#hoo boy this got looooong
kevindavidday · 2 months
Hello! Just wanna drop a note and say kevaaron FTW! I got into this pairing when I was reading a fic on it and i must say that i love the way they fall into each other via trauma bonding. How Aaron is able to understand his trauma and helped him through with it and how Kevin helped Aaron navigate his sexual awakening. I wanna ask if you have any HCs or future fic ideas about them?
oh boy do i have hc's and fic ideas about kevaaron...i have like 3 long fics in progress for them and most of my hc's are incorporated into those fics because i can't write a short fic to save my life apparently
first fic is called to be good, i've posted the start of this on my ao3 it's a very lengthy look into the nest and perfect court (including andrew) but as artists instead of exy players and the way kevaaron (artist x doctor) end up together in this eventually is like the only thing keeping me alive right now. it is, however, andreil centric with unrequited kevjean, endgame jerejean, kevaaron and andreil (ofc)
second fic idea is an entirely canon compliant fic of kevin's life with the main canon divergence being kevaaron exists and is endgame. i wanted to explore what they would be like if i changed nothing else and also wanted to see how aaron would be like with amalia (i suck and have no idea if i will ever actually write this but trust me i have so much of it planned: it would be called 'the winner takes it all' after the abba song)
third fic idea is pretty recent and i really really really want to write it but the premise is that kevin experiences insane levels of burn out in his late 20's and his professional team psychiatrist and doctor sideline him to the benches (what horror what injustice to take kevin off the court) and the foxes collectively decide someone needs to take care of kevin lest he kill someone or himself. aaron lives closest to him and he does not volunteer to do this but oh, look he's a doctor! he can take care of kevin! and so they end up living together aaaaand chaos ensues (lowkey this one's gonna be displaying my love for aaron minyard x 10000)
i've got like a billion trillion hc's of them sharing wire headphones while riding the subway and aaron consistently playing with kevin's hands and making sure he doesn't overwork it and them getting the most obscure things for each other that no one in the world would understand the reference to and cooking together and travelling together because they can't stand any of the other foxes and yeah i can talk about them for like hours you're gonna wanna book an appointment for this one babe
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james-baeder · 7 years
For the ship meme: ...Liz/Alan? c:
Who’s more dominant:Liz is. Alan is always a little bit intimidated by her job and how assertive she can be when she wants something. Granted, he’s just as stubborn and larger than life, but he folds so easily when Liz gives him the slightest bit of positive attention.Who’s the cuddler:Alan literally cannot sit next to Liz without touching her, and his colleagues never let him hear the end of it. He’s always got a hand on her thigh, or he’s kissing her cheek or her neck. He always makes sure they’re as wrapped up in each other as possible when they’re in bed, or on the couch. Snuggling with her is the high point of any day.Who’s the big spoon/little spoon:More often than not, Alan ends up being the little spoon. He likes wiggling back into her warmth, especially if he has to get up to pee in the middle of the night, or when she’s already in bed by the time he gets home after a long day.What’s their favorite non-sexual activity:Alan can talk to her for hours and hours about past cases that she’s allowed to expand on, and her expertise in psychology, and a book she recommended to him, and about her childhood with her dad. He likes to sit in her breakfast nook and look at her and listen to her, or cuddle up with her on the couch to listen to her heartbeat while she shares everything with him. Who uses all the hot water:Since Liz is late more often than not, she’s quite proficient at 5 minute showers, and even when she takes her time, it’s not likely to last for more than 10 minutes. Alan, however, has been living along for a long time, and is still not used to having to share the water with someone else. On the other hand, sometimes he does it on purpose so that she’ll join him in the shower (this happens A LOT). 
(more of these under the cut!)
Most trivial thing they fight over:Alan is an asshole - a lot. So they mostly fight about that. Alan stands by his behaviour for all of 2 hours and then he goes crawling back to her.Who does most of the cleaning:It’s a team effort for the most part - Alan will cook and Liz will wash the dishes. They rotate bathroom duty and dusting/vacuuming chores. Since Alan lives in a hotel, Liz has offered to do his washing so he goes over to help with that. It’s very efficient. Who has a season pass on their dvr/Who controls the Neflix queue:Alan is not much for TV, rather preferring to work or read (or fool around with Liz), so he generally keeps himself busy while she catches up on her shows (until he gets bored and well... Liz never complains)Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Alan is completely fine with warming up with body heat, so Liz is usually the one to call. Who leaves their stuff around:Liz is so bad at this. Her clothes are flung on the bedroom floor, and tend to remain there until laundry day. They might get kicked into a corner. Without even realising it, Alan has cleared out a drawer for her, just so he can have a place to put the stuff she leaves behind. Who remembers to buy the milk:If Liz doesn’t remember, she sends Alan a text to remind him, and he always delivers (a lot of times he just steals a carton from work tbh). Who remembers anniversaries:Aw they’re both so sappy that they both do. Sometimes it’s only in the middle of the day though, when their thoughts have quieted, and they get a chance to breathe. What follows is a favour being called in at a fancy restaurant, and a lunch break spent shopping for something meaningful. They always spend the important days together though. Who cooks normally:Once Liz tried to cook for Alan and it all sort of ended up like that scene in Bridget Jones where Mark shows up to help but its a disaster anyway? So Alan doesn’t mind cooking, as long as she keeps him company, and refills their wine glasses.How often do they fight:For such stubborn, bull headed people, not as much as you’d think. When they do fight (usually because Alan was being the biggest asshole he could possibly be) it doesn’t last very long. He’s quite apologetic, and will try to smooth everything over as soon as possible. He likes her so much his heart honestly aches with the thought of her leaving him.What do they do when they’re away from each other:Miss each other lol. They text whenever they can and send pictures and it’s just... sappy as hell. Nicknames for each other:(as you well know, Auchen) Liz calls him Big Al (usually while patting his shoulder or his belly) and he counters by calling her Little Lizzy and slinging her over his shoulder whenever the impulse strikesWho is more likely to pay for dinner:Alan. He has more money than he knows how to spend so he gladly funds all their dates. He also reasons that he always chooses upscale places so he’s obligated to pay. Who steals the covers at night:When he’s not plastered to her side, Alan has a tendency to scrunch the covers up under his chin, so that Liz’s feet are left out in the cold. She’s grown skilled at knowing just how to tug to get it back from him though.What would they get each other for gifts:For Alan: Silly ties, and not so silly ties (green ones especially - to bring out his eyes), books and socks and trinkets for his desk (his favourite is a photo frame with a candid shot of them taken at a gala. Her one hand is on his shoulder and she’s laughing, the other hand pressed to her chest, while he looks at her as if she’s everything). For Liz: So much jewellery. Bracelets and necklaces and earrings and rings. Most of the time she can’t even wear them to work because she doesn’t want to risk it being a casualty of her job. He buys her books too, more fiction than what she gets him. Lingerie too. He loves getting her that. Who kissed who first:Alan kissed her. It was one of those desperate, sudden, I-couldn’t-wait-anymore-im-so-sorry kisses. Liz is very skeptical of her attraction to him, she knows it’s probably foolish to be falling for this amoral lawyer so she never works up the nerve, but once he does kiss her - hoo boy. She is screwed!Who made the first move:What qualified as the first move? Because if it’s kissing... see above. But also Alan actively pursues her soWho remembers things:Alan’s job requires him to remember all the things, but so does Liz’s so. Both of them.Who started the relationship:After the impromptu kiss, they had a very frank conversation about where they stand which ended with Alan asking her on a date, and her saying yes. And then she kissed him again. You decide.Who cusses more:Liz does, and Alan thinks her potty-mouthed outbursts are truly adorable.What would they do if the other one was hurt:Alan: Mother hen all up in this bitch. Tucking her in, kissing her forehead, giving her cuddles when she’s feeling especially bad. He insists on doing everything for her. Liz: Gets angry at first because WHAT HAS HE DONE NOW, but then she mellows out when he gives her a drugged out smile and says. “Lizzy! You’re heeeereeee.” and then she softens and does her best to take care of him Who is the dirty talker:Oh boy. We all Know Alan loves to dirty talk. It’s Alan.A head canon:At one stage in their relationship literally all Alan’s sweaters are at Liz’s apartment. She loves them so much, they’re so soft and they smell like him, and he’s only mildly ticked off when he opens his drawer one day to find zero sweaters.
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churb · 3 years
got my first mxrp connector on cherp. *hoo boy* i counted 1 comma and 2 periods, 64 words and 263 characters w/o spaces to my 345 word prompt, 1524 characters w/o spaces count. This... this is gonna be rough.
Well, you can always DC if you're not up for it. I'd not say it's an Mxrp thing though, because I've been getting connects like that for a looooong ass time now.
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scandalsavagefanfic · 5 years
Hi honey! I need your help with something! Looooooooong looooong time ago you and a girl talked about a fic in which Tim was evil and he kinda forced himself on Jason (bc Tim was an alpha and Jay an omega) Idk if you remember but if you do can you help me find it! or tell me who wrote it pleaseee? Bc it sounded super interesting! i'm not really into jaytim (jaydick is my jam) but the premise was so good! thanks! xo
Hmm... I think... I think that was just a bunch of asks about evil!Tim I got 🤔
I don’t think there is actually a fic. Yet. I know @openthingsatrandom is working on one. And I have a few ideas. 
You can search my blog (or just follow the links) for evil!Tim/evil Tim and evil!Batboys/evil batboys (because I’m terrible at the tags) to read all the stuff we talked about. 
In the meantime, if you’re interested in evil!Tim (or at least sketchy-as-fuck Tim), here are some fics (be sure to check the warnings and tags before you read any of them):
Throw Away the Key - by TheSecondCircle. I learned what “yandere” meant because of a tag on this fic. Not a/b/o, but Tim’s obsessed with Jason, jealous Damian got there first, but takes advantage of the situation nonetheless. Please read this fic and comment so that I have ammunition when I bug the author about getting us a second chapter. 
DC Mirror!verse - by Skalidra. It’s part 3 where you get to see Tim’s calculating chilliness in action but every single entry is a gift and I have to recommend you read all of it. The setting is basically Star Trek’s mirror-verse which, for those not in the know, is basically like Earth-3 except it’s a one-for-one trade (ie Kirk vs. Evil Kirk as opposed to Bruce/Batman vs. Thomas Jr./Owlman). It’s an evil alternate dimension where sex is currency and violence is normalized. It’s beautiful. The JayTim and BruDick is mutual and consensual. Everything else is extremely dubious consent.
Blood Runs Thicker - by me lol. This one is a/b/o, takes place in Earth-3, all the bats owls are evil jerks (this includes Jason, btw...) but Tim is kind of... quietly sinister. JayDick is kind of the primary, established relationship but JayTim is the only sex that happens in the first chapter (and is a staple of the later ones). Fair warning... this will eventually have what will probably be the darkest scene I’ve ever written. I put it in the tags so no one is surprised but still... Danger, Will Robinson.
The Machine - by Batboybondage. This is TimDick with evil Tim kidnapping Dick and just... attaching him to a fucking machine and just... watching.... it is--hoo boy-- it is hot.
Please add more if you have any! Always desperate for fic like this.
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Headcanon that Every. Single. Sanders Side. Writes fanfiction.
~Username: PatDadLovesLove ~Author Bio: “I love my sons (esp. my dark strange son)! Do what’s right. Stay in school. Don’t do drugs (unless they’re prescribed by a professional and then use as directed).” ~Patton generally writes ridiculously emotional fics for whatever ship he’s feeling up for that day. Usually writes one-shots. ~His fluff is teeth-rottingly sweet and any angst he writes will make you weep at three-AM because you just found this fic and it’s so good and it hurts so much but you just. Can’t. Stop. ~Sometimes his fluff and angst are in the same fic, so one chapter you’ll be squealing and giggling and “Aw!”ing, and two chapters later you’re sobbing profusely. ~His three multi-chapter fics are REALLY long because he doesn’t have the heart to finish them. ~(His Frequent Commenter is Virgil. Patton knows but pretends he doesn’t. Virgil leaves long comments. Patton loves it.) ~Takes requests. Will write long one-shots for commenters when they say they’re feeling down.
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~Username: Angstiety (made when he was a teen, changed to Vngstiety when he started accepting himself but had enough of a following that he didn’t want to change it so much as to be unrecognizable. Also aesthetic. Might make more changes later.) ~Author Bio: “Whatever. I write whatever shows up in my head.” ~Generally tends to write angst so deep that you’ll feel like your chest has literally become a void. ~Often writes song fics. Usually for angsty songs. Sometimes for cheesy ones. ~Always has profound observations about life, love, friendship, and identity ~Will probably also make you cry ~Has had occasion to write an entire fic in the form of sonnet after sonnet. (Or three. One might have also been an epic free verse poem) ~Writes some fluff. Not as cavity-inducing as Patton’s but there are moments when he comes close. Sometimes uses it to break up long overly-angsty long-form fics to give the readers’ heartaches a break. ~Patton leaves long comments glowing with praise. The others don’t know his account exists. ~Occasionally takes requests. Depends on his mood.
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~Username: PrinceRoman (obvious, but he likes it) ~Author Bio: “I AM THE GREATEST PRINCE IN ALL THE LAND!” ~Doesn’t really care what genre he’s writing, but usually does wildly creative AU’s. ~KING (or prince?) of self-insert fics ~His fics are of EPIC proportions. That one he wrote for Logan for Christmas? Yeah that one was almost conservatively-lengthed by his standards. ~Usually commits to one or two WIPs till they’re finished, and they. Get. LOOOOONG. ~Will write one-shots on the side when feeling uninspired for his long-forms. ~Sometimes gets troll comments from Virgil, but the troll comments also hold a double entendre of actually being really complimentary (e.g. “This sucks good!” being left on Roman’s vampire!AU fic, quickly followed by a smiley face and a thumbs-up emoji). ~Patton leaves long comments glowing with praise. ~When not writing a self-insert, he writes whatever ship he’s obsessed with at the moment. ~Also takes requests occasionally. A little more frequently than Virgil when one request is just *shakes fist* so creative! Sometimes may take suggestions for what direction his fic should go if he’s stuck.
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~Username: EthosPathosLogan ~Author Bio: “If you can’t say something right, don’t say anything at all. (And if you say something wrong, apologize immediately and learn from your mistake.)” ~Hoo boy. Logan’s fics. ~Almost as long as Roman’s. Longer than Patton’s and Virgil’s usual lengths. ~Has an expansive vocabulary. ~Perfect formatting. ~Deeply researched. As accurate as possible. ~His descriptions are often a bit too long, too wordy, and a little too detailed, but he wants to be accurate! ~Often cites academic articles (in perfect MLA format) in his author’s notes (or an entire Works Cited chapter at the end) in case anyone wants to learn more. ~His first fic literally read like he was describing the results of a scientific study. He improved from there. ~Doesn’t write romance. Doesn’t write too much emotion at all unless he’s indulging. Prefers to write mystery!AU’s and detective!AU’s. Intricately-woven plot-lines and subtly-placed details. Half of his readers are mildly convinced he’s an Agatha Christie descendent. ~The other half believe he’s actually Sir Arthur Conan Doyle reincarnated given he tends to write almost solely for Sherlock Holmes. ~Once wrote a crossover where Sherlock met Data. Got weirdly popular and he doesn’t know why. ~Patton leaves long comments glowing with praise. ~Doesn’t take requests or suggestions usually.
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~Username: SnakesAndLies ~Author Bio: “The cake is a lie. And so is everything else. Including you. And me. And life. Deal with it.” ~Plot? What is plot? ~Canon? Is that a thing? ~Not to Deceit ~Crack fics and crack ships ~Short chapters, short fics, short one-shots ~You can never tell if he’s joking or not when he writes some of these things. Like, seriously, what was that all about? And with that username it’s even harder ~Sometimes he writes really nasty fics---like you can feel the malice coming through your screen. ~You can almost imagine the author has a forked tongue. ~That being said, he does have some clever ways to turn a phrase.
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Sleep has an account but doesn’t post anything so no one knows if he writes. He just stays up all night reading. Sometimes he’ll comment at 4AM. When that happens it appears to be key-smashing because he’s too tired to string coherent thoughts together.
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jennathearcher · 5 years
2,6,19, 25, and 60 for the movie ask ! ! !
Hoo boy this got LOOOOONG as predictable as that is so if you want to read my babbling about movies but don’t want your dash spammed CLICK THE READ MORE LINK MY DEARS
2. Your most rewatched movie
OOOOOOH THIS IS SO TOUGH. If I really love any movie, I will often just watch it over and over again, so that means there’s kind of a lot of overlap with just my favorite movies in general; ie The Princess Bride, Corpse Bride, and more recently Suicide Squad and Hereditary
Plus, when I was younger, before I had my own computer and when DVDs were new and shiny, I would get a movie on DVD and just watch it and its special features over and over again until I got a new one; so that happened with movies like Mulan 2, Shark Tale, The Road to El Dorado (that one was an EVENT because I searched for that movie on VHS for YEARS and never found it so my sister was like a hero when she got it for me on DVD), and Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
Basically it’s really hard to pick just one in that regard XD I’m gonna go with both Corpse Bride and Suicide Squad in equal measure on this one cause when I was a kid, Corpse Bride was like my comfort movie, where I would come home from school pretty much every day and just put on that movie to feel good, and then later in life I do the exact same thing with Suicide Squad after work or just when I need a pick-me-up :3 
The rest are under the cut:
6. Top 5 performances of your favorite actor and actress
OH LORDY LOO ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME. First off, how the hell am I supposed to pick just one favorite actor and actress it’s impossible XD Besides, once upon a time not long ago (ho ho ho ho) my go-to favorite actor would have been a certain someone whose name rhymes with Scrawny Rep but for obvious reasons I can’t go with him :P And admittedly there’s a lot of my favorite actors and actresses where I adore them but I…haven’t seen 5 of their movies unfortunately I’M WORKIN ON IT. 
BUT we’re in luck because BACK IN THE DAY before the current age of Netflix and streaming and whatever, when I got obsessed with a specific actor I would do my damned best to track down PHYSICAL COPIES of as many of their movies as I possibly could and then I had no choice but to actually watch them this happened the most in the golden age of one man, the myth, the legend, CILLIAN MURPHY.
oh god this is gonna be so difficult what have i done
5. 28 Days Later
4. Red Eye
Holy shit you think Scarecrow is scary YOU HAVEN’T SEEN JACKSON RIPPNER. I mean I’m one of those fucked up individuals who watches this movie and goes ‘hey so this guy held this woman hostage on a plane and generally threatened and terrorized her the entire movie WHAT IF THEY FUCKED’ because you know I’m Like That and it’s Cillian come on but like…watch this movie just WATCH IT IT’S SO UNDERRATED
3. Breakfast On Pluto / Peacock
Okay this one is a tie that I like to call the ‘Cillian in drag’ tie and yes I realize that cis men playing trans women is a Problem but BOP came out in 2005 and HE’S ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE IN IT SO I THINK IT SHOULD GET A PASS. And with Peacock his character is not in fact a trans woman but a man with DID whose alter is a female and oh my god this movie is so disturbing but so good YES I KNOW THE WHOLE ‘OOH PEOPLE WITH MENTAL ILLNESSES ARE SCARY’ THING IS ALSO BAD but to be fair his character is deliberately portrayed as sympathetic if that helps at all
2. Red Lights
LISTEN. IF YOU HAVEN’T WATCHED THIS MOVIE YET. JUST GO, GO AND WATCH IT. I know I sound like a broken record at this point but basically your homework assignment is to watch every movie on this list because Cillian is a GODDAMN POWERHOUSE ACTOR HOW HAS HE NOT WON AN OSCAR YET. I literally will not say anything else about this movie just watch it trust me
1. Dunkirk
Yeah okay predictable choice is predictable and say what you like about this movie but Cillian CAME TO FUCKING PLAY on this one. His character doesn’t even have a name and he’s serving the most RAW EMOTION on the fucking screen how he didn’t get a Best Supporting nod for this one is beyond me but as we have learned the Academy sucks
AND NOW FOR FAVORITE ACTRESS I really feel like there is no other choice here for me but Helena Bonham Carter, that woman practically raised me
Okay in researching for this list I realize there are A LOT of 90s movies with Helena in them I need to watch so THAT’S GONNA HAPPEN AT SOME POINT but just going off the movies I’ve seen:
5. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
This movie gets a bad rap but I personally really prefer it over the Wilder version and Helena is SO GOOD in it?? She’s known for being very good at playing spooky/weird/kinda bitchy and she nails that shit every time but this is one of the few times in my memory she’s just Soft and such a pure wholesome mama and it warms my heart
4. Alice in Wonderland & Alice Through the Looking Glass
Listen to me whether you’re a Burton fan or not we all like to have a laugh about Tim casting his wives in all his movies but I firmly believe that no other actress out there could have NAILED the Red Queen the way Helena did she’s just SO PERFECT. She’s hilarious and terrifying all at the same time in the best way
3. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Full disclosure: I hate this movie. A lot. BUT. THE ONE SHINING LIGHT OF THE ENTIRE MOVIE IS BELLATRIX FUCKING LESTRANGE and let’s be real she’s the only reason I’m even considering watching the last three Harry Potter movies because she’s JUST! THAT! GOOD!!!
2. Corpse Bride
It’s impossible for me not to include this movie on this list because yeah it’s a voice role but like???? Helena breathes so much life (ironically) into Emily as a character and makes her so easy to adore and relate to and really turns in a fantastic performance, the entire movie basically hinges on her performance as the title character and she knocked it out of the fucking park
1. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
YES SOMEHOW CB DIDN’T TAKE THE TOP SPOT XD That’s a testament to not only how good this movie is but how AMAZING Helena is as Mrs. Lovett, not only can she really sing but her performance is top fucking notch and she breaks my heart every goddamn time I watch it
That was like a mini ask game inside an ask game wow :P MOVING ON
19. An underrated actress
Listen y’all have been sleeping on my queen Cara Delevingne for WAY TOO LONG yeah I know Paper Towns was not great but she was still good in it, she just had shitty material to work with XD Compare that to the performances she turns out in Suicide Squad and Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets; I personally cannot wait to see what she does next
25. A movie you’ve seen that you think no one else here will have heard of?
OOH THIS IS A GOOD ONE. I mean I mentioned a bunch of them in the Cillian countdown above but still XD For a change of pace I want to mention a movie that I watched for a completely different actor (namely Harry Lloyd) and that is a lovely little ditty called Closer to the Moon; it’s a Romanian movie (in English) based on a true story about a gang who rob a bank with the cover story that they’re shooting a movie. It also stars Mark Strong and Vera Farmiga and if you can get ahold of it I highly recommend it!! I mean I had to stream it illegally in order to watch it but I do fully endorse supporting it :3
60. Biggest movie pet peeve
Oh this could mean anything XD But I’m gonna assume it means, ‘what is something that happens a lot in movies that annoys you’ and I think the obvious answer there is whenever a female character is pretty one-dimensional and only exists to provide a male character with motivation, or worse, is abused and/or killed in order to further a male character’s development. ALSO, the trope wherein a man seems like a nice guy until his wife dies in childbirth and then of course he blames the kid for his wife’s death and just becomes a complete asshole who doesn’t even try to be a good father and care for the child she left behind like UGH.
Thank you so much for the ask, dearie, and bless you for slogging through all of my ramblings to get to the end :P
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stefandesofia · 4 years
Stories from the Unliving Ch 4
“So you’re the girl, huh? I have to say, quite a looker. I was really expecting worse, knowing the guy there, but hey, glad to be proven wrong!”
“I would really appreciate you not insulting me, thank you for that” said the young man. “She’s real intelligent and was very curious about meeting you”
“I bet! I’m not your run of the mill, pond-dwelling skeleton, that you meet in most other lakes. No, I also have some pretty fat fish too!”
“No need to be aggressive like that, she just wants to talk to you”
“Fine, fine, sorry. What did you want to talk about? ...... Hello?”
“She actually can’t speak, and uses her little writing board to communicate”
“Ah, sorry, my bad. But yeah, just write your messages and I’ll just work with that. ...... Ah yeah, I don’t know my name, don’t remember it any more. I already explained this to your friend here, but I’ve been alive for over 30.000 years, so a lot of the early stuff is gone. Stuff like who I was, family, friends, but after meeting soooo very many people, doing soooo many things, nothing gets left. It’s like, the more I learn, and experience, the closer the cutoff gets. The first thing I remember, at this point is when my flesh had just started to decay”
“He speaks the truth, but even still, he remembers so many others! He is a veritable academy’s worth of knowledge.”
“Sure, why not. ...... I mean, I live here, it’s my home, I don’t need to breathe or eat, or whatever, so I’ve made my home at the bottom of the pond here. I moved in here about 7000-8000 years ago, I had a house, actually, right over there, but decided that the upkeep on that is way more than I can be bothered with, so instead, I carved some stone furniture, and pushed it in the water, the house just degraded over time, and by now, the only thing you can see left of it, is that stone over there. That was my fireplace. Never even used the thing, it was just for aesthetics”
“I never realised you had a house here. I had assumed you’ve always lived in the pond itself. What made you go under the water?”
“Folk like you, actually. Or, I guess, how you were. Swords and armor, and ‘begone foul beast’ while I was just chilling on my porch. ...... I mean, I can’t die, so why would I fight back? Furthermore, I’m a pacifist, and I really try to be non-confrontational, sort of, you don’t mess with me and I don’t mess with you. And honestly, even if you do mess with me, as long as you don’t go too far, I won’t be doing much.”
“But what about your honor? Do you not feel the need to defend what you stand for? Why, if someone were to attack my home, I would pick up a sword and punish the person myself!”
“I’m sure you will. But again, non-confrontational, and I just don’t care too much. Obviously, you try messing with my fish, I will mess you up. I have stuff that you primitives can only dream of, and even then. ...... No offence, it’s just very high technological level. Even I only get the general idea of how it works. Something about deionizing your atoms, doesn’t ‘cut’ in the traditional sense, but more like, takes you apart when getting close to the edge. ...... Nah, haven’t used it in a long time. Last I did was for carving the stone furniture down at the bottom. It works on almost everything that the blade approaches.”
“It sounds like a mighty weapon! If that got into the wrong hands, it could mean disaster for maybe a whole kingdom!”
“I mean, yeah, but they have to actually come here, go through me, dive to the bottom of my pond, which isn’t very shallow, I’ll have you know, get the blade, and then still fight their way through to using it. ...... Nah, I don’t think I will, it’s perfectly safe where it is. I mean, only the two of you know about it, so if someone else was to find out, I’ll know who to blame.”
“I would never betray your trust like that!”
“It’s happened before, it will happen again. It’s human nature. But it doesn’t bother me too much. Always expect the worst and you can never be disappointed, I always say. ...... You’re dark! I’m a realist! And besides, I have my fish, and yeah, technically they mostly just are here for the food and the great environment I’ve created for them here, but they can’t betray you, since, you know. They’re fish. Yes, you Pete Liv! ...... Oh, this is Pete Liv. Say ‘Hi’ Pete Liv. ...... His called Pete, but he is the 54th Pete that I’ve had, so Roman numerals, that’s LIV.”
“What’s a Roman?”
“Errr, they used to be this real big empire thing a looooong time ago. I really don’t remember the details any more. I think someone stabbed someone else? Maybe the other way around? Who cares? Think it might have been over the throne.”
“Any good kingdom would never follow someone who took the throne by stabbing the previous leader! It’s just undignified and downright evil! The people will never trust a person who relies on violence to lead them!”
“Congratulations, you just discovered the basis for democracy. ...... That’s a way of governing people where basically, anyone eligible puts their name down on a list and the people get to choose who they like most. Supposedly it isn’t rigged, but there’s always someone paying for votes. ...... Well, if you’re the previous president, you’d want to keep being that, since you get quite a lot of benefits from it, and the pay’s nothing to shake a stick at. So, with your vast amounts of money that you have from, well, being you, you just invest a very small portion, and pay out enough people to tip the scales in your favor, so you keep staying in power, and you keep getting all the benefits and money, and whatever.”
“I am getting confused now. Is this system a good thing or not?”
“It’s complicated. You’ll get to it eventually, but from what I can tell you’re still pretty early in the development, so monarchy it is! ...... Well, I’m still alive, but I get your question. Don’t remember, to be honest with you. I’d guess we went through a bunch of different options. There was likely a monarchy, democracy, tyranny. Dunno, maybe some others. I’ve seen quite a few governments after that, that had all sorts of varied styles. I told your friend here about that time I was an evil overlord, and put forth an age of prosperity for all involved. Until I got bored, anyways.”
“It’s true, It was an amazing tale to behold!”
“There was just so much infighting, and the previous ruling class, hoo boy, they weren’t happy I overthrew them all and made them all potato farmers. Apart from me, literally, everybody else was equal. Everybody got an equal amount of food for free, everybody got an equal living space for free, equal pay, equal everything. Took a while to tear everything down, and the people with the big houses, they really didn’t like me. But you get used to conformity. It’s easy to have everything provided for you.”
“The way you put it, that reminds me a little of the tyranny that you mentioned.”
“It wasn’t like anybody was suffering, I had knowledge of past ages, of more advanced medicine, that I implemented, so everyone was unnatural healthy for the age that they were in. I remember, one time they brought in a guy that was bitten by an animal. Foaming at the mouth, super excitable, trying to break free, clearly rabies. And the people were basically asking me if they should let him in the woods so he can die without causing trouble for anyone else. I just laughed, took a syringe with the vaccine and injected him. Within a few hours he had calmed down, and within a few days, he was back to farming potatoes, or whatever it is he was doing”
“That was a very good thing to do, helping a man. We have this same illness in our time too, but we call it Mad Eyes, because of the look people get when they catch it. It’s amazing that you can heal it! You would be able to save so many people, if you wanted to!”
“Nah, not in the superhero business any more. I had that phase for a while, but got over it pretty quickly. Did you know everyone just expects heroes to do their heroing just because? And without any form of compensation? I didn’t really mind, since I didn’t need to eat or had the need for money, other than just fixing what was broken from my equipment, but someone that needed to eat, pay rent? They couldn’t keep a regular job because of all the time from it they’d had to miss. So that whole thing was short lived.”
“But you had the opportunity to save people, and do the ultimate good! Why would you give that up?”
“Ultimate good doesn’t buy toys! I didn’t just sit in some cave staring at the bats on the ceiling until I would hear someone calling. I had hobbies, and did things. And volunteer work doesn’t pay for a new graphics card. ...... Old technology, but somehow always gets inventent. Guess it’s real perfect in the way it works. I’m sure in, oh, I’d say, 7-800 years, you lot will also have those. too. But when I said ‘always gets invented’ that reminded me, did you know crabs have evolved over 15 times, completely separately from each other. It’s like nature really wants those things around. I just imagine Mother Nature being like this breen nerdy chick in an oversized turtleneck sweater, and she’s totally obsessed with this cute little crab picture with shiny eyes and everything, so she just keeps making them, just having crabs everywhere. ...... You don’t know what a crab is?”
“We’ve never heard of such an animal! What manner of mighty beast is it?”
“Ha, I wouldn’t exactly call them beasts, but picture these 2 large blacksmith tongs on its forelegs, and another 6 legs that look like spikes, 3 on each side, with a squat little body, and everything is covered in this real hard armor. You really never heard of them?”
“They sound terrifying, why, even I might be taken aback by such a foe!”
“Less of a foe, and more of a dinner, to tell you the truth. They were pretty good, as far as I remember, though I haven’t exactly tasted them in a very long time, so who knows. You know, I haven’t exactly seen any around either, so they might have gone extinct in the time I’ve spent here. Imagine Mother Nature grew bored of the things after some time, ha! But I’m speaking too much, you guys tell me something, how did you meet?”
“Oh, that’s a wonderful tale! I had just arrived into town, armor shined, and chin high. You know, this is my first real adventure, as I have only trained before.”
“That would explain you actually talking to me. All the old grizzled veterans really just went to kill me usually with a yell that is supposed to be scary, but honestly, it’s just stupid, flailing about like madmen.”
“Of course, noone benefits from a shout in combat and you would only distract yourself by doing so, it is the basics of armed combat.”
“I personally prefer the completely silent approach, where I just wipe the floor with the opponent, without so much as saying a single word. That way the victory is sweeter! ...... Ah yeah, sorry, you were saying?”
“Ahem, yes, and I was looking for work. At first, everyone would walk past me, not looking at me. Even in the tavern, I would only get single word responses from the owner. It was likely how young I look, and noone trusted in my skills.”
“I have to say, you do have quite the baby face”
“Well, I was getting desperate, and it was soon becoming night time. I had just stuffed my pack under my head and trying to go to sleep on a bench in the town center, when she walked by! She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen! Her hair - perfectly styled, the dress - waving behind her, her eyes - reflecting the street lights. My mouth was agape! Then I saw a shadow following her. It was a hooded figure, but it was clearly a man. I decided I would follow. The figure was just staying out of sight for her, and me - out of sight for him. Eventually, she was about to go home, when I saw the man rush towards her, taking out a dagger. I acted before I could think, drawing my blade and throwing it at the man, who got pierced, let out a loud yell, alerting everyone of his presence, and most importantly, alerting her. ...... Aw, think nothing of it, I would have done it for anyone, but for you, it gave me great joy to be able save you, as I did. But she was quite terrified, so she rushed inside.”
“And you just kinda, killed a guy, and happy end?”
“Not exactly. While I was cleaning my sword, some city watch arrived, and questioned me about what had happened. Apparently, the man was a well known tanner, and he was doing a good job at what he did, and I was just a stranger that had walked into town and had killed a person. Well, things were starting to get fiery, when she came out, and defended me! Using her little board, she explained to the guards what had happened, and how I saved her. They let it go, and took the body away, while she invited me over for dinner and she let me stay the night, in front of her fireplace, so I don’t freeze outside.”
“Well, that was sweet of you. He was a stranger to you, a guy with a bloody sword, essentially, yet you defended him. Not many people would do something like that... ...... No no, Just thinking out loud. Do you guys have any plans for the evening?”
“Yes, we will be having dinner in this eatery hall in town - The Black Goose. I’ve heard that they have this special type of roast, where they first boil the whole cleaned goose in lard and herbs for 4 hours, and then roast it on an open flame so it gets this well roasted outside, and I have just been anticipating going there.”
“What do you think? ...... Yeah, it does sound a little heavy, but maybe they have some vegetables they made in the lard. Good luck on your date!”
“I am not familiar with that word, but we will make sure to enjoy our outing, won’t we?”
“You do that! And tell me how the duck is tomorrow!”
“We’ll bring some back for you.”
“You do realise I can’t actually eat it, right? Like, I have no mouth”
“It matters not, as I like to say, what truly matters is that the people close to you, paid you mind.”
“A little clunky and long, don’t you think? Wouldn’t ‘It’s the thought that counts’ work better? Same meaning, just a little shorter”
“Hmm, I do prefer my version better, but I thank you for your input. I truly do value it! Well, we’re off! We’ll see you later!”
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personnages · 5 years
The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have role-played as and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
CURRENTLY PLAYING: (on this blog only ‘cause holy shit I’ve also got @luxnosvocat​ and @exaandria​ and another multi)
Andrei Nikolaevich Bolkonsky (War & Peace)
Christine Daaé (The Phantom of the Opera)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Elizabeth Bennet (Pride & Prejudice)
Fitzwilliam Darcy (Pride & Prejudice)
Georgiana Darcy (Pride & Prejudice)
Laertes (Hamlet)
Elizaveta “Lise” Karlovna Bolkonskaya (War & Peace)
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Marguerite Blakeney (The Scarlet Pimpernel)
Marya Nikolaevna Bolkonskaya (War & Peace)
Ophelia (Hamlet)
Raoul de Chagny (The Phantom of the Opera)
Rosaline Capulet (Still Star-Crossed)
I’m always tempted to play these characters, but gosh I have like.... four multimuse blogs already? And I’m intimidated by a bunch of these characters? So we’ll see. xD
Taking up another War & Peace character is something I’ve always kinda tossed about but never done, partly because I’m actually pretty satisfied with writing the characters I do write? And also partly because hoo boy, that’s still intimidating. If I were to, though, it would probably be Pierre Bezukhov. 
Or another one of Tolstoy’s ladies so I can give them the justice they deserve. Probably would be either Natasha Rostova or Sonya Rostova.
I’ve also toyed with the idea of taking up someone from the Anastasia world but never have. Olga, maybe. Maybe Anya.
Characters from The Lord of the Rings is another fandom that I think I’d love to do but daren’t touch with a ten-foot pole because holy shit, the amount of lore. I would probably give Éomer, Éowyn, or a Rohan oc a try.
Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair, Annie Cresta, and/or a District 9 oc from The Hunger Games. I honestly haven’t looked into this much ‘cause I don’t know how messy the rp fandom is.
Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I really love that world and that story and I think there’s so much to dive into, especially with her. She’s my favorite iteration of Zelda and I just think she’s so complex and interesting, especially if given the chance to be.
I also have to give a shoutout to Kate Talgarth from Sorcery & Cecelia because I loved those books and she was my favorite character from them and every time I see that Rose @dcarhcarts​ would lowkey like to play Thomas Schofield I yearn.
Some of these I honestly really miss.
Princess Jasmine, Aladdin. She was my first tumblr rp blog ever and I wasn’t good (I was fifteen, so y’know, makes sense) but I had a fun time and made some friends.
A bunch of Narnia muses with nrpmasterlist (shoutout), including Margaret (one of the Professor’s maids), Cholmondeley Major (did I spell that name right yikes), an oc, and then I think that’s it if you don’t count the ones I moved to the other multi (Peter Pevensie, Maladh, Caspian IX.) The reason these didn’t make the transfer is because I just honestly wasn’t feeling them anymore and they were pretty minor characters that didn’t get much interaction anyways.
Clark Kent, Superman (mostly DCEU). I miss writing this guy every damn day. His blog(s) are still up, and I always think about it. But the rpc kinda fizzled and died after the monstrosity that was the Justice League movie, and also it got to the point where writing him was getting really stressful for me.
Abigail Adams -- for like a month. Don’t judge me. I was 16 and obsessed with 1776 the musical.
Link from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. This one was actually on this blog, but I never got him off the ground.
Honestly there’s a pretty good reason why I’m not playing most of the characters I used to play, but:
I keep thinking about rebooting Clark. I really loved it and him, but I think also most of the people I really loved writing him with aren’t around anymore? Also, it was stressful.
tagged: ages ago by @dcarhcarts​ and i’m finally getting around to it whoops
tagging: this is looooong but anyone who would like to do it can! <3
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5, 14, 19 :)
Spoilers for most romance lines, Elaaden, and Vetra’s loyalty mission...
5 moved to the end because it got looooong.
14. Elaaden: After discovering the source of Annea’s water, did Ryder allow her to continue her operation, or expose the source?
Exposed the source. Keeping secrets from people for their own good wasn’t Carrie’s thing, and keeping secrets from people for Annea’s good was really not Carrie’s thing. She hoped that making water more generally available would lessen the desperation of Elaaden’s scavengers and make it a less brutal place.
19. Vetra: Was Ryder supportive of Sid’s actions, or agree with Vetra that Sid wasn’t ready to see this side of their work? Did Ryder take the risk and shoot Meriweather?
Carrie “charging headlong into danger is practically my middle name” Ryder was naturally in sympathy with Sid. Enough so that when Vetra said of Sid, “She just doesn’t think. She tries to help everyone, and damn the consequences,” Carrie had a hard time not taking it as a personal rebuke.
And yes, Carrie totally took the risk and shot Meriweather. She was confident she was fast enough to save Sid, and thought Sid’s odds that way were better than being taken as a hostage.
5. Romantic entanglements, if any, and hopes for a future with your partner?
Ohhhh boy.
So Carrie’s inclination pre-Initiative was toward casual sex used as stress relief, without any long-term commitment implied. She didn’t have a military background and had never been in charge of anyone, so she didn’t have any particular inhibitions about sex with her crew. And when she was first placed in command of the Tempest, she was very stressed and also quickly became aware that many members of her crew were extremely hot.
So she flirted with everybody on first sight. She backed off when she got a firm no (Gil, Lexi, Kallo) but she happily kept on flirting with Suvi, Vetra, Liam, and (when they joined the crew) Jaal and Peebee. It wasn’t too long before she was having sex with both Liam and Peebee, and enjoying it very much in both cases.
But then, to her surprise, she found herself developing strong feelings - especially for Peebee and Liam, but really for all five of the above-mentioned. She started exploring with Peebee and Liam how they’d feel about a poly relationship. While both wanting to keep things casual for now, neither had a problem with her seeing other people.
She gradually dialed back on the flirting with the other members of her crew. She loves Vetra, but after the “She just doesn’t think” conversation, decided they were better as friends than lovers. (Which she apparently didn’t communicate very well, because Vetra still told her she thought they had something special on Kadara. Apparently the buikheads between Liam and Vetra’s quarters are super thick.) She kissed Suvi in her quarters, but when Suvi told her, “You have to mean it,” panicked and said she hadn’t intended things to be more than casual. Jaal, meanwhile, didn’t seem to do anything casually, and Carrie again decided he’d make a better friend than lover.
But she got closer and closer to Peebee and Liam, and after resolving the Kalinda situation and playing soccer with Liam, asked them both if they were up for something committed and long-term with her, and they said yes. Carrie has a big heart and they’re comfortable that there’s room enough for both of them there. (And she has a lot of needs and they’re both a little relieved that they’re not the only one to fill them.) It’s definitely a V relationship though - Liam and Peebee do not want to do it with each other.
Complicating Factor #1: Carrie really, really wants to have sex with Drack. I’m not sure yet if this ever happens, but if it does, it’s a very occasional thing. The rest of the time, the old krogan just laughs at the antics of the horny youngsters.
Complicating Factor #2: I think Peebee also has a thing with Jaal. (Carrie has no problem with this. It would be awfully hypocritical if she did.)
Complicating Factor #3: There are a lot of other people in the Heleus Cluster who Carrie would like to bang. Bain Massani, Evfra, multiple people at the wind farm on Kadara for some reason... Once she gets to the committed V relationship with Liam and Peebee, she does run anything extracurricular by them first. (She didn’t check in with them about Reyes, though, that was before the commitment, and she really hadn’t meant to sleep with him. She blames the whiskey and his hotness.)
Hopes for a future? Happily ever after would be for Carrie and her happy poly family to keep exploring the stars, getting themselves into impossible situations and then getting themselves back out of them. Fingers crossed.
[NB: While much of the above happened in game, all the dialogue options for discussing polyamory were inexplicably missing, so I had to fill in some gaps. I wound up choosing the Peebee romance in-game, partly because Clio was romancing Liam so I could learn about that path from her, and partly because Peebee is just so cute when she says she wants strings attached now. And discovered that hoo boy, is that a porny sex scene. Porn may not be your calling, Bioware.
I’m probably going to do a NG+ with Carrie and romance Liam this time so I can experience both romances with her.]
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anndroidgirl · 5 years
Hoo Boy
So, it's been a day.  I didn't get to sleep until after 4am last night but at least my Fitbit woke me up today.  I got up and had my coffee and did my morning routine. Then, I had breakfast and lay back down for a bit.  I still don't feel great.  I wasn't sleeping, but I think I was close to it when my phone beeped.  I had a text.  It was from my friend's son (the one who is 21 and also a friend) He wanted to know if I would come up and hang out with him for a while.  I figured something was up, so I agreed even though I didn't want to get out of bed. lol He was having relationship issues and I'm HOPING it's truly over this time.  I stayed up there for a looooong time.  I got there about 2 and didn't leave until after 9:30!  He drove us to Arby's to pick up lunch for us and his grandmother.  We ate and played Skip Bo.  We used to go to Starbucks all the time when he was younger and play card games (and board games!) . His mom was taking night classes and we'd go hand at Starbucks to wait for her. It was so funny because at one time, one of the baristas thought he was my son. LOL So, anyway! We played Skip Bo and it was so funny,  We both had forgotten how to play.  We had to re-read the rules and we were good.  That was fun.  When his mom got home, she had go to a doctor's appointment so I stuck around with him until she got back. Then, we went to Starbucks. Whee! lol It was 50% off so we did that. I went back and spent a little time with them.  My friend's husband and I got talking about books again.  I finally left and came home to fix some dinner.  I really needed some dinner since it had been a long time since lunch! lol . I didn't do anything for NaNo today, but that is okay. I'm actually ahead.  I also didn't get to work on my puzzle at all today.  I thought about getting it out when I got home, but I decided to just put it off until tomorrow.  I had to do my French and post here, so I knew I would be rushing to do everything.   Hopefully tomorrow I won't have to leave the house.  That would be ideal! :) . Of course, I won't say no if anyone wants to take me to Starbucks. LOL!  I'm on a star streak and got 50 bonus stars today.  I was able to do it because my friend's put the money on my card for their drinks so I got the stars. ;D source https://www.anndroidgirl.com/my-blog/2019/07/hoo-boy.html
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