#honor is dead I'll see what I can do
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bionikgeek · 11 months ago
My friend is reading WoR and I reread the duel chapter and had this thought: One of the guys trying to cripple Adolin in a full disadvantage duel: "This isn't about Honor. This is about Punishment." Adolin seeing Kaladin approach: "My brother in Honor, you are completely correct. Punishment has just entered the ring. But NOT FOR ME!"
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wanderingmadscientist · 3 months ago
He said the line
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sebarial-the-economist · 2 years ago
What if Kaladin is Tanavast's replacement? What if he's meant to take up the shard of Honor next? (See Rhythm of War Ch 108 near the end for potential foreshadowing)
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lamaery · 5 months ago
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It's alright Dalinar, babe, he got this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- image description: A loosely scribbled and coloured comic page with several panels in four rows of the scene in Words of Radiance in which Kaladin joins the duel in the arena. The background in the panels is painetd very patchily implying the seats of the arena with half roofs offering shadow from the sun above. The first row has two panels, on the left we see an agitaed Dalinar, in his blue uniform with gold and white trimmings, as he leans forward, hands on the wall of the dueling pit in front of him, calling out "What happened to us?", "Where is our honor?". A smaller speechbubble to the side contains the words "Honor is dead". The panel to the right depicts Dalinar looking to the side to see who gave that cynical commentary. Kaladin stands there not far behind him, also in captain's uniform holding his spear and looking very grim. The next row has two smaller and on medium sized panel, they all show Kaladin from the side in profile – as Dalinar would see him. He inhales like he is fortifying himself for what comes next. On the exhale he looks down into the arena with mix of resignation and determination and utters the words "But I'll see what I can do." The speechbubble for it is already in the next panel, in which Kaladin is gazing towards us with a mournful expression as he says "If this goes poorly, take care of my men."
The third and fourth row are both each one long horizontal panel. The third row shows Kaladin as he vaults himself over the wall in the foreground. Dalinar stares at him seeming very shocked. The panel in the last row is a top down view into the arena. Kaladin stands in front of six people, four of them Shardbearers in full plate all now turning towards him. On the far left is Relis in his black plate holding a big shardblade. Adolin kneels next to him in the sand of the arena holding his broken shoulder. To his right stand Elis with a shardhammer in a grey plate, then Adrobar in a orange one with a blade. Further to the right is Jakamav in his green plate and the king's blade, Renarin standing blade- and plateless next to him.
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gnecrognomicon · 2 years ago
That last post I reblogged is so accurate. I'd rather have a breakdown over a three-page paper for POLS-101 US Politics than bow to the dishonorable defeat that is chatgpt
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batarina-catarina · 4 months ago
Honor is dead. But I'll see what I can do.
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adolins-heart · 2 months ago
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lufyuu · 4 months ago
,, Bloodstained Crown ''
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Yandere emperor x vengeful ex-crown prince reader
Tw/s: obsessive love, kidnapping, heavy yandere themes, rough + shameless + clingy yandere, dubcon, voyeurism, cockwarming, sex in public, power imbalance, one sided enemies to lovers, mentions of killing/death, slight gore.
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They never seem to stop, those clouds. Crying all day as if mourning something important. Their tears seem to wash away the thick red liquid on the dirty floor. It wouldn't have been possible if not for the roof of the manor being in shambles. "T-t-those damned Luminayres—", he coughs, and coughs, and coughs, almost reaching his limit and taking his last breath. The heavy rain drowns out the sobs of a young teen, clinging onto what little hope he had left. He was in utter shock, not even able to say a single thing. Nothing came out his mouth. Not even a single whimper looking at the dead bodies. Dead bodies of his parents, servants, everyone who had ever lived in that palace. Dead. In a pool of their own blood. No amount of apologies will stop this former royal from avenging them all.
Even after so many years. Perhaps even a decade has passed. You're determined to finish what they started. They made a huge mistake. They didn't check if you were already dead or not. The bullet that had been lodged into your arm is not replaced with a scar which is a reminder that no matter how much they tried to cover it up, you'll always be out for their throats. When the sun sets and the streets are empty, you look around for ways to get into the protected palace. Revenge really isnt an easy feat.
"[Fake Name]! Did I hire you to doze off or work?", a deep voice yells out from the otherside of the sunlit room. You wipe a bit of sweat off your forehead, "coming boss", you jog over with a semi clean cloth to where your higher up is. "This is very dirty, how do you expect our customers to like it?", he points at one of the many displayed weapons. You notice a few specks of noticeable dust, "my apologies boss, I'll clean it all up right away", you slowly and carefully brush off the dust off of everything to make sure they look good enough for customers to stop by and look at, perhaps even buy. Your salary here isn't worth the work you're doing but as long as you can keep a roof over your head and food on the table, you'll be fine. It's way better than being on the streets afterall. This is almost your way of moving on. Even if it's not affective in the slightest.
After dusting off most of the armour, the doorbell chimes. A man walks in wearing armour. Someone who works for the royal family that's for sure. The boss is almost taken aback but keeps his composure, "W-welcome honorable soldier!", he instantly lightens up, a huge smile on his face while you freeze in place, not daring to face the man who has just entered the shop. The soldier doesn't say anything, only looking around, searching for something. "Do you have a blade with a handle made out of gems? Specifically diamonds", the boss is even more taken aback, as if the shop has anything that valuable. "My deepest apologies honorable soldier, I fear we do not have anything that fits that description", he frowns, "do you take custom orders?", "y-yes but I'm afraid we don't have the gem—", the man is quickly sileneced by the soldier putting a huge sack on the ground, from a small opening, the diamond shines just enough for everyone to see, including you. "His Royal Highness, the prince will be needing this next week for his engagement, he will be personally coming to pick it up", with that, the soldier turns his heels and walks out the door, the bell chiming once more as he does.
Something about this ignited the flame in you once more. This may be your last time.
"This means more work for us", well, more of work for you. With your mind elsewhere, you almost dont hear his voice. When you realize he did say something, you give a quick nod and head towards the jewelry shop to look at some gems. Your boss didn't need to ask you too anymore, you already knew. You already know this street like the back of your hand. It was an easy task reaching to your destination.
"Mr Albert, can you help make a handle out of diamonds?", you ask as you step into the shop. Even if you didn't intend it, the two of you had became pretty close but you know that won't last long. "Of course [Fake Name]! What kind are they?", you hand him the heavy bag of diamonds, shocking him as the diamond shines brightly. "Whose are these?", "the prince's, it's regarding his engagement to the princess Elena", Albert is even more taken aback as he grabs one of the glistening diamonds with one hand while the other holds a magnifying glass to it. "This is really high quality..!", you nod, "so, how long will it take?", "perhaps 5 days if I rush it."
5 days.
5 days is all you have to prepare. This might be your only chance. Even if it's half a percent, you're willing to take that risk. This is an opportunity you've been waiting for. You don't even know if the prince will be there or not, it's just something you'll have to count on.
The rest of your work day passes by as usual, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing unique, nothing to really make you feel content with life. Though, how could you? Even after all these years, you haven't given up on what you've been seeking ever since you were just a young teen. Whatever it is, it's still near impossible to achieve in these circumstances.
You take a seat looking out to the ocean, the sun setting as you do. The view reminds you a lot of the past. The very distant and unforgivable past. The little boy who had accompanied you all those years ago. The perpetrator.
Enough of the past. You're here to enjoy the sunset and ocean breeze. You sit in silence, relaxing your body and closing your eyes for a bit. Unfortunately though, even when the atmosphere is relaxing, something about it does annoy you a bit, the sound of people murmuring as they walk behind you, on the road. You can smell something sweet and know it's from the bakery not too far from your seat. This area used to be quiet, nice, full of trees and grass up until people decided they needed more land to use for shops. Everything changes overtime, nothing you can do about it.
After just a few minutes, the sun has dissapeared from sight, the moon taking its place. It's an everyday thing, nobody finds it unusual. Once the sun is gone, the moon takes over.
You look around, some shops are closing down while others stay open for the night. That's when you decide it's time for you to get some rest. No use staying here and dwelling on the past. It can't be changed anyways. As you're getting up, a carriage drives right by you, you catch a small glimpse of who the carriage is carrying. A mere glance from their midnight almost black eyes makes you shiver. It reminds you of the ocean at night and something more. Though, you can't quite place your finger on what it reminds you of.
Those 5 days pass by painstakingly slow. Too slow for you who wanted to have the prince's severed head on your shelf right this moment. When the day finally came, you waited in the shop. Acting as if it was any other day. Well, it sort of was. The only difference being the soon to be murder weapon concealed under your clothes. Your foot tapped impatiently, wanting to hear the sound of the townspeople murmuring or giggling, causing a ruckus. It would more than likely indicate the prince's arrival. "[Fake Name] why are you tapping your foot?", your boss asks with an annoyed expression. He hates the tapping sound, it drives him crazy. Though, when you turn around, wanting to answer or apologize for the action, the door opens. "Pardon me, I'm here to pick up a custom order?", a sweet and grace-laced voice calls out from just a mere meters from you. "O-oh yes of course your highness!", the old boss scrambles to the back, searching for where he had placed such an important order. Meanwhile, you stared bullets into the royal. This was it. Your chance. Maybe even your last.
As the prince takes a couple steps to admire the shop owner's handiwork, you took this as an opportunity to get closer. "Hm? I'm alright you don't need to show me around", you glance at the entrance, a few guards stationed to keep the prince safe but you wonder, why aren't any of them by his side? That's a stupid thing to do. Leaving their one and only heir all vulnerable to any and all attacks. With a swift move, you grab your weapon and direct it to the prince's throat, pinning him to the shelf. "Oh?", is all he lets out. An interested and excited 'oh' . The blade stops just a fraction from his skin, leaving him unharmed. Even as you try to press the blade closer, aiming to slice his soft skin, your strength is no match for his.
"Your highness! Here is your—", the old man nearly has a heart attack on the spot, nobody would blame him if he did. "[FAKE NAME]!? WHAT IN HEAVEN'S SAKE ARE YOU DOING!?", his screams are loud enough to reach the ears of the guards outside, prompting them to turn around and look at whatever was the matter. With no hesitation, they burst into the shop, almost breaking the glass door. "Drop your weapon immediately!", one of them says while the others surround you. "Step away and nobody gets hurt", their tone intimidating, unfortunately or fortunately, not quite intimidating enough for you. "Agh, fuckers", you turn to the guards, letting the prince out of your sights for just a splint second. A terrible mistake.
With a swift move, your blade is removed from your hands. "No need to worry, I'm afraid our attacker here is quite inexperienced", you look back at the prince who now has an even wider smirk. Little do you know, he's also scanning your features, taking it all in. "Huh, your face is familiar, that attitude, not so much", you glare at the man nad try to punch him using your non-dominant hand which is also stopped by him. "Y-y-your highness! I am incredibly sorry for the trouble he has caused!", the old man is clearly referring to you, "rest assured he's never allowed to work or come near here ever again!", he's almost crying, trembling with fear as to what the royal family might do to him. The prince seems to be thinking as he pauses for a few seconds before his eyes lit up. With a firm grip, the royal heir clasps both your hands in one of his, making sure you can't make any sudden attacks on him. With the now free hand, he stretches it to the boss, "where's my dagger?", and just like that, the boss is scrambling to hand it over. Once the prince had it in his hands, he looked over at your puzzled and angry face. "Is it pretty?", he holds up the dagger to your face. You think he's about to stab you with it so you remain silent. "I'm Prince Vaelius if you haven't already known", he scans you, "and you are..[Fake Name]?", he seems unsure of it himself, wanting confirmation from you but you don't give it. "Fuck you and fuck your royal family bullshit", you spat out with venom. Most would be incredibly angry by now but not him. He finds it amusing how you have a vendetta against him and he doesn't even know you!
Vaelius takes a step, then another, and another towards the exit. The guards open the door for him, wondering what his next move would be. As the carriage door opens, you're thrown into it, followed by the prince who climbs in immediately after you. You try to kick the man but all that does is amuse the royal sicko. "Let me..off this dammed carriage!", you scream and try to kick once more, only for your ankle to be grabbed by Vaelius who pulls you closer. Your leg now sitting on his shoulder as the carriage moves slowly. "Your life's in my hands now, [Name]."
"[Name], meet Prince Vaelius", your mother, the Queen of Aldoria introduces you to the little boy infront of you. He looks about 10. Now why would you befriend such a young boy when you can play with others your age? "Go on, talk to his highness", she gives you a gentle push which makes you a bit annoyed. The little boy looks up at you, his midnight eyes almost glowing as he looks into yours. It's as if he's mesmerized by you. "H-hi!", his voice is still high pitched unlike yours. You're in your early teens so it's been a while since you've heard an annoying high pitched voice. Nonetheless, you have to be nice. "Hello, I'm [Name] [Last Name]", you reach out to shake his hand but you mom quickly puts your hand down, "it's impolite, give a little bow", she whispers in your ear to which you oblige. You give the smaller boy a bow, to which he smiles sweetly at. "Mn! I'm Vaelius!", he excitedly replies.
Arriving at the place you never thought you'd ever step foot in ever again, you feel a sense of dread wash over. However, this feeling was soon followed by anger and frustration.
The prince steps out first and holds out his hand, anticipating yours to grab his. Instead, you ignore the outstretched hand and get out yourself. Dusting your clothes as your feet touch the ground. "Are you repulsed by me?—", as he asks that, your hand grabs his collar, glaring at him, "I won't cause a ruckus as long as you keep your hands off of me", "but you're the one touching me, are you not?", he looks down at the hand on his collar which you quickly pull back, turning your attention back to the magnificent castle infront of you.
With guards surrounding the both of you, you are brought into the castle, the prince never leaving your side. As the palace doors open, there are already maids taking the prince's coat off, making him feel at home while you look at him in dissapointment. Does he not even know how to take off his coat? Anywho, you look around, taking it all in. It's been years since you've last been here. "Do you like your new home?", "home?", you instantly turn around and ask, the maids retreating to their positions. Vaelius waltz towards you, a cunning look on his face that makes you want to punch it off him, "yes, you're marrying into this family, [Name]", he takes your hand, "didn't I say not to touch me!—", Vaelius places a peck on the back of your hand, "you wouldn't want to dissapoint the entire empire, now would you?", his eyes show a glint of obsession, though it passes faster than it appeared. For some reason, you can't pry your eyes from the lovestruck prince. "What are you saying...", you're suspicious of Vaelius, just what in heaven's sake is he talking about.
Vaelius gestures for one of his servants to come over. She's holding a blade with both hands which Vaelius grabs, handing it to you, "this is for you, my dear fiancé", his voice alluring and almost commanding you to take the blade in his hands. Despite his warm smile, the air felt heavy with an unspoken tension. Neither one of you wanted to lose this unspoken battle. "Or shall I remind you of how you tried to hurt the one and only heir?", his eyes open to look at you with a fierce look in them, you feel sick to your stomach. You hate him, you hate his family but this might be your only chance in surviving and carrying out your revenge. Lose the battle but win the war as they say.
You grab the blade part, bleeding a bit as it slices into your hand, "then, I'll gladly accept, my prince", you look at him with glaring eyes as he stares back with a smile, "aren't you sweet? Come up with more nicknames before our wedding, won't you?", he gestures again to the maids and in a few seconds, those same maids are guiding you to your new room. Temporary of course. You'd be sharing the same bed as the prince soon, patience.
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"At least the room's nice", you mumble to yourself after seeing where you'll be sleeping for the next few days or weeks. The maids all exit the room, with one letting you know that if you ever need something, to just ring the bell near your bed. You try to take it all in. What you did, what you will do and what he will do. The prince is unpredictable, making you all the more uneasy and wary of him, but for now, you should just enjoy a lavish lifestyle. Just like all those years ago.
"The prince is a beauty isn't he?", your mother catches you off guard. The two of you are sitting on a bench in the garden while ththe prince is with the emperor, discussing a few things with your father. "What do you mean, mother?", you ask in return and she giggles, "don't think I haven't noticed your eyes constantly following his figure now", your eyes widen, face visibly flushed. You can't say anything or rebuttal her words as you know it's true. She notices this and turns to you, a sweet smile on her face, "you might as well ask him out now before he gets snatched up by a girl or perhaps another guy", she jokes but sees that your expression is uneasy, "sweetie, I don't care who you like, you're allowed to love whoever, I mean, you're a teen now! I'm practically a soon to be grandma", she laughs and you do too. The small blonde prince turns to look at you with a huge innocent grin on his face. Little did you know, the emperor had noticed this and glared bullets into you.
"[Name]~?", Vaelius calls out, leaning a bit too close to you for comfort. You throw him off of you immediately, knocking him onto the carpeted ground, "ouch!", he rubs the back of his head which had collided with the ground, something in you compells you to lend him a hand. So, you extend one for him to take and he does so. "Why did you sneak up to me like that!?", you ask, furious. He stands up, almost towering over you, you don't remember him being this tall.."I wasn't, you were just spacing out", he sighs, looking like a hurt puppy who got scolded at by its owner, "don't pull that face and why are you here anyways?", he perks up at the question, "well, you are my soon to be husband, it's only natural I'd introduce you to my father", "I've already met hi-", "no time to lose!", he drags you out the room and into the hallways.
"Father! Meet my fiancé!", Vaelius pushes open the giant door to the emperor's office where Emperor Adrien sat. "What do you mean, son?—", his words are almost cut off as you enter the room, looking like you've been forced to be here, "who is that.", the emperor rises from his seat, looking down at you but not his son, "my fiancé", Vaelius happily says, holding your hand up. "Vaelius Luminayre. What in the world are you thinking", his tone is calm but you can tell he's beyond furious with his one and only son. "I'm perfectly capable of choosing my spouse, am I not, father?", Vaelius is passive aggressive with his words, daring the emperor to oppose his marriage with [Name]. "And what about Princess Elena", he is glaring at you, as if decades of hatred is surfacing once more. You can only look on in silence as the argument between father-son is going on. "Oh, her? You can tell her family we won't be needing them anymore", Vaelius says as if it's the most obvious and easiest thing in the world, ignoring the fact that they had been engaged for half a year. The families had hoped for Vaelius to take her as his empress but now..things have taken a turn for the worse.
"Vaelius. You two will not have my blessing", the emperor thought his son would listen after his little threat but that was far from true. "I didn't come to ask for your blessing, father", Vaelius slyly says, you can almost see an irk mark forming on his cheek. Emperor Adrien is shocked by this response, "Do you understand that you WILL NEVER become emperor if you marry that wretched man!? Has he corrupted your mind!?", the emperor yells and throws a vase your way, only for it to be blocked by Vaelius, what have you even gotten yourself into!? "Keep telling yourself that, old man", the prince turns around, taking you with him and exiting the room as yet another vase flies across the room, hitting the closed door.
This was only the start of your new life.
After that incident, your life became...easier? Well, it was all thanks to Vaelius anyways. Somehow, a few days after Vaelius met with his father to discuss about the marriage further, the emperor suddenly approved of your marriage. With the condition that the marriage would have to be postponed until 3 months later. This was also an opportunity for you to get rid of the royal family and not be tied to them in any way. You just had to figure out when was the perfect time for your plan to be executed.
And that moment came sooner than you expected. It was midnight, you knew everyone in the palace, other than the royal guards, were fast asleep by this point. The palace eerily quiet, the atmosphere almost horror-like as you roam the hallways to look for the emperor's chambers. To your utter shock and surprise, two guards lay dead on the ground of their own blood infront of the cracked open door. "Holy shit..", you cover your mouth. Even though you had seen this countless times...this time was different, it reminded you so much of that night
You also wondered, who could have beaten you to it? With your curiosity growing with each passing moment, you decide to take a peek. Avoiding the blood and corpse, you look through the small crack of the door. Your stomach drops at the sight. The moonlight shines on the perpetrator's blonde hair, in his left hand, the head of the now dead emperor, a blade on his right. The floor and walls covered in blood, the perpetrator himself is also covered in thick red liquid. Your eyes widen as the man notices someone staring at him. He turns to smirk at you, revealing himself as Vaelius Luminayre.
"Come in, why don't you?", he beckons you in, your legs move towards him, obeying his command. Once you reached him, your legs give out, falling into his arms as the bloodied head drops onto the ground with a loud thud. "Well aren't you so sweet? Falling for me like this", your head rests on Vaelius' shoulder as he holds you by your waist. You're almost frozen in place seeing what the prince, no, your fiancé, has done to the emperor. "V-Vae...", "sshh", he hushes you, "I did this for us, [Name], you've wanted this from the beginning, haven't you?", he chuckles in a low voice, a terrifying laugh. "Now we can get married the second the sun rises, isn't that amazing?", he holds your hand and makes you face him, lifting your chin to stare into his eyes as his bore into yours. "I'll be yours and you'll be mine, how's that?", with nothing left to say, you nod in agreement, did you want this from the start..?
"[Name] I'm gonna marry you one day!", the young boy says while pouting. Another lady had been flirting with you prior before this and unfortunately the young prince had witnessed it all. He was not happy. "W-what!?", you're taken aback by his suddenness, "you can't marry me..!", you yell to which he pouts even more, "why? Is it because I'm not a pretty lady!?", Vaelius seems like he's on the verge of crying so you give in, "o-okay then, I'll marry you", his mood takes a turn for the better and he smiles, "no take backs!"
The Prince always gets what he wants. Whether that's the title of Emperor or your hand in marriage. Today marks the day he gains it all. Not only is he the emperor by law, you are also now the Imperial Husband. A title that will be bestowed to you in a couple hours time.
The wedding ceremony was nothing short of grand. Everyone was invited to witness their new emperor's marriage to the former Prince of the [Last Name] house. Most cheered for the couple while some were dissapointed. Oh the look in Princess Elena and her family's eyes, priceless in the eyes of the now Emperor Vaelius. The wedding itself was held in the Royal Palace. Usually it'd be held at a church but Vaelius wanted it to be even more grand so he chose his palace. You even had a custom made outfit fit for the occasion, a pristine white dominated suit with the colors of your house. This was Vaelius' way in honoring the late King and Queen of your kingdom. You hated him and still do probably but you can't deny that what the both of you had in the past, still remains in the present.
Even though you didnt know whether he had been involved or not, something in you wanted him to be involved in your family's massacre, at least then..you can avenge them still, with the former emperor dead and all. You can't fail them but, is it worth murdering an innocent man for? The man whom you had fallen for all those years ago no less. In this marriage, you can't tell if it's either unrequited or requited love.
"Your Imperial Highness..!", a commoner girl says as you and your now husband pass by the crowds of civilians. They're all begging to get your attention, screaming, calling out and even crying, all so that you'd notice them. Maybe theyre trying to gain your favor or maybe they simply find you captivating, Vaelius sure understands where they're coming from. He finds you absolutely irresistible and it would be natural for the public to be captivated by your beauty too. So long as they know their place in his empire. You turn to face the girl who called out for you, her face full of joy despite her shabby clothing and dirty appearance. Why was she so happy just to get a glimpse of you? You'll have to get used to this life now.
What you probably can't get used to is your new life with the Emperor Vaelius. The moment the two of you stepped into your new shared chambers, Vaelius wasted no time in pushing you onto the bed, "Vaelius! What are you doing!?", "we're married now, aren't we? Let's spend the first night like husband and wife", he licks his lips at the sight of you sprawled on the bed. He's been waiting all this time for your return and his want for you can no longer be suppressed.
Without a second thought, Vaelius attacks your neck, littering it with kisses and hickeys. The pain was bearable, but the way he licked you really did send shivers down your spine, this sensation is very new to you. Instead of pushing him off, your hands pull him closer, something compells you to. It's as if the you from all those years ago came back, wanting to hold the now Emperor Vaelius. You close your eyes in pleasure, containing the moans threatening to escape your mouth. "You like this, huh", he speaks against your sensitive skin, making you all the more turned on. "M..mhm", you manage to get out. Vaelius then pulls back, looking at your mesmeric expression. "My...beloved [Name]...", your name rolls off his tongue over and over again as if he's afraid of the possibility of not being able to utter that name anymore. "Never leave me again", it sounds more like a demand rather than a plea. Before you could respond, he took both your hands with his left, his lips pressed against yours while his right hand is wandering down to your pants. Stopping to unzip them. If this was any other piece of clothing, he would have ripped it open. But since it's your wedding outfit, he'd like to keep it intact.
With his hand rubbing your cock, you reach out for said hand, wanting it to stop as you already feel to much pleasure. Never in your life would you have even thought that your first love would be touching you like this, as your husband no less. "Hm? Do you not like it?", Vaelius knows you like it, he just wants to hear those words come out your mouth. "Or would you like it more back there?", his hand wanders towards your hole, a finger pressing on the entrance as you moan just by his touch. His finger stays firmly pressed against your needy hole for a few seconds, enough for you to whine, "Vaelius..just put it in already!", a command he obeys as he immediately inserts a finger into your hole, you close your eyes due to the unfamiliar feeling, it feels weirdly pleasureful. Something in you wants more, something bigger, but you dont voice that out. Though, you neednt say anything for him to know what you want. He pushes in a second finger in, making you cling onto him.
"..ah...NGH...!?", you almost let out a loud moan as you feel your protaste being stimulated, closing your eyes in the process. Vaelius smirks, enjoying the way you're turning into putty under him. He didn't say anything as you moan out. Though, it was clear just by looking at his face, that he was thoroughly enjoying the lewd noises coming from you. Without wasting anymore time, he removed his fingers from your hole.
You felt empty, until something else pressed against your wet hole. Fuck! He's huge..! was your first thought as you took a good look at his lubed cock. You didn't even dare to estimate the size of it, "it won't fit..", a reaction which makes the emperor chuckle, "your body was made for me, of course it will fit", before you could respond or let out a snarky comment, Vaelius thrusts himself into you, gripping your waist as he does. You arch your back, eyes widen at the sudden intrusion, "f-fUcK!", you yell out, "you're so tight..", Vaelius was clearly enjoying the way your hole clenched around him. You, on the other hand, wasn't used to this. Tears form in your eyes but they dont fall. When you look back at the blonde, his face is red, seemingly lost in thought himself as he stares at his cock halfway in your hole. You felt his grip tighten and without warning, he slams his cock as deep as possible inside your ass. You let out a loud scream-like moan. The pleasure and pain hitting you all at once, "my dick feels...so good", he leans down to kiss you. You moan into the kiss, him exploring your mouth with his tongue, making you a mess as drool trickles down your chin.
You were getting used to his size due to him staying still but then Vaelius suddenly pulls out, leaving only the tip inside before thrusting it all in. "Ack..! Ah!", you moan as he thrusts in and out, leaving almost no room for you to breathe as he part his lips from yours, focusing on pounding your ass and filling it up with cum. You on the other hand, felt your eyes rolling back, your whole face flushed as you had a firm grip on the bed sheets. Your moans became louder than before, turning your now husband even more. His pupils were practically heart shaped as he looked at your messy form being fucked so hard and rough you look as if you're losing yourself.
You could see and feel the way Vaelius thrusted his cock in and out of you, your lower belly bulging whenever he went all the way inside. This sight made Vaelius all the more horny. Soon enough, he felt as if he was at his limit, "I'm gonna cum...!", as he said that, you grew more aware of your own orgasm. The more he pounded your hole, the more you felt close to your climax. "Cum with me, darling..!", he said inbetween grunts and gasps. Your body convulsed as you let out your first load in a while. Not only that, but the feeling of Vaelius' thick and warm seed filling up your hole made it all the more pleasureful for you. Unplugging his cock from your hole, his cum drips down onto the bed but the both of you couldn't care less in this moment. Lost in each other.
After a moment of silence and rest, Vaelius was the first to speak, "how was it?", "...well it was my first time so—"You're a virgin??", "...", you gave no further comment, regretting ever letting those words out your mouth. This makes Vaelius laugh and blush, knowing he was your first love and the one who took your virginity, "then...I'll make sure your body gets so used to my cock that nobody else's can satisfy your needs, I've got to make a good first impression for you", he throws himself onto you, wrapping his arms from behind you as you face the other way, "just a warning though, I have many needs and wont stop once I start"
And oh boy was that true.
Not even a month later, and he's already bending you over the table. The official meeting table. With nobles around the both of you as he took the farthest and tallest seat. Well, at this very moment, he's standing as he has his cock all the way inside of you. Your face buried in your arms, not wanting to face the tense nobles. Some are even turned on by the sight of you getting dominated infront of them. But, if any of them stared at you for too long, two blades would come flying towards their eyeballs. Afterall, the only one who should stare at you is Vaelius. "Regarding these problems, whose idea was it?", despite his cock being warmed by you, his personality was far from it. He was cold by nature, only warm towards you. You breathe heavily, embarrassed to be seen like this. The once crown prince, heir to the Aldoria Kingdom is now being bent over by the Emperor Vaelius, full of cock as the man towering over you holds important papers, dicussing as if he's not all the way inside you right now. "I-it was mine, your majesty", Vaelius lets out a dissapointed sigh, even you knew what this meant.
In an instant, he sits down on his seat, bringing you with him. This makes his dick sink even deeper into your hole, grazing your prostate ever so slightly that it makes your hole clench, making him grunt. He was clearly unhappy with the decisions the nobles made under his father's reign. With a hand on your hips, he moves you nack and forth, grinding on his cock. Vaelius somehow doesn't let out a sound that would make him seem weak infront of these powerful men but you do. You moan into your own arm and writhe in his touch, his cock so deep inside and hitting your prostate so good. "What made you come up with such a stupid and revolting idea", even if you aren't able to see it, just by his voice, you could tell he had a sinister look on his face, looking down on the noblemen. "I-I apologize your majesty", you watch as thr powerful men infront of you scared out of their wits when face to face with Vaelius. Though, you didn't pay their reactions any attention as you were too busy focusing on Vaelius' big cock inside.
With his strong hand, he lifts you up until they can see his cock halfway in before pushing you back down on it, he repeats this over and over again. Some of the noblemen got hard but dared not to touch themselves, but especially to you. Less they had a torture wish. "...and you call yourselves powerful? Smart? Hah!", Vaelius lets out a sarcastic laugh, it was loud enough to make them all tremble. "Your majesty..we—", "Silence.", a single word and they all felt their bodies shivering. "Get out of my face. I'll give you all a week.", they knew what he meant by this, he was goving them mercy. All of them got up, synchronized, bowing and thanking the emperor for his mercy before scurrying out the door.
This leaves you alone with the angry emperor. You wondered what would happen to you. Of course, you should have expected to be fucked dumb. Vaelius knew how to hit your prostate just right to get you screaming and slobbering over his cock. He drops the papers on the ground as of they're useless to him and holds your hips instead. You're turned around to face him and your arms wrap around his neck, "your expression...so cute", you weren't given a chance to respond, as if you could in your condition. He lifted you up and down on his cock extra rough. Those noblemen pissed him off and you're the only person who can calm him down. Using your hole. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the entire room. Even as it's air conditioned, the two of you sweat due to the intensity of it. Your prostate was basically being abused at this point, you couldn't think of anything but his cock, your brain all mushy now because of it.
Even as you came, he still continued his rough thrusts. Making you feel even more stimulated due to how sensitive you are after coming. "Take all of my cum inside, [Name], take it all..!", he says before coming inside you. Your head resting on his chest as he hold your waist. After a few minutes, he pulls out and helps you stand before bending you over the desk once more. "I love you [Name], please take all of me", in his eyes, the look of love and lust combined. The young boy, of whom you had once found annoying, has now become the man you despise. The one you wanted to rid the world of. Yet as fate foresaw it, he now stands as the dangerous emperor who has forcibly stolen your heart. But will you let him have it?
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Took two months but here it is yall (Im so sorry😞)
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clearwingedmaven · 2 months ago
Alright, so. I've got little time and some ideas, so I'll do a brief thought process on the death of Sherlock Holmes in 1893, and the fandom as a whole.
Firstly, getting this out of the way. Sherlock Holmes was not the first modern fandom. That honor most likely goes to Charles Dickens and his work, especially the Pickwick Papers. There is evidence and record that fan merchandise, like joke books, tobacco, and shoe horns, were made with Pickwick Papers characters, especially Sam Weller.
However, Sherlock Holmes is probably our first instance of a global fandom where consequences quite literally created a literary and cultural firestorm. This isn't an exaggeration.
ACD's relationship with Holmes is... strange. Of course, he wanted to kill off Holmes, and move onto other books. (Historical novels, mainly, or Spiritualist manifesto), but there was always a love hate relationship, and we see that most predominantly through fan letters.
Almost immediately after Holmes’s death in 1893, there was shock. Scandal. Mourning. Fans exchanged letters in newspapers, trying to reach out to other fans to figure out what just happened, and what to do next. Holmes was dead. And for all anyone knew, so was the series.
So how'd they cope?
By creating communities. Discourse communities, to be more apt. They exchanged letters, asked questions, and talked through newspapers. Each one plucked from 1893 and 1894 show grief and confusion: for a fictional character.
People even started seeking out Joseph Bell, the man who inspired Holmes, in order to try to fill the void. There's even record of fans venturing to Reichenbach Falls in costume to pay tribute to their fallen hero. And this kept happening. For years. The world lost not just a character, it was their friend.
Keep in mind! Victorian literature was a family affair. Many people would gather around and read stories and books together, so the firestorm went further.
Until, it made ACD change his mind, and bring back Sherlock Holmes. (Can we call it bullying? Perhaps. I call it a unique circumstance of cultural phenomena.)
So where does it leave the fandom?
Ah, that's the question. This fandom, uniquely, has a distinct honor of being one of the oldest living discourse communities, an exchange of reader response, engagement, and including even more material.
So to the fans: from the fanfic writers, to the game makers, to the cosplayers, to the fans of adaptations near and far, to the editors, to the artists, to the dreamers and thinkers...
It is, given the nature of the fandom, that you are all a part of history, as part of one of the oldest(and still going!) Fandom discourse communities.
Keep that in mind. And keep going. 🙂
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harunayuuka2060 · 8 months ago
WHB Series #1 (cont.)
MC: *seeing all the injured devils*
MC: *looks at that one demon who only has his head*
MC: ...
MC: Get better soon.
The bodyless devil: *croaks a thank you*
MC: ...
MC: Hey, Satan. Is Belial still alive or what?
Satan: I've heard he's dead.
MC: So he's in the morgue?
Ppyong: Sir Belial is not dead, aye!
Satan: Huh? That's not what you said before, Ppyong.
Ppyong: You weren't just listening to me, aye.
Leamas and Nina: ...
Nina: Samael...
Leamas: *holds her hand* We'll be safe here, Nina.
Nina: ...
Nina: But for how long? *worried she would lose herself again*
Leamas: ...
Leamas: *smiles* The descendant of Solomon is here.
Leamas: You have witnessed what they can do.
Bimet: *approaches* In honor of our courageous Sir Belial, we kindly ask you to consider making a contribution. *holding a small, golden pot*
MC, Satan, Sitri, and Ppyong: ...
MC: *unloads their gun and drops the remaining bullets into the pot*
Bimet: Hey!
MC: 'Seeds of the Damned'.
Bimet: *his expression turned serious* Ah, it's you. Follow me.
Sitri: Solomon? You know Sir Bimet?
MC: No. It's my first time meeting him.
Satan: Hm? Don't tell me you've met him in your dreams?
Satan: We haven't done anything yet and you're already cheating on me.
MC: *looks at him with a disgusted expression*
Satan: *laughs* Just kidding.
Bimet: Can we go now? You're wasting my time.
MC: Tch.
MC and Bimet: *entered a different room*
Bimet: Your Majesty Mammon, we're here.
Mammon: Thank you for your assistance, Bimet. You can continue with your business now.
Bimet: *bows then exits the room*
MC and Mammon: ...
Mammon: *smiles*
Mammon: Are you here to make a deal with me?
MC: Nah. You said last time (in a dream) that you would do me a favor.
Mammon: *chuckles* Indeed.
Mammon: What is it that you want?
MC: ...
MC: Don't touch my butt. Never EVER touch my butt.
Mammon: ...
Mammon: I thought you would ask me to modify the seeds.
MC: Nah, I need to set my priorities straight. Plus, I can do that myself.
Mammon: ...
Mammon: *smiles* You're an amusing individual. However, have you decided what you will do with that angel and Nina?
MC: ...
MC: I promised them death and that's what I will do.
Mammon: Well then. *returns the bullets to them*
Mammon: I'm sure you're as wise as Solomon.
MC: *raised an eyebrow*
Mammon: I'm not patronizing you.
MC: Good.
MC: Nina, Leamas.
Nina and Leamas: ...
Leamas: Is it time?
MC: Yes. You have explained it to her, haven't you?
Nina: *nods* You promised Samael and I would be together.
MC: That's right.
Nina: *smiles* Thank you, descendant of Solomon.
MC: *has requested an empty room*
MC: *loads their gun*
Nina and Leamas: *quietly waiting*
MC: You can talk to each other while you wait.
Nina: It's fine.
Leamas: We only want to enjoy the peace and quiet.
MC: Is that so? Well, if that helps to calm your nerves.
MC: *points the gun at them*
Leamas: ...
Leamas: We're doing it now?
MC: Yeah? I'm finished with the preparation.
Leamas: ...
Nina: *giggles*
Leamas: *sigh*
Nina and Leamas: *both smiled, holding each other's hand*
MC: I'll shoot you straight in the heart.
MC: It'll hurt a little.
Nina: That's fine.
Leamas: Descendant of Solomon, we will never forget your kindness.
MC: Sure.
Leamas: ...
Nina: Samael!
Leamas: Is that... Nina?
Nina: Samael!
Leamas: Nina...
Leamas: *opens his eyes*
Leamas: Nina?
Nina: *who's back to being a demon* *is in tears, but smiling* Samael...
Leamas: What happened? Didn't we die?
MC: *holding the defibrillators* Yup.
Satan: How are ya' feeling, Leamas?
Leamas: Your Majesty Satan... I feel... weird.
MC: You're having some side effects, but you'll feel better after you have sex.
Leamas: Huh?
Nina: You're no longer an angel now.
Leamas: ...
Leamas: Does that mean-
MC: Yes. I've turned you into a demon.
MC: Which I didn't know I could do.
Leamas: ...
Leamas: *starts to tear up* Descendant of Solomon-
MC: No. Don't. Nina already gave me a hard time.
Nina: *who cried earlier thinking she survived but Leamas didn't* *giggles*
Satan: We should celebrate this success. What do you think?
MC: I'm not going.
Satan: You can't.
MC: The fuck you mean 'I can't'? Let me rest.
Sitri: I agree with Solomon. We can celebrate some other time, Your Majesty.
Satan: Okay. I'll just visit you in your dreams then.
MC: *unamused*
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rekino2114 · 1 month ago
How jealous are the blue lock girls? I mean, imagine if someone tried to hit on you on the middle of the match. How would they handle it? Would they? Will somebody unleash their inner Pepe?
How the blue lock girls handle jealousy
Fem!yoichi isagi
Ok, so isagi has two modes, the sweet, friendly, and a bit shy girl that you love and the absolute menace that she becomes when she's on the field (that you also love)
it turns out there's another way to activate her "on the field mode" someone flirting with you
The moment she sees another girl say anything flirty to her eyes glow and she immediately runs over to you
She proceeds to verbally abuse the girl in the most brutal way possible. She'll literally invent new slurs at the moment just for her. Meanwhile, you're just standing there wide-eyed because she's ripping the poor girl to shreds with her words alone. You don't know if you feel honored or terrified that she's going harder than she did on kaiser and loki just because she talked to you for like 5 seconds
Hiori and kurona try to hold her back to avoid a scandal (it's already too late), and when she finally calms down, she just turns to look at you smiling like she didn't just cuss out every individual family member of that girl at least 38 times
"And one final thing you ********* if you dare come close to y/n I will ******** and ****** your ****** until you *****, die in a ditch idiot"
"We should probably go back to our position right sweetie?"
Fem!meguru bachira
Bachira might not fully understand the girl is flirting at first. She just thinks she's being friendly, mostly because bachira herself is a bit too friendly in general
So she just joins your conversation as if nothing's going on, randomly calling you babe once, not even realizing how annoyed the girl looks
She continued hugging you and agreeing with every compliment the girl says about you annoying her even more
She just acts like her normal self which for most people who aren't you looks like a weirdo and the fact that you agree with her and match her energy drives the girl away
"I have to say that play you did last match was amazing, so stylish"
"Right!? It was amazing. My monster was cheering in joy when it happened"
"Did it? I'm glad I make your monster happy"
"You always do babe, just like I make yours happy~"
You two start laughing together as the girl looks at you concerned
"I.....think I'll just go"
"Oh ok"
"Thanks for the save bachira, she was making me a bit uncomfortable"
".......she was?"
".....you didn't know? I thought you came here because you saw her flirting"
"Oh no, I just wanted to talk....wait she was flirting!? I gotta teach her a lesson now!"
Fem!rin itoshi
Rin swears that she doesn't get jealous and that she's not bothered at all by people hitting on you, but her saying that is the same as saying that she's not still salty at sae for accidentally blowing out her candles on her ninth birthday... a lie. The truth is that she's jealous, very jealous
Whenever she reads some stupid rumor that you two broke up just because she's not been affectionate to you in public, something she rarely is, she just mutters "stupid paparazzi" and posts a picture of you two on her socials which is something she usually never does
And if she sees a girl trying to hit on you, she just stays there and glares daggers at her. You can almost see the hole she's carving in her head with her stares. Meanwhile, shidou and Charles tease her to no end about it, and she always denies being jealous and yells at them blushing
One time this girl continued touching you inappropriately even after you repeatedly told her no and so rin just straight up went destroyer mode on her
"Sorry it took me some time rin, that girl really didn't want to back off"
".........that lukewarm brain dead worm"
"........are you OK?"
"......does she think she can just do what she wants with you like you're nothing?....."
You get scared as you see her tongue sticking out and her eyes turn black
"I'll kill her, I'll kill her,I'll kill her,I'll kill her!!!!"
Fem!sae itoshi
Like her sister, sae says she doesn't get particularly jealous, but unlike for her sister, that's the truth....for the most part
She knows that everyone knows you're together, even if she might not be the most physically affectionate person especially in public, all the interviews you do together and the times she mentions you in the ones she does alone, plus all the photos of you two together should make it obvious to everyone
So what pisses her off more is that she knows for a fact that the girl knows you're taken, by one of the best players in the world nonetheless, and yet still decides to flirt with you as if she had a chance
When she's had enough, Sae just goes right up to you and tells you to come over to her. When the girl starts to argue, she just glares at her and starts belittling and insulting her, mostly about how trash she is at football with her usual monotonous and deadpan tone
"Y/n, can you come here? I want to talk before the match"
"Oh sur-"
"Wait a minute, y/n was talking to me!"
"....really? To me, it looked like you were going on about whatever without even considering their input, and they were too nice to say anything"
"H-hey wait-"
"But I guess I should have expected nothing more from such a mediocre person, especially in football, a baby could have blocked that shot you did, how did you think you had a chance?"
"Come on, let's go"
Fem!shidou ryusei
It's not that shidou gets jealous because she thinks you'll leave her or that some other girl has a chance to snatch you up. She's jealous because all of the girls must be either very stupid or just bitches to hit on you
With all of the pda you two do, especially during matches, everyone thinks you're gonna get married anytime now. You're so schmaltzy and affectionate, and shidou does everything that's at the limit of being allowed during a match, all to show you off, she knows you're hot and she wants everyone to know that she was the one to bag you
But that still doesn't stop some girls. Seriously, how dumb and / or evil they have to be to still hit on you, what does she have to do to make everyone understand you're off limits? Start grinding on you during matches? (She genuinely considered doing that)
So whenever one of those idiots tries to hit on you, she instantly gets pissed off, goes over, side hugs you, purposefully pulling you up against her chest and starts berating the girl with insults, if she for some reason insults her back than she'll go from words to hands very fast, often getting expelled if you don't stop her
"Huh? Baby who's this bimbo who thinks she's worthy of your time?"
"Bimbo? Look at yourself in the mirror before talking, fake tan and pink hair!"
"Fake!? The tan's all natural I'll have you know, also trying to steal someone's partner is a pretty stupid and shitty thing to do y'know?"
"I wouldn't call it stealing, just offering a better option"
"OK that's it, take this you idiotic moron!"
"B-babe please calm down, you'll take a red card if you continue"
"Tch! Fine, but just because it's for you, sweetie, but if she dares touch you again I won't hold back"
Fem!seishiro nagi
Nagi's strategy to deal with someone flirting with you is the same as the one she has for most problems in her life: do absolutely nothing about it and wait that it resolves itself
It's not that she doesn't care. It's that she's too lazy to act on her jealousy, sure she's a bit angry at the girl trying to hit on you but going all the way over there (standing up from her chair) and talking to the girl seems a bit too difficult for her right now, and she's even in the middle of a ranked match
She'll wait for you to finish talking and drive the girl away, but if she's being really insistent and even touching you, then she might finally do something which is finishing the game, reluctantly getting up and hugging onto you like a koala and pouting telling you to stay with her
Reo is very confused looking at this scene, and all of his attempts to get nagi to do something most often end in failure
"Isn't that girl......hitting on y/n?"
".....oh yeah I guess she is"
".....are you....gonna do something about it?"
"I dunno, do I have to? It seems like such a hassle, I'm sure y/n can handle it"
".....I don't know what I expected"
Fem!reo mikage
Rei gets jealous incredibly easily. A girl could be asking you for directions, and she'll stare at her like she just gave you her phone number
It's not that she doesn't trust you or anything. It's just better to prevent any possible attempts at flirting just in case. She very often just glares at any innocent girls who are just near you by coincidence until they get uncomfortable and leave
And those times where a girl is actually flirting with you, she'll immediately go over, hug you, and kiss your cheek and just start randomly bragging about how rich she is and how much she spoils you
She'll even invent stuff like the fact that you have to go to your private yatch, which you don't have (yet) or that you have only designer clothes in your closet which is actually pretty true with all the clothes she buys you but basically means nothing when you're just wearing the standard manshine jersey at the moment
"Oh y/n sorry to interrupt but it looks like we have to wrap up this match quite quickly, we might lose the reservation at (very expensive restaurant name) if we don't hurry"
She drags you away from the girl
"........wait we have a dinner date tonight?"
"Well we do now, I'll just ask them for a reservation last minute, it shouldn't be a problem"
"......if you say so"
Fem!Michael kaiser
Kaiser doesn't get jealous. She gets possessive. She thinks you two are perfect and only deserve to be with each other, so she thinks any other girl who tries to hit on you is just a lowly worm who didn't understand her place
The fact that she didn't bow her head before talking with you is already a bad start, but the fact that she even thought she had the slightest chance to get with you makes her chuckle a bit in amusement at how stupid she can be
She immediately enters the conversation, hugging you and proceeds to ask the girl what she was doing there. Her sheer presence and reputation are enough to make most girls scared and shily back away
but if for some reason she stays, then she'll start with the insults and belittling telling her she could never get with someone as perfect as you, especially because she's here and doesn't tolerate people who bother you
At this point, the girl is crying and runs away, and she turns back, smiling proud of what she did
"Schatz, am I interrupted your conversation?"
"Y-yes actually"
"Oh perfect, listen here you lowly piece of garbage, the fact that you think you have a chance on y/n is genuinely so funny to me, are you that much of an idiot, did you even look at them? How perfect they look and are, and how perfect I am?"
"Listen, y/n is mine, and I don't like people messing with what's mine, so I suggest you crawl back of whatever sewer you came out of"
"What's wrong schatz? Do you need water or something?"
"N-no it's just.......weren't you going a bit too hard on her"
"No, like I said, I don't like people messing with what's mine, especially you, you deserve only the best, which is me, I'm just keeping all the clowns who don't deserve to even look at your beautiful self away from you"
"It's nothing schatz, I love you after all"
Fem!Alexis ness
Like kaiser, Ness thinks you're perfect, but unlike kaiser, she thinks she doesn't deserve you. She tries her best to be the best girlfriend you could ever ask for but some part of her just thinks that some girl will try to steal her away from you and that's her biggest nightmare
So whenever she sees a girl flirting with you she'll immediately go up to you (completely ignoring the girl) and ask you if you need anything just trying to show off that she'd do anything for you and how good of a girlfriend for you
She'll also hold your hand the entire time and call you "liebling" any chance she gets just to drive the point home that you're in a happy relationship and the girl could never replace Ness
She then asks you to go somewhere so that she can be alone with her and gives her a creepy closed eyes smile (if you guys remember the scene with kunigami at the start of the barcha match that's it) and starts talking about you to her in hopes of driving her off
"Liebling, here's some water, remember to stay hydrated"
"Ah, thanks lexi"
"It's nothing. You were doing amazingly back there, by the way, but remember not to overdo it. The last thing I want is for you to get an injury"
"Yeah, don't worry"
"Uh i-"
"Oh but if you do get sore just tell me liebling, I could give you a massage to help"
"Definitely, your massages are always amazing"
"It's my pleasure, oh by the way noa told me he wanted to talk to you before the second half, maybe to switch strategies"
"OK I'll go now bye lexi"
"Bye liebling, love you"
"OK so now-"
"Y/n is one of the best players on this team and in the world in my opinion"
"You should feel lucky and honored they even decided to talk to you and give you a bit of their time"
"I just suggest not bothering them with useless stuff like that anyway ok~? I'm there for them"
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rain-droplet · 11 months ago
"Honor is dead, but I'll see what I can do."
"And for my boon"
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jerzrien-herald-of-ls · 1 month ago
When the Heralds come back and Ishar is telling about how Kaladin became a Herald;
Ishar: and then he said "Honor is dead, but I'll see what I can do"!
Everyone: *turns and stares at Kaladin*
Kaladin: *stops drinking his (nonalcoholic) wine* what? It was a good line
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entitled-fangirl · 9 months ago
A change of sigil.
Robb Stark x Baratheon!reader
Summary: After wedding Robb Stark and becoming the Lady of Winterfell, the reader learns about the king's death and the treason of Ned.
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The newly wedded Y/N Stark (once Baratheon) ran through the corridors of Winterfell. 
Her eyes fell upon the Stark's Maester. Her eyes lit up. "A letter from my father? Has he finally written me back?"
The older man's eyes softened with guilt, "I'm afraid not, my lady."
Her face fell but she quickly recovered it, "oh. M… May I still see it?"
"This," He held it back from her, "Is for Lord Stark to read."
Embarrassment flooded her cheeks and she nodded. "Right. How foolish of me."
His lips pulled into a smile and he held his arm out. The North did like the gentle girl, after all, "C'mon, my lady. Walk to me to him so we may discuss the reason for such a letter."
She smiled back and took his arm.
"Treason?" Robb's brows furrowed and his teeth grit, "Sansa wrote this?"
"It is your sister's hand, but the queen's words."
Y/N's eyes remained on the table, unsure of what to think. Her mother was a cunning woman, and it did not surprise her of such a thing.
"You are summoned to King's Landing to swear fealty to the new king."
"My father is dead?" She interrupted quietly.
The men's eyes flickered to her.
Robb's anger did not falter, "Joffrey puts my father in chains, now he wants his ass kissed?"
The Maester sighed, "This is a royal command, my lord." His eyes flickered between the lord and lady, "If you should refuse to obey-"
"-I won't refuse," Robb quickly butted in. "His grace summons me to King's Landing, I'll go to King's Landing. But not alone."
He rolled the letter up and handed it back to the maester. "Call the banners."
"All of them, my lord?"
"They've all sworn to defend my father, have they not?"
"They have."
"Now, we see what their words are worth."
"Very well." The maester left quickly.
Y/N's eyes remained on the table, not once wavering. Robb noticed it and rounded the table to sit by her. His head tilted to study her further. His hand reached up to gently grab her jaw, moving her head to face him.
Her eyes connected with his, and they were filled with tears, "My father is dead?"
His lips pull into a line as he looks to Theon and back, "I'm afraid so."
She took a shaky breath in to keep the tears from falling. "Murdered?"
Theon stood at her words, angered a bit inside. He quickly bowed his head and left the room in a huff.
Robb shook his head, "No. Animal attack while hunting is all Sansa wrote."
She was quiet a while before she spoke again, "He loved me."
Robb gritted his teeth. "He had a funny way of showing it."
"But he did love me. I am worth nothing now."
"Hey." His voice lowered at his words. His grip on her jaw tightened. "Do not say such things. You are worth everything to me. Winterfell is your home. Its people are your people. They are loyal."
"Loyal to you. To your name."
"No." He pushed. "They will be loyal to you. You are still a princess after all, aren't you?"
She nodded.
"And more importantly," he kissed her forehead gently, "You are my wife."
She nodded again before a thought came to her. "What is keeping those that rule from killing your father and sisters just the same?"
His eyebrows raised and he shook her head, "Nothing, I suppose. I must hope they fear the North enough or I drive my sword through your brother before they can touch the Starks." He tilted his head, "I need your loyalty. I know I have it. But the people need it."
"I am loyal to you, Robb. You are all I have."
He smiles and caresses her face before shaking his head, "I don't want loyalty for fear or power. Your loyalty should be of trust and honor. I ask again, are you loyal to me, my love?"
"Without my father, the Baratheon sigil means nothing to me. I belong to House Stark now."
His smile grows and he kisses her gently, "I will win this. For you. For my family. I promise you."
A/N: I feel a series coming onnnnn
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nor-4 · 9 months ago
Formula 1 Incorrect Quotes with reader Two
F1IQ - Part One
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Y/n: Bitch why don't you shut the fuck up before i slit your throat and watch the honor roll out?
Max: Are you threatening me??
Y/n: No, I'm hitting on you, flash me a titty bitch.
Lewis: Yeah uh, there's something I've been wanting to say lately.
Y/n: Oh what's that?
Lewis: The N-Word
Y/n looking at toto: Look at your dad. Such a dork, keeping bees.
Y/n: I mean atleast it's interesting though. At least like, i wish my dad kept bees.
Y/n: I mean it's kind of cute. Like, your dad keeps bees.
Y/n: How old is your dad? He's obviously beekeeping age. I dont know. I think It's kind of sweet.
Y/n: George, i wanna fuck your dad.
George: Oh really?
Yuki: Hey can i sit with you?
Y/n: Why
Yuki looking at stroll and ocon: The kids at the other table keep throwing ketchup packets at me.
Y/n: You're not covered in ketchup, though
Yuki: They don't know you have to open it first
Y/n: Damn. We need remedial bullying class too.
Yuki: So how do you like your remedial english?
Y/n: I guess it's whatever. My mom was really pissed, though.
Yuki: Yeah? What about your dad?
Y/n: My dad killed himself.
Charles: I'm finally seeing someone good for me.
Alex: Omg who is it?
Charles: A therapist
Y/n: max is pissing me off *20 minutes ago*
Y/n: nvm just got dicked down
George: Girl what..
Fernando: Every time i talk to you i feel confused.
Fernando: I've never met anyone that speaks like you do
Y/n: Stop lovebombing me
Fernando: what? It's not a compliment
Fernando: You scare me
Y/n: What are you hiding from me?
Zhou: Nothing..
Y/n: Zhou Guanyu.
Zhou pulls out a cat: The cat distribution system chose me okay
Y/n at drive to survive: If he cheats on you, put hair remover in his shampoo, you wanna act like Andrew tate, u gon look like him too.
Lewis wearing a beanie: I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS FOREVER
Toto: That's your fault. Being too quick signing your seat with ferrari
Oscar: Are you high?
Lando: Am i what?
Oscar: High
Lando: Hello
Christian: So what could a Mercedes principal possibly have then?
Y/n: I just feel like he'd be into satan-worship, or at the very least have a sex diary.
Christian: A toto wolff sex diary would be horrifying. He's like our rival.
Y/n: We say that about Stephen king books, we still read those.
Daniel: "Dear diary, hot candle wax hurts so good"
Christian: No it'd probably be like a thesaurus of words for "Good"
Daniel: Yeah he probably sexts with perfect grammar.
Y/n: "My wife showed an exquisite exhibition of lust for me."
Toto: Let me try something different here. Do you guys have thoughts and feelings for one another?
Y/n: Uhh i think George's kinda spoiled
George: And i feel like y/n's a bitch
Y/n: What're you gay?
Alex: What.. How did you know? I've never told anyone that.
Y/n: Dude look at your hair dye, you're either gay or color blind.
Lance: bro stop chanting in dead language's your scaring the hoes
Y/n: Bitch you is so lonely I'm summoning the hoes
Sebastian: You used to be shy, now you're a whore
Y/n: There's a thing called character development
Oscar: Reminder that I'm very sweet and endearing so be nice to me
Carlos: or what
Oscar: or I'll punch your lights out
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Hey yall this is a bit short cause I'm finna make a random crack twitter posts n I'll post it in the most random day. I love yall baby💋
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lemon-shark-kat · 2 months ago
The Genshin Impact fandom is fascinating to me when it comes to fanfics, because I feel like I struggle to find any fics that really *get* the characterization of certain characters and I'm loathed to write my own because dammit I just want to read the specific itch I crave without resorting to creating it. Give me three more months and I'll cave in.
For example, Diluc is one of my favorites and I find his backstory fascinating in terms of his father Crepus possibly being more morally ambiguous than most fans are willing to admit and how little we know of Diluc's murder spree in Snezhnaya.
For example which Harbinger(s) did he have a run-in with? Will we find out more about the secret intelligence network that took him in, that he apparently had a high position in? Did he ever find the answers he was searching for? The list goes on.
It's hard for me to find the specific characterization of him I crave for in fics because I think his platonic relationship with Kaeya is incredibly nuanced and complex but I feel like his character often gets assassinated for Kaeya angst but like, the man had the worst birthday ever?
Imagine being Diluc, living through a literal worst nightmare. Your dad is dead after you failed to protect him yourself. Not only is your dad dead but he died after wielding a delusion--you dont even know what a delusion is but its clearly bad news. Why the fuck did your father have it and how?
On top of this, the Favonius Knights--the organization you proudly served and the very organization that your father heavily encouraged you to serve--insists on covering up the truth because it makes them look bad. The Favonius Knights, who are supposed to be honorable and uphold integrity, are anything but that.
Then your adoptive brother, who you've known for years and trust with your life, shows up and tells you he's been spying for a foreign nation since you were kids with the intent of harming Mondstadt and everything about your relationship is possibly all one big lie and well--how do you not snap??
Now, I'm also incredibly fond of Kaeya and he was just as traumatized by Crepus's death. He was wracked with guilt for *feeling* relieved that he didn't have to worry about betraying his birth father for his adoptive father since Crepus was dead. He anticipated Diluc's anger and felt like their duel was a punishment for his lies.
To me, it hints that Kaeya probably didn't reveal the truth expecting Diluc's understanding, but rather he knew how he would react and perhaps he wanted Diluc to strike him down in that duel. Or at the very least, he wanted to distance himself from Diluc and cut off ties in order to avoid emotional attachment stopping him from his mission.
I personally head-canon that Diluc withdrew upon seeing Kaeya's vision because well--why would the gods bless Kaeya with a vision if he truly had the intent to harm Mondstadt? So in spite of what Kaeya revealed, he isn't a threat. But there's still a lot of hurt there to navigate through.
I think it's fascinating seeing where they stand in present game because Kaeya obviously has the ideology of working the system from within. He stayed in the knights (even taking over his brother's position) and with Jean rooted out the Inspector and his cronies.
Meanwhile Diluc just isn't that type of person. He doesn't settle, he refuses to work in a system he views corrupt, he rather accomplish what he can outside of it. Curiously, he doesn't challenge the status quo beyond being vocal of his distaste of the Knights.
This is head-canon fantasyland, but I like to envision Kaeya and Diluc do use a lot of the same informants and collaborate on intel relating to the safety of Mondstadt (especially since Diluc can move in ways against the Fatui that the Knights can't due to political reasons) but they struggle to have the same connection as before.
For example, Diluc's story quest--Kaeya was essentially giving Diluc an alibi with the Knights. Even if Jean damn well knows who it is, they still have to have official documentation stating otherwise.
Kaeya is good at reading people, he has to be given how he was raised to be a child spy. But I like to think he struggles to read Diluc like before. Diluc is much more jaded, pessimistic, quieter than before. He prefers to work on his own as much as possible. From Kaeya's pov, the only person he's seen Diluc willing to fully trust enough to work alongside with is the Traveler, and he states as much.
The opposite is true of Diluc. Kaeya was his shadow, a quiet but inquisitive, witty observer. Cavalry Captain Kaeya is much more outgoing and friendly, his charm on full display. Did he ever really truly know Kaeya or did he only show Diluc what he wanted him to see? Is Kaeya happier this way?
Fanon often depicts Kaeya as essentially being barred from the dawn winery from the duel by Diluc himself, but I don't think that's quite the case. Much rather, given the reason he told Diluc that night, I think he views himself as undeserving due to unresolved guilt.
Canon seems to hint at all of this through his hangout and Hidden Strife, the latter of which is unfortunately a time-limited event that occurred before I even played (hoyo please stop having heavy lore drops occur in time limited events).
I think the two want to trust each other again, but both are afraid of destroying the tentative truce they have so they leave all of it unaddressed. Kaeya refuses to be completely truthful ever again and Diluc acknowledges the past but refuses to discuss it. The tragedy in their relationship that neither is at fault for what happened--it's a twisted emotional mess of grief and heartbreak.
The last point I'd like to touch on is the parallels between Kaeya and Diluc both being essentially child soldiers for their fathers' causes.
For Kaeya, being abandoned in Mondstadt to be a child spy is the most overt. For Diluc? Despite Crepus's strong ambition to be a Favonius Knight and to have a vision--neither happened for him. In Diluc's vision story, it states that he views his vision being a result of their "shared" ambition, hinting that his vision was granted after Diluc's strong resolve to achieve his father's dreams for him.
We know Crepus heavily encouraged Diluc down this path at very young age, given Diluc received his vision at age 10 and became the youngest Captain at age 14. In some ways, I'm sure Kaeya was a bit jealous of Diluc for having a loving father present in his life that was overtly proud of him.
I am not saying Crepus wasn't a good father, I think he cared immensely for Kaeya and Diluc both, but I do think he did some morally grey shit.
Diluc abandoning his vision is fascinating and it's almost never explored in fics. He is the only vision holder we know of (aside from the Inazumauns whose visions were taken by force) that had their ambition for their vision shaken in such a way that they voluntarily discarded their vision for a time and only took it back after reigniting a new ambition to have it (and as far we know the only allogene that faced no negative setbacks from using a delusion long-term without their vision present).
I don't know where to end all of this, except if you have ragbros fic recommendations that you believe cover it in a more nuanced way, let me know!
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