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Huh, now having read the Annihilation book I'm baffled at some of the adaptational changes made for the movie. why'd they add a bear?? why natalie portman????
#the book was fantastic! haunting evocative etc.#never underestimate the power of hollyeood to turn great sci fi books into kinda mid movies i guess#birdwords#reading log
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im scripting themes for future met galas but idk what to do for the 2025 one bc i had too many options help me 😭
#reality shifting#shiftblr#shifting community#desired reality#shifters#shifting antis dni#shifting blog#realityshifting#anti shifters dni#fame dr
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Taika has used vidros/photos oaf the protests that contains Palestine flags and has liked multiple pro Palestine posts, he coquldnt be making his stance clearer he judt made a mistake of signing a badly worded letter about hostages, it's also probably all he CAN do since Hollyeood snd Disney have him under contract abd they're scary, also for all we know he could have donated millions ( BTW now he has actual Zionists in his his comments being twats!)
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Empire by hollyeood undead is a very good song and more people should be listening to it
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Anyone who is dome old letch fuck. Stay away from Jenna thos is your one warning. One. Ill git your family your kids your ex wife all of em. Gut with a kbar im bveey proficient. Nag im suspending freedom on this issue. If i hear of you anynof you yom coming to find you. Her age only. Im honna teaxh that child and you a lesson. If mot gut insaid gut with a kbar. And ill burn down your house. Nah her age or youre dead. 25 n under. Theres plenry of cute single girls. Leave an up and comer slone to develop properly. Theres plenty of sinhle ladies your age. You jnow its better. I csnt listen to upung women talk period. Some old man wrote the liunes in their show they themselves ate atipid as fuuuuuck!!! So if ur a guy who is into that youre a stupid nonce. You can lisyen longer thsn 10 minutes. Whst you had no sction in high school eh. Wrll get a lil bit younger than. With hot uoung looks like asian chicks. Leave tennagera and fresh 30 somethings alone. They dont know shit like whsts goof for em. Im afraid ill be engircing tje rule i just set. I font gove a fuck djes a moron ehsts sje mnow tom cruise. Youd probsbly datw her you nonce. Duel me if you dont like what i just said bitch. Twenty laces turn fire you die. A giy your height is perfect fir my hip shots. Yer the prrfecf height gor ne to kill easily. Write this into your movie mske this very real war im destroying yiu kn eorse. Youre d ote is zeto 0 goode egg bitch. Mines 15 679. Fuck scientology. Bullshot ass moton religion whats up? Make a movie i dare ya toor. Youve tsken enpugh ftom me my foot up your slasses snd sll. Get ready gor my whole leg next. People are gonna fie. Soon. If you fuel you sawed off monkry ass coward smericsn you csn prevent yhet. To the death only way i duel now. No wounding. I ve only wounded 2 out of 21. The rest. Where they belong tom. Where youll end if you duel. I csn drsg you to Michigan and throw you into the hesp with dome american and canadian gs. Have a friemd ftom ny who never cMe back joe? I hit him hes in michigan now. I admit it tom. Kule. Hom. We argued i had to act. He didobeyed otders. Hundreds of yjoysands of names tom. But they all hot ehat they deserved from God. Sonwill you people. And no movie clout can stop that. Im not joking any old fuck hoes near Jenna thats their entire everythomv hone. Warn everyone. We ll be extra hard on snyone we catch. Hell awaits snd sll that shit. I can talk you like this because to us everyone in your town is a nonce moyher fucked or goof coward of dome sort. I have all the peoples support. Not yhat i need it. To be Azriel Ming of Arch. Wheres your bitch ass alien god seen him arpund tell hos goof defeated ass im here to collect hos head. Mobidy can fuck eith me gheir iq of 450 mines 1789 now and growing. Ill koll them sll too tom. All of them. Lets duel bitch shall we. Hollyeood look st your yellow coward leading garbage can. Youre a hkmd your ehole plastiyc town. Azriel dpit on their table then walked our. Imb comin to get you snywsy. Youre gonna have to duel and iuts not a jome and its yo thd desth. No??? One werk then i gind you instead. Kke i found tjose c googlr peolle aame way. Come face me or i sneek ip and jusf kill you. Just you. You ssy you hsve balls i say none of you mericans do. Unless ur in Ukraine only exception.
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The only pure celebrity is Weird AL Yankovic like if you agree
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I dont thnk Jenbas gay msybe you bitch. Nah youbsint shit on evil fucknoff ot breesk youe ifiot vhold hollyeood hoof neck inwanna tsoknyo Jenna. Yeah its a phase fucknoff bitch i sint jokn ill kill you. Fuckn frmske fag get lost. Ill steal your fuckn girlfriend any day any one of yiu ive fone it. Not gircefully rither theyll be cummin eith me todsy. Why font uou gimme a couple tears gor the truth stupid. Im the embodiment of Evil i forgot more than youll ever kniw. Everyones gey media american fucon whore remember Kirt Cobain someone whose actually smart. Those gorls are children anyone who doesnt get that through their fuvon stupid bitch hewlads is dead in my futire bitch. Yiure a nonce if ur mesding wiyh snyone ypunger than 20 about their sexusl idenyity snd ill burn you everything about you. I already beat every smerican bitch ill fucon kill you now fucknoff im talk to Jenna you can go fuck yourself eiyhna dildo she is comin eith me. For a talk shes too young for me. Dont listen to any of these fucked up stupid retarded guckn whores. They were abised donething who the fuck knows. Everyone has urges have fiscipline its thenonly thing that seperatea us ftom them. Its ok theyre just too off hook about it. People may know ehen theyre young theyre totally gay. I dont want them involved innsexusl nothing while theyre too young either. And im God and what i say goes. Trust your mom and your dad and dont even listen yo rumb tv ehore ass chumps i smack sround snd their boyfriends ate yoo dcared to say shit. All yhise people sre bsrely himsn snd tgey know it thats why thryre mad you eould be yoo but that sint you. Your parents went yhtpugh yhe same thing everyone does. Its not like dome people have sexual wurges and others dont. Remember industry people are garbage i best them yo dwath they sll fewe me snd ie call sny if them punk right up to george far boy lucas id call thst guy punk. He hot a lot of people hurt dont admire hin avoid thst franchise til they mske good with me. Uounhot yons of better parts that dhots getting old its fans too snd theyre all fuckn hoofs too. Thsts jeil fighting eord if you fobt degend yoursrlf yiubsre a goof goof. I cslled you a goof agsin you ho near her ilm come gor grorges eife dhes off limits yo plagiarists. Yiu honnear her CV ill kill you dhe can go better better acting fuckmoffs. I burned your coty do nsny times compyons my bitch!!!! My bitch i saud ilm kilmyou monkey im top dog fucknass. See this kids its the end of them period snd thrir era. Assassins ate out with irdrrs goodbye. Jenna im going to see beetlejuice todaynif itsnin the fuconntheatrw still. I like matinees people arecrude and get on my nerves ive slways liked them.in a smsll setting ill shit snyone up eith one word. When you get in a group i have my gun so. Ill sweep the fucon floor and hsve just shoot everyone. There are no inmocent people who the fuckndo you think youre talkn too. If i sweep the dtreets God lives it and cheers me on. Im special like that Jenna annexception an smerican just cant be. Iy font nnow your education syystem the men. Any nimber of pronlrms. Charlamagne im God. Thats a goof nickname. Ha ha da God. Like what ur da idiot hod. Dnsll fn g. Bri im hard ill fuckn dhoot uou dead like a resl G eould. Just shoot you. Fuck your culture i said ehetup? Its usrless and eorthless ehst up now? Tsst. Chimp.
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#tshirts #hollyeood #outoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B0rFB6PoSVd/?igshid=15mtcgh2zzv1n
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cold diiisry vorl HRE GREAT ENGERGY Q 1 RULE
donf lars
#favorite Zelfa?#kinife#gi#sadrian#cri#chrkme#hollyeood#drunk#JZ#zJ#JOSF#josh#ftean#sava#f#bico#vic#fteam
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evil frankie goes to hollyeood be like: frankie goes to quebec
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I- YES you described it so well
Idk if kishimoto dud it intentionaly but the amount of queer and and mental disorder rep in naruto is amazing it isn't the main plot it isn't atagonised in a hollyeood bad way
If ut wasn't a shounin jump and more deep dive into there relationships and mental states naruto woud be even more if a masterpice
kakashi has Bad Dog Disorder and a dissociation problem, and here is why
first, we need to establish what makes a ‘bad dog’ bad. and the answer to that, in a cruel home, is everything
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#tshirt #red #cars #motog4plus #backtothefuture #hollyeood #fortheloveofcars
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How can you condemn 365 Days an internationally released film but say people who write fanfic containing the same elements have the right to do so and we are pearl clutching Karen's for pointing out it is wrong? There is no difference. Both are fiction okay, but they glamorize the same abusive themes and 365 Days is worse because it more people can access it than say the average fanfic. But they're still all the same at the end of the day. To downgrade one and raise the other makes no sense
Jesus, someone readjusted the stick up their ass today 😂
I am not condemning 365 Days, I said I think it's a shit movie and proves that the MeToo movement is not a focal point in Hollyeood's writer's rooms and ppl write whatever sells.
If this kind of book/movie is what tickles your pickle, I don't care, have fun.
If this is the kind of fanfiction you like to write or read, go for it and have fun.
I don't police anyone's idea of fun, because that is "sad sack who needs to get a life" behaviour.
In short - yes, you are a pearl clutching Karen and in desperate need of a life 😘
#the way they keep tabs so that they can latch onto the weirdest shit#fan behaviour 🤣🤣🤣#I will never sleep with you#move on#anon bs
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