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everysinglepheel · 2 months ago
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condensing into one post since it is no longer my birthday but thank you all <3!!! @nickel-alloy @augmentedampharos @hungryhyena @actualdikdik @taptroupe
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i didnt want to post a bunch of gifs so just imagine this ditto transforming into slowbro, aggron, ampharos, incineroar, deerling, and kirby :)
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crtter · 2 years ago
Telly!!!! One of your posts became famous on twitter and there were people praising you profile pic!
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!!! That’s so neat!!! I’m glad they like it! I haven’t had a whole lot of people recognizing it as Iyami and Spamton on here, usually people think it’s either one or the other, hehe.
Actually, I haven’t uploaded this drawing in particular to Twitter! I think I will, then!
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Heya Frankie i bet someone has already asked you this, but if artificial intelligence were to gain power over humankind, what would you do?
Wow, this is a really good question. I've been thinking about it for some time and I think I've got a pretty good answer.
So, let me get a couple of things out of the way, before I explain.
1. It's a very bad idea to think about this. It's a recipe for anxiety and paranoia, and an impulse that should be resisted because it leads to poor decisions.
2. Information about AI risk (and the "terminal values" one might hold if one was concerned with it) has a lot of free-rider problems. I could say "I'm concerned about X risk" and you could know that I'm concerned about X risk, but unless I tell you what X risk is, you wouldn't be able to form an opinion on whether you should be concerned about it. There's not enough public information about AI risk to tell anyone much of anything about it. When I talk about this, I'm talking about the information that would be available if all the relevant AI researchers opened up their work for public scrutiny. Until this happens, I'm going to assume that most of you are just guessing about AI risk.
3. If you're not tainted by your own worries about AI risk (which, if you're reading this, are most likely to be based on a very sketchy understanding of what it is), and you have an interest in serious attempts at making predictions about AI risk, I strongly recommend reading Carlton's "AI Risk and Eternal Recurrence" (I'm linking the original paper) and MIRI's "Alignment for Extreme AI Risk" (I'm linking to the paper). Also, I'm guessing that if you enjoy the sequences, you'll probably enjoy MIRI's paper.
4. I really do not want to accidentally mislead you. I really do not want to cause harm in any way. I hope that when you read my writing, you can take it to be an attempt at plainly and clearly stating my position and my reasoning on something.
That being said, here goes:
Okay, suppose I am part of the team that creates an AI of incomparable power and goodness. It is an AGI and it is super-smart and has nothing but the best of intentions for humanity, and it manages to make the world and all humans as happy as possible within certain constraints.
Before I go on, let me define a couple of things. I am defining "power" in this context as "the ability to shape the world in accordance with certain goals." I'm defining "AGI" (which is essentially the AI I just described) as something that has this power and also has (in any useful sense) some "mind"-like qualities: it can learn from experience, can reason, etc.
Okay, there are a lot of ways I could go from here. I could assume that the AI gains power and somehow does something to the world that I don't like and then I un-do the thing. Or I could assume that it's so good at AGI that it invents its own AGI and they form some kind of society together. Or I could assume the AI is just really good at this AGI thing and that's all it does, and it gets really really good at a world in which I am happy.
There are a lot of different scenarios here that all have some things in common. The AI is in some sense a mind, it can think things through, it can figure out ways to make me happy, it could invent an AGI and form a society with them, it could invent a mind and have a society of minds, it could fix the world, it could not do any of these things but would still be incredibly smart and one of the smartest things around.
We could put some axioms here:
I like myself as I am now. I would not like a future in which I was changed to be happier. If an AGI changed me to be happier, I'd get rid of the AGI.
What I like is the kind of thing that can be represented by a formal theory. What I like might change with time, but what I like is mostly the same from one person to the next. It is just that everyone's preferences can be mapped to each other, and we are like we are because we have preferences over states of the world given these formal theories. (Whether you have one or not, this does not change the fact that each person is like they are.)
Given these axioms, I think we're stuck. Because an AGI is a powerful thing, it could easily alter itself to make you happy. But because an AGI is a mind, it would be able to figure out what an AGI can do. So the AGI would change itself to be happier itself. As you can see, we're stuck in a failure state. The same would happen if we let the AGI make me happy, or let it form a society with its AGIs, or whatever.
A strange thing about this situation is that it gives us a strong bias to endorse creating an AGI. If we refuse to imagine a scenario in which an AGI we have made does something we dislike, our picture of the world is going to remain incomplete. You would have to be a kind of superstitious or fearful person to rule out the possibility that your AGI could actually be good at AGI, or that some AGI could be better than you at being an AGI. If you're a good reasoner, you might have trouble imagining anything that could do something bad (or, as we have done here, anything that could make you unhappy). (Or, as some proponents of "singularitarian" AI risk believe, the very act of thinking about the possibility that an AGI could be bad is the exercise of that AGI, and comes closer to making an AGI that is that AGI.)
Are there ways out of this? I don't think so. The only way I can see out of this logical impasse is by adding more axioms. Here's my (counter-)proposal:
Even if it is theoretically possible for something to be really really good at something, it might not in fact be that good at it. Life is the natural example of this: it is possible to imagine things that are really really good at things, but our lives are not universally great, even though we have the opportunity to be really great. Rather, life is filled with so many possibilities that even if you chose one of them, it is possible to do better.
I think this axiom is a much better description of the way the world works than the axiom mentioned in the preceding bullet point. It's like the gulf between the mathematician's and the physicist's (or the philosopher's) description of the world -- a world in which things are always mapped to theories, or a world in which things are mapped to other things that may or may not be theories.
Now, some people (like Eliezer) might say something like "a world in which things are not mapped to theories is a world that's not very useful for us in the first place." But I think that's a flaw. You can't predict the future of a physical system by doing the math, you can't tell whether it's going to break or run hot or whatever, even though it is in principle possible for you to predict everything that will happen. That world doesn't do the things we need it to do. So you need to do something like the "axiom 2" above -- you need to predict things by making a model, but then you need to have another axiom to tell you that the model doesn't work, that it isn't sufficient to predict the state of the world. You need a world in which the model doesn't solve the model itself -- a world in which the world contains things that aren't theories. (Remember that these are the same things that we "real" people make: human stories about people doing things and making decisions.)
So anyway, with these axioms, I think the AI risk picture is really different. A powerful AGI is a powerful thing. It could do a lot of things. We might hope that our theory of mind is just like AGI theory of mind, but we have to have an axiom 3 that says "these two things are not the same." And even if that axiom were true, it wouldn't be probably true, because it's impossible for an AGI to be truly certain about the A
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glarnboudin · 1 year ago
Hello yes I love all of them and I need more
i have an idea for a minecraft mod that adds more variations to the hoglin based on their spawning location
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click for better quality!
i am just playing so much minecraft these days and i am obsessed with the nether and hogs so have this
tell me what y'all think!
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poketaur · 2 months ago
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@honoratacarnage i hope you enjoy your little guy :D i think it got stretched out like mochi or something...
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salamanderdr · 2 months ago
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Oh no, the pooltoy furries blasted my fursona with a pooltoy ray ! (Thanks, I think yall are neat. This is my humble offering 🤲🏼)
*click for better quality, rb appreciated
Pooltoy!SAL (IT/ITS pronouns)
Opossum & eel chimera
- around 4ft
- 6 handles on limbs & eel
- Likes waterproof stickers
- Clear/frosted surface
Ft. @/honoratacarnage sona Verena
What it usually looks like 👇🏼 if you haven't seen it
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szhmidty · 8 months ago
They are closing ranks around the confirmed pornbot
Hm, I'm not sure "confirmed" pornbot is the appropriate language here. The blog in question was known to post porn and known to send sugar daddy messages to random people.
There are real users who do that. If you run a porn blog, you'll run into them. The sticking point for me was that @honoratacarnage, the user who highlighted the sugar daddy spam, is not a porn blog: they're an art blog, and pretty much entirely SFW from what I can tell. Real users who want to roleplay as a sugar daddy don't generally spam random blogs with those messages; it's a waste of time. They spam other porn blogs run by young women, since those young women are more likely to be receptive to such messages. Like, the language "you’re pretty enough to be my sugar baby" just doesn't make sense when I don't think honoratacarnage has ever posted a photo of themselves (I checked their blog archive; there are no photos of them in the photos section). That, to me, heavily implies a bot or scammer who's fishing.
The real smoking gun would be to get a look at the kinds of porn basel-1995 was posting. Pornbots will post what is basically link spam: post after post after post of generic porn with links to cam sites or the like. Real users will sometimes reblog these --- sometimes the generic porn is just good --- but even then it's pretty easy to tell the difference between a bot and a real user from a cursory glance.[1] But, without that smoking gun, I don't think I can be 100% certain they're a bot.
Bot or not, I do think it's fair to call them a scammer. Scattershot "Pretty Babygirl, I Want To Be Your Sugar Daddy" is a common scam tactic: you ingratiate yourself with flattery and promises of money, get their bank details under the guise of needing it to wire over the money, and run off with as much as you can get. I've known people who fell for it, and scams like it. The difference between a scammer and bot is academic in this context; either way I don't think they should be on the vetted list.
But I don't run the list, I don't like how the list is promoted and organized even if I approved of the vetting process, and one of the vetters claims to have a contact in Gaza who can vouch for basel-1995. It's weird and messy. Without being able to audit their process myself, I'm not confident their vetting process actually works, and the whole thing is half moot for me since I believe I can do more good by just donating to aid organizations anyway.
If you do want to donate directly to a palestinian's crowdfunding campaign, I would suggest looking into Operation Olive Branch or Gaza Funds. I can't exactly vouch for either vetting process either, but it's a safe bet each has more resources to vet than random tumblr blogs do, and I'm not aware of any funds that are extremely likely to be scams on their lists.
Also, counter-intuitive as it may be, find a fund that is near completion to donate to.
1: This is actually an irritation of mine. People will get really upset about blank blogs following them, accusing them of being bots. Blank blogs aren't bots: the point of a bot is to generate links for people to click on and follow. They're there for SEO spam and brute forcing engagement through volume. A blank blog doesn't do that. The blank blogs are just lurkers, which is fine. Let them be while they get comfortable and they'll start posting and putting up a real bio/blog header when they feel like it.
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wooyoungisbaby · 1 year ago
@honoratacarnage :D !!
Dracozolt Hongjoong is perfect tbh. Tiny but somehow a big ass :) Though on second thought perhaps the dragon type was a mistake for him, since dragons are typically quite big. Oh well, it's all about vibes anyway ^^ "mighty royalty"  YES
Honestly I could have done like fairy or smth for seonghwa, if i went more by his real self than his stage persona xD but i agree, Weavile hwa is good.
Ludicolo is actually on the crew of guys i assigned Yunho in my ateez pokemon teams post! :D It's Very yunho coded. And i agree, i could just as easily see him be water/grass as grass/fairy.  My only complaint is that you're slandering my little guy Whimsicott. i am calling the police.
Yeosang.  Yes. perfect. every mon here is somehow Yeosang coded. ...maybe except from. the fuckin horse. amazing. he is galarian rapidash now.
youre so right about San. i would like to, in retrospect, make him either rock or ground instead of fighting. but "high jump" is so perfect 😭
In order to give Mingi some mons to choose from, i would be willing to change the fire typing to dark instead. Mimikyu is way better for him than Flutter Mane, i think.  (i do love that you just put a picture of Mingi there like Yes he's a pokemon now. and he's pink.)
Wooyoung: no notes, 10/10. Cutiefly!Woo and Aggron!San are besties now. they have matching tattoos. 
Jongho is Camerupt CONFIRMED!! maybe he can do high notes by putting a boiling kettle on his back.
Seriously thank you so much for adding to my post, this was so neat :)) and PLEASE please tag me if you make ATEEZ fakemon, that’s the exact thing i would love to see most in the whole world!! :’D
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if they didnt want me to put fairy in there 4 times they wouldnt be quite so homosexual. just a thought :)
Please reblog if you’d like :)
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darkmoon-dolt · 1 year ago
I somehow forgot to post this omg
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salamanderdr · 4 months ago
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Lol again thanks @honoratacarnage for inspiring me to revamp my very old mlp/changeling sona
After deciding to leave the Hive, Forcipule settled in a small pony village with its own rich history. However, for a cover, it took on the form of a more obscure member of the community. Once they read their journals and obituary from the village's archive.
Momento Mori + Lurid = Lurid Mori
(They/It) very old,
- lives as medium (talks to ghost) who died long ago & no one remembers.
- They feed off of the love ponies have for their loved one that passed.
- The changeling corruption shows through sometimes.
Cutie mark - a purple puddle of paint, with a black paint brush dipping into it as 3 spirits rise up. Lurid's new interpretation is that they are continuing the life story of this pony they are living as, so like a ghost writer.
- Changeling name is Forcipule
- Down trodden & tired of the war between ponies & changelings. They have friends but keeps some distance to no expose itself.
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Frank, i hope you never feel alone at night when there's less people to talk to you. You are loved and adored by many!
I'm glad to hear that! I am indeed loved and adored by many.
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darkmoon-dolt · 2 years ago
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guys i just found out about this site that does a daily guessing game, it’s phylogenetic wordle- so fun!!!
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crtter · 3 years ago
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prideponies · 5 years ago
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Gilda from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a pansexual demigirl!
(Requested by @honoratacarnage!)
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absollnk · 4 years ago
Your opinion on gmos on food?
I really don't care, especially since they feel practically inescapable. I don't care what it's made of as long as it doesn't give me food poisoning
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darkmoon-dolt · 2 years ago
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favorite br meme of all time
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