hollowslantern · 1 month
"hopefully F's gloves will hide what cipher has done to my hands" (beat them to shit trying to fnaf a door down) there's something so something about that but I can't put it into words
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kookies2000 · 2 years
So I was doing research for a name that means love or lust. After years of taking a break and healing, I decided to start working on my Ducktales fan fic "Don't Back Down Again". The next chapter is suppose to tackle the subject of lust, love, femininity and homosexualilty. So I have a charater that's suppose to be a decent of Aphrodite and plays a big role in the chapter. I've been looking for the perfect name for days. And finally,
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It's not even hard to pronoun (So-Cheel). And his parallel is Eros, also known as cupid, so this name is perfect! But that's not why I'm posting this.
The reason I'm posting this is because I want to know why NO ONE TOLD ME THAT MY AZTEC ANCESTORS HAD A GOD OF HOMOSEXUALILTY!!!!
What? Why has no one told me this? Why has no told me that my ancestors have a male God of flowers? This makes me want to research more about my culture!!!!
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shoppeandtailorrr · 5 years
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What's extra awesome about Shoppe and Tailor? We're queer and cool! Just like you! (or just like one of your besties/ families/fellow humanies 😘 Our space is SAFE and OPEN to everyone! Gender and identity fluidity is our jam. Uniqunesses are our super powers!!! Shoppe and Tailor loves you! Thanks for all the years of support and joy🌈 . . . . . #gaypride #loveislove #pride #bisexualality #homosexualilty #transexuality #nonbinary #queer #asexualality #toronto #fashion #fitforyou #yourbestself #tailoring #tailorshop #style #ossington https://www.instagram.com/p/By8PW7rAbha/?igshid=id54cjm52krp
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lillizzyvert-blog · 8 years
Whole lot of Lovin’
Which is better, sex or love? They are both Something we do,  we love, and is also an act we sometimes fear. We all grow up and automatically exercise love and sex. Us humans experiment with them and majority of us fail at one or the other or probably both ate the same time. Sex and love has been around way before human were on this earth but yet we end up toxifying  the meaning them with our opinions, beliefs,and labels. Heterosexuality and homosexuality should be teached in school, we are in the year 2017 if you still cringe at those words you have to grow up at this point we all mature. As well as, figuring out what is normal about these acts, because yes they are very normal.
“There are many reasons for this educational omission, including religious bias and other types of homophobia.” I abhor the fact that Brandon Ambrosino, the author of “Invention of ‘Heterosexuality’” stated this in his article. You shouldn’t just push aside something that was slowly becoming a problem in the world because of religious bias and homophobia. It’s best if the youth be exposed to this topic young, because humans have a history of becoming very inhumane when they come encounter to something they don’t understand. For example, back then they tried to control the people from even having sex. Now fast forward to now,  you can see that they failed. Exposing the youth to the topic of heterosexuality and homosexualilty would not make them magically make them know which gender they want to have sexual behaviors with at the end of the lesson. It will educate them, the human brain is fully developed at age 25. So never the less, it would take up to 25 years for an human to know what is right from wrong as well as, know exactly what they want.
“Researchers aren’t sure about what “causes” homosexuality, and they certainly reject any theories that posit a simple origin, such as a ‘gay gene.’” first of all Researchers? No, HUMANS, put a flaw in everything we seem to touch. At this point it’s clear that humans create destruction on unnecessary things, especially things they know the answer to but are way too in denial. You do not need researchers to know what “causes” homomsexuality are disire, love , and fear. It doesn’t come from a chromosome or a gene it isn’t from nature or nurture either. It’s all from growth and finding out what you like or don’t like. To add on on how destructive we humans can become,  Ambrosino stated, “But at a specific point on in time, humans attached meaning to these instincts. (Sexuality)” sex it’s an activity we act on with on another, animals been doing it way before we came. Animals have also been having same sex behavior. In other words to Ambrosino words,  once we have we slap a label on it and bash the meaning of it, as well as harm the people that can’t control what they grow up to love. Ambrosino mentioned “sexual desires shift throughout time.” I disagree, I believe that desire, love, and fear shifts everything in life. That is what many of us fail to understand about revolution and life.
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mspinkjellyfish · 12 years
you can only watch this on facebook (sorry!)
but this is so so so so upsetting!!
how many people are going to die before they reliase that homosexuality is okay
he looked HAPPY so so happy and i just don't understand how your parents don't understand just fuck please watch x
I don't own this copyright goes to the guy who made this xx
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theremedyislove · 12 years
My brother is officially a homosexual.
He got his eyebrows arched. I guess this is his way of coming out. Not like we didn't already know. Just thought I'd share the news.
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kookies2000 · 2 years
Am I about to do a charater analysis of every Owl House character? Yes, yes I am.
Just saw a Tik Tok edit about The Owl House Villians and it got me thinking, some of the characters are much more complex than villains. In fact, the show has types of characters that aren't always shown in children cartoons. The most common characters we do see are heroes, villains, and/or twist villains. If we're lucky we get tragic antiheroes. But the show has other character types that I don't always see in Disney cartoons. And I'm gonna talk about every single charater and what type of charater they are!!! Look, the hiatus as me going insane, ok?
The twist hero. A character that appears to be the villain but turns out to be the hero. The opposite of a twist villain. The edit had Darius as the villain and yes, he did start off in a very villainous light. His behavior was snooty, cold hearted, cruel, sinister and he was mean to our heroes. His design looks threatening as well. Has anyone noticed how Darius transformation is a parallel to Belos transformation? Piles of goop and can turn their limbs into weapons. Heck, they had him in that famous Disney Villain Green.
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But then, it turns out all his villainous deeds were actually heroic ones. He didn't kidnap Raine and their team, he saved them from being locked away forever. He wasn't being a jerk to Eberwolf, that's their sibling like relationship. He wasn't gonna force Willow and her friends into the coven, he was just returning them without attracting attention!! He wasn't trying to be a jerk to Hunter, he was trying to push him onto the right track.
And back to that Belos and Darius parallel!!! It just hit me!!! Darius was shown in a green light and the green light means villain. While Belos was shown in a golden light, and in Disney gold means hero. Then when we have their transformations. Piles of goop that can turn their limbs into weapons. They both have the same powers but there's a main difference. Darius has better control over his powers and he embraces it. Belos has zero control and is continually trying to suppress it with palisman magic. And then we have their personalities!!! Darius is open about his opinions and wears his emotions on his sleeve. If he doesn't like you, he'll say it. He comes off as a jerk but at least you know where you stand with him. As for Belos, this guy uses pretty words. He's always so calm and well put together. A man of the law and justice. But it's not real, he's suppressing his anger and thoughts. He's hiding what the public would note as uncivilized.
What I'm saying is, all these details and characteristics are what made the twist hero so much better. We're used to that Disney image of a hero and that Disney image of a villain that we didn't see it coming. And I adore that. I don't think we ever had a twist hero in a Disney cartoon before. If we have, please tell me. And no, a villain who had redemption doesn't count as a twist hero. They have to have been the good guy the whole time for them to be a twist hero. Honestly, the closest I can think of is Ducktales. Lena and Penny aren't twist heros, they were more antagonist who saw what was right and wrong. So the next one I can think of is Gandra. She was never evil and was working with Fenton.
I'll be posting about the other characters on a separate post. I'm looking forward to writing about Kiki and Terra.
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kookies2000 · 2 years
One reason I love The Owl House, LGBT+ representation of course. And this has obviously been said over and over before with everyone telling their own reason and story, so here's mine.
I didn't know what homosexualilty was until I was 16 years old and in theater. I saw a poster that said pride club and I had a lot of questions. I asked the master of our house and they said that homosexualilals were people of the devil so I shrugged and listened. Said what they wanted me to say. Long story short, theater class was full of homosexuals and they weren't as bad as my house hold described them to be. Heck, they were the most accepting people I ever met. Once I started warming up to the LGBT+ community, I made a transgender OC in a story I was writing. Still remeber writing a fan fic for FNAF and I made a trans girl as an important part of the story. My little brother asked about my story and I happily introduced my trans girl to him. Why was she trans, the story was about identity and knowing who you are. She was gonna be this confident girl who knew exactly what she wanted and who she was. Her purpose in the story was gonna be to help others find out who they are. I was so excited to write my story and my brother shared that excitement. To the point where he told all about my trans charater to a family member in our strictly Christian house hold. He was only five at the time. I had a massive talking, long bible lesson and punishment for it. So I threw away my story and my very first trans charater. Not to mention I was told to reject all homosexuals at my school including my theater class. I wasn't allowed to watch shows like Steven Univers or The Owl House either.
A few years later, graduation came and I still have connections with some theater kids and haven't cut any connections with my gay friends even after being asked to. Though, I'm still nervous about my very first bisexual charater and my first asexual/demi romantic charater. There's many reason's my Ducktakes story "Don't Back Down Again" has been on hiatus, but this reason is my #1 reason.
Some already know I manage to leave that house hold recently but that doesn't mean I'm not effected by what I was taught. I'm just nervous about continuing my story because I'm getting into the territory where I explore my first bisexual charater. Along with my first asexual/demi romantic charater. Maybe it's the memory of throwing away my first trans charater and the punishment that it came with. It's still there and it's keeping me from continuing from writing.
Heck, I remember always seeing Lena as a lesbian and wanting to write her as one. But I never did out of fear. Same for Violet being trans.
Though, I've been feeling more and more comfortable with writing LGBT+ characters now. The Owl House has grabbed my attention from how accurate it portrays religious abuse and manipulation through religion. It just tells our story beautifully and I couldn't help but want to write a fan fic for it. Writing down my outline and charaters, I'm starting to get use to making LGBT+ charaters. I'm excited to introduce my first lesbian couple and first gay OC. And maybe I'll be able to add a trans character as a call back to my very first LGBT+ OC.
What I'm saying is, The Owl House is a giant inspiration for me in writing. Not just telling the story of religious abuss and those who are trying to break from it, but making others feel more comfortable with them selves. I was never open about being in the asexual and aromantic spectrum until I started watching The Owl House. Lilith is incredibly important to me. Aroace lady who broke from away from her manipilator and trying to fix her wrongs, that's incredibly relatable and inspiring. These are the charaters I inspire to write and that's why The Owl House is so important to me.
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kookies2000 · 3 years
So I'm rewatching Gravity Falls and getting so many memories of my childhood. Though, I can't think back on my childhood without sharing this story.
I lived in a very strict Christian household and the "leader" of our family was very strict. No homosexualilty, no demons, no cussing, no disobeying your elders, ect. So I had to be really sneaky when I watched Gravity Falls as a kid. The fact that Gravity Falls is Disney made it easier for me because Disney is for all ages. I couldn't watch Steven Universe or Adventure Time as easily because it was Cartoon Network. So when I watched Gravity Falls on the tv, all that my family saw was a little girl watching Disney Channel. And if I ever got caught watching it on YouTube, I could just swipe to another show in seconds.
One day, Weirdmageddon Part 1 was finally here. And I was watching it on the tv in the living room. Big mistake. The "leader" of our family caught me and I felt a heart attack coming. They looked at me weird then back at the tv and I could tell what they were thinking. So 15 year old me wiped out the bible, yes I had a mini Bible with me at all times 😅, and told them the whole plot to Gravity Falls in the most Christian way ever.
"The show is about a boy and a girl. They go see their uncle, who is a criminal, for the summer. In the small town they live in, there are many demons and they don't know why. So they spend the summer trying to find out why. Turns out, the criminal uncle has a twin brother who is intelligent and he had an intelligent friend who became crazy from how smart he was ( the leader strongly believed that people who are intelligent and read the Bible, become crazy from how much knowledge they hold ) The smart brother makes a machine that let's him explore new worlds and then one day, his friend falls into the machine and sees Hell. The moment he sees Hell, he stops helping the smart brother and tells him to destroy the machine or something bad will happen. The smart brother doesn't listen and he ends up meeting Satan. He then makes a deal with Satan so he can have more knowledge. But Satan lied to him and used his machine to let demons from Hell enter the real world and the smart brother gets trapped in Hell. The criminal brother fixes the machine and gets his brother back. And now, they're making a plan to defeat Satan and return all the demons to Hell. They know they can't defeat Satan by themselves so they get this miracel from Unicorns that helps them shield their house and keep them away from Satan's darkness. Satan then takes over their town but can't move on to the world yet. So he needs the intelligent brother to let him inside his mind and find out how to take over the world. It's kinda like the Raptuer. Dimensions collide and Satan is trying to take as many souls as he can before the ends the world!"
Yes, I referred to the unicorn hair shielding the house as if it was God's light. 😅 How did they respond to my explanation of the show? They sat down and watched Part 2 with me. I WAS TERRIFIED FOR MY LIFE! Thankfully, they somewhat enjoyed it. They said some things like "This is true, Satan wants our souls and the world God created." "Satan wants to enter our minds." "People make deals with Satan for greedy purposes." Basically, I got a Bible lesson with Gravity Falls as an example. 🤣🥲 I feel proud of myself for thinking on the spot but everytime I think back on this memory, I feel the same anxiety and panic that I felt at the moment. 🤣 And if anyone thinks that I over reacted, religion abuse is 100% real.
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