#homestuck i guess eek
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iheartmothz · 13 days ago
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rwby art style doodles
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ender--slime · 4 months ago
random little merch update i guess:
merch items will never take Creative Priority over my silly projects like cookiefish or the analog horror or video essays or Out of Game/Save Game or one off things like the puppet show. or even just Generally Drawing and Animating. but it is my job!! so it takes some form of priority! but that doesn’t mean i can’t have fun with it!
in terms of small merch items, i’m currently working on migrating all of my stuff from etsy to the same BigCartel that the captcha bags are currently on. this involves taking nicer photos of everything and bumping the prices down since etsy just straight up steals the money of sellers and i won’t have to worry about that anymore on bigcartel!
new stuff is also on the way! i have some Genesis Frog quicksand shaker charms being made, some Mettaton CD charms, and i’ll probably make some charms of my Mayor sticker because there needs to be more Mayor merch in the world. once the dave polaroid drawings are all done i’m gonna print those and have those as a fun polaroid set, like the ones on the omori merch site! ive got a general mettaton drop planned as well, including the CD charms but also some normal acrylic charms, some poster prints, and some other stuff! i’ve also got some handmade stuff in the works, small homestuck trinkets for display (that i think are quite funny) and cute little hand sewn dice bags themed after characters and HS aspects!
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in terms of Big Merch. of course the pink and purple bags are still being made!! just waiting on those, but they should be all done soon and then i get 500 bags in my house to ship out one by one :p EEK
i have the blue and yellow samples now, and those come right after i’ve shipped out every pink and purple one!
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i also have the consort pastel sweater and the horrorterror black sweater! i have the consort one already, and i’m currently getting a sample made for the horrorterror one. i honestly have no clue whennnn i will be able to open preorders for those because i’ll have to slot them in between bag drops (blue and yellow and then. black and red or whatever other mystery color i choose for that one. and then pink and purple again)… but i’ll figure that out!
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and then after those. hoo boy. i have another piece of apparel in the works… non homestuck this time!! it’s an undertale thing that ISNT mettaton! i can do other things!! see!! it’ll be both a button up short sleeved shirt and a nice pullover sweater. but i have a bad bad habit of taking on tooooo many projects at once (i am the most stressed and depressed guy of all time right now) so that one comes LATER. Later. we will get to it when we get to it!! after all these other thangs
so ya!! projects on projects on projects cuz i gotta pay bills but if i become a “content creator” i’ll [REDACTED] so!! i’m excited about all of these! these will all be fun even tho they are stressful :)
and ofc my other non merch projects. my normal art stuff. will continue forever and ever !!!!
i don’t really have a good pinned post describing who i am and what i do, or even a decent website (i have a carrd i guess) that puts all of my projects in one place. so i’m currently working on a funky website as well! so hopefully soon all of the stuff i make will be in one spot for ease of uh. looking at them HEHEHE
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augujerdeer · 5 years ago
Hewwo nice to meet you all I’m Beia OwO
Beia Appledart!! (The A is SILENT!! Like Bee!)
Eek I don’t have art of me <:3c but I honestly look like a homestuck troll?? But I’m not!! I’m like a gargoyle thing heh!!! UwU
We can’t draw digitally so I can’t show what I look very well but I’m gonna make my own blog becoz I’m bored >_< and I’m drawing myself on da phonez! Srry I’m cringe :”]
Hmm I guess I was dormant but likez idk >_> I don’t remember a lot except 4 Jade !!! My BFF!! She is super annoyed by me but I miss her :”]
I’m like a cat >w< except I’m a gargoyle lol???? I like climbing and I have a tail and small bat wingz on my back OwO anywayz I’ll draw it L8R >w>
I’m 14-16?? Idk :””]
I’m light gray skinned and I have horns on my head ^_^ sometimes I put pink cones on my horns because I like to :3 I have elf ears??? I have bat wingz! My hands r like claws and I have a tail that I can control really well and make shapes like hooks or heartz UwU my voice when I’m fronting is like, WHOOPS super girly so I’m trying 2 remember Jamie ISNT girly LOL I like 2 climb stuff and even climb up trees and go upside down like a bat :]]
Anyway it’s nice 2 meet u all :3 I know I’m super weird so I won’t talk much! That’s y I’ll have my own blog >3<
Oh and I’m She/They/It :]
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bladekindeyewear · 6 years ago
Boots Reads Homestuck Epilogue(s) Part 14 - Candy Page 27
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Alright, back from a brief excursion.  I really, REALLY wanna fucking finish this.  I want to see ROXY UNZOMBIFIED goddamnit, or at least get a REASON for her zombification, even if it’s just some Dirk-like villain who just cliffhangers himself away like a fucking asshole.
Also, comment on John’s whole rant... I guess John DID kind of want to be important.  Or... well, not “important” per se, but rather at least impactful in his friends’ lives.  It feels like they’re all walking dead through their own unsolved problems, trying to put on a pretty face, and nothing he tries to do matters, even attempted kidnapping.  He feels as useless as Dirk THINKS he is, but he never really was.  Gosh, I wish he’d pulled off that absurd kidnapping.  Freeing people from this sort of thing is supposed to kind of be his jam?
Okay, reading the new page.
Pff, John’s kid and sorta!Vriska.  Yeah I can buy that.
Also I love how they type out “Harry Anderson” every single time as his full first goddamn name.
--God damnit, how is Gamzee still fucking things up ten years later?  Hasn’t someone considered killing him?
Karkat and Meenah, also unsurprising.  Too bad Dave has to die unsatisfied.  >:(
Hm... this sorta!Vriska also has a weird Capitalization Quirk for Important Words, huh?  --Oh right, Kanaya raised her.  That might do it.
Hm, eyepatch?
Alright, the world’s falling into chaos.  Did the world HAVE to fucking fall into chaos in BOTH TIMELINES where these supposedly-went-through-a-successful-journey heroes managed to eek out victory despite opposing reality’s greatest tyrant?  Pfuh.
--and right.  Alt!Callie reinforces the idea that even though this possibility “wasn’t canon” -- which... means Meat is?? D: -- that the lives within still matter when looked at within their own bubble.
JADE: while abstracted heavily, and fully freed from all forces of narrative gravity, these events still represent possibilities that slept within the hearts of all who reside here.
Mhmm, part of an extension of themselves, their uniqueness, their hopes and dreams and... whatever WHOEVER did to fuck Roxy over.  Jesus DICK what’s happened to her I need to know you’d better fix this.
And somewhere within that mess, John Egbert is the best man at Jade and Dave’s wedding. He lasts nearly two hours before he gets a ruinous case of the sniffles.
Maybe they worked it out into ALMOST full mutual love?  Even if Dave’s 70% gayness goes totally unsatisfied?  I mean, I can hope, right?  :(
Dammit, Jade, couldn’t you have done this properly?  :C
and everyone knows that John has lost his family to Jane Crocker.
What the shit?!???
What drove Roxy away was him being depressed and just an all-around huge wet blanket who was impossible to live with. John is totally ready to own the fact that he was a bad husband, but maybe not the fact that he was a bad enough husband to drive his wife to passively support a brewing genocidal dictatorship. She looks happier, though, whenever he’s caught sight of her behind Jane—Calliope faithfully at her side—in any of the propaganda broadcasts that Jane passes off as business press conferences. By the time Roxy finally cut things off between them, he hadn’t personally seen her smile in years.
Read.  Calm down.  Read.  There had better be.  A FUCKING.  ANSWER.
Hi military rebellion leader Karkat.
KARKAT: OH MY GOD JOHN, STOP BEING SO FUCKING PATHETIC FOR JUST A MINUTE. COULD YOU DO THAT FOR ME? JOHN: i don’t know. that’s a pretty big favor you’re asking me there, karkat.
JOHN: i dunno. it doesn’t seem responsible, really... to dedicate my life to something so important when i’m in a place where i can’t even find the energy to think that getting out of bed in the morning is “important.”
Depression stuff, yeah.
John really needs a psychologist who isn’t just Rose.
pff, yifftrain.
That’s how the years pass. Faster and faster the longer it goes. 
What.  The.  Fuck.
We’re not going to get any answers are we.  Roxy just acted out of character for no reason, didn’t she.  This is-- no, Andrew’s too GOOD at this for that to-- I mean--  is there a big answer he’s just not telling us-- FUCK!!!!  D:
This sucks.  This sucks this sucks this SUCKS.  But I’ll keep reading.  I have to know.  If I’m ever going to be able to stand, like, i dunno... homestuck rp i guess? i should probably keep reading.  and hope i recover.  eventually.
But that’s only part of it. Above this Earth, the dead cherub is still meditating, waiting for the day when she can have her own heroic apotheosis. Waiting for the day when she can confront the one she calls the Prince. And on this Earth, John is just waiting for the day that feeling finally stops. That feeling that he’s still waiting for something, and the even worse feeling that years ago, he missed his only chance to put an end to it. If you stand on a very high hill at dawn, you can watch your shadow move in an arc around you.
Yeah, reinforcing that John would be happier in the timeline where he did something and -- at least temporarily, since there’s hope of future revival -- “died” because of it, even if he wasn’t clear on why what he was trying to do even really mattered in the whole scheme of things.
...which is pretty weird when you consider the ending of Homestuck didn’t try to express that messa-- no, wait.  I guess it did?
Yes, everyone went to the post-victory planet to live out indefinite lives, but there WAS still the stage play.  Proving that John, at least, WOULD eventually step outside the happy ending to instead risk his life doing something important.  They earned both possibilities, really, to choose from at their will.
...Aren’t there another dozen pages or so left in this Candy segment, though??  Are we gonna follow their kids or something?
...Okay so stuff still needs to happen here, plotways.  Good.  I think.
A flash above the clouds catches John’s attention: another ghost, falling down from wherever it is they come from. John follows after the light with an exhausted sigh. The novelty of dead trolls falling from the sky has really worn off over the years. But he might as well go warn the new arrival that they’ve landed in the middle of an imminent warzone. He sets down at the edge of the crater and peers through the smoke.
He recognizes the ghost immediately, because he sees a younger version of her almost every day.
JOHN: vriska?
Vriska’s face snaps up, eyes blazing. Eyes. Actual eyes, with expression, color, pupils, and everything.
JOHN: wait. you’re... JOHN: alive??
That’s pretty hilarious.  Vriska fell into the singularity and popped out here.
...Yeah, you can’t stand having missed the most “important” bit, can you.  Too bad.  You didn’t have the spotlight in the end.
JADE: it is the one i have been waiting for all these years. JADE: we have run along parallel lines for what may as well be eternity, but my gravitational well has finally ensnared him. JADE: and now he is due to fall into this world.
Uhh, who?  Davebot or something, from the postscript?  Couldn’t be Gamzee, unless it’s, like... a different Gamzee.
“Chaos war”?  That’s a dramatic title.
Hmm, reading reading...
Will Dad’s passing knock any sense into you?  Probably not.
...yeah, it wasn’t going to be that easy, was it?
Of course.  Of course Dad died saving the President.
Although, she’s going to assign fault to Karkat and then want to start a full bloody war over it, so, the opposite of having sense knocked into her then.
JANE: UGH! JANE: That... that fool!! JANE: I can’t believe that he would do this! JANE: How could he do this to me!?! JAKE: Janey... JANE: The human president could be anyone! JANE: My dad can’t be anyone but him!
Jane, you’ve become a real asshole.  :(
...Fuck you Gamzee.
GAMZEE: hEy. GAMZEE: Do YoU tHiNk ThAt MiGhT bE a BiT mOtHeRfUcKinG xEnOpHoBiC?
JANE: What? You think appealing to me with your disgusting little addiction is going to sway me?
Oh Jesus Christ that’s horrifying.  THAT’s what’s been going on.  I don’t want to visualize it, dear lord.
Hahahah, catching Vriska up.  She’s practically curling up in a ball like Squidward in future shock.
JOHN: i was supposed to go fight lord english, but i didn’t. so now we’ve gone beyond, like, the event horizon of canon. (VRISKA): What the fuck does that even MEAN????????
Wait, shouldn’t YOU know exactly what that means, Vriska?  Like, better than most people at least?
JOHN: all i know is that all of this is my fault.
JOHN: it’s been turning around in my head like this for a while. i thought... JOHN: why does everything here fucking SUCK so much? JOHN: how the hell did we even make it from point A to point festering clusterfuck? JOHN: it doesn’t follow any kind of logic i understand, or any sort of basic sense i have about who we are as people... JOHN: and why? why have we all ended up so unhappy and... twisted up?
Yeah, a BUNCH of people have acted really goddamn out of character and it’s unclear why.
JOHN: i got everything i wanted. everyone got what they— JOHN: what i thought they wanted. JOHN: and that’s just it, isn’t it? JOHN: the more i think about it, i’m the only factor that matters to anything.
--What?!?  No!!!  You could SEE that this wasn’t what you thought they wanted right from the get-go.  It couldn’t have been YOUR imagination that this realm of alternative possibility was drawn from, could it?  D:
JOHN: whatever i did, or didn’t do, just... destroyed reality’s ability to, like, substantiate itself, or whatever. JOHN: like there’s a bug in the operating system of whatever force in this world that regulates cause and effect. JOHN: everything’s been unraveling. nothing that happens makes sense anymore. JOHN: and now i’m the only person out here who’s even real at all! JOHN: hahahaha.
That’s certainly an idea at least, that people started acting out of character as we went further from “canon”.  In fact, it’s kind of a slam at fanfics, maybe?  Acknowledging that they distort the characters by understanding them in different ways, sometimes, and.. hm.
(VRISKA): Hahahahahahahaha... Wow, I’ve never seen a guy get his 8ulge all the way down his own swallow chute 8efore! JOHN: wait, what? (VRISKA): Good fuck. Do you actually think reality gives that much of a shit a8out you? (VRISKA): Get real, Eg8ert. (VRISKA): It’s not like you’re me. JOHN: ok, well. JOHN: that’s fair i guess.
Heheheh.  ...Yeah, Vriska might pep talk him out of this self-deprecating theory of his.  Besides, I mean... is that the ONLY cause for this whole fucking situation?  That Roxy’s will got eroded to nothing arbitrarily either at random in a glitching non-canon timeline or because John kind of maybe thought something was going to happen and reality decided to run with it??
...heheh, “batterpanzers”.
I’m pretty sure caring what “c8non” is supposed to be is EXACTLY the thing you’re freaking out about, Vriska, whether you realize it or not.
Oooh, Gamzee.  Do we get to see Vriska kill him?
Yeaaah... redemption ain’t for THIS sp8der.  The ghost version of Vriska got the closest thing to redemption she’ll ever get; THIS version never learned any damn lessons and is not going to accept that she ever NEEDS to.  Also, you said her name in relevance-reducing parentheses.  Bad move.
Yaaaay here’s the bunch of indigo blood we were promised!! :D
Where’s the nudity though? Maybe that’s coming.
He yowls as if he had actual testicles to be mauled, and for all anyone knows, maybe he really does.
It’s reassuring to see that while Andrew is more than willing to give us WAY too much genital detail in some cases throughout this epilogue, he still knows how to deftly exploit the parts of anatomy that still AREN’T explicitly characterized and remain intentionally vague for their impactful resulting humor.  :)
She lunges at Gamzee’s catastrophic face lips-first, and practically dives into his mouth, ramming her tongue into his
FUCK  :(
Okay, back on to anything but this.
Oh shit, double Vriska.  This might be bad.
...Phew.  Nice save, John.
JOHN: ha ha. yeah, right. because this is real life, right? JOHN: i guess reading narrative relevance into a bunch of dumb and totally random events is kind of lame and childish. ROSE: No, that isn’t what I meant at all. ROSE: By all means, apply a narrative to our lives. Up until a certain point, it would have been perfectly accurate to do so. ROSE: But not anymore. JOHN: because... it’s not canon, right? ROSE: Do you remember what I told you years ago? About the three pillars of canon?
ROSE: As I explained to you on that morning sixteen years ago, there are three critical features of canon: essentiality, relevance, and truth. JOHN: yeah. ROSE: We have been untethered from the mooring of “truth” for some time now. ROSE: So while we, in our subjective experiences of conscious perception, feel in this moment that we have known each other for a very long time, technically it’s not true at all.
...Okay.  Okay.
So.  Were, like.
Roxy and Calliope affected by the, like... “untruth wave” of his choice not to go the hardest, because he made it in their vicinity?  And that turned Roxy into a hypnozombie with minimal apparent free will? :C
...Oh wow.  She’s thanking John that she got a chance to be happy in this side timeline, even if so many other people suffered.  Because of the fucking hell Dirk was about to unleash on her in the Meat timeline.  Fuck.
ROSE: In the silly wizard story I wrote when I was a child, ROSE: The realm most comparable to heaven existed in a state of subliminal conditionality, dependent on the inscience of the individual experiencing it. ROSE: Which is to say that it would cease to exist the moment you realized what it was. ROSE: And so, those with knowledge could never truly be happy.
Oh wow, huh.  Yeah, knowing you’re just in a fanfic kind of screws your appreciation for life around you, huh.  So John got fucked over a bit by his metatextual awareness.  :(
And... Rose was, like, cut off by his choice from her own metatextual awakening, maybe?  Hence her ability to appreciate a life somewhere disconnected from anything “canon”?
ROSE: But that isn’t me anymore. ROSE: I am blind against the veil of this world. ROSE: It’s all ambrosia to me. ROSE: I don’t care if it’s not true. I care even less if it’s not canon. ROSE: I have a beautiful wife who I love more than I thought possible, and a daughter who I am immeasurably proud of. ROSE: It can all be senseless, ephemeral noise that dissolves in the void. A whisper swept up by the wind before it’s uttered. ROSE: I’m still grateful to have felt this way.
Alright, this might be a pretty good way of accepting their potential happiness in different timelines as a potential substitute for Dirk’s mess.  I’m not sure HOW well I’ll be able to internalize it to stop the stomach cramps, but we’ll see.
We still have a little bit more left, though.  Next post.
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pinwhale · 8 years ago
@geeselord tagged me in this so i feel obliged to do it lol
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up. 
eek uh centuries - fall out boy, D.A.N.C.E - Justice, Emperors new clothes - p!atd, Patron Saint - Regina Spektor, Animal - Neon Trees, Gasoline - Halsey
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? 
a mcelroy tbh
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. 
“Excellent adhesion and great for renovation work” - some builders guide lol
4) What do you think about most? 
Friends and random story ideas
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you?
6) Do you have any strange phobias? 
Not really? I mean, heights arent great but thats just rational.
7) What’s your religion? 
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I dunno probably none
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Walking somewhere/lying in the sun with friends
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
ive never had one tbh
10) What was the last lie you told? 
“ im not a actual homestuck anymore “ but hey i can dream 
11) Do you believe in karma? 
I try to
12) What does your URL mean? 
it was.. meant to be a pun. like pinwheel but pinwhale. idek i just want whale in my url
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? 
greatest strength is action under pressure, greatest weakness is like not being able to function when it is slightly loud around me
14) Who is your celebrity crush? 
i dont get crushes that easy so ive never had them on celebrities.
15) How do you vent your anger? 
Crying music/singing exercise ranting. if its at a certain person im likely to let them know why i am angry lol.
16) Do you have a collection of anything?
dirt rocks leaves and cool paper for art stuff
17) Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
i mean, there is always room to improve. but compared to who i used to be? hell yeah.
18) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
I hate so many sounds omg. pencils writing comes to mind tho. sound i love is piano/good violin.
19) What’s your biggest “what if”? 
what if i could undo the stuff i did when i was younger
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? 
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. 
Left: Water bottle, Right: Vapodrops
22) Smell the air. What do you smell? 
Nothing my nose is so blocked rn
23) What’s the worst place you have ever been to? 
uhh place i hated most was this country house where i was isolated with nothing to do for days. 
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender? 
What the hell is an opposite gender
25) To you, what is the meaning of life? 
Just, experience? If that makes sense?
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? 
I have been avoiding it
27) What was the last movie you saw? 
i dunno what the name of it was it was a Tarantino movie my brother was watching
28) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
i like, skinned my face off when i was 11 when i faceplanted off my scooter going full speed down a hill.
29) Do you have any obsessions right now? 
coding is my forever obsession. nerd wise i love taz and su atm.
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you?
SO many, mostly hilarious tho
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? 
Probably? I dont let it effect my relationships with them tho
32) What is your astrological sign? 
33) What’s the last thing you purchased? 
Icecream for Neil
34) Love or lust? 
35) In a relationship? 
Nothing romantic
36) How many relationships have you had? 
Like, one?
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Kill em with kindness/trying to remember they are 99% likely to be just as awkward as i am
38) Where is your best friend? 
who fucking knows the boy is never where he is meant to be and its great
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? 
dying due to sick
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? 
i hope so
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? 
Save the dog??
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? 
a) maybe? id probably do it but in theory i wouldnt want to. b) spend them with friends having adventures and writing messages c) yeaup. 
43) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? 
I dont really have a song like that? im on top of the world by imagine dragons can or best day of my life can get me in a happy mood but i kinda have to be in a positive mood before hand anyway.
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? 
Trust, Honesty and communcation
45) How can I win your heart? 
good fucking luck. if its in a friendship way then just talk to me and you probably already have it lol.
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? 
To change who i was and strive to help others.
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? 
“ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  welp”
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “heart.” 
like, souls and bravery and stuff like that.
50) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?
The orange/pink sunset cloud colour and bluey green.
51) What is your current desktop picture? 
My brother has it set to a car thing
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? 
53) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? 
hmmmm probably cliche middle schooler garbage like who do you like lmao
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? 
i have this memory of being at the top of the hill with gilda and a few others like, yelling into the wind? Id want to do that again.
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? 
My main bad experiences have shaped who i am. But i guess id want to erase memories of transphobic shit that has happened to me so i dont have to think about it
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
no thanks
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? 
59) Ever been on a plane? 
yep! when i was like 4/5 i got my face painted on one it was the best
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities. 
i?? dont understand attraction that much??
there i fucking did it i got there hell yeah
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