anansixpowered · 6 years
Everything’s Fine (Please Help) || Neighors AU Amaya and Mick
Amaya was arriving back to her apartment from another shift at the clinic. However, as she came up the stairs, she saw a familiar face she hoped she’d never see again. Her ex-boyfriend, Nathaniel Heywood, leaning against the wall next to the door.
Things had been great between them, until she’d learned he was cheating on her, at which point, she’d ended the relationship and kicked him out of the apartment they’d shared when she asked him to move in with her.
“Nathaniel, you need to leave.” She said simply.
“I miss you, Amaya.” He responded.
“Well you should’ve thought of that before you cheated on me, huh?” She kept her voice low as she unlocked the door of her apartment. “I don’t want to talk to you, okay, so please, just go.”
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"Why should I believe you?" From Coco to any of your muses
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“Well you can believe me and live to tell the tale of the time you escaped a demon, or you can not believe me and just be a super creepy death on Buzzfeed Unsolved. Your choice, sugar, I’m just telling you your options.”
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charmingxkat · 6 years
@homicidalanarchy || Continued from [x]
You know, there were some days.... “I said, I need someone to work late tomorrow and you’re the lucky winner.” Actually, originally, it had been phrased more as a question -- did he mind working late. But once she found out he hadn’t been listening? Well then it was just too damn bad. He got volunteered.
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cigarettesandcoffee · 6 years
"You called for me, Dr. Hawthorne?" That ever so sweet voice chimed into the doctor's office as his nurse peeked through a crack in the door, letting herself in and shutting it behind herself. "I apologize for taking a bit of time, one of the patients went into labor and the midwife was no where to be found." She let out an exasperated sigh, brushing her apron off with a soft chuckle.
"Is there papers you need sorted? Or perhaps a new intake?"
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ask-the-rk900 · 6 years
I would say Agape and Eros between Trace and Conner.
send me a symbol depending on what type of love you can see our muses being in
I can see that too!!! We just need to establish a story between the two tbh ;ooo or you know, it can be just sex too lmao
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daedaluscried · 5 years
“Sweet talking me to gain my trust isn’t going to work.” from patrick to whoever
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“ I can try. But speaking of sweets, how would cookies and other sweets work, “ Suri reached into her bag to pull out a small bag of cookies, “ Would these buy your trust? “
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brilliantbat-blog · 6 years
@homicidalanarchy || continued from xx
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         When she found him in her place she had a concussive batarang already in her hand. It wouldn’t have hurt him, but it would have left one hell of a ringing in his ears. Seeing who it was, though, she huffed a sigh and threw the thing harmlessly to the little table that was meant for keys, not fighting implements-- but she was hardly a normal graduate student. 
            “You were sloppy tonight. Tim nearly picked up your trail,” and the last thing they needed in the unlikely romance was the rest of her comrades finding out about it. She shrugged out of her leather jacket with a groan. Some of those were going to smart, even if she had shock-guards placed throughout her suit. 
             When his lips were on her skin, she couldn’t hold the tough act up any longer. She sagged into him, fingers carefully examining his ribs where she had landed a kick. “Are you okay?” She murmured glancing up at him through her lashes. 
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wxrwounds · 5 years
Jenna had been keeping a secret for a while, She’d been seeing George Harkness, Captain Boomerang, while he’d broken out of jail. It wasn’t long before he was captured again but she never got the chance to tell him she was pregnant. Everything with the pregnancy went great, She told her family it was just some random guy, a little ashamed of who had gotten her pregnant, but she had their support the whole time. Now her little Penelope was coming on three and asleep in her arms after a long day of playing with Poppy (Steve) whilst Jenna went to work for a bit.
Walking into the house, Jenna barely noticed anything out of place as she’d gotten used to the chaos of her house. Throwing the keys into the bowl near the front door and chucking her bag onto an arm chair, she made her way upstairs to Penelope's room and placed her sleeping baby into bed, tucking her in and kissing her head before she turned the nightlight on and made her way downstairs into the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine before she replied to some lingering emails. 
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thseance · 5 years
Im going to be over on my oc blog @homicidalanarchy adding some muses to it.
So thats where i will be if you want me.
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onebrokenproctor · 6 years
Moving Jamie over to my new multimuse blog for my Ocs
Please go check it out, even though it is currently under construction
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bxdbxbygirl · 6 years
@homicidalanarchy maddi x coco
It had been a few weeks since Maddi had left Tig in Charming, with all the drama around the clubhouse they had decided it was best for Maddi and the baby to get away and go somewhere safe. She ended up in Santo Padre with the Mayans, helping them when they needed it.
Maddi was feeding Annalise when she heard the familiar rumble of a motorcycle rolling up to her driveway. She picked up her daughter and walked over to the door, opening it before whoever it was could knock.
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charmingxkat · 6 years
@homicidalanarchy || Continued from [x]
“What can I say, I’m a touchy feely kind of person. Even with my friends. Trust me, Tig, it was nothing.” Nothing he nor the club needed to worry about. Or so she was going to keep telling them. For Kat had learned loooooong ago not to let even the tiniest bit of information slip. Not about any guy. Because once she did, the club would be all over him.
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
Character Truths
Tagged by: @ask-the-rk900
Tagging: @lieutenanthearted @detreed @deviantprotected @slightedson @jedicollins @homicidalanarchy
BOLD = Always / often
ITALICS = Sometimes
STRIKE = Never
1.   smoking:   the  action  or  habit  of  inhaling  and  exhaling  the  smoke  of  tobacco  or  a  drug. 2.   binge  drinking:   the  consumption  of  an  excessive  amount  of  alcohol  in  a  short  period  of  time. 3.   drug  abuse:   the  habitual  taking  of  illegal  drugs. 4.   nail  biting:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  anxiety/tension. 5.   lip  biting:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  anxiety/tension. 6.   night  owl:   a  person  who  is  habitually  active  or  wakeful  at  night. 7.   early  bird: �� a  person  who  rises,   arrives,   or  acts  before  the  usual  or  expected  time. 8.   negative  attitudes:   a  philosophy  of  approaching  life  with  criticism &   pessimism. 9. positive  attitudes:   a  philosophy  of  approaching  life  with  optimism   &   confidence. 10.   swearing:   the  use  of  offensive  language. 11.  superstitious:   an  irrational  belief  that  an  object,   action,   or  circumstance  not  logically  related  to  a  course  of  events influences  its  outcome. 12.  inspecting fingernails: a common body language sign of boredom. 13.   scratching  your  neck:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  uncertainty. 14.  foot  and  finger  tapping:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  stress/impatience. 15.   nose  touch:   a  subtle  body  language  sign  of  deceit. 16.   flipping  hair:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  craving  attention. 17.   twirling  hair:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  flirtation. 18.   cracking  knuckles:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  readiness. 19.   hands  behind  back:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  confidence. 20.   finger  pointing:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  authority. 21.   hands  on  hips:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  readiness. 22.   hands  in  pockets:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  mistrust/reluctance. 23.   frequent  touch:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  warmth/familiarity. 24.   throat - clearing:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  rejection/doubt. 25.   jaw - clenching:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  hostility. 26.   eye - rolling:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  irritation. 27.   head - tilt:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  interest. 28.   whistling:   to  emit  high - pitched  sound  by  forcing breakthrough  a  small  hole  between  one’s  lips  or  teeth;   usually  to  a  tune. 29.   humming:   make  a  low,   steady  continuous  sound  like  that  of  a  bee;   usually  to  a  tune. 30.   perfectionism:   refusal  to  accept  any  standard  short  of  perfection. 31.   photographic  memory:   the  ability  to  remember  information  or  visual  images  in  great  detail. 32.   paranoia:   a  mental  condition  characterised  by  delusions  of persecution,   unwarranted  jealousy,   or  exaggerated  self - importance,   typically  worked  into  an  organised  system. 33.   exaggeration:   a  statement  that  represents  something  as  better  or  worse  than  it  really  is. 34.   intuitive:   using  or  based  on  what  one  feels  to  be  true  even  without  conscious  reasoning;   instinctive. 35.   quick - witted:   showing  or  characterised  by  an  ability  to  think  or  respond  quickly   &   effectively. 36.   interrupting:   breaking  the  continuity  of  a  conversation  with  one’s  own  statements. 37.   doodling:   to  scribble  or  make  rough  drawings,   absentmindedly. 38.   irritable:   having  or  showing  a  tendency  to  be  easily  annoyed. 39.   gambling:   to  play  games  of  chance  for  money;   bet. 40.   travel - sick:   suffering  from  nausea  caused  by  the  motion  of  a  moving  vehicle,   boat,   or  aircraft. 41.   sensitive:   having  or  displaying  a  quick   &   delicate  appreciation  of  others’  feelings. 42.   melancholy:   a  feeling  of  pensive  sadness,   typically  with  no  obvious  cause. 43.   chewing  gum:   the  exercise  of  chewing  flavoured  gum  which  is  not  intended  for  swallowing. 44.   fidgeting:   to  make  small  movements,   especially  of  the  hands   &   feet,   through  nervousness  or impatience. 45.   skeptical:   not  easily  convinced;   having  doubts  or  reservations. 46.   neat - freak:   compulsively  obsessed  with  cleanliness. 47.   gossiping:   divulging  personal  information  about  others. 48.   prim:   feeling  or  showing  disapproval  of  anything  regarded  as  improper;   stiffly  correct. 49.  abbreviating:   giving  others  nicknames/shortening  names/giving  pet  names. 50.   having  a  catchphrase:   having  a  sentence  or  phrase  typically  associated  with  a  specific  person.
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hxppykiller · 6 years
Hey guys! I am bringing Hap back to this blog. So I hope I can get him started again.
I'm moving back from @homicidalanarchy
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jedicollins · 6 years
🔪 - Trace (just going to join in the angst)
“No, Trace, what are you doing?!” She exclaimed, flinching when she feels the cold steel touching her throat. Her hand came up, wrapping around his wrist as she tried to pull it away from her neck. “Trace, please, let me go.” She begged. “Please, you don’t have to kill me! I can help you! I can- Trace… please, you don’t need to do this.”
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foxyliasoarp · 6 years
Thank you
Thank you for following me! @homicidalanarchy @hideandgeeek
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