#home ev charger abu dhabi
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evchargeruae · 1 year
HOME EV Charger Installation Dubai Abu Dhabi
Are you considering getting a home EV charger for your electric vehicle? The rising popularity of electric cars has made it more convenient than ever to charge them at home. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the benefits of having a home EV charger, highlight the top options available in the market, address common FAQs, and provide a helpful conclusion to assist you in making an informed decision.
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Home Electric Vehicle Charger Installation Abu Dhabi
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evchargerdubai · 8 months
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Smart EV Charging Solutions: Powering the Future in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Across the UAE
In today's dynamic and evolving contemporary cities, the need for environmentally-friendly, sustainable solutions is always increasing. A key player within this field can be found in Tektronix Technologies, providing cutting-edge Intelligent EV Charging solutions throughout Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and across the UAE. This guide is comprehensive, we'll explore the significance of intelligent electric vehicles (EV) charging technology, Tektronix Technologies' role in the current revolution, as well as the numerous advantages that can be gained from embracing this revolutionary technology.
The Rise of Electric Vehicles in the UAE
The United Arab Emirates has witnessed changes in the ways the people travel, and an increasing trend to make their cars electric. Since environmental consciousness has been raised increasing numbers of residents and companies have made the shift to electric vehicles. This has resulted in creating a more ecologically sustainable future.
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joe9cool · 2 years
Collide-Justin Herbert-28
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A/N: This is all fanfiction, I do not know The Chargers, or anyone associated with anyone on the team. Also you do not have permission to copy and post anywhere else. Thank you and Buckle up
The more time went on, the more mad Justin was. He had an interview over the phone with a radio station to which Justin had avoided the question when asked about Sara. Then her publicist reached out to him as well as a member asking about signing a NDA. It was too much for Ashley, who handled athletes on a smaller scale. In fact Justin was the first athlete on a big scaler she handled. Her phone was blowing up left and right when the major media companies flooded his publicist.
His photos were everywhere on instagram. The media pages put photos of him and Sara next to each other. Fans were harassing his family and friends. Carly and Isabell as well as his cousins had to lock down or just deactivate their profiles. He had gotten off the phone explaining the situation to his extended family, who were blindsided. Mitch was next, he said there were people outside his hospital asking about Sara and saying they recognized him from photos.
Within minutes Ashley found an article published. 25 things you don't know about Sara Wozniak's new boyfriend Justin Herbert.
The article went into detail about his family with photos and names. It also brought up past relationships.
Taylor's name was mentioned as a rumored relationship.
Justin wanted to break everything around him. This couldn't be happening, he had done so much to protect his private life and now it was blown up for millions of people to see and read about.
He thought about David's words her team controls when they share that information. Especially if she is doing press.
She had a break to do the fashion show. Plus for her new movie. Yeah how convenient this gets published. He thought bitterly.
He remembered when she posted videos of herself on social media when she was at his house. Of course she maintained that she was in a background that wasn't recognizable but it had him wondering.
Once he got home he was going crazy. He kept checking his phone, brushing through all of the notifications on instagram. He saw she didn't even respond back to him. But her fucking team could. It was now late Monday and Justin felt like he had run a mental marathon.
He was pissed as he saw nothing from Sara. He was sure she had a break in between and she couldn't call him.
Eventually his phone rang, but it was only Ashley. He picked up dreading to hear what was next. "Hello?"
"Justin, I managed to get in contact with the man who wrote the article. Jack Lange, he said he was fed all of the information about you and Sara as well as the photos were handed to him to post." There was a pause. "So you're telling me someone from Sara's team went to him voluntarily?"
"Yes. Now I don't want to make accusations. But Justin, one photo was taken directly from Sara's phone." He knew which one she was talking about. The selfie of them kissing on New Year's Eve. Sara was protective of her phone, only she and him knew the password. Justin huffed in disbelief. "So she must have told her team to publish it."
"Does she have anything coming up that she would want any publicity in the press?"
He answered quickly. "Her fashion show, and her movie." He shook his head. He trusted her.
"All we can do is hopefully have this blow over." They hung up and Justin was more upset than originally
He looked around at all of her stuff. Before he knew it he began packing it up.
The universe hated her.
Alex brought her phone back from the hotel while she was in mid scene. It caused her to have a bad set day which meant re-shoots. Despite it being a closed set fans were outside her hotel and by her car asking about Justin.
By the time she got to the hotel it was 3pm Abu dhabi time which meant it was 3 am in Los Angeles. She wanted to throw up upon looking at her phone. It was obvious Justin was pissed.
Erika had called her from back in LA and filled her in before Heidi and the others got to her. She told her about the article and the photos that were leaked from her phone. "Fuck" Sara whispered.
Then it was time to talk to Heidi. Who told her she got in contact with Ashley Justin's manager about signing an NDA which she wasn't pleased about. "Look I appreciate you guys being on top of this, but I don't want anyone to do anything until I talk to Justin. Which will be once he gets up." She looked at the time and saw it was now 5am Los Angeles time. "Just keep me updated." She hung up and began pacing. Once she took a few deep breaths she dialed Justin's number.
After a few rings he picked up. "Baby, I ju-"
"So nice of you to finally get in touch while I was stuck dealing with the fallout." He growled. Ouch. The fallout? "Justin, this isn't some scandal. Our relationship is out. I know that it isn't ideal but."
"It was your plan wasn't it?" That stopped her in her tracks. "Don't be ridiculous."
"Ridiculous? My family is calling me wondering why people are outside their house, following them around. They are in magazine articles. My privacy has been blown up. I've had to dodge cameras outside my own fucking house!" Sara was quiet. She knew it was going to be bad but not this bad. "Justin, you should have texted me or called my management. They would have helped you."
"So you told them about us?" Sara was confused. "What are you getting at? I didn't say anything, they were blindsided by the article as I was. It said it was confirmed by my rep but they never reached out."
He huffed again. "Sure." She was quiet for a few minutes. "Are you seriously saying that I purposely did this?"
"I'm not stupid, I know how this works. It's just so convenient that you have all this going on and there was talk of me coming to the show and it just drops. Let me guess you were planning on ambushing me and taking all of these photos."
Sara was in disbelief. "Justin are you fucking serious? Do you really think that little of me?" Justin was silent. "I don't know what to believe anymore. All of you Hollywood people are the same."
She was mad now. She understood him being upset, but she thought that he'd be able to get past it and they could work on a solution together. But this? Attacking her, accusing her of doing something so vile. Sara didn't know what came over her, her hot-headed ways coming back.
"Justin give me a fucking I'm not a damn I influencer who relies on exposure."
"It's the same fucking thing!" Justin yelled. "You are all the same!"
"You know what? I'm not Hannah Ann. I'm not calling the paps!"  Sara was trying to keep her voice low. But then she realized a big mistake.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
She fucked up. "How do you know about her?" He spoke slowly as well and she knew he was on the verge of bubbling over. She was silent. Tears coming to her eyes. "Sara, answer me right now."
"When we were first together. You gave me your phone to look at the script for your Chipotle commercial I went to Instagram and saw your messages." She was crying now.
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!" Justin was pacing his floor. He was so mad he was seeing red. "You went through my private messages? How do I know you didn't leak those?"
"Justin, I just looked. I was so insecure about everything. I would never leak that. Just I didn't do it with the photos" She was desperate now. She wished she was on a plane to Los Angeles right now. "I'm sorry."
"Were you ever going to tell me this? Or were you just going to act like it never happened. Cause if you are insecure imagine how I felt seeing who you were with. How do I know you're not fucking someone right now?"
She was hysterical "I would never do that to you. Just like I knew you wouldn't do that to me. I'm so sorry, please Justin."
"You're nothing but a typical Hollywood attention seeker like everyone else. You know what Sara? I'm sorry I told you I loved you. In fact, I think we should stop seeing each other." Her breath caught. "What?" She squeaked out.
"We're two different people, different worlds. You need someone who likes the spotlight, I can't give you that."
He kept rambling. "Who knows who else you went through. We were moving too fast. I mean I couldn't even get space." Sara was again in disbelief. What on earth was he talking about?
"Justin, how can you say that? I love you and I don't care about the spotlight. Justin please I'll be in Los Angeles in a few days just let me explain."
"Don't bother. I'll have your stuff outside your door. My manager will drop it off, since you just want to go through them. Have a nice fucking life."
The call ended. Sara couldn't breathe. She was sobbing hysterically that her manager Alex busted in. "Sara oh my god. She grabbed her friend/client and made her sit down. Quickly grabbing a water bottle she made Sara take some sips. "What on earth happened?"
Finally after she got her breathing together again she grabbed her phone and dialed Erika.
"Sara? What on earth happened?" She knew her best friend was a mess based on the heavy breathing and shaking voice. "What's going on?"
"Justin broke up with me."
The past few days were hell for Sara.
She was finally getting on a plane for Los Angeles. Normally this would have excited her. She was getting to go home to see Justin and spend a little time with him before the fashion show. Which he said he was going to attend, but now everything was up in Limbo.
Well she wasn't sure what to think. On the other hand, she thought he just needed space and that he was going to call her. But three days have passed and not a word from him. She tried calling him a few times, but it went once to voice-mail. She didn't bother to leave any.
She spent that night crying over the phone with Erika and Bella, who swore she was going to kill him when she landed.
Another thing was dealing with her family. They had been calling non stop, and she didn't have the energy to deal with them. What was there to say? Yeah I was in a secret relationship for almost seven months but now that's not a thing excuse I just got dumped? Once again, poor Sara, always the bridesmaid never the bride. The only Wozniak sister to not be married.
She would call them once she landed.
The flight was long, and as they got closer to landing she wished it was longer. It was about 6am when her plane landed on the private runway at LAX. Erika was waiting for her instead of Justin and when she came down the stairs she collapsed in her best friends arms. "I'm so sorry Sara" she rubbed her friends back as she sobbed. "I cleaned up your stuff. Ashley, I'm assuming Justin's manager dropped everything off." Erika stated as they got in the car. "How was filming?" Erika treaded lightly as she drove off to Sara's house.
It was hard seeing her best friend this distraught. She wasn't even this upset when her and Harry broke up and that was a longer relationship. "I'm so sorry. He never deserved you. Why the fuck would he even attempt to date a bad bitch like you if he couldn't even handle it?"
Sara managed to crack a small smile so Erika continued. "Seriously? This motherfucker growing a nickleback beard thinks he can do better than you? You gave your heart and soul to him? I mean for real this man couldn't even support your career. You're better off without him." She reached over and grabbed Sara's hand. "He treated you like shit. You deserve so much better."
Sara nodded as tears rolled down her face. "It just fucking hurts."
"I know sweetie, but at least it was only six months. You are still young! Let's get out there and have some fun!" Sara nodded. "Just give me a bit please. I don't want to fall back into clubbing all the time, drinking the pain away. I'm past that." Erika nodded. The rest of the drive was talking about filming and trying to get her mind off the breakup. They pulled up to her house and she saw cars. "Erika, what is this?"
Her best friend smiled. "Well since everyone else is in town for the fashion show we are doing a fuck Men party." Erika unlocked the door to their house and for the first time in a bit Sara genuinely smiled. Bella, AnnSophie, and Sydney were clad in sweatpants. Behind them was a sign that said "Fuck Men" surrounded with balloons. There was a set up of Sara's favorite comfort foods and desserts as well as wine. Sara wanted to cry again out of happiness that her friends managed to do all of this. "Thank you guys!" She tightly hugged each and every one of them. "Oh my god Sara, look at the best part!" Sydney squealed and pointed towards the other wall.
On it was a dart board, Justin's team picture was tapped there. As much as she laughed at it her heart did ache, though she didn't dare show it. Despite the fact that it was a busy week for all of them, she still planned on going to his house to explain herself. She knew him well enough to know that he would be in LA for some time.
As much as the girls did their best for this fuck men party they all knew their friend was putting on a brave face. At one point Bella asked. "So I'm assuming Justin isn't going to the show."
Erika spoke up. "Well the extra ticket I emailed to him was confirmed." Sara's ears perked up. "Really?" Erika nodded. "Yes and that was a couple days after this breakup" the girls all gasped and Sara's heart was beating fast. He was coming, despite it all he would be coming. Maybe this week won't be so bad.
It was late when the girls went to bed. It was nice having them all here. They all laughed and cried and watched bad rom coms before they fell asleep in a big fort in the basement. The next morning was total chaos as they had to be in rehearsal and dress fittings. The Amazon camera crew would be there. So they had to make sure hair and makeup was done. As they all got ready Sara was in a much better mood. She would give Justin his space but the fact that he would be showing up at the show to support her was huge.
Good things were happening.
The girls arrived at the studio, and oh and awed at their outfits. Sara flung through the racks of her outfits she would be modeling. Since Rihanna was performing in the superbowl, they had sports theme clothing and Sara saw a 'Chargers' crop top hoodie with the matching blue bolt thong. She was confused until a stylist came up to her. "Rihanna insisted you wear this since you're dating the QB!" Sara smiled. It would be a big step, and she wanted Justin to see that.
There were skimpy pieces. She would be walking in four programs. As she sat in the chair to do a trial run of hair and makeup she looked over at AnnSophie, who smiled at her. "You're excited for Justin to be here?" Sara nodded. "Yes, it's going to be awkward. But him being here shows me that he is fighting you know?"
"Don't forget he owes you a massive apology.  The fact that he thinks that you were behind this. Rip him a new asshole Sara."
She laughed. "Oh I'm gonna give him shit. I can't believe he really thought that. Me? Attention seeking. I do need to apologize though. It was wrong of me to look through his messages like that." AnnSophie laughed. "I mean yeah it was toxic, but you guys were so unstable, and you didn't know anything about his past. So I mean it's whatever."
Once they were done, they went over their routine and the music. Cardi B was performing during certain sections. As Sara walked she was being praised by the runway coach. After reaching the end of the runway and doing her pose she became nervous. Of course all of the seats were empty but the those would be filled with celebrities and camera crews. Not to mention this was going to be live.
After rehearsals she would be sitting down one on one to film her section. She was clad in her fenty robe and chair as the artists where touching up her makeup. A camera crew came over to film with the interviewer. "So Sara how are you feeling? You looked excellent out there." She smiled "nervous for sure. But it's an excited nervous. This is a big deal, and Rihanna and her team have worked so hard to make this a reality. I want to reflect that and make her really proud to see me up there."
"Well she has some really high praise for you." Sara's eyes widened and the interviewer laughed, knowing that the audience was going to eat it up. "Really? Oh my god what did she say?" He laughed. "I can't tell you."
"Please?" "No!" "Ugh" She pouted teasingly and he laughed. "So word on the street is that there is a special guest supporting you tonight" She was confused. Since when did an Amazon camera crewman know? "I have a lot of friends coming out to support me and I feel so blessed." They still persisted. "Someone in particular you're really excited about?"
"I'm excited about everyone!" The camera cut. Knowing they weren't going to get anymore information out of her, they moved to the next model. Sara took a deep breath. See Justin? I could be private she thought. 
She had an interview with some of the other models that they shot. It was late when everyone was done, Bella and Sara decided to catch a late dinner while everyone else went back to Sara's place. As they sat down an Italian restaurant. Bella had to say something. "So I heard what AnnSophie told you in the chair earlier."
Sara took a sip of her cocktail. "And?"
"I don't think you should just forgive Justin when you see him. Granted, you were in the wrong for looking at his messages, but he was more in the wrong. Not to mention the way he treated you in the beginning."
Sara looked down at her menu. "Thank you for being supportive. I know you weren't his biggest fan."
"Believe it or not I've grown to like the guy. I just wished you guys communicated your issues about fame. I'm sorry the article got out. Do you have any idea who did it?"
Sara shook her head. "No idea, I haven't actually looked at it. Erika told me it looked like a hack, but I don't know."
"That's just the pictures though, what about what was actually said?" Again Sara shook her head. It sounded like we were being followed. There were photos of Justin taken outside my house in his car. They probably followed us and put two and two together." Bella shook her head. They are always one step ahead of us.
While Bella was placing their order Sara sat there and wondered if Justin was going to the fashion show why didn't he text her? Should she text him? Sara shook those thoughts off and decided that she would message him after the show or before. Let him come to her.
—--------------------------------------------------------- Taylor was exhausted. They were still in playoff season and with the superbowl drawing near and the NFL awards she had a lot of assignments. She was so looking forward to another vacation she desperately needed.
While she was practically falling asleep at her desk, her cubicle partner was on his phone scrolling for the latest updates. Taylor was pretty set for her NFL update show but you never knew if something exciting dropped. The fun part of journalism.
"I see Emmaunel Acho is being an ass again." He huffed as he was looking at his phone. "Oh god what is his hot take now?" Taylor rolled her eyes. "He's attacking Herbert for his private life now. Saying he's a celebrity QB."
Her eyebrows furrowed. "What on earth Is he talking about? Justin is one of the most private guys in the league." Her partner laughed. "Really Taylor? You're the one that keeps up with this gossip. You're constantly on social media!"
"I've just been focusing on NFL news regarding the playoffs. The only news I've heard on the Chargers is that they fired Joe Lombardi. I don't care about thier personal life." It was a lie, but Taylor hadn't been on social media due to news coverage and preparing for the awards.
"Well it was just revealed not too long ago that Herbert is seeing Sara Wozniak." Taylor's face paled. "What? That's probably just a rumor." He shook his head. "No, there are photos and her rep confirmed it. Apparently it's been a thing since July 2022." Taylor got up, she was going to be sick. While the thought did pop up in her head, she really didn't think that Justin would actually date her. Not to mention July? She thought back to that night that he came over to her house after the injury in October. He was there eating, laughing, and even exchanging flirting. It was only when she tried to take it to the bedroom did he suddenly have a conscience?
"That motherfucker." She whispered. While she was mad, truth be told she was impressed that he did manage to land someone like her. But that didn't mean he was allowed to get away with this.
She was going to hurt him the way he had hurt her.
She just had to find a way to get to Sara
—----------------------------------------------------------- Twitter
EmmanuelAcho: for someone who is so private he certainly is embracing the Social Media Quarterback role. Now we see why he took a step back
Twitteruser1: I thought he was with Biscotti, who was he out with? If he is seeing Sara, who is the blonde?
Sarafan: @/saracwozniak Justin is cheating on you sis. Two timing scumbag
Sarafan2: imagine dating Sara Wozniak and two timing her with some old granny
Twitteruser2: city Boys up a million! Always have a main and side ho
Yall know she isn't going to see this. She hasn't been on twitter in weeks
Sarafan: Taylor Biscotti turned off her Twitter replies.
Guys I have a thousand messages in my inbox I can't answer. Yes apparently its true Justin is seeing Sara. That's all I know. Idk anything about Taylor, although I will say it makes no sense because of twitter and her seemingly giving confirmation.
Justin Herbert and Sara Wozniak are still trending on social media
Did yall see her reaction to people asking about a special guest supporting her on the fashion show? She was giddy.
Time will tell if we see him there.
It was electric, and exciting. Sara understood why her model friends were addicted to this. The lights, the glam, and the fashion. In some weird way, it calmed her nerves. They group took pictures, Rihanna surprised everyone by giving them gifts sets with sentimental items. After speaking with her Sara never felt so confident in herself. As she was wearing her first outfit of the night, a sparkly bra with matching panties and garter belt she was ready and eager to see Justin in the crowd. He still hadn't messaged her anything but she didn't think about it.
Her family had sent her a good luck message and she couldn't help but be a little bitter at the fact that it was always this way since she was a kid. Good luck and see you after the show was their usual response. Her mom did say they would be watching and that they needed to talk and Sara knew what was going to happen, Katie had messaged her with a 'stop ignoring us, you have a lot of explaining to do and moms going crazy on her cruise.'
All Sara messaged in response was that she would explain later. Right now she didn't want to focus on that. She wanted to nail her walks and see Justin after.
"5 minutes! Everyone line up in places." As the girls got into place, stylist for doing the last and final touches. As her hair was being touched up and the designers were picking at her outfits she gave an excited smile to AnnSophie, who would be opening the show. They all heard the cheers of the crowd outside the curtain as the movie introduction was played. Bella turned around and placed both gloved hands on the side of her friend's face. "Breathe Bitch." Sara smiled. "Is that for me or you?" "Both'' the girls giggled. Sara looked down at her 'O' ring on her right hand. Twisting it slightly she smiled at it. Remembering the night he gave it to her. She took a deep breath as she watched AnnSophie walk out on the stage.
One by one she watched the models ahead of her walk up. "Okay when Bella hits the midpoint walk out and keep a steady pace." She nodded and when she saw Bella hit the part she got up and exited to the stage.
The crowd cheered as she stepped out and began walking to the beat of the music. She tried to steal a couple of glances  at the audience but she would have no idea where he would be sitting. As she reached the end of the runway she blew a kiss and held it for the photographers. As soon as she turned her back to walk to the set she began to frantically look, she saw AnnSophie and Bella's mom smiling at her and she returned it. But she had no idea where the NFL players would be.
There wasn't any time to think or breathe once backstage because the stylist was already there making her disrobe behind a curtain and putting her in the next set. This would be the football portion, and Rihanna would be singing herself. As she changed and the makeup artists got to work she looked over at Erika "anything on my phone?" She shook her head no with a frown. "Have you seen him?"
"I haven't heard anything so far. He probably will sneak in, just to cause less attention."
As she switched into the Chargers tank, the artist drew a bolt on her face. As quickly as she came in she was rushed out to walk again. The noise became louder as she came out.
Social media was having a field day
Sara showing support for the Chargers!
Maybe they will finally have fans!
Awww so cute! I wonder if he is there
She's such an attention whore, she did this on purpose she leaked her whole relationship like Hanna did. I know Herb isn't happy.
Look at the ring on her finger; it's the Oregon logo.
When Sara posed she did the heart symbol. I hope he sees this she thought as she came back. She laughed at AnnSophie as she was clad in Kansas City Chiefs gear. "I don't know alot about the NFL" her friend admitted
As she was in the back on her break she was dancing with Jordan when 'Rude boy' began playing. Bella and Sara took photos with the others
BellaHadid on Instagram
With the baddest put together by the baddest. Everyone congratulate @/SaraCWozniak on her debut. I love you!
Sara had a few changes before the end. As she did her final walk with the others to close she did one last look with no success.
Once they wrapped up it was time to go to the after party. As she saw everyone hugging friends and family she kept looking. After twenty minutes and more of the room clearing out she went in search and found the stage manager. "Excuse me, do you have the guest list?" She nodded, starstruck that someone was speaking to her so kindly. "Yes I can pull it up."
"Is Justin Herbert confirmed?" She went through her iPad a few times. "It says he accepted his ticket but he hasn't checked in. He was marked as a no show."
Sara shook her head. "He wouldn't do that. Check again."
"Miss Wozniak. He would have been with the NFL section and it was cleared out a while ago. Before the show ended."
"Sara! There you are! We are running late. Your limo with your party is waiting. "Come on, we have to get you ready for the after party!" She let herself be dragged away.
Tears were now streaming down her face as she recognized the all too familiar feeling. Suddenly she was twelve years old and feeling lost watching all of her castmates be congratulated and hugged by friends and family while she had to wait for a text telling her to find a ride.
"Okay Sara- oh my god are you crying! We have to redo your makeup. Oh my god we are running behind now." She pulled her arm out of the stylist and ran off.
Word on the catwalk is that this A list was stood up by her NFL star boyfriend who didn't show up to this big televised event.
A/N Don’t hate me too much
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tekrashed · 2 months
Expedite IT: Fast EV Charger Supply, Installations & Maintenance in Saudi Arabia
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In the era of renewable energy sources, the requirement to charge electric vehicle chargers has been growing rapidly. The case of Saudi Arabia, this trend is apparent because of the increasing usage of electric vehicles (EVs). They are Expedite Information Technology stands at the leading edge of the green revolution, providing various services which include installation, supply and continuous maintenance of EV chargers. The article explores the range of products and services that are offered by Expedite IT and the advantages of quick EV charging stations, as in addition to the effects of these changes on Saudi Arabia’s commitment to sustainable transportation.
What is an EV Charger?
The electric car charger is a device designed to recharge the electric car’s batteries. The chargers come in a variety of versions, with different capacities and speeds of charging.
Types of EV Chargers
Level 1 chargers basic chargers which use an electrical outlet that is commonplace in the home. They are suited for charging at night in your at home.
Level 2 chargers offer more in power than Level 1 chargers. These chargers require an outlet that is at least 240 volts. They can also be used as private or charge stations that are accessible to the public.
Rapid Electric Vehicle Chargers also called DC fast chargers. They have the highest charging speeds that are suitable for commercial stations for charging electric vehicles and also for places with high-traffic.
Importance of Fast EV Chargers
Speed and Convenience
Rapid electric vehicle chargers have the ability to dramatically cut down the time needed for charging an electric vehicle and make them vital for trips over large distances and in high-usage conditions. The fast charger will charge the battery capacity of the electric car in just 30 minutes as opposed the hours required by conventional chargers.
Promoting EV Adoption
Speed of charging stations for electric vehicles could encourage individuals to switch to electric vehicles to alleviate concerns about costs and the amount of time that it requires to recharge.
Supporting Infrastructure
To enable electric vehicles to become commonplace for transport, the development of a large infrastructure with electric car chargers with high speeds is required. This infrastructure helps increase the number of electric cars driving on the streets and decrease anxieties about the range.
Expedite IT: Leading the Charge in Saudi Arabia
Comprehensive EV Charger Solutions
Expedite IT provides a variety of options for electric vehicle chargers which includes installations, supplies, and maintenance. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for electric vehicle charger for be used at home or a large facility for charging electric vehicles the Expedite IT comes with the experience and expertise to satisfy your demands.
EV Charger Supply
Expedite IT has an extensive selection of electric car chargers that include Levels 1, 2, and fast charging stations designed for electric vehicles. They procure these chargers from reputable producers to provide the best quality, reliability as well as security.
EV Charger Installation
The correct installation of the electric vehicle charger is vital for the highest effectiveness and safety. The team of Expedite IT comprised of Expedite IT of certified technicians will ensure that each installation follows the most stringent standards, regardless whether it’s a personal charger or a commercial charging station designed for EVs.
EV Charger Maintenance
Maintenance is crucial in keeping automobile chargers powered by electricity functioning at their highest. The company Expedite IT provides a full array of maintenance solutions which include regular inspections, repair and troubleshooting as well in repairs that ensure charging stations function and efficient.
Benefits of Choosing Expedite IT
Expertise and Experience
With years of expertise working in the field, Expedite IT provides unparalleled expertise to each initiative. Their staff is well-versed in current EV charging methods and optimal methods for charging.
Quality and Reliability
Expedite IT provides high-quality car chargers that are both safe and reliable. They test the products with rigor to be sure that they meet the highest security and performance standards.
Custom Solutions
Every client is different and will have their own specific requirements and requirements, therefore Expedite IT offers customized solutions specific to the specific needs of clients. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a small electric vehicle charger which can be utilized at home usage as a charger for electric vehicles. They provide solutions that best fit to the specific needs of every customer.
Excellent Customer Support
Customer satisfaction is the most important thing for Expedite IT. The support personnel is on hand to help with any questions or concerns and make sure that the experience is smooth and easy beginning to final.
Impact of Fast EV Chargers on Saudi Arabia
Economic Growth
When investing into the charging infrastructure for electric cars and the corresponding infrastructure, it can lead to employment opportunities and also business opportunities that boost local economy.
Enhanced Mobility
Its speed charging for electric cars enhances the mobility of electric vehicles and makes it much easier for them to travel longer distances and entices the masses to explore electric cars as a viable alternative.
Technological Advancement
By embracing cutting-edge technology to charge electric vehicles, Saudi Arabia positions its self as a leader in sustainable and innovative technology, setting the benchmark which other nations are able to emulate.
Expedite IT is in the forefront of supporting Saudi Arabia’s transition to sustainable transportation with their extensive choice of charging solutions. Beginning with top-quality chargers and offering expert installations and reliable maintenance service and support, they have become a pioneer in their area. IT has a goal of making the use of electric vehicles easier and more efficient. The current time of ever-growing demand for electric vehicles, the need for quick electric car chargers as well as robust chargers to charge EVs is more essential than ever. When you choose Expedite IT it means you’re investing in a future of reliable, secure and sustainable transportation.
Q: What kind of chargers for electric vehicles are offered through Expedite IT?
A: Expedite IT offers an extensive selection of car chargers for electric vehicles including Level 1 chargers as well as Level 2 chargers, as well in rapid electric vehicle chargers that can be used for residential and commercial use.
Q: What is the duration of time to setup the charger for EVs?
A: The amount of time needed to set up an electric car charger depends on the level of difficulty involved in the process of installation and the particular requirements of the area. The majority of installations for homes can be completed in less than one hour. Commercial installation may require longer.
Q: What are the available maintenance options for EV chargers?
A: Expedite IT offers extensive maintenance and repair services for charging electric vehicles that includes regular checks and repairs as well for troubleshooting, as well as upgrades to software that ensure that your charger operates in the best possible way and is reliable.
Q: Are there options to setup an electric vehicle charging station in my house?
A: Expedite IT offers charging EV services for home owners. Their experts analyze the settings of your electric system, and recommend the best charger that meets your needs to ensure a safe and secure installation.
Q: Why high-speed EV chargers are crucial to Saudi Arabia?
A: Fast charge stations designed for electric cars are vital to help support the growing number of electric vehicles within Saudi Arabia. They accelerate charging speeds and help encourage more EV use. They also help Saudi Arabia’s environment and economic goals through improving charging infrastructure.
For more information contact us on:
+971 508 144 086
+971 55 232 2390
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phoenixx-news · 2 years
Half of all UAE residents consider switching to electric vehicles, survey finds
Twenty-five per cent are waiting for more EV options to be launched to make a purchase, according to Audi Abu Dhabi
About 52 per cent of UAE residents are considering switching to hybrid or electric vehicles as the increase in fuel prices is impacting the way consumers are thinking about their means of transportation, according to a survey by Audi Abu Dhabi.
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Twenty-five per cent of people surveyed are waiting for more EV options to be launched before making a purchase, the research, which polled 1,000 residents in the UAE, found.
“Interest in EVs has continued to grow organically over time, however increasing petrol prices has certainly accelerated the shift in consumers’ attitude towards EV adoption,” said Mark Austin, Audi Abu Dhabi general manager.
“When considering energy efficiency across the full lifecycle of producing, transporting and using fuel — typically referred to as “well to wheel” — electric vehicles offer high efficiency and the lowest carbon emissions per mile.”
There is a continuing global move towards the use of EVs that are charged from the electric grid as more consumers look to use transport powered by clean energy.
While petrol prices in the UAE declined slightly in May, they rose by more than 10 per cent in February, 10 per cent in March and 16 per cent in April, as global oil prices surged beyond $100 a barrel.
The prices announced by the UAE Fuel Price Committee in April were the highest they have been since they were deregulated in 2015 to allow them to move in line with the market.
In 2020, prices were frozen by the Fuel Price Committee at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. The controls were removed in March 2021 to reflect the movement of the market.
Industry experts expect crude supply to be tight as the EU considers a ban on Russian oil imports and expectations of higher demand in the US, the world’s largest economy, increase as the summer season looms.
The easing of the coronavirus pandemic restrictions in China, the world’s largest importer of oil, is also supporting crude prices.
About 14 per cent of those polled in the UAE said they recently bought a petrol car but wished they would have purchased a hybrid or EV instead, according to the survey findings.
“Depending on the type of car you drive, the average cost of filling a fuel tank can be upwards of Dh270 versus Dh8.25 to fully charge an EV battery with a 110 kWh charger. With EVs, owners also save on operating expenses,” Mr Austin said.
EV owners spend 60 per cent less on fuel than owners of internal combustion engine vehicles, according to a 2020 Consumer Reports study. Owning an EV will save the typical driver $6,000 to $10,000 over the life of the vehicle, compared with owning a comparable petrol-powered vehicle, the study found.
Residents in the UAE are now planning their car journeys more carefully, with about 25 per cent saying they use public transport a lot more now, while 14 per cent of drivers have purchased an electric scooter or bike to use over short distances, the Audi Abu Dhabi survey revealed.
Remote and flexible working options are also helping people in the UAE to mitigate rising fuel costs, with 19 per cent saving more on fuel expenses by working from home, the research found.
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evchargeruae · 1 year
Are you considering getting a home EV charger for your electric vehicle? The rising popularity of electric cars has made it more convenient than ever to charge them at home. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the benefits of having a home EV charger, highlight the top options available in the market, address common FAQs, and provide a helpful conclusion to assist you in making an informed decision.
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tektronixtechnology · 7 months
Rapid Deployment by Tektronix Technologies of Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles: Enhancing Mobility across Dubai, Abu Dhabi and UAE
Tektronix Technologies is at the forefront of sustainable transport innovation, quickly rolling out electric vehicle charging infrastructure across Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and UAE cities quickly. Renowned for their efficient operations and innovative products, Tektronix's rapid EV charger infrastructure deployment is revolutionizing mobility in this part of the Middle East region - this article examines its advantages and regional impacts.
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tektronixtechnology · 7 months
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Rapid Charging Solutions: Empowering Mobility in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Beyond
With ever-changing technological advances, the need for quick and efficient charging solutions is more important than ever. Tektronix Technologies, a pioneering technology leader in technology is stepping up to the occasion, delivering the most advanced rapid charging options across Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and across the UAE. In this thorough guide, we'll look into the numerous advantages of Tektronix's charging services and their effect in the electrical vehicle (EV) environment and how they are different in the highly competitive marketplace
The Need for Speed in Charging
In today's fast-paced environment it is imperative to be on the essential. Tektronix Technologies recognizes this urgency by offering fast charging solutions that drastically alter the way consumers of electric vehicles. With the use of electric vehicles grows and the need for fast charging solutions that are able to keep up with the speed of life is paramount.
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evchargerdubai · 8 months
Tektronix Technologies: Electric vehicle chargers and installations available throughout Dubai, Abu Dhabi and the rest of UAE
Tektronix Technologies operates throughout Dubai, Abu Dhabi and throughout the UAE and has earned an exceptional reputation as a reliable source for electric vehicle (EV) chargers and installations. Our vast expertise makes them the top choice among businesses, individuals and companies looking into adopting electric mobility. Through a focus on customer service as well as highly qualified specialists working for them Tektronix Technologies ensures each system can be customized specifically for each individual customer - be it residential home charging options to commercial installations Tektronix has you covered with experience to guarantee maximum results every time!
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Chargers for electric vehicle in the UAE. A brief overview.
Increase in Demand of Electric Vehicles in UAE
The United Arab Emirates has seen an explosion in electric vehicle usage recently. Thanks to an emphasis by government officials on sustainable transportation coupled with rising numbers of electric vehicle models on the market, increasing numbers of people have transitioned from gas or hybrid car mobility into electrified mobility. As usage rises exponentially it becomes vital that an adequate and secure charging infrastructure be put in place; hence EV chargers play such an integral role as they ensure efficient charge for owners of EV cars.
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tektronixtechnology · 8 months
Tektronix Technologies Offers Expert Installation and Supply Services of Electric Vehicle Chargers
Tektronix Technologies offers advanced EV Charger Solutions that are specifically tailored to each of their client requirements.
Tektronix Technologies takes immense pleasure in offering advanced EV chargers that meet its clients' varying requirements, from home chargers to commercial charging stations with numerous connections - with everything from smart chargers with remote monitoring capabilities and rapid chargers with multiple connections available as cutting edge solutions for rapid or home charging stations alike. Tektronix Technologies works closely with leading producers to make sure its electric vehicle chargers stay at the cutting edge technological advancement. Whether clients require smart chargers with remote monitoring features or fast chargers with numerous connections Tektronix Technologies has experience offering cutting edge solutions!
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tektronixtechnology · 9 months
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tektronixtechnology · 9 months
What Are The Advantages of Electric Vehicle Chargers in UAE?
Electric vehicle chargers bring numerous advantages that contribute to their greater popularity in the UAE. First, EV owners have access to charging their vehicle from work or home instead of needing to visit public charging points frequently; additionally they optimize charging processes while alleviating strain on electric grid infrastructure; they help enhance sustainable development through reduced carbon dioxide emissions from combustion engine vehicles - so its importance in building out an EV charger network cannot be understated! With such advantages in mind it makes creating such networks paramount across UAE states such as Dubai or Abu Dhabi.
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tektronixtechnology · 9 months
Tektronix Technologies: Electric vehicle chargers and installations available throughout Dubai, Abu Dhabi and the rest of UAE
Tektronix Technologies operates throughout Dubai, Abu Dhabi and throughout the UAE and has earned an exceptional reputation as a reliable source for electric vehicle (EV) chargers and installations. Their vast expertise makes them the top choice among businesses, individuals and companies looking into adopting electric mobility. Through a focus on customer service as well as highly qualified specialists working for them Tektronix Technologies ensures each system can be customized specifically for each individual customer - be it residential home charging options to commercial installations Tektronix has you covered with experience to guarantee maximum results every time!
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Tektonix Technology is a leading name in the field of sustainable energy solutions in the UAE. With years of experience and a team of skilled professionals, they have become pioneers in EV charger installation services. Tektonix Technology believes in embracing innovation and cutting-edge technology to meet the evolving needs of their customers. They take pride in delivering reliable, efficient, and future-proof EV charging solutions.
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evchargeruae · 1 year
Home EV Charger
Tektronix Wecharge Electric Vehicle Charger Installation in Dubai and Abu Dhabi Briefly introduce the importance of electric vehicles (EVs) and the need for electric vehicle charger installation.
As technology continues to evolve, so do our EV chargers. At Tektronix Technology, we stay at the forefront of innovation, incorporating cutting-edge features into our charging solutions. Our chargers are equipped with advanced monitoring systems, intuitive user interfaces, and smart charging capabilities. With Tektronix Technology, you can be confident in receiving the latest technology to power your EV efficiently. ev charger
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#EVChargerforFleet Operators
#EV Charger with Payment Gateway
#GBT DC Fast Charger
#DC Fast Charger
#Dual Socket EV Charger
#Electric Vehicle Charger
#Portable Charger
#GBT Charger
#Type 1 connector
#Type 2 connector
#Tesla charger
#EV Charger
Display EV Green Charger
EV Green Charger
Portable Charger
#ElectricVehicles #EVs #ElectricCar #cars #Automotive #Automobile #mobility #vehicles #Transportation #decarbonisation #energy #electricity #electrification #cleantech
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