#honestly at this point you guys have probably already done it but shhhhh
jegulusofwesper · 1 year
last line!! only i can’t count
thanks for the tag @grimjobs it’s taken me so long to do because i was like “yeeeeeeah disembowelment!!” to yours and forgot to do my one 👀🤣
His eyes travel down until they land on the streaks on either leg.
“Awww, look at the little pissy boy.” He says mockingly with a faux pout, looking at him through his eyelashes, his eyebrows furrowed.
np tags: @stonedregulus @nightshift-clocking-in @underburningstars @crying-lightningx @cr-amber @lemndrps @sequinhaze
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Your Edward Cullen stuff is so good 😭 I barely see any content for him on here anymore so it really warms my heart to read yours! Could I request an Edward x Plus Size reader where maybe he hears Mike or someone thinking or talking negatively about the readers weight and he gets really angry?? And maybe ends with some fluff?? If you don’t wanna write it I completely understand but thank you if you do!
Yes of course you may! I love writing for chubby readers since I am a chubby person myself!
Edward Cullen x Chubby Reader 
TW: body shamming (not by reader)
Requests: Open!
~You and Edward had separated since you two didn’t share the same last period he had dropped you off with a kiss on the cheek and an I love you.
~When he walked into class his ear immediately focused on hearing your name being mentioned he turned and saw Mike talking to Jessica, 
“I mean honestly Jess you shouldn’t be sad about Edward being taken he’s probably only dating Y/n out of petty I could totally see him doing that”
“I don’t know Mike I mean he actually looks happy with them, he actually smiles and talks to them.”
“Yeah out of petty! I mean I get liking a certain type but usually a guy like him would go for the more skinner type not ones that are bigger then him and honestly I’m not one to judge but who would fall for that?”
~Edward had heard enough he usually didn’t talk unless he was with you or his siblings but he was not about to stand there and let someone talk about you he had seen what that had done to you and he swore he would never let someone talk bad about you again.
“You want to repeat that Newton?”
~He could hear Mike’s heart start racing as he turned to face a very pissed off looking Edward. 
“What are talking about Cullen?”
“I think you know what I am talking about you wanna repeat what you said about Y/n? Or now that I have confronted you about it you’re to scared to? What was it again? Here let me remind you, how could someone fall for that.” 
~At this point Mike was shaking and the entire class was looking towards the two men, Mike’s thought were not any better, they were frantic and scared. Edward got into Mike’s face as he was taller then him by a couple of inches so he was at an advantage. 
“If I ever and I mean ever hear a single peep out of you about Y/n I will personally make sure you don’t see the light of day ever again am I clear?” 
~Mike just stood there to scared to say something. At the point Edward was getting fed up,
“I said am I clear?” 
~Edward had raised his voice a this point and was honestly ready to throw Mike in front of a speeding 18 wheeler. Mike shook his head yes and ran out of the classroom obviously to scared to be anywhere near Edward. Edward made his way to his seat he was ready to be out of here thank god the other Cullen’s decided to on a “camping trip” he wanted the house to just him and Y/n especially with what just happened, As soon as the bell rang he got up and made his way towards his lover class, he was greeted with their smiling face and for a second Edward forgot his anger. 
“Hey are you okay? Did something happened?”
“Yeah I’m fine are you still good for coming over this weekend” 
“Yeah! My parent/s said it was okay!” 
“Okay let’s go we need to stop and get you food for this weekend”
~Y/n had noticed that Edward was tensed they knew that Edward would come to them when he was ready to. As they had went to the grocery store Edward was pushing the cart while Y/n held onto his arm and he would give them random kisses on top of their head. When they got to house Edward had sped and brought in all the groceries and then he raced back and picked them up bridal style causing a gasp to leave their lips.
“Ed! Put me down! I can walk!”
“Shhhhh I want to carry you okay Dove? I really just want to carry you”
~Edward took it nice and slow as he walked up to his room with Y/n in his arms as he entered he stopped at his dresser and held Y/n with one arm and grabbed some comfy pants and a shirt for them. He p laced them down to let them get dressed into the comfy clothing. 
“Can we cuddle for a little bit?”
“Wow! The Edward Cullen is asking for cuddles?” 
“Dove please I need your cuddles please my love?”
“Edward I’m just joking of course we can cuddle! You want the normal cuddle or thigh cuddle?” 
“Thigh please”
~Y/n laid on the bed and got comfy as Edward slid in between their thick thighs putting each on his shoulders and around his head and placed his arms around them relaxing almost immediately. The warmth that radiated off of them was able to warm his cold skin. He then felt them playing with his hair and he let out a satisfied noise. They stayed like that for long time just having small talk watching movies and episodes on TV and what. 
“I'm hungry and need to pee.”
“No can do Dove I still need cuddles”
“Edward move, I’m serious I need to pee we’ve been sitting here for 4 hours I really need to eat and go to the bathroom.”
“Fine I guess I can allow up for 5 minutes”
~Edward had said this in a teasing tone with a smirk on his face but got up and helped you up as well you raced to the bathroom in his room as you made your way towards the kitchen you heard Edward already moving around and making what you wanted, damn mind reader. You come up behind and wrapped your arms around him and gave him a kiss. Edward finished up with your food and as you grabbed your drink he then picked you up with the food and ran back to his room. After you ate and Edward put away the dishes he came back up and saw you snuggled into the blankets fast asleep he joined you and wrapped his arms around your plump waist gave you small kisses up and down your neck he hands resting back onto your thighs. He felt at peace at he listen to your calm and smooth breathing and felt your natural body heat combine with his cold one. Yes Edward Cullen was one happy vampire at the moment and nothing was going to take that away.
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There you go lovely I hope you like it!!
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snakeboistan · 4 years
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Thank you, Nagisa, for showing me that being kind and gentle doesn’t mean that you’re weak and also that the parts about you that you hate can be turned into your greatest weapon. You have been a role model for me for the past four years and I strive to be as wise and caring as you. Keep doing what you’re doing, you adorable little assassin, we’re all so very proud of you. 😍😊
Yes, I know that Nagisa’s birthday is during Summer break but shhhhh
(25 unread messages) 
Akabane Karma: Hey there Nagi :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLUEBERRY! I can’t believe you are officially older than me. But don’t get your hopes up, just because you’re my elder, doesn’t mean that I will start listening to you. Just to show you how awesome I am, I decided to stay up late so that I can text you exactly at 00:00. But for real, I hope you have an awesome day and I promise to beat up anyone that ruins it for you ;) Nagisa, you are honestly the most amazing person I’ve ever met and you’re seriously like such a sweet and kind and honest and good person and I have no idea how someone as nice and forgiving as you ended up befriending someone as crazy and violent as me. You’re the only person who's never been scared of me and even though you hate violence you still stood by me and never tried to change me and you liked me for me. No one’s ever liked me without expecting me to change and I’ve never felt as comfortable being myself with someone as I have with you. Can’t wait to see you at school today - I got you a present. No I won’t tell you what it is and yes, you’ll definitely love it. See you soon.
Sugino Tomohito: Happy Birthday Nagisa! Hope that you have fun today! I just want to tell you that you are the best best friend that I could ever ask for and I am truly grateful for everything that you have done for me. When I first got kicked down to 3-E and was forced to leave the baseball club, I thought that it was all over but you came along and was the first person to actually sit down and listen to me and you offered to practice baseball with me and honestly, that really made my day. Dude, you are like this amazing blue ball of kindness and like seriously you are brilliant but you don’t nearly give yourself enough credit. I don’t know where you get your low self esteem from or what it is that makes you think that you are worth so little but I promise to remind you that you are cared for every single day until your next birthday and for the rest of your life. Okay, that probably sounded super weird but it’s early and my brain is like 60% baseball memes at this point. At first I hated losing my baseball friends and getting sent to this abandoned building on top of a death mountain but meeting you has made me realise that our crazy assassination classroom™ is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. From the day I’ve met you, you’ve been nothing but loyal and caring. You are the person I can talk and rant to and you’ll never judge me and you always know how to make you smile. And honestly, you are worth 1000 baseball teams. Don’t let your mother get you down. See you in class! Oh, BTW, my little brother says Hi.
Kayano Kaede: HIIIIII NAGISA! HOPE YOU HAVE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! I got you a gift and I hope you like it and no it’s not pudding but you will be getting some cake from that cafe we visited over the weekend. It’s not easy being the new girl and ever since I’ve joined the class, you’ve been nothing but an awesome best friend and you have always been by my side since the day we decided to have matching hairstyles (which might I say looks so much better on you than it does on me - UNFAIR!) I hope the rest of the year is filled with pudding and happiness and sweets and smiles and everything else you love 
Nakamura Rio: Happy birthday to our resident blueberry cinnamon roll! Have a wonderful day ‘Gisa. I’m sure you will when you see what I have in store for you ;). You are seriously the most mature, innocent, pure little bean I have ever met - and definitely the most fun person to play pranks on! Dont worry, as the birthday boy, you shall spend 24 hours completely prank free. Yes, yes I know, I’m the best classmate ever. Dont need to tell me something I already know, sweetie. See you later, my fellow English lover!
Maehara Hiroto: Yo, dude, Happy Birthday! Hope you have fun and enjoy what we’ve got in store for you (no hints!). Like seriously you are legit the most awesome person ever cause you’re so sweet and innocent and can turn into this super awesome secret badass whenever you want to. Youre like the class therapist/medic/person we can always rely on and you never complain when we drive you crazy (cause I know that we do). I’m super proud of you man. Never change Nagisa. See you at school. (BTW - We still up for karaoke next week?)
Isogai Yuuma: Happy birthday Nagisa! Hope you have a wonderful day! I can’t wait to see you in class later. When my siblings found out that it was your birthday, they insisted that they make you a card.You are an irreplaceable member of our class and I’m so happy that you are part of it. Seriously, if it wasn’t for you and your ability to calm people down and talk people out of doing whatever crazy idea they came up with, I’m pretty sure I would’ve lost my mind. You’re always smiling and always participate in class without complaining and you always see the best in everyone. Keep on doing what you do Nagisa, the world could use more people like you. ( Oh and come to the cafe later, I got an iced bun on the house for you)
Fuwa Yuzuki: AAAAAHHHHH HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAGISA! CONGRATULATIONS ON SUCCESSFULLY SURVIVING THIS LONG ON EARTH! OOHH IM SUPER EXCITED FOR YOU TO SEE WHAT I’VE GOT YOU! Thank you for always going along with and listening to my crazy anime/manga rants even when you have no idea whats going on. It’s so much fun hanging out with you cause youre chill and youre always up for anything and apart from Takabayshi you’re the person in the class that get my references the most. Youre an amazing main protagonist and you deserve all of the screentime and lines you get - heck even your own spin-off show. For someone who loves heroes so much, youre doing an amazing job of being one yourself. Youre the best Watson a Sherlock like me could ever ask for and a really good friend for this manga obsessed Otaku! Love you and see you later!
Kataoka Megu: Happy Birthday Nagisa. I hope that you enjoy the rest of the day. As someone whose job is to watch over our … interesting class, having you around makes everyone else bearable. I’m sure that if you aren’t here to keep the peace I would’ve murdered Okajima months ago. You have always been really respectful and kind and I appreciate having someone as hard-working and loyal as you in my class. I always enjoy having our talks about equal rights and you have always been like a little brother to me (honestly, I prefer you over my actual older brother). See you later and please continue to stay the way you are.
Okano Hinata: Hey there Nagisa. Happy Birthday! How’s it going, little dude! Hope you enjoy yourself and have lots of fun today. Thank you for being one of the only boys that I can actually stand. You are such an amazing person to have in the class and you’re amazing at being someone that we can all come to when we’re upset. Plus you let us brush your amazing godly hair (seriously I’m jealous at how nice it is). If any main campus kids try to ruin this special day - come to me and I’ll sort them right out :)
Kimura Masayoshi: Hey Nagisa! Happy Birthday! Can’t wait to see you at school! 
Mimura Kouki: Happy Birthday Nagisa :) wish you the best :)
Yada Touka: Happy Birthday Nagisa! I hope you have a fun-filled day! You are a really sweet and nice person and I enjoy hanging around with you - especially when you join us girls on our girl trips to the mall. You’re like a little brother to me and I always feel comfortable when I’m with you. Love you and hope you have a nice day <3
Takabayashi Koutarou: Happy Birthday Nagisa. I hope that you enjoy yourself.
Hayami Rinka: Happy Birthday Nagisa
Okajima Taiga: Happy Birthday Nagisa. You are such an incredible person to have in the class. And thank you for always saving me from the girls when they get mad at me. Hope you have fun. I was going to give you some really cool magazines but when the girls figured it out they slapped me and said that they’d tie me up in the middle of the mountain and leave me there if I did so I’m just gonna give you something else that I made (with Sugaya’s help). I’ll show you it at school - I hope you like it.
Kanzaki Yukiko: Happy Birthday Nagisa. I hope you have a nice day and thank you for being such a good and reliable friend. See you at school.
Yoshida Taisei: Happy Birthday Nagisa! I’m so sorry for the grenade incident earlier and I am so happy Koro-Sensei saved you. Also like you are one tough guy, you know that right? Cause what happened with Takaoka, man you couldve beaten any of us up with your eyes closed any time. Stay awesome dude. See you at the mountain
Hara Sumire: Happy Birthday Nagisa. I’ve made some sushi just for you. I hope you like it. As your official unofficial mother, I hope you have fun today and I can’t wait to see you later. 
Sugaya Sosuke: Happy Birthday Nagisa. Thank you for being around and seeing the good in all of us even when we don’t see it ourselves. You always know how to inspire us and you are going to be an awesome grown up when you’re older. You always appreciate everyone and you know exactly how to pick us up when we’re down. I hope you like your present (you’ll get it later)
Okuda Manami: Happy Birthday Nagisa! I hope you have a wonderful day today. I just want to say thank you for being my friend and always encouraging me and helping me. You always know how to cheer me up and include me. See you at school.
Chiba Ryuunosuke: Happy Birthday Nagisa
Hazama Kirara: Happy Birthday fellow literature lover. I really enjoy talking about gothic literature with you - your analysis of themes and context is always very insightful and interesting and I enjoy spending time with you. If you ever need to escape, you can always come to me. PS - my offer to curse your mother is still up.
Muramatsu Takuya: Happy Birthday Nagisa. Hope you have fun. I made you some ramen (don’t worry its not my dad’s recipe so you’ll be good)
Terasaka Ryouma: Sup Shiota, Happy Birthday. I just want to say that I’m really sorry for being an a**hole and treating you like a jerk - especially forcing you to wear that grenade at the beginning of the year. You’re really good at assassination and you’ve got some serious moves. I dont really know what to say but you can always hang out with my gang whenever you want.
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bnhablessings · 5 years
Spying with Love!
NN is still going on forever in my heart. This is a one-shot I thought of to contribute to the love of Sof and NN. I imagine this would take place after Denki comes over and ruins Shouto’s OJ
Sof is an amazing writer and I love her so go check her out! @myherowritings​
(Sof you changed Todoroki for me so I had to include alien-related things in here. :’) I hope you enjoy this thing, bby! <3)
If you somehow have not read Number Neighbor please go read it. Here is the (Masterlist). You will not regret it. : )
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Summary: (Name) needs to make sure her best friend is being treated well by his new boyfriend so she becomes a spy with her other roommates. Plot twist: He knows
Words: 1,798
Todoroki Shouto x Midoriya Izuku (Of course I’d grab the chance to have them be dating so yes. They are an item in this.)
Shinsou Hitoshi x Kaminari Denki
“Stop pushing!” You whisper-shout while glancing around the corner of the street cautiously.
The two males a few feet behind you share a glance with each other. Both are wondering who the hell you’re talking to. You turn back to look at them as you place a finger on your lips.
“(Name), this is no time to be joking around,” Todoroki murmurs as he glances at his partner with a slight serious pout.
Midoriya nods his head and tries to bring you back to their reality, “C’mon (Name). You know how Shouto gets when we’re running low on orange juice.”
They finally come near you and peak their own heads around the corner. To their surprise, you had spotted Shinsou and his new boyfriend they briefly met. With a smug look on your face you wiggle your eyebrows at them.
“No. We need the orange juice,” Todoroki states his eyes narrowing down slightly as he just a teeny-bit conflicted.
You’re about to get on your knees to beg the weirdo to spy with you when Midoriya pipes in with a brilliant idea.
“Why don’t we spy on them on their next date tomorrow?”
…Why didn’t you think of that?
“Wait what date?” You ask realizing you had no idea they had a date tomorrow.
Todoroki raises an eyebrow as he intertwines his hand with Midoriya’s. He’s ready to leave you for not remembering the conversation held earlier when you met Kaminari. They turn towards the direction of the grocery store and ignore your now crying form.
“What? How rude. He said we all probably look stupid,” You inform your other spies of what your bestie, Bakugou, had texted.
Todoroki wants to scoff at that response while Midoriya flushes from the slight truth of it. You give your bestie a crying emoji before deciding to text him the updates later. In the meantime, you have more important business to deal with.
You push your beanie further down on your head until it touches the top of the dark sunglasses you’re wearing. All of you are wearing dark-colored schemed clothing, beanies, and sunglasses for this important mission. Bakugou may be slightly, only a smidge, correct. You all look like you are in a cult infiltrating this mall.
The strange looks you are all getting won’t deter what needs to be done!
You make sure you keep a good distance while taking cute (kind of creepy) photos with your phone of an oblivious Shinsou and Kaminari holding hands. This goes on for a while as the three of you watch with careful and curious eyes as they do many things.
They share a smoothie together and heart is soaring from how happy Shinsou looks. Kaminari is good in your book. That is until Midoriya points out a store they are headed to. This will be the judgement of fashion.
They walk into the flashy store.
The three of you watch from the shop across. You are judging the yellow boy as he picks up a pair of clothing. “I get his theme is yellow but… Honey, no. Those don’t match.” You want to desperately call out to him.
Midoriya tilts his head, “Look. Shinsou is helping him out. Black or white goes with yellow perfectly. Maybe brown.”
“He’s giving off weird vibes… Are you sure he didn’t knock over my juice on purpose?” Todoroki glances at the two of you for confirmation.
You roll your eyes while Midoriya, in vain, does his best to comfort the dual-haired boy who is now over-analyzing everything… Which could turn to your favor in needing to know if this weird but bright kid will be good to your sarcastic best friend. It doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side.
“You know what? Maybe he did knock your orange juice over on purpose. He’s obviously not an alien as he a bit dummy in the head but- Quick, what other things have you noticed off about him?” You ask.
His eyes narrow down in focus as he starts to list things off at the top of his head, “His hair is weird with that black stripe but he seems to be born with that so never mind. I have noticed that he stutters, his skin seems to flush, his eyes go a bit sparkly, and his smile turns wider when he’s all near Shinsou. If he got abducted by an alien maybe they are using him as a test subject to watch over Shinsou. We need to find out why they would be into Shinsou though. Wait. All those symptoms… sound familiar."
Midoriya lets out a squeak as Todoroki looks at him. You are trying to hold yourself back from laughter and the pain of wanting to hit him with love.
“Midoriya, do you remember that one night a month ago when I felt a sudden chest pain in my heart?” Todoroki asks.
You remember it clearly and it’s taking all you have not to cry now. All of you were binge-watching horror movies and all you said was they looked rather cozy since they were leaning against each other. You didn’t expect Midoriya to malfunction and Todoroki to ask for clarification on the meaning “cozy”.
You don’t regret changing the context at all because it gave Midoriya the courage to confess and here we are.
Midoriya nods with a slight blush as he says, “That… That was before we started dating, Shouto.”
“Is this all a ploy from the alie-“
“Let me stop you right there, dimwit. Those chest pains were your love wavelengths are whatever. Anyway, those symptoms you listed is the proof that the Pikachu weirdo does love our boy,” You state with a smile.
It forces all of you to glance back and see the two males walk out of the store with a bag in hand.
You casually take another photo only to have someone completely photobomb it. It appears to be a girl younger than your crew and immediately your eyes widen in a slight panic. She’s being touchy with your boy.
“He was just recognized right now wasn’t he?” Midoriya questions.
You nod your head frantically ready to go fight the girl who looks to be thirteen, way too young to be thirsting after your best friend.
“No. This may be a tactic the government is using to-“ Todoroki stops talking as all three of you watch in slight horror and fascination on what is going on.
Kaminari is literally prying the girl off Shinsou. She’s screaming, making a huge scene, and refusing to let go of the purple-haired boy… She just elbowed Kaminari in the face.
“I LOVE YOUR MAPLESTORY VIDEOS! PLEASE HUG ME BACK!” Her voice is so loud it made your heart jump out of fright.
Midoriya is conflicted as he asks, “Do we um… go help defuse this?”
“We aren’t here and we don’t know them,” Todoroki replies with ease while reaching for Midoriya’s hand and the back of your shirt with the other.
Yeah, he knows everything. You were ready to go “scold” a child.
“This can be Kaminari’s test since he is a fellow fan of Shinsou,” Midoriya notes.
…He does have a point. This would be a wonderful test to see how far Kaminari will go for Shinsou. Plus, it’ll be interesting to watch… Todoroki lets go of both of you and already has his phone out recording this monstrosity.  
Honestly, the whole thing got really weird and petty fast. Kaminari and the girl start a screaming match at each other. They are shouting which videos are the best and when they saw it. Finally, Kaminari grows a pair and stands up to the terrifying child.
“Listen- You are a baby. You stand no chance with him. He is on a God tier level,” Kaminari says.
He has the audacity to snap his fingers at her.
Instead of the tears, you were expecting, she goes crazy. She finally lets go of Shinsou and lunges herself at the poor now traumatized blond.  
Before she can cause any damage a new and incredibly buff stranger appears. His voice is deep and honestly, you can see Kaminari having a heart attack as the stranger addresses him.
“You. Why are you upsetting my baby sister?”
OH GOD. Is this really about to get worse??
Todoroki thankfully stopped filming and is on board with defusing this now dangerous situation. He grew a heart seeing as Kaminari won’t have a pretty face if this continues on. Midoriya is the first to reveal that you are all here, by casually saying hello with a constipated look on his face.
You don’t blame him.
“Stay out of this squirts. I’m talking to Pikachu over here and I am not repeating myself.”
To your complete and utter surprise, Kaminari starts to laugh. Shinsou finally moves like he hasn’t been on pause this whole time and gives the guy and girl ten bucks each. He thanks them and they leave content.
“What just happened?” You ask voicing Midoriya’s thoughts.
Todoroki seems a bit annoyed as he mumbles, “I knew this was a ploy. I just thought it’d be by the government.”
“You should have seen your faces! How was my acting?” Kaminari questions in-between his laughing.
Shinsou just smirks as he states, “You really need to learn how to be better spies. Also, don’t voice your entire plan over breakfast.”
“…You are telling me you weren’t gone this morning? And that whole scene just now was all an act? Those were actors?” Midoriya is the one voicing your question now.
You feel quite stupid yet impressed when Shinsou nods.
“You gave me a fright. Anyway, I’m just happy that you two seem to be good for each other! Though, Kaminari, if you do anything to him that he doesn’t like, you will be answering to us personally!” You try to glare at him.
You just look like an angry teddy bear. Midoriya copied you and looks like an angry cinnamon roll. Thankfully, Todoroki actually looks menacing as he glares at the blond (mostly because he still believes he’s been abducted).
Shinsou finally wears that lazy smile on his face and says in a rather sincere voice, “Thank you guys for worrying about me.”
“Anytime, my sweet baby!” You pull him into a hug.
Shinsou continues as he makes eye contact with his boyfriend, “You heard them. You’ll after face them if you ever hurt me. Though, I should warn you that I carry sharp objects around for fun.”
Kaminari gulps out of nervousness for a second before he laughs. Yeah, he thinks Shinsou is joking but you know better. All that matters is that they seem to genuinely like each other now and that makes you happy for them.
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kittymaverick · 4 years
That Time of the Year Again (tm): Get ready for MCF 21: the Harbinger commentary!
It’s that time of the year yet again! Mystery Case Files 21: The Harbinger commentary. If anyone has been waiting for the hilarity that is my commentaries, I’m sorry I’m late this year. I actually started working as a freelance writer, and projects are coming in hot. Plus a recent family matter (not COVID-related. I’m thankfully in one of the safest places from it.) meant I had to put this on a back-burner. And then I guess I left it there for too long and triggered the smoke alarm, and people entered my inbox going “Are you okay???” So without further ado, let’s get this started. *cracks fingers* I have DUAL MONITORS NOW which means I can see my commentary AND watch the playthrough at the same time. (Yet, I still DON’T have a credit card. This is the new running joke.) I’m going to be watching YouGib’s playthough. Pazu also has his playthrough up. Spoilers below the cut as usual!
First, Grandma? A new studio? (A quick google shows they have done quite a bit of HOP titles and series.) Welcome to the MCF family! I hope you’re ready for the roasting that’s ahead. 8D MD: You mean the roasting they’ll let me do, right? I don’t know if they would be so nice as to grant you such catharsis right away. MD: Damn… It’s Grandma though. There’ll at least be cookies, right?
I like how “The” is in a place where you can almost read it as “The Mystery Case Files”, which MCF honestly deserves at this point. 21 years! That’s old enough to drink in the US!
(MD: Hm, old fashion building and clothes? Are we having some anachronistic adventure again--) CAT. Black cat. This is Isis. (MD: Not all black cats are Isis…) Yes they are. They are to me--
Captions: (Otherworldly scream) Why yes, yes game, thank you for describing my exact reaction to seeing that darn crystal ball. I love this self-awareness and I hope it stays.
Oh nooooo, green beam of light… (Green was the color of souls used in old Ravenhearst games, and also the type of light that the Archivist from Moths to a Flame evaporated into, iirc.)
MD: Hm, a harbinger usually means something worse is coming up. So who’s harbinger to whom I wonder? Well you could say Emma, Madame Fate, or Victor was the harbinger to Charles, and then Charles himself was a harbinger to Alistair, who apparently was harbinger to the twins, who were also harbinger to Alistair again-- MD: Yes, I know, thank you, please stop. --and then he was harbinger to a Lord Ravenhearst who we never saw again, and then we picked it up again somehow to Phineas Crown though that was much earlier and the pirate was a harbinger of himself in a sense. In fact, I guess in a metasense, you could say each MCF game is a harbinger of the next-- MD: You haven’t even gotten past the opening so PLEASE STOP.
Hm, game difficulty settings-- no Master Detective level. Ten marks off. :( MD: Okay that’s unfair. Also Hardcore is one word. MD: Hey, I’m the pyromaniac, okay? Chill! (Me at recording: pick helpful messages, pick it! PICK IT!)
OH, a CHOICE?! Oh, wait, it’s just the main game and extra content.
THEY GAVE YOU YOUR BUGGY BACK. THEY GAVE IT BAAAAACK. AAAAAHHH. MD: Interior’s a little different, but yes, I HAVE MY CAR BACK AND NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW. MWAHAHAHA-- Queen: Something strange is happening in Darkmoor. MD: *Does a 180 and goes back home* [The end.] Just kidding. :P I love how all the names of the places we’re going to immediately screams DANGER. MD: If I turned back every time I heard a name like that, I would be a very different person today. Probably saner, less salty, and generally happier.
It took me a while to see clearly, but the bobblehead looks like default MD (the costume seems to be inspired by the Fate Carnival collectibles)! We can now safely assume that MD is either really afraid of the cold, or very, very desperately trying to hide their identity. MD: Don’t tell anyone… but the getup is like a security blanket. ...One that you wear?! MD: Shhhhhh not so loud…….
Queen: Several keywords related to your previous cases-- What keywords? What are they? MD: Ravenhearst? Souls? Pirates? Skulls? Crystal Ball? Madame Fate? Dire Grove? Death herself? Queen: I’m not revealing this mystery… it’ll give the whole plot away! ...Okay, I’m putting ten on Victor, twenty on Charlotte, thirty on Alistar, and a hundred on Charles-- MD: You CHEATER you were spoiled while GOOGLING. --actually, I should do a bingo board instead. Yeah, I’m gonna do that. (And then she spends ten minutes wasting time on that, before giving up. We are at… 2 minutes in of the playthrough. This is normal.)
Queen: We’ve detected a possible energy anomaly-- MD: I’m sorry, we have DONE WHAT?! You guys have technology for that??? MD: Where was this technology for like…. The past ten cases? I really could have used some of that before heading in! (Somewhere in the world, the Mystery Tracker detective hides his gadgets…) (Post video edit: Speaking off, he seems to have gone UFO now.)
*Radio fizzes out* MD: That’s not good. Um… UP AHEAD. MD: THAT’S REALLY NOT GOOD. DETECTIVE TAKE THE WHEEL!!!! MD: THIS BUGGY IS STILL ON MORTGAGE NO. (And the MD, the bobblehead, literally lost their head, lol.)
Gibs is definitely feeling the stylistic difference. I personally don’t think it detracts from the game right now, and if anything, it can open new avenues for MCF to explore. Also, awwww it’s not our old buggy, but hey, I like the red!
MD: Okay… agency device. Better use this to scan for creepy crawly energies. I’m so sad it’s not something you can get attached to… MD: I’m pretty damn attached to my new car, thank you very much. Well, the windshield is already broken, so I think it’s been marked as “readily expendable” emotionally. :P (Machine sort of reminds me of the old machine from Huntsville, actually… which did appear again in… Rewind?)
Wow, that royal decree is like… a permission slip from mom. XD MD: Enough to get people’s attention, but not enough for them to treat me seriously. You would think with lives at stake, they would send something more official? MD: If they did, I might just be out of a job, because half of my job seems to involve waiting for people to get in trouble. Also, marking this officer Davis down as “guy who might get into trouble later and need rescuing”.
...Okay, you know what the device could have been? A portable TV head. MD: I will PUNT that metal box so hard if they handed me one! Missed moment of creepy, honestly.
“The agency never ceases to amaze me”??? MD: I meant that in both the “wow, I can’t believe this is what you used our money on!” and the “wow, I can’t believe this is where you used our money instead of that other really important thing we could have had” sense. Never cease to amaze you in how disappointed you are at them, then. MD: After our last security breach, yes.
Solved Case Files, omg. And you carry it on your car.XD MD: The therapist said I needed to “express my outrage” more healthily than arson. And you made the WORLD NEWS???? Whatever happened to being the most secretive person in the world?! MD: Shhhhh let them keep guessing… (Also, Bobblehead isn’t our MD, it seems. A case of mistaken identity. Awww….)
Guy in purple: I didn’t do anything wrong! Hm, this guy is sus… also, we’re in the UK, confirmed? MD: ...As if the name didn't’ give it already. Also, SIR, SIR, YOU DROPPED YOUR purse……. Well I guess it’s my purse now.
Tarot cards as collectibles! More Madame Fate coming up?
Wow, that police station entrance was a time machine. We’re back in modern-day old town England! MD: ….pattern on floor, sus… Aaaaand power outage. Cue bars. Policeman trapped. Oops. MD: Number of people that needed rescuing is now one, and is exactly as I predicted.
Police: Um, can you come closer? I dunno man, you behind bars, pretty sus. Maybe you’re not a real police. Police: Oh please. We talking real? How about your prove you’re the real Master Detective-- MD: *Hands Queen’s note* Police: Right that’ll work. (We didn’t get to flash our badge?!)
Wait, you’re in a ROYAL AGENCY??? Did you.... change agencies or something??? MD: After the last game, can you really blame me if a headhunter came asking? Me: No but… you work for the CROWN???? MD: Hey, if me collecting stories for Grandma Queen wasn’t obvious enough, I don’t know what else to say.
Wow, an ACTUAL FLASH DRIVE. We’re actually in modern day society. XD Albeit one with really industrial looking computers. (Now I need to go and check if the old games used floppy disks…)
Witness 1: It’s not like she has a crystal ball! Suspect purple: Yeah, I’m a fair owner. Girl Aisling is a fortune reader. ...Madame Fate, Madame FATE, MADAME FATE. MD: Okay, maybe that cat WAS Isis after all. Guy: She likes watching ravens. MD and I, simultaneously: FUCK.
I have to say, the puzzles are quite refreshingly different from ones that have appeared in the past. Me likey.
Gibs sees victim photo on autopsy table: What a handsome devil he is! Me: *Dies laughing and fails to make comments for a while*
Oh wow, you can write coherently again! Actual journals! Clear sketches! (Actual cutscene replay???? TWENTY POINTS.) MD: Therapy can be a wonderful thing sometimes. ...Please tell me you’re talking actual therapy and not “I got to explode a ship and the pirates on it” therapy. MD: Well, that counts as therapy still, right?
Okay Madame Fate, if you have a daughter, or this is your granddaughter, please just descend from heaven and let us know right now. (...wait, didn’t Madame Fate have a son? The really big eater guy? Franco!) That said, it says the veil of time, which might be an allusion to the Dark Veil too.
Davis: Right, good luck heading into town to the victim’s home! MD: Yep! Thanks for being a rare competent soul in this universe! Really appreciate the help-- [Rose street.] MD: ...Is it too late to turn back? Yes, yes it is entirely too late. 8D Let’s gooooooooo! MD: *sighs*.
SHADOW IN JAMES’ HOUSE! SHADOW! MD: Probably Nigel. He was sneaking around already.
MENTION Of CAT. CAT. MD: ...are you broken? ...Yes. (It’s nearing 1 am. So Kitty commentary might be retroactive below.)
Huh, HOP has sections that unlock objects like in Dark Parables. Neat!
Well, well, well, what do we have here? Small town drama as usual. MD: The predictable disappointment of human nature. Why can’t I just have cases that deal with that? No supernatural stuff, just little town murder mysteries. Little Town Mystery Case Files, coming to a store near you soon! (I’ll be honest, Grandma, I would play that once, just to have MD be completely paranoid over nothing actually supernatural.)
Santa Claus Beard Guy: I hope I didn’t scare you. MD: I’ve had undead grip me through the window. A little shadow doesn’t spook me. A family whose last name begins with a D though rattles them. MD: Please don’t give away my weaknesses so quickly...
Santa Guy: So the cat kicked my ass. Can you get me some medicine? MD: Sure thing. BTW, where is this cat, and how can I recruit it to kick the asses of my enemies?
Eeeeehhhh complex door puzzles are back! Except they are now complex cupboard puzzles.
WOOOOOOOOOW that’s a LYNX if I ever saw one! MD: Hey, remember how I say I’m not good with animals? Too bad, grab the pet carrier, you’ll need it. MD: ...please don’t scratch me. Cat: *Roars* MD: *flips shit, runs and hides*
James has visited the Museum of Mysteries… And what’s with the MCF crest in his diary??? MD: Wait… Allison? ALLISON THE REPORTER??? Omg, James is her BROTHER. THEY HAVE THE SAME LAST TIME EVEN OMG. MD: ……….. I’m NOT going to be the deliverer of this bad news. Hey MD, does that curse that surrounds people associated with you extend to their families? MD: Thank you for going where my brain didn’t want to, now kindly proceed no further. Just morbidly wondering…...
MD: They… they visited all the places that my cases took place. EVEN A HOUSE I REPORTED BURNED DOWN AND EXPLODED. AND THEN CAMPED OUT IN DIRE GROVE. MY GODS ALMIGHTY YOU TWO!!!! ...These siblings don’t have a lot of self-preservation sense, huh? MD: There are some things that should NOT run in the family. This is one of them. (I’ll be honest. Just… HOW can the MD process this kind of guilt??? Kudos to you, Grandma Studios. This is possibly the most evil story choice ever, and you went there. Slow, claps. Seriously. That said there is a small plothole here with James saying he was there when MD rescued Allison. I think that might be a translation/grammar error though.)
Journal: Oh btw John worked on the Ravenhearst manor restoration. MD: *grabs John* WHY. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME AND TO THE WORLD?! John: Um….. it was work? MD: SOME PLACES ARE BETTER OFF GONE. Hey, look on the bright side. You can burn it down again as therapy! John: Oh btw, I made the elaborate locks-- MD: *Begins to strangle John* NO HOMICIDES MASTER DETECTIVE! You investigate them, not commit them! MD: TELL ME THAT AFTER I’M DONE.
MD: Okay, John. Let me be clear on one thing. You are now number one sus on my list of “The person that’s gonna betray me in the end” right now, and probably staying there. If you turn out to be one of the Dalimars or their crony in disguise, I will END YOU. Are we clear? John: ………… MD: What? John: You’re more terrifying than James’ cat--
*Another prevention of homicide later…* MD: Alright, fine. Containers, opened. Toy, fixed. “Cat”, got. Now take it and get out. John: Thanks, here is the final piece to that closet door that I totally have been keeping from you this whole time. ….Seriously???? MD: ….Like I said, top of my shitlist. *Reads the closet puzzle poem* On second thought GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE I HAVE QUESTIONS!
James is the greatest dork. He locked his special diary entries with a lock. I’m so sad we didn’t get to meet him in person. Though that said... MD: My gods, some common sense is really missing from this family’s mind. Seeds from the carnival?! A cube from probably dire grove??? How does it feel knowing you contributed indirectly to his demise? 8D MD: ...It’s like seeing someone win the Darwin award and feeling bad that you are the one handing the trophy to them.
Davis: Oh hey, a cassette? Let me go and get the camera for it. We’ll meet later! MD: Wait a second, you’re gonna end up dead if you do that! Davis: No, I’m gonna be fine! Here’s a ticket to the night market! Have fun! MD: …… ...More Darwin award nominations? MD: No. Awww….
Marge: Oh hi detective! Thank you for saving me and my daughter so many years ago! MD: …. Who are you again? *Goes to google* Oh, she’s that woman from Reverant’s Hunt…. MD: Ah, the gossip hen. My gods what’s with this town and its inhabitants… It’s like all the people connected to you which fate has yet to kill are all showing up again for a chance of going to the afterlife! 8Db MD: That would be the worst lottery ever. All in the life of being Master Detective’s friend! Forecast for percent of death: high! MD: *curls up in a corner to be depressed*
Nigel: What do you want? MD: Here are your seeds. Nigel: Okay I’m gone! MD: Right, now Aisling-- WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING. Crow: Caw-caw! MD: You, you’re not Crowlister, but if you are responsible, I will make you one very bald bird.
Okay, soooooo what do we do? MD: Removed what the device can. Guess we’re down to brewing this… tea... ...I think you need this tea more than her, honestly.
“I expect these MCF references now.” XD I think the 4th wall has just been shattered into oblivion.
Aisling: I see death all around you Master Detective! MD: Thank you for stating the obvious that has been made abundantly clear by the past hour and a half of plot. Davis: Hey waddap? MD: ….*breaks down sobbing* YOU’RE STILL ALIVE THANK GOODNESS! *hugs Davis* Davis: Um… what’s going… anyway, you should look at the video.
MD: Nigel! This video here suggests something. Want to talk before I make you? Nigel: This proves nothing! Now go away, I have preparations to-- Noooooooooo! *Nigel is swallowed by the earth* ……...MD? MD: NOT IT. WASN’T ME. DEFINITELY NOT ME! You saw that right, Davis? Davis: Oh no, he’s dead! Guess we’ll need to exhume him. MD: Now hold on, that reaction is just WAAAAAY TO BLAND.
(Watched a little bit ahead. I have some theories on who Aisling might be, since Gib’s thumbnail does appear to hint at it. We’ll see where it goes!)
(Aaaaand I was right!)
[Here ends entry one. Part two is going to be even more retroactive...]
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Nakamoto Yuta  Astrology Ask: How he loves
“That“Hello!  Can you please do an astology post about hpw yuta from nct 127 loves ? With all the fluffy and nsfw details included ? I loved the ones yo did already and I was wondering if you’re interested in look into his chart? Thank you 😊😊🌸” - @marinemousemarie
A/N Of course I am happy to! Thanks again for your patience !!  ALSO THIS HAIR IS KILLING ME ON HIM OML   thank you for your request!!!
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what is he so perfect for????
Alright !!!!
Yuta’s chart is HEAVILY water influenced
which right off the bat means he is very in touch with his emotions
someone help me I am c o m p r o m i s e d
that is so daddy 
so even though he HAS these very deep emotions, he will still come off as mysterious and likely has a wall up
Scorpios exude sex appeal honestly I knew his sun was Scorpio but he makes so much sense with his moon there too 
His rising is Capricorn (by estimation)
so he is likely really thoughtful and analytical too, especially when you first meet him and a very, VERY hard worker
he even REALLY fits the physical description of a Scorpio honestly
his north node is Libra so even though he has a lot of Scorpio (typically a less social sign because they tend to be a bit... suspicious)
he probably desperately needs a tight knit group around him he trusts,and leans on them only when he feels he can’t handle it alone
 also his trine is at 90 degrees between sun and lilith so he is COMFORTABLE with the darker sides of his personality
he probably revels a little bit in the parts of his nature that stir him
..... i’m going to let you deduce what I feel about that until we get under the cut cause uh
a bitch is shook
so SUN in Scorpio means he is quieter at first, tends to ask more questions instead of revealing his own feelings (which are there and are strong)
puts off a really entrancing seductive mystery that draws people to stare and commands attention on it’s own
MOON in Scorpio means INTENSE 
Lunar Scorpios can cut right through anyone’s bullshit
there’s no point in faking emotion around him he is going to know immediately 
and have you ever seen such intense side eye from another sign???
They are incredibly all or nothing. if you are in their good graces they respect you and will show it 
if you lose that respect it is GONE forever
they are also courageous and tend to be on the cutting edge of fashion and social issues he has a golden heart and a steely gaze oh lort 
his mercury is in Libra which is the best place for that sign tbh
the negotiation skills this man would have is uncanny
tbh this makes me feel like he has the silverest of tongues
between Scorpio’s natural affinity for privacy and mystery and Libra’s skill with mediation, he will be effortless at wrapping someone around his finger
has a very solid sense of justice though, so it will only be used for good 
desires someone to sharpen his mind on
wants to be able to verbally spar and debate- always done in a friendly way though!
Mars and Jupiter in Sagittarius  so he is the kind of person who wants to travel, is governed by a strict moral code all his own
and really just wants to enjoy the experiences of life 
these things can impact his desire to settle down however so his focus has to be on a relationship part of his life before he lets that happen.
his VENUS being in Scorpio well.
that’s ah. the exact opposite of his mars and Jupiter tbh
so they balance out a bit, but basically his venus says “when you are ready to settle down you settle down, and you don’t mess around.” 
they are loyal and sensual and they need emotional connection that goes both ways
they LOVE commitment and they expect FULL devotion
they wanna pick you apart and know every little thing about you because they want to fill all your cracks with little pieces of themselves so that you are hooked and sticking around
but they aren’t fully forthcoming with their own emotions
with his Mercury being Libra if you can GET him to talk, it’s fine because he will express it well
but you will have to be fantastic at deciphering different emotions in his eyes
there’s actually a lot of Capricorn in his chart, so even though he has a lot of Scorpio ( a very self sufficient sign)
he also probably has a few places where he can be a bit harder on himself and a little self defeating
he probably won’t need MUCH encouragement though, considering the really active fire sign in his Mars 
in relationships this boils down to 
you meet and he seems very withdrawn
polite but there’s a mystery behind his eyes you can’t quite pin down
no matter how much he likes you, he will not tell you 
no he will hint by initiating really subtle flirting
you’ll find him guiding you by two fingers on your low back, a gesture of helpfulness that will linger a few seconds too long
prolonged eye contact from across the room that drives you insane because you can’t figure out what it MEANS
the raise of one brow if you say something that he considers a little flirty back
he wants the push and pull to see if you are really interested  
after some playful non verbal flirting he will probably make sure you know he thinks you’re attractive more explicitly
his mars is Sagittarius so he will frame it casually but he would really need you to know
so say you dressed really nicely
he is going to make sure you get a compliment from him
“That fits really nice.”
and you will thank him only to realize he’s smirking and you know it is more than a basic compliment he is low key dirty okay
He’d be the type to have someone else invite you to a group gathering and then monopolize your time 
he would ask you a million questions about yourself until he knew you better than you do
and then he would flirt more
as he drank more his compliments would get softer and more kind and less borderline sugestive
and that’s how you know he genuinely likes you 
like he’s tipsy and it’s “You’re so sweet and I like being around you.”
“why won’t you ever rub my head like you rub Mark’s?”
“Why do you laugh at all of Johnny’s jokes and not mine?”
“I really just wish you’d love me too.”
and you’re like   👀👀👀👀👀👀
he will deny it like... one time and then he will cave hard
might lay on you and play with your hands while he talks about what he likes about you
and you’re in shock because he rarely speaks about how HE feels and usually only asks you things
and you realize his feelings are real and you finally just say “If I’m so great why won’t you date me?”
and he will 0.0 
because why didn’t sober him think of that ???
he did but also he doesn’t want you to know how MUCH he did you feel me
so he will just be like “okay, then it is what we’re doing now.”
and you expect him to forget but the next day he is at your house with flowers and he wants to do cute shit
domestic shit like changes your name in his phone to a shit ton of cute emojis
spam you 
with love via text while he is away
just one after another of CHEESY ass heart and flower pictures
and the most adorable good mornings and goodnights and every meal time he texts to be sure you’re eating
is genuinely so sweet and open with you once you are together
loves to lay in your lap and stare up at you 
run your hands through his hair while you do what a dream though
back hugs!!
front hugs!!
he wants
how precious I 
18 + below the cut let’s get spicy
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you don’t understand I am incoherent
remember  THIS “  his trine is at 90 degrees between sun and lilith so he is COMFORTABLE with the darker sides of his personality “
i usually don’t agree when people insist someone IS a specific roll in the bedroom but
Yuta is a whole dom
Comfortable with his darker sides... comfortable with his kinks
willing to explore and not in the SLIGHTEST concerned about what society thinks
if he likes it he tells you and you guys will decide if it’s something you wanna do
ALL THAT SCORPIO. Sun, Moon, Venus,and pluto all being in scorpio I mean this dude I FUCKIN CAN’T
 Scorpio is known for being passionate, sensual and incredibly unrelenting 
a bit egotistical about their abilities
not in a bad way, in a “I got this and I will show you that I do”  kind of way
Yuta stop that’s hot
This is not romantic sex
this is not lovey dovey handholding sex
He wants you incoherent and lost in pleasure
he wants to dominate you and watch you beg
listen he really loves the power rush that comes with it
maybe choking look don’t kill me he strikes me as a choking type
Libra mercury so his dirty talk is ALWAYS ON POINT AND EXACTLY WHAT YOU LIKE
seems like the type to be a LITTLE into degradation
I’m sorry look I don’t mean anything too serious
just “You’re a slut for me aren’t you? Such a good girl all day but you can’t wait to spread your legs for me?”
that kinda stuff
Orgasm control/Denial
holds a vibrator to your clit while you beg him to stop
finger fucks you while he does
Maybe a sir/daddy kink 
the type to buy you a “collar” made of diamonds and smirk every time someone who doesn’t know compliments it
“Don’t cum and don’t let anyone know and I will reward you at home.”
while he fingers you under the table
thinks it’s funny if you have minor slip ups
fast, accurate strokes that leave you seeing stars
sometimes deep, soul shakingly slow strokes that roll your eyes back into your head
scratch his shoulders he likes that shit
spanking and biting are definitely a yes
aftercare is SO SWEET
cuddles you and shhhhh’s you
strokes up and down your arms with his fingertips
lays your head in his lap and smiles softly at you
asks you what you need to calm down
wraps you in the softest robe or blanket
makes you feel safe and loved
tells you how well you did 
a good boyfriend wow
here you go !
thank you for your patience !!
I hope you enjoyed it !!
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Rebel Hours (10/18)
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Kwon Jieun always fit her parents’ image of the “perfect” daughter… at least to their knowledge. Away from prying eyes she was like any other girl living life to the fullest doing what she wants. When a little someone named Bang Chan comes into her life priorities are changed, mistakes are made, and her life finally becomes her own.
w.c: 1.7k
“Jieun I-”
“Chan, you said you wouldn’t.”
“I know but I just couldn’t let him go like that. He hurt you and god knows however many other girls out there.”
“But you could have gotten caught, either by the cops or Kyunghoon. We have enough crazy with my parents, can we not bring in more crazy rich people?” I scolded.
“I’m sorry… but I don’t regret it either,” He apologized.
      As I looked at the boy next to me I knew I couldn’t stay mad, I never could with anyone. Plus everything he did was with good intentions… for the most part. I was just scared he could’ve gotten caught or hurt or both! With a sigh I grabbed his hand as I watched the road ahead of me. It’s time to be more honest about things.
“Thank you for doing that for me anyways… and I’m not mad, I just don’t like the idea of you possibly getting into trouble because of me.”
“Hey,” he stopped in his tracks which forced me to stop and look at him. “None of this is your fault, don’t blame yourself for it. Plus Seunghee was helping so I didn’t get caught.”
“But you did, by me. That’s what you get for recruiting my best friend who also lives with me,” I stuck my tongue out at him.
“In my defense she recruited herself, she said your plan sucked.”
“She only said that because it didn’t involve physically hurting him.”
“Then that kinda is a sucky plan,” he laughs.
“Stop being cheeky,” I scrunch my nose with a smile before a question that had been floating around in my mind made itself known. “I’ve been thinking about something. How did you know it was me when you picked me up that night?”
“Your tattoo,” he pointed to my left collarbone where my heartbeat tattoo peeked from beneath my sweater, “I’m guessing the rain washed the makeup off.” 
“Awwww and here I thought it would be a cute answer,” I joke.
“What? Did you want to hear that I looked into your eyes and just knew that it was you?”
      He teased back as he opened the restaurant door. We continued to poke fun at each other as we took our seats and ordered our food. It felt nice, actually acting like a couple without the blurred lines we had when we first started talking. Now that everything is out it felt refreshing to expand my circle a little more. It was inevitable for me to fear the future when my parents were part of the equation but Chan being who he is, helping me when I was desperate, and getting revenge for me gave me more confidence that we could get through the hurdle that is my parents… that I could get through it.
“Now who’s the one not listening?”
“Huh? Sorry, I was too busy thinking about you,” I gave a cheeky smile.
“Well stop that, I’m right in front of you,” he laughed as he grabbed my hand from across the table. “I asked how you ended up finding out from Seunghee.”
“I came in to ask for outfit advice for our date. I thought she was watching a movie but when I came closer I noticed it was security camera footage and I noticed a certain someone neither of us liked on screen and a familiar silhouette of another certain someone.”
“You recognized me by my silhouette?”
“It’s not that shocking Chan, you work at a club. I basically fell for you because of your silhouette and the brief flashes of your face I saw when the light hit it just right.”
“What? You didn’t fall for my charming personality? Wow I see how it is,” he teased.
“Like you fell for my shining personality and not the fact that the first time you saw me I was in a very revealing mesh top and a miniskirt?” I countered with a smirk.
“Of course. Look, you can easily keep up with me and my antics. I was a goner once you didn’t give me a name. Isn’t that right princess?”
“Ugh noooo, that was so cringey and don’t start with the nicknames Christopher.”
“But you like being called princess don’t you? Or do you prefer something else, like baby girl,” he smirked.
“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you actually did that.”
      I laughed, using my hand to cover my face in hopes that Chan didn’t catch the blush burning on my cheeks. Luckily even if he did the waitress brought out our food. We ate and were deciding on what to do next when his phone buzzed. After a few exchanges he put it down and offered going to the club to meet his friends. Meeting his friends low key freaked me out but I have wanted to meet them properly after hearing the interesting stories Chan has told me. I was glad that Seunghee talked me into wearing my black sweater that laces up on the sleeves, giving my high waisted plaid skirt a sexier look fit for the club. Once we finished our dinner we hailed a cab and ended up back where it all began. Once we entered the club, Chan led me to a table with four guys sitting around it. There was Changbin, Felix, Jisung, and a new face I‘ve never met. I smiled at them all, letting Chan take the lead as he greeted the boys.
“Hey guys, thanks for letting me bring my girl.”
“No worries hyung, we’ve been dying to meet her,” Jisung said excitedly.
“Jisung, you’ve met her already,” Changbin teased. “Remember at my birthday party?”
“Huh… wait WHAT?!”
      I laughed as Jisung processed the sentence. I don’t know how but that boy was louder than the music in this club which was a feat in itself. With my courtesy smile I gave him at the party, I extended my hand before introducing myself.
“Hi, I’m Kwon Jieun.”
      I laughed as he wordlessly shook my hand, his eyes frozen in it’s wide state of shock. Chan then introduced me to everyone else and I learned the last guy was Minho, a university friend. We chatted over some drinks and I quickly eased into the group with little to no awkward tension. Thank god. I actually got on better with Changbin and Felix than I originally thought I would and it seemed it was the same way for the other boys as well.
“You’re pretty cool Jieun, I like this you better… not to be rude!” Felix commented before he panicked once he heard how it sounded as it left his lips.
“It’s fine Felix, I like this me a lot better too,” I laugh.
“But honestly though. If we knew you were this chill we could’ve been pretty good friends.”
“Changbin I wish, but I think you can agree with me that with secrets like mine, the smaller the circle the better.”
“I’ll drink to that.”
      Changbin, Felix and I clinked glasses in silent agreement before taking a swig of our drinks. I continued to drink and talk with the boys until I lost count of how much alcohol I consumed. It wasn’t until Chan took my drink from my lips that maybe I drank a little too much.
“Okay, that’s enough for you,” he chuckles.
“Hey! I wasn’t done with that,” I pouted and whined, “I want to keep up with the boys.”
“You’ve got a long way if you want to keep up with us,” Minho smirks.
“Can too!”
      I tried to reach for another drink but Chan stopped me once again which caused the other boys to chuckle at me. Chan was moving to grab our stuff as Changbin started teasing me.
“Hate to break it to you princess but you’re a lightweight.”
“Shhhhh, only Chan can call me that.”
“I think it’s time for us to go baby girl.”
      Chan shook his head as he helped me up. The boys were relentless when they heard the pet name fall from his lips, an onslaught of teasing was dropped before we said our goodbyes and left. Chan hailed a cab and gave the driver my address before we piled in.
“My place is farther than yours, why not let me stay at your place and save cab fare? It’s closer.”
“As much as I would love to have you come over again, you’re not sober and I don’t think Seunghee would appreciate it. Plus you have a morning class tomorrow and your place is closer to your campus,” he chuckles.
“I have class? Oh yeah… Wait! Before we get to my place we have to discuss this!”
“What is it?”
“Seunghee has to go back soon but before she leaves I want you to meet my friends.”
“Let’s discuss this when you’re sober.”
      He chuckled with a shake of his head, he isn’t taking me seriously. I cross my arms and turn to face him, making direct eye contact to make sure he knows I was being one hundred percent serious. I may be tipsy, probably more so drunk, but I know both sober me and drunk me agree that I want Chan to properly meet my friends. For one I met his and for me this was equal to meeting my family.
“No, I want to discuss this now. I’ve been thinking about it since we first talked with the guys and I was very sober then.”
“But I would like you to remember we made the plans.”
“Hey! I am very responsible, I take care of sober me very well, I’ll leave a note so I won’t forget to arrange it.”
“You’re a handful, you know that?” he chuckled.
“You said it didn’t you? Maybe being a handful is my true calling. You can’t be the only one having fun being the bad apple,” I laughed.
      We arranged a time to meet up before Seunghee’s flight back to the UK and by then the cab arrived at my apartment. Asking the cab to wait, Chan walked me back to the door and waited for me to go in. After I entered the door code and holding the door slightly open we bid each other good night. With every last bit of courage I had, liquid and not, I gently pulled Chan’s shoulder and crashed my lips on his. As quick as I did it  I pulled away giving him a final good night, my eyes taking in that goofy dimpled grin on his face as the door closed.
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1dliveshere · 4 years
The Last Summer Ch.3
As the RV continued rolling down the highway the only audible sounds were the faint sound of the portable humidifier, the static of the radio, and the whispering coming from Niall and Harry.
“I’m really grateful we were able to take this trip. It would have really sucked to not do anything special for our last summer together.”
“I totally agree mate.... So Harry have you decided what you want to go to college for?” Niall turned towards his best friend of 15 years.
“Yeah I have. I’ve decided instead of going to college I’m going to open my own photography studio. My uncle already has a space available that he said I could rent for cheap.”
“I think you’d be great at that! How’d your parents react?”
“Not well. They keep bringing up the fact that I can’t do that with my life if I want to support my family. Kayla keeps encouraging me to do it even with the circumstances.”
“So do you think Kayla will be your family one day?”
“I don’t think Niall, I know.” Harry blushed “What about Alyssa? Is she the one?”
“Definitely” Niall answered now blushing as well.
As the boys continued talking about life Kayla stumbled out of the back of the RV.
“Babe what’s wrong?” Harry looked in the rear view mirror.
“My throat is killing me.”
“It’s probably from you screeching at Louis earlier” laughed Niall.
“Shut up Niall. He deserved it. He ruined my pants” Kayla plopped on the couch.
“I think there might be some tea up in the cupboard over there” Harry pointed towards the mini fridge. “That would help your throat”
“Thanks babe. I think I’ll make some..... wait I just realized something. What are you doing still driving at almost 3 am? Don’t you think we should pull over so you can sleep?”
“No I’m doing okay. I want to get to Jackson, Wyoming by 8 am so we can go hiking.”
“Do you guys mind keeping quiet? It’s kinda hard to sleep when you won’t shut up?” Zayn lifted his head off the couch.
“Sorry Zayn... I honestly forgot you were even in here.” Kayla laughed. “I’ll shut up now.”
“It’s alright I’m already up anyway”
“I’m awake too” Gigi stated. “I’m starving for some reason.”
“That’s probably because we didn’t eat supper” Liam pipped up.
“OMG. You’re right!” Maya hollered.
“I’m starving.” Niall whined from the front seat.
“Babe you would have never said that if Liam wouldn’t have mentioned it.” Alyssa laughed entering the room.
“Why are you up?”
“How am I not? Y’all need to learn how to whisper.”
“I second that” Louis said sounding aggravated.
Within 5 minutes everyone was awake at 3 am, on a highway in Wyoming, starving to death.
“OH MY GOSH!! IS THAT A WAFFLE HOUSE I SEE?!” Alyssa suddenly screamed making everyone jump.
“Niall I’m not even in the correct lane and it’s literally 1000 feet from us.”
Niall quickly grabbed the wheel and jerked it the the right sending the RV into a spin.
Somehow the RV landed straight in the middle of a parking spot in from of The Waffle House. While everyone else was still freaked out by everything that had just happened, Niall and Alyssa cheered at the fact that they were going to The Waffle House.
“I swear Niall if you ever pull that shiii-schnitzel with me again I’ll kill you” Harry stated sounded pissed.
“You’re lucky you caught yourself Harold. You almost had to put a $1 in the swear jar.” Louis mocked.
As the friend group pilled out of the bus Harry grabbed his camera and snapped a picture of the building.
“Send me that. I want to post it.” Alyssa looked at Harry.
“As long as I get credit.”
“Sure thing, Harold.”
“You know I don’t like it when you call me that.”
“Oh get over yourself.... HAROLD.”
As the group entered the building they found a table big enough for everyone to sit at. They waited for someone to take their order but no one ever did. After sitting there for 15 minutes they were starting to get annoyed.
“I’m so hungry I could eat this napkin.” Eleanor whined.
“I’ve got you babe.” Louis quickly jumped up and ran towards the counter.
“Louis do not do anything stu- and he jumped over the counter.”
Louis ran over to the waffle maker and dumped the batter in it. Or what he thought was batter. It turned out to be bacon grease.
As the waffle maker burst into flames the cook came running out of the back with a fire extinguisher and put the fire out.
Everyone quickly took off running. Once outside Alyssa turned towards Louis. “I can’t believe you right now. That’s my favorite place to eat and now I’m going to die of starvation.”
“Hey guys, there’s a gas station over there. Let’s just go buy some food there.” Liam pointed across the street.
So the group set off to the gas station. As they entered the building it had your typical gas station smell; it wasn’t good. They all split up and grabbed whatever they could find.
Back at the RV they all settled down in the living area. Harry was back to driving but Niall wasn’t riding up front with him. Niall decided he needed sleep.
While at the gas station, Kayla and Alyssa decided to get a 2 pound bag of their favorite candy, Twizzlers, to share.
After everyone wasn’t starving anymore they went their separate ways to go back to bed.
“Guys we made it to Jackson, Wyoming! Get your lazy butts up and ready. We are going hiking.”
“Harry it’s too early to yell.... shhhhh” Liam held his finger up to his lips.
Soon everyone was up and getting ready. Harry had pulled into a parking lot. So he was able to get ready also. All the guys had on basketball shorts and T-shirt’s on while all the girls had either workout leggings or bike shorts with some random shirt.
After they were all ready for their hike, they locked up the RV and headed towards the start of the trail.
“Can’t we do a level 2 trail instead of a level 7 one? My stomach hurts and I don’t wanna die.” Alyssa whined.
“You’ll be fine babe. It won’t be that bad” Niall reassured.
He was wrong. Very wrong.
2 hours later
“It’s so hot”
“I’m gonna passout”
Literally everyone was dying. Puffing for air, sweat running down their backs, their vision dancing with black dots.
“Alyssa are you okay back there? You’re walking super slow.” Yelled Maya.
“I’m f-f-aarrrrhhhh” Alyssa puked.
“Oh my gosh!!!!” Screamed Kayla “it’s bright red. Like blood red. That’s not normal last time I checked.”
Niall started sprinting down the mountain.
“Babe, something’s wrong. We should go to the hospital.” Niall scooped Alyssa up and took off sprinting for the RV; everyone quickly followed.
Harry drove 45 mph in a 30 mph all the way to the hospital. Once they got there Alyssa was taken straight into a emergency room.
“Does your stomach hurt still? Any tenderness?” The Doctor pushed around on Alyssa’s stomach.
“I was a little nauseous until I threw up, but now I feel totally fine.”
“Okay, we’re going to run a few tests to see what’s going on.”
The rest of the group were sitting in the waiting room.
“I’m so bored. There’s nothing to do here” Louis whined like a two year old child.
“Louis it’s a hospital. Last time I checked it’s not supposed to be fun.” Zayn stated.
Louis was about ready to sass back when Niall came through the door.
“They are going to run some tests to see what’s going on. So far everything they’ve done has come back normal. So I’m not really for sure what could be causing it.” Niall worried.
“What about the Twizzlers she ate last night? That’s all her and Kayla had since yesterday at lunch time. Maybe that mixed with the heat made her sick.”
“Louis for once in your life you’re a genius.” Niall turned and walked back to the emergency department to inform the Doctor about the Twizzlers.
“I thought about that while we were still hiking.”
“Louis why the freak didn’t you say something then?” Zayn hit his hand to his face.
“I don’t know. I just didn’t think it was my place.”
Everyone rolled their eyes.
“Of course you didn’t”
After 15 minutes had passed, Alyssa and Niall walked through the door. “The doctor said it was just from the Twizzlers and that I’ll be fine.”
“Well I’m happy that’s all it was, but tonight we are eating more than Twizzlers for supper.” Kayla laughed.
As the large group of friends exited the hospital, Harry looked up to see some dude trying to break into the RV.
“Oh sh—“ Harry took off running.
“Well looks like he owes a $1 to the swear jar now”
“You girls stay here; we don’t want you to get hurt.” The boys took off running chasing after their friend.
After about 10 minutes the guys finally pulled up in the RV. Kayla hopped in the passenger seat while the girls climed in the back.
“So what happened?” Questioned Kayla.
“Oh nothing. They guy just took off running.” Harry’s voice went up an octave indicating he was lying.
“Harry, you’re lying.”
“Am not”
“Okay then, turn and look me in the eyes and tell me that.”
“ I can’t, I’m driving.”
“Harry look at me.”
Harry still wouldn’t look at his girlfriend.
Harry finally turned towards Kayla with a big cheesy grin on his face. That grin wasn’t the only thing on his face. His left eye was swollen up almost double the normal size, and it had a huge dark circle around it.
“Oh I’ll tell you. Harold here walked up to the dude and asked him what he was doing and told him to get away from the RV. The guy told him he wasn’t going to so Harry punched the dude and the dude then punched Harry back. He was trying to show off.” Louis said sounding quite proud of himself.
“Harry” Kayla sighed, “ you can’t just go up to some dude and mouth off like that.”
Kayla got up and walked to the freezer and got a bag of peas. “Here put this on your eye. It will help the swelling to go down.”
“Thanks love.”
As the RV continued driving towards Nebraska, everyone was just sitting around on their phones, exhausted.
“Oh my gosh I’m going to freaking kill my parents.” Alyssa three her phone down on the couch.
“Why? What are they doing?” Maya asked.
“Literally they’ve called me 5 times today and texted countless times. It’s starting to get su— great there they are again.”
Louis without even thinking picks up Alyssa’s phone, opens the window and chucks it.
Everyone was shocked that he actually just did that.
“Thanks. Now I don’t have a phone for the rest of the trip.”
“It’s fine. Harry can pull over at the closet Verizon and I’ll buy you one.” Louis held up his wallet.
Alyssa turned and walked away towards the front of the bus. “Kayla, can I sit up front for awhile? I need a break from Louis.”
“Yeah that’s fine.” Kayla got up and went to sit next to Louis.
“Good job idiot.” Kayla smacked the back of Louis’ head.
After 5 hours passed and they only had stopped to pee once, everyone was getting highly agitated.
“I’m going to find somewhere to park so we can walk around for a little bit. My legs hurt from driving and I just really need a break from the RV.”
“That’s fine Harry. I think me, you, and the boys should go on a walk or something.” Niall hollowed from the kitchen.
“I think us girls are just going to stay on the bus and watch a movie. We are all tired.” Alyssa told the boys.
Harry quickly turned into the first random lot that he saw. It happened to be in the middle of nowhere.
“Harry we are literally in the middle of no where. Don’t you think you should wait until we get somewhere more public?” Questioned Kayla.
“No you’ll be fine. Just keep the door locked.”
The boys all piled out of the RV and headed out on their walk to stretch their legs.
“Yes! Finally we are alone on the bus.” Eleanor screamed. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the boys but sometimes I just want girl time.”
“I totally agree. What movie do you guys want to watch?”
As they were in the middle of throwing ideas around, Gigi exited the bathroom crying.
“Omg. Gigi what’s wrong??”
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Soulless Riffing: Brainless Ch.13
I got a supernatural action/romance book series as a gift that’s just riddled with stuff that I hate….and as a steampunk Victorian London action romance story filled with werewolves and vampires…it’s yeah gonna be easy to poke fun at.
I just want to say, it’s totally cool if you like this story or ones like it!  It’s certainly a better caliber than a lot of what I make fun of…however…I can’t help but want to make fun of it.
Over here for the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7+8, 9, 10+11, and 12.
Chapter 13
You know? The only tolerable parts of this story are the plot and action.  I’m sorry to say that this chapter is like all action and plot but it’s still a clusterfuck made out of dogshit.
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Doctor Deathbreath is happy Alexia’s power works.  He uses the zombie to rip the two apart.  Before he’s able to Lord Maccon stabs it with the glass she hid in her titties but it does nothing. With the two apart Lord Maccon starts changing back into a werewolf.
They’re all SURPRISED it happened so fast. The author is like “She told them it’d take an hour to transform him out so they must have assumed it would take that long to untransform.”
But like…excuse you book. All these scientists may be too dumb to lie, but after telling a woman they’re planning on killing her, they don’t think she’d lie to give herself an advantage?
So Genocidal Gary just sics a bunch of dudes on the werewolf and marches out of there with Alexia. Alexia has the brilliant idea to stab herself with the glass shard in the zombie, to leave a blood trail for Lord Maccon to follow.  She doesn’t YANNO try to stab the zombie some more, or cut a piece of him open and try to get at the gears in him, or even HANG ON TO THE GLASS SHARD. She just stabs herself.
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(Alexia shrugging with the tagline “Guess I’ll die”)
She’s taken to a SCIENCE room.  In this room they have a bunch of scientist with Lord Akeldama hooked up to a machine that’s pumping his blood out into some rando in hopes it’ll make rando an extra good vampire cause Akeldama is extra old.
How could this experiment illuminate how to kill Vampires easier?
She SO BRAVELY calls them philistines for torturing her friend.
1.)   It’s impossible to use the insult without sounding like a pretentious toff.
2.)   It means someone who doesn’t appreciate culture and art.  So that’s the worse fucking thing you could think of? NOW REALLY? AUTHOR, USING THIS WORD ONLY MAKES YOU SEEM SMART TO OTHER DUMMIES! MY LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT CURRICULUM TEACHES THIS WORD TO FUCKIN’ 12 YEAR OLDS YOU’RE NOT FUCKING SMART!
They talk some nonsense science and then Alexia really has her MOMENT! YANNO! SUCH A GOOD MOMENT!
She says it isn’t the vampires and werewolves that are the monsters, REAL MONSTERS ARE THE SCIENTISTS!
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(Hugh Laurie(?) sighing, rolling his eyes, and tilting his head bag in an exaggerated UGH fashion.)
Also you didn’t fucking earn this! The entire last chapter you just played grab ass.  In fact, you basically played grab ass this entire book. The last thing you were going to do to stop this genocide was consult with a guy YOU ALREADY CONSULTED with but you got derailed to TALK ABOUT HOW YOU’RE TRYING TO GRAB THAT ASS!
Now you wanna come in here with almost no work to discover/fight these fucking dimwits with a big self-righteous speech about how these painfully evil scientists turn out are painfully evil scientists?
So they shock the body full of vampire blood, and it starts to move. Okay sure. Sir. DumDum Stupidbega asks if the vampire has any blood left, and the other scientist is like
I don’t think these are fucking scientists, I think all these people are those fucking zombies.  I know they’re supposed to be so evil they kill on a whim, but they take all these great resources and just fucking piss them away.  
Alexia is SURPRISINGLY still alive, so they strap her to a machine to drain all her blood, which is umm probably going to kill her.  They took an antidote and it poured down the drain, but it has miraculously spat back out the drain but also now it’s in a cute mug, and it’s warm, and it tastes like quality Earl Grey Tea.  So they take that mug of warm, revitalizing antidote and throw it against the wall.
Before they can start the machine a couple of dudes come in with a wrapped up body, and turns out one of those dudes is MacDougall.  MacDougall is again AGHAST at how they’re treating Alexia and tries to convince BloodHappy Moroniwitiz to try actual science but of course that’s poo-poo’d. They’re about to drain her blood, and MacDougall looks away.
SUDDENLY Alexia starts using a lot of words to describe him as fat and has the line, “Poor thing, … It must be hard to be so weak all the time.”
I know I have a wet spot for MacDougall but…I’m not sure why she wasn’t this upset when he let her get literally thrown to a wolf, or what she’s exactly expecting him to do?  Punch the bad guy and try to undo her restraints just for the 3 other scientists and zombie to drag him away?
I mean I can see her acting out in anger cause she’s frightened, that’s understandable. But like the text clearly wants us to paint this dude as bad for not first getting the shit kicked out of himself for it to not help at all.
Like author? Can we maybe paint this dude as bad because he’s sympathetic toward nazi stand-ins?  
I was hoping he was just a yandere, or kicked puppies. I can forgive myself for fucking one of those? But a centrist!? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh.  
However just as they’re about to suck that sweet blood the door starts a pounding and it’s obviously Macaronawolf.
Scabby Prick Jizzums says the doors will hold even though it starts splintering right away. My boy, apparently the steel door meant for werewolves couldn’t hold him? BUT OK!
I don’t know about you folks out there but if I was given the choice between a man who lets you die, and a man who will kill you. I’d rather him puss out than fear AT ANY POINT that he may be violent toward me.
But perhaps….
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(Natalie Wyn, perfection herself, saying in a mythical fashion, “I’m not like other girls.”)
Alexia shouts at MacDougall to free her during this, and it takes her saying it twice before he does so. So he’s a total coward, and not yanno briefly paralyzed with fear watching a wolf monster disembowel 3 people.
The fight is getting intense the body pumped full of Akeldama’s blood wakes up and attacks MacDougall.
I love how they strap down the vampire with no blood left but don’t strap down the newly born vampire. That seems good and smart and good.
Buttstank Demondip uses Alexia as a shield to escape and the zombie is about to choke out Maccon.  
All this action is not written well.
Lord Akeldama wakes up just in time in order to tell Alexia to wipe at the numbers on the zombie’s head. She’s able to get one of the Roman numerals so it STILL functions but barely, thus freeing Maczoom to eat Alexia. However she’s able to hug his neck and bring him back to his human state.
The two of them dramatically make-out for a bit.  Which like, is fine, but I can’t help feeling as if they didn’t earn this either.  I feel like this is much more cathartic when the two haven’t seen each other in a long-while and we’re both fighting and working a lot and FINALLY they get to see each other again and WOWZERS what a relief that is.  However they were making out just like what a half an hour ago?
Meanwhile MacDougall is fighting for his life against a vampire but yanno that’s fine.  He deserves it because he was paralyzed with fear for a moment.  So he can wait a moment while his crush makes out with a man who graphically murdered a bunch of people and it’s only luck that he didn’t do the same to him and her.
Eventually Lord Smackaroon punches the vampire out, and releases Akeldama from his restraints.  Akeldama makes a remark about how lucky Alexia is cause Maccon’s got that big old ding dong.  And honestly? With how lame this story is they should have just gone with the dumb as hell reference of, “MY! What a big Willy you have!”
Maccon offers for Akeldama to bite him since he needs his strength back….but like there’s literally 3 dead bodies on the floor, and the vampire that has HIS blood is flopped right over there.  But before we can come to an agreement, the zombie suddenly starts working again and starts to strangle Maccon.
The author even writes, “the automaton…was trying to fulfill the last order given to it: to kill Lord Maccon. This time, with the earl in human form, it stood a fairly good chance of succeeding.”
I’m sorry but this is really pathetic.  This is essential the author saying, “Okay I did wrap up most of this action and it’s very low stakes at this point BUT TENSION? HUH? YOU SHOULD FEEL TENSE!”
She really should have ended this chapter sooner on a better cliff-hanger. But WELP! 
Say something Nice Faps:
Fuck man I don’t have a lot to say here, this just sucks a big one.  I mean, it is a dramatic climax?
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ims-monbebe · 7 years
Love Me Through the Night.
Hello guys. I wrote this Changki one shot smut. I haven’t written smut in forever so I hope you enjoy it. And if you don’t like smut don’t friggin read this lol.
Pairing Changkyun x Kihyun. 
Enjoy :))
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  I drop my bag onto the desk, sighing at the list of assignments that I have piled up from countless lectures. I walk to the kitchen to see a note taped onto the refrigerator. I scan it quickly before walking back to the table. "Your father and I are out of town for a few weeks. You and your brother be good now." - Love always, mom.
  I roll my eyes at the thought of some business meeting my parents fled too so urgently takes over my head. I sit down at the table once again, the time is 9 p.m on a Saturday. The floorboards creeek slightly as the air conditioner hums quietly through the night. I rub the back of my head. That means my brother is gone too. I slam my text book shut and walk over to the couch. "Fuck these lectures. I'll get them done another time." I grumble to myself as I start turning the tv on. -
  I'm awaken by a loud bang followed by some laughs. I sleepily make my way downstairs to be met by my older brother on the floor and a few of his friends laughing. I turn to one of them who seems not drunk who just laughs a little more before clearing his throat. "I apologize for the mess and for your drunken brother but we went out for some drinks and it got out of hand quickly. I'll carry him bed."
  "It's fine, I'll help you too. His room is downstairs so it isn't that far." I point to the room a few doors down.
  The boy and myself pick up my brothers body and quickly carry him to his room as fast as we could. I catch myself staring at him. "You're Yoo Kihyun, my brothers best friend right?"
  He nods as I open the door to my brothers room. "Yeah that's me."
  I nod before shaking my head slightly, Kihyun and I throwing my brother onto his bed. I turn to him before speaking. "I'm sorry, I've just never gotten introduced to you before... excuse my rude manners." He swats his hand in the air before we exit the room again closing the door behind us . "Anyways, thanks for taking care of him and bringing him home tonight Kihyun."
  We walk back into the living room to see the rest of the guys passed out. Kihyun shakes his head. "I hope you're okay with them sleeping here."
  I nod again. "I don't care. Our parents are gone for a few weeks. You can stay here tonight too. It's 2 am, you don't have to drive if you don't want to."
  He rubs his chin before nodding. "Sure. I'm too lazy to drive back home anyways. Thanks. Is there a guest room since the living room is taken?"
  "Nah my parents turned that into a work office a few years back...." I trial off before looking away from his eyes. "You can sleep in my room floor if you want though? If that isn't weird with you or anything. I mean you don't have to if you don't wan-"
  "Shhhhh!" Kihyun is rolling his eyes now. I feel my cheeks get flustered as I look away. "I'll take your offer. Thank you. You blabber too much Changkyun. Now take me to your room."
  I only nod as I being to walk up the stairs. I hear Kihyun behind me as we enter my bedroom. I switch on the light and begin walking to my dresser. "Here, I'll give you some pj's so you can be comfortable. It seems like we're more or less the same size."
  He nods before laughing a little. "Okay I'm just gonna let you know right now... there's no way I'm sleeping on the floor. I'd rather cuddle up with you then sleep on this wood floor."
  I shrug my shoulders as I hand him a shirt and some sweats. "I honestly don't care."
  After a few minuets of kihyun getting ready for bed, he finally lays down next to me. The covers are over him and he snuggles deeper into my pillows. I smile slightly as he turns towards me. "You know, this might be the alcohol talking but I kinda find you cute."
  I raise my eyebrow at him slightly. "Excuse me?"
  He laughs. "You know, you're kinda adorable. I've always felt that way about you. I don't mean to be weird or anything." I feel the heat running to my cheeks as I lay down. "I don't know what to say to that."
  He puts his arms under his head as he stares at my ceiling. "You don't have to say anything. I was just telling you what's on my mind. That's all."
  I sigh as I look at him. Kihyun himself isn't a bad looking guy. In fact he's super handsome, probably more pretty than any girls I've ever encountered. I feel myself being pulled in by his words. I shake my head as I stare at him again. "It sounds like you have a crush on me." I chuckle to myself.
  I see him nibble on his lips before looking away. My eyes widen as he refuses to look at me. "Wait... oh my god? You do? We've never said anything to each other!"
  He just shrugs as his eyes are still staring at the wall. "I don't know... honestly something about you is just so interesting. And besides you're really handsome you know. Who wouldn't like you?"
  I feel myself blushing more as he looks at me. "I'm sorry." He mumbles as he starts sitting up. "I'll just go home. I'm sorry for bothering you."
  "Wait no!" I grab onto his arm. "Stay, please?"
  He raises his eyebrows slightly as he looks down. "Why do you want me, a guy who's attracted to you, to stay?"
  "Because... I don't find the idea to be all that bad. Maybe I wanna find out if I like you too. Please don't leave me like this Kihyun."
  He stares at me eyes wide, but nods without saying a word. He climbs back onto my bed and turns to me. "So, how do you wanna find out if you like me too?"
  I shrug feeling a little helpless. "Kiss me?"
  He grabs my chin, forcing me to stare into his eyes. "You're even more cute when you beg." He smiles a sly smile. "Beg for me to kiss you a little more."
  I gulp before nodding, completely feeling the blood flow all over my body. "Kiss me, please?"
  He shakes his head in disapproval. "A little more than that sugar."
  I feel myself frown. "Please Kihyun, pretty please with a cherry on top kiss me. I want your lips on mine more than anything right now. Please for the love of god just kiss me." I whisper.
  "Hmmm." He tilts his head. "Good boy."
  He presses his lips onto mine and I slightly gasp at the contact. Kihyun's hands find a home at the back of my neck as I cup my hands around his face, I moan against his mouth and his lips instantly turn to a smile. He quickly pulls away before forcing me to look at him again. "Who said you could moan? Hmm?" He puts my face closer to his. "You're not being a bad boy now and moaning without my permission are you?" I shake my head no and his grip on my face gets tighter. I feel myself getting more excited by his words.
  "I'm sorry, I won't moan without permission anymore." I meet his eyes.
  "Good. Because if you do." He pushes me on my back. "I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson on respecting your master."
  "Master?" I slightly raise my eyebrows.
  He nods his head as he finger tips trails down my body. "Mhm, I'm your master for tonight and you gotta serve me and only me."
  I begin to feel him palm me through my sweats. The sensation of pleasure instantly taking over my body. I bite onto my lips as I stare into his eyes, he looks at me without saying any words and continues his actions. The pleasure begins to feel unbearable as I feel a moan wanting to escape my lips. "I- I can't take this." I manage to breathe out.  My body begins to squirm slightly under him. "You're getting hard for me already?" He whispers in my ear.
  "I-I can't help it master. Your hand feels really good on me."
  He doesn't say anything, but removes his hands from my now throbbing cock. I groan out of frustration. "You're being a tease."
  "Are you talking back to me slave?" He questions. "Are you forgetting that I'm the one in charge of you here? Are you being a naughty boy and forgetting that I'm the one that owns you?"
  I shake my head. "N-no master."
  "Who do you belong too?"
  "Y-you master."
  He lays a kiss on my lips before taking off his shirt. "Yes that's my good little boy, I own you tonight."
  He slides his tongue inside my mouth and I instantly melt at the sensation. I don't fight for dominance inside his mouth, instead I quickly let him take the lead. I buck my hips upward desperately trying to grind myself onto him. I feel Kihyun smile as he pushes my hips down, laughing slightly. "You're an excited little slut." He mumbles on my lips as he fidgets with the strings on my pajama sweats quickly untying them.
  He starts stripping the clothes off my body and only leaves me in my boxes. I put my hands behind my neck and sigh. "I feel a little unsure about this..." I trail off.
  I look up at kihyun. He only gives me a soft smile. "I'm not gonna force you to do something you don't want. If you want to stop tell me."
  I feel my head shaking a little as I meet his eyes again. "No no, I'm sorry. I want you right now."
  He smiles again. "Then I'm all yours."
  I reconnect our lips as we lay down again, Kihyun getting on top of me. His hands are roaming my body as his kisses become more harsh. I feel his lips sucking on my own and a low groan escapes my lips. Kihyun opens his eyes for a second but closes them right away. His hand runs up my thigh and stops at the hem of my boxers. "Do you want me to touch you?"
  "Y-yes master. Please touch me."
  He slides his hand in my boxers and grabs my hard member. We meet eyes and he leans into my ear. "If you're a good boy I'll let you cum."
  I nod to show him I understand. "Good. You're such a good boy." He kisses my lips once more then pulls away. He begins pumping his hand at a slow pace, my breathing picks up slightly but I don't dare to make a sound. He looks at me as he goes a little faster.
  "Do you want to moan for me?"
  "Mhm..." I hum.
  "Does this feel good baby boy?"
  "Good, now moan for me."
  The speed of his hand increases as I throw my head back slightly, I bite my lip again  and stare up at the ceiling. "Come on baby boy." I hear Kihyun say. "Don't be scared to show me that I'm making you feel good. Moan for me, please?" I look him in the eyes and let out a small moan as he continues to jerk me off, only going faster with each noise that escapes my lips. "Shhh, that's right baby." He says. "It's okay moan some more. You sound so good."
  I moan again, this time a little louder than before. Kihyun smiles as his hand increases the speed on my dick. My vision turns a little blurry as I feel the pit of my stomach begin to churn and burn. "K-kihyun I think I'm gonna cum already."
  "It's okay baby, go ahead and cum for me."
  After the words leave his mouth my body begins to lightly shake. My vision gets a little hazy as another loud moan escapes my lips once again. I feel my body releasing itself as my seed shoots all over his hand. I close my eyes as my breathing tries to subside. Kihyun crawls to my side and sticks out his fingers in front of me. I nod quietly and open my mouth, allowing him to put his fingers in my mouth. I close it and suck on his fingers slightly, tasting myself on him. He smiles as he pushes the hair out of my eyes, giving my forehead a slight kiss as he lays down.
  "You did so good baby." He says, kissing the tip of my nose.
  I nod as my breathing composes again. "T-thank you."
  "Now, sit on top of me." Kihyun demands at me. I look at him as he smiles. 
  "What? You think this is over?"
  I quickly get on top of his lap. My legs spread on both of his sides. He looks up at me, his arms resting on his head. "I want you to ride me."
  "Ride you? I don't know how."
  He rolls his eyes. "Ever had a girl ride you?"
  "Well yeah."
  "It's the same thing." He reassures. "It's better that you have control. Now come on. Ride me like a good boy." I don't say anything but continue to look ahead of me. "Come on baby." He rubs my arm. "I promise it will be fine. You'll do great."
  I nod as I prop my body up. He quickly hands me a bottle of lube and I coat his hardened member. I get back up and slowly start to sit down, taking his dick in little by little. I gasp as he enters but Kihyun lets out a loud moan. "Fuck you feel so tight." He groans as he places his hands on my hips. "I'll help you get the motion, okay? Just wiggle yourself up and down my dick."
  I place my hands on his glistening chest and nod. I begin to move my body up and down, instantly moaning at the sensation. "W-what the fuck is that?"
  Kihyun smiles a big smile. "Did you hit your prostrate already?"
  I moan again as I keep moving myself up his length. Kihyun moans in response. "You're such a good boy, look at you." His grip on me tightens as I only moan in response.
  "Kihyun," I moan out. "F-fuck this is good."
  "Don't stop, you're doing great." He gives a smile of encouragement.
  Our breathing picks up together as my bed frame is lightly tapping the wall, my room is filled with needy moans that echo of the walls, and my grip on Kihyun's chest only gets tighter. I move my body faster up his length which only causes him to curse under his breathe. His face is pleasure driven as he bucks his hips upward, entering into me harder. "Faster baby, ride me faster." He growls out.
  I pick up the pace, going as fast as my body could go. I moan in response as he throws his head back, pleasure riding through his entire body. His nails sink into my skin as I let out another moan. "You're doing so good baby, do you wanna cum for daddy?"
 "How close are you?"
  "So close..." I breathe out. "So close."
  "Good, daddy wants to cum for you too. So don't stop."
  I nod as my body keeps repeating it's actions. The room is filled with more intense moans. I close my eyes as the feeling of wanting to cum takes over my entire body. I dig my nails into Kihyun's chest as my legs start to cramp.
  "I-I'm gonna cum." He breathes out.
  "Let's cum together." I whisper harshly.
  A few moments later both of our cum is shooting up Kihyun's stomach. We both let out one final moan as I collapse onto his hot and sticky chest. His chest is heaving as he wraps his arms around me. I nuzzle my head onto his chest as we lay there in silence, not saying a word to one another. Happy content smiles plastered on both of our faces.
  "So, how was that?"
  I peek my head up to see Kihyun smiling while I feel his fingers tracing small circles around my lower back. "That was... amazing."
  He nods his head. "So do you think you like me too?"
  “Yes, I like you a lot."
  He smiles again. "Would you like to go out with me sometime then?"
  "As boyfriends?"
  He laughs. "Sure as boyfriends."
  I smile the biggest smile as I lay a kiss on his lips. "I'd like that then."
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Who knows who better?? (Kian Lawley)
(Y/N pov) Currently I’m laying in my boyfriend Kian’s bed watching a movie, its Saturday and he’s pre-filming videos for Kian and Jc with Jc of course. Him and Jc live in a house with 4 other friends, Harrison, Bobby, Franny and Corey. It can get pretty hectic but at the end of the day it’s all fun and games. Suddenly Kian comes in the room, “hey baby whatcha watchin’?” He asks sliding into bed next to me “The Grinch” I say fluffing his hair a bit “oooo reaaally?” He asks rhetorically. We sit there for a minute just enjoying each others company watching the movie since Jim Carrey is Kian’s favorite actor until Kian speaks up “sooo baby, could you please do me a huge favor?” “And that would be?” I ask “can you help me and Jc film a Wednesday video for next week? It won’t be too hectic beca-” I cut him off and finish “because it’s a Wednesday video.” He nodds his head and says “and because its 10am the only people awake are me you and Jc so it won’t be loud or anything” “of course I’ll help my love, no worries” I say kissing him on the cheek as we both get up from the bed. “Meet me downstairs when you’re ready baby” Kian says leaving the room. I’m only wearing one of Kian’s shirts and my underwear so I decide to change, I change into a pair of ripped black jeans and a burgundy crop top with my white vans (bringing back them DAMNNNN DANIELS ;)).
I go down the stairs to find Kian and Jc in the back yard by the pool, “Y/N to the rescue! Yes I like it!” Jc yells as I walk towards him and Kian “Alright whatchu guys need?” I ask. “Well Jc can explain while I set up the camera” Kian says fixing the camera on the tripod so we’re facing the camera but the pool is behind us. “Ok so a while back we did a video with Trevor where it was ‘who knows who better’, like Trevor trivia to see who knew him better. Have you seen that video?” He asks. I nod my head indicating for him to proceed “yeah, so it’s literally that but Kian trivia, where it’s me vs you” he finishes “oooooo that sounds dope” I say. Kian then chimes in “yeah and the consequence will be being covered in random shit and thrown in the pool fully clothed” “of course” I add. “Ok let’s get started” Jc says grabbing three chairs, Kian in the middle and us on either side of him. For the intro we decide for me to jump in. “WASSUP EVERYBODY ITS KIAN AND JC” Kian yells “Yup one two three…” Jc says counting the chairs “wait who’s three..?” He finishes acting confused “Oh is this seat for me?” I say jumping into it “ayyyyy” we all yell hyping everything up. “Welcome Y/N everyone” Kian says “yeah this is our friend Y/N and she-” Jc says but Kian cuts him off “let me rephrase that, this is Y/N my wonderful GIRLFRIEND and everyone else’s FRIEND there we go back to you Jc” we laugh a bit and then Jc continues “ok so we’re doing who knows who better, basically Kian trivia. Jc vs Y/N edition” then Kian chimes in “basically the name of the game is who knows me better my girlfriend or my besssttt-boyfrienddddd.” I laugh at his humor. “That’s a pretty long name of the game” I say “shut up” Kian says playfully “We’ve done this before on our channel with Trevor and you’ll get it as we go along, OK let’s get started” Kian says. He brings out his phone with the questions in his notes. “Ok first quessssion düd” he starts “when is….. my birthday” he quickly finishes “SEPTEMBER 2nd!!” I yell a smidgen before Jc yells “SEPTEMBER 3rd!”, he then realizes I was right and says “fuuuckk”. “Jc! Really?!” Kian says shocked “dude I was off by one day oooooo call the cops ooooo” Jc justifies. “Yeah yeah ok, one point for Y/N. NEXT!” Kian says. “Ok, on which arm- or wrist is my O2L tally mark tattoo on?” Kian states quickly turning his wrists over. “Left, nononono right, yeah right” Jc shouts. “Ok that’s your final answer, Y/N?” Kian says as they both look at me. “Haha its on both bitch!” I say confidently “GOOD FUCKING JOB BABY!” Kian says giving me a high five “DAMNIT! A fucking trick question” Jc says. “You should know your boyfriend better” I say to Jc snobbishly in a joking matter of course. “Ok next question, so we all know that 2014 Kian dyed his hair blonde and then some weird blue shit right after but when did I dye my hair rainbow?” Kian asks “it’s either the end of 2014 or beginning of 2015… shitt” Jc contemplates out loud “ok say your answers together on three, ready 1…2…3” Kian calls off “2015” we both say. “Wow you both got that right, it was April 2015. So that’s 3 Y/N and 1 Jc. We’re going up to 6 by the way” he says talking to the camera towards the end. “Alrighty what is my fourth latest photo on Instagram and its caption?” Kian asks “fucking nope Y/N you got this one” Jc says giving up “OMG OMG ITS THE UMMMMMM the one of you IN THE POOL AND THE CAPTION IS ‘POOL DAY’!!” I yell “wow I can’t believe you actually got that” Kian says amazed “haha I only know that because I was stalking you this morning” I cheekily confess “huh I keep up on my boyfriend” I say to Jc smirking “shut up I’ll have a come back” Jc responds “it’s 4 to 1 you literally can’t win” I say “SHHHHH NEXT QUESTION,” Kian starts “ok who is/was my ultimate best friend like since forever? Hint, it’s not Jc” Kian asks. I sit there for a second just so lost, I say “wait give me a second” until Jc immediately shouts “SAM, Sam Pottorff” “yeah” Kian says. “I would’ve never guessed that, like I was so lost. Every fan probably thinks I’m just so dumb” I say. “You’re still gonna win baby” Kian says “hey that’s biased-” Jc starts but Kian cuts him off “OK LADIES AND GENTLEMAN THIS IS THE LAST AND FINAL QUESTIONN CAN I GET A DRUM ROLLLLLLL” Kian shouts as Jc and I hit our chairs continuously imitating a drum. “What is my favorite color?” Kian asks “BLUE”. “BLUE” Jc and I shout, “THAT WAS ME I GOT IT FIRST!” I yell “NO WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN IT WAS OBVIOUSLY ME, REPLAY THAT SHIT NOPE CUT IT. I will SHOW YOU IT WAS ME” Jc says. “Kian who do you think it was” I ask, Kian smiles and says “I honestly don’t know” “fuck it, we’ll be back in a sec guys” Jc says talking to the camera. “Are you actually?” I ask “yes” Jc responds. He then proceeds to stop recording and replay the footage, he then proceeds to show us in slow motion that he in fact said blue a millisecond before I did.
We then set the camera back up and turn it on “ok so we played back the footage, and the winner prevails” Jc says gloating. “Whatever I still won” I say “OK SO since my baby one and Jc fucking lost were gonna throw shit on him and push him in the pool” Kian says standing up. Kian runs to go get the condiments and such that they already set out earlier. He hands me mustard and mayo while he holds ketchup and jelly. “Ok get over by the pool” Kian says pushing Jc “ok ok I’m going– wait wait I don’t want to get the pool dirty…” Jc says trying to stall “shut up it’ll clean you, now on three Y/N.. 1..2..3!” Kian yells and we start throwing condiments on Jc right away. “THAT DIDN’T EVEN MAKE SENSE!” Jc says, Jc tries to cover his face but then realizes there’s no use. Once we cover him almost completely I decide to pull a stunt. “Wait Jc hold on” I say making Kian stop and Jc look up “come here.. what’s that thing righttttttt….” I say dragging the word on as I walk closer to him “THERE!” I yell throwing him in the pool. “HAHHAHAHAHAHAH THAT WAS SO FUCK- THHHAT WAS SO FUCKING FUNNY BABE! Gosh I love you” Kian yells laughing hysterically while stuttering, I give Kian a high five and say “I learn from the best, love you too” indicating Kian as the best. “Fuck you Y/N, ahhhaha I didn’t see that coming at all” Jc says once he surfaces. “Ok thank you guys for watching, a big thanks to Y/N for being in the video” Kian says turning his attention from the camera to me “anytime for Kian and Jc” I say smiling. “MAKE SURE TO SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY AND COMMENT IF YOU WANNA SEE Y/N IN OUR VIDEOS MORE OR DON’T WE DON’T REALLY CARE” Jc yells from the pool. We all laugh “Alright,” Kian starts as he grabs my waist “we’ll see you guys on Friday!!” He says before pulling me in for a kiss and covering the camera with his hand then turning it off once we pull away. “That was so cheeessssyyy ugh” Jc says as he gets out of the pool taking his shirt off “shut up” Kian and I say in sync as we push Jc back into the pool, smiling.
**Decided to switch it up a bit, let me know if you enjoyed this bc I had fun writing it! Thxx and send in some KnJ requests!!!
peace&love :)***
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kpoprambles00-blog · 5 years
Spring 2019 comeback review [Part 1]
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I don't give a shit if it's the middle of summer, there were way too many good comebacks in the spring. I can't NOT talk about them.
Seriously, I don't know who was in charge of the scheduling for this comeback season, but good LORD they were out to kill me. Every other day it seemed like we had a major comeback, or at least a comeback I personally was interesting. And while that's great, because it gives me a lot of material to talk about here... it also gives me a LOT of material to talk about here. It's one of the main reasons why this is so late; there were almost TOO many damn comebacks and reviews. This review nearly ended up being three parts long. That's how intense it got.
But in the end, I've narrowed it down to 20 songs I wanted to talk about. (I say that as if 20 is a small number...) Now, keep in mind, I have already done some reviews of spring comebacks; namingly, Dreamcatcher, MAMAMOO, TWICE, BLACKPINK and (G)I-DLE. They won't be mentioned here (because that would be overkill at this point), but if you want to read my reviews and find out what I thought of each comeback, they're all on this blog!
Anyway, that's enough rambling. I'll be here for another two months at this rate. Spring comebacks, let's go!
~ MV link ~
I didn't think I'd be able to say this after (G)I-DLE, but... this might just be one of the most promising girl group debuts of the 3rd gen. If not THE most promising.
Like. Wow. This sounds like a song that a pre-established artist would release mid-way through their career, only to be received with critical acclaim and everyone calling it "their best song". BUT IT'S JUST THEIR DEBUT SONG. WHAT. There are very few debuts that leave me speechless - (G)I-DLE impressed me, yes, but they didn't drop my jaw or anything. Everglow DID. If you've been seeing a lot of hype around this song, then trust me when I say it's for a fucking good reason.
"Bon Bon Chocolat" is one of the most intense and powerful girl group songs I've heard in the past year or so. I had no clue what to expect going in, admittedly, but man this was a fantastic surprise. The instrumental, for starters, is fucking nuts. It's got this phenomenal 808 bass line that permeates the entire song, along with some really interesting bass drum beats and some gorgeous, vibrant synths to help boost the melody. It's a tour de force of momentum that just does not fucking stop, and I for one am in for the ride. The vocal samples are another standout, as well; the minute you hear those fast-paced adlibs at the beginning, that's when you know that this is going to be something special.
Speaking of vocals, that's probably my only gripe with this song. Each of the members' performances are layered with quite a bit of autotune, which I'm not the biggest fan of. But the more I listen to it, the more I feel like it works in the song's favor. Sure, it does make their voices less distinct and makes it harder for you to get a feel for the members' charms (which is important for a debut, in my opinion), but the song is so damn good that it actually ends up working. In a weird way. The fact that the girls are able to pull of this sound and concept without sounding like they're trying to be the next BLACKPINK is... amazing in my eyes. It's a trap so many rookie groups can fall into, trying to sound like a hugely popular and successful artist. But Everglow have their own charm, and it shines from start to finish.
Lyrically, this song is certainly invocative of a debut. It's got that sort of "you can do anything if you believe in yourself" message to it, but it's a very confident and fresh take. The charm and personality of the lyrics actually works, and is boosted by, the girls' performances and that amazing instrumental. They honestly elevate what would normally be some pretty standard lyrics into something more interesting and worth your time.
You, straighten up your shoulders and get up Look at the world outside the window That's been trapping and hiding you
Oh, and guess what? The choreo is phenomenal as well. WHO WOULD'VE GUESSED, HUH.
~ Dance practice link ~
And that brilliance makes a lot of sense when you realise that that was choreographed by Lia Kim. Yeah. Lia Kim from 1MILLION. Only one of the most successful and celebrated dance companies out there right now. She is really fucking good at what she does, and that mastery comes across in spades here. This routine ebbs and flows in all the right places, and you can really tell how considerate she was when choreographing it; you can tell she wanted it to match the song perfectly, and she really fucking nailed it in that regard. It also helps that the girls of Everglow themselves are all great dancers, too; they've got so much power and finesse to their moves that helps them flow excellently from one move to the next.
Overall, this was fucking fantastic. I absolutely cannot wait to see where these girls go next, because if it's anywhere near as good as "Bon Bon Chocolat", these girls are going to go far.
DAEHYUN (대현) - YOU'RE MY (너는 내게)
~ MV link ~
Alright, I'll admit that this is a very indulgent pick for me. But shhhhh let me have my moment okay.
For those of you who haven't been keeping up with the latest bullshit going on over at TS Entertainment, you might not know that B.A.P ended up basically disbanding a few months ago. All of the members gradually left the label - thank FUCK - and now they've all gone their own separate ways to follow new paths. Although, as a BABY since debut, I really do think they'll come back at some point. The boys are all incredibly close, and I don't feel like they'd just want to stop being B.A.P just because they're not under TS anymore.
But the first thing a lot of the members have been doing is pursuing solo projects, a lot of which actually dropped in springtime. Yongguk released "Hikikomori (히키코모리)", Youngjae released "Another Night", and Daehyun released "You're My (너는 내게)". And while all three songs are fantastic - you should seriously go check them out if you get the chance, they're hidden gems that more people should know about - I decided to review Daehyun's for this comeback review. I'd love to do all three, but I've got enough songs to review as it is.
And that's mainly because... well, Daehyun's my ultimate bias. (Well, at least my ultimate male bias; Hyosung from Secret is my ultimate female bias). He was my first ever proper bias in K-Pop, and he's been my favourite in B.A.P since day one. So it was inevitable that I was going to be interested in whatever he releases. And it turns out that he really decided to play to his strengths here, because "You're My (너는 내게)" is a mid-tempo ballad that really gives his amazing vocals room to breathe. Now, whilst ballads are not generally something I seek out, I'll make certain exceptions if I really like the artists. And yeah, I was always going to make an exception for Daehyun.
This actually reminds me a lot of one of Kyuhyun's solo songs, "At Gwanghwamun (광화문에서)", and considering that that's another ballad I really like, that's a great thing! Both songs are relatively chill, relaxed and pleasant to listen to, with their own instrumental swells where it's deemed necessarily. But I do honestly prefer "You're My (너는 내게)" a little more in the end - mainly since I feel like it has a bit more impact. The instrumental really suits Daehyun here, and the strings and piano lines are perfect for his vocal tone. They're very warm and welcoming, which is one of my favourite qualities about his voice. Whereas Kyuhyun always goes for a slightly breathier tone, Daehyun is very well able to lean into full-on belts every now and again, and... yeah. I do prefer this overall. Daehyun's voice is just killer for me.
And yeah, as is to be expected from a ballad like this, the lyrics are quite sweet and emotional. They're even a little bit pensive in places. But with Daehyun, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that some of these lyrics are aimed at BABYs as a whole. He's always been very clear about how much he loves and supports the fandom as a whole; seriously, go look at his Twitter and you'll see what I mean. He's a very grateful, very kind person, and that's reflected in a lot of these lyrics. Yes, they can be about romance, too, but considering this is his first time really venturing out on his own outside of B.A.P... it makes a lot of sense. It's very heartwarming. 😊
When things were hard, you were always by my side That's the reason I was able to live I won't forget, I'll always remember
While "You're My (너는 내게)" is probably going to feel like just another ballad to some people, to me - and probably a lot of other BABYs as well - it'll stand out as a big moment for Dae. Wherever he decides to take his solo career from here, you can bet it'll be good. He's a genuinely great guy with some real talent, and I hope both he and the other members of B.A.P do well in their solo careers. They honestly deserve it. 😊
ITZY (있지) - DALLA DALLA (달라달라)
~ MV link ~
...where... the fuck... do I start with this.
Okay, so JYP. One of the big three. Of course, going into the next gen of K-Pop, they'll have TWICE and GOT7. But they're mainly 3rd generation groups. Stray Kids are going to need a sister group of sorts to go with them into the next generation, right? So they debuted Itzy! And adorable name aside, these girls had a lot, and I mean a LOT of hype around them coming up to debut. Need I remind you that Shin Ryujin won MIXNINE? Yeah, that's just the start of it.
But... as we all know, this was originally supposed to be a six-member group. Of course, Somi was originally going to be a part of Itzy. But she left, and recently started her own solo career (which will be in the summer comeback review). So that leaves the remaining five members of Itzy to push forward as a beacon of what K-Pop can be, of how different and unique and memorable it can be, right? They might end up being the face of the next generation!
...with a song like this? God, I... kinda hope not...
Yeah, this is going to sound harsh. But JYP, this is NOT how you debut a promising girl group. I'm sorry, but it needs to be said - if you like the song, good for you, I'm glad you can find things you find enjoyable here. But I cannot listen to "Dalla Dalla (달라달라)" and think of it as anything else other than a raging dumpster fire. The only way this song is even listenable for me is if it's rearranged. Which, yes, that's the version I've been listening to since the day it came out. The original version is just... awful. AND THAT'S SUCH A GODDAMN SHAME.
Say what you will about me hating on Itzy for doing something different, but I really do love the image and concept that they're going for here. They're not trying to blend in; they're their own thing, and they make that clear from moment one. But... jeez, "Dalla Dalla (달라달라)" rams that message into your face so hard that it already feels stale. What the fuck happened, JYP? You have five of the most talented trainees out there in K-Pop right now, and you give them this as their debut song?! Don't get me wrong, it has its merits - the verses and choruses are nice. They're fun, upbeat and are great examples of bouncy bubblegum pop. They sound lovely! And the "don't care what people say" bridge is gorgeous as well.
But... the rest of this song... it doesn't even sound like music. It sounds dissonant. It sounds messy. It sounds downright atonal. It's like a rollercoaster that's going way too fast because of a fault in its engineering. It's got this awful mess of synths and blaring samples that just... doesn't mesh. At all. and it ruins the song's ending ENTIRELY. It's so bad. Seriously. I can't imagine a world where I listen to it and find it entertaining. Who let Skrillex lose in JYP's studio?
And the lyrics... yeah, they're fine, I guess. For a concept that was trying to be so different and distinctive, you could've had your songwriters come up with some more interesting lyrics, JYP. They're nothing we haven't heard before. They're spunky, yes, and they suit the girls' age, but... are they really all that different?
Just pretty but not attractive at all I'm different from the kids, I'm different Don't measure me by your standards alone I love being myself, I'm nobody else
Thankfully, there are two good things about this song in the end: number one is the girls themselves. The hype around the members was certainly justified if you ask me. Every single one of them has their own charm and personality, and they seem like they're going to develop into amazing performers; if they're this good now, then I can't wait to see where they are in five years' time. But the second good thing about "Dalla Dalla (달라달라)" is THAT. MOTHERFUCKING. DANCE.
~ Dance practice link ~
Now THIS is how you debut a rookie girl group like Itzy. This is one of those routines where I watch it and can't help but wonder how the fuck they're even alive after such an energetic routine. It by no means negates the fact that the song is a mess - I don't think anything could at this point - but damn, this is about the best choreo we could've gotten here. It also helps that all five girls are excellent performers, and they pull off each move with so much finesse and clarity that it's awe-inspiring. And yes, the hairflips are equally as amazing. ESPECIALLY Yeji. Like... goddamn girl, Ariana Grande called, she heard how much her ponytail suits you and wanted to say you can keep it.
So while the routine is possibly one of the best this year, the song... couldn't be further from that. Yeah, if I make a worst list this year, this'll be on it. I sure as hell hope JYP actually give Itzy a song that shows them some respect next time, because this goes down as one of the worst debut songs in my memory. Yeah. I dislike it that much. These girls deserve better, full stop.
 ~ MV link ~
Debuts aside, someone who's had my attention from day one of their solo career is Taemin. I remember hearing "Danger" for the first time and being blown away at just how well he handled himself outside of SHINee. And he's never really let up that momentum; "Press Your Number" was fantastic, "Move" was one of the biggest songs of last year, and now he's released his follow up to that, "Want". And even though I liked "Move" for what it was, I think "Want" might just be its slightly better cousin.
Taemin's established an image for himself that is frought with sex appeal. I mean, seriously, just go watch this man dance if you haven't already. You'll see what I mean. It suits his vocal tone, too, since he's got this very breathy yet charismatic whisper of sorts that just sounds really damn unique. That image was pretty much perfected with "Move", but "Want" evolves on it in a few interesting ways. The instrumental takes advantage of this strange, distorted sample that sounds super different and mysterious; it's not something you can describe easily. But then there's also a thumping bassline and some really interesting, deep synths that work beautifully alongside it. Everything in the instrumental is masterfully crafted, and it all plays into that main image Taemin is going for - this song is dirty, and it's not afraid to show that.
That says a lot about Taemin as a performer, too. He uses his aforementioned breathy tone in some places, but then dips into his lower range and full-on belts in others. It's a really damn clever mix of the two, and it only serves to further the song's tone. The vocal distortion effects used here and there are goddamn great, too! This sort of sexy image is not something Taemin's ever shyed away from; he's embraced it, and "Want" makes that message loud and clear. It's so damn well put together, and carries out its concept with such elegance and poise (and a hell of a lot of charisma to boot).
Don't even get me started on the lyrics - you thought the song was sexy? Hooo man, that's nothing. These are straight up FILTHY. They really play into the Adam and Eve concept shown in the video, too. It's very reminiscent of Gain's "Paradise Lost" in that sense, and I really, REALLY like it.
You'll want it more, you'll burn up more I'm your eyes, I'll make you open up new eyes I'm your toy to make you innocent
But, of course, it's Taemin. He doesn't just have a reputation for being sexy. He has a reputation as one of the best goddamn dancers to come out of K-Pop, period. And yeah, watching the choreography for this song shows exactly what I mean by that.
~ Dance practice link ~
I feel bad for anyone who attempts a dance cover of this song. Damn, I even feel bad for the fucking backup dancers here. Taemin is just THAT good. He's got such a fine sense of poise and finesse to every movement he has, and you can really tell he doesn't just dance for the sake of it. Taemin is one of those rare people that really feels whatever routine he's dancing to; this is a masterclass in that. And yet, it's as if he's holding back; he knows we're going to want to see him go nuts and blow us all away, but the choreography is restrained... which links perfectly back into the theming of the lyrics and music video. Honestly, the dance makes this song a near masterpiece in my eyes; it's flawlessly executed and masterfully put together.
To think I was nearly going to leave this song off this list because of having so much to cover... I'm glad I didn't. Taemin's one of the strongest solo artists in K-Pop at the minute, and he delights with each and every single comeback. He can step on me and I'd say thank you, and that just about sums up how phenomenal "Want" is as a song.
HWASA (화사) - TWIT (멍청이)
~ MV link ~
When I found out that Hwasa was going to get a full-on solo, I can't begin to tell you how happy I was. She's been my bias in MAMAMOO since day one, and her solo projects on past albums have been great. So to see her get a promoted solo was awesome! Yes, it was cut short to actually let the girls breathe between promotions for this and Gogobebe (as well as preparation for their concert), but that's completely understandable. And yet, the song doesn't feel rushed or undercooked at all - it's a full-on solo effort from Hwasa, and a very successful effort if you ask me!
Outside of the debacle with the girls' schedules, I feel like RBW are doing a good job managing MAMAMOO, and that's clearly evident here with Hwasa. They noticed how popular she's becoming, especially after her viral MAMAs performance last year, and decided to capitalize on that by giving her a solo. And not gonna lie, "Twit (멍청이)" is just about the perfect song for Hwasa. It is LITERALLY her strengths and personality condensed into a song. She gets to show off her sultry, confident side that she's known for, whilst also showing a lot of vulnerability and tenderness in the lyrics; she's got a charm that's so damn hard to place, but this song does it perfectly. I couldn't imagine anyone else singing this - it just wouldn't suit them like it suits Hyejin.
The song itself is certainly memorable, too. The instrumental is more reminiscent of standard pop, with some interesting flute elements that make the melody incredibly catchy. The trumpet synths in the second half work really well in contrast with the more natural guitar tones in the verses, too; "Twit (멍청이)" is very good at building and maintaining its momentum as a song. None of it feels forced or shoe-horned in at the last minute, and I really like that! It feels very complete and distinctive.
Like I mentioned, though, the lyrics are much more emotional than you'd expect. Yes, the song itself is confident and in your face (and Hwasa's voice is powerful as all hell, let's be real), but the lyrics are... certainly surprising. Hell, there's even a goddamn reference to Korean folklore, and the story of Simcheong. There's more to the relationship here than you'd initially think, that's for sure. Hwasa admits that because she's so confident and independent, she's often the driving force in this relationship. And yes, she can bring out the best bits of her partner, but at the same time, they're very reliant on her, and she tends to resent them and push them away because of that. They're... surprisingly complex. I seriously didn't expect that sort of emotional gutpunch from a solo project by Hwasa of all people, but damn, I love it! It's super effective.
You're a twit, a man who knows only me Like delicate Simcheong* Look around once in a while You don't realise how hurt you are
* = this is the folklore story I was talking about; DKDKTV did a great explanation of it here.
Following on from that, if there's anyone who knows how to have fun in a dance, it's Hwasa. And damn, does she have fun with the routine for "Twit (멍청이)".
~ Dance practice link ~
Not only can you tell that she's really getting into the choreography itself through her facial expressions and movements, but the relationship she has with her backup dancers is nothing short of amazing. It adds so much electricity to the routine, no lie. Every single person here shines, Hwasa or not, and the routine itself is pretty great to boot! The position changes are really fun and interesting to watch, and they certainly do a great job of keeping your attention. They do a great job of letting Hwasa shine, too; you really get the sense she's the star here. Regardless, it's a surprisingly solid routine that suits her perfectly.
That's how I'd describe this entire debut, to be honest: it suits Hwasa perfectly. RBW made a great decision in giving her this opportunity, and it's something I hope she keeps up with in the future. Hell, this was successful enough to warrant a solo comeback in the future, right? I even heard it in H&M one day. That was very surprising, but... also absolutely amazing. Just like the song!
~ MV link ~
Man, we were speaking of B.A.P earlier, right? And I've seen an awful lot of hype going around for ATEEZ; apparently they've just really caught on and people see a lot of potential in them.
Seriously, I've been discussing this with a friend of mine, and this sounds pretty much exactly like something B.A.P would've released back in late 2012, during the "No Mercy" era. I can literally imagine what member would sing what part. But don't think that that's a bad thing - "No Mercy" is still a fucking phenomenal song, and "Say My Name" is just as good. Dare I say, a little bit better in some ways?
Like I said, I hadn't listened to ATEEZ before this - but damn, the hype is real. The potential these guys have is astounding. The instrumental here is big, it's bombastic, it's what you'd expect from a boy group. The trap snares and blaring trumpet synths are nothing new. But it's the little touches here that make it truly special, like the whistle melody, or the natural acoustic guitar line. On top of that, ATEEZ are some of the strongest rookie performers I've heard in a looooooong time. They impressed me about as much as Everglow did, and that's saying something. A killer vocal line plus a really fucking great rap line is just the perfect recipe for a boy group in my head, and ATEEZ are the definition of it. They have so much effortless charisma that a lot of boy groups will strive to achieve, but will never quite get. These guys just have it ingrained in them from the word go, and that's hard to find.
I picked this song to review over "HALA HALA" in the end, mainly because I did find "HALA HALA" a liiiiiiittle cringey. That's mainly because of the lyrics - the whole Suicide Squad thing kinda pulled me out of the song. (Jongho's vocals didn't though, good LORD.) But as for "Say My Name", the lyrics are actually VERY different than what I was expecting! I was expecting some sort of uplifting message about how we're going to overthrow society's self-inflicted patriarchy (although Stray Kids did deliver on that front with the MV for "Miroh"). But it's more about how they gain strength from their fans and their success, and how it encourages them to keep pushing and moving forward. They're surprisingly sweet, actually! There are some nice little details here and there that make them really heartwarming.
Say my name, my name is in the search results I have my name tag that I wanted so badly I have friends all around me
Another thing I'd heard a lot about ATEEZ is that their choreographies are top-class; these guys are apparently fantastic dancers.
~ Dance practice link ~
And, uh... do... do they even have a main dancer? Or is that just something that's applied to the group universally? I'm... pretty convinced they don't have one at this point...
These guys... these guys are scarily good. Like... whoa. They don't have a single bad dancer. Every single one of them looks like they're into it, they're feeling the vibe of the song, and they just... proceed to murder every move given to them. Like... I only get this kind of vibe amongst groups that are KNOWN for their dance skills, like BTS or SHINee. But even then, they admittedly have their flaws... I'm not seeing one with this routine. It's... freakishly perfect. So much so that I'm kind of disturbed by it a little? I honestly didn't know who to watch during this dance practice. It's the definition of captivating. I would fucking KILL to see this done live, good lord...
(Also Jongho looks fancy as fuck, I love it.)
Yeah, so, um, bear with me while I go buy this album. These guys are going to be huge. I can feel it. Not to be THAT person, but I felt it with BTS when they debuted, and look where they are now... I haven't had this kind of gut feeling about a boy group for a hot fucking minute. You bet your ass I'm following ATEEZ from now on. Every single ounce of hype around them is real.
SUNMI (선미) - NOIR (누아르)
~ MV link ~
I remember mentioning on this blog before that "Heroine" was my favourite Sunmi song. It was just the song that stood out to me the most, since I liked "Gashina" but admittedly got a teeeeeensy bit tired of it after how much it blew up, and also since I... really didn't like "Siren" that much. So as far as solo Sunmi songs go, "Heroine" was the standard as far as I was concerned. But I couldn't be any happier to say that "Noir" IS that new standard, and it's by far my favourite song Sunmi's put out yet.
The song itself is actually quite interesting; it's got a very dark tone overall, with its deep synth line, echoed backing vocals, and the striking minor chord progressions. And yet, it's all anchored with what I can only describe as an 80s drum line, full of snappy bass beats and really memorable rhythms. It's a very interesting song musically, but where "Noir" REALLY shines is the messaging. The lyrics, the music video, even the live performance she did on M!Countdown - all of it ties back into the overarching theme.
That overarching theme is one that's very goddamn relevant, actually. In an age where social media is so prevalent, a lot of people get hung up on the attention. A little bit of popularity is never enough. That's what Sunmi thinks "Noir" is, as she described in an interview; we're in an age where people are so addicted to attention that they disregard their own safety in order to get it. It's a trap far too many people fall into, and Sunmi touches on it in a way that's simultaneously candid and very haunting. She even gave us an example of it in real life, too - remember that picture she posted leading up to this comeback? A picture of a hand full of what seemed to be Advil?
Everyone immediately started to panic, and freak out over her well being... but that was the point. We gave her the attention because she implied she was going to do something dangerous. It's a fucking ingenious way of promotion, that's for sure, but it really does show that the themes "Noir" touches on are still alive and well. (KPOP Junkee did a fantastic explanation of this on their YouTube channel.)
In terms of the lyrics, though, they seem to be a bit more cryptic; at first glance, they seem to be about a tumultuous relationship of some kind. BUT that's not the only way you should look at this. DKDKTV made a fucking great video explaning "Noir", alongside an interesting theory - what if we're meant to be looking at these lyrics from more of a Jekyll and Hyde point of view? Sunmi's trying to convince herself to embrace the dangerous lifestyle "Noir" describes, i.e. putting yourself in dangerous situations to get other peoples' attention.
I've already seen this before, I feel so high Everything goes blurry, 1, 2, 3 Now I'm blind, I don't know why I know what it is even if I don't see it, a bad ending
So while there technically isn't a dance for this song (I mean, there will be soon, since EAST2WEST won the #NoirChallenge & that's going to become the official routine - which they deserve, they're amazing!), there's still a hell of a lot to look at here. And overall, this is a serious contender for one of my favourite songs of the year as a whole. Sunmi knocked it out of the goddamn park with "Noir", and I would LOVE to see her try a concept like this again some time. It really shows how much of a professional she can be, and "Noir" is straight-up my favourite thing she's done. I love it. 👏👏👏
~ MV link ~
I find it very ironic that we're going from a song that's pretty serious to one that's... not serious at all. Not even in the slightest.
I won't hide the fact that I liked "Bboom Bboom" quite a bit last year, and I found "BAAM" to be even better. (No, I don't think they sound the same.) So going into MOMOLAND's comeback, I was curious to see if all the hate they had been getting would affect their sound; would they change it up from what they'd found success with to appease the haters, or would they stick with something more light-hearted and fun?
They ended up doing the latter, and I'm very much happy with what we got! Honestly, "I'm So Hot" might be tied with "BAAM" for my favourite MOMOLAND song yet. It's incredibly reminiscent of some of what T-ARA released back in their prime; a simple yet fun song with some interesting elements to make it memorable. The trumpet sample in particular is something I really like; I've seen some people say it's fairly grating, but I can't help but love it. The ragtime pianos and old-school vibes here and there really sell it for me, too! It's just an upbeat, fun pop song that you can really just enjoy yourself with.
But what I DON'T get is why people hate on this song simply because they find it "boring" or "nothing new", or even just because it's MOMOLAND. (Yes, rant incoming.)
Since when have songs like this lost their place in K-Pop? To bring back T-ARA as an example, everyone adored "Roly Poly", "Bo Peep Bo Peep" and "Lovey Dovey" when they came out because of how fun they were. Those songs didn't try to take themselves seriously; MBK just wanted to give T-ARA fun, bouncy songs that would stick in everyone's minds. And they did. So why are MOMOLAND getting hate for doing the same thing? These sorts of songs deserve to be here just as much as anything else does. People need to get over their goddamn hate boner for MOMOLAND and just move on. If you don't like the song, that's completely fine! If you hate on the girls for "copying themselves", "never doing anything original", and saying that "they're just trying to repeat the success of Bboom Bboom", fuck you. You're part of the problem. K-Pop isn't a contest, in contrast to what some Twitter stans might believe. Grow up, stop wasting your energy sending needless hate to artists, and move on. Rant over.
In terms of "I'm So Hot" though, it's nothing too insane lyrically - which is what you'd expect going in. Or at least you should. The title alone tells you that this is going to be pretty face-level and superficial. But hey, you need something to turn your brain off to every once in a while, and when the song's as fun as this, I can't really complain!
Why I'm pretty, why I'm cute Why am I not tired of hearing that over and over? People say that I'm pretty, that I'm cute
There's not a lot to go through here in terms of the dance, either - but again, I don't really mind it that much.
~ Dance practice link ~
To be honest, yeah, this routine is quite basic. But a major upside to routines like this is that the idols get time to breathe properly when they're performing. And considering how fucking balls-to-the-wall energetic "Bboom Bboom"'s choreography was, yeah, I'm okay with this. (I still have NO clue how they kept their energy during those stages, that dance is exhausting.) Of course, people are going to hate and say that this dance was designed purely to go viral. How, may I ask, is that a bad thing? How is having a dance that's simple, fun and easy to pick up bad? Not everything has to be mind-blowingly hard. Sometimes it just needs to be accessible, and that's probably how I'd describe this routine overall. It's got some nice elements to it (particularly in the position switches), and it's very easy for anyone to look at and join in with. It's also a hell of an arm workout. 💪
In the end, I really like "I'm So Hot"! It's fun, it's funky, and it's one of my favourite MOMOLAND songs so far. I'll admit that I do miss Daisy and Taeha, though - hopefully they come back soon so we can see an OT9 performance of this!
IZ*ONE (아이즈원) - VIOLETA (비올레타)
~ MV link ~
Alright, I've wanted to talk about this song since it came out so let me just get this out of the way:
"Violeta" has pretty much the exact same structure as "La Vie En Rose" - a relatively quiet intro, nice verse, chorus, rap and second verse, next chorus, final bridge with adlibs, final chorus and final drop to really add emphasis. Their layout is exactly the same. But to say that those two songs are the same is SO goddamn wrong that I might just punch you. Yes, they have the exact same structure. But that works in "Violeta"'s favour, because it's a structure that works. It's a way for IZ*ONE to keep a style and sound whilst still having the freedom to change it up a bit. It's really fucking clever.
In terms of the song itself though, it... actually really surprised me! I certainly didn't expect IZ*ONE to lean into deep house, but here we are. That flute melody is really damn effective, since it's often layered over some interesting percussion snaps and some goddamn angelic synths and melodies. And yeah, the deep house aspects really work here - it all builds up to an explosive conclusion that left me very impressed. I wasn't sure about it on the first listen, if I'm being honest, but it really grew on me!
Lyrically, this song is kind of what you'd expect from a girl group like IZ*ONE. It's one of those really sweet lovey-dovey love songs, full of wonder and charm. That sort of stuff just doesn't appeal to me, but I don't mind it when the song is so distinctive.
Your smile that's drawn in the sky is shining so bright The beautiful flower in your heart You're my Violeta
But, of course, what I was looking forward to the most here was the choreography. And considering "La Vie en Rose" had my favourite routine of last year - and one of my favourite K-Pop routines I've ever seen - my expectations were admittedly very, VERY high.
Buuuuuuuut yeah, they fucking killed it. AGAIN.
~ Dance practice link ~
Okay, admittedly, I don't like this as much as "La Vie en Rose" in the end. But that's perfectly fine by me - routines as good as "La Vie en Rose" are a real fucking rarity. "Violeta" is still fantastic routine, and one that's just a goddamn spectacle. It's a lot more graceful and monumental in a few places, which makes sense considering how powerful the instrumental can be here and there. It's beautifully put together, and expertly performed by all 12 members - Chaeyoung in particular really stands out here. Her skills are NO JOKE. Overall, the transitions are gorgeous, the moves are diverse and delightful to watch, and this routine is still fucking amazing. IZ*ONE are probably one of the best girl groups out there right now in terms of choreography. Yeah, I mean that.
So "Violeta" ended up being a pretty great comeback! I did see a lot of people saying that maybe this should've been the debut song instead of "La Vie en Rose", but I disagree - I feel like this is the perfect follow-up. It keeps IZ*ONE's momentum going steadily, and I really hope they keep up this standard, because I might just end up stanning them if they do. I'm THAT close to becoming a WIZ*ONE. I just don't want to have my heart broken when they inevitably end promotion. ;-;
~ MV link ~
...y'all mind if I just fangirl for the next 5 minutes? I hope so, because that's inevitably what's going to happen here.
I mean have you SEEN this motherfucking video. KARD just... decided to do That. Like they fucking WENT there. (BM and Somin in particular. Hoooooooooooly fuck.)
But let's be honest, this is the song KARD have been destined to make since they first came about. For those of you who were complaining that all of their songs sounded the same, and that you were sick of that California junkee vibe they had going on, then HERE YA FUCKING GO. They didn't come to mess around this time.
If I'm being honest, I'm a huge Hidden KARD, and this is straight-up one of my new favourite songs of theirs. It sits up there for me alongside "Rumor" and "You In Me". It's big, it's bombastic, it's in your face, and it's the kind of song that pulls you in from the get-go. Yes, I'm not the biggest fan of the slightly wet percussion that's used here and there in the verses - I think it sounds a little off - but everything else is just gorgeous. The pre-choruses have this echoey, atmospheric build-up to them thanks to the percussion and harmonies, but then the choruses themselves have this... almost wiry synth that's very reminiscent of something like Yezi's "Anck Su Namun." It fits that sort of Middle-Eastern vibe beautifully. And yet, while that's the sort of instrument that I'd normally despise, it really works here - and I think that's in large part to how much pure charisma the members have.
I'm not going to mince words here, BM absolutely runs the fuck away with this song. He's made for stuff like this, where his energy is naturally called for, and he can do what he does best - being hype as fuck. But that doesn't mean the other members fall short; J.Seph singing is always something I'm happy to hear more of, since I like his singing just as much as his rapping. Jiwoo's lower, slightly rough vocal tone sounds fantastic no matter what she sings, and Somin? Somin BODIES this song. It's stuff like this that make me happy she left April - just think what would've happened if she didn't. Her vocals are absolutely killer here, and from how confident she appears in the live stages, she knows it.
And yeah, with a song like this that's meant to be hype and fit for a party, the lyrics aren't going to be all that special. But since that's not the focus, I'm more than willing to let that slide here. They're fun and catchy, and that's all a song like this really needs if you ask me. (I also like how BM straight-up knows how thirsty everyone is over him. Can he BE any more self-aware?)
Don't try to sober up Just get drunk with the vibes [...] I'm dizzy, why are you messing with my heart?
Of course, one of my favourite things about any KARD comeback is seeing the choreography, since there aren't that many male/female groups out there right now. I always love seeing how the routines work around having both male and female performers, and I've got to say, "Bomb Bomb" might have one of KARD's best choreographies to date. You thought their vocal performances were charismatic? HOOO BOI.
~ Dance practice link ~
This shit right here is why I stan KARD the way I do. The thing I said before about creating a routine for both male and female performers is done excellently. There isn't a move that feels out of place in this routine, and every single member gets their chance to show off - well, apart from J.Seph, who's stuck behind 6 foot tall BM for most of the choreo. Which is a crying shame, he's really fucking good! But aside from that, Somin and Jiwoo are probably at their best with this sort of concept; you can tell that they're not only looking good, but they're really getting involved with the choreography, too. They're into it, and it shows. And then there's BM, who I don't even think I need to explain at this point. He's a fucking dancing machine, and if you've seen KARD before, you know exactly what I'm talking about. But all in all, no member (for the most part) overshadows or outshines another here, and this gives a routine that's both very well balanced and REALLY fucking fun to watch.
Basically, a great song and great choreography makes for a happy me. KARD fucking killed it with this comeback, and I'm so glad to see them shut down the hate they've been getting with something like "Bomb Bomb". I get the funny feeling this is going to be one of my songs of the summer this year - I've certainly had it on repeat enough to warrant that. 😅
...and that's only part one of this comeback review. This one took long enough to get out as it is, so no promises as to when part two will be up. I'm going to try my best to get it up soon-ish, but I'm also working on two album reviews right now, sooooooooooo God knows when that will be. Someone kill me pls. K-Pop has been too good this year so far... 💀
Bon Bon Chocolat (봉봉쇼콜랏)
You're My (너는 내게)
Twit (멍청이)
Say My Name
Noir (누아르)
I'm So Hot
Violeta (비올레타)
0 notes
Wrong Place, Wrong Time Part 2: The Aftermath
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader (platonic), Bobby x Reader (paternal)
Trigger Warnings: hospitalization, talks about kidnapping, talks about rape, briefly mentions murder, mentions torture, language, nightmares (not discussed, just that they have them), hospital drugs briefly, shock, I think that’s it. Angst
Word Count: 3125
Summary: After going through what you can only describe as hell, you completely shut down. You won’t make eye contact, you won’t talk, won’t eat, nothing. You go into complete shock. Sam and Dean try to help but anytime they approach you, you flinch breaking both of their hearts. So, the only logical move is to call the one person that has been like a father to you your entire life, Bobby. What happens when Bobby hears the news and rushes over? Will you ever snap out of it? Will you ever get better?
A/N: This is my part 2 to Wrong Place, Wrong Time (finally). Sorry it has taken me so long to get it out. Honestly this was only going to be two parts, but then this part got so long (like over 6,000 words long) that I decided to cut this in half and have a part 3. There are quite a few triggers in this, not as explicit as the first part, but still. So, make sure you read the trigger warnings before you read the story. If any of this is uncomfortable for you don’t read. My goal is not to upset anyone. Any who, I feel like I am getting better at this whole writing thing, but I’m still not great so no hate mail please I have a very fragile ego. It will crush me to get hateful words. However, I will except constructive criticism, if you see something I could do better let me know. As always feedback is always welcomed and encouraged. Enjoy!
Part 1: The Incident 
Part 3: The Road to Recovery 
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You had an adverse reaction to the sedatives they had given you. They left you unconscious for five days. All of which Dean sat by your side whispering sweet nothings into your ear and saying you were going to get through this. Dean had started having feelings for you about a year ago, but didn’t want to ruin the friendship that y’all had, so he kept it quiet. What he didn’t know, however, was that you felt the same way, at least, you did before all this happened. Who knows how you feel now.  
Sam was also there to support you, but unlike Dean he went to the motel across the street at night to shower and sleep knowing one of them had to stay healthy and sane for the time being.
By day five Sam knew it was time for Dean to take a break. Dean had probably slept all of two hours in those five days and had barely eaten a thing. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy to pry Dean away from you, but he had no other choice, Dean wasn’t taking care of himself.
“Hey man, why don’t you go to the motel, shower, change, get a bite to eat and some shut eye?” Sam simultaneously asked and told Dean.
“No, I’m fine. I’m not leaving her side until she wakes up. I promised her,” Dean responded.
“I understand that, but look at yourself Dean. If you want to be of any help to her you need to take care of yourself first. You need more than 20 minutes of sleep a day and you need to eat something. You go get a few hours of sleep and clean yourself up and I promise I’ll stay right here next to (Y/N).”
“But what if s-“ Dean tried to get out.
“Dean, I got her. It will be fine. I need you to take care of yourself. We are already one man, well woman, down we don’t need another. I will call you if anything changes ok?” Sam pleaded with his brother.
“You promise?”
“Yes. Go. Now.”
“Fine, I’ll go, but only because I could really use a burger not because you told me to,” Dean half joked.
With that he left the hospital room. Sam took the seat that Dean had previously occupied and tried to talk to you, finally having alone time with you. Sam was always like a protective big brother to you so it hurt him just as much as it hurt Dean to see you like this.
“Hey (Y/N), I don’t know if you can actually hear me, but I really need you to pull through this. For both mine and Dean’s sake. We will tear each other apart without you here to stop us from making dumbass decisions. You know that,” Sam grabbed and squeezed your hand.
“I need my little sister. You know that’s what you have always been to me. I don’t think Dean or I could get passed it if you don’t pull through. Just please keep fighting like the strong warrior I know you are,” Sam pleaded with you as the tears begin to cascade down his cheeks falling to where he held your hand.
After about an hour Sam started to doze off because, truth be told, even though he was going to the motel every night to sleep he didn’t sleep very well. Luckily, he wasn’t quite asleep yet so he felt you stir and begin to wake up. He shot up out of his chair and leaned towards you as your eyes began to flutter open.
When you opened your eyes, you began to panic not knowing where you were thinking you were still captive. Sam saw the panic rise within you and immediately started to run his hand through your hair and squeeze your hand.
“Hey (Y/N). Hey shhhhh….. it’s ok. It’s Sam. You’re safe. You’re in the hospital,” Sam said in an attempt to calm you down.
“Sam?” you asked.
“Yeah sweetie it’s me.” In response, you grabbed him, winced in pain from your ribs, and hugged him tight and started to cry into his chest. “Hey ssshhhhhh………. You’re ok. I got you.” You stayed like that for a solid five minutes when the doctor walked in.
When he went to examine you, you flinched and wouldn’t let him touch you. Sam noticed and considering the rape you just went through he asked you if a female doctor would be better. You just responded by shaking your head yes.
“I’m gonna call Dean and tell him you’re awake,” Sam said and you nodded your head.
“Hello, Sam? Is (Y/N) ok?” Dean asked nervously.
“Yeah, man. She’s good. She just woke up. So, I think you should come over—“
“I’m crossing the road now. Be there in a minute,” Dean interrupted as he literally ran through the street almost getting hit several times.
He ran to your room to see Sam sitting next to you and you just lying there staring at the wall with a blank expression. Just as he was approaching you the female doctor came in to examine you. As she began you grabbed Dean’s hand and squeezed until she was done.
“Hey (Y/N), how are you feeling sweetheart?” Dean asked with a hitch in his throat. “(Y/N)?” You didn’t answer. You just laid there staring at the wall. “Why isn’t she answering me Sam?”
“I don’t know. The only thing she has said since she woke up was my name and that was only once to make sure I was really me. I think she may be in shock Dean.”
“What does that mean? Is she ever going to talk again? Is she ever going to make eye contact? Sam, this may be (Y/N) physically, but it isn’t her. If you know what I’m saying.”
“I get it man. I really do, but I think at this point it’s a waiting game. She has been through something very traumatic that she herself couldn’t get out of. She is a strong woman, so the fact that she couldn’t save herself from a bunch of humans is probably taking its toll on her, not to mention what they put her through. We just have to wait till she gets comfortable enough to talk, that’s all.”  
Dean nodded his head in agreement and stared at you with sadness in his eyes. He sat next to you and gripped your hand tight. He gently whispered in your ear, “Take all the time you need (Y/N). I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll always be right here.”
About a week later you were released from the hospital with instructions to keep your burns clean and be easy on your ribs. They also recommended you go to counseling, but you gave a firm shake no. Truth be told, you had a lot of emotional baggage aside from this assault that you didn’t want a shrink digging through. Well, that and you still hadn’t spoken a word. Your communication system consisted of head nods and blank stares. It was all you could manage.
After the hospital, the guys brought you to a motel, a nicer one than the one they were at across from the hospital. Once you got to the room you laid on one of the beds and just stared at the wall.
Dean was starting to get really concerned. You guys have all known each other for about five years after Bobby had introduced you. In all those five years, Dean had never known you to be silent for more than 10 minutes. He was beginning to think you would never speak again. All you did was lie there and stare like you weren’t really there.
Dean and Sam did their best to take care of you and make you as comfortable as possible. But, their efforts weren’t getting them very far. You refused to eat. Once a day, you would eat a slice of bread, but that was it. You wouldn’t get out of bed except to use the restroom. You wouldn’t shower or change your clothes. The boys tried everything they could to get you to do anything but it was futile.
To make things worse, any time Sam or Dean would try to initiate physical contact, you would flinch and push them away. This broke both the boys’ hearts. Dean just wanted to cuddle you to give you safety and warmth, but you pushed away. Sam just wanted to engulf you in one of his bear hugs to give you security and love, but you pushed him away. Both boys just wanted to give you love and let you know that everything was going to be ok, but you pushed them both away.
You didn’t want to push them both away. You loved them deeply. You knew they wouldn’t hurt you, not like your captors did, but you couldn’t help the way your body responded. It was like your head wasn’t connecting with the rest of your body. In the back of your mind you knew you weren’t in danger, but the part front in center fought every touch in order to protect you. You hated this but you didn’t have the power in you right know to fight it so you just laid there and avoided eye contact with them at all costs.
After about a week in the motel of you not eating, talking, showering, or anything, the boys decided it was time to call in reinforcements. They loved you too much to just sit here and watch you wither away to nothing. So, Bobby was their last chance.
Bobby was practically your father, kind of like with the boys, but more so. Bobby has known you your entire life since your parents were hunters. Unfortunately, when you were 10 years old both your parents were killed on a hunt. Since you had no other family he gladly took you in. He loved you as his own and you loved him knowing he didn’t have to take care of you. The catch was that he wanted you in school. He wanted to give you a chance at a normal life. If you chose differently then so be it, he would support you either way.
But, as luck would have it, you chose the hunting life, something Bobby knew all about and could help you with. So, Bobby did everything in his power to keep you as safe as possible, which included introducing you to the Winchesters.
It was this special connection that you shared with Bobby that the boys knew he was their only hope. But, once they told him and he finds out that they didn’t tell him about you earlier they were going to be in a world of hell.
Dean picked up his phone and dialed Bobby. “Hey Bobby.”
“Whaddya need?” Bobby asked
“I need you to meet us in Missouri. It’s (Y/N). She got attacked and she’s in bad shape. She won’t eat or talk or anything. Sammy and I have tried everything we know and it’s not phasing her.”
“WHATTT!!!!????!!?! (Y/N) was attacked to the point where she stopped talking and I’m just hearing this now? Boy, you better tell me what happened and how long ago or I swear demons will be the last thing you’ll be worried about when I get to ya.”
“UUUHHHH….well…..we were working a case and it didn’t end too good and she said she needed some air. When she didn’t come back for a few hours I called her and found out she was in trouble. They had her for a couple days before we found them. They beat her pretty bad, like, hospital bad.” Dean said with a shaky voice.
“Well, for one, you ignored my second question how long? And two, I know (Y/N), if it was just a beating she wouldn’t stop talking. Something else had to have happened because the last time she stopped talking for a few days was right after her parents died. So, what aren’t you telling me boy? And it would serve you best not to lie.”
“Just please don’t kill us. It happened two weeks ago. And Bobby-,” Dean paused for a moment, not exactly sure how to get out the words. Sh-she was raped. According to the docs, it was bad. I couldn’t stomach the details so I didn’t ask anything I didn’t need to know. I’m sorry. We didn’t know this would happen. But we ganked the people who did this. And I know we should have told you sooner but we didn’t think (Y/N) would want that, but we don’t know what else to do,” Dean struggled to get all the words out but knew Bobby needed to know everything.
Bobby cringed at the words coming out of Dean’s mouth. Raped? Did he really just say his daughter (yes, he considered (Y/N) his daughter) had been raped. He couldn’t believe it. “TWO WEEKS!!?!?! You waited that long to tell me she was so brutally attacked that it ripped the words from her mouth? I have to gather a few things and I’ll be on my way within the hour. I should arrive sometime tomorrow.”
“Ok Bobby see you when you get here.”
And with that Bobby was on the road to make sure his little girl was ok.
The next day rolled around and you stayed in the same position that you had been in for the last week. At about 2 pm Bobby finally made it to your motel. He banged on the door screaming at the boys to open it now.
“How is she?” Bobby asked with concerned laced in his voice.
Dean couldn’t face Bobby so Sam answered, “She’s ok. The same as she was yesterday. Her wounds should be pretty much healed by now and her ribs don’t seem to be causing her a lot of pain, but she still hasn’t uttered a word.”
“Alright,” Bobby said as he put his bag down on the table. He pulled out a Tupperware container that looked to hold lasagna in it and turned to Sam, “I’m sure you have a microwave in this dump. Heat this up on high for a minute and a half.”
Sam gave Bobby a curious look to which Bobby responded with, “It’s her favorite. Has been since she was a kid. I’ve never known her to be able to resist my lasagna.” Sam nodded and did as he was told.
Bobby strolled over to where you laid and placed a hand on your head. You didn’t flinch like you did with the boys which you were relieved about. He started to stroke your hair the way he knew always calmed you down and began to talk to you.
“Hey buttercup. I know you’re scared. I know you don’t know what or who to trust right now, but you know all of us in this room have your back. We won’t let anything bad like this happen to you again. Look at me,” Bobby requested with a gentleness in his voice to which you obliged. “Aaahhhh there are those beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes. Look sweetie, I know you are hurt, but I really need you to eat something because I’m not going to sit here and watch you die of starvation and besides I brought your favorite,” at this you lifted your head and in fact saw he had brought your favorite. “As far as the whole talking thing goes, you take as long as you need ok? I know it must be hard to process this in that head of yours so you take your time.” You responded with a nod.
After the beep Sam pulled out the Tupperware and set it on the table. Bobby held and squeezed your hand and guided you to the table. He handed you a fork and little by little you began to take bites of the food in front of you. Bobby kissed you on the top of your head and let you eat while he called on Dean to come outside and chat with him.
Once they were out of ear shot from you and Sam Bobby started, “Boy, look me in the eye.”
“I can’t Bobby. I screwed up. I let her walk out that door alone and now look. It’s (Y/N), but not really. It’s like she is a shell of her former self. Then I didn’t tell you. Clearly my reasoning was wrong,” Dean responded.
“Look if there is one thing in this life I know more than hunting it’s (Y/N). You didn’t let her walk out that door. I’m sure she demanded to be alone. And you were right, she wouldn’t want me to know. You need to stop blaming yourself kid.”
“But you do blame me. I heard it on the phone. I don’t blame you for blaming me. If I were in your shoes I’d blame me too.”
“You Idigit. I don’t blame you. I blame those sons a bitches who attacked her. Mad as hell, sure, but at the situation. ……Ok maybe a little on how long you waited to call, but Dean there was nothing you could have done to prevent what happened. You know that right? You can’t stop every bad thing that happens in this world.”
“I know but it’s (Y/N). I should have been able to protect her. Her of all people. I failed her and know she won’t even look at me or talk to me. She flinches when I try to move the hair out of her eyes. Bobby, she flinches,” Dean struggles to get the words out as his eyes begin to water.
“You are doing all you can and she flinches because of what those ass hats did to her not because it’s you, Dean. Give it time and it should get better. And as far as the no talking goes, that’s her defense mechanism when she goes through something traumatic. She completely shuts down. That’ll take some time too, but maybe with me around I can speed up the process.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
With that both men stalked back inside the room and let the conversation they just had go. However, they weren’t prepared for what they witnessed upon entering the shabby room. They saw Sam kneeled next to your chair talking to you about something and all the sudden a smile spread across your face and you gripped Sam in a tight hug. This was the first time you smiled since before that last hunt and it warmed Dean straight to his core. He knew you this was the beginning of your recovery.
                                      Part 3: The Road to Recovery                             
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ramblings-daily · 7 years
A Little Too Late // Thirteen
Fandom: Criminal Minds Words: 6,298 Warning: violence and blood Pairing: Luke Alvez / Penelope Garcia Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Emily Prentiss, David Rossi, Tara Lewis and Stephen Walker
Chapter Thirteen [link to FF / Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four / Chapter Five / Chapter Six / Chapter Seven / Chapter Eight / Chapter Nine / Chapter Ten / Chapter Eleven / Chapter Twelve]
Friday 3:00AM
Despite the constant sound of scraping and muffling screaming from Jacob Franklin inside the bathroom, Luke closed his eyes as he peacefully rest on the cheap hard motel bed. It has been a little over six hours since he took Jacob from the interrogation room and traveled all the way to this place. He knows what he is doing is wrong and totally against the law. He has stepped way out of line to the point of no return now. Opening his eyes, he stared blankly at the ceiling. What am I doing, he thought to himself. How did he get to this point? Something in him just snapped while he was in the hospital. Spending that brief time resting on a hospital bed, grieving over your one and only family member and recieving a basket of flowers with a card from the suspect that was taunting you - it was a big motivator.
Glancing over to the nightstand, he stared at his phone. He had his phone off since he entered the BAU to be in the interrogation room with Jacob. How many times has the members tried to call him now? How many text messages does he have unread? Does the team members know about what he did yet? Knowing them very well, they probably are still on their toes while thinking that he got kidnapped instead. Being the best BAU team is one thing but with emotions extremely high, Luke is a personal witness to watch their skills falter under the emotional stress.
A different sound distracted his thoughts, causing him to advert his attention from the ceiling over to the windows. It was the sound of a car pulling into the motel's parking lot. Jumping out of the bed, he leaned against the wall and slightly opened the curtains to see who it was. He watched as a woman got out of the car with a motel key in her hand. She must be checking in right now. Luke narrowed his eyes at the license plate. That's odd, he thought. The license plate is just numbers. By law, a license plate has to at least have letters listed as well. "What are you doing?" Luke muttered to himself as he looked away and laid back down onto the bed. Since arriving to the motel, he has been paranoid over everything. Closing his eyes, he sighed deeply as he folded his hands before placing it on top of his stomach. I just need sleep, he constantly repeated to himself. Sleep, just a few minutes of sleep.
27 years ago, 11:35PM
"Luke, how many times did I tell you to wash your hands before we got in the car?" His mother complained as she leaned her head over the passenger seat, watching him play with his sticky hands. "I knew we shouldn't have ice cream this late."
His father chuckled as he fixed the rearview mirror while driving. "Honey, he'll be fine. Sticky hands isn't going to kill him and we can always clean the car tomorrow."
"We?" His mother arched an eyebrow.
"I will," his father laughed as he changed lanes on the road. "I will clean the car since it was my idea to take him out to Helen's."
His mother shook her head in disappointment. "Like father, like son. How could you guys be craving for ice cream this late at night at the same time?"
"It was my idea." Luke said proudly. The chocolate stains on his hand were so obvious, he couldn't hide it from her. "Daddy just agreed with me."
His mother sighed. "What am I going to do with you two?"
"Love us," His father jokingly responded before reaching over for his wife's hand, kissing it softly. "Because we love you."
Luke smiled to himself, watching the love that his parents has always shown in front of him. Although he is only nine years old, he is already dreaming of the perfect marriage - something like what his parents has. With his stomach feeling content and his heart happy with the amount of ice cream he got to have this late, he turned his head toward the window to rest his eyes.
Before he had time to adjust at what was happening, the sound of his parent's screaming disturbed his sleep. Confusion and fear ran down his spine as soon as a pair of headlights blinded his vision. The car flipped over numerous times onto the road before landing harshly near the side of the highway. His whole body was dangling upside down in the air, Luke started screaming as he tried to pull the seatbelt out.
"Baby! No!" His mother screamed as she struggled to pull her own seatbelt. "Don't do anything! Help will come soon." Blood. It's all he can see when he looked at his mom's face, she was bleeding everywhere. "We'll be okay, I promise."
Luke cried loudly as he looked through the broken window near him. "HELP! Somebody help!" He has never begged for anything more than this. "Please!"
"Shhhhh," his father heavily coughed as he reached over to touch his son's hand. "Everything will be alright, I promise."
Why do they keep saying that? Luke shook his head viciously as he tried to pull the seatbelt out but the damn thing wouldn't budge. "Mommy..." He looked up and froze at the sight of his parents, laying unconscious. "Daddy..." Tears streamed down his face, Luke screamed even louder for help as he turned his head toward the windows. "HELP!"
Present, 3:40AM
Luke opened his eyes at the sound of someone knocking on the door. Getting up on the bed, he listened carefully at knocking. It's light and timid, sounds just like a woman's knocking. He narrowed his eyes at the door, why would somebody knock on the door at this time? Turning his head over to the bathroom, which is oddly quiet, he glanced back at the motel's door.
"Is someone in there?"
Deciding it's best to stay quiet, Luke froze. Not wanting to make any subtle noises that could give away his presence.
"Do you have ice in there? The management office is closed for the night and I really need ice for my drink." The quiet, timid voice of a woman came through the door. "Uh, not to sound nosy but I did hear you screaming earlier so you must be inside, right?"
Luke exhaled deeply as he closed his eyes. It must've been Jacob, he thought. Having no choice, he walked over to the mini fridge in the room, grabbing the ice bucket that he had retrieved earlier. Slightly opening the door, he came face to face with the woman, who he had seen earlier. "Here you go."
"Thank you." She took the ice bucket and smiled. "Sorry to disturb your sleep."
"No problem." Luke said. "Just leave the bucket outside the door when you're done." Not waiting for her response, he closed and locked the door behind him before sitting on the bed. Glancing at the clock, he sighed. Only forty minutes has passed? He adverted his attention over to the bathroom, it's been a little too quiet. Making his way over to the bathroom, he opened the door and turned on the lights.
Jacob laid on the floor, shivering from the coldness as he glared at Luke. He tried to speak through the tape but it was useless. Being surrounded light for the first time since the lights were shut off earlier, he glanced around to see where he was at. Luke Alvez is a clever guy. Placing a small air conditioner in the bathroom randomly like this so he could freeze while waiting. Only someone with a twisted mind as him would think of something this extreme.
"Whatever you're thinking, you might be right." Luke said. "But if you're thinking that I'm letting you freeze to death in here, you're wrong." He stepped inside the bathroom, hovering over Jacob's shivering body. Harshly ripping the tape off his face, Luke smirked as he looked at him. "Why would I go through all this trouble just to have you lay on the ground like this? I could've simply done that back in the interrogation room. Letting you freeze to death? That's the easiest option out of the three."
Jacob narrowed his eyes at him. "You'll never get away with this, Alvez. Aren't you forgetting that you're a federal agent with credentials to worry about? What makes you think you'll be able to return to work after killing a man?"
"Like I said, why would I go through all this trouble? When I left the hospital after reading that taunting message from you, I already made my decision. I know that I won't be able to keep the badge or gun but I could really careless." Luke clenched onto the front of Jacob's shirt as he brought his face closer. "Whether I die while trying to kill you or we both die here, nothing else matters."
"You're crazy." Jacob simply said. "All of this over a death? How'd you even end up as a cop if you can't handle one simple death?"
Luke's eyes widened in anger. In one swift move, he punched Jacob across the face. "I dare you to say it again."
"What should I say again?" Jacob smirked. "Her last words before her last breath?" He let a couple seconds go by, testing the waters. By the look on Luke's face, Jacob could tell that he's already hitting the spot. "How about I repeat Penelope's words on the days she was with me instead?"
Luke scoffed at the audacity that comes from this man is extremely appalling. "You really have a death wish, don't you?"
"Here's the thing, Agent Alvez." Despite being tied up around a chair, Jacob still won't let fear show. "I don't think you're able to kill me. Want to know why? Outside this room and past that door that I heard knocking from earlier, is Penelope Garcia - waiting for you come back. Do you honestly believe that she would want you or even learn to love you after knowing what you have done? Murdering somebody?"
"If it's someone as worthless as you, she wouldn't care."
Jacob laughed. "Penelope Garcia? The almighty princess of everything pure?" He arched an eyebrow. "You don't have it in you, there isn't an ounce of murderous trait in you. If there was, she wouldn't have fallen in love with you like she already did." He leaned closer to Luke, a grin plastered across his face as if he is really enjoying the current situation he is in.
Luke nodded his head while smirking. "Originally, I was going to play around with three options before I decide on which one to go with." Taking the roll of tape from the sink, Luke tore off a piece and placed it on top of Jacob's mouth. "After listening to that horrendous mouth of yours, I've decided to just go with the third option. It's the most fitting actually." Raising his fist in the air, he punched Jacob across the face repeatedly. "You beat Penelope up a couple times, didn't you? How about Bernice? I've seen the autopsy results, she had bruises all over her body." Hovering over Jacob's body, he continuously punched Jacob until his knuckles were covered in blood. "How did it make you feel?! Beating an elderly woman like that?! Did you feel better?!" Luke stood up, breathing heavily as he glared at Jacob's bloody and bruised face. The longer he stared at him, the more anger he could feel rising in him. Leaning over to the air conditioner, he increased the level of coldness before shutting the bathroom door behind him.
. . .
Friday 7:00AM
She placed the laptop roughly on the conference table, her expression filled with defeat and frustration. "It's a dead end." Penelope blinked and rubbed her eyes several times, she hasn't slept since the chaos has begun again. "Luke's phone is off and the number that is only listed under Jacob's name is also off."
Derek sighed. "Where could Jacob Franklin possibly take Luke?"
Emily leaned against the wall as she blankly stared at her cell phone in her hand. The phone has been constantly ringing since the news of Luke being kidnapped spread like wildfire in the FBI. The higher superiors are probably pissed and making a list of demands to be done by the team. She's trapped between making a decision of her own or following an order that she knows she will disagree on. Again, it's around a moment like this, that she wishes she wasn't the Unit Chief. "Garcia, can you think of anything? Places where Jacob could possibly take Luke? Was there any places that you think hold significance for him?"
"Unless Jacob is off murdering people again for their houses, he has to be in a motel." Penelope answered truthfully. "I'm not wrong, right? They don't ask for identification nor about what kind of situation you are in. As long as you have money, the room's yours." She looked over at Derek, who was nodding along to what she was saying. "I am certain it has to be motels."
Rossi nodded his head. "Spencer."
Spencer was already out of his seat and taking out the map before Rossi called his name. Placing the map on the conference table, he furrowed his eyebrows together as he studied it.
JJ leaned over to help. "How about this?" Circling around the rural areas for him. "How many motels are there?"
"63." Spencer answered. "This area is engulfed with mostly people who are traveling across states." He looked at the team, giving them a reassuring expression. "Which is perfect for somebody who wants to hide without questioning."
Emily nodded her head as she snapped her fingers. "We will take care of half of the motels and send another team for the others. We're on a time limit right now. My phone won't stop ringing until we find Luke and the bastard."
The sound of knocking distracted the team, who were grabbing their jackets. Agent Anderson Grant stood by the doorway, clearing his throat as he looked at them with nervousness. "Unit Chief, I have something to share with you and the team."
Emily looked at him. "What is it?" She put on her jacket as she put her phone away. "Anderson, we're a bit in a rush."
With his hands fidgeting and his neck sweating, he didn't dare to look at any of them straight in the eyes. "The power outage from earlier," Anderson said slowly. "I did it."
Tara looked at him. "Excuse me? Why would you do something like that?"
Anderson took a deep breath. "An hour before Agent Alvez arrived to the BAU, he had called me. He had instructed that once he walks through the bullpen and enter the interrogation room, I had to go downstairs and wait a few minutes before turning off the powers. Before the power outage, I had to get a vehicle for him ready downstairs in the underground parking lot, an undisclosed vehicle with no GPS tracker to be more exact." He could see their facial expressions weren't exactly happy with what they were hearing. "One full minute," he further shared. "Agent Alvez told me to turn the powers back on after a minute had passed."
"Of course," Spencer muttered, everything was starting to make sense for him. Since their disappearance, he couldn't figure out how exactly Jacob got Luke out of the building under one minute. "Fugitive Task Force were taught to move along in the dark most of the time so they could stay hidden from their suspects. Luke is practically highly skilled in that certain area." Calculating the math in his head by the physical speed of Luke Alvez, he nodded his head. "It would take him only thirty seconds to move along the bull and through the stairs. With his speed and physical strength while being injured and carrying Jacob out of the building, a full minute is absolutely no problem for him."
"Why would he do something like that?" Tara asked. "Doesn't he know that he's risking almost everything by doing this?"
"Grief." JJ replied. "His grandmother's death is taking such a huge toll on him that he's not thinking straight anymore. He's slowly losing his mind and having Jacob taunting him over it doesn't make it any better."
Stephen looked at the map. "So the motels are out of the question now?"
Rossi snapped his fingers. "No. It's definitely the motels, Luke has to be in one of these motels right now."
"How do you know?" Derek asked.
JJ narrowed her eyes at the picture of Bernice on their board. "Luke is smart. He wouldn't keep Jacob in his own house or Bernice's. He would know that it'll be the first places we would check out once we knew the truth." She glanced over at Penelope, who had an unsettling expression on her face. "Bernice's death may have been the trigger for him to go rogue like this. But it definitely won't be the reason for him to act out and harm Jacob. Penelope's kidnapping and sexual assault will be the trigger of it - the factor of Luke possibly overstepping the line and cause harm to Jacob." She glanced at Penelope. "We've seen the interrogation tape," JJ explained to the team. After coming back from the hospital, the rest of the team had watched the recording from the room. "Jacob likes to taunt his victims. Once he knows something from their past or something of use that he could use against them, he will continue talking about it. He loves to taunt. He won't give up."
Derek nodded his head. "And with Luke slowly losing his cool, he won't hold back if Jacob keeps talking."
"This is Luke Alvez that we're talking about here," Stephen tried to reason with them. "Since we took on this case from day one, he's the calmest out of the bunch. He knows how to control his emotions and not rely on violence." He couldn't understand why the team would just automatically assume that Luke would actually do something to harm Jacob. "I get it, don't get me wrong. Jacob's a bastard and he deserves a beating but we're people with credentials and a gun to worry about. Would he really risk everything for just merely one guy?"
Penelope blinked her eyes several times. "He would risk everything for the people he loves and cares about." She looked at Stephen and Tara, probably the two who doesn't understand where Luke or any of the members are coming from where their standpoint. "Bernice Alvez was his one and only family member left in this world. She was the one that kept him under control. With her being gone, every bit of self control that he has disappeared." She thought back to their previous conversations when they were alone together on the rooftop. "He would hurt Jacob," she paused. "Even kill him if he wants to."
Rossi agreed. "Penelope's right. This isn't about risking everything he had worked so hard for anymore, it'll be the last thing he is worried about. As of right now, it's only about revenge and grief for him."
Tara sighed. "Alright. Since Luke is the one that kidnapped Jacob instead, where would he take him? How are we certain that they would be in one of these 63 motels?"
"In the days that Jacob Franklin had Penelope, he kept her in a motel the longest." Emily explained. "Luke will use it as an attack point towards Jacob."
"Why?" Stephen asked.
Penelope's body shuddered at the memories of her being in the motel room with him coming back. "It was the first time he hit me for what I said."
"Does Luke know that?" Emily didn't even know about the fact that Jacob had first laid a hand on Penelope in the motel room.
"Yeah, he knows about it." Penelope softly said.
"There's something else," Anderson stepped closer into the conference room, walking over to Penelope. "Here you go."
Penelope looked at the flash drive in his hand with confusion. "Why are you giving me this, Anderson?"
"I said I gave him a undisclosed vehicle with no GPS tracker." He looked at the team, trying to give them a smile. "I never said that I wouldn't place one under the car for precautions." Anderson said.
Her eyes widened, realizing what it could only mean for her and the rest of the team. She snatched the flash drive and immediately installed it into her laptop. "Very smart, Anderson." As soon as the flash drive showed up on her screen, she started intensely typing on the keyboard.
"I know that look," JJ said. "I know that look as much as I know Spencer's look when he has an idea or has things going off in his mind."
"Is there a location?" Emily asked. She narrowed her eyes at her phone, vibrating on the table once again. "Excuse me." Taking the phone, she answered the phone call outside the room.
Derek watched Emily carefully, with the way she was constantly moving her hands - it can only be a frustrating and demanding call from the higher superiors. "Baby Girl, please tell us you found something."
Penelope sighed as she closed the laptop. "Nothing. There's no tracker."
Anderson furrowed his eyebrows. "What? How? I discreetly placed it under the car before Agent Alvez came downstairs with Jacob Franklin."
"Luke's smart." Rossi noted. "He would've known that you would do something like that." He turned his attention over to the doorway just as Emily walked back into the room. "What did they say?"
Emily drew out a deep breath, running a hand through her hair. "It was Cruz." "Matt?" JJ questioned. He was supposed to be on a vacation for a month. Considering the circumstances, it's understandable that his plans have been halted. "What did he say?"
"He managed to pull some extra time for us," Emily explained. "The FBI wants us to release Luke and Jacob's photos into the media as fugitives."
Penelope's eyes widened. "What? Why Luke?"
"I understand Jacob but Luke? Don't they understand his actions are based on his own grief right now?" JJ couldn't understand why they would do this. "Putting Luke's picture in all media forms can cause damage to his reputation as an agent."
"It's exactly what Matt Cruz tried to argue with but," Emily shrugged her shoulders as she sighed. "they don't really care. What's more important is that a federal agent had decided to kidnap a federal suspect under this very building." She felt incredibly apologetic for the team, knowing very well that this was the last kind of result they wanted. "We have until the end of tomorrow. If we don't find the both of them, the pictures spreads like wildfire in the media."
Derek groaned. "Well, Anderson's secret tracker is a dead end. What are we supposed to do?"
"Victimology," Spencer answered. "We make a board for each of them, figure where we go on from there."
Penelope hated that word. "So what? We're going to sit here and actually consider Jacob Franklin as a victim?"
JJ placed her hand onto Penelope's shoulder. "I know that it's the last thing you would want to do. But if it can help find Luke faster, it's the only way."
Stephen nodded his head. "I agree." Taking out the folder that he had kept in his briefcase, he laid out the pictures and old newspaper articles onto the conference table. "We can start from here."
"What is it?" Emily walked over.
"The car accident that caused his parent's death." Stephen simply replied, laying out two final pictures for the team to see. "Meet Maria and Eric Alvez."
Penelope stood up from her seat. "I can't be here for this." Digging into someone's past is one thing but doing it to somebody who is close, she won't stand for it.
"Baby..." Derek clenched onto her arm. "You can't be alone."
"I'll be in my office." Penelope said. "If you want to make sure that I'm safe, let Anderson watch me."
Derek glanced at Anderson, nodding his head. "Alright. I'll check on you in a bit."
"Of course." Penelope followed behind Anderson out of the conference room and through the bullpen. As they were making their way toward the hallway, Penelope glanced around to see if anybody is nearby. "Anderson.."
Stopping in front of her office, Anderson looked at her. "Yes."
Giving him her laptop, she smiled. "Give this to them after two hours."
Anderson couldn't believe this. "Not again." Pleading her with his eyes, he shook his head. "I can't do this, ma'am."
"You will." Penelope argued. "Do you want Agent Alvez's photo to be all over the media? I might be the only one that's able to calm him down before he does something he might regret."
"But - "
"No," Penelope interrupted him. "I understand that it's for the best if the whole team is with me but as of right now, it might be better if it's just me." She put in the passcode to her office, opening the door for him. "Stay in here until two hours are over. Once it is, show the laptop to the team and they'll know where to go from here."
"Anderson." Penelope said sternly. "Please."
. . .
"Why did you do it?" Luke asked softly as he leaned against the bathroom door with his arms crossed across his chest. With the couple of hours of sleep, Luke finally feels a bit energized to be in the same room as Jacob.
Jacob rolled his eyes as he laid on the ground with his arms and legs still tied in a chair. Does Luke really expect him to answer the question with duct tape over his mouth like this?
Luke sighed deeply. "I just can't understand why you would harm an elderly people like that?" With a total of eleven deaths done by the hands of Jacob, the majority of them were elderly people. "Does it make you feel physically stronger than them? Strangling them to their death like that? Knowing that they're too weak to fight back?" Luke narrowed his eyes at Jacob, he still had the audacity to lay there and glare at him. "What about the kids?" The grandchildren from the house where he kept Penelope, the kids couldn't have been older than nine years old. "Does your pity past justify the innocent lives?"
Struggling with the ropes around his wrists, Jacob could only scoff through the tape as a response.
Making his way over to Jacob, he tore off the tape and stepped back. "Speak."
"Justify? I took care of them. If it wasn't for me, they'll grow up and learn that the world isn't just about cookies and cupcakes. I ended them for their own future suffering." Jacob rolled his eyes. "The elderly? They're no better than liars. I killed them for their own benefits. Why rot till your last breath when I could've just taken it away for them?"
Luke clenched his fists. "What about her?"
"Her?" Jacob arched an eyebrow and smirked. "Your grandmother?"
For his own mental health, Luke leaned back against the bathroom door. "What did she ever do? You didn't even know her. Why take her away when she has done nothing but harm towards you?"
"She encouraged you to take the next step with Penelope." Jacob simply said. Luke couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Are you kidding me right now?"
"Don't you remember? I said no one can have her." Jacob glared at Luke, he hated him. Thinking he's the almighty hero that can save the long, lost princess. "I watched you and your grandmother that day. When she visited you after waking up from the coma I sent you in. The way she was talking about Penelope and your feelings, that's complete crap." He shrugged his shoulders. "It's all for the better. I was trying to think of another way to make you even more furious and that's when she showed up on my screen. Your little fragile grandmother who just happened to be your one and only family member left in this world? I had to take her. I couldn't lose that chance." A smile spread across his face, remembering the last few moments he had shared with Bernice Alvez. "Even till her last breath, she was a fighter. She wasn't like the other elderly people who gave up as soon as I wrapped the rope around their necks." Jacob shook his head while chuckling. "No, no," his smile vanished. "As she was struggling and until she took her last breath, she kept muttering out your name over and over again. As if you were going to kick down the door and save her." Luke closed his eyes, not wanting to hear any of this any longer. "But you didn't," Jacob was secretly playing with the ropes behind him as Luke was emotionally distracted to see. "How does it feel? Knowing that you had a chance to save her but you didn't. What were you doing while I had Bernice with me, Luke? Let me guess. Weren't you with Penelope, keeping her safe from me? Making sure Penelope was fine and capable to understand that she will be fine in the long run?" Jacob could feel the ropes loosening. "What kind of grandson doesn't check up on their own grandmother? I am going to make a wild guess here," the ropes dropped on the floor and Luke still hasn't notice. "...and say that as of this moment, you are blaming yourself. Not only for Bernice's death but also your parent's."
His eyes snapped opened. "You don't get to talk about them."
"Why? A kid wanting and begging his parents for ice cream is a normal part of growing up. Of course," Jacob smirked. "Not any of them caused their parent's death though."
Just as Luke was about to rush over and punch Jacob, he got surprised when he suddenly stood from the floor and charged his whole body at him. Falling and hitting his head harshly onto the tiled flooring, Luke groaned. Before he had time to react, Jacob opened the bathroom door and started running. "NO!" Quickly getting up from the floor, Luke wrapped his arm around Jacob's neck, dragging him back onto the floor. Within seconds, Luke had his legs wrapped around Jacob, keeping him from running out of the motel room. "You don't get to run away!"
Jacob knew that he was weaker than Luke and if he wanted to run, there is only one thing he could do. His eyes aimed at Luke's torso, still considerably injured and bleeding from the stitches. "What are you going to do? You can't kill me. If you wanted to, you would've done it already. What? Do you really expect for us to have a chit chat in the bathroom for days?" Using all his strength, he punched Luke's torso right at the spots of the old wounds. "Not going to happen."
Luke groaned in pain as he collapsed on the floor from the punch, clenching onto his stomach. He could feel the blood already soaking through his shirt. Silently cursing to himself, Luke managed to get up and slammed Jacob onto the wall before he got to the door again. "Alright, you really want to test me, don't you?" Nodding his head as he clenched his teeth - the pain from his injuries are becoming incredibly intense, more than he had ever expected. Using his elbow, Luke smacked Jacob across the head with it. In one swift move, he grabbed the gun from the television stand and stood face to face with Jacob as he point the gun towards his head. "I will kill you."
"Do it." Jacob said with blood streaming down his head. "I dare you to shoot me, Luke Alvez. Show them! Show them that you can avenge for your grandmother! Shoot me!"
Breathing heavily in and out as he clenched onto the gun, he glared at Jacob. He wanted to shoot him so badly. The memories of seeing his grandmother laying there on the dirt path as if she was nothing but trash is making him so angry. The constant flashbacks of Penelope screaming in her sleep from her days with Jacob ran through his mind.
Jacob couldn't help but laugh at Luke. Even with his torso bleeding out, his head possibly injured and a gun in his hand - he knew that Luke couldn't do it. At the end of the day, the guy's a federal agent. "How do you think Penelope would feel? Knowing that you are standing face to face with me like this, with a gun pointed towards my head - a damn chance to murder me and you're not pulling the trigger." He narrowed his eyes as he laughed. "Let's forget about Bernice for now and think about Penelope. Think about what I did to her during our time together. How much pain and suffering I gave her," he tilted his head sideways. "Especially in that particular house with what I did to her. In that room, on that bed - " the gun pushed against his head as Luke stepped in closer. "That's it." Jacob held out his arms out, showing that he won't fight back. "That feeling you have right now, it's anger. Deep uncontrollable rage you have towards me because of what I did to Penelope."
"Shut up." Luke demanded.
"Do I need to go further for? Deciding to pull the trigger or not doesn't take this long, Alvez. Either you kill me right now or tie me back up." Jacob wasn't scared. In fact, he is prepared for whatever is going to happen next. "DECIDE RIGHT NOW! EITHER YOU KILL ME RIGHT NOW WITH THIS GUN OR TIE ME BACK UP?!"
Luke blinked his eyes, not knowing what to do. "Are you actually taunting me to kill you?"
"What else could I possibly be doing then?" Jacob questioned back. "Shoot me or tie me up. What are you going to choose?"
Shoot him, he immediately thought. Just shoot him, Luke! "Alright." Without a moment of hesitation, Luke stepped back and wrapped his finger around the trigger.
Jacob stood, not moving an inch. He won't shoot, he won't be able to shoot because his own belief and pride is on the line. "Do it."
Luke nodded his head. "Fine." Just as he pulled the trigger and the sound of somebody knocking on the door distracted him, causing him to misfire and froze on the spot.
"What was that?!" The same woman from earlier spoke through the door. "Don't...Don't mind me. I'm just returning the ice bucket."
Jacob arched an eyebrow as he turned his head and stared at the bullet hole that was right next to his head. He smirked, he was actually going to shoot him? "She shouldn't have come."
"What..." Luke muttered in confusion. His eyes widened once he realized what Jacob meant. "Stop!"
It was too late. Jacob opened the motel door, pulling the innocent woman inside the room. With her frightened eyes and screaming, she stood on her knees immediately. "Please! I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!"
Luke stepped in front of her, blocking Jacob. "Step away!" He still had the gun and if Jacob dares to make one move toward the innocent person, he will shoot again. "I said, step away!"
Jacob laughed. "Shoot me!" The door to the motel room was wide opened, if he was going to shoot him - whoever is checked into the motel will hear them. "Shoot me!" He watched as Luke briefly glanced at the woman, making sure she was okay. Using that chance, he started to run toward Luke and the woman when the sound of bullets were heard loud and clear. Shot on the back twice and on his leg, Jacob collapsed onto the ground as he coughed up blood.
His eyes widened in surprise and confusion as Luke stared at Jacob's body on the ground before adverting his attention over to the shooter outside the motel room. "Penelope..."
With the handgun wrapped around her shaking hands, her heart was racing faster than normal rate and her whole body trembling from the automatic shock - Penelope's eyes widened as she stood in the middle of the parking lot, staring straight at Luke.
a/n: alright, this chapter honestly pissed me off. it took me forever to write this chapter. I kept deleting and reediting everything. and then yesterday, my laptop crashed and everything I had disappeared. LIKE UGH. anyways, thank you for the continuous love and support for this story and the previous chapter. please continue! I will be focusing on two short drabbles after this is posted before I continue with the next chapter for this story (:
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anavoliselenu · 4 years
freedom ch 19
5 years later
"Justin, I don't know why you always wait to do these things." Emmett spoke to me angrily over the phone.
"Because I keep forgetting."
"If I ever forgot my anniversary, Rosalie would chop my balls off."
"Yeah, well, can you just make the reservations? They like you better at the restaurant."
"Fine, but I'm not babysitting."
"I've got that covered." I spun around in my chair. "Thanks so fucking much."
I put the phone down and ran my hands through my hair, a habit that wouldn't ever set me free.
It was only eleven in the morning, and I already felt like I had been through a full day. Papers were strewn across my large desk and my computer screen flicked with documents of all kinds.
"Okay, Justin, dinner reservations made," I said to myself, checking things off of my mental list. "What next?"
A small giggle interrupted my thoughts. I sat up a little straighter, listening for it again. Maybe I was going crazy.
I smiled slightly when I saw ten small digits curl around the edge of my desk. A shock of dark brown hair followed, and then bright green eyes. The head ducked down quickly, giggling again.
"Who might that be?" I tapped my pen against the wood.
"Shhhhh." Another voice was added to the first.
"Oh, two of them?" I got up from my chair and walked slowly around the desk, being sure my feet made heavy sounds.
Their giggling got louder as they ran away from me.
"You'll never catch us!" Sophia darted across the room, her long brown hair flowing as she ran. Roman chased after her, but he wasn't as fast. I snatched him up by his ankle and held him in the air.
"And what exactly are you two doing?" I asked.
"We're bored. Take us to the zoo." He smiled. "Please."
"You know I can't do that." I swung him from side to side, his arms flinging around. His shirt fell down, revealing his stomach, which I poked. "I have work to do."
"You always have work to do." Sophia skipped out of the bathroom, dancing around in a light blue, summery dress.
I set Roman down on the floor. His pale face had turned a tomato red, and he swayed from side-to-side, trying to get his bearings.
"Mama says we're here so you can relax. You're not relaxing," Sophia said, very matter-of-factually.
"Well, your mother forgets that I can't take breaks like she can." I sat back down in my chair. They came over to me, looking just as identical as the day they were born. Everything about them was the same. It was eerily shocking at times.
"But you promised you would take us," Roman pouted.
"Did I?" I put my glasses on. "As I recall, you didn't want to visit the zoo because you were afraid of the tigers."
"No, that was Sophia," he protested.
"Was not!" she shouted. "I'm not afraid, Daddy."
They began to argue in their language, which I would never be able to understand. They talked so fast that it was impossible to catch. When the argument got physical, I lifted Roman up and placed him on the other side of the desk.
"She started it." He crossed his arms. His face became crinkled, a trait that the kids picked up from Selena.
"I will take you guys out to do something fun tomorrow. You mother and I are having dinner tonight."
"Oh, can we come?" Sophia climbed into my lap.
"Absolutely not."
"Why?" Roman asked.
"Because we need a night away. You are driving us crazy," I joked, even though it was true. At some times, I thought I might literally go insane. No one said raising kids was easy, but I didn't think it would be this hard either. Selena was the only thing that kept me smiling through most of it.
"You can help Katy Nana make a cake," I said, hoping to cheer them up. They weren't allowed to have sweets often, so it was a treat.
"Really?" Sophia's green eyes shone. "Let's go find her, Roman."
She jumped from my lap and clasped hands with her brother, all thoughts of an argument forgotten. They began to charge out of the room.
"Dove è tua madre" I called after them, asking where their mother was.
I sighed and collapsed further into my chair. Maybe I could take a small break? I deserved one after the morning I'd had.
Fuck it...
I got up from my seat and stretched out my aching muscles. With less than four hours of sleep last night, my body was not happy with me at the moment.
Over the years, I had cut back a lot on my workload at Bieber, Inc. I realized that I needed to make a decision. I couldn't run a crime family and a business at the same time. I was starting to waste away.
Bieber Inc. was managed by Alec and Jane. Jane, now a Bieber herself, was the most organized person I knew, and I couldn't think of anyone better to take over my role as CFO. Of course, I was still consulted on everything, but I almost never went into the office. It wasn't necessary. Alec kept everything from falling apart while I stayed at home working on... other aspects of my life.
Crime was still a heavy part of the Bieber family, even after the "the Trial of the Century", as many news outlets called it.
After my arrest, I was brought before a judge where a laundry list of allegations was brought against me, the most heinous being the murder of a police officer. I plead guilty to almost half of them, just because I didn't feel like fighting the charges. The murder was a different case within itself.
The trial lasted about a year, and there wasn't any possible way for me to get out of it. I was detained in a facility, away from my family for the entire duration. I lived in a padded cell and missed some of the most important moments in my life, up to that point: The twins' first steps, their first words, Alec and Jane's wedding; the adoption of Rose and Emmett's first child. Roman and Sophia didn't even know me when I came home. That's what hurt the most.
Selena, as always, was a savior. She did everything she could to help me during that year and it was her testimony that probably set me free. It brought everyone in the courtroom to tears, and I had never heard anything so heartfelt. The jury was so impressed, I don't they would have committed me if I had killed one of their own children. Plus, there was minimal evidence as to my crimes. That helped a lot.
I owed IsaSelena Bieber my life.
"And yet, you forgot our anniversary," I scolded myself, shaking my head.
I took the stairs two at a time and glided into the front foyer on the newly polished hardwood floors before going outside. We were at the lake house, and the sun was brightly shining, making the air unseasonably hot for an April morning.
It was impossible for us to live in Chicago all year round these days. It was just... too much for the family. Whenever life got a little heavy, I would move us out of the city, just for a little bit until things cooled off. This was one of those times. The kids were being homeschooled right now so they weren't missing anything and they just thought of it as a mini-vacation. That's all they needed to know.
Beyond that, I found myself a lot less stressed and able to actually breathe these days. Life was a lot better, I had to admit.
I rounded the house and began to hear the soft waves of the lake lapping at the rocky shore. I saw Selena down the beach, holding the hands of our one year old as he walked on the sand. He was still a little wobbly up on two legs.
Santino spotted me first and literally began bouncing on his feet. His smile was infectious, and I squatted down so that he could walk towards me. Selena let him go, and he stumbled into my arms before I lifted him up.
"You're getting so good." I kissed his chubby cheeks.
His hair was the strangest color I had ever seen: a bronze that wasn't quite as light as mine, but a brown not as dark as Selena's. And his eyes weren't of either of us. They were Carlisle's bright blue. We thought they would change as the months went on, but never did.
"Santino has had quite the morning." Selena walked up to me, carrying their shoes. "He found his first fish and tried to eat it."
"Well, he's a growing boy. Always hungry."
"I feed him enough." She pulled me down by my arm until our lips touched. "I feel like I haven't seen you in a long time."
"I know." I sat on the sand, pulling Santino into my lap. Selena followed and scooted up next to me.
Five years had done nothing to her. She looked almost the same as the ever. No lines on her face or signs of aging. Well, I didn't see any, but she assured me they were there. And her body... I won't even begin to discuss that subject or my mind might go to very inappropriate places.
"Happy anniversary," I whispered to her, bouncing Santino on my lap.
Selena froze. "Oh, is it?"
"Justin, I am so sorry. I forgot." She looked nearly panicked. "I've just been so busy trying to get the kids..."
"Selena, don't worry about it," I chuckled, interrupting her before she pulled her hair out. I didn't think she needed to know that I forgot as well. "We've all been busy."
"But that's no excuse. I feel so bad." She covered her mouth as if she was in shock.
"Honestly, it's not that big of a deal. I think the law allows us to forget a maximum of two anniversaries throughout our life."
She giggled at my horrible attempt at a joke. "Well, thank you, and happy anniversary."
"I've made reservations for us in town for dinner."
Selena nodded. "That sounds nice."
Santino began to reach for his mother, and I handed him over as he started making gurgling noises. I never thought that I would have even one child, let alone three. But Santino was certainly a surprise, just like the twins. I had a far better reaction this time around.
I wasn't as confused and could comprehend this pregnancy more rationally. Selena was over the moon, and when Santino was born, I had never seen her cry so much. She promised me they were happy tears.
We never really talked about how many kids we wanted or when we should stop, but I figured we weren't stopping any time soon. Selena was such a good mother, it would be a waste to not let have more. I was fine with that... I think. I was sure I could handle more.
"You're smiling again," Selena pointed out.
"Am I?" I looked out to the lake. It was so peaceful here.
"You do that a lot more often nowadays."
"I have more to smile about than I used to," I told her truthfully.
She was about to say something else, but we were interrupted by Roman who ran towards us on the beach. "Daddy, Uncle Alec is here!"
I checked my watch. Damn.
"Come on, let's get you two inside. I don't want him getting too much sun." I took Santino from Selena and helped her up. She held my hand as we walked back towards the house.
Alec was waiting in the family room, playing some kind of game with Roman and Sophia sitting on his lap. They were best buddies, all three of them. He was just as much a kid now as he always had, even being five years older and a married man.
"What did you bring us?" Sophia rubbed her palm over Alec's cheek. You could almost see him melt on the sofa.
"Bring you? I just saw you squirts last week. Actually, I usually see you every damn day," Alec replied.
Roman and Sophia gasped.
"You said a bad word, Alec. You owe them money for the swear jar." Selena sat in one of the comfy chairs, placing Santino on the floor, who began crawling around.
"Damn." Alec pulled out his wallet.
"That's another one," Roman pointed out. "We're going to be rich."
Alec gave them each a fifty dollar bill. "Spend it wisely. Buy a car or a prostitute."
"What's a prostitute?" Sophia asked.
I had to stop this before it got out of hand. I lifted her off of Alec's lap. "You two go upstairs and practice your piano."
Sophia took off, her question forgotten, but Roman rolled his eyes and acted as if his feet were made of lead. He knew better than to say anything.
"You really need to watch your mouth." I hit Alec across the back of his head. "They're like sponges. They soak up everything and I don't want to have a conversation about hookers with my daughter."
"I can't help it." He shrugged innocently. "You made me this way."
"You most certainly can help it." Selena shook her head. "You need to be setting an example."
"What the hell are you doing here anyway? We left the city to get away from you guys." I sat on the arm of the chair that Selena was in.
"Yeah, well, they're all coming here for the weekend anyway. I thought I'd get a jump on it. Besides, we have some work to do." Alec kicked his feet up on the coffee table.
I sighed heavily, "Can't you all just stay away from us for one weekend? It is our anniversary after all."
"Shit, is it?" He sat up straighter. "Then I'll have to get you something nice."
"Thank you in advance." Selena picked Santino up from the floor. "If you'll excuse me, it's time for a feeding and then a nap."
"I wish," Alec groaned. "The life of a baby must be nice."
Selena left a long, lingering kiss on my lips before leaving the room.
"Why are you here?" I sank into the chair. "It better be for a good reason."
"I just need your verbal confirmation to kill a guy," he answered bluntly.
"A guy? Who?"
"One of your drug runners is running a little too wild. He's 'misplaced' more than ten kilos in the past year and I think it's time for him to go. Emmett, Jasper, and I have already voted on the matter. We just need your say-so to get on a plane to Argentina."
I took off my glasses. "Keep it quiet and for God's sake, do not get caught up in some kind of fight. If you miss your opportunity come straight home. It's not worth it."
"I wish you could come with us. It would make things so much easier."
"You know I can't do that. They watch me like I'm some kind of animal," I said angrily, thinking about my caged existence.
"Remember what your therapist said, do your breathing exercises," Alec warned.
I inhaled and counted before exhaling out my frustration. "I'm fine."
"We'll let you know when it's done." Alec stood up and stretched. "I think I might take a nap myself. Little Santino isn't the only one who needs a break."
I helped Selena get out of the low-sinking Ferrari after I pulled up to the valet. One black stiletto heeled foot at a time she floated out of the car, as much grace as a dancer or gymnast. A far departure from the Selena from so long ago. Her dress, one of my favorites, was red, V-necked, capped sleeved, and tight.
"We could have just stayed at home. I wouldn't mind," Selena said.
"No, no. Of course not."
There were only a few nice restaurants in this small town, but this was one of the better ones.
I dropped the keys reluctantly in the valet's hands and glared at him. I think he got my point without words.
The place was fairly small and intimate, candlelit with soft music playing throughout. It was nice enough outside that I requested a table on the patio and we were situated in a secluded corner.
"This is wonderful." Selena picked up the wine list as soon as she sat down.
"Just something small for our anniversary."
"Six years and counting." She sighed. "You've put me through a hell of a lot."
I had to physically stop myself from hanging my head. She was so forgiving and patient and... perfect.
"If you were any lesser women, my ass would have been on the curb," I admitted. "Thank you for putting up with me."
"Thank you for dealing with my horrible pregnancy mood swings."
I laughed and nodded. "True. You get as bad as me when you're pregnant."
We spent dinner just talking. Sometimes there would be lulls in the conversation, but it was never awkward or forced. It felt really nice to eat without kids. I forgot what silence sounded like. By the time our second bottle of wine was finished, I was more than a little horny.
I decided to call back to the house and tell Katy Nana that we wouldn't be home tonight. Selena and I walked towards the nearest hotel. Fortunately, this town had a great selection of nice places to stay for the night due to all the tourists.
As soon as the door closed to our room, the clothes started coming off.
"Justin, slow down. You're going to rip my arms off." She stumbled away from me as my hands fumbled with her bra.
"Selena, come back." I groaned, feeling cold with her being all the way across the room.
"Did you bring any condoms?" She stepped out of her heels.
"What? No, of course I didn't." I fell on the bed, trying to get my belt off.
"Damn it, Justin. I can't get pregnant again. Not right now."
"But you're on birth control," I pointed out.
"I've missed a couple of days. I forgot. I don't want to chance it."
"I'll pull out."
Selena gave me a look that said, Really? She didn't believe me in the slightest.
"You don't have the self-control for that." She had since disregarded all of her clothes and climbed on top of me. The lace of her underwear rubbed against my exposed stomach as my shirt rode up my body.
"I can do it. Don't make me go without tonight."
She began kissing my neck, teasing me with her lips.
"We used to fuck every day," I sighed in pleasure. "Now we have sex maybe twice a week."
"That is not true and you know it." She laughed against my skin. "You bend me over any sturdy structure you can find. Sometimes I can't even walk when I leave your office. It's quite embarrassing, actually."
"Well, fine, but we don't fuck as much as we used to. I miss it."
"You miss the fucking?"
"I miss the constant fucking. And more than that, the connection." I was speaking seriously now, but she was distracting me as her tiny hands began pulling my pants away.
"Physical or emotional connection?"
"Both," I gurgled out.
"That's what tonight is about."
"Thank you, God."
My clothes were slowly removed by her torturous hands that teased me so horribly.
She climbed up my body, sexy as hell, and leaned forward. I felt her breath wash over my face as my own stopped entirely. In fact, my whole body shut down… my heart, lungs… even my thoughts froze in that moment as I waited for Selena's lips to touch mine again. My self-control was gone.
Her soft lips descended and my body kick-started into a hot-blooded frenzy. Her kiss was hesitant at first, a mere brush of warm lips, but when I moaned in response, my fingers went into her hair, locking her into me.
Her teeth grated against my bottom lip, then my tongue, and I opened to welcome her, my hands trailing up her thighs. Her ass sat high in the air and I pulled down to meet my waist. She yelped in surprise at the contact, but I wouldn't let go.
My whole body reacted to the touch of her against me. She gasped lightly as my hardened erection nestled between her legs.
"I need you now." She pulled at my hair.
"Not yet. It's been too long." I flipped us over skillfully so that she was staring up at me with erotic eyes.
I smirked and bent down to trail my tongue along her neck, planting wet, nibbling kisses from her shoulder, up to her ear, then back again.
"God. You're killing me," she groaned.
I lifted her hands above her head, tightening my hold so that she couldn't get away once I started my torturing. I pushed a knee between her legs to force them apart slightly. I reached between us and stroked her continuously.
I covered her mouth with mine, swallowing her cries as she rode out her orgasm.
I didn't let her arms go as I pushed my dick inside.
"Jesus," I said through gritted teeth. I pulled out slowly, then pushed back in fully, and we groaned in unison. I had to stay still for a second to get myself acclimated.
"I don't think," I said as I pulled out again, "that I can go slow." I thrust a little harder and my eyes rolled back in my head.
"I don't need slow, Justin. I need you. Now."
I lifted one of her legs onto my waist, deepening my angle.
"Shit," she grunted. "So good. It's so good."
I could only moan in response as I thrust powerfully into her again and again… each pounding taking us higher and higher.
"I'm going to…" I muttered, my eyes clenched tight and sweat glistening on my forehead. "Fuck. I'm gonna…"
My work was quick, really quick because I didn't have the time to lavish her right now. I just needed to get the fucking out of the way early in the night. We could make love later.
We both let the coil go in our bodies, almost bringing the walls down with our shouts. I was sure we were scaring the tenants next door.
I collapsed on top of her, sweaty body against sweaty body. Her small limbs clung to me, forcing us to get tangled within the messy sheets.
"I didn't pull out," I said apologetically.
She laughed quietly, "I know. I wouldn't want you to. It felt too good."
I smiled against her skin and kissed anywhere I could reach. "Here's to another five years of the same."
Five years later
The blaring alarm clock jerked my mind out of peaceful sleep and I rolled over, into Justin's chest. He groaned and shifted under the sheets, his naked body brushing mine. We always slept nude nowadays. It just felt better that way.
"Selena, get the kids up." He yawned.
"No, I did it last time. You go." I pushed him.
He grumbled into a pillow. After a few silent minutes, I realized that he really wasn't getting up. I huffed and blinked my eyes awake. I nearly fell onto the floor, still tired from being up most of the night.
I grabbed my soft, silk robe from the bed post and tucked it around my body.
It was going to be a hot day. The month of June had been unseasonably stuffy here in Chicago, but it rained last night so I hoped it cooled off a little.
Today, the entire family was going to the wedding of one of Justin's cousins, John. The entire family. There would be a lot of Italian people crammed onto the luscious back lawn of the country club, and of course there was going to be drama. I could feel it in my bones.
But before I could even begin to think about the wedding, I had to get the kids up, which was a chore in itself.
I walked up the stairs to the third floor and knocked on the first door.
"Come in," Roman's voice said loud and clear.
I peeked my head in. "Just coming to see if you were awake."
"Of course." His ten-year old self stood in front of the mirror, and he fixed his tie. His shoes were shined and his shirt was neatly pressed.
He looked more like Justin every day. I could always count on him to be the most prepared of all my children. His grades were exceptional, his room was always pristine, his goals were always set, and it scared me sometimes how smart he was. He retained facts and could spit them out during any conversation. On top of all that, Roman was likable. His smile was blinding and he had a draw to him that made people just feel relaxed. I couldn't explain it.
Esme warned me that Justin was the same way, so I should watch out as Roman got older.
"Do I look okay?" He turned around and tried to fix his hair. It was just as unruly as Justin's as well, but with my dark coloring.
"You look so handsome. Just like your father."
"Really?" His green eyes shined. "I think so too."
I laughed at his youthful energy. "Why don't you go downstairs and help Katy Nana with breakfast?"
"Okay, Mom. I will in a little bit." He went over to his bed, preparing to make it up.
Everything in his room had to be just right, not a book or pencil out of place. It worried me out motivated Roman was at some times. I felt like he was growing up way too fast. But Justin encouraged his independence. I just hoped that Roman would just take a little time to be a kid. He was only ten, after all.
I shut the door and left him to his morning routine before crossing the hall to Sophia's room. It was painted in light pastel colors of nothing in particular, but the walls were covered in posters. She was sprawled out in bed, her hair falling out of the ponytail she slept in.
I shook her body. "Sophia, it's time to get up."
She groaned.
"Sophia, we have to get to the wedding on time."
"But I don't wanna go," her sweet voice whined. "Please don't make me go."
"But we bought you that cute blue dress and your new shoes. Don't you want to wear them?"
She sighed dramatically, "I suppose."
Sophia was the little drama queen of the family, quite the actress. She enjoyed being the center of attention, but we made sure she wasn't spoiled. That was the one thing I couldn't tolerate. She realized that value of handwork and made rather good grades like her brother. Sophia enjoyed dressing up and shopping and dancing, nothing like me at her age, but she had a sense of humor that knocked me on my ass sometimes. The things her vivid mind came up with could only come from her.
"I'll be back in ten minutes. Be up and have your teeth brushed," I warned.
"Okay!" She pulled the covers over her face.
Next on my list was Santino. He was a six year old tornado of destruction. Like me, he was uncoordinated and clumsy, which did not bode well for his adventurous spirit. He would get into everything and we had to watch him like hawks.
His room was a mess, clothes everywhere, and I tripped over three toy cars on my way to his bed. He was going to be cleaning this place up when we got home. I didn't realize how bad it was.
Santino looked nothing like my other children, nor did he look like Justin or me. He had dirty blonde hair that lightened in the sun and his eyes were clear blue. He was Carlilse's clone down to the bone structure and attitude. They even walked similarly. Of course, those two were best beds and Carlisle encouraged Santino's mischievous ways. He thought it was cute. I begged to differ. I was always worried about him.
He climbed a tall tree in the back yard last week and fell, so his arm was currently in a cast. He thought that meant he didn't have to attend the wedding, but I assured him that wasn't the case.
"Santino, wake up!" I had to be forceful with him or he would sleep the whole day. I ripped the covers from his body.
He rolled away from me and pretended not to hear me.
"I'll send your dad in here," I threatened him.
"Okay, okay." He dragged himself to the bathroom.
I went to his closet and picked out his small custom Armani suit. I laid it on his bed. "I'll be back to help you after I get everyone else ready, sweetheart."
I continued down the hall where my next little girl was sleeping peacefully.
Milania was four and the sweetest child I could have hoped for. She never fussed and rarely cried, even as a baby. She would cling to me like her life depended on it and had us all wrapped around her tiny fingers.
She looked like a cherub in bed with her small mouth opened and eyelids flickering, dreaming of ponies or candy or rainbows. I'm sure that's what she dreamed about because that's all she talked about. Her hair was a soft color like Justin's but a lot curlier, like mine.
"Baby, it's time to get up." I kissed her cheek.
"Mama?" Her hands grabbed for me. I lifted her out of bed and placed her on my hip. "We can go to the wedding today?"
"Yes, and you can wear your princess dress."
"Okay." She yawned. It took her longer to wake up than the rest of them, so I carried her around with me.
"You can help me wake up the boys," I whispered to her.
She nodded her head in the crook of my neck.
Giovanni and Dante, my other set of twins and my youngest, had just turned two. Like Roman and Sophia, they were connected in a way that I would never understand. It was strange because they fought like they hated each other, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. We tried to separate them; they refused to be far away from each other. They even slept in the same bed.
"Boys, time to get up." I turned on the lights in their large room. It was filled with all kinds of toys and areas to play. They liked to roll around on the floor so they needed space.
"Mrs. Selena, I can handle the twins." Carmela appeared out of nowhere and rushed towards the crib. "You go get ready."
"Are you sure? I don't mind feeding and changing them first."
"No, no. It's fine. I can do it all."
"Thank you." I hugged her and rushed out of the room. We were already running late.
On my way down the stairs, I heard Justin trying to rip Santino out of bed, and they were fighting loudly. I didn't even want to deal with that. I grabbed Milania's dress from her room. She could get ready with me.
"Are you up, baby?" I asked, setting her on the bed.
"I'm hungry, Mommy."
"You can have your yogurt after you get dressed." That probably wasn't the best of ideas, but it would take longer for us to get ready if she ate first.
I took my shower last night, so that I didn't even have to worry about it this morning. I chose a bright yellow dress out of the closet and a pair of bright red pumps that would match the then red belt of the outfit.
"That's pretty, Mommy."
"Thank you, Milania."
"I want to wear shoes like yours." She crawled over the blankets and pillows until she reached the footboard.
"You would break your poor ankles. You can't wear these yet."
"When can I?"
"When you're older."
"That's your answer for everything." She looked at me disapprovingly.
"You have more growing to do," I said simply.
"I hate early mornings." Justin came into the room, his hair disheveled and his face red.
"You don't have to get them up for school. This is what I go through every day," I said, zipping up my dress.
"Papa!" Milania shouted, holding up her arms.
"Bambina, you look wide eyed and beautiful this morning." He scooped her off of the bed.
Her arms wrapped around his neck and they lost themselves in their own little world. It warmed my heart so much to see Justin this way. He reserved his warm and fuzzy side for the kids, but no one would know that from his exterior.
They chatted on the bed in rapid Italian and Milania made sure to fill her father in on her dreams. Justin seemed genuinely interested. He kept her distracted while I did her hair and slipped on her dress. It was quick and easy work, which was unusual for her.
An hour later, we were all downstairs; Justin, myself, and our six kids.
Alice and Jasper were still childless, by choice. They just weren't ready, as they told us every time we hounded them for details. Alec and Jane were, likewise, childless. Although, I thought they were in the process. They were very secretive about things, though, so we didn't really know what was going on there.
"Mama, why can't I be the flower girl?" Milania asked, slowly and delicately bring a spoon full of yogurt to her mouth.
"Because you were already a flower girl last year, remember?" Justin said to her.
"And you said I did a good job."
"You did, sweetheart, but they just didn't want the same one," I explained.
She seemed to understand, going back to her breakfast.
I continued to slowly feed Giovani and Dante small pieces of fruit. They were still in their precious little pajamas since they weren't going to the wedding.
"Santino, leave Francis alone," I shouted at my son, who was poking our dog on the floor.
"He doesn't do anything anymore. Make him play with me," he whined.
Francis huffed, his fat cheeks puffing up with air.
"He's a million years old. It's only a matter of days before he drops dead," Justin said unemotionally, typing on his phone.
I hit him in the arm for being so insensitive.
"What's wrong with Fanny?" Sophia asked.
"Nothing, sweetheart. He's just sleepy. Leave him alone, Santino."
"Fine. I'll go play with Bosco." He pouted and walked away from the table, his toast only half finished.
"Do you have the wedding gifts?" I asked Justin as we packed up the kids into the car. It was a giant production to go anywhere nowadays. Diaper bags and car seats and bottles. We needed to start getting ready at least half an hour early to do anything.
"Yup." He patted the front pocket of his navy blue suit.
I stood back to look at him just a second. He was leaning over to buckle in Milania and as smooth as ever. I swear the Bieber men didn't seem to age. Justin was still the same man he was ten years ago, just a little wiser and more calm. His body was rock solid. His hair was still lustrous and his voice still sent tingles all over my skin.
I don't know how he did it because some days I wanted to just rip my hair out, but he was always my steady rock. No matter what the situation, he had a solution and plan to execute.
"Stop staring at my ass." Justin shut the door of the car with the ends of his lips pulled up slightly.
"I wasn't," I said too quickly.
He took my hand and pulled me towards him. "Mrs. Bieber, you're a terrible liar."
"I can't help it. You're so damn sexy." I blushed.
"You're still hot over me?"
His head bent down until his lips met mine. Our hands started to roam and I trailed my nails over his hard chest and pulled at his shirt, hoping that I didn't mess it up too badly.
A throat cleared and I broke away from Justin to see Roman glaring at us, his window rolled down.
"What?" Justin said rather harshly.
"I don't want to rush anybody, but we're already ten minutes late."
"Later," I promised my husband with a final soft kiss and ran around to my side of the car.
We were off and racing towards the country club. I kept the kids from killing each other in the back on our way. Roman and Santino were especially feisty today. Those two were just total opposites in every way, and it proved to be quite challenging having them in close vicinities. They didn't get along too well, but Carlisle said that Justin and Emmett were the same growing up.
We pulled up to the venue and a valet took Justin's keys.
"You're going to behave yourself?" Justin asked Santino, fixing his tie.
"Yes, Dad." He rolled his eyes.
"I mean it. If you do anything to fuck this up, I'll send you to military school."
"Justin, don't say things like that," I whispered to him.
"Well, it's true." He looked sternly at Santino. If that boy messed up, there would be hell to pay.
Justin had a parenting style that I could only describe as... strange. I thought that as time went on, he would become more accustomed to having kids, but he never really did. On his good days, he could be the most loving and caring father in the world. But on his bad days, the kids knew to stay away. Justin, of course, loved all of our children, but he was incredibly strict and talked to the kids as if they were adults. I had to rein him in on multiple occasions when I felt he went a little too far.
Santino stayed near me as we walked into the country club. Roman and Sophia immediately found some family friends from school and went off to speak with them. The whole wedding was outside so there were tents set up around the lawn and soft lanterns that hung delicately in the sky.
It was cocktail hour and people were milling around the grass, dressed in their finest clothes. This wedding was kind of a big deal and with Justin being the head of the family, he paid for everything. I didn't know his cousin too well, but I had met her a few times and she seemed kind of shocked that Justin was willing to fund her entire wedding, but he assured her it wasn't a big deal. He did it for a lot of family members.
Alice, of course, was in charge of designing the day and making sure the bride felt special.
"Fucking finally!" I heard Rosalie's voice as we entered one of the tents with a bar.
I don't think I would ever get she or Justin to keep their language in check around the children.
"Hi, sweetheart." Rose stole Milania from my arms and swung her around. They both giggled and smiled at each other.
"You look so pretty," Milania told her.
"So do you. I love your dress."
"Mama, just bought it for me. She says I look like a princess."
"Of course you do."
"Mama, I'm going to go see Grandma." Milania squirmed out of Rose's arms.
"Okay, but don't get your dress dirty."
I saw Carlisle and Esme nearly beam until their cheeks burst as Milania ran towards them from across the tent. I knew they would occupy her for the rest of the night.
"Santino, go find your Uncle Jasper. He has a present for you," Rosalie said, ruffling up his hair.
"Really? What is it?"
"I can't tell you. That's why it's called a present."
Santino took off and disappeared into the crowd of people.
Now that the kids were all taken care of Rose let loose. She turned on me with her hands on her hips. "I've been waiting her for over an hour. What the hell took you guys so long?"
"We have kids. It takes a long time to do anything."
"Don't lecture me." Her still perfectly beautiful face scrunched up in anger. "I have kids too, but I can still be on time. I had no one to talk to since Alice is running around with her head cut off."
She and Emmett had two kids now. Both adopted, but they couldn't be happier. I just don't think it was in Rosalie's cards to get pregnant. It took her a long time to handle that fact, but she was okay with it now.
"Does it always have to be about you?" Justin sighed, taking a sip of some amber liquid, which miraculously appeared in his hand. He also brought one for me, which I took without question.
"I like talking about myself, so shoot me," she replied.
"If you weren't married to my brother, I would. Believe me."
"Okay, okay." I broke them up. "Rose, let's go sit down."
I squinted my eyes at Justin as we walked away. Those two still hated each other. If either of them had the maturity to let their decade-long feud go, it was Justin, but he wasn't doing a very good job at the moment. He promised me he would at least try. That was all I could ask for.
It felt nice to just sit back and talk to Rosalie without children around. I always kept tabs on them under the tent, but relaxed a little.
"This wedding is going to be shit," she complained to me, picking up a cloth napkin and inspecting it.
"Why are you always so negative?"
"Someone has to be." She shrugged.
"You've only gotten worse with age." I took a sip of my drink.
After another half an hour, we were joined by Jasper and Emmett. Alice was busy with the bride inside, so I doubted I would be seeing her tonight. Alec and Jane weren't even attending the wedding because they were on one of their romantic getaways. They would take off without warning and wouldn't return sometimes for a month.
I looked around the tents and saw a lot of our family; aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, and nephews. I loved it when we Biebers were together like this.
Of course, there always had to be something to get us off track.
I spotted two men in suits and sunglasses on the other side of the lawn. They looked incredibly out of place.
I sighed to myself, taking a large sip of my drink.
"What is it?" Justin whispered.
"Probably nothing." I didn't want to draw any attention to something that might just be my paranoia.
I didn't expect Justin to give up his life in the mob completely, but he had to take it slow. He had kids now and I needed him around for a couple more decades. But to give Justin credit, he had been dealing in more... legitimate areas of business in the past few years.
"Who the hell is that?" Jasper craned his neck trying to take a look at the two men I had spotted seconds before. They looked rather hostile and obviously not here for the wedding.
Justin did not seem pleased and I felt his body stiffen. I rubbed my hand across his back, letting him know to calm down. He knew there was trouble ahead, but I prayed he wouldn't do anything too drastic.
"Remember that there are kids around." I whispered to him.
He would never do anything if our children were in jeopardy. At some point, we would tell them what their father did, but they knew he wasn't just another ordinary man. We never hid our life from them, but did everything we could to protect them.
"I'll just be a second." Justin kissed my temple and then got up from the seat, fixing his navy blue suit jacket. Emmett and Jasper both followed him across the lawn.
"Where's Daddy going?" Milania ran over to me. "I want to show him something."
"He'll be back soon." I smoothed out the hair falling into her face.
"Is everything okay?" She asked, her voice so sweet and innocent.
"Come on, let's get ready for the wedding," Rose said, getting up and taking her hand.
I quickly found the rest of my kids and got to our assigned seats right up front. I needed them close; although, Santino protested about having to sit next to me instead of his grandparents, but he quieted down when he saw the unwavering look on my face. I left a seat on the end of our row open for Justin.
The wedding area was beautiful. Decorated all in white with ribbons and bright green flowers.
"Where's Dad?" Roman asked while we got situated.
"He's busy, sweetheart."
Roman's face told me that he wanted to ask more questions, but he didn't.
Justin returned just as the ceremony was beginning. The bride looked beautiful in her white dress and she walked down the aisle with her father on her arm.
As we sat down, I looked Justin over. He was trying to hide his hands from me.
"What happened?" I whispered to him during the ceremony.
"Nothing. Pay attention."
"Justin, don't lie to me." I unfolded his hands so that I could see them. His knuckles were raw and bloodied. The skin was peeling away and he tried to pull away.
"Don't make a big deal out of this."
I mumbled to myself and picked up my purse, pulling out a disinfecting wipe, "You're lucky I didn't bring my needle and thread. I would stitch your fucking knuckles up right here."
Justin pulled his hands away and slung his arm behind my chair, pulling me close. "Stop obsessing over things you can't change."
"What things?"
"I don't know. Whatever has you pissed," he whispered into my ear. "Just think happy things. We're at a wedding, with our family. Do you remember our wedding?"
"Stop trying to distract me. I'm still mad."
He held a firm grasp onto my shoulder. "Do you remember our wedding?"
I sighed, "Yes. Of course."
"Tell me what you remember?"
"You were nervous as hell," I laughed quietly.
"I was not."
"You might not have looked it, but I could tell. I know you too well."
"You certainly do, Mrs. Bieber." He kissed the side of my head.
The first time I laid eyes on Justin, I was eighteen years old. That was so long ago, but our love only grew stronger. I couldn't see him not being in my life. It just didn't make any sense to me. I could never conceive that thought. We had been through so much together and I would always love him.
Of course, all those years together weren't easy. Hell no. With six kids, and I was sure there would be at least one more before it was all said and done, it was hard.
There were times that I wanted to kill Justin, chop him up, and then bury him in the backyard. We sometimes fought like we hated each other, but that was us. That was Justin and Selena. Stubborn. Aggressive. Loud. Sometimes unreasonable. But always in love.
And that's how it would always be.
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