#home interiors cape town
interiordesignza · 1 year
Bring Your Home to Life with Interior Decorators
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Your home is your haven, and how you decorate it can significantly impact your mood and well-being. Hiring interior decorators may be the solution if you want to create a beautiful and functional living space that reflects your style and personality. In this article, we'll explore how interior decorators can bring your home to life and transform it into a beautiful and functional oasis.
Design Expertise
Cape Town interior decorators have the design expertise and knowledge to transform any living space into a beautiful and functional oasis. They can create a cohesive design scheme that reflects your style and personality while also considering your budget, needs, and lifestyle.
Customized Solutions
Professional interior decorators offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs and preferences. They can work with you to create a design scheme that meets your unique requirements and transforms your living space into a beautiful and functional oasis.
Access to Quality Materials
Interior decorators can access quality materials and resources that may not be available to the general public. They can source unique and high-quality furnishings, textiles, and accessories to enhance your living space's aesthetics and functionality.
Time and Cost Savings
Hiring interior decorators can save you time and money in the long run. They have the expertise and knowledge to create a cohesive design scheme that meets your needs and budget, preventing costly mistakes and ensuring your project is completed on time and within budget.
Stress-free Process
Decorating your home can be a stressful and overwhelming process, especially if you're doing it alone. Interior decorators can take the stress out of the process by managing every aspect of the project, from conceptualization to installation, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.
Choosing the Right Cape Town Interior Decorators
Finding a professional who understands your style and vision is essential when choosing Cape Town interior decorators. Here are some tips to help you choose the right interior decorator for your home:
Check their portfolio: Look at their portfolio to see if their style and aesthetic match your vision.
Read reviews: Check online reviews and testimonials to see what previous clients say about their experience working with decorators.
Ask for referrals: Ask friends, family, and colleagues for referrals to interior decorators they have worked with and would recommend.
Schedule a consultation: Schedule a consultation with the interior decorator to discuss your needs and vision and see if you feel comfortable working with them.
Interior decorators can transform your home into a beautiful, functional oasis that reflects your style and personality. Hiring an interior decorator can be a wise investment with their design expertise, customized solutions, access to quality materials, time and cost savings, and stress-free process.
When choosing the right interior decorator for your home, consider checking their portfolio, reading reviews, asking for referrals, and scheduling a consultation. With the right decorator, you can bring your home to life and create a living space you'll love for years.
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globalnetbit · 2 years
Incredible Houseplants to Make Your Home Look Fabolous
Incredible Houseplants to Make Your Home Look Fabolous
Starting from furniture and wallpaper to home accents that include artistically created Instagram photos of avocado toast, green has acquired a notable place in interior design.  Individuals are in love with the shade primarily because it evokes the initial days of spring when nature restores, revives, and renews. Keeping plants such as cacti, peace lily, rubber, etc. is perhaps the best way of…
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ultimatepad · 8 months
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Cape Town Residence by Miminat Shodeinde
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virtua-decor · 2 years
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afewfantasies · 2 months
🏔️The Retreat 🏔️- Chapter VI
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Prologue | Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V | Misc references & details
Summary: Lorena and Gale make strides during the last bit of winter prep. Gale finally reveals his heart and goals to Lorena, to her surprise its music to her ears.
Pairing: Gale Cleven x Lorena (black fem oc)
Warnings:  None
Tropes: Slow Burn, opposites attract, forbidden love
Word Count: 2.1K
Lorena listens from her bedroom as the wind howls outside. The familiar sounds of Gale’s footsteps on the wood floors can be heard from where she lay as he did his nightly check of the homes interior. A quilt lays over her now, a far cry from what was required in the summer. Lorena counts the twelve steps and holds her breath laying silently in the dark as Gale takes another ten steps to her door. It was a staple every night, perhaps a habit from the war. Lately, things between them have evolved. Gale hovers. He lingers in the doorway for a few moments before heading back down the hall to his room. Leaving Lorena’s heart racing for those moments and thereafter. The words of Rose and the implications from Felicia, her sister had been adding up. Lorena hadn’t run away to find anyone, she wasn’t looking for anything besides a refuge and peace of mind. Gale’s retreat had been somewhat of a happy miracle but now her mind can’t help but wonder if it’s more. Her once peaceful sleep; is restless as she tosses and turns at the memory of how it felt to be held. To exist in a mans arms, wrapped in his embraces, covered in his scent, completely at ease and his. But things had changed, Lorena wasn’t a girl anymore, she’d grown in to a woman and so it meant even more. Whomever she decided to be with wouldn’t just have a slab of marble to be molded at their leisure. Lorena had years to chip away at the stone herself, creating someone she could be proud of.
When morning comes too soon Lorena dumps her thoughts into a journal after freshening up and is surprised to see Gale sitting at the table when she emerges.
“I was just about to come up and check on you” he says with an aromatic black coffee in hand.
“Good morning, You didn’t sleep much either I take it” Lo smiles pointing at his cup.
“The wind was relentless, maybe we cleared too many trees” he suggests.
“Maybe” Lorena shrugs. “So what’s on the agenda for the day?” She asks.
“We have no visitors, I thought maybe we could go into town and get you a couple more sweaters” Gale shrugs with a spark in his eye.
“You really do not have any faith in me lasting the winter” Lorena remarks taking her seat at the two person table. A smirk plays on Gales lips. Neither of them had realized how the house was furnished for two suddenly felt like a home, nor had Gale realized how Lorena had come in and filled the empty space.
“I have plenty of faith in you. I know myself and I won’t be able handle seeing you suffer well. You’re stubborn enough to freeze while making a point” Gale says knowing her well.
“Sometimes Gale Cleven, you're a sweet man. Let me take this upstairs and get myself together” Lorena smiles taking her plate. As she turns Gale sits with a fresh blush on his cheeks. He takes a moment before heading out to pack up his truck. It was getting harder and harder for him to keep his thoughts away from Lorena and him being more than friends. There was a beautiful women sharing his home with him. Arguably the most beautiful woman he’d ever known, inside and out.
“Gale!” He hears her shout. “Get in here! I’m not going into town with your hair like that!” She continues from the window.
Mumbling curses under his breath Gale makes his way into the house and upstairs into her makeshift beauty parlour. He sits without another word. Lorena wraps a cape around him before running her hand through his overgrown hair. Gale watches her in the mirror as she combs up and clips his hair until it’s neatly coiffed and styled. Watching Lorena in her element had quickly become one of Gale’s favourite pastimes.
“’There, now you’ll get the fanfare you deserve.” Lorena winks patting his shoulder. Standing Gale admires himself in the mirror. He reaches into his pocket to get out money to pay for the service.
Lorena scoffs, “Don’t be silly Gale, we’re friends” 
“Exactly” Gale says taking her wrist and placing the payment in it. The contact catches both of them in a moment. Swallowing Lorena breaks the intense eye contact.
“Let me get my purse thanks” she mumbles.
Rose’s words haunt Lorena as she heads down to the car where Gale waits beside the open passenger door looking like one of the men in the pictures. The stakes of reading him wrong were insurmountable levels of shame. The radio plays for the  entirety of the drive into town. Instead of one of the ugly sweaters on display Lorena buys a few balls of wool yarn and dye hoping to learn how to knit from Rose. Gale searches for his own things paying for everything and putting them in his truck. It’s nearly sunset when they decide to head into the cinema. Gale holds the popcorn as whispers begin about the recluse on a date. Lorena hears the chatter and does her best to ignore it. Both of them sit uncomfortable with the newness of the experience. Neither of them had ever had to guess whether or not someone was interested in them. No one had ever been reserved or shy about their affections. The sound of Lorena’s laughter brings him back to the moment. Stretching he places an arm around her for comfort. Lorena scoots into him instinctively.
“Thanks for today Gale, I had fun” she confesses.
“Might be the last time before weather turns but if we can make it down before then, I’d be happy to bring you” he offers.
“Cleven” a man says approaching. Gale turns to face him. “I have some mail in for you. I just thought I could save myself a trip”
“Fair enough” Gale nods and the man procures a stack of letters.
“Is this the mail for everyone?” Gale asks.
“Yes all residents on the lake” the postman responds. “Thank you, good evening Mr. Cleven, Miss” the young man nods tipping his cap. Lorena organizes mail stack as Gale drives.
“He still writes…” Gale comments knowing the familiar brown envelopes that come from Reggie Lorena’s ex husband.
“Guilt” Lorena sighs missing the hint of possessiveness in Gale’s eyes.. “He can’t be disliked, my siblings are making it hard to carry on” Lorena sighs.
“If he apologized and asked you to come back would you?” Gale asks for the first time. But Lorena hadn’t run across the country to be chased, she had run to be forgotten. To disappear.
“Reggie’s too proud to beg and I do think he loves his new fiancé as much as it makes me sick.” She admits.
“He’d beg Lorena. He knows he’s messed up that’s why he still writes and sends you money.” Gale shares resentful of the distance each letter puts between them.
“Are you still in touch with your sweetheart?” Lorena asks and Gale swallows hard clutching the steering wheel.
“No, she made her choice clear. Her new fiancé forbids any correspondence.” Gale explains.
Lorena sighs, “I’m sorry” 
“Don’t be, she hates it here and made everyone miserable for the week she was here. Today she’d be fine and tomorrow I’d be worried about losing her. It was no good.” Gale confesses.
“All the other guys go into town for women and have trysts, has she sworn you off women or are you waiting for her?” Lorena asks curious.
“I’m not sworn off of women” Gale smiles omitting the uglier truths about his time at brothels before realizing his business kept him far more sated than paid pleasure ever could. “I don’t have a lot of time with the Retreat and women require time” he explains. 
“Women don’t require as much time as you think. I think that’s you Gale. With the exception of Bucky none of those guys really know you and you only started opening up to me after months of being here. You’re the most reserved and respectful man I know. It’s atypical - women aren’t taught how to read that” Lorena’s words are frank. 
With Gale there were none of the usual tell tale signs. The head-rush, the butterflies, the fiery lust that blurs your senses. Reggie had flicked on every switch within her in so little time but now as she sat across from Gale she was considering for the first time that it may not have been the whirlwind romance she once thought it was. Smiling Gales thoughts were oddly similar. He’d never come across a woman like Lorena. Instead of resting on her laurels she’d turned her entire life upside down.
“I tread lightly because you have a wicked temper” he says amused. Lorena’s cheeks burn. “If I say the wrong thing…” he teases.
“I won’t go upside your head Gale” Lorena chuckles. “You just met me when I was raw and very angry. You, Rose the Retreat have been good for me. Good to me. I can repay it in patience” Lorena confesses and Gale nods turning on the last stretch home.
“The next decade, if all goes well what does it look like to you?”
“Decade?! You really are a mad man if you can think that far ahead. I’m not clear on what I’ll wear tomorrow” Lorena objects.
Gale nods silently with a small smirk playing on his lips as he relaxes his grip on the wheel. “I want a staff to help me run the retreat. A finished barn so I can keep more animals. I want to expand the house and move the retreat to the other side of the lake for some privacy. I want life to be easy and peaceful.”
Closing her eyes Lorena can see it clearly. “You’ll have it all, but you’ve got to work on your communication if you’re gonna have a staff.” Gale smiles at Lorena’s jest as his heart burns to be brave and tell her the whole truth of vision for the future.
“My wife would handle the staff and I would handle them if they mishandled her” Gale says having thought it through already. Lorena found herself amused with that image.
“Fair enough and would I be welcome here in a decade?” She asks as he parks outside his home.
“Lorena, in a perfect world you never leave” Gale says with his eyes holding hers. Her mouth gapes and then closes as she tries to process. Blinking it takes a moment for the weight of his words to register. When she turns back Gale is sitting there still and waiting like always. In a perfect world you would never leave. A replay in his voice floats across her consciousness. Catching the meaning he nods in affirmation without any words before opening his car door. She waits seated hoping he will head in and let her recover but it’s not to be. Gale walks around the front of his truck to open her door. Looking down there he stands with a hand outreached for her as her heart races. Reaching out for Gale his hand closes around hers. Heading inside Gale lights the lamp only to be bombarded with a hug. Steadying himself Gale holds Lorena closer, tighter than ever before as he revels in the feeling and her sweet scent. She’d been so far from perfect these last few months and he still wanted her with him. Parting slowly Lorena looks up at Gale whose eyes rest on her lips.
“I’m gonna do right by you Lorena” he whispers running his hands over her hair. Looking up Lorena resigns herself to following his lead. Cupping the side of her face he kisses her forehead pulling her into another embrace. Resting against his chest she can feel his heart racing and hear its drumming. For the first time since the war the both of them feel like they’re settled and safe.
After freshening up Lorena is in her bed as Gale begins his checks. She counts the steps and when he gets to her door this time he waits for a moment longer than normal. She hears him whisper a goodnight before heading into his room. Looking up at the ceiling and around the room Lorena feels the distance between them too much.  Slipping into her house shoes she closes her robe heading over to Gales room. She finds the door open and sees Gale rise in his bed out of confusion. There are no words exchanged as Lorena climbs into bed beside him. The bed smells like his aftershave now his pillows would smell like her perfume. It takes a moment for Gale to move but when he does he pulls Lorena in close. Sliding his arm under hers as the big spoon. There was no more tossing or turning that night only sound sleep and deep appreciation.
Authors Note: Back with another update for our favorite Major. Thanks in advance for all comments, likes and reblogs. Also if you made it this far my requests are open 😉 xoxo
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It’s time to revisit photographer turned novelty chandelier maker, Adam Wallacavage’s Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1890 brownstone, b/c it celebrates spooky season all year.
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Before he purchased his home, he lived in a tiny apartment across the street from famed stained glass artist Judith Schaechter. Her house was his original inspiration.
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From there, he graduated to making sculptural lighting, then showing at the Jonathan LeVine gallery in NYC and all over the world.
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Unlike Judith’s house, Adam’s was missing all the ornamental elements as it was modernized in the 1940s.  It was dirt cheap, so he didn’t have a place worth restoring but a place worth customizing.
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He tore down walls and rebuilt the layout similar to the original design, making molds and casting plaster and turning the place into a Victorian style freak show.
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After visiting the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, United Kingdom just a few months after closing on the house, he found his path to what he wanted his interior to be based on.
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He describes his style as a mixture of the beach towns Wildwood, New Jersey and Cape May, New Jersey.  Wildwood is known for kitschy ’50s neon and mid-century modern motels. Cape May is known for its gingerbread Victorians.
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He’s proudest of the first room he did, which was inspired by Jules Verne’s “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.” It’s the room that he made the first octopus chandelier for.
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Chandeliers are how he makes his living now.
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He was broke when got the place, but was able to do things like bling it out in ornamental plasterwork with help from a friend who has a plaster studio and let him borrow from her extensive rubber mold collection. 
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There’s a perfect long decal for fridge.
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Adam says that a backpack vacuum cleaner is the best thing he ever bought to dust the house.
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Adam’s advice: Don’t be afraid of messing stuff up. It can always be redone.
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And don’t be afraid of what people are going to think. Do it for yourself first and not for trying to impress others.
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Being pretentious works in what you do as well as what you don’t do that’s not yourself or true to your vision.
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It’s okay to emulate others but always give credit to those who inspired you and try to put a spin on it.
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Adam says that his home is basically a show room for his chandeliers. His studio is on the third floor as well.
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His biggest indulgence is the second floor greenhouse and backyard.
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It’s not finished or really started on yet, but the room under the greenhouse is going to be the seashell grotto room.
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Adam’s fabulous Victorian fish tank and goldfish.
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Adam’s absolute best home secret is to let your freak flag fly.
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If you are remodeling, Adam says to mess with what you are getting rid of, for practice.
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What a beautiful back garden.
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noonmutter · 4 months
DWC May 2024 Day 1: Mysterious/Appearance
"I know you hate basically everything about nobility and court and upper-crust behavior and all that, but... a public appearance?"
"What's wrong now?"
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"Normally you make appearances for your introduction at court. Not... like this." Shedwyn swept a hand toward the doorway, painfully aware that it was a ground-level entry point rather than a balcony overlooking anything. Or, more to the point, out of easy reach of anything.
Terry scoffed as he adjusted his coat. He'd conceded to wearing something a bit more ostentatious than his standard, but outright refused anything he'd labeled as actual frippery. A really good duster with a tiny bit of shiny metal and an admittedly very comfortable interior lining was acceptable; it was decorated, but not so much that it didn't serve its actual purpose as a coat.
"Th' court knows me better than th' people I'm supposed t' be carin' for by default. They get pictures an' a li'l dossier with a description an' some li'l warnin's about wot not t' say t' me well in advance, just like Rumpole did. They don't need an introduction, they just want it cuz it lets 'em gauge me as an asset."
Shedwyn was at her standard resting level of ostentation, glittering feathers adorning her shoulders before giving way to a light wool riding cape. Simple, but still very noticeable. It was never a matter of discomfort with the finer things; she could luxuriate with the best of them when she felt like it. But she'd been mugged exactly once, by someone who thought she was just a defenseless peasant rather than an incredibly dangerous mage, and that was plenty. She explicitly wanted her status to be known on sight, now. She avoided more inconveniences that way. This? This felt like running headlong into just such an inconvenience.
"I do get it, trust me. But we already know everyone in town on sight and by name, and--"
"No, you do. An' th' problem we're dealin' with now is tha' we keep gettin' more people ev'ry day, in numbers comp'rable t' wot th' orchard saw in about a month. We both need t' see an' be seen by 'em, an' we need t' do it now an' never stop."
Terry finally accepted that there was nothing left to adjust and gave the heavy duster a final, sharp downward snap before turning away from the mirror to face his wife properly. "I will not be th' kind o' noble I grew up despisin'. I want t' know th' people we're meant t' protect, an' I want them t' know us. If there's t' be any loyalty from any of 'em, I want it t' be t' faces an' names they know, not t' th' mysterious pricks in th' keep tha' collect taxes an' send watchmen."
Fighting down the immediate swell of immense pride she felt in her husband when he talked like that, Shedwyn quickly dusted away debris that wasn't there from her skirts. "I will concede that maybe you do have a point, with the sheer rate of new names and faces. You've been stuck here laying out plans for the keep, I've been stuck laying out plans for the new orchard as well as the old one back home. Even the children are starting to complain about it, according to Shu-fen."
Terry paused at that, then straightened up a little more. If he hadn't already been certain of the course he'd wanted to take, he was now. "Alright. Compromise."
Shedwyn knew better than to be hopeful; that word was always a trap from him. "Compromise?"
"We make this outin'. We shake 'ands, we kiss babies, we learn names, we extend minor favors, we invite some people tha' seem promisin.'"
"An' then we're goin' back t' th' house fer a week."
Terry held his hand palm-down next to his head. "Our family." He dropped it a little bit. "Our people." A little bit more. "Th' crown an' th' court." And finally, next to his hip, "Ev'ryone else. Always. So we're gonna see our fam'ly an' be a fam'ly a while after we do this big t' do."
There was a pregnant, and expected, pause after Terry finished speaking, where he wasn't entirely sure Shedwyn was going to agree with him, burst into literal flames at him, or a secret third thing.
Then, she reached out with both of her hands to take the one he'd just used in his little demonstration, brought it to her lips, and made a soft little humming sound.
"Um. Is tha' a yes?"
Shedwyn cracked up, dropping her head to bump her forehead against his captured fingers instead. Finally, she sighed, "Yes, my idiot, it's a yes. Let's go be nobles so we can go be parents."
There was only one attempt on either of them, and to be expected for the very first one, it'd been on Terry. And because neither they, nor Shu-fen, were stupid, it was allowed to happen. Examples had to be made, and it was best to do so early on in as clear a message as possible.
So, when the knife had come flying toward him, Terry leaned back on his bootheel, allowing himself to catch the blade and spin gently with the momentum of it to throw it straight back where it'd come from. It was a stupid, risky, flashy, energy-wasting trick, but it got the point across when it thudded into a post right next to the very surprised would-be assassin's face. They'd be interested to find out later which shocked the fellow more: the knife, or immediately being clapped in irons by a few nondescript people appearing out of the woodwork right next to him.
The message was very simple: You're going to have to try a lot harder than that. And so will we.
@daily-writing-challenge @shedwyn
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redwolf · 11 months
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Interior design firm ARRCC has shared photos of a project they recently completed in Cape Town, South Africa, that included the updating of the interior and the addition of a new garden pavilion.
The home, originally designed by Antonio Zaninovic, also received a conversion and extension of a bedroom on the upper level to create a penthouse main suite -- via Contemporist
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mariacallous · 1 year
Authorities are working on “all possible versions” regarding the murder in broad daylight of influential Bulgarian business figure Alexei Petrov while police are still researching the crime scene, media reported on Thursday.
“The version that the murder was ordered by people close to him has not been ruled out,” reported bTV channel.
In the meantime, MP Atanas Atanasov demanded a high-level meeting on national security following the murder.
On Wednesday, representatives of the Prosecution and the Ministry of Interior gave a briefing where they said that witnesses are being questioned but without giving any further update on the possible motive or type of weapon used.
Petrov was shot dead on Wednesday along with an as yet unidentified woman who is now confirmed to have survived the attack. They were in the presence of three bodyguards, walking around a forest route in Sofia’s Vitosha mountain, near Dragalevski neighbourhood where Petrov lived.
Bulgarian National Television reported on Thursday that Petrov was not expecting any danger and his security was behind him. 
This is the latest killing of an influential figure with alleged criminal ties from the same generation. On May 25, Krassimir Kanev “Kyro”, along with three other people, was shot dead in his home in Cape Town, South Africa.
Some experts see a possible tie between the killings. Politicians and commentators have also adopted the phrase that Bulgaria is “returning to the 1990s” because of the increased attacks on organised crime figures, symptomatic of internal conflicts.
“The mobster years have never gone away,” commented Democratic Bulgaria MP Ivaylo Mirchev on Wednesday. 
“Key figures who knew and remembered quite a lot are now going away,” investigative journalist Miroluba Benatova told Bulgarian National Radio on Thursday, adding: “Everyone is surprised by this murder. Such turnouts are not to be expected, especially when it concerns such an influential figure who has been through everything.”
Petrov, sometimes nicknamed “The Tractor” for his imposing character, was born in 1962. He graduated from the police academy in Pazardzhik in 1981 and worked as part of Bulgaria’s anti-terorrism unit during the last decade of the Communist regime as well as in the structures of the repressive state security apparatus, including as an undercover agent.
In the early 1990s, some members of the former police entered the private sector through insurance and security firms. Petrov was part of this trend. These firms are now often associated with organised crime, political influence and assassinations of other influential figures in the late-1890s and early-2000s. 
There were previous assassination attempts against Petrov in 1998, 2002 and 2015, all ending without conclusive investigations.
“After the turbulent 1990s, Petrov underwent a metamorphosis, typical of many similar individuals in Eastern Europe in that transitional era. He began to gradually make his business more transparent, as well as entering official relations with state institutions,” wrote Capital Weekly newspaper.
It noted that Petrov was one of the supporters of future Sofia mayor, three-time Prime Minister and GERB party leader Boyko Borissov – who also developed businesses in security, was once a bodyguard to Communist leader Todor Zhivkov in the 1990s and in 1998 had shares in a firm along with Petrov. 
Despite this connection, in 2010, Petrov was briefly arrested as part of a raid against an organised crime group, and in 2011 was investigated for bribery, corruption and extorsion among other charges. He denied wrongdoing, was later cleared and successfully counter-sued the state for 21 million euro in damages.
On February 17, in a TV interview, Borissov said he and Petrov “we were always opponents, although not enemies” and credited him with preventing a terrorist attack in Sofia in the mid-1980s without providing further details. 
In 2011 Petrov founded the major insurance company Lev Ins.
Petrov was also a lecturer on national and cyber security at Sofia’s University of National and World Economy as well as at Plovdiv University. His rich biography includes positions such being the President of Bulgaria’s karate association. 
In his most recent interviews, Petrov was critical of the current politics of GERB and was also in favour of the ousting of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev, who was a subject of an attack in May.
Borissov has yet to comment on the murder.
Opponents of the current coalition, such as former GERB member and Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov and recent interim Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev, noted in their first statements that Petrov was instrumental in the creation of the current cabinet, featuring two opposing blocks.
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alteredstatesstuff · 1 year
The Amazing Ways AI Makes Shopping an Extraordinary Adventure
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Hey there, young shoppers! Get ready to embark on a thrilling shopping adventure where AI takes center stage. In this article, we'll explore how AI, the shopping superhero, makes your shopping experience out-of-this-world fantastic. From personalized recommendations to speedy customer support, AI has some incredible tricks up its sleeve. So, put on your shopping capes and let's discover the 15 amazing ways AI enhances your shopping journey!
The AI Shopping Buddy: Imagine having a smart shopping buddy who knows your preferences and guides you through the virtual aisles, helping you find the perfect items.
Magical Personalization: AI uses its superpowers to tailor recommendations based on your unique tastes and past shopping behavior. It's like having a personal shopper who knows exactly what you love!
Discovering Hidden Gems: AI uncovers hidden treasures by suggesting items you may have never considered, but that perfectly match your style. It's like finding a hidden treasure chest filled with surprises!
Super-Fast Searches: AI speeds up your search process, quickly finding the products you desire. It's like having a super-fast shopping genie who grants your wishes in the blink of an eye!
Chatbot Superheroes: AI-powered chatbots provide instant answers to your questions, making shopping support available 24/7. It's like having a witty and knowledgeable shopping assistant at your fingertips!
Easy Returns and Exchanges: AI streamlines the returns and exchanges process, making it a breeze to get a refund or swap a product that didn't work out. It's like having a teleportation device that zaps your returns back to the store!
Smart Size Recommendations: AI analyzes data and customer reviews to help you find the perfect size for clothing and shoes, saving you from the hassle of returns. It's like having a size expert who knows your measurements better than you do!
Augmented Reality Magic: AI lets you try on virtual outfits or visualize how furniture will look in your space using augmented reality. It's like having a virtual dressing room or interior decorator right in your own home!
Price Comparison Wizards: AI scours the web for the best deals and discounts, saving you money and time. It's like having a bargain-hunting superhero who always finds the best price in town!
Super Secure Transactions: AI keeps your payment information safe and detects any suspicious activity, ensuring a secure shopping experience. It's like having a powerful shield protecting your financial information!
Personalized Loyalty Rewards: AI tracks your shopping habits and offers personalized rewards, like exclusive discounts or special offers. It's like being a member of a VIP club with secret perks just for you!
Voice Shopping Magic: AI-powered voice assistants, like Alexa or Google Assistant, let you shop hands-free, turning your spoken words into shopping commands. It's like having a personal shopping genie that fulfills your wishes with just a word!
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interiordesignza · 4 months
Interior Decoration Ideas for Integrating Technology in Home Designs
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In today’s world, when we talk about anything “Smart,” we try to promote the idea of something being advanced and fall into the new generation. From having smartphones and smart appliances to smart homes. All these things mean that integrating technology with a product enables it to serve multiple functions at a time.
Nowadays, homes are also no different, with censor-based lights to automated shower systems. All these added a new dynamic in the life of people. Interior decorators from South Africa and also from other locations are now building on the trend and coming up with designs that will give a smart look and useability to the home.
In this blog, we will look at some of the design ideas and how a person can seamlessly blend the new designs in their home and create a unique living space for themselves.
Seamless Designs By Integrating Technology
Seamless designs are needed for the home, and through that one can give the new design feeling for their living room and the bedroom. While integrating technology in the home, the new interior designers try to keep things away from the visible sight but operatable within the range of the owners.
It gives a sleek and new look to the room, and through that, one can maintain the aristocracy and the need for keeping technology integrated with the interior designs. Here are some of the design ideas that a person can implement for their home’s interior designs. 
Concealed Technology for a Sleek Look
The first task for integrating technology into a room’s design is to make sure that the wires and other gadgets are properly concealed and covered. It will make the room look neat, and the devices will not seem out of place.
For example, a person can use motorized blinds that automatically retract to the ceiling to use changeable artwork in the room, which will change as the design of the room evolves. To make the home look smart, one must create a clutter-free environment that will show the minimalistic design of a tech-integrated home.
Creative Lighting Throughout the Home
The next important part of the décor is the creative lighting and placing those strategically. It’s a perfect way to set the ambiance of the room. For example, a person can hire Cape Town interior architectsv who are proficient in the work of creating new and creative designs for the room and integrating that with a censor-based technology that can change the color of the light as per the mood.
Next time a person is arranging a house party, then their lights can perform the magic. One can also remove switches from the wall and use voice controlled methods for switching on and off.
Integrating Technology with Natural Materials
The last and the most sophisticated idea is to integrate natural furniture but enable tech like wireless charging, which will make your room futuristic.
These are some of the most important aspects that a person needs to consider when they are thinking of building a smart home.
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decorworks · 6 days
Eight home kitchens finished with tactile brick floors
Our latest lookbook collects eight houses from around the world that feature kitchens with tactile brick floors, including a mid-century home in the USA and a coastal dwelling in Denmark. Widely used for their durability and low maintenance, bricks are a long-time favourite material across the fields of architecture, interiors and design. They are most commonly used on walls and patios, but also popular as internal flooring because of their ability to add rich, earthy tones and tactile qualities to an interior.  While brick flooring may conjure up images of old rustic farmhouses, this roundup shows how they can also be adapted to suit contemporary homes around the world.  The examples below include those that have been arranged in herringbone format, used as a backdrop to oak cabinetry or designed to connect homes to their matching patios outside. This is the latest in our lookbooks series, which provides visual inspiration from Dezeen's archive. For more inspiration, see previous lookbooks featuring conversation pits, autumnal living rooms and lavish members' clubs.
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Photo by Carlos NaudeHacienda Granada, USA, by Working Holiday Studio Working Holiday Studio sought to create a "hacienda vibe" for this mid-century home that it overhauled in Los Angeles. Among the alterations was a revamp of the kitchen, which involved adding a floor of warm terracotta bricks handmade in Tijuana, Mexico, arranged in a herringbone format. They contribute to a warm and earthy aesthetic in the room, which is enhanced by dark green plaster walls and wooden joinery and furniture. Find out more about Hacienda Granada ›
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Photo by Agnese SanvitoGallery House, UK, by Neil Dusheiko Chunky reclaimed bricks extend down from the lower half of the walls of this kitchen and continue out across its floor. Designed by architect Neil Dusheiko for his father-in-law, the terracotta lining forms a backdrop to a wall of storage built from oak that displays ceramics, glassware and framed pictures. Find out more about Gallery House ›
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Photo by Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen of Norm ArchitectsFjord Boat House, Denmark, by Norm Architects Handmade ceramic bricks are inlaid across the floor of this kitchen, which Danish studio Norm Architects created at the Fjord Boat House in Denmark. Married with warm oak finishes and a custom washi-paper pendant lamp, the textured flooring is intended to contribute to a warm and cosy atmosphere. "A refined abundance of warm textures and hues are used throughout, creating a deep sense of cosiness and comfort," said Norm Architects. Find out more about Fjord Boat House ›
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Photo by David SouthwoodArklow Villa III, South Africa, by Douglas & Company During their renovation of a century-old house in Cape Town, architects Liani and Jan Douglas revamped the kitchen with a tactile material palette that includes brick flooring. The terracotta floor continues onto the adjoining patio and is teamed with a structure of exposed South African pine and bespoke wooden units finished with green marble counters. Find out more about Arklow Villa III ›
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Photo by Chris WhartonVinyl House, UK, by Benjamin Wilkes Elongated bricks are arranged in a herringbone formation across the floor of the Vinyl House extension, recently completed by British studio Benjamin Wilkes in London. Designed to help connect its kitchen area to the matching patio outside, the earthy flooring is complemented by warm wooden cabinetry and off-white terrazzo countertops. Find out more about Vinyl House ›
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Photo by Prue RuscoeBudge Over Dover, Australia, by YSG Terracotta brick was teamed with aged brass and tactile plaster across the interior of Budge Over Dover, a house in Australia renovated by YSG. Bricks line much of the ground floor, including its textured kitchen that is complete with a chunky prep counter made with a veiny marble countertop. Find out more about Budge Over Dover ›
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Photo by Jonas Bjerre-PoulsenHeatherhill Beach House, Denmark, by Norm Architects Norm Architects also opted for brick flooring in the kitchen of Heatherhill Beach House, a wooden holiday home on the Danish coast. It was designed as a contemporary twist on the traditional brick flooring found in Denmark. "The bricks are placed side by side instead of in the traditional pattern and have minimal cuts – instead, the grout size changes minimally to achieve a homogenous and harmonious look," the studio explained. Find out more about Heatherhill Beach House ›
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Photo by Fred HowarthCamberwell Cork House, UK, by Delve Architects A floor that acts as a continuation of the brick paving outside features in the open-plan kitchen of Camberwell Cork House, conceived by Delve Architects in London. Its design formed part of a wider strategy for the home that sought to better connect it to its garden. This is also achieved by introducing large green-framed windows that enhance sight lines and maximise natural light. Find out more about Camberwell Cork House › This is the latest in our lookbooks series, which provides visual inspiration from Dezeen's archive. For more inspiration, see previous lookbooks featuring conversation pits, autumnal living rooms and lavish members' clubs. Read the full article
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ultimatepad · 1 year
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Wave Residence, Cape town, South Africa,
Courtesy: Omar Hakim
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spaciousreasoning · 19 days
A Visit to the Pacific Coast
Saturday morning’s blood sugar was up a couple of points to 164. Since we planned to get on the road early for our fifth anniversary trip, we only managed the Spelling Bee with our coffee. We did the other brain games when we got home this evening.
The first place we stopped was Our Daily Bread in Veneta, just a dozen miles west of Eugene, for a nice breakfast. During a brief conversation with one of the employees, we were saddened to learn that the place had been broken into four times in the last three months. They are now contemplating puts bars over all the windows.
Then we continued to Florence on OR 126 and turned north on OR 101. Before leaving Florence entirely behind we stopped for a cold brew at Ocean Grinds, a nice local coffee shop.
Just about 13 miles north of Florence is the state park where the Heceta Head Lighthouse is located. The lighthouse, built in 1894, is midway up a 205-foot-tall headland. The 56-foot-tall lighthouse shines a beam visible for 21 nautical miles, making it the strongest light on the Oregon Coast.
The light is maintained by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, while the assistant lighthouse keepers’ house, halfway up the headland, is operated as a bed-and-breakfast inn. It is maintained by the U.S. Forest Service, and there were tents in place for a wedding that was taking place later in the day.
The interior of the lighthouse itself was open, but only the first floor. A few exhibits were located there and in an adjacent building, and there was also a gift shop on the corner of the keepers’ house grounds. We bought a magnet for our fridge, and a sticker for granddaughter Kathleen and a pin for sister Deborah.
We also walked a little bit along the beach where Nancy picked up a few small pieces of driftwood, since the traditional fifth anniversary present is “wood.”
Then it was on to Yachats, where we spent a couple of hours walking check out some of the town. According to Oregon Geographic Names, the name comes from the Siletz language and means “dark water at the foot of the mountain.” It was originally named Oceanview. It was renamed Yachats in 1917.
The “Gem of the Oregon coast” has an official population of about 1,000, but the Yachats area has been inhabited for at least 1,500 years. Today, tourism is the city’s main industry.
On the way to a park overlooking the ocean we passed by the Little Log Church, a historical museum displaying Yachats artifacts. The church, built in 1926, was designed in the shape of a cross. The museum is now owned by the city, and the exterior logs are all being replaced due to rot. We did not visit the museum. We will save that for a future trip to Yachats.
A little after 3 p.m. we went to The Drift Inn for an early dinner. It was recommended by a couple of friends, and we were pleased with the food and atmosphere of the popular place. Nancy and I both got cheeseburgers and fries. Nancy got a local IPA.
According to a couple of pages of history included in the menu, The Drift Inn was built in 1929, with wood brought down the beach from Toledo, another 30 miles north along the coast. The bar “shut down” and became an ice cream parlor during prohibition, with a dance hall, drinking and card playing upstairs.
The Yachats Covered Bridge is about nine miles outside of town. Built in 1938 over the north fork of the Yachats River it was renovated in 1989 after an accident caused serious damage. At 42 feet long, the bridge is one of the shortest in Oregon and it is one of only two covered bridges in Lincoln County open to vehicular traffic. The bridge was on our list of things to see, but that will wait until our next visit to the area.
On the way back home, we drove up to see the Cape Perpetua Overlook. Cape Perpetua is a large forested headland projecting into the Pacific Ocean. The land is managed by the United States Forest Service as part of the Siuslaw National Forest. The cape was named by Captain James Cook on March 7, 1778, as he searched for the Pacific entrance to a Northwest Passage. Cook named the cape Perpetua because it was discovered on St. Perpetua’s Day.
At its highest point, Cape Perpetua rises to more than 800 feet above sea level. From its crest, you can see 70 miles of Oregon coastline and as far as 37 miles out to sea on a clear day. Unfortunately, by the time we reached the top, fog had enveloped us and we could see no more than a few yards from the viewpoint. We could still hear the waves crashing on the shore below.
We finally arrived home a little before 7 p.m., and shortly afterwards I took off for another walk around the neighborhood that went for two miles. Once home, we finished the evening with an episode of “Midsomer Murders.”
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fastglass · 1 month
The Advantages of Aluminium Sliding Doors in Cape Town
When it comes to improving the appearance and functionality of your home or business, aluminium sliding doors are an excellent option. These doors, which are especially popular in Cape Town, combine style, durability, and functionality to completely transform any space. This article will look at the numerous advantages of installing aluminium sliding doors Cape Town, as well as why they are such a popular choice among homeowners and businesses.
Durability & Strength
One of the most important advantages of aluminium sliding doors is their durability. Aluminium is a strong and resilient material that can withstand extreme weather, making it ideal for the Cape Town climate. Unlike wood, which can warp or rot over time, and uPVC, which can become brittle, aluminium retains its structural integrity for many years. This durability ensures that your sliding doors will continue to function properly and look great even after extended exposure to the elements.
Low Maintenance Requirements
Aluminium sliding doors are extremely easy to maintain. Their powder-coated finish is not only visually appealing, but also resistant to fading, chipping, and peeling. Regular cleaning with soap and water is all that's required to keep them looking brand new. This low-maintenance requirement appeals to homeowners who want to enjoy the beauty of their doors without having to worry about constant upkeep.
Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is an important consideration for many homeowners, and aluminium sliding doors excel in this regard. Modern aluminium doors have excellent thermal insulation properties, which help to keep your home comfortable all year round. They reduce drafts and heat loss, potentially leading to lower energy bills. In a city like Cape Town, where temperatures can fluctuate, energy-efficient sliding doors are an excellent investment.
Aesthetic Appeal
Aluminium sliding doors have a sleek and modern appearance that can improve the overall look of your home or business. With slim frames and large glass panels, these doors offer unobstructed views of the outdoors, allowing natural light to flood your space. This design not only makes interiors feel more spacious, but it also creates a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor areas, making it ideal for entertaining or taking in the stunning Cape Town scenery.
Variety of Styles & Configurations
Aluminium sliding doors in Cape Town come in a variety of styles and configurations, allowing you to find the ideal fit for your space. Whether you prefer a traditional inline sliding door or a more modern lift-and-slide option, there are numerous designs to suit your preferences. You can also customise the colour and finish to match your existing decor, ensuring that your new doors complement the overall style of your home.
Enhanced Security Features
Homeowners place a high value on safety, and aluminium sliding doors provide enhanced security. Many modern sliding doors feature multi-point locking systems and reinforced frames, making them difficult to open. This added security provides homeowners with peace of mind, knowing that their property is well-protected from intruders.
Aluminium sliding doors in Cape Town make an excellent investment for homeowners and businesses. They provide numerous benefits that improve functionality and style, including durability, minimal maintenance, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. Whether you want to upgrade your home or improve your commercial space, aluminium sliding doors are a versatile and practical option. Accept the beauty and benefits of aluminium sliding doors and transform your space into a contemporary, inviting environment.
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The Importance of Air Conditioning Installation in Cape Town: A Look at Various Environments
Air conditioning installations in Cape Town are not just a luxury—it is essential for a variety of settings throughout this energetic city. There is an urgent need for efficient temperature control solutions due to the Mediterranean climate, which features hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. This article highlights the critical role that air conditioning installation Cape Town plays in improving comfort and productivity by examining the various settings that benefit greatly from its installation.
Residential Spaces
The people of Cape Town know the importance of having a cosy place to live, especially in the scorching summer months. Air conditioning installation in Cape Town homes keeps the interior comfortable and acts as a haven from the intense heat. Air conditioning is essential for rest, whether you live in a large family home, a flat, or a townhouse. It keeps the environment cool and welcoming.
Office Buildings
Maintaining a positive work environment is critical for employee productivity and well-being. Office buildings may find it extremely beneficial to employ the services of companies offering air conditioning installation in Cape Town. Air conditioning systems help lessen employee stress and fatigue from the heat by controlling indoor temperatures. This increases workplace productivity by improving focus, effectiveness, and overall job satisfaction.
Retail Stores
In Cape Town, retail establishments prioritise the comfort of their customers. Customers are more likely to spend their time and money in stores where they feel comfortable. Retail establishments looking for air conditioning installation in Cape Town guarantee a pleasurable shopping experience, luring clients to stay longer and make purchases. Furthermore, air conditioning installation in Cape Town assists in maintaining the quality of goods on display by shielding them from the damaging effects of high heat and humidity.
Hospitality Industry
The comfort of tourists is crucial to the growth of Cape Town's tourism industry. Hotels, guesthouses, and vacation rentals all require efficient air conditioning systems in order to satisfy their guests. Regardless of the season, air conditioning installation in Cape Town's lodging facilities guarantees that visitors and business travellers have a comfortable stay. This is particularly important during the summer months, when the number of visitors is at its peak.
Educational Institutions
Focusing on air conditioning installation in Cape Town's colleges, universities, and schools. Comfortable seating arrangements are crucial for focused learning in lecture halls and classrooms, this is where air conditioning systems improve the overall educational experience by preserving a constant indoor temperature that is comfortable for both teachers and students.
In a variety of settings, air conditioning installation in Cape Town is an essential investment. Air conditioning has numerous advantages, ranging from commercial to residential buildings, healthcare facilities to educational institutions, and the hospitality industry to industrial sectors. In Cape Town's varied and dynamic environments, air conditioning systems are essential because they guarantee ideal indoor temperatures, which improve comfort, productivity, and well-being.
Knowing the importance of air conditioning installations in Cape Town can help you, whether you are a facility manager, business owner, or homeowner, make informed decisions about how to keep your space efficient and comfortable. No matter the outside weather, you can make sure that your room is always a cool, comfortable haven with the correct air conditioning system.
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