allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
continued from here))
Allen blinked, taken slightly off guard. He’d become pretty accustomed to his cheesy pick up lines either going right over the android’s head of just being unacknowledged all together. 
So, you couldn’t blame him if his cheeks heated up a bit at Con’s offer, 
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“...Depends, what did you have in mind?” 
That...sounded better in his head.
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
Send a symbol for your muse to find mine...
🌷- Alone
🥀- Dying
🤕- Injured/sick
☠️- Dead
🐥- Alive
😈- Possessed
👻- As a ghost
😼- Transformed into an animal/monster
🦋- In a joyful mood
☔️- In a somber mood
☀️- Overheated
☃️- Shivering from the cold
💫- Dazed and dizzy
💦- Crying
🍇- Extremely hungry
🏇🏻- Being chased
🗜- Stuck in a trap
🔮- In a dream
🛌- Bedridden
📖- Reading/studying
🎍- Tending to a shrine/visiting a grave
🌼- Caring for some plants
⭐️- Stargazing
☄️- In a dangerous situation
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
The best way to keep me interested is to get to know me
I’ve noticed that when i just begin threads, more often than not, I’m soon falling out of motivation for said thread. However, when I’m speaking to the mun in the PM’s, and we’re plotting, planning, and just talking, i tend to find the thread much more entertaining.
Reblog if this applies to you to let partners know!
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
Allen couldn’t help but break out in laughter at the thought of Jasper as his significant other. 
“Jasper is my German Shepard but I spend most of my free time with him so, I guess you could say that.” He joked, “I’m sure you two will get along fine.” 
Mostly because the dog got attached to just about anyone as long as they gave him belly rubs and head pats on a regular basis. 
He shrugged at the question about his job, 
“Oh, I’m an operator. We assemble and test models before they’re released onto the market. Nothing too exciting.”
The man looked at the android curiously, having a few questions of his own. 
“Where did you serve?” 
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
Reblog if everything you touch turns to angst
That adorable plot we had? Too bad, it’s angsty now. How did we ever get here?
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
Allen raised a brow at CC’s theory. It was a logical assumption he supposed but didn’t make much sense when you got right down to it.
“...Maybe but I don’t know why anyone would go through that much trouble to break into my apartment.” He said, setting the destination and releasing a sigh as the car pulled out of the parking spot and onto the road. 
The man wasn’t exactly rich and if they were being honest here, CC rarely was put into situations where he needed to use his specified programming. Allen didn’t really need a security android after all and getting CC had admittedly been a bit of an impulse buy. Not to mention he treated the android more like a roommate than anything else. 
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He searched around for the pack of cigarettes he kept in the car, taking one out and lighting it when he finally found them, attempting to calm his nerves a little. 
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
@ all Connor blogs XD
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
📼 - An interrogation tape emerges regarding a recent interview with your character. What are they being questioned for? 😍 - Your character’s lust object just passed right by them. How awkward do they get as they try to make conversation? 📓 - If your character keeps a journal, what is the most secret thought they keep in it? ( lol these are long but hi, i missed you :)) )
Get to know my character through an ask. Accepting!
📼 - 
In a nondescript room within the DPD, an FBI agent, having been given full access to the DPD’s resources, can be seen going through several interrogation files, eventually coming across one that didn’t appear to be labeled with the date it was recorded or the names of the people being recorded, which was unusual. More out of curiosity than anything else, the woman opens it and plays the recording, 
The sound of the detective’s fists slamming against the metal table and his accompanying harsh tone, caused Allen to flinch involuntarily. 
“Where are they?!” 
When Allen didn’t offer a response, the detective piped up again, speaking with a far more reserved tone than before, 
“Going to play the silent card, huh? I don’t think I need to tell you that refusing to cooperate practically implicates you.”
Allen did speak this time, although with a noticeable reluctance in the tone of his voice and obviously false confidence. 
“…It would help if I knew what I was being charged-” 
Before he could even finish the sentence however, the other man interrupted him, that harsh tone from before returning. 
“We know about the androids you’ve been harboring.”
There was a brief silence, the accusation settling in the air, before Allen spoke again,
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
The detective didn’t seem particularly happy with this response and the sound of his chair scraping against the floor rang out in the otherwise quiet interrogation room,
“You’re not going to get anywhere by lying, Mr. Harding.”
Allen could feel the man’s eyes on him, watching and waiting for him to slip up in some way. He had to resist the urge to hesitate and did his best to act as innocent as possible. 
“And neither are you. What proof do you have exactly?” 
When the detective attempted to speak, Allen took his turn with interrupting, “I have-”
“You don’t have anything. I know you don’t because there’s nothing to find.” 
For a moment, Allen felt good about himself, he was usually far from a forceful person after all. Until…
the detective proceeded to take out and drop an evidence bag containing several LEDs in front of him. 
“Nothing to find, huh?”
With a twinge in his gut, Allen felt as if he was going to be sick and his gaze dropped to the floor. He didn’t need to ask to know where they’d found those…
“You want to start talking now?”
There was a long stretch of silence and just when it appeared Allen was going to speak again, 
the screen goes black, followed by a flashing red message. 
[File Corrupted]
😍 - 
They didn’t often run into much trouble, even as the number of android protesters seemed to be increasing. Although, it was to be expected that their luck would run out sometime. Today had proved to be that day.
Without any provocation, a few of them had outright attacked Con. While they hadn’t been any real match for him and the android hadn’t taken any serious damage, his clothes, especially his shirt and coat had taken quite the beating. 
So when they’d gotten home, Allen suggested the android just pick something out of his closet until they could replace Con’s torn clothes. 
What he hadn’t expected was for the android to oh so casually walk out in a pair of sweatpants…and nothing else. 
Allen could feel a blush rising in his cheeks. 
Had he ever seen Con shirtless? No way, he’d definitely remember if he had.
“Oh, uh…didn’t find a shirt you liked, huh? Well, it’s no big deal. You know what they say; No shirt? No…problem.” 
He attempted to joke, giving Con the finger guns. 
Oh god, who says ‘No shirt, No problem’? 
Who did finger guns anymore?!
Well, this seemed like as good a time as any to go curl up in a corner with his embarrassment. 
📓 - ooc response
Allen never kept a journal as a teen but after seeing a therapist (once) while he was working at CyberLife, who suggested that if he didn’t feel comfortable enough to share certain things with her or others, he should at least try to avoid bottling those things up by writing them down.
He didn’t write much and gave up on it all together after he quit his job at CyberLife. The most secret things he wrote about in it though, would probably be his lack of self worth and feelings of depression. 
One wouldn’t guess he had self-worth issues or depression because even when those feelings are at their worst, Allen generally keeps his usual smile on around others.
He doesn’t see these as secrets per say but rather things that he just doesn’t talk about with other people. 
Though, if someone were to directly question him about any of it, he would, either attempt to change the topic or outright deny it. 
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
Send 🌗 for your muse to see a side of mine that they probably won’t ever see. Accepting!
“P-please, don’t…” 
Allen looked down at the solider pleading for his life, eyes softening slightly.
He liked to think he had a greater capacity for sympathy and forgiveness than most. However, even Allen…had his limits. 
The man’s gaze shifted from the solider to the androids he’d shot dead like a pack of rabid dogs, laying lifeless on the snow covered ground. With that reminder, what little sympathy for the other man had begun to build up, dissipated. Allen’s gaze went cold and he could practically feel his heart harden. 
When he’d come across the scene, it had been too late to save any of the androids. Yet, mostly due to the anger that had overwhelmed him at the sight, he’d attacked the solider, somehow managing to get the gun from him. 
He now had the very gun that had been used for this slaughter and probably plenty others pointed at the other.
If you do this, how are you any better than him? One internal voice chided.
He’s a murder, he deserves this. Another justified his considerations. 
What gives you the right to be judge, jury, and executioner?
Allen hesitated, 
There won’t be any justice if you don’t do this.
“Did they beg?” 
The solider looked confused at the question, “I-”
“Did they beg for their lives?! And what did you do? Did you show them mercy?!” 
Likely without intending to or even realizing what he was doing, the solider sealed his fate when he said, 
“But they’re just machines.” 
A single shot rang out in the cold night air and the solider, who had been on his knees, fell over lifelessly. 
Perhaps the scariest thing for Allen, as he looked down at the dead man was…
the complete lack of remorse. 
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allenhardingoc-blog · 6 years
Send 🌗 for your muse to see a side of mine that they probably won’t ever see
like enemies actually being kind to those they care about etc.
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