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harinirajagopalan · 6 years ago
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Day 1: Maui
After a ten and a half hour flight Caleb and I walked through the Honolulu airport to our gate. Exhausted, and hungry, we looked for anything that would energise us before our next flight. Our terminal was small and had no coffee. Caleb settled for a red bull but I decided to hunt for coffee.
As I walked through the airport, I got the feeling that I was in India. The coconut trees were leaning in around the open corridor in the airport, and the humidity was beginning to settle on my face. I could feel a slight sizzle on my skin, as the heat rose around me. It was a welcome change, after battling a winter that was a little too long.
After getting my coffee, I went back to our terminal to wait to board our next plane. Soon, we took our seats in a small propeller aircraft, that would take us into Maui. The flight attendant was kind enough to point out all the islands we were flying over as we flew over them. I was fascinated by the green-blue water that looked so clean even from the sky. Each island was lush and green that eventually filtered out into sandy beaches and the ocean.
As we got closer to Maui, the winds picked up and I began to feel the turbulence. As the plane rattled and dropped, I clutched onto Caleb’s hand, hoping that my discomfort wouldn’t explode out of my stomach. The plane lowered itself into what seemed like a field of grass and my anxious mind jumped to the conclusion that we weren’t landing at an airport. But as the wheels touched the surface of a road, I saw a small building appear and I let out a sigh of relief. We had landed at one of the smallest airports I had ever seen.
Maui is the second largest island in Hawaii, after the island of Hawaii itself. Maui is named after the demigod Maui who is said to have restrained the sun so that there would be longer days. Maui is shaped like the bust of a woman lying on her side. Her head is the west side, and her torso is the east. (The person who pointed this out to us made a joke about imaging Dolly Parton lying on her side, but I didn’t get it then and I don’t get it now.) The east side of Maui is home to Haleakala, a non-eruptive shield volcano. On the west is an eroded shield volcano called Mauna Kahalawai. Along the coast are plenty of beaches, and coconut trees. 
As we settled into our hotel room, Caleb and I were happy to hear the sound of the waves. I was happy to see mango trees, coconut trees, and even gulmohar. I felt like I had descended the stairs off the plane onto the west coast of India, with mountains on one side, and beaches on the other. We tucked ourselves into bed, chattering excitedly about the adventures to come in the week that followed. As we drifted off to sleep in a nice, warm room, I slept with a smile on my face, finally feeling like I was home.
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dwhartenby · 5 years ago
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#perfectfriday #honeymoondestination #cancunmexico #honeymoon2019 (at Grand Riviera Princess Beach Resort and Spa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B450KmuAu_H/?igshid=1dqmji50glzi7
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christine55416 · 6 years ago
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S'mores bench and bobber planters in @pequotlakeschamber #bobber #vacationadventures #honeymoon2019 (at Pequot Lakes, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByaZ0lDhZ4j/?igshid=13eukyvw6tbc3
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stupendoustaleobservation · 6 years ago
Hot water and honeymoon
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Hot water and honeymoon
Hot water and honeymoon شہد کی افادیت واہمیت سے کون واقف نہیں ۔زمانہ قدیم سے اسے غذا اور دوادونوں صورتوں میں استعمال کیا جارہا ہے ۔اکثر اسے نیم گرم پانی میں شامل کرکے نہار منہ پینے کا مشورہ بھی دیا جا تا ہے۔اس میں کوئی شک نہیں کہ اس طرح شہد کی غذائیت اور اس سے جسم کو حاصل ہونے والے فوائد مزید بڑھ جاتے ہیں ۔شہد ملا نیم گرم پانی پینے سے آپ کو اپنی صحت میں حیرت انگیز مثبت تبدیلیاں نظر آئیں گی۔ ذیل میں وہ فوائد درج کیے جارہے ہیں ،جو پانی میں شہد ملا کر پینے سے حاصل ہوتے ہیں : وزن کم کرنے کی خواہش مند افراد اگر صبح کے وقت ایک گلاس نیم گرم پانی میں شہد ڈال کر پییں تو ان کا وزن تیزی کے ساتھ کم ہونے لگے گا۔عموماً تقلیل غذا (ڈائٹنگ )کرنے والے افراد کو شہد کے ساتھ لیموں کے چند قطرے بھی نیم گرم پانی میں ڈال کر پینے کے لیے کہا جاتا ہے ۔ اس سے جسم کا کو لیسٹرول کم ہوتا ہے ۔اس کے علاوہ جسم کو توانائی بھی حاصل ہوتی ہے ۔بہترین نتائج کے لیے شہد کو نیم گرم پانی میں شامل کرکے صبح نہار منھ یارات سونے سے پہلے پینا چاہیے۔ :کھانسی میں آرام کھانسی کی وجہ عام طور پر گلے میں ہونے والی خارش یا خشکی ہوتی ہے ۔شہد ملا نیم گرم پانی پینے سے سانس کی نالی صاف ہو جاتی ہے اور سینے سے بلغم بھی خارج ہوجاتا ہے ۔کھانسی ختم کرنے کے لیے ایک چمچہ شہد میں لیموں کے چند قطرے نیم گرم پانی میں ڈال کر پیے جا سکتے ہیں ۔اس سے کھانسی کی تکلیف دور ہو جاتی ہے اور آرام ملتا ہے ۔ :نظام ہضم میں بہتری کے لیے عموماً نظام ہضم میں خرابی معدے میں پیدا ہونے والی تیزابیت کی وجہ سے ہوتی ہے ۔اس کے علاوہ معدے کے تعدیے (انفیکشن)یا قبض کی وجہ سے بھی ہاضمہ خراب ہوسکتا ہے ۔اس خرابی کو دُورکرنے کے لیے شہد کو نیم گرم پانی میں ڈال کر پینے سے بہت فائدہ ہوتا ہے ۔ :حسّاسیت سے نجات شہد جِلد کے لیے بے حد مفید ہے ۔اس کو نیم گرم پانی میں ڈال کر پینے سے جِلد اندر سے صاف ہوجاتی ہے۔جِلد پر ہونے والی حسّاسیت (الرجی )کو دور کرنے کے لیے شہد ملے نیم گرم پانی کا پینا فائدہ مند ہے ۔اس سے جِلد کی نمی بر قرار رہتی ہے اور خشکی بھی نہیں ہوتی ۔ :طاقت بخش شہد پانی کی کمی کو دور کرتا ہے ۔جسم میں شہد ملا نیم گرم پانی مناسب مقدار میں رہے تو وہ توانا ،تندرست اور تروتازہ رہتا ہے ۔ سارا دن چاق چو بند رہنے کے لیے شہد ملا نیم گرم پانی پینامفید ہے ۔وہ لوگ جو سارا دن سست اور کاہل رہتے ہیں ،وہ اس کو ضرور اپنی غذا کا حصہ بنائیں ۔ Who is not aware of honey utility? From ancient times it is being used in food and contraceptive conditions. It is also suggested that it is included in semi-hot water and it is also recommended that you have to drink it. It is no doubt that Honey nutrition and its benefits increase the benefits of the body. Drinking warm water, you will see amazing changes in your health. Below are the advantages being listed, which get honey mixed in water: Those who wish to lose weight, if they drink honey in a semi-hot water in the morning, their weight will begin to decrease rapidly. People with dietary supplements have a few drops of honey with honey. It is also called semi-hot water to drink and drink. This reduces the body's lifestyle. Moreover, the body also gets energy. For the best results, adding honey into semi-hot water, it should be consumed early morning and evening. Relaxing in the cough: The reason for coughing is usually the throat or the nose in the throat. Drinking half a half water gets mixed with the breathing tube and removes the chest from the chest. To eliminate the cough, a spoon can be mixed in honey with a few drops of lime in honey .It removes the cough and gets relief. System improvement: Generally, digestion in systemic digestion is due to stomach acidity .Additionally, due to gastrointestinal disorders or infection, the disease may also worsen. To remove this problem, it is very beneficial to put honey in half water and drink. Salvation from sensitivity: Honey is very useful for skin. It is cleaned in a hot water and gets cleaned from the skin. It is beneficial to drink semi-hot water for honey to remove the onset of sensitivity (allergies). It refers to skin moisture and does not even have a tissue.Hot water and honeymoon Powerful: Honey removes water scarcity. In honey, the semi-hot water mixed with honey water remains in tranquil, tempered and fatty. All day honey is semi-mixed with honey water to stop chopping chips. Those who are slow and lazy all day long, make it a part of your diet. sourceUrduPoint.com. #honeymoon in, #honeymoon in december, #honeymoon travel, #honeymoon 2019, #honeymoon blog, #honeymoon vacations, #honeymoon islands, #honeymoon inspiration, Read the full article
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dwhartenby · 5 years ago
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#underwaterhotel #princessresort #cancunmexico #honeymoon2019💏 (at Grand Riviera Princess Beach Resort and Spa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4581YcAovi/?igshid=s1m7o8bhywe9
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christine55416 · 4 years ago
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#tbt #honeymoon2019 #breezy https://www.instagram.com/p/CPqREiFhbPj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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