#honestly he might be spreading lies about me rn i have no way to know
ascalonianpicnic · 1 year
well elf kralkatorrik finally blocked me so ✌ guess I can finally say that guy treated me like absolute shit last year and he's the primary reason I don't attend try to attend rp events in game or vs art parties or anything on the na servers
I don't expect anything to happen I just want yall to know and also I want to fucking complain. Between him blocking me from most in game events and my failing health keeping me from being as active on here it's getting real hard to feel like I'm still part of and involved in this community
Anyway if you're seeing this I love you guys and I miss spending as much time with yall
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
The problem when people say that they’re tkkrs, and they don’t engage in the vile rhetoric they often times spew + they say they love Jimin is the fact that there is no accountability and it makes them complicit to the other shit tkkrs do.
I’m not even defending jkkrs because they have a problem of their own, BUT the difference is that a MAJORITY of people who love and support Jikook call each other out. Whenever we see misinformation being spread we do our best to correct it and snuff it out and we come with facts and receipts. We hold each other accountable so that we make sure Jungkook, Jimin and Tae are humanized and not seen as characters in an AU.
So even though you - anon wants us to believe that tkkrs are nice and pro Jimin, the reality is that because your breed continues to be toxic, continues to spread lies, continues to harass people when the narrative doesn’t fit to your advantage, and continues to fetishize and I want to make it clear IT IS fetishizing, that even though they’re “nice” you’re also all silent.
The fact that your solution is to block and report but not try to correct the narrative not only proves the way you are complicit but it shows that looking away from the problem IS why tkkrs are so toxic.
And I’ve been an ARMY for YEARS, YEARS, and no matter how nice you tell me tkkrs are at the end of the day, as you said, anon, it’s used as a way to “de-stress” and ship fictional/non-fictional couples together, it invalidates the point you’re trying to make because TAE, JUNGKOOK AND JIMIN are real people. People that are living in an ANTI-LGBTQIA+ society that doesn’t accept them. So for you it might be merely shipping them but for actual QUEER PEOPLE our lives are not a fucking way for you to live bi-curiously or join in the “camaraderie” as you so eloquently put it.
And the fact that you bring up the point that people just want to claim Jk or invalidate him to fit a narrative is precisely the issue. JUNGKOOK is a real person, not someone we covet or “ship” with Jimin, he isn’t a stand in for us to fuel our fantasies, he is a person THAT WE listen to and respect and support.
Miss me with that bs that some of you are nice, esp when the nice ones I’ve met in my 5/6 years of being an ARMY talk and think about Tae in inappropriate ways AND in fact do use Jungkook as way to fantasize some weird ass shit, because the moment that Jungkook does something to show you all that DOESNT FIT YOUR NARRATIVE, you all throw him under the bus. Not a single tkkr has been speaking out about the mistreatment that JK’s getting rn, and you want us to believe you see him as a person and that you’re nice?. Go and talk about important shit, not about how it’s a flip of a coin to trust tkkrs……..
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Stop coming to our safe spaces and taking to us, leave us the fuck alone, why can’t you all just stay in your lane and not interact with us?!. TF???!
Because it's you... and I love you. And I agree with you and everything here. Imma post it even though I closed the topic. @chikooritajjk summed it up nicely. Imma just also add that it's not a flip of a coin to just trust anyone honestly. The amount of people I trust on this app I can count on one hand. And yall know who you are 🥰 I've yet to find a tkkr that ships taekook and doesn't let the harmful narratives spread around continue to be spread around. It's kinda like how people say "its not all men" when women talk about our experiences in the world and when the #/me too movement was happening. "It's not all tkkrs" gives the same energy. I understand where everyone is coming from here, but it is what it is. If it's not you, then you don't need to defend tkkrs or shipping. If you aren't doing these things and you are standing up against it or trying to call people out, then you don't need to get upset. No one then is talking about YOU. But if you aren't doing those things, then you are part of the problem too. And that goes for all shippers too.
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minevn · 1 year
first ramble of many: im feeling insane but hear me out. i’d just read this reddit story, in which OP’s bf would bully them online, anonymously, with different accounts and platforms, resulting in OP turning to the bf for comfort.
in irl circumstances, this is gross af, obviously, but i genuinely feel like kei is the type to do this same thing if he’s dating mc. you know, with his hackerman abilities and whatnot…..
he does hate seeing mc hurt in any capacity; mental, emotional, physical, etc. but he also takes a sick pleasure in being the cause of a certain pain that’ll make mc see him as a safe/comfort object, even tho he’s so deeply ashamed of his actions.
the less rational part of his mind tells him that he only wants to show you that he’s safe! that at the end of the day, he’s in control of all of this, so he can get as personal or distant with the insults coming from “pinkluvr26” or “madrabb1t” as he wants. these people can’t be kei, your wonderful, caring boyfriend who’s been nothing but supportive this whole ordeal. he’s there for you no matter what; even if your enemy is actually him.
even if you do find out, it’s not like he meant any of that stuff! he loves you! he loves you so much that he’d give or do anything to get you to love him back 💕
Your brain is absolutely massive, just huge. Mega mind literally cannot compete with you. Honestly, rn I'm not going to write a drabble for this cause my brain is fried and for some reason I just don't have any ideas, but I would eventually LOVE to write something with this concept. (I'm also sadly not the best story writer. Scripts I think I write fine, but I hate my writing whenever I write a drabble/story. Anyways I'll be working on this juicy story slowly in the background<3) For now lemme gush and brainstorm some ideas for this because I'm losing my MIND over this.
At first I really struggled to see it because it is a really shitty thing to do and I just couldn't imagine sweet baby Kei doing something like that. But the more I read this and thought about this, he ABSOLUTELY WOULD! (Bro manipulated ME even though he's my character?? like what?) Even better, he'd pin it on one of the other Li's since he knows you're already being stalked. Haruto would even be an easy target to blame for saying really personal thing, since he's known you since you were babies. And Yani and Kage are not THAT subtle with their stalking, he could easily pin it on them. Maybe even a Kage and Haruto two for one special, where Kei pins Kage saying the information, but Haruto was the one that gave it to them(He could do this with Jun and Aki as well). And the twins, the twins would be so easy to frame, they're already jerks to you anyways. Kei could say some of the most hate-filled and hurtful things to you and frame them for it. Minato might be a bit more tricky but maybe if you and Minato were friends, he could blame Haruto telling Minato your secrets or making up lies about you, after all, Haruto has been known to do that stuff in the past. He's great at mimicking their texting styles as well so it's just even more believable.
This is so devious and awful but I can really see Kei doing this, like I can't get this out of my head. Like I know I just read this, but like I'm gonna be thinking about this for the rest of my life. I'm feeling insane now too/pos. Dude, you're brain is literally on another level, this is like, one of the best things I've heard. I'm literally so in love with this concept. I do think Kei would be one of the most dangerous Li's, like mentally and emotionally, Yani is def the most dangerous when it come to physical strength(and using it. Hoshi and Minato would probably be able to beat them, but also if Yani is fighting for you then nothing can stop her)
Like especially if you have a pretty big following, I think he'd put out more personal information or spread lies that way you lose your following and get more hate that doesn't even come from him, and he'd try to use that to feel better about himself as well. Like "I may have started this, but I stopped a while ago and only said one thing." or "I didn't even say anything rude."(Because he wouldn't have to, he would just have to get the info out with proof)
He would 10000000% feel guilty, I think it would eat away at him and maybe even make him more sick and twisted. Like you said, he feels guilty, but he does get pleasure from it as well. It would just further his beliefs that you NEED him. Even if you found out it was him, who else would you turn to if he ruined your social status, no one else would want to talk to you. But it's okay, he'll ALWAYS love you. Even if he didn't mean any of that stuff, other people definitely think that stuff about you now, but he doesn't. And if you think he DOES feel that way, well, he'll work on making sure you know he loves you eventually, but for now, he uses it to his advantage a bit. You can think he feels that way about you, and he'll say things like "But I'm staying by your side, no matter what." or "I won't let you go through this alone." just to make you feel even more grateful towards him. Because everyone else has left you. Everyone but your sweet, caring boyfriend Kei.
Idk if anyone here knows what smau's are, but I would love to try a topic like this with smau. Just in case you don't know what smau's are, they're "a type of fanwork where fans create graphics that look like social media accounts for fictional or RPF characters" I've been really wanting to work with that but I wasn't sure with what, but I might have an idea relating to this concept if anyone is interested.
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kokoenthusiast · 4 years
Okay I’m gonna respond to all these things people say about Supernoobs
nobody slap me
I have my rights to speak and I am not responding to anything telling me I shouldn’t bash people for their opinions
Here’s the thing
I’m not bashing this person for their opinions
Their opinions haven’t changed once
But I am gonna agree on some of the terms
Please don’t bash me for thinking the wrong thing please
I’m going through some things rn and people telling me not to do something I’m putting my own opinions on or just humorously replying isn’t helping
I know y’all trying to help
But this person is spreads lies about the show to make others hate it and needed to be told the truth
Again DONT bash me please
Alright let’s do this
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How is it exactly? I just need that answer
It’s not a Ripoff TMNT that’s for sure
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Tyler and Shope were both given at least DECENT STEREOTYPES 😭
“A fat kid” Oh nice now we fat shaming! Greeeaat
Didn’t need to give Kevin “The Greaser” cool kid would’ve been enough but ok.
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3. okay genius how do you see a cartoon? Scary/Horror villains like in Avatar? (I watched it with my cousins and it was pretty scary :c)
4. Okay CN is fucking horrible I know that! But ya gotta give them credit for the amazing powers!! I cant change those opinions but honestly these opinions sound like you just saw the theme song/trailer and decided to talk about that.
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Kevin only said he was good at cutting classes! How does that encourage cutting classes? Shope I guarantee would’ve disagreed to that idea but fuck the writers and their dysfunctional plots!
No no NO! This is where I cut the line!! Absolutely sexist! They’re best friends I can’t believe it! Me and a guy friend of mine fight like Shope and Kevin fight in the show!!! There is no excuse or evidence that Kevin teases Shope because she is a girl! “Kevin never learns from his mistakes” that’s true for sure!! If only the writers would’ve made him apologize. (But that would’ve made me ship them even harder lmao) *sigh*...The show doesn’t encourage that kind of sexist behavior! I think you took it the wrong way.
When in hell did any of the noobs have a date!! The only “date” I believe you were talking about was “Noobies vs Smoothies” in which Tyler and Amy had a small little hangout date! Which was RUINED INTENTIONALLY BY THE VIRUS IMMA ADD!
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7. I don’t understand your point here. Tawog had “The” in every single episode.
8. I still don’t see the reason for “I know you noob” but they’re all great in my eyes!! ^^^^
9. I don’t see the show as something trying to be mean tho! ❤️
10. WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO HER?! I’m still pissed at the writers for treating her like that!! I’m walking about “Who, What, Where, Noob” btw! A cartoon character can get so unlucky these days and that’s the point lmao
I’m done
Please don’t attack me
I’m going through it rn and I kinda just snapped
I’m tired of the constant bashing on an underrated tv show like this!
If anyone sees this be more than happy to disagree with me in my Dms on Tumblr or Discord
As a Supernoobs fan for 8 months now,
I can confirm if majority of these things are true or not :)
Thank you and have a great day!!
P.S I’m a horrible person you can say it :(
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ayeshintheclouds · 4 years
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I watched Never Have I Ever!! And I have many many thoughts. Just about on every aspect of it so oops this might be kinda long. But I like having somewhere public to post it cuz I don’t have to be apologetic and guilty about making it long, cuz if I was texting someone id feel as if I’m making them obligated to read so much.
Overall, I quite enjoyed the show! There’s a lot of controversy around it, i keep saying a lot of indian girls complaining about being misrepresented. Which I agree that they have a right to, because it’s the first time we’ve ever gotten a main character representing us, and we can’t help but hold her to a higher standard. But I’m trying to look past that a little, past the stereotypes and see it more by itself in terms of a plot and character development rather than just the cultural standpoint.
In no particular order, here are some opinions about the show and characters:
I loved the realistic arguments they show the night of her dad’s death. Honestly, they were a bit jarring how similar they are to our family, and how sometimes under pressure everyone kinda turns on each other and doesn’t get along. I thought that was a really realistic scene how a little thing like losing a music sheet ends up turning into a lot of unnecessary drama.
I love Paxton! I still absolutely can’t decide who I ship more with Devi but I do love his character. He genuinely does care for his sister, and he’s so quick to sacrifice his pride and call Devi when his sister needs help, even though he’s really mad at Devi rn. I think it’s adorable that his sister even gives him relationship advice. And Paxton is genuinely such a good friend, although he’s tryna be all cool and stuff, he encouraged her to be herself in her indian dress and I hate how Devi disregards his whole personality and only wants him physically. It upset me that she only saw him as some status symbol to obtain, never really an actual human with feelings. He deserved better, so although I love him, I’m not sure I ship him with her after she kinda used him the whole show.
The car ride scene!!! With Paxton and Devi! Ok I watched this scene approximately a bajillion times! I think it might be my favorite moment in the whole show. I love everything about it, the subtle glances they cast each other the entire time, the neon lights as they drive through the city, the way for once in the show she seems somewhat like emotionally vulnerable and nervous rather than brash and hot headed. The music was beautiful too.
I love Fab and Eleanor!!! I love their stories and I’m so so glad they got the attention from the show at least since they didn’t get it from Devi. Fab is literally so adorable and I just wanted to hug her🥺 Eleanor’s mom made me so frikin mad and I’m truly really glad Eleanor learned to live without her and how Fab helps her deal with it. I know it’s pretty dramatic how she stays dressing all different and changing her personality, but I related to that so much:(when someone hurts me or walks out on me, it makes me feel not like myself anymore, and I often visibly and noticeably change my attitude and behavior for a while before springing back.
The Kamala plotline!!! Uhhhhh ok very mixed feelings. I thought Steve was adorable. They just discarded him when he was an absolute sweetheart and it made me so sad for him🥺poor Steve. I do like that they’re actually showing arranged marriage for what it is though. In my opinion it is a very traditional and flawed procedure, as we see when Devi’s mom has kamala wear a certain outfit and has her hide the career part of her personality, to try to be a certain way she’s not. BUT I think i am glad that they didn’t show it as something forced upon her, like she’s being married off against her will to some creep she’s never ever met. It’s more like a blind date but arranged by parents. And although she is pretty pressured into it, she has the power to back out any time (even if it’ll somewhat outcast her). And I like that they decide to continue their relationship but on their own terms and he likes her for who she is. I think overall it’s a pretty solid and realistic representation of arranged marriage: a very traditional way of doing things with many flaws, but not forced or oppressive or morally wrong in any way, and can usually work out quite nicely many times. Except why’d they break poor Steve’s heart like that:(((
Ben. Ok Ben grew on me a lot through the show. He was such a complex and interesting character and I thought his development was so amazingly done. I thought he was truly such a sweet soul for doing all that he did for her, letting her stay over, convincing her to spread the ashes, driving her there so fast. I almost feel like he doesn’t deserve her either😂. And hhfjdndndnd I really don’t know how to feel about that end scene that was wild omg. But romance aside. Ben is such a well written character and I think he really was neglected by his family and I really hope that changes or he finds a family in Devi’s.
I know her parents and the therapist were side characters. But I think they’re pretty cool. I like the really sweet relationship her parents had. It was so typical indian parents yet adorable. The motorcycle ride and the comforting scene🥺 I love them a lot they remind me of my own parents. And I think her mom is infinitely strong for dealing with the death of her soulmate and Devi being so absolutely difficult. I think the therapist was extremely patient and the scenes with her were hilarious. I loved most about her how genuine she was. No therapist irl would care enough for the patients health that they would so blatantly disagree with them and even suggest they find someone else if it’ll help them. They would never risk losing the money and offending the client. I once heard someone say that they’d love to be a child therapist cuz all they have to do is agree with everything the kids say, be like “aw yeah the world hates u ur parents hate u, ur right” like feed into their teen angst, and the kid convinces their parents to keep paying for your services. But Dr Ryan is like a mother. She just wants what’s best for Devi, and she’s willing to sacrifice her own profit for it.
Ok I guess I should probably talk about my biggest issue with the show which is Devi. I kinda hate her😭I tried so hard I really did but I genuinely cannot bring myself to like her character. I don’t agree with almost any of her actions and her behavior upset me a lot. And pls you don’t understand she nearly killed me with second hand embarrassment the first episode in approaching Paxton like that aaAAAA Like I was basically watching through my hands at that point. I know she’s going through so much, she really has a lot of trauma and grief. But I can’t help but feel like the way she handles it is not very realistic at all, cuz I know people with trauma and they would never use it to justify the awful things she does. I know that everyone grieves differently and everyone has different coping mechanisms, but I just cannot bring myself to like her. Coping mechanisms that hurt others immensely are so unhealthy and I feel like she should’ve at least redeemed herself somehow. Maybe I sympathized with her at some points. But never liked her. I think she was disgusting to her friends, she always assumed her problems mattered more than theirs despite Fab and Eleanor having such heavy stuff happening. She didn’t even bother caring, and I’m convinced the only reason she even came back and tried to make it up was because of her own selfish reasons: she didn’t want to be lonely and friendless (she literally admits that!) and she’s jealous of that new kid they’re friends with. She does not seem at any point to actually care for their feelings as humans, and treats them like status symbols, two objects she owns to show people she has a social life. She reminds me of Greg from Diary of a Wimpy Kid and not in a good way; he was so awful to Rowley and obsessed with popularity and narcissistic Blegh. Also with Paxton like I mentioned before, she only cares about his body and popularity and literally does not care for his friendship and personality the slightest bit. I think it was disgusting that she lied about sleeping with him like that, cuz it may have been manageable to him, but for a lot of people, that’s like a pretty messed up thing and I don’t think they’d want to be friends with someone who was that creepy and a blatant liar. The stuff she said to her mom about wishing she was dead, that absolutely broke my heart. I can’t imagine being her mother in that moment and hearing your daughter say something like that after losing the love of your life. I think that would be like the worst thing to say to someone grieving, and might potentially endanger their mental health. I was truly worried for her mom, even though I know it wouldn’t be that type of show. Honestly. The only reason I don’t like full on despise her and think she’s irredeemable is because I pity her so much. She lost her dad and wasn’t able to walk for a year. That’s a lot of pain. But truly, like Fab said, it’s not a free pass to be a jerk. And a character shouldn’t be written in a way that their only redeemable quality is that u pity them to hold them less accountable for their actions.
Overall I enjoyed the show!! Minus devi😭but besides that, I’m so glad we’re getting some representation and there’s a new really cute and fresh show to watch during quarantine. I NEED A SEASON TWO SO BAD PLS and I really really hope Devi grows up a bit more in it and maybe I’ll start to like her:)
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hermionegranger56 · 5 years
Just overall as an album here: HOLY. SHIT. that one vanity fair article that said this is gonna save pop music???? THEY’RE RIGHT OK?? this is just a solidly GREAT album all around. It’s lyrically smart, incredibly catchy, heartfelt and vulnerable and empowering. And the best part?? You can tell that Taylor is so genuinely, sincerely HAPPY and IN LOVE and it is downright INFECTIOUS. Even the songs that sonically I didn’t like as much, I couldn’t help but like since you could just feel her palpable joy in every note. I saw someone say that Rep was her finding her voice and Lover is her finally being able to use it how she wants and I couldn’t agree more.
I Forgot That You Existed: soooo catchy!! and god if realizing you forgot about That person ain’t the best feeling! this song perfectly shows that freedom, that joy. the laugh! the “…so yeah”! i live! a strong start
Cruel Summer: A MOTHERFUCKIN BOP THIS SONG MAKES ME SO HAPPY AHHHHH!!! (recommend it at full volume, in the car. really helped my commute today lol) the chorus is just such a good melody. HE LOOKS UP GRINNING LIKE A DEVIL!!!! MURDER ME THE DELIVERY OF THAT LINE WAS SO GOOD can’t wait to scream it on tour
Lover: perfect. perfect. perfect. see here. oh god she’s so in love. I see you Speak Now Taylor, I see you. this song is acoustic folky perfection and i want it at my wedding
The Man: ok moral of the story: fuck men lolol. THIS IS A JAMMM! look, I understand the critiques people are going to have for the message of this song. Without getting too into it, it’s true the song certainly doesn’t cover everything and there are areas of feminism and social awareness she (especially as a successful white woman) can continue to grow and make more of an effort in. HOWEVER, to say that Taylor Swift has not been affected by sexism is just untrue? Her whole reputation was defined for a long time on the double standards that society had for her that she lays out in this song, she went through a sexual assault trial with grace and dignity, she still is put in the pigeon hole of being “overdramatic”, “the victim” etc etc which perpetuates double standards. Taylor Swift has something to say about her valid experiences as a woman in this industry, and we DEFINITELY should not be trying to silence the voices of any women in this day and age. And the song’s simple sentiment of MEN HAVE IT EASIER is something that lots of her fans can relate to, so why not write something relatable, ya know?? idk man i support it, rant over, don’t fight me plz
The Archer: oh boy the ATMOSPHERE. OOF. the perfect 3 am-lightening skies-melancholy soundtrack. and my god if it doesn’t hit every late night insecurity I’ve ever had, like any good track 5 should. “who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay” hits like a sucker punch, by the crescendo at “all the kings horses and all the kings men” I’m screaming the lyrics or sobbing or both. one of my fave track 5s aside from All Too Well and Delicate
I Think He Knows: a BEAT hot DAMN. go GET that man tswift, we stan a confident queen!! BOY I UNDERSTAND?!?!?!? GET IT BITCH YOU’RE HOT SHIT!!! a solid bop!! i wanna dance!!
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince: this is a MASTERPIECE. holy FUCK. its. there’s just so many LAYERS?!?!? it’s a like a freaking meta analysis of her past image, her current self and today’s fucked up society. I could write a paper about this. I’m endlessly impressed by how she can continue to surprise me with her lyrical skill even after all this time ahhhhhh. also the go! fight! win! cheer is so clever, i love it
Paper Rings: HELLO STAY STAY STAY AND OURS’ POP ROCK LOVECHILD. SOOOOOO INFECTIOUSLY HAPPY OH MY GOD. it’s a romcom come to life, idk i get love, rosie vibes, no idea why. but god i’m 22 full years old and i just danced around my room using a hairbrush as a microphone to this. I’m smiling ear to ear ahhh @ taylor and joe get married rn PLEASE
Cornelia Street: for some reason I didn’t love it at first, but it’s growing on me!! i think “i get mystified by how this city screams your name” sounds so great how she sings it though like that part is incredible. and it’s such a fragile message, that love that you fear might go away at any second and take all the happy memories with it. a sad bop
Death By Thousand Cuts: also growing on me!! I think most people can relate to this so i think it’ll do well. the “trying to find a part of me you didn’t touch” part was also good
London Boy: AHAHAHAHA I LOVE IT it’s cheeky, it’s fun and damn she wants you to know how much she loves her london boy and everything about him!! i also love that motherfucking IDRIS ELBA IS HERE?!?!? “DONT THREATEN ME WITH A GOOD TIME” so. good.
Soon You’ll Get Better: hoo boy. wow. I can only imagine this is about Andrea’s cancer diagnosis and my god my heart goes out to the whole Swift family. I’ve been there with my grandfather and watching him loose that battle in front of me was one of the hardest thing’s i’ve ever done. it’s surreal, the insistence that they HAVE to get better, it’s the ONLY way, that’s how it’s going to be. and now that I’m a nurse and I’m on the other end seeing families go through this, I just…god I don’t think this is going to be one I can listen to often. I said I was “sobbing” during The Archer, well here I actually, physically was. It’s been a long week, nurse-wise :( oh god the sigh right before the last chorus oh god. my true only complaint here is the underutilization of the Dixie Chicks, cause i love them :)
False God: THE SAX. THE SEX. AMAZING hahahaha. this is just a whole ass VIBE, it’s so smooooooth. I’M NEW YORK CITY, damn I love that!! GOD I DON’T EVEN HAVE SPECIFICS THIS IS JUST SUCH A FUCKING GOOD SONG!!! def in my top 5 from this album.
You Need to Calm Down: HEEEEELLLLLLL YEAHHHHH BOP OF THE SUMMER!!!! the chorus makes me SO SUNSHINEY HAPPY!! And I’m glad Taylor is being so vocal about her support for the LGBT community and sending this message of love/renouncing people who spread hate! CAUSE *screams from a mountain* SHADE NEVER MADE ANYBODY LESS GAY!!!!!!
Afterglow: i think this song is absolutely lovely! It takes so much maturity to be able to admit you’re wrong or that you hurt the one you love but that you’re going to continue to fight for them and I love to see Taylor explore that
Me!: ok honestly?? I have never liked the first song Taylor’s released from all of her albums Red and after. BUT they’ve all grown on me! that said, this is probably my least favorite song on the album WHICH IS SO IMPRESSIVE THIS IS STILL A REALLY GOOD SONG!! the me-e-e-e makes me unreasonably happy (similar to the sunshine vibes of yntcd). I just can’t get past the spelling is fun WAIT SHE TOOK IT OUT I’M ABSOLUTELY SCREAMING
It’s Nice To Have a Friend: SIMPLE. BEAUTY. this feels like an interlude of sorts and I love it. it’s first 3 seconds reminded me of the Big Little Lies theme song lolol. this is such a perfectly visual song, it’s like a tumblr list of aesthetics. i REALLY LOVE this one, in ways I can’t put into words
Daylight: ohhhh baby a GOOOOD ENDING. STEP INTO THE DAYLIGHT AND LET IT GO FINALLY MADE ITS DEBUT I’M SO HAPPY. and her words of wisdom at the end, wow. you are what you love. wow taylor truly has come through all of her experiences, good and bad, processed and grown, let it go and is thriving and in love in her own daylight
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Episode 3: “She hates girls”- Dani
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO all my alliance members are on different tribes, I am so sad. ALso I'm with Brandan. -___________- I don't know who else is even on my tribe. I like Kevin and the others are all okay but UGH WHY BRANDAN WHEN I AM SO IRRITATED WITH HIM STILL?? bring me back lucy and andreas :( 
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Okay so yay for a tribe swap but uhm it's kinda homophobic that not only am I not on a tribe with Dani or Ryan, but that I can't even speak to them now!! I'm still drinking with Dani on Saturday though so suck it hosts. This tribe is alright, like I said not my favorite set up but I don't feel completely screwed. I'm with Joey which is good because he's loyal to me, but people are going to assume we're working together since he picked me, also he isn't good at talking to new people so idk if that's gonna end up bad for us lolol. But yay for being on a tribe with Sarah! Idk she's iconic and I'd like to work with her. I talked to Andreas for a bit and he was nice, I'd hope we could work together. I started talking to Junior again before the swap so I don't feel completely off on him. Billy is the only one I've barely talked to, but he was on Sarah's old tribe so I think they're gonna stick together??? I just hope that we can win some challenges so that I don't have to worry.
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when trace and johnny give you lemons.... (ie- brandan) you make lemonade. I am currently kissing brandan's ASS right now. i told him that if he and julian asked me to flip i would have and all kinds of other lies just because i don't need any drama with him on this tribe going forward, I NEED numbers so whatever i'm going to be his new best friend and pretend to forget about tribal but I'm still PISSED. 
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This tribe swap is fucking disgusting. Why do i have to be on a tribe with junior. Im just glad jake is here and maybe him, billy and i can work together and grab someone else to work with us if we go to tribal 
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Okay so last night I was on call with Joey and he was like "someone told me you wanted to vote me out round 1" and I was like yeah it's true but you didn't have to say it. And big surprise it was Keaton that told him this. So now it's a new day and lo and behold I'm on a tribe with Keaton's snake ass and as much as I don't trust him I have to play nice because the boy knows WAY too much about my game and my personal life for me to risk crossing him so basically I just go from one migraine to another bouncing between my exes. If I get swap fucked I will be showing up in Johnny's PMs with virtual pitchforks. xoxo Madison
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VL Confessional Cause you tried to play both sides You got caught up in your lies And now you're runnin' You're runnin' out of time Try again, cause the game is over https://imgflip.com/gif/2vicz3
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Wtf! Why did we switch tribes right as I felt so good????? Now I’m in a tribe where I feel like I can’t connect to anyone except dan and sometimes Tom. I made an alliance with Tom, Madison, and Dan. I’m trying to ensure our safety Incase we do go to tribal. Keaton came to me and said he wants to target Madison and honestly I’m really down for that. So I think I can use this as an advantage. I can either tell Madison Keaton is after him and we get him. Or I can team up with Keaton and Lucy and get one other person to flip and we get Madison. Tbh only down for Madison because she doesn’t seem to like me at all. I’ve also heard she hates girls. Which is a little obvious :p. I hate that. GIRLS GOTTA PROTECT GIRLS. But nooooo she loves attention. Ok ranting done.
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VL CONFESSIONAL I feel like Jake is my #1, but Dani is visiting him today(lucky girl.) I feel like I would do a disservice to a majority of straight men in this game if I didn’t hum the intro to “Ether” at least once. Also, fuck Jay-Z.
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Heya, time for a little update! As of now, I am getting a little frustrated with my tribe (love Jake though). But before I get carried away, let's see how well we do in the immunity challenge. I am not sold on the song choice, but I appreciate that a few people give active input. I'll do my part as best as I can and hope that it'll be enough for at least 2nd place... Should we lose, I'll try to get a solid group with Jake and Junior, and add a player, who one of the other three wanna vote for. At this point, none of Joey, Sarah or Billy play a major role for my future plans in this game. Billy could become a close ally as he seems to be very underrated in this game. Sarah could become a close ally because she's a cool cat. Joey idk about. We're not bonding that well rn. 
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I have no faith in my tribe at all I somehow feel like this video is about to be 3 minutes of just me and a cameo of mark and his adorable kids x_x Time to make my cousins make some videos with me so I have a lot to edit in because I SURE can’t rap in time with this song 
Okay Isaac is sending weird clips of himself from challenges I’m not sure if that will cut it but I’ll take whatever I can edit together at this point DJSJS
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Me seeing the other videos and prepping to go to tribal... also a picture of Tom booty poppin should be on the dvd cover
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I know I haven’t been around much. But I hate this swap. I hate this tribe. I know NO ONE who I feel will be willing to keep me safe with them. So I actually have to work hard to talk to people. Music videos are not my forte. But I have to contribute because if we lose then I’ll be someone on the chopping block for sure. And I can’t have that. I’m just hopping we can slam challenges and then we can make it to the next swap. But I hope Sarah and Jake stay close with me. I really like them both. Jake is really cool to talk to and he’s not bad to look at either. Sarah is my soul sister. Then there’s Joey, who has this plan to get rid of Andreas and honestly I’m kinda ok with it. Anyone but me is how I’m feeling. I just gonna find somewhere to sink my teeth into this game and take a bite. I don’t want to be a background day player with no story line and shitty gameplay.
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Okay so I think I'm gonna go for Billy this round. I didn't want to lose because I think I have good connections with everyone on our tribe, but someone's gotta go. Billy makes me worried now because he said in our tribe chat that Tom told him we lost, so bitch you cross tribaling??? Andreas and Junior both told me they like me and each other so I think they're trying to form a group of 3 there? Sarah also said she liked me and Billy and I like Sarah but it might be hard trying to get her to vote Billy out. Joey originally said he wanted Andreas out and that he likes Billy, but Billy told me and Junior that Joey was spreading Andreas name, so I let Joey know that Billy's doing that, and I think Joey trusts him less now. We'll see what happens. I just don't my name going around like last time. I just need another tribe swap ASAP.
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So now were going to tribal bc johnny announced the results wrong. Johnny is a pissy player and cant stand when other hosts mess up but wants us to understand when he does..hm TEA Anyways ill see what i can do to make sure I do not go home. I think i have junior, and jake and billy but we shall see
Literally fuck off. HOW IS IT FAIR THAT THE HOSTS fucked up and they wont give us an extension??? INTERESTING????????? Why does one tribe get over a day and we get less than 12 hours..lol ok what ever maybe get your fucking shit together before fucking over ppls games 
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Well look at it, we lost again. Great! Just great! And people seem to be thrilled to go to Tribal Council! They're so excited that they throw the challenges! So me being a straight shooter, I immediately target Billy, who has slacked the most on this new tribe and would be a fair call (on paper). But it's only natural that people have their own agenda and I am being targeted by Joey and Billy at least. Sure, Joey might still be up in the air, but either way, I NEED to believe in Jake and Junior here to vote for for Billy, or I am toast. And if Billy doesn't step up next round, so are Jake and Junior. I have nothing against Billy, but this season we don't really get along too well. We had a fun chat today, but it felt like it was too little to late for me in this season. Let's see what happens in this mess of a round :D Love Johnny though, I don't blame him. I really wanna stay and fight for all the people on my tribe to stay in this game!
Ok, so as per usual in premerge, my fate rests within other peoples hands. That's just how I play and that's totally okay with me. The scenarios I can see are: 4-2 Billy/Me (which is what's being sold to me sort of with Billy and Sarah voting for me) 4-2 Me/Billy (if Jake sticks to Joey and they decide to ride the tide and vote out Billy over Junior if they lose another TC) 5-1 Me/Billy (if they all wanna be safe lmao, but Junior seems really sincere, so I doubt this happens!) I can't scramble too hard at this vote, because I really feel that Jake wants to keep me around and me reaching out to others will make me appear like a bigger name to write down. I 50:50 Hate/Love each tribe I'm on and I hate that I am such a sulky old man in this season, but that's just a new facette of good old me.
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I am SO glad that we won! the judges were HARSH, huh? But it's okay, we still won! I really hope that andreas is going to be okay tonight, I'm just a little worried but I think maybe Billy will be the one to go?? Maybe. 
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I fucking wrote out a long ass confessional and then it refreshed and I wanna die, so here are the highlights: I love how Johnny has progressed enough in life to recruit 5 iconic female judges in the name of feminism, but has not progressed enough to perform basic arithmetic I want the f5 to be original Robinsons and I trust them as follows: Mark > Dani = Ryan > Junior I want a f3 with Mark and Junior because Dani is a big social threat and I would always vote for a woman over a man because fuck men, and it’s like the laws of feminism I’m really happy I haven’t had to go to tribal yet, let’s keep it moving and NO DOUBLE OR TRIPLE TRIBALS PLSSSS
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It looks like this is a wrap y’all. Unless sarah actually pulled some miracle out of her ass and convinced them all to vote Andreas then it’s time to blow my flame out. I’ve been on the outs ever since I was picked last. So I guess this shouldn’t be a surprise. 
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 14 - "This will be a fun finish" ~Amy
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I'm so sorry Colin. I really thought you'd play your idol. I didn't mean to send you home, just weaken you. I was hoping to pick between Amy and Elle to send out 😬 
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Sigh... I miss him 🥺 I think I'm gonna try to self-destruct this round. Keep you posted ❤️✨
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Wait so Amy just told me they swapped the votes last minute on Anastasia, so she would've gotten 3 votes or something. Did nobody catch on that she had immunity then? 
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Ahahahahaha fuck Colin somehow went home and it's partly my fault but it was a mix of a mess. Colin really believed jodi and jared were voting with him to get josh which seemed odd from the start. I have been talking and I think I know or as much as I can. I was the sole vote on jodi lol but I didn't get the memo to do anastasia until 859 and didn't have time to switch so I thought it would still be okay but somehow elle colin and I all voted differently lol whoopsies. Now I'm told jared used his idol on jodi but if Josh knee we were split I don't think he did. I think anastasia actually voted colin with Josh and Jared. Anastasia And jodi aren't budging that they voted elle so I guess jared could have given her the necklace to get colin. I am just so mad I didn't vote the same as elle 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm hoping josh believes elle used an idol so he votes with me and elle. I might need to use my steal this go and that would get it to 3-3 minimum and if Josh voted with me it would be 4-3 but I think Jared still has his idol. I am legit so sad about colin like I obviously flipped to save him and legit wanted him to win and I would come in second lol now I'm worried I won't make it bc Jodi is spreading I have an idol and obviously josh wanted to flush idols last round that's why he did that. I know hosht wants anastasia in his f3 but I'm just hoping he wants jared and or jodi out more but I think he wants me and elle out ☠️ the fact is if jared still has his idol he's safe now but he need to make it seem like we are voting him. I'm just so confused about the last one hahahaha I was going around asking like I'm not mad just confused lol. And I called colin before talking through everything and myself and elle I guess said I think we are fine ☠️ I can't believe it honestly just shocked. That's the thing like even when I said jared was lying to colin whichever round before colin was still trusting him and look jared did it again he is good at lying haha shooooot. This will be a fun finish. F6 and I just don't know how it's going to end. Rn I think I'd like any mix of elle josh or anastasia at the end WITH me but I won't be surprised if it's them but also elle said they might self destruct. So basically I don't know if I should use the steal and save my idol or just idol since I think it will be live. I guess if elle just says vote me out but like I need their number the next round. If I idol then elle votes with me next go, we'd be okay until 4. That's probably as far as I'm making it lol. That's my update 😭😭😭😭 sorry colin I wish you were still here
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Nothing. This round really scares me because playing in the middle could really come back to haunt me. I wouldnt mind Jared leaving then i could have a better chance of winning immunity but at the same time all these advantages and Elle’s potential idol scare me. Jared revealed that i was the one who flipped last round but im reassuring her that it was just to flush idols.
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My brain wheels are turning and Im realizing how scary this round is. Me Jared or Jodi will probably be leaving unless we play exactly right. There is a steal a vote so we cant split vote... So we would have to vote either Amy or Elle and pray they dont have an idol. Also Josh is with us now yayy!! And Josh talked to me about us voting to make a move not necesserily with everyone else so we can build our resume. We just need more info at this point. Elle literally told Jodi to vote her what. And Amy isnt talking to me that hard so I think Amy has an idol maybe idk 
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OKAY! Amy has a single vote blocker and we don't trust Josh bc he voted Colin (even admitted it smh have shame man COLIN IS DEAD he's not dead but i do miss him hi Colin reading this❤️). I talked to so many ppl today why does everyone want me for my brain lol it's like the opposite end of objectifying someone 😂 I'M MORE THAN AHIGHLY DEVELOPED HIPPOCAMPUS, YOU GUYS 💔 jk jk anywaysss Video called with Jodi she is so sweet ❤️ also so stressed :( hate to see it also sorry everyone I told that I didn't have anything I didn't at the time??? But then Amy gave me her vote blocker so That's gonna be a thing tonight lol. Here's the plan: - Told Josh to vote Jodi bc he's too insecure of an ally now to trust that Amy and I are actually voting... - Jared, who may or may not still have an idol idk but he's annoying me with the question of it all lol use it or lose it at this point (but ty Jared for wearing pink all the way back 💖 still have not spoken to you sicne May lol) - Use the vote blocker on Jared's vote Any believes they're voting her and I believe that's likely! Who knows lol either way: 3 Elle/Amy 2 Jared 1 Jodi (maybe) Vote blocker used, now it's 2 Elle/Amy, 2 Jared, 1 Jodi Revoteeeee Elle or Amy, Anastasia, Jodi, and Josh get to revote (or something, i forget how this game works whatever I'm fine with whatever happens tonight and I'm bored of confessing oop! Amy just told Josh I have a vote blocker bc she transferred it to me 😂 and earlier I told Josh I didnt (bc I didn't) oml so help me I try to plan so enatly but then this game get messy anyway... xoxo, gossip girl
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I am not sure what to do. I wanted to do a 3-2-1 on Elle and Anastasia, but it's so risky as Amy essentially can control what the outcome of this vote is. Elle and I had a weird call. they said that they "expected to self destruct in the early merge", and "feel free to vote" for them, they "don't really want to win". That's practically code word for "I'm going to idol you out of this game". Also, I studied the Stings series wiki to see that Colin has idoled before in a previous invisible round, so that's why I thought he'd idol here. I also realized after revisiting that today might actually be a reward challenge for information from the invisible round, since that's also what happened in that same season. We must be there for tonight, it's only 10 minutes (according to Amy) but heck, we got a plan anyways. 
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Wow, my first written confessional! This is only because my video confessionals will take too long to upload, and I'd hate for Raffy to give me a strike. Anyways, things got messy today but the plan right now is to split votes between Amy and Elle. The goal is for one of them to go home while also getting an idol out of the game. The reason things got messy was because we originally proposed a 3-2-1 plan to Amy, but realized (1) she wasn't fully on board with us and (2) that we couldn't burn Anastasia like that in having her be the decoy vote. If Amy is actually with us, she's going to be pissed if she's still in and realized we lied to her yet again. If Amy isn't actually with us and is leaking our discussion to others to try to redirect the target to us, then clearly I don't feel as bad.
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So final plan is 2-2-2 Elle Amy (whomever) if vote stolen, it means Amy isn't with us, we vote 3 Amy Very high chance I get idoled out here, but this is about as much as I can plan. Last time I got voted out, I tried to play so perfect. So perfect I didn't get a vote. Not getting a vote ended my game ☠️ We'll see. 
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Power Rankings:
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Jodi: Manipulating the situation in her favor
Josh: Probably will make it to the end
Jared: Probably will make it to the end
Anastasia: Is on the bottom of the 4 person alliance
Amy: Is on the bottom but has advantages that no one suspects she has
Elle: People think they have advantages and is getting targeted over it
The group was given 5 minutes to discuss out loud who to vote out unanimously. If it wasn't unanimous, the whole group would go to rocks. After 5 minutes, they were allowed to play advantages if they wanted to. Elle chose to play their Vote Steal on Anastasia. For this round, a Vote Steal would immune the person it was used against. Additionally, this person would not be able to vote or have a say in the discussion. The group was given an additional 5 minutes. During the discussion, everyone except Elle (who wanted to go to rocks) said they would vote Elle. Then, when the vote was announced, the tribe instead went to rocks as it was not unanimous. Josh was rocked out
0 notes
Ep. 12: “This round feels like a season of glee” - Steven
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So I did something finally. I flipped on the newbies and sent Madi home. Honestly the only thing I did differently was actually think about the game and numbers. Plus I talked to people and made a really good bond with DeNara. I'm also a little better with Raffy, not that it matters bcs we are somehow getting Raffy outta here I think. I know the next competition is endurance and that's apperantly Raffy's strong suit. So frick. But I know where everything stands for once. I know who is working with who I THINK. So I just need to survive next round and gain the numbers.
My revenge is coming for being left out of this vote. Idk when and how I'll do it but I will do whatever it takes.
Thank goodness I survived this vote! All thanks to Anastasia! I need a brain break, I am so tired now lol
An hour before tribal council, Elle decided that she would give me the immunity necklace. The reasoning she told me is that we need a strong 4 votes to cause a tie. Anastasia told DeNara that she would be flipping on Madi and Gian by voting Rachel (which is what that side thought we were doing). Because of this, I wanted to use my SWP since they would have a 4-3 majority. However, Elle believed that we could not trust Anastasia until after tribal. Anastasia could be lying and wanting me to play the SWP (which Madi and Gian happily spread around) so the newbies would have 4-3. Despite this, I wanted to be safe because I was starting to worry that Madi would play her idol on herself. The compromise would be that Elle would give me the immunity necklace which did occur. Finally, the alliance's acting paid off as Madi misplayed the idol which caused her to get voted out. Now, the Faes alliance is the majority alliance. Wig.
I have new worries going into this round. Anastasia really wants to do big moves, so she should want to vote me out now that Madi is gone. My other worry is that Anastasia is much more loyal and is a solid ally for DeNara, not me. This means, if DeNara was so inclined, she could get the numbers to vote me out. DeNara is going to get a lot of power the further we get. It's very interesting to see what the breakdown is. Due to this, I have decided to keep my door open with Gian. Steven agreed that we could potentially work with Gian to hide behind him as a shield. Also, this is kind of an emotional thing because I really do feel close to Gian. I do not know what kind of move I'd do to keep Gian this round. If he wins immunity, then it would be great and I would not have to do any maneuvering. However, in all scenarios except one, I am betraying my allies which is not a good look for me. My idea is to finally get Rachel out this round, so it would keep Gian in the game while keeping my allies good with me.
I got on call with Gian earlier today to express a desire to work with him to target Anastasia or DeNara. I was doing a lot of talking during the call which had me worry as he seemed to just be taking in this information without providing any back. This had me skeptical on whether or not he wanted to work with me. My skepticism was correct. According to DeNara, Gian told Anastasia that I want to target her for being a wildcard this round. He used the information I gave him against me. However, thanks to my very good relationship with DeNara, I am now in the know that he does not want to work with me. Bye Gian. Say hi to Madi in jury for me. I might just use my SWP just to be sure. Plus, it forces Anastasia to target Gian instead of me for this round.
The current plan is for DeNara to tell Anastasia that she is willing to flip after a bit of reluctance. In actuality, we are just trying to make them think that Gian is the vote. At tribal, we will all vote for Rachel instead in case there is an idol. I am VERY nervous for this tribal. I do not want to be here. According to DeNara, Elle would be the person the newbies vote for if I leave which is perfectly fine with me. I need to survive. I have to get to F6. There's really no guarantee that this plan even works in the first place. And does DeNara even trust me after hearing all that information from Gian's rat mouth? UGH. The paranoia is way too high for my liking.
Honestly this game is so tiring, why do I torture myself with this stress? Oh because I love Survivor that's why. Lol. Soooooo Anastasia wants to flip on Raffy, Steven and Elle and take Raffy out of the game because he is a threat. Which means I am in the middle....AGAIN. It is Raffy, Elle, and Steven vs. Gian, Rachel and Anastasia. I want to stay with Raffy, Elle and Steven and take out Rachel this vote and then flip and take Raffy out next vote so I can keep the numbers but I am super super super nervous of Raffy. I caught Raffy in a lie today. I talked to Gian and he said he was on call with Steven and Raffy earlier and that Raffy was throwing my name out because I have a good relationship with Elle, Rachel and Anastasia (which I do). I called Steven and he admitted that the 3 of them did talk, but he said that Raffy was saying Rachel the whole time, not me. BUT when I went on call with Raffy, Steven and Elle I told Raffy that Gian said he went on call with him and he started to make an excuse saying he was at school all day and that wasn't true. THEN Steven said to Raffy that he already told me they were on call so Raffy had to back track..... All the newbies are saying to Raffy that they are voting for me.... so I am scared Raffy is working with the newbies to get me out since I have become such a threat.
Steven says it wouldn't make any sense for Raffy to flip and get me out now, but if they all think I have become a bigger threat than Raffy, he could very well flip and take me out. I really really hope Raffy is being honest about wanting to vote Rachel out or I am super hecked tomorrow. Here is to hoping I am in the game after the next tribal!!!!!!!
After a very insightful conversation with the VL, I've decided to grab the game by the balls and attempt to get out the kingpin of the game (again) or at least weaken him by taking out one of his minions. I'm being super careful this time about everything. Saying the right things to the right people can cause panic and paranoia and victimizing myself from the last vote--I'm using that to my advantage. Let's hope this pays off. If not, at least I'm leaving with a big swing!
My morning of paranoia continues. I don't think Raffy will flip because it would be a stupid move rn, but I do think I need to be careful. This will likely be the last time I can truly play the middle like I have been.
I feel so bad about lying to Anastasia because she did save me, but this is what is best for my game. I also feel bad for Rachel because we have gotten close and I dont want to vote her out. Really I want Gian out next but I have to stick with my alliance.
I love the misconceptions of this game. Even if i'm on the outside. That was an excellent play by the returnees. I am so sad to see Madi go! She was with Gian and I since day 1. I can never repay her for using her idol for me. I am just shocked Anastasia flipped too, but I understand her reasoning (even though i thought we we're a solid 4). Hopefully we can make a big move this round and if not, we'll go out trying! I just hope Gian and I are truly not at the bottom. I wish we got Raffy out sooner, but only cause he is such a great player-socially and strategically.
I'm in class rn lol but here's a convo I just had with Dylan in my Host Chat 10:10 AM VL: The amount of lies I've heard and confirmed they are lies before 9am is absolutely terrifying to me 😅 GUYS THIS IS GONNA BE SO MESSY OMG Dylan, 10:12 AM wild what all is happening 10:14 AM so yesterday, gian went on call with steven and raffy to vote denara out but then on our alliance call, raffy tried to deny any meeting when denara asked, until steven was like "no okay we called, to vote out rachel" and now denara is being a double agent trying to convince the newbies shes gonna vote for raffy in exchange for safety so it seems like maybe the newbies dont actually want denara out and are trying to scare her into siding with them? why raf and steven are lying i dont know Dylan, 10:18 AM spicy [tiktok voice] that’s suspicious...that’s weird re: raffy and steven 10:20 AM mhm?? like it's fine if they're tricking the newbies but why lie to us anyway im perfectly out of the direct loop completely because now ppl think im completely in raffy's pocket but also that me and denara are probs close so im just "she's there." Dylan, 10:22 AM oof not a fun position to be in 10:23 AM nah im fine w it i hate lying lmao this way im mostly just watching it happen while talking to ppl about like, good playlists khjdlsajldj
So I got Denara on board with teaming with the newbies and together we will all take down Raffys trio hopefully. We will most likely target Elle instead of Raffy so we can take out one of his minions. I think the safest option would be to vote Steven because I think nobody would expect that but Gian insists Elle. I think Elle has an idol. Lets just hope she feels safe. ALSO IM SO GLAD IM SAFE but now im just worried for my future because I obviously need numbers to move on.
D: I don't knowwww whats happening okay so basically it seems like neither side has an idol and is psyching the other out that they do but probability wise at least one person has an idol rn??? So idk ugh :/ what the heck is going on anyway I'm making a playlist and i need new music for it send me a song recc everyone reading this like a month later i promise ill give any song a listen🎶
The plan seems to be going well. DeNara has successfully infiltrated the newbie group and is leaking their shit. According to her, the newbies are scared that I have an idol and want to target Elle instead. I would love to push this narrative, but I don't know how. If I can get them to target Elle over me, then this would be great. However, I do believe now that they do not have an idol based on all that DeNara has spilled on their paranoia. It should be a successful 4-3 with Rachel getting the boot. Then, I am guaranteed F5 in this game.
This round feels like a season of glee where people are just trying to hit plot points with no rhyme or reason
I am in the middle and so stressed. Do I vote Rachel or Raffy?!?!?!?! Maybe it is me
I am so stressed... oh my gosh! If I get voted out, it was a great move by the others and I will regret not voting Raffy
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survivor-iceland · 5 years
Ep. 11 - “Just because I am loud does not mean I am good at this game.” - Raffy
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I cannot believe that plan worked out. We got out Stephen, weakening Maynor's hold on this game which means that if he doesn't win this next immunity challenge then he's screwed. However, this next one is a doozy and I don't know if I can win this, but I am going to try my best. I just hope people credit me with this move since I managed to make the right social connections to do it. Timmy is big mad, but I think that is more towards Joseph than anything else. Either way, I am proud of myself for doing THAT. Nothing in my Survivor career will ever top this moment.
So the plan worked, Stephen got voted out (love you man) and thank fuckkkk because I got 3 votes. Joseph went for Timmy and that made Timmy mad at Joseph and I'm like *very innocently whistling* This challenge now o boyyyyy, hopefully maybe i can win maybe? Also i really like Timmy and Dylan but also Timmy is gonna kill me and i know it. He was so mad in the moment mannnn. 
I am absolutely, positively livid. I’m thankful that it wasn’t me, but my god there are a lot of fake bitches here. Number 1 on that list is Raffy who was preaching about how they’re alone and there is no need to lie to them but then goes lying on all day. BITCH I WAS HONEST WITH YOU! I THOUGHT WE GOT THROUGH THAT SHIT! I guess fucking not though. I wanted an easy vote after the mess that was the last two but nope. And I get the irony here, trust me it’s not lost. I did it to them and this is karma and she’s really that bitch. But really, I’m just glad I still have my idol because I was real close to panic playing it. Number 2 is Joseph because he had the audacity to vote for me because the people who have been TARGETING HIM say that they have the numbers. And guess what, THEY LIED TO HIM. Literally a dumbass who will never win because they don’t understand any concepts of the game. Dylan is a huge threat right now because they are making moves and not staying true to alliances but being calculated about it. Dylan is riding the middle which right now seems like a good spot. I feel like it will put them in the target position that I had been in though, which could work for me. But I will not let Raffy skate by because he has people in jury who will vote for him. And raffy needs to go fast if there is another returning player just because it might be Zoe or John.
Dylan C
Well. Back to the minority thanks to Joseph. Who honestly screwed over people who wanted to work with him till the end so he could help people who have said they wanted him out for forever. 🤷‍♂️ Im just whatever. Like if i dont win immunity, im most likely going home. And Joseph gets a free pass to f5 cuz the two next votes will be me and Timmy.
This challenge is just a huge ugh for me. I dont know why but everytime i have done this challenge, it always triggers a panic attack. Its a small one but affects my ability to do it when i mess up for the first time. I got to 29 sleds. Most likely not going to be enough to beat Jack or Raffy. Which sucks cuz i really needed this immunity.
Hmm. I think i wont be able to pass my 29 sled score. Especially not in the state i am. The pressure i put on myself wasnt good. And has made me into a mess. I just feel bad. And i feel like i let Timmy down even though he has told me I didnt. For the challenge, i feel like Raffy or Jack will win. And Timmy n I will be the targets. No one in their right mind would vote off Joseph. He’s the goat people would take to the end to get zero votes. He really screwed his alliance for people who dont want to work with him. Im still going to fight but not going to fool myself its going to be tougher and gunna need lots of luck.
This challenge broke me. I got up to mid-70s and then I fucked it up. And apparently someone was neck and neck with me. It was probably Timmy, and he is going to win immunity then use the idol on Maynor which is terrible. I fully think there is an idol in this game and it can only be used in these next two rounds so it is bound to happen. And I am just so tired and so done and so over it. I can't do it anymore. And I'm going to go to EoE and then have to battle against challenge powerhouses and I fgjkbf j, fsjfKD dkHV dhb KB If this is the challenge that causes my game to be over, I'm going to be pissed
So i somehow actually one the challenge (i legit thought I wasn't doing that well and then Jay's like "mate you're super ahead lmao") but I'm VERY glad i did, cause no way I didn't still have a target on my back. Now the likely shift will be onto Raffy, but we've got the stirrings of a plan to go for Timmy (love the guy, he just seems like he wants to murder me so) and go with the same voting block of Ellie, Raffy, Dylan and me, and then Joseph would maybe not be told the vote (sorry dude) and instead told that the votes smthn else, so in case Timmy has an idol he wont use it (but also like only 2 more councils to use it so like he might just anyways) but yeah. Also maybe spreading that were going to vote for Joseph actually tho, but idk. Gonna chat with Dylan and Ellie in the morning.
I was so close to winning that challenge. I do not feel safe going into this round because I think that someone has an idol up their sleeve and they are bound to use it either during this round or the next. I want to split the vote between Maynor and Timmy, but last time I tried to organize a split vote, one of my closest allies went home. Ideally, we have me, Jack, and Dylan vote for Maynor while Ellie/Joseph vote for Timmy. However, Joseph probably feels betrayed after last round so he will probably join Timmy's and Maynor's side. I think we all need to stack our votes on one person for the best success, but I'm so scared of an idol rn that it is crazy. Idol paranoia is at an all-time high. 
I do not know why I am a front runner in this game when people like Dylan, Jack, and Ellie exist who are the ones doing the actual work. In fact, I should not even be a target. Just because I am loud does not mean I am good at this game. Either way, at least it means I have a good chance of victory if I make it to FTC, but that is a hard IF. 
Ellie and Dylan were talking, and they determined that a split vote, while risky, is probably necessary. Our main target right now is Maynor, but we are splitting it between him and Timmy. We want to keep Joseph in the dark about who the target is because I don't necessarily trust him with that information. So, we are going to tell him that it is Timmy, but three of us are going to vote for Maynor while another one votes for Timmy. This creates a 3-2-2 if Joseph goes along with the plan. And, if he back stabs us, it creates' a 3-3-1 with a tie for insurance. This is in case of an idol because if Joseph back stabs us then that means they will think it is Timmy which means, if they have an idol, they will use it on Timmy, not Maynor. This plan has its risk, but sometimes you have to take risks in this game like last time. 
Maynor asked me to vote him out. This is strange because his reasoning is that he feels like he screwed over Timmy's game and he wants to give Timmy more chances in this game than himself. I find this incredibly suspicious because this could very well be a ploy to use the idol correctly in order to idol someone out, probably me. If this were a trick, it's a dirty trick that I cannot respect. I would like to believe him and make this an easy tribal, but this is just odd from my standpoint. 
Okay so plan rn is voting 3 (Joseph, Ellie, Raffy) onto Maynor and 2 (Me, Dylan) onto Timmy, in case one had an idol. No hard feelings for either just how it goes. I'm so freaking glad i've got immunity tonight mannnn. Also I've still got my idol so that's a thing. I'm pretty confident tonight be who knows man, Joseph's a bit of a wild card and Dylan could flip. Also love Maynor but hes gonna do a win mannnn.
I told Joseph about the split vote because I do not believe lying is necessary anymore. Maynor knows he is going home, so he is going to use an idol on himself either way. And Joseph seemed down as long as he got to vote Maynor. This could end up blowing up in my face, but this will come back to haunt these people in the form of my bitterness.
This tribal is gunna be extremely messy and i love it cuz there is a chance that me and Timmy can stay in the game. I knew that Dylan Effie Raffy and Jack are splitting votes. Also have asked Joseph to join them. So they wanna split 3-2 with me going home. Kinda my doing cuz told Raffy to vote for me. But Joseph is gunna vote with Me and Timmy and vote Dylan. So the vote should be 3-3-1 unless they have Joseph in the majority vote if they do then the vote would end up being 3-2-2 amd Dylan goes home. Timmy says hes gunna play his idol but doesnt know on who yet. We are assuming right now that im getting the majority. So hoping so we can pull of this amazing blindside. 3 blindside in the first 4 merge vote. We are some crackheads.
This tribal is going to be a mess. Should I play my idol, should I not, I DON'T FUCKING KNOW. And now I have to put my faith in Joseph...THE SAME JOSEPH WHO FUCKED ME OVER LAST ROUND. Like what even is this game. Either way Maynor and I want Dylan gone and everyone else except maybe Joseph wants myself or Maynor gone. If we can get through this without needing to use the idol it'll be a miracle.
What the fuck is it with Raffy and last minute decisions???? Stick with the plan dude pretty pleaseeeeeee
At least I was not screwed over by the idol. I still have the numbers with Jack and Ellie. So, next round I either need the idol or win immunity. Or both.
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Okay I feel like I haven't even done a real confessional all season but I haven't had too much going on this whole game until now. I've been in a few alliances but every vote I've been part of has been a unanimous vote (even my poor Coffey cakes :( <3) then Logan quit last vote right as it was about to get messy. So basically right now Ned and I seem to be at the center of this tribe. He's my number one right now for the most part. I trust Ned 100% and I'm pretty sure the feelings mutual. We've both mentioned how we're each others number ones and stuff but I also adore Keegan. I seem to tell him a lot of stuff without even thinking about it and he could also be my potential number but I don't know where his head is at in terms of that. I think he trusts me since he told me about Darian's idol before Darian did and some other stuff that happened but like I don't think I would be his number one.
Okay so anyways! I'm in this alliance with Daisy, Ned, Josh, and Sara. Logan was there, too but they quit (which sucked because I love Logan and am literally only in this alliance because I adore Logan). And we came up with a plan to vote out Darian but he found out and was gunna play his idol. Then we decided that Carson would be the back up plan but then Carson found about that, too. After Logan quit, Daisy came to me telling me how she thinks that Sara is the one who leaked the info to Darian and Carson. Now let me tell you, I actually laughed so hard because I know for a fact that Sara gives approximately negative 12 shits about this game and I've seen her say that the only reason she won't quit is because she doesn't want to leave me, Ned, and Daisy alone. But obviously I didn't say anything because it was actually Ned and I leaking all of the info but now us three have our own separate alliance that we're part of that I actually really like.
So then Ned and I are over on the old Andaman alliance which I like because I love Keegan but I don't care about Darian or Carson honestly. But I want to keep Keegan safe and the best way to do that is just to keep that whole alliance safe. That's really hard because Darian is honestly one of the hardest people to work with. He can be a really nice guy sometimes and I think sometimes he means well but like I could tell him he has to pay me every time it snows and Maine and I'd probably be a billionaire. He literally believes everything everyone tells him. He thought that Daisy was going to flip and vote for Logan and he thought that Logan was going to vote for Daisy. Even AFTER I told him that I thought those two were really close and that they were basically best friends on Nicobar. But like of course he didn't believe it, he just told me that Daisy was on the bottom and desperate. Like no why believe someone who has been on a tribe with them and actually observed their behavior when you could just take the word of someone you've literally just met? Sounds about right to me (eye roll emoji).
But for this next vote as long as Alex doesn't win I think he's gone because frankly who is he? Like the first night we merged I tried to talk to him and he just said "hey its been a long day I'm heading to bed but we'll talk later" and then proceeded to talk in the tribe chat so that right there makes me not want to talk to him again so I didn't. And he hasn't reached out to me at all so like whatever. Him going is the best possible scenario for me especially since it could break up anything Keegan and Darian have. I don't know how close they actually are but he does agree that Darian's gullible and says stupid things sometimes. I think that he would eventually want him out because he could be bad for our games. So yeah if Alex doesn't win Daisy, Ned, and I are going to get Keegan to vote with us which he's on board with even after I told him that Darian isn't too hot on the idea. Apparently Alex doesn't like Keegan so I think that's why he wants him out so bad. I want him gone because Alex is the only person I'm not aligned with. But yeah so if Ned, Daisy, Keegan, and I vote for Alex, Darian, Carson, and possibly Alex all vote together (probably for Daisy), then Sara and Josh vote for Darian then it'll be a 4-3-2 for Alex and it'll be awesome. I do think that I'll go to Sara last minute and say 'hey Daisy wanted to leave you out of the plan because she thinks you're spilling stuff to Darian but you should vote for Alex' so I can get Sara on my side. But this whole plan is contingent on Alex not winning immunity so if he wins again I'm gunna scream. I'm also gunna cry and laugh because how can he know the answers to any of this if he literally doesn't talk to anyone?
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Well, the reward was given out to someone from the other alliance so that's nice! But luckily Logan walked so we didn't have to have that messy af tribal. I still don't trust daisy after her lying to my face!
How dumb do these people think I am. I might have been messy as FUCK before but after immersing myself into multiple games I'm here to play for real. There is only 9 people left and I'm still sitting pretty with a damn idol from DAY ONE! Ok soooo this is my game to lose. Let's see if I can ride this thing to the end
Ok ok ok ok
So remember how day one I found an idol. Well I've kept it in my little pocket all this time. And now I've still got it. AND THE MERGE IDOL!!!! That's right baby two idols!!! This is going to be lit
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We just did Touchy Subjects, and I got some pretty good results. People voted me as "too nice to play this game" and the person they'd most want to take on a romantic date, which tells me two things: everyone likes me, and everyone underestimates me. Perfect. That's exactly where I want to be. I've been in a season where I voted out my #1 ally and won every immunity until the end, sweeping the jury. If these people knew how I played, they would have gotten rid of me before we even swapped. Buckle up, everyone- this roller coaster is about to take off.
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Touchy Subjects was just as fun as I expected it to be. The only answer I was majority for was "Playing for second". If that's how people perceive me, awesome. I'm not a major threat to win and it seems likely people will want to take me to the end as a goat. Jokes on them, I'm way more than that.
Apparently Alex won the reward though, which gives him an advantage that lets him challenge someone for their spot in the game if he's voted out. I'm sorry but that's ridiculous and unfair.
That also throws a wrench into our plan of voting him out. So now the votes are shifting onto Josh and Sara. I guess.
We might have to keep Alex until the F4, which means two of the OG Andaman crew aren't making the F4. That sucks.
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god daisy's fake ass gets on my nerve so much and i want her gone but! i'm just gonna go with the flow rn bc i'm on vacation
Also @Daisy why do u put me as the fakest and the one who mistakenly thinks they're running the game when youre the one who lied to my face and spread my name last round?
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[6:44:09 PM] Drewbert: what you think might happen tonight
[6:45:06 PM] Daisy Sheps: um well we're hoping to blindside alex by getting keegan to flip and vote w us, but we think alex might have an advantage that could save him so its a risky move
[6:45:27 PM] Drewbert: what's the advantage?
[6:45:50 PM] Daisy Sheps: the ability to challenge someone else if you get voted out and have them take your place
[6:46:23 PM] Drewbert: if you think he has it and he uses it, who do you think he would use it on?
[6:47:42 PM] Daisy Sheps: we're hoping its josh and it would make sense if its josh because he flipped and hes not v strong in challenges, but I think it might be me since I'm directly on the other side and I'm not super strong in challenges either
[6:48:22 PM] Drewbert: do you think it's worth the risk?
[6:48:57 PM] Daisy Sheps: i think it is. we're not even 100% sure he has it, and i think it'll be riskier if we wait bc then there'll be less of us for him to pick from
[6:49:18 PM] Daisy Sheps: plus he could just keep going and getting immunity after this so this is the best plan
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So the plan for tonight is Sam, Ned, Daisy and myself all vote for Alexander. If he uses his crazy advantage, it's better for it to be gone now than played later in the game where it can make a bigger difference. If he was lying or doesn't play it, he goes and everything is peachy keen.
The downside of this plan is that we're bringing Daisy in and pushing out Darian and Carson. We'll have to work out some major damage control if the plan goes smoothly.
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Okay so the vote tonight might be Alex but I'm spooked it's gonna be me like bye no one really talked to me so I'm like hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm but oh well we will see wat happens
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Daily reminder that I can't believe I'm still here. Anyways tag yourself im Darian thinking I'm with daisy and daisy thinking I'm with Darian.
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Okay, so this round didn't really seem as a shock with the Touchy Subject, I knew I'd feel like I'm pretty out of the loop (because spoiler I am)
Darian told me he has the idol and I'm like 100% okay with that and working with him. I'll let him think I wanna work with him to the F3 and then boot his ass for being a threat, not gonna lie.
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I'm so nervous for tonight's tribal. Alex didn't win which is awesome so we set our plan into motion. Keegan is on board with voting Alex with Ned, Daisy, and I. I told Sara and told her how everyone thinks she's on the other side and wants to leave her out of the loop but I wanted to make sure she knew the vote was for Alex. Hopefully that doesn't bite me in the butt but whatever. The thing that could screw me over though is ALEX'S DUMB ASS ADVANTAGE!!! Apparently he has some advantage that gives him the ability to challenge someone for their spot if he's voted out. That's like some big brother round trip ticket shit which sucks. I know it's a little different because he has to challenge someone but STILL! I'm afraid that he's gunna challenge me just based on the touchy subjects results (which totally outed me as running the game and as the person people want to win if they can't and other ones like that which is nice but damn please don't expose me). Plus Darian might be mad when we voted out Alex so he might tell Alex to challenge one of us. When we first found out we thought about changing our votes to Josh but Daisy doesn't want to. She obviously thinks that he's in her pocket which may be true? Darian says that Josh is voting for Daisy but we'll see when the votes come out. If there is more than one for Daisy it'll be from Josh and we'll know he's a #fake. She made the argument that it may be better to vote for Alex now while there are more people he can challenge like Sara and Josh who aren't as active or good in challenges which actually does make sense. I talked to Keegan about it and he agreed that it would make the most sense that way, too. But something about this whole plan seems to easy and it's making me so nervous. Not easy in the "I know this is all going to work out" type of way but the "we got all of the votes together despite the fact that we know an advantage is probably going to be played" way and that doesn't make sense to me. I feel like something went terribly wrong and I'm about to be voted out. So I just wanted to get one last confessional in if I'm right just say a big fuck you to everyone who flipped on me. But if I'm just being paranoid then fuck you Alex for your stupid advantage. And if I'm wrong about the advantage, too then oops fuck me for being so rude huh?
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Our plan went flawlessly. Alex was voted out and used his advantage to challenge Sara, who was not in any major alliance. If he wins, he'll be back in the game, still on the bottom. And he's pissed at Darian for telling me about the advantage. So he'll be out for blood if he makes it back in the game.
This is good and bad for me though. Good because going forward, Daisy and Josh now want to work with me, Sam and Ned. I've got options out the wazoo. But I'm pretty sure I lost Darian as any sort of ally or friend. And if I make it to FTC and he doesn't, I'm unlikely to get his vote.
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