#honorable mention is hurt less bc i promise you
inkysquelched · 7 months
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I drew my bozos and there’s nothing you can do about it. Now get ready for a long post as I talk about my headcannons for them. Feel free to ask me anything about them, I love rambling:
Agent 3: Has a major RBF, but she’s nice I promise you. She’s been enjoying her role as captain but was overwhelmed at first.
Weapon preferences: shooters, chargers
Fave Special: Splashdown
Agent 4: Just vibing honestly, she’s gotten pretty good at hacking/research over the years.
Weapon preferences: daulies, brushes
Fave Special: Boyah Bomb
Agent 8: Curses in octarian at least 5 times a day. Remarkably relaxed despite all the bs shes been through.
Weapon preferences: shooters
Fave Special: Triple Inkstrike
Neo 3: A chaotic child, will occasionally eat stuff off the floor.
Weapon preferences: tri-stringer, blasters if shes feeling spicy
Fave Special: Super Chump
Some Honorable Mentions:
3 has a major sweet tooth and she won’t apologize for it. (shes awful with spicy food tho gchfxgfz)
Neo really likes bread.
8 will eat the most criminally offensive spicy food without a reaction.
3 likes to sleep in her squidform, it’s kinda weird to others. It’s honestly more worrying if she doesn’t shift forms. (hc that people usually only do that when theyre really sick…..and then theres 3)
4 listens to her music too loud.
3 and 4 bicker all the time, but it rarely gets to a point where they’re actually upset. They especially fight about how to lead on missions (this is moot bc 3 is the captain lol) because 3 prefers the “slow and steady” approach and 4 prefers to play “fast and loose”, if that makes sense. (8s just here for the ride)
The squid sisters like to say that 3 and 4 are twins and they both hate it.
3 is a runaway, Neo is an orphan. Different circumstances, same outcome. They relate to each other a lot and I think thats awesome (and sad).
Neo (and 8) will occasionally say some out of pocket shit without realizing just how messed up it really is: “what? you’ve never had to eat out of the trash before?”
3 is very emotionally numb and has a hard time expressing any care towards others, so she ends up showing it through favors/giving advice/“are you ok?”s. She’ll tell you to put on a jacket when it’s 70 degrees out lol. (this is also why she’s a mess around 8, those are feelings she has no idea how to deal with)
3 is terrified of being sick (like bedridden sick, haha sanitization go brr) and will inwardly panic the whole time.
3 has the worst alcohol tolerance behind Marie and 4. (Callie will drink 12 shots of vodka without flinching)
Octolings have a very different view on relationships than inklings do; inklings will date/marry out of love while octolings will treat it more as a transaction (not saying they can’t, love just isn’t a priority). 8 as had and infatuation for 3 for years but doesn’t act on it because she wasn’t sure if she really felt the way she did. She knows inklings hold more weight to relationships and didn’t want to risk hurting 3 if she was wrong. (the events of side order really helped her figure it out)
After the events of Splatoon 2, 4 took a back seat on being an agent. Less frontlines and more research focused. (like Marie lol) She hated this at first, but grew to like it.
3s alter ego is DJ Sango, she uses her rapping/singing to vent. 4 and 8 play dumb and pretend they don’t know about her account. (They both listen to her music tho 😶)
8 is extremely calm, you’d have to be trying to piss her off.
Inklings are like mood rings, there tentacles will change color depending on their mood (think like streaks or spots of other colors) The more intense the emotion, the deeper the color.
8 and 3 both have to clean/replace their weapon filters more often than most but for different reasons: for eight its bc shes an octoling (their ink is more abrasive) while 3 has thicker ink than normal as the last remnant of being partially sanitized.
3 isn’t actually as stinky as the squid sisters will have you believe. She one time came back from a mission smelling particularly RANKED that day, and they’ve never let her live it down.
There’s probably more but I can’t think of any rn
k bye <3
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saiyanwitcher · 1 month
Tail-loving anon, reporting for duty 💃🫡
What a finale for part 1, my GOODNESS! We didn’t even see the boys, and yet there’s so much to unpack 🥲
I love that Alonso’s decision to send Max away wasn’t only for protection purposes, but because he wanted him to have a shot at actually being happy and free. The bit about how Max wasn’t afraid to die, but he was afraid to live? I think yanking my still-beating heart from my chest would have hurt less, thanks!
I wasn’t sure how to feel about him surviving the battle bc I was very afraid of what Jos was going to do to him, but his resolve was admirable, and at least he got confirmation that he’d been successful in getting Max and Charles out of there 🥺 and even though I didn’t want him to die for it, I was glad at least to see him come to a swift end— I was really afraid Jos was just going to torture him until he broke! 😭💔
Speaking of Jos… it seems Charles’ assessment of his power wasn’t all that far off at all 😅 which is admittedly not great for our boys, but I am confident that the two of them together are going to somehow unleash all of Max’s crazy potential so he can get his REVENGE (and protect Charles 🥺).
As for Carlos and George, I have no idea what to make of them at the moment except for that they are both on my shit-list.
Part 2 is about to be a universe-wide game of hide and seek with awful stakes, and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for it 🥹
But as an aside, I haven’t forgotten that brief mention of a Torrossian breeding program Jos had going on, and I just feel like that’s going to come up again somewhere… and I’m afraid for what might happen if he finds out about Charles being an eldri who’s also an incredibly compatible mate for Max 🙃
Welcome back tail Anon!
It felt like a really good place to end part 1 🫠 so many questions answered and even more left to work themselves out.
I will not apologize for the angst doing its thing! I love the chest ache and I will continue to hit where it hurts lmao
For Alonso, I went back and forth about how that arc should end, and having him tortured just didn't feel right for both him and Jos. The emperor was pissed as hell, and it was also clear that Alonso was never going to tell him what he wanted to know. A quick and honorable death felt appropriate.
Max's potential and the need to keep Charles safe will be a major plot point for part 2. As for how he gets over that line to break through . . . Charles will play and important but unexpected roll for that 👀🫣
George has now seen what they are really up against and he will be changed by it. For the better or for the worse is still yet to be determined. Carlos on the other hand, when he wakes up, is going to be the only Torossian left on the ship and how will he handle that? Thinking that Max has abandoned him for his younger brother . . . 😶
UNIVERSE-WIDE GAME OF HIDE AND SEEK!!! I love it 😭 The stakes for this could not be higher, and I have so much in store for drama, angst, and fluffy tail goodness I promise.
Oh . . . the Eldri breeding program . . . 😣🤐😉
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fiddleabout · 5 years
Top 5 songs of the last artist you listened to that you'd recommend to someone who asked you what songs they should start out with. Or any artist of your choosing.
okay well the last song i listened to was julien baker’s cover of the modern leper, so:
rejoice: julien baker believes in god, but that doesn’t mean she gives god a pass.  rejoice is less about rejoicing and more about holding god as accountable for human suffering as humans so often are, because if god has a plan then that plan involves people failing, and hurting, and losing the people they love.  if god is listening-- and this song posits very much that god is-- then god has to listen to the suffering that’s happening in the world.
funeral pyre:  call me a coward, but i'm too scared to leave / 'cause i want you to be the last thing I see.  there’s a very honest resignation to weakness in this song, to circling the drain of a dying and unhealthy relationship.
televangelist: it’s fitting, really, that on tiny changes the song baker covered is the modern leper, what with the parallel imagery between that and televangelist, dealing heavily in the ways depression can be crippling, and isolating.  baker’s also mastered the kicker of a last line and the outright vulnerability in how she sings do i turn into light if i burn alive-- the resignation, and acceptance, and humility, is heartbreaking.
go home and 5. claws in your back have to be talked about together:  i go on julien baker spirals a lot-- the music is just so good, regardless of if it’s the stripped-down brutality on her first album, or the richer strings and piano on the second, or when she’s working with phoebe bridgers and lucy dacus in boygenius, or most recently when she’s started leaning towards much warmer and heavier instrumentation like with the conversation piece ep or her frightened rabbit cover-- but it can be hard, sometimes, to listen to such brutal honesty about depression and addiction.  so i always finish by listening to go home and then claws in your back.  go home is angry and rattling and so so tired, a complaint directed at god because for all of her addictions and depression, she’s still living while people she cares for have died and then, there, in that moment, she can’t figure out why she’s left alone and without them.  claws in your back, though, is a few years on, a few years older, cleaner and healthier.  it’s not happy by any stretch, but it’s a starkly honest assessment of what it is to live with the specter of mental illness and addiction* forever hovering on the peripheries of your life.  it’s accepting that as hard as it is, as impossible at it seems sometimes, that living is worth it.  it’s the last song of the album, just like go home is, but where go home ends with this ragged god i want to go home, it ends with this ringing, warm declaration of i wanted to stay.  there’s so much to be said about the evolution of baker’s sound and lyrics from her first album to her second, but all of it can be summed up in listening to these two songs back to back.
*this is obviously not to say that addiction isn’t a mental illness or a medical issue in any way, just that it exists in a very particular way that affects its victims very differently
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absurdthirst · 4 years
I haven’t been with anyone since I was assaulted. I want to be, but any time I get even a little close, I get scared and back away. Your stories have been a big help bc imagining myself in them doesn’t put me in any danger. Could you maybe write something with Ezra about reader’s first time post-trauma?
I understand completely how hard that is. I applaud you for wanting to be physically intimate after an ordeal like that. I hope that you are talking to someone and working through the trauma. And when you finally do take that step, make sure your partner understands what you have been through, that way he/she can help in whatever ways they can. 💋💋💋
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“Little bird, do not feel as though this is requisite to enjoy my affections.” Ezra watched you closely as he knelt in front of you. His brow was furrowed, the indentation deep at the bridge of his nose as he frowned. “I have been many things in my disreputable life, but this is not one of them.”
You nodded. You knew that. Ezra would never pressure you to do anything that you didn’t want to. Never force physical affections. Since he had learned of your past, he had treated you just like his dubbed moniker for you. A delicate little bird, as if you would break under the slightest pressure.
You wanted to. You wanted to prove to yourself that your past no longer held you back. Your demons from that encounter had been exorcised. That you weren’t less of a woman because of what had been done to you.
Not with you, never with you. That hadn’t been your choice. That had been ripped from you. It hadn’t been your fault. And you refused to let that vileness continue to hold sway over your future.
You loved Ezra. From the gentle way that he cautiously touched you, to the compassion and barely concealed rage that had been in his eyes when you had explained why you were so wavering when in his embrace.
You hadn’t been able to be with someone since that time, and you wanted this, you wanted him. You wanted to know his kisses and his more intimate touch. You wanted him to make you cry out in pleasure and replace those horrible thoughts of that encounter with thoughts of him.
Ezra was rough, a killer that admitted his follies. He was calculating and at times a bit greedy. But that was life on the Fringe. He was also a man of principles. And you wanted him.
Looking at him, you shake your head, you hand hesitantly reaching for one of his own. They were rough, calloused as your fingertips explored his flesh. “I want to Ezra.” You explain, your eyes never leaving the hands that you hoped to have touch you. “I want you, and I don’t want that, him, to ruin this for me.”
You heard him take in a heavy breath and your shoulders round, expecting rejection. You could understand it. He was worried about hurting you. Your stomach was a stormy sea as you tried not to cry. Even he viewed you as damaged.
“You are a treasure beyond every gem this planet embraces in its depths.” He whispered. “I am distinguished, a high honor I can never express my delight over, that you would assign me as the recipient of your faith.”
His other hand came to your face slowly. His thumb and forefinger grasping your chin gently as he tilts your head up so you can meet his eyes. He searches your face for a long minute.
“Little bird, if at any stage of this production you wish to cease, you only have but to say the word and it is done.” He tells you. When you don’t respond, he continues.  “I need a verbal contract, my precious bird.”
“Yes, Ezra.” You smile for the first time since the conversation began. “I will, I promise.”
He nods. “Is there anything I should not do? Anything at all? Don’t hesitate or be bashful, birdie. I would loathe to inadvertently cause further harm.” He asks.
You shake your head. There is nothing you don’t want Ezra to do with you. Not to you, no, this is your choice. Everything done is because you want it.
“Do you want me?” You ask, trembling at the possibility that he might be doing this because of pity.
Ezra groans and you see his own lips quirk in wry amusement. “If you only knew the nights I lay in my bunk, wakeful and yearning for you, little bird. I have castigated myself countless times for my lustful imaginings.”
“Kiss me, Ezra.”
He had kissed you before. The tender pressing of lips, normally to your forehead or the top of your head. Several times it had been against your own lips, but rarely. He had always asked, never taking your kisses, warning you before his face and body loomed close to you. His eyes still asked permission, even though you had demanded the kiss of him.
You nodded and leaned forward. Your mouths met and Ezra sighed against your lips. Pressing cautiously against them, before his tongue came out to gently run across the seam. It was if you were experiencing your first kiss again.
Kevva, he was so gentle with you. You must have kissed for fifteen minutes before he ever pulled away. The kiss had slowly become deeper, more passionate until you were clutching at his shirt and moaning into his mouth. Breathless and wanting more when he broke from you.
He undressed you slowly. Asking permission before starting and keeping his eyes on you as he carefully drew each piece off of you before urging you back onto the bunk.
“Are you sure, little bird?” He stood over the bunk, still dressed.
You saw the way that his eyes darkened when drinking in your form. There was a tent that was pushing out from underneath the grey sweats that he wore. His erection was hard to hide, but he made no moves to, letting you see his desire for you.
“Yes.” You breathe. “Please.”
He removed his own clothes with much less grace and more haste than he had removed your own. He stood proud, unashamed of his body as he awaited your perusal.
He was beautiful. Lean and tan, naturally for he spent most of his life confined in a suit. Very little body hair, but what he had was soft looking. Broad shoulders and a narrow waist, a soft stomach that told of a life lived. A very interesting smattering of hair that trailed down to his groin, where his cock stood stiff and throbbing under your gaze.
“Little bird?” He’s tone was questioning, even in its quiet resonance.
You shifted, opening up for him. You didn’t need foreplay, didn’t want it. You wanted, no, needed him. Needed him to fill you and make you feel.
His hands rested on your bent knees as he knelt at your feet. Ducking down to kiss the tender skin between just above his hand. Shuffling slowly up, letting his lips lead the way as he made his way to your mouth.
Between the kisses, there were his sounds. Soft, soothing sighing as if he were experiencing heaven. Each touch bringing a sound of your own out, each one more eager than the next.
When his hand came between your thighs, you froze. And so did Ezra. His eyes were locked onto yours, his hand still.
“My little bird, I am merely making sure that you are prepared.” He told you, his eyes softening as your body relaxed. “We can stop, if you wish.”
You shake your head. You don’t want to stop, it had just been a moment of panic. It was a harsh and cruel touch before, with the other man, but Ezra wasn’t cruel. He was gentle, ever mindful that he didn’t hurt you. His endowments were impressive enough that you knew that could be the case if he wasn’t sure you were slick enough.
But you were. Arousal was pooling in your gut, seemingly bottled up for so long that it was embarrassing how slick you were. The slippery gossamer liquid that coated his fingers, making him drop his head against your chest and choke out a broken moan.
Your clit ached and your core clenched around nothing as he finally moved higher. His hips settling between your spread thighs and his cock pressing against your center.
He placed his weight on his elbows, thumb sweeping across the apple of your cheek. Waiting. Waiting to see if you would push him away or pull him closer. You could feel the heavy throb, the way that he twitched against you. Knowing that he wanted nothing more to sink into your body, yet he still resisted made you want him even more.
You leaned up, kissed him with all the passion you could muster. His surprised groan against your lips empowered you. Your hand slithered down between you, feeling his back pull back to allow you room. You took his cock in hand, feeling him shudder under the light touch and pushed it down into position, catching the tip at your entrance and feeling your body give just a touch under its stiff pressure.
When your hand came away, Ezra grabbed it. Entwining your fingers with his, he slowly filled you.
You knew he was watching as your eyes closed. Your lips parted as he stretched you, gasping when he bottomed out, embedded deep in your body. Still he waited. His fevered words praising you.
“You are exquisite, little bird.” The words were clenched, gritted out as he trembled over you. “Perfect. You are perfect, never dismiss that.”
It didn’t hurt, didn’t cause you to cry out in pain. Instead it reawakened the passion inside you. Your legs lifted, wrapping around Ezra’s narrow waist as you squirmed under him.
“Move, please.” You beg. “Take me to the stars.”
He groans again as his mouth locks back onto yours. He starts slow. Deliberately dragging his cock out of you, to push back in slowly. Letting your feel every ridge, learn the way that his cock felt inside you. Squeezing your hand at every gasp. Pecking at your lips and encouraging you to let go.
You do. Begging him to move faster. Vocalizing what you want. How he’s making you feel. Shuddering in relief when he finally does thrust faster into you. It builds, that sweet ache of need starts to crest higher. Your legs tighten around him, every drive into your body making it scream for more. Faster, harder. You want him to take you, break you apart and piece you back together in a way that makes you tremble and crave more.
Finally it does. One last push into you, and you are exploding. Sobbing out his name in pleasure as the stars erupt behind your eyelids. Heat and pleasure rush through your entire being and you clamped down around him. Your body insists on wanting him as deep as possible and holds him tight.
“Ezra!” It’s whimpered out, your breath stolen from you by the sensations wracking your body. The perfection in which you are shattering.
His cock throbs as he grunts, shuddering over you as he pushes deep one last time. Heaving breaths reach your ears as he pants his release. The liquid heat of him makes you cling tighter, hold firmer as he rocks you through it.
When it’s over, you are lying against his chest. His arms are around you as he tells you over and over again how perfect you are. How strong and beautiful you are. How must he loves you. In that moment you know that you are healing. Your past is no longer a looming shadow, you were moving on with Ezra.
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
How the GoT Characters Comfort You Before an Arranged Marriage
This request was interesting bc ayyy, as anon said, this is Westeros and this would probs happen! Also I just realized u requested this ages ago i am so sorry lmao. I really need to keep track of dates n shit
In this preference, you'll be comforted by: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, Jory Cassel, Dolorous Edd, Mance Rayder, Tormund Giantsbane, Theon Greyjoy, Yara Greyjoy, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jamie Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Bronn, Podrick Payne, Petyr Baelish, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Margaery Tyrell, Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Brienne of Tarth, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Oberyn Martell, Beric Dondarrion, Gendry
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He’d take it upon himself to talk to you before the arrangement was official, even if your family had already decided on it. Ned would take your hands in his and reassure you, hoping he could put what he was feeling into words. He was sure you’d do well in Winterfell, which had gone so long without a proper Lady in its walls, but you were also much younger than him, which made him worry that you wouldn’t be happy. However, your genuine thanks and a sweet smile would be enough to make the “cold” Lord Stark blush a little.
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He had been told about this arranged marriage some months ago, but evidently your family didn’t bother with the same consideration. You didn’t find out until you were on the road to Winterfell. Robb had a fondness for you right away, so he gave you a tour of Winterfell to cheer you up. He was very considerate, asking what kinds of things you liked and pointing out places you could go to relax if things got too overwhelming. The whole time Robb was touching and guiding you gently, trying to prove that you didn’t need to be afraid around him.
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Both of you knew it was only a matter of time before your marriage was arranged, since that was the entire reason your parents brought you to the Red Keep. It didn’t mean you had to be happy about it. Several times Sansa snuck into your room, bringing stolen sweets with her, letting you vent and pout while she held you. Sansa would try to be the optimist, assuring you that you were still a courtier in the Red Keep and once she was Queen, the two of you could visit anytime. They were nice fancies, something to distract you two from the inevitable. 
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For a long time Jon had known he couldn’t marry you, but it still stung fiercely when you told him about the arrangement. His own pain was dwarfed by how much he hated seeing you this upset. As much as you both talked about this happening, now it was actually here, and Jon just wrapped his arm around you while you were petting Ghost. He alternated between reassuring you that it would be alright, but now that he was leaving for the Wall, he wasn’t so sure. He decided to visit you every day until he left, bringing you small gifts and making sure Ghost gave you plenty of attention. He hated having to leave you like this, so he made Robb promise to ensure you were treated well.
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It had to happen eventually, but Benjen always casually brushed off such things, and you grew used to that. When the news finally arrived and you told him, you didn’t expect such a strong reaction. He was trying to keep a cool face, but it quickly broke as he asked if you were sure. He didn’t outright ask you to try to break it off, but it was obvious he hated the idea of losing you, even if you weren’t supposed to be together in the first place. Benjen would have a hard time letting you out of his embrace as he promised it would be alright, although you knew he was already thinking of ways to keep the two of you together.
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He didn’t think much about marriage, only that he should eventually get around to it. He had always privately thought that, since he was from such a minor family, he would choose his own bride, but that didn’t turn out to be the case. Still, you were a pretty girl and clearly beloved in Winterfell. He wanted to make a good impression, so he tried to talk about different things and show you around the keep. Sometimes he’d become nervous and stumble over himself, and your cute laugh didn’t help him feel less fumbling. 
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He always said he’d pity the bride who got “stuck” with him, and that was true now. He was genuinely curious to meet you, since this arrangement helped his family far more than your’s. You were far more reasonable than he expected, but he still lowkey suggested that you could back out if you wanted to. You two actually spent a long time talking. He found it easy to talk to you, since you weren’t immediately off-put by his dour humor and you thought it was more amusing than rude. He was still worried you’d regret the match, and figured you’d call it off eventually. 
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Your father was the leader of the largest group of wildlings that had yet to join Mance. He would only accept the promise of a marriage. You agreed to the arrangement, but Mance already knew you weren’t some Southern bride. He admired your strategy and stories of your battles, and genuinely wanted to get to know you. He could tell you’d make a capable strategist, even second-in-command, and he wanted you to know he valued you as more than a simple agreement.
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He was not happy with Mance about the arrangement, even if he knew it was the only way your tribe would join the massive army. He did a complete 180 once he realized who you were. He’d heard stories about you, and suddenly he was beside himself with excitement. Once you arrived, Tormund was quick to regale you with stories of his own triumphs, hoping to impress you and gain your approval. Mance was totally entertained by this change, figuring the both of you would get along. Tormund would find out your tribe’s courting traditions and do them, wanting to prove he would be a capable partner even without the arrangement.
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Right away he’d brag about what an honor it was to be marrying a Greyjoy, and when he tired of that, he’d casually mention being a prince to the Iron Islands, too. This hadn’t impressed you much, since your family was one of the biggest ones on the Iron Islands, and just as old as the Greyjoys, besides. Still you humored him, and since Theon was attracted to you right away, he wanted to get to know you. He wanted to see how you fought and sailed, but also how you rode and if you knew some archery. It was amusing how much he liked the idea of a tomboy wife, as opposed to the proper ladies he met in the North.
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Shit like this happened all the time to women, and you and Yara already knew it wasn’t going to keep you two apart. Yara didn’t have to worry about such things, but you were from a less powerful family that needed connections. To cheer you, she took you on a wild night before your wedding day. You both would hit up a chain of wine sinks, drinking and dancing your way into all sorts of debauchery. At one point, she’d honestly tell you what you meant to her, and if you were the slightest bit unhappy in your match … She and her axe would be there. 
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She wasn’t happy about the announcement, but she understood the politics of it. You had a say in it, at least, although she could tell it wasn’t what you wanted. You both could carry on your relationship - who was going to stop you? - but she still hated that it was necessary. On your wedding night, Daenerys would find your husband during the feast and pointedly tell him that if he did anything to cause you pain or distress, she had three dragons just outside that she was more than happy to introduce him to. Daenerys would ask you several times if you were comfortable with this arrangement, and she’d begin to think on ways to get you out of it. 
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He knew he didn’t have much to offer, so the proposal from your parents came as a surprise. Jorah had always admired how polite and graceful you were at feasts and in court, you’d even spoken kindly to him several times, even when most brides were told to disregard the Mormonts as a serious match. When you two met up, he made a point to bring flowers he heard you liked and was nothing but kind as he promised you’d be comfortable with him. He didn’t need to say how considerate he’d be; you could tell by the gentle way he held your hand and spoke so honestly. Even if you’d be living modestly, you knew he’d be loyal and amiable.
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She was familiar with the marriage customs of most cities in Essos, so you telling her about the arrangement shouldn’t have been such a shock. Missandei should have known it was going to happen, but she was just so happy with your relationship and the time you spent together. Things would still stay the same between you two, since it was a marriage of convenience, and that cheered her some. While she helped take off the stress of planning it, she shared ideas of how you two could still meet, especially since you were an important advisor to Daenerys. Before long Missandei had come up with several plans that made you tease her about being so sneaky. 
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While he understood the reason you had to go through with this arrangement, especially since it benefited Daenerys’ army, he wasn’t pleased about it. Grey Worm hadn’t imagined for a moment that you and him would have anything like that, but … It still hurt to see how displeased you were with making plans. He became even more protective of you, pointedly glaring at your “betrothed” anytime they were in the room together. He’d also make a point to bring you simple, nice things, like a cup of tea you liked or flowers, especially on days when the pressure of the date was grating on you. 
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This marriage was part of a larger plan he made, and your family was in no position to refuse. He would never marry a fool, however, and while he wouldn’t admit how much he liked your cleverness and wit, he knew there was no sense in making an enemy of you. Tywin would make it clear that you had every luxury available in Casterly Rock, your family could visit, there would be feasts and galas. As he expected, you took the news well, although you wondered when and how you’d come to the attention of such a powerful man. 
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Well, the day had finally come, his father suddenly decided Tyrion was useful for a political match. He figured he should meet you before the day and warn you about what sort of family you were marrying, and what kind of husband you were going to have, as if both weren’t obvious to all of King’s Landing. Tyrion was pleasantly surprised by how considerate you were to him, and understanding of the situation, as your family had gladly offered you up to be a Lannister bride. Still, he carefully stressed that it could be dangerous for you. He promised to look after your safety and ensure you had every comfort you wanted, and he’d always treat you respectfully no matter what. 
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It seemed to Jaime that the gods were punishing every aspect of his life they could get to. He really didn’t think his father was truthful in this threat of arranging a marriage, but here you were, just an hour after he was informed of the decision. He had a nagging feeling that you didn’t understand the extent of his family’s ruthlessness, like his sister - and worse, in the past, he would’ve left you at their mercy. He was different now, and he knew you from court. You didn’t deserve to be thrown into a lion’s den. Jaime tried to be casual as he explained to you the marriage was a bad idea, but since there was no way to avoid it, you had to be careful. He asked you to come to him if you saw anything suspicious, or especially if Cersei said anything. He’d even ask Tyrion to keep an eye on you. 
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Your “arrangement” was so thoughtfully put together by King Joffrey, who thought his dog needed a woman to keep him from barking so much. It was all a big jape to the court, a slight against you and your family… and there was no getting out of it. After days of avoiding each other, Sandor finally cornered you in the evening. He was totally drunk, but spoke to you bluntly. He wouldn’t make you do anything you didn’t want, and he’d never hurt you. You two could completely avoid each other. He was quite calm as he said all this, drunk as he was, and it surprised you. You’d heard such awful stories about the Hound, but here he was speaking softly and trying to reassure you. 
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The fact that he, a great stuffy knight, would have to go on with a typical, stuffy arranged marriage. Your family was fairly wealthy, but a new name most old families weren’t interested in. He met you as a formality, but he was surprised by not just your looks, but how easily you sized him up and told him off. He was expecting a timid proper girl, not a woman who spoke fouler than most men under his command. Bronn made a point to visit you several times, bringing bottles of expensive wine and wanting to keep talking to you, even if you were prickly. Tyrion told him not to push your buttons but now Bronn was too interested.
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The arrangement was a surprise to the both of you, and something Podrick never expected, as he was always treated as a less important member of his family. He’d immediately go to Tyrion for advice, and if possible, a way to call it off. He was sure whoever was going through with this was an old spinster or a frightfully young girl. Worse than either, he was told by Tyrion that you were his age, pretty and well-liked in the court. When he met you, he tried to make conversation, but his nerves kept biting at him. He finally asked if you were alright with the arrangement, as he couldn’t fathom why you’d want to marry into his family. He appreciated your honestly, and figured you two could at least be on friendly terms, even if thoughts of a sept and wedding night was a bit too much at the moment.
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He’d made this arrangement in the first place, all but backing your family into a proverbial corner to ensure they’d comply. Since you knew him as little more than a friendly acquaintance, he made a point to visit with you before any official wedding. Petyr was all charm and amiability, promising you’d have whatever your heart desired, and he’d treat you better than a princess, especially since the arrangement was so sudden. Each day before the event, he’d send a gift with a nice letter attached. All the sentiment made you wonder if this arrangement was your family’s idea after all. 
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Stannis isn’t the best with comforting words, and arranged marriages were expected of lords and ladies. But you were a much younger woman being arranged to marry an older man as a second wife, and he could understand how that could make you uneasy. He’d make a point to tell you about Dragonstone and the sort of comforts you could have there, and promise you could change things if you wanted, like rearrange a library or have a stable to yourself. He’d also promise to be loyal and respectful to you, since ideally, he wanted a wife who could help him run the household. 
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He never dreamed of being part of a “political” match, because when would he ever have the position that was sought after? He’d been a widow for years, besides, but this was still presented to him. He felt bad for you, a fourth daughter being sold off to a man far too old for her. When he met with you, Davos was clearly nervous, but your understanding made him feel a little better. He tried to reassure you that there could be a way to get around the arrangement (somehow), but even if it had to happen, he assured you that he’d be nothing but gentle and would make sure you were cared for. Davos had seen some terrible conditions ladies had to live in, and while he was pleasantly surprised by your wit and understanding of the situation, he still thought you deserved much better. 
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She wasn’t able to prevent a match from happening, but she could ensure you were matched with one of her brothers or even a cousin. Margaery’s family was aware of her fondness of you, and she was stubborn in wanting to keep you close. Her grandmother warned her against such sentiment, but you knew she wouldn’t be swayed. Long ago you both had talked about what you’d do when duty called, and Margaery made it clear she would keep you as close to Highgarden as possible. She was so confident in herself that she’d help you plan the wedding, giving suggestions on jewels and wanting to be the first to see your gown once it was finished.
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It happened, he was finally worn down and forced into a match. The fact you were so young and the match was highly beneficial to the Tullys was even more irksome. He argued with his brother that Edmure would be a better choice, an obvious one, but the deal was done. By the time you arrived he had simmered down. It wasn’t your fault this happened, and he admittedly began to get a soft spot for you as you two chatted. He still felt he was too old for you, but he straightforwardly said that he’d be loyal and make sure you were provided for. He was quite serious as he said this, but he was also holding your hand very gently and had to lean down because of how tall he was, so … it just ended up being endearing. 
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He was very delighted by this marriage proposal - Edmure remembered you from a gala several years back. You were the prettiest girl in the room, so it was great luck that you were engaged now… Except he learned that you weren’t told anything about it until the last minute. He hated the idea of you being unhappy in Riverrun, or worse, with him, so when you arrived he tried to give you a nice tour, showing the nice room you’d have, the pretty Godswood and sept, the lovely view of the river, and so on. His desire to please you would be obvious to everyone.
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The only thing that lessened the blow of your arranged marriage was that she could still be your personal knight. Had anyone tried to send her away, they’d have to deal with the two of you. You tried to reassure Brienne and promise that she’d always be by your side, and it would be easy to keep the relationship under wraps. It wasn’t an ideal situation, and you know she struggled with it, but as a Lady of a prominent House, your options were always limited. Brienne was comforted by your constant reassurances that you were always her’s, and in turn, she promised to protect you if your husband ever attempted anything untoward.
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His father made it clear that you were a beloved daughter of a powerful family, and Ramsay wasn’t to toy with you in any way. If being scolded wasn’t irksome enough, you’d already heard unsavory rumors about him. When you arrived, Ramsay put on his best charm, treating you like the lady you were. There wasn’t much to the Dreadfort, so Ramsay asked questions about you and showed you his most docile horse and hound. He’d be pleased if you were a rider, as it was something you both could do with little talking. The charade was annoying, but it didn’t take long for him to form an interest in you.
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This arrangement had been a long time in the making, unbeknownst to you, as Roose had desired you ever since he first met you years ago. You only knew his family’s questionable reputation, and he knew he had to ensure your first visit to the Dreadfort was a good one. Roose was very gentle in speaking to you, considerate of your space and made a point to ask you how you wanted things arranged. You could have your own room if you desired, horses to ride, the Godswood to yourself, and so on. There was no way for you to back out of the marriage, but Roose didn’t want you to be unhappy. In time, he wanted you to enjoy being at the Dreadfort, and with him. 
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His family finally managed to tie him down with an arranged marriage, and he would have refused it had he not already known of you. Oberyn was intrigued and attracted, and he did want your powerful family to ally with his. When you arrived in Sunspear, it was easy for Oberyn to be his charming and slightly scandalous self - even if his brother begged him to tone it down - and he gladly gave you a grand tour of the liveliest places in the city. He’d want you to meet his daughters, since they were your age, and he regaled you with all the fine rooms and things you’d have as a Princess of Dorne. Honestly, it was a bit overwhelming, but you could tell he really wanted your happiness. 
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He was a knight of good standing from an honorable house that had long needed a Lady, so Beric understood the arrangement, but he also understood why you might be uneasy. With his well-known sunny smile, he’d want to know your honest feelings and how he could make you more comfortable. It didn’t matter if it was filling a room with your old things or going out riding alone, Beric would indulge you. Truthfully, he was fond of you from your first meeting, and he wanted to make a good impression.
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Being legitimized was already terrifying, then he learned he had to marry a proper lady. It gave him stress headaches just thinking about it. To make matters worse, you were beautiful and you greeted him nicely. He’d try his best to sound”confident, but once you both were alone, he’d just come clean and apologize to you. He felt like you expected something different, a “real” lord, not a glorified bastard. Gendry would be relieved how considerate you were, not at all like most ladies he heard about, and hoped you two could at least be friends.
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ddaenggtan · 5 years
midnight wishes | knj [M]
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Granny Park's Gossip:
That boy. Never met anyone as prone to disaster as he is while being so damned smart, except maybe that roommate of his. The two of them could probably cure cancer if they wanted to, but you leave them alone for more than a few seconds and you’re liable to come back to disaster. Jiminie did say they’ve been acting a little different, though, maybe they finally wised up and made things official instead of just humping like bunnies around that apartment of theirs. Oh, am I not supposed to say that?
pairing } namjoon x reader 
word count } 10.3k { also on ao3
genre } Fluff, Smut, the smallest possible dash of angst; FWB au, Roommates au, coworkers au, slight idiots to lovers but like. lowkey. 
warnings } smut, the most smut, all the smut. Namjoon In Glasses bc that deserves its own tag. there’s multiple smutty parts, several less explicit and then one very very super explicit so for those: oral female, oral male, fingering, deepthroating, protected sex, unprotected sex, mention of semi-public sex, mentions of a sir kink, some very accidental cum eating that is hilarious and disgusting all at once. Namjoon and Slick are both complete and utter idiots, like it’s genuinely a miracle that they’ve lived this long, especially when paired together. 
{ The Snowball Effect Collab Masterlist } 
a/n } hello it is i with yet another fic. it’s done. i. have a lot of emotions bUT that’s neither here nor there. This is part of The Snowball Effect collab, and while it can be read as a standalone, all the fics end in the same spot and there are so many crossovers that it legitimately hurts to think about for too long, so for the best and funniest and fluffiest experience, we recommend that you read all of them in order!! Special shoutout to ashley, kristi, and ryn (@taehyungforreal, @stutterfly, and @fortunexkookie​, respectively) for letting me part of this wonderful adventure. i’m more honored than i could ever say with words, and i’m grateful every day that i got the chance to work with all of you on this absolutely phenomenal collab. for those of you who are just now seeing this, i implore you to read the others, as they are literal light years better than this, and i could not possibly live up to the absolute beauty of the other authors in this collab, but i still hope you enjoy my shiny garbage child aka this fic.
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The first time you ever saw Kim Namjoon was on your very first day at the lab where you both work. You won't ever forget it, not because he's the walking embodiment of beauty nor because he's the most intelligent person you've ever met besides yourself. No, that day stays firmly implanted in your memory because that was the day the two of you nearly got fired for setting the building on fire.
In a genetics lab. 
You don't even work with chemicals. Maybe if you did, they would have been more understanding, but you don't and instead, everyone was completely flabbergasted that the two of you very nearly destroyed the building because you tried to reheat your leftover Chinese food - and really, how perfect is it that he also prefers the place across town instead of on the corner, and that he eats all the vegetables you pick out of your rice while you eat the eggrolls he isn't a fan of - in the microwave at the same time. Sure, your IQ is close to 300 when combined, but also, how are you supposed to remember that the bottom part of the takeout is made of foil? You were trying to single out a gene sequence that might help cancer research. Microwaves were not important. 
Until it exploded a little and set the fire suppression systems off in all the labs and affected several billion dollars worth of research. 
Honestly, the two of you are lucky you still have your jobs.
Less lucky that the insurance company wouldn't pay for the entire cost so both you and Namjoon had to take pretty severe pay cuts to help cover the costs.
Even less lucky that it means you could no longer afford your apartment by yourself and subsequently had to try to find a roommate in less than a week, which the internet is not helpful for, it doesn't matter what your coworkers say.
Which really just highlights that it's your own fault that you're in this situation in the first place, you think as you slam back another shot. It's been months, and yes, you found a roommate, and yes , things between the two of you are working better than you could have imagined, but god , at what cost?
You catch a glimpse of dimples heading your way and down the rest of the Kamikaze that you've been nursing all night. You might regret that later, the alcohol might make you do something you'd never do otherwise, but you can always pretend you don't remember. Besides, it's so much harder to handle Namjoon while you're completely sober; you never quite know what to say or what to do.
He doesn't bother to sit in the empty stool beside you, just slides into the space between you and it and lets one arm rest casually on the back of your barstool as he leans in to be heard over the live band that's playing. You don't look at him, you don't trust yourself to look at him, not with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the top two buttons undone. You know he looks deliciously rumpled. You're entirely too familiar with the sight.
"Are you ready to go?" He asks. You shrug even as you start pulling your coat on, doing your best to ignore the way the heat of his breath brushed over your neck in the way that always gets you hot and bothered. "We don't have to if you don't want to," He says quickly, but you wave him off.
"No, it's fine, I promise. I'm not enjoying the band as much as I thought I would anyway."
When the ride you summoned stops at your apartment building, Namjoon pays and follows you up. The alcohol has started seeping into your bloodstream, and for a moment you regret that last drink. You're not drunk, not really, but you're on the farther side of tipsy and thoughts are swirling in your head that you wish would go somewhere else. Plus you're really fucking hungry now, and also kinda tired, and you're really glad tomorrow's Saturday so you can sleep in.
"What's got you in your head?" Namjoon asks as you fumble to unlock the door. You just shrug noncommittally, unwilling to tell him about it. He doesn't pry either, just sets to work pulling leftover tacos out of the fridge and sticking them in the microwave, remembering at the last second to take the plastic off the top so your food doesn't get coated in melted saran wrap. The two of you eat in relative silence before you manage to make yourself go into your room and strip out of your work clothes and then slide under the covers.
You don't listen as he goes into the room across the hall, you don't listen as the shower starts up, you don't listen at the off-key singing that he does. You don't. You can't let yourself, because then your drunk ass won't be able to keep your mouth shut the next time you see him - as you're both eating breakfast tomorrow, probably - and you'll say some super embarrassing shit like "hey I know it's partially my fault you couldn't afford your rent and you know I'm really grateful that you moved in with me, but you're also like hot as the surface of the sun and your dimples are really cute too, please fuck me stupid, I'm literally begging you."
Because that's the issue with living and working with Namjoon. There is no escape. Before you could come home and masturbate in peace while thinking about how his chest looks so utterly perfect in those button-ups, and how the muscles in his forearm flex when he's got his sleeves rolled up, and how his jaw does that muscle clench thing whenever he's focused on something.
But no. Now he lives with you , and not only are you both on the same schedules and therefore he’s never not home when you are, therefore depriving you of your precious Alone Time, but! You get a front-row view to how he looks in the mornings, with his hair all messy, and how he always forgets that the flavor packet goes in the ramen after you cook it, and how he bundles up every time he goes on walks with Moni, and-
The door to the bathroom creaks open and you force your eyes not to close. You inspect the stuccoed ceiling the entire time it takes his footsteps to make it into his room because otherwise, you're just going to remember that first week after he moved in, when he would have to go to his room with just a towel around his waist because his clothes were in boxes and he hadn't unpacked and he'd forgotten to take anything in the bathroom with him.
The memory of his absolutely fucking ridiculous pectorals dripping with water and his god damn superb biceps flexed and delicious-looking, none of it hidden under the slightly-too-big shirts he wears to work...it haunts you. To this day.
The sound of his door closing echoes through the hall and into your room. It’s through an incredibly impressive force of will that you don’t imagine what he’s doing right now, just across the hall. You resolutely do not imagine him sliding that towel from around his waist and revealing the gorgeous glistening golden thighs that strain against his work khakis so wonderfully. Nor do you think of the way he twists his neck to pop it while he does his after-shower stretches - because that’s a normal thing that normal people totally do - and you absolutely are not thinking of the way the scent of sandalwood and steam trails after him when he’s freshly showered and you are definitively not thinking about-
A loud, high-pitched moan followed by the slapping of skin on skin echoes through the apartment, jolting you upright and out of your thoughts as you stare in shock at the back of your bedroom door. 
Something thuds against the carpeted floor of Namjoon’s room and the sound abruptly cuts off. The silence that follows is deafening, and your ears ring with it. 
Surely….surely he wasn’t….
A thought, unbidden and cursed, flits through your mind before you can stop it. You can’t even blame the residual alcohol in your body for the way you stand and open your bedroom door, or how you slip your super soft silk robe over your shoulders and tie it loosely around your waist, nor for the way you take the two steps to stand in front of Namjoon’s, but you absolutely blame your quickly-returning sobriety for the way you hesitate in front of it. 
He’s going to say no, anyway, so what’s the harm? Things are awkward for a day or two and then we move on, right?
You knock before you can talk yourself out of it. It takes a few minutes, but Namjoon does eventually open the door. His chest is still bare but he’s got on the soft-looking plaid pajama pants that you adore, albeit they are on backwards , and his face is flushed with color. 
You're 98% sure that it's because he just had his hand around his cock. You're significantly less sure if you hate or love the fact that you know that. 
“Hey,” You say awkwardly. 
“Hey,” He responds, just as awkward. 
You both stand there for a second while you work up the courage to ask what’s been going around and around in your mind. 
“I just heard that thud and got worried,” is what eventually makes it out. Namjoon’s face flushes further, and his nose scrunches in the cutest way. “Just...wanted to make sure you weren’t, y’know. Dead. Haha.”
He smiles at your laugh, even though it’s dead and humorless, and warmth blooms in your chest. 
“I’m alright. Sorry for any, uh…” He squints, clearly searching for the word he wants to use that won’t immediately give him away - like the entire apartment building hadn’t heard that noise. “Disturbances.”
“Oh, no, you’re fine!” You tell him, rubbing the back of your neck. “I was just. Uh. Y’know how bonobos will often have recreational sex with non-monogamous partners just because they’re bored or as a way to work out the tension between members of the unit-groups and they enjoy said recreational sex, even though there’s no real emotional attachment to the other parties involved?”
Namjoon stares at you for a long, silent moment. 
“Yeah, I know about bonobos,” He eventually says. “I didn’t know that about bonobos, but I guess that’s the fun fact quota for the day.”
Your face heats and you’ve never quite wished the ground would swallow you up until this very moment. 
“Oh,” You say, dumbly. “Well. That’s a thing. That bonobos do.”
“I got that,” Namjoon says. He bites down on his lower lip in what’s probably an innocuous way to not smile at how ridiculous you’re being, but when paired with the golden expanse of chest, it’s utterly obscene. 
“Would you like to have recreational sex with me?” 
“ What? ”
“No strings attached, no feelings, nothing but some nice fun recreational intercourse between two consenting adults of sound mind. Would you be interested?”
“I...why are you asking me? ” He asks incredulously, and you resist the urge to kiss the surprise off his face. How is it surprising at all when he walks around looking like that ?
“Because in the time we’ve known each other as coworkers, roommates, and friends, I think we could be very sexually compatible and even if we aren’t, I’m confident enough in our friendship to believe we could still be friends afterward.” You tell him firmly. “Besides, you’re literally the hottest guy I’ve ever seen, why wouldn’t I want to have sex with you?”
“You’re...serious about this? You’re not playing some kind of joke on me?” 
“Why would I play a joke on you, Namjoon? I haven’t been able to get off for literal weeks - ever since you moved in, actually - and I’m at a bit of a breaking point.”
“And you’re not drunk?”
“Completely sober,” You assure him. He curses under his breath and runs a hand over his jaw, not making eye contact as he considers. It’s the same thoughtful expression that he gets when he’s trying to figure out some complex equation at work. With how long it’s been since you last came, however, it’s only making you wetter. 
"Fuck it," He mutters, seconds before his hands cup your jaw to pull you into a kiss. 
It's awkward at first, the two of you trying to find a rhythm that you both enjoy while still being able to breathe. His lips are slightly chapped and you both stumble as he starts walking backwards towards the bed, but it's so wonderful. His hand against your jaw is warm and comforting, even as his other hand is slipping teasingly under your robe and his teeth suckle a mark into your collarbone. 
Movement on the bed catches your attention and you flush when you realize it's Moni, Namjoon's very sweet dog that came with him when he moved in. 
"Uh, Namjoon?" You breathe. It's hard to focus on anything that isn't the way he's teasing at the band of your panties, but the way Moni is staring at you is captivating. "Dog."
Namjoon freezes, hands disappearing from your skin, and he either doesn't hear or doesn't acknowledge your needy whine at the loss of contact. 
"What, what's wrong? Is that your safeword? What did I do?"
"No, Joon," You can barely hear yourself think over the stream of apologies pouring from his lips, and it isn't until you grip his shoulders and forcibly turn him to look at his dog that he shuts up. 
" Oh ," He whispers. "The dog." He clicks his tongue a couple of times and Moni hops down from the bed, though not without giving Namjoon the saddest eyes possible. Moni disappears down the hallway, probably to go lay on the couch, and Namjoon shuts the door behind him. "Sorry," he says bashfully. 
"Don't be sorry," You respond with a smile. " Do , however, fuck me until I can't move." 
A growl vibrates in his chest, surprising you, and you're bouncing atop his mattress before you can think. 
He doesn't say anything else, too focused on the way your folds feel against his tongue as he slides your robe up your thighs. Words are hardly possible for you when he makes you come the first time. Even less so when he turns you onto your hands and knees, presses your face into the mattress, and proceeds to pound into you so hard that the nightstand shakes. Still, your knees are made weak by something else entirely.
It's the tender awareness in his touch; he's firm and unyielding but so, so cautious, consistently testing your reactions before he continues. The way his voice - deepened and husky with desire - sounds in your ear when he asks if what he's doing is okay, if you like it, if you want to keep going. It's how he teases you gently about how wet you are - "God damn, is this all for me? You're so fucking wet, so slick and ready for me, sweetheart," -  the way he's so absolutely tuned in to your own needs and desires, the way he coaxes orgasm after orgasm out of you like it's second nature, his own high an afterthought when you've clenched too tight around him. 
It's the way he brings you water and some fruit afterward and gently cleans you up while you eat before sliding your robe carefully over the blossoming purple marks he sucked into your shoulders. It's the way he didn't close his bedroom door until yours clicked behind you. 
"This was the best idea I've ever had," you sigh happily to yourself as you drift off to sleep. 
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“So you’ve got a sir kink?” Namjoon asks several days later, face pressed into a microscope more expensive than your entire apartment building. He doesn’t look at you, even as you tear your eyes away from the computer screen in front of you to glance at him curiously. 
“I do,” You tell him. He shifts in his chair and you bite back a grin. “Is that a problem? We don’t have to use it.”
“No, it’s fine,” He says quickly. “Just thought it was interesting. I didn’t expect that from you.”
“Namjoon, we’ve only known each other for a couple of months, and in that time, we’ve hardly had a conversation about what kinks we enjoy and what we don’t. How would you expect anything?”
“Just...didn’t expect it, that’s all.” He’s quiet for a minute and a sliver of guilt lodges in your throat. You’re right, the two of you haven’t known each other for very long, especially not in a sexual manner, but you could’ve maybe phrased it better. 
“I’m sorry-”
“We should-”
Both of you stop midsentence, turning away from your work to laugh with each other. 
“You don’t have to apologize,” Namjoon says with a dimpled smile. “I know what you meant, and you’re right. We don’t know what the other enjoys, so we shouldn’t go into this with any expectations.”
“Maybe we should, though,” You say, marking a sequence that catches your eye so you’ll remember to come back and fully examine it later. “I mean, we can’t exactly fulfill our sexual needs without knowing what said needs are. For instance, how often do you orgasm every week?”
Something tumbles on Namjoon’s desk, and when you look over he’s got the microscope cradled carefully in his hands a few feet above the floor. 
“Uh...maybe twice,” He eventually says.
“Hm. Duly noted.” You turn back to the monitor in front of you, marking another sequence for inspection. 
“Well...how often do you orgasm each week?” He asks. His voice is hesitant, like he isn’t sure if he’s allowed to ask.
“Depends,” You tell him. “When I’m close to my period or ovulating, it’s usually once a day, if not twice, because my sex drive is higher, but otherwise it’s usually every other day or so.”
“But don’t worry, I’m more than willing to take care of myself on the nights where you need a break. I don’t expect you to keep up with my sex drive.”
“I mean...I could .”
You turn away from the monitor to look at him, quirking a brow. He quirks his own in return and you can’t help the way your eyes travel down his form. He’s wearing contacts instead of his glasses - always does during the workweek, since it’s easier to use a microscope that way - but the light purple shirt sets off the platinum blonde of his hair and his thighs strain against the material of his khakis. It all adds up to make him look absolutely delectable, especially since you know full well what’s hiding underneath those pants. 
“I could,” He repeats. “If you want me to.”
Your eyes meet his and you have no doubt he’s been eyeing you the same way you’ve been eyeing him. 
“I think it might be time for our lunch break, Mr. Kim,” You tell him, eyes darting to the clock on your desk. “I was thinking of going out to get something, would you like to join me?”
Namjoon is already standing and grabbing his jacket, and you would laugh at how eager he is if you weren’t the same way. You can already feel heat beginning to pool between your legs and the two of you rush out of the office in such a hurry that you hardly notice when you run straight into the mail cart. 
“Nice going, Slick!” Kihyun yells after you, and you wish you were ashamed of the way that your knees tremble at the reminder of how it felt to have Namjoon call you that while buried inside of your warmth. 
“They have no idea,” Namjoon mutters, fingers twisting with yours so he can pull you down a hallway and towards an unused office. “If they only knew just how slick you really are.”
You shiver and slam the door closed as Namjoon sinks to his knees. 
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The amount of times the two of you fuck at work is utterly ridiculous after that. You have an actual conversation with him about kinks and hard limits and soft limits and all that fun grown-up stuff that’s necessary of an adult relationship, of course, and that only adds to the fire between the two of you. 
He’s more than willing to let you call him Sir while you’re on your hands and knees in front of him, and you’re absolutely willing to ride him into oblivion in those moments when he doesn’t want to be in charge or when he’s had a hard day at work and just wants to relax. Those are your favorite times, actually; when he just sits on the couch and drives himself up into you while you’re fucking yourself back down onto him, eyes clenched shut as his hands glide up your spine and knead your ass. 
The slow, lazy way his hips meet yours is absolutely addictive, you can’t even lie, but you can’t deny that it’s the moment after you’ve both cum that are the real danger. When you’re both panting and spent, laying against the soft sheets on his bed or the cool leather of your couch, and his arm drapes around your torso for those few moments it takes him to regain his breath. 
It’s dangerous, so dangerous, because you’ve already agreed not to have feelings involved in this. You’re friends with benefits, nothing more and nothing less, and you cannot let yourself forget that. Not in the mornings when you wander out in his shirt to find that he’s made breakfast - ordered it, actually, but it’s the thought that counts - or when you walk into work together and he doesn’t hesitate to open the doors for you without even breaking stride, as if it’s second nature to do so. As if he’s used to it. 
It’s when the two of you are at the mall together that reality hits you in the face. 
You’re both on the hunt for different things; he’s got a birthday present he still has to buy and wants to pick up some new treats and sweaters for Moni, while you’re on the hunt for a new toaster to rival that of your old one - which you destroyed on accident by using a metal fork to dig a piece of bread out of. While it was plugged in. And hot. 
Your hands still sting a little, but the ER nurse was adamant that you would be alright. So long as you didn’t try to electrocute yourself again.
“Wait, so you’re not going to be here for New Year’s Eve?” You clarify, popping a piece of chocolate into your mouth. 
“No, I’m heading up to Taehyung’s cabin with the rest of the guys. It’s an annual thing, I don’t even remember how it got started,” Namjoon tells you as he peers into the window of some box store that you already know isn’t going to have anything Taehyung will like. 
“Hm, I guess it’s good I work then, so I can walk Moni.” 
Namjoon shoots you an odd look. “You don’t work, and Jackson’s watching Moni.”
“Uh...I’m pretty sure I work on New Year’s Eve, Namjoon. I would’ve made plans otherwise.”
“Slick, I’m exactly one hundred percent sure the office is closed for New Year’s because it is every year.” He sneaks a piece of chocolate and wrinkles his nose when he realizes it’s mint chocolate. 
“No, because my schedule says-” You start, pulling your phone out to open said schedule so you can show him just how wrong he is. “That I work the next morning. That’s why I didn’t make plans.”
Namjoon just smiles and taps at the screen. “That’s December, Slick. You’re looking at December first.”
You pull the phone back and stare at it, horror washing over you when you see that he’s right. 
You’re going to be spending New Year’s alone, for the first time in years, and loneliness fills you at that thought. Your parents are an entire plane ride away, on vacation for their retirement in some tropical paradise that you can’t remember the name of; your old friends are in an entirely different city, likely already with plans of their own, and you don’t know nearly enough people at work or outside of it to have any idea what people are doing. 
“Oh man,” Namjoon breathes, clearly oblivious to the sudden onset of loneliness that’s hit you. “I knew it was going to be hilarious, but I had no idea it was going to be this good .”
You look up to find him focused on his phone, camera pointing at something you can’t quite make out through the small screen. You follow the view, a reluctant smile breaking out when you spot Hope on the Street dancing along to some holiday song while dressed as an elf. 
“Isn’t that the news anchor that got in trouble for doing anal?” You ask. Namjoon cackles - there’s no other word for it, it’s a cackle - and nods. 
“Yeah, Hoseok’s been forced into doing this as a publicity stunt. We’ve all been looking forward to seeing him do it, too, but god , I had no idea it would be this funny to see. Hobi as a Christmas elf, can you imagine?”
“Oh, yeah, he’s a close friend of mine,” Namjoon says, eyes never straying from the video as he plays it back. “He’s gonna be at the cabin too, with his girlfriend Cat. There’s like seven of us who all grew up in the same little neighborhood, and we all kept pretty close as we got older. It’s like a little mini-family.”
“Oh,” You say softly. Namjoon tucks his phone back into his pocket and looks around, lighting up as he spots something else. “I didn’t know you knew Hope on the Street.”
“Yeah, he’s a dork,” Namjoon says as he pulls you towards some children’s store. “Come on, I think Yoongi’s working and I like to watch his little dance when he makes the hearts.”
You barely pay attention as Namjoon hurries into the toy store. You don’t join him inside, too busy lost in your own thoughts. 
You should’ve realized, you scold yourself. You should’ve known better. You got comfortable, you got complacent and happy, too enamored with the way Namjoon feels inside of you and the warmth of his hand in yours to realize that you’re still on the outside. 
He and his friends are all going up to some cabin, with their girlfriends apparently, to hang out and have fun together for New Year’s. He didn’t invite you. You’ve lost yourself in the fantasy and complacency of how warm he feels, how it feels like coming home whenever you see him, even when you knew better. 
You knew better than to get attached. You told yourself, every step of the way, not to get attached, don’t develop feelings, it’s just sex, and yet…
And yet your heart is breaking in your chest that he didn’t invite you along, that he didn’t even think to do so. It’s not even fair to him, it’s not his fault that you got too caught up in the domesticity and familiarity of him to remember that this isn’t serious. Why would he invite you? You’re his roommate, a coworker, the girl he fucks every so often. You aren’t his girlfriend, you aren’t anyone important to his friends. 
You’re just the roommate. 
“Hey, look at this bear I made, it’s got a little microscope and everything! It’s perfect for-”
“Sorry,” You interrupt, ignoring the way Namjoon’s smile dims ever so slightly. “I just realized that I’ve got to finish up some analyses before the office closes for the holiday, I’ve gotta go do that. But it’s cute, Moni’ll love it.”
“Okay.” Namjoon’s voice is hushed, and his brows are drawn together. He can obviously tell something’s off, but if you’re lucky, maybe he won’t be able to pinpoint exactly what. “I’ll see you at home then.”
“Yeah, I’ll see you back at the apartment,” You say quickly, not even looking at him as you hurry off the other way. 
You just need space, you tell yourself. You just need some distance so you can get your emotions under control. You can’t be around him when all you want to do is kiss him senseless and tell him how much you want to wake up in his bed forever, how you never want to miss another walk with Moni. He can’t know. 
He won’t know.
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"I fucked up."
"You're going to have to be more specific," Jimin’s voice says from the other end of the phone. 
Namjoon groans, resisting the urge to slam his head back against the cabinets. He's standing in the kitchen now, staring longingly at the fridge and whatever food it may contain, because you’re out grocery shopping now, and he would love for you to come back to a hot meal, but there’s a reason you’re grocery shopping this late at night.
"You remember how in college everyone teased me because I'm terrible at one-night stands and I bet Hobi a week's groceries that I totally could?"
"Yes," Jimin says slowly. Something clinks on the other end of the line, and Namjoon wonders what Jimin’s having for dinner. His stomach rumbles in response and he heaves himself across the kitchen to dig through the fridge while Jimin continues. "I also remember how you spent weeks pining over said one-night stand while Hoseok filled the cupboards with every single thing he thought he could get away with buying. Why are you bringing that up now?"
Namjoom stays quiet but hums in victory as he unearths a pizza that isn’t too terribly old. “How long can pizza live in the fridge before it would kill me if I ate it?”
“If you have to ask that question, it’s been too long,” Jimin tells him. Namjoon debates, eyeing the pizza before deciding it looks fine and turning the oven on before sliding the pizza in. “Now, why are you bringing up one night stands and then pizza?”
"You remember how that new girl started at work a few months ago and we ate lunch together and then nearly got fired?"
"Yes, I distinctly remember writing you notes on takeout containers for weeks reminding you not to put foil in the microwave. What does-" Jimin stops, and Namjoon gets the distinct impression that if they were having this conversation in person, he’d be getting the Look. "Joon, tell me you didn't."
"I didn't have a one night stand with her," Namjoon assures him. 
"Good," Jimin says, heaving a sigh of relief. "God only knows what would happen with a one night stand with your roommate-"
"We're friends with benefits." 
Jimin chokes on whatever he’s eating and Namjoon winces sympathetically. 
"It's not that bad," The elder says before Jimin can scold him. "We're very sexually compatible. And she's amazing, Jimin, you don't even know-"
"Joon, isn't this the same girl you spent an entire four hours talking about the day she started working with you?"
"Yeah, so?"
The blonde gives a heavy sigh. Namjoon knows the younger well enough to know he’s shaking his head right now. 
"Please be careful, Namjoon," Jimin eventually says. 
"Oh, don't worry, we've both been tested, and we use condoms every time, there's nothing to worry about."
"That's not the kind of careful I mean," Jimin sighs. He's quiet for a minute as he eats and Namjoon waits for his pizza to be heated enough to eat. "Why do you say you fucked up if you’ve been careful?”
“I…” He hesitates. “I don’t know. I think she’s upset with me. We were at the mall the other day and it was fine, we were laughing at how Hobi looks dressed as an elf-”
“God that video was hilarious -”
“Right?!” They both laugh a little, fondly remembering the sight, before Namjoon sobers. “And then she just...changed. She got all quiet and skittish and ran off before I could give her the bear I made. She didn’t even look at it.”
“And it just happened out of nowhere? What were you talking about?”
“How she’s off work for New Year’s and I’m heading up to the cabin so she doesn’t have to watch Moni or anything, and then I saw Yoongi doing that dance at the store so I wanted to go watch him, and-” He stops, eyes focused on the air in front of him. 
“Joon? You good?”
“Hypothetically speaking,” He begins, a realization hitting him all at once, “What would happen if I put a pizza in the oven to reheat without taking it out of the box?”
“Oh my fucking god, Namjoon, get it out!”
There’s a flurry of smoke while Namjoon does just that and rushes to open the window so he can let some of the smoke out before you get back home. Jimin’s still berating him - albeit fondly - when he picks the phone back up. 
“It’s fine,” Namjoon says quickly, “It’s cool, nothing’s actually on fire anymore. And the pizza’s warm!”
“Oh my god, how have you survived this long.” Namjoon smiles at Jimin’s words; he gets a lot of shit for being wildly unobservant, but he knows that the others love him dearly. Why else would they still talk to him? Really, after the incident with the tub at Jungkook’s apartment, it’s truly a miracle he still has friends, and love is the only explanation. 
“But seriously, I don’t know what I did with Slick. Do you think I was too...obvious?”
“Namjoon,” Jimin says seriously. “If this girl is anything like you, and based on that time she tried to screenshot a crack in phone screen I’m inclined to believe she is, then I think the issue is that you aren’t being obvious enough . You said she got all weird after you mentioned the cabin, right?”
“Yeah. I thought she’d be happy that she wouldn’t be stuck with Moni, but-”
“Did you consider that since she thought she was working, she doesn’t have any other plans and is now stuck in the apartment by herself since she just moved here recently?”
“Oh.” Guilt surges through him as the door opens and your voice echoes that you picked up some takeout while you were gone. “I gotta go.”
“Ah-ah,” Jimin says quickly. “My payment?”
“Yes, Jimin, I love you dearly, you are the light of my life, I would never have survived this long were it not for your sage wisdom, I owe you my firstborn.”
“Much better! Some of the others could learn from you.” Jimin’s laugh continues long after he’s hung up, Namjoon is sure of it. 
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You aren’t sure why the apartment smells like smoke when you get back, but you decide not to question it and just be grateful you had the foresight to pick up some takeout on your way back from the store. 
 When you get into the kitchen, Namjoon is there, with a smoking pizza box on the stove beside him. He’s not in his work clothes; instead, he looks comfortable and cozy in some sweats and a faded tee with his glasses halfway down his nose. Your heart lurches painfully in your chest at the sight and you force yourself to remember that he isn’t yours . 
“Hey! Did you hear me? I got takeout, since I figured neither of us wanted to cook. And I’m glad I did, what’s with the smoke?” A thought strikes you as you set the bags on the table. “Oh no, did you try to use the toaster? I told you not to, it got weird after that night with the fork, we need to replace it.”
“Do you wanna go to the cabin?” 
You freeze, halfway to the fridge to put away the ice cream that he likes. “What?” You ask. 
“The cabin. Do you want to go with me for New Year’s Eve, with everyone?” Namjoon takes the ice cream and finishes your journey for you, sticking it in the freezer without a second thought. “If you don’t want to take advantage of a quiet apartment, that is. You’re welcome to join, and I figured that was obvious, but then I realized that it may not be, so I wanted to offer.”
“With you and all of your friends? I don’t really... know any of them.” 
“That’s fine, they’re not that bad. They’re all pretty friendly, once you get to know them at least.” Namjoon says as he takes some vegetables out of your hands to put them in the fridge as well. “And I have no doubt that the others are going to bring some of their friends. Yoongi’s girlfriend will be there, she seems sweet. And Cat and Star are always nice, you’d love them.” 
You hesitate, though you aren’t sure why. This is what you wanted, so why doesn’t it make you happy?
“Besides, they’ll all be happy to have another friend around to bother. Jin loves to feed people.” Namjoon flashes his dimples at you and your heart does something complex that you can’t explain. There’s the rush of excitement and the skipped beat that always comes with his dimples, but it twists and clenches as well. Because of course, he’s just taking you as a friend. 
You’re friends. And that’s fine. If you repeat yourself enough times then you’ll believe it. You have to. 
“Yeah, sure!” You say with a grin. “I’d like that. They always sound so fun, it’ll be nice to meet them for real.”
Namjoon beams and helps you put the rest of the groceries away before you both settle in to eat. It’s not anything fancy, simple and quick and just enough to get the two of you through the night so that you didn’t have to cook. You chat about work as you do, a few sequences that might prove promising if you can work them the right way. 
It’s afterward, as you’re both curled up on opposite sides of the couch while some nature documentary plays in the background, that you notice it. 
He’s been fidgety all night, even before you left to get the food, and you didn’t think anything of it before. But now he’s even worse, hands rubbing along his thighs nervously while he shoots you look after look, which you have no doubt he thinks you don’t notice. 
“What is up with you?” You ask him eventually, ignoring the way some bug is eating another bug’s head onscreen. 
“Nothing,” he says in a rush. “Just...ready for bed.”
“Then go to bed.” You say it like it’s obvious, because it is. If he’s so ready to sleep, then he should go; neither of you has ever expected the other to stay up and watch TV together. You’re individuals.
“Okay,” he says softly, adjusting his glasses as he stands. He gets all the way to his bedroom door before he comes back, hovering awkwardly in the hall entrance for several seconds before he finally sits back down on the couch. Now, however, he’s sitting with his thigh pressed against yours, the heat radiating through the shorts you’re wearing and searing into your skin. 
He’s still fidgety, still uneasy for some reason, and it’s as you turn to ask him what the hell’s going on that he pulls you into a kiss. It’s soft and lingering and it makes your stomach flip in all the ways it isn’t supposed to. 
“If you wanted to have sex, you should have just said so,” You whisper against his lips. You can feel it more than hear it as he starts to say something and then cuts himself off with a sigh. 
“I wanna be inside you,” he says instead. “Please.”
Heat pools between your legs, even at such simple words, and you find yourself nodding. He kisses you again, frantic and much more heated than before, and you can already tell what it’ll be like tonight. 
You’re right, too; it’s quick and dirty. You don’t even make it to the bed, not at first. He cages you against the wall in the hallway and slides a hand between your bodies to start to draw your first orgasm out. It’s the whine from the dog that makes you realize where you are, pulling apart long enough to stare at where Moni sits at the hallway entrance, head cocked to the side and watching you with a confused stare. 
That gets you into the bedroom, the door shut behind you as you fall together onto the bed. The two of you barely get your clothes off before Namjoon’s sliding inside of you and groaning at the feeling. 
“Fuck, Slick, you’re so wet,” he whispers against your skin as he thrusts. You can hardly make words, too focused on the way he fits inside of you and the absolute certainty that you cannot say a single word running through your head. 
Not that you’re in love with the way he holds your hips so gently as he thrusts, not how he whispers praise and adoration against you with every press of his lips to your skin, and certainly not how you want to stay like this forever. That you’re absolutely positive you’ve broken the cardinal rules of being fuckbuddies. 
Don’t get feelings. 
But you were a fool, anyway. Because it’s easy to break rules, especially when you go into it with feelings. 
The first orgasm hits you with a shockwave, and with the way Namjoon hits your g-spot, it’s followed by a second shortly after. Your hands claw into the sheets as he fills the condom, and it only takes a minute for him to clean himself up enough to relax in the bed beside you, but you hardly notice; you’re too busy adjusting to the emptiness that you’re left with now that he isn’t inside you, the yearning that fills you down to your bones with the need to be wrapped up in his arms and cradled to his chest as you both drift to sleep.
You force yourself up before you can get comfortable, fatigue sweeping through your bones. 
“I’m, uh, I’m gonna go shower,” You tell him. It’s a feat to keep your voice neutral, but you think you manage. “And then head to bed, I think. Uh, thanks. For the orgasms.”
The door to the bathroom closes behind you before he can even get a word out, and you force the image of his confused face out of your mind as you turn the water on. It takes every part of you to resist the urge to linger in the hot spray for longer than you need to be there, but you manage. 
By the time you’re slipping into bed, the light in Namjoon’s room is off and you can hear Moni settling into bed beside Namjoon. You can practically see them, curled up together all warm and settled in together. Content. 
You slip between your own sheets and wrap the fluffy blanket around you. Emotions are swirling in your gut and you do your best to ignore them all. You don’t need to focus on the way you want to be there with them, the way you want to curl your body into his with Moni between you, just the way he likes on the couch. 
“This is the worst idea I’ve ever had,” You tell yourself with a sigh as you try to fall asleep in your lonely bed. 
You don’t know that across the hall, Namjoon lays awake with Moni beside him, wondering how he fucked up so badly that you’re not in his arms anymore. He’d have every intention to tell you about his feelings. He wanted to end this friends-with-benefits thing, put it to rest so that he could take you out for real. So you could be together , for real. 
But you’d just bolted the second he was collapsing onto the bed, like you were running from something, and he wasn’t about to keep you here when you don’t want to be here. 
Still, he thinks as Moni burrows under the blankets to get closer to him, he can’t help but wish you were up against him as well, with your breathing steady and quiet as you sleep and he can feel your chest move with it. 
He just really wishes that you wanted that too.
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The drive to the cabin is uneventful. You and Namjoon talk about work most of the way, chatting amicably about a few things that got corrupted in the data that have been frustrating to rebuild and how excited Moni was to see Jackson when he picked the pup up that day. 
You’re only a little nervous when you spot the wooden sign specifying that it belongs to the Kims. You’ve heard a lot of stories about Namjoon’s friends, seen one or two in passing when they come by the apartment to see Namjoon, though you tend to give them space when that happens. 
Still, nothing could ever compare to the welcome that greets you. There’s some kind of karaoke going on, with Taehyung and Star watching from the couch. There are crutches propped up nearby and you wonder what the story is there for the few seconds before your attention is drawn to the kitchen, where who you assume is Seokjin is scolding someone for shoving entirely too many cookies into their mouth. You catch sight of someone - blonde, giggling, followed by a sweet-looking girl - run out of the kitchen with his cheeks puffed out and crumbs on his lips, and you shoot Namjoon a look. 
“Jimin,” He explains with a grin. “C’mon, let’s go claim the den before someone else can get to it.”
That night is hectic, to say the least. Namjoon was right when he said his friends are welcoming, though; everyone is friendly and talkative - except for Pumpkin, Seokjin’s best friend who genuinely looks like she’s about to murder someone for the few moments that you see her during dinner but Namjoon assures you “That’s just her face, I promise.” Even when the boys get to reminiscing about the days they spent in that cul-de-sac, they include everyone else in their stories. 
Especially fun is when they all come up with theories about why Cat and Hobi are late, and while from what you’ve heard so far tonight, you agree with the proposal that they’re probably fucking, you still feel a sliver of worry for them. 
It’s the mention of sex that gets your stomach churning, though. Because Namjoon shoots you a knowing look, the same one he gets when you wear those ultra-short shorts around the house that he adores, and you already know what he wants. You can’t even say you don’t want it, too, because you don’t think you could ever turn down the opportunity to have him like that. It’s just so bittersweet when it ends-
“I’m going to start on dessert,” Seokjin states as he gathers plates. Yoongi and Peaches are gone in record time, and Taehyung and Star follow not long after, though it takes considerably longer with the way Taehyung helps her. Seokjin calls after them all that he’ll have dessert ready in a little while, and Namjoon shoots you another look when Jimin and Pumpkin don’t move from the table. 
“C’mon,” Namjoon whispers, grabbing your hand and urging you down the hallway. “Get our bags, we’re gonna steal Jin’s room.”
“That doesn’t seem like the best idea,” You whisper in return, though you do in fact grab the bags as he directs. “Isn’t that also Pumpkin’s room? Are we sure she won’t murder us?”
“No, it’ll be fine, Jin would never let her.” The thought isn’t as comforting as Namjoon means it to be, but you manage to get your bags in the room and their bags out without anyone the wiser. 
You realize your mistake too late. This room only has one bed. A singular sleeping area. The den has couches, you would have been fine, but you can’t sleep here. You can’t share the bed with Namjoon; it’s entirely too dangerous. Getting to see him still completely sleep soft, warm against you as the two of you doze in the early morning light? 
There would be no coming back from that. 
The thought leaves nearly as quick as it enters, driven away by the slide of Namjoon’s arms as he wraps them around you. 
"Do you want it, Slick?" His voice is deep and rumbling, almost a purr in your ear, and it makes your knees weak. It's truly ridiculous how easy it is for him to rile you up, but fuck , can you really complain?
Except you can, because it's not what you want. It's not everything you want. You can't ask for more, though, not when he doesn't want to give it.
His hands snake towards the waistband of your pants - fancy grey pinstriped pants that you bought specifically because Namjoon told you that Seokjin has a fancy dress code for New Year's Eve - and your heart jumps up into your throat. You spin in his arms, doing your best to look enthusiastic. 
"I want to blow you," You tell him as you sink to your knees. He leans back against the wall and quirks a brow, but he nods his agreement.
You set to work almost immediately; you're determined to make this the best blowjob of his life. It's the least you can do. You don't tell him that, though; you can't tell him. Not this. Not that you're so deeply entrenched in your feelings for him that you're afraid if you don't get out now you won't be able to. Not that you can't bear to have him touch you because you're afraid of what will come out of your mouth, what you might say or reveal that he doesn't want to know. 
Not when you're going to have to end this, as you decided while laying in bed two nights ago, cold and exhausted and utterly alone. 
You focus again on Namjoon, reminding yourself to pay attention. His dick is big - big enough that your fingers can only barely meet when you wrap them around it, but it means your jaw aches deliciously when you go down on him, and you adore the feeling of it in your throat.
So you swallow him down completely, burying him to the hilt with one swift movement. You've been practicing, and it has clearly paid off if the choked moan that escapes him is any indication. His hands tangle in your hair, not pulling or pushing but instead just sitting there and moving with you as you pull off just to bury him again. 
You look up and are pleased to find that his eyes are screwed shut, jaw clenched tight against the moans building inside of his chest. But that won't do at all. The best blowjob of his life can't possibly be one where he doesn't even look at you.
To rectify the situation, you bring one hand up to tease at his balls, squeezing ever so slightly in the way you know he likes as you swallow around his cock. He does moan then, fingers clenching in your hair as he opens his eyes to look down at you. 
"Fuck, just like that, Slick," He pleads. "Again, please again, it's perfect." You comply, humming an affirmative around his dick that makes him shudder before you swallow around him again. "God, fuck , you're so fucking perfect. Fucking amazing, the best, I can't believe I get to have this-"
Namjoon continues, mumbling in and out of coherency as you bop your head up and down on his cock. He's thick and heavy in your mouth and it feels like heaven on your tongue - it always does - and just when you think you can never get enough-
"Fuck, I love you so much, Slick, you're a god damn angel."
You pull off his dick, staring wide-eyed at him. Namjoon whines and looks down at you, clearly not comprehending what's just come out of his mouth.
"Fuck," He mutters. "Fuck, shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...I don't...I'm so sorry I didn't want you to know, especially not like this. Shit. "
"Are you serious?" You ask as you stand back up. Namjoon makes a belated movement to help steady you, blood flowing back into your calves from where you were kneeled down for a while, but he stops himself. He doesn't even look at you, really, instead staring out the window nearby. "Namjoon, seriously. Did you mean that?"
"I mean…" He hesitates, rubbing a hand over his jaw. "Yeah. I did. I do. It's still new so I can't be entirely sure, but I think that's what this is." 
He heaves a sigh and tucks himself back into his slacks before moving to sit on the bed, one hand running through his platinum hair. 
"You weren't supposed to know," He mutters. "I thought I could keep it a secret. I didn't want to make it weird between us since you don't…" 
"Since I don't...feel the same?" You ask as you sit beside him. "You really...care about me like that?"
"Yeah," Namjoon whispers with a grin. It's fond and sweet and everything you've ever wanted and it's so unbearably familiar because it's how he's always looked at you. "Ever since we almost burned the lab down, I think."
"Same," You breathe, and you can't deny the way that you love the light that sparks in his eyes at that. "Ever since you ate the vegetables out of my rice and gave me your eggrolls." 
"Are you-"
"Yeah," You say with a laugh. "I guess we're kind of both at fault for this, then."
"Can I…" Namjoon trails off, searching for the words he wants. His hands move to wrap around yours, lacing your fingers together as he gives you a smitten smile. "We've been fucking for a while. As you know. But would you do me the honor of letting me make love to you?" 
You gulp, an audible and atrocious thing, because his words send a surge of desire straight to your core. He's right, you have been fucking, because that's the only thing the two of you can call it. You don't make eye contact, you don't sleep over, there are rules , but god, the two of you break everything else, so why not this?
"Please," You whisper.  
His lips are on yours in an instant, his hands following quickly after to strip your clothes off. You can't be sure when his clothes join the pile on the floor, just that one moment your fists are clenched in his shirt and the next, you're raking your nails down his bare back as he sucks purple marks into your neck. 
"God, you're beautiful," He mutters. "Fucking divine." 
"Then I match you, don't I?" You whisper. Two of his fingers slide into you, and both of you moan at the feeling. He glides them against your walls, teasing that one spot inside of you that he knows you adore, and you whine a little.
"Patience, my dear," He chuckles. When you whine again he grins, dimples making your stomach flip. "Alright then, Slick. Let me get a condom."
"No," You say quickly. "We've been exclusive, right? No risk or anything like that. I've got the implant. 98% effective. I want…"
"Say it, love," Namjoon breathes, eyes never leaving yours. 
"I want to feel you. Please." He nods at your words and settles between your thighs once more. Your breath hitches in your throat at the thought of what's to come. 
"Tell me if you want to stop," he says as he presses kisses to your neck, up your throat, and across your cheeks. He does it all to distract you as he slides inside, but he doesn't need to. You've been fucking him for months now, you know exactly how big he is, and you're more than ready for it. 
What you aren't ready for is the way his skin feels against your walls, how you can feel every pulse and throb of his cock inside you. It's better than anything you've ever felt, beyond any descriptors you could find, and it only gets better as he slides out and then back in. 
His pace is slow but steady, a rhythmic glide to it that's making you obscenely wet. It's a stark contrast to the gentle way he kisses you, the softness of his lips against yours. The sound of his skin hitting yours fills the room as he breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against yours. 
"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me," You tell him, sliding your hands along every inch of skin you can get. 
Nothing is loud enough to mask the sound of the door opening, however, and when you glance over you can see that Hoseok and Cat have apparently finished whatever the fuck it was they were doing. 
You shy back, doing your best to cover yourself from their eyes, but Namjoon's pace doesn't falter. 
" Taken ," He growls. He doesn't even break eye contact as he does so, and the way his hand tightens on your hip makes you think he isn't just talking about the bedroom. 
Thankfully the couple disappears after that, closing the door behind them as they go, and it flips a switch inside Namjoon somehow. 
His pace speeds up, pistoning in and out of you mercilessly. He starts to angle his hips, searching until you finally cry out with your back arching up off the bed itself. He just smiles and continues to hit that spot, one hand moving to support your back while the other rubs teasing circles into your clit. 
"That's it, love," he purrs. "Wanna watch you come for me like this. Let yourself fall apart on my cock, Slick, I'll be right here. I've got you." 
You really wish you could figure out what exactly it is he does then; some kind of swivel of his hips while his fingers do some complicated twist or something, you have no doubt, but nevertheless, it's got you unraveling underneath him. You clench around him, harder than you ever have, and you can feel the sheets soaking underneath you from the strength of your orgasm. 
It takes barely two more thrusts for Namjoon to come as well, stilling slightly as his cum hits your walls for the first time. It's warm and you can feel it settling inside of you, but you can't say you don't enjoy it. 
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You're both panting, out of breath and exhausted and having worked all the food Seokjin made out of your system. Namjoon disappears for a few seconds before returning with a warm cloth to clean you up; his hands are tender as he does so, and you find yourself falling even deeper. 
After a quick power nap and an even quicker quickie - because Namjoon insisted that it wasn't fair that you got to go down on him but he didn't get to go down on you - the two of you mingle with the others. Hoseok and Cat fit seamlessly into the group, filling a space you hadn't realized was missing during dinner. It's obvious to you, as you lean against the kitchen island and watch them all, just how much this group loves each other. Even the newcomers, like the new girlfriends, are absorbed so perfectly into the existing group that it's as if they never left.
Hell, even Pumpkin is smiling a little, although you can't be sure it's not just because Seokjin looks Like That. 
"Ooh, icing," Namjoon says as he comes to join you in the kitchen. Seokjin barely gets a chance to say anything as Namjoon drags his thumb across the white droplet and sucks it into his mouth. 
The baker looks horrified, and you wish you knew why. Namjoon agrees, based on the look on his face. 
"What?" Namjoon asks. "It was good." Seokjin's face is as pale as it can possibly get when he waves Namjoon away, and you have a sneaking suspicion of just what your boyfriend put in his mouth. 
You don't bother to hide your smile as said boyfriend comes over to you and hands you a glass of champagne.
"What are you so happy about?" He asks teasingly.
"You," You tell him honestly. It's worth it when he ducks his head, shy smile making his dimples stand out even as he tries to hide it. "I adore you."
Namjoon doesn't respond, just kisses you. He breaks away for a few minutes, saying something to someone else, and when the clock strikes midnight, he presses another gentle kiss to your lips.
"What are you wishing for?" He asks. 
"Midnight wishes? Really?" You tease. He cocks a brow and you smile. "I don't need to wish for anything. I got everything I wanted this year." 
"Really? Everything?" 
You nod, straightening his tie ever so slightly. "And what about you? What are you wishing for?"
"Oh, that's easy." He wraps an arm around you and grins. "For you to finally accept the bear I made you that day in the mall."
"Moni loves that thing, I couldn't possibly take it from him."
"But it's got a microscope! And a lab coat!"
Well then," You tell him, dropping your voice so the others won't hear. "I suppose you'll have to make me another." 
He glances over to where Yoongi and Peaches stand and then back to you. 
"Covert mission to also get another for Jisoo?"
"Glad we're on the same page here," You tell him with a smile.
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trensu · 5 years
Episode 27: The One where I Want to Punch Basically Every Sect Leader in the Face. Repeatedly. With a Chair.
And we start off back in the rain, AKA OUR ENDLESS TEARS
Wwx is like, do you remember our promise?
Wwx: i wished to stand with justice and live without regrets. But tell me now, who’s strong, who’s weaker? Who’s right and who’s wrong?
Lwj: wei ying! 
Oh god, his voice! HE’S DISTRESSED
Wwx: is this the promise we pledged our lives to keep?
Oh, look, lwj is doing the deathgrip of gay yearning on bichen again. We haven’t seen that in awhile AND I WISH WE WEREN’T SEEING IT NOW
Okay, but for real, how can lwj look so hurt here when the actor is literally doing nothing with his face??
I know i’ve mentioned that before, BUT C’MON, HOW?? HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK??
Wwx: my only regret is that i didn’t stop the jin clan who took living people as bait
And now wwx is all, i missed my chance to protect wen ning before so now i MUST leave to save him
Oh no
Oh noooo
He’s pulling out his demon flute. We’re gonna get THAT SCENE
Wwx: lan zhan, if i finally have to fight them, i’d prefer to fight with you
Wwx: if i am doomed to die, at least i can be killed by you. That would be worth it.
Oh god, he’s doing the bichen deathgrip again
He tears his gaze away from wwx and turns to the side TO LET THEM ALL GO PAST
And now he drops his umbrella to the ground AS HE TRIES TO DROWN HIMSELF IN THE RAIN
And after all that emotional torture we get Plot Stuff happening
Blah blah wwx at the burial mounds blah blah sect leader banquet blah blah
Ugh, gross, they’re letting the idiot sect leaders talk again
They’re all blah blah wwx is evil blah blah he murders ppl blah blah we hate him blah blah
This whole part here is so difficult to watch. They’re literally just trash-talking my PRECIOUS SUNSHINE BOY
Jc, lwj, and lxc look visibly uncomfortable with what’s going down and they kind of sort of tried to defend wwx but they didn’t present a united front or hold their ground
Instead they let yao and ouyang run their stupid mouths
Here’s little itty bitty bits of almost wangxiantics in the middle of this mess
Jgs: yeah, jc, i know wwx is your trusted bro and all but idk if wwx actually respects your authority. Do something about it, maybe
Lwj: *subtly glares at jgs*
And then everyone joins in on dragging wwx’s name through the mud bc apparently that’s the hot new thing in the cultivator world
If you look closely while this is happening, you can see that lwj legit GRINDS HIS TEETH with how much he’s holding back. MY POOR BB HAVING TO SIT THERE AND LISTEN TO EVERYONE DISPARAGE HIS SOULMATE
Jgs: wwx totally doesn’t respect you, jc, my bro. Everyone here heard him say how much he thinks you suck or whatever
Lwj: No I didn’t.
Jgs: what??
Lwj: i never heard wei ying say that, nor did i see him disrespect clan leader jiang
And ugh, disgusting, jgy steps in to be all “oh, well, wwx said so many awful things that day, who can possibly remember the specifics?”
Lwj visibly swallows here, as if he’s choking back a response, and his lips are all pursed. 
That’s all the wangxiantics we get from that terrible awful sect leader banquet
Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute! 
This isn’t a wangxiantic
But it is an EPIC MOMENT that should be commemorated.
Because here we get…
*drum roll*
Jz: blah blah wwx kills our people indiscriminately blah blah
Mm: not indiscriminately
Mm: indiscriminate is not accurate
And everyone around her is like, confused and offended because they’re assholes
Mm: in this specific case, if the overseers did abuse the Wen prisoners and kill wen ning, then what wwx did was not “killing indiscriminately”
Ouyang: nah, the overseers said they never abused/killed anyone
(okay, she didn’t call him an idiot outright or swear, but it was totally there in her tone of voice and also ouyang is an idiot so there)
Mm: you all think you’re so smart and voice your opinions so loudly
And she throws down her jin robes and mARCHES RIGHT OUT OF THAT SHITHOLE WITH HER HEAD HELD HIGH
Lwj watches her do that and two seconds later follows her out bC HE RECOGNIZES BADASSERY WHEN HE SEES IT (and also she defended the love of his life)
And that badass moment ends
But the banquet of idiots keeps going
The jin clan needs to learn how to shut the fuck up
God, they just go on and on and on
Why are they torturing me like this
We see lwj and mm standing together on a terrace, talking to each other
Oh, side note to let you all know this direct quote from nmj - “that girl really has a backbone.”
Okay nmj, i’m slightly less angry at you now. I won’t try to beat you with bichen or a table or a chair.
(but now i kinda wish mm would join the nie clan. I think she’d do well there and also i want to see her carry a gigantic saber)
We get some chitchat with the Official Bros™ but idc let’s move on 
(tho i do appreciate the look nmj gives jgy, like, HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME lolol)
Ooooh, now we’re getting lan fam time
ANGRY lan fam time, uh oh.
Lqr: lwj, have you regretted it? I didn’t punish you when you broke into the Forbidden Chamber bc i thought you’d self-reflect 
Lqr: you shouldn’t have gone to qiongqi way and let wwx go. Should you make one mistake after another?
And lwj is kneeling in front of him this whole time with a blank face
Lqr: what’s the use of getting you to memorize the Great Big Book of Lan Fam Rules?? Tell me, what is rule 52?
Lwj: No association with evil
He answers immediately and without any inflection to his voice.
Lqr: did you forget what happened to your father???
Lwj practically gasps and lifts his gaze to meet his uncle head-on
Lwj: my mother, she…!
Lqr: hold your tongue!
And just like that, lwj shuts down again; expression flat and gaze lowered
Basically the entire lan clan needs to go to therapy, like, STAT
Oh, i just noticed, lwj has his fists clenched at his sides. He’s clenching them hard, too. I think they’re trembling a bit, actually…
Lqr: i’ve been taking care of you since you were a kid; you’re like my son.i was strict bc i wanted you to stick to the right path and avoid your father’s tragedy
Lqr: that’s what i wanted to say to you. I hope you choose the right path. You may leave.
Lwj still bows respectfully before taking his leave
And i’m sure y’all are wondering, hey trensu, why did you make us endure that angry lan fam time that hurt us deep in our soul?? That wasn’t wangxiantic at all!
That’s where you're wrong, my friends!
It’s actually SUPER wangxiantic bc lqr kept drawing parallels to lwj’s dad the practically whole time
You know, the dad that married their mother who murdered some guy and had the whole world turn against her. 
(Sound familiar?)
The same mother that dad loved with his entire being and did what he could to keep her safe from the ramifications of her actions? By marrying her? And hiding her in the cloud recesses?
Bc, you know, that’s a totally hetero comparison to make lol
Oh, now we get to see our favorite Disaster Het be less of a disaster
We’re not going into detail here bc we’re not here for hetero shenanigans, yuck (actually, i’m apparently weak to Pining Idiots of all kinds bc this whole jzx/jyl scene is giving me tender feelings)
Also, how the HELL did jzx end up being the one who was able to express his intentions clearly? He was all “please don’t go to the burial mounds, stay here with me so i can protect you from all who would want to hurt you”
Jzx accomplished this before you did, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED.
Huh, okay, i guess i did go into a bit of detail with that hetero nonsense. Oh well.
Now we’re at the burial mounds again with wwx
Lol, wwx is all if you don’t let go i’ll plant you like a turnip
And a-yuan plops himself down in the dirt like YOUR THREATS DON’T WORK ON ME, OLD MAN, I LIKE BEING IN THE DIRT
Then he asks wwx for 3 elder brothers and 2 elder sisters, awwww. He thinks wwx can grow them in the garden (like cabbage patch kids!!!)
Plot stuff happens
Blah blah wwx and wq share moment blah blah jc shows up blah blah
Jc sees that glowing talisman door thing and is like THAT SIGN WON’T STOP ME BC I CAN’T READ
And then whips it down with zidian
Now we get some feelings-laden Yunmeng bros time
A-yuan shows up and leg-grabs jc and it’s ADORABLE
But jc yells at him bc he’s a JERK
Wwx scolds jc and then is a Dad to a-yuan: don’t put your hand in your mouth, you were just touching dirt!
Awww, we get to see jc fight back a smile at this! HE WANTS TO BE AN UNCLE, I JUST KNOW IT.
Plot plot plot stuff happens
More plot stuff happens
And the episode ends with us still in the burial mounds with the yunmeng bros
And you know what, i’m just gonna focus on our BAMF mianmian moment bc quite frankly the rest of the episode either had me in tears of anguish or spitting mad. There was no inbetween. 
I’m gonna end up having blood pressure problems at this rate.
I’m too poor young to have blood pressure problems.
The Jin clan better pay for any medical bills I get because of them, I'm just saying
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redrobin-detective · 5 years
Great Zuko Hunt 2
Anyway the sequel (which I’m NOT writing goddammit) to We’ll Meet Again, Some Sunny Day would involve.
- Gaang (and Iroh) guilt tripping Zuko into helping them find Appa since they spent most of the day trying to find Zuko. Ashamed and honor bound (also trying to get a break from Uncle who’s being way too clingy all of a sudden) Zuko agrees. Find the bison and wipe his hands of the Avatar forever. 
- He makes some half hearted threats to capture them but he’s not that into it anymore and it doesn’t help his supposed victims keep looking at him like he’s an annoying child. (”I’m going to drag the Avatar back to the Fire Nation in chains,” Zuko explained, trying to work up a proper rage. “Enough of that, now hang up more posters,” Katara rolled her eyes. He dutifully began hanging them.)
- Begins hesitant, awkward conversations with the Gaang and it’s stilted and weird but it’s better than they ever have communicated before?? We like this Zuko SO much better than angry ponytail Zuko. Sokka and Zuko get into a very loud, passionate discussion on swords. Sokka asks for tips and Zuko agrees only to remember they’re the enemy but oops no take backs, now he has a student. (He doesn’t see Aang rubbing his palms, visions of Zuko teaching his firebending cheering up his Appa depression)
- They run afoul Jet again. A Jet who doesn’t remember his past with Zuko and feels bad he apparently maybe almost got the guy killed. Also he’s seriously cute no wonder past him was stalking the guy. Cue flirty Jet, oblivious Zuko who thinks Jet’s trying to expose him again, overprotective Gaang protecting his innocence. Jet stops gently running a finger down Zuko’s arm to explain he knows where Appa is. “No thanks, I already know where he is. Now go get a job you bum.” Jet leaves, heartbroken and promises to turn himself around to be good enough for the hot tea serving boy. Twice now the Dai Li’s sleeper agent has failed them so they cut him loose from their plans.
- Speaking of the Dai Li they are ??? so confused why the Avatar has attached themselves to no name refugees from the Lower Ring. Do they know each other?? Do they just really like tea? Was that Jet kid right and they ARE Firebenders?? No, the Avatar wouldn’t let Firebenders roam free in the city much less walk arm in arm with one (Zuko’s just really tired and Aang pulled out the puppy-walrus eyes and maybe if he doesn’t acknowledge the contact no one else will). Nothing’s made sense since those kids came to the city. 
- “Thanks for getting rid of Jet also when were you going to mention you knew where Appa was the whole time,” Sokka screeches. “Oh right, I probably should have mentioned that a while ago,” Zuko shrugs. He doesn’t get the chance to talk to kids his age freely? He kind of got distracted for a minute?? The Gaang grumbles but forgives him bc he’s just so endearing holy shit Uncle was right.
- Anyway they invade Lake Laogai; Aang, Katara and Toph making a big distracting spectacle while Sokka and Zuko sneak off. Hey look they found him! Sokka makes kissy faces at the bison while Zuko cuts/firebends the chains off. Appa is a bit confused too, wasn’t this the loud Firebender who hurt his kids before?? But then, while Zuko’s cutting the back chains and Sokka can’t see him, Zuko succumbs to his desire and begins petting down Appa with warmed hands and Appa decides to forgive everything the Fire Nation has done just don’t stop ever.
- They escape blah blah, Appa is straight up refusing to let his portable heat pack Zuko so he’s there to confront the Earth King and all the other stuff that’s going down. (”You’re planning an invasion of the Fire Nation?? On the Eclipse??” Zuko screeches. “See now that you know we either have to adopt you or kill you and Uncle would be sad if we killed you” Sokka sighed.)
- The Azula plot happens and though he really, really wants to go home, Uncle (the only one who stood by Zuko’s side when everything went wrong and cried when he thought Zuko was dead/hurt) is so happy working in the tea shop. And the Avatar and Gaang are no longer unknown enemies but annoying maybe friends? There’s nothing else he can do, with his help, they’re able to propel Azula and her compatriots (safely) out of Ba Sing Se and take down her rogue Dai Li. The Day is saved thanks to The Powerpuff Girls Team Avatar and a cranky firebender in an apron.
- Gaang is so excited; they saved the city, no one was critically injured, they now have a new member/firebending teacher! Zuko dusts soot of his apron, “well I honored my debt and then some. I need to get going, we open the new shop early tomorrow. Here’s uh a coupon, stop in on your way out, buy two cups get one free.” They try to explain that half the city saw him fighting back Azula, he’s a national hero. Also like dude, the city almost collapsed nothing’s going to be open tomorrow. Still, he leaves.
- Now you have the Gaang stopping by the Jasmine Dragon pretty much everyday trying to convince Zuko to a. teach aang firebending b. help with the invasion c. be their friend. Meanwhile Zuko is aggressively wiping down tables like “I got your bison back, our business is done, let me do menial labor I hate in peace”. Also the Earth King and generals keep showing up and giving Zuko medals and shit for saving the city while he’s still trying to pretend its all normal and he’s just another refugee. It’s not working very well.
- He does occasionally make trips to the Gaang’s house to bury his face in Appa and love him up. They are convinced they can convince Zuko to join him, they'll  wear him down eventually.
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thundersnowstorm · 6 years
Anonymous asked: I loved your RobbxRhaenys fic! How do you think the pairing would work if Rhaegar had won? Is he a ward like Theon, is she a bastard? Do they hate each other?
(posted as a regular text post bc tumblr fucked up and i lost the original ask)
ahh nonny thank you so much!!
i actually have a whole rhaegar wins au planned out in my head (maybe i’ll write some of it at some point, first i gotta finish the crownless fic follow-up oneshot). but here’s a general run down of how robb x rhaenys might play out in this world.
under the cut since this turned out wayy longer than expected
basic premise: rhaegar kills robert at the trident and wins the war. meanwhile in king’s landing, jaime still kills aerys when his madness gets too much, or when he reveals the caches of wildfire. tywin stays carefully neutral throughout the war. upon returning to the city, rhaegar is crowned king. lyanna still dies in childbirth.
rhaenys and aegon are legitimate. show canon and i do not get along lmao. jon, the semi-acknowledged bastard of the king, is taken to winterfell to be raised because elia is not risking another blackfyre rebellion, and ned wants lyanna’s kid to be raised in her home. rhaegar is just guilt-striken enough over lyanna’s death to allow it. 
jon visits king’s landing on occasion as he gets older. he and rhaegar have a weird relationship (there’s a lot of angst there, a lot of unresolved issues). jon and aegon do get along though, which everyone is secretly relieved about. it takes rhaenys longer to warm up to jon. she remembers the rebellion, she remembers how hurt her mother was when rhaegar dropped everything for lyanna. rhaenys has never quite forgiven rhaegar. eventually, with encouragement from aegon, she strikes up a tentative friendship with jon.
with lyanna, brandon and rickard dead, house stark has suffered enough and rhaegar lets them go without asking them for much more. however, robb is asked (ordered) to visit king’s landing when he gets older. everyone has suddenly realized that house stark is a much bigger power than previously thought, and it’s a good idea for the iron throne to stay on good terms with the future warden of the north.
(by contrast, jon arryn is sent to the wall at the end of the rebellion. he didn’t have the advantage of being related to the new king’s dead lover to save him. the vale is passed down to harry hardying with one of the lords acting as regent. in the stormlands, stannis bends the knee and becomes lord. he marries cersei and it is the single most entertaining marriage in westeros.)
still, despite all the work queen elia and jon connington and the rest of the small council put into repairing relations with the north, they remain very frosty. ned certainly never forgives rhaegar. he’s not about to go to war again, but he’s also never going to step foot in king’s landing again. robb grows up with a distinctly antagonistic view of the iron throne, and the belief that it’s better for the north to keep to itself and stay out of politics of the realm. still, his childhood is more or less the same as it was in canon.
rhaenys is a force to be reckoned with at court. she grew up at her mother’s elbow, learning the nuts and bolts of ruling, how everything happens behind the scenes. oberyn taught her how to fight with a dagger (same as in crownless), as well as a few tricks to suss out people’s secrets. when she visits dorne, she watches doran, compares his style of ruling to her mother’s, to her father’s. if westeros had absolute primogeniture, rhaenys would make a formidable queen. as it is, she is aegon’s number one pick for hand for when he eventually takes the throne, scandal be damned.
her circle of friends is certainly an interesting mix. myrcella baratheon (a bit older and an actual baratheon this time) and margaery tyrell are conventional ladies in waiting, but they’re also both vying for aegon’s hand. meanwhile the sand snakes are the terror of the court and oberyn thinks it’s hilarious. rhaenys thinks tyene should stop pretending to poison mace tyrell. when arianne visits - well, things can get interesting. no one can quite tell if tyrion lannister and princess rhaenys hate each other or not, but their debates are certainly fun to watch. 
(hmm, maybe theon also ends up in king’s landing. robert trusted ned to watch over him in winterfell but rhaegar and ned have a very different relationship. idk where i’m going with this train of thought, but it would certainly add a new dynamic to rhaenys’s little court.)
rhaenys is not betrothed. it’s unusual, and people have started to comment on it. she is one and twenty and the most eligible woman in the land. there’s quite a bit of interest for her hand, but elia has decided that rhaenys will have a say in her marriage, and rhaegar oscillates between not caring much about the matter and toying with the idea of marrying her to aegon, in the old tradition. rhaenys has told him that if he even tries to marry them, she will elope with the first man she can find and wouldn’t that be quite the scandal? so rhaenys remains unmarried.
(the biggest difference in rhaenys here from rhaenys in the crownless fic is that here, rhaenys knows power. not only was she born into power but she has grown into it as well. she will do her duty to her family and the realm, but she will not sacrifice her own happiness unless there is no other choice. as practical as she is, marriage alliances are off the table.)
this is a lot of setup to get to robb and rhaenys making out but bear with me lol.
robb goes to king’s landing shortly after turning eighteen upon request (summons) from the throne, accompanied by catelyn, sansa, and arya. it’s skirting on rude for ned not to come, but rhaegar lets it slide. he’s lyanna’s brother, and there’s a lot that rhaegar feels guilty about concerning lyanna. anyway, it’s robb’s second time in king’s landing, but the first time he’d been fourteen and rhaenys had hardly noticed him. now though, there’s a bit of “oh shit he’s hot now” before robb makes it clear he’s only here out of obligation. then rhaenys decides that there’s no reason for the two of them to interact and that is that.
(or is it, asks the author in a leading tone.)
so really, there’s no reason for robb and rhaenys to speak to each other. rhaenys is busy with a discrepancy in taxes coming from the vale, and robb is busy trying to avoid southroners at all costs. but circumstances bring them together somehow. maybe there’s a conspiracy afoot, and they have to work together to stop it. maybe rhaenys is forced to show robb around the keep. or maybe rhaenys finds the quiet of the godswood peaceful and robb keeps coming across her there.
“this isn’t a real godswood. not without a proper weirwood heart tree, like the ones in the north.” “mayhaps you can show me a proper godswood someday, my lord.”
really, they have nothing in common, there’s nothing they should have to talk about, but rhaenys finds robb’s frank honesty refreshing after all the double talk at court, and robb thinks she’s probably the cleverest woman he knows. somewhere along the line they become each other’s refuge from all the politics and mistrust of king’s landing.
there’s a feast one day, celebrating some important occasion or whatnot. and there’s dancing and mead, and rhaenys can’t remember the last time she had this much fun. she and robb slip away into the gardens to cool off in the night air and well. rhaenys will blame it on a few too many cups of dornish red but robb’s lips fit perfectly against hers and he tastes like cinammon.
robb panics. this is the princess he is kissing, daughter of the king who brought so much pain upon his family. gods this is jon’s sister, and robb’s father always told him to behave honorably towards women and the thoughts he’s having are certainly not honorable. so robb runs.
rhaenys is furious. well, really she’s embarrassed but anger is easier. for the next week or so she is a nightmare to be around. not that she’d admit to anyone that she’s in a bad mood. meanwhile, robb is moping and hiding from everyone and probably spending most of his time sparring.
jon, who isn’t blind and is absolutely done with them, practically forces robb to talk to rhaenys. he doesn’t care what happened, he just wants the two of them to get over themselves and stop being so insufferable. also rhaenys made one of the goldcloaks cry and no one quite knows how that happened.
so they talk. and robb apologizes for kissing her, which rhaenys is quick to tell him is absolutely ridiculous, she’s the one who initiated it and besides, it was just a kiss.
well, that one kiss turns into quite a few more.
there aren’t really words for what they are to each other. if she were anyone else, robb would probably ask for her hand, but she’s the princess of the realm, not some petty lord’s daughter. and rhaenys doesn’t want to think about putting a label on them, because that would mean thinking about how the two of them fit in the future. and since they aren’t betrothed and king’s landing isn’t dorne, no one can know about their…. whatever.
then rhaegar starts bringing up the subject of rhaenys’s betrothal again. aegon isn’t on the table, since he and margaery tyrell are all but promised to each other at last, but perhaps willas tyrell would do, or maybe harry hardyng in the vale. lady paramount is a perfectly acceptable role for the sister to the future king.
(robb isn’t mentioned as an option. he might be of the right status, but relations between ned and rhaegar are still quite frosty, and the realm still doesn’t quite see the north as equal to the southern kingdoms.)
rhaenys knows, intellectually, that she must marry someday. and really, willas tyrell and harry hardyng are just suggestions. she could always look for a second son for a husband, so she could stay in king’s landing. but she doesn’t want to marry a stranger, and she doesn’t want to leave the city, and the only person she can think of is her cousin quentyn, and arianne would kill her if she married quent.
robb learns about the discussions for rhaenys’s hand from rumors floating around the court. and really, he shouldn’t care who rhaenys marries, it’s not like they’re anything more than good friends who kiss sometimes. or at least, that’s what he tries to tell himself.
he’s not very good at convincing himself.
“marry me,” robb blurts out. rhaenys stops dead in her tracks. “what?”
rhaenys says no. winterfell is about as far as it gets from king’s landing, and she does not wish to be sent away to a frozen wasteland where she knows close to nobody. there is so much she can do at court, so much change she could help affect, and she cannot do that in the north.  
she explains this all to robb and he shrugs. “we could stay in the south.”
rhaenys is not often surprised. this makes it twice today that she has been struck speechless.
robb does not like court, as she is quick to remind him.
“no, but i like you.”
they talk late into the night. the sun is starting to peek out behind the treeline when rhaenys says yes.
(the issue was not that she did not wish to marry robb. quite the opposite. but if she is to be a part of the politics of realm, she cannot do so effectively in winterfell all the time. so they talk, and debate, and eventually a plan is drawn up for where they will reside.)
of course, this is all dependent on rhaegar and ned accepting. robb’s time in king’s landing is drawing to a close, and so he returns to winterfell to ask for his father’s permission. rhaenys goes to talk to rhaegar and elia.
rhaegar is surprised, to say the least. elia, who has been quietly watching her daughter’s flirtation-turned-courtship for the past months, is not. in the end, the discussion is rather short. robb stark is heir to one of the great houses, and the iron throne desperately needs better relations with the north. there’s little to oppose.
ned, on the other hand, is more reluctant to bind the starks to the royal family so officially. he loves his nephew dearly, but he cannot forget the circumstances under which jon was born. but robb seems to care for this southron princess, and catelyn is right, they cannot try to stay out of southron politics forever.
robb and rhaenys are married in the godswood at riverrun, halfway between their families’ castles. for the wedding of a royal princess and the heir to the north, it’s a surprisingly lowkey affair. but robb hardly notices much other than rhaenys, resplendent in dornish silks, and rhaenys for once lets herself forget about the politics and the future, and just lets robb lead her around in a sloppy rendition of the bear and the maiden fair.
(robb is not a great dancer, but he is definitely an enthusiastic one. rhaenys thinks it’s charming.)
it isn’t easy all the time. splitting time between winterfell and king’s landing means endless amounts of travelling, and they aren’t always in the same kingdom together. there are fights, and long nights working, and sometimes the politics at court get to be too much for both of them, but for all their differences, robb and rhaenys love each other. and maybe that’s all that’s needed.
god this got long, and this is really only a sketch of what that scenario would look like. maybe i’ll write a proper fic for this universe sometime, we’ll see.
thanks again anon!
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shreyamistry · 6 years
Tangible Freedom - Sabina x MC
Title: Tangible Freedom
Pairing: Sabina x MC (Lapis)
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: Legate Aquila lies dead, now Sabina must make her choice for her future in a mere moment or face the consequences of what’s coming should she choose not to flee.
Prompt: “You make me feel safe.”
Taglist: @glowinghelena (bc it’s their request!)
A/N: Hi! Welcome to my first Sabina request, as mentioned above this is a request for my wonderful, amazing, and iconic friend Kylie! Love you!!! So, as stated in Annabelle’s request, I know that Sabina is a lesbian and identifies as lesbian, this fic with the use of they/them pronouns for MC is in no capacity trying to deny that or take away her sexuality, the request called for a nb (they/them) lesbian MC and that’s what I did. If you have questions, google is free!
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Thanks for reading! I hope you like it!
“Come, we must hurry.”
Sabina’s stumbles over her feet, seeing Legate Aquila lifeless body lying on the floor in her common room. Her eyes settling on his eyes barren and empty after the punishment of his crimes against Lapis and herself were paid for in blood. She turns to Lapis who holds their hand out to her beckoning her to come with them.
“You must trust me, Sabina. I would never lead you astray.” She meets the determined look in Lapis’ eyes, begging her to come with them. She hesitates, how could she not? Her entire life is in this house, despite the bad she had reasons to fear still. Her future. Her father. Lapis’ future. Their relationship. Everything accelerated from the moment she agreed to help Lapis take vengeance on her husband, and it was liberating to be free of him. But how free could she truly be? Without the help of Lapis and the trust and safety she’s found in them, she knew her path would have even less freedom. She knew what she must do then.
Sabina takes a steely breath clasping Lapis’ hand in her own, running with them off towards the entryway of the house she shared with the man she was forced to marry. Every ounce of her told her to be sad, but she couldn’t muster the feeling as the neglect and abuse she’d endured over the months passed through her mind thinking through her decision to conceive the plan against him.
She remembered the vial of poison she slipped into his drink a mere hour ago, she remembered Lapis bursting into the home to warn her they mixed up the poisons and he would wake up soon, but before they could even finish the statement he drew his sword against them preparing to murder the both of them. She barely remembered the fight that broke out, the way Lapis continued to put themselves between Sabina and Legate Aquila pushing her backwards every time he managed to make a move against them.
Her legs keep pace with their speed as they rush towards Lapis’ home. Their hand tightly holding her own, surging her forward throwing a few hushed encouragements in her direction. She wondered what the morning would bring, should she find herself in a prison cell awaiting her trial or if she would be married off again if her father found out. She looked towards the person promising her a future, the feared look on their face as they wind through town coming upon their home.
The pair burst through the door, and Lapis slows to close both of the doors firmly locking them to keep out any who should try to stop them. They turn to face Sabina taking her hands into their own, giving them a squeeze of reassurance looking into her eyes, she finds herself hypnotized by the look wanting nothing more than to meet their lips in a kiss. Lapis brings their hand to her cheek, resting it firmly against her delicate features, brushing their thumb back and forth gently.
“You are bleeding.” Lapis whispers, trailing their fingers up the curve of her cheeks to a cut resting on Sabina’s forehead. She glides her finger over dried blood chipping away at the red flakes as they fall to the floor. “Sit.” They motion for Sabina to sit on the edge of the tub, before fetching a rag made of animal skin from a tucked away corner of the room. They dip the rag into the mostly empty tub of water, wringing out the cold water from it before scooting closer to Sabina, their thighs pressed against one another’s gaining a gasp from Sabina. “Should I move?”
“Please... don’t,” Sabina whispers softly, struggling to find the words a few strands of her hair fall into her face as her head lulls downward away from Lapis. Lapis smiles to themselves, brushing the loose strands of hair behind Sabina’s ear, letting her hand linger longer than necessary, finding self-control to not bring her Sabina’s lips to their own in her vulnerable state. Sabina glances upwards at the loss of skin to skin contact, her eyes boring into Lapis’ a longing they’ve long felt between them since the moment they met. Lapis nods in response, a tiny smile tugging at their lips as they bring the washcloth to Sabina’s forehead, brushing the rag against her delicate skin.
Clearing away the blood caked on her skin, Lapis couldn’t place whose it was, Legate’s, their own, holding out hope it wasn’t Sabina’s own blood. Their touch soft and gentle against Sabina, a direction she wasn’t quite used to after all the time she’s spent having to please Legate’s demands with her. She nudges her hand closer to Lapis’ her pinky fingers brushing against Lapis’ own.
Lapis moves their shoulder to place their hand against Sabina’s hand crying out in pain as the wound on their shoulder rages with pain at the sudden movement instantly clutching the wound in their free hand. Sabina’s face tensions with worry as she turns to face them fully moving her hands towards Lapis’ own.
“May I…. help you, Lapis? Please… I learned healing wound techniques from Legate time in war.” Sabina takes the rag from Lapis’ hand, prying it gently from their fingers. After a few seconds, Lapis nods, turning to show Sabina their entire shoulders, parts of their dress ripped where the blade sliced their skin. “Oh no.” Sabina whispers.
“I am fine, Sabina,” Lapis replies starting to turn their shoulder away from her.
“Lapis, please don’t fight me on this. I want...to help you.” She swallows heavily at her own words.
Lapis hesitates a moment before caving, turn back around, “Very well Sabina. I trust you.”
“Good.” Sabina can’t help the grin that takes over her sweet face, she moves her hands to the back of the dress, untying the straps that keep the garment from falling off. She helps Lapis out of the outfit, before dipping the rag into the water beside her. Lapis squeezes the ledge of the tub for support as the frozen water runs down their back over the wound. “Sit still.”
Lapis nods in response, as Sabina continues to clean the wound with the rag. Wiping away the blood, as tears begin to prickle her eyes blurring her vision. Despite this, Sabina continues to work the rag against the wound until her crying starts to become audible.
“I’m sorry.” Sabina whispers resting her face against Lapis’ back, “I did this to you.”
“You did nothing wrong, Sabina. Legate earned all that came to him.” They reassure her quickly, reaching their hand back to rest on her leg, giving her a comforting squeeze. “I would do it again in a heartbeat Sabina. You are safe with me.”
“Safe.” The word feels foreign on her tongue.
“You believe me?” Lapis questions.
“I,” Sabina falls silent thinking over the words. How do you not feel safe with the woman who protected you in a fight against a man with a sword? Lapis defended both of them with common household objects she’s collected over the years with legate. How do you not feel safe with the woman who’s touch feels like heaven and only does it when you approve? How do you not fall in love with the woman who saves your future? “Yes, I feel safe. You make me feel safe, Lapis.”
“I am honored,” Lapis replies hastily.
“How shall tomorrow go?” Sabina questions, returning the rag to Lapis’ skin.
“You will have to trust me. I have thought through a plan should this occur. The staff will recall that you left earlier in the day to spend the night in a healing sanctuary to produce an heir and I will be they who healed you.” Lapis explains, “And then we will enter the manor with bright news and find the servants and authorities discovering Legate’s body and it shall never be traced back to the both of us.”
“Thank you, Lapis.”
The pair turns to face each other, silence between the two of them nothing making any move to break apart from one another. The gentle caress of warmth from their breaths on each other’s skin, Sabina’s lips tingling with desire as she reaches up a hand to rest on Lapis’ face. The latter in turn closes more the distance between their bodies, their arms falling around Sabina’s waist pulling her closer into their form.
“May I kiss you, Sabina?”
Sabina’s eyes flash with shock glancing around the common room, before nodding silently in agreement her eyes fluttering closed as Lapis’ lips meets her own in a soft kiss. Her body melting into the touch, as she lets Lapis’ tongue meet her own searing with desire as she shuffles closer, nearly straddling the other’s lap.
“Sabina.,” Lapis whispers into the kiss. Sabina quickens the pace of the kiss, her hands still warm pressed against Lapis’ skin. Lapis supports her weight in their hands, holding her tightly against her body wanting more and more of them to be touching. The kiss breaks momentarily as the sound of footsteps could be heard from upstairs. Before they could think any further, they break apart Lapis’ hand grabbing Sabina’s in the dark pulling her towards their bedroom. Once confined in their room Lapis backs Sabina up against the door trailing kisses on her jaw eliciting a moan from Sabina.
“Wait... Lapis stop.” Lapis takes a step back.
“Are you alright?” They ask in worry, refraining from reaching out to her in case they hurt her.
“I am. I would prefer we stop for the night. I… don’t think I’m ready for this yet.” She blushes with her words, taking a step towards Lapis encasing their hands in her own. “You mean the world to me, but after this night I don’t suppose I’m ready. If that’s alright.”
“More than alright. Come.” Lapis guides her to the bed, “Rest. You need it. I shall sleep on the floor.”
“No, please.” Sabina pats the bed beside her. “I insist. I need the comfort.”
Lapis nods in agreement and climbs into the bed beside Sabina letting her fall into their arms. They place a kiss to the top of their head, stroking her arm absently as they try to get some rest to prepare for the coming of the day to be. The day Sabina will finally find her freedom and be with them.
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ukulelewrites · 7 years
All’s Fair In Love & War {1}
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A/N: natty’s back at it again with the “i am trash for kim donghan” fics~~~ So yeah, a chaptered fic for the rudest yet cutest boy ik. Also tagging @smols-n-tols bc they heard this idea from me first!
Pairing: JBJ’s Kim Donghan x Reader
Genre: Angst, fratboy!donghan, more things to come~
Word Count: Roughly 2k
Parts: 1 / 2
An A on your paper. A stupid bet spurred by anger. And an especially annoying frat boy who goes by the name of Kim Donghan. Who knew such things would lead you to such a mess?
College was always something you had thought about growing up. Ever since your sophomore year of high school you knew you wanted to travel around the world while writing, so when you got the acceptance letter from Lawrence Sarah College in the mail, you were ecstatic. However, your parents were less than thrilled. “How can you go to an all girls’ college? How are you going to get a normal college experience surround by all girls?” your mom asked, concerned, over dinner one night.
“If I wish to graduate college with honors and a journalism major with a minor in linguistics, work for some of the top newspapers in the country, and then build up my resume to be able to go freelance by the age of 28, I can’t afford to have a ‘normal’ college experience,” you replied matter-of-factly, not even looking up from you dinner plate.
“College isn’t just about getting a degree, kiddo,” your dad asked, “It’s about finding who you are, what you want to be. Plus, can’t you just go to the State University? They have a strong journalism program, right?”
“Dad, I already know who I am and what I want to be, and going to Lawrence Sarah is going to help me with that. Plus, in the journalism world, a degree from Lawrence Sarah carries way much more weight than State.”
Your parents shared worried glances. “Whatever, you say, kiddo. We’ll trust you to make the decision that’s best for you.”
That was two years ago. You were now a sophomore at Lawrence Sarah, and you were thriving. The intensive coursework kept you on your toes and away from distractions such as socials and parties. You stayed within your dorm room or the library constantly studying and constantly writing; that’s how you were able to maintain your spotless GPA for the past two years.
“Prof, can I talk to you about our paper?” you asked one day after class.
“Of course, Y/N, go ahead,” he said, looking up from his desk.
“I just wanted to run a couple ideas by you for the article we’re expected to write, since it is 80% of our grade,” you said, eyeing your professor nervously. Once he motioned for you to continue, you began to speak. “I was thinking of doing more research into the negative effect of-”
“No,” your professor clipped, returning his attention back to the papers on his desk.
“Well, what about the systematic-”
“And why not?”
He looked up at you through his glasses. “Y/N, you’re an extremely bright student, but as of now, all of your topics don’t pertain to you.”
“What do you mean? These are things I feel very strongly-”
“You can feel as strongly as you want, but through this paper, I want to learn something about you as a person too, Y/N. Be informative, be personable, be something different. Because, Y/N, I know you can write well about the negative effects of enforced gender roles and expectations on children. I know you can write well about the growing population of people identifying as queer and what that means to them. But I want this article to be something about you. You’re a college student after all. There has to be something you can think of.”
“Well what about,” you paused, pondering over your lackluster knowledge of college life. Suddenly you remembered your friend mentioning something about the State University’s frat. “Well, what about I write an exposé on fraternity mentality and their influence on college life?” you offered, “I can interview a couple of the fraternities at State, and I can even talk to their school’s director on the influences of the Greek system, maybe even pull up a couple statistics?” you looked at your professor expectantly.
“And how does this pertain to you?”
“We’re right next door to State. A lot of my classmates are affected by the fraternities there, so it’d be good for me to write something to inform them of exactly what they’re getting into when the boys of Epsilon Beta come over to our campus to invite impressionable freshmen to their parties.”
He leaned back in his seat, and a pensive look overcame his features. “Hm, your perspective on the whole thing would add a nice twist,” he paused, “I guess, you’ll just have to write it and convince me it’s worthy.”
“A fraternity? You’re doing an exposé on a fraternity?” Yebin asked, choking on her lowfat yogurt. You crinkled your nose at her sparse lunch and took another bite into your burger.
“I blanked okay! He shot down all my other idea, so I kinda just blurted that one out,” your words thinned out at the end of your sentence.
“And how exactly are you going to get someone from a frat to agree to this? You’re exposing them for the purpose of an A. I see no benefits here.”
You shrugged, “I’ll just say it’s an article highlighting the positive effects of fraternities within a college community. The actual dirt I pull will be through my own observations at frat events and statistics I find.” You finished your burger and leaned forward in your seat. “Anyways, Yebin, can you get me into a frat party?” She almost sprayed mineral water over you.
“You? A frat party? Jesus Christ, Y/N, you’re seriously dedicated to this aren’t you?”
“It’s 80% of my grade, of course I’m dedicated.”
She roller her eyes at your reply. “Well,” she leaned in also, dropping her voice to a whisper, “I’m seeing this guy from Epsilon Beta, so I think I can get us into their next party.”
“Of course, how could I expect anything less from you,” you said jokingly, knowing extremely well your best friend’s reputation. “So, when’s the party?”
You leaned back into your chair in shock. “Tomorrow? It’s a Tuesday night! I have classes Wednesday.”
Yebin shrugged. “That’s just how Epsilon Beta works. You asked me to get you into a party, and that’s the one I can get you in.”
You groaned. “Fine, what do I wear?”
“Well, have anything that goes above your knees?”
You tugged at your skirt and the hem of your crop top uncomfortably. “It’s the middle of October. Why the hell am I wearing a crop top?” you asked, teeth chattering.
“Because you look hot, and if you want to get any frat boy’s attention, that’s the way to do it,” Yebin replied nonchalantly as the two of you walked up to the house. The bass was already reverberating through you, and the stench of mischief filled the air. You eyed the boy standing at the door warily as Yebin threw an arm around his shoulders and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Sanggyun, it’s so good to see you!” she squealed. He grimaced.
“Save your flirting for Taehyun. It’s bad enough he put me on door duty, now I have to deal with kiss-ups like you trying to get in.”
She rolled her eyes playfully. “You know full well Taehyun hates it when I squeal. He says it ruins the mood,” she said this with a pout. “Anyways, what did you do to earn such a duty?”
Sanggyun smiled proudly, “Well, Donghan and I got onto Taehyun’s laptop and uploaded this code that opened your last tab on full volume the next time you turned on your laptop, and well, it’s his own fault the last tab he had opened was a really bad porno. Really, no tact at all, everyone knows to use incognito mode for that shit.”
“And how’d he know it was you?” you piped up from behind Yebin.
Sanggyun’s eyes widened when he realized you were there, but he continued on with his story, “We’re the only two CS majors in the entire frat, so through process of elimination, he figured it was us.”
“Riveting,” Yebin deadpanned, “anyways, can you be a kind soul and let us into the party?”
Sanggyun eyed you carefully, “I guess it wouldn’t hurt anyone if I let your friend in. She’s not like, going to break shit right? Last time we let someone’s friend in, they caught Hyunbin’s mattress on fire.”
“I promise I’m not a pyromaniac,” you swore.
He shrugged, “Good enough for me. Enjoy the party, ladies.”
Yebin had long ditched you at this point for her current fling, so you found yourself alone, back pressed against the wall as you scrolled through your phone. You honestly had no clue on how to conduct yourself here. You were never fond of dancing or alcohol, so you were at  a complete loss as to how to approach any of the boys.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing all alone?” someone asked. You looked up to find a boy towering over you. His black hair was tousled slightly, and his fitted white tee and tight black pants gave room for little imagination. He wore a smirk as he looked down at you, obviously confident with the idea of you throwing yourself at him instantly.
“Trying to avoid people like you,” you said icily.
“Hm, usually not the response I get, but you’re pretty cute, so I’ll let it slide. Name’s Donghan by the way,” he said. His back was now pressed against the wall; the two of you standing there side by side, watching the crowd.
“Well, I’m Y/N,” you replied.
“Hm, Y/N, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around.”
“I’m from Lawrence Sarah.” You scooted a bit to the left, trying to create some distance between you two.
“Lawrence Sarah? The home of lesbians and sluts?” he asked, also scooting to the left.
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t call it that. It’s completely degrading to the girls attending the university.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m wrong. Look, one of the only other girl from Lawrence Sarah here is currently in one of the upstairs’ bedroom blowing our president,” he replied crassly.
Your ears felt hot. “Well, it’s still rude to only widdle her down to the word ‘slut.’ She’s extremely bright, and she’s on her way to being a member of the national women’s soccer team,” you huffed out. You crossed your arms tightly across your chest.
“Let me guess, she’s your best friend?” You gave the answer away once you turned away from him. “Look, babe, didn’t mean to offend, but considering the only thing I know about her is that she’s blown almost every single guy on Greek row, it’s hard not calling her a slut.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “And you’re just the spitting image of chastity, aren’t you?”
He broke out into a smirk when you said that. “Well, I don’t really do chastity.”
“Then you have no right to call her such a demeaning name if you do the exact same thing she does.”
He rose his hands up in defense. “Didn’t mean to offend, I swear.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “I’m assuming you think yourself as some kind of god for sleeping around so much.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say god, but,” his smirk grew, “girls just seem to flock to me.”
You scoffed at his statement. “How humble,” you said, sarcasm dripping off of your tongue. “What has happened to chivalry in the modern age?”
“Chivalry’s dead, babe. It’s been dead since knights stopped being a thing.”
“So you’ve never loved anyone?”
“Love’s overrated. Life’s all about living to the fullest. You can’t do that tied down.”
“How,” you paused to mull over your words, “fratboy-ish of you to say.”
“Of course,” he leered down at you, “if it’ll get you into my bed, I’m all for dating.”
You shook your head at his statement. “Of course, how could I expect anything less from someone like you.”
“Someone like me?” he asked. His eyebrow cocked up in amusement.
“Someone who masks their fragile masculinity and fear of falling in love by never staying with the same person too long because it’s so not cool to be in a loving, trusting relationship.”
It was his turn to scoff at you. “Babe, I don’t love, period, not because of whatever bullshit you’re spewing. Love’s just something made up by the Hallmark company to sell their overpriced cards.”
“Really now? Well, what about a wager.”
“And what’s the wager?”
“Whoever I choose, you have to woo them. If you get rejected, you automatically lose the bet.”
“I don’t get rejected,” he said cockily.
“Anyways, if you succeed in wooing them, you have to date them for 4 months. Kissing, hand holding, dates, all that jazz, but you can’t sleep with them. If you seriously don’t feel anything for them by the end of the month, you win. If you do feel something, I win.”
He looked interested now. “And what do I get if I win?”
“Whatever you want from me.”
He rose his eyebrow at you. “You sure about that, babe? I don’t think you know what you’re getting into.”
You straightened yourself up. “I think I know what I’m doing, babe.”
Donghan looked at you amused and stuck his hand out. “Then I guess it’s a deal.”
You begrudgingly took his hand and shook it. Quickly letting it go, you turned around to scan the party, looking for someone. “Well, you have to go after her,” you said, pointing to a girl sitting by herself. You knew her from your Women’s Studies class, knowing full well how kind-hearted and genuine she is. It’d be impossible not to fall for her.
Donghan squinted his eyes in your finger’s direction. “Can’t you pick me someone a bit more, I don’t know, hot?”
You smirked up at him. “A deal’s a deal, Donghan. I recommend you get to work now if you really want to win.”
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moiraineswife · 7 years
Autistic Philippa Eilhart Headcanons
As promised, the Phil Thoughts. Geralt and Regis to follow (I’ll link them here when they’re done!!) This isn’t really in any order...And isn’t very coherent...But I don’t much care. 
Philippa Eilhart is pretty fascinating, complex, and rich as a character even before you add this spice on top. I could write screeds and screeds of meta about her sexuality, and her morality, and the place/role she plays in the narrative but...I will focus myself on this.
We need more unapologetic ladies in fiction; and we need even more unapologetic autistic ladies in fiction. I think, way too often, autistic ladies get overlooked, because they get good at hiding their traits/covering them up because it’s expected for them to be nice, and quiet, and polite, and good at all things social. And I’m so beyond here for lady autistic characters being ‘fuck that’ and being exactly themselves, and really, there’s no female character I can easily think of capable of doing that better than Philippa Eilhart.
Especially when Philippa is already utterly unapologetic and unashamed of the way she is, and especially since a lot of that really lines up with autism. It doesn’t really take much of a stretch with this. Wait, I’ll make a list, I like lists, and it breaks this up a little, but okay let’s see:
-She’s...Not the best with Social Skills. She’s definitely intelligent, definitely capable of scheming, and plotting, and manipulating people for the sake of her own ends but she’s also...Quite blunt. Quite to the point. I’m also fairly sure I remember (though maybe I don’t) the way that she watches people, studies them, that and the fact she’s had 300 years to perfect her observings of people helps her make up a little, and learn their body language....But she’s not perfect. And she’s just...never quiet been able to perfect the expected social niceties (and, frankly, at the age she is, she’s probably too fucking tired to bother with them tbh. She doesn’t see the point in them, she never gets them right, why bother?) 
And there’s actually...Sometimes not a lot of subtlety with her? At least, not in her interactions with other people. She is, if memory serves, rather lacking in delicacy. She says what she thinks, she doesn’t mince her words, she simply...Is?
Philippa is so honest about her dishonesty that she almost comes full circle and becomes honest again.
‘"Decent and honorable?" "You must be joking." ‘
Which I’m associating here with autism both as a social skills thing, and a black and white thinking thing. It’s this...Delightful little contradiction within her? Because she is duplicitous, and she lies, and she manipulates...But she’s so...Upfront about it? And utterly apologetic about it, too. This is just...The way Phil’s world works. This is just who and what she is. No point trying to pretend otherwise, what’s the point in that?
-Again with the black and white thinking is her commitment and determination. Philippa is utterly relentless, and single-minded in her pursuit of her goals. Not only in terms of ruthlessness, and the willingness to do whatever she deems necessary, but just her dedication to her goal is pretty admirable. I’m pretty sure the world could end, and leave her the sole survivor, and she’d just keep battling on in her defence of magic, it’s interesting.  
-And speaking of interesting, magic can definitely be a special interest for Phil. Her dedication to it, the depth of her knowledge, how skilled she is (the fact that she’s one of few to have mastered polymorphy, for example) are all indicative of an obsessive interest.
-I think Phil gets characterised as a character without morals quite a lot. Which I understand, I do. But I also think that she...very strictly follows Rules. They’re just....her rules. Her own personal, internal rules. The rest of the world can go fuck itself, but certain things have to work a certain way. She struggle to see the merit in/accept worldviews that don’t line up with hers. I also think that she has very strict morals within herself. I think she has things that she believes are right, and things that she believes are wrong, and I think that’s something that she will never compromise. It’s that adherence to rules, as well as rigid thinking, which is quite interesting.
-Phil’s intensity is pretty indicative of autism as well, I think. Philippa, I think, is a character that feels things very deeply. She has, as I’ve said, very strong feelings concerning magic, and her idea of how the world should work. But on an emotional level, too. More than one of the characters, and Phil herself, I believe, have commented on her restlessness, her desires, the intensity of her feelings, and the things it can drive her to do.  And also, that...Itch that she gets, the desire to get out and Do something, just reminds me of overstimulation tbh. So there’s that.
-But on the surface, she comes off as cold, and indifferent. And I can make a case for her being low-empathy as a part of this based on the way she reacts to other people (which is nuanced, and complex, and is something I could write an entire other piece of meta on itself, but...we’ll not go there rn) But I think that Phil...Doesn’t show that care for other people, and she doesn’t really let her emotions show all that much, either. She comes off as this ice queen, but beneath the surface we know that it’s a different story (which is a really interesting little contradiction to consider, even outside oft his headcanon), but, yeah.
-And on the subject of emotions and cold indifference, I think her decision making process is interesting too. Because it almost always revolves around logic. Whatever her emotions dictate, she typically makes judgements based on practical reasons, rather than emotional ones. Her emotions are strong, and are intense, but when it comes down to it, she’s ruled by her head. Almost too much.
I think a good example of this is the conversation she has with Yennefer about redeeming her in Geralt’s eyes. Yennefer’s plea is one that comes purely from a place of sentiment, and emotion. Philippa’s answer is one that comes purely from logic, and a careful, thought-through examination of the practical consequences of her action.
Philippa comes across as cold, and cruel in that moment, because Yennefer is so desperate, and her request seems so easy to grant, but that is 100% not Phil’s motivation there. She is not doing this to be cruel, she’s not doing this to hurt Yen, or Geralt, or anyone. She’s doing this because it doesn’t make sense.
(And it would also have been easy here to lie to Yennefer, especially with Triss watching, and promise her that she’d do what she’s asking, to make sure they part on good terms, that’s the calculating, manipulative thing to do here. But Phil doesn’t do it. It’s again that strange, unapologetic honesty that she has, and I think it’s interesting too, because it would have been easy to lie, would have been ‘smarter’ to lie, might even have suited her purposes better to just lie, and tell Yennefer what she wants to hear. But she doesn’t. And that’s...really fucking interesting, from my pov anyway)
But yes, Phil’s entire decision making process there is based on logic. She is practical. She is pragmatic, above all.
-Her planning, too. There’s always something ticking away in the back of her mind. She’s always thinking about things, always picking at the details, always tugging at threads, always plotting, and planning every little thing. Which I can quite easily see being a habit. I think she probably orchestrates her breakfast in the same way she’d orchestrate an assassination. It’s just the way that her mind works.
-Okay, lighter/less canon related/’ur just making things up u like now, lauren, aren’t u?’ ‘yep’  
-Phil hating flying when it’s raining because the feeling of her wet feathers is Sensory Hell.  
-but equally, Phil loving flying more than just about anything else, especially when she’s stressed, because it’s such a nice, calming stim.
-Phil chilling in owl form quite a lot when she gets overstimulated because it’s so much easier to deal with (esp if she’s non-verbal, bc no-one demands that an owl start talking to them, and that is a blessing)
-Phil having a deep guilty pleasure of having her feathers stroked because it is The Best (all who know this are sworn to secrecy about it)
-Phil being hypersensitive to touch, and exceedingly picky about who she allows touch her, when, and where. People 100% respecting Phil’s boundaries on this bc they’re not Dicks.  
-Phil being hypersensitive to certain sounds as well, and getting extremely short-tempered, irritable, and snappish when overstimulated. Anyone who spends any amount of time around her starts recognising this, and doing their best to minimise the noises that are bothering her so much.
-Phil definitely likes deep pressure, and is just kind of like ‘lay on me’ @ all of her partners at any given moment. Especially when she’s stressed (which is...almost always tbh, even if she doesn’t show it)
-okay this one is my fav, Indulge Me: most of the sorceresses were sent to Aretuza, if I remember, bc they had some kind of physical deformity which the sorceresses ‘corrected’ when they took them in (I am not going to discuss the wisdom of this, bc it’s not really my place, but lays the groundwork for this, so I’ll mention it briefly)
We don’t really know what Phil was sent off for but I kind of like the idea of it being bc of her autism. HEAR ME OUT.
So her family take her to Aretuza and are just....She’s weird, okay, there’s something wrong with her, have her if you want, fix her if you can, kind of thing. And smol!Phil is not oblivious to this. Smol!Phil knows she is different. Smol!Phil knows she is ‘weird’ to use her mother’s favourite phrase. Smol!Phil understands she’s being sent to this place so she can be made normal and ‘fixed’.
Smol!Phil trains at the academy with the others, and never feels any different. No-one ever uses spells, or potions, or anything to try and fix her. One day, she decides to talk to Rita about it. She pulls her aside, and asks her in that way of hers (I can see Phil being such a serious child. So intense and intense, like she’s got the wisdom she has at 300 at the age of 11) and just straight up asks Rita why she doesn’t feel any different. Her family sent her here so they could fix her, make her normal, stop her being the way she is, but she doesn’t feel any different at all. Why isn’t it working?
Rita gets very indignant, and angry, that smol!Phil has been led to think these things, and very firmly informs her that they cannot fix her. There is nothing to fix, there is nothing wrong with her. This is just who she is. 
And that’s the end of that.
Autistic Philippa Eilhart. 
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jhoe · 7 years
not a day goes by where i dont think about hoseok ? it's weird bc i think of him everyday? i think of his full round cheeks like fat peaches and the soft delicate slope of his nose and how it curves up a little at the tip and how it would be the most perfect place to plant my lips after a long day. i think about his full lips like perfect pink wads of hubba bubba dhhdjd like theyre so beautiful and pouty and plump gosh and the perfectly placed mole right on the line of his lip where it turns more brown than pink and the dip of his philtrum and how beautifully it blends back out into the rosy pink of his lip and i still think about the little mole above his left eyebrow even though he got it removed and i think about brushing his hair to the side and cradling his head and kissing where that precious little mole used to be and i think about the strong outline of his body and how i want to trace every detail and winding curve and familiarize myself with all his little nooks and crannies and i know that sound stupid but god i think about this boy every waking moment of my life and you would think that after four years of it i would become numb to the thought but everyday i swear i find something new to love and i think of him and i can feel my heart unfurling in my chest and world defrosts a little and everything feels like it's going to be okay. and i am just so unbelievably enamored and unable to wrap my mind around everything that he is! he's beautiful but god oh my god he's passionate and patient and giving and thoughtful and optimistic and funny he has such a sense of humor and he's so much more intelligent than we give him credit for and like fuck it im goin in ! passion! hes so full to the brim with passion he's completely overflowing with love for his craft and you can see it in everything he does, he's a perfectionist. in the way he dances, he moves like he's not just memorized the moves and is performing them, he moves like he knows each move personally like he has studied how each one feels from his fingertips to his toes, he moves like he's communicating like he's talking with his body and like he is completely immersed in some other world that we can't even comprehend and when he talks you can tell and when he raps something about it is so raw and uncut and how he's been able to develop his own rap style when he didn't even plan to be a rapper speaks volumes for his dedication and passion and god its so attractive??????? and patient hes so gentle and calm when he teaches the others and when they're not quite getting it he slows down his little "ba baba ba baba"'s and breaks down the steps and like that one video of him leading dance practice and he looks so focused and when everyones not getting it he gets everyone together and they talk about it before trying again and hes just such a good teacher and watching him in his element like that is so magical and you just feel honored to be able to look at him and witness his self growth while bettering others and goshfhebrsg fuck its so calming it makes me feel like my brain and heart and soul are just floating in the damb clouds ! and hes giving hes always giving giving giving hes always giving us content and giving praise to the members and giving gifts and giving thanks and he gives so damb much and im scared that he would give his heart right out of his chest if he didn't need it so bad ! hes just always thinking of armys and his members and the little smile he gets when he mentions either just makes me want to give him everything right back like fuck the man is so fucking humble and when he talks to us hes always always promising that he'll work harder and perform better and keep putting out content and always thinking long and hard about what he says before he says it hsgdhsjs thts also a super endearing habit of his like when hes super relaxed and just doing a video or a live and hes not around anyone else, his voice drops a little and he kinda relaxes and rests his chin on his hand and talks real slow and giggles gently and makes lots of "hmmm" and "ahhhh" and "mmmm" noises as he thinks and god fuckfin i could really just listen to him talk forever like call me dramatic but i can physically feel every cell and bone in my body settle kind of like an old house and i feel a little like melty jello but in a good way because im wrapped in wool blankets but not the scratchy kind and i'm safe and nothing can hurt me because he's there and he's talking about dancing and his latest project and his mom and sister and mickey and it's so.. safe??? and the boy is optimistic despite everything and not in the sense that hes one big giant ray of blinding sunshine but because he's able to be that throughout everything?? if that makes sense?? even the members have said "hes not actually like that off camera" but because of the brand he's adopted, he continues to be. he continues to be that loud, carefree friend for us and for his members even when i'm sure he's stressed and sad and tired and god do you know how strong you have to be to do that like i can hardly even smile at customers at work when im sleepy but he gets up and does it and bares himself to the world with a smile on his face and i worry about him sometimes because i dont want him to think we would love him any less if he ever stopped but the strength he possesses to do so is indescribably admirable and i want him to know its okay and we love him and fuck i wouldn't ever trade him for the world he is perfect and bright on his own as he is and this probably isn't making sense and ur probably like when is this bitch gonna shut up but the answer is never ! i love him ! i love him and respect and admire and support him because of everything he is and isn't and if my heart was even able to fathom the soft little pit of love that has grown inside of me i'm pretty sure i would just die ! like my heart strings are tied around his perfect delicate fingers and he reached for the cereal this morning and nearly yanked my heart out and he doesn't even know it ! like god i am head over heels over head over heel over head over heels x100 over and over and i know that i will never love a man like this in this lifetime or any other one ever again ! anyway.. i fucks w hoseok heavy
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OK!!! saint-loup. it is saint-loup o’clock. i do not have these thoughts well formulated so this might get kinda long n messy but i promised myself i’d Talk This Out w/ myself on this reading, so. icee straw kazoo.
ok so saint-loup is the narrator’s friend tho like... to the extent this term is applicable in friendships m’s kinda The Unrequiter, often exhibits w/out expressly saying that he feels kinda guilty for Using Him or at least for like. not being able to match the energy saint-loup brings to the relationship. in fact the main thing he consistently notices in saint-loup is energy, strength. but also solicitude! which combination to me seems weird? i’m fond of saint-loup but he makes me uncomfortable, i think bc while, on one hand, his slightly sophomoric intellectualism and nervous quickness and tendency to be officiously solicitous*--which 3 traits m associates w/ saint-loup’s ability to assimilate quickly (3.98, 153)--all remind me of me, and also of many people i’ve known, but then...? on the other hand, i have never seen those traits (esp. solicitude) in a strong person; saint-loup is passive-aggressive and i have only ever observed that demeanor in weak people--most of them sick, bats and/or non-men; certainly not in a straight-passing man (as saint-loup does at this time) if he’s also healthysane--since passive-aggression is so. roundabout, and mind-over-matter &c. like. all the things i have in common w/ saint-loup are traits i’ve developed because i’m not a man, not straight, not neurotypical, not strong, u know? and certainly these traits are ones people like me are supposed to dislike in ourselves, but i find that recognizing them in someone usually makes me more comfortable around them, because... well, you know. because the ways in which we’d be likely to hurt each other are basically the same?
meanwhile early in volume 3 you get this scene where saint-loup introduces m to a bunch of his friends, all adorably over-eager to Show Off m’s intellect, make sure he makes a good impression, and
“No? You don’t agree about Stendhal?” he went on, with a naïve confidence in my judgment which found expression in a charming, smiling, almost childish glance of interrogation from his green eyes. “Oh, good! I see you’re on my side. ... The Chartreuse is after all a stunning work, don’t you think? I’m so glad you agree with me. What is it you like best in the Chartreuse? Answer me,” he urged with boyish impetuosity. And the menace of his physical strength made the question almost terrifying. (136)
N.B. THO that here and elsewhere m fuckin glories in that strength. here, for example:
My departure depressed me less when I was no longer obliged to think of it alone, when I felt that the more normal and healthy exertions of my energetic friends, of Robert’s brothers-in-arms, were being applied to what was to be done (179)
but also, before we even GET to rachel:
“I’m furiously jealous,” Saint-Loup said to me, half laughing, half in earnest, alluding to the interminable conversations apart which I had been having with his friend. “Is it because you find him more intelligent than me? Do you like him better than me? Ah, well, I suppose he’s everything now, and no one else is to have a look in!” (Men who are enormously in love with a woman, who live in a society of woman-lovers, allow themselves pleasantries which others, seeing less innocence in them, would never dare to contemplate.) (153)
idk, like. i’ve had multiple people talk that way to me? but i possess what almost seems like an “only we can say it” sentiment about it--only people who don’t pass for straight men, maybe, or only weak people, neurotics. and saint-loup has that entire demeanor he seems to think he’s entitled to it as an intellectual or maybe just picks it up from m and rachel but it’s weird on people whose intellectualism does not compensate for frailty of body and/or “willpower,” idk. he does the fuckin... what do i mean, um. OH!--i associate his flirtatious self-deprecation w/ the thing women do in victorian books and in old movies; the thing lizaveta nikolaevna does in demons when she asks what’s his face whether he’d still wanna hang if she broke her leg. and possibly i’m wrong to see saint-loup’s comments as the outpost of a similar thing? but
“You know,” I said, “I did come to say good-bye to you the day I left Doncières. I’ve never had a chance to mention it. I waved to you in the street.”
“Don’t speak about it,” he replied, “I was so sorry. I passed you just outside the barracks, but I couldn’t stop because I was late already. I assure you I felt quite wretched about it.” (233)
haha yeah no i don’t think i’m wrong. so maybe it’s like the last few days’ irritation at hearing my mom employ the detached, bodily-self-contemptuous infodump tone i often use irl to talk about My Limitations--sitting like i do then, w/ that buzzardy hunch as though to tell a secret, and w/ the same aporetic expression--without having also to euphemize, circumlocute, pause and screw up her face and twist her wrist around for long intervals, blushing, trying to think of a less self-flattering [vulnerable] word for what she means, like i would in that situation. but i think it’s... also that i’m uncomfortable on m’s and rachel’s behalf? that in order not to intimidate or seem to condescend he adopts a piece of their demeanor that makes him look harmless. because like. another way in which saint-loup attempts to Regain His Dignity (or at least vent frustration) during his fight w/ rachel is that when the journalist w/ the cigar refuses to put it out, um,
“Would you mind, sir, throwing away your cigar? The smoke is bad for my friend.” [...]
“There’s no rule against smoking that I know of,” said the journalist. “If people aren’t well, they have only to stay at home.” [...]
“In any case, sir, you are not very civil,” observed Saint-Loup to the journalist, still in a mild and courteous tone, with the air of appraisal of a man judging retrospectively the rights and wrongs of an incident that is already closed. (239-40)
and see THIS IS ME this is exactly how i act when i’m angry at someone in public (incl. or maybe esp. if that someone is myself ha), fuckin carrying on another conversation in the background as proof ur Still Sane, BUT THEN
[A]fter the courteous words that he had just uttered, he brought down his hand with a resounding smack upon the journalist’s cheek. (240)
AND LIKE?? i don’t think this would creep me out nearly so much if the pretext (tho obv not the reason) for it weren’t. an ableist comment. “If people aren’t well, they have only to stay at home.” but i’ve more than once gotten angry w/ someone, chewed someone out, for saying something ableist to my friend (tho in the case that comes to mind the comment could be applied to me as well), and in my experience that kind of vicarious anger is?? because you know your friend’s upset about it but don’t know what to say to help them, so you resent the perp for showing you your own impotence, for distracting your and your friend’s attention from more important things w/ their needless judgmental bs. and THAT makes sense here? but without those other layers--of 1. “this insult implicates me also” and 2. “you have upset my friend and therefore obliged me to Avenge them since i don’t know how to make them feel better”--it’s... weird. it’s just so Not His Fight i guess, and. i’ve actually written a similar scene, too? in which case some of the interest was in like... the assumption by stronger people that we’ll be flattered to see them use their greater strength in defense of Our Honor, when. no, saint-loup; that’s a nonsensical n paternalistic pretext to vent ur own unrelated anger? m neither needs nor wants a healthy person to punish ableists’ contempt of his ill health? and in fact it’s embarrassing in the first place when ppl respond to our not making a fuss by making the fuss for us?? blugh! i don’t know. i can point out so many gross things about this but still am not satisfied i have identified The Thing About It that makes me so uncomfortable; maybe it’s just because at the same time i do understand both m’s fetishistic admiration of saint-loup’s strength and aristocratic solicitude and saint-loup’s paternalism itself. i’ve been on both sides, tho without the... punching. thing, ha. on that note:
Now that to the measured conversations of the diplomats, to the smiling arts of peace, had succeeded the furious onthrust of war, since blows lead to blows, I should not have been surprised to see the combatants wading in one another’s blood. ... Fortunately the journalist who, staggering back from the violence of the blow, had turned pale and hesitated for a moment, did not retaliate. (240-1)
M OH MY GOD ur purely academic understanding of How Fights Work! sees a guy 2 whose general opinion on violence he defers punch someone n is just like “well, shit, this is it, we’re all gonna die” fdlahgsdf ur......my favorite, and also, same, but possibly this is a mistake we both oughta quit making. Fuckin Liberals &c. &c.
*appropriate since he’s a sergeant!! but what i mean is e.g. when rachel (his gf w/ whom he needs to break up) makes him feel small in public saint-loup will then try to get back some dignity by turning to m like “You oughtn’t to stand about in the cigar smoke like that, it’ll make you ill” (3.237). it’s like what i said yesterday about my own solicitude--that it’s about liking to feel useful, liking for there to be a subject on which you know what to say. but it’s jarring to me to see this sense of return to familiar ground detached from same-feeling--to see the “useless person’s dream come true” phenomenon in a situation where saint-loup has no obvious reason to consider himself an expert other than his general aristocratic + busybodyish(!!!) tendency to anticipate people’s interests, to want to Know Everything about his friends.
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