#homogeniser gauge
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anilv89-blog · 6 years ago
Bourdon Sensing Pressure Gauge Information : Mahalaxmi Instruments.
Mahalaxmi Instruments was established in 2005 and is an independent 100 % owned manufacturing company achieved pioneer status in terms of technology, manufacturing capabilities and building a large clientele based. We are manufacturer and supplier of all type of Pressure Gauges. We are well known organization for our quality products and services.
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Bourdon Sensing Pressure Gauge
We are manufacturer and supplier of all type of Pressure Gauges. We are well known organization for our quality products and services.
Mahalaxmi Instruments offer "MASTER" make Bourdon Sensing pressure gauges. These types of pressure gauges are mainly using in power Generation, food industry, Instrument Manufacturers, Original Equipment Manufacturers,
Original Equipment Manufacturers, Pharmaceutical, oil Exploration / refineries Petrochemicals, Pulp & Paper, Metallurgy, Cement, Synthetic Fiber, Fertiliser and other Industrial Process Applications.
We are manufacturer and supplier best quality products of stainless steel pressure gauge, bourdon tube pressure gauge, glycerin filled pressure gauge, schaffer diaphragm pressure gauge, electric contact gauge, triclover seald gauge, sanitary sms gauge, compact sealed gauge, extended diaphragm seal, diaphragm seal unit, flush diaphragm seal, pan cake type diaphragm seal, in line flow through type diaph. seal, sandwich type diaphragm seal, utility pressure gauge, seald diaphragm pressure gauge, economical pressure gauge, non-ferrous pressure gauge, capsul type pressure gauge, sandwitch type diphragm gauge, homogeniser gauge, general service gauge, liquid filled pressure gauge, i section diaphragm sealed, vacuum gauge, low pressure diaphragm pressure gauge, oil filled pressure gauge, pressed steel pressure gauge, commercial pressure gauge, dial pressure gauge, steam gauge, hygiene gauge, differential pressure gauge, flange seald gauge, silicon oil filled pressure gauge, sandwich type diaphragm pressure gauge, freon gauge, compound pressure gauge, ammonia gauge, master gauges & test gauge, oxygen pressure gauge, acetylene pressure gauge, cng pressure gauge, air pressure gauge, pulp & paper machine gauge, water pressure gauge, hydraulic pressure gauge, bourdon tube, tyre pressure gauge, duplex gauges.
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harryweaver · 4 years ago
Individual Point of Perception is Dependent on Conditioned Mode of Thought.
Our conditioned mode of thought is determined by a number of aspects including:
our formal educational conditioning;
our cultural background;
the perceived power personalities that influence our sociological conditioning;
...to name a few.
I originally began this article with a view to confining it within the first classification of educational conditioning, but by way of natural process all seemed to apply.
Then, as it felt presumptuous and unwieldy to force a subject scope worthy of a treatise into a blog format, I have had to restrict the situation to how science has influenced and placed limits on our thinking.
Very much in shorthand....
All of science is based on direction defined by philosophy and Rene Descartes appears to have been the pivotal point in this instance. He introduced a way of perceiving things that took an observable entity and broke it down, analytically, into its individual unit parts. Dualism and other aspects, illuminating then, seem second nature to us now.
The evolution of this form of thinking was passed on into the capable hands of Francis Bacon who, in turn, hand balled it to Isaac Newton, both of whom provided substantial modifications to advance this concept of fragmentation. What we have inherited is what might be termed the 'Doctrine of Direction' for the entire westernised civilisation.
What these theorists neglected to consider and what Quantum theory is in the process of giving back, to those of us who care to take note, is an appreciation of the 'links' or aspects of interrelationship between these basic building blocks of fragmented, alienated entities. An aspect every bit as important as the 'units' themselves, as it is only by way of these continuously, communicating interfaces that we arrive at wholistic entities that are greater than the sum of their individual parts.
Unfortunately, we still model our mode of individual and collective advancement on the thought structures that built Empires that have long ago ceased to exist. Momentum, obviously, is capable of carrying us too far in the wrong direction.
I don't wish to appear to be a detractor of the theories of these giants of our past, or even of the ones who 'stood on their shoulders', who took those theories and gave them application within the sociological framework. What I am attempting is to show how the limited style of scientific mindset, that is drilled into us by way of our current educational process, has engendered our individual and therefore collective point of perception. This in turn has determined our current life situation. Man is a reflection of his environment, yes, but the opposite is every bit as true.
We have made fantastic advances with our 'scientific' thinking. We can gauge, almost to the centimetre, where we can land a rocket on the moon, over an almost unimaginable distance, with a mind numbing number of variables all taken into account. And after that, bring it back again. We are communicating concepts through mediums such as we are employing at this very moment, as you read this, and there are a myriad of other examples.
But, there is a dark side.
Having adopted, through conditioning, this mode of perception, we have alienated ourselves from our environment, from each other and even created alienation within our very selves. Our 'self' from this viewpoint, by way of illustration, does not include our body. 'I' am a separate entity and my body is a mere physical, mechanical housing, when in fact our bodies are a fully incorporated aspect of our 'selves'.
'Us and Them' is destroying 'Us'.
Take a look at what our alienating point of perception is doing:
(1) to our shared environment. We consider our 'selves' to be a separate entity to our environment, rather than an integral, interacting aspect of it, so any harm we inflict on the environment has no real effect on our situation, we surmise. (The comparative example of this would be that of a race of people, traveling through endless space, systematically destroying the space ship they are traveling in.) There have been highly qualified, dissenting voices to this supposition. Even economists, like E.F. Schumacher, who advise that, "If we ever find ourselves in the position of winning our battle with nature, we will automatically find ourselves on the losing side". Conditioned thought structure, however, pays little heed to logic, unless it is incorporated into an 'approved' educational process and therefore transposed into the paradigm;
(2) to our estranged sense of interrelationships. By over emphasising the self concept, to compensate for a social structure that appears intent on drowning the individual in a sea of homogenised anonymity, we automatically place almost insurmountable barriers to interpersonal integration;
(3) within our fragmented personal selves. In this context, the major effort appears to be the creation and continuous maintenance of a self image rather than the cultivation of the actual personality. A self image that bears little relation to the real person hiding within, who sadly perceives the camouflage to be more socially acceptable than him 'self'. Applied to extreme, the individual places so much personal energy into the maintenance of this persona, that he 'starves' himself. A major cause of mental dis-ease and what can amount to total breakdown of the individual existence.
Relationships can only exist between personalities. Relationships are not possible between facades, which are essentially illusions, so the illusion that they do doesn't exist for any length of time. This somewhat pointless exercise only exists because many believe that it's all they have to offer, as the real entity is seen as being insufficient to the situation.
One of the many sociological phenomena that appears to endorse all this is the fact that, in all westernised countries, divorce statistics come close to equaling marriage statistics and quite commonly surpass them.
It's a little unfair, however, to endow philosophers and scientists with the full responsibility of our present life situation. There are other buttressing influences. Sir Isaac Newton's writings within other fields were for all intents and purposes totally ignored, as they still are. The bias of thought at that time was all for the new clockwork bent that held so much potential for industrial advancement, as it still does. An illustration as to how long the industrial lobby, by way of political sway, has been placing paradigms on the full spectrum potential of our advancement as a species.
So, just while we are in the vicinity:
A corporate entity doesn't have a personality, other than the one on loan and frequently patched from the public relations departments, so don't look for human qualities;
The corporate ideal is to be in the position of dictating to the marketplace (yes, that's you!) and they never sleep in the pursuit of this goal;
Corporate entities see themselves as being subject to only one law and that's the law of economics. When economic precept shows any potential to limit short term profit, they're not above bending that out of shape either.
This latter point requires a little expansion, I feel.
Feel free to disagree.
According to the science of economics, there are two varieties of resource: rivalrous and non-rivalrous. A rivalrous resource is one that can be used up faster than it can be replaced, if it can be replaced at all, e.g., fossil fuels and the natural environment. A non-rivalrous resource, on the other hand, is a resource that is inexhaustible, i.e., it can't be exhausted as it is continuously replacing itself at a rate faster than it can be employed.
Now, considering the fact that human beings breed their own replacements, in the sort of volumes commonly described as 'population explosions', which of these two categories do you imagine employees slot into, within the corporate mindset, in these days of outsourcing?
`Safety before Production’, is the corporate catchphrase, but it will never be the reality because it doesn't need to be. An appearance is put up in order to establish a good 'Employer Brand Name', yes, but mostly because other powerful economic entities like insurance companies 'persuade' them to do so. And insurance companies are only prepared to do that because it has direct bearing on their own economic status.
This automatically creates another translation of the 'Us and Them' syndrome, the 'Divide and Rule' format. Musashi's 'The Book of Five Rings' and Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War', amongst other treatise on war strategy, make their way into every board room these days under the arms of those who would subordinate their productive work force to their will. Strategies that work within one set of environmental circumstances don't necessarily translate well into others, however, and 'Divide and Rule' is a classic example. When looking at a combined productive exercise, it simply isn't profitable to view and treat your production sector as though they are the enemy. This will automatically cost you money and the longer you persist with a faulty strategy, the more it will cost you. The variety of tactics employed, to gain the 'ascendency', are far from what is required to assist in establishing a sense of cooperation and self worth within the individuals that make up the bulk of westernised populations. And a sense of self worth is the foundation stone of a happy individual. A happy employee is more productive and produces a better quality product, so the strategy is obviously flawed.
Our mode of technological advancement has cost us dear, obvious in the stultified mental and spiritually bereft realms we have allocated to ourselves, from a set of values that is blinkered to the full spectrum definition of wealth. I have met people who, having worked continuously for, say, $500.00/week for a number of years, don't even consider pressing for more when their mode of employment changes, because they have been conditioned, over time, into believing that $500.00/week is their sum total worth as a human being. The comprehensive definitions of degradation and defeat are achieved when the victim is persuaded.
If western civilisation (sic), would just halt its frenetic, lemming-like race to the cliff edge long enough to look at the life philosophies of the various indigenous cultures on this planet, we would be in a position to provide ourselves with the requisite wholistic life perception required to save ourselves, and those same indigenous communities, from that inevitable extinction that we are imposing on other species at this very moment.
A different way of seeing is there, for our adoption, any time we want it. We find it not just in the wholistic, indigenous community and environmental Gaia mindsets, but in the most obscure of niches as well as the most obvious of places.
By way of an 'obscure' example, I recall reading Aleister Crowley's 'Magick' in the dawning of my adolescent rebellion, somewhere between Enid Blyton and 'The Russians'.
Wholly from memory:
`The practitioner of Black Magic employs his art to raise his level of existence above that of his environment’ - which doesn't sound so bad really, does it? Just looking round, it appears to be what everybody is doing, or attempting to do. Yes/No?
But then he goes on to say:
`Whereas the practitioner of White Magic employs his talent to raise the level of his environment, and in so doing raises his own level of existence’.
A totally different translation of existence, richer by far, achieved by a mere shift in perception.
As a natural extension of our adopting this different definition of existence, the changes within our culture would be dynamic to say the least. Mental health institutions would almost cease to exist, as the dysfunctional personality is no more than a symptom of the dysfunctional group. The dysfunctional group, no more than a symptom of a dysfunctional social order. Primary catalysts of physical ill health, such as stress, would almost cease to exist also, along with associated overloaded hospital systems and massive requirement for, along with associated abuse of, medication.
Street people would not feel a need to retreat to the streets anymore, but would see a form of society that they would want to be a part of. A form of society that they could see themselves as being a part of, alienated no longer.
Dare I mention prisons?
I could continue, but I'm sure you get the gist.
All aspects of our social and personal direction are compromised when we operate from a biased or false premise. Our proud, emphatic (dare I say, arrogant?) denunciations of 'this is wrong', or 'that's not right' appear as shallow as mainstream media. Any observation from a false premise can only produce an inaccurate end assessment. A silk purse don't come from no sows ear, boy!
Therefore it naturally follows that judging others, or even ourselves, by our own standards is automatically a travesty of natural justice and nothing more than a gross, if unintended, hypocrisy. Because we, unquestioningly, inherit standards of judgment also.
It is possible to establish valid existence only by exploring the depths of established standards, understand where they stem from and, by doing so, determine as to whether they still have relevance in regard to personal existence, now, in our current environment. Retain the standards that do have relevance, rid ourselves of false standards that represent the crippling detritus in our lives, and adopt any new standards that are seen to promote required existential standing.
This is normally considered to be the philosophers function, yes, but a little philosophy won't hurt any of us if it results in our finally reaping the substantial rewards of a valid sense of social responsibility. We have that duty to ourselves, each other and toward our shared environment. Wholistically.
The answer to all the worlds' problems lie in the future within our children, but we need people qualified to teach them how to move the world, through a paradigm shift, from here to there. There's only one way to achieve that, so we need to get to work on ourselves, individually, very quickly.
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sapna554-blog · 6 years ago
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villagemilk07 · 4 years ago
Best organic cow milk Chennai
1.what is organic milk:what is organic milk?what a silly question.i mean everyone knows what is milk. But if i ask you what is organic milk you’ll think twice may be thrice and may not come up with an accurate answer.though the milk can be defined as organic according to what was fed to the cattle or on other parameters,in today’s world organic content of the milk can be gauged by the fact,how pure the milk is?so the question here is:is the milk we are using even pure? 2.adulteration and it’s side effects:the scourage of adulteration has put the lives of common populous in danger.despite huge crackdown of regulatory bodies on such activities adulteration has been able to make it’s way to our homesin many parts of india especially in urban areas the adulteration is in full milk is adulterated with chemicals e.g. Detergent,colour and baking these chemicals are harmful to the human health especially to the infants and child in their growing age.the toddlers are worst affected group due to adulteration as they largely depend on milk for their nutritional requirements. 3.village milk as boon:in this scenario ‘village milk’ brand has emerged as a ray of hope. Village milk provides you pure raw milk.derived from indigenous cow breed, village milk gives you nothing but pure cow milk. 4.how village milk is best:village milk is pure in sense,it is not homogenised or pasteurised which is common practice today. Milk is collected directly from the farmers at milk collection centres especially made for the purpose.the milk is then scanned to check the fat and snf level of the milk.the milk is then cooled at 4 degree celcius in bulk milk coolers (bmc’s).the milk is then tested for bacteriologicalatudy.after this,the milk is directly packed for it’s delivery at customers doorsteps. Best organic cow milk in Chennai 5.how village milk is best for toddlers:village milk is a brand which gives you nothing but pure organic cow milk.pure organic milk helps in proper growth of toddlers. Milk is an essential component of toddlers diet.milk contains calcium which helps in formation of strong bones.milk provides essential micro nutrients which are crucial for toddlers growth.above all,with no added chemicals village milk assures that children are consuming right product. 6.doorsteps delivery:with efficient collection to processing to distribution system village milk ensures purity and trust that people attach to the ‘village milk’. With all it’s goodness the village milk has turned out to be the best organic milk brand for toddler
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creativekevin-blog · 5 years ago
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We have over 38 years experience in the supply and service of all types of hygienic fluid handling equipment, including pumps, valves, heat exchangers, flexible hoses, homogenisers, pipe line fittings and accessories including flexible hoses, gauges and flow meters.
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lilyaarron-blog · 5 years ago
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Stainless Steel Pumps & Valves
Stainless Steel Pumps & Valves Ltd have more than 41 years experience in the supply and service of all types of hygienic fluid handling equipment, including pumps, valves, heat exchangers, flexible hoses, homogenisers, pipe line fittings and accessories including flexible hoses, gauges and flow meters. SSPV Ltd are the UK distributor for JEC Ltd.
Visit: http://www.stainlesssteelpumpsandvalves.co.uk/
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autotmp · 6 years ago
PCI Instruments VietNam – Đại lý PCI Instruments tại Việt Nam
PCI Instruments Viet nam – Công Ty Tăng Minh Phát – Đại lý PCI chính hãng tại Việt Nam
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Đại lý pci instruments VietNam
Mr.Nam : 094 2395 184
Các sản phẩm chính của PCI Instruments : Đồng hồ đo áp suất PCI, Đồng hồ đo nhiệt độ PCI Instrument – Can nhiệt PCI – Nhiệt điện trở PCI – Đầu dò nhiệt độ PCI Instruments
Cảm biến áp suất PCI Instrument – RTD PCI Instrument -PCI VietNam – PCI Instrument Vietnam
Đồng hồ đo áp suất PCI Instruments
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Đồng hồ đo áp suất PCI TP300
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Đồng hồ đo áp suất PCI TP400
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Boiler Gauge
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AX200 (Aximax 200)
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AX300 (Aximax 300)
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TR100 (Transpress 100)
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TR200 (Transpress 200)
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EP100 (Express 100)
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BP100 (Bipress 100)
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BP300 (Bipress 300)
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TP300 + ZH
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TP300 + Mxx
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Thiết bị đo mức PCI Instruments
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Magnetic Level Indicators
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HLP250C / HLP250S
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Float Operated Level Transmitters
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Float Type Level Switches
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Bilge Level Switch
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from WordPress http://bit.ly/2UqnjUb via IFTTT
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the-desolated-quill · 8 years ago
Okay, Warner Bros. And DC Need To Calm The Fuck Down - Quill’s Scribbles
Oh God! Quill’s moaning about the DCEU again! I thought you were on our side! Why are you hating on us so much! Go back to the Marvel bashing! Your Doctor Strange rants were awesome! Why are you wasting time on us when Iron Fist is coming out? Surely that’s got loads of material for you to work with!
Yes well calm your tits random DCEU fan who I just made up for the purposes of shit comedy. Marvel will receive further bashing from me very soon, I assure you. After all when it comes to racism, problematic storytelling, dodgy business ethics and general bullshit, Marvel is the gift that keeps on giving. But for now I wish to turn my critical gaze toward DC, namely the clusterfuck of films Warner Bros. and DC have in the pipeline.
Here’s a quick recap. After Justice League, we’ll be getting:
The Batman
The Flash
Black Adam
Green Lantern Corps
Justice League 2
Justice League Dark
Suicide Squad 2
Gotham City Sirens
Booster Gold
The Sandman
Man Of Steel 2
Now a few of these are in the very early development stages I should point out. It could change (Booster Gold, The Sandman and Lobo for instance are very much up in the air at the moment). But for now this is the current DC movie lineup. These are the films WB and DC hope to release at some point in the future. And do they intend to trickle these out slowly over an extended period of time? Nope. Most of these are planned to be released before 2020. BEFORE 2020! That’s three years away! Exciting, right?
Well... No.
I mean for starters we’re only three movies in. I’m not even sure if I like this franchise yet. And that’s an attitude a lot of people seem to share. So bombarding us with all of these upcoming movies isn’t exactly filling us with confidence. They seem to be working under the impression that people really want to see these movies, and I’m sure some people do. The problem is they haven’t exactly earned the fans’ respect or loyalty yet. Out of the three movies that have been released, two of them have done well at the box office (Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice barely broke even, failing to reach the billion dollar mark Warner Bros. were expecting, and thus considered a commercial failure) and none of them have been that well received by critics and audiences. The majority consensus is that BVS and Suicide Squad are shit (I disagree about BVS. I didn’t think it was that bad. It was just... meh) and Man Of Steel, the best of the three, split opinion down the middle. People either loved or hated that one. This isn’t exactly a strong foundation to build a mega franchise on to. So to open the floodgates now on various projects and to start planning sequels and spinoffs to movies that haven’t been released yet and that nobody knows will actually be liked enough to warrant a sequel or spinoff seems rather foolish in my opinion.
Oh but Quill, I hear you saying, that’s how Marvel do it. Why do you have a problem with DC doing it? Well here’s the thing. You’re right. That is how Marvel does it... and that’s the problem.
Credit where it’s due, Marvel didn’t start out like that. Phase 1 certainly wasn’t like that. Marvel were actually fairly methodical about it, carefully planning out each movie and figuring out how they all fit together. It was only after the success of Avengers Assemble when Marvel suddenly went batshit crazy and started farting out all of these movies without due care or attention. It’s like a balloon that’s been pricked with a needle. All of the air comes rushing out at once and the more air comes out, the more shrivelled, tired and wrinkled the balloon becomes until it flops on the floor and somebody inevitably steps on it. Basically what I’m saying is you can really tell the difference between Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the MCU. You can tell from watching the Phase 1 movies that a lot more care and passion went into making them. Each movie feels very distinct and they all contribute something new to the franchise. The Phase 2 movies however are all formulaic, cliched, bland and homogenised (Thor: The Dark World and Guardians Of The Galaxy are essentially the exact same fucking movie with different coats of paint). Marvel sacrificed quality for quantity, and in a desperate bid to keep up with Marvel and to stay relevant, it looks like DC are falling into the same trap.
See the reason why this troubles me is that I was hoping that the DCEU would build off of what worked about the MCU whilst improving upon its shortcomings. They certainly seemed to be making the right noises in the beginning. A creator driven franchise that would focus on character development and world building. Fast forward to now and I think we can safely say that’s not what we’ve got. Suicide Squad in particular was about as far from that original vision as you can possibly get. The DCEU is at risk of becoming the same soulless, assembly line corporate entity that the MCU is. Rather than putting care and focus into individual projects and gauging what the fans actually want, they instead seem to be adopting the Marvel method of throwing any old shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. And I think that’s a crying shame.
Of course these upcoming films might turn out to be good. We don’t know. But there’s another problem and it’s one I’ve mentioned numerous times before in these Scribbles. The ever-growing risk of turning an audience off by flooding the market with too much content. Just think about it. Starting this year, the MCU will be releasing three movies a year, three Netflix series a year, plus their other TV shows like Cloak & Dagger, The Runaways, Inhumans and Agents of SHIELD (yes that still exists). 20th Century Fox will be releasing at least one X-Men film a year, plus they’ve also made the jump to TV with their new series Legion. DC have already been dominating TV with Arrow, The Flash, Legends Of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Lucifer, Preacher, Powerless, iZombie, Young Justice, Vixen, Constantine and possibly Watchmen if rumours are to be believed. Not to mention the other comic book related stuff floating around that have nothing to do with Marvel or DC. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Tick, The Walking Dead, the proposed Sam & Twitch TV series and Spawn reboot, AND persistent rumours of a Judge Dredd TV series. So let’s say DC release two movies a year. That would mean we would be getting at least 27 comic book related media content a year. 27! That’s INSANE!
If we’re not careful, the comic book genre will go the same way as the Western genre. Flood the market with too much of this stuff and people will eventually get sick of it and move on to something else. But doomsday discussion aside, it doesn’t seem like a wise move on DC’s part to be trying to match Marvel’s output. Considering the current tsunami of comic book related media we’ve got at the moment, the DCEU will just get lost in the noise. Surely it would be much better and smarter to release maybe one or two movies every couple of years, pacing themselves, making sure the films are the best they can possibly be and thus make a greater impact, rather than churn out an endless stream of movies and run the risk of them being mediocre and forgettable.
The DCEU will be playing a crucial role in shaping the genre going forward. It could either reinvigorate it and keep it going for another decade, or just add more dead weight to it causing the entire thing to collapse. Only time will tell which it will be.
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the-queer-look · 5 years ago
Queer as in F You
Name:Axeris Age:25 Sexuality:Bisexual Gender:Cismale Occupation:Student – City Planning Location:Sydney
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I was living in Dubbo for a year, working as a town planner as a part of my work experience for my degree, now I’m back in Sydney, trying to figure out what I’m doing with my life.
For the longest time, I was bisexual, but also identified as asexual. I had an attraction to both men and women, and I’d always known that from an early age, but sexuality wasn’t interesting to me. The sexual part of my life didn’t begin until I was about 19, but I’ve always been interested in both girls and guys.
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I was definitely more conservative in the way that I dressed before I became comfortable in being openly queer, but I think that also a lot of the way that I dress comes from friends and partners, I’ll almost get an aesthetic from them, rather than bring my own. I feel like the way that I dress and present myself is a culmination of the aesthetics from every platonic and romantic relationship that I’ve ever had.
I think that stereotypes about the queer community, from within the community are shifting. They’re more of an unconscious thing, I feel, but also if a straight person was to be stereotyping queer people, we’d be angry, but when it comes from within the community… I think it’s fun to play with those stereotypes, like some kind of wider joke that we’re all in on, rather than being made fun of from the outside.
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I pretty well grew up on the internet. I feel like I didnt have any particularly close friends at school. Not to say that I didn’t have friends, but I felt like none of them really got me, so I filled that void with online communities, and in a big way that’s what pushed me to realise things about myself like my sexuality, my politics, and stuff. It’s hard to gauge what the internet will become, and how the future will be shaped by it, but I can say from my own experience, and from the experiences of queer people that I know, that it’s integral to connecting queer people who would otherwise not have that connection. I think it is incredibly important, and that it will continue to be so, and it will be interesting to see how it evolves.
I dont think mainstream media shaped queer aesthetics so much as it has an almost parasitic relationship with it. you’ll have certain aesthetics or bits of culture that are integral to queerness, and then they’ll be rebranded and commodified to a more straight audience without any of the necessary context, and history. In that ay I feel that it’s a fairly toxic relationship in that it’s trying to homogenise something that shouldn’t be homogenous. But the queer community always seems to react to that by evolving and changing, so as mainstream media takes our culture and runs with it, we shift away from it, the eternal counterculture.
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The way I conceptualise queerness is a very political thing. You can have a gay man who votes conservative, and I’ll never consider him to be queer, because to me, queerness is a fundamentally political stance. A liberation stance, and solidarity stance. So for me, in order for someone, or something to be queer, or for a queer space to be a queer space, it needs to play up that political side. You need to engage with these politics as a queer person, because being queer and existing is a political statement against all those who would happily have us killed, or sent to conversion therapy, and treat us as an aberration.
Full gallery on facebook
follow us on instagram @thequeerlook
please contact us if you would like to be involved
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anilv89-blog · 6 years ago
Glycerin Filled Pressure Gauge Information : Mahalaxmi Instruments.
Mahalaxmi Instruments was established in 2005 and is an independent 100 % owned manufacturing company achieved pioneer status in terms of technology, manufacturing capabilities and building a large clientele based. We are manufacturer and supplier of all type of Pressure Gauges. We are well known organization for our quality products and services.
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Glycerin Filled Pressure Gauge
We are manufacturer and supplier of all type of Pressure Gauges. We are well known organization for our quality products and services.
Mahalaxmi Instruments offer "MASTER" make Glycerin filled pressure gauges. In Glycerin filled pressure gauges we filled it with lubricant like oil or glycerin so that it can be protected from environmental conditions and vibrations. Because of this we can increase the life of pressure gauges. Pressure measurement is the analysis of an applied force by a fluid (liquid or gas) on a surface. Pressure is typically measured in units of force per unit of surface area. Many techniques have been developed for the measurement of pressure and vacuum. Instruments used to measure and display pressure in an integral unit are called pressure gauges or vacuum gauges. A manometer (not to be confused with nanometer) is a good example, as it uses a column of liquid to both measure and indicate pressure. Likewise the widely used Bourdon gauge is a mechanical device, which both measures and indicates and is probably the best known type of gauge. A vacuum gauge is a pressure gauge used to measure pressures lower than the ambient atmospheric pressure, which is set as the zero point, in negative values (e.g.: -15 psig or -760 mmHg equals total vacuum). Most gauges measure pressure relative to atmospheric pressure as the zero point, so this form of reading is simply referred to as "gauge pressure". However, anything greater than total vacuum is technically a form of pressure. For very accurate readings, especially at very low pressures, a gauge that uses total vacuum as the zero point may be used, giving pressure readings in an absolute scale. By this mechanism accuracy of glycerin filled pressure gauge is more than the other regular pressure gauges. These gauges are subjected to aggressive environmental condition, Vibration proof, suitable for any type Burdens. We are manufacturer and supplier best quality products of stainless steel pressure gauge, bourdon tube pressure gauge, glycerin filled pressure gauge, schaffer diaphragm pressure gauge, electric contact gauge, triclover seald gauge, sanitary sms gauge, compact sealed gauge, extended diaphragm seal, diaphragm seal unit, flush diaphragm seal, pan cake type diaphragm seal, in line flow through type diaph. seal, sandwich type diaphragm seal, utility pressure gauge, seald diaphragm pressure gauge, economical pressure gauge, non-ferrous pressure gauge, capsul type pressure gauge, sandwitch type diphragm gauge, homogeniser gauge, general service gauge,liquid filled pressure gauge, i section diaphragm sealed, vacuum gauge, low pressure diaphragm pressure gauge, oil filled pressure gauge, pressed steel pressure gauge, commercial pressure gauge, dial pressure gauge, steam gauge, hygiene gauge, differential pressure gauge, flange seald gauge, silicon oil filled pressure gauge, sandwich type diaphragm pressure gauge, freon gauge, compound pressure gauge, ammonia gauge, master gauges & test gauge, oxygen pressure gauge, acetylene pressure gauge, cng pressure gauge, air pressure gauge, pulp & paper machine gauge, water pressure gauge, hydraulic pressure gauge, bourdon tube, tyre pressure gauge, duplex gauges.
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anilv89-blog · 6 years ago
Stainless Steel Pressure Gauge Details : Mahalaxmi Instruments
Mahalaxmi Instruments was established in 2005 and is an independent 100 % owned manufacturing company achieved pioneer status in terms of technology, manufacturing capabilities and building a large clientele based. We are manufacturer and supplier of all type of Pressure Gauges. We are well known organization for our quality products and services. We are manufacturer and supplier of all type of Pressure Gauges. We are well known organization for our quality products and services.
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Stainless Steel Pressure Gauge
The gauges manufactured by us have been widely accepted by the industry due to their quality, accuracy and performance. The strong market base that Mahalaxmi Instruments has developed in the market can be fully credited to the high quality of its gauges. We are in a unique position to have total system capability to solve customers problems.
The gauges manufactured by us have been widely accepted by the industry due to their quality, accuracy and performance.
The strong market base that Mahalaxmi Instruments has developed in the market can be fully credited to the high quality of its gauges.
We are in a unique position to have total system capability to solve customers problems. With the help of latest technology to test & monitor each production process & uncompromising commitment to quality, customer gets the product, which meets the highest standards.We value ethics, commitment & integrity the most, which has been our philosophy for achieving total customer satisfaction. Our wide range of products includes:
Pressure Gauges :
Bourdon Sensing Pressure Gauge
Chemical Seal Pressure Gauge
Diaphragm Sensing Pressure Gauge
Capsule Sensing Pressure Gauge
Differential Pressure Gauge
Electric Contact Gauge
Glycerin filled Pressure gauge
Schaffer Diaphragm pressure Gauge
Homogenizer Pressure Gauges
Quality :
Mahalaxmin Instruments is Quality Recognized Company and is active in the manufacturing & marketing of high quality Pressure Gauges.
We have developed a quality team to look after the quality process of manufacturing. We check quality of the product at every stage of manufacturing. Our quality process has been appreciated by all of our clients.
The quality of our gauges has been widely appreciated. The quality is an outcome of superior components that the gauges are made of and their functional competence. The high level of quality is achieved by an end-to-end monitoring and the examination conducted to ascertain the functional competence.
Infrastructure :
A fully equipped plant, clean and easy flow of production includes inward supply, designing, instrument assembly, quality testing and efficiency control. All the products are tested and calibrated at various stages to ensure proper working.
We have a state-of-the- art infrastructure, with high quality and latest machineries. We have a separate department, manned by experienced experts, for product inspection. Besides, we also have an extremely talented group of R&D team whose motive is to serve and give you highly advanced new products from time to time.
We are manufacturer and supplier best quality products of stainless steel pressure gauge, bourdon tube pressure gauge, glycerin filled pressure gauge, schaffer diaphragm pressure gauge, electric contact gauge, triclover seald gauge, sanitary sms gauge, compact sealed gauge, extended diaphragm seal, diaphragm seal unit, flush diaphragm seal, pan cake type diaphragm seal, in line flow through type diaph. seal, sandwich type diaphragm seal, utility pressure gauge, seald diaphragm pressure gauge, economical pressure gauge, non-ferrous pressure gauge, capsul type pressure gauge, sandwitch type diphragm gauge, homogeniser gauge, general service gauge, liquid filled pressure gauge, i section diaphragm sealed, vacuum gauge, low pressure diaphragm pressure gauge, oil filled pressure gauge, pressed steel pressure gauge, commercial pressure gauge, dial pressure gauge, steam gauge, hygiene gauge, differential pressure gauge, flange seald gauge, silicon oil filled pressure gauge, sandwich type diaphragm pressure gauge, freon gauge, compound pressure gauge, ammonia gauge, master gauges & test gauge, oxygen pressure gauge, acetylene pressure gauge, cng pressure gauge, air pressure gauge, pulp & paper machine gauge, water pressure gauge, hydraulic pressure gauge, bourdon tube, tyre pressure gauge, duplex gauges.
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