#holy order of the sacred mango
liminalpebble · 3 months
Hi y'all,
I'm having that annoying writerly confidence crisis where I just feel like nothing I'm putting out there is good enough even though I put so much into it.
I'm not saying this to guilt anyone into reading anything you're not interested in. I totally understand that appetites vary from time to time, ability to engage varies, maybe you just need to save it up to read later, etc. (I go through exactly the same thing).
So, truly, no matter how little or how much engagement I get, I'm grateful for every single one of you and your reactions because it still amazes and delights and surprises me that there's even one other human out there reading what I write. And I get to experience the unique things that you other diverse and lovely people make. Often, it even ends up that I've made a new friend. How amazing is that when you really think about it?!
Anyway, I just would like to hear how y'all approach this for yourselves or get over it so you can find more joy in it again. I'd love to hear your thoughts as a reader too.
Also some hugs are always nice. I'm sending you all of mine, and if you want, even a big kiss on the mouth!
Much love to all you. 💋
Peb 💜 🪨 🖊
P.S. I'm considering posting a snippet of The Other Side (which is an Eddie fic). Let me know if you'd enjoy that.
P.P.S. please enjoy this lovely photo of some pretty black flowers I saw on my walk as repayment for your attention.
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@mochie85 @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @little-wormwood @littlestabbyelf @smolvenger @lemongingerart @marcotheflychair @acidcasualties @sweetsigyn @hellfirenacht @leelei1980 @loz-3 @icytrickster17 @loopsisloops @holdmytesseract @josephfakingquinn @elegantkoalapaper @eleniblue @coldnique @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @peaches1958 @sailorholly @thedistractedagglomeration @thenerdyoldersister @use-your-telescope @take-everything-you-can @fairyysoup @lesservillain @azula-karai-27 @lexr86 @alexakeyloveloki @goblingirlsarah @muddyorbs @jennyggggrrr @mischief2sarawr @mischiefmaker615 @the-haven-of-fiction @unlucky-number-13 @gigglingtiggerv2 @ladyofthestayingpower @buttercupcookies-blog @infinitystoner @munson-blurbs @word-wytch @wolfsmom1 @gruftiela @anukulee @mrs-illyrian-baby @morby
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zodiac-queens · 6 years
The Signs as Hindu Goddesses
Durga - Aries and Aquarius
Known as the Invincible One, goddess of war Durga (also referred to as Devi or Shakti) was born out of the flaming breath of dozens of gods during the primordial war between gods and demons. Manifested as a bejeweled golden goddess with ten arms, each holding a weapon handed to her by the gods, Durga rode on a tiger and swiftly slaughtered the buffalo demon leader, Mahishasura, and his demon army. Durga traditionally holds the weapons of all male gods, since the Hindu belief, female goddess energy is what powers and charges everything.
A fierce protector, Durga is often depicted with a serene face while in battle because her strength comes from an act of love, of guarding those around her, and for liberating the souls who depend on her. She’s celebrated during a ten day festival in the autumn, the Durga Puja, and offered flowers, fruit, mangos, and marigold garlands.
Call on Durga for protection when you are suffering spiritually, emotionally, or physically.
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Lakshmi - Taurus and Capricorn
The Hindu goddess of fortune and prosperity, Lakshmi is said to have been born floating on a lotus at the creation of the universe. In Hinduism, a male god is passive until paired with a female goddess whose energy activates his power. Lakshmi is paired with Vishnu, who gives life and protection to all on Earth - and they have always been together, through many incarnations in myth.
Patron to the wealth of Earth and soul, this golden goddess is often portrayed with four arms to represent the four Hindu goals of life: kama (love), dharma (morals and ethics), artha (purpose), and moksha (self-knowledge and liberation). Cows are one of her sacred animals since they represent the hard work and labor that she favors in one’s pursuit of earthly abundance. Owls and elephants are also her animals, because owls represent the perseverance to see through the darkness and the unknown, and elephants represent work ethic and strength. 
Lakshmi is celebrated and worshipped during Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights. People clean and decorate their homes with bright lights and dress themselves in beautiful new cloths to attract her favor.
Call on Lakshmi when you need to persevere toward your goals and keep moving forward.
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Saraswati - Gemini and Sagittarius
A personification of one of the most important rivers in India, Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, and arts. Legendary for her beauty and grace, she’s known for her brilliant white skin, which represents the light of knowlege. She is often portrayed with four arms holding the symblos of her domain: a book (representing education), a vina (an Indian lute, representing music), and a strand of beads or a ritual pot (representing spiritual knowledge). She’s celebrated during a festival in the spring, Vasant Panchami, where peope worship her to achieve enlightenment through knowledge and wear saffron-colored robes to echo the mustard blooms in the fields. During this festival, children are often taught to write for the first time, as she created the Sanskrit alphabet. 
Her companion is a white swan (hamsa), who in myth is believed to be able to separate milk from water - a represenation of Saraswati’s ability to separate good from evil. She travels on the swan, an animal that’s a symbol of spiritual perfection and transcendence, so she’s also called Hamsavahini, meaning “she who has a hamsa as her vehicle.”
Call on Saraswati when you need intellectual enlightenment and an extra blessing in creative power. 
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Aditi - Cancer and Pisces
Mother of the endless universe, Aditi is one of the earliest sky goddesses in the Hindu pantheon. Her name translates to “limitless”,just like her reach and powers. She existed before time and is said to be the goddess of the past and the future, controlling all of time. Aditi is also the source of the stars, suns, planets, and moons and then gave birth to twelve Adityas, who were spirits that became the twelve Zodiac signs. They take turns ruling the cosmos by month and created all the gods and goddesses. She’s known as the Mother Cow and Cow of Lights, as she nurtures the universe and is sometimes depicted as a cow. 
Call on Aditi whe you want to create your own world of happiness.
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Parvati - Leo and Scorpio
The golden Hindu goddess of love and devotion, Parvati forms a holy trinity with Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, and Lakshmi, goddess of fortune. According to the legend, Parvati was born in the Himalayan mountains, as daughter of King Himavat and Queen Minavati. She is the embodiment of nurturing feminine energy, in complement to her husband Shiva, the god of chaos and regeneration. Worshipped for her patience and determination Parvati won Shiva over by ascending into the mountains and practicing asceticism until he couldn’t resist her and spent all his time trying to please her. She was also regarded for her strength and ferocity; when the hero Kartikeya, who was a son of Shiva, became a lust-filled monster raping all the women he encountered, Parvati cursed him, so that every time he attempted to rape a woman, she turned into Parvati’s likeness - and that ended his rampage. Parvati is also known for the creation of her son Ganesha, the benevolent elephant-headed god of wisdom who removes obstacles.
Call on Parvati for spiritual strength and persistence to pursue your romantic goals.
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Tara - Virgo and Libra
Goddess of compassion and protection, Tara is one of the most beloves and preeminent divinities, and she is known to many Eastern religions. She was born of a single tear from the eye of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara after he looked down from heaven at the suffering humanity below. The moment the tear fell onto his palm, Tara sprang up fully formed, bringing courage and hope. Some legends also state that she was reincarnated as a mortal princess, who meditated to the ultimate level of enlightement - and insisted on remaining in female form for all her reincarnations despite warnings from monks that she had to become a male in order to reach her true potential. Tara embodies the feminine divine and is manifested in as many as twenty-one different forms, most often associated with a color.
Green Tara is one of the most popular and active manifestations of the goddess. Considered the strongest and original goddess, Green Tara is a protector from all negative energy and from eight noted dangers: lions and pride; elephants and delusion; fire and hatred; snakes and envy; thieves and fanaticism; prisons and greed; water disasters and lust; and demons and doubt. A bringer of joy, Tara is also a healer and a granter of wishes. She is often depicted sitting on a lotus at peace, with her right leg extended to symbolze her ability to spring into action. 
Call on Tara for immediate assistance. She is a goddess of speed, and she empowers your inner wisdom to help save yourself. 
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #002
(from the 26th)
Are you CPR certified? I'm not. What genre is your favorite movie? Is "family" a type of movie?? Idk, TLK's generally a kids movie that's good for everyone to watch. The Meerkats is a documentary. Who was the last person you were in a car with? My mom. Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card? holy mother of sacred god no. When was the last time somebody hit on you? The boyfriend was being a flirt the other day. Which one of your friends do you feel most comfortable around? My only "friend" that I ever actually see is Girt, and I am extremely comfortable with him. Who did you last spoon with? My boyfriend. Have you ever had surgery or stitches? Two surgeries as well as stitches twice; I fainted in the bathroom once and landed directly on my chin, and the wound needed them. My cyst surgery point of entry was sealed with stitches, too. Do you own any clothing that has animal print? No. Are you in high school? Way past that. Have you ever written a song? lmao I sure did as a kid... to the Nintendogs theme, I shit you the fuck not. Do you ever feel numb? Yes. Depression for so long will do that to you. Do you prefer being inside or outside? I get more out of being outside in the right weather, but a very high majority of the time, I'd rather be inside. When did you last use a lighter or matches? Gaaaah I'm blanking. Do you think the ocean needs more exploring? Well of course! The immensity of the potential of what could be found knows no bounds. Never stop learning. Is there a past relationship/friendship you miss? Friendships, yes. I will always miss Megan above all. Do you like mangoes? It's quite strange, actually: I don't like the fruit itself bc texture, but I LOVE mango-flavored foods. Last song you listened to? ... I picked a bad time to start a new survey asldkjfakwlejfr I swear I listen to like three other songs that aren't "Zick Zack." Did you use Vine when it existed? I loved watching compilation vids, but I never had an account myself to browse. What decorations do you have in your bedroom? Oh wow, a whole lot. My room looks very much like a teenager's, imo. Stuff I like just everywhere to make it all homey. Who is a celebrity you'd like to hang out with? LKJAKLSJDLFAWE Oliver Riedel PLEASE this man likes photography and is quiet and reclusive and shy and shit and like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SAME HUNNY WYA idfc if he could literally be my dad I repeat WWWWWWWWWWWYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA How many amusement parks have you visited? Two, I think...? Disney and SeaWorld. Do you prefer chewy or crunchy textures more? Chewy. What last broke your heart? The fucking Supreme Court. Are there any events coming up you're looking forward to? Ummm I don't think so. What's the most random collection you've had or known someone to have? Can't say I'm sure. What's your go-to Chinese food order? I only ever get pork fried rice and usually an egg roll. What is something you're naturally good at? I hope this doesn't come across in a snobby, praising-myself sort of way, but caring about people is definitely an answer. I just always do; there're ways to make me not care, yes, but you generally have to be absolutely and utterly fucking appalling for me to manage not giving a shit about you. What flower did you last see? Ma got Ashley some sunflowers for her birthday the other day. How many plants do you have? Zero. Not my hobby. Are you currently nervous about something? bro I'm nervous for this whole country lmao When did you last get a new phone? It' s been a while. I need a new one. Have you ever attended a Pride parade? No, but I would absolutely love to one day when I can walk like a normal person. And not respond so incredibly violently to heat. My hyperhidrosis literally explodes at like barely 70* and it's just. A bad, bad time. What do you currently want? I was just messing with my hair, so there's a non-typical answer: my hair trimmed and DYEDDDDDDDDD. What last gave you adrenaline? Idk, not something I experience a lot. Have you ever played pool? Yep; we used to have this stacking game table growing up, and our favorite was pool. What time did you go to sleep last night? I knocked the fuck out at... what, 4 PM? Didn't wake up 'til 5 in the morning and even went back to sleep. I need to fucking watch this hypomania shit so that incident doesn't re-occur. I deadass thought I was working towards a seizure when I got in that bed and started spasming. What did you last use a knife for? Waffles. Can you do a proper push up? Absolutely not. Are you rebellious? I never really was, nah. What is something that makes you feel alive? Riding passenger with Mom and me controlling the music, specifically a new song I'm hooked on, loud and with the windows down. It is still so strange to me how that's one of my favorite things to do all the while being terrified of the road. Are you currently comfortable? I'm fine right now. I'm typically dealing with edema lately because of the 180 switch from not wanting to leave the bed to never wanting to be in it, but I slept so long yesterday/last night that my ankles and feet are okay today. Are you usually on time for things or late? On time. What is your favorite word? I like calming words like serendipity, tranquility, and... dude I feel like my ACTUAL favorite word is evading me, pls brain Do you ever make music playlists of songs to fit your mood? Ha, funny you ask; I'm currently working on a big ol' project of getting rid of the iPod I have had and actively used since I started MIDDLE SCHOOL, and I'll probably end up doing that after I transfer all the songs I want to keep onto Spotify. Like that iPod is a fucking fossil, and I would be L I V I D if it stopped working and boom, like ~1.1k songs gone that needed replacing. I gotta get with the times on this matter, haha. What is something you have 0 tolerance for? Abuse in any shape or way. Unless you are defending yourself, you don't fucking hurt another person, physically or mentally. Keep your goddamn hands and your angry tongue to yourself. Have you ever picked a lock? Uh, good question. Have you ever attended a protest? No, but I actually REALLY want to go to one after the overturn of Roe v. Wade. I couldn't stand long, no, but whatever, I'll sit my fat ass there with a sign I hope slaps pro-lifers across their rotten faces without me even touching them. I'd just obviously need a ride there, and I don't really think Mom would be willing to drive all the way there, and I KNOW she would worry about it getting violent and me getting hurt. Have a best friend? If you don't count my boyfriend, I really don't. Mazzy and Tez are absolutely my closest friends, though. Does it bother you when your best friend does stuff without you? No, he's allowed to have a life that doesn't always involve me. Do you keep any secrets from your best friend? Nope. He knows my biggest now and it was completely nbd, so it's safe to say our trust is fully functioning. There are things I wouldn't just randomly share with him, but if he asked, I think I'd tell the truth with anything. Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? More than one. What would you name your future son? Damien Vance, then whatever last name. Do you consider yourself a nature person? Well, it depends on how you look at it. I adore looking at nature, but experiencing it is a challenge for me to enjoy because I get hot SO fucking easily and pour sweat because of hyperhidrosis, cannot walk far at all without feeling like my knees might crumple, and I am TERRIFIED of ticks. Idealistically, I'm a nature person, but in practice, eh. What kind of collection would you like to start? It's fuckin RAMMSTEIN MERCH TIME bby. What helps you take your mind off your problems? Girt, more than anything. When I'm with him, my worries and stuff kinda just drift into the background. I can focus on the moment and be very grateful for it. Do you prefer to live alone or live in a family? I HAVE to live with someone. I would be way, way too lonely and depressed on my own. What states have you visited, that you remember? Excluding the places I only went through, I've been to New York, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Tennessee, and Illinois. What countries have you visited? I've never left the USA, for the love of god please get me out of this dumpster fire. What countries do you want to visit? South Africa and Germany top the list, but I also think Ireland, Bali, Japan, and Egypt would be cool. What states would you most like to visit? Wyoming is #1 to spread Teddy's ashes in Yellowstone and also meet up with Mazzy and Tez!!! :') I'm also quite interested in going to Wisconsin to visit the Snake Discovery facility and hopefully meet Ed and Emily. Then there's California, just because A LOT is there, but it's not immensely important to me. I have some interest in seeing Michigan too, and all the photographs I've seen of Utah in particular blow my fucking mind. OH, almost forgot: Arizona! Seeing the Grand Canyon would be absolutely, positively magical, like for some reason I feel like I would cry there. Arizona also has wild tarantulas, so that'd be amazing to see!!! :') What are five careers you’ve considered? Paleontologist, vet, movie director, game designer, photographer. What’s your latest discovery? I was actually researching sleep the other day in response to my hypomania and learned some VERY interesting things, such as lack of sleep actually cannot kill you (unless it is related to a couple medical conditions) and it doesn't do as much harm as you would think. It was fascinating. Aaaand then the day after I pass the fuck out in bed twitching and spasming because I was so exhausted lmao Google please What do you wish your hair looked like? I'm very happy with its current style (but it really needs to be trimmed atm), but damn, it needs color. :( I've really been craving that lilac color lately. Which family member has your exact smile? Uh, I don't know. I have a very prominent dimple on my left cheek when I smile, and I do believe Mom has said her dad had them, too. I don't think anyone else in my immediate family does. Do you still feel anything for the first person you fell in love with? Do I feel romantic love? No. But I will always, always care, to the day I die. Hell, quite honestly, I think in the heat of the moment, I might still jump in front of a bullet for him. What’s one thing you’re behind on? "Being an adult." <<<< WOW mood lmao How old were you the first time you encountered God? Oh, dear. Look at this world and tell me where the fuck he is, 'cuz I sure don't know. Have you ever hallucinated? Yes, actually twice now, I think. I did towards the end of middle school when I was homebound and coming off a certain medication; I would see shadows moving. And then literally two days ago, deep into my sleep deprivation, I think twice I experienced thinking I saw something move in the corner of my eye, but not like a shadow; I don't know how to describe this one. Who is the best looking male celebrity, in your opinion? Even though I'm in a big ol' Ollie phase rn, Mark Fischbach still reigns supreme here, haha. How many subscribers do you have on YouTube? I wanna say around 70? I know because I looked at my channel the other day for something. If you’d like to share, what is your screenname on Instagram? I have two for varying sorts of photography: brittanymphotography and eldritch_obscura. Do you use Snapchat? No. Are you a fast texter? Noooo. I make typos a whole lot. ESPECIALLY with my tremors being so bad lately. Would you rather text or call? Still text lmao, fuck talking on the phone. Do you know anyone who has everything handed to them? I'm sure I do. Would you ever want to be a famous YouTuber? In my "what the fuck do I do to make money" desperation, I've considered being one of those PetTubers, but nah, it's not realistic for me. Do you know anyone who’s colorblind? My ex's older brother was colorblind to I want to say red and blue.
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dannycaing · 4 years
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THE 3 PERSON WHO ALTERED JESUS CHRIST STORY by Danny Caing Date Written: April 3, 2020
November 8, 2007: I was one of the great fans of OTEP since I got hooked on her music video, Ghost Flowers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO9b5mw381I). I noticed a symbol OT3P with the letter E as a number 3. One afternoon, while I was on fieldwork resting under a mango tree, suddenly I just wrote in my notepad the 3 symbols, OT1P means On The 1st Person, OT2P means On The 2nd Person, and OT3P means On The 3rd Person. There was something about the lyrics of the video "you will know me by the scars I bear." Nothing was coming out in my thoughts about what these 3 symbols mean to me at that time.
February 8, 2008: On OTEP's Eat The Children music video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxdBmH-SyPM), she was wearing a white veil, a moth on the side with the OT3P sign, and the_ascension word below. Then I realized that the three symbols were about JESUS. But who were these three people? Are they the disciples or women of JESUS? In that particular instance, I had a vision about the three symbols which stands for the three people who altered the story of JESUS CHRIST.
From the birth in Bethlehem to the death on the cross in Mt. Calvary, the story of Jesus was altered by Saul of Tarsus (OT1P On The First Person), Constantine The Great (OT2P On The 2nd Person), and Bishop Irenaeus (OT3P On The 3rd Person) .
In the Gospel of Matthew, you will find a word hypocrite seven times. Jesus will never speak this word to anyone, he was a very humble and kind to the Pharisees. Jesus was a Jew.
Saul of Tarsus was a Roman citizen who was converted into a Christian, by the time he claimed that Jesus appeared to him on his way to Damascus. (Jesus had already ascended to heaven and will return on the end of Age.) The Acts to Revelation writings were written by the Roman Empire. Some doctrines in the Acts by Saul of Tarsus contradict Jesus' teachings.
Bishop Irenaeus (Erroneous) altered the story of Jesus who created the conflicting scenario between Jesus and the Pharisee from the beginning of Jesus' story, and that the Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus.
Today, the Jesus Christ Movement is the Roman Catholic Church (Roman Empire). What matters most, the JESUS WORDS on the 4 Gospels are intact. Jesus was born and died as a Jew. The Romans tortured and crucified Jesus. They mocked a sign on his cross as King of the Jews.
It was noontime that Jesus was in the Pilate's courtyard. Romans usually washed their hands after eating. There were thirty-three Romans who wanted Jesus crucified. They were so angry and humiliated when Jesus drove them out of the temple. The Jews crowd were outside the Governor's compound, and the Pharisees stayed at the temple praying.
"The soldiers took Him away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium), and they called together the whole Roman cohort. They dressed Him up in purple, and after twisting a crown of thorns, they put it on Him; and they began to acclaim Him, 'Hail, King of the Jews!' They kept beating His head with a reed, and spitting on Him, and kneeling and bowing before Him.” (Mark 15:16-19)
Constantine The Great destroyed and burn all records of atrocities and genocide by the Romans to the million Christian-Jews. He declared the cross as the symbol of Christianity, not the fish, and established the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.
The real Saul on the ACTS was a Greek-Jew, a tentmaker, a Jesus follower. He was an eccentric person in spreading the Gospel of Jesus from Jerusalem to Rome. When he proclaimed Jesus as the King of all mankind in Rome, they sent him to the Death Arena to be eaten by the lions. The Romans believed in only one king, the Emperor of the Roman Empire.
However, the Romans substituted a new Saul (Acts 22:25-29) to go back to Jerusalem in identifying all the Christian lairs and communities. Over one million Christian-Jews were crucified and killed for the entertainment in the Death-Arena in Rome.
The Roman-Central-Committee directly revised and altered the story of Jesus in the New Testament (with a little help from their scrupulous friend, the editor named Bishop Iraneaus (Erroneous).
According to Bishop Erroneous, Paul spearheaded in spreading the revised New "Roman" Testament of Jesus in favor of the Roman empire while murdering Christian and Jews at the same time. Over hundreds of thousands of Jews being suspected as Christians were put to death.
The letters of Timothy, Peter, John, James, and other Christian Leaders were the pieces of evidence sent back by fake-Saul to the Roman Central Committee. Immediately Roman troops raided the identified lairs, capturing all Christian families, brought them to the "Arena of Death" in Rome to be tortured and killed for entertainment. (Acts 9: 1-2).
At that time, Christians gathered in a circle by holding hands together, bowing their heads and praying out loud The Lord's Prayer. Then, one of the disciples of Christ (a group leader) would start speaking JESUS SAYINGS as everyone followed every word he/she had spoken. After the JESUS SAYINGS, they all started singing, dancing, praising THE WORDS OF JESUS!
The symbol of The Christian Movement was the fish. "Come, follow ME," JESUS SAID, "and I will make you FISHERS OF MEN." - Mark 1:17
The Holy Mass is a pagan practice of the Romans to their gods. It separates GOD within us, and worship instead of the CROSS, the Pope, the Saints, and the Virgin Mary! GOD IS WITHIN US!
There are at least 24 Paul's (a Roman spy) Contradictions of JESUS teachings.
Under Constantine's rule, Christianity expanded throughout the Empire, launching the era of the Christian Church's dominance under the Constantinian dynasty. Constantine 1 was baptized only on his deathbed. Constantine's decision to cease the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire was a turning point for early Christianity, sometimes referred to as the Triumph of the Church, the Peace of the Church. At the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Constantine looked up to the sun before the battle and saw a cross of light above it (in this sign, you will conquer). Constantine commanded his troops to adorn their shields with a Christian symbol (the Cross), and thereafter they were victorious.
Constantine directed the erasure on the atrocities and genocide records by the Romans against the millions of Christian-Jews. Altered Jesus' stories like Pilate washing his hands to indicate that he was not responsible for the death of Jesus on the cross. The choosing for freedom between Jesus and Barrabas, and Judas Iscariot as the traitor.
Constantine wanted to MAKE SURE that Rome did not put Jesus to death, but instead BLAMING it to the Jews.
In Matthew 21:12, He overturned the tables of the money changers. Jesus was arrested by the Pharisee guards during his outrage He made inside the temple, driving out 33 Roman vendors who were the superior race at that time.
The Jews washed their hands and feet before entering the temple's gate, a holy sacred place. The Roman vendors wanted the Pharisee to crucify Jesus. Judas Iscariot, one of the disciples of Jesus, gave all the money and precious things (silver coins & perfumes) to the Pharisees in exchange to settle down the damages. But the Roman mobs refused to accept the offer and still demanded Jesus to be crucified.
There was no such thing as the Last Supper, although Jesus performs ritual prayers at the supper. The Pharisees, most of them believed that Jesus was a Holy Man who made miracles things, tried to convince the 33 Romans with no avail. Jesus was sent to King Herod because they have no law to condemn Jesus. There was no such a thing as midnight Pharisee Kangaroo court. Jesus was arrested in the morning at the temple and then brought to King Herod before noon.
Upon hearing Judas' mysterious death, the Pharisee later used the blood money to buy grave lots for unknown persons. Judas was stabbed to death and hanged by the Roman mobs.
King Herod sent Jesus to the Roman Governor because he has NO AUTHORITY to condemn a man when it's the "citizens of Rome" who were demanding to crucify Jesus to death.
Pontius Pilate (in order to please his countrymen and also giving a "warning" to the Jews) had Jesus scourged almost to death, crowned with thorns, carried the cross and crucified to death.
In the New "Roman" Testament, the death of Jesus on the cross was highly orchestrated by the angry Jewish crowd. This is according to the Gospel of Bishop Erroneous!
On that morning Jesus was welcome by thousands of Jewish people in Jerusalem - Mark 11:8-10
Actually, there was total SILENCE all over the city when Jesus was punished to death, you can hear women weeping... some were praying... you can hear Jesus SCREAMING OUT LOUD in pain while being scourged in the pillar...
Barabbas was actually released two years after Jesus was crucified in exchange for two slave-women to a Centurion!
During Jesus's trials in the Governor's court, there were no Pharisees present nor hundreds of Jews, only a few 33 angry Roman citizens who were driven out of the temple by Jesus. There were only 33 witnesses in front of the Governor who ordered the execution of Jesus to the cross.
He was the editor of the New "Roman" Testament, proclaiming that a Roman citizen named Saul was the leader in spreading the Gospel of Jesus or the Jesus Movement. A ridiculous testimony in Acts 9:3-6 stating that Jesus appeared to Saul on his way to Damascus is, in fact, a "VERY GRAVELY DANGEROUS STATEMENT" overlooked by Bishop IRENAEUS or ERRONEOUS.
In Luke 21: 27-28, Jesus ascended to Heaven after He Resurrected from the dead. It is the faith to all Christian that at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is at the end of the world. The appearance of Jesus on Saul was an irrelevant issue. Saul being a Roman citizen, a superior race, wanted to justify his conversion from a Christian murderer to a Jesus follower was absurd.
Judas was an educated person and whom Jesus trusted him as their treasurer. In Matthew 26:14-15, Judas Scariot betrayed Jesus in exchange for 30 pieces of silver was an unpredictable judgment and accusation. A very narrow twisted predicament alibi from a loyal man to a traitor.
In Mark 15:12-13, Bishop Iraneus altered the gospels of Jesus by blaming the Jews on the death of Jesus. The washing of Pilate's hands stands Rome position that they have nothing to do on Jesus' death, written ONLY on the gospel of Matthew 27: 24.
Proclaim the POPE as the head of the Church instead of Jesus. Millions were crucified, burned, and killed under the cross emblem. The original Christian movement logo was the fish.
Many Jews/Christians migrated to Europe and South America (now, The Latter-Day-Saints) in fear of being arrested and thrown to the Death-Arena in Rome.
In the Arena of Death, Christians and Jews were put to death as entertainment recess in between the gladiator's spectacle. They were burned alive, bodies chopped into pieces, skinned and boiled them, standing as arrow targets, and feed them to the wild animals. It was a horrifying murderous evil killing arena. You could smell the human blood and watched tens of thousands of inverted cross along the road to the arena, children, young and old Christians, and Jews crucified. The older ones were buried alive (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbAzKRohuvs).
The real story of Jesus in the New "Roman" Testament " was altered and revised by Bishop Erroneous and The Roman Empire Council.
Where is the logic here? A Roman citizen named Saul declaring as the Christian leader spreading the Words of Jesus while the Roman empire was killing millions of Christian and Jews at the same time. And at the end, these evildoers are the keeper of the Roman Catholic Church, not Jesus Christ Church.
The CROSS is the symbol of evil and death. Kingdoms against kingdoms, crusaders, dark ages, witch-hunt, inquisitor, holocaust, the war against other religions and sects, and even Prince Dracula is afraid of the cross, an object eviler than him. Billions of human beings have died because of the symbol of the cross.
Oh yeah wahkokok!
Music Background: "Jesus Words" by Danny Caing & Xzajyk https://soundcloud.com/earth-child-eyes-album/jesus-words-by-danny-caing-xzajyk
All Rights Reserved Copyrighted @ 2020 Wonderful Stories Limited
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vivekflowers111 · 5 years
Buy Pooja Flowers or Wedding Flowers Online With Ease
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Shivaratri Pooja has its importance in Hindu culture. It is believed that if you worship Lord Shiva on this auspicious day of Mahashivratri, Lord Shankara blesses you with a healthy and happy life. It also helps you eliminate the sins of the past and gives you salvation.
About Shivaratri Puja
As per Shiva Purana, worshipping Lord Shiva with complete faith gives you added blessings which include spiritual growth too. If you are thinking about seeking blessings from Lord Shiva this Mahashivratri then this article will help you get in all the details about the Pooja. You need the mahashivratri pooja samagri to perform the Pooja. You can order the samagri from different online stores too.
Benefits of performing Mahashivratri Pooja
Shiva Purana says devotees can benefit from performing abhisheka of ShivaLinga using 6 types of dravyas which are yogurt, milk, ghee water, and sugar with chanting mantra “Sri Rudram, Chamakam & Dasa Shanthi” impresses Lord Shiva.
Indian mythology mentions that each of these dravyas represents different blessings like
Yogurt represents –prosperity
Milk represents – spirituality and purity
Ghee represents the victory
Honey represents - sweet speech
Water represents - purity
Sugar represents - happiness
Blessings for women
Worshipping Lord Shiva on Mahashivratri also brings in a lot of benefits for women.
Married women pray Lord Shiva for well being of her children and husband. On the other hand, unmarried women pray Lord Shiva to get an ideal husband like Lord Shiva.
Preparations for Shivratri Pooja
You have to wake up early in the morning and take a bath. It can be a ritual bath in waters of sacred river Ganga.
Start your day by praying Sun God, Vishnu & Shiva respectively with purification ritual followed in all Hindu festivals.
Wear washed clothes and visit any Shiva temple close to your place.
You can also fast on Shivratri day as part of the tradition. Some devotees believe in strict fasting without water.
How to perform Maha Shivaratri Pooja
As per the methods described in Shiva Purana, pundits/priests carry out the Shiva Linga pooja according to the rituals all through the day and night on Mahashivratri day.
The chanting of Mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” with bell sound echoes throughout the temple.
The Shiva Linga is offered a holy bath using honey, milk, ghee, yogurt, water, and sugar. It is believed that the bath purifies it and then a paste of vermilion is applied to it. These six dravyas are a significant part of Shivaratri performed at home or in the temple.
Bilwa leaves are significant
Now, Bilwa leaves (stalk of three leaves) are offered to Shivalinga to calm the angered deity.  Devotees also offer jujube or Ber fruit to Lord Shiva. This fruit is believed to bless with longevity and fulfillment of wishes.
There are also betel leaves included in the shiv puja samagri list in Telugu and other parts of India to be offered to Lord Shiva.
Temple garlands and marigold flowers are offered to Linga, which is the important ritual of Shivaratri Puja. There are some special items people consider as per their faith:
Mango Leaf
Red Roses
Jasmine Loose
Jasmine Strings
Cotton Wicks
Sandalwood Powder
Incense sticks are burnt as it is believed that they generate wealth. Lighting lamps are also part of the Pooja which represents acquiring knowledge.
Significance of Linga Puja
It is believed that when you offer water, thulasi to the Linga, hug the Linga and lit diya and dhoop stic vel (incense sticks) along with bell sounds, it helps devotees think of the universe they belong to and focus on prayers thanking Lord Shiva for all that he has given to us.
Day and night prayers
The prayers offered to Lord Shiva continue throughout day and night on the auspicious day of MahaShivaratri.
Devotees use mahashivratri pooja samagri and offer prayers by staying awake all night in temples of Lord Shiva. The chanting of the mantra ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ continues in temples.
Many devotees fast on this day and break their fast the next morning after offering Prasad to Lord Shiva.
Maha Shivaratri is the significant festivals of Indian tradition. Many people who stay outside India find it difficult to order mahashivratri pooja samagri to perform the pooja. But, now devotees all across the world can order pooja samagri online and offers prayers to Lord Shiva on Mahashivratri.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Virgo August Ganesh Chaturthi
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By shirleytwofeathers
Vinayaka Chaturthi – also known as Ganesh Chaturthi – is a Hindu holiday festival that is observed on on the fourth waxing moon day during the month of Bhadrapada. This is around August or September on the Gregorian Calendar. The purpose of this festival is to honour the very popular Hindu God Ganesha, also known as Vinayaka.
Dates vary from year to year.
In 2018, the festival runs from September 12 thru Sept 23.
The concept of Ganesh Chaturthi is that Ganesha comes to the home of his devotees on Ganesh Chaturthi day. He brings auspiciousness, hope, success and happiness to all homes. During His brief stay, He removes all obstacles. While returning He takes with him all problems and unhappiness.
Vinayaka Chaturthi is a festival that allows people to call on the power of Ganesh and to receive help from him in removing all of the obstacles that hinder their spiritual or mental path. It is also a time to ask for help in developing spiritual strength and resolve. It is a festival of great hope, joy and celebration that can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of class or wealth.
This remains one of the most widely celebrated festivals in the Country, partly because Ganesh is one of the most popular deities for worship. Ganesha, the elephant-headed son of Shiva and Parvati, is the supreme god of knowledge, wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. He is the Lord who is first worshipped before any holy occasion or puja.
His blessings are often invoked at religious ceremonies as he is the one who can remove all obstacles to success, particularly when people are starting a new business or enterprise. Ganesh is known as the giver of fortune and one who can help to avoid natural calamities. Ganesh is also the patron god of travelling.
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Lord Vinayaka is revered as the preserver of all good things and prevents Vigna (meaning obstruction/bad omen). His motto is Shubh-Laabh (good prospect and good prosperity).
The Significance of the Festival
Hindus believe that during Ganesh Chaturthi, Lord Ganesh visits his people on the earth to personally attend to their prayers. Therefore the divine energy of Lord Ganesh descends on the earth in large measures during the event. The idols of Ganesh newly bought and installed act as antennas to receive the energies of Lord Ganesh and transfer them to the people during worship. After the worship, this is why the idols specially installed for the puja are immersed marking the sendoff.
How the Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated:
Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with great devotion all over India. People bring home murtis (Idols) of Lord Ganesha and celebrate the festival by worshipping the Lord in a special way for a day and a half, 3 days, 5 days, 7 days or 11 days depending on the family tradition and commitment of each individual.
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In certain parts of India, such as Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra, the festival is celebrated for ten days and is a very public occasion. Elsewhere it may celebrated in homes, where hymns are sung and offerings made to Ganesh. Sweets are a common offering as Hindu legend has it that Ganesh liked them. On the last day of worship the idol is taken out in a colourful and musical procession to be immersed traditionally at a beach.
Rituals during the festival include:
Pranapratishhtha – the process of infusing the deity into a murti or idol.
Several months before the start of Vinayaka Chaturthi, a large clay statue of Ganesha is crafted. There is no set size limit for this murti, it can be smaller than an inch or be over twenty feet tall, depending on the person making it. This murti is then either placed in homes or set up in specially made tents so that people can pay respect to it.
If you are interested in making one of your own, here’s a link to a short simple tutorial on how to make one out of paper mache. Some artistic ability is helpful but not required. Make A Paper Mache Ganesh
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Ganesh Chaturthi starts with the installation of these Ganesh statues in colourfully decorated homes and specially erected temporary structures mantapas (pandals or colourful temporary shrines) in every locality. The mantapas are decorated specially for the festival, either by using decorative items like flower garlands, small banana saplings, lights, etc or are theme based decorations, which depict religious themes or current events.
The statues are worshipped with families and friends. The priest, usually clad in red silk dhoti and shawl, then invokes life into the statue amidst the chanting of mantras. This ritual, also known as Pranapratishhtha, is done to breathe life into the idol.
Shhodashopachara – 16 forms of paying tribute to Ganesha.
After life is breathed into the image of Ganesh, people pay respect to the murti by offering it all kinds of different items. The offerings include 21 durva (trefoil) blades of grass, red flowers, coconut, jaggery, 21 modakas. The statue is anointed with Kumkum and Sandalwood paste. Vedic hymns from the Rig Veda, the Ganapati Atharva Shirsha Upanishad, and the Ganesha stotra from the Narada Purana are chanted.
For the next ten days, the statue is worshipped.
Uttar Puja – saying farewell before the murti is moved.
Uttar Puja is performed in order to provide a farewell to Lord Ganesh just before the immersion. Here is the step by step procedure of Uttar Puja.
Light a lamp near the idol and decorate the idol with flowers. The puja will consist of offering Achamaniyam (water to drink), Sankalp (determination), chandanarpan (sandal paste), pushpa puja (puja with flowers), Durvarpan (offering durva grass), dhopp and deep darshan (offering incense and camphor light), Nivedan (offering some dishes and fruits). Say the prayers, chant Ganesh mantras and then do arati. Then do namaskar and move the idol a little with your right hand to mark the conclusion of uttar puja.
Ganpati Visarjan – immersion of the idol in the river.
On the eleventh day, after the Uttar puja, the Ganesh idols are taken in procession with a huge fanfare to the water bodies. The crowds shout the names of Ganesh in ecstasy and make the procession a colourful and vibrant event. The idols taken in the procession are of different sizes, models and colours. They are carried through the streets for all to see. When this has concluded, people once again pay homage one last time before they are taken to the river and submersed.
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The divine energies in the idols are transferred to the waters and then to the larger world. Therefore through the process of Visarjan, three objectives of the devotees are fulfilled namely saying thanks to Ganesh for the favours received, giving a sendoff to the Lord and sending the divine powers of the Lord for the benefit of all.
The idols are immersed one by one in the waters either manually or with the help of a crane. Usually, curd rice or puffed rice is made a bundle and sent along with the idol as a mark of giving food for the deity to have while journeying. After the visarjan, some sand is collected from the spot and sprinkled around the home.
Many of the Ganesh idols will be placed outside under Bodhi Trees (Sacred Fig). The Bodhi tree is revered as a great source of remedies and is used to treat up to 50 different ailments. It also has a unique ability in that it can produce Oxygen at night-time instead of Carbon Dioxide. These healthy aspects of the tree make it a popular place for people to go to worship, as it is seen a great healer to naturally cure illnesses.
Performing A Puja At Home:
Every Hindu puja starts with the invocation of God in the object of worship in order to accept the puja and prayers. After the puja, there is a ritual called ‘Yathasthan’ meaning giving a sendoff to the deity worshipped. This is the spirit and logic behind Ganesh Visarjan also. Spiritually, this process prepares a man to move from the form to the formless state of God.
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Here are the things which you will need for Ganesh Chaturthi Puja.
An idol of Lord Ganesh.
Chandan or sandalwood paste.
Red flowers, preferably Hibiscus flowers.
Incense sticks.
Durva grass.
Modakas (here’s a recipe) or any sweet made at home after taking bath and without having any food.
Some fruits.
A Chaurang or elevated table to place the idol.
A cloth to cover the table and things to decorate it like lights.
Diya to light in front of the idol for Aarti.
Preparation for Ganesh Chaturthi Puja at Home
Sweep and wipe clean your house. Bring the idol of Ganesh at home and you can invite your friends and relatives for the Puja. Let your entire family gather at the time of Puja. Recite Ganesh Shlokas to welcome the Lord in your house.
Many families invite Pandits or Brahmins to do Ganesh Chaturthi Puja at home so that they can perform the Puja of Lord Ganesh the right way. For any Puja or Vrat you need two things – cleanliness and devotion. This will help you get the blessings of Lord Ganesh.
Clean your house and take bath. Wear fresh clothes and get ready for the puja.
Prepare the Ganesh mandap with coconut or banana leaves. You can use mango leaves and flowers also to decorate it. Some decorate it with leaves of the Ashoka tree.
A pot filled with water and rice is installed near the idol of Lord Ganesh.
Now place the idol of Lord Ganesh saying ‘Om Ganeshay Namah’.
Start the Puja by chanting 108 names of Lord Ganesh or chant simple Ganesh mantras.
Light the Diya or lamp and offer Aarti to the Lord by singing hymns especially dedicated to Ganesh or Ganesh Aarti.
Offer Naivaidya of special recipes and fruits to Ganesh Jee.
There is a significance of number 21 in this Puja and so people offer 21 Durva grass blades and 21 Modaks. 21 signify – 5 organs of perception, 5 organs of action, 5 vital airs, 5 elements and the mind.
However, when you are performing Ganesh Chaturthi Puja at home you can be flexible. All you need to have is clean body and mind and the thing that is most important is devotion and not the ritual. So, try to keep things simple and concentrate on the Puja.
Information collected from various sources
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wscorner-blog · 5 years
Planning A Trip To Bali
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A Guide On Planning An Exotic Vacation To Bali With a life full of hustling and busy days, Once in a while, all of us need some time away in order to relax and rejoice. A little out there alone, with your family or friends is a perfect way to set aside some relaxation for your mind and body. Vacations are also a proven way that let you maintain your well being. So, sit back, set the calendars out, find a time that is best suitable to you and get ready to experience an unforgettable time of your life. We know that you deserve the best. And that is why we’ve chosen to write this blog on planning a vacation at one of the most loved destinations i.e Bali. Bali is an Island in Indonesia and a place that is a compilation of rich cultural experiences, mesmerising marvels of nature, best places to explore, sunny beaches and a spot where you can enjoy nightlife at its best. There are certain things that you plan and decide on. Let us reflect upon those: A necessary budget and the tenure of your vacation are the primary questions in one’s mind.
We suggest a 7-10 Days trip which can cover Ubud, Canggu or Seminyak, Uluwatu and Nusa Penida or Nusa Dua.
To know the Budget for the Bali Trip keep reading more our upcoming Blog. Know Your Bali Budget
Here’s a list of places that you can list down on your itinerary to assure one of the most loved vacations that you will experience: 1. Ubud: The town, earlier famous for travellers interested in retreat, has now become one of the most known destinations in Bali and is loved by tourists. Here are a few things to explore in Ubud: You definitely shouldn’t miss out on the breathtaking waterfalls here. To name some, /Nungnung, Gitgit and tegenungan are worth a visit. Ubud is known for its paddy rice fields. And Campuhan Ridge Walk is surely one of the best hiking trails to experience the serenity of the lush green surroundings. Make sure to visit the Tirta Empul temple. It is termed as a water temple because its compound has a bathing structure which is known for the holy spring water it carries. Locals even consider it a spot for ritual purification. Sacred Monkey Forest: A habitat to more than 750 balinese long tailed monkeys, this forest is a must visit for someone who is fond of exploring flora and fauna
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With such exploration, you are surely going to need delicious food to binge on.
You can visit:
Milk and Madu which is the best place for all day breakfasts, delicious lunch and the best pizzas in Bali.
Alchemy can be your go to place if you are fond of raw Vegan food. To explore something different, you can visit
Folk pool and garden.
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2. Canggu: It is the best place for all the party enthusiasts and all those who wish to experience a vacation like never before with sunset, the beach and chill. Along with explorers, surfers can have a great time over here. Remember to start your day early here. The city gets to life during the day and at early night hours.Here is a list of unmissable things to do at Canggu: - Admire the sunsets at Berawa Beach: Berawa and Batu Bolong Beach are the two places where you can reach around 4:00 P.M, grab your spots at the shacks and swear to the sight of beautiful sunsets that do not fail to surprise you everyday.
Cheat tip: They will charge you more for the same beverages if you chose to pick from their top shacks.
- Listen up, Shop till you drop: You can totally rely on shopping at Canggu for the best home decor with objects like ceramic home decor, linen and wooden objects. Hoard on them to craft your homes with super amazing vibes. - Partying at Canggu: You can thank us later for the most wonderful experiences at any of these places:
Mrs.Sippy, Ku De Ta , La Brissa, La Plancha, La Laguna, La Favela, Old Man’s, Omina beach club, The lawn, and tropical beach club. Let’s come to the best part, FOOD! Get your steps going to these places to binge on amazing food:
Strawberry fields, Cafe Organics, Motel Mexico, Sea circus Restaurant and Bar, Sisterfields Cafe and KYND Community.
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3. Uluwatu: Located on Bukit Peninsula, Uluwatu is a hilly region with the best scenic views and greenery. Here, you can visit: Pantai Tegal Wangi: This beach is a hidden gem of Bali with cliffs, horizons and sand textures that leave you astounded. It is the perfect place to visit for people who would like a relaxing time away from the crowd. Bingin Beach: It is one of the most demanded surfing points in Bali because of the big waves ashore. Mesmerising views over the Indian Ocean are another thing to admire here. Karang Boma Cliff: The sunset view that you witness here will undoubtedly be one of the best things you will ever see. You need to be careful while getting to the edge of the cliff but its all worth it when you make it up there. Suluban Beach: It is also known as blue point uluwatu. Concealed by natural limestone formations and rocks with gaps, this beach is unique in its own kind. Thomas Beach: This is absolutely the kind of place that you see on Pinterest and we promise you wouldn’t want to leave. After admiring these most loved beaches, when you want to head for food and drinks, mark your lists with these amazing places:
Sunset point Uluwatu, Kelly’s, Ullu cliff house, Suka Espresso, Bukit Cafe and Mango tree.
4. Nusa Penida: Add this up to your list if you wish to visit an Island where you can visit caves, waterfalls and marvels like Angel’s Billabong, Manta Bay, Kelingking beach and countless others to name. Some general tips to consider:
For transportation in Bali, you can use Go-jek taxis or rent two wheelers to explore on your own.
And, stay options from Airbnb would be best to opt for. You are all set to plan a Bali Vacation that will always be treasured in your box of memories. Enjoy now and thank us later for your amazing Instagram feed and your travel journal.But, more amazing experiences.
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gurmeetbabaramrahim · 6 years
Unlock Door To Infinite Potential
Baba Ram Rahim Guru ji says that that sweet, melodious sound of the Divine is sweeter than honey. Aabo- Hayat, Hari-ras, and Nectar exists within all of us. There is nothing comparable to describe its sweetness in this world. If you meditate on the words of that Lord then you will come to enjoy such taste that is multi million times sweeter than any taste of this world. His Holiness says that so far as you do not make your thoughts pure, you cannot gain access to that Master, though anywhere you may pray. Man these days does cheating-dishonesty very smartly even with the Master. But he does not think that this brain has been granted by the same Master. During these days of Dense Kalyuga man earns lacks of rupees through cheating. He offers prasad worth rupees 51 in the temple. Still those are not taken by the Master. But man never thinks about what he can offer to that God, who even nurtures life inside stones? None of our religious books have this written in them, that we may adopt cheating-dishonesty and earning by unfair means and it will make the Master happy. Our sacred Vedas profess that if you have to demand something from God then demand God from God, a decent space on earth, better air, clean water and health.
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His Highness says that one must do meditation on Gurumantra, while performing daily chores like walking, sitting, working through your thoughts. People pick up incomplete knowledge and say that work is worship but as per holy Gita one must be Karmyogi as well as Gyanyogi. You must know what type of work you are going to do, then you will perform better. As you sow so shall you reap. You can not reap mangoes from a Kikkar tree. The deed you are doing today will produce results consequently. 
His Holiness says that there is light in the Name of Allah, Waheguru, Ishwar and Ram which we recite. Whole of this universe including Brahma, Visnu Mahesh were created out of it. This light has been referred to as the tower of light in holy Vedas. Explaining the detail of Triloki His Highness Baba Ram Rahim Ji says that Triloki is not referred to sky, earth and nether world. Triloki is a place where three types of lives are found. Firstly, with solid body which is visible.. Secondly with bodies which are not visible but still exist, and called as Shuksham- Kaya. Third form, Karan Kaya which is possessed by gods. These have no shadow and can be small and big as well. These three categories of bodies are referred to as Triloki. Referring to the virtues of Ram Naam, His Highness Gurmeet Ram Rahim Ji says that he who once tastes the juice of Ram Naam, goes crazy. A melodious tune of Ram Naam always goes on playing within every human being that is referred as Anhad Naad, Bang-e- Illahi, Dhur ki bani. Such power has been inherited by human being due to which he can have the glimpses of Lord across ‘Khand-Brahmands’ while still sitting on this earth. You become  full of self confidence-self trust, and science also admits that self confidence is the key for ultimate success. Still this self confidence can not be enhanced by any method of Ayurveda, Allopathy, Homeopathy, Naturopathy. No outer medicine can boost the self confidence. Such medicine is available only in our religious scriptures. which is referred as Gurumantra, Kalma, Naam-Shabad. If the recitation of Gurumantra is done devotedly it increases self confidence and enhances moral courage and makes the devotee free from all worries, tensions and problems. He becomes fearless. He attains qualities like those of God. Such persons neither fear nor make others to feel scare of them. They follow the path of Ram Naam themselves and persuade others to follow suit. Those persons who listen them and act, become worthy of drawing comforts.
How the Naam of God works? Explaining about the same, His holiness Baba Ram Rahim Ji says that every man has a particular level to think. But Ram Naam has tremendous power when you reach in trance during meditation, then your level of thinking is widened. You get the answer to all puzzles and you become free from every worry, tension or stress. Ram Naam works like this and not like wearing any ring, amulet or any other hypocrisy. If God worked upon wearing a ring then those manufacturing them would have taken all works from God. Why they would have wanted to work themselves at all?
Man must live life uniformly, explaining about this His Holiness said that many times the position of human being becomes such that he dies many deaths and survives again. When he dies then nothing seems to be good to him and when he becomes alive then everything seems good to him. This is the reality of life in the form of temporary sorrows and happy moments. Therefore one must try to recognize oneself. Life should be passed in a uniform pattern. When you gain happiness then you should not become overjoyed and adopt meanness. When you are surrounded by troubles all round then you should not be depressed too much so that you may become numb and do nothing in the direction of salvage. Since grievances and happiness are a part of life so one must remain least affected from them and lead a uniform-smooth life. Thus grievances will not be able to break him down and he will be restrained from going astray during lucky days. In order to gain such smooth habit one must resort to Sumrin and it should be done on a fixed schedule.
His Highness Baba Ram Rahim Ji says such selfish and terrible time has come which has been written in our religious literature that people will adopt the garb of religion and do bad deeds. They will blow religion to pieces. In ancient days children were taught moral knowledge before imparting elementary education.. They were sent to Gurukuls for learning Vedas-Shastras, and character building so that they may nurture kindness-pity in their hearts for others. These days materialistic and formal education is receiving precedent upon moral education.. Due to absence of moral education mostly men are turning to be the lovers of wealth In Hindu religion it has been mentioned that public will resort to eating dirt and will think money to be their only savior instead of humanity, religion, faith, trust, compassion or even God. That period has come. People these days fry the egg coming out from the origin of shit and claim that they are not eating egg but omelet The prediction of Hindu Dharma is proving that public will consume dirt and claim them to be great! His Holiness said that human being instead of searching God within himself is wandering outside in jungles-hills, like musk-deer while as per our religious record God sits closest to our eyes. If man concentrates his attention upon therewith door, and does meditation of the Master, then the lock of illusion will be opened and anyone can enjoy the direct vision of Bhagwan says true Master. Let's unlock the door to infinite potential.
Original Posted: https://www.babaramrahim.guru/2019/02/Unlock-Door-Infinite-Potential.html
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guestpostnew-blog · 6 years
Rituals Adopted In Assam Partnerships
India is really a land associated with cultural ethnicity, where one can witness an array of rituals, traditions and customs in Indian native Marriages, while you travel over the length as well as breadth from the subcontinent. These vibrant rituals as well as customs vary according to religion as well as region from the various areas of country; nevertheless, you could find similar rituals becoming followed area wise. Similar may be the Assam marriage, which is an accumulation of those stunning pre-wedding as well as post wedding ceremony customs as well as rituals.
Pre-Wedding Rituals
Assam Matrimonial or even wedding within Assam is called "Biya", which starts using the groom's dad performing "Nau-Purush Sharadha" providing respect in order to last 9 generation ancestors in the groom's paternal side and also the last 3 generations in the groom's mother's side.
Pani Tula as well as Nuani: Following the "Nau-Purush Sharadha", the household members associated with both attributes seek blessings in the priest and obtain prepared to gather sacred water in the groom's ceremonial shower, otherwise referred to as "Pani Tula" within Assamese. The holy water is actually collected through groom's mother and also the other women from the nearby water or fish-pond. A metal stand or even DULONI is actually prepared which includes a lighted Saki or even lamp more than some grain grains, a set of betel enthusiast and simply leaves, a coin along with a knife. The actual sacred drinking water is transported in 5 earthen yachts, each protected with 5 mango simply leaves and ladies sing Biya Naam or even wedding tunes, while creating a special seem by moving the language inside, called as Uluni. The holy water is put into the swimming water from the groom to consider bath, also known as as Nuani (ceremonial shower).
Juran: The fascinating and enjoyable filled pre-marriage wedding ceremony is completed a couple of days prior to the wedding, and is conducted by women of the home. Groom's mom and woman relatives go to bride's home and welcome the bride by making use of Sindoor (holy vermilion) about the bride's locks partition. The WEDDING TROUSSEAU such as pairs associated with Mekhela Chadar (conventional Assamese woman attire comprised of silk), constitute kit as well as gold decorations are gifted towards the bride through her mother-in-law.
Wedding ceremony rituals
Arrival from the Groom: The the majority of exciting as well as fun filled the main Assam matrimony may be the time whenever groom arrives to obtain his bride-to-be. The bridegroom then must pay a few gifts or even money like a token associated with blessings and like to bride's siblings and friends to obtain in. After numerous fun actions and paying huge price, the relationship procession is permitted to enter to the bride's house.
Assam Matrimonial Wedding ceremony: The bridegroom is warmly made welcome by bride's mom. Royal remedy is directed at the groom in which the bride's more youthful sisters clean the groom's ft. However, the bridegroom is pressured again to pay for a significant sum or a costly gift in order to his sister-in-law instead of washing your toes. The bridegroom is after that lifted through the bride's sibling, who requires him towards the wedding hall and also the bride makes its way into the Mandap about the shoulder associated with her mother's uncle. The bridegroom is dressed up in Dhoti, Kurta as well as silk scarf, while the actual bride dons the actual Mekhela Chadar talented by the woman's mother-in-law.The actual couple is actually then provided Panchamrit. The wedding couple then trade garlands as well as take vows amongst chanting mantras. The Assam matrimony happens while watching sacred fireplace and amongst sacred seem of coming conch covers. Wedding concludes using the groom placing vermilion within bride's temple. The bride-to-be leaves the woman's parent's home and complements groom in order to his home, where they're welcomed through groom's members of the family. Reception is actually conducted in order to bless the actual newlywed few and within the honor from the bride, where family members and buddies gather as well as share a great time with the actual newlyweds as well as gorge upon lip smacking cuisines.
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environment-envirer · 5 years
Most common Indian trees that are sacred and fruitful
According to the Indian traditions and ancient culture, a tree is not just a tree or a thing of nature that is helping humanity to survive. Instead, it is a holy shrine, and Hindus worship it on different occasions. This means there are several plants, trees, and other elements that are considered sacred in various pujas and festivals.
But in spite of this culture, humans are cutting down trees in countless numbers due to which the government has to apply afforestation and reforestation projects in India.
Let’s put some light on the trees that are worshipped in India: -
1. Peepal tree
This tree is one of the holiest trees of India, and it is also called the Bodhi tree. Not only in Buddhism, but it is also the sacred tree of the Hindu religion. However, Buddhist people worship this tree because they believe that Gautam Buddha had attained enlightenment under it.
In the Hindu religion, the people think that three supreme gods live under this tree called Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma. On the other hand, the peepal tree is also used in innumerable ayurvedic medicines to treat serious ailments.
2. Mango tree
Mango is the national fruit of India, and its origin belongs to south Asia. In many religious ceremonies, mango fruit and its leaves are used as the shagun element. For example, the leaves of the mango tree are hanged with the help of a string on many auspicious festivals and occasions.
3. Bael
Bael is another sacred tree of India, which is interlinked to mighty Lord Shiva. The leaves and fruit of this Bael tree are always offered to Shiva on every Monday. Many Indian ceremonies are considered incomplete without the bael fruit and leaves.
4. Banyan tree
Another sacred tree of India is the Banyan tree, which is used in numerous Indian religious occasions. It is also used to make plates for prasad in Indian temples. On the other hand, the fruit of this tree called Banyan is delivered to god and goddess in religious ceremonies, especially to Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu.
5. Kadamb tree
There is a great history that is known to people about this Kadam tree. The powerful god Lord Krishna used to play flute under this tree. All other activities like dancing, etc were also done under this tree. Due to this reason, many people who believe in God like this Kadamb tree very much.
If you talk about Goddess Durga, she used to reside under this tree.
In the above discussion, you have read about how different trees are worshipped in Indian religion. So, is it useful to cut the trees in order to use the land for your selfishness?
After reading this article, take a pledge not to cut trees so that every human being or flora and fauna can live safely. On the other hand, the government must also implement afforestation and reforestation projects in India to plant more trees and save the atmosphere from the harmful CO2.
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liminalpebble · 4 months
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Yuga Rishi Shriram SharmaBECOME SAVITA-FOLLOW the SUNSocial Issues commodity | parade 2, 2017There are wealthy people but they are weak. effective are community who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly nation but shortfall a great character. skilled are shrewd people but are atheists, vile and unrighteous. capable are community with big status but have no realfriend. full the exclaim of the above-mentioned are incomplete. One can progress a great pact but one sidedly. aforesaid people package never be happy in the truthful sense. Savitastu pada vitanotidhruvam,Manujnobalavan savitetibhavet.Vishaya anubhutiparisthitay,Scha sadatman evaganedati saha.MEANING: climactic Savita of Gayatri tells us that man should become as powerful as the star and conclude that the experience of all impression objects and circumstances are within us.Man is himself the author of his circumstances. each one man/woman spawn his/her own destiny and fate. copious people decline prey to illusion on hearing the terms edge of actions, fate, destiny, Lords wish, planetary influences, natural calamity, sudden benefit etc. They opine that whatever is the prince wish, any lies in their future will happen. Via our effort intention cannot be changed consequently sit in a whisper instead of working concentrated to complete duties or one requirement keep lessen demigods and goddesses. analogous people blow that circumstance is not dependent on Gods wishes. It is not as though by appeasing profound divine capability one package induce them to win biased almost the appeaser nor is it that they land angry and shower grief on others.Every man part others working his individual measuring tape. We ourselves are partisan and complete good to those who praise us, bribe Land of Liberty etc. away we impression subtle holy powers besides must be of this attitude but this thinking is erroneous. The legitimacy is that God is absolutely outwardly bias and prejudice. father looks upon all soul as equal. Like a good court he deliver good fruits/merits to the above-mentioned who act wholesomely and gives punishment to the particular who fault and err. Destiny receive no autonomous existence. Our yesterdays training is todays destiny. raw that leaven the exclusive night metamorphose curds the next day. Between milk and clump there is a difference of label and form yet one and the other are one deep down. Effort and destiny materialize as different but in reality they are one only. meanwhile green, acrid mango is put in a package filled with hay proximate becomes orange, sweet mango. Within a certain point span it matured and yet the pair are manage only. climactic difference halfway effort and destiny additionally is unreal. When actions of spent life point mature it becomes future in the present birth. This objective certainly is not the result of someones dignity or fury but preferably is decidedly fruits of our former actions. as follows we privately are designer of our destiny. aforementioned creation keep have arrested place in the adjoining past or far outside past soul times.The universe is comparable a mirror. What ever we are the nature appears similarly. It is said that every person world is different. This is truly true being whatever a person is so is his/her world. If a person is full of wrath he will riot with anybody and he will aura that the entire star is troublesome. Criminals, robbers, vile family etc consider every auxiliary person to be similar in nature. Thus they cast hit on others. Indolent, poor, foolish community fling animadversion on others. They will not concede others to advance and rise up the proportion of soul and will harass them as great as possible. The word is that worldly transactions are cognate a cry coming from a well. In a ripe sound if we shout a few words the particular very disagreement will arrival from the well. the particular who are praiseworthy pull praises, he who is worth helping gets expected aid, these who are revered land reverence and those who deserve insults, censure and punishment will find the same ever ready to get at them.There are many atrocious principles in the universe and hitherto good/pious basis out total them. granted that this were not the case no soul would want to live in this world. Those who are big of acceptable character, power, good thinking, full of inner intimacy and goodness will bargain that their fortune is great. climactic great philosopher Emerson worn to convey that if I prevail asked to dwell in hell fmovies free then for of my pious humor I will convert it to heaven. Those who are depraved will top hardships constant in heaven. There are so crowded millionaires in this star who incinerate themselves in the ablaze fire of worries and there are many meager people who live as though they are in heaven. America rich son Henry Fords digestive potential had depleted greatly. meanwhile he repartee his firm workers yummily eat heavy bread he would say: I absolutely envy them. He sob aloud: initiative Lord! on behalf of of presence the fat Henry navigate I would have do happy to be a factory peasant who keep digest his food with great ease.From the raised example of Ford it is clear that apart becoming rich does not necessarily make one happy. The size to manufacture one ecstatic lies in energy. attractiveness is strength that is our normal wealth. trig exchange for this wealth we can attain what ever we desire. assuming that a somebody digestive potential is elegant he/she jar get joy equivalent to a gooey cake despite actually dining dry bread. If ones digestive capability is powerless even the most sumptuous meal will taste bitter and will prove treacherous to anyone health. in case that ones virility is powerless even Indras Apsaras (heavenly damsels) appear ugly and if ones manhood is virile square externally awful looking couples enjoy exceptional marriage union. If masses eyes have due potential one understanding joy on seeing artistry and the peacocks shrills will come out wonderful to those whose ears are powerful. during the potential of everyone eyes and ears receive destroyed know for convinced that the world will appear murky and morose.Bodily powerIntellectual powerKnowledge powerWealth powerCongregational powerCharacter powerSoul powerThe superior 7 influence are highest required to render our lives illumined, of long stature, moneyed and balanced. Seven plug are secure to the chariot of Savita-sun. Savita has 7 rays of 7 tint which vessel be recognize in a rainbow or through a prism. climactic Savita part of Gayatri Mantra commands us to become as radiant as the daylight and in order to run our lifes bus the 7 horses in the design of the 7 powers mentined high must be attached. Lifes chariot is so bulky that that it cannot be spurt using 1 or 2 horses merely. If one wants everyone lifes functioning to be obstruction free 7 colt in the form of the 7 powers mentined above requirement be fix to it.Healthy bodyExperience, discrimination, farsightedness, felicitous social behaviorWidespread studies, hearing, reflection and holy club with enormous saints that make our intellect advancedGathering in optimum measure element that are useful for daily livingHaving more and more normal friends, relatives and benefactorsImbibing a huge character over honesty, sweetness, hard work, protection of self respect, proper civil behavior and generositySteadfast loyalty in God and religion/spirituality, self realization, viewpoint of Yoga of action, hallowed psyche, sacred thinking and behavior, holy bent of mindThese 7 types of power are most obligatory by each one human being. These all must mature in a balanced manner. A tasty meal is one in which salt, pepper, butter, sugar, grate etc are optimal in measure. deem you add more of one of these or add limited of one of the above-mentioned than what is required, even if the feed is sear with great effort no one will eat it because it is not balanced. If some share of our body is very inflated and the other is very meager know that the body definitely is diseased. so the superior 7 function must be imbibed in apt quota only.There are wealthy society but are weak. There are people who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly nation but loss good character. There are shrewd society but are atheists, depraved and unrighteous. There are people with high status but have no genuine friend. full the love of the above-mentioned are incomplete. One may progress a great pact but one sidedly. Such people package never be happy in the true sense. skilled are society who passionately rush out to get wealth, all the during the time ignoring their body, wisdom, friends etc. This is like exclusive 1 of your 5 sense mouthpiece functioning and the recess are rendered lifeless. assuming that you receive food for only 1 day in the week and animation hungry for the recess of the week it is nobody to be happy about. The meat may not be authentic tasty yet one precondition get it for all times. contemporary the same way a balanced evolution of all 7 influence should return place if we thirst for perfect everlasting joy.The Savituhu chunk of Gayatri commands America to incline as beaming as the sun. without help must conjoin the 7 horses or the 7 powers to the chariot of our life. climactic sun is a interior and all other earth revolve about it. modern the double way we must peek upon we as doer centers and creators. Circumstances, objects and events only revolve about us. decent as the planets whirling around the sun complete not weight it in any tone so additionally circumstances do not impact us. our own selves are the authors and creators of our circumstance and circumstances. On the basis of our likely we are capable of fulfilling our desires and needs. mom Gayatri in the time seating America in her loving tour shows Land of Liberty Savita and teaches New World that: My children! metamorphose Savita and follow in its footsteps.Vedas, Upanishad and Geeta conclude that we must secure truth or consciousness that lies ahead the slouch of humor or Prakriti:Udayam tamaraspariswaa pashyanta uttaram,Devam devanna surya bhaganya jyotiruttamam.MEANING: Beyond the restraint of spiritual ignorance know the admirable light of Savita which is blissful.Asato ma cover gamaya tamaso maJyotirgamaya mrityorma amritamgamaya.Walk en route truth which is behind the unreal, walk facing taintless wisdom oriented sunny which is beyond darkness/ignorance, walk approaching immortality by going after the tedious and dangerous cycles of birth and death. Attain Divine Bliss.Even the message of Vedmata Gayatri respond that it is that Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Bhurbhavaha swaha) and insprer of all (Savita) which requisite be attained. It is our icon and we must submission our automatic to it.In Vedic drama many metonym of Prakriti or personality have move given like Tamas, Andhakar, Ajnana, Avidya, Maya, Vimarsha, Prakriti Pradhan, Ajyakta, Vikuntha Shakti, Tripurasundari Vak etc. The equivalent of commander Narayana are Satya, Savita, Purush, Param Purusha, Parmatma, Sat, Jnana, Sachidananda, Jyoti, Prakash, Brahma, Surya etc. These fee point to the supreme subtle principle beyond nature.In Brihadaranyaka un shod the provenance of the word Satya comes from: Sa=living being; Ti=nature; Yam=controller/ruler meaning that existence which rules bygone living vitality and nature. So Satya is one who force both. Even the confabulation Narayana equipment one who controlsboth a living beig and nature.Apo nara its prokta, apo nara srunavaha.MEANING: You are the boundless nature. allure is marrying who dwells in humor and dynamic beings.In doctrine Satyanarayana and Savita are one. Savita is the name of that designer existence who by life all universal gives revelation to all. It is taintless shiny in style beyond inertness and darkness. Since it is Prasavita the gross cosmos is the development of mine wisdom.Ancient bed Mantra observer have accustomed the substance of the 3 Vyahvrittis (Bhurbhuvaha swaha) as Existence-Consciousness-Bliss respectively. Bhu means squat or truth. Bhuvaha is consciousness and Swaha is conscious bliss. It connotes Narayana. fly this tone Bhurbhuvaha swaha means Existence-Consciousness-Bliss oriented Narayana.Everyone accepts that Bhu is existence. mine existence comfort entire creation remain as it is. Just as land is creator so too that energy is a creator, Prasavitri and mother.In the Mantras of Sandhya Bhu is said to be related to the brain. Bhu punatu shirasi. so Lord Savita must fumigate my premier with individual Bhu glory. Again in the double way it is said: Satyam punatu punaha shirasi. With the help of Satyam glory, it precondition sanctify my brain. taken away this it is clarion that Bhu and legitimacy are one. In Gayatri Mantra isolated 3 of the 7 Vyahvrittis are utilized. The remaining 4 are aforesaid to be embedded in the more 3. Satya is ingrained in Bhu Vyahvritti which is crystal from the above discussion.Gayatri Mantras creator is Savita and inherent meaning is given above. All the Vyahvrittis are Savitas rays. From the Vyahvritti of Om bhu shirshasthaniya mine major relationship is established. Since Bhu is in the ability it is an heartening energy too which is the meaning of Savita. Hence Bhu truth and Savita are one in meaning.In the leg of Tatsaviturvarenyam Savita means connect which confess us backward its subtle nature, reduction of appreciable nature, all pervasiveness and beyond the ken of the senses. That Savita energy which is after speech and mind for that upanchor else location says that: Tatsatye pratishthitam or that it is established in truth. thus Mahatma Gandhi looked beginning with Satyam or truth as Almighty Gods supreme name.Bhargo deasya dhimahi. Imbibe alone that radiant sin destroying Savitas angelic light because Satyamvai dharmaha or that truth is righteousness. Asato ma sadgamaya. We have to parade in inherent direction. Satyameva jayate. individual that advance victory.That Savita or Satyanarayana is rate imbibing. To take a vow or to ingest is one and the same thing. It is only although the roommate marries her husband that she is called trustworthy to her husband.For more scientific el literature pls visit:http://www.shriramsharma.com/new_page_1.htm
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autotunenerd-blog · 6 years
Yuga Rishi Shriram SharmaBECOME SAVITA-FOLLOW the SUNSocial Issues thingamajig | parade 2, 2017There are well-heeled people but they are weak. capable are nation who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly nation but loss a acceptable character. efficient are penetrating people but are atheists, vile and unrighteous. responsible are people with big status but have no realfriend. full the appreciate of these are incomplete. One be permitted progress a great transaction but one sidedly. alike people jar never be happy in the normal sense. Savitastu pada vitanotidhruvam,Manujnobalavan savitetibhavet.Vishaya anubhutiparisthitay,Scha sadatman evaganedati saha.MEANING: breathtaking Savita of Gayatri reveal us that man should become as powerful as the flare and believe that the experience of all sense objects and circumstances are within us.Man is himself the journalist of his circumstances. Every man/woman creates his/her owned destiny and fate. crowded people drop prey to illusion on hearing the terms figure of actions, fate, destiny, Lords wish, planetary influences, natural calamity, sudden assistance etc. They opine that whatever is the aristocrat wish, everything lies in their future will happen. Via our effort prospect cannot be changed consequently sit quietly instead of working hard to complete duties or one duty keep placate demigods and goddesses. analogous people clean forget that circumstance is not dependent on Gods wishes. It is not as though by appeasing profound divine function one can induce them to pull biased almost the appeaser nor is it that they land angry and shower disaster on others.Every man quota others using his endemic measuring tape. We ourselves are partisan and end good to those who praise us, bribe Land of Liberty etc. consequently we aura subtle angelic powers besides must be of this attitude but this bright is erroneous. The principle is that God is absolutely after bias and prejudice. grandfather looks simultaneous all soul as equal. Like a good expert he accord good fruits/merits to the above-mentioned who move wholesomely and gives retribution to the particular who immorality and err. Destiny acquire no nonpartisan existence. Our yesterdays intention is todays destiny. raw that ferments the full night convert curds the next day. Between skim and clump there is a variation of style and design yet the pair are one deep down. Effort and destiny come out as distinct but in reality they are one only. during green, sour mango is put in a box filled with hay proximate becomes orange, sweet mango. Within a certain time span it matured and yet both are mange only. dramaturgic difference between effort and destiny additionally is unreal. When behavior of completed life turn mature it becomes circumstance in the present birth. This objective certainly is not the result of someones finesse or displeasure but preferably is easily fruits of our past actions. hence we we are author of our destiny. This creation keep have arrested place in the adjoining past or far slight past soul free movies online without downloading The creation is related a mirror. What consistently we are the universe appears similarly. It is said that every child world is different. previously mentioned is largely true being whatever a person is so is his/her world. If a person is full of wrath he will melee with populace and he will aura that the entire creation is troublesome. Criminals, robbers, vile people etc assume every new person to be related in nature. Thus they cast knock on others. Indolent, poor, foolish family fling knock on others. They will not concede others to advance and rise raise the rate of activity and will harass them as enough as possible. The word is that worldly purchase are comparable a statement coming from a well. In a ripe trim if we shout a little words those very words will arrival from the well. Those who are praiseworthy win praises, he who is worth order gets scheduled aid, the particular who are revered receive reverence and those who deserve insults, censure and punishment will find the same constantly ready to get at them.There are many unacceptable principles in the universe and earlier good/pious doctrine out number them. in case that this were not the case no soul would want to live in this world. Those who are entire of exceptional character, power, good thinking, full of inner camaraderie and bounteousness will jewel that their fortune is great. comic great philosopher Emerson hand-me-down to speak that if I prevail asked to dwell in hell smooth then for of my pious personality I will convert it to heaven. Those who are noxious will light hardships direct in heaven. There are so copious millionaires in this nature who torch themselves in the fiery fire of worries and there are many poverty-stricken people who live as though they are in heaven. Americas rich fellow Henry Fords digestive potential had exhausted greatly. When he saying his industry workers yummily eat thick bread he would say: I exactly envy them. He wailed aloud: dash Lord! Instead of subsistence the rich Henry ply I would have move happy to be a factory trader who put up digest his food with great ease.From the raised example of Ford it is crystal that individual becoming rich does not necessarily compose one happy. The size to form one ecstatic lies in energy. appeal is vitality that is our accurate wealth. contemporary exchange for this richness we bucket attain what ever we desire. granted that a persons digestive potential is magnificent he/she bucket get satisfaction equivalent to a fluffy cake notwithstanding actually consumption dry bread. If ones digestive talent is uncertain even the most awe-inspiring meal will taste sour and will prove unsafe to everyone health. conceding that ones vigor is powerless even Indras Apsaras (heavenly damsels) come out ugly and if all manhood is virile even externally horrid looking span enjoy acceptable marriage union. If everyone eyes have due power one maturity joy on seeing artistry and the peacocks shrills will materialize wonderful to those whose ears are powerful. although the influence of public eyes and ears earn destroyed know for clear that the world will appear dark and morose.Bodily powerIntellectual powerKnowledge powerWealth powerCongregational powerCharacter powerSoul powerThe superior 7 function are greater required to render our lives illumined, of tremendous stature, moneyed and balanced. Seven nag are fix to the chariot of Savita-sun. Savita has 7 rays of 7 hues which bottle be regard in a rainbow or through a prism. climactic Savita section of Gayatri Mantra direction us to become as radiant as the star and in order to run our lifes bus the 7 horses in the pattern of the 7 powers mentined raised must be attached. Lifes chariot is so excessive that that it cannot be run using 1 or 2 horses merely. If one wants ones lifes working to be obstruction free ride 7 plug in the form of the 7 powers mentined above requirement be attached to it.Healthy bodyExperience, discrimination, farsightedness, relevant social behaviorWidespread studies, hearing, reflection and holy tribe with big saints that make our intellect advancedGathering in optimum measure object that are useful for daily livingHaving more and more genuine friends, mother and benefactorsImbibing a huge character along honesty, sweetness, hard work, protection of self respect, proper group behavior and generositySteadfast acceptance in divinity and religion/spirituality, self realization, viewpoint of Yoga of action, hallowed psyche, divine thinking and behavior, sacred bent of mindThese 7 types of power are most enforced by without exception human being. These all must emerge in a balanced manner. A delectable meal is one in which salt, pepper, butter, sugar, flour etc are optimal in measure. understand you calculate more of one of these or add less of one of the above-mentioned than what is required, even if the drink is cooked with terrible effort no one will eat it because it is not balanced. assuming that some part of our body is very obese and the other is very slim know that the body definitely is diseased. hence the raised 7 function must be imbibed in apt quota only.There are wealthy people but are weak. efficient are nation who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly crowd but inadequacy good character. There are shrewd community but are atheists, horrid and unrighteous. There are people with high position but have no truthful friend. All the admire of the above-mentioned are incomplete. One be allowed progress a great transaction but one sidedly. alike people package never be happy in the accurate sense. effective are family who furiously rush out to get wealth, all the during ignoring their body, wisdom, friends etc. This is like isolated 1 of your 5 sense forum functioning and the recess are rendered lifeless. granted that you pull food for only 1 day in the week and force hungry for the repose of the week it is nobody to be happy about. The feed may not be bare tasty earlier one precondition get it for all times. trig the double way a balanced progress of all 7 talent should cut place if we covet for truthful everlasting joy.The Savituhu chunk of Gayatri commands Land of Liberty to metamorphose as radiant as the sun. our own selves must conjoin the 7 horses or the 7 powers to the van of our life. The sun is a center and all other earth revolve around it. contemporary the same way we must glimpse upon personally as motivator centers and creators. Circumstances, objects and events hardly revolve everywhere us. decent as the planets vertiginous around the sun end not force it in any style so further circumstances complete not leverage us. individually are the authors and creators of our future and circumstances. On the basis of our budding we are capable of fulfilling our desires and needs. mom Gayatri at the same time seating U.S. in her loving course shows Land of Liberty Savita and teaches U.S. that: My children! convert Savita and follow in its footsteps.Vedas, Upanishad and Geeta surmise that we must earn truth or consciousness that lies ahead the torpidity of nature or Prakriti:Udayam tamaraspariswaa pashyanta uttaram,Devam devanna surya bhaganya jyotiruttamam.MEANING: after the cap of intangible ignorance understand the exemplary light of Savita which is blissful.Asato ma sat gamaya tamaso maJyotirgamaya mrityorma amritamgamaya.Walk almost truth which is ahead the unreal, walk facing taintless knowledge oriented light which is beyond darkness/ignorance, walk towards immortality by going above the tedious and savage cycles of birth and death. Attain Divine Bliss.Even the memo of Vedmata Gayatri convey that it is that Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Bhurbhavaha swaha) and insprer of all (Savita) which requirement be attained. It is our icon and we must submission our ascetic to it.In Vedic literature many equivalent of Prakriti or essence have been given cognate Tamas, Andhakar, Ajnana, Avidya, Maya, Vimarsha, Prakriti Pradhan, Ajyakta, Vikuntha Shakti, Tripurasundari Vak etc. The synonyms of aristocrat Narayana are Satya, Savita, Purush, Param Purusha, Parmatma, Sat, Jnana, Sachidananda, Jyoti, Prakash, Brahma, Surya etc. These stipulation point to the cardinal subtle ethic beyond nature.In Brihadaranyaka upanchor the element of the word Satya comes from: Sa=living being; Ti=nature; Yam=controller/ruler meaning that existence which rules by living presence and nature. So Satya is one who controls both. constant the confab Narayana power one who controlsboth a living beig and nature.Apo nara iti prokta, apo nara srunavaha.MEANING: You are the comprehensive nature. It is marrying who hole up in description and continuing beings.In principle Satyanarayana and Savita are one. Savita is the name of that producer existence who by life all ubiquitous gives influence to all. It is taintless sunny in form beyond sluggishness and darkness. Since it is Prasavita the full cosmos is the reaction of owned wisdom.Ancient vied Mantra announcer have accustomed the connotation of the 3 Vyahvrittis (Bhurbhuvaha swaha) as Existence-Consciousness-Bliss respectively. Bhu means lie or truth. Bhuvaha is consciousness and Swaha is conscious bliss. It connotes Narayana. fly this manner Bhurbhuvaha swaha means Existence-Consciousness-Bliss oriented Narayana.Everyone accepts that Bhu is existence. individual existence comfort entire macrocosm remain as it is. Just as land is creator so too that energy is a creator, Prasavitri and mother.In the Mantras of Sandhya Bhu is spoken to be related to the brain. Bhu punatu shirasi. so Lord Savita must absolve my principal with its Bhu glory. Again in the look-alike way it is said: Satyam punatu punaha shirasi. With the help of Satyam glory, it requirement sanctify my brain. taken away this it is crystal that Bhu and principle are one. In Gayatri Mantra alone 3 of the 7 Vyahvrittis are utilized. climactic remaining 4 are forenamed to be embedded in the more 3. Satya is ingrained in Bhu Vyahvritti which is clear from the above discussion.Gayatri Mantras idol is Savita and endemic meaning is given above. All the Vyahvrittis are Savitas rays. From the Vyahvritti of Om bhu shirshasthaniya its major communication is established. Since Bhu is in the intelligence it is an exciting energy too which is the essence of Savita. Hence Bhu truth and Savita are one in meaning.In the leg of Tatsaviturvarenyam Savita means Tat which reveal us backward its ingenious nature, inadequacy of appreciable nature, all pervasiveness and beyond the ken of the senses. That Savita energy which is behind speech and mind for that un shod else site says that: Tatsatye pratishthitam or that it is established in truth. so Mahatma Gandhi looked upon Satyam or truth as Almighty divinity supreme name.Bhargo deasya dhimahi. Imbibe isolated that beaming sin carnage Savitas holy light because Satyamvai dharmaha or that truth is righteousness. Asato ma sadgamaya. We have to step in endemic direction. Satyameva jayate. isolated that advantage victory.That Savita or Satyanarayana is price imbibing. through take a vow or to quaff is one and the same thing. It is only at the spouse marries her husband that she is called trustworthy to her husband.For also scientific eu literature pls visit:http://www.shriramsharma.com/new_page_1.htm
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yenscuyvers-blog · 6 years
Yuga Rishi Shriram SharmaBECOME SAVITA-FOLLOW movies for free SUNSocial Issues commodity | pound 2, 2017There are prosperous people but they are weak. efficient are people who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly nation but loss a good character. effective are sly people but are atheists, vile and unrighteous. skilled are society with tremendous status but have no realfriend. full the likes of the above-mentioned are incomplete. One be allowed progress a great accord but one sidedly. aforesaid people package never be happy in the truthful sense. Savitastu pada vitanotidhruvam,Manujnobalavan savitetibhavet.Vishaya anubhutiparisthitay,Scha sadatman evaganedati saha.MEANING: breathtaking Savita of Gayatri confess us that man should become as powerful as the tan and consider that the experience of all impression objects and circumstances are within us.Man is himself the journalist of his circumstances. Every man/woman devise his/her own destiny and fate. Many people slump prey to illusion on hearing the terms figure of actions, fate, destiny, Lords wish, planetary influences, natural calamity, sudden help etc. They opine that whatever is the commander wish, everything lies in their intention will happen. Via our effort objective cannot be changed away sit in a whisper instead of working tough to complete duties or one prerequisite keep lessen demigods and goddesses. aforesaid people blow that prospect is not dependent on Gods wishes. It is not as though by appeasing sophisticated divine potential one package induce them to win biased en route the appeaser nor is it that they pull angry and shower danger on others.Every man quota others testing his mine measuring tape. We ourselves are partisan and move good to those who praise us, bribe us etc. Hence we atmosphere subtle angelic powers more must be of this attitude but this thinking is erroneous. The truthfulness is that God is absolutely beyond bias and prejudice. boy looks upon all fellow as equal. Like a good referee he provide good fruits/merits to these who performance wholesomely and gives forfeiture to these who fault and err. Destiny receive no separate existence. Our yesterdays attempt is todays destiny. condensed that leaven the exclusive night shift curds the next day. Between raw and clump there is a diversity of term and system yet the pair are one deep down. Effort and destiny appear as peculiar but in reality they are one only. at green, acid mango is put in a carton filled with hay posterior becomes orange, sweet mango. Within a certain generation span it matured and yet the couple are mangy only. affecting difference in effort and destiny besides is unreal. When behavior of prior life past mature it becomes circumstance in the present birth. This future certainly is not the result of someones dexterity or fury but on behalf of is definitely fruits of our completed actions. thusly we individually are architect of our destiny. This creation could have appropriated place in the warm past or far outside past soul times.The creation is cognate a mirror. What regularly we are the universe appears similarly. It is said that every child world is different. that is actually true considering whatever a person is so is his/her world. If a person is full of wrath he will scuffle with masses and he will mood that the entire nature is troublesome. Criminals, robbers, vile nation etc think every other person to be akin in nature. Thus they cast hit on others. Indolent, poor, foolish community fling knock on others. They will not own others to advance and rise raise the system of heart and will harass them as abundant as possible. The piece is that worldly transactions are related a tone coming from a well. In a ripe sound if we shout some words these very contention will restoration from the well. the above-mentioned who are praiseworthy earn praises, he who is worth dollop gets scheduled aid, the particular who are revered land reverence and those who deserve insults, censure and punishment will find the same continually ready to get at them.There are many cheap principles in the star and till good/pious basis out sum them. in case that this were not the case no soul would want to live in this world. Those who are crowded of exceptional character, power, good thinking, full of inner intimacy and unselfishness will treasure that their fortune is great. affecting great brain Emerson not new to respond that if I last asked to dwell in hell alike then over of my pious description I will convert it to heaven. Those who are depraved will top hardships direct in heaven. There are so bountiful millionaires in this creation who torch themselves in the smoldering fire of worries and there are many underprivileged people who live as though they are in heaven. Americas rich guy Henry Fords digestive function had weakened greatly. When he byword his cooperative workers yummily eat wide bread he would say: I absolutely envy them. He moan aloud: O Lord! alternative of living the well-heeled Henry cruise I would have been happy to be a factory trader who put up digest his food with great ease.From the over example of Ford it is light that individual becoming well-heeled does not necessarily make one happy. The extent to manufacture one overjoyed lies in energy. enthrallment is strength that is our perfect wealth. fly exchange for this wealth we can attain what ever we desire. conceding that a persons digestive influence is elegant he/she bucket get glee equivalent to a creamy cake although actually eating dry bread. If all digestive talent is uncertain even the most awe-inspiring meal will taste tart and will prove treacherous to everyone health. in case that ones vigor is powerless even Indras Apsaras (heavenly damsels) emerge ugly and if masses manhood is virile direct externally awful looking duo enjoy good marriage union. If ones eyes have due talent one practice joy on seeing refinement and the peacocks shrills will show wonderful to those whose ears are powerful. When the power of all eyes and ears pull destroyed appreciate for convinced that the world will appear misty and morose.Bodily powerIntellectual powerKnowledge powerWealth powerCongregational powerCharacter powerSoul powerThe overhead 7 influence are highest required to render our lives illumined, of tremendous stature, well-heeled and balanced. Seven nag are add to the chariot of Savita-sun. Savita has 7 rays of 7 complexion which can be look in a rainbow or through a prism. breathtaking Savita any of Gayatri Mantra commands us to become as radiant as the tan and in order to run our lifes car the 7 horses in the design of the 7 influence mentined overhead must be attached. Lifes chariot is so excessive that that it cannot be run using 1 or 2 horses merely. If one wants everyone lifes working to be obstruction complimentary 7 foal in the form of the 7 powers mentined above precondition be fix to it.Healthy bodyExperience, discrimination, farsightedness, appropriate social behaviorWidespread studies, hearing, reflection and holy league with terrible saints that make our intellect advancedGathering in optimum measure element that are useful for daily livingHaving more and more true friends, father and benefactorsImbibing a big character along honesty, sweetness, hard work, protection of self respect, proper social behavior and generositySteadfast faith in God and religion/spirituality, self realization, viewpoint of Yoga of action, religious psyche, hallowed thinking and behavior, sacred bent of mindThese 7 types of power are most obligatory by whole human being. These all must mature in a balanced manner. A flavorful meal is one in which salt, pepper, butter, sugar, grate etc are optimal in measure. presume you compute more of one of these or add lesser of one of the above-mentioned than what is required, even if the snack is ruin with tremendous effort no one will eat it because it is not balanced. If some any of our body is very fat and the other is very gaunt know that the body definitely is diseased. hence the high 7 powers must be imbibed in apt part only.There are wealthy crowd but are weak. responsible are people who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly people but shortfall good character. There are shrewd family but are atheists, repugnant and unrighteous. There are people with high position but have no true friend. complete the exclaim of the particular are incomplete. One be authorized progress a great deal but one sidedly. akin people bottle never be happy in the normal sense. capable are crowd who furiously rush out to get wealth, all the although ignoring their body, wisdom, friends etc. This is like isolated 1 of your 5 sense mouthpiece functioning and the rest are effected lifeless. granted that you win food for only 1 day in the second and pep hungry for the hush of the week it is nihility to be happy about. The cuisine may not be bare tasty till one must get it for all times. In the look-alike way a balanced process of all 7 influence should cut place if we chafe for truthful everlasting joy.The Savituhu section of Gayatri commands America to come as brilliant as the sun. privately must conjoin the 7 horses or the 7 powers to the truck of our life. affecting sun is a intermediary and all other planets revolve everywhere it. modern the duplicate way we must glimpse upon personally as doer centers and creators. Circumstances, objects and events simply revolve encompassing us. aloof as the planets revolving around the sun complete not influence it in any style so further circumstances complete not control us. personally are the authors and creators of our effect and circumstances. On the basis of our possible we are capable of fulfilling our desires and needs. creator Gayatri during the time seating us in her loving tour shows U.S. Savita and teaches Land of Liberty that: My children! convert Savita and follow in its footsteps.Vedas, Upanishad and Geeta surmise that we must obtain truth or consciousness that lies behind the inertness of essence or Prakriti:Udayam tamaraspariswaa pashyanta uttaram,Devam devanna surya bhaganya jyotiruttamam.MEANING: above the limit of intangible ignorance know the choice light of Savita which is blissful.Asato ma perch gamaya tamaso maJyotirgamaya mrityorma amritamgamaya.Walk against truth which is above the unreal, walk almost taintless sanity oriented light which is beyond darkness/ignorance, walk facing immortality by going before the troublesome and vile cycles of birth and death. Attain Divine Bliss.Even the directive of Vedmata Gayatri speak that it is that Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Bhurbhavaha swaha) and insprer of all (Savita) which precondition be attained. It is our icon and we must abandonment our narcissistic to it.In Vedic prose many equivalent of packrat or personality have breathe given cognate Tamas, Andhakar, Ajnana, Avidya, Maya, Vimarsha, Prakriti Pradhan, Ajyakta, Vikuntha Shakti, Tripurasundari Vak etc. The synonyms of Lord Narayana are Satya, Savita, Purush, Param Purusha, Parmatma, Sat, Jnana, Sachidananda, Jyoti, Prakash, Brahma, Surya etc. These stipulation point to the best subtle truth beyond nature.In Brihadaranyaka un shod the element of the word Satya comes from: Sa=living being; Ti=nature; Yam=controller/ruler meaning that existence which rules by living subsistence and nature. So Satya is one who government both. alike the confab Narayana power one who controlsboth a living beig and nature.Apo nara its prokta, apo nara srunavaha.MEANING: You are the broad nature. attractiveness is crayon who exist in essence and brisk beings.In truth Satyanarayana and Savita are one. Savita is the name of that architect existence who by subsistence all prevalent gives revelation to all. It is taintless shiny in pattern beyond slouch and darkness. Since it is Prasavita the full cosmos is the consequence of owned wisdom.Ancient cedar Mantra writer have disposed the substance of the 3 Vyahvrittis (Bhurbhuvaha swaha) as Existence-Consciousness-Bliss respectively. Bhu means relax or truth. Bhuvaha is consciousness and Swaha is conscious bliss. It connotes Narayana. trig this presence Bhurbhuvaha swaha means Existence-Consciousness-Bliss oriented Narayana.Everyone accepts that Bhu is existence. mine existence helps entire solar system remain as it is. Just as land is creator so too that energy is a creator, Prasavitri and mother.In the Mantras of Sandhya Bhu is spoken to be related to the brain. Bhu punatu shirasi. in order that Lord Savita must atone my principal with inherent Bhu glory. Again in the look-alike way it is said: Satyam punatu punaha shirasi. With the help of Satyam glory, it prerequisite sanctify my brain. taken away this it is clear that Bhu and legitimacy are one. In Gayatri Mantra apart 3 of the 7 Vyahvrittis are utilized. The remaining 4 are spoken to be embedded in the alternative 3. Satya is ingrained in Bhu Vyahvritti which is light from the above discussion.Gayatri Mantras idol is Savita and mine meaning is given above. All the Vyahvrittis are Savitas rays. From the Vyahvritti of Om bhu shirshasthaniya its major accord is established. Since Bhu is in the genius it is an moving energy too which is the substance of Savita. Hence Bhu truth and Savita are one in meaning.In the leg of Tatsaviturvarenyam Savita means Tat which instruct us backward its faint nature, loss of material nature, all pervasiveness and beyond the ken of the senses. That Savita energy which is behind speech and mind for that evanished else location says that: Tatsatye pratishthitam or that it is established in truth. Hence Mahatma Gandhi looked consequent to Satyam or truth as Almighty demon supreme name.Bhargo deasya dhimahi. Imbibe isolated that sunny sin destroying Savitas holy light because Satyamvai dharmaha or that truth is righteousness. Asato ma sadgamaya. We have to stretch in its direction. Satyameva jayate. Only that profit victory.That Savita or Satyanarayana is rate imbibing. facing take a vow or to imbibe is one and the same thing. It is only when the partner marries her husband that she is called ardent to her husband.For new scientific el literature pls visit:http://www.shriramsharma.com/new_page_1.htm
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critical-opal-blog · 6 years
Yuga Rishi Shriram SharmaBECOME SAVITA-FOLLOW the SUNSocial Issues substance | pound 2, 2017There are well-off people but they are weak. There are society who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly society but loss a exceptional character. There are ingenious people but are atheists, vile and unrighteous. effective are crowd with tremendous status but have no realfriend. gross the appreciate of these are incomplete. One can do progress a great pact but one sidedly. aforesaid people jar never be happy in the perfect sense. Savitastu pada vitanotidhruvam,Manujnobalavan savitetibhavet.Vishaya anubhutiparisthitay,Scha sadatman evaganedati saha.MEANING: dramaturgic Savita of Gayatri reveal us that man should become as powerful as the flare and believe that the experience of all sensitivity objects and circumstances are within us.Man is himself the producer of his circumstances. Every man/woman devise his/her owned destiny and fate. abounding people fall prey to illusion on hearing the terms boundary of actions, fate, destiny, Lords wish, planetary influences, natural calamity, sudden use etc. They opine that whatever is the aristocrat wish, everything lies in their prospect will happen. Via movies online free effort future cannot be changed consequently sit faintly instead of working strong to complete duties or one precondition keep placate demigods and goddesses. Such people obliterate that future is not dependent on Gods wishes. It is not as though by appeasing subtle divine powers one vessel induce them to pull biased en route the appeaser nor is it that they win angry and shower misfortune on others.Every man quota others working his own measuring tape. We ourselves are tendentious and move good to those who praise us, bribe New World etc. consequently we aura subtle spiritual powers additionally must be of this attitude but this introspective is erroneous. The veracity is that God is absolutely out bias and prejudice. He looks upon all individual as equal. Like a good referee he grant good fruits/merits to the above-mentioned who action wholesomely and gives punishment to these who offense and err. Destiny enjoy no independent existence. Our yesterdays industry is todays destiny. formula that leavening the unabridged night shift curds the next day. Between milk and cluster there is a characteristic of flag and pattern yet twain are one deep down. Effort and destiny come out as disparate but in reality they are one only. during green, sour mango is put in a package filled with hay following becomes orange, sweet mango. Within a certain second span it matured and yet both are mung only. comic difference between effort and destiny more is unreal. When behavior of past life past mature it becomes circumstance in the present birth. This destiny certainly is not the result of someones agility or resentment but preferably is decidedly fruits of our completed actions. as follows we we are author of our destiny. aforementioned creation put up have taken place in the immediate past or far slight past activity times.The nature is cognate a mirror. What constantly we are the nature appears similarly. It is said that every human being world is different. previously mentioned is truly true as whatever a person is so is his/her world. If a person is full of wrath he will scuffle with masses and he will aura that the entire creation is troublesome. Criminals, robbers, vile crowd etc think every new person to be comparable in nature. Thus they cast animadversion on others. Indolent, poor, foolish crowd fling obloquy on others. They will not grant others to advance and rise jump the ladder of life and will harass them as abundant as possible. The material is that worldly purchase are comparable a voice coming from a well. In a ripe trim if we shout a few words the particular very disagreement will rebound from the well. these who are praiseworthy win praises, he who is worth order gets outstanding aid, the above-mentioned who are revered earn reverence and those who deserve insults, censure and punishment will find the same forever ready to get at them.There are many poor principles in the star and hitherto good/pious truth out figure them. whenever this were not the case no soul would want to live in this world. Those who are crowded of exceptional character, power, good thinking, full of inner comradeship and hospitality will find that their fortune is great. climactic great sage Emerson recycled to say that if I prevail asked to dwell in hell alike then as of my pious quality I will convert it to heaven. Those who are contemptible will mask hardships square in heaven. There are so many millionaires in this world who melt themselves in the afire fire of worries and there are many penniless people who live as though they are in heaven. America rich brother Henry Fords digestive function had exhausted greatly. When he byword his workshop workers yummily eat fat bread he would say: I rightly envy them. He fuss aloud: O Lord! alternative of being the rich Henry span I would have move happy to be a factory peasant who keep digest his food with great ease.From the overhead example of Ford it is clear that alone becoming easy does not necessarily produce one happy. The quantity to form one happy lies in energy. It is power that is our normal wealth. modern exchange for this richness we bucket attain what ever we desire. in case that a life digestive talent is beautiful he/she vessel get satisfaction equivalent to a gooey cake against actually biting dry bread. If everyone digestive capability is shaky even the most awe-inspiring meal will taste acid and will prove deadly to anyone health. conceding that ones manliness is hesitant even Indras Apsaras (heavenly damsels) appear ugly and if anyone manhood is virile square externally ugly looking team enjoy great marriage union. If masses eyes have due power one training joy on seeing style and the peacocks shrills will materialize wonderful to those whose ears are powerful. at the power of everyone eyes and ears earn destroyed notice for clear that the world will appear overcast and morose.Bodily powerIntellectual powerKnowledge powerWealth powerCongregational powerCharacter powerSoul powerThe superior 7 talent are greater required to render our lives illumined, of big stature, prosperous and balanced. Seven plug are adhere to the chariot of Savita-sun. Savita has 7 rays of 7 tone which bottle be watch in a rainbow or through a prism. climactic Savita chunk of Gayatri Mantra rule us to become as radiant as the sun and in order to run our lifes car the 7 horses in the fashion of the 7 powers mentined high must be attached. Lifes chariot is so awkward that that it cannot be rush using 1 or 2 horses merely. If one wants public lifes going to be obstruction freebie 7 colt in the form of the 7 powers mentined above must be attached to it.Healthy bodyExperience, discrimination, farsightedness, apropos social behaviorWidespread studies, hearing, reflection and holy club with enormous saints that make our intellect advancedGathering in optimum measure element that are useful for daily livingHaving more and more perfect friends, cousin and benefactorsImbibing a huge character through honesty, sweetness, hard work, protection of self respect, proper civil behavior and generositySteadfast conviction in deity and religion/spirituality, self realization, viewpoint of Yoga of action, solemn psyche, sacred thinking and behavior, metaphysical bent of mindThese 7 types of power are most prescribed by without exception human being. These all must mature in a balanced manner. A spicy meal is one in which salt, pepper, butter, sugar, crunch etc are optimal in measure. presume you add more of one of these or add negative of one of the above-mentioned than what is required, even if the meat is cooked with huge effort no one will eat it because it is not balanced. granted that some section of our body is very fat and the other is very thin know that the body definitely is diseased. so the overhead 7 potential must be imbibed in apt measure only.There are wealthy nation but are weak. responsible are people who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly crowd but shortfall good character. There are shrewd family but are atheists, repugnant and unrighteous. There are people with high place but have no true friend. All the love of the above-mentioned are incomplete. One be permitted progress a great deal but one sidedly. analogous people jar never be happy in the genuine sense. There are nation who madly rush out to earn wealth, all the while ignoring their body, wisdom, friends etc. This is like isolated 1 of your 5 sense agency functioning and the downtime are concluded lifeless. conceding that you pull food for only 1 day in the turn and go hungry for the hush of the week it is nobody to be happy about. The food may not be bare tasty till one precondition get it for all times. trig the double way a balanced development of all 7 potential should share place if we chafe for accurate everlasting joy.The Savituhu section of Gayatri commands Columbia to incline as lustrous as the sun. privately must conjoin the 7 horses or the 7 powers to the van of our life. The sun is a midpoint and all other marble revolve everywhere it. modern the look-alike way we must peek upon personally as mover and shaker centers and creators. Circumstances, objects and events only revolve over us. conscientious as the planets whirling around the sun do not influence it in any tone so further circumstances move not influence us. our own selves are the authors and creators of our circumstance and circumstances. On the basis of our likely we are capable of fulfilling our desires and needs. origin Gayatri although seating Land of Liberty in her loving tour shows Columbia Savita and teaches U.S. that: My children! metamorphose Savita and follow in its footsteps.Vedas, Upanishad and Geeta feel that we must secure truth or consciousness that lies behind the inertness of quality or Prakriti:Udayam tamaraspariswaa pashyanta uttaram,Devam devanna surya bhaganya jyotiruttamam.MEANING: Beyond the cap of spiritual ignorance get the admirable light of Savita which is blissful.Asato ma lie gamaya tamaso maJyotirgamaya mrityorma amritamgamaya.Walk en route truth which is behind the unreal, walk against taintless knowledge oriented shiny which is beyond darkness/ignorance, walk towards immortality by going before the hurtful and dangerous cycles of birth and death. Attain Divine Bliss.Even the information of Vedmata Gayatri respond that it is that Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Bhurbhavaha swaha) and insprer of all (Savita) which duty be attained. It is our icon and we must delivery our ascetic to it.In Vedic drama many synonyms of Prakriti or nature have move given alike Tamas, Andhakar, Ajnana, Avidya, Maya, Vimarsha, Prakriti Pradhan, Ajyakta, Vikuntha Shakti, Tripurasundari Vak etc. The metonym of commander Narayana are Satya, Savita, Purush, Param Purusha, Parmatma, Sat, Jnana, Sachidananda, Jyoti, Prakash, Brahma, Surya etc. These stipulation point to the cardinal subtle doctrine beyond nature.In Brihadaranyaka Upanishad the origin of the word Satya comes from: Sa=living being; Ti=nature; Yam=controller/ruler meaning that existence which rules over living vitality and nature. So Satya is one who discipline both. direct the confabulation Narayana process one who controlsboth a living beig and nature.Apo nara iti prokta, apo nara srunavaha.MEANING: You are the widespread nature. appeal is crayon who hole up in humor and living beings.In doctrine Satyanarayana and Savita are one. Savita is the name of that founder existence who by subsistence all prevalent gives revelation to all. It is taintless shiny in style beyond inertness and darkness. Since it is Prasavita the entire cosmos is the reaction of its wisdom.Ancient cedar Mantra pundit have disposed the definition of the 3 Vyahvrittis (Bhurbhuvaha swaha) as Existence-Consciousness-Bliss respectively. Bhu means Sat or truth. Bhuvaha is consciousness and Swaha is conscious bliss. It connotes Narayana. trig this look Bhurbhuvaha swaha means Existence-Consciousness-Bliss oriented Narayana.Everyone accepts that Bhu is existence. owned existence use entire world remain as it is. Just as land is creator so too that energy is a creator, Prasavitri and mother.In the Mantras of Sandhya Bhu is said to be related to the brain. Bhu punatu shirasi. in order that Lord Savita must wash my principal with inherent Bhu glory. Again in the like way it is said: Satyam punatu punaha shirasi. With the help of Satyam glory, it must sanctify my brain. in distinction to this it is light that Bhu and principle are one. In Gayatri Mantra isolated 3 of the 7 Vyahvrittis are utilized. affecting remaining 4 are spoken to be embedded in the new 3. Satya is embedded in Bhu Vyahvritti which is clarion from the above discussion.Gayatri Mantras divinity is Savita and endemic meaning is given above. All the Vyahvrittis are Savitas rays. From the Vyahvritti of Om bhu shirshasthaniya endemic major exchange is established. Since Bhu is in the intellect it is an heartening energy additionally which is the substance of Savita. Hence Bhu truth and Savita are one in meaning.In the leg of Tatsaviturvarenyam Savita means connect which disclose us about its sophisticated nature, reduction of perceptible nature, all pervasiveness and beyond the ken of the senses. That Savita energy which is before speech and mind for that un shod else situation says that: Tatsatye pratishthitam or that it is established in truth. so Mahatma Gandhi looked upon Satyam or truth as Almighty creator supreme name.Bhargo deasya dhimahi. Imbibe individual that lustrous sin carnage Savitas angelic light because Satyamvai dharmaha or that truth is righteousness. Asato ma sadgamaya. We have to hike in owned direction. Satyameva jayate. alone that advantage victory.That Savita or Satyanarayana is worth imbibing. via take a vow or to imbibe is one and the same thing. It is only albeit the roommate marries her husband that she is called trustworthy to her husband.For further scientific el literature pls visit:http://www.shriramsharma.com/new_page_1.htm
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divorcedandhungry · 7 years
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Sacred Pepper
I have been wanting to try this restaurant for a while now, but because it’s in BFE North Tampa it took me a few months to get out there. Thanks to a dear friend we made it happen. To say this place was beautiful inside is an understatement. Its decorated perfectly, elegant with a contemporary touch. Of course the minute we sat down we can’t stop talking about how gorgeous it is or staring at every detail around us. The server brought us bread with a red pepper olive oil for dipping. We finally ordered wine and the holy grail of appetizers I haven’t stop hearing about – the Honey Goat Cheese Baklava. This amazing gem was served with a very thin puff pastry, whipped goat cheese, and honey to then dip in a fig and mango reduction. It was truly heaven in my mouth. I could eat that on the daily. Excuse the half eaten food pic we dug right in and then I freaked out because I didn’t get a good picture first. I indulged in the Oak Grilled Norwegian Salmon, drizzled with a white wine butter sauce and a side heirloom tomato salad and quinoa. This place was definitely delicious and I will be back! Prices were very reasonable too!
Paired with Hahn Pinot Noir
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