stoic-royalty · 2 years
Closed starter for @holmestheheart
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Elijah hesitated for a moment outside the door to Lizzy's bedroom. It had been a long rough morning on top of a long rough week, on top of a long and tragic month. His adopted daughter wasn't handling the change very well - she was too young, too volatile, there was too much baggage here at home to even begin to start working through in a healthy manner.
In some ways this was fated, as with Marcel, it was nearly impossible to be adopted into his little family without eventually being turned into a vampire. It was a part of forever and always...but sixteen? That was never a part of the plan. Being that age forever would come with enough complications, but the choice itself had been what was stolen from her. At sixteen life was overwhelming enough as it was, trying to handle a turning? Tragedy on top of tragedy.
It was clear now that letting her go back to school was a mistake - Lizzy swore she could handle it, vehemently arguing that she should be allowed to continue to live her life as normal as possible. They were all very lucky that when she fed and killed it was able to be contained from the greater authorities. She'd called him in a panic to come help her with the body. Once he got her home safe, Elijah spent the rest of the morning cleaning up the mess and covering her tracks.
Finally, he let out a sigh and knocked softly on her pink painted door, "Elizabeth, do you have a moment to talk?"
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malka-lisitsa · 2 years
Continued from [ X ] @holmestheheart​
The phone buzzed on the nightstand.
     Its 3 A M who the FUCK.
She slid the unlock bar and answed.
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“What’s wrong?”
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"So what do I have the honor of having Miss Katy Perry at my club? Seems a far cry from your usual hideaways..."
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voros-kiralyno · 2 years
Closed starter for @holmestheheart
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New york city, it's not known for being the happiest place on earth, it's known for its seedy underbelly and crooked cops. 'If you can make it here you can make it anywhere!' and by make it, they mean survive.
What it's not known for is the literal underground city that harbours most of the city's supernatural population. Honestly most of North America's supernatural population. To be fair, its very well hidden and if you endanger it, the offense is often punishable by death. So there's that incentive not to try.
It didn't mean there weren't people who still did.
Fortunately today, that is not why Nova is in that jewelry shop, putting the owner in an arm lock and pressing his face into the glass case hard enough for it to start spiderwebbing.
No shes doing that because some ass hole is bringing contraband into the underworld, and now she has to do work and figure out who- since her charming band of detectives dont seem to be too worried.
Maybe the Alpha wouldn't be either, except for said contriband got someone she liked killed, and Nova doesn't deal with emotions well.
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"This is going to be the last time that I am asking you this nicely. So you should probably just give me what I want, you really don't want me to get mean about this." The shopkeep winced, "I don't know! I'm telling you I dont know!! I don't know who smuggled it in!!" He was blindly reaching for something, anything to help. Finally he got a pen in his grip and tried to stab her hand just to get it off of him, but she caught it mid swing.
The brunette grabbed the squirrely man and pulled him up only to slam his back into the wall and pin him with her forearm pressing into his throat. "You really shouldn't have done that, I told you I was going to stop being nice."
Have you ever heard the saying 'saved by the bell' ? Well that was very accurate to this moment in time, since the front door's customer alert bell rang, drawing the Alpha's attention off of her interogation.
She hissed at him, released him and pushed him forward and back into the main establishment area. Looks like he couldnt even lock his door right as she had instructed.
At least he might get to make a sale before she put his face through the display glass.
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little-elenaarchive · 2 years
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@holmestheheart liked for an emotionally crippled doppenganger hang out
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"Well?" Elena asked, staring pointedly at Lizzy. "Are you going to call the moral squad or are you going to come on a fun little road trip with me where we can do whatever we want?"
Tell Stefan his girlfriends turned off her humanity, or join her on a bad decision spree?
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retconned-royalty · 2 years
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"Hey move over, my show's almost on." Damon attempted to shoo her out of the way, reaching for the remote to change the channel. Things were a little weird still between them, but he had succeeded in causing the most chaos when she'd brought him home. Then again by not leaving.
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the-11-doctor · 2 years
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"I’m trying to be pure again."
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"I always took you for a puritan, Elizabet."
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brucieboy297 · 2 years
Another party and another night wasted for the young billionaire Playboy. Bruce hated parties despite knowing g how important it was for his image as 'Bruce Wayne'. He'd rather be on patrol.
But he just sat at the bar and 'drank' his drink as he surveys the room for potential guests to talk too and get information from.
There was one guest he was trying to avoid eye contact with. Marsha Claridge. The Queen of Diamonds. She had someone with her. A raven haired woman. She looked pretty but Bruce looked away as Marsha pointed to him.
He was about to leave when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and kept his stoic look. He had not quite become the smiling Playboy he was to become.
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dimxndsareforever · 2 years
Three things my muse likes about yours
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"Miss Elizabeth Holmes. Miss Katy Perry. Miss 'califorina girls'. Just three? You make this too easy. I love your enthusiasm for both your craft and your joys. I love how you are not afraid to do what you wish and.... and last but not least of all. I love how akin we are. Like a long long sister. I pray you do not leave me too soon. I lost a sister before. I hope I do not loose you as well."
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hybrid-royalty · 2 years
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stretches out in the living room sunspot with her tummy in the air for a nice lil napp
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"Ah the life of a house pet. Not a single care in the world. What must that be like..?"
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little-miss-buffy · 2 years
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and are also fighting every day for it as her malka zvezda <3
"Do you need a hug?"
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bewitchingbaker · 2 years
Lizzy! A bright eyed little young regular! Alright, she's here three times a week for cupcakes. Today, she's in the bakery with a b o u n c e in her step, with a little note in her hands.
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In his hands, was a batch of cupcakes of varying flavors. Fresh and ready for any customer ready to eat. A proud smile spread across Chris’s face. Another perfect batch for the day. Upon hearing the door open, he peaked from the counter.
“Hello,” He greeted with a smile, “Oh you’re back! Just in time for a fresh batch. Would you like your usual or can I interest you in a new cupcake flavor?”
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malka-lisitsa · 2 years
@holmestheheart​ Liked [ X ] for a starter​
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“Ok spill. Who the fuck is your song “ur so gay” about I’ve been dying to know since it came out. As your mother you are contractually obligated to divulge that information.”
Is it Jeremy
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[TXT] Miss Perry? It's Jack. The guy who bought you Gyros a week ago? I wanted to apologise if I did wrong and I wanted to extend an invitation to my club tonight. VIP and no charge. I want to make sure you are okay.
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
“Hey, well you’re looking hot”
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little-elenaarchive · 2 years
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"Funny. Hilarious. A real knee slapper."
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