#hongbin crack
1eos · 2 years
hongbin getting ate up for everything BUT being a better gamer than idol is killing me. where was this energy when he was giving absolutely nothing on stage 😂😂😂😂 look at them baby hands he can't hold a crack pipe
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thirstycha · 2 years
/I look down, tears streaming down my face/ It’s true… the shower was just an excuse so Hongbin and I could talk about this…he really helped me and made me realize what I want…and that is you… but I was so scared to tell you… I didn’t want to ruin what we have now…and I don’t want anything to change at all. /I cup his face, smiling tenderly/ I’d NEVER hurt you in any way…if I have to wait 4, 5, 6 months for you…then that’s what I’ll do. I’ll wait for you. Because you’re worth waiting for…
*tearing up when you say you'd wait for me, feeling the tears roll down my face when you say I'm worth waiting for. voice cracking as I speak quietly while searching your eyes*
What about 8 months or even a year of barely seeing me, only getting to see me every few months for a couple weeks at a time then not again for another few months? Even if I still text & call every day despite my exhaustion from work, would you still wait?
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isitkpop · 4 years
Classic Drunk Confession!
Member: Vixx Hongbin
This is kind of a crack fic with some cute seriousness stuff thrown in.
Prompt Used and Credit: “I just want them to talk about me. The way they talk about everyone else.”
“You don’t think they talk about you?”
Credit: @dialouge-prompts
           Everything was irritating. He was pretty sure the people surrounding him could feel his anger and jealousy radiating off him like the Korean god Mireuk. He tipped back the shot glass and slammed the glass down for the bartender to fill his glass again. The laughter was like poison to his ears and he squeezed the glass in his hand. “I’m going to kill him.” His friends were embarrassing him and chatting to his crush about events that should NEVER be spoken of in public.
           They laughed together again and Hongbin quickly stood from his stool and was about to march over until Y/n stepped in front of him with a smile. “Binnie. You’re a little drunk.” They grabbed his face to snap him back to reality and bless him to dismiss the wrath of Mireuk. (Not really but a drunk thought is fun to imagine right?) He took in a deep breath and took the look of defeat. “Let’s get you home.”
           The next day was a splitting headache and hardly any memories of last night. But he knew his friend was cooking because the smell was amazing! “Hey Hongbin. How did you sleep?”
           “Figures. Hey, sorry about last night. Y/n told me that you looked like you could beat me to death. I was also a bit drunk and was spilling anything and everything.” The roommate plated the food and sat across from Hongbin. “If it makes you feel any better, they were too. So, they probably won’t remember anything about the conversations.”
           Hongbin felt relieved but tensed up when he noticed that he was wearing different clothes. “Wait. I wasn’t wearing this last night.”
           “Oh yeah. I saw Y/n take you home, so they probably changed your top for comfortability purposes. You were in a suit after all.”
           Hongbin cringed at the thought of sleeping in something like that again. “I’ll have to thank them…again.”
           His roommate eyed him from the rim of the glass he drank from and calmly placed the glass down. “You know, Y/n has been hanging around you a lot more now.”
           “I never noticed. I mean, I did…but I thought nothing of it. Why bring it up?”
           His roommate glared at him. He’s stupid isn’t he. “I do remember one thing from the conversation last night with that one girl you like.”
           Hongbin felt a small warmth take over his cheeks. “Yeah?”
           “She mentioned about liking someone.”
           His stomach twisted with butterflies. Maybe…
           “It’s a girl. She’s a lesbian.”
           Hongbin deflated but was happy that she could be happy with someone she likes. He only liked her for a short while. Not enough to fall hard. “That’s why she’s always criticizing other women and their looks and whether or not she would date them. I thought she was bi.”
           “You seem to be taking this rather well.”
           “It’s very rare to meet people part of the LGBTQ community here.” His roommate agreed and finished up their meal together before heading off for the day.
           Hongbin massaged his neck as he exited the office to head home. “I should probably call Y/n.” He waited as the ringer started…and started…and started…
           ‘Hello! You have reached Y/n! Please leave a message with your name and number and I’ll try my best to get back to you as quickly as possible.’
           Hongbin hung up after leaving a short message about wanting to meet up again soon and went about his business.
           He finally arrived home for the day and was met by his roommate panicking at a drunk Y/n on their couch. This was the first time Y/n ever got drunk…
           “Help me man. They just showed up at the door like this and started yelling about how stupid they are and grabbed another can from our fridge. They’re such a mess right now. Fix this or I’ll up your half of the rent.”
           Hongbin shuddered at that and cautiously walked up to Y/n. “H-hey Y/n. You should probably put the drink down and take a shower.”
           “Huh? Binnie? What are you doing at my house?”
           “This is my house.”
           “No wander everything looks different. You have crappy decorating skills.” They flopped onto their back on the couch and took another sloppy swig of the drink. They placed the can on the coffee table and covered their eyes.
           “You okay?”
           They sighed and rolled over onto their sides to stare at the television show. “Say. How is it going with that crush of yours?”
           “Oh. She’s a lesbian. I don’t have a chance.”
           “Hm. Disappointing. Unless you go for a sex change.”
           They giggled and Hongbin nearly doubled over at the tickling feeling in his gut. “I’m joking. You’re fine just the way you are. I feel sleepy.”
           “You can sleep here if you want.”
           He watched as they slid their eyes closed and he laid the throw onto of them to keep them away from the night chill.
           “About time.”
           Hongbin sighed and went to recycle the can. “Yeah. This is the first time I’ve ever seen them this drunk. I wander what happened for them to resort to that much drinking.”
           The roommate chuckled and grabbed them a water. “Not for me. They’ve been here a couple of times while you’ve been away on business trips or just out.”
           “Say…why is it that when they laugh, my stomach twists and I feel like I could pass out?”
           The roommate just stared at him. “Is this the first time you felt this way?”
           “No. I feel this way every time they laugh. It’s been going on for quite a while.” Hongbin laughed. “It’s not like I fell for them, right?”
           “Hongbin. Do you like Y/n?”
           Hongbin knew he was blushing like crazy. “Is it that obvious?”
           “No. If I didn’t know, that means no one knew. You’ve always been good about hiding your feelings from everyone.”
           “What? I thought you knew?”
           “I thought you liked that girl!”
           “Well, I kind of did…but I was just trying to get Y/n out of my mind.”
           “Why? Why the hell would you do that?”
           “Well, I just thought- “
           “You’re so oblivious.”
           “I just want them to talk about me.”
           “They do talk about you.” His roommate was about to go insane.
           “No. I want them to talk about me like they do everyone else. With a spark in their eye.”
           “You don’t think they talk about you? Okay. I guess I’ll tell you. All those times they came here drunk off their ass, you were the one they were always talking about. In fact, they were so jealous of you liking that one chick that Y/n kept you from talking to them last night.”
           “Ummm What?”
           “They like you, you idiot!” The roommate quickly covered their mouth when Y/n groaned and sat up.
           “Why are you so loud?” Y/n stretched their arms and reached for their temples to rub them. “I should probably go before Hongbin sees me like this. It would be embarrassing to would definitely tarnish my reputation with the man I love.”
           They froze up when they saw Hongbin sitting across from his roommate with a shocked expression. “L-Love?”
           “Um. Uh. N-No? You were here?”
           “I thought you just liked him. But you LOVE HIM???”
           Y/n glared daggers and the roommate quickly shut their mouth up. “Right. I’ll be in my room. Goodnight!”
           “Ugh. Listen Binnie.”
           “I do too.” Y/n knew they were blushing a tomato red now as Hongbin continued. “I have been for a while now. Since Graduating high school actually.”
           “THAT LONG?!” They quickly ducked and grabbed their aching temples.
           “Yeah. I was just waiting for the right moment.”
           “It’s been far too long for that right moment Binnie. You had PLENTY of moments actually.”
           Okay…they’re mad at me for taking so long. “S-sorry? Listen, I just didn’t think you liked me that way. You always treated me like a best friend.”
           “You idiot. You were the only one I was treating that way to. I’m just not that good with romance stuff. So, it’s very hard for me to convey feelings through actions and words.”
           Hongbin smiled and approached them and grabbed their shoulder. “That’s what I love about you Y/n. You’re you with flaws that make you the perfect you.” He leaned down and kissed their forehead. “Now, how about we actually get you into a nice warm bed for you to sleep comfortably on with some painkillers and water for you to wake up to? I’ll sleep on the couch for tonight because you’re still a little drunk.”
           They laughed nervously. “This is embarrassing. I never thought you would see me drunk.”
           “Yeah? My roommate told me all about the times you came here when I wasn’t. Drunk on your ass and ranting about your feelings for me.”
           “THEY TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT?” They watched Hongbin nod. “I’ll kill him! Ugh. Never mind. I’ll do that tomorrow after I get rid of this damn headache”
           Hongbin chuckled and picked them up to take them to his bedroom. “Goodnight Y/n.”
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imbicuriousyeah · 3 years
Ravi, peeling a banana: may I take your jacket, sir?
Hongbin: do you think other people can’t hear you??
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angioponder · 5 years
Maid Wars: Prologue (1/9)
Fandom: VIXX & BTS (Multi-fandom with BTOB & B1A4 Ensemble) Genre/Warnings: humor, crack, fluff  Word count: 2173w
author’s note:  also on AO3 finally posting the collab with @thinking_toes (twt) and i! so this has been two years in the making. we were just talking in the kitchen about this shit and it was so entertaining that we decided to take notes and... welp here we are. this was a JOURNEY. we hope you enjoy reading this multi-fandom kpop fic as much as we enjoyed building this world. happy reading~ 
In life, desperate times call for desperate measures. And that is exactly how Kim Taehyung, unemployed college student extraordinaire, meets Cha Hakyeon and Jung Taekwoon—proud owners of two very different kinds of coffee shops engaged in a friendly rivalry. Naturally, things go to shit as misunderstandings lead to glares, and cupcakes lead to scares. As the adorable staff members of the Little Kawaii Service Cafe come head to head with the tsundere boys of the What is Service Cafe, friendships will be strained. Wigs will be snatched. Frosting will be whipped (like the boys), and there is nothing Hakyeon or Taekwoon can do to stop them even if they wanted to (they don’t).
MAID WARS! What is it good for? Everybody say: fanfic content!
*alternatively: All we wanted was a tsundere maid cafe AU. Now we have this. rip.
There was a town not too far off that bustled with the busyness of a city, but not quite enough to overwhelm it. Its people went to work day in and day out for roughly eight hours, five or six days a week, but they had something unique in this little town that some suspect kept them happy and content. When people grew tired, some went to the comforts of their own home, some went to places where alcohol could untwist their nerves, and some, some went to two wonderful establishments in particular. Now, not everyone benefited from these gems. Not everyone believed these were gems, but for those who did, they would enter and leave with laughter in their lungs, satisfied stomachs, lighter shoulders, and fuller hearts.
It all began with two very good friends (only one of them openly expressed their friendship as such) who pursued their degrees in economics through a nearby university. The two of them aspired to have their own business, to fulfill their dreams of being the owners of the most well known, and well-respected establishments in their district. After toiling for their qualifications to be given to them on a piece of thicker paper, they graduated with flying colors, had diplomas their parents could be proud of, and lots and lots of money to return. They had to get to work fast.
Very good friends as they were (again, only one of them openly expressing so), they decided to rent spaces right across the street from each other. Both immediately knew what they wanted to pursue and tried to establish themselves in the way they dreamed of, but only Hakyeon became very successful. Taekwoon on the other hand wasn’t exactly failing, but he wasn’t making it either. For weeks he tried to keep it to himself and just push through, hoping that his hard work and his pride would pay off, but weeks turned into two months and, frankly, his ego couldn’t pay the bills.
Taekwoon looked at Hakyeon’s success across the street and tried to remember all the pros of asking for advice from this person he was alright with tolerating. For years, he tolerated all his blinding smiles and grabby limbs without sacrificing his own dignity too much. That should be a good sign. Also, his store was closed today and Hakyeon’s wasn’t. It all worked out like some huge coincidence. He made his decision with a long, heavy sigh, gathered up all the courage he could find in his body, and braced himself as he walked out of his place, onto the street, and into Hakyeon’s.
It was still fairly early in the day. Taekwoon couldn’t see many employees, but he surely saw Hakyeon from the outside of the store busy with the register, dressed immaculately in a floral suit over a white button down, pressed black slacks and black bow-tie. His purple hair was styled very prim and proper with a bit of forehead showing. A thought had Taekwoon hesitating, but he shook it away. He did walk all this way here after all. With one final shred of mental determination, he pushed open the obnoxiously decorated door, giving away his arrival to its occupants with the tinkling of a bell.
“Is that my Taekwoonie!? You finally paid me a visit!” Hakyeon exclaimed when he realized who entered. “I knew you had it in your grumpy self to miss me.”
“I don’t miss you,” Taekwoon grumbled lowly, receiving the already blinding smiles and the already grabby limbs.
“Still the same as ever, but I know you love me anyway.” Hakyeon wasn’t deterred at all, escorting him enthusiastically to a lime green colored table with fluffy stuffed animals on it. Taekwoon huffed, his neck getting warmer by the minute. “Here, have a seat and let me order something for you, on the house. I’m sure you’ll like it!”
With nothing else to do but wait, Taekwoon looked around and decided that he found the decor atrocious. Whose idea was it to display all these unnecessary accessories? It’s like some unicorn pranced it’s way in and puked all over the walls. Was that a cat clock with a swishy tail?
Hakyeon was back in no time bringing a mug with a ridiculous amount of froth bouncing up and down in time with his strides. As soon as it was set down in front of Taekwoon, it was spun around and he found himself being greeted by a smiling foamy kitty. Taekwoon looked mortified and didn’t look at all like he wanted to touch it. Hakyeon laughed heartily, clearly amused by his reaction.
“I didn’t know you would like it that much without even tasting it yet.” The feeling of knowing someone so well tasted so sweet. “Don’t worry. You can have this every time you visit. You’ll see the kitty again. Go ahead.”
Taekwoon couldn’t manage to glare at Hakyeon while staring at the softly wobbling mound of foam. He reached out slowly and brought it to his lips, taking a tentative sip. After a few beats, he widened his eyes and made a noise from the back of his throat. It tasted of lavender and vanilla. A latte. He liked it. He liked it a lot. He hastily threw the compliment in the air and took another sip. Hakyeon heard him but pretended not to for his sake.
“So, to what do I owe this rare and valuable visit of yours?” Hakyeon asked, trying not to focus too closely on Taekwoon’s cute foam mustache. They hadn’t talked very much since they were both busy starting up their businesses. And while Hakyeon still tried to wave a lot in Taekwoon’s direction when he saw him, it didn’t quite make up for talking. “How are you doing?”
“I—Hakyeon, I need some advice,” Taekwoon deflated, “some h-help about, about my cafe. It’s—I’m not…doing so well.”
Hakyeon let him continue talking, waiting for his cue.
“I don’t know what’s wrong. Our food is delicious. The desserts and beverages are delicately put together. We have good servers. They’re young, polite,” he rolled his eyes, ”somewhat good-looking.”
Hakyeon snickered.
“Really annoying and bratty, but polite. The point is,” Taekwoon waved his hand dismissively, “they do their job just fine. Everything else seems to be fine. So, what am I missing??”
Hakyeon’s place became known for a lot of Things, and he was sure it would help if Taekwoon incorporated it in his own cafe, too. Hakyeon agreed about the food and drinks at Taekwoon’s place being great. The recipes were fantastic. Taekwoon’s dishes were better than the ones they currently served. He’d had a taste of it back in their university days, and he knew that there was no way that Taekwoon would let anything be served without it being up to his standard of perfection. So really, there was nothing wrong with the menu. What Taekwoon needed, was a point of differentiation. Some way to showcase the attributes of his brand to his competitive advantage. Perhaps, one that sold a Unique Service to its customers. Maybe, the exact same as Hakyeon’s, which was completely alright with him. He was confident in his own skills, and after all, they are very good friends.
“Sandeul!” Hakyeon called out. Their store hadn’t opened yet but he was sure everyone was in their uniform by now. They had another thirty minutes before their shift really began. Taekwoon had his forehead glued to the table when he heard the assumed person click-clacking his way to them.
“Yes, sir?”
Taekwoon looked up to be polite and his jaw dropped.
“I know this is putting you on the spot right now,” Hakyeon inquired, “but how has it been since you’ve started working here?”
Hakyeon was puzzled when Sandeul didn’t answer straight away and noticed him fidgeting a little, slightly turning away from where Taekwoon was sitting. Hakyeon turned to Taekwoon, surprised to see him gawking.
“Taekwoon. What. What’s wrong?”
“I-I…Um, why is he wearing t-that?”
Hakyeon and Sandeul blinked at him.
“Well, how else am I supposed to run a maid cafe without our servers dressed as maids?”
“Y-your business is,” Taekwoon swallowed before speaking again, “a maid cafe?”
“Yes! Did you not figure that out from the store name?”
Taekwoon shook his head frantically, fighting so hard not to hide under the table from embarrassment.
“It’s called The Little Kawaii Service Cafe, for goodness sake,” Hakyeon covered his face with his hands.
“B-But,” Taekwoon argued weakly, “I thought those pictures of maids outside your shop was just for decoration because,” he shrunk further into his seat, “well, you know, to add to the cuteness theme thing you had going on,” he uncontrollably gestured to the everything in the cafe.
“A-and I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that you’re not cute,” Taekwoon said, arms flapping and rambling intensifying in hopes that Sandeul wasn’t offended. “I just—I-I mean…”
“Yes, sir! I am one of the maids in it,” Sandeul confessed happily knowing he was just called cute. Indirectly, but cute nonetheless. “And I can proudly say I love working here. The people we serve follow the rules and are kind to us, so I feel quite safe and appreciated, especially when they cheer for me when I sing. It’s nice.”
Hakyeon flashed a proud smile at Sandeul. “Yes, that’s right. Sandeul is a great singer and performer. You should see him when the guests order the Dragon Fruit Special. It’s his signature thing. They go crazy for it.”
Sandeul decided right then to show Taekwoon a sample of it. Before he could even finish, Taekwoon was showing him the crown of his head and making a lot of nervous noises while awkwardly seal-clapping.
“I was going to propose that you turn your cafe into a maid cafe as well, Taekwoon. I didn’t know that the people here would be interested, but apparently, they are. We don’t just sell food and drink, but the service as well. We’re the only maid cafe in the district so it’s a pretty niche market.”
It wasn’t a bad idea, Taekwoon had to admit, but he wasn’t cute, no matter what Hakyeon said. He couldn’t see how he, of all people, could own a cafe that catered cute things.
Hakyeon was persistent, and Taekwoon was stubborn.
“Taekwoon, listen to me. One, you are the most adorable person on the planet, and two, you don’t need to live, breathe, eat and shit cute to sell cute. You have a degree in economics and marketing for crying out loud.”
“Taek, you came to me for advice and I’m giv—”
“No, I mean, I’ll try the maid cafe idea but,” Hakyeon tilted his head in question, “it’s not going to be cute-themed. I’ll find something more fitting that I could pull off. It’ll be much better if I have a different theme anyway. You’re right across the street from me.”
Hakyeon hummed. “Well then, what theme do you think you’ll be going for?”
“A…tsundere theme?”
“What?” It was a completely backwards thought.
“Well, I’ve uh,” Taekwoon fidgeted with one of his left earrings, “seen people fall for characters who were quiet or cold in animes.”
“Taek, no one wants to keep going back to a place where people ignore or treat them rudely. That’s the complete opposite of customer service,” Hakyeon gestured with air quotes.
“I think it’d be successful. I mean, I could-I could try to make it work. I’ll just have to market it well. It fits me better…and it worked on you. You still keep pestering me after all these years, if that says anything.” Taekwoon mumbled the last bit under his breath.
Hakyeon didn’t know why he was so attuned to the way Taekwoon spoke so softly but where it was beneficial for him on all those other times, this time gave him an immense surge of panic.
“No!” Hakyeon protested his distress while Sandeul’s eyes looked like they had fallen out of his head. “I just— it would never work!” Multiple question marks shoved themselves into his thoughts but it was too late to save anything so he just went with it.
“But Hakye—”
“Listen to me! Things work out better when you do.” Oh, he had so much regret for opening his mouth, but he too had too much pride and was nowhere near ready to face his fears head-on. “You can try and see where it goes, but don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”
“Fine! We’ll see about that. I can thrive without being cute, just you watch.” Ever thick-headed and competitive Taekwoon stormed out of the cafe, not at all catching the way Hakyeon gulped, very obviously flustered.
And thus began the competition between the two maid cafes that shared the same street; but not to worry, without this competition, it would not be what it is today: a place for those who entered and left with laughter in their lungs, satisfied stomachs, lighter shoulders, and fuller hearts.
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youxidol · 5 years
some mer!hongbin headcanons
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♡during the full moon hongbin comes to your place to spend time with you 
♡he normally gets back to the water in time  
♡one full moon he just decides that he wants to stay with you
♡your bathtub is too small for him
♡so he just decides to flood as much of the home as possible
♡when you see it and kick off he will act like nothing’s wrong
♡'i left your bed above water level'
♡now you have his dumbass laid in the four inches of water until the next full moon 
♡if you’re sat in another room he will whine
♡’i did this so we can be close and now you’re neglecting me’ 
♡he’ll shuffle though the house until he’s with you 
♡when his legs return he’s like ‘that wasn’t so bad maybe i should stay’ 
♡go home
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at-taekwoons-mercy · 6 years
’93 liners reaction to a chameleon
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fyunsik · 7 years
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kai stressing out that 4vixx left ravi behind.
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kimcheolwoon · 6 years
Hongbin is so sweet and supportive and loving and silly and darling and I don't understand how anyone can bear to hate him. He's just a giant fluffball once you get past his very thin layer of protection and he's so much more than a pretty face
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biasedwriting · 6 years
Tales of a Consulting Firm ||19||
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Find all parts here
We love feedback so you can ping either @vixxscifiwritings / @animeotakupooh or me :)  
Haneul just really needed a drink. After this day of constant pestering from her two friends using various means and the annoying meeting, she really wanted to down an entire bottle of wine and try and get some peace and quiet. Wonshik had promised her drinks. But she didn't expect to see Jaehwan and Wonshik waiting for her at the end of the day with giant grins on their faces as Jaehwan declared.
“We're going bar hopping!”
Hanuel’s face dropped as the two looped their arms around hers as Sanghyuk and Hongbin walked into the reception looking mutinous as Hakyeon followed with a grin on his face.
“We’re going for a movie!” he declared as Haneul shot Sanghyuk and Hongbin a look as the two rolled their eyes. Minah entered the room and sat down on the couch reserved for visitors.
“I heard you guys were going for a movie.” she said, looking up at Sanghyuk and Hongbin.
“I asked you to come with me, but you said nooo.” Sanghyuk stuck his tongue out at her.
“I said I didn’t want to third wheel on your date with your beloved Binnie.”
“I am not his beloved!” Hongbin cringed.
“But I see you have your third wheel in Hakyeon.” Minah ended as Hakyeon shot her a peace sign.
“It was Sunbae Notice Me. The newest comedy in the theatres, I couldn’t miss it.” he shrugged before turning to Wonshik, Jaehwan, and Haneul.
“I heard you guys are going bar hopping?”
“I didn’t want to.” Haneul sulked.
“You’ll have fun. We promise.” Wonshik guaranteed as Jaehwan nodded in agreement as they turned to Minah.
“Wanna join us?”
“Nah, not in the mood for alcohol, I have plans, don’t worry!” she grinned.
“Okay!” Jaehwan said before tugging his companions along as Hakyeon turned to Minah.
“Well, we’ll see you soon. Or we’ll be late for the movie.” he said as Minah smiled and waved to the group. It was then that Taekwoon entered the lounge and cleared his throat, attracting Minah’s attention.
“Are you ready?”
“Sure am!”
The first bar Haneul set foot in with Wonshik and Jaehwan was lit up in pink and had so many Valentine related things cluttered around that it physically made her wince. But when her drink was handed to her by the bartender, she didn’t mind it as much.
Maybe the place would grow on her.
Apparently alcohol and Valentine’s Day decor only got her even more grumpy as Wonshik and Jaehwan swiftly escorted her out of the bar before she punched the next heart shaped thing in her vision.
“Hearts are so mainstream.” she nodded to no one in particular.
“But hearts are cute!” Jaehwan said. He made finger hearts for her, only to get a glare in return. “Accept our hearts Haneul!” Jaehwan sang making one with his arm over his head and the second half with Wonshik’s arm.
“Are you both already drunk?” she asked, rolling her eyes.
“This one has a really long line” Wonshik noted. They had reached the second venue only to find a long line of people waiting to get in.
“We could go to the club on 27th Street” he suggested. Haneul took a moment to debate the idea. If they did decide to go, they would have to walk another two miles. But the place would be less crowded and they could get in easily. She whined a little, already starting to tire from the long day when two girls walked up to Jaehwan.
“Hi there. Are you guys looking for a partner?” one of them asked. Jaehwan and Wonshik looked at each other, unsure of what the girls wanted. Haneul scowled at being ignored when she was right next to the two men.
“They are taken no thank you” she exclaimed, squeezing in between the two men and linking her arms with them. The girl who had talked gave her a look before walking away.
“I have no idea what just happened” Jaehwan confessed.
“They were looking for partners to get the discounted couple entry. I keep forgetting that both of you are handsome and hence easy targets” Haneul said with a frown. She looked at the two and sighed because both of them were smiling at being called handsome.
“So we are handsome?” Wonshik prompted leaning in to tease her.
“I stand corrected. You both are just idiots” Haneul huffed before unlinking her arms and walking forward.
Jaehwan and Wonshik hurried after her to catch up. They bumped into her as she suddenly stopped in the middle of the road. “Do you want to go to a club or do you want to get drunk?” Haneul asked them in all seriousness. “Because if we go to a club, both of you will just be hit on by random women. And I know the perfect place to go get drunk without being hit on” she explained.
“You don't have to worry about us! Our hearts belong to you” Jaehwan sang. Haneul resisted the urge to hit him and looked to Wonshik who seemed to be deep in thought. “I wanted to destress with some music too. But without worrying about someone constantly hitting on you” he told her. Haneul blushed a little but coughed to hide it.
“Let's just get loads of beer and soju and head over to my place. We can plug our phones in for music and if we shift the couch we can get enough space for a mini dance floor” she decided.
“Taking not one, but two men home with you? What ever would your mother say?” Jaehwan fake gasped.
“You can stay here then” Haneul said sarcastically.
“I was just kidding” he said sheepishly while Wonshik grinned.
“So cute” he thought out loud.
“I know right?” Jaehwan asked proudly.
“Why am I seriously here?” Haneul asked no one in particular.
And so Haneul ended up slamming three shot glasses down on the coffee table. Wonshik had set up the playlist for the evening and the fried chicken had been ordered to go along with the beer and soju. The three of them had slipped into something comfortable for the night. Haneul tried to avoid looking at how the undershirts they were wearing accentuated their biceps (the memory of Wonshik’s bare chest was still fresh in her mind no thank you very much) and the boys preened a little, showing off at every chance they got.
“Do you want us to move the couch?”
“How about we move the table??”
“We can lift these books. Easy job”
“Do you want us to lift you up so you can reach those glasses?”
Haneul shook her head. At one point, Jaehwan had decided to drink water and she could swear she had been fixated at the way his adam’s apple bobbed. She clearly must have been losing her mind. “Let's start with the beer! And there is so much chicken! Fried chicken!” she exclaimed joyfully, thankful that eating would provide a distraction. She wasn't lying about loving fried chicken but now it was serving as yummy food as well as a way to save her sanity and she had never been gladder for its existence.
“So clumsy” Jaehwan teased before leaning forward and wiping away the sauce on the side of her lips.
“Here. Let me tie your hair for you” Wonshik offered. He picked up a hair tie from the coffee table and made a haphazard bun of her hair before tying it up. Haneul smiled sheepishly before picking up her glass of beer and drinking it as if it was water.
“You should slow down” Wonshik said while Jaehwan exclaimed “Drinking competition! Whoo!”
Perhaps some things are better done in moderation - is a lesson the three would learn the morning after.
“I don't think that people appreciate fried chicken enough you know?” Haneul slurred a little. She had been buzzed for quite a while now. How many shots had they done? She had lost count after the third bottle of soju had been opened. “People don't appreciate potatoes either” she continued while Jaehwan nodded in full agreement and Wonshik was lost in thought. “Have you thought about how tasty it is but how people always discriminate against it? Ugly as a potato. Don't be a couch potato? Maybe I want to be a potato you know? Why would you judge such a vegetable? It's infinitely better than being broccoli??” she pointed out, very confused.
“Stop potato discrimination 2k17!” Jaehwan yelled holding up another shot glass. The three of them cheered and took another shot before putting the glass down. Haneul turned to Wonshik who had been awfully quiet throughout the entire endeavour.
“Why are you thinking and not drinking?” she asked doing aegyo.
“I have been thinking about something very serious” he told her in a low whisper. Jaehwan scooted in to listen as well, effectively sandwiching Haneul in the middle.
“Do lobsters think fishes are flying?” Wonshik asked. He looked at Jaehwan and Haneul who looked at each other before sighing and falling against the couch.
“That's a very good question” Jaehwan noted. Haneul agreed, scrambling for a post it note and a marker to write the word ‘intelligent’ on it and stick it to Wonshik’s forehead. Except it was suddenly very hard so she just drew a heart and stuck it on his stomach.
“I want one too!” Jaehwan pouted.
“Sorry! Sorry” Haneul apologised before sticking one on his bicep. “Sorry” she said imitating a foreign accent before gasping and stumbling to stand up. “Sorry sorry sorry” she started to sing while trying to do the dance. But she lost her footing and ended up falling back on the couch.
“I miss Super Junior” she said with a sob. Tears started to flow soon as well with both Jaehwan and Wonshik trying to calm her down. “
It's okay! They will be back soon!” Wonshik consoled her.
“Till then you have us!” Jaehwan told her.
“Yeah! You'll always have us” Wonshik agreed. Haneul wiped her tears away to look at the two men.
“I really loved them” she said with a sniff.
“You can love us! You can totally love us!” Jaehwan exclaimed trying to cheer her up.
“Yeah! Just look at Jaehwan. He's so cute! He'll always make you smile!” Wonshik said.
“And Wonshik is so cool! And witty too!” Jaehwan added.
“Jaehwan makes everyone laugh. He's the life of any party” Wonshik said with a sigh.
“But have you seen Wonshik’s dj-ing skills? He literally brings the party to life!” Jaehwan countered.
“But you have a lovely voice! You can just make music as you sing! You beatbox too!” Wonshik said.
“But you rap really well and you have a unique style!” Jaehwan praised.
“I try” Wonshik said modestly.
“You succeed!” Jaehwan declared. The two men smiled at each other, leaning in while ignoring Haneul who had tears in her eyes.
“You both are perfect for each other” she said with more sniffs. “I won't need anyone as long as I have you!” Wonshik declared. “Wonshik!” Jaehwan exclaimed as he tried to hug him, forgetting Haneul in the middle who was crying tears of joy. “Just get married already” she said with a lot of sincere joy (for a drunk person).
“We don't have rings” Wonshik lamented.
“I can draw a ring! What's the point of being an artist if you can't draw a ring for your man?” Jaehwan exclaimed.
“Yeah! Where there is a marker there is a way!” Haneul agreed digging a marker out of nowhere. “I have a highlighter too! For shading” Wonshik said holding a yellow highlighter up.
“Brilliant! This is why I love you!” Jaehwan said.
“I have a phone! We can record your vows!” Haneul said.
The three of them stood up. Jaehwan made his way to Wonshik and held him as steady as he could as Haneul found her phone and started to record.
“I do!” Jaehwan yelled skipping ceremony.
“I do too!” Wonshik declared before handing Jaehwan the marker and highlighter so that he could draw the rings.
“And now I declare you both happily married” Haneul cheered when the rings were complete. “You may kiss!” she said happily.
“Noooo. I feel shy” Wonshik said as Jaehwan made suggestive eyebrows at him.
“Both of my friends got married today” Haneul wept as Jaehwan was now hugging Wonshik on the couch.
“Love is so inspiring. We should tell everyone about this” she decided, going through the contacts list. She found the number she had been looking for before hitting dial.
“Biker sunbae! Jaehwan and Wonshik just got married! Say congratulations!” she said at one go. “No no. It was a completely sober decision. Just like this one is. Sunbae let's get married!” Haneul spoke.
“Yeah! Get married! It feels amazing!” Jaehwan yelled from the side.
“I love you. Jaehwan loves Wonshik. Wonshik loves Jaehwan. Taekwoon only loves coffee because he is a cat. That’s one... two… three! Three perfect reasons for us to get married” she explained. She gasped and stared at her phone before scowling. “Stupid jealous cat” she said frowning at the fact that Taekwoon had taken Minah’s phone and hung up on her.
“I think Wonshik fell asleep” Jaehwan said. Haneul looked up to see Wonshik dozing off at one end of the couch. “How can a person fall asleep on their wedding night?” Jaehwan grumbled before pouting and hugging Wonshik. Haneul giggled at the two before opening up the texting group. So what if Taekwoon hadn’t let her confess on the phone? She could confess on the group! And while they were at it, she could also encourage Sanghyuk and Hongbin to get married as well! They deserved love and happiness too, didn’t they? Haneul typed furiously with a new resolve.
She frowned at the text messages sent in reply. Hakyeon was confused while Sanghyuk just asked her if she was drunk. She wasn’t drunk! No! Not at all! She was perfectly sober no thank you very much. She scowled darkly before flinging her phone away and snuggling with her new teddy bear on the floor. Tomorrow morning, she would pop the question to her awesome biker sunbae again. More romantically than Taekwoon ever would, she thought with vengeance. She giggled at the thought of marrying Minah and having cute children like Injung before finally succumbing to her tiredness and passing out. Strangely her couch felt as warm and as comfortable as a human hug.
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lovexloop · 6 years
Does VIXX stand for...
Visually Impressive Xenophobic Xentopedes?
Cause something about that seems off...
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princessu-sumi · 7 years
disclaimer: much cringe
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elvencantation · 7 years
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oh my godddd 😂
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imbicuriousyeah · 3 years
Ravi: hey is there any chance any of you *cough* leo *cough cough* are available on February 14th?
Ravi: February 14th?? Anybody?? *cough cough* leo *cough*
Ravi: ha… um in case you didn't hear me, I said FEBRUARY 14TH *cough* LEO *cough cough*
Hongbin: oh my god, will you just ask him out like a normal person please
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angioponder · 5 years
ultimately walking
Fandom: VIXX OT6 (Platonic/Friendship) Genre/Warnings: humor, crack, fluff  Word count: 1556w
author’s note:  also on AO3 (@angioponder) hb to my cuppycake.<3 hope this brought a smile to your lovely face. being your best friend and roommate over the years made me so happy. thanks for letting me love you with gifts like this. i miss you lots!
list of the songs referenced are at the end. enjoy~
Hakyeon awoke due to someone beating harshly on the door of his brand new apartment. He feigned sleep in hopes that whoever was outside would leave, thinking the flat to be empty. But after a pause of silence, the banging only came back louder and harder. 
A barely open, one-eyed peek at the phone he dragged out from under his pillow told him it was ten in the morning—quite a bit later than he usually got up due to all the unpacking he had to do the night before.
Wondering who it could be, he begrudgingly left the comfort of his warm bed, lugging the sheets over and around his body as he tried very hard to send messages from his brain to his foot to move in front of the other, and vice versa. At some point, it didn't really matter how he got to the door, as long as he could keep himself upright and moving forward to open the damn thing and send whoever interrupted his sleep far, far away.
When Hakyeon reached his destination, he leaned—more like ungracefully banged his forehead due to sleep deprivation—against the door to peer through the peephole. As soon as his eyes adjusted to see past the lens properly, he threw his sheets off to the side and practically ripped open the door to reveal his bandmates standing out in the hallway. Now fully awake, he was about to hug them all happily for following through with visiting him in his new home, but that died when he saw how visibly apprehensive they were.
“What? What what is it? What?” Hakyeon did a sweep across all of them really quickly.
Taekwoon was sporting coffee stains on his white sweater, Jaehwan was holding Special K under one arm and a bowl of milk in the other, Hongbin was wearing that god-awful green scarf that made him look like your gossipy neighborhood auntie, Wonshik was sleep-standing until he woke himself up with a snore, and Sanghyuk was, well, he was big. So, really nothing out of the ordinary.
Hakyeon relaxed a smidgen, crossing off the possibility of them being physically harmed in some fashion. Something was still off, but he couldn’t figure it out at the moment. He pointedly looked at Taekwoon, who was chewing on his pale fingers.
“I take it you you're not here to visit your most favorite hyung just because you realized your undying love for him and miss him very, very much ever since he moved out.”
“Oh, honestly!” Hakyeon mocked a shocked gasp, “Humor me a little bit more than that. I'm hurt.”
“Yes! I mean yes! Definitely all that—yes, yes but also,” Taekwoon glanced to his side at the other four who have a mixed array of emotions on their faces, all their lips held tight in a line. “I don’t really know what happened but,” he seemed like he was trying to come up with an explanation but settled with, “something’s wrong with them.”
“O-kay?” Hakyeon tilted his head. “Something’s always wrong with them, but I have a really bad feeling that’s not it.”
Taekwoon clapped his palm over Jaehwan's general face without missing a beat. Unsurprisingly, Wonshik did the same to Hongbin and Sanghyuk, reducing whatever retort all of them were making into muffles. When it looked like their protests directed to Hakyeon were over, Taekwoon and Wonshik retracted their hands.
“It’s not the usual thing this time just—” Taekwoon shoved them all forward towards the doorway, “we might want to be indoors for this.”
Everyone shuffled inside towards the bare living room, past the stacks of empty boxes that have been tetris-arranged inside of each other. It was a good thing too, Hakyeon thought as he watched them try to fit themselves on his couch in vain, limbs spilling over the armrests and all over the carpet on the livingroom floor of his one bedroom apartment.
“So, what’s this about?”
Nobody replied. Taekwoon nudged Hongbin with his elbow and pointed his chin towards Hakyeon. Hongbin sighed deeply then opened his mouth.
“I'm singin' in the rain,” he sang with heavy dread, “Just singin' in the rain. What a glorious feeling,” he drawled in disdain, “I'm happy again.” The whole room watched Hongbin continue his song as he dragged his body listlessly around, with a few half-hearted heel clicks here and there. By the end of his… performance of sorts, Hongbin was clenching his whole body in what one could only describe as mortifying agony. Jaehwan and Sanghyuk was, laughing at him, as is expected.
“That was… a great rendition,” Hakyeon clapped slowly, hesitantly. “So… what I got from that was Hongbin’s been practicing for a musical he got casted in, and he wants my feedback? Well, I’d say you need to fix your face a little. You look incredibly sour for someone who’s supposed to be happy after a great date with your lover.”
“No, no, you don’t get it,” Taekwoon tried, “he’s—”
“—running for his life, from Shia LaBeouf!” Wonshik launched himself off the couch and burst into song. “He’s brandishing a knife, it's Shia LaBeouf! Lurking in the shadows,” he bellowed, “Hollywood superstar Shia LaBeouf!”
“ …What? Is going on?” Hakyeon shivered as Wonshik, wide eyed and distressed, climbed on top of the coffee table and proceeded to bust out some very dramatic, interpretive dance moves. “What’s happeni—Wonshik are you biting my thigh!?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out! Ever since you left, it comes out like this whenever they try and speak as if—”
“If you were gay,” Jaehwan chimed in harmoniously, “that'd be okay. I mean 'cause, hey!” he pranced on over to Taekwoon, “I'd like you a-ny-way. Because you see,” he locked arms with him, “If it were me! I would feel free to say that I was gay, but I'm not gay!”
Taekwoon pried himself out of Jaehwan’s tight grasp and tried to cling on to Hakyeon while confetti and glitter magically rained down on them—wait what?
“They won’t respond in anything but singing and dancing,” Taekwoon said, “I even looked up their symptoms on the interne—”
“The internet is for porn!” Sanghyuk sang enthusiastically. “The internet is for porn! Why do you think the net was born? Porn! Porn! Porn!”
“You're joking, right?” Hakyeon said as Sanghyuk continued screaming porn repeatedly while holding his hands in a recitation handclasp and bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet to the melody in his head. “Taekwoon, come on. This can't be serious.”
Then out of nowhere, Jaehwan, Wonshik and Hongbin—almost escalatory and frantically so—resumed singing and dancing their own respective songs on top of each other in a jumbled mess, all at the same time.
Hakyeon was starting to feel slightly delirious.
“I seriously think they're cursed or something, Hakyeon.” Taekwoon said as chaos ensued right before their eyes. “Wonshik wouldn’t be doing all of this out of his own volition, especially not Hongbin,” he commented as they watched all the self-loathing radiate from Hongbin’s body. “Though I'm not sure I can say the same for Jaehwan and Sanghyuk.”
While that seemed to be true, Hakyeon couldn't ignore the red tiredness under their swollen eyes. Maybe something actually happened, then.
“So, what now?”
“Come home,” Taekwoon said, trying not to make too much eye contact, “with us?”
With us. Hakyeon paused. Come home.
His eyes drifted next to Taekwoon, where a group photo from the night of their debut five years ago was hanging—the only decorative item on display in the whole apartment aside from his favorite family portrait.
“You think it might ‘break the curse’ they're under?”
Taekwoon looked at him with those eyes and shrugged. “Worth a try.”
Truth is, watching them take up what was once a large amount of space in his one bedroom flat made him feel almost suffocated, that is, if it he didn't adore them all so, so much. But it was a familiar, loving type of suffocating, where it was difficult to not feel loved when it surrounded him from corner to corner. Moving out was such a bittersweet thing. Hakyeon may not necessarily enjoy every single moment of living together, but he does miss them—all the time.
Real curse or not, he’d do anything for them at the end of the day. Unfortunately for him, he wouldn’t be able to leave them die in a ditch, even if he tried. And they’d do the same for him, probably.
“Fine,” Hakyeon groaned. “I'll pack enough for the weekend and go.” He stomped into his unmade bedroom, pretending to be irritated. “I must be cursed to be bonded with you all forever.”
On Sunday night, the main door of their dorm finally shut after saying goodbye for roughly an hour, leaving the living room a little colder and quieter than it was. Jaehwan, Wonshik, Hongbin and Sanghyuk turned to Taekwoon.
“Should we play pretend again so hyung will come back and stay over next weekend?”
“Or, or maybe play it up a little more so we can extend it to weekdays too?”
“No, no we might make it too obvious!”
“Hyung can be dense as a humidifier, what are you talking about?”
“Yeah, I miss him too.” Taekwoon shook his head and laughed to himself. “Now go research more musicals for next week.”
author’s note:
a wee bit late but we realized it was april fool's yesterday right before posting this ahahahaha so fitting!
Singing in the Rain by Gene Kelly Shia LaBeouf by Rob Cantor If You Were Gay by Avenue Q The Internet is for Porn by Avenue Q
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pinkjonginie · 4 years
Bitten pt. 21
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Part 1 - Part 2 -  Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21
Description:  “Hey I’m here Baek. Don’t worry, I’m never leaving you again.”
Genre: Smut // Fluff // Slight Angst
Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Mobile Masterlist | Request
As Baekhyun promised, he was able to sneak back into Xiumin’s mansion and receive the last piece of your kanata but...it wasn't easy.
*2 hours earlier*
You looked into Baekhyun’s eyes in confusion.
“You want to come with us? What about your pack? Won’t you get in trouble if you leave?”
You hear Hongbin groan behind the two of you. “Never mind him Y/N, what about us? We can’t bring some werewolf into the sanctuary. That’s like committing treason.”
You turn to Hongbin and let out a sigh. “but this isn’t just some werewolf, it’s Baekhyun,” you emphasize, turning back to him, “and I can’t leave him behind if he’s going to risk this for me.”
And with that it seemed like everyone agreed with your plan to let Baekhyun go and get the last piece of your sword from Xiumin’s library. It may have had to do with the fact you were the last royalty left in the kitsune pack and the guys didn’t want to go against your wishes but you could tell Hongbin wasn’t too happy about it. 
You looked back down at your watch for what felt like the millionth time and back at the direction Baekhyun had left in. Baekhyun had left over 10 minutes ago and it really should’ve taken him less than 5 what with his wolf speed. You were starting to get worried and wondered if this was all a bad idea to have left him to go on his own.
“I should go see if he's okay.” You suddenly announce to the boys as you grab your sword. 
Hongbin immediately jumps up. “Are you crazy? If anyone catches you you’ll be killed. I can’t let that happen.”
Jaehwan and Wonsik nod agreeing with Hongbin. “He’s right Y/N. If Baekhyun isn't back yet that could mean that he got caught. It’s too dangerous for any one of us.” Jaehwan sighs. “We know you care about him deeply, but we can’t sacrifice ourselves for someone, let alone a wolf.”
Your heart feels tight as their words hit you like a ton of bricks. They were right to some degree, but it was Baekhyun for Christs sakes. You didn’t want to admit it to them as you gotten to know them over the last couple of weeks but you couldn't stop thinking about Baekhyun. You would have nightmares of the day you left him after ingesting that liquid that removed your bond with him and ever since then you felt hollow inside like something was missing. Seeing Baekhyun today reminded you that leaving him was the biggest mistake you could've ever made.
You turn back to Hongbin as you chew on your bottom lip. 
“Remember when you were telling me about how foxes and wolves can’t be mates and it was forbidden? And it was still possible but rare to have a true mate?”
Hongbin nods in confusion, “Yes, but what does that have to do with this?”
You touch your neck were your mark used to be and it almost felt like it throbbed. That comforting throb that you used to feel whenever Baekhyun was close by.
“It has to do with everything. Which means I can't leave him behind.” 
Your words must of caught them off guard because you used their confused state as your cue to make a dash in the direction Baekhyun went to. You thought you were fast enough but Hongbin was faster as he grabbed you by the waist and lifted you up from the ground.
“No stop! I need to find him!” You shout as you struggle against his grip. There was no way you were escaping Hongbins grip and deep down you knew that struggling was futile. 
“I’m sorry Y/N. But I can't let you do this. We promised to keep you safe even if that meant not finding your kanata.”
With ease and what seemed like no effort, Hongbin had you back in the van and strapped into place so you couldn’t move around.
“Please Hongbin, just let me go. You guys can go back to the base.” You plead as you watch him zip tie your wrists together. 
He looks up to you and for a second you can see the sadness in his eyes. He almost looks sorry for you but the Hongbin you once knew is long gone as you now stare at someone else.
“I’m sorry Princess.”
You felt like crying but this wasn’t the best time as you were sitting next to Hongbin strapped to your seat. You couldn’t move your wrists as they were zip tied together. You felt embarrassed and humiliated because you ultimately failed your mission but what made matters worse was that Baekhyun could be in a whole lot of trouble and its was all your fault.
As Wonsik drove down the dirt road that would soon lead us out of the forest where Xiumins mason lay, you couldn't help but feel that familiar throb on your neck where your mark used to be. You assumed it was just an after affect of being almost mates with Baekhyun and the fact that you saw him today but as the car drove further out of the forest the throbbing in your neck increase and seemingly got worse.
You bit you lip in pain not wanting the guys to notice but suddenly the pain was unbearable as you doubled over trying to reach for your neck.
You felt Hongbin grab at you and ask what was wrong but it felt like you couldn't speak. It hurt so bad that you almost couldn't breath.
In a panic, Hongbin told Wonsik to stop then car and pull over to the side. You could tell that the car was only a mere 5 feet away from the paved main road.
Everything was happening so fast. Suddenly Hongbin was removing the zip tie from your wrists and undoing your seat beat. It felt like everything was going in slow motion as you grabbed at your neck.
You didn’t know what was coming over you but with sudden increase in strength you managed to rip open the side door open and bolt out of the van onto the main road.
You could hear the guys behind you telling you to stop and chasing after you but it was like nothing mattered when what you saw all made sense.
It was like oddly perfect timing, because when you made it onto the main road you saw something jump out of the bushes. An animal with grey fur stained in crimson red blood and wild eyes glowing in white.
You watched in a shock and because you were only a couple feet away when the furry beast collapsed on the pavement. It immediately dawned on you who this was.
“Baekhyun?” Your voice came out as a whisper and as you got closer you noticed the gun shot wound on his lower stomach and you almost felt faint.
Baekhyun growled and then started to whimper. You got down to your knees in front of him.
Your eyes filled with tears as you touched his fur coat. “Hey I’m here Baek. Don’t worry, I’m never leaving you again.” You felt your neck throb again at your words.
You watched as Baekhyun’s body started to change back to his human form and that’s when you saw how much damage the gun and done to him. His torso  was covered in blood and his face was extremely pale.
“Here,” Baekhyun voice cracks as his hand reaches for yours. He drops what feels like the last piece of your sword into your hand and it.
You stare at the piece of metal in your hand then back at Baekhyun. You wonder if this was all worth it.
“Hey, don’t be sad. You’re going to be the best kitsune. I just know it.” And with that Baekhyun collapsed into your arms.
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