#hoo boy thanks for letting me talk about all this!!
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storywriter007 · 7 months ago
hi hi hi!! i loved your preferences with the HoO boys! i was wondering if you could do another one, with literally any plot (ex- cuddling hcs, first kiss, or anything you feel like writing) with the same boys (+maybe nico if you write for him?) thank u!!
First Kiss - HoO Boys x Fem!Reader
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author's note: hey i'm so glad you liked my work!! y'all have no idea how much it means to me omg :) i didn't include nico bc in the comments a valid point was brought up
warnings: kissing, cursing, whiskey is mentioned as a scent (tbh i've never smelled it, it's just vibes)
genre: fluff
word count: 3.2k (all bullet points)
-> heroes of olympus masterlist
send me requests here! (these are my guidelines)
percy jackson
you and him would've started off as best friends
and as both of you get older, you start liking each-other
percy would 100% be aware of his crush on you
he knows he has it, but he just avoids acting on it
he kinda just does his best to ignore his feelings
bc even though he's charismatic and charming
he's shy and anxious
he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable
and make you never want to talk to him again
he doesn't want to ruin everything you guys have and lose your trust in him
so he undoubtedly tries to pursue someone else
he'll talk about this other girl to you
not to make you jealous
but instead as a weak attempt to make himself feel like he doesn't like you
not a good idea
he makes you unintentionally jealous
you distance yourself from him bc you like him but can't stand hearing abt another girl all the time
but, you don't want to ruin things for him (bc you are convinced he is crazily crushing on her)
so you decide that you've just gotta let him go
percy wonders why his best friend is being so distant
you guys go weeks barely communicating
percy is still trying to convince himself he doesn't like you
but distance makes the heart grow fonder
he realizes and accepts the fact that he is madly in love w/ you (who wouldn't be?)
and that he can't stand this weird distance between you guys anymore
he decides he needs to talk to you
so one day you're just sitting on the deck by the lake with your feet in the water
you're just contemplating your love affair with him
and you see him coming your way
you're trying to avoid him so you get up and start to leave
he literally sprints to you and grabs your arm
you turn to look at him and he asks you why you've been avoiding him
you snatch your arm out of his grip and tell him it's nothing and that you're busy
he doesn't let you leave and keeps asking
so you slide a passive aggressive comment, something like "i bet your girlfriend's thinking about you"
and he realizes that you're jealous
and that he didn't convince himself that he liked this other girl
but he convinced you
he tells you everything
he tells you how much he likes you and that he never even liked this other girl
he was just trying to convince himself he did bc he didn't want to ruin things between the two of you
you confess to liking him too
both of you kind of laugh off your stupid choices
after you're done laughing, you kinda just look into each-other's eyes
both of you are leaning in
until you hear someone coming, and percy just grabs you and jumps underwater
and you guys have your first kiss underwater
your arms are around his neck and his are on your waist
you're like pressed up against one-another
the kiss is kinda steamy bc let's be honest: you've wanted to kiss each-other for five years
but it's a sweet kiss
percy smells like vanilla
you can hear the person saying "i swear they were here a minute ago" and then walking off
you both come up to the surface undeniably blushing/hot and laughing
jason grace
listen, i love jason
that man is STIFF
like you could literally leave him a note that says "i want to kiss you"
and he'd find you and go "that was a pretty good song you suggested. i like this one-direction band"
ok but anyways, you guys are frenemies
you guys started off as rivals
you thought being the son of jupiter would make him arrogant
and you thought he was, but he was really just reserved and serious
he didn't know how to be anything different
he didn't like you because you argued with him about everything
you challenged him constantly
and you weren't as nice to him as you were everyone else
throughout the years, you get to know each-other better
but that doesn't mean you get along
you guys occasionally unite and get along (and typically when you do, it's the best hours of your life)
but otherwise, you two have it out for each other
constant disagreements and fights
you just loose all of your patience when it comes to each other
so you have a love-hate relationship with him
yeah you'd kill for him but you would never lend him an extra pen on tests
yeah he'd die for you but he would never let you look at his notes
you get along when you need to and this exact mentality is what lands both of you together, as praetors
but let's be real: there is so much unspoken tension between the two of you
like yeah you hate each other but you lowkey wanna make out
and you can't lie and say you didn't trust him or didn't like him
he'd proved you wrong on hundreds of occasions
he was capable, kind, caring, smart, loyal
and he couldn't lie and say he hated you either
you were fun, kind, ambitious, intelligent, and loyal too
over the years, both of you projected an "i hate you."
when in reality, you'd grown quite fond of one-another
you've shown your worst selves to each-other, you've lied for each-other, you've told secrets to each-other, and you've just been each-other's constant
y'both know you like each other: that's what makes the hate even stronger
like jason has other feelings for you but he doesn't know what to call them
attraction? a small crush? love? sexual tension? is it getting hot in here?
first kiss happens before you guys head into a huge battle
yes. the possibility of never seeing you again is what makes the man realize he's in love with you
like you guys are standing on a hill, watching the army of monsters slowly march towards camp jupiter
you guys turn to look at each other
you two are thinking the same thing: if i die, it's an honor to have served with you
"you ready?" you'd ask
"always." he'd say (typical roman)
you'd turn to look at him, but he's already looking at you
he grabs you by your arm and pulls you in for a kiss
it's a long kiss
it's passionate, and it's needy, but it's sweet at the same time
he basically lifts you off your feet and you're holding onto neck and his hair
you're pulling him closer into and he's holding you so tightly
you want to remember this
jason smells like fresh clean sheets mixed w/ whiskey
when you guys finally pull away bc you know you have to lead an army, you rest your foreheads against one-anothers
"good luck y/n"
"i'm gonna see you when this is over jason."
"i know you will."
one of the rare times you guys use first names
and yes, you do see each other again :)
leo valdez
you and leo happens when you first get to camp
and instantly his mind short-circuits and he's like DAM
he knows you're probs gonna reject him
but hey you miss 100% of the chances you don't take
so he starts off, as always, making some bold flirty comment
and to his surprise, you return the banter
he has to pause for a second
he stutters and thinks of a witty response
you laugh at how flustered he is
and that's the start of a beautiful friendship
from that day on, you two are partners in crime
your guys' days consist of: making stupid things, playing stupid pranks, sneaking out to get fast food, and making vlogs of all of the stupid things you do (on an old vhs recorder leo rigged)
you guys are a two in one; if you went somewhere, he did too
soon, your friendship evolves into things that aren't just fun hangouts
you often catch him under cabin 9 and talk to him
you guys open up to each other in his little workshop, a lot
he tells you things he's never told anyone and you do the same
what's different about your relationship w/ leo is that you don't make fun of him
you barely argue with him, you respect him, you don't call him scrawny, you don't point out his insecurities, and you never make a joke at his expense
this makes him feel a lot more comfortable around you
and he puts down whatever he's doing if you come to him in an emotionally distressful state
you guys listen to each other, cry in front of each other, and help each other feel better
leo becomes the only person in your life you can rely on
and you're the same for him
so his thoughts evolve from DAM to i think i'm in love with you
and everyday he's around you, he finds himself falling more and more in love with you
and every late night you're with him under cabin 9, you start to like him more too
he's nervous to confess to you bc he doesn't want you to not feel the same way and you end up pushing him away or something
but he can't ignore how deeply he feels for you
he can't stand it when other guys try to hit on you bc all that's going through his head is that's my girl
so after a lot of contemplating, he decides he needs to tell you how he feels
he invites you to his workshop at a really specific time (which is weird bc he just says come whenever)
but you go and this man has cleaned the place up and dimmed the lights
he has a robot that he programmed
it sees you and starts playing some really corny love song
and he confesses that he really really likes you and that it kills him seeing other guys trying to flirt with you
he says the sweetest things ever about why he likes you and he just sounds like a fangirl tbh
he starts rambling abt how much he likes and how it's totally okay if you don't feel the same way and that he doesn't want this to affect your friendship if you don't and etc
you just go up to him and kiss him
the robot starts cheering and saying "da lady loves leo!!!!" (he would totally program that change my mind)
he short circuits (like the day you met him)
but he kisses you back, hands around your waist as yours are around his neck
leo smells like burning firewood mixed with cinammon
it's a long and sweet kiss, but you guys have to pull away bc you're laughing too much
why? bc the robot won't stop cheering and saying "da lady loves leo!!!!" so he has to take a minute to make it play your favorite song
"sorry." he'd chuckle. "where were we?"
and then you guys would kiss again
frank zhang
you and frank are best friends
you first met each other cleaning the weapons room
you were looking at archery equipment and you just kinda mindlessly said "i wish i knew how to use this"
and frank's ears shot up so fast
he offered to help you learn, and you guys came to a deal
you'd help him become a better swordsman and he would help you become a better archer
during your guys' training sessions, you'd talk a lot
frank finally felt like he had a real friend
you guys would share stories about your pasts and your interests
maybe a little bit of gossip too
frank was kinda surprised you hung out with him so much bc in his eyes, he was a loser
you reassured him that having different strengths didn't make him weak
you often traded shifts with other campers so you could spend more time with him
as time went on, frank became more confident in his ability as a swordsman
and you became more confident in your skills as an archer
so during the next war game
you two teamed up and actually led your group to victory
no one expected two kids from the fifth cohort to steal a victory like that but you guys did
you were diligent, effective, and cooperative
you guys were over the moon that night and frank thanked you for helping him become a better soldier
and you did the same
it was after that night you guys both realized you had a serious crush on one-another
after countless hours training, cleaning, and working
after having hundreds of deep conversations
after helping each-other reach their goals
you guys realize that you really liked one-another
so one day, some kid at camp makes fun of frank for being better at archery than sword fighting
he shakes it off now, ever since you told him the people who make fun of him probably miss the entire target during archery
but he got really pissed off when the kid said "i guess that's why you and y/n are friends. you exchange weaknesses"
it made him upset bc you aren't weak
you acknowledged you faltered in one spot and wanted to do better
that's brave, that's strong
so frank might've "accidentally" hit the kid with his arrow
it was nothing serious, but he was pinned up against the wall by an arrow
it was rlly funny
unfortunately, reyna didn't think so, and frank got sentenced with a bunch of chores
you didn't know this, so you switched your shift and visited him in the weapons room
you asked him what he'd done to miss all the camp activites
he wouldn't say at first, but then he'd admit he kinda shot an arrow and a kid ended up pinned against a wall
you'd ask why he did that bc you knew frank wasn't violent in the least
and it just comes out right there
he admits he went a little crazy bc he didn't like how this kid was talking about you
he talks about how incredible you are and it made him angry that some kid tried to minimize you to a weakness you were working on improving
"and i don't know, i guess i get heated when it comes to people i love" he'd say, before pausing and realizing what just came out of his mouth
obviously you're smiling bc you love him too
you tell him that you love him too, and that you didn't say anything bc you were scared of ruining your friendship
so yes, your first kiss is in the weapons room
you just kinda jump on him and kiss him
he bumps into the wall behind him and he wraps his arms around your mid-section
and yours are around his neck
it's a cute, sweet kiss
it lasts a few seconds more than it should
frank smells like sugar mixed with the irony-smell of the weaponry
but afterwards, you help frank with his chores so you guys can go train
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birdsandbeetlesandmoths · 2 months ago
So. Sonic 3. That was. certainly. hoo boy *collapses to the sound of a metal pipe falling*
Spoilers and thoughts under cut (LONG POST)
Well, my pre-movie post was SO WRONG. I think most stobotnik fans were, thinking that Stone would be the one dying. I- truly wasn’t expecting it.
I’ll get back to that in a second, let me get all of my silly things out of the way/the things i was hype about/had to crush my partner and friend’s hands about while witnessing.
The antics between Gerald and Ivo were expected but oh my GOD JIM CARREY. you are a national treasure, have fun in retirement. we will miss you greatly, but this being your final movie (probably) is a great thing to culminate your absolutely stunning career.
Anyway, their dance sequence was fucking insane, and as much as I was cringing, I was grinning through it too. The fight on the Eclipse cannon was also questionable BUT HOLY FUCK NOW I GET THE PRAYING MANTIS/FLY REFERENCE. (Thank god it wasn’t directly about stone and robotnik but i’m already cooking how i can connect them). Spanking? Also in my Sonic movie. But yeah.
Gerald and Ivo could never be more alike in intellect, but different in morals. Evident through Gerald’s fixation on avenging his daughter with no remorse or thought for whoever will get in the way, throwing away Ivo and the whole of the world as a result). He’s willing to kill himself, but as Shadow says and believes, that isn’t what Maria would have wanted.
I used to not like the Wachowskis. I was already a little unsettled when the first movie released by the fact that characters unrelated to previous Sonic media were being utilized as major plot elements, but during the second and third movies, I began to absolutely love them.
This third movie cemented that love. The father-son relationship between Tom and Sonic specifically. My heart was aching in the first scene at their little campsite, Happy BEarthday, and their heart-to-heart in Sonic’s old cave, talking about Choice (an analysis incoming) and that you always have a choice, and that your lungs (heart) will help you find the right one.
I think this movie might’ve done. One of the best jobs of displaying found family. The sibling relationship between Tails, Knuckles, and Sonic was the most heartrendingly beautiful and achingly real thing I’ve seen in a while. And it really hits you, the fact that they’re kids.
And the amount of silly little jokes, Tails having his gadgetry and Knuckles with his blunt personality, Sonic tying them all together with his wit and charm, it all became slightly surreal to see. To see something so happy, so delicately real.
Oh my god, on the trio, Knuckles saving both Sonic and Tails from falling to Earth. I was gasping that whole time, truly being sent into the moment. Movies and media rarely do that to me in the emotional sense.
Holy fuck at least I was right about that part in my pre-movie wishes. I thought it was interesting how they adapted it, and it definitely made for it to be slightly more believable and less complicated.
But oh my gosh them. Skating around the lab, messing around together, introducing Shadow to that great 70s music and dancing, watching movies together and just being kids!! And don’t even get me started on the rooftop scene. Shadow was so vulnerable and self-conscious, and Maria comforted him in a way that touched me. Understands him in a way that no one else ever has, as everyone else only saw him as the experiment and the subject, while she saw him as his own person, with thoughts and emotions and curiosities.
It paralleled Sonic and Tom in the cinematography too, and the sentiment was all the same. That Shadow can choose who he wants to be. (I Am All I Am and Choice. Trust, it’s coming soon)
Maria and Shadow made me unbearably happy. It was all I could’ve ever asked for and more.
Shadow and Sonic were an absolutely crazy duo this show. Dude, in their fight versus each other? Both going Super and absolutely going at it, and Shadow having the absolute gall to accuse Sonic of not caring about his friends, that he was clearly here alone because he abandoned them, and mention Tom, which caused Sonic to go completely over the edge, and actually punch him straight into space and lose his Super.
Sonic and Shadow reconciling over their shared feeling of grief, Sonic sharing his pain, emphasizing the love that will be able to help them heal, Shadow reciprocating, and then Shadow remembering Maria after looking up at the stars, realizing, from Sonic’s words, that this truly wasn’t what Maria wanted, just that whole moon scene between them is living in my head rent free and I need to see it over and over again.
Shadow remembering Maria (possibly for the last time) as he sacrifices himself to push the Eclipse cannon away from the place that Maria loved. Remembering all of the good moments, the love between them, that is all he wanted if he was going to leave the world for good. (Well, I mean, he’s still alive, but the amnesia route is still optional)
Sonic actually going slightly insane this movie was also very interesting to watch. His absolute- like, his vision went RED when Shadow mentioned Tom. That was what set him OFFFF. His abuse of the Master Emerald and even threatening his own best friends/siblings over this— god the emphasis of choice in this film I want to sob.
Also, yall already KNOW I WAS BALLING ABOUT THE AKIRA SLIDE, SNAPCUBE REFERENCES, AND EVERY TIME SHADOW BREATHED OR MOVED. Literally could not contain myself from absolutely sob-cry-screaming at Shadow and (Keanu did a great job btw) his entire story, his joy with Maria and his pain all after. (His Super form looked fuck beautiful, a new colorful hue every time I saw it)
All in all, Robotniks were hilarious, Maria and Shadow were beautifully tragic and just generally so so SO adorable and loving. I’m so glad that Tails and Knuckles got more serious appreciation and screen time this movie as well, because as much as Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles were sidelined in this movie (to put forth Robotniks and Shadow, understandably so), it still felt more fulfilling and real than in the second movie. Super forms continue to be beautiful onscreen, I would like to collapse and die from hearing ONE OK ROCK and Live and Learn.
AHEM. Now, clearly, I will be making a separate post solely about Stobotnik. Along with the multiple Stone-centric fics burning a hole in my brain and the choice and grief analyses awaiting my attention. Bear with me as I have SO MANY THOUGHTS.
We won. . . but at what cost.
My friends, my partner, you already know. We died and were promptly revived together in that theater.
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millerscoffee · 2 years ago
reader lives in jackson and is friends with tommy, so she sees joel relatively frequently, and they just DONT get along. the reader is young and she’s got a sharp tongue and cheek that irritates the shit out of joel, who shoots back just as much condescending insults. they literally can’t be in a room without getting into it. however, the reader does it for his attention (she’s got daddy issues), and joel doesn’t catch onto this until she’s knocking on his door at midnight because she can’t sleep and she needs him and she doesn’t know how to admit it. he pulls her in the house and absolute filth ensues. he makes her blow him and then they fuck. joel is smug and condescending the whole time, and reader just becomes a ragdoll. Size kink, dirty talk, daddy kink, creampie/breeding, the works PLEASE
you got it, anon! ✨ this was requested on @atticrissfinch's page too, go check it out! i love how the same request can elicit two different stories. i did my best not to read it before i finished this (it was as difficult as it sounds cos HOO BOI 😅🥵♡)
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only daddy that'll walk the line
6.2k | joel miller x f!reader
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rating: 18+ MDNI
warning: big mean dom!joel™️ lmao, alcoholism (reader's dad, but also drunk!joel for a second - **this is not in the smutty scenes**), parental abuse (verbal, it is brief), smut, age difference (joel is 56, reader is 18-early 20s - your choice), size kink, dirty talk (joel's a talker more than his usual grunty self), name calling (bitch, brat, slut, etc.), light praise kink & like- two pet names, ✨ degrading language and acts ✨, edging, choking/gagging, hair pulling, creampie, breeding kink, daddy kink, spitting kink!!!, spanking, oral (m receiving), no prepping the reader, brat tamer!joel, bratty reader, if i missed anything lmk
summary: based in jackson, you have the unfortunate predicament of being friends with tommy miller and hating his brother, joel – and you have no problem in letting either of them know that! until one night you are brought to joel's doorstep.
A/N: this is my first request! thank you! huzzah!! hopefully it's to your liking, nonnie. he's big mean dom!joel™️ but with a conscience yknow?? enjoy ♡ i did proofread this, but i wrote it over the course of a couple weeks. i did my best! lol
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"Dude, what's his fucking problem!?"  You roll into the dining hall in a huff.  Shuffling to your seat for dinner, you slam your tray down and Maria gives you a combined look of worry and irritation at peace being compromised.
"Who, honey?"  Tommy asks, handing you a glass of water with an entertained grin because he's positive he knows just who you're talking about.
He'd seen the two of you go at each other's throats earlier in the day when you were trying to get by him on your way out the door.  His back was to you, and he all but ignored your request to get out of the way.  Causing you to shove past him, which ensued an argument between the two of you.  Which led you to both of you gunning each other with your words until you both left in a bad mood.
Joel had his back to you, his frame fully in the doorway as he spoke with a woman in town.  It started off slow: a few clearings of your throat, a slight nudge of his back.  No avail.
"Excuse me," you shouted, pushing at him again before he finally turned around quickly with his jaw ticked.
"Do you have any manners, Christ."  He said dry and muttered under his breath, but the lady made room for you and you nodded politely in her direction.
"Maybe if you weren't so fucking old, you could've heard me!"
"And watch your fuckin' mouth."
Joel turned his back to you, not giving you a moment to retort.  Conversation over. 
"This fucker," when you look up, you see Joel coming towards the table.  The sight of him gives you a set of shivers you can't explain.  Not complete disgust, but certainly not excitement.
"You really oughta keep better company," Joel tells his brother, sitting down beside him, he frames his entire body towards Tommy so he's sitting in a way to make you feel ignored.
"I'm right here, you know."  Your head is moving so you're in the line of his vision.
"Don't remind me.  Listen, this is a family dinner.  Go find your own."
A slap in the face would've hurt less.  Before Tommy or Maria had the chance to come to your defences – both of their mouths open ready to take up for you – you stood up, shoving your tray over to Joel.  So loud, other people turn their gaze to the four of you.
"Fuckin– eat up, then."
As you storm off to your house, you hear Tommy scold his older brother but you don't look back.
The next morning, your father wakes you up to the sound of his own yelling for you to come downstairs.  You'd been helping out Maria and Tommy to get your own place, or at least a shared one with people your age and to hear your dad's voice; whiskey-soaked and cruel, makes your stomach churn.
After slipping on your clothes for the day, you make it to the kitchen where he's sitting at the table and reeking from alcohol even from where you're standing.
"Didn't you hear me call you?"  His words were slurred and angry.
"Yes, I'm sorry."  It's such a difference from how you talk to other people, talk to Joel, for example.  Maybe because he's the last person you spoke to, but he's the first one who pops into your head during this interaction.  You sound meek, scared to say something wrong.  A stark difference from how you speak to Joel – abandoning all worries of punishment.  Almost like you wanted that from him.
"Fuckinbetterbe – hiccup – breakfast.  Now."  Your dad all but snaps his fingers and rage creeps up the back of your throat, biting your tongue so hard you break the surface layer.  A slight streak of blood coats your mouth, but you do as you're told.
This morning is kinder than others.  Your dad did not say thank you for the pancakes, you didn't get hit or debased too much.  You consider it a win.  Once you leave your house as soon as you can, Joel's chest hits your face as soon as you turn the corner.  The milliseconds seem long when you're met with the warmth and solidity of his chest, the scent of cedar and... whiskey?  It seemed too early, even for him, to be drinking and you shake off the unreasonable rationale that he should be treated differently than your father for the same behaviour.
You ignore the similarities of him and your father all together, actually.
"Watch where you're goin'," Joel's brows are knit together, which is normal for him, but you've never been this close to see his lips from this angle above you.  You almost say something out of the ordinary for the two of you, but you reel it in quickly.
"You're one to fuckin' talk.  Morning coffee smells a lot like alcohol.  Maybe I should tell Tommy about your habits."
"Does it ever hurt your head bein' a bitch all the time?"
"Not as bad as that hangover will be around noon.  Move."
You push past the large build in front of you with a clenched jaw, unable to be around him a second longer.  "Fuck you, Joel," you mutter for good measure on your way to Tommy and Maria's.
They'd given you safety on days when it seemed scarce, and showing up felt appropriate.  You were a little closer with Tommy than Maria.  He was able to listen to you without being too judgy, and you needed that.  The lack of safety piece was a lot like how your day started off.  You walk around to the back where Tommy's working on a new hobby and you sit in front of him, letting out a big sigh.
"Y'daddy givin' you trouble again?"
Typically when Tommy asks about your father he says it like this, but today it catches you off guard.  Confusion twists your mind, but you nod distractedly.  "Yea, he was drunk this morning.  Your brother, too."
You slide that one in fast.
Tommy fists through his hair, letting out a heavy exhale.  "Shit.  We both got trouble this mornin', I guess."
"Seems like it."
You're unusually quiet, looking at the ground more than anything.  It bugs you that Joel and your father have a similar quality to them.  That they both are up reaching for the bottle, but for Joel it's not a common occurrence and that makes you worried – an emotion you don't have for him that often, if you're being honest.  You don't think about his experiences that often.  But this is the first time, really, you've even seen Joel drunk like that.  You remember Tommy mentioning that he'd given up the stuff since Sarah's passing when everyone was around a fire one night sharing stories.
As if the dots connect in real time, you look over to Tommy who looks worried sick.
"He'll figure it out,"  you reassure, chewing the inside of your cheek before heading out.  You call behind you, "I'll be around."
You've never really been good at the whole 'being there for someone' thing.
Later on, you find yourself in the mess hall again for the night's dinner and you catch Maria, Tommy, Joel, and Ellie all together and it feels weird to sit with them.  They're all laughing, Joel looks sobered up.  And it seems that Tommy didn't bring up the conversation the two of you shared.  They look like a happy family and twists a knot in your throat and the proverbial knife at your side.
"Can I please spend the night at Tommy and Maria's?  Please?"  Ellie is looking over at Joel with the sweetest expression, you snicker to yourself at how menacing she actually was.  It seemed to do the trick, though.  Joel's eyes flicker over to you, and it feels like you're being caught for something.  The look is inculpatory without you doing anything.  As if to say you are witnessing something too personal, a side of him not meant for you.  "Yeah, sure," his response to Ellie sounds distant.
This gives you no choice but to walk up to the scene, to sit down beside Maria.  She gives you a welcoming grin and makes space for you.  "What'd I miss?"  You look over to Ellie who's excited to see you, but Joel?  Not so much.  His eyebrows narrow down his face, suddenly more quiet than usual, even for him.  You set your sights back on Ellie who's telling you all of the cool things she's gonna do at her Uncle Tommy's and you flash a smile that lets her know you're listening.  Or at least trying.  It's hard when Joel isn't even initiating the usual conflict with each other.  More arguing than speaking.  And the fact it wasn't happening was off.
"That sounds like a blast...," you trail off, your chin in your hands.
"If you're not gonna listen to her, don't ask her questions."  Joel barks, eyes now solemnly black in your direction.  It makes you scared and delighted at once.  Like he was back to normal.  Your normal.
"I was listening to her?"  You retort, and everyone's quiet now.  Awkwardness filling the air as the two of you battle it out.  "Maybe if you weren't so drunk all the time you'd know the differen–"  "Hey, now."  Tommy chimes in, giving you a stern look of disapproval and you feel bad.  Reflective.  Joel wasn't drunk all the time, and you knew exactly why he was this morning.
You exhale, "I'm sorry," you nod in the direction of everyone but Joel and stand up from your seat, "enjoy your family time."
On your way back to your house, you catch a glimpse of a group of people your age.  People you'd grown up with, but they didn't acknowledge you and it digs the wound closer in.  You truly felt alone.  Like nothing fit, and maybe you didn't belong in Jackson but it wasn't like there were many choices to go to.
More times than not you sneak into your room.  Not because you are past a type of curfew, you were an adult.  It was more, you didn't want your dad to know you were around.  Your door was locked when you climbed in through the window.
You got comfortable, spilling out of your clothes for the day and into your pajamas.  Cotton shorts and a loose tee.  Your breasts perky and nipples taut from the worn fabric.  A lot of the day was spent dealing with heavy subjects that you just wanted to let your mind escape.
Staring at the ceiling in your bed, your eyes become blurry in need of sleep.  Needing release.  Anything.
Your mind wanders to why Joel was so quiet with you when you sat down.  It wasn't like that was the first time the two of you had a shouting match in front of everyone, but this felt different.  You deduce it to Joel having an off day and let your mind wander somewhere else.
Or, at least you try.
Because when your hands explore your body under the blankets, Joel comes back to life in your thoughts.  You come back to the warmth of his chest when you ran into him this morning, the grunt that left him from impact.  What that would sound like against your ear.  Before you know it, you're shifting your thighs together, spreading the mess of your cunt.  A craving ignites your bloodstream.
It's slick between your legs when you sit up, and you're full of determination unbeknownst of where it's coming from.  The act itself is a little heady, but you have nothing to lose so why not?
Slipping on a pair of shoes and a jacket that covers your clothes, you turn your back to the window and scurry down until you're able to jump off onto the grass.  One step close to where you want to be.
Joel's house is across the street which makes it easy to get to, but aggravating when you want a sense of peace.  He's always around, shooting you a menacing stare when you're not down each other's throats but there's an ache you can't deny.  A compulsion.
You knock on his door twice before he swings it open almost like he saw you approach, but he doesn't tug you inside like you thought he was.  Doesn't make you get on your knees or fulfill any fantasy of being used.  Of... making him proud.
"What?"  His question is dry and a part of you is crushed. He isn't taking advantage of the way your legs look in your shorts right away.
"You're not the only one who had a bad fucking day," you start, but he doesn't give you a moment to push through the door because before you know it you're being pulled inside.  The sound of a slamming door somewhere behind you.  You're forced to look at him with his paw wrapped around your jaw, thumb tilting your chin up effortlessly.  It locks you in place.
"You came here.  Why?  Y'want me to fuck your bad day away?"
You gape is panicked, eyes wide now in this compromising position.  You can't think, you can't nod or say words.  You just stare.
"She's real fuckin' quiet now," Joel shoves you against the closed door, not letting an inch of space be wasted and he takes your wrist with his free hand, palming you over his hardening cock in his jeans.  "How about now.  You payin' close attention?"
You whimper, nodding softly as your fingers massage and rub, tug at anything you can through the fabric.
"Did I tell you y'could do that?"  His words make you pause, shivering at how truly empty your mind is in the moment.  Even in your inexperience you don't know you've ever felt so instantly timid.  Joel makes you fold at the first hint of misbehaviour.  You can't think of a thing to say.  Halfway don't know why you're here in the first place, and he's got you so wet from this it almost hurts.  Stickiness coats your thighs as you squeeze your legs together and you're sure it will be obvious even through your cotton shorts.
You shake your head, and he's sick of you not speaking to him.  Squeezes your face tighter, "Use your fucking words."
"No... no you didn't," you manage and you've never heard yourself sound so pathetic.
"I didn't, that's right.  You answer to me."  The snapping sound of his words causes your eyes to roll in annoyance.  He doesn't own you, he never fucking could.  The action makes his jaw tighten, his hand from your jaw in a grip that didn't hurt now is wrapped around your throat and although it's not tight, it certainly isn't loose.  "What the fuck was that?"
You're back to being silent, unable to do anything but take.
"Not asking again."
"I rolled my ey–"
"You rolled your eyes.  Roll your fuckin' eyes at me again, little girl.  You'll regret it."
A cool threat, you think.  Meaningless, even.  What possible reproach would he have anyway?
It's then you take in the house.  You'd been here once before to stay with Ellie.  It's dark, a single lamp upstairs.  All of this is background noise to the drone of your need prickling your youthful skin.  It's apparent, your age difference, when you're this close.  His rough fingers, wrinkles catching the moonlight peeking in through the windows.
"I–I'm sorry," you've been saying that a lot lately.
"Don't apologise to me.  Don't say sorry when I know you're not."  His thumb moves from your chin to your lips, thumbing over just how pliable and soft they are and it sends your nerves to the surface.  Prying your lips apart, he presses inside and you willingly wrap your lips around it to lap the pad of his digit.  "Look at that sweet thing," he says, more at you than to you, and your neck flushes being this willing to suck for him, "so easy for me to use.  I put my thumb to y'er lips and you just took it right in, didn't ya?"  The taste of his skin robs you of any other sense, his tone making you all but fold.
"Show me what this mouth is good for, 'cuz it sure ain't good at a sincere apology."
Before you know it, you're on your knees.  Joel is kind enough that he ushers you down onto the hardwood floor and you can't believe you're face to face with his crotch in front of his door, no less.
"You couldn't wait to take me to your bedroom?"
Joel doesn't reply straight away.  Instead you hear the clanking of metal, a zipper coming undone, and the slap of his cock hitting his abdomen on the way out of his pants.  You take mental note that he hasn't been asleep by his attire, but it's all for nothing when your eyes make out the shapes in the dim light.  You choke when you see just how big he is.
He tuts, leaning his head condescendingly as he takes a chunk of your hair in his palm to tilt your chin up to greet his cock.  "Aw, you think you're goin' t'my room?"  The words make you feel naïve, the one or two times you've done something like this didn't have nearly as much... compromise.  And you certainly didn't hook up with someone twice your age.  You don't have time to be self-conscious because the head of him, the leaky head of him, is tapping against your lips and your eyes roll back as you open your mouth for him.  After jumping slightly in surprise, of course.
He sighs in relief with a deigned smile, pushing his hips further.  "Fuck.  You hear that?  Nothing!  Sounds so fuckin' good, shuttin' you up."
But it's not entirely nothing, is it?  Not with your gagging, slurping up what you can but you don't know what you're doing all the way and fumbling through half of it.  Doesn't seem to faze him much.
It's obscene as it feels, him using you like this – and you don't feel an ounce of guilt when it's exactly what you want.  The switch flips on why you came to his door in the first place.  His big thumb swipes over the corner of your full mouth, "You like that, dontcha, filthy thing?"
And you hated how right he was.  You wanted to scream, kick him.  Retaliate in a way so you could still be in this submission at the same time.
Your mouth was full by the earthy taste of him, obliterating whatever feelings you had about the day.  A bad mood that he had contributions in, but it's melting from the constant thrust of his hips.  And he's keeping your head locked in place, hand gripped in the strands so you can feel your spit mingling with the underside of his cock.  Honestly, every part of his dick is covered in your spit.  It spills down your chin, threatens up your nose when you gag, leaves your eyes to water when you look up at him in a dire need to breathe fully, but he's not done with you.
Not until the loudest, lewdest pop from your mouth you've ever heard does Joel break contact completely.  Steps back until you're being observed in a patronising way.  Your gone expression.  All saliva and tears and his precum smeared over your mouth.  You can barely bring yourself to look up, but his demands seem to do the trick.
Snapping his fingers at you to get your attention, you swallow hard.  "Nuh uh.  You're not gonna get all soft on me, girl.  Wake the fuck up."
Which would be simple if he wasn't practically dragging you by your hair, making you crawl on your hands and knees until you're on your feet and you're shoved onto his couch.
All that and you're still dressed.
"Off," he's barking commands like you're a trainable being and if you were in any other state, you may reconsider this whole ordeal, but when he pushed you onto the couch your legs spread just enough for him to see the wetness smearing the cotton at the apex of your thighs and that amuses him. "not good at hidin' how much of a slut y'are."
"You think it's just you that does this to me?" You find your voice again, hoisting yourself up to sit on his couch as his cock – thick and proud – sways against the fabric caught between it.  Your tongue presses to your cheek when you make eye contact, "You're kidding yourself."
The venom drips so fluidly from your tongue, Joel doesn't make a sound.  Just peels off his clothes until he's standing there naked in his house, giving you living proof that you are kidding yourself.
The silence speaks for itself.  He is pure smug under the sight of your drooling gaze.
"It's real cute that you think y'got control over the situation n'all," the weight shifting on this couch from the cushion shaping around his knee.  Joel sits down, taking you by the scalp again to cloak you over his lap stomach-first, and you yelp in surprise when he does all of this and tugs your shorts down in one fell swoop.
With your hair in his fist, his other hand ghosts over your ass in effort to make sure you squirm for him before administering a devilishly loud spank to your ass.  "But somebody better teach you better manners.  Sure as shit itn’t your father."
You crack out a sob at that– from the contact and the truth.  You couldn't retort, you were too busy getting slap after slap against your increasingly worn ass to think about anything else.  "Lucky I ain't making y'count.  You'd have this for eternity now."
Not that it mattered anyway.  He's leaving mark after mark of his large handprint across your cheeks, probably ten more if you could even focus on anything else but finding the words to stop him.
"Please– y-you're right," tears stain your face as you bury your face in your arms.  Flinching when Joel moves, you expect another searing punishment, but instead he pulls your ass apart and you gasp at the cool air striking your cunt that's hot and wet for him.  "Joel!"
“Dirty fuckin’ girl, wet from gettin’ punished.  I talked so bad about you, and you liked it?  You’re as desperate as I thought.  Only good for gettin’ my cock wet.”  And it’s like a lever is pulled when your slutty little smile plasters over your face with him out of view.  Not that you had much time to gloat, or to experience the pleasure of living in your own fantasy because Joel’s got you pulled again.  His thick thighs spread apart when he maneuvers you so willingly to sit between his legs.  Right where he wants you.  Right where you can feel the throbbing pulse at your folds.  He tells you to take off the rest of your clothes and you would be a fool to do otherwise.
“Bad girls don’t get the luxury of bein’ opened,” that Texan drawl slips over your ear when he holds the base of his cock, slicking himself through your folds, you gasp and wriggle against him – his grip tightening harder.  Silently warning you if you make another move it’s over, you’re done.  It’s over.  All the while the searing stretch of him causes your cunt to flutter and clench around him.  It’s too much, too overwhelming, and he won’t let you adjust long enough.  “You’ll get over it,” but it’s not reassuring.  He still sounds in control despite his laboured breathing and when he can, he moves his hands to grip your hips and guide you down on him.  You scream, a knee jerk response wriggle away from him, but this position doesn’t quite allow for that.
“Be a good girl.”
That folds you, quite literally, as he moves his hips down to pound up into yours, using you like his own toy to get himself off with.  And it’s just the incredible sounds of your squelching cunt and his balls tapping against your folds.  The fucking isn’t frantic, but it certainly isn’t soft.  He’s rough with you, a hand traveling up your back to grip your hair so your neck is back in place and he lifts you upright so your back is curved, neck craned so if you tried, you could make him out – upside down.  “Poor thing couldn’t help it, had to get a daddy to take care of her.  You want that, kitten?  Wanna be used and as daddy’s little fucktoy – only good for makin’ me cum?”  his hand sneaks around to the front of you with his free hand, he presses and digs into your pubic bone to make you feel exactly where he is.  “Put a baby right here.  Make everyone know what you fuckin’ did.”
You whine, eyes rolling back at the thought.  It was so obscene, nothing like you’d ever even heard of before.  Where did he fucking learn how to talk like this?  Your brain is swimming while your sticky sweetness coats his lap, clawing at his thighs for any sort of stability, but it was dizzying how he had you.  How his grunts filled the air in between slaps like he had your hips placed at the perfect angle for him to work you.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?”  His gritting teeth by the shell of your ear, he keeps you secure within your hair to snake his arm around the front of you tugging and rolling at the sensitive nubs of your nipples.  When he feels you appear to drift off, those rough hands supply another smack, but to your tits this time, your fingernails clawing into his thighs involuntarily as you squeal in surprise.  You tighten at that, fluttering around his cock and you feel it at the edge.  So close you can almost taste it.
But he knows you’re close, too, and there’s no way in hell he’s giving that to you.  Not when you’ve barged into his house like this, not when you’ve done nothing but be an insufferable brat to him since the moment he came to Jackson.
Joel hovers you over his lap, and your heels dig into the floorboard.  His hips still, keeping the very tip of his cock inside of you – you feel panic flash over your body.  “No,” it’s the first word you’ve uttered in god knows how long and it sounds desperate.  Any hope of getting an orgasm swirls down the drain, and it’s set in stone when he pushes you on your back – the lumpy couch digging into your skin.  “No, no, please.  Why!”
His eyes could burn a hole through you.  Like a hungry dog, his body hovers – shoulders stooped, head down when he pours his gaze into you.  And he likes what he sees.  Legs open and begging, willing to do anything to get him back into you.  Your cunt glistening, even in the dull light and he can tell it’s pulsing.  “Poor thing’s clampin’ around nothin’,” he teases, grunting when his knees meet the couch cushions – another tell of his age.  But you, you’re too preoccupied in taming the ache between your legs to comment.  It burns, coming back to a fixed state you realise how stretched out you were and it’s more than overwhelming.  To know you haven’t been used to completion, all hope draining from your face.
“Joel,” your breath is shaky underneath him, pupils blown and wet when you make out his features, “Joel, please.  Please, I want this.”
“Darlin’, I know you want it.  Everybody in town knows you want it,” his words make you sob a whine as they approach closer to your neck, the delicate graze of his beard dances at your pulsepoint and you shudder.  Hips raise and he’s quick to slam them back down into place.  “If you want me, ‘Joel’ ain’t whatchu say to get me.”
And if you felt hopeless before, you really do now.  Unable to do anything but debase yourself for your own pleasure.  You’d heard it earlier, the way he referred to himself with a name that brought up mixed feelings at Tommy’s.  You swallow down embarrassment, looking him in the eyes – which were faded obsidian, your fingernails dig into your own thighs as if to brace for what’s tempting to slip out of your throat.
You hated that he made you nervous.
And you hated the hold he had over you.
But he had it, there was no doubt about it.  He had it.  He had you.
Your jaw ticks forward, fully aware of your clit screaming for attention and exhale shakily.  “Please, daddy.  Please, I want this.”
“Eh,” Joel muses, shaking his head, “I don’t believe ya.  Really gotta hear the desperation in your voice.  Maybe if I,” his hand reaches for his cock, slapping the sloppy head of it against your folds and that– that sends you.  Takes you to a different destination entirely because for the first time all night there’s attention to that bundle of nerves, and he knows it.  He knows you need this in order to give everything over to him in full.  “Daddy!” you screech, pelvis jutting up in full inclination and without a single word, Joel’s cock spears into you all the way to the hilt.  All the way to your cervix.
His hands, emitting heat and wrapped largely around your hips, locks you where he wants you like some animal in heat.  It forces you to bring your legs up into a position you aren’t sure you’ve ever been in – thighs against your stomach, by your sides.  It’s so, “deep,” you whimper, head rocking as your mouth flies open and he’s delivering you thrust after thrust of pleasure so wrecking no noise comes from you.
“Is that what you needed? Fuckin' brat,”  Joel is still able to tease, but even he isn’t immune to how tight you are around him.  Your fluttering core begging for release as it moves in and out around him – as if it’s doing its own begging.  “You wanna be filled up to the brim with my cum, babygirl?  Needy fucking cunt like you only good for matin’ like this.”  Your skin burns at his words, your body convulsing as you do your best to keep it together.
That’s when Joel’s hand wraps around your throat, a line of spit falling into your mouth and you willingly drink from him.  “You hold off, you ain’t gettin’ it tonight,” you pout for a moment, not fully understanding what he means by that, but he clarifies when his hips get sharper, more precise.  As if his cock is hooked inside of you, not letting a drip of precum spill out of you against your cervix.  “Y’ain’t cummin’, but I am.”
His grip around your throat gets harder, and you swear you can see every vein in his face rise to the surface when he uses you.  You’re limp, all thoughts washed away – his cock thick and long, you aren’t even sure how he fits it all inside of you but he does.  The edge of your stomach bulges as he works you, his neck cranes back to expose his neck and it’s too much to take. For both of you.  His hot cum ropes cords inside of you, sticking to your walls.  Filling you up is an understatement with how much he has to give you.  It’s as if you can discern the moment his seed grazes your cervix in its sticky texture.  Your head is swimming at the sound of your animalistic grunts, he looks so… fucking hot like this.  His name is replaced with ‘daddy’ more easily than you care to admit.  You do try not to chase your orgasm… a part of you does, anyway.
But you’re defiant.
You can take yourself there without him telling you to, and in fact the opportunity to disobey him is just what you need to send yourself creaming all over his cock.  You gasp, eyes wide before they roll back and you’re fucking yourself on his spent cock that somehow still has life to it.  Even for his age, he can still keep it hard for you after his seed coats your insides.  “Daddy, daddy, daddy,” becomes part of your breath, and you’re shocked he doesn’t pull out of you even though his hips are still.  You don’t notice it until you come down considering you’re using him.  Did he say you could do that?  As if you’re woken up by an alarm, you jerk at the sensation of the orgasm you snuck.  Without his permission.  You look up, and his knuckles are bleached around your hips.  He looks so menacing like this, scary.  You shake your head, swallowing hard in your attempt to fix things.
But it’s too late for you.  You’re a brat at the end of the day, and he has to train you.  Make you realise the error of your ways.
His cock is still buried deep when his middle finger plays where the two of you connect.  A whine escapes you, shivering now, not quite sure what he’s going to do.  He’s lethally quiet, you aren’t sure how to react.  He’s contemplating what to do to you, he’s not met someone who’s as menacing as he is.  As unwilling to give away freedom.  Not since… his nostrils flare as he inhales.
“I told you not to do that,” Joel stating the obvious makes you clear your throat, his cock twitching inside you in the aftershocks sends your teeth to bite down on your lip and you shake your head, “I c- I couldn’t help it!” You lie, and he knows it.  Compels him to prod that middle finger just above his cock inside you and the stretch is too much.  When you reach out for his forearm, his other hand darkens over your wrist, pinning it back in a way that hurts.  You wince in tandem with it and his monstrous hook of the digit inside you.  You’re so full, “It’s too-it’s too much!” you tap at anything you can, but he’s not listening.
Instead, the pad of his finger has no problem in touching that spongy bit inside of you – especially since your cunt is stretched from his cock and he can see it.  His cum tempts to pool out of you, but he shoves it back in, working his finger inside you repeatedly but he’s just rubbing.  He’s just rolling his finger against your g-spot until you feel so overstimulated it brings more pain than pleasure.  “Came like you knew what you were doin’,” he finally remarks, thumb rolling over your clit and you can’t take it.  “Please, pl– it’s too much!  Daddy!”  That rhythm is sly, though, in making you come undone.  Again and again.  As you’re on the peak of what would be an explosive orgasm, Joel pulls out of you entirely.  His cock, his finger.  His warmth is a distant memory when he stands up, palming over his cock.  How did he get hard again?!  He would deal with that on his own time.
Your moan is choked out, thighs pressing together for any sort of… something.  A release, a grind.  You’re left panting and begging, your tits perky and heaving for him.
“What did I say, little girl?”  He climbs into his clothes, one button up at a time with his flannel.  “You won’t be cumming for a week with that fuckin’ attitude.”
You’re so lost in chasing a feeling, soon to disappear as it could arrive that all you can do is whimper and nod.  “I’m so–” his hand grips your jaw, forcing you to look up at him.  Spit covers your face, and you hum like a kitten at the feeling of his hot saliva down your cheek, “What did I fucking say about apologisin’ when you’re not sorry?”
You wipe your face, sucking the spit off your thumb with a satisfied smirk.  “Fuckin’ loved it, daddy.”
He swallows then, his head shaking in disbelief over how much of a filthy bitch you are.  “Yeah, yeah you fuckin’ did.  Belong to me now, you understand?  Gonna let everybody know what a slut you are for this cock.”
And you would be lying if you didn’t experience a swell of pride in those words.  You’d be down each other’s throats again in no time, but the look of ownership that adorns his face over you is too much not to bask in.
“A week?”  You study him, eyes wet and round, look up at him and you see his cheek twitch in response.
“Gonna be two if you keep it up.”
You let out a faint sigh, resting your head back on the armrest.  “Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl,” he coos, leaning down to press his lips at the shell of your ear.  Fingers tucking his cum back in your hole.  He relishes in how hot you feel under his fingers.
“Now get the fuck out of my house.”
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taglist: @cool-iguana - dm to be added!
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rhemaji · 8 months ago
Lil rant abt Caine
Caine is just a lil guy, despite it all. From a design standpoint I thought I was gonna absolutely fucking hate looking at him because those chattering teeth toys make my skin crawl- but the art direction really helps make him look more appealing and whimsical than a disembodied pair of talking dentures sounds on paper.
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The thing with Caine is I didn't initially like him that much after the pilot. While his interactions with Bubble were quite funny, that one episode left me feeling like he'd just end up being kinda one note or at the very least one note in a way that'd get on my nerves. Then everything changed when Pomni Wake Up Time to Go On an Adventure! attacked
The comedic timing throughout that announcement video was so fucking funny and thanks to his line deliveries and animation/model [?] upgrades- CAINE LOOKED AND SOUNDED SO ADORABLE!!
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Legit it wasn't until this came out that I realized I actually could be on board with Caine as a character and it's been uphill from there. Episode 2 was better than the pilot not only comedically and visually but also in terms of showcasing just how actually unsettling Caine can be as an antagonist. Not because he's vengeful or malicious, but because he's so oblivious to how people work. His mind's always buzzing with terrible ideas and he's so so eager about these adventures, but at the end of the day he really really doesn't get the circus crew. Try as he might to include them, keep them engaged [ZOOBLE WAIT!], or even give them what they want [Exit doors] he doesn't realize how traumatic and distressing their current situation can be. The very nature of being trapped in a digital world is bad enough but it's especially rough here bc not only does its god have limited capabilities, you also are very well acquainted with him, and he can't fully understand your pain nor can he truly save you from it. He won't mourn your abstraction. He will not attend your funeral. He will not understand the distress of your arrival, nor the weight of your departure.
This isn't just sad from the pov of the circus gang, it's also very sad for Caine- not because i think he'll ever feel sad about it himself necessarily, but instead because the situation is sad. New members appear over and over, you craft adventures and games and distractions like [i'm assuming] they'd asked you to, but over and over, one by one, they abstract. They stop laughing at your jokes. They don't like you. They want you to leave them alone. It's confusing and maybe even inconvenient.
Where I'm hoping the series takes Caine is that this dissonance between Caine's intentions and the distress of the circus gang gets worse and worse and worse until something's got to give. I'm hoping that maybe at some point a character will try to sit down and talk with him and for it to either sorta get through to him but completely backfire in some form because he misinterprets what the others want from him OR i'd also be down for him to listen, but not understand any of it and proceed as tho nothing happened. I don't want Caine to come around really, it'd be interesting to see how Goose would go about having him come around to being a better host that empathizes more with humans, but personally I do prefer him to keep on keepin' on being this oblivious and eager antagonist.
My favorite Caine lines/line deliveries so far:
"You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders, where anything can happen!…e-except for swearing."
"And here we have THE GROUNDS! Drown yourself in the digital lake, or engage in ridery at the digital carnival!"
"What do you think of XDDCC? You're right, terrible, LET'S TRY THAT AGAIN!"
"Kaufmo abstracted? Why didn't anybody tell me?"
"Bubble you can't say that"
"Why are you all just standing there?! The- The Canyon- C-Candy Canyon Kingdom needs you now!" [according to his VA, this was an actual line flub but hoo boy am i glad they use it bc it's hilarious]
"I know you guys love your NPCs, but if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC, who knows...what. could. happen..."
That last line there specifically surprised me the most because up until he said that I was under the impression Caine was linked to every single NPC. I even thought he could see through their eyes if he so chose thanks to his "hundreds of all seeing eyes" line in the pilot. Him saying this here implies lots of things. Has Caine forgotten before? Is someone in the circus secretly an NPC ooooooooh~
"Who knows what could happen..."
Honestly, when Caine first said this I did immediately theorize Jax as being an NPC but now that it's been *checks calendar* three months since I watched episode 2, I don't think this is the case anymore. Jax being an NPC would be...something. Jax not knowing he's an NPC would be interesting [i like it when ppl's realities get shattered], but honestly I think this line was a way to telegraph to the audience that no Caine isn't actually all knowing. He didn't know Gummigoo was coming through that portal until he saw him with his own two eyes. My theory is that Caine is only able to teleport, create, censor, transform, and destroy the world around him, but isn't able to see all of it at once unless he tries to. I think Caine's default state is one where he only knows what he sees directly in front of him/what he himself has left waiting for someone else. And rather than implying someone in the gang is an NPC, I think that line in episode 2 was mainly implying Caine can be tricked, that it's possible to hide something from him, to surprise him even. Though I'm not opposed to an NPC we haven't met trying to join under the guise of being human, it'd potentially create some fun tension assuming the audience was given enough reason to care about them.
Jax is actually my favorite character in tadc, but i couldn't fill an entire post with things to say abt him. Caine seems to be- at least as of right now- the easiest of all the characters to try and wrap my head around. I'll probably have a lot more to say about Jax as he exists in canon as the episodes come out [EPISODE 6 MY BELOVED]
but uhhhh yeah, that's all the things i had to say abt Caine. Pls go watch/listen to the fansong Digital Land bye!
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sworeidnevercompromise · 3 months ago
𐙚 shameless: a drew starkey smau < part ten > series masterlist
AUTHOR'S NOTE: lots happening in this one!! no drama though...not yet, anyway. 🥸
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liked by youruser and others bffuser people...places...things
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youruser so happy to have you back in nyc bffuser @/youruser let me move into your apartment next
ayoedebiri that pho on the third slide...so good bffuser @/ayoedebiri phomazing
youruser come back already! bffuser @/youruser okay!
sw33t3stgirlin-town lana mention
mozzerellagrrl17 y/n's here but where's drew? did they break up or smth y/nmarryme @/mozzerellagrrl17 wtf r u talking about? she's just hanging out w her friends. she and drew aren't attached at the hip bro
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liked by drewstarkeyfan and others dstarkeyupdates via drew's insta story
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drewplsmarryme FUCKKKK NOOOOO! drewstarkeyfan @/drewplsmarryme girl he DOESN'T WANT YOU! let him and y/n be happy tf
ivylynndeservedbetter yo this is crazy 😵‍💫
user322 that should be me holding ur hand that should be me making u laugh
jumbleina hand placement omfg
y/nsource living vicariously through drew rn dstarkeyupdates @/y/nsource i want BOTH!
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liked by dstarkeyupdates and others starmagazine Drew Starkey spotted outside him & girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N's apartment building. When asked about the recent rumors that the couple is reportedly "moving too fast," Starkey replied "Of course we're moving too fast. I'm obsessed with her. She's amazing." Starkey was asked about the flowers he was holding, and he confirmed that they were for Y/L/N. More info at the link in bio.
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jadababy2006 I WAS THERE I TOOK THIS PICTURE! he also called y/n the "prettiest girl" and she came out of the building and she called him "angel" it was SO FUCKING CUTE i almost threw up
55raven55 ok is it a little weird that he said he's obsessed w her or am i tripping zombi3killa @/55raven55 ur tripping. shes so hot if i were her bf id be obsessed w her too
y/ngetbehindme need this for me so bad
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liked by drewstarkey and others youruser weekend getaway w my boys
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drewstarkey never letting the dog near a body of water again youruser @/drewstarkey no yeah he smelled awful
drewstarkey let's go again youruser @/drewstarkey you were JUST complaining abt the mosquitoes 🤨
madelyncline ok u guys are very cute and all but can the next post just be your dog please? youruser @/madelyncline spamming u w dog photos rn 🫡
y/ngetbehindme hoo boy the second pic
y/nsource both of u r my celeb crush
karencartwrighthater SECOND PIC IM LITERALLY SCREAMING WITHOUT THE S strkygrl @/karencartwrighthater mama your comments are public you know
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liked by esquire and others mollyjocelyn Walked around NYC with @/youruser for @/esquire. We chat about the best hot dogs in the city, being a dog mom, and a certain actor you might be hearing a lot about recently. Read at the link in my bio.
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youruser best interview ever. had so much fun with you molly ❤️ mollyjocelyn @/youruser Anytime girl.
julesdabest i- I'm the bike.
y/ngetbehindme ESQUIREEEE??? our girl's moving UP! vogue next pls
y/nsource this interview is so well written i LOVE it! kudos to you mama mollyjocelyn @/y/nsource Haha thank you! As long as the Y/N Y/L/N stan accounts are happy, I'm happy!
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liked by y/nsangels and others y/nsource Y/N in a recent post shared by playwright Jami Noyce. Maybe a new project?
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y/nsangels doesn't jami noyce write plays that go to broadway? is y/n finally getting her broadway debut?
randomhater jesus fucking christ this chick is everywhere y/nsource @/randomhater and yet you're always commenting on posts about her. looks like someone is a secret fan! drewstarkeyfan @/randomhater @/y/nsource CLOCK ITTTT!
spotconlonlover oh my god i hope this play goes to broadway !!! i'd love to see y/n on stage
br00klynbaby this play ended workshops a little while ago i think they're going to previews soon! so hopefully a casting announcement is posted soon. i think they're keeping the cast under wraps bc it's y/n's debut and they want it to be a surprise?
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liked by 656angelx and others esquire Y/N Y/L/N took a stroll around New York City with Esquire's very own @/mollyjocelyn. Read the article at the link in bio- and stay tuned for more videos & interviews with @/youruser!
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mollyjocelyn Such an awesome opportunity. Thank you @/esquire ♥️ by author
youruser run it uppp ♥️ by author
austinnorth55 the kid don't play
madelyncline i feel like a proud mother
drewstarkey 😍 ♥️ by author
y/nsource yes yes yes
y/nsangels !!!!! more interviews & vids coming soon? LFG!!!
drewstarkey 20m
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girlkisser13 · 9 months ago
taking the pjo & hoo characters to the eras tour
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a/n: hey guys!!! let me know if i should do a second part or a third part but with minor characters.
warnings: eras tour setlist spoilers
annabeth chase
annabeth is 100% a midnights stan. she LOVES "you're on your own kid". she's also a folklore and evermore stan (because of the high vocabulary). she's a closeted swiftie because she got bullied for listening to her when she was younger. when you're going to the concert with her, she definitely devises a strategy to beat the merch lines. at the concert, she wouldn't sing/yell the lyrics with you but she'd have no problem lip syncing along to the music.
annabeth is a devoted swiftie. she loves deciphering all of taylor's easter eggs and analyzing her genius lyricism. she's the swiftie who you wait for to analyze taylor's newest album so that you know what she's singing about and all of the references that she makes Imao. she absolutely slayed her analysis of ttpd and ttpdta.
frank zhang
frank is by no mean a swiftie but after you introduced him to songs like, "the archer" and "this is me trying", our boy was converted into one. i feel like frank would be a nonchalant swiftie, he wouldn't follow what she was doing 24/7 and he wouldn't like obsess over what she's going to do next. frank is soooo speak now coded (i will not he taking any questions).
frank is at the eras tour for the vibes. he'll sing along to the songs that he knows. he's also the designated merch holder. he'd probably dress up as joe (the hat and the denim jacket, iykyk). i feel like he'd enjoy watching the film more than going to the concert because of the difference in atmospheres. however, he still has a great time at the concert.
grover underwood
grover is a evermore stan fr. he enjoys the nature aesthetic and vibe that evermore gives off. he talks shit to anyone who thinks that evermore is her worst album. he's only at the concert to have a good time and isn't stressing about the surprise songs or anything like that. however, he lost his shit when taylor opened evermore with "tis then damn season" and when she sang "tolerate it" (it's his favorite song).
hazel levesque
initially, hazel wasn't a swiftie but just because taylor didn't exist during her time. but after piper and leo introduced her to her music, hazel was converted into a swiftie. she's a fearless and speak now stan.
hazel would be too shy to scream or yell the lyrics with you but she'd happily lip sync along to the songs that she knows. her favorite part of the concert was dressing up. the two of you spend the whole night singing, dancing, and laughing with one another.
jason grace
jason is not a swiftie but he could be converted into one if you were. he's a folkevermore stan fr. he also thoroughly enjoyed tpd and tpdta. like frank, he's definitely a more nonchalant swiftie but he would enjoy listening to your rants and predictions on what she's going to do next.
he would dress up as the heartbreak prince to your miss americana. he would try his hardest to learn all of the lyrics to her songs so that he could sing it with you but because her discography is so vast, he printed out sheets with the lyrics on them so that he could scream her lyrics with you. he'd definitely propose to you during "love story" (if the two of you were in the that stage in your relationship).
we all know that jason emits husband energy and is a natural gentleman. so after the concert you know that that man is carrying you out of there because your legs hurt from dancing and would immediately make you some tea when you get back if you lost your voice too. he would also go and get any merch that you wanted during the concert so that you wouldn't miss anything. like frank, jason is also at the eras tour for the vibes but he still has a great time and is thankful that he gets to enjoy this experience with you!!!
leo valdez
leo's a swiftie fr. piper introduced him to her music and they listen to her new albums together. he excessively hates all of her ex-boyfriends that treated her poorly (joe j, john, jake, etc.). he's also 100% red coded but i feel like he also likes 1989.
leo would go all out on his eras tour outfit. he would create a unique and funny outfit or he would go as lasik taylor. he would happily join in with singing/yelling the lyrics with you. he definitely fangirls at every single song change. his favorite song to sing is all too well (10 minute version). piper also teaches him all of the chants so that he can impress you.
nico di angelo
like hazel, nico wasn't a swiftie at first because obviously, taylor didn't exist during the era that he lived in. but after will and piper introduced him to her music, he got converted into a swiftie. he's a folkevermore stan fr (but more evermore than folklore). at the concert, nico would be too shy to sing the songs and he'd probably lip sync along to the lyrics when he thinks no one's looking. he'd dress up as the reputation era just so he could wear black. he got a bracelet from someone and now wears it every single day. like frank, he'd prefer to watch the film compared to going to the concert just because he's scared of big crowds.
percy jackson
like annabeth, percy's a closeted swiftie because he got bullied for listening to her when he was younger. percy is a 1989 and lover stan. he's 100% a "me!" and "you need to calm down" lover. he also LOVES taylor's ovulation songs. (false god, dress, i can see you, etc.).
he goes all out for his eras tour outfit and probably dresses up wearing an outfit that taylor wore once and expects everyone to know when she wore it. like leo, percy fan girls at every single song change and probably screams the lyrics to her songs louder than you do.
piper mclean
piper is a HUGE swiftie. she's a pop girlie so naturally, she's a 1989 stan. i headcanon that she's a hopeless romantic so she's also a reputation and lover stan. for the longest time, she didn't believe that taylor and joe broke up. (they could never make me hate you joe!!!) she absolutely lost it when taylor announced 1989 tv.
the two of you guys went all out for your eras tour outfits and would probably coordinate outfits or do a cute couples outfit. she definitely gets you guys tickets in the pit where the two of you spend the whole time dancing and singing/yelling the lyrics to every single song. piper knows every single chant too (1 2 3 Igb). the two of you spent months making friendship bracelets to trade with everyone and at the end of the night, you guys traded enough bracelets to the point that they go up to your elbows. she definitely experienced gay panic during the vigilante shit choreography.
reyna ramirez-arellano
reyna is SOO speak now coded (better than revenge 👀). she's also a reputation stan. if kanye west has a million haters reyna is one of them. if he has one hater it's her. if he has no haters, she's dead. reyna avila ramirez-arellano hates kanye west with a passion.
reyna would dress up as the reputation era and would probably coordinate her outfit with nico. at first, reyna would be too shy to sing along to the songs but after you danced with her a few times she began to loosen up and she ended twirling you around and softly singing along with you.
will solace
will is obviously a debut and fearless stan. i feel like he prefers old taylor over new taylor but he's still a swifitie regardless. he definitely cried when he found out that taylor didn't dedicate a section of songs for debut on the eras tour. he'd definitely wear a cowboy hat with his eras tour outfit. i feel like he wouldn't yell the lyrics with you because he'd be scared he'd lose his voice but he'd happily sing along with you.
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FoxQuin Week Day 7: Force-Sensitive Fox
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night!
It was touch and go there for a second because hoo boy that Sonic 3 movies, my peoples, my love of Shadow has rekindled and I am trying to convince my wife to let us go see it again (it's not working).
Unlike the other days in FoxQuin Week, this one does have some prerequisite reading, TOUCHED by yours truly, has but one chapter of 5k length that probably should be read before this one, especially since I wrote this as the second chapter!
ANYWAY (again)
Day 7: Force-Sensitive Fox/"You arrested a Jedi?" "I was doing my JOB!" @foxquinweek
TOUCHED and all the days for FoxQuin Week will be collected and posted to ao3 on Monday or Tuesday unless we lose power due to the winter storm!
THANKS FOR READING <3 (also this is 5k so...pace yourselves?)
Group Chat: “Batch Bitching”: Glory, Woof, Bye, and Puddle are ACTIVE.
Woof: so there I was
                rations on my tiddies
Bye: what tiddies?
Glory: everyone one knows you aren’t the vod in the batch with tiddies
Woof: the AUDACITY
                who the kriff is it then?
Bye and Glory are typing…
Puddle: we all know it’s Fox
                stop thinking differently
*USER: Fucks is ACTIVE*
Fucks: well this is better than the last name you lot gave me
Puddle: who changed his name to that?
                I’m not mad.
Fucks: no one is dumb enough to admit it Ponds
                Give it up
Glory: hey Fox
                I hear you arrested a Jedi
Fucks: I was doing my job
                who snitched?
Glory: no one
Fucks: ahhhh
                Kenobi then
Woof: forget the tiddies
                how does he always know?
Glory: I never said it was Kenobi!
Fucks: you didn’t have to
                just like Bly doesn’t have to say that he knew because of Secura
                and his caps were just a cover so we don’t know that he’s fucking her
Puddle: were me and Wolffe the only ones who didn’t know?!
Bye: kriff you Fox!
Woof: I am not surprised
Glory: technically
                they’re dating
Fucks: same thing
Bye: it really isn’t you shebs
Fucks: meh
                remind your troops that Coruscant is MY planet and to stop making lives hard for my Corries
                kthnx bai!
Woof: we can all aspire to be that level of don’t give a kriff
Glory: I feel like he’s gotten even weirder since landing on Coruscant
Puddle: I don’t think Fox could actively get weirder
                less anal about hiding it
                but weirder?
Bye: if you say so
                The Jedi Fox arrested was Aayla’s buir so…
Woof: yeah I don’t want to know
                Fox will tell us when it’s important
                until then I clam immunity via ignorance
Glory: clam
Puddle: clam
Bye: clam
Woof: oh fuck off
Fox was having an admitting good day.
It was less rare than it was back on Kamino, but still not an everyday occurrence. Normal days were the plethora here, but a good day does crop up every now and then.
Hex hasn’t tried to chase him down yet, Thorn is, for once, not complaining about being in charge (again), Stone has successfully quelled riots in the prisons by allowing for recreational theater performances (weird but whatever works), and there were rumors of another (shinier) Commander joining the ranks tbd.
Good day all around.
What made it even better was that Fox was currently “incognito” in the Senate Dome, wearing an atrocious mix match of civilian clothes, jogan berry smoothie in hand, and some dope shades he found dumpster diving last week covering his eyes.
Every time a senator tried to stop him he got to reply with “can’t talk, hunting seppie spies” and was Believed. It was fantastic.
(Admittedly, Fox was not expecting for the Senators to leave him alone with that flimsy excuse, but lo and behold…he is arguably a genius.)
What makes it all better, is that, for some reason, the Jedi in the Dome today don’t seem to realize he’s a clone. In fact, several of them have asked him which Senator he was an aide for with a suspicious side eye.
Fox has answered differently to each one, and considering they were all in a group giving him confused looks, they might be on to him.
So he gave them a smile that would melt ice and ducked out of that particular hallway.
When in doubt, nope it out.
Fox was sipping his smoothie when he got a comm. The only part of his armor that he was wearing, his comm.
He answered it with a loud slurp and reveled in the stank face Hex gave him. Fox smirked behind the straw.
“That better not have caffeine in it, you piece of osik.”
“Never.” Fox lied like a liar.
(The cashier may have looked at him funny when he asked for as many caffeine shots she could legally give him plus one because the law doesn’t apply to him anyway. Their face gloriously imprinted on the cup his caffeine with a little jogan berry smoothie was in. Fox may or may not be tapping his finger on it over and over to enjoy that particular expression as much as he could before he had to toss the evidence of his lies.)
Hex squinted his eyes at him like he knew Fox was lying but wasn’t sure how before growling and snapping at someone out of frame of the holo.
Fox couldn’t resist tilting his head and releasing the straw from his lips with a wide grin.
“Oh Hex, do you have company?” Fox sing-songed, laughing as Hex snapped at him.
“No! They are leaving!”
“But Hex, you didn’t say yes or no to having last meal together…” a soft voice echoed into the comm and Fox tried to place it while his CMO was spluttering out gibberish.
“Oh! Hello, Commander Fox! Good guess but no, it’s Hetic.” Ahhh yes. Those two were practically riduur from what he could remember. In the last deployment of shinies, known famously in the Guard for stealing a perp’s leg prosthesis on their first shift.
Their Names were set in duracrete after that.
(In Fox’s unwanted opinion, Hetic should have got for Hesis simply because it’s fun to say. But it’s not his Name so he doesn’t get one of those.)
“Hmm. Won’t do that again.” Fox took another sip, enjoying the flustering of Hex far too much for it to be healthy, but no one could blame him.
It was the simple things, really.
“Hex will join you.” Fox decided for his CMO, because the vod never did anything nice for himself, and Prost and Hetic were known to be incredibly nice.
Maybe a good kriff with calm Hex down a little about Fox’s health.
“What?!” Hex screeched even as two other voices shouted with excitement. Fox was nice to the Guard, and no one could ever claim otherwise.
“You’ll have fun, Hex. And you need a break.”
Hex growled and let out a quiet agreement to the other vode before focusing on Fox again.
“And you need to take care of your health.”
Fox waved at his comm, careful not to spill the glorious nectar in his violently red smoothie cup.
“I’m perfectly healthy, you just worry too much. In fact, you could almost say…”
“Don’t you fucking say it.”
“I am operating a peak efficiency.”
“I hate you.”
Fox smiled winningly while Hex contemplated his murder. Well his ambush with a hypo strong enough to knock out a gundark for a few hours to get Fox to sleep. (Ha, jokes on Hex, they only work on Fox for about thirty minutes if he really thinks about it. He knows, he’s tried several times until he knew that for a fact. (He was curious!))
“Did you comm for something besides me accepting a date on your behalf?” Fox nodded to a few passing aides giving him a wide berth. Exactly how he’d prefer it forever.
“Yes.” Hex sighed before flicking something on his comm and looking at Fox when his own comm pinged with a transferred data packet. “That’s the marching orders for the rest of my batch.”
Fox hummed and pulled it open, frowning when he saw that one was marked for the Marines, one for a softshell division on the 212th, and the last for the unofficial blackops no one was supposed to know about.
“I thought you said the long-necks learned better than to separate you.”
Hex sighed and rubbed his eyebrows in perfect imitation of ori’vode everywhere, funny because Hex was the middle batcher, before he looked at Fox with exhaustion.
Fox perked up.
Hex wasn’t often exhausted. Not by administration shenanigans, anyway.
(By Fox? Always.)
“It was the trainers who did their assignments. Apparently Seventeen recommended all three of them for the Guard, and General Ti backed them, but the long-necks sided with the trainers.”
Fox hummed, scanning the document with keen eyes, tapping his smoothie cup again to get another burst of disbelief and natborn horror to lighten his mood again.
“Easy enough fix, I think. Who all has seen this?”
“No one. One of the medics I trained snuck this unofficial copy to me before it was official.” Hex sighed, leaning back in his special CMO chair and flipping an unused hypo in his hand in a delightful tick that Fox enjoyed watching.
(You could set clocks by the rate Hex flipped his hypos. The vod was like a metronome but better because it was lethal.)
“Hmmm. I assume you want them all here?” Always better to be sure than to get something hilariously incorrect. Even though Fox was rarely wrong.
“That would be ideal. Lex and I are used to covering their…aberrations.”
“Fun word choice.”
“Thanks. It’s not mine.”
Fox hummed and let his fingers fly through his comm, easily using the backdoor he set up into the trainer exclusive ‘net access and rearranging the next set of deployments with a few twitches of his fingers.
It wasn’t even slicing, it was that easy.
“Alright. They should be here in a tenday. I can’t say I’m not excited to see what the rest of Lex’s batch is like. Considering they’re just like that.”
“Why do you think I can put up with your osik so easily?” Hex deadpanned Fox.
Fox cackled.
“Go panic about your date with the troopers you want to kriff you stupid. I have hot vod shit to do.” Fox signed out to Hex sputtering about that not being the case, blah blah blah. Fox tuned him out.
Sadly, with the end of the comm came the end of Fox’s truly delicious caffeine smoothie, shame.
On the Brightside, it was now time for Fox to collect some more date for Back-up, his beloved. One second Fox was strolling through the ornate Senate hallways, the next he was in their plain vents and chatting with the mousedroids.
Truly a perfectly wonderful day.
Fox was having the worst kriffing day.
In fact, he was seconds away from whipping out the Outer Rim curse words so he could even close to the amount of done he was right now.
Once again in shiny armor, once again accompanying some senators to clubs that they absolutely need an escort for, and once again wishing he could kill beings with his gaze alone.
The day started mostly fine, then there was no kaf to be found anywhere on base, and Hex actually didn’t have anything to do with it this time. Then the new deployment of troopers, including the rest of Hex and Lex’s batch, was delayed due to some osik about a kriffing Solar Storm (that’s not how those kriffing work, thank you, Fox was decanted yesterday).
Followed shortly by the announcement from the Chancellor that they were going to have to cut the Guard’s rations because of a poorly formed lie about the GAR needing it more, and the Guard didn’t see much action anyway. Also the med supplies. Hope you can make it work, Commander.
Fox absolutely could make it work, he just needed to whip out Back-up and he’d have a line of senators bending over backwards to get him what he wanted. But did Fox have time to do that?
Because, once again, shady kriffing senators are requesting a single trooper escort of Fox’s kih’vod!
So Fox was down in the bowels of Coruscant (smelling just as bad) and about to flip his kriffing bucket at the next stupid thing these senators tried to say and or do near him.
On the small bright side, there were only three this time, and two of them were otherwise engaged in flirting with female-presenting beings that were CLEARLY underage for their species. The third is in the fresher for some kriffing reason.
“Next time I’m just going to shoot them as soon as we get down here. Easy enough to cover that up in this criminal ridden cesspool.”
Fox was keeping an eye on the door while making promises to himself in the privacy of his muted external speakers when his day started to look up.
Because walking into the club was one Quinlan Vos.
Fox licked his lips.
This time the Jedi was wearing a backless top that only had fasteners around the neck and waist, leaving so much delicious skin bared to all and sundry. With his regular skin tight leggings, knee high leatheris boots and matching gloves. Gold dripped from his locs, ears, and enveloped his neck and upper arms.
Truly a sight to see.
Vos immediately caught sight of Fox, as hard as he wasn’t trying to hide in his shiny armor, and perked up as if he could tell that it was Fox.
Jedi osik.
He gave a little wave of his fingers before sauntering over to a syndicate head sitting not too far from Fox’s chosen position.
Fox elected to enjoy the impressive seduction of a stupid moronic criminal instead of keeping too close of an eye on his charges. What can he say, he’s a vod of simple pleasures.
That’s why he’s going to blame Vos as the reason why he didn’t notice the fresher senator suddenly appearing right next to him.
Their species was irrelevant, probably human-adjacent, but they were taller than Fox and decided to loom over Fox. Poor choice really.
Fox tuned out of whatever they were saying. Honestly, after one senator talked ­osik the rest kind of just filter right back out into space. No need to waste brain power. He had better things to think about.
At this moment? That was about the shiny Vos rescued from being outnumbered on one of the lower levels. With a smile even. Charge sent him holos because he was a good vod’ika. Vos looked good angrily protecting the Guard.
Perhaps that is also why Fox didn’t realize the danger until it was already acting.
The kriffing senator pulled off his bucket. And then had the audacity to startle at Fox’s appearance. He was a clone for kriff’s sake, they all look the same. (Fox had amber eyes and early greying hair, but he was still a vod, the basics were all the same anyway.)
Fox blinked at the senator and decided to tune back in to what was going on, twitching his fingers to bring forth the memory of Lex fixing his gloves with deft fingers and a repurposed piece of metal as a needle. The captain somehow got their hands on cortosis and so now Fox’s hands could temporarily short out lightsabers should he need to.
“…you really are far too handsome to be hiding behind this drab helmet all the time. I think you should accompany me this evening as more than a guard…an escort perhaps?” The sleemo dropped their voice like it was supposed to be sexy but it mostly made Fox think about the semi-sentient moss he found in the basement of HQ.
Fox didn’t bother to reply, just cocked his head and looked back over to Vos and his attempts at seduction.
Warm brown eyes met his own, only this time there was no spark of attraction or challenge or curiosity like the last time, when Fox cornered him after the stake out. Instead there was an indignant anger, blazing furiously, and a glare boring holes in the senator still looming over Fox.
A shiver raced down his spine at the look.
Who knew the Jedi could be even sexier than before? Illegal. (And not in the way Fox’s existence was illegal, more in the way that Fox didn’t want to be more attracted to the Kiffar than he already was. Asshole.)
Unfortunately, to make his bad day into a horrible one, the looming senator decided that the shiver was in reaction to him instead of Vos, unbelievable, and leant further into Fox’s space, daring to caress Fox’s cheek like he was allowed to touch.
Fox shuddered at the image of other vode in the same position he was in now, but frozen with fear where Fox was starting to bristle with indignation. They weren’t ranked, and most of them were Fox’s Corries. How fucking dare?
Before he could decide how to deal with this (his leading choice was a blaster bolt to the head like the aide who tried to touch his shiny, but this was a senator and that might be slightly more suspicious), the senator pressed their lips to Fox’s.
Fox blinked.
Then the senator was halfway across the club, groaning in pain from being slammed into the wall of the bar area.
An expanse of brown skin flooded Fox’s vision as the club grew quiet, several eyes alighting on Fox and his unexpected protector.
“I don’t believe they said you could do that, ser.” Vos’ voice was deep and growly and Fox didn’t think he could be more attracted to a being before.
Fox blinked again and the senator was back, yelling at Vos until they were red in the face, blotchy and uneven, and the other two senators stayed where they were with their under-aged companions.
Vos stayed unaffected in the face of the vitriol, staring blandly as the offending senator got more and more worked up. Fox located his helmet and put it back on, using his HUD to start slicing into the clubs security and other various systems to do what he wanted.
Just when it looked like Vos was gearing up to do whatever he did to get the senator across the club after they kissed Fox, he cut the power and scrambled the bare of holo footage there was.
There was floundering and screaming and Fox just took his opportunity, darting forward with a thin durasteel blade Forge had made for him from her last foray into the scrap levels, and slit it right across the senator’s throat.
Fox wasn’t going to let them live after daring to think they had the right to his lips, but kriff if it wasn’t hot to watch Vos, unnecessarily, come to his rescue. So Fox figured he could do the senator the favor of a quick death.
They didn’t even gurgle, just collapsed into the ground with a slump.
Thank the waters for dark-vision HUDs.
Fox flicked the lights back on.
Surprisingly, there was less screaming with a body on the floor with the lights on than with no body and the lights off.
Not his problem.
Fox nodded to Vos, who didn’t look surprised, but was looking Fox up and down with furrowed brows and a down turned mouth. That was a later problem.
“Senators, we’ll have to cut this trip short. I need to call a squad to come investigate the death of Senator…that guy. Please come with me to the lift.” Fox had already asked for Squad Gator when he cut the lights, and Sher said they were barely a minute out so he wasn’t concerned with closing the club down or any other procedures to secure the scene.
The two nodded looking vaguely wrong colored for their perspective races, but Fox generally wasn’t concerned with the health of natborns as a rule.
But he knew he had Back-up on them both so he could take the walk to the lifts to make sure they kept their filthy lying mouths shut about what happened right before the other senator was “assassinated”.
Fox ignored Vos and walked his two charges back the way they came only an hour ago.
His horrible day was already looking up.
Vos did find him later, much to his pleasure.
The kriffer somehow managed to scale several floors to duck into Fox’s office via window with a well-practiced tuck and roll. Hot.
“Fast thinking back there, Commander Sexy.” Were the first words out of his mouth, the shabuir.
Fox just raised his eyebrows and smiled blandly, signing another form with a senator’s signature to approve a shipment of rations to the Guard.
Somehow not having a Jedi meant that Fox had to find other ways to get his Corries the supplies they needed. Easily doable when Fox had access to so many natborns who were very careless with their datawork.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, General.” Fox tapped his bare fingers along his repurposed desk, feelings of determination and desire for approval pinging in his brain.
(His kih’vode had found the desk for him while on patrol and fixed it up all nice and pretty. There were several spots all over it with nice memories, images, and feelings for Fox to invoke whenever he needed them.)
“I’ve been in my office all evening doing datawork.”
Vos laughed and flopped onto Fox’s beloved sentient eating couch, making a sinful groan of comfort and wiggling in to a more settled sprawl.
Fox licked his lips while Vos had his eyes closed.
Idly, he wondered what it would be like if he dragged Vos to the desk and rode him like an eopie, what kind of impression would that leave on the surface. Would Fox see bare expanses of brown skin? Would he feel the warmth of a body below his? The delicious fullness of being properly full?  
He licked his lips again, tongue slipping into his mouth just in time for Vos’ eyes to open lazily.
“I’m a Jedi, handsome. You might be able to fool the average natborn, but not a Jedi. Like I said the first time we met, a super nova hiding in the shadow of a large sun.” Vos drawled, stretching out not unlike a tooka before settling again.
“I see. Well I will neither confirm nor deny my involvement in whatever it is you may be asking about.” Fox grinned and laughed at the smoldering look Vos flicked at him.
“I don’t know if that makes you more or less attractive.” Vos grumbled and Fox giggled under his breath while signing an approval for the formation of a Massiff Squad. Hound would probably enjoy have a legal reason to bring his little herd of massiff puppies around the general public. Could be useful if trained the right way too.
“Mmm. Thank you for saving Kirk last Primeday.” Fox made sure to continue doing what he was doing even as he felt a pleased surprise start to invade his office. Stupid Jetii with their stupid Force osik.
“How are they doing? They were really upset when I dropped them off at the Guard Barracks.”
Fox smiled to himself.
“Better now. I had them reassigned to the prison and Stone is having a grand time with having a new protégé to follow him around like a quaduck. Kirk keeps pestering us when he’ll be able to thank you properly. It’s driving Spock nuts.”
Vos hummed happily and gave Fox a wide smile with closed eyes…and dimples?
“I’m glad he’s okay. Maybe I’ll swing by the prisons to check for myself, if that’s alright with you, Commander Competent.” Vos leered at Fox, but it was clearly done playfully and he couldn’t help but enjoy the twitch in his DC at the compliment. (A praise kink? Him? Who would have guessed.)
“If you can get in without any of my Guard seeing you then I don’t see a problem. More of a reason to assign them to awareness training. They need it.”
“Not everyone can be as vigilant as you, commander. Some of them like the little surprises in life.” Vos started to use his Force bathakark to float random detritus that Fox has hidden away like little treasures.
Luckily Back-up was always on his person and therefore immune to Vos’ Force shenanigans (allegedly).
Fox just enjoyed watching nimble fingers smoothly moving in the air as if Vos was playing some sort of keyed instrument. What else could he do with those fingers?
“Are you thinking dirty thoughts about me, Commander?”
“Maybe.” Fox purred, grinning when Vos faltered and dropped a flimsi weight on his head, turning to look at Fox with wide eyes. His pupils were so blown Fox could barely make out the pupil, and his qukuuf glittered beautifully in the office’s dim lightening.
It wasn’t new. Fox flirting with Vos, but he’s never been quite so forward about his sex related thoughts before. At least not with the topic of them. Thorn, if you listen to him, has heard too much about them.
Vos recovered admirably well, carefully lowering the rest of his toys and choosing to stare Fox down with his own dirty thoughts clear in the way Vos was looking at him.
Props to him, he stayed lounging on the couch, simply resituated to make it fairly obvious that his tight leggings were tenting.
Fox licked his lips.
A short growl came from Vos’ throat and he emphasized his growing problem with a thrust of his hips.
Fox wanted to equally bend Vos over his desk and ride him until he was incoherent.
Just because Vos was being more open and friendlier with the vod’ike didn’t mean that Fox was ready to give in to his thoughts.
“And thank you for your assistance with my trooper in the club. It was unneeded but appreciated.”
In the span of a single snap, Vos’ stance went from horny and flirty to happy and jubilant, pants still obviously tented but easily ignored.
“Completely my pleasure, my darling Commander. The senator had it coming. Regardless of who was or wasn’t the one they were assaulting.”
Fox paused. Furrowed his brows. Cocked his head.
Vos looked surprised.
“They kissed you without permission or consent. That’s assault.”
Fox pursed his lips and darted his gaze back to his datawork requesting more units for the security of the upcoming Senatorial Gala.
“Those laws don’t apply to us, General.”
Vos flinched as if he had been physically struck across the face.
“Clones are not considered sentient, more akin to blasters than the soldiers we actually are, at least in the eyes of the general public.”
“How the kriff aren’t you consider sentient? Every single one of you is so bright and vibrant and unique. You are obviously a People, connected by a shared culture and kriffing language! Who in the Force is denying you sentientship?”
From horny to incensed with a single sentence. That had to be a first for Fox. In fact, the pleasant bulge in Vos’ pants had completely dissipated. A shame because Fox had enjoyed seeing a physical reaction of his flirting.
Somehow, Vos managed to rocket his fuckability somehow even higher by getting so mad at imaginary beings calling Fox and his Vode non-sentient.
“You don’t pay very much attention to politics, do you, General Vos?” It was an honest question that somehow confused the haran out of the man on his couch. The confusion so thick it felt like Fox could take a decent bite out of it. (He wondered if it would taste good?)
“What does politics have to do with it?” Vos spat the word politics like it was a disgusting word and Fox had to laugh. Only he would somehow find the one Jedi who wasn’t up to date on the state of the Vode and their position as legal slaves. Even kriffing Guardian knew about it.
The poor Jedi was always so sad when Stone nonchalantly mentions their lack of sentiency. (Note to self: figure out what the kriff was going on with all that. Did Stone also have a crush/attraction to a Jedi? Could they BOND over this? Fox sure hoped so.)
“I suggest you look up the transcript of the Senate meeting that confirmed the existence of the GAR and the subsequent indoctrination of the Clones as their only troops save for a few natborns in positions of authority. If you really want a good read, look at the charter of regulations for clone troopers and the pyramid of authority.” Fox hummed, going back to his datawork as Vos started to understand the sheer gall of the Senators trying to pretend they’re better than slavers simply because they hide behind the question of if clones are considered sentient or not.
It’s not slavery if the beings in question aren’t beings.
Fox always liked to compare them to chattel. Born and bred to fight and die in a war they had no stakes in. It’s not like the Republic ever said the Vode would get their personhood at the end of the war. Not like the Separatists said they’d grant rights to cloned peoples if they won either.
Fox honestly didn’t give a kark who won the war. He just cared that his vode lived.
Vos nodded dully, flicking out his comm to send a message to someone about something before clearing his throat and refocusing on Fox.
“So how close am I to finally learning your name, Commander?” There was no quirky nickname this time. Pity.
“I guess you’ll just have to find out, General Vos.” Fox smiled at his companion before focusing more on his datawork and updated some of his Back-up as several Guard started to ping in updates from various patrols.
“I’ll just keep putting the work in. I don’t think I’ve been this curious about something in a long time, so you’re stuck with me, Commander.” Vos peeled off one of his gloves and rubbed his bare hand along the material, smiling to himself with every movement.
If it were Fox, he’d say the Jedi was seeing the memory of Thorn and Stone arguing over who needed to take Chief Dried Jogan Duty for the day and devolving into deciding via scuffle. (Stone won.) Or Kirk and Spock earnestly telling Fox about their new plan to help Stone quell riots via art therapy. Or maybe Fox himself working to some release after their last meeting.
The options were endless, but always positive. Negativity was not allowed on the Sentient-Eating Couch. Fox said so.
It was a nice way to pass the evening of a relatively horrible day.
He could get used to it.
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noyzinerd · 7 months ago
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod 😭 @raisesomehale tagged me for an excerpt-writing-thing! This is my first time getting tagged for this kind of thing, thanks so much! Excerpt from my WIP, Pseudology, where the boys have to face their inner demons in the forms of dark versions of each other. Enjoy!
"Don't tell me you're honestly surprised you're here." Nega-Derek sneered. "You always talk about how unfair it is to be dragged into all the shit that happens to you, about how you're always the first to be taken or hospitalized or the one to lose the most friends. Oh, boo-hoo. Always the victim, aren't you Stiles? Never stopping to wonder why so many things happen to you when you can never leave anything well enough alone. It's never your fault Scott follows all of your whims, right? That's on him for getting himself left out in the woods. You weren't the one who released the Nogitsune, so why would it be your fault poor Allison and all those people died? Letting the Nogitsune in had nothing to do with what happened, right?"
"Please…" The 'don't' died on his lips as the thing circled around Stiles, those colorless eyes piercing deeply into his own.
The spirit tutted in mock disappointment. "And what about me, Stiles? You've found a way to manipulate me into loving you just like you did Lydia. Now here I am, willing to die for you in your ridiculous ocean of lies and secrets. Are you going to get bored and leave me too? When is that trophy of catching the most sought-after specimen going to lose its charm and have you kicking me out on the street, broken and empty? Do I deserve it too, just like Lydia? She ignored you for years and used you to get at someone who hurt her. Apparently, that's all the reason in the world to get back at her, make her suffer for making you feel this way. She was your claim, your property, to treat however you wanted because her actions displeased you. It made you want to watch her cry. It made you want to insert yourself into her life and to make her yours even if you had to drag her in, kicking and screaming. Am I just another Lydia to you? Am I here because you like me or am I here for you to punish for bullying you? Is that what you want? To see me cry over you? Does it make you feel powerful having so much control over me? Does it flatter your ego to know that the big, bad, strong, former-Alpha Derek Hale, the Derek Hale, is so helpless to your charm that he can't even go a single day without thinking about you? Do you even know what I am to you?"
Stiles had nowhere else to back up. His feet were frozen. The words kept gnawing at his brain, twisting in his chest like a noose around his heart. Covering his ears hadn't helped. The sound of that too-familiar, but too-wrong voice was infesting his ears in a way that rang in his mind rather than his ears, starting inward and echoing out like the words were coming from his very soul. There was nothing he could say. He couldn't fight the words.
Especially since he knew they were all true.
"Ha! You don't even know!" Nega-Derek practically squealed delightedly. "Chatty Cathy Stiles suddenly with nothing to say. Well, isn't that just a rare sight! Finally ran out of bullshit to spew from that poisonous little goblin mouth, I see. That's fine. I have enough to talk about for the both of us," the thing chirped happily.
Sorry, I've never done this before so I'm terrible at tagging, especially since I don't know how many of you are actually writers. Also, am I supposed to just tag mutuals or just anyone? 😰I don't actually have a lot of mutuals, so I guess whoever else out there feels like writing, feel free to say I tagged you (no one's going to double check that shit 🤣). Literally no pressure tags: @cursedtruth, @gynnnicsworld, @grimmypuff, @haleshomeforthederanged, @princecharmingwinks, @raisesomehale
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korizzybee · 1 year ago
Hii i have a request for Grover underwood (he is my fav) and the request is basically him with a daughter of apollo. And they are sucha sunshine couple but the reader is definitely dramatic and after years of liking eachother they start to dance and yk kiss and confession. (Also maybe percabeth literally loosing their shit bc they already act like an couple bit they. are. not and mayyybeeeee the reader is mean to everyone but him?) oh and female reader please 😊😊 thank you so much i hope you have a great day❤️❤️❤️
“Ugh, Finally!”
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Pairing: Grover Underwood x Black!fem!reader
Synopsis: after years of dancing around each other, they both finally gain the confidence to confess.
Warnings: none, y/n is daughter of Apollo, implied bisexual y/n, this takes place post-HoO
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You have been at Camp Half-Blood for seven years now, but never in those seven years have you once gained the confidence to confess your feelings to your long-term crush, Grover Underwood.
It’s been a year since Gaea was defeated and summer was coming to an end. You’d be leaving for college in New Rome with Annabeth and Percy. You’d said your goodbyes to your siblings, a ton of them were crying and begging for you to stay just a while longer.
Will had to scold them for you, making you chuckle. Though, before you leave, Chiron decided to host a party in honor of the first demigods at Camp Half-Blood to be going to college in New Rome.
You were dressed in a long and elegant golden satin, your h/c curls pulled into a tight bun. Will was currently doing your make up, his focused face was just the most adorable thing to you. (Not that you’d ever admit it to him). “And done.” He said, putting everything away in your small make up bag.
“You look so beautiful, Y/N.” Annabeth said, she was getting herself ready in the Apollo Cabin. She wore a long dark red glittery dress and her black hair was done in goddess braids. “Thanks, Annabeth.” You said to your best friend. “Trying to look good for Grover I see.” She teased, making you roll your eyes at the girl.
“Whatever, shut up, I didn’t get all dressed up for him.” You said to her. Though, the thought of him seeing you in something like this made your heart race. “What about you getting all dressed up for Fish-for-Brains?” You teased, you watched her face flush slightly. You laughed at her reaction, shaking your head slightly.
The party was held by the lake, as you and Annabeth arrived there, the scenery left both of you breathless. The nymphs had done an amazing job at decorating and cooking. There were streamers and fairy lights shining soft colors hanging from around the nearby trees, a group of water nymphs were in charge of the music. And you saw Juniper handing out drinks to people.
You saw Percy talking with Connor Stoll. “Look,” you tapped Annabeth on her shoulder. “There’s Percy, let’s go over to him.” You said to the slightly shorter girl, pulling her softly by her arm. Connor noticed the two of you walking over and tapped Percy. As he turned around, the boy’s face went as red as Annabeth’s dress.
You gave Annabeth a smirk, even though they’d been dating for years, Percy still acted like a giddy middle schooler when it came to her. “Annabeth, hey, you uh- you look amazing.” Percy said, trying to find the words that best complimented the girl’s attire. “Thanks Percy, you look nice too.”
You went and stood beside Connor Stoll who gave you an amused smile. “You picked that dress out for her, didn’t you?” He asked you. “I did, Annabeth was never really the type of girl to be into all that glitz and glam. So, when she came to me asking for help, I decided to give it to her. Only, under the condition she’d help me with my senior portfolio.”
You said to the younger boy with a smile, crossing your arms over your chest. He let out a chuckle, “yep, that sounds like something you would do. Anyways, you have a good eye for fashion, you look nice.” He said to you. “Thanks, you do too, I suppose.” You said to him. “You wouldn’t have seen Grover around, have you?” You asked him.
Connor smirked at your question, which made you sigh in annoyance. “Don’t look at me like that, because I know exactly what you’re thinking.” You said to him. “Out of all the people here at camp, I never expected you to fall for someone like Grover. Not judging, but I always imagined you with someone like Clarisse or any Ares kid. Your personalities just match more.”
You pretended to gag. “Ew, what? Clarisse La Rue? There’s no way in hell I’d be caught dating that crazy girl. She’s too obsessed with pleasing her dad and being the best fighter at camp to understand how to love someone. Don’t get me wrong, she’s very attractive and I would date her, just under different circumstances.”
“When you say ‘different circumstances’ do you mean if you weren’t practically in love with Grover?” He asked you with teasing smile, nudging your arm slightly. You rolled your eyes at the shorter boy. “This right here is why you don’t have a girlfriend.” You said to him. “I’ll go find Grover on my own.” You said, walking away. “It’s not like you have a boyfriend or girlfriend either!” Conner Stoll yelled out to you as you widened the distance between you two.
You’d been searching for Grover for an hour now, and no one had seen him around. Sure, parties were never really his thing, but you thought if he wasn’t coming to see you, he’d at least come to see his best friends, Percy and Annabeth. You were starting to give up hope on seeing him at all tonight.
You walked through a secluded part of the forest, softly humming to yourself, now holding your heels in your hands. You’d never been a nature person until Grover, at first you only pretended to be interested in it to have something in common with him. Over time though, you started to genuinely enjoy it yourself, often walking through this part of camp to clear your mind when stressed.
You caught a soft light in the corner of your eyes and decided to walk towards it. Your footsteps quiet as you went to inspect whatever it was. Your eyes widened as you saw Grover sitting on a log, a small lamp beside him. You forgot satyrs tended to have great hearing as Grover turned around to face you. “Y/N?” He said.
“Grover…hey.” You said quietly, walking over and sitting next to him. “Hey.” He said back. He was wearing a dark green suit, his brown skin and dark curly hair glowed softly in the light. ‘So he was at the party, I must’ve just not noticed him then.’ You thought to yourself. “Why are you out here by yourself?” You asked the boy. He smiled at you.
“You know parties have never really been my thing, I mainly came because Percy asked me to.” He said truthfully. “Oh.” You said, a slight pang in your chest. ‘So he didn’t come to see me.’ “I also came to see you too.” He said, looking at you with his usual smile. “Oh.” You said once more, your cheeks slightly burning.
“Sorry, I had too overwhelmed with the setting before I could actually see you, so I came out here to calm down.” He said apologetically. “It’s okay, Grover, I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable there waiting on me anyways.” You told him. “Thanks.” He said. There were a couple beats of silence before Grover broke it.
“Sooo..college huh? And in New Rome as well.” Grover said, a bit awkwardly. “Yep, I’m also going to help Reyna find a new augur for Camp Jupiter since Octavian’s gone now.” You said, playing with your hands in your lap. “I guess while I’m gone, you’ll be bringing more kids into camp, right?” You asked, even though you already knew the answer.
He nodded. “Yea, I wish I could come with you, Percy, and Annabeth though.” You smiled and looked down at your hands. “I wish you could too. I mean, we’ve always just been a little group, the four of us. So now it feels weird not having you there with us.” You told him. “Yea, I feel the same way, it’s going to be weird not stopping you and Percy’s arguments anymore.”
“Y/N/Grover I-“ you both spoke at the same time, turning towards each other. “You can go first.” You both said in unison again. You then sighed in annoyance. “How about I go first?” You offered. Grover nodded in agreement. “We leave tomorrow morning and..I didn’t want to leave without telling you how I feel about you, Grover.” You said softly.
“Grover, I love you, I’ve liked you ever since you helped me with my chores in the strawberry fields. You’re also kindhearted and easy to talk to, I feel like I don’t have to have a constant wall up around you, guarding my feelings.” You told him. You felt his hand touch yours.
“I like you too, Y/N, ever since I saw you stand up to Ares alongside Percy.” He said with a smile. “You’re so much more different than me, yet it feels so right to be with you. Your fiery personality and your passion for being a great fighter are what makes you, you, and I love it. I’m glad to have been by your side these past seven years.” He told you. “I’m sorry I wasn’t with you during the party.”
You turned your head towards the lights in the distance, you still hear the faint music from it. You stood up and brushed off your dress, holding your hand out for him. “Well, we don’t need to be at a big celebration party with all the other campers. We can have one right here, just you and me.” You said as he grabbed your hand and you helped him up.
Grover placed his hands on your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You both swayed slowly to the faint music in the background. “Does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend now?” He asked you. You laughed softly as his question and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Yes, Grover, yes it does.”
Your moment was cut short by a certain black haired girl and blonde boy standing by the trees. “Ugh, finally!” Annabeth said as Percy chuckled at her side, a hand on her shoulder. “Go away you guys!” You yelled at them, Grover laughed, feeling slightly embarrassed.
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potatoqueensays · 6 months ago
May I humbly request you elaboraremos om the Bill = Ford in your reverse falls? I am deeply interested 👀
Thank you for your interest!!!
This makes me super excited to talk about, tbh he deserves his own post anyway!! Cause hoo boy there's a lot to unpack!! Forgive me for all the words, takes a lot to get to the main stuff.
Also thank you to @danklemckspankle for helping with a lot of the details. It's a collaborative project 💪
Let's get into it, shall we??
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So! Ford in this au didn't get his science fair project wrecked by Stanley. Now Stan did drop it, but funny enough, to Stan's hopes it did work. Now that might sound like a copout, but it actually is a very damning event for Ford.
Ford gets the scholarship, and goes to West Coast Tech. He thrives, but amongst all these other geniuses he's just another face in the crowd. Now he's busy at school, but he doesn't get the research grant for Gravity Falls because he's just another smart guy.
He returns home after college and his father is expecting him to have millions and already have a job and a bunch of money. But Ford tells him that he's looking into it and doesn't have anything yet. He needs to stay at home until he can get an opportunity, but his father doesn't take too kindly to that. He kicks Ford out. Unknown to Ford, Stan isn't waiting at home due to also being kicked out. So Ford thinks his whole family abandoned him. He thinks Stan is out adventuring the world. So he's all alone without a place to stay.
Ford has already heard of Gravity Falls, even going as far to write a thesis on the weirdness of the town. But it wasn't what the college wanted, and they even went as far as to reject the thesis and the request for a research grant. So now Ford is stuck.
He does odd jobs around the states and winds up in Gravity Falls. One of those jobs landed him a place in the town. Now he hasn't commissioned Boyish (not yet Manly) Dan to make the shack yet, so he couch surfs. He does research on the side for Gravity Falls, eventually finding a cave painting of a weird zodiac and a triangle.
He summons Bill, and they make a deal for Ford to make a portal for him. Ford requests that he has a partner in knowledge and power in return. They shake on it. You need to understand that Bill isn't yet all sad boy in this as he is in the original au, cause it'd be a bit hard to change an integral part of him. Just bear with me for now!
Now Ford isn't well acquainted on the engineering side of things, so he's in a bit of a pickle.
But!! Lucky for Ford, there's a southern hick a couple states away that matches his smarts! A scientist named Fiddleford McGucket made a personal computer that while expensive, Ford managed to get his hands on! This guy seems promising, so Ford reaches out to him with a request and shares his thesis on Gravity Falls to hopefully drag him in.
McGucket loves it! So they agree to work in Gravity Falls together and they build the portal.
On the side however, Ford is talking with Bill. He fills his head with dreams and visions of acknowledgement. It's everything he's needed and more. It kinda goes to his head as he ignores personal needs like eating in return for the dreams. The dapper dorito eats up the seeming gullibility of the scientist. Inflating his ego to the damn heavens at this point.
Ford and McGucket have been arguing on the side as the research gets back seated. After a test with the portal, McGucket falls in and sees what's on the other side. He tells Ford something is wrong with the project and goes radio silent for a couple weeks before returning back in hopes of convincing Ford the dangers and hoping to see it through.
At this point it's important to note the Gremloblin incident didn't happen so the memory gun has not been made. Despite McGucket's hopes the portal is almost finished at this point and it seems like it's all Ford cares about.
Eventually an altercation arises as McGucket realizes Ford is not stopping. He tries to tell Ford of the danger and what he saw. He says he misses time with his family and wants to go home. Nothing is right anymore and he's being plagued daily with nightmares and declining mental health.
Ford is fed up at this point. He comes to a realization, that everyone has only ever told him what he can and can't do. This is his one shot, a chance to make everyone see. Everyone see him.
He pushes McGucket into the portal.
Oopsies. That's a problem!! Welp. He has no assistant now. Now granted, Bill is real happy for interruption being gone, but good ol' Sixer doesn't work with engineering. Someone else has to step in!
So Bill gets on his case now. Even tho McGucket has been dealt with, the portal isn't finished! So he threatens him, simple threats really. Stealing eyes, puncturing holes in a lung, just basic stuff.
Suffice to say Ford isn't happy about this. He's being rushed, and he already had a hell of a reawakening. So he starts to get back at Bill for his harping. Using his power to harness the portal. Experiments to see how he interacts with the world, testing the limits of Bill's body. All under the guise of research. On a...base level of course! All research is important, but Bill has become an obstacle on his own.
Bill was never his muse, just....a means to an end.
So Ford calls Stanley. Of course he doesn't forgive him for not asking about him, but that doesn't matter now. There's more important things to tend to. His brother has actually ended up making money, if the number of commercials he's seen on the television says anything.
He keeps Stanley at arms length, never actually letting him see the portal. Vague explanations of an important project, he just needs Stan's funding and some parts, he can handle the heavy lifting. Lest someone meddle into his work again
He has another side project on his mind, a little bunker somewhere in the woods of the town. In case of a cataclysmic event, or man eating creatures. Do he gets Stanley to help build it for him. Floor planning, parts, doors, tech and all that.
The interactions between them are kept to a minimum, to keep from bothersome questions and meddling. Eventually Stan has enough from the cold treatment and backs out, saying he's got better things to tend to. (In a future post I'll probably elaborate more on Stan :] )
So Stanley leaves. Keep in mind it's the 90s now, and even if technology improves, this isn't a one man job. No matter how much Bill likes to say he's support. You could say Ford is more focused on the portal than Bill, who had the idea in the first place! But whatever, it'll all be worth it once it's done.
He figures maybe he could do this alone, the last two people turned out to be hindrances, so maybe for a year or two he could try his luck.
Of course he gets side tracked with messing with Bill, with his harping on the portal growing less and less. He even....starts to slowly change color? Growing less yellow and more dull. That's something to research more! His research is definitely not humane, but Bill isn't human! He's a triangle! So what does it matter? This won't have repercussions!!
When Bill possesses his body from time to time, he tries to mess with him, but it weirdly doesn't deter Ford, only spurs him forward. Anything to test the limits of Bill. For science!
The couple years of working alone don't prove at all very helpful. Unfortunately, it looks to be like he needs a new assistant and he needs to get back on track. That bunker won't make itself!
So he calls someone new. The last two people proved to only be hindrances, and he actually went easy on Stanley all things considered. But he needs to be more hands on!
So he calls a lady who just moved to Gravity Falls with her husband, someone unaccustomed and unbiased. A one, Mrs. Gleeful.
She is decent enough as an assistant, proving actual decent company. Being that she doesn't question the work or interrupt. She does what is asked, serving coffee if needed, or getting spare parts.
It lasts up until late 2003, where she reveals she's having a child with her husband. She needs maternity leave, but she claims it won't interfere! So long as she swears.
She has her child the next year, but something changes. A couple months after, she makes the same claims of her family needing her. Claiming they're more important than the project.
This doesn't go on well. A spark goes off in Ford's brain. The last time this was brought up it didn't go well. So he digs up old blueprints, something he was working on when McGucket was around.
He erases parts of her memory when he calls her back. Her thoughts of her family are gone, they don't exist in her brain anymore. He tells her they're roommates working on a project, and convinces her to stay.
If she questions him or asks about her family he erases her memories again, and again, and again.
This goes on for a year, and eventually her mind turns to mush. Leaving her a crazed shaky husk of a sensible woman. She is too crazed to work with anymore, so he kind of sets her free like an animal. Throwing her into the woods for whatever creature out there.
Word reaches round of a missing woman relating to a researcher. This naturally reaches Stanley's ears for his penchant for gossip. He tries not to assume the worst and visits Ford.
Ford is so sucked into his work, solidifying his previous belief of doing work on his own. The portal is just one move away from opening, Bill has shut up, and no one is in his way.
Until Stanley. He visits, and sees the man Ford has turned into, and all hope he ever had is gone. He decides to needs to do something about this, stop whatever his twin is up to.
He leads him to the bunker to talk. But when his fears are confirmed true, he punches him. Brass knuckles reluctantly worn. The altercation results in cracked glasses and shards of glass cutting an eye, Ford goes blind in his left eye.
With the man injured, Stanley leaves the bunker and closes it, locking his brother in. No amount of begging or yelling will get Stan to open the door.
During the time he was alone, Ford had a creature in the bunker to study. It was thought to be too dangerous, but that same claim doesn't hold up anymore.
He still has the contract with Bill. So the two are trapped with Ford. The only ones to talk to for 7-8 years. He pushes his anger onto Bill, and talks to the Shapeshifter in spare time. The only beings to talk to for so long does things to your brain. Not good.
So when eventually two young kids open the bunker, he has some plans to set in motion, particularly considering a certain triangle.
So!!! That's the overall idea, ofc to elaborate on more when I talk about the mystery twins and Stan since that could tie more things in. And also weirdmageddon (normageddon? Fordmageddon?) would have to be it's own thing.
But uhhh, art!!
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This was a little idea of what Ford would look like post bunker, or after getting out. (Ignore the lack of sideburns this is all I have rn)
Bill changes his name shortly before the mystery twins summon him, cause like. Oof. Separate himself from the guy that outcrazied him!!
Probably a future post about Bill would be better, cause like the physical, emotional, and mental torture he went through is kinda glossed through in this. It's mostly Ford heavy and on his side of things.
But!!! I had fun establishing all this, again my friend is to thank for a lot of this stuff. I recommend following or sending an ask to get his side of this!!
Also apologies for the wall of text, this man is a loaded gun.
Oh also he couldn't have gotten out of the bunker since it remained semi unfinished, since Ford focused more on the portal. So he's trapped until into the bunker 🤷‍♀️
Thank to again for the ask, this was probably a doozy to get through lmao 🫶
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polyklok · 2 years ago
How Dethklok shows their love to you
Nathan Explosion
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We all know about Nathan’s tendency to hyper focus on his current interest; mans got strong feeling and he wants to let everyone know just how happy you make him. So he shows you off, every chance he gets. Especially to the paparazzi. Once he’s settled into the relationship, he’s getting all cuddly and smiley in front of the cameras, quite rare for the media to see. He calls his parents nearly every week just to brag about you, it’s so sweet.
Motherfucking Nathan Explosion. One of the biggest names in the world, certainly the biggest in music and entertainment. A man who handcrafted a revolution of lyrics and rhythm. A man the world worships and the population craves. And yet, when he’s real smitten for someone, it’s awfully easy to make him shy. Just small, flirty things will get his face beet red and stuttering over his words in an instant, so incredibly enamored with everything you do. Whisper some sweet-nothings to him and he’ll become putty in your hands.
Nathan is very…specific when it comes to most aspects in life. He’s picky and stubborn and usually has his mind set for any decisions. But, you, as his S/O, own his utmost trust. So, before the final choice is made, he makes sure to get your opinion on it. Whether it’s small things or large decisions, he wants to hear what you think and will definitely take it into consideration. You have the ability to loosen him up on some settlements, much to Charles’ thanks.
Okay, the end of season 4 was an exaggeration, but Nathan does have a difficult time admitting when he’s wrong. Apologizing just really pokes at his large yet fragile ego. But, when he finally gets rid of some pride and realizes he fucked up with you, he’ll make the effort to apologize. Even if it’s not directly, you’ll get little gifts and gestures that lets you know that he really is sorry.
Pickles The Drummer
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This one’s kinda silly, but here me out; Growing up, all of Pickle’s possessions were either hand-me-downs, stolen by Seth, or taken away as punishment from his parents. He didn’t get many stuff that was his. So, as an adult who could have all the material possessions he wants, he’s become a bit greedy. Until pretty lil you came up and stole his heart from him. At that point, he’s practically forcing himself to share everything with you. Food, clothes, anything. Something about seeing you with his stuff makes him feel really good inside.
Worries about you. Hoo-boy, as much as he hates to admit it, he’s got total mom brain when it comes to anxiety. Anytime you’re five minutes late or slightly more quiet than usual, he’s darting around, thinking that he somehow messed up and you hate him and now he’s gotta fix it. Please reassure him, he’s gonna give himself an asthma attack.
Pickles, uh, doesn’t have the best memory. Probably from the constant abuse of drugs and alcohol. I don’t think the dude knows anything that happened to him from age 20 to 25. But, he wants to make the effort. So, he’ll remember the little things about you, basic likes and dislikes, something you said, etc. When he acts upon it, like buying some of your favorite food, and you get all happy about it, he’s so proud of himself. He loves making you happy.
“Punch first, ask later. Or don’t ask at all.”That’s how he lives a whole lot of his life, especially in bars or parties. MF got some agitation issues. But when you get involved? Someone looks at you even slightly wrong? They’re getting their asses beat, he’ll defend the shit out of you.
In addition to that^…He’s definitely used to getting a ton of shit from his family and he just takes it. Because they don’t really like Pickles, there’s a good chance Seth and his parents will hate you and they’ll let you know it. This is when he cracks down. He yells at them for several minutes about what a wonderful person you are, what shitty people they are, and that they can talk about him all they want but not you. Definitely scares them straight.
Toki Wartooth
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Oh, man does Toki love to spoil you! The way your face lights up when he manages to get you another perfect (and expensive) gift makes his heart flutter. He’s very good at it to; buying you things you didn’t even know you wanted but always cherish. He especially likes to get you custom-made stuff, something very cheesy.
He has a bit of a hyperactive mind, without something specific to focus on, he’ll constantly be bouncing around. But, despite this, he absolutely loves to listen to you in a way he can’t with other people. While he’s putting together a model or coloring or maybe practicing guitar (once in a blue moon), he likes to have you there, just ranting while he nods along. Even if he doesn’t get all the details, the sound of your voice is enough for him.
When you’re around him, he’s pretty much always going to be touching you. Sometimes it’s small things, like holding hands, knees together under a table, occasional cheek kisses. Other times, he’s practically hanging onto you like a sloth. Additionally, he absolutely loves to scoop you up at random moments and just hold you for a while. He’s strong, he can handle it.
It’s very clear that Toki is a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to love. Even if it’s unrealistic, he will often imagine a future with you, the classic getting married, having children, growing old. A nice, suburban, and perfect lifestyle. He knows that he can’t ever get rid of his rock n roll persona, but there’s a piece of him that’s completely dedicated to simply loving you for the rest of his days.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
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First of all; it’s going to take a while to establish yourself as more than just some sex to Skwisgaar. He needs to know you’re not someone trying to brag that they fucked a rockstar. Once he realizes that’s you mean something to him (and vice versa), he relaxes! He gets vulnerable, gets emotional and cuddly and more romantic than you’d expect! He no longer has to keep up the persona, you see the side of him that no one else really does.
Along with this, he’s willing to be more silly than with you! He’s got an even bigger ego than Nathan and hates to look like a fool in front of all his fans. But when he’s around you, he allows himself to make some jokes, mess up a few times and laugh about it. Seeing you laugh makes the small amount of humiliation worth it to him.
Skwisgaar has practically heard it all when it comes to compliments; he’s an international sex symbol and a music mastermind, after all. There’s nothing he hasn’t been praised for. So, he thinks it’s only natural that he compliments the hell out of you just like others do to him. From wake to sleep, he’s giving you all sorts of flattery on how you look and congratulates you on every accomplishment, no matter how small. He likes to feel proud of his darling and makes sure you know it.
Despite him having a long line of past lovers behind him, Skwisgaar gets jealous very easily. Call it a toxic trait, but he’ll flirt with anyone he sees while glaring at anyone who sees you. And his glares are proven to be lethal. Just be careful, cause he can have anyone he deems ‘too touchy’ with you assassinated with the flick of a wrist.
William Murderface
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William thinks he’s soo lucky to have you in the first place, he practically worships the ground you walk on. His mind is pretty much on you every moment of the day; every dream he has at night is about you. He’s obsessed with the way you look, the way you act, he’s always staring at you with a dumb, happy smile on his face. Anything you need, he’ll make it happen for you.
I personally feel that he’s a lot smarter than he seems; particularly about history, historical weaponry, and cars. So, when he gets the chance, you get your ass he’s gonna rant to you about all the random stuff that’s up in his brain. He’s an extreme pessimist by nature, but when he’s speaking about the things he truly cares about, he’s seems so enthusiastic and energized, even more so when you actively listen and ask questions.
While Murderface certainly talks a lot, he doesn’t really…express, you know? Most of his conversations are surface-level and to the point. But when he’s comfortable with you, he likes to have deep conversations about things most people think he’s too stupid to care about. Ethics, philosophy, religion. He’s no expert, but everyone has their own beliefs. He wants to share his and to hear yours. Sometimes, he gets really into it, occasionally crying. These moments are important to him and he loves to be with you during them.
Let’s admit it; William isn’t conventionally handsome in anyway. A good reason for that is because he simply doesn’t care or have the patience for proper hygiene. Still, he wants to really impress you, so he starts taking care of himself more. He gets some better products, puts a little more thought into how he dresses, even eats slightly better. It’s not a big difference, but it’s something and it’s noticeable over time.
Bonus^ If you have a skincare routine, he’s going to be right next to you, mesmerized by all the creams and serums and cleansers. Even better if you apply some to him, he gets so soft.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year ago
hi !!! whenever you have the time,could you write some eyeless jack fluff where him and the reader are cuddling, and they just start telling him how much they care about him?
i have the idea in my head of jack laying on the readers chest, both of them almost asleep, and reader just very quietly starts whispering how happy he makes them, that they're so lucky to have him, etc :) all good if you don't feel like it !!! thank you so much, i really enjoy reading & re-reading your works :))
Reader telling Eyeless Jack that they love him!
Written on mobile, and until things warm up in my house I'll probably be writing everything on mobile since I cant bring my computer into bed with me <\3
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First of all before we get into thing let it be known that Jack's hair is soft and fluffy, as least in my head
Run your fingers through his hair while he has his head on your lap; its not often when he does lay down on you but when he does.. hoo boy its sweet
I think he'd be very quiet while you told him everything; about how much you love him and care about him
I know it's not the big open reaction a lot of you may be expecting, but jack is generally a quiet and non-expressive person
But while he may not be outwardly reacting just know inside a lot of stuff going on
Oddly enough, it also stresses him out just a bit
Out of all people why him? Why did you pick him? You deserve better than he could ever give you, at least in his opinion
Likely just lets you keep talking, doesnt say a word I think until you've said all you wanted
Very bad with words, too, as blunt as the asshole can be sometimes; but I think the next day he'd try to do something for you... probably gives you flowers and cool rocks hes found
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pocketmania · 5 months ago
Yoo-hoo! I've read a few of your ENA drabbles and can safely admit I love your writing! Do you think you can write a mini story of Sal Fisher(Sally Face) with a female s/o kinda like Uzi? Rebellious angsty teen w/ cool ass powers! Please and thank you :) 💜
Oooo, hellooo nazuna! Thank you so much for enjoying my writing, I truly truly truly appreciate it <3
Also AAAAAA YES a sally face request!✨️ I was honestly dying to write about SF, so this request was a miracle lol
Also also sorry for the bit of the wait!
Also also ALSO I know this may seem a but shirt, but I started doing another new formatting so the spacing isn't as big, so that's why
Now onto the thingy
‎# — So (Para)Normal
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(🎮👻👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨☁️) - sally face oneshot
(reader type) - feminine / AFAB
(‼️warnings) - mentions of the dead
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"Watch out!"
Just as Sal opened the door to your room, a bolt of purple energy went zooming in his direction. He yelped and ducked as it went out the door. He quickly shut it before it could come back inside. He set his guitar down at the door.
"Sorry!" You apologized as you gave a small wave. Even if you couldn't see his mouth, you could tell he was smiling. Maybe it was the eyes. He came over and gave you a side-hug, noggin-to-noggin. "It's alright, (N/N)."
You giggled and put your hands in the pockets of your hoodie. It was always nice to have Sal around. However, you were currently trying to practice having "magical powers" or whatever and would prefer not to accidentally blow your boyfriend's head off.
Sally pulled away, gestured to your glowing hand, and asked, "What're you trying to do?" You looked up at him and shrugged. "Anything! As long as I know what I'm doing by the end of it."
Sal sat down on the edge of your bed as he nodded his head. "What have you figured out so far?" You sat down next to him and formed another ball of purple energy, concentrating on it so it didn't fly out of your hand again. It floated over to a bottle on your table and began to pick it up. He nodded and hummed in response. "Hm.. I see." You stopped concentrating and let it fizz out and drop the bottle. "Is that all?"
"Well," you began, getting ready to do it again. "There's that.. and this." Just as you finished, you held your breath while generating yet another ball of energy. This time, instead of acting like a telekinetic force, it exploded. It was almost blinding. Your room seemed to burst with white coloring everywhere. You could only see the silhouettes of the items in your room.
But something different happened, unlike the other times. As the ball busted, you saw a flash of a person in the corner of your room. You stopped and took a moment to collect yourself. You looked to Sal, who was as distraught as you.
'You saw that too, right?' You pointed to say.
'Oh, I definitely did.' He pointed and nodded back.
Still at a loss for words, you both got up to the specific corner with the Super-Gear-Boy. Unfortunately, the person you saw must've left the room because the Gear Boy wasn't picking anything up. But that was impossible; you SWORE you saw something, someone. And with how paranormal Addison Apartments was, you knew to trust your guts.
Sal looked to you, smiling with his eyes once again. "Well, little-miss-gear-boy, we should run all of that stuff over to Todd when he gets done with tutoring to see if that can help with ghost-hunting." You shoved him at the name and smiled back at him.
"Bite me!" You exclaimed. You ruffled his hair and laughed with him. You two sat back down and shared a nice, calm, moment talking about your ability. However, the nice moment was interrupted by your dad's yell, coming from the kitchen.
"What happened to the kitchen window?!"
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‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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weirdowithaquill · 1 year ago
Ships? But Sir, They're Trains!
It's Valentine's Day, and to celebrate, I thought I'd break my usual streak of not shipping the talking trains together and share the pairings that I like the best! But only of the original 11, and a few other RWS-related friends (and maybe a bonus or two from the TVS).
Also known as: local weirdo decides trains can kiss, but only on Valentine's Day.
Let's get into the ships... er... trains.
Almost chronically single. I'm sorry Thomas, but you're not very good at the dating thing. Maybe Hank if I swallowed my pride and went to watch Season 12 - just because Hank's calm and friendly personality would naturally balance out Thomas. But also because they are the epitome of 'gentle giant' and 'tank engine terror'. Also, Thomas blushes in this episode:
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(Sorry for the Season 12 image, but it's the only Season Hank was in!)
This engine has options! Or more to the point - this engine has suitors. Not all make sense to the poor engine - but that's the pain of being the one everyone looks up to. I would put him with BoCo, but I must admit I had a phase where I read EdwardxJames fanfics. So... nostalgia wins (that and Edward needs someone with a fiery personality to boost his confidence sometimes, and James needs a cooler head all the time).
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(Look at the smile on James' face! He's ecstatic to see his engine.)
Bear. The answer is Bear. I'm sorry, but that Hymek has it bad for Henry, and Henry fought for Bear to stay on Sodor. And after the early days when every engine fought, Henry has no interest in getting tangled up with them again, only this time romantically. Besides, the youthful energy and eagerness Bear has will only benefit Henry, who can be a bit of an old grump.
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(Bear, I can't tell if you're looking into Henry's eyes or not...)
Hoo boy... Gordon, oh Gordon. What to do with you? Henry and James are taken, Edward and Thomas are more siblings than romantic interests - and engines 6 through 11 are just not close enough. But how about BoCo? (Yes, this is why I didn't pair him up with Edward). BoCo is calm and polite where Gordon is loud and brash - and Gordon does see BoCo as his saviour. It would probably be the plot of a b-list romantic movie, but I can see these two getting together, with Gordon being the jock and BoCo being the 'kid' of Edward.
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(Look at that little smile Gordon has! This engine is smitten.)
He's with Edward, thank you. More than that, he doesn't really fit well with the other RWS cast romance-wise. Thomas is something of a rival and friend, while he wants Gordon and Henry to acknowledge him and Percy is something of a little brother/annoyance to James. Edward and he have a lot to work out (mostly James groveling) but they got a lot of coding in the series from what I remember. Plus Edward saved him - so we've ticked the cliche box.
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(Yes, this means Edward is the knight in shining armour. James is a diva anyway.)
Has about as much luck as Thomas does, if we're honest. Young, childish Percy has no chance, while older, grumpier Percy is more interesting to consider. The Percy of Seasons 5 and 6 I could see bagging Harold. But then, we could also consider the absolute insanity of Percy and Diesel 10. Imagine the shock, imagine the story! (I'm a writer, let me dream about how I'd write this lot). Diesel 10 would be the delinquent who is soft for Percy and Percy only. It would also lead to an epic fight between the helicopter and the engine with a giant claw.
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(Um, is Percy... blushing?! What are these faces?! I have questions.)
Is married to Henrietta. They are old couple goals. Percy and Thomas are extremely jealous.
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(Toby is grinning cause he knows his wife - that poor manager...)
Duck and Donald:
I considered Percy for Duck, but I feel like what Duck needs is an engine who can really bring out the playful side in Duck - the engine who helps him be more than just the railway he used to work for. That engine is Donald. When they ended up playing pranks on each other in Donald's Duck to the point where Duck stooped to putting a literal duck in Donald's tender knowing Donald would find it funny really says it all about these two.
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(Look at him, so excited to play his little prank! His driver is wheezing!)
Douglas and Oliver:
These two practically have a kid in Toad already (or an advice-giving uncle. One of the two). Douglas saved Oliver, and that sort of thing has a lasting impact - especially because it's also the most likely relationship to actually happen. Both Douglas and Oliver are known for sticking it to authority, being a bit hot-headed and being led a bit more by spirit and the heart than by their heads. They have Toad for critical thinking. They live and work together too - and it would be hilarious to watch Duck blast his safety valve off when he finds out.
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(Ah yes, let me just stare into your eyes for half an episode.)
Mavis and Daisy:
These two are disaster lesbians, and we love them for it. It's also the femme fatale (or as femme fatale as a diesel railcar can be) and the butch (she works in a quarry - this girl wears overalls) tropes - and they're disasters. Need I remind anyone that Daisy was the one who encouraged Mavis to ignore Toby? It would also be hilarious purely for how much Thomas and Percy would grumble about being single, while Daisy and Mavis rub their relationship in the pair's faces. Which would lead to that one memorable incident where Thomas tried to flirt with a very unamused and confused Bertie.
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(Mavis, sweetie - don't listen to Daisy's advice. I know you're distracted but ple-- and she's gone.)
Annie and Clarabel:
Are wine aunts and siblings. And no, neither of them are interested in Thomas, so you can stop thinking that.
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(These coaches are Thomas' wine aunts and best friends - and he loves them too.)
Bill and Ben:
Are children! Edward's children! That he has with BoCo (sort of) leading to the brilliant moments where Gordon has to 'babysit' them - which is mostly done with a lot of grimacing and begging BoCo to just hand this lot over to Edward and James - no seriously, please stop letting these two just randomly adopt you as their parent. They're evil, and they wanted to throw me in the sea, remember? No, I don't care that James doesn't like them, I don't like them! BoCo!
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(He's petrified of them, but he wants to be nice for BoCo's sake...)
Does not need a man, thank you. But she is entranced sometimes by Caitlin's streamlining (yes, I have seen some CGI - I am not a true purist, I am sorry Awdry). Then again, sometimes Emily likes Hiro - and then there was that one time where she was just so upset that Mavis wouldn't notice her. Emily doesn't need no man - but she's also not exactly got the best selection of potential candidates at her shed...
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(She's got an amazing poker face. Caitlin however...)
So... that was a thing I did. Somewhere around Percy's entry, this gained a coherent plot in my mind - probably a High School AU? - and now I'm just thinking of Diesel 10 towering over Percy, blushing and trying to give him flowers (with his claw???) while Harold seethes. Clearly, being a single pringle has driven me insane.
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone, I hope you enjoyed this wild idea and if people want expansions on these ships (still trains) and why I like the idea of them, please go ahead and ask!
If people really like this, I will take on the Narrow Gauge engines.
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moonlitlex · 1 year ago
i have so much to say abt chalice of the gods so im just gonna copy paste my review from goodreads here. you can also read it on goodreads
ok. i promised i would hate this book. and i do. i hate this book. i also hate rick riordan. in addition, i hate capitalism. i promise that’s relevant.
let’s talk about the book now. i’ll cover the things i love first. i love percy jackson. i love grover. i love annabeth. i love sally. i love paul. i love percy annabeth and grover together. all of these things are very obvious and self-explanatory. percy is hands down THE main character of all time. i have nothing bad to say about him. his literal fatal flaw is loyalty. he’s actually perfect and has no flaws. this is expected from the son of sally jackson, the perfect person. paul is sweet and kind to sally and that’s really all that matters. annabeth is awesome and supportive and so is grover and they’re all besties forever. you get it. you’ve read percy jackson.
the jokes are better than before. there are definitely some legitimately funny jokes in this book, which i was really missing from the last few rick riordan installments. and i don’t think this is because rick suddenly got funnier. i think it’s because this style of joke works for percy. of all of rick’s protagonists, percy seems the most natural fit for these jokes.
sally is great. grover and annabeth are generally on form. so is percy, as much as can be expected from rick riordan at this point. i will elaborate on this later.
now to complain. this is the stupidest premise i’ve ever heard of. percy is a high school senior. he is going to go to new rome university. he needs 3 divine recommendations. this is already a stupid premise but don’t worry, it gets worse. poseidon reveals that the reason percy needs these recommendations is that it’s a special requirement for him specifically made by zeus. and the reason he gets to have this stupid requirement is that he’s a child of the big three and shouldn’t exist.
hello. zeus. yes, lord zeus, it’s me. alexis.
what the absolute FUCK are you saying.
this doesn’t MAKE SENSE. the only reason percy shouldn’t have existed was that the gods had a stupid pact to not have any kids because of a stupid prophecy. two things here. one - that prophecy is OVER. everything turned out fine. thanks to percy jackson. you’re welcome, gods of olympus. two - percy has literally saved olympus TWICE now. two times. this is genuinely such a dumb and made up reason to send percy on a quest that i can’t even turn my brain off and enjoy it. it’s not fun. leave percy alone. LEAVE HIM ALONE.
it’s literally insane how stupid this setup is. rick keeps writing books about how the gods are horrible and take advantage of the demigods and the demigods live terrible lives. in this book, percy has LITERALLY saved olympus TWICE and motherfucking zeus (literally) had to be talked down from making him get 25 letters of recommendation to 3. this is AFTER percy spent 3 years in pjo almost being killed and got his memory wiped for 6-8 months depending on which book you read in hoo and then got sent on a quest to save the entire world AGAIN. this CHILD got like a 2-4 month break (depending on which book you’re reading) and he woke up with no fucking memory and had to spend like 2 more months fighting monsters and the literal primordial earth goddess. and now he has to go on literally pointless quests that someone who didn’t just get back home from saving the actual world could ALSO just do. because he needs to get some fucking letters of recommendation.
look. genuinely. percy jackson should snap at this point in the story. this boy should’ve snapped like at least 5 books ago. at minimum. rick wrote the perfect setup to show us percy’s instant descent into madness. he should LOSE it. all the gods have done for the ENTIRE time he’s known he’s a demigod is treat demigods like disposable tools. this is the point in the story where percy goes. wow. luke was right. you guys are all assholes who don’t care about us even a little bit. i am NOT saying what needs to follow is a fanfic-esque dark!percy story where he successfully destroys olympus or something. what i AM saying. is at bare minimum this is where percy goes you know what fuck you i hate you guys and washes his hands of being a demigod at least temporarily. at the very least he should sit back and think yeah, i don’t really want to go to new rome university. it’s not worth it. i will just go to a different university. look. it’s percy jackson. he can literally one shot all but the most fearsome monsters (typhon, the giants, a drakon, etc). he is literally going to be 100% completely fine going to mortal university AND he wont have to deal with zeus’s annoying ass.
listen. MY percy jackson wanted to kill smelly gabe as a 12 year old because he abused his mother. MY percy jackson doesn’t like bullies. MY percy jackson challenged ares to a fight just on the basis that ares was a fucking asshole.
MY percy jackson is not going on useless fucking quests to go to new rome university of all places.
which reminds me. why DOES he want to go to new rome university. this is percy jackson. he LOVES new york. why is percy “what did they do to my city” jackson going to university ACROSS THE COUNTRY from the city he loves. why is he doing that. and hey look. sally and paul (and soon estelle) are ALSO going to be in new york. so like WHY is he leaving for real. percy my fatal flaw is loyalty jackson. IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE OK! it’s percy he is seriously not going to have issues with common monsters attacking him. we literally saw him fight off titans and giants a fucking hellhound isn’t gonna get his ass. WHY is he leaving. it does NOT make sense.
there’s this scene ok. where sally tells them she’s pregnant. and percy’s like oh my god…. i’m going to be in california…. and my sister is going to be here…. and i was just sitting there going. yeah bro. why are you going to california. i literally do not understand. you literally are from nyc. you live here. your family is here. your friends from chb are like a short pegasus ride away. there are like 50 universities in new york. just go here. why are you leaving. you are percy jackson. being a new yorker is literally one of your defining traits. stay here. WHY AR EYOU LEAVING I DO NOT UNDERSTAND PERSEUS
and listen. if your argument is that annabeth is going to be in nru. why the FUCK is ANNABETH going to nru!!!!! WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT!!!! EXPLAIN IT!!!! percy LITERALLY says annabeth is such an overachiever she’s already run out of ap classes to take. he literally says that. why the fuck is this girl going to nru where let’s be real her admission is guaranteed. annabeth is 100% someone who would want to go to an ivy. and would you fucking believe it there’s an ivy right here in nyc. like let’s be fucking realistic here. annabeth started her architecture career at SIXTEEN designing the city the fucking GODS live in. so like. don’t you think she’d want to be a bit more challenged. don’t you think she’d want to go to a university that is actually recognizable to mortals. annabeth did NOT love new rome that much like did richard forget what he wrote. this girl was freaking out about new rome until percy said he only likes it because they could live together there. she literally does not care about new rome and she is WAY too ambitious and academically inclined to be happy with going to some small as uni 99% of employers have never heard of.
this isn’t even the worst character assassination in the book. that award goes to the way rick wrote percy. percy. my darling percy. my beloved percy. perseus jackson. light of my life. as i said before, he is MOSTLY on form. the him really wanting to cali thing is definitely ooc for him but it is NOTHING compared to the sheer amount of times rick portrays percy as stupid in this accursed novel. his internal monologue is constantly shit like i’m always so behind annabeth and omg i’m being so dumb right now and annabeth calls me seaweed brain because i’m an idiot and blah blah fucking blah.
dick riordan has forgotten that perseus jackson is, in fact, not stupid at all. he is INCREDIBLY clever. he is just not particularly academically inclined/not very book smart and it would also be perfectly understandable given the fucking books that riordan wrote to interpret that as percy being very discouraged from engaging with his studies. he genuinely enjoys chiron’s class at yancy because chiron is an engaging teacher and encourages him. he spends 90% of his time in pjo deducing what’s going on with extremely limited information because rick decided none of the characters can tell him anything because of plot and exposition reasons. in son of neptune he literally just coasts on having sherlockian (not bbc that’s a whole other angry review) powers of deduction. to the point where the characters around him are amazed at how he’s figuring stuff out. literally in house of hades annabeth’s pov’s are constantly her commenting on how she gives percy shit for being a dumbass but he’s actually really clever.
it genuinely feels like at some point during the writing of mark of athena rick decided to just slowly start making various fanon ideas canon. percy being stupid is very commonly accepted fanon because he doesn’t realize how smart he is (and fans don’t realize he’s an unreliable narrator) and the fans also love to infantilize characters with more in your face adhd (leo is another victim of this phenomenon). we’ve spent 5 books in percy’s head and he doesn’t think he’s particularly clever so it makes sense to ignore the mountains of evidence pointing towards his quick and creative thought process in favour of haha percy is dumb jokes.
the wild thing is, percy isn’t even that hard on himself in pjo. he obviously doesn’t see himself in the same way we later come to find out other people see him (mainly thinking about hazel and frank in son of neptune, which is the only time in hoo he genuinely feels like the same character as pjo percy) but he’s not really dealing with crazy self doubt and self esteem issues. he does have his down on himself moments but they’re all extremely understandable given the context because he literally faces impossible odds in every single pjo book. at one point he’s disappointed he couldn’t tell that ares and luke manipulated him… like yes bestie that’s a very valid thing to feel upset and betrayed about. it doesn’t mean that he’s actually stupid though and genuinely he comes across more as humble and not realizing just how awesome and cool and interesting he is than anything else. percy consistently shows that he is really clever. half of pjo is percy figuring out a new and interesting way of defeating his enemies and the other half is percy figuring out how to bait his enemies into a duel to improve his odds. it’s horrible what rick does to percy in his internal monologue.
it’s to an insane degree. yes i realize i have already written 500 words about percy not being stupid alone but i must stress how egregious this is. it’s literally characters who have previously acknowledged percy’s intelligence who start remarking about how he’s stupid. in house of hades percy and annabeth get out of fucking TARTARUS and reyna makes a jab about how percy wouldn’t be able to find his way out of a paper bag without annabeth. that is an INSANE thing to say for reyna and for rick. rick has not written a stupid character so it’s weird to make that something a character does without really trying to show them being wrong. from reyna’s perspective, this is a guy she was complimenting a few short weeks ago. this is a guy she immediately wanted to make a leader at the camp that she loves and is her home. this is guy she barely knows and she pretty much immediately proposes to him. WHY would she suddenly start making jokes about how dumb he is? it’s not like she actually knows him better now. he came to the battle with reinforcements and basically immediately dipped after the feast. how are we to accept reyna treating our beloved perseus in this horrific manner? we simply cannot. it is unnacceptable. this is inaccurate.
it’s so WRONG to do this to percy. yES I UNDERSTAND I HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT THIS FOR TOO LONG. I DON’T CARE. PERCY JACKSON IS MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE AND I NEED TO DEFEND HIM FROM THIS SLANDER. I AM ONLY PARTIALLY JOKING. listen. liSTEN. this is the guy whose signature move is manipulate your enemy into dueling with you when you’re outnumbered or outmatched. he very coolly manipulated bob into killing his own brother (btw this was very hot and sexy and clever and attractive perseus is king of gaslight gatekeep girlboss). he is NOT stupid. he is impulsive. he is extremely oblivious about some things. he is NOT stupid. i watched perseus jackson grow up for 5 books and he is not stupid. i always say this. i always say that percy is not stupid and richard riordan refuses to listen to me.
there are such horrendous lines as “i am a guy of limited talents. if i can’t kill it with water, a sword, or sarcasm, i’m basically defenseless.” richard how DARE you say this about my beloved perseus. he is NEVER like this. he literally would never say that. even at absolute worst percy’s internal monologue was “this plan is stupid and will get us killed. but it’s the plan i have.” he’s NOT a being defenseless guy. what hte fuck are you saying. richard did you read your own books. RICHARD. DID YOU. at one point he says that he is constantly several steps behind annabeth’s thought process. he has literally never thought this before and it is also untrue. richard. i hate you. read your own fucking books oh my god.
ok. i think i have sufficiently harped on the fact that percy is not stupid. now i will complain about another thing. and this was just in one part but it bothered me and this is my review so i get to talk about whatever i want. if you don’t like it read someone else’s review. don’t hate read my review. i didn't charge you money to read it
at one point, percy has to wrestle a god who hercules once wrestled. and annabeth says something about hercules brute forcing it. and look. i GET that hercules was freakishly strong. i get that. i understand it. but when annabeth says hercules just brute forced it they’re both like ah shit i can’t do that. perseus. beloved. you ripped the minotaurs horn off its head with your bare hands as a 12 year old with no training. you are literally insanely strong as is. that is an insane thing for a 12 year old to be able to do. hell, that would be an insane thing for a grown adult to do. i don’t think rick realizes how op percy is. he was so caught up in making percy cool (which is, you know, extremely understandable and right and correct percy jackson is the coolest man in fiction for a reason i get it) that he forgot that he made percy extremely unbelievably powerful too. with the curse of achilles he was potentially matching minor gods in power level. he fights while sustaining mini-hurricanes and explodes glaciers and shit.
some more things. the prose is… acceptable. the plot reads like a fever dream. there is a smoothie shop called himbo juice that annabeth percy and grover are evidently regulars at. and there are. himbos. that serve. juice. so you can imagine what this fever dream looks like. like the last couple rick riordan releases, this one reads like published fanfiction too, just with better quality of writing than the sun and the star.
there are some WEIRD continuity errors in here. one of them is fairly minor but i still noticed it - percy says his father compared his mother to a princess. this is not true. poseidon compared sally to a queen. specifically, he called her “a queen among women”. i know this because i am sally jackson’s number 1 fan.
more egregiously, however, is annabeth’s yankees cap heebie jeebies. percy puts on annabeths’s cap and gets the heebie jeebies while using it. and then he goes wow annabeth. you never told me that using the cap is like this. and annabeth is like yeah well. power is like that. richard. riordan. did you fucking FORGET that percy has, in fact, worn annabeth’s cap before. and it was literally completely. once again, richard, did you read your own books.
one more good thing - when percy fights geras/gary, who is the god/personification of old age, the way he does it is by imagining him and his friends getting older and embracing it. this was a genuinely good and sweet moment and it was very touching. the trio’s talks about this after the fact are also absolutely a return to form from riordan. for like, a few paragraphs. but still.
the biggest problem is just how obvious it is that this book is a cash grab. we had pjo. then we had a sequel series. then we had ANOTHER sequel series. and now we’re getting random standalone novels that are extremely unnecessary and don’t add anything. rick riordan has dollar signs in his eyes. these are not stories that make sense. these are not stories rick genuinely wanted to tell. these are stories that are being told because the purpose of publishing books now is to maximize profit. (sidebar - i told you the capitalism thing would be relevant. you should believe me more often. smh) the only reason rick is still writing these books is that they make money. they feel extremely empty and hollow.
percy is trapped as a teenager forever because rick refuses to let him age up. percy accepting old age would make FAR more sense for a percy who’s in his 20’s and just now realizing that he lived past all the shit he thought was going to kill him and he has a real life that he likes and he could actually grow old now. but percy must be a child for marketing purposes, so he stays a child. the world itself is trapped in a cycle of the gods promising they’ll be better and the gods literally not changing at all. and for the sake of the book series, it can’t change. if we had real change in the world, that would actually mean something, silly. we can’t have consequences. we have to reset every 5 years like a fucking comic book so that we can make infinite money. this is the infinite money glitch irl. just make trash that doesn’t need to be made. the end point of capitalism is making trash no one asked for that has no artistic merit just because you can make money off of it.
by the way, dr emily wilson’s iliad translation, which was also out on the same day, is LESS expensive than this book. this cashgrab nonsense novel is MORE expensive than a book a professor in classics who has a phd spent 4 years on. this is just wrong. the fun and stupid cashgrab book should NOT be more expensive than a book that someone spent 4 years meticulously translating from ancient greek. it’s just so clear and in your face. trials of apollo absolutely felt like a cashgrab but at least there was SOME semblance of effort there. this is literally just the most plain and simple cashgrab novel you can make.
hey. you know the infinite monkey theorem? the infinite monkey theorem is that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text including shakespeare. richard riordan is a monkey with a typewriter. you get it. you’ve read percy jackson.
rick riordan struck gold with pjo. it’s genuinely to this day one of my favourite things i’ve ever read, flaws and all. it’s FUN. it’s COOL. it’s THEMATICALLY COHESIVE. the characters grow and change. they feel like real people with personalities. it literally doesn’t even matter how op percy is because THAT’S how good of a character he is. he is so compelling that you want to read about him anyway even though you can tell right from the minotaur fight that this kid can decimate whatever opponent he has. the books are funny and moving because you can genuinely connect to these characters. the more i read rick riordan’s work, the more certain i am that pjo was a fluke. i don’t think he knows what he’s doing. i think he should retire from writing.
unfortunately for me, richard riordan seems to have no intention of retiring. he has announced another percy jackson book that will be released next year. i assume there will be at least 2 more books based on the setup in this one.
rick. listen. i know you’re listening because what else will you do with your time. rick, why are you doing this. hasn’t percy been through enough. when will it end. give it a rest. stop it. get some help. at the very least, read your own books before writing percy. i am right about him and you are wrong about him. you are the author and i’m killing you right now. i am strangling you and i am hitting you with weapons. all at once. i am very proficient at causing deaths. (this is a metaphor referring to roland barthes’ death of the author. i wish no bodily harm to richard riordan).
this book is… alright. percy is my smart king. sally jackson is queen of my heart. it’s a fun read but you do have to turn your brain off completely and read through some serious percy defamation.
[edit: i am downgrading this book to one star (was at 2). the more i think about it, the more angry i am. there is literally a paragraph tailor made to rub jason's death in our faces. it's about how he looks forward to getting old being married to piper and having grandchildren. it's a very low blow. jason is literally rick riordan's biggest missed opportunity and he's rubbing in how poorly he treated jason even after killing him off for apollo's character development.
annabeth still keeps putting percy down because rick doesn't realize how mean she is i guess. she's still scared of him. canonically. which is a really weird and fucked up thing to write imo. this relationship doesn't seem healthy in canon (they are healthy in my head, however, because i know what women are like) but rick refuses to address it or let them break up. i LOVE annabeth. i love her. but she is an extremely flawed character and rick never treats her as such. and it just makes it exhausting to read about her.
percy IS on form but it genuinely feels like he's tlt percy, not post hoo percy. his inner voice sounds way more immature than it has for most of pjo and in son. riordan also repurposes the "look, i didn't want to be a half-blood" line from tlt to make a dumb little joke about how high school is hard. it was a GOOD opening line. it immediately set the tone and told us so much about percy in literally just a handful of words. now it's a joke about how being a senior in high school sucks. it's this mcu-esque allergy to being sincere that pjo never had.
there is BARELY any grover in this book. i love grover so much that i was cheering any time he was there, but there is very little of him. he's in like 2 or 3 scenes and has his own side plot going on with juniper and being bad at understanding what his girlfriend wants or whatever. extremely unnecessary and not what i want for grover. this book kind of ends up feeling like it's about annabeth but from percy's perspective. she gets good moments at percy's expense. percy spends the book monologuing about how annabeth is way smarter than him and all he has is his sick ass water powers and the best swordfighting skill in 300 years, both of which are very downplayed. percy explodes a river and it's treated like this crazy freaky scary thing but two years ago in universe he made a volcano erupt and everyone was like yeah this makes sense percy is that powerful. in son he explodes a glacier and it's just a normal tuesday for him. he literally doesn't even react to it. and now we're supposed to believe his exploding and purifying a river feat is some unbelievable feat.]
in conclusion, i want a refund. no i did not purchase this book. however, i would like to be reimbursed about $5000 in emotional damages. i will also be suing richard riordan for defamation on percy’s behalf. good night new york city. and my beloved perseus jackson who lives in new york city.
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pluckyredhead · 9 months ago
It's time for more Fourth World thoughts! Previously I've covered the comics of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Now let's talk about the 2000s.
Orion (2000): AHHHHHHH. If you read no other Fourth World book (besides Kirby ofc), please read this one. It is so good and it is so epic and Orion makes so many well intentioned bad decisions and suffers so much. I devoured all 25 issues in 2 days and immediately wanted to reread it. Writing and art are both Walt Simonson and he gives this book such tragic grandeur. He also does my favorite thing which is multiple slow-burning subplots, some of which lasted so long that I was afraid they wouldn't be resolved, but no, every loose end is wrapped up in a satisfying (ish) way by the last issue and I love everyone in this bar. And the art! THE ART!!!
So basically, Orion kills Darkseid (again lol) and becomes the new ruler of Apokolips, and decides he is going to drag this planet over to the side of good kicking and screaming, which...doesn't work out so well for him. Ultimately he winds up semi-accidentally in possession of the Anti-Life Equation, which allows him to completely control people, so he uses it to force people to be good, which...baby, no. This series is like 40% Orion whump, 35% Orion being a badass, 5% Lightray and Orion being blatantly in love, 5% Scott and Orion making dramatic gestures of brotherly devotion, and 5% Orion wearing a stupid hat that I unironically wish I could buy and wear.
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It looks like his helmet! I NEED IT.
Also, during his Stupid Hat Era, Orion briefly acquires an orphan girl sidekick, and like...look at my icon. This is my GREATEST WEAKNESS. Simonson, why did you come for me like that???
I have only two quibbles with this series:
1. It's the early 2000s so the only female characters of any significance (besides the aforementioned orphan girl sidekick) are femme fatales who are drawn in ludicrously skimpy outfits and sex inch heels. Now to be fair, Darkseid wears a miniskirt, but the degree of cheesecake of these two characters was ridiculous.
2. The last issue reveals that Scott possesses the Anti-Life Equation naturally, and he once accidentally killed dozens of people with it, and he's tormented by both of these things. Which...the actual issue this story is told in is really good, and I think it's a really interesting idea to have Scott possess the Equation, but I don't love the idea of weighing down this optimistic character who values freedom above all with such a traumatic history of, uh, accidental mass murder. He already grew up in a torture orphanage! Hasn't he suffered enough?!
But honestly, the overall series is so good that I'll let it slide. PLEASE READ ORION (2000). THANK YOU.
Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle (2005): This is part of a set of miniseries Grant Morrison did: there was Seven Soldiers #0, and then 7 4-issue minis, one for each of the Soldiers, and then the whole story concluded in Seven Soldiers #1. I only read Seven Soldiers and the Mister Miracle miniseries because I'm a ridiculous person when it comes to reading comics, but I'm not going to read 24 issues that have nothing to do with the Fourth World.
Anyway, the Mister Miracle mini is actually about Shilo Norman, not Scott, and it's pretty good, even if Shilo should know perfectly well who Darkseid and his entourage are. The surrounding issues were incomprehensible, but maybe they would have made more sense if I had read all the other minis. On the other hand, maybe not...this is Morrison we're talking about, after all. Anyway talk about making comics as inaccessible as possible. Great job, everyone.
Death of the New Gods (2007): I knew right away this comic was going to be dogshit because of a) the title and b) the fact that it's a tie-in to the worst event DC has ever published, Countdown to Final Crisis, but hoo boy, it is DOGSHIT.
Basically, some mysterious being starts murdering New Gods, starting with Lightray and Barda, the latter of whom is murdered in the kitchen - you know, where women belong. Scott then dons a truly idiotic goth version of his costume and the rest of the book is mainly Scott, Orion, and Superman flailing around aimlessly and failing to figure out who the killer is while everyone from New Genesis and Apokolips is slaughtered. It's a truly godawful murder mystery in which implausible suspects are accused at absolute random (the Forever People, the pacifist hippies! Orion, the least sneaky being in existence!) even though Superman deduces the killer (sort of) in #5 and tells the other characters, so there's no reason for them to still be trying to solve it.
Anyway at the risk of ruining this comic for you (impossible, it comes pre-ruined), the killer turns out to be the Infinity Man, but he's actually being piloted by the Source, which is eradicating the New Gods and harvesting their energy in order to create a Fifth World. In #7, a horrified Scott is like "But I've worshiped you all my life! Don't you care about any of us?" and the Source is like, "Eh." The most spiritual and reverent aspect of the Fourth World, and Jim Starlin came along and just dropped a little turd right on top of it (after, of course, blatantly copying Darkseid when he created Thanos).
The art (also by Starlin) is hideous, and the plotting is atrocious, as he desperately tries to stretch six issues of story at best into eight, plus dragging each issue out over 30 pages instead of the normal 22. Everyone is wildly out of character. The only vaguely good thing about the book is that Scott and Orion finally get to spend a significant amount of time together, but given the context, I really don't think it's worth it.
In conclusion: "rocks fall, everyone dies" turns out to not be a good idea for a story! Who knew!
Final Crisis (2008): Well, after 16 years of successfully avoiding this story, I finally read it. You win this one, Morrison.
I have avoided Final Crisis since it came out because it felt so emblematic to me of the worst of late 2000s DC: literally constant crossovers with histrionic stakes, characters being slaughtered left and right, whatever the fuck they did to Mary Marvel in this story. I know it has a good reputation, and if I'm being honest, I do think the first 5 1/2 issues of it are pretty good. On the other hand, if I wasn't very familiar with 2000s DC, I think this would be a very confusing book to read, the final 1 1/2 issues dissolve into incomprehensible, self-indulgent nonsense full of obscure characters and OCs randomly dropped in just to make it all harder for the reader. I'm sorry, I know many people consider Morrison's habit of writing comics that you need a companion volume, twenty Wikipedia tabs, and a Reddit forum to understand to be a feature, not a bug, but it infuriates me. It's like the structure of the Seven Soldiers series(es) up above. Aren't comics impenetrable enough? Must we gatekeep with every page?
Anyway the New Gods stuff: they're all dead, but all the evil ones managed to land on Earth as disembodied souls, and are possessing various humans. The only good one is Orion, who dies at the very beginning when he is shot by Darkseid in the future shooting him with a bullet that travels back in time. I love goofy comics shit but for some reason this one strikes me as real dumb. Also Orion literally died twice in the comic that was about all the New Gods dying, so...hm.
Anyway the evil New Gods take over the planet with the Anti-Life Equation, and again, the pacing and storytelling are actually really good for most of this. But there's also all the worst the late 2000s had to offer, like Mary Marvel in the WORST costume of all time and Supergirl flashing panty shots at the reader while they beat each other up and call each other sluts, or Tawky Tawny being beaten to a pulp before ripping out Kalibak's entrails. Tawky fucking Tawny. SIGH. Also they keep miscoloring Shilo as white. NOT GREAT.
Honestly at this point I'm like begging for the New 52 to happen and put me out of my misery, so...good job, DC? I want to go back to Orion (2000), that was great.
Next up: the 2010s! Which is all the New Gods books, they haven't had a series yet this decade. We're almost done, gang.
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