#homie you can’t just casually drop that
nerdiegurlie · 3 months
This is the niche-est of fandom crossovers, but in the most recent gtlive (as of 6/11/24) MatPat talked about Dimension 20 and Dropout overall, and I did vaguely recall that I’ve heard MatPat reference Game Changer before it never really sunk in.
My childhood emotional support millennial meets my young adult emotional support millennials?! It’s more likely than you’d think (apparently)
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azrielslostshadow · 10 months
Modern!Azriel Headcanons
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Modern! Azriel/ Navy Seal! Azriel x reader
Wordcount: 900ish
Warnings: annoying drill sergeant, couple curse words, not super gendered (like one mention of a dress)
A/N: az is a cutie in this one too :)))
Modern!Azriel who grew up in the same trashy neighborhood as you and cass and rhys. 
Modern!Azriel who was determined to make it out despite what his shitty father and half-brothers had to say about it. 
Modern!Azriel who was somehow top 10 in your graduating class despite missing like half of junior and senior year to work and help his mom pay the bills. 
Modern!Azriel who got a 1500 on the SAT and a 96 on his ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test. 
Modern!Azriel who knew that his best chance out of the hood was the military (also probably not the best way to work out all his anger)
Modern!Azriel who convinces cass to join him and they both enlist in the battle buddy program together. (they both deploy together so they always have a homie to rely on)
Modern!Azriel who is a fucking 6’4” unit and is recruited by the navy bc he’s massive and a genius and secretly speaks like 5 languages (bc his mom is an immigrant and they’re like that) 
the drill sergeant just about dropped and foamed at the mouth at the sight of azriel and cassian (drill sergeant goes on a tangent about finally getting some “real sailors” and the rest of the unit literally hates them bc yeah he’s right they don’t compare)
Modern!Azriel who (alongside cassian) gets asked to apply to seal school and they graduate with some of the highest BUD/S scores the navy has ever seen (his mom is super proud and makes him mole de pollo bc its his favorite and she loves her son and his friends)
Modern!Azriel who makes it to captain in six years instead of the average nine bc he’s just that good
Modern!Azriel who always remembered you as his kind coworker from his trashy minimum wage dishwashing job in high school and definitely not as his friend’s cute younger sister.
Modern!Azriel who remembers every time you brought him dinner and badly lied about how you hated to waste food and didn’t know what to do with the leftovers so he wouldn’t feel bad about eating it (bc times were tough in HS and he really wasn’t eating enough at all)
Modern!Azriel who just kind of slowly blinks at you when him and his unit walk into the museum that you’ve been working at. 
Modern!Azriel whose chest tightens with something strange when your whole face lights up after recognizing him. 
Modern!Azriel who has only had casual flings (mostly bc he was always away for work) but feels his heart drop to his feet when you press your lips to his left cheek and give his arms a little squeeze. 
Modern!Azriel whose whole body relaxes when you pull him into a hug. who’s knees almost give out when you rub your manicured hands up and down his biceps and whisper about how you missed him–how you were worried about him. 
his whole team will harass him later about his reaction and beg for the details behind your history because even though they’re navy seals they’re really just chismosas on the inside. 
Modern!Azriel who is seriously so confused as to how you (someone who was so kind and loving) could be involved in counter-terrorism.
Modern!Azriel who is shocked when you explain to him that the art world is full of criminals and that terrorists especially love to use expensive art as methods of payment for whatever horrible acts they want to commit. 
Modern!Azriel whose chest puffs with pride when he hears you tell your boss that you have full faith in his unit and their abilities bc “azriel isn’t the kind of man who lets people down”
Modern!Azriel who is supposed to be paying attention to the baroque painting on the wall but can’t take his eyes off of you in your beautiful, floor-length, velvet gown. 
Modern!Azriel who takes out two things in one night: a secret terrorist cell and you to dinner. 
Modern!Azriel who realizes he hasn’t been able to have a serious relationship bc he’s been in love with you this whole time (read: since he was literally 9 years old and you told him he had the prettiest eyes in the world)
Modern!Azriel who wears the matching bracelet you got him every single day. especially when he’s deployed bc a photo of you might actually be too dangerous for the field
Modern!Azriel who never tells you exactly what he does just that he’s the captain of a navy seal unit bc its classified, but you still worry (especially bc you’re a historian and can almost immediately tell where he’s been in the world based on the souvenirs he brings you)
Modern!Azriel who almost bursts into tears when you tell him you love him first bc he’d  been struggling to get the words out for weeks
Modern!Azriel who gets to experience softness from someone other than his mother for the first time in his life
Modern!Azriel who is in a healthy, positive relationship with someone who loves all of him including his flaws. 
Modern!Azriel whose partner teaching him about emotional maturity and communication and slowly walks with him down his healing journey
Modern!Azriel who is pathetically in love with his partner and can’t wait to start their life together. 
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callsign-rogueone · 2 months
been enjoying your writings and I had a thought from the Bodhi/Darling line. And you don't have to give too much detail if it is included down the line in their story. But when Bodhi told Violet that he defend himself from an assassin butt naked in the showers, in your cannon would Darling have been with him In there? Maybe just so they can protect each other? Or would she have learned about this the same time that Violet did? Low-key I kind of hope she was in there cause personally I would have asked if he was ok, then been a little turned on after. Just saying, after reading that in IF I wanted more details... But in your universe how would this have gone down?
oooh I love this ask! I love talking about all the gfs of course, and I’m always happy to answer questions like this so thank you 💗
I saw a theory the other day that Col. Aetos is the one paying these people to keep trying to kill Bo, since canonically he’s the eldest / “most important” marked one that was at Resson (bar X/G who are graduated) and has the closest ties to Xaden. I like it. and I’m gonna roll with that theory for some of the girlfriends… hehe >:)
anyway, I had to think about this one… it might make an appearance in their storyline at a later date, but I don’t know when I’ll have time to write it all the way out so. some thoughts under a cut, since this got long.
I’m gonna say no, Darling wasn’t there.
she doesn’t see 100% of the bad stuff coming, because then we wouldn’t have a plot. more often than not she does get unexplained, impending-doom, spidey-sense type feelings when herself or one of the gang is in imminent danger, so that could have happened here. maybe she’s across the hall in the girls showers and feels it, but doesn’t know why, or maybe she doesn’t feel it at all.
either way: Sìoda and Cuir are homies. they’re the ones bonded to mated humans, not the other way around 😅 so there’s gonna be some relay there, like for all the couples (minus Peach, sorry girl): human to dragon to dragon to human communication, especially in times of urgency. so Darling could ask Sìoda to let the gang know to be on their guard, or Sìoda could casually tell her via Cuir that yeah, your man is fighting some guy in the shower, buck-naked. aaaaand he just won. all clear.
OR, her finding out when Violet does would also be a good possibility. sitting at breakfast or whenever it was (I really need to reread IF) and she takes a bite of her toast then Bo just lays it on her all casual-like. hilarious, but she’d also be upset by it. Darling feels incredibly guilty when she can’t see harm coming to her friends in time to stop it, so even though Bo handled it perfectly, she’d still feel bad, because what if… 🥺
he’d have to do some sweet-talking to comfort her, reassuring her that he’s safe. and he’d definitely bring humor into it, making some inflated remarks about how good of a fighter he is and how nobody is catching him off guard, etc. and I’m 10000% sure he’d drop some playful line like… “Y’know, if you’re worried about it happening again, you could start showering with me every day. Safety in numbers. Buddy system!” <- this said in a playful tone with a lip bite or a wink and some suggestive, not-sexy-at-all eyebrow wiggles. that’ll get a laugh out of her and have her start to feel better.
she’d decline, of course, because she’s a wingleader now and can’t break rules like that, nor does she want to shower in the boys bathroom, and she’s sure as hell not bringing him in the girls one. she might make him start bringing a knife into the shower, though.
but on that note, I do have some shower fun planned for them. Bodhi has his own room (shared with Darling) at Riorson house, with a private bathroom attached. and I bet that the shower in there has excellent water pressure.
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cozymochi · 7 months
9 people you’d like to get to know better
I GOT TAGGED BY @idaaliis probably a billion years ago, but I only saw it now by happenstance 🫡 THANKS THO, EVEN IF IM A LIL’ LATE!!! Ever dug through the tag of your own url?? You either find gold or mistakes. This was gold rn.
1. Three ships: 🪷 x Whoever I feel like in the moment. That counts as 3. Wait maybe i have others but I’m gonna just hold off.
2. First ever ship: Legitimately don’t remember. I was never a strong shipper, NOT TO SAY THEY DIDN’T EXIST I just can’t remember anything at the moment! I think I’m more casual about it now.
3. Last song: The songs are going by real fast but it’s the entire Sonic Adventure 2 soundtrack
4. Last movie: Legally Blonde
5. Currently reading: at the moment nothing, but I’m perusing potential victims (ACTUALLY MEANT TO FINISH READING THE PUMPKIN QUEEN LOL never did though)
6. Currently watching: Nothing- WAIT I THINK I’m on/off trying to finish Phineas and Ferb. WHY??? Idk. Never saw season 3 and 4 😭 so this is unknown territory for me. I should be watching normal things, not revisiting something I watched 10 yrs ago, but, maybe I wanna be versed before the revival drops.
7. Currently consuming: Nothing, a homie is at work 😔😔
8. Currently craving: SOME RESPECT
9 people to tag: @thesilverlock @pallotdip @oddberryshortcake @dbzebra @akai-joou @irafuwas @the-trinket-witch @llondonfog @atwstedstory ….
none of u have to do this 😩 🩷 heck tagging might be OFF LIMITS for all i know
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sparxwrites · 2 years
Hello, I'm Nyde from Kofi :D my fic prompt/ request is for RenDoc & "trust". Thank you!!
want a lil fic like this one? you can get one here!
“Easy now,” says Doc. The casual tone of his voice is given lie by how tense his flesh-and-blood shoulder is, by the creases at the corner of his eyes. To anyone else, he might look relaxed, but Ren knows him better. “That is delicate, in that bit. If you make those wires touch, we will be in an even worse situation than we are now.”
Given Doc currently has a fully non-functional arm that’s sending feedback loops of pain up into his neck and down his spine every several hundred ticks or so, that’s a pretty big claim. Hard to see how the situation could get any worse than that, in Ren’s opinion.
Nevertheless he looks up, briefly, from his task. “Don’t worry, dude,” he says, and grins until he sees Doc’s shoulder drop, a little. “I’m being careful. These big ol’ paws of mine can do that, sometimes, you know.”
He says it as though he is not currently shitting a brick. Or several bricks, as the case may be. This is Doc’s arm, under his fingers. Doc’s arm. His arm, that he hardly lets anyone touch even with the casing on. And Ren’s here with exposed wires and circuitry and motors at his fingertips, like it’s nothing.
It’s a gratifying display of trust, but, also– aforementioned shitting of bricks. Just a little.
“What happens if the wires touch?” he asks, to try and distract himself. He’s fine. He’s got this! Doc’s given him clear instructions, he knows exactly what he’s doing. All he has to do is do as he’s told, and not fuck it up. Easy. Easy.
“Oh, well, you know,” says Doc, with a grim sort of lopsided smile. He’s holding his mechanical arm very, very still, Ren suddenly notices. “The whole thing short-circuits, and it electrocutes me, and then–” He makes a noise like an explosion, gestures like an explosion, next to the metal plate side of his head. “Very messy, I would imagine.”
My head explodes, Ren’s brain translates, helpfully, and provides him a mental image of exactly what that might look like. Of exactly what he might accidentally do, if he’s not very, very careful.
For all his many virtues, Ren is not, per se, known for his carefulness or hand-eye coordination.
He recoils, with a yelp, his hands leaving Doc’s arm entirely on reflex. “Dude!” he cries, horrified. “What the hell! Why would you– what do you– I– you– what? Why would you let me do, you know, fancy redstone stuff on something that might kill you! I’m– I’m not even a redstoner, dude, I– why– …why me?”
The stress at the corners of Doc’s eyes softens, all at once. Which is ironic, because Ren’s own stress has just skyrocketed. He thinks his heart might be about to beat its way free of his chest out of sheer, abject terror.
“I trust you,” Doc  says, simply. Like it’s the easiest, most obvious thing in the world. “You’re my best friend, man. If I’m not gonna let you do this, then– who?”
“Tango?” suggests Ren, a little helplessly. “Mumbo? Hell– Xisuma? Cub? Literally anyone on this server that’s better at machines and redstone and stuff than– than me.”
“Well, none of those people are my best friend, now, are they?” Doc shrugs his flesh shoulder, keeps the other one very carefully still. “So why would I choose them, over you? Hmm?”
Ren feels his cheeks heat up, flushed pink against his will.
“Love you too, dude,” he mumbles, and then realises that’s not what Doc said at all, and then decides. Fuck it. It can stand. If you can’t tell a homie you love him whilst elbow – slight exaggeration – deep in his forearm, then when can you? Never, that’s when.
When he looks up, Doc’s grinning at him, something exasperated and fond and– something else Ren isn’t going to put a name to, not right now, in his eyes.
“Right,” he says, to stop himself thinking too hard about that. If he’s not careful, he’ll blush all the way down to his chest, and if that happens then Doc will never let him forget. “Okay, dude. Well. If you’re sure…” He swallows, hard, and sets his hands back on Doc’s arm. “Right. Remind me what I’m supposed to be doing?”“With pleasure,” says Doc, easily, and – unbelievably – sounds like he truly means it.
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deliciouskeys · 11 months
10 - butchlander
14 - homie
Meme link. These were challenging, Anon! I admit I had a hard time thinking of a reasonable reason for them to crossdress, and Homie, well… hahaha
10 butchlander, crossdressing
The Boys are officially invited to Seven Tower to meet with Stan Edgar and discuss how to deescalate the ongoing hostilities. Billy says he’ll only show up if HL wears women’s clothes. HL says fine, but only if you do so as well. So this starts as a childish dare, both of them thinking the other will back out but neither does because they’re stubborn and stupid. When they walk in, Annie loses it, “why the FUCK are you wearing my suit?” And HL’s like “I thought you weren’t using this one anymore?” And he’s got a point, she doesn’t know why she even kept it in her closet, but she’s like “why didn’t you just buy something online??” And he doesn’t have a good answer other than he didn’t really think ahead. Billy just opted to steal something from Kimiko, and Frenchie is livid, because he’s totally stretching her clothes out and making them smell like smoke. So HL is wearing something where his balls are barely not hanging out, and Billy is wearing what should have been a relatively normal outfit, except Kimiko is 5’2 so his hairy midriff is bare. Stan Edgar hates his life and is not sure why he’s having this conversation anymore, clearly you don’t negotiate with terrorists and people who can’t plan ahead by a day
14 homie, wingfic
Hughie wakes up one day discovering that he has a hitherto unreported long term side effect of Temp V where he sprouts massive feathery wings. It makes going about daily life pretty impossible because they won’t retract, and knock things over, and make him unable to wear a shirt. He’s very distressed, and Annie tries to be understanding but eventually they get in a fight and he leaves the house. He tries to find a quiet spot in Central Park to just sit and stew about his predicament, but people are curious and keep trying to approach him, and out of despair he actually spontaneously uses his wings to lift into the air. He doesn’t feel like he has real control over it, and so he’s terrified of how high up he is. He’s even more terrified when HL casually flies up near him. HL is shocked that this new supe he thought was visiting NYC is just Hughie, but he’s in a sudden generous mood (or just predisposed to like supes so now Hughie gets more grace), and offers to teach him how to actually fly around. Hughie doesn’t have anything better to do, especially since he’s afraid to try to land, so he tries out several maneuvers. At some point he tires out though and starts dropping, and can’t pick himself back up in the air because his wings have actually tangled with each other. But HL nonchalantly saves him well before he’s anywhere near the ground, and he’s smiling at him but it’s good natured and not at all the usual scary grin and is all “you okay there, angel?” and Hughie’s like… wtf is this feeling??? Why is he so different when I have a power, no matter how bizarre or pointless? Is he really just supe-remacist like that?
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nymphbnny · 3 years
perfect strangers
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part one; part two; part three
genre: nsfw // fluff
pairings: jean kirschtein x female reader
word count: 4k
tags/warnings: slow burn (?), penetrative sex, dom jean, praising kink, slight breeding kink, oral sex (male receiving), fluff, confessions, cute jean (yes this needs a warning) cheesiness.
synopsis: you discover something jean has been keeping for himself and it ends up adding all the puzzle pieces together.
a.n: i don’t usually add songs for you to listen to while reading my work, but if you want to get in the mood stream Last Days Of Summer by Summer Walker. thank me later.
i would also like to add that this was meant to be a short series. i got other fan-fiction ideas and need to answer some of your requests. also, i know this part is kind of cheesy but jean is a big softie i can’t help it.
“Connie, what’s taking you so long?” I yelled from our porch, swirling my car keys around my finger. I heard more shuffling coming from our apartment before Connie rushed out, Jean following him, throwing his hoodie on, covering the shirt that was squeezing his muscles.
“I was looking for my dab pen,” he took a hit and blew the smoke in my face. I coughed pushing his shoulder making him miss the step and almost colliding with the ground. I snickered and walked past Jean to my car door before he grabbed my arm and pushed me back.
“Passenger seat babe.” he looked down at me with his lazy smile. I scoffed swatting his arm away, only to be lifted from the ground. “Jean you prick!” I yelled moving my legs around.
“And I’m the kid.” Connie laughed getting in the backseat, clearly not suspicious of his homie’s behavior. I sighed getting into the passenger seat and crossed my arms.
Jean mirrored my action, before cussing, as he felt squeezed by how tiny the space was. “Damn aren’t you a small thing?” he teased backing up the seat so he could feel more comfortable. He smacked my thigh making my eyes widen. I looked down to see him holding out his hand, motioning me to give him the keys. I rolled my eyes and slammed them down his hand. He chuckled before shaking his head and mumbled something underneath his breath.
He wrapped his arm around my seat, tilting his head backward, putting the car in reverse, and slowly drove back. He winked at me before he shifted gears. The car ride was basically Connie singing out loud to songs and Jean casually joining in, their interaction reminding me of Hitch and I.
After what happened last night, I texted the girls’ group chat and told them everything that happened and how Jean was suddenly becoming more and more possessive which was honestly uncalled for. If I want to overthink it, he was always somewhat flirtier with me than he was with any girl when we used to hang out back in the day. However, Sasha and Mikasa didn’t elaborate much into it as they told me to shrug it off, whilst Hitch was rather excited about me having a ‘sneaky link’.
And honestly, I’d be lying if I said he didn’t turn me on… I mean look at him. He’s at least 6 feet tall with sexy sleeve tattoos and a gorgeous mullet. His stubble fit him perfectly and his jaw was sharp. He looked so different and delicious.
“We’re here!” Connie shouted into my ear, shaking me off of my thoughts. Jean had already parked and was taking his seatbelt off. I followed his gesture and got out of the car, carefully closing the door behind me, Connie already outside taking a few hits of his dab pen. Our gaze locked, his lips instantly forming into a smile as he threw his arm around my shoulders and brought my head closer to his lips, kissing my temple. I grinned wrapping my hand around his torso and leaned my head on his shoulder.
I was lucky to have a brother like him. He always made sure I was okay and had everything I need and wanted. He was my support system and I couldn’t ask for more. “All good?” he mumbled, tilting his slightly towards Jean who was typing something on his phone, probably waiting for us before going into the diner.
I nodded and he squeezed my arm. “Come on, let’s go inside, the weather is chilly today.” Jean held the door open as we walked in and spotted an empty table. It was connected to a couch, two other chairs placed on the opposite side of the table.
I sat on the couch, my back relaxing into the soft red leather, before feeling the seat dip next to me. I tilted my head, only to be met with Jean’s cocky expression. Connie managed to sit on one of the chairs and tapped his fingers on the wooden table. “Y’all in the mood for burger and fries?”
“Yeah, I’m fucking starving,” Jean stated leaning back into his seat, spreading his legs. I nodded and took out my phone from my pocket setting it on the table. We called over for the waitress and placed our orders. “I forgot to ask you, how are your studies going y/n?” he added, dropping his head on his fist that rested against the wood and looked at me. Connie rested his elbows on the table, intrigued by the conversation.
“I’m doing good actually. I still have some things to get done and I’ll finally have some free time for myself. I honestly can’t wait until I’m done with this semester. It’s so tough and for what.” I whined, dropping my head against my crossed arms. His hand wrapped around my shoulder and pushed me towards him, my head colliding with his chest. Taken off guard, my arms wrapped around his torso. “Aw, come on you’ll do great, you got nothing to worry about.” he patted my head and gently stroked my hair. I blushed at his move, my stomach forming a knot. He was being extremely soft and gentle and I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't surprising.
“Here you go.” the waitress cheered placing our food down. She eyed Jean before averting her gaze from him as he pushed me closer to him, my head closer to his chest. I breathed into his cologne and managed to hear his heartbeat. Fast. His heart was beating so fucking fast.
Connie didn’t seem to mind as he laughed at his phone before turning it to Jean, showing him the picture of a half-naked model showing off her ass, a man who looked to be her boyfriend standing next to her. “Baldie I’m still here.” I scrunched my face. “Although the dude is kinda hot,” I added. Once the following words left my lips, Jean’s hand swiftly moved down my ass to grab it, making me slightly jump. I looked up to see him glaring down at me then looked back at Connie’s phone. Did this just happen?
“Doesn’t she have a boyfriend?” He cocked his eyebrow making Connie roll his eyes. “Man you used to like it when I showed you pictures like that." he shook his head locking his phone. He stayed silent for a few seconds before pointing at Jean with a big grin. "Oh my god, you are seeing someone!” he whispered.
I removed myself from Jean’s grasp and adjusted my clothes as I dived into my food, enjoying the warm feeling down my throat. “Nah dude, although I must admit that I've been thinking nonstop about someone lately,” he confessed taking a bite of his burger, Connie doing vulgar movements with his hands before he did the same.
“Jesus Connie,” I whined throwing a fried potato at him. “We’re eating.”
“Um, excuse me?” He scoffed as Jean laughed, muttering a small 'here we go', obviously aware of what my brother was about to say next. “The Jean Kirschtein I know doesn’t catch feelings. This dude is a damn sex machine. Which I can relate to but you know what I’m saying." he raised his hands up. "Now tell me, who got you so wrapped around their fingers you can’t even flirt with other women now?” He paused before adding, “ And don’t think I forgot how you pushed off that girl who tried to grind on you two days ago at the club.” I frowned, all of this not making any sense to me. How could he be sleeping with me but seeing someone else at the same time?
I felt sick, my fingers dropping the sauce I was about to pour on my fries as I excused myself to the bathroom. I made my way into the small area and looked at my reflection. I felt dirty. I felt used. Was I going to wreck a whole relationship? Or whatever he calls it.
The door swung open minutes after, revealing Jean. He had a serious expression on his face as he approached me, my ass now pressed against the sink, his tall frame towering me.
“Why’d you leave?” he questioned moving my hair from my face, cupping my cheeks. “I wanted to wash my hands,” I replied trying to free myself from his grasp but miserably failed. I frowned as I tried to push him away again, but his hands grabbed my wrists holding them down. “I don’t believe you, I think you got jealous,” he smirked, his lips inches away from mine. I glared at him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction he was seeking.
“Jean let me go. Someone might walk in and Connie is waiting for us outside, also, the food won’t stay hot for long and I want to-“
“I was talking about you silly.” he interrupted me, his thumb now rubbing my bottom lip. “You’re so fucking gorgeous it’s unreal,” he mumbled. “Can I kiss you?”
What was happening… I stared into his eyes that were focusing on my lips. Could he be telling the truth? What if he just wants to get in my- oh wait, he already did… Fuck that was so overwhelming.
“Jean I don’t think it’s a good idea-“
“Yes or no?” I thought for a moment before softly nodding. “I need to hear it.”
“I want you to kiss me…” I whispered almost as if I didn’t want anyone to hear me, including him. I’ve always felt different around Jean and I never knew why, at least until now. He smiled lifting my head up with his finger under my chin, his lips resting against mine gently. My hands gripped onto his hoodie, kissing him with much passion.
I felt safe. I felt good. I felt content.
“You got my heart working overtime, y/n.” he confessed. I wasn’t able to process everything as it all felt like a fever dream. What if I just wake up and it turns out to be a dream. Did he just confess that he likes me in a diner’s restroom? My heart was beating so fast, my thoughts furiously rushing through my brain.
After Jean left to study in France, we never kept in touch. It is true that we used to be friends because of his friendship with Connie and it always felt different from my other friendships with other men like Eren or Reiner, but the distance and the lack of communication turned us into strangers and killed the ‘connection’ that was bonding us. I thought it was just a tiny teenage crush, but ever since he came back, everything returned to the way it used to be.
“Connie is probably getting worried about me.” I said making him let go of my grasp, his eyes still holding the same expression as before. I made my way out of the restrooms and slid my hands into my pockets. “Hey, I was about to follow you, you good?”
“Absolutely.” I smiled at him and sat back down taking small bites of my food.
“Y/n, you know you can talk to me about anything right?” he took a sip of his soda looking at me worryingly. “Of course, I’m fine really.” I reached out to squeeze his hand. A few minutes went by and Jean was back on the table with us. We jumped from a conversation to another, casually laughing as we brought back the old days.
Connie proposed to drive back and we didn’t mind since we both fell full from the food. Jean sat in the passenger seat as I lead down on the backseat, texting the girls every single detail of what happened today. It didn’t take them long to start bombarding me with replies.
‘Holy fuck he said what now? He’s fucking WHIPPED.’
‘I did hear him saying something about a girl when we hung out with Connie four days ago but I would have never thought that it would be about you…’
Seriously Sasha? I sighed and locked my phone dropping it on my chest. It didn’t take us long to arrive at the apartment we were now sharing with him.
I dropped on my bed, stripped down naked as my blanket was the only material covering me. I thought about what Jean told me back in that diner. I sighed closing my eyes. As I was almost about to fall asleep, my phone chimed on my nightstand.
I reached out to grab it, the message showing on my lock-screen making me open wildly my eyes.
you up? if you are, can i come into ur room?
I hesitated, my fingers hovering over my keyboard, occasionally typing something then deleting it.
why? wassup?
It didn’t take him long to text me back.
i can’t sleep and i want to talk to you
I sighed typing a simple ‘okay’ and got up to put a shirt on. I heard a light knock on my door as I slid on the fabric, my hand reaching out to turn the doorknob.
“Hi,” I stepped aside, indicating him to come in before carefully closing the door. He sat on my bed and tapped on the mattress. I sat next to him and waited for him to talk about whatever he’s been wanting to get off his chest.
“About what I said earlier, uhm,” he cleared his throat.
“If you’re here to say that you didn’t mean it, you could have said it over text.” I assumed raising my eyebrow. It wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened to me and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with any bullshit, especially after getting my feelings mixed up. If he was about to mess around, I should do the same and ignore whatever I was feeling, hoping it would fade away over time.
“No, why would I do that?” he frowned and looked at me weirdly. Oh well, spoke too soon I guess. “I just wanted to make sure I didn’t make you uncomfortable. Listen y/n,” he paused searching for the words. “I don’t want you to think I’m doing this to get laid. We made an agreement and if I just wanted to have sex with you I wouldn’t have said anything about well, liking you.”
I stayed silent waiting for him to finish. The moonlight was the only source of light in the room as it peeked through my window. It was quite peaceful. “I think, no, I know I’ve liked you for a while. I never acted on it because your brother once threatened me jokingly about messing me up if I hurt you, and regarding the person I used to be, I would have most probably ended up hurting you and because of that, I decided to sleep on whatever I was feeling and hoped I'd move on from it. But holy fuck you and grew into such a smart and beautiful woman, I couldn’t help but let my feelings for you emerge again.” He cupped my cheek with his hand bringing me closer.
Fucking hell someone pinch me right now, I must be dreaming.
“However if you don’t like me back, or don’t want to hook up with me anymore, I’d totally understand.” I stared at him as I felt like I was looking at a different person. Now I get why Connie was so surprised when he heard Jean talking like that back at the diner. That wasn’t the Jean I was used to, or at least the Jean he became when he left for college. I wasn’t familiar with this new character development if I might call it.
“Why… why are you telling me all of this now?” I whispered, shifting in my seat to sit closer to him, our knees slightly brushing against each other. He brought his hand around the nape of my neck and pulled me closer to him. “You got my mind going crazy.” and with that, I pressed my lips against his, instantly feeling his lips kiss me back.
I straddled his lap and slid my tongue between his lips, our kiss sloppy and slow. His hands moved down to grip my ass, pushing me further to him, my bare cunt brushing against the soft fabric of his shorts. A moan escaped my lips as he gripped the hem of my shirt, lifting it, my nipples exposed to the chilly air. "Wait..." I pulled away and rested my hands on his chest. "We're gonna have to tell Connie."
He smiled and reached out to kiss me again. "First thing tomorrow. I don't think your brother is that oblivious anyway." he chuckled and squeezed my hips. I laughed, bringing his face closer to mine kissing him gently.
Our make-out session became more urgent ad rushed. Jean lied back, his hands resting on my waist as I took off my shirt. His hands reached out to grab my breast, fondling it with his big hand. My hips moved against him, the feeling of wanting to be filled by him becoming unshakeable. Removing myself off his hips, I crawled down and pulled down his sweats along with his briefs, his erection slapping against his stomach. I smirked at him as I began pumping his length, soft groans escaping his lips. I swirled my tongue over his tip and slit before sliding him down my throat, coating him with my spit. "Shit," his hips bucked forward, his cock going deeper down my throat. I started bobbing my head, my tongue running over his underside, feeling the pulsation of his prominent vein. Our eyes locked, his mouth agape and his chest slightly rising from his deep breathing. His hand fell on his eyes as he threw his head back, his fat cock now throbbing.
“Y/n, ah, fuck-“ he hissed grabbing a fistful of my hair and guided my head. I knew he was close and it made me wet as well. My fingers were already rubbing circles on my sensitive bud, my climax as close as his. I removed his dick from my mouth and straddled his lap. I aligned him to my entrance and slowly sunk onto him, sighs leaving both of our lips.
He felt insanely deep within me, his size stretching perfectly. I rested my hands on his chest as I ground on him, his hand lacing around my neck to bring me closer to him, his lips capturing mine in a passionate kiss. His tongue slipped in my mouth as his hand made their way to my ass, squeezing my cheeks and moving me upwards. I moaned into his mouth, my nipples brushing against his chest. I sat back up, my hands prompted back on his chest as I bounced my ass on him.
“Ride my cock baby just like that.” he moaned out. We were both already close to our orgasm, the sensitivity sending us off the edge. “You ride me so good, but-“ he sat up pushing me off him. “I want to fuck it in you,” he smirked pulling me off the bed and walking me to the wall, my back pressed against it. He wrapped his arms underneath my thighs and lifted me up, my legs snaking around him.
“Now stay quiet while I stuff you eh?” he breathed, pushing his tip inside me before thrusting his hips forward, almost hitting my cervix. My face hid in the crook of his neck, doing my best to silence my moans. My back moved against the cold wall, his whimpers and moans growing louder in my ear.
I shut my eyes close when he began rolling his hips faster, my orgasm rushing through my body. “Jean…” I whimpered tugging on his hair, my heels digging in his back. My arm was wrapped underneath his, my fingers scratching his back. I clenched around him making him hiss and fuck me harder, indicating that he was also close to reaching his climax.
“You wanna come with me?” I nodded staring at him with half-lidded eyes. “Yeah…” I mumbled out, biting down on my lower lip to keep quiet. “Yeah?” he mocked with a smirk before he started kissing my neck, occasionally leaving small bites next to my collarbone.
I wrapped my arms tighter around him, my thighs shaking as my orgasm ripped through me. He quickly followed ropes of cum shooting inside me. He whimpered, stroking himself a little bit more before pulling out and carefully putting me down. As soon as my feet touched the floor, his semen began leaking out of my opening down my leg.
“Well shit better clean that.” he ran his fingers up my legs before pushing his cum back in me making me gasp. “You’re good now,” he smirked before lifting me off again, this time in bridal style as he walked me to the bed, carefully putting me down. “I would’ve loved to shower with you,” he stroked my cheek, his body hovering over me. “But I don’t want your brother walking in on us like that. At least not before I tell him everything.” he poked my nose before kissing my forehead.
I nodded my head, smiling at him. “I like you so fucking much,” he admitted once again, this time his lips kissing mine.
“I like you too.” he cocked an eyebrow at my confession. “I knew it,” he whispered and kissed my cheek.
“Uhh, back the fuck up.” Connie pointed at Jean who was wrapping his arm around me in the kitchen. “You two like each other?” he waved his finger between us before stuffing his fork in his mouth again. I nodded and pushed myself closer to Jean. “Oh no.” he groaned pushing himself off his stool.
“No no no no no…” he repeated in annoyance as he walked past us. I frowned, turning to see him throwing himself on the couch. He threw his head back, another groan leaving his lips as he ran his hands us his face.
“I thought you’d be happy for me, what’s-“
“You had sex while I was in here?” he accused us dramatically in a high-pitched voice, faking his tears. Jean instantly laughed at his friend’s accusation. I let out a sigh of relief and shook my head before laughing at Connie who was fake gagging.
“We only did it the night you saw us together.” I played off. Connie gave me a ‘you think I’m stupid’ look and sighed.
“It was an everyday thing.” Jean corrected making me elbow his waist. He winced pinching my hip earning another hit. “Seriously man?” Connie whined. I mean, at least he wasn’t mad about us liking each other. The only thing that irked him, which is by the way overdramatized and ends up being one of his silly plays, is the fact that I had sex with him when he was sound asleep.
Connie sighed, his annoyed expression turning into a sly one. “I knew you two were fucking!” he laughed sticking his tongue out and clapping his hands. “Now that I’m positive that my sister got cuffed by someone I trust, I can finally sleep in peace.” I rolled my eyes before raising my hand to smack him but Jean pulled me closer to him making it impossible for me to move.
I looked up only to be met with his browns orbs already looking down at me with pure adoration. I could tell he was going to be one of the best things that have ever happened to me and I couldn’t be more thankful. Connie was still talking but I didn’t hear a word he said. Instead, I buried my face into his red hoodie and held him tightly. Who would have thought that my insignificant crush would actually make me feel so lucky?
“-she was and still is everything I’ve always wanted.” I heard him say before kissing my forehead.
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graceslavenderhaze · 3 years
Send you my love on a wire { Luke Patterson}
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This is a two part series!
trigger warnings: insomnia, sleep pills, teenage cursing,
"Are you sure this is really what you want to do? I mean we can host the meetings earlier!" Connor rambled as he held the honorary midnight society speaking torch. It was an early Saturday morning, your dad was at another fishing trip which meant you both had free realm to do whatever as long as your dad didn't find out. You grabbed a mug in the kitchen to make some coffee you barely slept before the incident always juggling school, the midnight society and your band sleep paralysis paradise, now the little melatonin sleep you got was plagued with nightmares.
"It's called the midnight society for a reason, besides you knew eventually this was gonna happen." You said as you grabbed the sugar and creamers. You turned, Connor still at the table his partially eaten pancakes in front of him and the torch in his hand. "Yeah but you started this it feels wrong." He shrugged as he took a sip of his coffee.
"I'm moving up not on. There's a distinctive difference little brother. One that you'll understand when you're older." You said smugly. He rolled his eyes at you, "You're like two years at best, older than me." He said as pulled out his phone.
"Still those two years were the quietest of my life." You said placing your hand on your chest to act as if you were fondly remembering something. He picked up the dish towel that was tossed onto the table and threw it at you. "Speaking about quiet, you know that girl Gabby has been seeing, Flynn?"
You nod as you take a sip of your coffee, the caffeinated drink enveloping your taste buds. "Well her best friend is in this band called Julie and The Phantoms. They were supposed to play at the last dance, before the glow dance."
"Yeah, didn't they not show or something?" You asked not remembering much of the dance being as you were off in an abandoned classroom talking with your bandmates about anything to avoid the high school scene that you hardly fit into.
"Well, they're playing the orpheum tonight to open for panic at the disco and flynn managed to save a certain amount of tickets for your band and the midnight society!" He said as you jaw dropped, the orpheum was the starting point for every band that wanted to be something big. It was your short term goal for long term success since freshman year when your band formed. You couldn't lie when you said you were envious that they'd gotten the gig and your band hadn't.
"Holy shit, how did she do that? I've been trying to score opening for the unknown bands for months and struck out!" You said eyes wide, He shrugged, "I don't know, but she told us to never doubt her power. Whatever that means."
After the show you and your group found yourself at a diner a few blocks down. Buzzing with excitement about the show. Your mind casually floating back to the cute guitar player in blue, whose sleeves were non existent.
"Not to shamelessly self promo, but do you think Julie would want to collab with us or something?" Kora, one of your best friends and bassist of sleep paralysis paradise. For a quick second, Flynns poker face faltered at the question. "I can ask but Julie might be busy, with school and everything." She said trailing off in the last part.
"She also just played the orpheum, she's not gonna wanna slum it." Danny , self proclaimed guitar god, said as he stole a fry off your plate. "Whose the slum? Because last i check, i give it my all." Taylor, your drummer, said as they threw a ice cube at him. You rolled your eyes. While taking another sip of your milkshake. The stretched table sitting the midnight society, your band, flynn and nick.
"Oh really like to see you try the riff of now or never? Objections? Didn't think so." Danny said shrugging playfully. "You know sunset curve?" Flynn asked skeptically, which cause her to receive several stares from the table.
"Duh, my uncle was in the industry or something in the nineties. Found this whole box in his garage this summer when i was cleaning, after his funeral. All cassettes of bands that were playing the strip around that time. His husband and their partner just let me have it." He said as rambled before pointing up at the sky, "Uncle G you're a legend!" Causing several of the other late night diner's to look at your table once again.
Flynn's attention turned from the conversation to her phone and she suddenly needed to be excused. "I'll call you later." She said to Gabby before she disappeared for the night. "That was weird." Connor commented, everyone looking around in agreement.
"Danny probably scared her off." Luke said as he bite into a nacho. "Danny scares me on a good day." Jai said nonchalantly, Danny flipped off Jai.
"She probably forgot about her curfew." Hanna suggested as she threw an ice cube at Jai. "Speaking of curfews, whose riding with who?" You asked as you thanked your waiter for bringing the checks to the table.
"I gotta drop the car off to my mom for the night, so i can't drop anyone off. I'm sorry." Gabby said as you all shrugged it off telling her that it wasn't a big deal.
"I can take anyone who lives around my house and the school." Danny said as he pulled his wallet out. "I'll take anyone who lives around the pier or if you're coming over." You said leaning onto the table. "That leaves anyone who lives by me and like farthest is the park." Kora said shrugging on her jacket.
"Ok, so Danny has Jai and Hanna. Kora has Nick and Taylor. I have Connor and Luke." You recapped as you grabbed the money on the table and brought it hostess at the front of the restaurant, before returning to the table. "Lets rock and roll, homies!"
1 week later,
"Hey!" Julie exclaimed as she sat down at the table you were sitting at with your friends. You all exclaimed various greetings. "You're sleep paralysis paradise, right?" She asked with a smile that you were sure was formed with starlight.
"Yeah but usually people don't refer to us as our band name twenty four seven." you laughed slightly, "I'm Y/n, the singer and keyboardist. This is Kora, our bassist. Danny, "guitar god" as he prefers to be called and Taylor our drummer." You said as your friends threw up various hand signals. Kora a small wave, Danny a peace sign and Taylor a two finger salute.
"I'm Julie and my phantoms are not here at the moment." Your face contorted. "That's not them over there." You said as you pointed to the three in the far corner of the cafeteria.
Julies face faltered, "You can see them?"
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nctsjiho · 3 years
King JiHo (Favourite JiHo moments)
Fan Video by ‘Haechan’s Children’ on YouTube
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(indented text = comments added by the maker of the video) I’m 100% convinced that this is JiHo’s world and we’re just living in it. Here’s some moments that prove this <3 Enjoyyyy~~
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[[N'-135] New Thangs🙆‍♀️🙆‍♂️New Thangs👍👃 | ‘영웅(Kick It)’ 인기가요 대기실 비하인드]
NCT 127 was chilling in their dressing room, backstage, waiting for their turn to perform ‘Kick It’. JiHo sat in one of the chairs in front of the mirrors, ready to get her make up done. Taeyong who was holding the camera walked up to the girl ready to interview her.
“And here we have our lovely JiHo getting ready for our stage.” He commented, earning a hum from the girl. “How are you feeling- oh? What’s that?” The camera wasn’t pointed at anything anymore as Taeyong leaned in closer to the girl then readjusted the camera again to focus on JiHo. His hand reached out to grab her chin and his thumb lightly pressed against a purple spot beneath the left corner of her lip. “Is it real?” The concern was audible in his question and JiHo nodded.
“I thought it was fake! What happened? When did you get that bruise? It looks painful.” Taeyong kept firing out questions which had both JiHo and the make up artist, who was currently working on her, laughing. “It doesn’t hurt too bad.” JiHo answered coolly, her eyes darted to the mirror in front of her and she noticed Mark walk behind her.
“Mark and I got into a fight yesterday.” Taeyong gasped and Mark snapped his head towards her after hearing his name. “What?” Both men asked shocked at the statement. “Mark hit you?” Taeyong asked once again pointing towards the bruise on JiHo’s face. “What are you talking about?” Mark stuttered over his words and turned his head to take a closer look at the bruise. JiHo didn’t say anything as Taeyong put down the camera on the table in front of them and started scolding the innocent boy.
Both JiHo and the make up artist were laughing and JiHo decided to grab the camera and point it towards both boys. “Oppa. I’m just kidding, leave poor Mark alone.” She explained, trying not to laugh again.
Johnny who had been watching everything happen had joined the group wordlessly. “Lim JiHo! You can’t joke about things like that!” The leader scolded and Mark let out a relieved gasp. “What?” She laughed at his expression. “I know we didn’t get into a fight, but I almost started second guessing myself that I somehow did do that to you.” With a hand on his heart, the panic lingered in his eyes for a few more seconds before it slowly vanished.
“You two are so gullible, oh lord.” JiHo chuckled and Johnny now settled between both boys, patting them both on their shoulders. “Taeyong you should’ve known better. If JiHo did get into a fight with Mark, we all know Mark would be the one to come out that with bruises. Not the other way around.”
She has these boys wrapped around her finger and she knows it!
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[NCT 127 Talks "Superhuman", Tour, and KPop]
“What makes NCT 127 different from every other boy band?” Jaehyun’s eyes met JiHo’s, who is sitting on the front row of members next to Jungwoo. They shared a smile as Zach, the host, continues his question.
Johnny translated the question to all the other members and JiHo slowly brought the mic up to her lips. Once Johnny finished translating, the female voice of JiHo resonated through the room. “Well...” She stopped there with a nod and everyone started laughing.
After Taeyong and Johnny finished their answer JiHo grabbed her mic once again. “Just want to clarify, I’m not saying I’m the only reason we’re different, I’m just saying, if you’re calling us a boy band then of course me being a female member would technically already make us different from all other boy bands.” She quickly added.
“How does that feel? Being the only girl in a group of men.” Zach asked and JiHo shrugged. “It doesn’t feel abnormal to me. I think after knowing the guys for such a long time I just like, kind of found my spot with them and it just feels normal.” “I think JiHo sometimes forgets that she a girl...” Johnny added carefully, his voice turning a bit unsure at the end. With the boys laughing in the background JiHo waved a piece sign in front of the camera closest to her and started “acting cool” before talking into the mic with a deeper voice. “I’m part of the boys. Part of the homies. Ya know?”
JiHo sweetie, I know you wanna look cool, but all you’re doing is looking adorable. Please stop I’m gonna have a heart attack
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[⚾️시티고 야구부⚾️ EP.1 라커 급습 | NCT 127 Baseball Team]
After Johnny’s joke about copying Mark(’s butt), Taeil spoke up, “Aren’t we missing someone?” “Where’s JiHo?” Yuta spun around once as if he was looking for the absent girl. “Tsk. Again, she’s late-” “Lee Haechan!” A voiced boomed off of frame.
JiHo walked in with a confident stride stopping in the middle of the room and staring straight into the main camera. “Don’t speak about your baseball team leader like that.” She said in a cold tone. “Sunbaenim, where were you?” Johnny asked. Since the age rolls were reversed, JiHo was now the oldest in the group. “I just came back from the gym as the leader of the cheerleading team who just finished practise.” “You’re also their leader?” Doyoung stifled a laugh and JiHo turned to him sending him a glare. He put up his hands in a defensive pose and took a step back after which JiHo turned back to the camera.
“Why? Don’t you believe me?” “I don’t know JiHo. It’s just that-” Mark stopped talking before being able to finish his sentence as the girl kicked up her left leg. She caught her foot with her left hand and pulled her leg up until it was next to her face, extended into a heel stretch. Her right hand was also in the air, showing of how great her balance and flexibility is. She kept the pose for a few seconds before bringing her foot back down to the ground. “Wow!” The boys gasped in surprised.
JiHo isn’t trying to be flexible, flexible is trying to be JiHo
She eyed Mark who quickly acknowledged the fact that she fit as the role of the cheerleading team. “Don’t underestimate me Markie.” The teasing tone along with the nickname sent a shiver down the boy’s spine, the other boys either oohing or being slightly scared themselves.
Why is Mark always the victim of JiHo’s teasing?? I can’t with them
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[‘To You’ #3]
The whole ‘To You’ series was really sweet and emotional. So this isn’t as funny as the previous clips, but I felt like this still fits the theme so well. I also think that not that many fans have seen this before, so after this clip you should watch all 3 videos <3
PS. this isn’t the full clip but here are some of my favourite parts of Taeil’s message to JiHo
“It must have been hard right? Your position in the group is very special and it must come with a lot of pressure.” Taeil’s eyes fell into his lap, a sad smile on his lips. “But you always try to hide your hardships from the group.”
I believe what he means with ‘position’ is being the maknae of the group as well as being the only girl
“I wished that you could come to us more and open up about those things, because I know that everyone (in the group) would drop everything they were doing in a heartbeat to hear you out.” He took a deep breath before continuing.
“Haechan is the mood maker in the sense that he likes joking around and being loud, but you also are a mood maker. Just in your own unique way. You’re such a good listener and observer so you notice things other people might not. You approach members silently or make small gestures, which mean a lot, to cheer someone up. But you can also be funny and loud. I appreciate both of those sides of you.”
I’m not crying, you are ::>_<::
It was silent for a little as Taeil seemed deep in thought. “I know you don’t like to be treated in a more special way than the other members, and the older members really try not to show it. But in our minds... and in our hearts, you do have a special place. I know you are a strong person and can protect yourself just as well, if not better, than the other members, but I can’t help but want to protect you.”
“Whatever anyone says, those people who aren’t our fans or don’t understand us, I hope you don’t take their painful words to heart. Because you are just as fit to be in NCT as any of the other members.”
I’m so happy to see how much NCT cares for JiHo, not that I ever doubted that they didn’t, but seeing this was so heart-warming and JiHo’s reaction was so sweet as well as her message to Taeyong (but you have to go watch the original video for that ;-) )
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[[Un Cut] Take #4 I ‘NCT - RESONANCE Pt. 1’ The Future ver. Jacket Behind the Scene]
The camera focused on JiHo who was currently doing her individual shots. She was wearing a beige oversized long sleeve that showed of her collarbones but covered up most of the rest of her body.
JiHo squatted down and tilted her head to the side to show of her jawline. The staff were complimenting her as the shoot went on.
A particular switch in poses had elicited a surprising response from one of the female staff members. “Wow~ Has she always been this pretty?” She said in awe, which caused everyone to start laughing and agreeing.
After JiHo’s shoot it was Ten and Kun’s turn. During Ten’s individual interview he brought up the event that happened before his shoot started. “I heard that the staff was surprised by JiHo’s visuals.” He chuckled. “My baby is very pretty everyone. Don’t forget that or you’ll be surprised and fall in love with her like the staff member did.”
I don’t know if I’m freaking out more because Ten just called JiHo his baby or because she called her very pretty so casually? Also thanks for the warning Ten, but I’m already madly in love with JiHo so... a bit too late for that.
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[Idol Crushes? | HDIGH Ep. #xx Highlight]
“Weren’t you promoting (’Revolution’) recently?” Jae (Day6) asked AleXa who was sat next to him. She hummed. “Actually it was around the same time that NCT was promoting their music.” “Oh did you talk to them?” AleXa shook her head whilst laughing but then stopped suddenly as if she remembered something.
“She wasn’t promoting with them at the time, but I saw JiHo sunbaenim backstage.” This comment perked up Jae’s interest as he sat up in his chair. “Did you introduce yourself?” “Yeah she actually noticed me first and came to say hi.”
Diane, who was the person behind the camera gasped loudly. “Why haven’t you told us about this?! She knows you?” The small girl nodded embarrassed and then explained what happened on that day.
“She’s super nice and complimented my music and dancing. I didn’t think I’d ever been at such a loss for words as back then. I got so nervous because even though she’s really nice, she has such a strong presence? If you know what I mean?” Jae and Diane hum in understanding. “Just seeing her up close like that was so intimidating. Like she told me she was there to support her members so she didn’t have any makeup on, but she was still insanely beautiful.” Jae laughed at the girl’s dramatic explanation. “You sound like you have a crush on her.” AleXa stuttered for a second before replying. “I think I might!” They all laughed.
“Did you exchange phone numbers?” Diane asked and AleXa nodded excitedly. “We did! We don’t text each other often, but every once in a while she reaches out after a new podcast episode comes out to tell me about the parts she liked.” “Oh so she watches this?” Jae’s eyes widened. “Yeah.”
AleXa turned to the camera and waved. “JiHo sunbaenim, if you are watching this, thank you so much! I hope we can get closer someday.”
I don’t know AleXa that well, but I think a collab between her and JiHo would be so powerful!
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Thanks for watching this video guys! And leave a comment on what kind of content you want to see next, byeeee o/
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wantaichi · 4 years
haikyuu + skincare hcs
ever think abt how they treat their skin? probably not. but like. do they wash their face like a normal person? have a 32 step skincare routine maybe??
msg me for any character who’s not here and i’ll drop their routine for u
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sugawara. lives up to his title as mr. refreshing. cleanses, tones, and moisturizes. !chefs kiss! keeps a jar of aloe vera face gel in his fridge, his mom had a spare. carries around a 100-sheet pack of oil film, more out of habit than of need. good skincare just makes him feel in control of his life, ok
ennoshita. fuckin’ spotless. part of the 0.0001% who don’t sweat easily. doesn’t have a complete regimen but never skips out on cleansing and toning before bed. actually reads the product ingredients and googles the benefits before buying. neutrogena type of guy. 
asahi. facial scrubs are his holy grail. like. dead skin? stubborn hair follicles? haha not on his watch ヾ( ・`⌓´・)ノ゙ trims his goatee every 3-4 week bc a well-groomed beard goes hand in hand with proper skincare. a sucker for aromatic products. lavender? shea butter? SOLD.
daichi. “healthy lifestyle is key to healthy skin“ typa dude. rly just thinks natural is the way to go. drinks 8 glasses of water, eats his veggies, exercises regularly, gets 8 hours of sleep. sounds like smth off wikihow if u ask me. probably is.
tsukishima. cetaphil hoe. brand loyalty embodied. on it for 5++ years, and never once considered switching. BUT. his routine ends at step 1. cleanse. and that’s it. the fuck he need a 32 step skincare routine for? long as he gets a day’s worth of grime and dirt off his face, he gucci
yamaguchi. sensitive skin’s got him constantly changing/exploring different products. rode on tsukki’s cetaphil agenda for the first few years of puberty (rly just out of curiousity) but dropped out when his skin got used to it. thinks pimple patches are a blessing to mankind.
tanaka. fuck. chaotic greasy. asks for oil film from suga just to stick it on his forehead, lets it stay there. uses whatever’s in the bathroom to wash off, aka majority of saeko’s products. got yelled at once to “get his greasy ass over here” and got slabbed with aztec healing clay mask. converted to clay mask hoe after 20 minutes. “mm this shit’s dope!”
nishinoya. fuck. chaotic greasy part ii. but make it baby face. only does skincare when chillin at the tanakas. homie got him to try the clay mask bc chick’s dig that. “bro, u mean the mask or boys who do the mask?” “both bro” “awshit bro gimme that” thinks splashing some water twice a week is enough
kageyama. ? this yalls mans? oblivious to the whole concept of skincare, only acknowledges general hygiene. uses whatever’s on the soap holder to wash his face. probably dove. doesnt really have much skin problems to begin with, only breaks out once a year. living proof that god has favorites.
hinata. only started taking skincare seriously that time a huge ass zit grew on his chin. yachi offered him her unfinished bottle of cosrx (she’s a hoarder and u kno it), and has since been giving him all her leftover bottles. basically gets to use good quality products for free smh
kuroo. not very big on the idea of skincare per se, but supports any brand on that cruelty-free and vegan agenda. reads the product ingredients like a children’s book. “mm phenoxyethanol and retinyl palmitate.. i’ll take it.” always leaves the saleslady stunned.
kenma. too lazy to adopt a routine. but regularly uses his mom’s facial wash. you know. those mom brands. has a stash of facemasks from lev’s trip to korea —> only form of skincare he actually appreciates bc he can simultaneously play his games and be all bout dat self care 
lev. abuses his perks of having a sister. casually uses all alisa’s imported, high end stuff. la prairie. estee lauder. la mer. and she doesn’t mind bc her “levochka deserves all the finest things”. boujee ass russians
yaku. baby face. when god made it rain collagen, he was freestylin in a pool full of it while we was all sleepin. doesn’t exert much effort, just cleanses and tones bc it’s part of proper hygiene. girls envy him. parents in their 40s wanna be him. 
oikawa. SKINCARE HOE KING. fuckin high maintenance. goes to the derma for his monthly laser facial treatment. on broke days, he settles for a diamond peel. skin so smooth it puts the entire female population to shame. spends his savings on those clinique eye creams. probably modeled for the face shop once
iwaizumi. homie reeks of male cleanser. might either dove men or nivea men. there’s no in between. oikawa internally screams everytime he witnesses his bff wash his face. two words. aggressive. rubbing. bordering on hostile he might actually skin his face off
mattsun and makki. fuck. drugstore cleansers. the ones that come in sachets. agreed to take turns in buying bundles for sharing. sometimes sneaks a pinch from oikawa’s clinique products when he’s not looking. haha dumb hoe. may have an addiction to charcoal nose pore strips just so they can compare blackheads
bokuto. buys whatever’s on sale idfk. genuinely wants to get on kuroo’s go green agenda but too lazy to look around the store. normally just uses the bubbles from his soap or shampoo. his belief: if it cleans his hands and his ass, then it can fuckin clean his face too
akaashi. healthy lifestyle + decent regimen = pretty skin. cleanses and tones. tried his mom’s aloe vera face gel once and got hooked. shit’s relaxing as hell. owns a bunch of facemasks, sometimes uses but keeps forgetting to take them off before falling asleep. uwu af
futakuchi. doesn’t have a routine cause “who tf needs that” and “obviously not me.” or so he says. secretly the biggest spender on skincare in all of dateko. owns a bunch of anti wrinkle products and probably one of those jade rollers. but no one needs to know that. just wants everyone to think he’s naturally pretty
aone. told by futakuchi that “knitting your brows too much causes premature wrinkles, but not like i’m an expert on that hhhahaha dont get me wrong.” can’t rly do anything bout it. he was born with that face. also buys whatever’s on sale
ushijima. surprisingly blemish free? but not entirely smooth? just spotless? basically a rock? never went past step 1: cleanse. never realized he’s been skipping out the 31 next steps. cetaphil hoe.
tendou. dry. crusty. compensates by sweating a lot through practice. might be effective if he’d stop leaving the foam on longer than recommended, thus leaving his skin dryer than his love life. yeah, i went there.
shirabu. flawless at first glance. until you lift those uneven ass bangs. tbh its nothing serious except “are we gonna ignore the fact that his whiteheads follow the shape of his bangs” as pointed out by tendou. uses whatever cleanser his mom buys for him
semi. decent skin care routine. a big boy who’s fairly knowledgeable on other brands outside cetaphil and dove/garnier/nivea men. takes him less than 5 minutes to pick a product bc he’s tried them all, knows what works, knows his skin type in and out. stan semi for clear skin.
see inarizaki + sakusa here
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alice-dont-break · 3 years
hahahah happy birthday to me here’s 7,000+ words of clubbing & filth
birthday | janthony smut
cw: a LOT of smut.
When Jasmine descended the stairs to the living room, her fiancé's eyes latched onto her like a magnet. Anthony stumbled to set down the celebratory bottle of champagne in his hand because he couldn't trust himself to hold on; his every fiber was captivated by her body in that dress. The dark red number clung tightly to her figure and accentuated the swell of her hips, but his eyes were stuck on the lacy bodice. The straps were thin and the neckline plunged all the way to her waist, allowing Anthony's eyes to see nearly everything they wanted. Nearly.
"Jas, holy shit, you look incredible," he breathed, shaking away the stars obstructing his vision.
Her perfectly painted lips curled into a soft smile as she strolled towards Anthony's arms. "Thanks baby," she smiled and casually pecked his cheek, "you look pretty hot yourself."
His hand found it's home on the small of her back, as she scanned the room and the various gold balloons and lettering wishing her a happy birthday. Their friends were on their way over for a few early drinks and private toasts before the surprise limousine Anthony hired would come to take them all to an exclusive Manhattan club.
"This looks lovely babe, I can't believe you planned this whole night for me," she smiled, nuzzling her head against his chest.
"Of course, love. I mean look at you... clearly you deserve a night fit for a queen." With a little smirk, he captured the giggle that tumbled from her lips in a kiss and cradled her flushed cheeks in his hands. He could have turned right then to take her back up the stairs and to the bedroom, but he knew he had to wait. He settled for a kiss, a deep kiss with his tongue earnestly teasing hers, until they were interrupted by a doorbell.
Friends continued to trickle in over the next hour as champagne and various mixed drinks were flowing. Andrew yelled out "yes bitch!" as Jasmine twirled to show off her dress, and Anthony couldn't help but notice the flush in Jasmine's cheeks and the weight that had clearly been lifted from her shoulders. She was feeling herself and feeling free, which is all he wanted for her tonight.
Emmy was the first to offer a toast to the birthday girl, followed quickly by everyone else in the room. It seemed everyone had silently agreed on the shared goal of making Jasmine tear up and getting everyone drunk off Dom Pérignon champagne, and they certainly succeeded. By the time Anthony finished off the final words, Jasmine was rubbing under eyes and shaking her head.
"I swear to god if y'all ruined my makeup I'll kill you, but that was the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Thank you guys so much for being with me and I love you all so fucking much! Now lets rip another shot and go to the club bitches!!!!!" She sealed her speech with a kiss to her fiancé's lips as all the friends surrounding them cheered and raised their glasses.
Anthony held her gaze for an extra second after their lips parted to soak up how uniquely beautiful she looks when she's this happy, then gathered the room's attention. "Alright alright, surprise y'all! There's a limousine out front to take us to the club and we've gotta VIP booth when we get there. We're ballin' out for real tonight homies," he shouted.
Jasmine looked at her man incredulously for a moment, before leaning forward to hold his waist and peck his lips again. "You're insane, baby," she laughed into his neck as he hugged her and rubbed up and down her back.
"Like I said Jas, fit for a queen."
After a quick shot of Don Julio had everyone buzzing, the crew climbed into the black stretch limousine waiting for them outside. The ride to the club was bustling, with the speakers cranked and alcohol lighting up everyone's laughter. Jasmine was seated between her girlfriends, and Anthony couldn't help but stare at her smiles and giggles until he felt an elbow in his ribs.
"You're absolutely whipped, bro," Daveed laughed.
"And you're not?" He quipped back. They looked over at Emmy's head lolled on Jasmine's shoulder as they both laughed at something on her phone, and realized they were in the same boat. Their girls had them under a spell tonight. When they arrived, the girls strut upstairs on their high heels, giggling as a bouncer pulled back a red rope to welcome them into their private area for the evening.
After a quick photo shoot, everyone relented to the pull of the booming music and followed Jasmine to the dance floor. The DJ must have sensed the energy shift because as soon as Jasmine and Emmy's glasses clinked in the spot they claimed on the floor, Beyoncé's Formation rang through the dark hall. All the girls were thrust into their element as they bounced to the intoxicating beat that pulsed through them. After a few songs Jasmine met the bottom of her glass and looked around for Anthony. She teetered over to him and rested with her hand against his chest and her head on his shoulder. He pressed a soft kiss to her temple and smiled against her glistening skin. "Hi baby, you good?"
"So good, Ant. Let's get another drink!" She cried out, tapping him eagerly.
He saw the familiar loll of her head when she was creeping from tipsy to drunk and moved his hands to steady her waist. "Give me a dance first, hm?" He asked slyly, taking her empty glass and setting it beside his own on the counter nearby.
Grinning as Doja Cat egged her on even further, Jasmine agreed and placed her hands over his before spinning around under his hold. He reached around to peck her cheek then tightened his grip on her sides to guide her hips back to his. Her ass in this dress had been a marvel to ogle all evening, but now that it was giving him a first taste of the friction he'd been craving, it was even more mesmerizing.
She loved watching him fall under her spell, and all night she'd been dropping lower or rolling harder every time she caught him staring. Now that she had the chance, she was ready to really drive him to his edge. She felt the hot breath on her neck becoming ragged, and smirked as he tried in vain to bury the sounds of his eagerness into her neck. Wanting to see him lose control, she rolled her hips against the bulge she felt growing.
"Jas..." he groaned, matching her movement and holding her hipbones to pull her back harder.
Her grinding stayed below the beat of the music that captured them in their own little bubble. It was slow and sensuous and the kisses to the crook of her neck only encouraged her more. His hands lowered to the top her thighs as her's reached back to tug at his curls and secure him to her back. The constraint in his jeans was started to ache, so he spun her around to ease the friction.
His hands firmly gripped her waist as he taunted her lips with his own, leaving just an inch of space between them. Jasmine tilted her chin as she yearned for a kiss, but was met only with a smirk and a knee between her legs to push her back towards the nearby countertop. When her back met the edge, he found her lips and trapped them between his own while rolling his hips against her. Before things escalated any further,  Jasmine was reminded of her initial goal by Andrew's distant cry for shots.  When he found the compromising position Anthony held her in, he smirked and cocked his eyebrow. Before Jasmine could protest whatever mischief he was surely conjuring up, he clapped his hands and grabbed their nearby friends. "Alright bitches, body shots!" he cheered.
Jasmine's jaw dropped before softening into a laugh, while Anthony buried his flushing face into her neck. When he pulled back, he winked and placed his hands on her ribs to lift her onto the counter. She barely noticed the little crowd of their friends that had formed around them, as all she could do was wantonly observe Anthony's every move for hints at what would come next. She only realized Andrew and Daveed were right next to her when the supplies for the shots seemingly appeared in Anthony's hands.With one hand cradling her upper back he used the other to press against her chest, laying her down on the table ready to be devoured.
After licking a long, slow stripe up her neck that sent shivers right to her core, Anthony generously sprinkled the salt shaker onto her wet and exposed skin. Her eyes were narrowed and darkened, watching as his thumb traced across her bottom lip before setting the lime wedge between her teeth. Daveed poured a shot of Don Julio 1942 and passed Anthony the amber-filled glass. Looking down at his girl, Anthony stepped between her legs and reached down to brush the hair out of her face, letting his fingertips just ghost across her cheekbone.
"Ready, babe?"
Jasmine replied with a seductive glance down her body then back to his eyes. Despite the lime in her mouth, her lips still curled into the slightest cheeky grin that made Anthony ravenous. Before his blood had time to rush south, he pushed the shot glass into her deep cleavage and dove his tongue to her neck. As he tasted the salt, the booming music and cheers from friends all melted away until all he could hear was the hitch of her breath. He greedily lapped at her skin until not a single grain remained, then ghosted his lips down the expanse of her décolletage until his face was pressed against her breasts. His mouth opened wide so his lips would just brush her soft skin before clasping around the glass and pulling up to suck down the musky liquid. Next he hovered back up to her eager smile and bit down on the lime while pressing his lips into her's. His hands trailed down her sides then wrapped under the arch of her back to pull her closer. When he couldn't handle the slightest separation of their mouths any longer, he pulled back with the lime between his teeth to spit it onto the floor, then dove back into lick the juice from her lips and then let her taste it. Their lips wrestled for a few moments, until the sounds of their surroundings came back to their own secluded reality, and Anthony pulled back with a smug look of accomplishment. Jasmine's cheeks were deeply flushed, but she feigned innocence as she sat up and ordered "my turn".
She stepped towards her fiance and rested her hands on his chest for just a moment before letting them slide down to undo the few remaining buttons of his shirt. Once it was hanging open she shoved him back by the chest so he was up against the counter where she had been just moments ago. His eyebrow cocked at her ferocity, but he complied and lay back while raking his fingers through his curls. Jasmine trailed a finger from Anthony's belt buckle up to his adam's apple to examine her options, then reached for the salt shaker. She stood between his thighs and leaned over to run her tongue across the cut ridges of his stomach, before adding the salt. She turned to Daveed for the lime wedge and set it between Anthony's lips, but paused before reaching back for the shot glass. With a hand roughly to the side of his head, she exposed his neck and licked his sweet spot before adding more salt. His lips fell open in surprise, and she just giggled. "What? I like a lot of salt."
Anthony rolled his eyes and watched as she sunk down to lick the salt from his abs. She looked up at him through her eyelashes as her tongue explored every crevice, then licked a long stripe up his chest, across his collarbone, and to the next patch of salt on his neck. Anthony winced as her lips brushed the spot that never failed to give him chills, then tensed as she sucked the tender skin between her teeth to nibble softly. Once she was sure a small bruise would remain, she pulled back to reach out for the shot glass. Once she'd downed it effortlessly, she turned to her final treat between his lips. She bit down on the wedge and let the sourness erase the tequila's burn on her tongue, before spitting it out so she could focus instead on her fiancé's taste. This time, as Jasmine's lips eagerly kneaded Anthony's, they remained oblivious to the friends jeering around them. As Anthony stood up, his hands fixed immediately to her hips as she led them back to the dance floor.
While their hips rocked in time, Jasmine's hands started to wander from his waist to his chest, feeling for the definition of his pectorals. When her fingertips grazed the coolness of his gold chain, they lingered and fiddled for a while until she wrapped her fingers around the links to tug him closer. Still toying with the jewelry, she looked up at him with doe eyes and smirked "kiss me". And finally, he did. His lips pressed to her's gently at first, as if they were each trying to memorize the sensation. When he pulled back, their eyes met and their noses bumped, lips relaxing into soft smiles before smashing together again with more fervor. Each kiss was a stronger signal of what they needed from the other, as hands raked down backs and hips shoved together. Anthony's grip was unyielding as he rolled his hips against her, ensuring she could feel exactly how he throbbed for her.
"Feels like you have a problem baby," she whispered seductively, letting her lips brush the shell of his ear. "Something I can help with?"
He reached down to grasp handfuls of her ass, pulling her in tighter. "Babe you're just adding fuel to the fire," he laughed, his tone sultry and patient.
"So let me help," she pleaded, "let's go to the bathroom. No one will notice if my knees are a little bruised." Her doe eyes conveyed such innocence that Anthony had a hard time bridging the dissonance with her dirty words.
"You're not sucking me off in the bathroom, babe. Absolutely not." He pinched her chin and tilted it away, so he could press soft kisses to her cheeks. His hands were still kneading her ass with no care left for who could see.
"Why not!" Jasmine whined, craning her neck to hint that she wanted him at her pulse point.
He ignored her signals for the time being and focused on his sweet and tame kisses, before ghosting his lips over to her ear. "Because my love, tonight is about you. And when I get you how I want you, I want you to be so desperate that you're begging for it." He punctuated his words by tugging at her ear lobe with his teeth, feeling how his breath sent shivers and melted her deeper into his embrace.
Those words along with the darkened eyes piercing through her own had sent Jasmine reeling. She tried shuffling her legs around his so she could get some friction on his thigh, but he held her firm. "Ant, take me home, please... can't wait for you any longer."
Anthony waited for a second to watch the desperation fill her eyes, then leaned in to nip her puffy lips. "Let's say goodbye to everyone," he agreed. Before releasing his grip he shoved his knee between her legs, letting his thigh press into her apex. He couldn't feel it through his pants and her dress, but he could just sense that she was absolutely soaked.
Saying goodbyes was a struggle, as Jasmine tried to force out every dirty thought and image racing through her brain while she hugged and thanked all her friends. She was pulled into conversation after conversation but nothing could capture her attention. Her biggest concern now was whether the slick coating her inner thighs would drip down to be visible below the hem of her dress.
She breathed a deep sigh of relief when Anthony came to pull her away from the girls as their car had arrived. As soon as they stumbled into the back seat, his hand was firmly placed on her thigh, as he reached to a cooler for a bottle of water. He unscrewed the cap and held it to her lips, and she rolled her eyes before reluctantly accepting a sip.
"I'm good, baby. Promise. Whoever decided to put garlic knots in the VIP area of clubs deserves an award for real," she smiled.
"Good," he mumbled back, "because I need you wide awake and attentive for everything I plan on doing to you tonight."
A flutter crept up from Jasmine's core to her chest as her eyes widened. Her hand jumped to hold the one Anthony had conveniently placed on her upper thigh. He resisted her subtle attempts to push it higher towards her hip while leaning down to kiss her cheek. His nose nudged her head to tilt it upward so he could trail his kisses down to her jaw, conveniently missing her lips until Jasmine pinched his chin between her thumb and index finger in protest. Anthony smirked at her defiance and took a moment to study her lips before taking them in his own for their first private kiss of the night. He wanted so badly to deepen the kiss, to nibble her lips until they were swollen, to trace each of her teeth with his tongue, and to explore every inch of her mouth, but he couldn't. He couldn't do half of the things he wanted to do in the cramped backseat of a car, and a kiss that intense would threaten the last of his resolve.
When the car pulled to a stop outside their home, they dragged each other hand in hand to get inside. Anthony fumbled with the keys as Jasmine used his pause as an opportunity rake her hands all over his chest and abs, pressing kisses to the back of his shoulders from behind.
As soon as they were inside and the front door slammed shut, Jasmine's back was pressed firmly against it. Anthony gathered both her wrists in his oversized grip and pinned them above her head as he affixed her to the door with his hips. She tilted up her chin and parted her lips, expectantly waiting for his, but instead felt the brush of his curls on her chin. His lust steered him first towards the cleavage that had been taunting him all night. He pressed soft, ghostly kisses down the neckline of her dress until he met the most supple exposed skin that he knew was mere centimeters from her nipple.
All night, Anthony eyes had been hungrily locked onto his girl. The way her hips swayed, her tantalizing and tame touches, every kiss that seemed to last an extra second as if to prove that she wanted more; it had all left Anthony feeling wanton and primal. Now that she was pinned down in his grasp, all his to devour, he was ready to savor every inch.
Jasmine wasn't oblivious to the effect she had on her fiancé all night, but she also wasn't immune to his advances. Each time another button on his shirt mysteriously came undone, and each time she caught him staring for a moment too long, she felt her ache for him growing and growing. Now that they were alone, she needed him every bit as much as he needed her. And though her movement was restrained by his grasp, she was arching her back hard to get just a little more of the touch that she so craved.
Finally the heat inside Anthony's chest took over and his mouth began to ravish Jasmine's breasts. The whimper that escaped her lips from the graze of his teeth was like a drug that only pushed him further. He pulled her skin between his lips to suck and nip small bruises while his free hand held her firmly in place. That hand slid higher and higher until he was tugging at the fabric of her dress to free more skin for him to mark up. "Fucking mine... so fucking sexy," he growled against her. Their moans were symphonic togther, and he couldn't help himself. He shoved a hand between her thighs, and felt a pulse through his cock when his fingertips found her panties damp.
"Just take it off," Jasmine rasped in response, with just as much lustful desperation dripping from her voice. "Take it all off."
With a sly smirk, Anthony spun her around to face the door, guided her hands up so she could balance herself, and tugged at the zipper of her dress. Every inch of skin revealed was met with a kiss until a trail led all the way down her spine. After sliding down the straps and letting the fabric pool around her ankles, Anthony stepped forward to enfold Jasmine's bare back and wrap his arms around her waist. She whined with her hands still on the door above her head and pressed back with her hips in search of any friction she could find. The warmth of his hands splayed across her stomach was tantalizing; she wanted his caress higher or lower or anywhere else that could soothe the growing ache between her thighs.
Keeping his hands static, Anthony nuzzled against the back of her shoulder's before sinking his teeth into the juncture of her neck. "Gonna take it slow, Jas... gonna make you feel so fucking incredible..."
She couldn't take the slow pace anymore, as another whimper tumbled from her lips. She spun, pressed her hands against his chest, and shoved him towards the hallway a few yards away. He stumbled back, bracing her wrists to keep balance until his back was met with a wall to lean on. Buttons were popped and fabric was yanked until Jasmine had free reign to kiss and lick the sweat from her fiancé's chest, abs and shoulders. A rough squeeze to her ass drove her forward to press flush against him. Her hips rocked into him as his arousal began to prod at her while her puffy lips teased his until they matched in a bright red hue. Hands tangled between them until Anthony was hopping out of his pant legs and letting Jasmine drag him to the bedroom. Every few steps featured a fleeting kiss until Anthony was pushed back onto the mattress and Jasmine was on him like a vice. Her knees captured his hips as he propped himself up on his elbows to reclaim her kiss. Their lips and tongues and teeth only parted to allow their escalating moans to escape while hands began to wander.
"Lay down," Anthony rasped, sitting up and tapping her hip. He reached for a pillow and once she was settled, leaned over to comb her hair back with his fingers and leave a chaste kiss on her lips and then forehead. Even that pulled a moan from her lips, so he knew he had her right where he wanted.
The softness of those kisses was fleeting as he straddled her hips and dove down to bury his face in her neck. His teeth grazed and nipped at her pulse point as he admired the purple bruises forming from his efforts earlier. Jasmine needed more, arching her back to bring her chest into his focus, but he wasn't ready to give in. He skimmed his hand up her side to land at her neck while he shifted the attention of his lips to her collarbones. His fingers and thumb squeezed at the sides of her throat to urge her to relent, and he continued marking the delicate skin of her collarbone. Once he was pleased with his artwork he ghosted his lips down to her breasts and immediately took her nipple between his lips.
Jasmine's nerve endings were fried from the teasing. The pressure on her throat, telling her who was in control, was already enough to have her slick dripping down her thighs, but the added warmth around her nipple unleashed a moan she hadn't even known she was holding in. Though her eyes were squeezed shut, her fingers easily found her fiancé's curls, tugging gently but holding him in place so he wouldn't stop.
Anthony had no intention of stopping. His lips held their seal around her nipple and sucked gently, before pulling back to blow and watch the bud harden for him. He smirked at her responsiveness and took it back in his mouth to suck with more intensity. Feeling the sting of Jasmine's clutch on his hair, he kissed across the valley of her breasts to nibble on her other peak. Her whines were so intoxicating that he could only stand to bite and suck for a few seconds before needing more.
With a final squeeze to her throat, his hands floated down her body along with his lips as a trail of kisses ended at her hips. Anthony massaged small circles with his thumbs down her thighs while he sucked a final mark into her hipbone, then slinked lower to settle between her thighs.
Anthony looked up through his eyelashes to find Jasmine's eyes piercing through him with her lip sucked between her teeth. Her hands were tightly clutching the sheets below her, desperate for anything to ground her as his touches had sent her spinning. "Are you okay with this, baby?" He asked huskily.
"Yes, fuck yes, Anthony fuck," she whined, rocking her hips to get him to hurry the fuck up.
After a little smirk, Anthony pressed a line of kisses across the lace hem of her panties, then down to the wet spot he found soaking through. Jasmine's cry out was muffled. She arched her back at the first bit of contact to her pussy, and bit down her lip hard as he tugged her panties down. When he pulled them down to her ankles and flung them aside, he pressed a soft kiss to her instep and looked up at her sternly.
"Don't - I want to hear you. I want to hear every sound, baby," he husked.
Jasmine nodded frantically as he found his place between her thighs once again, and let his warm breath wash over her bare pussy. He looked up one last time to soak up the desperation they'd built in one another all evening, then put the teasing to an end. Slowly and carefully, Anthony parted her folds by licking a long stripe between her lips and moaned at her sweetness. She followed orders and cried out loudly and breathily, her senses flooded as his warmth sent her reeling. He pulled back to lick his lips, savoring his first taste, then pressed a soft kiss to her clit. In this moment there was nothing more beautiful to him than the way her pussy swelled and dripped for him, and he couldn't help but adorn it with kisses, down her lips then back to her clit.
After what felt like years of teasing to Jasmine, he darted his tongue to flick her clit while he pried her thighs further apart. He used the access to delve deeper between her folds, circling around her entrance and then stuffing her full of his tongue. She moaned loudly, and wound her fingers into his curls as he probed deeper inside of her. His lips pressed down around her hole to gently suck as his tongue explored every wall. Jasmine's hips bucked up, and Anthony knew the tension of the evening was sending her first orgasm barreling towards them already. A whine escaped her lips as her pussy was empty once again, but Anthony left her hole with a kiss before returning to her clit. His tongue flattened over the now very swollen bud and lapped at it, occasionally letting his lips press down. He was making out with her clit as fervently as he could, and Jasmine was ready to let go.
"Ant, fuck, that feels so fucking good! I'm gonna cum Ant please don't stop, please..." Jasmine's words fell faster than she could comprehend them. Anthony happily obliged her pleas and started sucking harder while his finger sneakily pressed into her. The unexpected feeling of him probing her inner walls even deeper sent her over the edge. He felt her squeeze him harder, then grind against his face for just a moment before melting back into the mattress. "Ant I'm cumming fuck it feels so good, s-so good.. fuck" she whined, as he smiled against her. He slowed his movements as he felt the last aftershock slip away,  and crawled up to hover over her face.
Jasmine tilted her chin up to meet Anthony's lips for a kiss, and hummed as she tasted herself. He nibbled her bottom lip and then pulled back, just as he slipped a second finger inside her.
"Ant!" She shuddered, not having noticed he was still inside as every one of her nerves was in overdrive.
"Shhh, you okay?" Anthony purred, peppering kisses to the corner of her mouth.
Jasmine could only respond with a nod and a strangled moan, which was enough for Anthony to accelerate his thrusts. When his two fingers were fully sheathed inside her, he scissored and stretched her open while his lips found the sweet spot behind her ear. "Good, moan in my mouth while I finger you."
His thrusts grew harder and faster, as his lips glided back to her's. She was babbling under his kiss, her breath hitching each time his palm brushed over her clit. She was still tingling from her last orgasm, so this one was already building quickly in her core. Anthony hummed in response to each of her moans, their lips vibrating together in tune with her pleasure, until he felt her jerk upward. He felt the familiar squeeze of her walls holding him in place, and he began to press kisses along her now parted lips while pressing their foreheads together. "Cum for me, babe. So fucking beautiful when you cum... that's it baby," he cooed, slowing his thrusts to pull the last of her pleasure out.
Once Jasmine had gone fully limp beneath him, Anthony slowly pulled out and brought his fingers to his lips to taste her honey. They both moaned, and Jasmine started to grab at him. She needed him closer right now. His hand came to rest on her rib cage, while his lips pressed softly to her temple, then forehead. He nuzzled their cheeks together while rubbing small, soothing circles into her side, laying on his hip with her tightly tucked into his warmth. They relaxed for a moment while Jasmine caught her breath, but it wasn't long before she noticed his bulge prodding at her hip through his boxers.
"Ant, I want you," she mewled against his chest.
Sweeping away the hair that had slicked to her forehead, he studied her face with a little smile. "You ready, babe? Feeling good?"
"Feel perfect... just want you. Need you, Ant."
With a final peck to her temple, Anthony growled "perfect. Because I'm no where near done with you yet." He rolled off the bed for just a moment to pull off his boxers, then straddled her again to ensnare her lips in a hot, needy kiss. His tongue swirled around her's for just a moment until the fingers clawing down his back told him she couldn't wait any longer. He pulled back to position himself over her thighs.
A few pumps through his fist was all he needed to prepare, with his eyes glued to the way she was absolutely leaking for him. He brushed over her entrance with his tip, observing the quiver each time he bumped her clit and how her fists were straining to clutch the sheets even tighter. When he was perfectly aligned, he pried one of her hands away from the sheet and into his, pinning it above her head while he slowly stretched her open with the head of his cock.
Jasmine's skin prickled as she felt herself opening up for him, their bodies melding into one. Her neck tensed as she needed to writhe but she couldn't bear to lose sight of Anthony's determined eyes. "Move," she groaned, "fuck me Ant, please!"
Anthony was calling on every ounce of willpower his brain could conjure. He wanted to yank her legs over his shoulders and rail her until he could see his bulge deep in her stomach, but he couldn't do that yet. He knew the ecstasy Jasmine felt when he fucked into her slowly, how she melted when she could feel every cautious thrust compelling her walls to stretch open and squeeze him tight. He'd fuck her slowly, ensuring his name would burn into her skin for weeks to come, and then he'd have his way with her.
So he did as she said, pressing into her slowly, but only an inch or two more before pulling back. His shallow thrusts had her eyes rolling back, her spine arching to feel any more of him that she could possible reach. Feeling her fiancé's careful ministrations had her trembling under his spell. The way he was flooding her senses with pleasure, giving each inch of her pussy all his attention, and letting her rapture rumble below the surface while only giving a fraction of what she begged for had her going feral.
He continued opening her up inch by inch until he was fully sheathed inside of her, grunting as he finally bottomed out. He rested there for a moment, and leaned down to cup Jasmine's cheeks and press their foreheads together. She tried to kiss him but her lips just quivered over his. She was barreling towards the edge and all she knew was how fucking good he felt inside her. He pulled out slowly until only his tip remained inside her, then pressed back in, regaining control of their kiss and swiping his tongue just inside her lips. Her groan was carnal for just a moment before it melted into a whimper, and Anthony felt her squeezing him like a vice. He repeated his deliberate movement again and again, refusing to build any speed, as she pulsed around him while dissolving into nothing but the pleasure across every inch of her skin and his name which tumbled from her lips over and over.
Just as soon as he felt her relax into the mattress, her hips began to slowly rut against his. "Ready, princess?" He cooed, his thumbs brushing away the beads of sweat across her forehead while he gently scratched her scalp.
"Ant, fucking rail me, please," she begged darkly. Her pupils were blown and he massaged her lips with his own.
"You sure, babe? You're okay?" He whispered as his she inhaled his words.
"Anthony, please," she whispered lusciously.
His eyes darkened as his cock pulsed deep inside her. He rolled his hips back slowly, drawing another whine from her lips that vibrated through his mouth, then snapped them forward. Before her howl had even met the air, his finger tips were imprinting deep into her shoulders to secure her against his thrusts. They rocked together, as his pants turned to grunts whenever he looked down to watch his cock disappearing inside her.
He flung her legs over his shoulders finally, hands coming back to her waist to pull her onto him tighter. His balls slapped crudely against her ass as she screamed at the new angle. The way Anthony's head nudged at her cervix with every thrust had shockwaves reverberating through them both, as they each had coils of pleasure tightening in their cores. He'd set an unforgiving pace, leaving no time for coherent thoughts. He only knew the feelings of her name on his lips and the silk she wrapped around him.
"Jas-Jasmine, I'm g-getting close, close," he panted, scanning down her body for signs of the same.
She was on fire. Every thrust was igniting something deeper and deeper inside her and all she wanted was his name burned into her body and soul for weeks and weeks to come. "Please, please, please," she begged, though she didn't know for what.
"G-gonna fill... gonna fill you up," he groaned, his rhythm beginning to falter as he felt everything but her voice cut to white noise. There was no more creaking of the bed and no more squeaking of the mattress. It was only Jasmine, and the electricity that sent him over the edge.
With a final heavy thrust, he buried himself deep and dropped to his elbows, his lips landing just over her's. The second she felt him painting her walls, coating her with everything she wanted, she felt her own vision shatter and she cried out with luxurious moans. They seemed to pulse as one, their juices blending together and coating their thighs, as they breathed one another's air between the laziest kisses.
They lay there for a while, chests heaving as Anthony's head flopped next to Jasmine's. Their bodies, their minds even, had fused into one, and they nuzzled their cheeks together to prevent the unbearable sensation of space between them.
Once anything outside their union came back to his existence, Anthony pulled out cautiously, hearing Jasmine whimper at the emptiness. He stood up on his knees to roll her onto her back with her head lolled back on a pillow, and she looked up eagerly awaiting a kiss. He chuckled and leaned down to give her what she yearned for, then pulled back to be instantly mesmerized by the sheen that coated every inch of her body and the drip down her thighs. He shifted downwards to kneel beside her legs, and watch his cum slowly leaking out of her folds. She seemed oblivious to where his attention had fallen until his two fingers were scooping at her inner thighs and slowly pressing back inside her. She gasped at the cool sensation over her electrified nerve endings, but sighed once he had her filled up once more. Anthony leaned down to kiss her lips once again.
"Don't want to waste any, hm? You okay?"
"Y-yes, babe... don't wanna waste... don't stop," she whined, as his finger pushed deeper inside of her. He gathered more of the paint that coated her inner thighs and delved slowly back inside, until he heard an undeniable moan escape her lips. He hovered over, resting on the pillow beside her with his fingers still deep inside. "You have one more in you, sweetheart?" He asked her silkily, brushing his lips over her temple.
"Mmph, yes, please Ant, just slow," she whimpered.
He pressed his grin against her flushed, sweaty cheek and slowly curled his fingers up inside her. All she had left were languid moans as she floated towards the edge of a final orgasm. When his thumb started tapping on her clit, she cried out, digging her nails into his back to hold him tightly against her. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, Ant I love you I love you," she stuttered, though her words sounded more like sobs because she was so overwhelmed by pleasure. His lips found every inch of her face as he tried to soothe her with his softest kisses, his fingers barely having to move to give her what she needed.
Finally, they both collapsed deeper into the mattress. Anthony was on his side with an arm lazily thrown over her waist, as she quivered every time she adjusted the placement of her thighs. His lips were still trying earnestly to soothe anything they could access, giving Jasmine shivers across her forehead where he managed to reach.
"Ant, I'm tired, can we sleep now?" Jasmine whined with her head rested in the crook of Anthony's neck, tracing featherlight circles around his chest.
"No babe, come on. I'll do it all for you I just don't want you to have a UTI on top of a hangover tomorrow. That's dangerous for us both," he smiled. He sat up slowly and scooted backward to lean against the headboard, momentarily ignoring Jasmine's grumbles as she adjusted to keep her head tucked under his.
Anthony stood up carefully, and stroked the back of her head to settle her as he carried her into the bathroom. She somehow mustered the energy to pee and wash her hands, but then stumbled back over to collapse against her love's chest. "Alright, alright, I've got you now," he chuckled, lifting her up from under her arms and setting her on the counter. "Just sit," he cooed, stepping between her legs and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I got you babe." After digging through the drawers for makeup wipes, he carefully cleansed and moisturized her face. When he finished, he gently cupped her jaw and grazed his thumb over the soft skin of her cheek. Even in her post-clubbing, post-fucking haze, she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on.
She nuzzled against his palm and let him bear her weight as he smirked. "Are you drunk drunk or sex drunk?"
"Mm just sex drunk," she smiled sleepily, "I think Emmy fed me garlic knots and made my last drink with water instead of vodka because she said she wanted me to remember when my insides got rearranged."
Anthony chuckled softly into her cheek before placing a kiss there, then wrapped his arms around her waist to lift her up. "Yeah babe, she may have mentioned that to me too." He slowly padded over to the bed, each step cautious to ensure he wasn't bouncing the very tired, very sore, and very sensitive woman hanging off his neck.
As soon as he set her down on the edge of the bed, she started to whine. "Baby don't leave," she said grabbing at his hand defiantly.
"You have goosebumps all over babe, let me grab us some shirts and boxers to sleep in and then I'll hold you all night long, okay?"
She frowned a little, then smiled up at him. "Your clothes, please."
"Of course, sweetheart."
He hurried to the dresser and back under her orders, and set the clothes beside her on the bed. He held up each shirt and pair of boxers and let her point at the ones she wanted before slipping it onto her. Once they were both dressed, Anthony pulled down the blankets and helped Jasmine lay down before crawling over her to nestle into her side. He pulled the covers up to their ears, though the protective arm they'd each thrown over the other's waist was giving them all the warmth they needed. They both lay on their sides, hands rubbing whatever little shapes they could manage on the other's back, while their foreheads pressed together.
"Happy birthday, my love," he whispered.
"Thank you baby, today was incredible," she sighed, letting her face relax into a soft smile as her eyelashes fluttered against his.
"You had a good time?" His thumb brushed a stray curl behind her ear so he could study her expression.
"Every day I can call you mine is a good time, but today was perfect."
With her delicate words, their lips found one another for one last kiss, before the exhaustion washed over them to bring an end to a day filled with love, lust, and everything Jasmine could have wished for on her birthday.
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
march madness
this is dedicated to @sunnypogue​ and @oopmyheartwent-obx​ because they’re the homies and I said so 
wordcount: 2.2k
warnings: cursing, I didn’t edit this for shit, mentions of sexual situations
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Every year, the Delt house held a March Madness bracket competition. There were cash prizes involved and it was taken extremely seriously, only significant others were also invited to participate (no hookups allowed, unless the hookup was consistent enough to stick around through the end of the tournament in April). James was in charge this year as brotherhood chair and was taking it to the next level, upping the buy-in and scheduling several watch parties throughout the month. 
When Rafe casually let it slip that he was participating, Sophie’s interest was piqued right away. They were all hanging out in his room, Sophie’s legs draped across his lap while Rafe kept a constant touch on her ankle, her calf, anything.
“Can I do it with you guys?”
“Well...” Rafe trailed off, trying to think of any excuse possible. He knew Sophie’s competitive nature to a tee and was already predicting the fight that’d come of it.
Unfortunately for him, James loved nothing more than seeing Rafe lose in the tournament every year. “Yeah, of course you can. Why not?”
Rafe winced and Sophie caught it immediately, furrowing her brow. “Yeah, Rafe, why not?”
“No reason.” He squeezed her ankle and gave her a little smile. She merely raised her eyebrows back, skeptical, and started googling on her phone, pulling up a few sites.
“What are you looking for?” Rafe asked, leaning over to see.
She quickly moved her phone out of his reach. “None of your business.”
“Sophie, c’mon.”
“Jeez, Sophie, is he always this whiny?” Colin teased and Sophie laughed, clicking her phone off. “You should know, you live with him.”
“Nah. He’s different around you. Softer.” James reached over and ruffled Rafe’s hair, causing a mini scuffle between them.
“Yeah, see, he’s always aggressive with us.” Colin pointed out.
“He could stand to be a tiny bit more aggressive with me.” Sophie mumbled under her breath with a smirk, just loud enough so only Rafe could barely make out what she said. He whipped around, eyes wide. “What did you say?”
She grinned and batted her eyelashes innocently. “Nothing. When can we fill out our brackets?”
“They’re due in three days.” James told her, handing her an extra blank bracket from his desk. Sophie accepted it with a thank you and stood, not before kissing Rafe on the cheek. “Looks like I have some work to do then.”
“It’s not that complicated, Soph, you can just pick it on, like, jersey colors or mascots or whatever.” Rafe told her carelessly. She kept up with Ohio State sports and knew the rules of the game, but didn’t really seem to care otherwise. She’d prioritize alone time in the architecture studio for big games sometimes, or study through a tailgate instead of watching the other games on air that day. What Rafe failed to remember is that she was also extraordinarily stubborn, and always determined to win.
“I’m not just going to throw my money away. I need to research.”
He laughed. “When have you ever researched before a game in your life?”
With that she flicked him in the head, scowling. “I’ve never needed to before. Have you filled yours out yet?”
Rafe went to bat her hand away a moment too late, letting out a little yelp. “Hey! No, I’m just going to fill out the day before. Let the experts help me out.” He gestured to the TV, where ESPN hosts droned on in the background. 
“Hm.” She gathered her things and Rafe leaned over, tugging at the sleeve of her jacket. “No, wait, stay. We can do it together, if you want?” 
“And let you cheat off me? Absolutely not.” She fixed him with a scrutinizing look. “Why, need someone to tell you whether the green or red team is better?”  
He laughed. “No, baby, I’m not just gonna wing it.” 
Even James could feel the annoyance radiating from Sophie in the moment and he face-palmed behind her back, anticipating her response. She frowned at Rafe, arms crossed. “So why would I just wing it?” 
“Well that’s - that’s not what I meant -” He hastily backtracked. 
“Smooth.” Colin muttered under his breath, shaking his head. She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure. Now if you’ll excuse me, darling, I have some work to do.” The pet name held absolutely no affection to it, hurled like an insult instead. 
“Darling? Huh? Sophie, I didn’t mean it like that -” Rafe started again and she leaned over, kissing him shortly to cut him off. “Sure you didn’t. When do we hand them in, James?” 
“6pm, Friday. Hard deadline.” He responded cheerfully. 
“I’ll have it to you tomorrow.” She grinned and gave them all a little wave before leaving, ignoring Rafe’s small noise of protest. It wasn’t til she had hardly stepped out of the house to walk home when she had three texts from James with individual links to stats from prior tournaments and comparisons of each team’s performances throughout the season. 
James: If Colin and I can’t knock his ass out, I’d want you to do it 
Sophie: :) I’ll accept the honor 
The next day, Rafe was entirely unbothered by Sophie’s participation in the bracket challenge, after she had reassured him that she was mainly teasing about his comments. She also knew the exact time the Bracketology show aired on ESPN, as well as the shows on other networks, and made it her mission to distract him at every opportunity possible. 
She was over again the next day while James and Colin were busy, so they had the room to themselves. Sophie had brought over her homework, like usual, and the two were just enjoying each other’s company for a while - until she noticed Rafe pull out his bracket, completely blank. “You’re not done yet?” 
“Huh? No, the ESPN show’s about to be on. Do you mind if I keep the volume low?” He reached for the remote. “That’s fine, I just have a few questions left on this.” She purposely made a show of stretching her arms high, the hem of her cropped sweater lifting just enough to show a flash of her lacy bralette. 
He stopped in his tracks, clearly eyeing her over. “Your sweater’s short.” 
She hid a smirk, giving him a confused look instead as she tugged the hem back down. “Is it?” 
“You said you have how many questions left?” Rafe tried curling his hand around her hip and pulling her close, but she swatted his hand away. “Just five, but they’re long answer.”  
“Just five.” He nodded to himself and turned the TV, remembering why he had gotten his bracket out in the first place. She kept her head down, working as she listened to the hosts’ banter for a few minutes. When they started actually getting into the bracket predictions, Sophie rolled her shoulders, then tilted her head to crack her neck. “Rafe?” 
“Mm?” He replied, half paying attention to her as he scribbled out some of the early game decisions. 
“Do you mind rubbing my shoulders? They’re killing me.”  
“Course not, c’mere.” He turned on the couch to face her, keeping the bracket and pen in his lap. 
She didn’t waste any time pulling the sweater over her head, letting it drop to the floor as she moved to sit closer to him. He laughed, loud. “What was that for?” 
Sophie glanced at him over her shoulder, moving her hair to expose her back fully. “Figured it’s easier to massage on bare skin than through a bulky knit sweater.” 
She had fully captured his attention now, and he ran a finger down her spine, grinning. “Just a shoulder rub?” She was glad to be facing away from him, unable to hide her eye roll. “Mind out of the gutter. Just a shoulder rub.” 
Rafe nodded but couldn’t resist placing a few kisses along her bare shoulder before massaging her shoulders, pressing hard. When she noticed his massage got weaker as he got more distracted by the TV, Sophie let out a breathy moan. It sounded horribly fake even to her ears, but got his attention right away. 
“Soph.” He warned. 
“Hm?” She questioned, wincing as she faced away from him, hoping she sounded innocent enough. 
Lucky for her, Rafe was pretty clueless to the motives of her game. “You can’t say just a shoulder rub then make sounds like that.” 
“Sorry, sorry.” She grinned. “I’ll be good for you.” 
“Rafe.” She mimicked, turning back around and finally giving him an eyeful of her chest. He groaned and pulled her onto his lap immediately, hands going straight to her waist. “Sure you need to finish your homework?” 
She grinned. “How long are James and Colin gone for?” 
“Uh...” He glanced toward the door, at the TV, then at his watch. “We have an hour.” 
Sophie stood, blocking the TV, and held both her hands out. “Let’s take advantage of it then.”  
Her plan worked perfectly over the next three days, right up until the deadline for turning in the bracket. It laid forgotten on his desk while they made out on his bed, lazy kisses shared as their hands wandered. James barged in with only a single, split-second knock. “Hope you have your clothes on!” 
(They both did - they had almost been caught once and Sophie always triple checked the lock before taking her shirt off after that.) 
Rafe groaned and threw his pillow at James. “Give us a fucking warning, dude!” 
“Bracket’s due in five. You finished yet?” 
“Oh shit.” Rafe sat up immediately, glancing around for it. “No, I’ve been busy.” 
Sophie held back a smirk. “I think it’s on your desk.” 
“Did you ever finish yours, Soph?” Rafe asked as he got up to scramble for a pen. Unfortunately for him, she had taken all of them over the last few days - not a hard task, because he only owned four. 
“She turned hers in two days ago. It’s like, annotated and shit. You have four minutes now.” James tapped his watch, then decided to take pity on him and toss him a pen from his own desk. 
Rafe frowned, frantically filling out the bracket. “Annotated? With what?”  
She shrugged. “Stats to help me out.” Sophie leaned over, watching him fill out his choices. “Texas Tech is red and Purdue is gold, I think you should pick Purdue there. Gold is a fun color.” 
James snorted. “Two minutes, Cameron.” 
“Fuck, okay.” Rafe finished it quickly and handed it over, but Sophie grabbed it out of his hands first. 
“Wait, you picked Michigan to win? God, Rafe, do you have no loyalty?” She was violently offended, disbelieving of her eyes. 
“They’re a solid pick!” 
“They’re our fucking rivals!” 
He laughed and grinned, smug, as he remembered the nickname she had tried to use against him days earlier. “I’m playing to win here, darling. You didn’t seriously pick Ohio State to win, did you?” 
“I picked Villanova, thank you very little.” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Oh.” He was surprised at her logical pick, which irked her even more. “Well, I don’t have the emotional attachment like you do here.” 
“You’d think two and a half years of school would be enough. Don’t need your parents as alumni to do that.” 
“She makes a point.” James chimed in, thoroughly entertained by the arguing, but made his way toward the door to collect other brackets. “Dude, you’ve had weeks to work on this, what happened?” 
“I don’t know, every time I’ve turned on ESPN to watch I...” He trailed off, thinking.
James shook his head and made his exit, making a point to securely shut the door behind him. 
Rafe finally put two and two together and pointed an accusing finger at Sophie. “You sabotaged me!” 
She grinned, giving herself up right away. “Yeah, what of it?” 
“That’s so low.” Rafe shook his head, scowling. 
Sophie laughed, sitting up on her knees and leaning forward to smirk at him. “Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?” 
He stood at the edge of the bed and placed both palms on her knees and slid them up her legs, leaning over her. “You don’t really think you’ll win, do you?”
“Might not, darling, but at least I’ll beat you. You screwed up on several brackets, by the way.” She met him with a kiss, nipping teasingly at his lower lip.
“Huh?” He mumbled against her lips. 
“Wichita State plays Marshall, not West Virginia, and Auburn plays Charleston. Not Clemson. So that’s already two games you’ve lost.” She grinned as he curled his fingers into her thighs and stood up on her knees to kiss him harder, locking her hands to rest behind his neck.  
“And you didn’t correct me once. I can’t believe you.” He slid one hand up to squeeze her ass, laughing when she let out a small squeak of surprise.  
“Cameron.” She tried pulling him down to the bed.
“What.” He didn’t budge, keeping a firm grip on her butt.
“Shut up and finish what you started.” 
“Yes ma’am.”
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xchoco-mixturex · 3 years
Romantic/Vday headcanons for Kuniper, hell yes
**Pours the happy future AU (like....5 years later i dunno) because of the pandemonium that its going on in the sequel** IGNORING THAT, LETS GO!
Send me a ship and I’ll answer the following:
Who’s the cuddler?: Kuon. Bruh. You have seen her.
Who goes to bed late and who wakes up first? It depends, but Kuon tends to go to bed later, that or Yuu tells her to go to bed or ends up carrying her.
Who sings during daily activities (shower, cooking, etc)? Kuon does. She is happy go luck girl. Yuu sings in the shower XD
Who takes care of the other on sick days? Both, but Yuu tends to take care of her more because she is more careless.
Who gives unprompted massages? Kuon does. He is a cat (? He can be stressed and suddenly she is headpatting him and he just *flop*
What activity do they do together in sync? Some pop quizzes and trivias when they are bored.
Who gives nose/forehead/hand kisses? Yuu
Who gets jealous? They dont get jealous, but if I have to say for the most thing seen in canon, but then again they are partners and totally trust in each other coughcoughYuucoughcough
Soft kisses or passionate kisses? Soft
Who brings the other food at work? Yuu
Who made the first move? This one is silly. Yuu tried. Like, he was really trying to go for the kiss, then he froze in nervousness, so Kuon just yoink-ed him from the tie and kissed him.
Who won’t dress in costume unless it’s a couple costume? Yuu. Matching clothes? aye. A costume?! that would be hard. He stays in SUITS!
How was their first date like? Neither of them knew it was a date until it suddenly hit them that that sort of cafeteria reunion and idle chit-chat went from just a casual meeting to... “Wait...Is this a date?” *proceed to be a flustered mess*
Who writes love letters/notes to the other? Kuon
Who firmly believed the other was their soulmate from early on? They dont believe in that soulmate stuff, they needed to go through heaven and hell to realize that was their partner....Also Yuu did. (he was the one who came with the canon term of ‘my partner’ come on)
How much do they touch each other (PDA)?Do they have cute nicknames for each other? Kuon is the PDA of them both, Yuu keeps the headpat/booping. They like their names, Yuu tells to tell her Kuon, but eventually some ‘hon’ or ‘dear’ slips. He gets beet read tho. It took a while for Kuon to drop the ‘Mister Mask’, even if he no longer used the mask. Then she started calling him Yuuka, and then she kept it in ‘Yuu’
How do they feel about Valentine’s Day? Do they go on a date? They do know is mostly commercial, but at the same time, Kuon is a hopeless romantic and Yuu is a freaking dork and can’t ignore puppy-eyed Kuon. So yes, they come up with something. Not too elaborated, but cozy.
Public marriage proposal or something private? Private. The dork was planning on asking her fancy like in a restaurant tho, but then he dropped the fake act and improvised with a ringbox and an octopus plushie who was holding it. (hah, octopus <3)
How long into the relationship before they had sex? **STARES YOU DIRECTLY IN THE EYES** You do this on purpose homie-- Years.
Who drops innuendos at random? I would say Kuon tbfh XD (courtesy of Juo)
Who makes romantic surprises without a reason to? Both does, but Kuon tends to do it more since Yuu tends to overthink.
How likely are they to have sex in a non-bedroom location? **STARES AT YOU IN THE EYES AGAIN?** Almost none. (”almost?”) ...Yeh, almost (?
Who said “I love you” first and when? I think it would have cost him a lot but Yuu did. You knows specially what’s going on homie. I dont think he wants to lose her and he might have said it in a whisper. THEEEN AGAIN, if Kuon heard it or not its up to ya! :3
Who will sing cheesy romantic songs when drunk? ... Both. **Proceeds to dance in Choco(?**
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ladywinterwitch · 4 years
Run Away (Eight- What You Gotta Do)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger! Reader
Summary: You and Steve complete each other. Your love is that strong and devoted kind of love that pushes people to things like marriage, making a family. You couldn't imagine that a baby would be something you really wished, until the possibility wasn't your choice anymore.
Warnings:  A bit of angst, pregnancy talk, mentions of injuries, mentions of abandonement (mild), fluff, reader is still an emotional rollercoaster, cursing and swearing, smut, unprotected sex (too late for these two lmao), oral sex (f recieving), brief mentions of body insicurities, Bucky’s a puppy dog.
Words Count: 5289
A/n: Part eight! I can’t believe that I’ve actually come this far lmao. Plus, me posting stuff with less than 44827 years of distance with each other? A miracle. I always said that I would wrap it up at 10 chapters,but while writing this chapter I realized that I will need one or two extra chapters + the epilogue. We’ll see. For now I’m happy to be able to write lol. Series masterlist here, main masterlist here. Enjoy <3
ps: Chris’s look in that gif,,,chile 
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                       (gif not mine)
In the following week you saw Steve once a day, just to assure that he was doing fine. He wasn' sleeping in your shared room for the moment, but in a spare bedroom. You knew that you were probably being harsh with him, but you were so mad. It wasn't the first time that he did something stupid to try and save others. Hell, just think about that damned plane crash that put him in the ice in the first place.
You understood the reasons why, and basically everyone tried to talk with you and kinda 'sugar coat it' but the issue wasn't that you didn't understand: the issue was that he couldn't afford to think only about himself. Was it selfish on your behalf to think that way? Maybe. But you couldn't help it. You told yourself that it would've been different if you were just married, or just lovers. His decisions would've still been his. But now it's different. In less than six months he would've become a father. And that comes with responsibility. Wasn't he the first to tell you how important it was for you to put aside your job, for months or maybe even forever, just for the wellbeing of the creature inside you? That kid is yours just as much as he's his.
You and Bucky went out for a shopping trip that afternon. You would've asked Wanda, but she and Vision went to Clint's farm for a few days to see him and his family. Steve still had to be inside the tower, since he wasn't fully healed yet. You knew that he was watching a football game with Sam now, while Tony and Bruce were working on a new project, and Thor went to Asgard for a while to go check that Loki and Odin weren't at each other's throats.
You didn't mind Bucky's company at all. And in any case it wasn't like you felt like going out with Steve, not just yet. The brunette drove you both to the mall where he parked and then you went inside.
-So, what absolutely exciting and girly shops I have to visit today?- he asked while you curled your hand around his bicep. You laughed, looking up at him while you walked.
-Well, this mama is getting bigger every day, so I really can't wear my old clothes. I wouldn't even fit in them, and I can't go on with you guys' hoodies and t-shirts. I mean, I'm still a woman. Who said I can't look good while pregnant?- you responded, dragging him to a maternity clothes shop. As soon as you entered like half of the women in the shop turned to look at Bucky. You glanced at him and saw that he blushed and was looking everywhere except them. You bit you lip to not smile while you started to look around at the clothes. You made sure to engage in conversations with him to try and take the attention away.
-Damn homie, I think you just made those women regret their partners.- you said lowly so only he could hear you, and being a super enhanced supersolier, he did hear you very clearly. He snapped his head towards you with a look of disbelief on his face. His expression was so funny that you couldn't help but laugh. He looked around quickly then got closer to you.
-Stop it! It's already embarassing without you pointing it out.- he whined with a low voice. You stopped laughing but you couldn't help but smile, pressing your lips together.
-It's just so funny to me, because I understand these women. Turns out that pregnancy doesn't only make you sick, but also terribly horny.- you rose an eyebrow and he face palmed himself. You laughed again.
-Too much information, doll.- he groaned. You chuckled, putting in his hands a bunch of clothes. He caught them with both arms and followed you like a puppy to the changing rooms.
-Thank you kind sir, now I'm gonna see if they fit then I promise we're out of here.- you joked, hanging the clothes into the changing room. You closed the tent and he let himself fall delicately on one of the couches. He looked around while he waited but it turned out to be a bad idea when he saw the women from the various isles and even the shop's staff looking at him. He awkwardly smiled and then looked back at the closed changing room, sinking in his seat and covering the side of his face with a hand nonchalantly. He heard a few muffled giggles but no ne bothered him.
-Y/n are you done?- he asked, more embarassed than anything. Suddenly she pulled back the tent and started to gather a few of the garments in her hand. Bucky's gaze got caught on her figure. It was essentially the first time that she wore something fitting and not exaggerately large, so her belly was fully on display, even more so since she was turned to the side. The man felt a mix of emotions all at once and didn't quite catch the first time she called him.
-Buck, did you hear me?- he snapped out of it and stood to his feet, blinking a few times.
-It looks great.- he commented. You had on a nice flowery minidress, the sleeves were short and puffy, the square neckline showed just enough cleavage to remain classy, the breast area was tight but just below the skirt was soft and fell perfectly on your figure, showing the belly. You looked at him with a smile, chuckling slightly.
-Yeah, it fits well doesn't it? I'm getting these,- he gave a three dresses, two shirts, two t-shirts, two pairs of jeans and a pencil skirt to him, while she had other stuff in her own hands. -And I'm leaving these.- she sighed.
-Would you do me a favor? I'm dropping these off, meanwhile could you go to the pay desk? I'll be there in a sec.- he nodded and you thanked him while you walked away to the isles. Bucky walked towards the counter and dropped the garments on the desk, giving a quick smile to the girl behind it. He pulled out from the back pocket of his jeans the wallet and then the credit card, which was obviously Tony's, and put it on the glass above the counter. He waited a few seconds until the clerk, which was a nice girl with black hair and amber like eyes, spoke to him.
-So, how far are you guys?- she asked. Bucky almost choked on air at that phrase.
-Oh we- - he was about to say, but you arrived at his side and saved the situation. You smiled kindly at the girl and gave a pat on Bucky's arm.
-I'll be exactly of five months in a week, and he's more like the uncle than the father.- she tileted her head towards the brunette. The clerk smirked.
-Is he now?- she said rethorically. Then added, -That would be 277$. You're paying with cash or card?- Bucky gave her the Visa and she thanked him, finishing the payment. Y/n glanced at him with a knowing look and a slight smirk. He rolled his eyes and shook his head a little, she furrowed her brows as if to ask 'Why?' and he just mouthed 'No', so she didn't push. For now.
-Thank you for your purchase, congratulations and we hope to see you soon.- the girl said with courtesy, her gaze lingering a bit on the man, whom didn't return the look. You could see the slight disppointment of the girl.
-Thank you, have a nice day.- you saluted her and then headed out with Bucky. An hour had already passed and you still had in mind to buy a few things, but first you needed a break.
-I desperately want a piece of cake. What do you think?- you elbowed him delicately to catch his attention. He turned his head and nodded, still carrying the two bags. You arrived at the mall's cafe and ordered. He picked an iced coffe and you a slice of cheesecake and some tea, knowing that coffe wasn't that good for pregnancy. You took a seat at one of the tables outside, even tho you were still technically inside the mall.
-So, wanna tell me why you didn't accept the clear as the sun advances that the pretty shop assistant did?- you brought the fork to your mouth. He huffed and shrugged.
-Because I am not interested. I don't think I'm in the right mindspace to date right now.- he responded. You exhaled, tilting your head slightly to the side.
-Buck, I know that it didn't end up that smoothly with Nat, but she's gone.- she realized how that sounded like and quickly corrected herself, -I mean, not gone. But...gone, you know?- you cringed at your own words and he snorted.
-Very smooth y/n.- he joked, earning a glare from you.
-Shut up, I'm trying to help here. What I meant that while I understand that things with Nat didn't end up in the best of ways, she went away to give both of you the space you need to get back on your feet.- you paused, drinking a sip of tea, then offring the last bite of cake to him. He shook his head, giving you a lopsided smile.
-Don't worry, it's all yours.- you pointed your finger at him, while chewing the cheesecake. He chuckled.
-Right answer. Anyways, what I'm trying to say here, Buck, is that you have to allow yourself to try again. Because you deserve it. What do you tell me about that person you said you were interested in? I've never seen you with anyone in the last three months.- he looked to the side for a moment casually.
-They're taken so, yeah.- he simply answered, shrugging while taking a sip of coffe. You got sad all of a sudden. You eyebrows knotted in a sad expression and he noticed, giving you a small smile.
-Hey, don't do that. It's okay. I'm not like heartbroken or shit. I'm happy for her.- he assured you, -She.. well she has a family. She deserves it, so I'm happy for her.- he nodded, smiling softly. You smiled at him too, still with a hint of sadness. He took a nother sip of coffe an then raised an eyebrow, looking at you.
-Why are you crying?- he asked confused. You furruwed your brows in confusion and wiped your fingers under your eyes, realizing that a few tears had escaped. At that point without a reason, you started to feel worse and embarassed and a mess, so you sterted to actually sob a little. Bucky got up and moved his chair next to yours, hugging you.
-Hey what's wrong? I promise I'm alright.- he laughed to try and lighten the situation. You hiccupped into his chest.
-I- I know..it's just.. I don't know, these stupid hormones are making me act hysterical.- you had sittle sobs coming out every now and then. He kissed your head while he stroked your back.
-It's okay, you're not hysterical.- he chuckled softly making you smile. You pulled away from him looking in his eyes.
-I'm a mess aren't I?- Bucky wiped a little smudge of mascara under her eye, and then smiled at her lovingly.
-You look just fine, darling.- she hugged him, whispering a 'thank you, I love you' in his ear.
-I love you too- he answered.
After that, they finished their drink and Y/n told Bucky that she wanted to order a few things for the baby so they did just that. They went in a baby-stuff shop and she choose and placed some orders for a crib, a baby seat for both the car and the kitchen and the changing table. You didn't wanted to buy them right away, so you told the shop to bring them at the tower when they wanted.
When you exited the shop, it was already six thirty pm, so you decided to head back at the tower.
In the car, you told Bucky about your idea to get a midwife to help you during your pregnancy and especially when it'll be time to deliver the baby.
-I don't know y/n... I mean I think that you don't need a midwife or some other stranger to take care of you and the baby. You have Steve. You have me, and Sam, Wanda and the rest of the team. Bruce has basically become a doctor of everything, I'm sure that helping to deliver a child isn't that hard.- he shrugged while keeping his eyes on the road.
-I can't and wouldn't expect you all to babaysit me for another four months, Bucky. You have missions, classes, a you know, your own lives.- he glared at you, probably wanting to intervene and contraddict you, but he remained quiet in the end.
-And, you really can't expect Bruce to handle this. He's a fucking physician for God's sake. He's absolutely amazing, but a delivery? No, that would be too much even for him. And I would be kinda embarassed, for crying out loud.- you added with a high pitched voice. You absentmindely started to cradle your belly. He thought about it for a few seconds.
-I don't know y/n, you know how I am with strangers. But in any case it's your and Steve's decision. Please, talk to him. He's been miserable this week without you. He wouldn't shut up about how he was sorry, and stupid and in love with you and that he misses your smile, your belly and I don't know, I stopped listening after a while.- he said exasperatedly. You suppressed a smile.
-Really? - you asked sheepishly. He turned his head to look at you for a second before smiling knowingly.
-You know it's true. Your fucking married, for God's sake.- he said, tired of you two being idiots. He could just imagine how it'll be when you'll become parents. You will be great at it, but also a mess at the same time.
-Hey, Whiny Soldier, how was shopping? - Sam shouted when he saw the two of you coming in the room with your hands full of bags. You didn't see him, but you just knew that he pursed his lips and shook his head.
You came back at the tower just in time for dinner. Vision and Wanda had aprons tied on their chests, while the others were just chilling in the common room. Steve was there too, beside Bruce.
-Shopping was productive, thank you very much.- you answered pointing for Bucky to put down the bags.
-Let me help you take these to your room.- he offered, but you gave him a look and he understood immediately, putting them down. You smiled and kissed his cheek.
-Thank you for being my human cart today.- his jaw dropped, pretending to be offended.
-Oooh- Sam howled and the others laughed. Steve smiled slightly, still mortified by your little 'cold shoulder week'  thing.
-You're lucky I can't tickle you to death right now.- he pointed his finger at you before walking to the fridge to pour himself a glass of water.
-Yeah, yeah, like you say big guy.- you teased him. You paused, shifting your gaze to Steve. He was wearing a blue hoodie and gray sweatpants, his dirty blonde hair were starting to get a bit long at the sides and a few strands fell on his forehead, while his jaw was covered with a slight scruff. His puppy dog eyes met yours and you couln't help but melt a little.
-Steve, are you well enough to help me with these?- you asked and even before you could finish he was on his feet. He almost tripped from how fast he tried to reach you.
-Yes I'm perfectly well I mean I'd love to help you. I mean obv- - you raised an eyebrow and he stopped, looking down. The whole team was watching in silence like it was a damn movie.
-I'm rambling, I'm sorry.- he said lowly. You sighed and places three of the four bags in his hands.
-C'mon. And you all, get a life.- you called them out while you two walked to the elevator. A few minutes later, after the short, silent, trip, you arrived to your room. He placed the bags on the bed and you did the same after closing the door behind you.
-Help me take off the price tags.- you invited him. He grabbed the bag, taking out the first garment. It was a white baby onesie, with Captain America's shield logo on it in white, blue, and red. His breath got caught in his throat and he suddenly let out a sob.
You snapped your head up in confusion, your features softening when you saw him. He sat on the bed, head down, onesie still in his hand. You put down the dress you had in your hands and went to sit next to him, since it would've been really uncomfortable for you to bend on your legs now. You hand went istinctively to rub his back.
-Can we talk?- he asks with broken voice. You tilt your head to the side to look at him with the shadow of a smile on your face.
-Only if you stop crying. Or else none of us will be able to talk at all.- he chuckles slightly making you smile lovingly. He wraps his big arms around you, nuzzling his face in your neck, your collarbones exposed due to the large shirt you were wearing. The wave of relief that washed over you in that moment was hard to describe.
-I missed you so much, baby. I couldn't stand the thought of you being mad at me. I'm sorry for being so impulsive.- he sniffed while he talked. You nodded, cupping his face gently. Steve melted into your touch.
-I know you are. And I'm sorry too. I know that I've been harsh with you these past days, it's just...- he waited patiently, -You're not responsable for only yourself anymore. I understand, please trust me, I understand what you wanted to do and also that you feel like it's your duty to do that. And it kinda is, but my point is- you shook your head realizing that you weren't really explaining yourself.
-What I mean is that you cannot put your life behind other's. Not for me, not even for the team. We're grown ass adults okay? Fow how much you can love us and we can love you, we are our own person. But this- you placed his hand on your belly, -This had been a choice. Your, mine. We both are responsable for this life. The same way I gave up my job, and the lessons. Now, I'm not asking you to stop going on missions, but I'd like you to be with me as much as possible. And that when you go, you'll be careful. Please, Steve.- you say softly, almost in the verge of tears. Again. You've cried more in five months than in your whole life probably.
-You're right. It was pretty hypocritical of me to get mad at you for the same reason in the first place.- he shook his head in disappointment. You rolled your eyes, adding -Work. I think we'll have to rearrange ourselves in this department.- you smiled and he laughed, agreeing.
-So, are we gonna get these off the bed and use the space in a better way or what?- your lips curled in a seductive smirk that quite shocked him. He recovered quickly, jumping on his feet and placing the bags on the ground in a split second. You threw you head back laughing at his eagerness, but you honestly couldn't blame him. Your hormones were a mess and your horniness at level 100, but you often were either sick, tired, hungry or he was. And not to mention the missions that separated you. So let's say that since you got pregnant the sex decreased noticeably, which was something that you wanted to fix. You phisically missed and needed him.
He returned to you and crashed his lips to yours, and soon enough you were a mess of tongues and lip bites and sucks that got interrupeted just briefly to get your clothes off. He didn't have anything under his hoodie, and you happily noticed that he was completely healed and that his weeks in the tower were due to the lack of new missions. You sincerely hoped it would last. After his hoodie, his pants and boxers were next. With you the situation was a bit more complex: first the light material shirt you had on had to be unbuttoned, then your tank top, the jeans' belt and the pants themselves. When you were left in just your underwear, a plain set of cotton white bra and panties, Steve stopped to look at your body.
He was in awe of you. He rose his hand and started a caress that began on your cheek, his thumb on your bottom lip, then descended to your now fuller breasts, to the curve of your waist to to your baby bump. At that point he bent down on his knees and kissed it softly.
-Hey little one, if you want to take a nap, now it would be a good time.- he whispered directly to the stretched skin. You let out a sound that was halfway between of a whine and a laugh.
-Steve, Jesus Christ.- you covered your face with your hands. You heard him laugh and stand on his feet again. He removed your hands gently, kissing you again with slow, agonizing passion that even let escape a ridiculous whine from your lips at the loss.
-Where were we?- he reached behind your back and unclasped the bra, sliding it off your shoulders and freeing your breasts.
-Mrs and Mr. Rogers I'm sorry to disturb, miss Maximoff would like me to inform you that dinner's ready.- you stopped hearing F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice. You groaned, annoyed at the interruption, but Steve suddenly started to push you on the bed and to lick and suck your boobs.
-Tell miss Maximoff that we have dinner here.- he responded biting softly your nipple, making you whimper.
-It will be done, mr Rogers.-
-Geez Steve, couldn't you be more specific?- you sassed with a deep breath, distracted by your husband's mouth. He snorted moving further down to remove your panties.
-You're already pregnant, couldn't be more obvious than that.- you started to laugh, but it soon became a loud moan when you felt his tongue licking a long stripe on your pussy. You closed your eyes and istinctively wanted to bring your hand in his hair, but you found an obstacle. A medium big, round and naked obstacle. You huffed and Steve stopped, tilting his head to the side, since now you couldn't even see him from between your legs.
-Are you okay?- he asked, worry in his voice. You sat on the bed, helping yourself with your hands. He returned beside you, waiting.
-It's just..ugh I'm so awkward and big and not confident if I have to be honest.- you say for the first time out loud. You wanted to cover yourself by curling your knees to you chest, but again, you swollen stomach didn't allow it. At that point you got even more frustrated.
-Damn it.- Steve places his fingers under your chin and made you look at him. His eyes were serious but not mad.
-Hey, none of that. Do you even realize the miracle your beautiful body is doing? You're creating a whole life in there, baby.- he smiled brightly looking in your eyes, -And by the way, you're still hot as fuck.- that made you laugh. He kept smiling while he made you lay down again on the sheets.
-This beautiful face..these cheeks are even sweeter now.- he peppered them with kisses making you giggle uncontrollably.
-Don't get me started on these ones...- his hands cupped your breasts while his mouth attacked your nipples and the soft skin. You moaned softly, your hand immediately in his short hair, your nails delicately scratching his scalp.
-But you know my most favorite thing?- he kept going, -This.- he was now between your legs, kneeled in front of your stomach. He caressed it and kissed it a few times. Then his gaze  locked in yours again. You almost felt hypnotized, both by his velvety voice and his touch.
-I love it because it's round and soft and most importantly because it's giving me a family. A baby. And you know who's giving me all of this? You are. So don't ever be insecure about this wonderful body, please.- you smiled at him softly. Soon enough the mood changed again when he spoke his next words.
-Now, are you gonna let me thank this stunning body like it deserves or not?- you felt the smirk in his voice, his blue eyes hungry. You mirrored his expression propping yourself up on your elbows.
-Would like to see it.- you answer. He huffs out a laugh and reprises what he started doing a few minutes prior. He took good care of you until you came on his tongue, and at that point you grabbed him to crash your lips together. You kept moving and bringing him with you, until he found himself laying down on his back and you straddling his hips. Steve's hands immediately went to your sides, trying to not move and let you do the work, even though all he wanted was to fuck you until you both could't anymore.
You kept you eyes on his while you stroked him a few times before slowly sinking on him. He squeezed both his eyes shut and your hips, huffing a long breath. That could've almost made you laugh if you weren't just as wrecked. Your hips started moving, back and forth, to the sides in painfully slow circular motions. At one point he grabbed your ass, sitting up and making you gasp.
-Doll I'm kinda struggling here- he breathed out kissing your neck while you kept moving. -I want to be delicate but damn.- he nipped at your sweet spot between your neck and shoulder. Your hips started going faster with the help of his hands guiding you and soon enough you were panting and kissing each other passionately and messily.
-Oh, Steve I'm almost there- you moan hugging his head to your chest. He moaned too, reaching in front of you with his hand to circle your clit.
-I'm right behind you baby.- he reassured you while in reality he was trying hard not to come in that exact moment. He craved you more than usual, not only beacause your body was actually so fucking hot to him but also because he hasn't touched you for almost two whole weeks.
Just a few seconds later you gripped his shoulders, hiding your face in his neck. His breath got caught in his troath at the way you clenched around him when you came. And as a cue, he followed you short after, coming inside you. You stayed like that, hugging and cuddling for some minutes, then he kissed you and moved you gently on his side, hissing slightly when you lost contact.
-Be right back.- he said going to the bathroom and returning with a wet wash cloth. He cleaned you up from both of your releases and then went back to throw the dirty fabric in the laundry basket. You looked at him with a lopsided smile, still hazy and quite tired from the recent activity. He mirrored your expression with messy hair, crawling in the bed to you and pulling you on his side after.
-I needed that.- you say. He sighed, -I definetly did too. How come we always end up having sex after we argue or talk?- he asked casually. You shrugged.
-I don't know, the important thing is that the talk comes first and then, the sex.- he agreed with a nod. You chewed on you lip a bit before speaking again.
-Honey- you called, he hummed.
-While you were away last week I started to think about how I will probably need more help in the future, you know. And the fact that you and the others are often away on missions. And I mean it's totally alright, that's work but... I felt so bad when Sam and Wanda were left behind last time. And just to 'babysit' me.- he looked down at you with a frown.
-They offered to stay behind because they wanted to. We're taking turns on missions all the time.- he responded. You barely noticed that he had started to caress your belly.
-That's not the point, you know it. The last mission was quite big. I know my work well enough to know that Fury would've sent all the team, if I weren't left behind. Also by now we both understood that this baby isn't a normal baby and that is why I'm so sick so often. Bruce can't be here all the time, and for how good and skilled he his, he's not an expert in the baby field.- he was listening to you intently, but he wasn't quite sure with where you wanted to go with this.
-What's the point?- he asked, moving a strand of your hair from your face with his fingers.
-The point is,  that I've read a lot in these months, and I think that we should hire a midwife. It would be someone that stays with me most of the day and helps me. An actual expert.-
-And how would you explain that our child has the blood of two super soldiers?- his hand motioned himself and you. You got up, towards the bathroom.
-Steve, we share the house with a god, a giant green monster, enhanced people, a witch, a kid that has the powers of a spider and an intelligent robot. I think it wouldn't be a great surprise.- you closed the door, peed and then refreshed yourself before going back to take some clean clothes. You saw that he was waiting for you to get out, probably wanting to shower.
-Okay then, I guess we can arrange that, if that will make you feel better.- he finally spoke. You kissed his cheek, already in your underwear.
-Thank you. You're showering?- he nods, the raises an eyebrow.
-Wanna join?- you laugh and shake your head.
-No, baby not now. I get tired quite easily and if the bed's already a bit difficult to work with, the shower must be a nightmare.- he pouted.
-You're right.-
-But- he stops the door before it closes, waiting for you to continue. -I want to fix your hair and your beard if you let me.- a lopsided smile opens on his face.
-Be my guest.-
After you sat him down on the edge of the bathtub, you shortened the longer strands on top with tiny scissors. After that you picked up the electric razor and groomed the sides, shortneing them but not removing them completely. You did the same with the beard, leaving a short, barely visible scruff. About twenty minutes later you were done. You put down the razor and took a step back to look at your work.
-Perfect.- you commented, brushing the hair that fell on his chest and shoulders. He stood up and looked at himself in the mirror, smiling.
-Is there anything you can't do?- he asked. You smirked, kissing him before starting to clean up.
-No, I'm a woman.-
Tag list: @polarcrystall​    @a--1--1--3​    @silver-winter-wolf​   @jessyballet​
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aizawasthot · 4 years
sneaky | bakugou k.
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summary: you and your friends go out to play laser tag and bakugou is determined to win. college!au pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader warnings: cursing lmaooo word count: 1.4k
note: my snapchat memories showed me my snaps from one year ago when i went laser tagging w my friends. now i’m sad and trying to make my brain do the smile emote because i miss the homies
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
“Hello, you beautiful bastards. Guess what just opened a couple blocks from campus?” Denki greeted as soon as he reached your usual table in the library. The group stared at Denki, waiting for what dumb idea he has on his mind. You sat beside Mina Kirishima, tackling Molecular Biology. Bakugou was there too, but he sat at the end of the table, earphones plugged in as he worked on Advanced Calculus. Bakugou looked up to see who it was, but he rolled his eyes and quickly went back to work when he saw Denki.
Seeing that nobody wanted to answer the yellow-haired boy, Kaminari sat down beside Kirishima and rolled his eyes. “Okay, since you’re so eager to find out what it is, I’ll tell you,” he said  sarcastically, placing his backpack on the table. “There’s a new laser tag place and--” Kaminari paused to reach something in his bag. “I got us a group pass! We can go this Saturday!” He exclaimed, which got a couple of hushes from some students sitting nearby.
“Okay?” Kirishima said, dropping his pen as he turned to Denki.
“Okay? That’s all you have for the good news I just said? We haven’t had a group hang out in weeks! I miss you, you absolute fools,” he sighed dramatically, clutching his chest with one hand.
“You’re the fool if you think I’m coming to that thing,” Bakugou spoke up, one of his earbuds off as he listened to what Kaminari was saying. The group chuckled at Kaminari’s expression as he turned beet red.
“Well, I’m not taking no for an answer. Plus, we have three classes together, Bakugou, I’ll keep annoying you til you say yes,” Denki smirked. Bakugou scoffed and said nothing.
“Well?” Denki looked at the rest of your group, waiting for what you guys had to say.
“I’m in, I guess,” Mina shrugged, not completely hating the idea.
“Sure,” Kirishima said, picking up his pen once again as he turned his attention back to his notes.
“[Y/N]? Pretty please, my sweet child? I miss hanging out with you,” he pleaded with his infamous puppy eyes.
“Of course! I don’t work this weekend so spending the day with you guys sounds good,” you smiled at the boy. Who could resist those eyes?
Denki pumped his arms in the air, feeling victorious for winning the three of you over. He turned to Bakugou, who still had one earbud off but paying no attention to Denki. He gave you a nudge, giving you a “please” look, wanting you to be the one to ask Bakugou.
“What about you Bakugou? Do you want to go?” You asked the boy with a smile. He looked up from his notes with a bewildered look.
“Uh-- sure,” he said, his neck starting to heat up. What the fuck? Why did I say yes? Bakugou thought to himself, frowning at how quick you got him to change his mind. “I guess,” he shrugged more casually, trying to keep his cool.
“Perfect! It’s settled then, we’re all going,” you smiled brightly. It’s that damn smile, he thought, shaking his head.
Laser tagging was all fun and games until all of you realized that it’s more fun to betray each other as you get down and dirty to score the highest.
“No fair, Mina! I thought we were pairing up!” Denki whined from the upper level, his vest buzzing and turning bright red against the dark room, indicating that he’s been tagged.
“Oh sweetie, this is war,” was all Mina said as she laughed and ran away from him.
You looked around at your spot, scanning the space you were holed up in. It was a good camping spot, your back was against a solid wall, so you don’t have to worry that someone would tag you from behind. In front of you were two walls with two openings, great for looking out for enemies and to shoot at people while also being able to duck down and take cover. The last wall had the entrance, so it was only a pretty small opening that you can hide in the corner and take cover. You were peeking through one of the openings when you heard footsteps. Whipping your head towards the sound, you see that it was Bakugou.
“Hey, can I hide here, too?” He whispered, his laser gun lowered down. “It’s the best hiding spot, you can even shoot to the upper level without being detected,” he explained, walking towards you.
“And how do I know you’re not going to tag me, huh?” You quirked a brow, your gun pointed at him.
“Because my main target today is to only tag Denki to spite him for making me go here,” he smirked, walking closer and closer. “Plus, we can team up together,” he suggested, gun still lowered.
“Oh-- uhm, sure. Okay then, I guess,” you muttered. Maybe it’ll be fun to see Bakugou’s playful side.
During the game, you and Bakugou had to relocate when Kirishima found you and tagged the both of you, then again when Denki tagged Bakugou. You and Bakugou were leaning against a wall and trying to catch your breaths after having a close call with Mina. You tried to scan the area when the speaker announced that you had 5 minutes left of the game.
“Aw really? Just 5 minutes left?” You whined. You were so into it that the game felt shorter than it actually was. “I’m having too much fun, I don’t want to leave yet,” you said, looking up at the boy as you try to cool down from all the running.
“I guess the airhead was right, this was a good group activity,” he replied, turning his head to you, his face too close to yours.
You turn away so fast your neck may have been broken. You started stuttering, trying to back away from Bakugou. “Uh-- so uhm-- we should try and--” you stopped talking when you realized Bakugou was following you, walking closer to you until your back was pressed against a wall. He swallowed dryly as he looked into your eyes -- his body pressed against yours and his face only inches away. “Yeah,” he whispered, his voice raspy and low. “You’re right, this is fun,” he said, his tongue darting out to lick his lips.
“Baku-- Bakugou, uhm- we should see if--.” He cut you off, pressing his index finger against your lips to shut you up. Your heart was beating wildly, and you can feel your face heating up.
“I had fun today, [Y/N],” he said. You can feel his breath against your face, causing your eyes to flutter shut.
When he pressed his body closer to you, you let out a small whimper. “Bakugou-- what are you doing?” You asked, mouth slightly parted as you struggled to breathe once again. 
He tilted his head, smirking. “Oh this? It’s nothing, sweetheart.” His lips were suddenly on yours, and you can’t help but moan softly when he swiped his tongue against your lips. Your eyes shut as you dropped your gun, wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing your bodies closer. God, he tasted like heaven. You loved the way his hand squeezed your hip, holding you close to him. His lips felt amazing, it was like-- 
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt your vest buzz and light up red. Son of a bitch, you internally cursed, pulling away from him. Right after your vest buzzed, the final buzzer of the game went off, indicating the end of the game. 
“Oh you sneaky little shit,” you blurted out, eyes snapping open to glare at the blond.
He laughed, his head thrown back, “I’m sorry, I had to,” he chuckled, leaning his face closer once more. “I meant what I said though,” he continued, crimson eyes staring at your own. “I had fun-- with you.” His lips were back on yours, his hands on your waist. You melt back into his touch, your fingers coming up to the back of his head, playing with his hair.
When the kiss broke off, he leaned his forehead against yours. “I’ve always wondered what that felt like,” he breathed out. 
“What-- kissing me or betraying me?” You snorted, shoving him lightly. You were in high spirits, but in reality you felt like you were about to pass out from his sudden actions.
“Definitely kissing you,” he said, and his lips found yours again. 
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hwangdol · 5 years
n.jm: where are you?
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summary: jaemin is just a little (very) misunderstood
pairing: highschool!fboi!jaemin x fem!reader
note: gUESS WHOSE BACK IN TOWN?!?!?!? y’all already know the routine: poor grammar, crackheads, a fuck ton of cursing i think, and drug references (*coughs* stoner-boi!haechan *coughs*). this isn’t the last part so theres def gonna be a part three, i just have too much to write for jaemin and i don’t wanna rush things too much, but i also don’t wanna leave you all hanging. so enjoy. but also make sure to read part one first so you can be in the know~ 
“because she knew that i was in love with you” 
it took you a good m i n u t e to register jaemin’s words, not that you even comprehended the weight of his words either.  
you didn’t know how to respond so like a normal person you started laughing awkwardly to ease the tension, “you’re joking right?” 
he hAD to be bc there was no way in hell that the biggest fuckboy of the whole school, na jaemin once harbored a one-sided love for you, right? 
a small flash of hurt flashed across jaemin’s eyes that you couldn’t catch since his whole demeanor immediately brighten u again and one of his signature playful smiles on was back on his face. 
.“i can’t ever fool you can i?” he chuckled shaking his head.
“no but seriously, why didn’t you go to hoco sophomore year? you were supposed to be hoco royalty with ella,” you picked at the melting ice cream. 
jaemin shrugged, “maybe i just didn’t feel like it.” 
he seems so nonchalant on the outside, but on the inside, na jaemin is thinking of 1001 ways to disappear off the face of the earth. 
what did he expect in the first place? that you would just accept his belated confession that quickly?
but he’s now big s a d, but he ain't going let that show. no, no, no, it ruins his go-with-the-flow personality and the “playboy” role everyone put him in. 
“do you have something to do after school tomorrow?” jaemin asked once the two had finished your sundae and the two of you were waiting for your ride to come to pick you up.  
 you shook your head at his question, knowing that haechan would mostly like ditch your afterschool hang out to get high with mark or chill at that one girl's house
“why?” you asked. 
“how about we hang out then?” jaemin asked so casually. he was just that good at hiding his real feels
 “can i ask why you’re suddenly trying to hang out with me more often? its weird” you say back, not like the feeling that was bubbling in your throat. was he trying to mess around with you? did he run out of girls to play with?
jaemin pouted slightly, ‘i’m simply trying to reconnect with my old friend. besides, i need help with the prom decorations and since you already finished it, you should know how to do them quickly.” 
“i’ll see” is all you say. 
and you leave, not knowing what you did to his poor little heart. 
poor jaemin got ghosted bc you never reached out to him in the days to follow to “hang out”. the two of you would make eye contact at school, but you always quickly looked away. 
:( x 10
it wasn’t that jaemin was shock by your cold treatment, but he was holding onto the hope that you didn’t see him as na jaemin the resident fuckboi, but as na jaemin the boy who was once the prince to your little princess. except jaemin knew very well that this isn’t a fairy tale, just cruel reality.
life is a little bitch and it was messing him the fuck up! 
however, na jaemin is a coward and he knows this. 
which is why he feels more comfortable when he’s surrounded by others wearing the mask that was carefully crafted for him than when he’s all by himself.
bc when’s he completely alone, when no one is around, he’s left with no one but himself. 
the one person he hates the most in the world.
when did it begin? 
when did he care more about what others think than what he thought? when did he begin to follow the crowd? 
when did he lose himself? 
maybe it began around sophomore year, when he first agreed to date ella. something that he wouldn’t have agreed to if it weren’t for you asking that of him. 
he could never say no to you. the one who held his heart in the palm of his hands. 
did he ever like ella?
he tried to, but it was kinda hard when the only reason why he said yes to her confession was to make you happy. he remembered the way your eyes lit up in happiness as he and ella broke the news to you
you looked like the happiest girl in the world and he felt his heart race at the sight, but not when ella confess to him. 
it was useless pining, he knew that. you only saw him as a close friend and especially now that he was with your bestfriend. 
that was why he tried soooooo hard to get himself to feel things for ella. 
he spent most of his time with her, even ditching his homie student-athlete!jeno (who he often found himself feeling jealous of when he found out that jeno crashed at your house to have a movie marathon with you multiple times)
but he just couldn’t feel anything for ella. so he began to lie.
the first time he lied, it ate him up inside. the simple three words, eight letters phrase was hard to say when you don’t actually mean it. 
but as jaemin found himself repeating the lie over and over again, the guilt that was always lingering in the back of his mind slowly went away until he had gotten used to it. 
it became natural for him to lie. 
to everyone and to himself
people always told him that it must be nice having a face like his, but every time he looked in the mirror, he felt nothing but hatred for the person staring back at him. 
at school, he did nothing but play the charming guy that everyone saw him as. he did things that would please the crowd and he felt good when they responded the way he wanted. he overlooked things that he once thought was wrong just to be in good graces with the others. 
when donghyuck had his little altercation with jeno, jaemin never felt more jealous in his life. donghyuck chose to be himself, he broke free of the mold that everyone fit him in. he had the courage that jaemin doesn’t
if someone told him to take off his persona, he wouldn’t know what to do. he’s lived this way for so long that he had forgotten who he really was. what he really wanted in life. what truly made him happy. 
was he even happy? jaemin didn’t know. 
which is why he didn’t know what to do when he overheard ella’s conversation with one of her other friends.
“do we really have to invite y/n too? i don’t want her do come with us to hoco. she’s such a party pooper.” 
“i don’t want to either, but i’m only keeping her around because she’s the reason why i’m with jaemin in the first place.” 
“isn’t weird that the two of them have been close friends for a while and she hasn’t had any feeling for him?”
“she did,” he hears ella admit. “until i told her that i liked jaemin and then she totally dropped him like that for me.”
“she’s kind of annoying though, always hanging around the two of you. she’s kinda clingy too, no one even likes her in our group.” 
“just deal with her for now and we can ice her out later.” 
anyways, jaemin didn’t know what to do so he walked away and pretended that he didn’t hear the conversation. but there's only so much he can just ignore, and this is one of them. 
the familiar guilt comes crawling up every time he sees you, smiling with the people that called themselves your “friends”.
it doesn’t take long for jaemin to come to the realization that he’s surrounded by liars. and enough is enough. 
well, he still has an image to maintain. 
so he chose to break up with ella and actually tell the truth for once, but only to her. to be honest, the truth was kinda forced to come out by itself. 
“what do you mean that you’re not going?” he hears ella’s frantic voice and the music playing in the background. maybe it wasn’t a good idea to do the breaking up part the night of homecoming. 
good work, jaemin. 
“i don’t think that this is going to work between us. i’m sorry” 
was he really? 
“but you said that you loved me!” 
that was just a lie. he thought to himself. “i just don’t feel the same anymore, ella, please understand.” i never did. 
“it’s because of her isn’t it? you’ve been in love with y/n this whole time haven’t you?” and jaemin’s blood runs cold. 
the music was gone, so ella must have gone to a more quieter, private place. 
“i’m not blind jaemin. the way you looked at her, the way you always find yourself next to her; i saw it all,” ella begins “i knew ever since you said yes to me.” 
“then why didn’t you say anything? you just let me lie to you like that?” 
“lying is the best solution, jaemin, you should know that the best.” 
lying is bad kids, don’t do - admin minnie
jaemin could already feel the backlash he was going to receive. he spent the entire hoco night at home preparing himself for the shit that was going to go down the next day at school. 
except nothing happened to him. 
you had received the hatred, the eyeing, the whispers. you were the one that was iced out, outcasted, not jaemin.
jaemin was too afraid for the same thing happening to him, so he turned his head the other way. 
“i just don’t understand why everyone is giving y/n the silent treatment. why are they mad at her? what did she do?” jaemin shrugs at jeno’s angry rant. 
jeno had the right to be mad, you were dragged in to be jaemin’s scapegoat. 
“and why did you break up with ella anyways? i thought everything was going good?” 
“i was bored.”
it was pure irony and the biggest bitch slap in jaemin’s face that you had befriended lee donghyuck, the one person that he envied so wholeheartedly. 
jaemin couldn’t do anything, no, he didn’t want to do anything he didn’t want to step out of the little safety persona that he created for himself. he didn’t want to lose all the people that surrounded him. he doesn’t want to be alone. 
he hates being alone. 
he’ll much rather take on the role of the fuckboy that he hates so much if that meant that people would still stick around him. 
which brings him to his current dilemma
“i don’t see why you don’t just put up the image and just go with ella to hoco,” art-hoe!renjun says as the two of them walk to english “the two of you are both going to be king and queen anyways, just go.” 
“maybe,” jaemin says, eliciting in a pointed glare from renjun 
“you can’t just ditch prom just because of her, this the last year and are you really going to go down as the prom king that didn’t show up to prom?” 
“i won’t win for sure, so there's really no point in me going,” jaemin replies
renjun rolls his eyes, and he taps a random passing student on the shoulder, “who do you think is going to win prom royalty this year?” he asks the stranger. 
without missing a beat, the student replies, “jaemin and ella, why?” 
and renjun’s face is the exact embodiment of i-told-you-so 
instead of that motivating jaemin to actually go, it actually made him WANT to skip out on the event even more 
“y/n ask to me to ask you if you gave ella all of the decorations for prom or something like that,” jeno tells him at lunch, causing jaemin’s eyes to drift over to you and haechan. 
he wonders what the two of you are talking about that has you smiling that hard. he wonders what haechan has that he doesn't. 
maybe its his natural-born charisma? not the artificial type that jaemin has mastered the act of. 
“earth to jaemin,” jeno waves a hand in front of his friend’s face. 
“sorry, yeah, i’m turning it in after school,” he replies, eyes lingering on you for one more second before focusing on the food on his tray, “besides, she could have asked me directly.” 
“she had dinner at my house last night,” jeno replies, “what’s got your panties in a twist anyway?” 
“not all of us is about to confess our feelings to our puppy crush, lover boy,” renjun pipes in. 
jeno’s ears turn a tinge of pink, but jaemin wasn't focused on that. 
and jeno might be a bit slow academically, but jaemin is his best buddy, his platonic soulmate.something was up.  
“you have three seconds to spill before i will actually expose where you were hoco sophomore year to y/n” jeno threatens 
“tell her, it’s not going to make a difference anyways,” jaemin pokes at his food “she has no interest in me what’s so over. i’m just another one of those fuckboys in her eyes.” 
jeno and renjun share a look, before renjun decides to break the news to jaemin 
“you haven’t been talking to her lately right?” renjun starts and jaemin nods
“the last time we talk was two weeks ago,” jaemin replies “she doesn’t have any other reason to interact with me like she does with jeno” 
“before we continue with this conversation, can the green-eyed monster please leave the room?” renjun takes a small jab at jaemin. 
“i’m not jealous,” jaemin looks up with an irked glare at renjun. 
“then did you really need to mention jeno?” renjun returns the look with an annoyed expression of his own
jaemin scoffs, “you don’t understand, so don’t say anything,”
“tell me what i don’t understand then? because right now i have feeling the only reason you’re so pent up and annoyed is that you’re jealous, jaemin.” 
“shut up,” jaemin snaps. “i’m not jealous.” 
smiley and easy-going jaemin is gone out the door. everything coming out of renjun’s mouth is making him angrier and angrier and jaemin didn’t even know why. 
renjun was speaking the truth. jaemin was jealous, but was he going to admit that? 
“it’s okay to be jealous,” jeno says, meaning to ease the slowly growing tension, but jeno’s attempts to mediate the conversation made jaemin even madder. 
“can the two get the fuck off my case and leave me alone? i’m not jealous so stop acting like you know how i feel,” jaemin clenches his jaw “it’s really fucking annoying.” 
“oh really now?” renjun fires back “it’s really fucking annoying how you expect the two of us to have your back, which we always do, and be fully okay with you going around town acting like a man whore and then being prissy about how the girl you’re interested in this time isn’t interested in you. this isn’t some type of cliche teen romance movie jaemin, grow a pair and deal with it.” 
“so you think i’m a man whore too?” jaemin says sarcastically, rolling his eyes, “nice to know that my best friends think so highly of me.” 
“jaemin, you know he doesn’t mean it like that,” jeno says. 
“then what? it seems to me that you guys have been having a blast talking behind my back and lying about it to my face.” 
“when did we say that?” jeno’s eyebrows furrow. 
“you don’t need to say it for me to know,” jaemin spits “it’s written all over your faces.” 
“i’m done,” renjun stands up, “when you’re ready to grow the fuck up and stop being a fucking dick bag, then find me.” 
jaemin doesn’t even bother watching renjun leaving the table, anger was still consuming him. was it anger or frustration? 
there was scream lodged in his throat that he wanted to release to the world. a pained scream of helplessness. 
“hey jaemin,” jeno has a hard look on his face. he too stands up and leaves with some hard-hitting words, “learn to get over that ridiculously big ego of yours. not everything is about you.” 
and jaemin is left at the lunch table
fuck, he thinks to himself. fuck everything. 
yeah, no way in hell was jaemin going to prom. no fucking way. 
“looks like there’s trouble in paradise,” haechan gestures with his head to the table, near the center. 
jaemin’s table, except, it’s literally only jaemin sitting there. 
out of the corner of your eyes, you could see and angry renjun followed by an equally ticked of jeno stalking off. 
“looks like the pretty boy is left by himself,” haechan remarks. “i wonder what happened?  
“why are you saying that like you know what just went down?” you squint your eyes at the boy, who merely shrugs. 
“give me fifty bucks.” 
“fuck off” 
not long after, you hear a loud slam. jaemin stands up, his eyes quickly met yours and he looked away, going with haste out the cafeteria’s doors.
and you’re left wondering what the fuck went down at the norenmin table. 
“okay, i’m done with all the fucking vague answers,” you stare down haechan, trying to intimidate an answer out of the stoner. 
 “why the fuck did jaemin not go to homecoming sophomore year and do not give me a smartass answer because i will without a doubt flush your weed stash down the drain and break your juul pens to bits. now, spill.” 
damn, y/n going in for the kill
haechan hesitates before a sigh leaves his lips, “i don’t pride myself on much other than my ridiculously good looks and my ability to bargain good weed deals, but long long before i became so awesome-”
“cut to the chase” 
“chill, bitch, i was getting there. anyways, i was basically jaemin’s confide,” haechan admits. “that’s why he’s so awkward around me, i basically know all of his personal secrets and all that jazz.” 
and you’re shocked bc haechan is really reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllly petty with both of the ts bolded, and he has not once let any private info slip about jaemin, like the kind of deep shit, you’d write in your diaries. 
not once sober or faded or drunk. the loud ass himself kept his lips seals which is an incredible feat already. 
“don’t look at me like that, i’m a dick, but i’m not that big of dick,” haechan mutters “we all have things we don’t want the world to know “ 
“okay i won’t question that, but why didn’t he just go? i mean it’s just a school dance, right? its not that big of deal,” you don’t understand the extreme mystery or drama around jaemin’s non-appearance. 
haechan shakes his head, “jaemin isn’t a simple as people make him out as, sure he fucks around with girls a lot, but like me, he wasn’t always like that.” 
you nod in understanding, agreeing with the point haechan made
jaemin for sure wasn’t the same person that you knew right now. he was always a sweet boy with sweet words, but before high school, he never went around messing around with other girls
“the only choice that jaemin ever made his sophomore year that was his actual choice for his own self was to not go to homecoming, for a good reason too”
“can you be a little bit more detailed?” you urged again, curiosity flowing through you.
“he didn't go because for once he didn't want to be associated with that crowd, he didn't want to be surrounded by people who hardly gave a damn how he felt, only who he was”
haechan’s words reside in you for the longest time and you finally got a glimpse of what your normally stoned friend meant through an accidental eavesdrop of a conversation
“im not going ella, it's final,” jaemin’s voice has no trace of the playful, flirty tone it usually held. he was stern and hard with his words.
“are you really going to embarrass me again, jae?” ella sounded desperate “its just one dance. all you have to do is stand by my side and smile until we get those stupid crowns and take yearbook pictures”
“if you think they’re stupid crowns then why are you making me go?” jaemin argues back.
“you should be glad that i even helped you with your campaign. why else do you think everyone is voting for you?”
and jaemin’s voice goes to a lower, warning tone, “i’ve never ask to be nominated for royalty much less fucking prom king. i don't care what you or anyone has to say, i’m not fucking going to prom.”
your eyes meet jaemin’s as he walks past the aisle you were standing at (totally not peeping into his convo)
he has an emotionless face on and doesn't say anything as he leaves ella quickly follows but stops when she sees you.
“forget everything you heard, he’s going to prom!”
jokes on you ella, bc hes not going anywhere
guess who joined the i’m-ditching-school-because-i’m-an-emotional-wreck club!!
the next three days were hectic at school, everyone was excited for the big dance on saturday. there were last-minute promposals and girls were showing off their sparkly, expensive dresses to each other.
however, the one person that was missing and had you looking for all week was, na jaemin.
where the fuck was he now?
“have you seen jaemin? i haven't seen him at school lately,” you asked jeno, who was sitting in the library diligently waiting for his tutor/crush to arrive.
the number of times you received an “idk” from one of jaemin’s other friends was ridiculous and it was like they didn’t even care that he skipped school for three days or where he was. 
jaemin might be a bit on the wild side, but he’s not the type to completely ditch school for three whole days straight. that was haechan’s job. 
the only people you could rely on was jeno and renjun, but the latter was more agitated at jaemin than jeno was, so you figured that the athlete was the safer option. 
“i have an idea of where he is, but i have a feeling he doesn't want to see anyone, especially today,” jeno replies. news of the norenmin argument traveled quickly around the school along with the fact that jaemin had rejected ella’s prom request. there were some rumors that were being spread about the male and they weren’t all that nice. 
you knew deep inside that the two of them weren’t actually mad at jaemin, they (especially jeno) was just frustrated.
“can you slide the address though?” you asked, sliding up next to him
“why would i do that?”
“because you owe me a solid”
truthfully, you didn’t know what you were going to do with jaemin’s address and it’s been weighing you down the whole day. 
“you going to prom?” haechan slides into the seat next to you. for once, there were no sunglasses covering his eyes. 
you shook your head,” i don’t have anyone to go with.” 
“you should have just asked mark to go with you,” haechan pointed out to which you gagged loudly. 
“as if i would bring an actual twelve-year-old boy to prom, he’ll probably say let’s get it every two seconds and then my hand might just actually slip and punch his face or dunk his head into the disgusting kool-aid punch..” 
“damn, and i thought i hated him.” 
you rolled your eyes, “what about you? did you plan to confess to mina yet?” 
“i was thinking about going old school and do one of those typical high school romeo and juliet scenes,” haechan said smugly. “might throw a shoe or two if i have to.” 
you shake your head in disbelief, “be civil at least.” 
“but i also can’t leave my main bitch alone for prom night so why don’t go to prom or hang out with the biggest thot in town?” haechan suggested.
“haechan, ten graduated high school like 3 years ago. i doubt he wants to spend his free time on a saturday night at a high school dance with me.” 
 “i’m not talking about that ultimate thot.” 
“jungwoo is also in college.” 
another fat facepalm.
“honestly, i thought you had at least ONE functioning brain cell,” haechan groaned “i’m talking about na jaemin.” 
“what do you want me to do with him? the two of us aren’t exactly friends,” you mumble.
“exactly, use this time to spend some time with him or something. get closer or get laid, i don’t care, just don’t be a loner tomorrow,” haechan replies. “i can’t be friends with a lameo.”  
“he hasn’t shown up for school in like three days and tomorrow is prom night,” you argue “besides, i don’t know where he’s even at.” 
“that’s the fattest lie i have ever heard leave your mouth and you told mr. moon that his moon tie looked good on him. i know for a fact that you have his address saved on your phone, which is kinda creepy now that i think about it, but that’s beside the point.”
 “why do you care so much? i thought you hated him,” you eyed haechan weirdly. 
“because that moron needs someone to help him out and whose more suited for the job herself than the girl that was hopelessly in love with him all sophomore year.” 
you smack his arm,”i should have never trusted you with my diary. besides, i don’t like him like that anymore.” 
“then why do you worry about him so much?” haechan pointed out. ‘why did you go to jeno for jaemin’s whereabouts if you supposedly didn’t like him anymore.” 
“caring about someone is different from liking them,” you chided him “you should know best since it took you months to realize that you were in love with mina.” 
“stfu i’m supposed to be the wise teacher and you’re the young grasshopper.” haechan shushed you with a finger which you swatted away. 
“i’m not joking around though, just go see what’s up,” haechan nudged you. “trust me, it’s worth it.” 
“wow did love turn the hardest bitch in town, soft?” 
“you know, i might actually just push you off stoner’s cliff one day when you’re not looking,” haechan narrowed his eyes at you. 
“lol, as if i haven’t noticed that you haven’t been getting high since mina left your pathetic ass,” you pointed out. 
and haechan h i s s e s. 
but your stoner friend did have a point and you decide to listen to his advice for the first time in your life. 
letting out a nervous breath, you rang the doorbell, a plastic bag full of junk food in your other hand. it was currently 8 pm and prom had already started. jaemin’s car was parked in the driveway, proving that he really didn’t go to prom. 
“what are you doing here?” were the first words out of jaemin’s mouth when he saw you. 
you raised the bag full of snacks, “do you wanna have that hang out now?” 
there's a nervous feeling in your stomach, bc you don’t know if jaemin was going to reject you or not. he doesn’t have his usual cassanova, playful smile on. his face is completely neutral. 
“don’t you have better things to do? like, go to prom?” 
you awkwardly laugh, “about that, i’m not going.” 
“why aren’t you going?” you countered. 
fair enough, jaemin relents and moves aside to let you in. there’s some lo-fi music playing in the background and a couple of books and paper strewn about the living room floor. 
“my parents are on a business trip, so it’s just me,” jaemin informs you. 
“cool,” you internally smack yourself bc jaemin didn’t really seem happy with ur sudden appearance. “were you just doing ur homework?”
“yeah, i have nothing else to do,” he says, cleaning up the area for u to sit. you sit down carefully and placed the bag of snacks at the base of your feet.
“did you want anything to drink?” jaemin moved to go into the kitchen. you shook your head but jaemin still pulled out two water bottles from the fridge. (save the turtles)
you look around the house, taking in the family portraits and the minimal home decor. you’ve only been to jaemin’s house a handful of times as a kid, and a lot has changed in those past few years, but some things stayed the same. on the fireplace mantle, there was a framed picture of norenminhyuck smiling with the brightest grins.
“jeno gave me crap for weeks for not taking down that picture of us four,” jaemin followed your gaze as places the two water bottles on the glass coffee table.
“why didn’t you take it down, then?” you curiously ask
taking a seat on the couch, jaemin shrugged, “sentimental value?”
and the two left it at that.
cue the awkward silence.....
he looks at you with a questioning glance
“why exactly did you and ella break up?”
jaemin lets out a sigh. he’s been anticipating the question but not now and definitely not your sudden appearance. 
“there's no point in making excuse to you,” jaemin pauses before continuing “i never really liked her in the first place.”
and you look over in shock? bc the two of them were literally the couple of the year, a model example of a high school relationship.
“then why?”
“why did i say yes?” jaemin’s gaze was focused on you, leaving you unnerved. there was no sign of the cheeky jaemin, he looked completely serious. something no one really saw that often. “because thats what you wanted me to say.”
????????? - y/n’s mind
“jeno had told me that ella had urged you to introduce me to her and had confessed to you that she liked me. he told me you felt tasked with fulfilling her wish and took it upon your self to set the two of us up. i’m not stupid, y/n. i could tell by the way you planned double-dates with jeno and ella and i,” jaemin explained. there was slight embarassment on your side, sophomore you was not the best matchmaker. “but i only showed up for you. i could care less that ella was there, the only person that i wanted to see and impress was you.”
“and i knew that you liked me too. i was expecting for you to confess to me when you told me to meet you behind the gym, but you let ella take the chance.”
“because she really liked you a lot, jaemin, and she was a close friend of mine”
“so you were willing to give up your happiness for someone who was using you to get to me?” jaemin asked bluntly.
you looked down at your fingers, feeling somewhat ashamed, “i was only worried about fitting in with the crowd at that time. i wanted people to like me.” you confessed. “after the whole fiasco, i learned to live for myself rather than for others, albeit with a little help from haechan.”
“you see, i wish i could be as brave as you to do that.” jaemin meekly smiles at you “because i’m still people-pleasing.”
“i only said yes to ella to make you happy but then everyone was congratulating me and there were more and more people by my side. i thought jeno, renjun, and donghyuck were enough to last me through high school, but the attention got to my head. i knew that no matter how much i hated ella, i couldn’t break up with because i thrive off the crowd she brought me. i thought that if i lie enough, i could make myself gain feelings for her. she was a kind and outgoing person, so i didn't think it would be that hard, except it never did happen,” jaemin sucked in his breath “i overheard a conversation by accident to one of her other friends and it was about you, about how they just used to you to get to me even though the knew you liked me. i knew that then i was surrounded by so many liars all with the same goal of getting in good with everyone.”
he continued on “the reason why i didn't want to go to hoco was bc i felt guilty. i didn't want to be another person that lived for the crowd and i knew that i would've sealed my future if i did go and get crowned king with ella. for once, i didn't want to be a liar. i just wanted to be myself.”
and then he bitterly chuckled to himself, “which is ironic since the next day i chased after the crowd again. i let you take the blame for me just because i was afraid of being outcasted even though it was my fault you had to suffer the consequences of my lie.”
“and then i kept pretending to be that stupid fuckboy that everyone painted me as just to be in the it-crowd or whatever. i don’t have anything special like how renjun has art and jeno has his sports, even haechan had something special like choir back in those days. i had nothing, i wasn’t known for anything and i’m still not known for anything other than being a fuckboy. i’m just na jaemin at the end of the day, talented in messing around with girls.”
“do you feel happy?” you carefully asked after jaemin finished his rant. 
jaemin’s barely smiling at this point, “what do you think?” 
“you know, i was never really mad about you about the whole ella situation,” you scooted closer to him on the couch. “at first, i blamed you because that was the easier option, pin the blame on someone else. until a certain someone told me to fuck what they say and live my own way.” 
you nodded, “he was the first person that i didn’t pretend or try to cater myself to fit his needs. we’re alike in that department, jaemin, we both want to be liked. i’m not going to lie, the first few months of being outcasted was hard on me. sometimes, i still get sad when i think about the day where everyone just abandoned me.” 
“i’m sorry.” 
“there’s no need to be sorry, jaemin because i can hardly care about it that much anymore. do you know why?” 
jaemin shook his head ‘no’
“because i learned that being by myself isn’t that bad. we’re all scared of being lonely, it’s human nature, but our fears often cause us to forget that we still have ourselves.” you placed a hand on his shoulder “once you learn to befriend yourself, no one’s opinion will matter more than your own. learn to cater to yourself, learn to live for yourself. don’t just be you, live as you.” 
“easier said than done,” the remark left jaemin’s lips bitterly, causing you to slightly frown. “it’s hard to learn to be friends with myself when i’m the person i hate the most. i hate the person who looks back at me in the mirror. i hate just hate what i’ve let myself become.”
“it’s never too late to change,” you say. 
jaemin shook his head, he blinked quickly to clear his now glassy eyes, “it’s to the point where i don’t even know i am anymore.” 
“you’re na jaemin,” you say with a little more force this time. you didn’t like the defeated tone that jaemin was talking in, this wasn’t the confident and every positive boy that you grew up with. this wasn’t the boy that stole your heart in the third grade and kept it till sophomore year. “the boy that never hesitates to help someone else and can light up the room with just one smile.” 
“you don’t have to pity me, it was a grave i dug for myself.” 
letting out a harsh sigh, you moved to take jaemin’s face into your hands, staring deep into his doe-eyed brown ones, which widened in response to your sudden action. 
big moves, y/n, big moves 
“i know it may be hard to see, but jaemin you’re way more than what they think of you. you can always change as long as you have the will to do so,” you wipe away a stray tear that was falling onto his cheek. jaemin didn’t even notice that he was crying. “it’s a difficult and long process, but it’ll be worth it in the end. trust me.” 
“what if no one wants to be around me anymore? what if i end up alone? “ doubt filled his tone, and your eyes soften at the vulnerability of the boy. he was scared, lost, and confused. 
“i’ll be with you. anywhere you’re at, i’ll be there by your side even if no one else will. you’re a precious person, you don’t deserve any less,” you smiled. “i won’t let you be alone.” 
maybe jaemin was just being emotional. maybe it was the contained feelings that he held for you that was being released. maybe it was the way you looked at him with so much concern and the way you delicately held his face. 
whatever motivated him to do what he was going to do next, jaemin could hardly care less. 
without any hesitation, jaemin leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
right now, jaemin didn’t feel lost or alone. you found him and he hoped that you’ll stay. 
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