were soaked with fresh tears "Even after sucking cock you still look so pretty" you said as your finger wiped the tears away on his cheeks, your finger going into your mouth shortly after "Mmmmm I love how his tears taste" 
"You think I was too rough with him Y/N? Not like I care though"
"I don't think you were rough enough actually, I think we should tenderize our little piece of meat" before Taeyong could look at you, your hand swatted him hard on the cheek "You having fun yet? Yeah? C'mon smile if you're having fun" you said as you kept slapping him across the face, Swan having a matching evil smirk as he watched you slap the poor boy's face "C'mon! Keep smiling! We're supposed to be having FUCKING GREAT TIME!? What do you say to Mistress for slapping you? Use your words, bitch"
"M..mhmm thank you mistress!!! Thank you for slapping me!"
"All you are to us is a piece of meat, isn't that right?" The man said while grabbing Taeyong's fluffy cheeks, forcing him to look at him in the eyes "YES SIR! I'm just a piece of meat for you and my beautiful mistress" a few little sniffles leaving his nose as you slapped him one more time.
Mr. Swan pushed the small boy onto the couch forcefully, his small peachy toned leg was lifted up and on top of Swan's shoulder "you think he's ready to be fucked now? I wanna shove my cock in him so bad and stretch out his little hole, but I think it's time you pleased your mistress too, what do you think Taeyong?" The boy gulped and looked at you with innocent eyes while your boss was ready to destroy the poor thing until he's crying "Y...yes sir, I want to please my mistress as well" 
"That's a good boy, now you're gonna eat out your beautiful mistress until she cums on your face, understood? & don't you dare think about stopping because you will be punished for it, now what will you ask her?
"M..mistress may I please taste your wonderful pussy, I wanna make you feel good and make you cum!" You couldn't say no to the those precious brown eyes that sparkled when you looked into them "You better do a good fucking job and make me cum" your panties were already off, your leg crossing over his face with your glorius pussy touching his plump lips that already started devouring your dripping cunt "Oooohhh fuck! Just like that baby boy, just like that" This was just a normal routine for you, Taeyong always enjoyed when you forced him to eat you out and watching you come undone which gave him so much happiness "Look at the tongue go, boy just loves to taste you, doesn't he?" 
"H..he's absolutely obsessed with my cunt!" You said as you saw a red zapper toy sitting on the side table by the couch along with the other toys Mr. Swan had spread out for you and him to use on Taeyong, you pressed the tip of the zapper against his chest and a spark of electricity touched his soft skin 
"Awwww did you like that? Do you like it when your mistress hurts you, baby boy?" You touched his body again with the zapper while Swan teased Taeyong's tight little ass with his cock "YES MISTRESS! I LOVE WHEN YOU HURT ME! P...please do it more" he felt the thick tip pressing against his hole and shifted around so Mr. Swan can have the best access "Sir, please fuck me with giant cock! I want you to ruin me!" Swan's inner beast was easily awoken when the little boy said those words "I am going to ruin you….I've been waiting to do this for months!" Before Taeyong could respond, his eyes widened quickly as the massive cock filled his ass along with a harsh stretch that didn't really bother him due to the fact that he bounces on dildos when his Mistress isn't home "Awwwwwww look at him taking such a big cock inside him, such a good boy" You said as you grinned while on his face since you wanted sweet release from the previous events of watching your little rose get manhandled by your boss. 
"Fuck he's quite tight for someone who rides on dildos everyday like a whore, I'm almost balls deep inside him" a hand slowly wrapped around his throat while he was fucked hard and deep, cutting out his airways while he licked away at his mistress who that was already on the edge of cumming "Ooohhh baby boy you gotta make mistress cum first before you-" your sentence was cut short when you felt your orgasm building as his tounge moved quicker and faster "Looks like your mistress is gonna unravel pretty soon slut, gonna watch that happen while I tear your ass apart" he said in-between rough thrusts, small moans leaving Taeyong's lips as he ate you out while getting fucked hard by an older man.
"I'm gonna...ah cum! fuck i'm gonna cum!" Tears sliding down your face as your orgasm took over, your body lifting up a little as you squirted onto Taeyong's lips, your chest heaving as you came back down from your high, your round ass smothering his face for a second before getting up "Fuck….you did such a good job at eating me out baby" you closed your legs slowly as the love of your life looked fucked out from you squirting on his face and from his ass being pulverized 
"He's being such a good little slut for us isn't he?" He signals you to grab the nipple clamps 
"Mmmmmmmmm yes he is, and what are these pretty pieces of jewelry Mr. Swan has for you sweetheart?" you grabbed the clamps and grinned evilly when attached them to Taeyong's terribly sensitive nipples, the poor little thing screaming from the pull of the clamps "AAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH THANK YOU MISTRESS!!!" 
"Isn't there someone else you wanna thank? The one that's fucking your ass like I do when we're at home?" Tears of pure pleasure slid down Taeyong's broken face from how roughly he was being handled by the both of you, the poor thing didn't even know what he got himself into when he walked into the doors of the handsome stranger that works above you. The zapper was placed on his cheek while Swan leaned in to make sure he was rubbing against Taeyong's sweet spot, fucking him even deeper. "What's the matter? You scared that I might let the zapper go off? I promise you it won't hurt, my love! It's just scary isn't it? Not knowing when it's gonna fucking go off. You look so pretty taking an older man's cock inside you like a cheap little whore. Remember what I told you to say a few minutes ago" 
Small yet loud whines along with many "Oh fucks" left Taeyong's mouth in-between hard and rough thrusts "T. .thank you for fucking my ass sir! Thank you for using me like a cheap sex doll" the boy's cock was red and throbbing that had leaking pre-cum shooting from the tip, his prostate going numb from the large cock inside him "May I please c..cum? Sir, may I please cum??? I...I wanna cum s..so bad p...please!!!" 
"Do you think we should let him cum? Poor thing just can't control himself because he's so sensitive" your manicured hand wrapped around his cock that caused Taeyong to let out the biggest groan "Wanna cum for Master and I baby boy?" He shifted and squirmed on the couch as he was close to cumming "YES MISTRESS! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME CUM...OH GOD PLEASE"
"Actually Y/N, how about we set up a little challenge for our little toy? Take those nipple clamps off with YOUR MOUTH and then we'll let you cum" fear appeared in Taeyong's eyes quickly as he looked up at you, a very loud yet evil laugh filled the room as you looked down at your broken angel while putting the chain in his mouth "Take them off....." light cries were heard as Taeyong tried his absolute best to rip the clamps off. Honestly when you first showed up here, you were very hesitant on doing a threesome with your boss, but now you're starting to think that it was smart choice for now.
"N..nghhhh" one clamp flies off and a small scream is heard "Just one more, darling" the other clamp slowly pulls away from the other as you watch tears flow down his face yet again with another scream leaving his lips as the clamp gets pulled off "t...that hurt so bad, but I loved it so much, Mistress" an evil smile creeped on your lips as you kept jacking him off "He cums alot just to warn you"
"Go ahead and cum before we change our minds little boy~" high pitched moans escaped the boy's plump lips, long white ropes of cum coating your dress and his bare tummy along with Swan pulling out of his ass with sweat dripping down his toned body 
"Awwww looks like someone made a mess" You managed to get yourself off the couch and had sweat dripping off you as you looked down at a very fucked out Taeyong, his chest heaving with your juices coating his lips and his hair all messy while shivering from his orgasm, Your hand petting his forehead while you get right in his face "You okay my darling? It wasn't too bad" 
"Y..yes mistress, I'm okay" 
"Good!….Charles get the strongest vibrator you have" you said evilly while forcing Taeyong to the ground yet again by the foot of the couch, forcing his little legs open so his cock can be exposed, his big brown eyes looking very panicked as he watched Mr. Swan walk to a drawer and pulled out a rose colored bullet vibrator "This is a new one I got recently, haven't used it yet! Is Taeyong willing to be our test subject for it?" 
"Of course he is! It's not like he has a choice in the matter, am I wrong sweetheart?" You shoved your panties into his mouth before he could respond back to you "Shhhh just nod your head slut" you found a small piece of rope and tied the vibrator to his cock that was already hard again, Mr. Swan wiping the sweat off his face, a smile forming while looking at a helpless Taeyong "The switch is under the bottom of the the vibrator, and from what I've heard, it's tiny but mighty, poor thing might pass out afterwards" 
"Good to know because I was gonna skip to the highest setting anyway. We have no time for that" You watched Taeyong throw himself over as the toy sent strong vibrations to his cock along with tears building up in his eyes "MHMMMMM!!!!!! MHMMMM!" 
"Awww what's wrong? Feels too good? That's too bad my love. You're gonna stay here for a while and don't even think about cumming….understood?"
His pretty little head nodded quickly as you were pushed onto the couch, with your legs in the air by Mr. Swan who was already turned on again after seeing you handle Taeyong, your dress being lifted up and stopping at your hips "I love seeing a dominant woman, mind if I fuck you too while baby boy watches? Humiliate him to the max?" Your eyes glare at the innocent boy in front of you, your hands going straight to his neck to choke him "Let's show Taeyong how good you can fuck his mistress" Swan's massive cock ended up in your tight pussy, causing you to moan instantly. It's been a long time since you were fucked by a cock this size before, Taeyong was a decent size and he tries his best to make you feel good but there are times where you wanted another man to fuck you, along with the fact that Taeyong wouldn't mind since he enjoys the feeling of being cucked. 
"YOU'RE HITTING MY DAMN CERVIX!! the man had you in a mating press like he was fucking your cunt roughly like an animal in heat, like he was just trying to get you pregnant. "Damn this pussy is just as nice as our little sex toy's hole, never knew i would end up fucking one of my employees like this" Swan swinged a look at Taeyong just staring at your beautiful body, your legs being wrapped around his waist while he pounds you senseless, your fucked out face looking so pretty with sweat dripping down your chest, your red stained lips parted open as your sweet yet loud moans left your mouth "I love this big cock inside my tight pussy, I bet you wish you were fucking me, right baby boy? You pathetic little fucktoy that was made for our use" You could hear his little whimpers leave his gagged mouth as he was struggling to hold, you pulled Taeyong close to you where you forced his head on your stomach, his eyes glued on the cock that was going in and out of your pussy "You like watching mommy get fucked by a cock bigger than yours sweetheart? You just dream of watching me get stretched out by another man that's twice your size, huh?" Swan pulled onto Taeyong's hair, forcing him to look up at him while taking the pair of panties out of his mouth "I bet your just dying to cum just from watching this you dumb little slut, how disgusting are you just for watching us fuck. Fucking spit on him...." You release a large wad of spit from your mouth that ended up on his cheek with your hand slapping him shortly after "Respond to your master when he talks to you or you're not gonna cum...fucking worthless piece of meat." You spit on him yet again while your hand swatted him again on the face "SPEAK...."
"Y..YES SIR!! I love watching you fuck my mistress way better than I ever could, my cock is useless compared to yours that's deep inside her! Please make her cum & make her feel so good!"
The man smiled as he saw how much of mess you both were since you were close to bursting "Both of you can fucking cum" 
Swan pulled his cock out of your pussy and blew his load all over your stomach along with your fingers getting shoved into your wet ruined pussy trying to get yourself to cum which didn't take long to do. You felt rush a liquid leave your pussy as you squirted yet again as you watched Taeyong cum at the exact same time you did while some of Swan's massive load ended up on his face, both of your tounges out like brainless whores who's brains have absolutely melted while looking fucked out, your chest heaving up and down while Taeyong's head was still on your stomach with a mix of Swan's and your cum on his face, completely breathless.
"Damn, what a ride. Didn't expect to go hard on you y/n" you smiled and panted as you tried getting up, knowing damn well you were gonna be sore in the morning, actually Taeyong is gonna be the one who was gonna go through a lot of pain the next day. "Are you okay my lov-" Taeyong was passed out on the floor, you quickly got up and grabbed a nearby knife to cut the ropes off "Is he okay?" he said as he started a bath for the both of you in the nearby bathroom, along with grabbing a few bottles of water for the three of you "He's okay, he just passes out so quickly after sex and I get worried about him even though he's just fine" you were holding Taeyong very tightly as you looked at him "I know I've said this before Mr. Swan, but Taeyong means so much to me" you looked at him like he was your newborn son "He's like my little doll, I don't want anything to happen to him. I would do anything for him." Mr. Swan nodded and looked at you "I believe you, he's in good hands, also I have a bath going for the both of you, you two can actually spend the night here in one of my guest rooms, I don't want you out driving at this time of night" you smile at him as you carry your little prince to the bathroom, giving Swan a small smile while you kicked the door with your foot and it shuts completely.
Mr. Swan's smile disappeared as he walks toward your leather jacket and pulls out your car keys "You're not leaving here until your "little doll" is mine"
After taking a much needed bath, you dried Taeyong off and put him in one of his favorite oversized shirts that he wears to bed since Swan recommended that you bring a suitcase. You placed him on the bed carefully, trying not to wake him. You looked at your perfect boy as he slept peacefully on the pillow covered bed. "I can never have anything happen to you, my perfect little doll" You slipped on a lingerie dress before getting into bed with him, covering you both with the large blanket "You will never end up in someone else's hands that aren't mine…I'll do anything to protect you" you pulled his hair back a little bit before your eyes closed shut.
It was the next morning and the sun was shining extremely bright into the room, you were slowly waking up with your arm sliding over to the side where Taeyong was "Mmmmm good morning love" you rubbed your eyes as you thought that they were messing with you when you didn't see him next to you, you immediately get up in a panic, you hop out of bed and run to the bathroom door to see if he was in there. 
"Taeyong? are you in there?" You open the door and the bathroom is empty, your heart starts beating like crazy as you walk back to the bed until you see a piece of paper that had a neatly written message in cursive. You picked up the note and your heart dropped immediately "Thanks for bringing me a new toy, Taeyong is MY doll now, bitch"- C.S." You crumbled up the note and aimed straight for your suitcase, scrambling around for a change of clothes along with the gun that you packed just in case if Charles was up to some bullshit.
"I fucking knew something was up....I JUST KNEW! Also where the fuck are my keys?" You pulled out a pack of bullets and notice that your leather jacket was left downstairs and realize that your car keys were in a pocket, your anger mixed with annoyance since you know that he got ahold of the keys to keep you both here.
"This house is gonna be covered in blood once I find this motherfucker" you said as you loaded the gun with 5 gold bullets and placing it on a strap that placed on your thigh.
Oh my my....a cliffhanger!
Stay tuned~💋
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thelocalconstellation · 2 months
I crawled my way down the epic the musical rabbit hole 48 hours ago and my brain has been running lyrical analysis ever since and also Survive still manages to be one of the most fucking horrifying songs to me ever. Each saga has like. Emotional Damage to the MAX in at least one song and Oh Boy.
Trojan war saga's actually pretty okay but the damn near wailing of "forgive me" in just a man hits like a sack of wet bricks if I pay a little too much attention to it.
Cyclops saga, Survive. Polites. Nuff said.
Ocean saga is also not that bad but like. Keep Your Friends Close, while primarily silly and upbeat, NINE DAYS?????? HE WAS HALLUCINATING. something something "why can't I embrace you" to a hallucination of Penelope and Telemachus like I am SORRY but Also.
Circe saga is actually just funky all the time to me I think. This one has some imitation of reasonableness. I can't actually pick really but if I HAD to probably There Are Other Ways because I dunno man some of those lines (Odysseus just mISSES HIS WIFE MAN.) And posidien is just a prick which. :(
Underworld saga, hoo boy what DOESN'T hurt here. For the prize of hurts most I'm gonna say Monster because having the emotional context of needing to disregard guilt in favour of survival also hits like a sack of wet bricks.
Thunder saga, primarily just a fuckin BANGER but like. Mmmm. It's between Scylla and Mutiny because understanding that Odysseus did not WANT to go through Scylla's lair or make that sacrifice is just fucking rude. But also, looking at Mutiny, very specifically the second half, "Ody we're never gonna make it home" is fucking horrifying followed by pretty much "nope nope nope nope get the fuck off this island RIGHT NOW. Nope nope nope nope FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK HI. NO." Mutiny is interesting to me though because like. Hmm yes we are going to overthrow our captain and the SECOND shit hits the fan uhhh hey Captain? Like. Eurylochus. You Had A Mutiny. This is supposed to be your circus now dipshit. The conflicting language and actions of people will always be interesting to me. Anyways final call probably mutiny just "I Can't" MMMMM fun!
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dating-agoti · 2 years
So, i read your SMIH with Agoti and.. Hoo boy. Simp mode activate. Could you write another spicy makeout session with Agoti, when he and the reader are chillin at Agotis place and have all the time in the world?
Sorry it took so long. I
Hot and Heavy (After Seven Minutes in Heaven) -Agoti x Reader-
Though he extended the invitation, the screen demon wasn't expecting you to be at the door. He had to blink a few times but ultimately grinned and stepped aside so you could come in. He gave you a flirty wink.
"Hey, didn't think you'd take me up on that offer. Kinda thought you wouldn't be up to make out anywhere but Pico's closet-"
"Shut up," You only amused him, getting another laugh out of him. The demon followed you to the living room, sitting on the couch right beside you. "I just... thought you were serious when you invited me over..." The demon put a hand on our thigh, letting out a playful growl. The guttural noise forced a blush to your cheeks.
"I was," You were pulled into his lap and the digidevil licked their lips. You avoided looking at him but that didn't stop him. He dove into your neck, nipping at the base and working his way up your jaw. Your giggles fueled the digidevil. His hands were firm on your hips and you could feel his thumbs rubbing your sides.
"A-Agoti," Your giggling and wiggling we forcing muffled moans from the digidevil and he couldn't take it anymore. He stopped teasing your neck, shushing you up with a swift kiss. Your arms fell on his shoulders and the devil's skillful tongue blurred the world around you as you melted together. He broke away for a moment, seemingly out of breath or overwhelmed.
"...Sol and Aldryx aren't home." You let out a breath, unsure if YOU were out of breath or relieved to hear that news. You didn't even think to ask, despite being very aware that he didn't live alone. You were only thinking about him. He bit his lip and continued, "...So... We have the house to ourselves."
"...And... what did you want to do?"
"....I'm thinking you." He purred. It did make you uncomfortably hot but you tried to laugh it off. He saw right through that. He snuggled back into your neck, kissing up the side of your jaw. He was slowly moving you off his lap and it was obvious he intended to make this happen right on his couch. Nervous, you looked around and found yourself pinned under the digidevil. You didn't object, keeping your body close to his as his hands messed with the hem of your shirt.
Finally he gripped the edge, grinning at the thought of what was to come. That shy little look away was cute but he wanted verbal confirmation that you wanted him to continue.
"...Mind if I take this off, babe?" You grabbed his hands as you thought about it. You didn't get to answer though. Agoti was smacked in the back of the head with a newspaper. The two of you scrambled to sit up and you offered an innocent smile to Aldryx and Sol.
Aldryx snickered and Sol just groaned. Sol held the newspaper in one hand and a bag of groceries in the other. Aldryx's hands were completely full of bags.
"HEY! WHAT THE FUCK?" "No, Bad. Go be horny somewhere else!" Sol warned, "And help us bring the groceries in."
"YOU'RE RUINING MY DATE-" He hit him again, clearly annoyed with his son already. Agoti began to grumble curses to himself and Sol couldn't care less.
"Aldryx, make sure you put up the milk."
"Already on it."
"...So uh... you want to... take this to my room-"
"I SAID HELP WITH THE GROCERIES, AGOTI!" Sol yelled, scaring the digidevil. You just giggled at him. He puffed up his cheeks and you took a moment to kiss one, immediately embarrassing him.
"Tell you what," You stood, dusting yourself off and making sure you were presentable. "I'm headed home. You can meet me there when Sol's done with you."
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raiiryuu · 4 months
meta: holidays
⚡︎ Send me a topic for a meta ⚡︎ - @scarletbellatrix
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[[Hoo boy here we go. There's gonna be some heavy-ish topics in here (death of family/strained family relationships, copious drinking, things like that) but I'll keep the lighthearted stuff above a cut and the heavy stuff below.]]
Gift-giving holidays are probably something he honestly enjoys? He's a very 'saw this and thought of you' type, but if he's close to you he also listens a lot more than he might let on. He also likely has a deal with those he's close to that at least one holiday he gets to splurge a bit, even if he keeps the others more along the lines of what others consider affordable. He's not a "money is no object" person, he's keeping track of everything, but he's financially comfortable and has the means to do it, and these are people he cares about a lot, he wants them to have nice things. Even if it might frustrate them sometimes.
Birthdays are typically the holidays he'll go all-out for, or close to it. It's specific to that person, signifies they've stuck around another year, and he might be just a little sentimental about it. He's horrible to shop for, but one of his favorite memories is the year he tried to tell the team he didn't want anything, just for them to be there, maybe a cake or something. They (knowingly) each made one, just to get at him for it, and it was the most hilarious thing to him. Spending a snowy winter afternoon with them, dodging Bix's totems trying to smudge frosting on his face while talking with Ever and Freed about how difficult pineapple upside-down cake really is to make, isn't something he's going to forget anytime soon.
Halloween is sort of hit-and-miss for him. It was his mom's favorite, but as long as he's suitably distracted (such as helping Bixlow decorate the haunted house he's turning the guildhall into), he can relax and enjoy it. He's often asked to dress up and help out, but he usually just replies with something along the lines of I'm probably scary enough without the costume ... but grudgingly agrees to help at least a little bit.
Mother's Day and Father's Day are two of the worst holidays, for him, for various reasons. The few days leading up to each holiday, if Laxus can't find some sort of job to distract himself, he's basically a ghost -- barely seen at the guildhall if at all. For Mother's Day, he visits her grave in Magnolia, but will immediately leave if anyone happens upon him there. It's especially tense if it's Makarov that finds him, but there's rarely any words shared before he's gone.
Father's Day is...difficult. He often finds himself wanting to reach out again, to say something, even just a simple hello, but he's not sure how it'd be taken. And to him, the possibility of it being a negative reception is worse than not doing so at all. He's typically gone like he is for Mother's Day, usually spending it at home or working as a distraction.
Most holidays he's fine with, other than those, but if he's coerced into sticking around for the guild celebrations, he's often drinking to make it through them. It's one of the few times you'd actually catch him drunk, though he'd try to downplay it if he's not ushered home by his team before getting too bad off. He's said a few things he regrets while in that state, but never anything cruel -- mostly just admissions he'd never have made had he been sober.
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fairysteve · 2 years
so close yet so far away (the distance is shorter than you think) or five times that Eddie had to watch Steve and Gareth together, and the one time that he got included (wip)
stareth, eddie & gareth, eddie & steve, steddie (currently onesided)
Stick-and-pokes night (3391 words, second draft)
Eddie expected Gareth’s bedroom to be empty when he walked into it since Jeff has no interest in stick-and-pokes and Frank had other plans, but standing by the desk is someone that has him actually pause and question if he’s somehow in the wrong house. The King himself - Steve Harrington - is looking through Gareth’s tape collection, as if he has any reason - or right - to be there. Harrington looks mighty comfortable for someone out of place, reading the back of a tape that had caught his interest, all while wearing the tightest shirt, tightest jeans, tightest everything. Eddie can’t look away; wonders if he hit his head somewhere and is dreaming.
Before Eddie can say anything to make sense of dream or reality, however, Gareth enters the room, carrying a bottle of Yoo-Hoo that he hands off to Eddie before making sure the bedroom door is closed. After securing that they won’t be interrupted, Gareth walks up to Harrington, a smile on his lips that Eddie hadn’t expected. School ended for summer barely two weeks ago - the memory of Gareth complaining about the basketball team as a whole is recent in his mind. What could possibly have happened in that short time for him to not only be fine with Harrington but invite the guy home, and let him into his bedroom?
Eddie can only watch as Gareth picks the tape - something by Quiet Riot - out of Harrington’s hands and puts it aside. “I should play Bad Boy for you later, I think you’d like it. Eddie’s here now though, so we can start.”
At his name, Eddie looks down at the bottle in his hands and pretends that he’s been trying to open it when in truth, he had been unable to stop staring. He’s still looking through his eyelashes at the two even as he starts fiddling with the cap. Harrington isn’t even looking at him but is using his height advantage of three inches to look down at Gareth with a pout. His lips look unfairly kissable, and Eddie has to divert his eyes down to the bottle properly. It wouldn’t do to drop it just because he’s interested in what the fuck is going on.
“You didn’t say anyone else was coming.” Harrington’s tone isn’t accusing, but Eddie can almost hear the pout. He can definitely picture it; thinks the image of Harrington’s pouting lips might have been burned onto the back of his eyelids. He takes finally getting the bottle open as a reason to look back up and immediately regrets it.
“Eddie’s safe,” Gareth reassures Harrington before putting a hand on his bicep - for balance? just because it looks very firm and muscular and touchable? - and leans in to kiss the pout away.
Eddie did not spend two years lying about not having a crush on Steve Harrington for this to happen. He almost drops the bottle, his mind blanking at the sudden influx of information; Harrington has been okay with kissing guys this whole time, Harrington is kissing Gareth, Gareth is kissing Harrington, when the fuck did that happen, and did Gareth say earlier that Harrington would like a metal song?
His mouth must be hanging open. This can’t be real. He really must have hit his head somewhere.
Harrington looks much happier once the kiss ends, finally acknowledging that Eddie has been standing there this whole time. Eddie snaps his mouth shut and hopes to someone - anyone - that it goes unnoticed.
“I’m Steve. I think we had Social Studies together?”
They did. Eddie didn’t think Harring- Steve knew.
“Uh, yeah. Ms O’Donell. She hates me.”
“I think she hates everyone,” Steve gives a little laugh that shouldn’t be cute but somehow manages to be. “So, did you give yourself those then?”
He’s nodding to the swarm of bats on Eddie’s arm, and it takes a moment before it connects that Steve is there for stick-and-pokes and not just to fuck with Eddie’s head. The last ten - or was it only five? - minutes do not feel real.
“They’re a good warm-up.” Eddie feels awkward but the opened bottle he’s holding is a great excuse to drink something and avoid more conversation. He still can’t believe what’s happening; it’s almost more shocking that Steve has an interest in tattoos than guys.
“You didn’t forget your lighter, right?” Gareth asks, breaking the strange tension that had been building. While Eddie and Steve talked, he had gathered supplies from around the room; the sewing needles and thread had been kept in a drawer, and the pencil and tape had been on the desk.
Eddie doesn’t have time to screw the cap back onto the bottle so that he can find his lighter before Steve gets one out of his pocket and hands it over. Okay then. He probably shouldn’t be surprised that Steve carries a lighter, and this way he gets to save on lighter fluid.
And it absolutely isn’t sexy that Steve carries a lighter. Eddie absolutely isn’t imagining Steve leaning in close to light a joint for him.
“I’ve got the ink.” he offers instead, putting the now-capped bottle under his arm so he has both hands free to go through his pants pockets for the small container. He finds it in one of his front pockets after taking a minute to pat himself down.
With the lighter and ink fixed, the rest of the set-up doesn’t take very long at all. Gareth has to go to the bathroom for the cotton wool and rubbing alcohol, but that’s it.
Eddie picks up a needle and the lighter as they wait, with Steve watching curiously. It’s clear that Steve has no idea how to actually do stick-and-pokes, and Eddie can’t help but want to be mean to him.
“Not scared that I’ll poke your eye out?”
He’s playing with the lighter, the needle hovering above the flame but not yet close enough. He’s tempted to do his whole bit with the horns, but instead, he settles for a smirk and snaps his teeth towards Steve’s direction. What he wouldn’t do to actually get to bite down…
“My eye? That’s not very creative.” Steve is not as shaken as Eddie would have liked, but before he can retort something better, Gareth comes back. With the rubbing alcohol and cotton wool close, he finally lowers the needle into the flame.
Steve has moved to watch Gareth instead, who explains why he’s coating the cotton in rubbing alcohol and why Eddie’s heating up the needle. Eddie tunes them out.
Before long, the needle has been sterilized, wrapped in thread, and taped to a pencil so that it’s easier to hold. Eddie has settled on the floor and is cleaning off a part of his arm so that he can add another bat to the swarm, while Gareth and Steve are sitting on the bed, just talking.
There are more needles so it’s not like they have to wait unless Gareth lost all his spare pencils again. Actually, Eddie only remembers seeing one. He would suggest using a drumstick instead, but that hadn’t gone over well the first - and only - time he brought it up. Whatever. If they want to act like he’s not there, he shouldn’t care about them either.
With that decided, Eddie does his best not to listen. He doesn’t want to hear them being all gross and in love. (He’s happy if Gareth’s happy, but… Steve. It’s kind of hard to see his long-time crush with someone else, especially when he used to think he had a crush on an asshole. But Steve is actually kind of awkwardly charming and it fucking sucks.)
He hums melodies as he works, trying to figure out the bridge for a new song he’s writing. It helps him tune out what’s happening on the bed, and slowly he forgets everything but the music and the repeating pattern of the needle going in and out of his skin.
Eddie almost drops the needle when he looks up to dip it in ink and Steve is suddenly next to him, watching the process with intense focus that he doesn’t know how to handle.
“Does it hurt?” Steve asks once he notices that he has Eddie’s attention. He doesn’t look all that worried about any potential pain, not for himself.
“Not if you do it right. Unless you have a low pain tolerance.”
“Yeah, no, no need to worry about that.” Steve gives a little laugh again, but it’s much more bitter than the one earlier. Eddie still doesn’t know what to do about the revelation that Steve Harrington has more layers to him than an asshole jock that peaked in high school. How the hell does Gareth handle this?
“You’re still thinking of getting one? There’s no pressure.” Gareth says. He sits next to Steve, and Eddie didn’t even notice, too focused on brown, curious eyes.
“There’s definitely pressure. It’s stick-and-pokes night.” Eddie corrects. Gareth just rolls his eyes. Eddie suppresses the urge to roll his right back, and instead actually dips the needle so that he can get back to working on the bat. It’s almost done, he just needs to get one of the wings in better shape and fill in some spaces.
“I’m getting one.” Steve has a stubborn tilt to his smile that makes Eddie want to catalogue all his expressions.
Fuck, he’s in deep. Yet Gareth is the one that gets to kiss Steve, not him.
“You’re doing it yourself?”
He wants to ask what Steve is getting, but this is a better line of questioning. Eddie can’t picture him puncturing his own skin with a needle.
“Actually… I was wondering if you could do it?”
Steve’s smile has more charm behind it than Eddie knows how to deal with. He feels like he could be asked anything right now and he would say yes, but his eyes flicker to Gareth in question.
“You’re better than me,” Gareth shrugs.
“Gar has to hold my hand.” Steve’s smile turns from something charming to something lovesick as he turns his attention away from Eddie and towards Gareth.
Eddie wants to throw up.
“What’s in it for me?” he asks, instead of admitting that getting to put his hands on Steve is enough. This whole day is torture enough as is.
“I’ll get you another Yoo-Hoo?”
The bottle Gareth gave him earlier sits next to Eddie on the floor and is almost empty. He hadn’t even noticed he’d been drinking from it.
“You’d do that anyway.”
“I can give you free ice cream if you come by Scoops Ahoy.” Steve offers, immediately catching Eddie’s attention.
“Scoops Ahoy?”
“Yeah, at the mall. I’m working there.”
“It’s the one with the sailor outfits,” Gareth adds.
Eddie has never needed to see anything more in his life, but…
“Daddy’s not paying everything anymore?”
Steve is the one to roll his eyes this time; no other answer is given. He wants to press but he can see Gareth shaking his head in warning.
“Sure, I’ll take the ice cream,” he sighs instead. That, and getting to see Steve in a sailor costume, is more than enough payment. “I’m done with this anyway.”
It hadn’t been that hard to finish the bat up while talking, and it turned out pretty good. Eddie goes through the motions of cleaning up while Gareth gets up from the floor to find him a bandaid.
“Have you done the others yourself too?” Steve is looking at the black widow that’s barely visible above his collar and underneath the battle vest. Eddie can’t help but wonder how close Steve has been looking at him to spot it.
“I have more stick-and-pokes on my legs, but the others are professional.”
“Isn’t that illegal?”
Eddie bites back a smile and just looks at Steve for a moment, waiting for the dots to connect.
“Oh! Yeah, um, that was a dumb question.” He looks genuinely embarrassed, and as if he’s waiting for Eddie to make fun of him.
“This your first time breaking the law, Stevie?” Where the fuck did Stevie come from?
“I’ve had beer before. And marijuana.” Steve rolls his eyes, but he also smiles so it’s a win. And curiously, he doesn’t say anything about the nickname.
“No one calls it marijuana.” Eddie actually laughs this time, and he swears that Steve’s smile widens.
So of course that’s when Gareth comes back with a bandaid, handing it over and sitting back down next to Steve. Eddie can’t tell if it’s closer than before or if his mind is playing a trick on him.
A comfortable silence falls over the room while Eddie secures the band-aid and starts removing the needle from the pencil. They’ll need a new one and some clean thread for Steve’s tattoo; safety first and all that.
“So, where do you want it? And what are you getting?” He works on preparing a new needle as he asks.
“Give me a sec,” Steve says as he gets up from the floor. He heads over to a bag by the desk that Eddie hadn’t paid attention to, and takes a moment to rifle through it.
Three different kinds of papers get placed on the desk; a piece of parchment paper which must hold the design, and then a normal A4 and a sheet of carbon paper for tracing. Gareth must have told Steve to bring it.
“Gareth, you can transfer that while I set up with Steve,” Eddie directs. He’s always liked being in charge. “Steve, sit on the bed.”
Gareth does as told with minimal protest, only commenting something about getting bossed around in his own room. Steve turned towards the bed but paused, his hands reaching for his shirt.
Eddie doesn’t have time to question it before a shirtless Steve Harrington is sitting down on the bed as directed. It’s a bit too close to fantasy for comfort, and he wonders if it’s hot enough outside to explain away how sweaty his palms suddenly feel.
“Where- Where did you say you want it?”
Had anyone told Eddie last week - scratch that, had anyone told Eddie yesterday that he would be feeling up Steve Harrington’s torso, he would have laughed at them and asked if he could have what they were having because it must be the good shit. As it is, Steve is leaning against Gareth’s pillows as Eddie kneels above him, his fingers mapping out Steve’s ribcage.
“Underneath my ribs,” Steve had said - as if that was a normal place to get anything. Eddie gets it, slightly. Getting tattoos on the bone fucking hurts. But couldn’t Steve have chosen a place where Eddie won’t have to keep a hand on his stomach for balance? This is a completely different flavour of torture than seeing Gareth and Steve being all lovey-dovey.
Speaking of Gareth, he has the prepared design cut off and is handing Eddie a soaked cotton ball so that he can prepare the area of skin he’s found.
“We can move it if you don’t like it,” he reassures before touching the cotton wool to Steve’s skin. Steve sucks in a small breath at the new sensation but doesn’t say anything, just watches.
Eddie takes the design and puts it against the patch of skin that he just made moist, focusing on pressing on it to transfer all the lines. It’s first when he’s happy with the transfer that he actually takes a look at it.
baby is written against Steve’s skin, in lowercase cursive that he doesn’t recognise but can only assume belongs to Gareth. Eddie hadn’t known Gareth could write in cursive. It does explain why Steve had brought parchment paper; the text would have been mirrored unless written backwards if the paper hadn’t been see-through for tracing.
“Does it looks good to you?” Eddie leans back, no longer hovering over Steve. If he erases Gareth from his vision, if he doesn’t think about how that must be Gareth’s handwriting on Steve’s skin… it’s a really pretty picture. A very tempting picture. He has to bite the inside of his cheek to calm down.
“Perfect,” Steve breathes out as he looks up at Eddie with a blinding smile. This whole scenario will be the death of him.
Gareth sits on the floor, holding Steve’s hand but out of the way as Eddie works. Steve keeps quiet, his eyes focused on the needle that Eddie’s bringing in and out of his skin. Trying not to think about how close Steve is, of the hand that he’s keeping on Steve’s stomach, the way he’s almost kneeling above him, Eddie starts humming again. He had almost had something figured earlier… maybe. He had gotten very distracted, can’t remember if he had anything with the bridge or not.
He’s taking his time, getting the tattoo as near as to perfection that a stick-and-poke can be. Makes sure to get the swoop of the y just right. The word is small, and with cursive, it’ll be impossible to read from a distance. Eddie doesn’t know how to feel about the fact that he’ll always know that it’s there, that he was the one to put baby of Steve Harrington’s skin. It feels more illegal than the tattoo itself, just because of who Steve is.
But even taking his time, the moment can’t last together. Eddie gets handed a freshly soaked cotton wool to wipe the area off, and then a bandaid to put on top of it. If his hands linger against Steve’s skin longer than necessary, he hopes no one else notices.
“There we go. You should wipe it with alcohol and vaseline twice a day until it’s healed.”
“Thanks, Eddie.” The combination of Steve saying his name and smiling at him makes Eddie want to reach for his hair to hide behind, but Gareth is right there, and Gareth knows all his tells, and Eddie can’t be caught crushing on Gareth’s boyfriend. Shit fucking sucks.
“You still owe me ice cream,” he says instead of screaming in frustration as he gets off the bed to clean up properly.
“You’re staying for dinner?” Gareth has moved to help with clean up after handing Steve his shirt. It’s not the first stick-and-poke night where not everyone got a tattoo, which he has to remember to bring up the next time he tries to convince Jeff to show up.
“Nah, Wayne is getting off early.”
“I have a shift tomorrow, I should get home.”
Eddie and Steve answer simultaneously, and Gareth smiles in amusement at them.
“Eddie can give you a lift,” Gareth offers. “I’ll call you. Eddie, see you at practice.”
“I can do what now.” It’s not the first time that Gareth has offered up the use of his van, and Eddie plays at annoyance every time.
“I’ll give you gas money.” Steve offers, and normally Eddie would take it because rich asshole, but Steve isn’t an asshole, is apparently working minimum wage at the mall so he just waves him off.
“Give me extra ice cream instead.” he sighs.
He left first, to give Gareth and Steve some privacy to say goodbye, and to mentally prepare himself for being in his van with his damn crush. Eddie’s trying to tune the radio into something not awful when the door opens and Steve gets in, his bag dropped between his feet.
“Whereto?” Eddie asks, giving up on the radio. There’s a rock and roll song playing that he recognises as something Wayne has listened to, so it’s not the worst.
“Lincoln Park isn’t too out of your way, right? I can walk from there.”
Part of him had expected Steve to turn around and be an asshole once out of earshot of Gareth, so having him actually be considerate and chose a spot between Loch Nora and the trailer park… Eddie wants to slam his head against the wheel.
“You’re the actual worst. I hope you spill on yourself and it stains your favourite shirt.” The words don’t come out with the level of vexation that he feels.
Steve just laughs at him. Eddie has to figure out how to be meaner the next time they meet; he can only hope it’ll kill the crush. For now, he fights back a smile and disengages the handbrake.
tag list: @xstevex-world @hexmionegranger @zerokrox-blog
idk if i'm gonna post each part separately like this, or if i'll wait until it's finished to post the rest. we'll see. but i'm gonna take a break to work on the spicy six fic challenge so depending on how does that go, it'll be a while before there's more of this.
anyway fun fact for everyone still reading: baby is in steve's handwriting, and he rewrote it multiple times to get it just perfect
(end ships are stareth and steddie, it's polyamorous/open relationship, eddie & gareth remain platonic)
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fallen-angel-92 · 1 year
Claws of a Tiger: Chapter 1
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(Summary: Beadu a fierce some soldier from birth. A name bestowed upon her at the age of ten when she bore no name. Her life is one of war, death, and survival was all she knew. However, she felt purposeless like a tiger with no food to hunt. However, her wondering has landed her in a foreign country and she finds her purpose in protecting a young man and her life will never be the same.)
(Trigger Warning: Mild Cussing, fighting, light blood mentioned)
‘Strong people don’t put others down… They lift them up.” - Unknown
*A name? What was a name?* She thought to herself, her small feet coated in red as she walked through the hot sun. Eventually, she came to a stop, her amber colored eyes glanced around at the bodies that surrounded her. It was nothing new to her, after all, she was born from the corpse of a woman who died in the middle of giving birth to her. At least that is what she was told, however, the young girl noticed that the light had dimmed causing her to look up. It was then she was greeted to eyes that were like hers, but not as dull as hers were.
“Why are you here?” The man before her asked softly.
“I belong here. I, born from death and given life by the wise tiger,” She softly replied as she tilted her head,” Who are you?”
“My name is -”
*Welcome to Seoul, Korea. We hope you had a wonderful flight.* A pleasant voice of a flight attendant echoed over the intercom of the plane.
Eyes once closed, opened at the sound of the intercom turning off, slowly she turned and watched as the other passengers began to stir. She watched as they slowly began to make their way off the plane and as soon as the passengers dwindled, she stood up, reaching for her only bag that she had with her. As soon as her black duffle was secured upon her shoulders, she began to exit the plane and make her way toward the entrance of the airport. She pushed her thick wavy black hair back behind her ears as she looked around letting out a soft sigh of defeat.
Taking out her phone she began to go through her limited amount of contacts, finding the one that read ‘brother,’ she pressed it allowing it to ring. However, it eventually just went to voicemail, letting out an aggravated sigh she decided to leave her brother a wonderful message,
“Beom. You knew I was coming here at your request and you don’t bother showing. Stop fucking Geum-Hoo on every surface. Don’t bother coming to the airport, I'll just walk. Love you.”
After hanging up she puts her phone away and begins her long trek toward where her new home was to be. By the time she got to the center of the city, it was mid afternoon, looking around she noticed a small little restaurant nearby. As she approached the door, she could hear the sound of something slamming into the wall coming from the alleyway next to the restaurant. As much as she knew she should mind her business, but unfortunately curiosity got the best of her. Walking over to the entrance she noticed that there was a lone male that was about her age with black hair that was gelled up to where the tip of his hair was pointed.
His dark eyes were scanning around wildly as if trying to find an exit point, but he appeared to be surrounded by other teenagers. What caught her eye was that he seemed to have large ears, however, it was put to the side when she heard one of them speak in a haughty tone,
“Well Well. Looks like Burn Knuckles Number Two is all alone without his precious leader or crew to back him up.”
“Didn’t you know you had a target on your back Jace Park? After all you and your boys decided to intervene in our business,” Another one gripped, causing the one known as, Jace Park, to smirk weakly as he replied,
“You were picking on someone weaker than you. Just to leave you without some type of punishment wouldn’t have been right.”
She could see that they were picking up two by fours to hit Jace with, if there was one thing she couldn’t tolerate was bullies. Slowly she made her way down until she was nearly a foot away from one of the guys that were surrounding. She allowed her bag to slide off her shoulder, landing on the ground with a loud thump. The sound caused the guy in front of her to quickly turn around only to be met with her fist. He was sent into the wall that was on her left, this caused the others to turn their attention to her. She looked at them with a small smile before asking with amusement in her voice,
“Blood or bone?”
This caused all of them to blink, she tilted her head before pointing to Jace, asking once again,” Blood or Bone?”
A bewildered look appeared on his face before answered hesitantly,” Umm… Bones?”
She widened her smile as she raised her hands, one rested against her stomach while the other was raised in front of her with her palms facing them. Her fingers were crooked slightly, as she waited for one of them to move. Taking their hesitance into account, she quickly charged them, using her right hand she used the base of her hand to hit one of the men underneath their nose. She could hear the sound of the other three charging, she quickly shifted her body with her right leg up in the air allowing the heel of her black steel toed to land upon another one's face sending him flying into the wall causing cracks to appear.
 “You dumb bitch!” One of the two remaining screamed as he swung a metal pipe at her head.
She leaned back allowing the pipe to fly by her face before she quickly slammed the palm of her left hand into his face feeling his nose break. As he fell to the floor, hands covering his face as blood spurted from his nose, she looked over at the last one standing. She could see he was shaking like a leaf, she grinned making sure her fangs were revealed as she asked him,
“Blood or bone?”
He let out a scream as he ran past her, which caused her to simply raise an eyebrow in amusement, but only shook her head. She walked over to her bag and put it back on her shoulder, making sure to move her thick wavy black hair out of the way first. She had only taken a few steps toward the opening of the alleyway when she heard Jace call out to her,
“Hey wait!”
Stopping, she turned to see him jog up to her, and as soon as she stood still, he stopped a few inches from her before he continued to speak, “Thanks for helping me out. Name’s Jace Park. What’s yours?”
“Beadu is my name and need not thank me,” She replied as she tilted her head slightly before letting out a soft sigh before sheepishly asking,” I don’t suppose you know where there is a good place to eat. I am… lost.”
Jace let out a soft chuckle as he replied with a grin,” Yeah. Follow me, I owe you anyway. Lost? How did you get lost?”
Beadu smiled brightly as she began to follow Jace toward their destination she replied,” I have just arrived here I actually came from the airport-”
“Holy shit! You walked all the way here!?” Jace exclaimed with surprise as Beadu chuckled as she continued,” Yes. I was supposed to be picked up by my brother, but I think he got distracted by his significant other. So he more than likely forgot that I was coming today.”
“Shit that sucks. Do you know where you are staying?” Jace asked as the two eventually came to a small restaurant. Glancing at the name she could see that it read ‘Pang Gong Noodles’ before she followed Jace inside.
“I have the address. Apparently, I am supposed to be living in a penthouse in this apartment building,” Beadu grumbled as she sat down across from Jace. Once they entered, she made sure that her duffle bag was placed under the table to make sure it was out of the way of other patrons.
“Really? Jeez you must come from a rich family,” Jace commented softly, watching as Beadu reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper handing it to him.
“I… suppose,” Beadu replied as she pressed her lips together. As if sensing her awkwardness about her family he took the paper, quickly saying,” I know where this place is. After we eat I can show you how to get there.”
Beadu smiled as she replied,” I would appreciate that. Thank you.”
Beadu couldn’t help the feeling that she had just made a good friend that would stay by her side at least she hoped she did. She had been known to be wrong before, but all she could do was hope. 
(I hope you enjoy! I apologize for any OOCness for Jace! Please let me know what you think!)
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More adventures in health related bullshit.
CPAP machines are not medical equipment. They're torture devices. Or kinky devices for people who are into a very specific sort of breath play.
I'm sure they're helpful for people with severe sleep apnea. But it's severe overkill when you have a case so mild it barely even registers on the test. Threshold is 5. I got a 5.8.
When I went to go scope out the machines, my concern was the noise and the fact that I'd have a mask of some sort strapped to my face. Shockingly, neither of those were an issue.
The issue was in the BREATHING. And I was going to get one of those fancy ones that's meant to adapt and reduce the pressure when you breathe out. It technically did, but you still had to breathe out against the air blowing into your face holes. Which is not a natural way to breathe at all, especially when you're trying to SLEEP. There's holes on the front of the mask that are meant to help you exhale but either they were clogged or not big enough because hoo boy. Thankfully there was difficulty getting a good seal around my nose. Which meant I could breathe out a little easier, but it was also blowing air straight into my eyes. Not great.
So we tried a different mask that would fit better under my nose. And it sealed properly. He may as well have strapped a plastic bag over my head for how easily I could breathe. In or out. Because my exhale wasn't getting fully out of my mask, that stale air was just being pushed back into my lungs. It only took a few breaths before I started feeling super light headed and sick with a headache close behind.
The terrifying thing is everything I looked up after the fact said that's just your body adapting. No. That's my body suffocating on CO2, fuck nuts.
So of course, panic hit hard on top of it, and I was holding onto the chair with a death grip trying to not scream, cry, or tear the mask off.
I'd been trying to hold back the whole time I was there. It wasn't his fault I'd been so mistreated by the sleep clinic. It wasn't his fault I was forced to try this. Up until he turned it on, I was prepared to take it home for the trial period, even. Because he was nice and accommodating, and unlike the sleep clinic actually asked me about things like what position I sleep in. But once he took the second mask off all if that stuff I'd been holding in just came pouring out. All of my issues. All of my reservations. All of my concerns.
I did not leave with a machine.
I'm meeting with my doctor in a month about it. There is a high chance I will cry in that appointment. That's the level of panic that mask put me in.
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