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ruckystarnes · 6 years ago
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Author: RuckyStarnes
Pairing: Clint Barton x Reader
Warnings: some swearing
Words: 863
Square Filled/Daily Challenge/Prompt: #9. “Don’t be mad but we have a child” “what the hell do you mean you have a kid” “no no ‘WE’ have a child” holds out puppy/kitten
Written for/Dedicated to: @honey-bee-holly ‘s 700 Followers Writing challenge
Summary: This will be the last time Clint let’s you go to pick up chicken feed.
A/N: Cut it down to the wire LOL because sometimes my best stuff happens as a result from procrastination 
Clint was busy working on repairing the banister of the stairs leading down into your basement when he heard a car approach. He stiffened for a moment, unsure of who it would be as his teammates would contact him if they wanted to visit, but the moment he heard the base of one of your guilty pleasure songs, he knew he could relax and keep working. It wasn’t like he forgot you were gone, he just have grown accustomed to the quiet that settle around your guys’ cabin in Upstate. It was like he had his hearing aids off 90 percent of the time with how still it would be there. He could hear your boots on the gravel, your voice low and muffled through the wood and concrete. A small smile crept on his face as he began to hammer the nail into the railing, securing it to the post beneath it. He gave it a quick shake to test to see if it would hold fine, and after a brief moment, he deemed it safe and started to pack up his tools before ascending the stairs to greet you. You were still in the garage when he got into the kitchen, setting his toolbox on the counter when he saw the door open.
“Hey babe,” he greeted cheerfully, walking towards you but hesitated when he notice you poking your head out of the door and move your hand. You were speaking too low for him to register, frowning because you only did that when you were trying to surprise him or keep a secret. “Babe? What’s wrong?” You turned towards him with wide eyes and a slightly opened mouth before smiling fully.
“Oh nothing, love,” you replied with a slight tremor in your voice, but your body language was betraying you. You watched him approach you with hesitation, his eyes roaming over you.
“Bullshit,” he countered slowly, stopping inches from you, eyes narrowing slightly as he focused on all the parts of you that he could use against you in an argument.
“Clint...please...don’t be mad, but…”
“But what?”
“But...we have a child,” you said just above the octave that you knew he could hear.
“What the hell do you mean you have a child?” he replied a bit too quickly, words dripping with disbelief and hurt. Of course he missed a word because his mind was racing.
“No, love. No, no. WE,” you replied, your hand motioning between the two of you before moving to sign with your next words. “WE have a child.” His eyes flitted to your abdomen and you shook your head as you opened the door and a little white ball of fluff tripped in, dark eyes looking up at Clint as the tiny pink tongue stuck out.
“Um...Y/N, what…”
“He was at one of those Human Society things at the pet store picking up the feed for the chickens,” you rushed out, “his eyes locked with mine and I was a goner, Clint. Gone. Like that!” You snapped your fingers and the small dog looked to you with his grin. “I just had to get him. I got dog food, leash and lead, dishes, pee pads, crate, everything we need for him in the truck.”
Clint looked at you, the disbelief slowly fading and being replaced with a smile and he shook his head. “You, miss, are in trouble,” he laughed, leaning down to let the small dog sniff his hand before scooping him up to hold him to his chest. “Did momma name you already?” His finger found the small tag on the purple collar that was mostly hidden in the white fluff. “Trickshot? Really?”
“What? He had to use some skill in order to get me to walk over there and pick him up,” you laugh, closing the door fully now. “I figure we can nickname him Tricky.”
“When I finally realized you said ‘we’ and not ‘I’, I thought you meant you were pregnant,” he smiled, rubbing his nose against Tricky’s.
“Well, there’s that too. That’s another reason why I got the puppy. Gives us more practice getting use to someone else’s needs.”
“What?!” He didn’t mean to shout, but you spoke so nonchalantly that he thought maybe you were joking.
“We have about seven months to get your archery shit out of the spare room,” you smiled, walking up to him as you pulled a picture out of your purse, showing it to him. His face made your heart swell and tear pricked your eyes; he was smiling from ear to ear as Trickshot licked his chin.
“A puppy and a little bean?” he finally managed out, eyes still focused on the small little blip on the paper. “Seven months? I can do that. I can get the guys to help.” He leaned in and kissed you softly, his free hand cupping your jaw. “We might need to reschedule the wedding thought.”
“You know Tony can marry us,” you laughed, “so we can get married whenever. It’s just paper, love.”
“Call Nat and go shopping for a dress. I think I wanna marry you sooner than later.”
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littlemarvelfics · 6 years ago
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Words Count: 1,100
Warning: none
A/N: Oh hello! I messed up my schedule already. I was supposed to post this on Wednesday and Ghost today and clearly, that didn’t happen. So this is getting posted today, Ghost tomorrow and then back to the schedule. Anyway! This is for @honey-bee-holly ‘s writing challenge! Congrats on the followers hun! My prompt was “So what you’re just gonna leave, just like that.” I hope y’all enjoy this. You can ask for tags or requests here and my masterlist is here. Cheers! 
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You walked into the apartment you shared with your boyfriend and kicked off your shoes while rolling your shoulders, trying to release the tension that had built up after a long day at work. The apartment seemed silent and you noticed a scrap of paper on the kitchen table that simply read:
Went out, don’t wait up.
You rolled your eyes and let out a sigh. You and Bucky had been dating for two years and ha moved in together about two months ago. Things had been good at first but these past few weeks it felt like he had been distancing himself from you. He was rarely there when you got home and wouldn’t show up until after you had gone to sleep. He didn't wake up to say goodbye to you when you left in the morning for work anymore either. The notes were his new way of communicating with you. They were always on the kitchen table and they were always short,  telling you as little information as possible. You couldn’t figure out what was wrong. You had tried to corner him into talking but he just brushed you off every time you started to talk. It would be one thing if you were fighting all the time, at least then there would be something to fight for.
You put aside your worries for now, it wasn't anything you could fix without Bucky there. You went about your Friday night, making yourself a simple dinner to go with the bottle of wine you had opened. Once you were finished eating and cleaning up the kitchen, you glanced at the clock. 11 pm on a Friday night and your boyfriend was nowhere to be found. You again decided not to dwell and walked over to your master bathroom, plugging the tub and filling it with water.
Once the tub was filled a suitable amount, you threw a bath bomb in and quickly followed keeping your wine glass and book within arms reach of you spot in the tub. You let the warm water wash over you, easing the aches that had accompanied your day. You leaned back and closed your eyes, letting your mind wander as it often did to Bucky. You thought about your first date and how much he had made you laugh that night. You thought about your first kiss, the first time you had made love. You smiled at the memory of him asking if you would move in with him. You had immediately said yes and the next day, the two of you set off looking for a place you could turn into a home. It didn't take long to find it and only a few weeks after Bucky asked, you two were moving into a brand new apartment. Everything had started out great, waking up and going to bed together every day, sharing meals and showers. But then slowly Bucky had started pulling away and putting distance between the two of you.
You opened your eyes and sat up a little straighter in the tub, refusing to get yourself worked up. You picked up your book and read for a bit, getting lost in the pages of the novel. Before long, your bath started to chill and you felt your eyes grow heavy with exhaustion. You carefully stepped out of the tub and pulled the plug, letting the colored water sink down the drain. You dried yourself with a towel before pulling one of Bucky’s tee shirts over your head. You threw on some panties and climbed into bed, falling asleep alone.
You woke up later that night when you felt the bed dip beside you. You glanced at the clock- 2:30 am. You waited for Bucky to wrap his arm around you and pull you to lay against him but he never did. You rolled over onto your back and looked over at him, he was under the covers, facing away from you.
“Bucky?” You whispered. When you got no reply you tried again. “Bucky? C’mon, I know you're awake.”
He still didn't reply, staying perfectly still beside you. You let out a scoff and returned to your original position, on your side facing away from him. You wiped away the tears that fell from your eyes quickly and tried to even out your ragged breaths. You didn't want him to know you were crying, if he didn’t care about the relationship, why should you?
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed. You laid in bed quietly contemplating what to do before swinging yourself out of bed and searching the apartment for Bucky. You checked the bathroom and when it came up empty, you moved into the kitchen. You spotted yet another note on the kitchen table.
Out to breakfast with Steve, be back later
You slammed the note back down on the table and stormed back up to your room. You made a quick decision and texted your friend Lizzie to see if you could stay with her. Once you got the confirmation that you were always welcome, you grabbed a bag from your closet and started packing. You heard the front door open and close but you didn't stop what you were doing.
“YN?” You heard Bucky ask from behind you but you ignored him.
“Y/N?” He asked again, more firmly this time. “Stop! What hell are you doing?”
You continued throwing your possessions into the bag, set on ignoring him until he spoke again.
“So what? You’re just gonna leave, just like that?”
You whipped around to face him.
“‘Just like that?!’ Is that what you think? I woke up this morning and decided to leave?”
“Well, that’s what it looks like!” He yelled.
“No, after being ignored and left the stupid fucking notes over and over again, I’ve decided I’ve had enough! I’ve had enough Bucky. You won’t talk to me anymore and you're always gone. And I’m sick of it. So yeah, I’m gonna go stay with a friend while you figure your shit out.”
“Y/N, I-”
“Nope, the time for talking was before. Before I was yelling and packing my stuff. The time to talk was literally anytime except right now. You must be exhausted from constantly pushing me away, so you don't have to push anymore-- I’m gone.”
You pushed past Bucky and headed out the door. You could hear him scrambling behind you, trying to talk but you didn't want to hear it, at least not right then. You threw your bag in the trunk of your car and hopped into the driver's seat. As you drove away from your apartment, you didn't know what you were going to do about Bucky but you weren't gonna wait around for him to leave you another note announcing your break up. Soon enough he would find the note you scribbled out earlier in the day before he came home and found you packing.
Tired of notes, staying with a friend. Don’t wait up.
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Everything Tags: @sea040561@jamesbarnesappreciationsociety@quotemeow@janeyboo@randomparanoid   @hauanjsdbkss @titty-teetee
Bucky Tags: None yet
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bolontiku · 6 years ago
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One Shot
Word Count: 1,369
Tony x reader
Prompt: “If you don’t shut up and let me sleep, I’m going to stab you” For @honey-bee-holly 700 follower celebration!! Congrats darlin!! Hope this is good enough for ya!
WARNINGS: smuttish? sex, the sex happens!!
Tony stared at you.
You were laid out under him on the couch, how you put up with his weight he wasn’t sure but he was too damned comfortable to care.
“You know, when I first met you I was sure you hated my guts, I mean... that completely worked against you y’know? Cause when I can’t have what I want I usually work harder to get it.” He huffed softly, his chin just brushing against the bit of exposed tummy peeking out from under your shirt.
“But there you were, talking so animatedly with Bruce. Babe, and to hear all those words fall from those pretty lips of yours? Psshhh, I was a goner! And you knew it, when you looked at me I knew you knew it.”
He dropped his head to your tummy, squirming just a little to get closer, his arms wrapping around your body. He froze when you shifted, listening as your breathing evened out again, a soft sigh escaping your lips. 
“Then you talked to me and all I wanted was to keep your eyes on me and keep you talking.” He chuckled softly, “how many time did I ask you out? And you turned me down every time. School. Work. Working with Bruce. The only way I could get you over was to help with work. Of course once Bruce told me you were in bio-engineering field I ate up everything I could find just to be able to talk to you and boy did that pay off!” he remembered how your eyes lit up as he ever so carefully dropped a few conversation starters. 
“Of course when your apartment started leaking or your neighbors were loud I had a quiet place to offer, cause research is completely necessary and of the utmost importance.” 
He bit his lip before glancing up at you, his fingers running along you back making you squirm in your sleep, “I do have something to confess...” he waited a moment till he was certain you were asleep, “don’t get angry, but I know sometimes you can’t pay off your tuition and so I step in. You know how you were ready to drop out and get a job? You were so stressed that week and I could tell you weren’t sleeping, so,” he shrugged and dropped a kiss to your exposed tummy. “Please don’t be angry, I am your secret benefactor. I get them to tell you that it was extra funding, or you won some raffle, some shit like that cause I know you’re gonna be mad and I get it, you wanna be on your own.”
He growled lightly to himself, nosing your shirt up further so that he could feel closer. What would he do if you found out? You’d leave him, but he felt better telling you, even if you were sleep, “I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Tony, now, If you don’t shut up and let me sleep, I’m going to stab you. I have four chem labs to do this week, a paper and I have to do another lab with some jerk who never shows up...” you jerked on his hair and noted that he had frozen atop you.
“Tony-fucking-Stark. Did you think I wouldn’t be able to do some sleuthing of my own? I found out the second time you paid you jerk!” you squirmed under him, turning onto your belly. This seemed to bring him back to life and he wrapped himself around you like some anaconda, making you laugh as his beard tickled your sides. “Stooooopppp!!!” you screamed.
“Your not angry?”
You uselessly threw your arm back of course getting no where near him and dropping back onto the couch. “I was at first, but I decided I could pay you back once I am done with my schooling. Even if you got tired of me and dumped me we would more than likely still end up as friends and so I could still pay you back-”
Tony pulled you up and ungracefully dumped you onto your back and glared at you. “Excuse me? Me? Dump you?”
You smiled up at him, “well, yeah... you’ll find someone younger, more attractive, maybe with her own money?”
Tony growled and before you understood what he was doing his lips were on yours, tongue slipping past, and you were gone. His hands slipping up your legs and pulling them around his waist made you gasp as he drove his hips against yours, the material of his slacks doing nothing to hide his erection. 
“Dammit, Tony!” you tried to catch your breath but it wasn’t possible when it came to him, he always took your breath away. “Too much clothes!!” His laughter rang throughout the room as he jerked back onto his knees and unbuttoned his slacks while you shimmied out of your sleep shorts. “Wait!” you looked around, “no one will come in right?!”
Tony raised an eyebrow and shook his head, pulling you towards him, “not like they haven’t seen it before!”
“Tony!!” you cried out punching his shoulder as he leaned down to kiss you, your protestations going out the window as he drove into you. It was always like that with him, you forgot about everyone else, they disappeared into the background when he was present.
It wasn’t his money or his empire. It was the look in his eyes. Those soft coffee colored eyes. He made you melt with his eyes, the way he looked at you and saw no one else. He always made you the center of his attention and it was more than you could handle at times. All the love that he had to give.
“Y/N?” his voice caught you and you hiccuped, eyes locking with his, he grinned. He had found your tell, you hiccuped when you were enjoying yourself. It drove you mad, you hated it, and of course Tony thought it was the most adorable thing ever. He wanted nothing more than to make you hiccup.
You held your breath and Tony laughed, thrusting into you a little faster, and when he reached down, thumb circling your clit..
You groaned, eyes closing, back arching as spots appeared behind your lids and you could only cry his name. 
Tony loved it, your hiccups. The way your legs tightened around his waist, when you closed your eyes and gasped. It was better than drugs or alcohol, he could do this for the rest of his life and be happy. “Fuck, Y/N? Tell me... when...”
“Now! ow Tony!!” you cried arms wrapping around his shoulders as you came.
Tony growled, he loved when you buried your face into his neck, the little whimpers as your body convulsed around his, it never failed to drive him over the edge and he drove into you one final time.
You bit at the finger that trailed along your jaw, “I was not kidding about that stabbing...”
Tony’s laughter made your heart flutter. “Would you?” he paused, making you peek one eye open at him in curiosity. “I mean... I could do this for the rest of my life.. but if your not ready...”
“Are you seriously proposing to me right now?” you asked pushing yourself up as much as you could on the couch under him, with him still buried inside of you. He looked sheepish and shook his head looking away. You pulled him closer, lips seeking his, until you were certain you’d die without air. “Listen here Stark,” he winced, “I expect you to take me out to dinner, where our friends will be ‘by co-inky-dink’,” you giggled as he stared at you, “And do something super corny and lame so I can tell you yes like I am telling you right now that yes I will marry you jerk!”
You yelped as he threw himself at you, kissing you repeatedly between words, “you,” kiss, “got,” kiss, “it!!” kiss.
“Tony, I need to sleep!! Cuddles!!”
You groaned as he moved his hips, “noooo!! Cuddles!!!” 
“Sex? Yes, sex?” he laughed thrusting into you.
Of course, your laughter rang through the air as he pushed into you followed by hiccups.
A/N: leave me comments??
Perma tags:
@shamvictoria11 @hellkat2 @thegreatirene @mo320 @magellan-88 @lostinspace33 @tamianich @incadinkadoo @aquabrie @dustycelt @yknott81 @arwa-alii @alyssaj23 @insideoflit @debbielovesbucky @swtwtrgin @saysay125 @rda1989 @xxxprettydeadgirlxxx @whenallsaidanddone @s7sense @vaisabu @the-witching-hours12-3 @learisa @roselock20 @everybodycriesonce @pegasusdragontiger @suz-123 @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @50shadesofyes @iamwarrenspeace @strange-intricate-dysfunction @lloeppky @feelmyroarrrr @red-writer13 @crystalsnow0304 @badassbaker @supernatural-girl97 @honey-bee-holly @patzammit @oswolfpack @the-real-kellymonster @wildefire @abbessolute @sarahp879 @mummy-woves-you @thisismysecrethappyplace @georgiagrl1990 @geeksareunique @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @alexaduke @tilltheendwilliwrite @redqueen1221 @redlipsinkorea @biawol  @breezy1415 @moonstar86 @queenquazar @mittenskittie @5aftermidnight
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honey-bee-holly · 6 years ago
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I’ve reached 700 followers which is cool and I decided to host a writing challenge if anyone wants to take part in 
Bold with * Means the story has been written and posted... you can find the finished stories ‘Here’
Here are the rules if you do want to take part.
You don’t have to follow me but that would very appreciated.
Reblog this post to help signal boost..
Send in a ask with your pairing and quote.
Deadline will be February 24, if you need more time please tell me.
Also feel free to tag anyone you think would want to participate
Please start with one, but feel free to grab another after you’ve completed the first one. 
Anything over 500 words please use the read more link.
Can be a one shot or a series.
Can be Fluff, Humour, Angst.
Smut is allowed (but not for any underage characters.)
Poly relationships are welcome.
Crossovers are welcome.
Tag your triggers/warnings. (Angst/smut etc)
Tag it under #honeybeehollywritingchallenge and tag me in post.
If I haven’t reblogged, left a commit or liked after you post please reach out to me. I don’t want to miss out on anyones work.
Allowed characters for this challenge.
Any Marvel characters (Avengers/X-Men/The Defenders/Deadpool/Venom/etc), any DC characters (Justice League/Titans/etc), Supernatural, Star Wars, Star Trek, Mission Imposable, Kingsman, Fantastic Beasts, The Hobbit.
“Did you just try to scare me... lame”
*“Watch it doll I just might have ta bite ya” (Loki) @sherrybaby14 *
“On a scale of 1 to 10 how good of a ghost am I”
“I’m new to this whole scaring thing”
*“You know when people say ‘be careful of the things that go bump in the night’ they normally mean me.” (Loki) @ive-been-worse *
“I don’t know whether to crush and eat your soul or to protect it with my life.”
“It’s time to get our spook on.”
“Hunny I love you but you’re an idiot”. 
*“Don’t be mad but we have a child” “what the hell do you mean you have a kid” “no no ‘WE’ have a child” holds out puppy/kitten. (Clint Barton) @ruckystarnes *
“Promise you wouldn’t get mad” “that depends, what did you do” “wellllll”. @sad-af1121
*“Did you just lick me” “yes... I’m showing my dominance”. (Azog) @maggyme13 *
“If this works and we survive, I’m gonna fucking kill you”. (Bucky Barnes) @lokisrightatrium
*“Fuck you... you know what your in a time out”. (Dean Winchester) @tattooednursewrites *
“Hey now don’t get so cocky, this is just the first round”. 
“They said it would be all fun and games... not whatever the fuck this is”. (Bucky Barnes) @prettyyoungtragedy
“You know what fuck you” “I would fuck me too”. 
“Do we save them” “na their on their own on this one”
“Well aren’t you a site for sore eyes”. (Bucky Barnes) @kentuckybarnes
*��You had me... you alway have/had”. (Bruce Banner) @arawynn *
“I had you... at least I thought I did.”. 
“You know I always thought you’d stay, I guess not.”. 
*“So what you’re just gonna leave, just like that.”. (Bucky Barnes) @littlemarvelfics *
*“Oh shit we’re getting married.” (Bucky Barnes) @awkwardfangirl2014 *
“Do I even want to know.” (Bucky Barnes) @itsbuckysworld
“If you don’t shut up and let me sleep, I’m going to stab you.” (Tony Stark) @tiku-tiku / @bolontiku *
“Last time I checked you mean the world to me.”
“You don’t get to break me.” (Darcy Lewis) @thefelinecosmonaut
“I love the thought of coming home to you”
“Do you ever look/think of someone/something and think ‘god I love you’.” 
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tilltheendwilliwrite · 6 years ago
Birthday Blues
A Bucky Barnes Drabble
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Written for @honey-bee-holly ‘s #honeybeehollywritingchallenge. Happy Birthday, Holly! I hope you like it. It’s short and sweet and fluffy.
Prompt: “Well, aren’t you just dark and gloomy today.”
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Clint Barton  |  Word Count: 1446 Warnings: A little angst, mostly fluff
You flopped down on the couch in the common room of the Avengers tower with a hefty sigh, slowly falling to the right until your head landed on Clint’s thigh.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said, stroking your hair, continuing to watch the Great British Baking Show. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” you murmured, grumpy with life and everyone in it except for like three people, Clint being one of them.
“You just fell over like a sleepy panda cub in one of those YouTube videos. Spill.” He poked you in the cheek.
You rolled over, wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your face in his belly. “It’s nothing.”
“Now you’re acting like an octopus. What the hell’s wrong?” Clint asked, concern in his voice.
“Mark broke up with me.”
“What! Why?”
“He’s seeing someone else,” you sighed. “And… everyone forgot my birthday.”
Clint’s hand froze in your hair. “Oh, my god, Y/N! I’m so sorry!”
“It’s fine,” you murmured. “No one remembered last year either.”
“SHIT!” he barked. “Two years in a row?”
“I said it’s fine. Not like it matters.”
“Of course it matters!” he huffed and tried to wiggle out from your hold. “Let me up.”
“No. Can’t I just stay here? I’m sad, and I want cuddles,” you pouted. The last few days had been a lead up to a letdown. Why you kept getting your hopes up for something you knew would be a disappointment you didn’t know. Between boyfriends and birthdays, you may as well give up on both.
“Fine, but after cuddles, you’re getting changed, and we’re going out to celebrate your birthday.”
“Whatever,” you sighed. “Naps first.” Clint stroked his fingers through your hair, and you quickly fell asleep.
Twenty minutes later Y/N was asleep, and Clint was seething. Angry at himself and the rest of the people who lived in the damn tower, he was rapidly texting with one hand when Bucky stalked through the door with his phone in hand.
“What the hell, Barton?” he growled. “Why am I an asshole?”
Glaring at him over his shoulder, Clint knew Barnes wouldn’t be able to see Y/N wrapped around him like a snake and lifted a finger to his lips. “Everyone in this place is an asshole!” he hissed.
“Well, aren’t you just dark and gloomy today. Who peed in your cornflakes?” Bucky sneered stalking toward the couch. He slowed and frowned when his gaze landed on Y/N snuggled against Clint’s abdomen. “What happened?”
“That idiot she was dating dumped her.”
“Oh?” Bucky arched a brow.
Clint could see the pleasure the idea gave him and flipped him off. “You don’t need to sound so chipper about it.”
“Why are you mad? No one liked the dipshit.”
“Because he dumped her and all of us missed her birthday!” Clint snarled.
Bucky nearly missed the back of the couch when he went to sit on it. “What? That’s not possible.”
“Two years in a row.”
“No! That’s not possible. Friday?” Bucky called to the AI. “When’s Y/N’s birthday?”
“Unknown. The date isn’t listed on any of her documents.”
“How in the hell is that possible?” Clint muttered.
Bucky opened and closed his mouth, then shrugged. “You’ve got me.”
Clint waved him away. “Well, we’ve got to fix this. Barnes, round up the troops. We’re going out tonight, and we’re going to celebrate like we’ve never celebrated before.”
You woke an hour later to Clint still stroking your hair. “Hey,” you sighed, finally unwrapping yourself from his waist. Your arms and shoulders had gone numb causing you to shake them to get the pins and needles out.
“Feeling better?” he asked.
You shrugged. “It is what it is.”
He jumped up, the quickness of his action making you jolt. “Nope, not good enough. Go put on a party dress. We’re going dancing.”
“You hate dancing,” you huffed, rolling your eyes.
“But you like dancing. So get dressed. Hair, makeup, all of it. We’re going out, and we’re going to celebrate two years of birthdays and the fact you’ve lost two hundred and ten pounds.”
You sat there blinking at him for a minute before it dawned on you what he was getting at. Your ex-boyfriend weighed about that much. “Cute,” you chuckled. “Alright. I’ll go put something together.”
“Good. I’ll meet you downstairs in thirty.”
“Fifty!” you called, feeling a little better.
“That’s not how negotiations work!” he bellowed after you.
Dressed, coiffed, and made up, you clicked your way off the elevator in your favourite set of heels while working to close the clutch in your hand. They were never big enough to hold all the things you considered essential for a night out, but packing a bigger bag was no fun when you were clubbing.
When a metal hand reached out and easily clicked it closed, your head whipped up to find Bucky standing before you. “Bucky?” he looked damn good in his dark blue suit. When you looked past him, your realized everyone was waiting. The entire team looked terrific but contrite.
“Sorry for missing your birthday, doll,” Bucky murmured, handing back your clutch.
“We had no idea Friday didn’t have it listed,” Tony said.
“It’s not?” you frowned. “But I put it on all my intake forms.”
“Someone’s about to be fired,” Sam chuckled. “Happy belated, Y/N. How late are we?”
“It was two days ago,” you said, feeling tears burn your eyes. “I thought you all forgot.”
“You should know by now we don’t forget birthdays, Y/N,” Steve said. “We just didn’t know.”
A smile slowly spread over your lips. “That’s okay, Cap. Clearly, there was a glitch somewhere.”
“One that’s now remedied,” Tony assured you.
“Well, let’s get this party on the road!” Natasha said, heading toward an oversized limo.
“We’re taking a limo?” you asked.
“Of course,” Tony scoffed and climbed inside.
Clint came over and kissed your cheek. “Happy birthday, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Clint,” you said, throwing your arms around his neck. “You’re a great friend.”
“Darlin’, I’m the best friend!” he laughed and swung you in a circle.
You didn’t notice the dopey smile on Bucky’s face, but Clint smirked at him.
Five drinks in you were nicely buzzed letting Sam spin you around the dance floor. You were loose and soft and what sadness had been hanging around you disappeared in the flashing lights and thudding music. The truth of it was you were more upset by your friends missing your birthday than your boyfriend leaving, having never really been happy with him, to begin with, only going through the motions.
When Sam gave you a spin, and you landed in a new set of arms, you laughed and smiled up at Bucky. He’d lost the jacket at some point, giving you a nice view of how his thick chest stretched his shirt, and how his thighs and ass strained his pants. If you were honest with yourself, it was Bucky you wanted, but the timing had always been off between you.
But now, as you smiled up at him, you knew something had changed.
He pulled you closer, the hard metal of his hand spreading over your upper back when his flesh hand cupped your cheek. “Happy birthday, baby doll,” he murmured right before ducking his head and pressing a soft, chaste kiss to your lips.
You tilted your head and deepened it, wanting the taste of him on your tongue. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you swayed together, kissing softly beneath the shifting lights until you both had to come up for air.
“That’s the best present I’ve ever gotten,” you smirked, resting your head against his chest.
“First time I’ve ever gotten a gift on someone else’s birthday,” he chuckled.
You laughed and looked up at him. “Just as long as it’s the gift that keeps on giving.”
“Seeing as I’ve been waiting for you for a long time? Yeah, Y/N. I plan on giving.” He placed a kiss on your cheek. “And giving.” Another on your nose. “And giving for a long, long time.”
The final kiss landed on your lips as the rest of your teammates cheered and catcalled and sang happy birthday.
“Stop sucking face and come cut the cake!” Clint called out.
You flipped him off and kissed Bucky again.
-The End-
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botanicalbarnes · 6 years ago
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Words: 890
Summary: You and Bucky are engaged to be married and you can’t believe how lucky you got. (I’m so bad at summaries…and titles but thats not the point)
Warnings: None
A/N: This is my first fic that I’ve posted on Tumblr and it’s for @honey-bee-hollys writing challenge. (Congrats on reaching this milestone!!) I’m really excited about it but I’m also super nervous. It’s probably going to be absolute shit, but hopefully I’ll improve with time. Thanks @tessasangeltom for pushing me to write and post this, you’re the best! 
The smile on your face could not be wiped off your face for anything. The person you loved most in the world had just proclaimed his undying love for you and asked you to marry him. Nothing could make you happier in that moment.
James Buchanan Barnes was going to be your husband. You squealed in excitement at the mere thought of it. How in the world did you get so lucky?
Your fiancé’s voice cut you out of your thoughts suddenly. “Doll, we’re here.” You looked out the window to see the beautiful restaurant you were parking in front of. “Hold on, don’t get off yet.” Bucky said hurriedly as he got out. You laughed a bit at how much of a gentleman he was. The door opened and you took Bucky’s hand to get out.
As you stood, your foot was caught, sending you falling slightly into Bucky’s arms. “You haven’t even had a glass of wine yet and your already tripping over yourself” Bucky chuckled at your clumsiness.
Cheeks stained red in embarrassment you looked up bashfully into his eyes. Once again like so many times before, you found yourself gravitating closer towards him and getting lost in his beautiful eyes. Slowly your eyes shut and your lips met his. He pulled you closer to him and moved his lips slowly and passionately against yours.
Pulling away, you smiled contently at him. “I love you so much James Barnes. I am the luckiest person on the face of the earth.”
“I love you too Y/F/N. And I think you’ll find that the luckiest person on earth is actually me. I still don’t know what I ever did to deserve you. You are the best thing that’s ever been mine. I cant believe your going to marry me.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “You are amazing Bucky. Now stop being so sappy or we’ll be late to dinner standing here.” He chuckled and walked beside you, hand in hand, towards the entrance.
Now, it was the night before the big day. If you were honest, the anticipation and excitement were killing you both. You were having a dinner with family and close friends as one more small celebration before the wedding.
The night went by quickly as you enjoyed the present company and your mind raced with thoughts of what was in store for you tomorrow. From appetizers, to entrees, to dessert the excited chatter and amusing remarks kept your nerves more or less at bay.
Once the night was reaching its end, your family and some friends started leaving and congratulating you once more. That left Bucky and you, along with the bridal party. You and Bucky had settled on having two bridesmaids and two groomsmen. Bucky had picked Steve and Sam, Steve obviously being the best man. And you had chosen your best friends, B/F/N and Wanda.
At this point, everyone was tired and just a bit tipsy from the champagne you’d all had during dinner.
“We should get going to the hotel, it’s getting pretty late.” Steve spoke up, breaking the peaceful silence between you all as you walked aimlessly.
“Yeah, actually, it’s not just a few blocks away and I personally don’t feel like calling a cab…” Wanda reasoned. “Let’s just walk?”
Everyone was ok with the idea and so you started walking in the direction of your hotel. As you walked, the six of you sort of split into pairs of conversation. Steve and B/F/N, Sam and Wanda, and of course, you and Bucky.
Hands swinging between you, a comfortable silence embraced you, allowing your thoughts to run freely. You smiled to yourself at the thought of the new chapter of your lives you would begin tomorrow. The thoughts of the things new and familiar that would happen filled your stomach with butterflies. You would never be able to understand how someone so wonderful, kind, loving, and just…perfect in your eyes, chose you. Of all the people on the planet, he loved you. And you loved him, more than anything, with every fiber of your being.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt Bucky stop walking and tug at your hand so you would turn to him. He pulled you close and just stared at you as if you’d disappear at any given moment. “What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?” you said, ending with a breathy laugh.
“Because, I’m still not 100% convinced that this isn’t a dream. I just can’t believe your mine. And Oh Shit. We’re getting married tomorrow.” You smiled in adoration at the man in front of you. Your hands had snaked their way to his neck and pulled him close for a kiss.
When you pulled apart, you both started laughing, still looking into each others eyes. “Well believe it love, because tomorrow, you’ll be my husband and I’ll be your wife. Hell, I can’t believe it either if I’m honest.” Glancing behind you, you saw that the others were already pretty far ahead. “We should probably get walking if we want to catch up to them.”
“Ok, let’s go.” He replied, moving to the side to start walking. His arm went around your shoulders and you leaned your head on his shoulder. “Mrs. Y/N Barnes.” He tested, “Sounds perfect. I can’t wait.”
“Yeah, it does. And neither can I.”
And, in that moment, all was right.
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arawynn · 6 years ago
The hurt in your eyes
Bruce Banner X Reader Soulmate AU
A/N 1: This is my entry for @honey-bee-holly’s writing challenge. My prompt is “You had me…you always have/had.”
A/N 2: This story is connected with my story ‘Look into my eyes’ and is set in the same Soulmate Universe. Soulmates recognize each other by looking into their eyes.
Summary: After a massive confrontation with your Soulmate Bruce, you avoid him. Reconciliation? Seems impossible. Until it seems like you might lose Bruce.
Warnings: SUICIDE ATTEMPT, angst, almost major character death, minor character death mentioned
Three days. That’s how long you hadn’t seen Bruce. Avoided him, to be exact. It had been difficult for you – the two of you were Soulmates after all and rarely left each other’s side. You had to fight the constant pull towards him. But those three days ago, everything had gone wrong.
The day had been hard from the beginning. It was the third anniversary of your parents’ death. They had died in a horrible car crash. At least that was what you’d been told. Until you were put right.
Bruce had of course noticed your sadness. And after telling him why, he had paled and gone silent. For quite a while. When he started talking again, it was slow and hesitant. Your parents hadn’t died during a car crash. At least not a normal one. The Hulk had hurled a rock fragment at their car which had caused them to crash.
To say it had been a shock was the understatement of the year. The logical part of you knew that it wasn’t Bruce’s fault. And Hulk wouldn’t have done it if he knew they were your parents – the Big Guy loved and adored you just as much as Bruce himself. But the emotional part felt hurt and betrayed. You had told that you needed time to come to terms with his revelation and were in need of distance.
That had been three days ago. You hadn’t seen Bruce a single time during these days. Neither did you leave your room in the tower. The other Avengers provided you with food and water but gave you your space apart from that. Until Tony barged in. Without knocking. Which was absolutely unlike him, no matter how rude he sometimes behaved.
“You need to come with me. Now.”, the billionaire said urgently. “I don’t feel like leaving my bed.”, you answered from inside the blanket burrito you had turned yourself into. Tony sighed. “Bruce tried to kill himself.”, he dropped the bombshell. You sat upright in an instant. “The Hulk protects him from being hurt. Let alone dying.”, you answered in an attempt to calm your worries. Bruce had told you about his first suicide attempt and how the Big Guy had prevented it.
“That’s why he took sleeping pills. No chance for the Big Guy to interfere – at least directly. The doctors said any normal human would be dead by the dose Bruce took. It looks bad, even with the Other Guy presumably helping him.”, Tony answered deadpan. You were out of the bed within seconds. Without tangling up in your blankets. The problem that Hulk had caused your parents’ death took a backseat. You’d figure it out once Bruce was better.
After the billionaire’s surprise wore off, he led you to Bruce’s room at the infirmary. Seeing your Soulmate made your heart clench. The only medical equipment you could identify was the artificial respiratory equipment. Everything inside you ached and twisted into uncomfortable knots. What felt like a second later, you were sitting next to Bruce, your hand cupping his carefully. You had no idea how you had gotten there, but it wasn’t important. Nothing but your Soulmate mattered.
Somebody gently touching your shoulder startled you. Based on her clothes, you guessed she was a doctor. “Dr. Banner is stable but…on a below average level. His entire body is basically just ticking over, as if he’s in some kind of hibernation. We have no idea when he’ll wake up. Or if.”, she explained. Your heart shattered. Bruce might not wake up again? Be still somewhat there but not really? It was a nightmare of the worst kind.
You didn’t know how long you cried at his bedside. How long it took you until there were no more tears you could cry. And after that, you had sobbed for another while. At some point, you simply fell asleep. Your head next to his hand you were holding in yours.
The next two days, you rarely left Bruce’s room at the infirmary. Only when you needed to visit the bathroom. You always told Bruce that you were going to leave for a short time and that you’d come back. As if he could hear you. And a part of you was afraid he might believe you had finally left him. That it would kill him. The Avengers brought you food and somebody had gotten you a simple camp bed so you wouldn’t have to sleep in the chair. All of it happened in silence.
During the second day, Bruce’s condition improved enough that he didn’t need to be given the artificial respiration anymore. But that was the only improvement. He was still stable on a low level and in this coma. And the doctors were still unable to say if or when your Soulmate would wake up. There was nothing you could to and it was eating you alive.
“I know you did this because you thought I’d leave you. That you’d lose me. But…you had me…you always have. Our last…conversation…was difficult and I said I didn’t know if I could stay with you after what you told me. But now I know. My love for you hasn’t changed. So please come back to me.” It was the fourth day by now and you were once again talking to Bruce as if he was awake.
Suddenly, you felt a weak movement. As if Bruce had moved his hand – the one you were holding basically all the time. But a second later, you told yourself it had to be your imagination. For the past two days, there had been no sign that his condition changed – be it for better or worse. It was crushing your heart all over again.
Until the movement happened again. And stronger than before. You shouted the doctor’s name while gently cupping your Soulmate’s face. His eyelids were softly fluttering – as if he was trying to open them. “You can do this, love. You’re strong enough for this.”, you whispered. With an almost inaudible groan, Bruce actually managed to open his eyes. You grinned while tears streamed down your face. In contrast to the tears you had shed these past days, they were happy tears. Your forehead touched Bruce’s. After a few seconds of pure disbelief, his eyes were filled with love and adoration.
Suddenly, you were pushed aside. The doctor and two nurses had rushed into the room and were now hastily examining him. The calm beating of Bruce’s heart monitor quickly became frantic. Within a second, you were by his side and took his hand in yours. Almost instantly, he calmed down again. “I won’t leave you again.”, you promised softly while your thumb rubbed across the back of his hand. A soft smile appeared on his face.
After the medical staff declared that Bruce was healthy as possible given the situation, they left the two of you alone again. “Y/N…”, he whispered, his voice hoarse from the lack of use and artificial respiration. You gently hushed him. “I’m glad you’re well. And I’m sorry that I cut you off. I will not let it happen again.”, you said softly. “I’m glad. And I’m sorry.”, Bruce answered. Once again, you hushed him. “We can talk about that later. Right now nothing is more important than you getting healthy again.”, you told him gently. Bruce smiled and squeezed your hand.
It would take a while until the emotional wounds of these past week were healed. But you would work through this together. And you’d do everything in your power to built a new kind of love and happiness in your relationship – even if the old one was lost. But that didn’t mean the new one would be less.
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tattooednursewrites · 6 years ago
Summary:   Usually you find Dean and Sam’s prank war amusing. That is, until you get caught in the middle.
Dean/Reader (gender neutral)
Dialog prompt:    “Fuck you... you know what? You’re in a time-out.”
Word Count:   1331
Warnings: Language; unrealistic use of hair dye.
A/N:     @honey-bee-holly - congratulations on 700 followers! Thank you for letting me celebrate with you, and sorry I’m posting this a bit late. 
            Sighing, you used your palm to wipe steam from the mirror. You may not have been staying there long, but you had definitely made use of the bunker’s seemingly endless supply of hot water. After a hunt you wanted four things, a drink, some grub, a nap, and a shower – not necessarily in that order. Actually, there was a fifth thing, but thinking of it would inevitably make you think of Dean in a way that was less than appropriate.
              You’d had a thing for the elder Winchester since you met on a case. You’d been fairly new to hunting at that point, having just left your ‘normal’ job as a preschool teacher to hunt the monsters after an unfortunate encounter with a werewolf. The attraction you felt for Dean was instantaneous and had only seemed to grow exponentially over the years. You never acted on it, of course, save for some mild flirting. You were certain your feelings were one sided, so anything more would just serve to make things awkward.
              You were focused on the bags under your eyes, planning to nap as soon as possible, when you unwrapped the towel from your head. You gaped at yourself in the mirror. Instead of your normal hair color, there was pink. Bright, vivid, shocking pink. What the actual fuck? You lifted some of your hair, studying it. Your hair was most definitely NOT pink when you got into the shower.
            Your first thought was that it had to be some kind of spell. You hadn’t gone up against a witch in a while, but it’s the only thing that would make sense, right? You peered into the shower. No, your normal shampoo and conditioner were there. You started to turn back to the mirror when you noticed it. A bit of pink on the cap of your conditioner bottle. You snatched it from the self, opening it and looking inside. Pink. Your nice, not to mention expensive, conditioner was now pink. On a hunch you opened the shampoo as well. Yep. Bright fucking pink. Fucking Winchesters. You were going to kill them.
              Pulling on your clean clothes you glanced once more at the mirror before going to look for them. It had to be their fucking prank war. They had started it up again a few weeks ago, and it had been escalating. This time around it started with Sam switching the sugar out for salt before Dean made his morning coffee. But that was just the start, and this time they had gone too far. Rounding the corner, you stopped and glared at the brothers. They were sitting at the table eating sandwiches, which made your stomach rumble. The noise alerted them to your presence, and they both looked at you. Crossing your arms, you watched as their eyes looked up to your hair. Sam’s lips twitched, fighting a smile. Dean looked shocked, then scared. Your eyes narrowed.
              “So, Dean, anything you need to tell me?”
              Dean startled when you spoke. He cleared his throat, then seemed to think better of speaking, and shook his head. He looked back at his sandwich, avoiding your eyes.
              “Wait, Dean had something to do with…” Sam gestured at your hair, searching for the end of his question, before settling on “your new look?”
              “Considering he looks guiltier now than he did when he ate the last slice of pumpkin pie that I had been saving, I’m thinking he does.”
              Sam looked at Dean, and seeing his expression, his eyes widened. “Dean, please tell me you didn’t.”
              “Shut it, Sammy,” Dean mumbled, glaring at his brother.
              “But why? I thought you…” Sam was interrupted when Dean kicked his shin under the table.
              “I said shut it, Sam!” Dean growled.
              Sam looked chastised. He glanced at you quickly before turning back to Dean. “But why…”
              “I thought it was yours, okay?” Dean explained, exasperated. “You always have that fancy ass shampoo and conditioner you like. Do you guys share, or something?”
              “No, we use different brands, but since the – uh – pranking started up again, I’ve been keeping all my stuff in my room,” Sam replied, his tone seeming smug that he was right to protect his products.
              Dean looked at you. “You pull that color off way better than Sammy would’ve,” Dean said, giving you a flirty smirk.
              Your eyes narrowed. “Fuck you, Dean… you know what? You’re in a time-out.”
              Dean gaped at you. “Wait, what?”
             Sam laughed. “Holy shit, Dean. The look on your face. You aren’t scared of most demons, but a time-out scares you?”
              “You, too, Sammy,” you added, annoyed by his amusement. “If you had just left Dean’s coffee alone my hair would still be my normal shade! And don’t you dare give me that puppy look!”
              Sam looked down, trying to fix his face into an expression of regret, and you turned to Dean. He was looking at Sam, his arms crossed and a smug expression on his face – at least until he noticed you watching. Then he gave you a pout that made you instantly want to forgive him anything. Which, of course, pissed you off. “Fucking hell. I need a time-out. Neither of you look at me, talk to me, anything. I just… I can’t deal with the two of you right now,” you grumbled, heading back the way you came.
              Groaning, you rolled over and grabbed your phone. It looked like your nap had turned into a mini coma. You felt a bit better, overall, despite feeling somewhat guilty about how mad you had gotten at the boys. You stood and stretched, thinking you should head to the bathroom, when you saw it. There was an envelope that was sitting on the floor by the door. Picking it up you leaned against the bed and opened it.
          I really am sorry about your hair. I should’ve been more careful about making sure our pranking didn’t catch you in the crossfire. I know I’m in time-out, but I really can’t handle you being upset, especially when it’s my fault. For the record, though, I think you look as gorgeous as always. The pink suits you, but don’t be too worried, it’ll wash out in a week or so. Maybe you’ll forgive me by then? I miss you already. I really am sorry, from the bottom of my heart. What can I do to make it up to you? I’ll do anything.
              You read the letter twice more before you stood. After a quick detour to the bathroom you stood in front of Dean’s door, trying to find the courage to knock. Sure, his note wasn’t a declaration, but for Dean it was… well, it was close enough. You knocked and your hand was still hovering in front of the door when Dean pulled it open. He looked shocked to see you, but before he had a chance to speak you stepped forward, pressing your lips against his.
              He didn’t hesitate. He pulled you flush against him, one arm around your waist, while his other hand found your jaw as he took control of the kiss. You didn’t know how long you had been kissing when he pulled back to look at you, but his lips looked as well used as yours felt. Dean grinned down at you, pecking your lips, your forehead, your cheek, before nuzzling behind your ear. “Does this mean I’m not in time-out anymore?”
              You returned his grin as you pretended to think about it. “I guess so. You’re lucky I love you.” You froze, realizing what you had just admitted, but Dean pulled you into another kiss before you had a chance to freak out.
              Once you relaxed against him again, he pulled back enough to whisper. “I love you, too, sweetness.”
              “How about we have time-out together for a while?” you smirked, backing him into his room and pushing the door shut behind you.
              “You read my mind.”
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ive-been-worse · 6 years ago
"I do"
A/N: This is my submission for the writing challenge @honey-bee-holly is currently doing. I had a lot of inspiration when I joined and took this prompt (which will be in bold) but lost it somewhere. So I feel like this is very bad and I know that I could have done better but I just have no motivation for this anymore.
Anyway, I was imagining the reader to have a red cap as a father so she's fighting against that personally and that is the reason behind the red hair/eyes
Pairings: Loki x reader, Tony was also in this platonically
Warnings: A bit of reader being uncomfortable and my bad writing.
Your beautiful white dresses trailed behind you as you paced the room. Marriage. You were about to get married. To Loki. Neither of you cared much about the the traditional wedding but you were swayed by your friends. “Breathe, just breathe,” you told yourself. Your hands shook with nerves.
    Soon, it was time. You started walking down the aisle. Tony was giving you away today. Seemed better than having your father do it. Your breath was taken away by Loki’s gorgeous form waiting for you and your mind went back to how you met.
*Flashback to two years ago*l
“Tony!” You shouted, storming into the living room, “I swear to all that is dear to me, if you eat my cereal one more time I’ll-”
  “You’ll what?” Tony cut you off. He had a smug smile on his face knowing no matter what you said you probably wouldn’t follow through.
    “Don’t interrupt me!” You exclaimed, brandishing the cereal box. “I’ll- Well I don’t know what I’ll do but you don’t want to find out!”
    “Now, that is a scary threat,” a new voice joined. The comment made Tony snicker.
    Your eyes flitted to the figure dressed in green. “Don’t,” was the only warning given before the cereal box was thrown at Tony. Admittedly, the newbie had looked familiar and was very handsome.
    Aiming wasn’t your strong suit so it was a surprise when Tony actually was hit by the box. Now, it was your turn to smirk.
    ���Such an interesting way to meet someone,” the stranger mused. “Do I get an introduction?”
    “Loki, this is Y/N, our resident pipsqueak. Y/N, this is Loki,” Tony introduced the two of you.
    “Pleasure to meet you, Y/N,” Loki’s attention was focused on you. His gaze locked on you, taking in your appearance. The most noticeable thing that separates you from everyone else was your piercing red eyes and blood red hair. “It appears to me that you are quite different.”
    “It’s nice to meet you too,” you replied. You tucked your hair behind your ear. His stare made you feel as if he could see into the very depth of your person.
    “The box throwing isn’t even the best part,” Tony joked. “Go on Y/N, tell him.”
    “Tony, I don’t-”
    “Oh come on Y/N, just tell him how spooky you are,” he didn’t let you finish protesting.
    “Fine,” you gave in. “Well, you know when they say ‘be careful of the things that go bump in the night?” Loki nodded. “They normally mean me. Not me directly but the things that I am, unfortunately, linked to”
    “And what might those be?” Loki prompted. You suspected he already knew and just wanted confirmation.
    You shirked from his gaze, “Nothing I want to talk about.”
    The two men stood and watched as you turned and fled to the safety of your bedroom.
*End of flashback*
    Who would’ve guessed that you had met your soon-to-be husband then? You didn’t. At first the two of you would always knock heads and throw sarcastic remarks at each other. Two years later and it was finally your turn. You had the love of your life right in front of you.
    “Do you Y/N L/N take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
    “I do”
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bolontiku · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
“Your One”
One Shot
Clint x Reader
Prompt: you write on your skin and it appears on your soulmates
Word Count: 1,535
A/N: This is for @honey-bee-holly bday celebration. I think it’s corny as hell, it kinda got away from me and is a bit lengthy, and I hope it’s good for you! Happy birthday darlin’ hope you had a great one!! Sorry it’s so late <3 
“She at it again?” Nat asked over his shoulder.
Clint nodded and stared at the list on his forearm, blue eyes flicking up to the heart on his wrist just under his thumb. It had appeared just a few months ago, he had honestly given up on being soul-marked. Everyone he had known had been marked since their teen years, and here he was almost a decade later.
Nat giggled, “is that a grocery list?!”
Clint smirked, “seems like it.”
She let out a little sigh, “Why haven’t you marked her yet?”
Clint frowned, “Shut up.”
She rolled her eyes and lept over the couch, Slamming into his side. “Clint, you’ve known who this girl is for the last three months and you refuse to do anything about it-” a small gasp left her and he looked over to see her eyes widening, “a-are you ashamed of her?”
“Ashamed of who?” you asked sitting opposite them and taking a sip of your coffee.
“This one’s-”
“Ashamed of Nat’s inability to shut up,” Clint cut her off and reached out snagging your coffee and gulping it down. “What are you doing later anyways? You still coming over for movie night?”
You nodded and rummaged through your bag. “Yeah, got some shopping to do is all. Then I’ll head over, you wanna tag along?”
“He would I’m sure, but he has to go train with me and Bucky.”
You smiled nodding before getting up, “well, I’ll see you two later, Bucky coming with you later?”
Nat nodded and watched you walk away before punching Clint, “REALLY?! Y/N?!” she nearly screeched. “She is so cute and you-” she punched him again making him cry out in pain and he squirmed away as she continued to pummel him. “You are on my shit list Barton, fix it!!”
“Nat... she deserves better than being tied down to a mess like me.”
Bucky paused as he watched the love of his life launch herself at her best friend, he wondered what the blond had done this time.
You wandered the aisles of the store carefully picking out what you needed. Picking up a brightly colored book you chewed on your bottom lip, reading the description. 
“It’s a pretty good book.”
You glanced up and smiled at the tall blond, “yeah?”
“Steve Rogers,” he introduced himself extending a hand.
“Y/F/N Y/L/N,” you took his hand. Your left hand twitched, you had spent so many years waiting for a response, the heart didn’t come off. It meant your soul-mark had taken, but he never responded. Just because it took didn’t mean that you were bound to be together, sometimes a persons choice took precedence. 
Of course that rarely happened after meeting, one in a million. You had to swallow the fact that he didn’t want you.
“What’s a pretty dame like you doing shopping a lone? Your husband should be around?” he looked around, blue eyes settling back on you.
You shook your head, “no, I uh, no. Just me.”
Steve smiled broadly, “i-is it possible that I get your phone number then?”
You grinned, nodding. He pulled out a pen and you wrote your number down on his arm pausing at the name marked into his forearm. “Uhm....”
Steve nodded, “Peggy, her name... she passed away a few years back.”
Your heart hurt for him, “so young.”
“Car accident,” he answered, it was said in such a way that you knew he had become accustomed to explaining. 
Clint opened the door, Bucky walking in with Nat right behind her when he felt it, he looked over and paused. 
“What’s wrong?” Nat asked as she noted the fallen look moving over and gripping his arm, “oh, no... I’m calling him!”
Bucky’s eyes widened as  he moved over and saw Steve’s name scribbled on Clint’s arm followed by his phone number. “Fuck....”
You knocked on Clint’s door, carrying a few bags with snacks and waited till the door swung open and bounded in excited, “we have to talk!!” you exclaimed pausing when you realized Clint was alone. “Where’s Bucky and Nat? I thought they’d be here already?”
Clint stared at you and rubbed the back of his neck as you put the bags down on the table. “About that-” you already had your phone out and had dialed Nat’s number. “Y/N?”
“They are not gonna skip out on us again!” you growled.
Clint caught your hand in his, “Y/N, I need to talk to you sweetheart.”
You heart melted, every time he called you that, there had been several times over the last few months that made you wish he had been the one. Your one. Your heart sank at that thought, it was always hard when you remembered that your one didn’t want you.
“I wanna tell you something first, I met someone today, got his number and I know that he’s not my soul mate, but he’s sweet. And his is...” it seemed callous to say it, people could be happy with others. 
Clint frowned shaking his head. “Sweetheart, no...”
“Clint! It can work! What’s wrong with me looking for someone when, when-” you had talked this over with him just last week. Told him how much it hurt, he had understood, you had thought he had. He hadn’t been able to find words to comfort you, instead just held you when you had cried.
You watched as he lifted a pen, eyes widening when he exposed his wrist and penned an arrow through the small heart at his wrist. You let out a small whimper shaking your head even as you felt it on your own, stepping back you shook your head at him. “You knew! You knew this entire time and!”
Clint moved towards you and you bumped into the table turning and moving around to keep it between the two of you. Betrayal coursing through you, hurt making your heart ache. Clint reached his hand up to his chest, brows snapping together and you shook your head. He had felt it.
“Y/N, please baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I didn’t mean to make you feel like I didn’t want you, you deserve so much better than me, but when I saw Steve’s name-”
“YOU KNOW STEVE?!” you cried out in pain. Had this all been a set up, “Jesus fucking Christ, do Bucky and Nat know?! That’s why they’re not here!!!” You jumped as he moved around the table lightning fast catching you up in his arms. “YOU KNEW THIS ENTIRE TIME!!! THIS ENTIRE TIME!!” you screamed angrily shoving at him. 
Clint could feel the mixture of emotions running through you, he hadn’t known what to do. He had planned it to be tonight, tonight he was gonna surprise you, explain everything. That he wasn’t good enough for you. If you still wanted to go and be with Steve he would understand, but he needed to know.
You struggled against him, shoving against his chest, pressing yourself against him trying to pull out of his arms. His lips landed on yours, heat whipped throughout you and your body was on fire. 
Clint hadn’t known it would be like this, of course people always talked about it. What it was to be bound to your soulmate. There was no way he would ever choose anyone over you, he would die for you. That was all there was to it.
You stilled for a moment and as angry as you were everything inside of you calmed, the kiss stealing your breath and binding you two together. You kissed back, allowing Clint to lick into your mouth, deepening the kiss. “Jerk...you’re so stupid...”
Clint laughed, “I’m sorry, sorry, I promise...” he kissed you his hands dragging into your hair pulling gently to arch your head back allowing him to kiss along your neck, “promise I’ll make it up to you. For the rest of my life.”
“Fucking ice cream for life?” you gasped out.
Clint had to stop planting kisses along your neck, dropping his forehead against your neck and laughed, “whatever it takes,” he answered lifting his gaze to meet yours. “Y/N, I love you something fierce, you never should have felt like you weren’t loved...”
You studied him, sincerity ringing throughout his words. “I know,” you answered. 
Clint let out a grunt as you punched his chest hard. “Damn fucking Nat teach you that?”
You smirked nodding. “You deserved it.”
Clint grinned at you, “yeah can’t argue with that.”
“I like all sorts of ice cream-”
“I’ve seen your shopping list woman...”
You let out a squeal of indignation as he swept you up and kissed you again. There would have to be a few more talks, but he was your one. Your one. 
A/N: Leave me comments? 
Perma tags:@shamvictoria11 @hellkat2 @the-great-irene @mo320 @magellan-88 @lostinspace33 @tamianich @incadinkadoo @aquabrie @dustycelt @yknott81 @arwa-alii @alyssaj23 @insideoflit @debbielovesbucky @swtwtrgin @saysay125 @rda1989 @xxxprettydeadgirlxxx @whenallsaidanddone @s7sense @vaisabu @the-witching-hours12-3 @learisa @goodnightwife @roselock20 @everybodycriesonce @pegasusdragontiger @suz-123 @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @50shadesofyes @iamwarrenspeace @strange-intricate-dysfunction @lloeppky @feelmyroarrrr @red-writer13 @crystalsnow0304 @badassbaker @supernatural-girl97 @honey-bee-holly @patzammit @oswolfpack @the-real-kellymonster @wildefire @abbessolute @sarahp879 @mummy-woves-you @thisismysecrethappyplace @georgiagrl1990 @geeksareunique @stanevanschick @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @alexaduke @tilltheendwilliwrite @redqueen1221 @redlipsinkorea @wordsfly-writes-ff @biawol
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honey-bee-holly · 7 years ago
birthday writing challenge
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I’ve decided to hold a writing challenge to celebrate my birthday, (its the end of September) this is my very first time doing a writing challenge and I’m a little nervous.... 
Bold with* =  Means the story has been done and posted... you can find the finished story’s ‘Here’ 
Here are the rules if you want to take part.
You don’t have to follow me but that would very appreciated.
Reblog this post to help signal boost.
Also feel free to tag anyone you think would want to participate. 
Send in a ask with your pairing and au/quote. 
Please start with one, but feel free to grab another after you’ve completed the first one.
Deadline will be October 14, if you need more time please tell me.
500 minimum words.
Anything over 500 words please use the read more link.
Can be a one shot or a series (if it’s a series please no more then 10 parts)
Can be fluff, humour, angst.
Smut is allowed (but not for any underage characters.)
Poly relationships are welcome here.
Tag your triggers/warnings. (Angst/smut etc)
Tag it under #honeybeehollywritingchallenge + tag me in post.
If I haven’t responded in 24 hours, shoot Me a message.
Allowed characters for this challenge.
Any of the Avengers, any of the Justice League, Deadpool, Supernatural, Star Wars, Star Trek, Mission Imposable, X-Men, Kingsman, Daredevil, the Punisher, Lance Tucker, Frank Alber, Eddie Brock....I will so allow Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Henry Cavill, Tom Hiddleston.
1. My boss is a jerk.  2. Bakery.  3. Florist.  4. College.  5. Tattoo artist.  6. Western.  7. Royalty.  8. Accidentally married. (Bucky) @kamalakahn 9. Fake dating. You bring them home for..
A. A wedding. (Steve Rogers) @whyamiarebel
B. For someone’s birthday. 
C. For a school reunion. 
D. For a babies christening
10. Soulmate.
A. Bare the same tattoo. (Natasha) @a-splash-of-stucky
* B. See colour for the first time when you meet, fades away when they die. (Natasha) @lokisrightatrium *
C. Share the same heartbeat and if they die so do you. 
* D. You feel each other’s pain. (Bucky) @disagreetoagree *
* E. You write on your own skin, and it will appears on your soulmates. (Clint Barton) @bolontiku *
F. You can talk through a telepathic link. 
G. Everyone has heterochromia, one eye is your natural colour the other is your soulmate’s natural colour. Once you meet all eyes return to natural colour. 
* H. When you meet your soulmate for the first time, you get a flashback of all their past lives. (Bucky) @buckyofthemyscira *
* I. At the corner of your eye, you can see a blurry vision of whatever your soulmate is doing. (Loki) @just-trying-to-survive-marvel *
(This is from my very own prompts list.)
11. * Both being at individual events at the same hotel and both trying to avoid family members, end up bonding and having their own little adventure. (Steve Rogers/August Walker) @hellomissmabel *
Quotes (all of the following are my quotes)
“I found him/her on the street, can we keep them”. 
“Hunny I love you but you’re an idiot”. 
“Don’t be mad but we have a child” “what the hell do you mean you have a kid” “no no ‘WE’ have a child” holds out puppy/kitten. 
“Promise you wouldn’t get mad” “that depends, what did you do” “wellllll”. 
“Did you just lick me” “yes... I’m showing my dominance”. 
“If this works and we survive, I’m gonna fucking kill you”. 
“Fuck you... you know what your in a time out”. 
* “Hey now don’t get so cocky, this is just the first round”. (Bucky) @ohchuuya / @brighterlights *
“They said it would be all fun and games... not whatever the fuck this is”. 
“You know what fuck you” “I would fuck me too”. 
* “Do we save them” “na their on their own on this one”. (deadpool) Not my Universe- not my fight @maggyme13 *
* “Well aren’t you just the cutest thing”. (Bucky) @moonbeambucky *
* “Well aren’t you just dark and gloomy today” (Bucky/Clint) @tilltheendwilliwrite *
“Fuck me your hot”. 
“I think we should try for a baby”. 
* “Well aren’t you a site for sore eyes”. (Loki) @redlipstickandplaid *
* “You had me... you alway have” (Steve Rogers) @tasharii *
“I had you... at least I thought I did.”. 
“You know I always thought you’d stay, I guess not.”. 
* “So what you’re just gonna leave, just like that.” @ive-been-worse *
“Oh shit we’re getting married” 
“Do I even want to know” 
“Why are you wearing my underwear”  
“If you don’t shut up and let me sleep, I’m going to stab you.” 
* “Last time I checked you mean the world to me” (Sebastian Stan) @winter-cearig *
“You don’t get to break me”
“I love the thought of coming home to you”
I’m going to tag a few people who I think might be interested.
@hellomissmabel @prettyyoungtragedy @suz-123 @bolontiku @tilltheendwilliwrite @unicorns-and-fairy-dust @lancefvcker @redgillan @redlipstickandplaid @caplansteverogers @dafnekeen @a-splash-of-stucky @moonbeambucky @whyisbuckyso @lovelynemesis @buckyofthemyscira
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ive-been-worse · 7 years ago
I Don’t Wanna Stop
 A/N: Okay, so this is my very first time sharing my work. I’m really nervous. I hope it goes well. This is my submission for @honey-bee-holly My prompt is in bold
Pairing: Steve x Reader
Warnings: Bad writing, two mentions of sex, slight angst, some fluff
The two of you had met at your favorite cafe. You went there everyday and always got the same things. Though you didn’t work there, you spent enough time there that you could at least recognize the regulars. Being on the introverted side you never really talked to them.
Then one day, you had just gotten your order and turned to the booth you had claimed as your own. There sat a broad-shouldered, well muscled man. He had blond hair, slightly tousled. You couldn’t quite tell what had captured this man’s attention so wholly, but judging from the pencil dancing across the paper he was either drawing or writing.
Possible plotting a murder? You thought, if someone where plotting a murder why would they make a paper trail?
As you trudged to booth over one, mystery man looked up. You found yourself staring into stunning blue eyes. He sent you a small smile. A blush rose to your cheeks as you slid into your temporary booth, ducking your head, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
Okay, so he isn’t plotting a murder, You noted. From here you could tell that he was sketching, a cup of something sat next to him with a half eaten pastry.
From there on Steve found himself at the small cafe more often. He hoped to see the beauty from the booth over. Eventually, he familiarized himself with what time you would be there. If anyone were to ask how he would swear it was an accident, but the truth is you captivated the super soldier. His sketchbook was slowly accumulating more and more pictures of you than the others he drew while people-watching.
One day, when you sat down at your new booth there was a sketch waiting for you. It was a picture of you reading a book. In it, you were worrying at your lip, your head propped up on your hand, obviously oblivious to your surroundings. At the bottom, in incredibly neat handwriting, said “Look up”
Steve was watching you take in his drawing nervously. He saw the blush rise to you cheeks as you lifted your head. The super soldier smiled and waved.You clutched at the paper, doing your best not to crease it as you stood and moved to the opposite side of his booth. “Did you draw this?” you asked.
“Yeah, I did. I hope you don’t find it creepy. It’s just your so beautiful, and I was trying to find the courage to actually talk to you but one of my friends suggested leaving you a drawing,” he rambled.
“Thank you. I’m Y/N,” you introduced yourself,
“I’m Steve”
Now you have been dating Steve Rogers for six months. Six incredible months. It was a slow paced relationship, neither in too much of a hurry to do more than get to know each other in the beginning. The more you got to know him the harder you fell.
You fell in love with his smile, his full body laughs, his frustration with technology, his beautiful blue eyes. You fell in love with his kind, caring, supportive nature. He became the person you would call when you were excited, the person you could ramble to. He listened to you and you were there for him when he needed.
You had finally realized what you felt for him when you were talking to your mom. All you wanted to do was cuddle up to your boyfriend pop in a movie and snack on pizza, but he was out of town. “Sounds like you love him,” your mom pointed.
After the phone call you realized your mother was right. You loved Steve Rogers and it scared the crap out of you.
That’s why a week later you found yourself trying to wiggle out of Steve’s hold on you without waking him up. Justifying your actions with thoughts of ‘nothing could come out of this’ and ‘he has so much on his plate already, being Captain America’
“So what, you’re just gonna leave, just like that?” Steve questioned. He had woken as you scrambled to get dressed. The blanket pooled around his waist, revealing his sculpted torso, reminding you that he didn’t put any clothes on after last night’s activities.
Hearing the hurt in his voice pained you. After a moment he continued, “You’re just going to leave, after last night? After these past six months? You’re just going to leave?”
“What! Steve, no! Please tell me you don’t think I would do that!” You cried in distress.
“It looks like that’s what you’re doing”
“Steve I promise you that’s not what I’m doing. You have to believe me!” You pleaded, approaching the bed.
“Then why are you leaving?” He sounded so vulnerable. So sad. It broke your resolve of not telling him.
“Because I love you and it scares me! It scares me that I’ve fallen so hard for you. I’m scared that I’m going to get hurt, or that I’ll hurt you. It scares me because I’ve never done this before.” Tears left tracks down your face your insecurities finally voiced.
Steve scrambled over to you, pulling you into his arms. You clung to him, afraid to let go but afraid to stay. “Shhh, doll, it’s okay.” He cooed, rubbing your back. He tilted your head back to look at him and sent a small, “I love you too. You don’t have to be scared of falling because I’m falling right along side of you. You would never hurt me on purpose and I don’t think I could stand being the cause of your pain.”
“Really?” You sounded like a small child then, needing reassurance.
Steve nodded, “Of course,” he said, tucking hair behind your ear. “You don’t have to be afraid. Like I said, I’m falling with you and as long as you’re here, I don’t wanna stop.”
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honey-bee-holly · 6 years ago
Oh this. Was. Absolutely. Incredible.
So well written.
Take A Bite
This is for Honey-Bee-Holly’s challenge, congrats Doll!
Prompt: “Watch it doll, I just might have ta bite ya.”
Warnings: Smutty,smutty,smut,smut.  Very slim plot.  All consensual.
Pairings:  Alright….I make no apologies. This is MCU/MCU.
A/N:  This is a reader insert. Normally I try my hardest to leave the reader’s features vague, but in this you are blue.  For all intents and purposes, you have the exact same power as X-Men’s Mystique. Your gender is arguably open for interpretation but heavily leans to you being a female!reader. (The smut is all M/F)
Inspiration:  This gif
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Keep reading
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honey-bee-holly · 6 years ago
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700 writing Challenge results.
Challenge. Closed.
 Hiccups by @bolontiku // No. 25. “If you don’t shut up and let me sleep, I’m going to stab you.” (Tony Stark)
Quizás, Peut-être, Vielleicht Masterlist by  @kentuckybarnes // No. 18. “Well aren’t you a site for sore eyes.” (Bucky Barnes)
 Lucky by @awkwardfangirl2014 // No. 23. “Oh shit we’re getting married. (Bucky Barnes)
The Hurt In Your Eyes by @arawynn // No. 19. “You had me... you alway have/had” (Bruce Banner) 
 I Do by @ive-been-worse // No.5 “You know when people say ‘be careful of the things that go bump in the night’ they normally mean me.” (Loki) 
Why licking? by @maggyme13 // No.11 “Why are you licking me?” “To show my dominance” (Azog) 
Take A Bite by @sherrybaby14​ // No. 2 “Watch it doll I just might have ta bite ya” (Loki)
Notes by @littlemarvelfics // No. 22 “So what you’re just gonna leave, just like that.” (Bucky Barnes) 
Surprise Addition by @ruckystarnes // No. 9 “Don’t be mad but we have a child” “what the hell do you mean you have a kid” “no no ‘WE’ have a child” holds out puppy/kitten. (Clint Barton) 
Time-out by @tattooednursewrites // No. 13 “Fuck you... you know what your in a time out”. (Dean Winchester) 
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honey-bee-holly · 7 years ago
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Links to my writing challenges.
Brithday Writing Challenge.
700 Followers Writing Challenge.
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