#homeopathy doctor for skin
Effective Homeopathy Treatment for Skin Issues in Noida
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Discover natural and effective solutions for skin issues with homeopathy in Noida. Consult Dr. Deepika Singh for personalized homeopathy treatment to rejuvenate and heal your skin.
Visit Us: https://posts.gle/EhzvLr
Contact us: 7652005589
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
*Sunburn* — red, painful skin that feels hot to the touch — usually appears within a few hours after too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from sunshine or artificial sources, such as sunlamps.
Intense, repeated sun exposure that results in sunburn increases your risk of other skin damage and certain diseases. These include dry or wrinkled skin, dark spots, rough spots, and skin cancers, such as melanoma. You can usually find sunburn relief with simply home remedies. Sunburn may take several days or longer to fade.
You can prevent sunburn and related conditions by protecting your skin. This is especially important when you're outdoors, even on cool or cloudy days.
Sunburn signs and symptoms include:
Pinkness or redness
Skin that feels warm or hot to the touch
Pain, tenderness and itching
Small fluid-filled blisters, which may break
Headache, fever, nausea and fatigue if the sunburn is severe
Any exposed part of your body — including your earlobes, scalp and lips — can burn. Even covered areas can burn if, for example, your clothing has a loose weave that allows ultraviolet (UV) light through. Your eyes, which are extremely sensitive to the sun's UV light, also can burn. Sunburned eyes may feel painful or gritty.
Signs and symptoms of sunburn usually appear within a few hours after sun exposure. But it may take a day or longer to know the full extent of your sunburn.
Within a few days, your body may start to heal itself by "peeling" the top layer of damaged skin. After peeling, your skin may temporarily have an irregular color and pattern. A bad sunburn may take several days or longer to heal.
When to see a doctor
See your doctor if the sunburn:
Is blistering and covers a large portion of your body
Is accompanied by a high fever, extreme pain, headache, confusion, nausea or chills
Doesn't improve within a few days
Also seek medical care if you notice signs or symptoms of an infection. These include:
Increasing pain and tenderness
Increasing swelling
Yellow drainage (pus) from an open blister
Red streaks leading away from the open blister.
Skin layers and melanin
Skin layers and melanin
Sunburns are caused by exposure to too much ultraviolet (UV) light. UV radiation is a wavelength of sunlight in a range too short for the human eye to see. Ultraviolet A (UVA) is the type of solar radiation most associated with skin aging (photoaging). Ultraviolet B (UVB) is associated with sunburn. Exposure to both types of radiation is associated with developing skin cancer. Sunlamps and tanning beds also produce UV light and can cause sunburn.
Melanin is the dark pigment in the outer layer of skin (epidermis) that gives your skin its normal color. When you're exposed to UV light, your body protects itself by accelerating the production of melanin. The extra melanin creates the darker color of a tan.
A suntan is your body's way of blocking the UV rays to prevent sunburn and other skin damage. But the protection only goes so far. The amount of melanin you produce is determined genetically. Many people simply don't produce enough melanin to protect the skin well. Eventually, UV light causes the skin to burn, bringing pain, redness and swelling.
You can get sunburn on cool, hazy or cloudy days. As much as 80 percent of UV rays pass through clouds. Snow, sand, water and other surfaces can reflect UV rays, burning your skin as severely as direct sunlight.
*Risk factors*
Risk factors for sunburn include:
Having light skin, blue eyes, and red or blond hair
Living or vacationing somewhere sunny, warm or at high altitude
Working outdoors
Mixing outdoor recreation and drinking alcohol
Having a history of sunburn
Regularly exposing unprotected skin to UV light from sunlight or artificial sources, such as tanning beds
Taking a drug that makes you more likely to burn (photosensitizing medications)
Intense, repeated sun exposure that results in sunburn increases your risk of other skin damage and certain diseases. These include premature aging of your skin (photoaging) and skin cancer.
Premature aging of your skin
Sun exposure and repeated sunburns accelerate the skin's aging process, making you look older than you are. Skin changes caused by UV light are called photoaging. The results of photoaging include:
Weakening of connective tissues, which reduces the skin's strength and elasticity
Deep wrinkles
Dry, rough skin
Fine red veins on your cheeks, nose and ears
Freckles, mostly on your face and shoulders
Dark or discolored spots (macules) on your face, back of hands, arms, chest and upper back — also called solar lentigines (len-TIJ-ih-neze)
Precancerous skin lesions
Precancerous skin lesions appear as rough, scaly patches in areas that have been damaged by the sun. They may be whitish, pink, tan or brown. They're usually found on the sun-exposed areas of the head, face, neck and hands of light-skinned people. These patches can evolve into skin cancer. They're also called actinic keratoses (ak-TIN-ik ker-uh-TOE-seez) and solar keratoses.
*Skin cancer*
Excessive sun exposure, even without sunburn, increases your risk of skin cancer, such as melanoma. It can damage the DNA of skin cells. Sunburns in childhood and adolescence may increase your risk of developing melanoma later in life.
Skin cancer develops mainly on areas of the body most exposed to sunlight, including the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms, hands and legs. Skin cancer on the leg is more common in women than in men.
Some types of skin cancer appear as a small growth or a sore that bleeds easily, crusts over, heals and then reopens. With melanoma, an existing mole may change or a new, suspicious-looking mole may develop. A type of melanoma called lentigo maligna develops in areas of long-term sun exposure. It starts as a tan flat spot that slowly darkens and enlarges.
See your doctor if you notice a new skin growth, a bothersome change in your skin, a change in the appearance or texture of a mole, or a sore that doesn't heal.
*Eye damage*
The sun can also burn your eyes. Too much UV light damages the retina, lens or cornea. Sun damage to the lens can lead to clouding of the lens (cataracts). Sunburned eyes may feel painful or gritty. Sunburn of the cornea is also called snow blindness.
Use these methods to prevent sunburn, even on cool, cloudy or hazy days. And be extra careful around water, snow and sand because they reflect the sun's rays. In addition, UV light is more intense at high altitudes.
Avoid sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The sun's rays are strongest during these hours, so try to schedule outdoor activities for other times. If you can't do that, limit the length of time you're in the sun. Seek shade when possible.
Avoid sun tanning and tanning beds. Using tanning beds to obtain a base tan doesn't decrease your risk of sunburn.
Cover up. When outside, wear a wide-brimmed hat and clothing that covers you, including your arms and legs. Dark colors offer more protection, as do tightly woven fabrics. Consider using outdoor gear specially designed to provide sun protection. Check the label for its ultraviolet protection factor (UPF), which indicates how effectively a fabric blocks damaging sunlight. The higher the number, the better.
Use sunscreen frequently and generously. Apply water-resistant sunscreen and lip balm with an SPF of 30 or greater and broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays. About 15 to 30 minutes before going outdoors, apply sunscreen generously on skin that won't be protected by clothing.
Put on more sunscreen every 40 to 80 minutes, or sooner if it has washed off from swimming or sweating. If you're also using insect repellent, apply the sunscreen first. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not recommend products that combine an insect repellent with a sunscreen.
The Food and Drug Administration requires all sunscreen to retain its original strength for at least three years. Check the sunscreen labels for directions on storing and expiration dates. Throw sunscreen away if it's expired or more than three years old.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends using other forms of sun protection, such as shade or clothing, for babies and toddlers. Keep them cool and hydrated. You may use sunscreen on babies and toddlers when sun protective clothing and shade aren't available. The best products for them are those that contain physical blockers (titanium oxide, zinc oxide), as they may cause less skin irritation.
Wear sunglasses when outdoors. Choose sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection. Check the UV rating on the label when buying new glasses. Darker lenses are not necessarily better at blocking UV rays. It also helps to wear sunglasses that fit close to your face and have wraparound frames that block sunlight from all angles.
Be aware of medications that increase your sensitivity to the sun. Common drugs that make you more sensitive to sunlight include antihistamines, ibuprofen, certain antibiotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics and some cholesterol-lowering drugs. Talk with your pharmacist about your medication side effects.
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deepikashomeopathy · 4 days
Top-Rated Homeopathy Skin Doctor | Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy
Discover top-notch skin care with Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy. Our expert treatments address a variety of skin issues, promoting natural healing and vibrant skin. Trust our experienced practitioners for personalized, effective solutions tailored to your skin's unique needs.
Visit Us :- https://drdeepikashomeopathy.com/skin-disease/
Contact Us: 7652005589
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dranubha-homeo-2 · 15 days
Homeopathic Treatments for Clear and Healthy Skin
Everyone desires clear and healthy skin, but achieving it can sometimes be a challenge. Homeopathy offers a natural and effective way to improve skin health without harmful side effects. Let’s explore how homeopathic treatments for skin can help you achieve glowing, clear skin.
How Homeopathy Benefits Your Skin
Homeopathy is a holistic approach to medicine that treats the entire person, not just the symptoms. Here are some ways homeopathy can benefit your skin:
Natural Ingredients: Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances like plants, minerals, and animal products. These ingredients are safe and gentle on the skin.
Treats the Root Cause: Homeopathy focuses on treating the underlying cause of skin problems, not just the symptoms. This can lead to long-lasting improvements in skin health.
Customized Treatments: Homeopathic treatments are tailored to each individual’s unique needs. This personalized approach ensures that you get the most effective treatment for your specific skin condition.
No Side Effects: Unlike some conventional treatments, homeopathic remedies do not have harmful side effects. They are suitable for all skin types and can be used by people of all ages.
Common Skin Conditions Treated with Homeopathy
Homeopathy can effectively treat a variety of skin conditions, including:
Acne: Homeopathic remedies can reduce inflammation, control oil production, and prevent future breakouts.
Eczema: Homeopathy can help soothe itching, reduce redness, and heal dry, cracked skin.
Psoriasis: Homeopathic treatments can reduce scaling, inflammation, and itching.
Rashes and Allergies: Homeopathy can calm the skin and address the root cause of allergic reactions.
Why Choose Dr. Anubbh’s Homeopathy Clinic?
For the best homeopathic treatment for your skin, Dr. Anubbh’s Homeopathy Clinic is the top choice. Here’s why:
Expertise: Best homeopathic in HyderabadDr. Anubbh is a highly experienced homeopathic doctor, known for providing effective treatments for various skin conditions.
Personalized Care: The clinic offers personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific skin issues, ensuring optimal results.
Natural Healing: Dr. Anubbh uses safe and natural remedies that promote overall skin health without any side effects.
At Dr. Anubbh’s Homeopathy Clinic, you can trust that you are receiving the highest quality care for your skin. Whether you are dealing with acne, eczema, psoriasis, or any other skin condition, Dr. Anubbh’s expert treatments can help you achieve clear and healthy skin naturally.
Choose Dr. Anubbh’s Homeopathy Clinic for the best homeopathic skin treatments and experience the benefits of natural, holistic healing for beautiful, radiant skin.
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health-homeopathy · 1 month
Major Effects of Diabetes And Their Treatment
Did you know that diabetes mellitus can have detrimental effects on your body in the long run. Chronic diabetes is a condition where your blood sugar levels remain above normal levels for many years. Over a period of time thus can have negative effects on your body organs.
Following are the effects of diabetes mellitus on your body health and well-being: -
Blood vessels - They can become narrower. This leads to reduced blood supply to organs of the body.
Foot Ulcers
Chronic skin problems
Red foreskin
Kidney damage
Heart damage - Angina or even a Heart attack
Breathing difficulty
ED or erectile dysfunction
Recurring cold, cough and infections
Frozen shoulder
Hence it is necessary to start diabetes treatment to treat it.
Book appointment with the best homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment at Dr. Mehta’s clinic in Mumbai, India.
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jeevanclinic01 · 2 months
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swaranhomoeopathic · 4 months
Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic: Your Best Choice for Homeopathic Care in Dwarka, Delhi with Dr. Amit Metha
In recent times, more and more people are seeking alternative forms of treatment to address their health concerns. Homeopathy, a holistic approach to healthcare, has gained significant popularity due to its natural and gentle healing methods. Among the plethora of homeopathic practitioners in Delhi, one name stands out for its exceptional expertise and compassionate care - Dr. Amit Metha at Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic in Dwarka.
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Located in the heart of Dwarka, Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic is renowned for its dedication to providing top-notch homeopathic treatment tailored to each patient's unique needs. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Amit Metha, this clinic has become a trusted destination for individuals searching for effective and safe alternative therapies.
What sets Dr. Amit Metha apart in the field of homeopathy is his extensive knowledge and experience. With numerous years of practice, he has honed his skills to diagnose and treat a wide range of health conditions. Dr. Metha's approach to homeopathy emphasizes individualized care, focusing not only on physical symptoms but also on understanding the underlying causes of illness and addressing them from the root.
Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic offers a comprehensive range of treatments for various acute and chronic ailments, including allergies, respiratory disorders, skin diseases, digestive complaints, hormonal imbalances, musculoskeletal disorders, anxiety, depression, and more. Dr. Amit Metha employs a combination of traditional and advanced homeopathic techniques to provide accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans, ensuring maximum effectiveness.
At Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic, patient satisfaction is of utmost importance. The clinic's tranquil and welcoming environment creates a sense of comfort for every visitor. Dr. Amit Metha takes the time to listen attentively to patients, understanding their concerns and offering compassionate support throughout their healing journey. With his warm demeanor and deep empathy, he instills confidence and reassurance in his patients, making them feel valued and cared for.
Furthermore, Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic prides itself on maintaining the highest standards of hygiene and safety. The clinic follows strict protocols to ensure the well-being of patients, especially in light of recent events such as the global pandemic. Dr. Amit Metha and his team take necessary precautions, such as regular sanitization, proper ventilation, and the use of personal protective equipment, to guarantee a safe environment for all.
If you are searching for the "best homeopathy doctor near you in Dwarka, Delhi," look no further than Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic and Dr. Amit Metha. Their commitment to delivering exceptional homeopathic care, combined with their patient-centric approach, makes them the preferred choice for individuals seeking gentle and effective solutions for their health issues.
To experience the benefits of homeopathy with Dr. Amit Metha, schedule an appointment at Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic today. Your journey towards holistic healing and well-being starts here. Visit: https://swaranhomoeopathic.com/ Contact: +91-93102 12429 Mait At: [email protected] H-649/650 Palam extn, Sector-7 Dwarka, Delhi-110075
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star-homeo · 4 months
Homeo Treatment for Psoriasis
An autoimmune disorder of skin with abnormal patches which is red, dry, and scaly is psoriasis. Initially, the patches begin in localized part and then may spread to other parts of the body. Injury to the skin is one of the triggering factors for the development of the psoriatic patch. The areas commonly affected in psoriasis include scalp, nails, elbow, knee, armpits, neck, bend of joints etc. Majority of the people notice that their psoriatic symptoms get triggered during winter or with certain medications.
Mainly five types of psoriasis a seen i.e. plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular, and erythrodermic psoriasis among which plaque psoriasis is the most common one. Certain infections, strong emotional or psychological stress, dryness of skin, excessive alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking are the predisposing factor for psoriasis. The psoriatic lesion may itch severely followed by burning, scratching, blister formation and bleeding. Whitish scaly formation is the key feature of this condition.
When this condition persists for a prolonged period it may affect the individual physically as well as psychologically. Homeopathic medicine helps in relieving the symptoms and can clear up the lesions and scaliness. Homeopathic treatment for psoriasis is based on complete individualization as symptomatology varies from person to person. It prevents further relapse or recurrence of this skin disorder.
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sikhaaaa25 · 4 months
Dr Shikha Homeoclinic Gomtinagar
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Dr. Shikha Gupta is a homeopathic doctor with experience of 22 yrs. She has successfully treated patients acute and chronic disease like Allergies, Sinusitis, Gastric disease, IBS, Alopecia areata, Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis, Warts and corns, Fungal infection, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout, Melasma and many other disease.
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homeocareclinic · 5 months
Homeopathic Skincare: Unveiling the Natural Path to Radiant Skin
“In a time dominated by conventional skincare approaches, the attraction towards homeopathic remedies for managing skin issues is steadily gaining momentum. Homeopathy, celebrated for its holistic and natural principles, stands out as a compelling option for those seeking effective and lasting solutions to a variety of skin concerns. This exploration delves into the realm of homeopathic skincare, emphasizing the significant “Homeopathic skin doctor in Pune,” and shedding light on the renowned clinic, Homeocare clinic.”
Understanding Homeopathy for Skin Issues
Homeopathy, a centuries-old medical system, operates on the principle of “like cures like” and emphasizes treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms. When it comes to skin issues, homeopathy seeks to address the underlying causes, providing a comprehensive and long-lasting remedy.
Benefits of Homeopathic Skin Treatment
One of the primary advantages of homeopathic skin treatments is their minimal side effects. Unlike conventional medications that may cause adverse reactions, homeopathic remedies aim to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes without harmful consequences. Additionally, the holistic nature of homeopathy ensures that it targets the root cause of skin problems, leading to sustained improvements over time.
Homeopathic Skin Doctor in Pune: The Go-To Solution
In Pune, individuals seeking effective homeopathic skin treatments can rely on specialized homeopathic doctors. These professionals possess a deep understanding of skin conditions and employ personalized approaches to address each patient’s unique needs. Choosing a qualified homeopathic skin doctor is crucial for achieving optimal results.
Homeocare clinic: Your Trusted Partner
Among the reputable clinics in Pune, homecare clinic stands out as a trusted partner for homeopathic skin care. With a team of experienced and skilled homeopathic doctors, Homecare clinic has garnered a reputation for delivering successful outcomes. Patients at homecare clinic benefit from tailored treatment plans and compassionate care, making it a go-to destination for holistic skin solutions.
Common Skin Issues and Homeopathic Solutions
Whether dealing with acne, eczema, or psoriasis, homeopathy offers specific remedies for each condition. The individualized treatment approach considers the patient’s overall health and lifestyle, ensuring a comprehensive and effective healing process. Patients at Homecare clinic witness remarkable transformations in their skin health through targeted homeopathic interventions.
Why Choose Homeopathy Over Conventional Treatments?
As the demand for natural and holistic approaches to health rises, many individuals are turning to homeopathy over conventional treatments. The benefits, including minimal side effects, long-term results, and addressing the root cause, make homeopathy an attractive option for those seeking a more sustainable and gentle approach to skincare.
Personalized Treatment Plans
What sets homeopathy apart is its focus on personalized treatment plans. Homeopathic doctors at Homocareclinic take the time to understand each patient’s unique health profile, ensuring that the treatment aligns with individual needs. This personalized approach enhances the effectiveness of homeopathic interventions, fostering a deeper level of healing.
Homeopathic Skincare Tips
Beyond clinical treatments, maintaining healthy skin through homeopathy involves lifestyle adjustments. Patients are encouraged to adopt a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and follow a skincare routine tailored to their specific needs. These simple yet effective tips contribute to overall skin wellness.
Dispelling Common Myths About Homeopathy
Despite its proven efficacy, homeopathy is often subject to misconceptions. Addressing these myths is essential for fostering a better understanding of this holistic approach to healthcare. By dispelling common misconceptions, individuals can make informed decisions about their skincare choices.
Challenges and Limitations of Homeopathic Skin Care
While homeopathy offers valuable benefits, it’s essential to acknowledge potential challenges and limitations. Not every skin condition may be fully resolved through homeopathic treatments, and realistic expectations are crucial for a positive patient experience.
Future Trends in Homeopathic Skincare
As the wellness industry evolves, homeopathic skincare is expected to witness continued growth. Innovations in homeopathic remedies and an increasing acceptance of alternative therapies contribute to the ongoing trend. The future holds exciting possibilities for individuals seeking natural and holistic solutions to their skincare concerns.
In the realm of skincare, where choices abound, homeopathy emerges as a natural and sustainable path to radiant skin.
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Symptoms of Eczema: Identify and Treat Effectively
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Learn about the common symptoms of eczema, including persistent itching, redness, dry skin, rashes, fluid-filled blisters, and thickened skin. These symptoms can cause significant discomfort and affect your quality of life. Consult Dr. Deepika Singh for personalized and effective homeopathy treatment to manage and alleviate eczema symptoms, promoting healthier skin.
Visit Us: https://posts.gle/PeV3uY
Contact Us: 7652005589
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mhmulticarehomeopathy · 5 months
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𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐜𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐬
Despite the widespread importance placed on healthy skin as an ideal of beauty, the reality is that skin problems affect many individuals worldwide. The prevalence of skin conditions underscores the complexity and diversity of factors that influence skin health, ranging from genetic predispositions to environmental exposures and lifestyle choices.
It's true that skin diseases can manifest in various forms, including eczema, allergic dermatitis, vitiligo, psoriasis, and herpes, often accompanied by rashes and intense itching. These conditions can result from a variety of factors such as genetic predisposition, environmental triggers, immune system disorders, allergies, hormonal changes, and more.
Homeopathy is often considered by some individuals as an alternative approach to addressing skin problems. Homeopathic treatment aims to address the underlying cause of the condition by considering various factors, including the patient's skin type, genetic predisposition, and immune system status.
Homeopathic remedies are selected based on the principle of "like cures like," where highly diluted substances that produce symptoms similar to those of the patient's condition are administered to stimulate the body's natural healing response.
While some people report positive experiences with homeopathy for treating skin diseases, it's essential to approach such claims with caution. Scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of homeopathy for skin conditions is limited and controversial.
Additionally, the treatment of skin diseases often requires a comprehensive approach that may include lifestyle modifications, conventional medications, and dermatological interventions. Individuals considering homeopathic treatment for skin problems should consult with a qualified healthcare professional to explore their options and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs and circumstances.
Homeopathic treatment begins with a thorough assessment of the patient's medical history, including past illnesses, family history, lifestyle factors, and emotional well-being. This comprehensive evaluation helps the homeopath understand not only the patient's current symptoms but also the underlying causes and contributing factors to their health issues.
You can start your skin treatment online in our Multicare Online Homeopathy Treatment Center. How to start please CLICK HERE
Know more:- https://www.multicarehomeopathy.com/start-treatment
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Everyone has protein in their blood. The main protein in your blood is called albumin. Proteins have many important jobs in your body, such as helping to build your bones and muscles, prevent infection and control the amount of fluid in your blood.
Healthy kidneys remove extra fluid and waste from your blood, but let proteins and other important nutrients pass through and return to your blood stream. When your kidneys are not working as well as they should, they can let some protein (albumin) escape through their filters, into your urine. When you have protein in your urine, it is called proteinuria (or albuminuria). Having protein in your urine can be a sign of nephrotic syndrome, or an early sign of kidney disease.
Anyone can have protein in their urine. You may be more at risk for having it if you have one or more of the risk factors for kidney disease, such as:
• Diabetes
• High blood pressure
• Family history of kidney disease
When your kidneys are first starting to have problems, and you do not have a lot of protein in your urine, you will not notice any symptoms. The only way to know if you have protein in your urine is to have a urine test. The test for protein in the urine measures the amount of albumin in your urine, compared to the amount of creatinine in your urine. This is called the urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR). A UACR more than 30 mg/g can be a sign of kidney disease.
When your kidney damage gets worse and large amounts of protein escape through your urine, you may notice the following symptoms:
• Foamy, frothy or bubbly-looking urine when you use the toilet
• Swelling in your hands, feet, abdomen or face
If you are having these symptoms, your kidney damage may already be severe. Talk to your health care provider immediately about what may be causing your symptoms and what treatment is best for you.
If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, the first and second most common causes of kidney disease, it is important to make sure these conditions are under control by homeopathy.
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deepikashomeopathy · 8 days
Best Homeopathy Treatment for Skin | Dr Deepika's Homeopathy
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Discover the best homeopathy treatment for skin at Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy. Experience personalized, effective solutions that nurture and rejuvenate your skin naturally. Say goodbye to skin issues and embrace a healthier, radiant complexion with Dr. Deepika's expert homeopathic care.
Visit Us :-  https://posts.gle/TS5cmS
Contact us: 7652005589
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anandhomeoclinics · 7 months
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health-homeopathy · 2 months
5 reasons to find a homeopathy doctor in Mumbai India
To get a treatment free from side effects
Qualified system of ayush medicine in India
Highly effective in psychosomatic problems like anxiety disorder, irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, etc.
Very safe for pregnancy and children
To avoid surgery in piles, fissure, fistula, kidney stones, and sinus problem
To consult the top homeopathy doctor in India, click the link below
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