#honorable mention yelena belova
doctorwhoarchive · 11 months
Top 5 characters.
let me get out my list of traumatized women one sec
1. Sam (and Tara) obviously
2. Wanda Maximoff
3. Arya Stark
4. idk why but I’m feeling the urge to say Veronica Mars ??
5. Alex Russo bc she raised me fr
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dasloddl · 1 year
What is it with me and blonde fucked up/brain washed characters
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(river phoenix als bob gemeint)
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
Jaw’s totally keeps a picture of Natasha, Wanda, and Yelena in their wallet. Do they have a phone? Sure. But it’s not the same. They need this picture.
"I don't see the big picture, I have a little picture. I take it out and look at it every day." - Pietro Maximoff
You can't tell me Jaws doesn't have that same sentiment.
I did that to myself and now I need a friggin hug
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arlana-likes-to-write · 5 months
Second Chance - Chapter 12
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Warning: none besides fluff and mention of treatment change.
Word count: 2.5k
It was a combination of things that woke Yelena up. There was a stiffness in her neck, and the smell of food pulled her out of sleep. She rubbed her eyes to push away the sleep and sat up quickly. Where was she? This wasn’t in her room. Instead, she was still on your couch in your suite. “Oh, you’re up,” Yelena said towards the sound of your voice. You were in the kitchen. “Breakfast is almost done. I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I made everything.” Yelena chuckled at your awkwardness as she stood up and stretched her arms above her head, ignoring how your eyes glanced at her shirt move and reveal her stomach.
Eggs and bacon were already made, and you were pouring pancake batter into a hot pan. There was coffee brewing in the pot with syrup, butter, and creamer for the coffee out on the counter. A weird feeling bloomed in Yelena’s stomach, but she pushed it away. “Thank you for cooking,” she began to put together her plate. “Sorry, I fell asleep here.” You poured two cups of coffee and put some food on your plate. Yelena was glad to see you eating.
“It was my fault I fell asleep on you,” you smiled. “What’s your plan for today?” Your back was to her as you focused on the pancake you were making. Yelena was struggling with how domestic this all felt. She couldn’t stop her mind from creating a scenario in her head. After a mission, she would come home and fall asleep with your arms around her. Then, she would wake up to the smell of breakfast. Maybe she could convince Stark to let Fanny stay in the tower. “Yelena, is my food that bad it’s rendered you speechless?” Her cheeks blushed at being caught.
“Sorry,” she mumbled. “I was stuck in my head. What did you say?” You smiled and played with the ring on your finger. Oh, you were not making this easy for her.
“What do you have going on today?” There was a lot she needed to do. Her mission report still needed to be completed. She needed to call Melina for an update on the remaining Widows under Dreykov’s control. She couldn’t remember if she had a meeting with Maria or Natasha. Instead of telling you all that, she shook her head.
“I’ve got nothing going on,” you were quiet as you flipped the pancake. “Would you like to do something?” She tried to keep the hope out of her voice. Sighing, you turned to face her with your arms crossed.
“I have a doctor’s appointment in about two hours,” you said slowly. “Would you like to go with me?” It was rare that Yelena was speechless. “I mean, you don’t have to. You are probably busy, but we can do something when I’m done. If you-”
“Dorogoy,” the Russian pet name, flowed so easily off her tongue that it caught you off guard. You tilted your head, silently asking what she said. “If you want me to come with you, I will.” She saw it as an incredible honor and a great deal of trust. She wasn’t going to waste it. You smiled.
“Okay, we’ll finish breakfast and meet on the common floor.” Yelena sipped her coffee and watched you make more pancakes. You seemed different while you cooked. Your posture was relaxed. You were humming to a tune Yelena wasn’t familiar with and danced to whatever song you were singing. You looked happy. It took a lot of self-control for Yelena to remain in her seat when she wanted to join you.
When you opened your door, you weren’t expecting to see Tony in front of you. “Oh, hi,” you smiled and closed the door behind you. “What can I do for you this fine morning?” You opened your bag to ensure you had your wallet, phone, and a small sketchbook.
“You have a doctor’s appointment today, right?” You nodded, and both walked over to the elevator. “Is someone going with you?”
“Yes,” you bite your lip. “Uh, Yelena is coming with me,” the man grabbed your arm to stop you before left the elevator.
“Belova is going with you,” he said, pulling you to the couch. “Why?” That was a great question, and you weren’t sure how to answer. It felt right.
“I want her too,” you shrugged. “And we may hang out after, so it made sense,” you said, sitting on the couch and dropping your bag onto the floor. He stared at you, blinking a few times, then his brown eyes squinted at you.
“Are you and Belova sleeping together?” he bluntly asked. Your eyes went wide, and you felt your body heat up.
“No,” you said quickly. Tony gave you a pointed look and sat down next to you. “We are just hanging out. Besides, I don’t do relationships with this going on,” you crossed your arms. “It wouldn’t be fair to the person I was seeing.”
“Well, whatever you do, use protection,” you groaned, throwing your head back. He was so annoying with that. The smile on his face told you all you needed to know. He liked pushing his buttons. “Are you telling Dr. Carpenter about Morgan?” Damn, that was a mood killer.
“Yup,” you popped the ‘p’. He nodded and stood up.
“I don’t care what you do after, but can you come back here to discuss the next steps?” You nodded, and he kissed your forehead. It was subconscious to lean into his touch. You watched the man head towards his lab. With a sigh, you placed your elbows on your knees and covered your face with your hands. It clicked on why you asked. Yelena instead of Tony, Pepper, or even Kate. She wasn’t going to try to convince you to change your mind. She said it herself; she was there to support you and not change your mind. But where are you making the right choice?
A body sat down next to you. Glancing between your fingers, you saw it was Kate and smiled. However, your smile dropped when you saw the worried look on her face. “Are you and Blondie good?” You chuckled that she used the nickname you gave the Black Widow.
“Yeah, Yelena and I are good.” Her eyes went wide; you thought they would pop out of her head. You chuckled and shook your head. “She apologized, and we decided to try this friendship again.” You winced at the term.
“Did you just friend zone here?” Kate questioned. You sighed. The archer laughed, pumping her shoulder against you. “I’m joking. I know this whole thing is complicated.” That was one way to describe it. You were so terrified of these feelings that were developing for Yelena. You wished you met her under different circumstances. “Just be honest with her,” she squeezed your shoulder as the elevator doors opened, and Yelena stepped onto the floor. She wore black fitted jeans with combat books that came to her ankles. As your eyes trailed up, her white top was cropped, and a long yellow plaided jacket was over her shoulders. “You are starring,” Kate mumbled. You snapped out of it and stood up suddenly, picking up your bag. You heard Kate chuckle next to you, but your eyes stayed on Yelena.
“Ready?” You asked. The blonde smiled.
“I am if you are,” you waved goodbye to Kate and reentered the elevator.
“Thank you for coming with,”
“No place I’d rather me.”
“Are you nervous?” Yelena asked as the nurse left when she took your vitals. Your leg wouldn’t stop shaking. Today would be the day you were going to tell Dr. Carpenter there was a match for the bone marrow transplant. You were terrified about how he’d take the news. You felt a hand on your shaking leg, and you jumped. “Shit, sorry,” Yelena went to pull her hand away, but you kept it there. The skin her hand touched felt on fire, but your leg stopped shaking.
“Were you talking to me?” The blonde chuckled.
“I was.” Oh. Your body felt warm from embarrassment. “I asked if you were okay.” Sighing, you shrugged.
“Just want to get this over with,” when the door opened, she removed her hand, and you hated how much you missed it.
“There she-Oh!” Dr. Carpenter stopped himself when he saw the blonde sitting in the corner. “I don’t believe we’ve met,” he extended his hand to her. “Lucas Carpenter,” her eyes went up to her eyebrows as she hesitantly took his hand. He violently shook her arm, almost toppling out of her chair. You cleared your throat to cover the laugh that nearly escaped.
“This is Yelena,” you said to your doctor. The Black Widow was still recovering from her shock. “She’s a friend.” You ignored the way his lips curled up at the end. “So,” you folded your hands and placed your hands in your lap. “I have something to tell you.” The hope is his eyes almost stopped you from lying. Your mouth became dry, and you could no longer look at him. “Tony couldn’t find a match,” the lie tasted bitter on your tongue. You heard the shaky breath the doctor let out. Glancing over at Yelena, she was watching you intently. Her eyes were soft, but she kept her mouth shut. You were grateful for that.
“Okay,” the doctor said. So here’s what we do.” His voice became white noise. The stuff he was saying was important, and you knew that, but you couldn’t bring yourself to listen. You were so tired, and all you wanted was a hug from your mom.
Yelena watched you leave with the nurse to take your blood. Dr. Carpenter sighed and rubbed his forehead. “She’s lying to me, right?” The blonde never trusted medical professionals when it came to her injuries, and maybe it was breaking your trust.
“She is,” Yelena admitted. “Her half-sister is a match, but she does not want her to go through it.” The doctor nodded and stood up.
“This is going to be very hard for her,” he told the blonde. “The best way to help her is to keep her spirits high. If she loses faith, then all will be lost.”
Your doctor’s words rang through her head as she waited for you. ‘Keep her spirits high.’ Yelena saw how you sank into yourself while he told you the changes to your treatment. She quickly texted Kate to bring her motorcycle to her location. The archer was quick to call her. “Are you dying? Do you have a gun to your head?” The Black Widow rolled her eyes.
“I’m outside her doctor’s office. I’m fine,” she deadpanned.
“You never let me touch your bike. Even when I wanted to take America on a date,” that was true; her bike was her baby. Not even her sister was allowed to touch it. Yelena glanced at the door. Through the window, she saw you speaking with the receptionist.
“Has she told you?” Yelena questioned. “About Morgan?”
“Yes, she told you?” The surprise tone didn’t hurt the blonde. It surprised her that you told her the truth.
“She told her doctor today, and I want to make her smile again.”
“That is so cute,” Kate cooed. “I’ll bring it over now.”
“Who are you on the phone with?” Yelena jumped at your sudden appearance. She hung up quickly, not offering another word to Kate.
“You,” she placed her hand over her chest. The organ was thumping against her hand. “You almost gave me a heart attack.” You giggled, and Yelena knew it was the best sound in the world, even if it was at her expense.
“Come on, let’s get back to the tower,” you started to walk towards her car.
“Actually,” she grabbed your hand and spun you around. The action caught you off guard, and you stumbled against her chest. “Well, hello there,” you rolled your eyes and took a step back. Yelena couldn’t stop the frown that formed on her face. There is a coffee shop nearby that I want to try. Care to join me?” You smiled.
“Are you buying?” You asked, linking her arm with yours.
“It would be fun if I let a pretty lady pay.” Your body shook against hers.
“Shut up.”
You knew what she was doing. Every joke and story she told was trying to brighten your mood. It was hard not to smile or laugh at her stories. Still, this heaviness surrounded you. It was the same feeling when the doctors told you that your mom was never going to wake up. Dark. Heavy. Sad. So you tried to smile and fake it, but Yelena saw right through it. It was her eyes. They were so expressive. You found yourself getting lost in them over the coffee and pastries.
She held open the door for you to exit the cafe, and your eyes landed on a motorcycle that wasn’t there when you walked into the restaurant. You whistled. “Now that is a nice bike.” Your mom was never a fan of motorcycles, so you admired them from afar. The body of the bike was chrome black with red accents.
“I didn’t know you were into bikes,” you shrugged.
“I think they are kind of sexy,” the blonde laughed, walked over it, and climbed on the back. “What are you doing?” She picked up the helmet.
“This beauty is mine. He is a Ducati Panigale V2 with a 955 cc V-twin engine,” she explained. “He is the only man I trust between my legs.” She winked at you. You laughed so hard that you snorted, which caused Yelena to laugh. “Get on,” she said once you’ve calmed down.
“Excuse me?” you asked. The idea of being that close to her made you panic.
“I want to take you somewhere,” Yelena said, handing you the helmet you slowly took from her.
“I have to go back to the tower,” you told her. Tony wants to know what Dr. Carpenter said.” It was a weak excuse, but it was the only thing you could think of, so you did not have to get on the bike.
“Your father can wait a few hours, and I will take the blame for it,” she held out her hand. Do you trust me?” Your stomach and heart screamed yes! You trusted her for only knowing her for such a short time, but your logical brain held you back. Your brain was trying to protect your heart.
“I trust you,” your heart said. You took her hand, and she held it until you got on.
“Helmet on,” you said, placing the helmet on your head and tightening the strap under your chin. Perfect! I’ll take it slow, but lean when I lean, and hold on tight.” You let out a shaky breath and moved closer to her, wrapping your arms around her waist. You huffed.
“It’s so unfair how warm you are,” the rumble of her laughter made you smile, and you rested your head on her back.
“Hold on tight, krasivvy (beautiful),” she said over the bike’s roar, and you held on tight, trusting her with all your might.
Taglist: @likemick, @averagetmblrusser, @wandaromamoff69, @simpforyelenabelova, @cd-4848,
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noturlondonboy · 25 days
I was given the assignment to write a short podcast script for my English class, so of course I took it as a fan fiction opportunity. Here’s some silly Bishova :DDD
Thank you so much to @random-marvel-oc and @thebleedingpearl for the question ideas.
Intro: Welcome back to another episode everyone! This is Avengers All Around, our favorite place to sit and talk with some of Earth’s mightiest heroes! Per very popular request, we’ve brought in two special guests to talk to us today- some of the most recent additions to the team of incredible individuals that work tirelessly to keep us all safe. Please welcome Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova, aka the New Hawkeye and White Widow!
K: Hey Chuck! Thank you so much for having us, this is such a fun opportunity!
IJ: Oh, my name isn’t-
Y: Yes, Chuck, very good to be here. My Kate Bishop would not shut up about this for anything.
K: *laughs* It’s true! It’s just been so exciting to think about. What kind of questions do you have for us? Can we dive right into it?
IJ: …I- y’know what, uh, yeah! Yeah, let’s get right into it. Just real quick, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you guys how much of an honor it is to have you on the podcast today. We’re all such big fans of you two here on Avengers All Around, and honestly, I would call myself number 1.
K: I’m so flattered, thank y-
Y: We aren’t actually Avengers, you know.
K: Well I wouldn’t say that we-
Y: Kate Bishop is the leader of the Young Avengers, yes, but they are a separate and more modernized team. I lead the Thunderbolts. Very, very different.
IJ: Right, of course! *laughs nervously* Sorry about that confusion, ladies. Let’s get to-
Y: Do not call me “lady” again, Chuck. *scoffs* Kate Bishop, honestly. Did you not vet this person before accepting the interview proposal?
K: …I actually didn’t have time to do that, no.
Y: Kate Bishop. You… cannot be serious. We’ve been over this. Many times.
IJ: Okayyyyy then… *coughs* We alright to hop into some questions with you two?
K: Oh, um- yes, absolutely! Please, let’s continue, sorry about that.
Y: Don’t start thinking I’ll forget about that lapse in judgment, Kate Bishop.
K: *clears her throat nervously* I’m sure you won't, darling. Anyway, Chuck, please, give us the first one. I’m so excited to hear what the fans want to know.
Y: I’m not.
IJ: *forces a laugh* Alright, no worries! First up, one of the most voted for questions from a popular blogging site known as Tumblr… do you two prefer to drink coffee, or tea?
Y: Tumblr? That is familiar to me. Is that familiar, Kate? You’ve mentioned such a thing, haven’t-
K: *laughs loudly* Nope, I have no idea what a Tumblr is. I’ve never-
Y: Also, I’m sorry- did you say that was one of the most voted questions for us? Coffee or Tea? Really?
IJ: Well sometimes it’s the more mundane, slice of life things-
K: Tumblr users are a different breed, babe. This makes total sense.
Y: Right, right… thank you so much, Katherine Elizabeth “I have no idea what a Tumblr is” Bishop.
K: Well-
Y: Either way, I’ve been told I look like I would enjoy a tea called Yorkshire Gold, but I prefer my coffee so black it tastes like you ground soil from the motherland straight into your cup.
IJ: Oh wow, that’s-
K: Absolutely disgusting, is what it is, Chuck. I’ve seen her shove straight beans and boiled water down her throat.
Y: Eh, it was a rushed morning. You are lucky I did not use one of my adrenaline shots that day, Kate Bishop.
K: Wait, I’m sorry- you have adrenaline shots? In the apartment?
Y: Yes.
IJ: Should we move on to a different question?
K: Oh, I’m so sorry! No no no, that’s alright, uh- I love a good cinnamon and vanilla tea at bedtime, but hands down, I’ll always pick coffee if they’re both options. Yelena makes a mean latte, if you know what I mean.
IJ: What a fun fact for us to know, thank you for sharing!
Y: It’s really not that-
K: *coughs loudly* Anyway, what do you have for us next?
IJ: Right! *shuffles papers* Here’s one I think will be more up your alley, Yelena- if you two were to swap weapons, who would master the new equipment first?
K: Oh! So, if-
Y: I would.
K: Hey!
IJ: Care to explain?
Y: Simple enough- Kate Bishop uses a bow and arrow as her weapon of choice. Staple Hawkeye image, and all that. But it’s archaic and can only do so much in battle. Useless in close combat, too.
K: We literally had an entire conversation about how cool my new arrowheads were-
Y: That doesn’t change the fact that I would master a bow before you could ever learn to navigate wearing Widow Bites, or wielding my batons. It really is as simple as that, Kate Bishop.
K: *scoffs* Uncalled for.
News Break: “Subscribe now to hear the rest of this week’s episode of Avengers All Around!”
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romanoffsbish · 10 months
Marvel Women x Their Taylor Swift Songs
Natasha Romanoff (Mad Woman)
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Honorable Mentions: Clean | Peace | It’s Time to Go | The Man
Wanda Maximoff (Castles Crumbling)
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Hon. Mentions: Illicit Affairs | The Lakes | Right Where You Left Me
Yelena Belova (My Tears Ricochet)
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Hon. Mentions: This is me Trying | I Did Something Bad
Kate Bishop (The Archer)
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Hon. Mentions: Look What You Made me Do | Happiness (but not romantic — remove my man and @ her mom)
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alotofpockets · 9 months
Vests are better | Yelena Belova
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader
Request: Where Yelena meets us in a clothing store looking at jackets and she's like "Vests are better" maybe we're like "why do you care so much?" And she's like "it was the first piece of clothing I bought when I regained my freedom" or smth idk... I just thought this was cute
A/n: In honor of Flo's birthday, a fic of my favorite character that she has played :)
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 1.2k
You were looking around a clothing store to buy a new blazer, only one of the blazers they had caught your attention. There were a few items left on the shelf but none of them were your size, so you walked up to one of the employees, “Hi, sorry, is there anyway you might have this blazer in size y/size in the back?” The employee smiles your way kindly, “I’ll have a look, one moment please.” You browse some other shelves while you wait for him to return. 
“Thank you for your patience, sadly I no longer have the blazer in that size.” The employee lets you know when he gets back.  “That’s too bad. Thank you for checking.” You’re about to turn around and make your way out of the store when you hear another customer say, “Vests are better anyways.” The comment wasn’t necessarily spoken to you, but they were a response to your interaction with the employee nonetheless. Usually you ignored comments from strangers, having when they would comment on your shopping, or feel the need to make conversation with you, but the words the girl chose intrigued you, so you reply. “How so?” 
You had startled the girl slightly, “Oh sorry, I was just talking to myself, I didn’t mean for you to hear me.” She turns around, and you find yourself face to face with the most beautiful blonde. “Don’t worry about it, I figured you didn’t say it to me. Your comment intrigued me though, vests are an oddly specific piece of clothing.” The girl in front of you was checking you out, just like you had previously done to her. Your cheeks turn a light shade of red with her eyes on you. “I’ll tell you all about it over coffee if you’d let me.” 
The millions of reasons you shouldn’t say yes to going out with a complete stranger faded to the back of your mind, as she sent the most amazing smile your way. You were in awe of her beauty, and still very intrigued what caused her to make a comment about vests, so you agree. “I’m Yelena, by the way.” She says extending her hand, you shake it and introduce yourself as well. Yelena pays for her items, none of which vests, before the both of you walk out of the store and find a nearby cafe. 
Once you’ve ordered and your coffee’s arrive, Yelena starts telling you about vests. “So, not to share the whole dark story on date number one, I’ll just say that most of my childhood I wasn’t able to make my own decisions.” You blush again at the mention of this being a date, but Yelena continues without acknowledging it further. “So, when I was able to get out of that situation, I could finally make my own decision, well basically about everything. One of the things being finding my own style of clothing, that’s how I found this vest.” She shows you a picture of her wearing a green army-like vest. “It was the first piece of clothing I ever bought for myself. That’s why it’s very special to me. From then on I found a bunch of other ones that I liked. It might’ve gotten a bit out of hand, but yeah vests for me are connected to freedom.” You had listened to her full of interest, never having thought that a piece of clothing could have such meaning behind it. Her voice was captivating, you thought you heard a faint accent, and were even more intrigued by the girl sitting across the table from you. “Wow, that’s beautiful, Yelena. It must have been so nice to find yourself through clothing, and of course all other kinds of things. If you don’t mind me asking, I believe I heard a slight accent, where is it from?” The girl smiles, “I don’t mind, it’s Russian. Though I grew up in Ohio, and basically all over the US after that. I only speak in Russian with my sister, and my adoptive parents, so it has mostly faded over the years. But enough about me, I want to get to know you as well.”
That date was a little over six months ago now, and you were so happy that you had said yes to going out with the beautiful stranger. Through many dates, the two of you got to know each other better, and better, until eventually she had asked you to be her girlfriend. 
You were on your way over to her apartment with a present and two cups of take away coffee, from the cafe you had your first date in. After knocking on the door, you are met with your girlfriend looking stunning, as always. “Happy six months, baby.” She pulls you in for a kiss right away, you smile into it as she almost causes you to lose your balance with her enthusiasm. “Happy anniversary, detka.” She beams as she pulls back from the kiss. 
“Brought you a coffee from our special cafe.” She takes one of the cups from your hand, and leads you over to the couch. You had decided that you wanted to celebrate in the comfort of her home and ordering in some food later. On the coffee table you find that Yelena had been to the cafe as well, only she had gotten the same pastries you had gotten on your first date, so it was perfect. 
You were very excited to give Yelena your anniversary present, knowing that she was going to love it. But since she asked so nicely, you let her give you her gift first. She hands you a small present, wrapped in a matte dark blue wrapping paper. You unwrap the gift to find a box, opening it to show a bracelet in which she had your anniversary engraved. “It’s beautiful, baby, thank you so much! Can you help me put it on?” She picks up the piece of jewelry with one hand, as she reaches for your wrist with the other. After clasping the ends of the bracelet together, she places a soft kiss onto your hand. You loved the look of the bracelet on your wrist, and were so happy with the thoughtful gift. 
Now it was your turn to present her with the gift that you had gotten her. You hand her a gift bag as well, your gift hidden beneath the dark green tissue paper. She starts pulling out the tissue paper to reveal a vest. Yelena takes the vest out of the bag and starts admiring it. “I designed it myself.” You say shyly. “It’s so amazing, detka, thank you so much!” She kisses your lips before she continues inspecting the vest. “I added a lot of pockets, because I know you love those.” You start pointing out things on the vest that you had added. “And last but not least.” You open up the chest pocket to lift the fabric, “I asked them to embroider our anniversary in it.” Yelena brings you in for a hug, “This is the best gift ever.” She tries it on immediately, posing for you, showing off her newest piece of clothing. You were so happy with Yelena and couldn’t wait what the future had in store for the two of you.
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nqds · 3 months
omg omg omg who’s ur fav marvel character and what’s ur fav marvel movie?🤭
gahh my fav has to be shuri but some honorable mentions are kate bishop, yelena belova and peter parker!! ( tom's version )
my fav HAS to be black panther:wakanda forever
i watched it at 1 in the morning on my flight from tokyo to la 😭😭
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( i ship namori sue me )
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queenie-official · 10 months
✨⏳🍂About me🍂⏳✨
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Masterlist Ao3 Wattpad
- 🍁 Hi! my name is Queenie🤭 my pronouns are she/her, i’m 19 years old and obsessed with fictional characters✨
- 🍁 Send in whatever you want in my asks, i love hearing from you huns Xx<3
- 🍁 i write fluff only (this might change later idk) since i have zero real life experience with smut and therefore i feel i would not do it justice when writing for it (but if you want to send in asks about certain opinions or thoughts that are smut related i 100% will respond so don’t worry🫶🏼)
- 🍁 i’ll write for any of the characters i listed below⬇️ i will not write for real people because it makes me uncomfy😭 but i’ll openly simp with you over a celebrity if you do send in something about that person
- 🍁 i am an ENFP (but for some reason my extroverted abilities seem to fail me when i’m online 😭)
- 🍁 i’m Pansexual and proud💋 i will not tolerate homophobia or any kind of discrimination against the LGBTQ+, you will be blocked immediately if i see any.
- 🍁 i am an August leo 💅✨ 2005 babies let’s goooo💪💪
- 🍁 UTTERLY OBSESSED with little mix🤭 those girls are my all time roman empire. i will talk about them for hours🌝
- 🍁i’m biracial, i’m like literally mixed with everything but i’m mostly Italian 🇮🇹, puerto Rican🇵🇷, Irish🇮🇪, and Cuban🇨🇺 (i am a no sabo kid😔, but that’s okay my fellow no sabo kids unite😌)
✨🤎here’s a list of all my fictional crushes (i will write for them if requested!)🤎✨:
-tasm!peter parker
-Logan Howlett
-Young!Charles Xavier (James McAvoy)
-Young!Erik Lehnsherr (Michael Fassbender)
-Steve Harrington
-Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper)
-Richard Grayson (Nightwing- Brenton Thwaites)
-Louis (TWDG)
-Henry Turner
-Poe Dameron
-Javi (TWDG)
-Will turner
-Luke (TWDG)
-Anakin Skywalker
-Sam monroe (life as a house)
-Padme Amidala
-James kelly (American heist)
-Barry Allen (the flash- Grant Gustin)
-AJ (Takers 2010)
-Carter Davis
-Clay Beresford
-Sherlock Holmes (henry cavill)
-Leo Campoli (little italy)
-Simon Aumar
-Yelena Belova
-Matt Murdock
-Michelle Jones
-stephen glass (shattered glass)
-Mike Schmidt
-Xenk Yendar
-Scott Barringer (higher ground)
-Tadashi Hamada
-Rachel Green
-Derek Saurez (our life)
-Nightowl (blooming Panic)
-Vanessa Shelly
-Mammon (Obey!Me)
- Kenji Sato (ultraman)
(honorable mentions for more of my wives since these girlies are real people: Jade Thirlwall, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, Perrie Edwards, Maya Hawke, Sadie Sink, Jenna Ortega, Zendaya, Vanessa Hudgens, Margot Robbie, Halle Bailey)
(also as you can tell i’m obsessed and will write for pretty much all of hayden’s characters provided i’ve seen the movie or show 😭)
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redstarwriting · 6 months
oh OBVIOUSLY we're doing this one let's GOOOOOOO
The first character I first fell in love with: 
James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, the Winter Soldier, White Wolf, the man the myth the legend
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Nebula baybee, never thought it would happen but i'd do anything for her idk
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
i hate to say it i really do but... Miguel O'Hara, you are cut off baby get out of my sight
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Captain Marvel, okay like i know the majority of people who dislike her dislike her because they're lowkey incels but Carol baby they could never make me hate you!! Shuri, Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, all the women clowned on for not good reason are also included in this as well idc
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Star-Lord, i don't dislike him necessarily but idk, just not feeling him anymore. at least not like i used to
The character I would totally smooch: 
too many to list but top three: Bucky, Pietro Maximoff, and Valkyrie (honorable mention: Yelena Belova)
The character I’d want to be like: 
LOKI. i wanna be Loki so bad. either him or Wanda!
The character I’d slap: 
Ego. annoying ass bitch. also Star Fox. i love harry styles but Star Fox can Star Fuck Off
A pairing that I love:
A pairing that I despise:
it's not a canon pairing but the people shipping Shuri and Namor sent me into a tailspin like. Absolutely not. Also, not a big fan of the Black Widow and Hulk pairing, felt a little sloppy and like they felt like they needed romantic tension between two of the main Avengers idk
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chaoticjoke · 10 months
10 Fandoms/10 Characters/10 Tags
So I assume what I need to do here is list my 10 favorite fandoms and 10 (-ish) favorite characters in each one, right? Okay, here we go.
1. DC
The Joker
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Harley Quinn
Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane
The Ventriloquist and Scarface
Ratcatcher 2
Mime and Marionette
The Valeska Twins
The Batman Who Laughs
2. Marvel
Wanda Maximoff
Baron Zemo
Yelena Belova
Jessica Jones
3. The Boys
Soldier Boy
Billy Butcher
Ashley (look at me) Barrett
4. Vikings
Ivar the Boneless
Ragnar Lothbrok
Floki the Boatbuilder
5. Stranger Things
Vecna/Henry Creel
Eleven/El Hopper
Eddie Munson
Max Mayfield
6. The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
Negan Smith
Rick Grimes
Carol Peletier
7. Yellowjackets (I’m obsessed with this show now lol)
Misty Quigley (btw I want a Harley Quinn movie with Christina Ricci)
Natalie Scatorccio
Lottie Matthews
Shauna Sadecki
8. Euphoria
Maddy Perez
Cassie Howard
Fezco (RIP Angus Cloud)
Nate Jacobs ! (btw Jacob Elordi is a big fan of Heath Ledger who was the reason he started acting)
9. American Horror Story
Kai Anderson (yes, season 7 is my fave)
Tate Langdon
Michael Langdon
Madison Montgomery
Misty Day
The Countess
10. Game of Thrones/ House of the Dragon
Daenerys Targaryen
Cersei Lannister
Daemon Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Ramsay Bolton
Arya Stark
Honorable mentions/misc. (Fandom / Characters)
Disney / Cruella de Vil
American Psycho / Patrick Bateman
The Vampire Diaries / Katherine Pierce
Skins UK / Effy Stonem
Misfits / Rudy Wade
Twilight / Edward Cullen, Bella Swan
The Big Bang Theory / Sheldon Cooper
Fight Club / Tyler Durden
Saw / John Kramer, Detective Hoffman
Wayne / Wayne McCullough (y’all should watch Wayne)
tagged by: @nightmarefuele tagging: anyone who wants to do this thingie
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tori-artemis · 8 months
Post Edit:
Hey, thank you for tagging me @therese-lokidottir !! :)
Now let's see if I can do this in a non-messy way lol. So in no particular order:
Loki (of course, I mean - this is my Loki blog after all! XD)
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Particularly from Thor: The Dark World, tho tbh I love almost every version of him (or at the very least I care about/feel bad for him, which basically sums up my feelings for TVA Loki.
Sansa Stark (tbh my girl deserved so much better both in the writing dept and in fandom bc she was constantly crapped on by fans for basically being a traumatized feminine 13 year girl - until of course the writers botched her whole character up by turning her into Lady Vengeance bc then everyone liked her like wtaf)
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I mean don't get me wrong I love Lady Vengeance Sansa - just not at the expense of her more compassionate core. She should have had more scenes with Theon as Reek damnit - we should've seen her conflicted feelings of wanting to hate this man who betrayed her family and "killed her little brothers" (in her mind bc he didn't actually kill them) and yet undeniably feeling immense sympathy for him (bc that's her goddamn character David and Dan! She's not heartless and she's definitely not revenge-driven like Arya is - like she is literally the opposite of heartless you damn hacks!) Not to mention her ultimately relating to him - not only as Ramsay's victim but as a hostage herself being as she was held captive by the Lannisters while Theon was held captive by the Starks. Like she empathizes with Theon, in a way that none of the other characters do. And tbf the series does show this aspect of her character with Sophie Turner's wonderful performance but it would've been better if the writers hadn't tried to mess that all up with Sansa and Theon's earlier scenes. (I will never not be salty about the whole "if I could do what Ramsay did to you I would" - like GIRL NO YOU WOULDN'T!) And I'm not even going to touch what those hacks made her do in the last couple of seasons bc this rant is long enough and I don't have the patience to get into all that. Which leads me to -
THEON!!! Theon Theon Theon Theon Theo-
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(I mean, um, Theon Greyjoy, ha ha. 😅)
Valkyrie (Brunhilde???)
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(Still salty that we never found out her name! 😤)
Margaery Tyrell
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Tbh I didn't know who else to put bc I had to pick a woman character (otherwise this list would've had too many men and therefore wouldn't be even) and I was running out of mcu ladies. (Look I know there are so many to choose from but unfortunately I haven't actually seen Black Widow or Black Panther/Wakanda Forever or Moon Knight so I don't feel I can actually use such great characters like Yelena Belova or Shuri or Okoye bc tbh I feel I haven't actually seen them at their best - or at all if we're talking about Yelena. And why am I like this??? Hel if I know, I have OCD so it's probably something to do with that.)
Anyway all this to say Margaery's underrated af and while some of the writing for her was kinda sus (woman who uses sex as manipulative tactic cliche) she was still salvaged by Natalie Dormier's awesome performance so yeah - I'm putting her on the list!
Peter Parker/Spiderman
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Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch (how the hell did I forget about her???)
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Like I related to her way too hard in Wandavision to just leave her off the list...
Dr. Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow
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(Oh hey look - I have an excuse to include my babygirl here! I haven't gotten around to gushing about this guy yet but don't worry - pretty soon this blog will be infested with posts of me just rambling about him and why he's my perfect poor little meow meow. :) )
Natasha Romanoff
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(I was never a huge fan of hers but after Endgame I've grown to really love her. Plus she gives off protective big sister vibes.)
Honorable Mentions:
Black Noir from The Boys. He isn't on the list simply bc I haven't actually watched The Boys, only several scenes really. But it's wild bc I ended up tearing up when I saw Black Noir's/Irving's background, who he was, what had happened to him, why he behaved the way he behaved... like even without all of the context it's hard not to get emotional about his story, especially the conclusion - all I know is I will never be able to look at Buster Beaver (a cartoon mascot that's the Chuck E Cheese of The Boys verse) without tearing up. :'(
Ramsay Bolton (aka Ramsay Snow) from Game of Thrones.
The Joker from The Dark Knight.
Yelena Belova
Alicent Hightower from House of the Dragon.
Lord Eddard Stark (aka Ned) from Game of Thrones.
Jon Snow from Game of Thrones.
Robb Stark from Game of Thrones.
Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Princess Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Bruce Wayne (aka Batman) from Batman: The Animated Series, The Dark Knight nolanverse films, and The Batman (2022).
Selina Kyle (aka Catwoman) from The Batman (2022).
Terry McGuinness (aka Batman) from Batman Beyond.
Yara Greyjoy from Game of Thrones.
Oberyn Martell from Game of Thrones.
Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop.
The girls from Euphoria. Particularly Rue, but tbh I feel for all of them (yes even Cassie).
Princess Shuri, particularly from Wakanda Forever tho I already liked her even before then, I just love her more now.
Andrea Beaumont from Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.
Namor from Wakanda Forever.
Will Byers from Stranger Things.
Max from Stranger Things.
Lucas from Stranger Things.
Jonathan Byers from Stranger Things.
Robin from Stranger Things.
Eleven (aka El, Jane Hopper) from Stranger Things.
Eddie Munson from Stranger Things.
Hela - though I fully blame Galaxy (affectionate 🖤) for my growing love for her. Not that I didn't like her before but I'd never given her much thought... I read Galaxy's meta and fics.
Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones. She is quite possibly one the most vindictive bitchs (affectionate and derogatory) to ever grace mmm)
Steven Grant Rogers
James Buchanan Barnes (aka Bucky)
Sam Wilson
Link from The Legend of Zelda series.
Prince Nuada from Hellboy: The Golden Army
A-Train from The Boys
Kimiko from The Boys
Billy Butcher from The Boys
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(I'm just going to put this right here and not elaborate any further...)
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Top 20 Best MCU Characters
Honorable Mentions
Cassie Lang Hank Pym
Wasp Mantis Nebula Okoye Ned
Falcon/Captain America
Happy Hogan
Nick Fury
Black Widow
War Machine
Yelena Belova
20-Rocket Raccoon
19-Bruce Banner/Hulk
17-Black Panther
16-Doctor Strange
15-Peggy Carter
13-The Winter Soldier/Bucky
11-Green Goblin
5-Scarlet Witch
4-The Mandarin (Shang-Chi)
3-Captain America
1-Iron Man
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basileafpitch · 3 years
i love that half of the current trending tags are marvel, specifically: gays for andrew garfield, gays for yelena belova, gays for eddie brock, gays for wanda maximoff, just all of the marvel gays
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Collateral - Chapter 1
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Warning: Explosion, mention of past torture, injuries, mention of death 
Word Count: 4.3K 
Life was crazy. The past week was a whirlwind. You kicked the door of your apartment closed, reusable bags were heavy in your hands and you sighed with relief when you dropped them to the counter. Fanny pushed her nose in the back of your knees, trying to get your attention. You laughed and knelt at her level. “Sorry girl,” you scratched behind her ears as she licked your face. “Don’t worry I got you a surprise but don’t tell your mom.” She barked as she agreed. You smiled and began the process of putting the groceries away. It was a little more than your weekly hall as you were making a few desserts for the grand opening of the new Avengers’ Compound. That was one of the reasons why your life was a little insane. Yelena was splitting her time between the city and Upstate, helping Sam and Tony wherever she could. You helped but you were applying to jobs because you needed to figure out what to do with your life. You applied to a handful of therapist offices in the city and a few online options. It was just a waiting game. You poured yourself a cup of coffee from the morning pot when your phone rang. It was a number you didn't recognize. “Hello,” you answered. There was silence on the other end. But you heard breathing. “I think you have the wrong number.” 
“Miss. Barton,” a man’s voice said before you hung up. He had a Russian accent and your heart stopped and your stomach dropped. “It’s an honor to speak with you.”
“Who is this?” You asked. 
“We have not had the pleasure of meeting,” he said. “But you have met a colleague of mine. I believe your father put him in the RAFT.” 
“What do you want?” You asked, moving to your bedroom. You sat on your bed and opened your nightstand. You sat on your bed and opened your nightstand. Another phone was resting in the drawer. It was a phone for emergencies. 
“I just want to talk,” the man continued. “You and Miss. Belova was not supposed to leave that cell. But I am impressed. You held out much longer than we thought.” 
“Maybe your colleague was just bad at his job.” You typed in the group chat with Natasha, Clint, and Sam in it. 9-1-1. But you didn’t send it. 
“You would be correct. It’s so hard to find good help these days,” Fanny rested her head on your leg. “May I ask you something, Miss. Barton?”
“You’ve already ruined my day so go for it,” he laughed and a shiver went down your spine. 
“Well, two things. Do you feel safe, Miss. Barton? In your little New York apartment with your girlfriend and American Akita.” You didn’t answer as you finally hit send. You did not feel safe. It wasn’t long before the other phone started to blow up with text messages. “And my final question is, did your father build the house in Iowa? I do have to admit I’m a big fan of the green shutters against the white. It adds character. ” He continued to talk but you muted him and called your dad on the other phone. He answered on the first ring. 
“Chip, what’s going on?” He asked. 
“Get out of the house.”
“Clint, get out of the house. Now.” You rarely used his name unless it was serious. 
“I-” but an explosion cut Clint off. 
“Dad!” You yelled. “Dad!” But he didn’t answer as the line went dead. You unmuted the man. “What did you do?” 
“It’s such a beautiful house, such a shame.” 
“I’m going to find you and kill you.” You threatened. He laughed again. 
“Oh, Miss. Barton, you won’t be alive long enough to live up to your promise. But I do wish we could have met in person,” he ended the call. You didn’t bother to get him back on the line. You called Natasha. 
“What the hell is going on?” She asked. 
“Iowa, I need you to get to them.” You said. You opened the door to the fire escape. “Fanny, come on.”
“Why Iowa?” 
“They attacked my house and I need you to make sure they are okay.”
“What about you?”
“Don’t worry about me. Get to them.” You got Fanny onto the fire escape and climbed out the window as an explosion rocked your apartment building. 
Yelena twirled the pen between her fingers as she stared at her tablet. She was working on revising a recon mission for newly appointed SWORD agents. Delegating this type of work allowed her to have more free time and focus on other missions. The blonde sighed, biting the end of her pen and looking out the window. It was a beautiful sunny day. There was a lot of work that needed to be done because in two days the compound was going to open to the press and other governmental officials. It was Sam’s idea to provide a level of visibility between the Avengers and the public. He wanted to avoid another Sokovia Accords. She put a lot of energy into helping them and she liked being at the Avengers Compound. She wished she was with you and Fanny in your apartment. “How’s it going?” Kate asked, sitting down next to her. She replaced her empty iced coffee with a new one. America sat down in front of her. 
“I’m ready to go home,” she put her pen down and sipped on the coffee. They fought hard for a good coffee station in the new compound. America smiled. 
“Can we see the ring again?” The Black Widow rolled her eyes with a smile. She knew they were here for a reason. The ring went with her everywhere, she was afraid you would find it. So with the help of Laura, Lila, and Wanda the ring was picked out and burning a hole in her pocket. Yelena took the small black box out of her pocket and handed it to America. She opened the box. It was a simple ring as you weren’t a big jewelry wearer besides the necklace Clint gave you. The ring was tungsten, black, and silver with stardust. Yelena wanted something that would withstand your powers. 
“When are you going to pop the question?” Kate asked, taking the ring from her girlfriend. Yelena sighed. 
“I don’t know yet,” she took the box and looked at the ring. “I want it to be perfect but-”
“She won’t care about perfection,” America said. “As long it’s just you and her that’s all she’ll care about.” Yelena smiled, knowing she was right. Two sets of footsteps rushed over to them. Yelena turned around to see her sister and Wanda running over to them. 
“Where’s the fire?” Yelena asked. 
“Iowa,” Yelena’s heart skipped. “America, we need a portal to the Barton Farmhouse.” The girl jumped to her feet. 
“Natasha, what’s going on?” Yelena asked. 
“We’ll explain when we get back,” the portal appeared and Yelena saw the farmhouse that she began to call a second home in flames. 
“We’re coming with you,” Kate said. 
“No,” Natasha stopped the archer. “You need to get to Y/n.” 
“What?” Yelena whispered. Natasha grabbed the black box and pushed it into her sister’s hand. 
“Get to your apartment,” Natasha grabbed Wanda’s hand and stepped through the portal. It closed behind them. Yelena felt lost, her heart was pounding in her ears. She barely recognized America creating another portal and Kate dragging her through. Soon they were back in the city, across the street from your shared apartment. 
“Shit,” Kate whispered. Yelena shook her head, clearing the fog from her brain. She put the ring back into her pocket and stared at the apartment building. It was in flames, the first responders were trying to battle it as a crowd was forming. “Yelena, come on,” Kate said, grabbing Yelena’s hand. 
“What are you doing?” She asked, pulling her hand back. 
“She’s not in there.” 
“How-how do you know?” Yelena knew she should have conceived you harder to come with her to the compound today. But you couldn’t because of errands you had to run and Fanny had a grooming appointment. Shit, Fanny. Her thoughts were spinning out of control. 
“Because,” America said. “They must have known the attack was coming if they knew to come here and to Iowa.” Yelena nodded. 
“She’ll stay close,” Yelena said. “Let’s split up.”
Your lungs were burning as you finally took a break in an alley. You were two blocks away from your apartment and black smoke was rising in the sky. Fanny touched her nose to your hand. “I’m okay,” you reassured the American Akita. “I’m okay.” And you were - shaken, dirty from the soot but alive. When the explosion rocked your apartment building, you grabbed Fanny by the collar and transformed into a condor. The blast almost knocked you out of the air. You landed on your ankle and took off running. You weren’t sure who was out there watching to confirm you were killed in the explosion. You prayed Natasha got to your parents in time. Fanny started to growl. 
“You stupid girl,” you yelped at the sudden voice and turned to look at the entrance of the alley. It was the nurse. 
“It’s - it’s you,” Fanny’s growl grew louder as she walked over to you. You put your hand on her head to calm her down. It worked but she was still on edge. “I don’t understand. We tried to find you.” 
“Did you ever think I didn’t want to be found?” She questioned. “I-”
“Wait? Have you been following us?” It made sense that the day you were attacked she suddenly appeared. “You-” it was her turn to cut you off, placing her hand over your mouth. 
“You Americans never know when to shut up. I don’t have a lot of time so when I remove my hand you’ll stop talking and listen. Understand?” You nodded. “Good.” She took her hand off your mouth. “They don’t want to kill you,” you wanted to interpret and say it ‘seemed like they did want to kill me.’ But you kept your mouth shut. “They want to scare and break you.”
“What do they want?” You asked. 
“You,” she said. “Your time with them changed their plans. You impressed them. Before they wanted that blonde girlfriend of yours or any avenger they could get their hand on.” Your heart stopped. “You can’t let them.”
“How do we stop them?”
“We’re working on it,” We? You knew the Avengers were working on it but who else? “Don’t do anything stupid no matter what they do.” You sighed. 
“Who are you?” 
“You’ll find out soon,” she put a pager in your hand. She disappeared out of the alley. You slumped against the alley wall, putting the pager in your pocket. 
“Dorogy,” you heard your girlfriend and you watched her run over to you. She took you into her arms. “Are you okay? Any injuries?” She cupped your face in her hands. 
“I’m okay,” you smiled. “My ankle is twisted but I’m alive.” She kissed you softly. 
“I found her,” she said through her coms. “2 blocks south, in an alley next to the bookstore.” Yelena looked back at you. “What’s-” but you silenced her question with a hug. She was surprised by the action but she hugged you tighter. You weren’t ready for that question, the pager felt heavy in your pocket. But you were safe for now you were safe. 
When America and Kate got to your location, a portal was made to bring you to the compound. Helena and Bruce were waiting for you in med bay. Helen checked on your ankle while Bruce made sure Fanny was okay. “Try to stay off it for a few days and ice it.” 
“Have you heard from Natasha or Wanda?” You asked. 
“Not yet,” Helen said. “But we are on standby when they get here.” The door opened and Fanny came running in with Bruce right behind. Fanny jumped on the bed and licked your face. You giggled, petting her. 
“She’s in perfect condition,” he said. You rested your head against Fanny. “We’ll give you a few moments. Come get us if you need anything.”
“Thank you,” Yelena said to them as they left and closed the door. The room was quiet, only you and Yelena. Kate and America were with Sam, setting up a compound center and waiting for Natasha to call them. “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” You sighed. 
“It was them,” you said. “The same group that took us.” You looked at your girlfriend. Her jaw was clenched and there was a fire in her eyes. “There’s more but I'd rather wait till -” your voice died off. Till you knew if your family was alive or not. 
“Of course, malysh (baby),” she hugged you and your head resting on her chest. Her heartbeat was erratic. You looked up at her. 
“Are you okay?” She rolled her eyes. 
“I’m fine,” you gave her a pointed look. “I’ll be better once we hear from Natasha.” You nodded, putting your head on her chest. Her hands ran through your hair to try to calm you down. It helped but it wasn’t enough. But you guessed no news was good news, right? Fanny rested her head on your lap. 
“I wanted to make cookies,” you said suddenly. “For the grand opening.” You felt her laugh rumble through your chest. “It’s not funny,” you pinched her side. 
“I know, I know,” she kissed your head. 
“Squirt!” You heard your father’s voice from behind the closed door. Yelena stepped out of the way as you jumped up and rang for the door. You saw them down the hall - Clint, Laura, and Cooper were covered in soot from the fire. Nate and Lila looked unharmed
“Dad!” You ignored the pain in your ankle and sprinted towards them. Clint caught you in his arms. You felt him wince and as you were about to pull away he hugged you tighter. “Are you guys okay?” 
“We’re okay,” Clint let go of you so you could hug Laura than your siblings. “Lila and Nate were in the barn when it went off. 
“Is the house-?”
“We need to rebuild,” Laura smiled. Your heart dropped. You didn’t like being home but it was the place you and your siblings grew up. 
“Clint,” Helen came up to your family. “We’d like to check on you and your family.” You knew he was going to protest. 
“Go, dad,” you smiled. “I’ll bring Lila and Cooper to their room.” 
“Are we going to live at the compound?” Nate asked. 
“Just for a while, buddy,” you said. You weren’t sure for how long but they’d be safe. 
Yelena’s eyes never left you. She couldn’t help it as if you would disappear in a puff of smoke before her eyes. You were sitting in a chair with your right left on Yelena’s lap, icing your ankle. It was like pulling teeth for Yelena to get you even to rest. You showered, changing into new clothes, and you looked like nothing happened. But Yelena knew you were stuck inside your head. Everyone was in the conference room, waiting for Clint to join them. “Sorry,” the older archer said, entering the room. He had gauze on his arms for the burns and a bandage on his forehead. “What do we know?” Tony pulled up a hologram of your apartment building. 
“We don’t know much as the NYPD is still investigating but they believe there were two explosions. One coming from their floor and the other in the basement.” The hologram simulated the bombs going off. Yelena squeezed your hand. They’d be lucky if the building was still standing. “As for the attack on Clint’s house, satellite images found this,” the hologram changed to show the group heat signatures of the property. She saw two people in the barn and three in the house but no one else. Until 3 small dots zoomed into the frame and headed for the farmhouse. Tony closed the image before the impact. “We are thinking they used drones. Hill is at the scene investigating and will report back with anything they find.” 
“Do we know how many people were in the building?” You asked. Sam shook his head. 
“NYPD is still checking residences and who was there.” You nodded. 
“They must be watching them,” Natasha said. “Can FRIDAY pull up security footage around their apartment and maybe we can cross-section the people who were in the crowd?”
“FRIDAY is already ahead of you and tracing the phone call.”
“Phone call?” Yelena questioned, looking at you. You were staring at the wooden desk, using your free hand to trace the grooves. 
“I just got back from the grocery store,” you started to explain. “And I got a phone call from a number I didn’t recognize but I answered it,” You started to squeeze Yelena’s hand underneath the table. “He was Russian. He said that we’d never met but I knew a colleague of his,” Yuriy Zakharov. He was sent away to the RAFT for life. “He told me that Yelena and I weren’t supposed to leave that cell. He asked if I felt safe,” your voice cracked. “Then he asked if Clint built the farmhouse, how he liked the green shutters against the white.” 
“That was your mother’s decision. I’m glad someone approved of the color,” Clint joked. It broke the heavy tension. 
“It was such an ugly green,” you laughed. “Anyways, I called Clint and told him to get out of the house. The call ended when I heard an explosion. He told me I wasn’t going to be alive long but he did wish we had the chance to meet. He hung up. I got Fanny to the fire escape while I called Nat then the bomb went off. I transformed, got myself and Fanny to the ground, and we ran.” Yelena felt you tense up. There was more to the story but you were holding back. She stole a glance at Wanda but the witch made no indication if she sensed something else. You had a habit of closing off your mind when she was around. 
“What’s the plan?” Wanda asked. “They are bold enough to attack so openly.” 
“And in two days, the compound is going to be filled with reporters and politicians,” Kate said. “Do we cancel the event?” Sam rested his hand on his chin as he was deep in thought. Yelena wondered what was going through his brain. 
“It may be too dangerous,” Clint added. “They could use it as an opportunity to attack again.” 
“Then don’t cancel it,” everyone’s eyes landed on you. “They want something, it could be me, Yelena, or one of you so use the event as a trap.” The room broke out into debate. You looked at Yelena, a silent conversation based between the two of you. ‘It could work,’ you said. 
‘It’s dangerous and risky,’ Yelena countered. 
‘But I won’t be alone.’ You were right. So many Avengers were going to be there to show solidarity - the Wankandans, the Guardians, and the Marvels. 
“It could work,” Yelena finally said. The room went silent. “As much as I hate it, we need answers and this could give us some.” You smiled at her. Clint sighed. 
“I want full background checks on everyone who is going to be there,” he said. “And security will be increased.” Sam nodded. 
“We’ll come up with a plan and regroup tomorrow. Tonight we relax.” Yelena wasn’t sure if anyone was going to be able to relax. Everything seemed so uncertain and the small black box was burning a hole in her pocket. 
Clint had to admit this was weird. He was sipping on a beer, standing in the kitchen as he observed the scene before him. Laura and Pepper were talking and laughing at something Tony said. Cooper was in an intense debate with Sam and Bruce about baseball. The archer didn’t know Bruce had so much to say about sports. Yelena had Nate in her lap while he and Morgan watched Wanda’s magic. It was weird seeing both of his families interact. “How are you holding up?” Natasha asked, standing next to him with her drink in her hand. He sighed. 
“Tired,” he admitted. “I thought we were done with this.” It was a hopeful dream, something he knew was somewhat impossible but he still hopped. 
“We’ll get them and your family will rebuild a new home,” she was right but it wouldn’t be the same. 
“Until the next bad guy emerges to hurt us and the people we care about.” 
“Aren’t you being extremely pessimistic,” Clint turned to look at you. You smiled and walked to stand between him and Natasha. “You know I always dreamt of this,” you said, pointing to the table. “Both of my families together. I didn’t expect us almost dying from an explosion would make it happen.” Natasha chuckled, hitting her shoulder against yours. “We’ll be okay since we’re together. Like I told him they’re messing with the wrong fucking family.”    
When Yelena stepped out of the bathroom, her hair wet from the shower she was surprised to see you in her bed. It wasn’t an unwelcome sight but she wasn’t expecting it. “I thought you’d be with your family tonight,” you smiled. 
“I wanted to be with you,” you sat up, patting the empty spot in front of you. “Do you want me to braid your hair?” Yelena answered by handing you a brush and sitting down in front of you. You sat up on your knees and began to brush her hair. Yelena felt the tension from the day leave her shoulders. But there was a nagging feeling in the back of her head. You were hiding something. She wanted to ask but there had to be a reason you weren’t telling them. “Did you hear what I said?” Yelena hummed. 
“No,” she answered honestly. “The feeling of you braiding my hair is relaxing.” You giggled. Yelena felt your lips on her shoulder, goosebumps covered her skin. “You were saying.” 
“We need to go shopping,” you said. “Do you think they’ll let us go into the city tomorrow?” Yelena sighed. She wasn’t sure but you were right. There were a few outfits she’s left at the compound but she now needed something to wear for the grand opening. Your parents and siblings would be in a similar situation. 
“We can ask. Maybe if Natasha or Sam joins us,” you hummed and placed the brush on the nightstand. “Thank you,” Yelena captured your lips in a kiss. You weaved your hands through her blonde hair and pulled her close. The kiss depended and Yelena fisted the blanket to ground herself. Soon the need for oxygen became too great and Yelena ended the kiss. The blonde felt your breath against her lips. Your eyes were closed, your chest rapidly rising and falling, and your skin flushed. But Yelena watched as your lip started to shake and the wall you built up was slowly crashing down. “Baby, what is it?” It took a minute for you to respond. Yelena placed her hand on your hip, her thumb drawing circles on your skin. 
“I can’t lose you,” you finally said. You opened your eyes and tears fell down your cheeks. “I am so tired of them hurting us.” Yelena pulled you into a hug. She felt your tears wet her shirt but that didn’t matter to her. She heard Fanny leave her spot in the kitchen and jump on the bed to provide extra support. 
“I know, I know,” she kissed your head. “I’m right here. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere,” her saying caused a loud sob to leave you. Yelena forced you to look at her and she took one of your hands, placing it on her heart. “Breath, moya lyubov' (my love), breath. Follow me. In and out,” you did. You twisted her shirt in your hand and mimicked each breath Yelena took. “You are doing so well.” Soon your cries turned into quiet hiccups and your breathing evened out. The grip you had on Yelena’s shirt loosened. 
“If you say I’m sorry I will ban you from baking cookies for a month,” you giggled at her ridiculous threat. 
“Thank you.”
“No need to thank me. What do you need? Water? A snack?” You shook your head and Yelena let you pull her down so you were laying on your back and she was laying on her side, looking down at you. You traced the lines on Yelena’s forehead and traveled down to her nose and her cheek. Yelena pressed your palm to her lips. 
“I just need you.” 
“You have me,” Yelena whispered. “You have me.” 
You knew sleep wouldn’t be possible for you tonight so you sat in the meeting room with the local news channels reporting on the attack. The apartment building was destroyed. As of right now, the police were reporting 5 deaths and 10 injuries but you had a feeling that number was going to go up. You played with the pager in your hand. Instead of sadness and uncertainty that was making its home within your bones, there was a rage building inside of you. It felt consuming. How dare these people to cause so much pain? They were innocent. Just to scare you into submission. “You should have woken me up,” you didn’t bother to look at Yelena as she entered the room and sat down next to you. “Are you going to finally tell me what you’ve been hiding?” You gave her the pager. She looked it over and set it down. 
“I told him I was going to find him and I was going to kill him,” she placed her hand on top of yours. “I meant it too.” 
“Who gave this to you?” She asked, redirecting the conversation. You sighed. 
“Our old friend is back,” you said. “The nurse.” 
Taglist: @missmarvelpotter​
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batcavescolony · 3 years
Asexuals in Comics:
Walter Kovacs (Rorschach): DC Comics his mother abused him so now he hates woman and sex. (I hate this)
Roshanna Chatterji (Tremor): DC Comics. The Movement V1 #10 she literally said she's Ace.
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Yelena Belova (Black Widow): Marvel Comics. she didn't directly say she was ace but she said 'I'm not....anything' when asked if she was a lesbian..... and I'm taking it as ace/aroace because we got nothing
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Nadia van Dyne (Wasp): Marvel Comics. she is said not be interested in 'Teenager stuff' like kissing boys' and the writer says that she was written asexual but not said directly on panel.
Jughead Jones: Archie Comics. He loves food more than relationships and it's said in the comics.
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And I can already hear it 'but what about [robot or alien]' ..... No❤ I love Venom but no.
So we have 'literal piece of shit', 'Who?', 'maybe?', 'it's was implied' and 'we're not going to carry this over to the show'
YAY ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧ 🏳‍🌈/s
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