#holiday lightiing
gearbraininc · 11 months
Our picks for the best smart plugs to use to power your holiday lighting this year.
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krushkreates · 1 year
The Three Times Asher Nearly Said "I Love You" and The One Time He Did
heyy i know i havent updated this in a while, but i finally got around to it. it's been a rough year, to say the least. and that's putting it lighty. but anyways, here's chapter two! read here on ao3 wc: 1508
II. Month Three: The Library
There was something calming about the library. Even as Asher’s love of literature waxed and waned throughout his life, his love for the building never wavered. In high school, he often found himself planted in one of the bean bags in the corner, his nose in either a book, comic, or laptop, as technology progressed.
He knew the librarians, intimately. They were part of his extensive family, and by default, he had become part of their families. Many empty days were filled with him gossiping with the older women at the front desk while half-heartedly doing his homework. Or the many empty house holidays he didn’t share with his parents saw him at one of the three houses, plates piled high with food good enough to be above the Michelin stars. Warm fuzzy sweaters caressed his arms and laughter and music serenade his ears while the scent of something sweet and homemade filled his nose. The picture frames on mantles and shelves saw one new addition to the families, and one year, Asher found himself nearly in tears after the amount of food they sent him home with would’ve lasted him to the next winter solstice. He could still hear the roaring laughter from the men in their families; their big hands clapping him on the back at his high school graduation and at bonfires on the beach. The three women filled the family-shaped hole that couldn’t be filled. Don’t get him wrong, the pack is his family, but there was a different bond between him and the three women that ran the Dahlia Public Library with a (slightly) iron fist.
He could feel the dryness on his fingertips from the cardboard boxes they sweetly asked him to move. In their defense, it was heavy for two 70-year-old women and the heavily pregnant 39 year-old. He could nearly see the secret moon decorations they hung up around Christmas: the way they framed the glow-in-the-dark stars that littered the walls above the children’s section. He could smell the ink and books on their carts, watching little him eye up the potentially new titles he asked for.
It was at this library that he decided the real test of approval was.
Not that he needed anyone’s approval outside of his own when it came to his partners. However, if Asher was going to be in a long-term relationship or potentially with his mate, it was important to him that the people closest to him liked his partner as much as he did. The pack already liked Babe. They loved them, so much, that even David cracked a few smiles when they spoke to him or rolled their eyes at something dumb he or Milo might’ve said. They left that meeting both glowing and Babe teasing Asher to ”Watch out love, you might be replaced as David’s best friend”. He couldn’t deny it was a definite possibility, however slim.
The day was hot, as a usual Dahlia summer day is, and the blast of cool air as the duo stepped inside the library was met with sighs of relief. It was Tuesday, and that was one of the days the women didn’t have to do much floorwork. He didn’t have to do much searching before Hilda spotted him, her grey hair in the familiar braid that flowed down her back.
“Asher dear!” She said sweetly as she walked over to them. She brought him into a hug, her short stature against his evoking the image of a grandmother hugging her overgrown grandson in Babe’s mind. “It’s so good to see you! How’s work been? How are your parents? Oh I was so sorry to hear that your father broke his ankle on the ladder. I hope he’s doing better.”
Asher grinned at her. “He’s right as rain Hilda. Claims your stew fixed him right up and now we can’t get him to sit for more than an hour or two, even though he’s still got three weeks left.” He laughed. “Work has been fine, so has Mom. But I wanted to introduce you to someone.” He motioned to Babe as they felt a surge of nervousness. “This is my partner. Babe, this is Hilda, one of the librarians that practically raised me.”
Babe smiled at Hilda as she looked them up and down. “So you are the famous sweetheart I’ve heard so much about. You’re quite the looker” Hilda quipped with amusement in her voice as she looked conspiratorially at Asher while speaking to Babe. “He wouldn’t shut up about you since he met you on the elevator.” Babe felt their cheeks heat at her compliment.
The two of them laughed, and both Asher and Babe felt a wave of relief at her playful, accepting tone.
“Oh really?” They said mischievously. “This is the first time I’ve heard about this.”
Asher groaned. “You promised you wouldn’t say anything!”
She patted his hand sympathetically. “My dear you know I don’t promise anything. I said I’d try not to mention it.”
Babe giggled at this as a sheepish look crossed over his face.
“She did… say.” He admitted, his cheeks feeling like they were on fire. “Anyways, I wanted to introduce the two of you, since both of you are some of the most important people in my life.” Anymore heat in his cheeks, and Asher felt he might burst into flames.
The two looked at him with fondness.
“That’s very sweet Asher. I’m honored you think that highly about me and the ladies here.” Hilda said with a maternal pride. “Speaking of, it’s just me today, so I’m afraid you’ll have to come back.” She added. “What a shame.”
Asher pouted for a second. “Sick?”
Hilda nodded as Babe watched the two of them. “That darned cold going around that got them. Lenny is fine, and she’ll be back tomorrow.”
His brows furrowed. “What about Sarah?” He asked, worried. The woman was not spring chicken anymore.
“She got the worst of the cold. Back next week. But you know how she’s always been that way.” Hilda said knowingly. “Her immune system’s never been the best.”
Asher turned to Babe. “Lenny and Sarah are the other ladies I’ve told you about. Lenny’s the one with the baby, and Sarah is Hilda’s sister-in-law.”
Babe nodded knowingly. “I hope Sarah recovers quickly.” They said quietly.
Hilda looked at Asher with approval. “I like this one. Don’t guff it up, young man.” She said as she turned to Babe. “He’s not the best at showing exactly the depth of what he feels, but he thinks extraordinarily highly of you. And I share the same sentiment. You are a wonderful person.”
Babe smiled. “Thank you. You are so cool. I hope I’m like you when I’m older.” They said earnestly.
Hilda blushed and waved them off. She opened her mouth to respond before another patron asked for her help. She turned to the duo before quickly saying “It was lovely to meet you, and to see you Asher. Have a fantastic day.”
The two watched as she chatted animatedly to the other patron while they walked.
Babe let out a sigh of relief as Asher giggled and wrapped and arm around them.
“Was it that scary?” He teased as he pressed a kiss to their cheek.
“Yes!” They exclaimed as they browsed a shelf by them. “You know I get nervous when I meet people in your life.”
He stopped and looked at them earnestly. “You know they always love you right? You never have to worry if they’ll love you or not. I lo-“ He stopped himself. “I like you just as you are, and it doesn’t matter what they think.”
Babe chewed their bottom lip as his gaze stayed on them. They sighed. “I know, but these are important people in your life. They are more permanent than I am.”
“Hey,” he said softly, as he took the right side of their face in his hand. “You are an important person in my life. You matter just as much as they do.” The urge to scream that they were his mate was tempered by the promise that he’d tell them one day. “I don’t need anyone’s approval or to like you like a best friend. They can respect our relationship, even if they don’t like it. These women practically raised me, but even still, I wouldn’t care if they didn’t like you. I see you more than I see them, and it’s not their relationship. ‘Kay?”
Babe nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. I just… want to fit in to your life. Just as you fit into mine.” They said quietly. “I don’t take these things lightly.”
His heart swelled as he stroked their cheek. “You will always fit in my life. Always.”
The doors opened as they quietly walked out.
As they walked to his car, Asher mulled over their conversations. His stomach dropped and he nearly tripped on the pavement.
Oh my god I almost said ‘I love you’ again.
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someone1348 · 2 years
This does contain spoilers for the Halloween episode of Ducktales Season 3 episode 10 "The Trickening!" Soo if you don't want to be spoiled here's your warning in advance!
The people in this: Ler!Louie, Lee!Huey
(Platonic of course they are brothers!)
Tw: A bit of angst but I promise it gets better!
With all that being said HAPPY HALLOWEEN and I hope you all enjoyyy!!
-K :]
The Best Costume!
Today's the day!! It was Huey's Favorite Holiday! A day full of nothing but Family, Friends, Fun costumes, scares, staying up past your bedtime and of course endless and free candy!!! You guessed it! It's Halloweennn!!
The Red Nephew could not be more excited! He got on his home-made, hand crafted! Gizmo Duck costume and raced to his brothers to show them his costume and his trick or treat plan for tonight!
"This is it, one night, every house in town! And we'll score us enough to last us all year! Suit UP!" He announced as everyone got ready. Huey's face glowed as he got into character
"Blathering Blatherskite! I love Halloween! This is going to be the best Halloween Ever!!!" He fell over on the couch onto his back, flapping his arms with happy stims as the gang prepared for the most epic night ever!!
"Rawr! I am Baylord demon king of the evil eye!" Huey and Dewey tilted their heads at Webby until she explained the roots of Halloween and why her costume is significant they nodded before Dewey spoke
"I'm a pirate on vacation" The pair fist pumped as another voice entered the room
"There's nothing scary about tonight! Halloween is about candy and only candy! Forget the leg work I've got a plan that will make us candy billionaires!" The youngest smirked as he leaned against the doorframe
"And what's your costume supposed to be?" Huey asked before Louie put on one of Huey's hats and acted like him
"You are a lazy costumer and stop stretching my hat!" He ran over to try and take it off him before Louie pushed him back
"We have the same head!"
Huey sighed before smiling and assembling the team "Enough chit chat! Move out!" They all followed Huey as he spoke. And so the best Halloween ever had officially begun
"Okay! First stop, Rockerduck estate's for the big bars and the candy corn relay then! Down to Silverbeak for the Haunted Hayride Spooktacular and I've scheduled bathroom breaks so just hold it till' we get to Mrs Klopecks, Great bathroom, freshly tiled" He finishes before Louie interrupts him, stepping all over his plans
"Orrr we could ditch all of that, go to one place and get all the candy we could ever want!" He said with a smirk before Dewey chimed in
"We're going to a candy store?"
"What no it's night time candy stores are closed"
"WE'RE GONNA ROB A CANDY STORE?!" Dewey said this time with more excitement before Louie sighed again
"No, we're going to Hazel House...the most haunted house in all of Duckburg!"
Louie stepped inside after explaining the myth "we do this and we'll never have to trick or treat again! Free candy for life!!"
Everyone but Huey was excited
"I've never even heard of this place, why chase a phoney myth from a phoney Huey when we can go trick or treating"
"Woodchuck rule number sixty something go in that house now!" Louie yelled as everyone rushed in, Huey reluctantly following them
"So much for a perfect Halloween" He mumbled quietly to himself as they explored the creepiness that is 'Hazel House!' Everything was dark, old and abandoned. It was honestly everything you could think of if you ever pictured a true haunted house
It was a place Huey did not want to be, but there was no turning back now, the doors were locked and Louie was persistent on continuing forward.
"Go for it Dewey!" The middle child in blue gasped lighty before entering one of the rooms
"No screams so I think we're good!" Louie said as they entered. The rest of the night was filled with scare after scare until they reached the end of the house into the outside
"We did it! We completed the house! And with some time to spare we can make the butt end of the trick or treat trails!" Huey smiled as he pulled out his map
"Nuh uh no way! Where was the candy im going back in there!" He tried to go but he was stopped "Hault citizen! Let's forget about this half baked scheme and go get some candy!"
"Last time I checked we were a family of treasure seeking adventurers! Why stop now? Because this house isn't on your precious map! Well I'm putting it on there give it to me!" Louie ripped it out of Huey's hands before he was tackled to the ground as the wrestled for it until Webby and Dewey broke them up
"Wait a minute, you had it on your map the whole time!" Louie said as he spotted what Huey was hiding
"I did yes,,," Huey hung his head low before putting the map away
"You told us it was fake! You tried to get us to avoid it! What were you gonna do?! Horde all the candy for yourself!" Louie said angerly crossing his arms
"It's not like that I-" His speech was cut short when the monsters attacked again capturing the quad in twos!
"We have no candy!" Huey screamed out before everything came to a stop
"No candy? Are you kidding me!" They were put back down on the ground as one of the monsters spoke "It's midnight trick or treating is over and we waisted it all on these fools who don't even have any candy!"
It's over "I missed it..." Huey frowned before walking over to an empty stone wall, Louie not much later following after him taking a seat next to his oldest brother.
"So we made a mistake, at least we're still alive! And we met some monsters so that's pretty cool right?" Louie said trying to cheer him up but every word he said fell deaf to Huey's ears
"On the houseboat Halloween was our biggest adventure every year! We would suit up, face the unknown and sure it was just neighborhood trick or treating but it was ours"
"I was just trying to get an endless supply of candy,,, and thats the problem" Louie sighed as he looked at Huey
"I just didn't want this one to be our last Halloween"
Louie put an arm on his shoulder "Junior Woodchuck rule 99! Who cares about the candy! Let's go home and make it the best Halloween ever yeah?"
Huey smiled and nodded before they grabbed everyone else and went home.
While Dewey and Webby got the living room set up and ready for a movie night Louie went to talk to Huey in their room
"Hey, I'm really sorry about tonight.." Louie said rubbing the back of his neck
"It's okay Louie I'm not mad or upset with you" Huey smiled before patting a spot next to him and opening his arms for the youngest to rest in
Louie sighed in Hueys arms "I just wanted unlimited candy and I wasn't thinking"
"It's okay Louie I understand completely, I should have been more honest to begin with but I was just nervous and everyone was so excited to go in so"
Louie nodded before rolling his eyes "Let's promise to be more honest with each other from now on especially when it comes to our feelings"
Huey smiled and nodded "Deal, that was very smart of you Louie"
"Trade mark Louie Duuu- I mean! Junior Woodchuck rule number twelve "an honest soul never doubts his role"' The pair giggled before Louie spoke again
"You know your costume is okayyy, maybe second best but mine is number one!" The duck in green smirked before pushing Huey's mask over his face
Huey fumbled with it getting it up again before scoffing "You're just me Louie! All you did was put on a hat, my hat! I made this with my bare hands! Plus Gizmo Duck is the best so I definitely have the best costume, technically speaking!" He smirked before Louie smirked harder
"That's where your wrong Huebert! My costume is you, yes, buttt you failed to see passed its simplicity!"
Huey raised an eyebrow out of confusion before Louie evilly giggled
"I am you but which version of you am I hmm Huebert?" Louies smirk grew more as he straddled Hueys legs
"Gehet off of me, I don't know, the Duke of making a mess maybe?" He guessed pushing at Louie
"Great guess but nope immm,,," he leaned closer to whisper in Hueys ear "Tickle Monster Huey"
The Red Nephews eyes widened before he bursted out into giggles as Louie squeezed up and down the length of his sides under his cardboard costume
"Lohohouiee!" Huey tried pushing lightly at his hands as he shut his eyes
"Who's Louie? My names Huey and I'm Louies personal tickle monster" Louie imitated what Huey always says to him as he moved to his stomach
Huey threw his head back onto the pillow before kicking out his legs letting himself laugh
"StAhAHAp IhiHiT! GIhiIzMO DuHuHuck Has Noho! WeHeakNesseS!" He played along as Louies smirk grew
"He seems very ticklish to me" he blew a raspberry into Huey's neck as his helmet fell off Louie gasped jokingly "Another Huey?! Well no wonder Gizmo Duck is so ticklish he's another me! And if that's the case I know exactly the place that will get you laughing the most!"
"Wahahait Louie pleasEEEE- AHAHAHAHA!" Huey's arms flapped around happily as Louie scribbled behind his knees
"Such delicious laughter, now this beats any candy in the world! Tickle Tickle Tickleee~" The youngest squeezed his knees some more as Huey's face turned a light pink
Louie stopped, rubbing away the ghost tickles and getting off of him
"I told you I have the best costume" Louie smirked before Huey giggled catching his breath
"Yeheah yeah whatever you say Louie"
"It's true because its based off of the best brother in the whole wide world" Louie smiled before he was tackled in a hug from Huey
"Thank you Louie, for everything"
"Anytime big bro, Anytime"
The sweet moment was soon interrupted by a voice calling out for them
"You two ready? We've got everything set up for the most epic Halloween night ever!!" Dewey smiled at them from the doorway as he spoke
Huey smirked at the youngest before getting up and running "Race you there!"
"Ughh effort!" Louie complained as he got up and started walking towards the living room
'Yep! Best Halloween Ever!!' Huey thought as he shoved a snickers bar in his mouth, wrapped up in a cozy blanket, surrounded by the people he loves the most.
I hope you all enjoyedd! HAPPY HALLOWEEN MY FRIENDS!! 🎃🧡
-K :]
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kimberlychapman · 2 years
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Been wanting to wear these for over a week but every time I tried to wear them for school pickup it was pouring rain, and while the electronics are outdoor-wet-resistant, I need to wear a hood when it's raining so they can't be seen then.
But finally, happy happy lighty lighty joy joy in my hair, and it gave others joy as well, especially kids. The preteen older sister of one of the boys in Robin's class said, "Your hair is SO PRETTY!" and other kids/families could be heard making joyous comments as they passed behind me.
And it's hard to tell in the daylight but these lights are BRIGHT. So as it gets darker at pickup time, I'm going to be glowing, wheeee!
The tree is based on this pattern but I didn't do the underside or trunk: https://hobbii.co.uk/kawaii-christmas-tree-ornament I also added a hidden inner pocket for the light battery pack which holds two CR2032s side by side and needed access to the switch. The lights are stitched on but I can get the battery pack out to replace the batteries. Yarn is Red Heart super saver. Oh and they have little gold bells on top, which do indeed lightly jingle as I move around.
Unlike my other space bun covers, these do not have an inner hair loop to hold them on (because that was hard with the battery pack and keeping the conical shape), so they have to be pinned with long U pins.
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pearbody-squareheads · 10 months
9/12/23 (437 words)
99.221 words, 338 pages
So... I'm on the way. Not much before we catch, I don't know who'll be there except 80's, another girl and her boyfriend and another guy. More later.
It was good! Quiet and nice. Had a piña colada and a some sip of champagne ("good, sweet") and a strangle-hug. And a soft hug, by 80's. He said, the Friday before the holidays, and I'm hoping in it. TallGuy cared to shake my hand before I left, as 80's did to hug me. It was quiet and I had my fun, met a very nice girl, talked a bit with Lighty's girl (the strangle-hugger). I guess, Monday I'll give him only Sampha's CD. If the situation allows it, I could even explain to him what happened.
And I want to see Benny too, soon. Monday. Soon. I miss you boy.
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true-autistic-tales · 2 years
"the halloween party"
making myself cri while writing this so much fluff omg
bob and i go trick-or-treating and the norwood's party, hijinks insue hehehehe
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story under da cut <3<3<3<3<3
finally, the best holiday had came, halloween! i eagerly waited for my "friend" so the night could truly begin, the rest of the household not so silently saying their opinions to themselves. "are you sure you don't want to come with us and meet him at the party?" frankie politely asked me, just about to head outside, the cold seeping in.
"do i really have to wear a stupid outfit just so i can be around other grown adults wearing stupid outfits?" mike grunted to the dismay of frankie, he was a stubborn man but it was funny seeing him in a campy halloween costume. mike and bride of mike, followed by a small guy from history i don't expect a lot would remember.
"no, thank you. we're going to hit some houses before we get to the party." i smiled, getting more excited by the second thinking about him. his adorable smile- it made my heart melt.
"i hope you mean metaphorically." frankie titled her head a bit and looked to me, i couldn't tell if she was joking or not but i still giggled at her exchange anyway.
waiting outside for him, was painful, it felt like centuries having to sit tight for probably the most important person in my life but god- when i saw him in the distance, i felt so blessed. i speed walked to him, cautious of the many small children, and hugged him tightly, he welcomed my embrace. "aw, bob, you are so cute!" i laughed, he was a old chimney sweeper with fake dirt on his face, he even had a chimney sweep. he blushed a bit at my remake.
"and you," he stared at me, my costume paled in contrast to his, i was wearing a long black cloak sort thing with a white ghost mask. bob lighty smiled and removed my mask from my face, revealing my flushed face. "there's my sunshine."
"i love you." was all i could think about saying to him while i gazed. "i am so in love with you."
"c'mon, daniel. before all the good houses lose their candy!" bob beamed like a small child, dragging me along the neighborhood. trick-or-treating the entire neighborhood until we went to every last house, it didn't matter how old we were, we had such a joyful night acting like kids again.
when bob and i were finally done with trickin'-or-treatin', we headed off to the norwood's party. it was in the backyard of their house but it seemed like their entire place was decorated for the spooky night, very festive. even had apple bobbing, pumpkin carving and scary music, a classic halloween party. i glanced over to my everything who awkwardly grinned at me, some chocolate smeared on his face. "daniel! bob!" frankie yelled out, walking towards us, mike trailing behind her. "you two look lovely!" she gushed, clamping her hands together, i felt her slightly teasing me for my feelings towards the little man.
"you look lovely!" bob rebutted, frankie "aww"ing at him. i couldn't help but get a tiny, tiny bit jealous.
"did you two seriously go trick-or-treating?" the brick wall also known as mike questioned us, getting another annoyed glance from frankie.
"of course, you're never too old for trick-or-treating!" i answered the giant angry man, bob silently agreeing and nodding his head to convince mike.
"mike, you should be a bit more like them and just have fun." frankie suggested, causing mike to get peeved and exit the conversation. i felt a bit bad for him, i can understand where's he's coming from with the anti-social aspect. after that slight awkwardness, bob and i walked more into the party and onto the dance floor. there was a lot more people than what i was expecting, there was a doctor and a patient, a giant baby and some guy in a mustard suit, very amusing. but suddenly the whole room felt down, less color in the world, that's when i noticed bob. he had a upset expression on his poor face, like he had been plagued with too many thoughts of worries and insecurities, i couldn't handle seeing him like that.
"bob, are you alright? you look sad." i stepped closer to the unsettled boy, i wanted to hold him and make all his sadness go away.
"it's-im alright." he dismissed my queries, shaking his head but i knew he was holding back something that was bothering him greatly.
"please, don't lie. i am always, always here to help you with whatever, promise." bob glanced to me before looking at the ground and sighing, holding my hand.
"could we go somewhat private first?"
we made our way to the norwood's shed, it was dark and the sound of the outside world was muffled, kinda comforting. bob nervously played with his hands, looking around the shed. "what's been bothering you? you don't have to tell me the exact details, i just want to help you with this." i resured him that i would be with him, not matter what.
"well, uhh." he scratched his neck, laughing realizing how he cornered himself quite literally. "th-the thing that's been on my mind is-is," he was practically shaking from nervousness. "is you." he paused, watching my reaction of confusion. "ever since i met you, you've been on my mind. you're everything i could have ever hoped for." taking in a deep breath, he prepared for the worst possible outcome. "you're the reason why i get out of bed with a smile on my face. and- i love you, daniel." those last words shocked me to my core, he noticed my face and shyly faced away from me, staring at a wall. "i-i knew this was a bad idea, i am so sorry for making you uncomfortable-" he stopped apologizing as i held his hand and initiated eye contact, anxiety kept clogging his beautiful mind.
"bob, what you told me is exactly how i feel towards you. you're my everything, my sunshine." hearing my confession, my world beamed up again. color filled the shed as bob smiled at me and tightly held my hand, as if testing if this was a dream or not.
"really? you love me too?" he questioned excitedly yet worried, still having the same soft delicate expression on his face. i inched closer to him, hoping this moment would never end, please never end.
"of course! who wouldn't?" laughing as i embraced my boy, him hugging me tighter, silently crying into my shoulder from happiness. "i love you so much, i couldn't exist happily without you." i whispered into his ear as i kissed his cheek, he was so much softer than i thought, so perfect. bob pulled away from me for a second to ask:
"would you mind if..?" he didn't know how to explain his desire for affection but he didn't need to, i knew and lightly nodded my head and grinned at him, accepting his request. he pulled back into our embrace and kissed me, face red from blush and giggling shyly. such a fucking precious boy, he deserves the entire world, hell, the entire universe. but unfortunately our moment together was interrupted by someone opening the shed door, most likely thinking that nobody would be in there. bob and i quickly ex-braced each other in wake of the newly arrived person, which appeared to be bill norwood.
"oh, hi?" mr. norwood spoke, very confused. "i was just here to grab something, um, make yourselves at home?" he tried his best to be welcoming to us and make conversation as he could as he walked around the shed, searching for something. "thank you"s were tossed around from my sunshine and i. as bill left the shed, we turned to face each other and bursted into laughter from how awkward all of us were.
"i never want to leave your side again." bob devotingly confessed as he held me, fondly staring at all my features. i softly kissed him.
"who says we can't stay together forever?"
many many kithsies were shared that night <3
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justmailuck789 · 5 years
On the twelfth day of Christmas Prince Noctis sent to Lightning...
12 Camellias blooming 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 11 Behemoth steaks 🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩 10 lazy soldiers 🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡 9 Crimson Blitzs ⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔ 8 sheep a-flocking 🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏 7 L’cie brandings §§§§§§§ 6 Chocobos a-laying 🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥 5 silllllver riiings~! 💍💍💍💍💍 4 Gysahl greens 🥬🥬🥬🥬 3 Phoenix Downs 🍂🍂🍂 2 boxes of chocolate 🍫🍫 And a speeeecial kiss on the cheeeek 😘
Lightning: ... Noctis: ... Lightning: ...All right. You have me at the Behemoth steaks. Noctis: Does this mean I can date you now? 😘🥰
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saltminerising · 2 years
Dragon opinions.. continued
Pearlcatchers are so cool and i like how they barf black goo. But it’s really weird they do also. Light has a lot of interesting subtext with darkness and light but shadow gets nothing? Theres nothing in shadow thats very lighty but theres a lot of stuff in light thats shadey. Maybe the shade itself is in the light territories and fucked up pearlies and imps? What does shadow think is going on like lmao? What the fuck? shadow has an entire second holiday but their lore is pretty boring when it could be very very cool. Also whats the relationship between shadow and light. is it a fun rivalry? It seems that way in glim and gloom. or do they deeply loathe eachother. Isnt pearlcatchers barfing black stuff suspect to other dragons? they barf the blackness to make lightness oh my GOD it’s because you cannot have light without shadow or something isnt it. Very smart flight rising staff actually. Why is the male pearlcatches butt so high in the air
gaolers are cool why are they so fucking huge i hate that theyre so huge but also i love it the size of this world stresses me tf out!!!!
banescales cant wipe their ass when everyone else can.
nothing will be better than abberations and the next breed will be a giant dissapointment unless it’s tidelord coming back
post veilspuns
First post
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buckaroosboogara · 3 years
I Can't Help Falling In Love With You
2k | Buddie | Established Relationship | Sickfic
A/N: My gift for Liz @oatflatwhite for the 911 Holiday Gift Exchange organized by @paranoidbean I hope you enjoy it <3
[Read on ao3]
Summary: Buck sighed and closed his eyes shut when he saw the thermometer he was holding read 102°F.
His head felt like it was about to explode and he tried to stay still under the stack of blankets Buck had on top of him, trying to think what would he do. The sensible thing would be to call Bobby and say he is sick, but.
Chim was finally back home with Maddie and Jee and still on leave and Eddie was going to spend his free day with Chris after the kid insisted that they buy new ornaments for Christmas since it had to be perfect.
He couldn't call in sick for that shift, so he reluctantly got up and got started with his day, with the memories of some important moments in his relationship with Eddie helping him to get through it.
Buck is sick, but goes to work anyway and insists he is okay. Hen thinks she needs to call in some reinforcements.
Things weren't supposed to go like this.
That was Buck's first thought when the thermometer he was holding read 102°F.
He sighed, feeling his skin burn from the inside with cold shivers traveling through his spine. His nose was stuffy and his head felt like it was about to explode.
He had a cold. A very bad one for the record.
But he couldn't skip that day's shift, Chimney was on leave with Maddie and Jee-Yun at home and Eddie had a free day he would spend with their son, with Buck covering up his shift.
Yup, their son. Buck was also surprised when Eddie said the words. Maybe because they were still friends when he had said it.
It was a warm sunny day in July, and the Buckley-Diaz were going to spend it at the beach. Eddie had thought it would be a good thing to do it together since it would be the first time they approached a natural water source since the tsunami. But they were not going to Santa Monica Bay. At least not yet. They were going to a friendly nearby lake.
A controlled situation.
Buck was kind of freaking out until Eddie placed a hand on his shoulder and looked at him deep in the eyes.
"Hey, it's okay if you don't want to go." Eddie had assured.
Buck had tried to look away, feeling guilty but Eddie brought his hand to his chin, making Buck look at him.
"Don't be ashamed, there is nothing to be ashamed of. We can just go to the local fair, have some cotton candy, I am sure he will understand."
"I would never make you do something that would make you or our son uncomfortable, Buck," Eddie explained, and Buck looked at him with surprise.
"Yeah, our son." Eddie had said in a breath. "So, get up and look for your wallet, our son wants some new books and stuffed animals, but do not spoil him too much, please."
"I will do my best." Buck had answered, feeling better about canceling their trip. No, not canceling, just postponing it.
He missed Eddie's warmth instantly.
Buck came back to the present and smiled, the headache was back to a soft pain.
He got up from his bed slowly, trying not to make sudden moves that would send waves of pain through his skull, and then walked to his bathroom. There he took two pills for the pain, rubbed some menthol onto his chest, and then walked downstairs, his footsteps echoing through the place.
His apartment was empty, with all his stuff in boxes near the exit ready to go to Eddie's place. His new home.
They both had been taking small steps since they got together three months before. In the weeks prior to getting together though, there was this flirtatious thing they had between them that made their friends groan and roll their eyes.
Buck looked at the balcony, his head aching with the light entering his eyes. He closed them and a soothing and another distracting memory played on his mind.
Their first kiss had happened there, both kinda drunk and alone on Buck's balcony, slow dancing as the sun set on the horizon, the lighting making Eddie look a thousand times more handsome, in his unbiased opinion.
Buck's hands were on Eddie's shoulders and Eddie's were on his hips, so close that they talked in whispers. They were practicing their dance steps for Maddie and Chim's upcoming wedding –Read: Eddie was teaching Buck how to dance– and "I can't help falling in love" was playing in the background softly.
When the chorus hit, Buck instinctively placed his hand on Eddie's cheek and kissed him softly. Eddie was taken aback for just a second before responding by kissing him back and bringing their bodies impossibly closer.
After their kiss they both stayed in their places, limbs mixed in a hug, Eddie's head on Buck's shoulder, pecking little kisses to his neck as the song ended.
Buck sang along. "But I... can't... help falling in love... with... you."
They had looked at each other in the eyes and both giggled.
Buck's body felt positively warm with the memory and he continued making his way to his kitchen.
Feeling much better, he drank a glass of orange juice and ate one toast before getting dressed and leaving his place.
He stopped by the chemist's to buy some meds on his way to the firehouse and another memory passed through his mind.
One month into their relationship they still hadn't told anyone, except for Chris, about them. Eddie wasn't the type to have regular colds, but when they hit him, they hit him hard.
This time he couldn't even get out of bed and Buck was pretty worried for his boyfriend.
He drove to the same pharmacy to get some meds and menthol for him, and he also remembered calling Abuela to ask her about her chicken broth recipe.
It was when he was cuddling with Eddie on the couch, after days of not sleeping because he had to make sure Eddie was fine when the team decided to drop by Eddie's place.
At least they didn't find them in a more compromising position.
Both were asleep sitting on the couch, their hands entwined on Eddie's lap, with the sick man covered in a thick blanket and his head on Buck's shoulder. Their family didn't want to wake them, but Ravi entered the house and stumbled with a shoe, dropping some of the groceries they had bought Eddie.
The team was really comprehensive and happy and after Chimney made every person pay him for a bet they had, they left them alone and with enough soup and decongestant tea for three years.
Actually, we froze some of that soup and would make a great dinner, Buck thought as he sniffed, coming back to the present.
He bought some tissues and the meds, took one, and quickly got on his way again.
Even though he tried to take some shortcuts, he arrived late for his shift. At least the throbbing sensation on his head had ceased
"Hey Buckaroo!" Hen greeted him with a smile when he arrived. Her smile dropped when she took a better look at him. "How are you doing? You don't look very well."
"Nah, I'm fine." Buck shrugged it off, his voice coming out weird because of his stuffed nose. "'s just a seasonal cold."
"...Sure." Hen squinted her eyes but didn't press more as she walked away to let him change into his uniform.
Buck knew she would keep an eye on him for the rest of the day. He groaned.
Deep down he knew it was because she was worried, and his history gave her a reason. Buck was capable of turning a simple cold into a full pneumonia that could somehow make him not available for the job. Buck shuddered with the thought (or maybe because he felt he was colder than Hershey on a snowy day) and made his way to the locker room. If someone noticed he had his thickest hoodie on a decently warm day for December, nobody said anything.
The day went normal, a few calls here and there but nothing too big, to Buck's relief because he was already sore and tired 4 hours into a 12-hour shift. Fortunately, lunchtime was approaching. Buck was more than ready for some homemade food.
But first.
"Buck, come and help me restock the ambulance!" Hen's voice sounded from the bay.
Buck groaned as he got up from his bunk bed, wincing when the bright light hit his eyes. He could feel the headache making its way back to his temple and he tried massaging it to ease the pain.
When he reached the ambulance another memory hit his mind.
The first call where Buck willingly went with Eddie. (So the new guy wouldn't get all the fun, or so he had said) 
"Besides, you wanted us to bond. He had told Bobby as an excuse to be alone in a call with their new recruit. "We might end up real close."
And wasn't that the truth?
Oh boy, he had really fallen for Eddie Diaz that night.
Of course, he had mixed the boy-crush feeling with the emotion of pulling out a live grenade off that man's leg.
"You're a badass under pressure brother." Eddie had stated with a smile after their job was done. Buck's heart had skipped a beat.
"Hell yeah, you can have my back any day."
Buck smiled, "Yeah. Or you know you could- you could have mine."
They had repeated those same words some weeks before after Eddie proposed him to move in with him and Chris.
They talked it out, first the why and then the how were they going to do it and then-
"Well Buckley, it seems like you're going to be trapped with us in this house." Eddie had said with a smile, his dimples showing more than ever.
"Oh, what a shame!" Buck had said, dramatically putting his hand on his forehead.
They had laughed before Buck offered his hand to his boyfriend. Eddie shook it.
"I still trust you to have my back, Diaz." Buck said with a smile, still holding Eddie's hand.
"It's a good thing you do because I do too." Eddie had laughed.
Buck had smiled and leaned in to kiss Eddie.
Even though moving out of his apartment and into Eddie's house - his home -  felt like a leap of faith, he trusted Eddie was there to catch him.
"You can always have my back." Buck chuckled lightly at the memory and continued making his way towards the ambulance.
"Hey, are you sure you are okay, Buck?" Hen asked as soon as she saw him.
"Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine here, mom." Buck rolled his eyes and Hen sighed.
"I'm serious Buck, we don't need another man down because of pneumonia." Hen replied, her eyebrows furrowed with worry. "It's okay if you want to go, just tell Bobby and he will call Ravi or someone else."
"It's okay, Hen, I swear." Buck assured softly and offered a little smile.
Hen looked at him but didn't press. She had to call reinforcements, and she knew there were only two persons Buck would listen to.
They worked in the ambulance keeping a list ambient while chatting about their plans for Christmas and soon enough Bobby called everyone upstairs for lunch.
Once he finished, Buck excused himself to go lay on the bunks for some time and took one more med for the lowering fever and headache.
When he woke up it was getting dark, his eyes were puffy from sleeping and his throat felt drier than the Sahara. He walked upstairs for a glass of water, barely containing the coughs trying to escape his throat.
Once he managed to chug down a whole glass of water he went downstairs to help with the hoses and kept himself entertained for some minutes until he saw a man he knew well walking around.
"Eddie?" Buck asked at the sight of his boyfriend.
"Buck! There you are!" Eddie got closer to him after thanking Hen.
Buck was so screwed.
When Eddie tried to peck him on the lips he stepped back. "No, I- I have a cold." He excused himself before trying to change the topic. "Wh-Where's Chris?"
"With my Abuela." Eddie studied him for a second and raised his hand to Buck's forehead before the other man could do something else. He gasped.
"Cariño, you are burning up," Eddie said, shaking his head.
Of course, Buck would go to work being sick, he just loved being a firefighter that much and he worried about his loved ones when he wasn't there to protect them. But this was something else.
Buck was now leaning on his hand, eyes closed, seeking the cold sensation that soothed his fever.
"I'm sorry," Buck said without opening his eyes. "I shouldn't have come to work like this, but..."
Buck bit his lip and separated from Eddie.
"Bad things already happen when I am here... Like-the shooting, or then Bobby being trapped by the sniper or- or the well incident, the tsunami... but I know things will be fine because I trust in my abilities to help people out."
"And you don't trust ours?" Eddie half-joked.
"No! It- It's not that! I know you are all great firefighters and paramedics but..." He trailed off. "But I wonder... what would happen if I am not here? To- To have your backs. Would worse things happen? I mean we were hanging by thread after the sniper, just Hen, Chim, and I against this city's chaos, and- I just can't go through that again Eds- I-"
He was suddenly taken aback by Eddie's warm body against his, Eddie's arms going around him and his chin settling on the crook of his neck. "Buck, baby we would be okay. And you know why?"
Buck let himself settle on his boyfriend's arms, hiding his burning eyes on Eddie's shoulder. He shook his head.
"Because we are trained firefighters and paramedics, that jump every day into action and save people's lives when they are at their worst. But we also are simple humans, that can go through those low moments, and we will always survive, as I did with the sniper and the well. Like you and Chris did with the tsunami. We will come back to each other, to this family." Eddie let go of Buck and took just his head on his hands, forcing the taller man to look at him in the eyes.
"You are not a bad or good luck charm, baby, these things will happen whether you are there or not, what defines what will happen is the determination to push through the pain and the fear. And we know you will always be there for us and we will always be there for you, whatever happens."
"Thanks." Buck made a small smile and hugged Eddie again. "Can we go home now?"
Eddie chuckled. "Yeah, go get your things, I'll tell Bobby."
They separated and parted ways, the throbbing on Buck's head easing in the slightest. Once he was changed into civilian clothes he looked at himself in the mirror.
His nose was bright red and his lips were dried. Very light eyebags were under his eyes but they stood out on his pale skin. He felt a little less like shit though.
He walked outside the locker room and met Eddie, who was waiting for him, mindlessly scrolling through his phone. He noticed Buck and put his phone on his jeans' back pocket, taking Buck's duffel bag from him.
"Everything's cleared, Bobby will call Ravi again to cover your shifts in the next days, and maybe even Christmas..." He nudged Buck playfully on the shoulder but the other man groaned.
"I don't know what's worse, me being sick on Christmas or Ravi having to work on Christmas day because of me. I know he had plans with his family."
"Hey, stop feeling guilty, it's not your fault that you are sick." Eddie started walking to the parking lot. "And he owes you, remember that time you covered him for his Grandmother's birthday?"
"Yeah, but this is different!" Buck argued as he followed.
"Okay," Eddie stopped right at the exit and looked at Buck. Their height difference was more noticeable. "What if we organize a party here on the 25th? Kinda like what you did in 2019?"
"Hm, yes, I like that idea better." Buck smiled softly and took Eddie's hand as they continued walking. "You owe me a kiss from that year though."
Eddie stopped in his tracks. "What?"
"Yeah, look." Buck took his phone out and poked his tongue out as he started looking for something in it.
"Buck, I really think this is not the mo-"
"Here," Buck said shoving his phone on his face.
On the screen was the picture they took that day at the firehouse. Buck was in the back under the mistletoe and so was Eddie. He smiled and put Buck's phone aside.
Eddie had been buzzing with happiness that day, delighted with his Tía's and Chris' surprise visit.
He almost confessed his love to Buck right then and there too. His heart was warm between the attention Buck gave to Chris and how good he looked in a Christmas hat.
Eddie sighed in the present and leaned in to kiss Buck. His boyfriend stopped him before he could reach his lips though.
"I'm sick, remember?"
"You can't tell me I owe you a kiss and then deny me!" Eddie playfully shoved him and Buck laughed." Jokes on you though, I don't care if you're sick," Eddie said before giving Buck a chaste kiss.
Buck sighed in the kiss, feeling Eddie's smile against his lips. When they finished kissing they stayed touching foreheads.
"I love you."
Buck giggled. "Edmundo?"
Eddie groaned and mimicked Buck. "Hm?"
"I love you too."
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sereinegemini · 3 years
An Experiment || J.P. + S.B.
— Part Two
Pairing: Young!James Potter x Fem!Reader x Young!Sirius Black
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: James and Sirius try out another sex toy on F/n, and take their activities further.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI smut (dom!james, dom!sirius, sub!reader, teasing, cursing, sex toy, slight overstimulation, begging, daddy kink, pet names, breeding kink, size kink, degradation, unprotected sex)
Author’s Note: Finally finished this! Also, I still suck at writing smut but enjoy lol
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January 3
After the Kegal ball experiment things were a bit different between you three, but not in a bad way. You had expected things to be a little awkward, but instead they were better.
Your friendship now consisted of more intense flirting than before and a “friends with benefits” sort of dynamic, as Sirius called it. This included stolen kisses (more like straight up making out) around corners between classes, and moments in broom closets or empty classrooms when one of you was feeling extra horny during the day. The boys would run their hands up your skirt during class, instantly turning you on and leaving you a hot mess in your seat, unable to concentrate. You soon gained the confidence to tease them in public too.
Not to mention, they didn’t miss the opportunity to take you to their dorm whenever Remus and Peter were away. And yet, you still hadn’t ever had them inside you.
Not that you were complaining—they were great at what you guys did and never left you unsatisfied. And you tried to never leave them unsatisfied either.
Once Winter Holiday came along and you couldn’t see them, touch them, it was like its own form of torture. You hadn’t realized how much of your time and thoughts they occupied until they weren’t there to do so. So, you spent most of your Holiday horny, of course. Finding yourself thinking of them with their heads between your legs during dinners or parties, and forcing yourself to remain outwardly calm about it.
At night you tried your best to please yourself—imagining it was their fingers inside you. Their tongues circling your clit rather than your fingers. And yet it wasn’t the same. Of course it wasn’t. No one, not even yourself, could ever compare to them. As if the things they could do with their tongues and fingers was itself a form of magic.
And so, once Holiday was over you were ecstatic to be back with them. Impatient for them to have you in their dorm again, making you come until your whole body was shaking and you couldn’t even form a thought. But you also couldn’t wait to have their cocks in your mouth, drawing beautiful—no, angelic—moans from the two boys.
It had now been two days since students had arrived back at Hogwarts, and you were so lost in your thoughts, your lust, that the tap on your shoulder startled you half to death.
Turning, you found a familiar pair of boys—your favorite boys if you were being generous—grinning down at you. You gasped, “Sirius! Jamie!” Jumping up, you impatiently embraced them. Your dynamic may have evolved, but your friendship had also become so much stronger. Anyone in the castle would say you three were basically inseparable.
James chuckled as he pulled you tighter with one hand, Sirius doing the same on your other sider. “Hey, L/n. Didn’t think you’d missed us so much.”
You scoffed playfully and pulled away enough to look the raven-haired boy in the eye, “I think you’re underestimating my attachment to you two, Potter.”
“Careful, or someone might think you’re in love with us, pup.” Sirius joked.
“Only certain parts of you, Black.” you teased back, lighty running a finger over his crotch.
Sirius stiffened, slightly aroused by your tone and teasing. Next to him, James chuckled again, “Careful, love, or Padfoot might pounce you right here. He was moping the whole Holiday. Something about not being able to see you and how would he ever survive until then?”
You cocked a brow at Sirius, “And I’m the one in love with you?”
Sirius rolled his eyes, “You’re allowed to miss us, but I’m not allowed to miss you?”
Grinning, you stood on your tippy-toes and gave Sirius a peck on the corner of his mouth. “I’m glad you did.”
When you pulled away he had a weird look on his blush-tinted face, as if he was trying to contain himself. From what, you weren’t quite sure.
“‘nyway, we came to see if you wanted to come to our dorm? We ‘ave something special for you.” James interrupted the moment between you and Sirius, as if he too was a little concerned about the look on the other boy’s face.
“A surprise?” you questioned, “Did you get me a Christmas present?”
“In a way.” was all James offered, smirking.
You linked hands with Sirius and followed James to their dorm, where you sat patiently on Sirius’ bed like you had all those months ago. 
James pulled a small bag from his trunk, and you looked at him quizzically. What could it be?
He handed you the bag, “Open it, darling.” Your brain buzzed for a second at the new pet-name—he never called you anything but “love.” You couldn’t help the way your heart skipped at how the syllables rolled off his tongue. 
You opened the bag and pulled out a thick, wand-like object. You scrunched your brows up at the boys in question.
“It’s called a vibrator.” Sirius provided.
He opened his mouth to explain further but you held up a hand to stop him. “I think I understand the concept from the name, Sirius.” you insisted. “Why do you two always go to Muggle stores that sell these things?”
James grinned broadly, “Perhaps we just like finding objects that’ll get you into our beds.”
You rolled your eyes at him and Sirius came over to pull the toy from your hands. “Let me show you how it feels, pup.” He turned the device on and it started making a soft buzzing noise. You watched intently as he brought it between your legs and pressed it to your heat, his other hand rubbing up and down your thigh. You jumped slightly at the sensation, but soon pleasure was running to your core and you ground against it.
Sirius switched the toy off, and you made to grab his wrist before he pulled away, eager to feel the sensation once again. He simply chuckled at you, escaping your reach and standing next to James to admire your now flustered state.
You swore the boys’ favorite part of being intimate with you was seeing you hot and bothered for them. And only them.
“Please—” you begged, grinding your hips softly on the mattress. You’d gone weeks craving them between your legs and you weren’t up for teasing right now. You needed them.
James’ eyes darkened at your lust-clouded ones and pouting lips—lips he’d kissed and sucked and fucked. He noticed your gaze flicker to his crotch, and didn’t have to look to know a tent was forming in his pants.
“Fuck, F/n.” he growled, rushing forward to crash his lips aginst yours, a hand travelling up your skirt.
Yes, Sirius had moped the whole Holiday, but what James hadn’t mentioned is that he'd been miserable too. Waking up from dreams of you with boners so hard they bordered on painful, and then coming so hard to thoughts of you he saw stars.
Sirius chuckled at James’ impatience, but James ignored the boy, wasting no time in slipping two fingers inside your laced panties. He swallowed the lewd moan you released, answering it with his own at how wet you were.
Behind him, the two of you could hear the rattle of Sirius’ belt as he started to undress. James decided to follow suit and pulled away, much to your disappointment, to remove both of your clothes. 
You lay there panting as James unbuttoned your shirt, not taking his time as he usually did. “Jamie-” you moaned, bucking your hips slightly as his hands made their way down your torso.
“Patient, darling, we’re getting there.” he chuckled, well aware you were beginning to enter subspace. And then, without even thinking about it since it had been almost all he’d thought of during Holiday, “You want our cocks today?”
“In-inside me?” you gasped, toes curling at the thought.
You looked over to Sirius, now clad in nothing but his boxers, who smirked at the idea. “Only if you want to, pup.”
“Yes, please.” you groaned, reaching to grab James’ hand as arousal spread through your cunt at the thought of their cocks stretching your walls.
“What good manners, love.” James praised, pulling your skirt and panties down your legs, leaving you completely bare to them.
Placing a small peck on the inside of your thigh, James got up to remove his own clothes. And while you loved watching him slowly reveal his toned body, which made your stomach flutter in all the right ways, you couldn’t complain as Sirius crawled between your legs.
“Hello, puppy.” he breathed, kissing along your mouth and down your neck. He bit the sensitive part of your neck, and while you arched against him—as he knew you would—he ground his bulge against your swelling folds.
Gasping, you tangled your fingers through his hair and ground back. The sensation of his cloth-covered cock against your clit sending sparks to your core.
Sirius groaned as he felt your arousal soak through his underwear, the overwhelming need to fuck you filling his veins. He reminded himself to be patient, what was the point of making you do so if they couldn’t even control themselves too? They had to set a good example and take care of their baby.
“Daddy..” you whined, reaching between your bodies to slip his cock from its hold. You couldn’t bear it anymore, you needed him inside you. Pounding into your walls. Stretching you deliciously. Filling you with his cum. You moaned at the thought.
James came up beside you two, chuckling at your neediness, cock in hand. “Be a good baby for us an’ we’ll fuck you senseless, yeah?”
You practically drooled at his body, eyes clouded with lust. An impatient whimper fell from your mouth.
“Looks like she’s already gone senseless, Prongs.” Sirius teased you, “‘lready deep in subspace, hm?” He brought a hand up, prodding your lower lip with his thumb.
Your only response was to loll your tongue out, letting Sirius push his thumb down on it. The boy groaned at your submissive expression, reaching over to grab the vibrator. “Come for us an’ we’ll fuck you, yeah?”
“Please daddy..” you blabbered, angling your pussy up for him.
Sirius switched the toy on again, running it up your thigh and around your folds. You whined at his teasing, displaying your dislike for the lack of stimulation to your clit.
James sat next to your head, fingers running along your skin. “Be good, baby.” he reminded, flicking his thumb over your hardened nipple.
Finally abandoning his teasing, Sirius grazed the toy over your clit, sending pleasure through your nerves. Moaning, you gripped the sheets for something to do, remembering the boys’ past demands to stay still. “Wanna be a good girl..” you mindlessly blabbered.
James smiled down at you, massaging your right breast and leaning down to capture your lips with his. You moaned loudly into his mouth as Sirius pushed the vibrator down on your swelling nub, leaving it there. Your legs began to shake with the stimulation, and Sirius mumbled praises as he rubbed up and down your thigh.
“Gonna.. Gonna come!” you breathed against James’ lips, gripping the sheets tighter to ground yourself as your back arched.
“Come for us, pup. Show us how pretty you are when you come.” Sirius insisted, wiggling the vibrator.
The knot in your core that’d been quickly tightening finally snapped, your hips bucking up as your juices began leaking from your cunt. Sirius stared at the sight hungrily, a groan vibrating in his throat. James lovingly rubbed your arm, kissing your forehead.
Once your orgasm began to subside, Sirius pulled the toy from you before it started to become too much. Gathering your juices on three fingers, he brought them to your mouth, “Open, puppy.”
You obeyed, closing your mouth around them and suckling your cum from his fingertips. The two boys groaned at the sight of you lost in subspace, drinking your own juices.
“I was a good girl?” you whimpered when he pulled away.
“Yes, baby.. You were so good for us.” James praised.
Your clouded eyes lit up at the comment, “I can have your cocks now?” You ground your hips impatiently, ready for them to fill you up.
“‘Course, puppy. Who do you want first?”
“Jamie!” you eagerly answered, realising through your hazy mind he’d be the more gentle of the two. Better to save Sirius for last.
The two boys switched spots, James positioning himself between your legs. He rubbed his hands up and down your thighs, “You ready, love?”
“Yes, please daddy..” you mewled, reaching up to intertwine your fingers in his curls.
The boy smiled, bending over to kiss you. “‘lright, let daddy know if he hurts you, ‘kay?” 
You nodded, and he prodded at your entrance, the tip of his cock stretching you oh-so-slightly. You gasped, moving your hips to bring him deeper. You moaned lewdly as he stretched your walls deliciously, James sheathing himself fully inside you. Your fuzzy thoughts ignored the slight ping of pain, overcome by the euphoric sensation of James filling you full. 
“So.. so full.” 
“Yeah you are, darling.” James agreed, running a thumb over the small bump where his tip met your stomach. His cock twitched at the sight. 
“Gonna take him good, puppy?” Sirius asked, running his lips over yours.
“Yes, so good..”
The boys smiled at your submissiveness, and Sirius leaned down to suck love marks on your tits. James began to slowly thrust in and out of you, groaning at the way your tight pussy gripped his cock.
James’ pace quickened as your moans increased and your back began to arch, held down with one of Sirius’ hands on your stomach. James felt as though he was in paradise, unable to believe he’d been missing out on this. On your cunt squeezing his cock perfectly. The moans slipping from your throat, somehow even better than the beautiful sounds you made when they ate you out. 
He moved your legs over his shoulders for a better position, pounding into you harder as the want to have you come on his cock became unbearable. Your tits bouncing as the sound of skin hitting skin filled the room. “You gonna milk my cock, baby? Want our cum to mix together in that pretty pussy of yours, hm?”
You moaned at his words, struggling to nod your head as his cock continuously slammed into your g-spot. 
He growled at the sight of you in complete bliss, reaching down to rub your clit. You jumped at his touch, the nub still sensitive from the vibrator. Your walls became impossibly tighter around his cock as you came closer to your release.
“Fuck, baby..” James gasped, his own impending orgasm starting to cloud his mind.
Your legs began to shake once again as the pleasure in your core built towards release.
“Gonna come again, pup?” Sirius smirked, running his fingers through your hair.
“Yes-” you gasped, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
James’ balls started to draw up as he reached his own orgasm, and you finally came around his cock, walls pulsing around him. As your cum wrapped around his cock, James released inside you, painting your walls white. He began to slow down, drawing out your highs as his cum continued to spurt into your cunt, both of your juices trickling out onto his thighs.
“Fuck, F/n..” he panted, finally stilling inside you. 
Chest heaving, you whimpered in response, still coming down from your second high of the day.
“Ready for me, puppy?” Sirius asked, lust darkening his expression as he stroked his fingers over your stomach.
You whined in response, fresh arousal dominating your growing overstimulation.
James chuckled at your hesitant look, aware how quickly they could get your cunt swollen and sensitive. Pulling out with a soft squiltch, James collapsed on the bed beside you, mind still high from how hard he’d come inside you. “You were so good f’me, love.” he encouraged, stroking your cheek with his thumb, “Squeezing my cock so tight. Take Pads as good as you did me.”
“Mm..” you incoherently answered, turning to look at Sirius as approval.
The long-haired boy grinned down at you, grabbing your waist to help you stand on your knees. “I’d ask if you’re ready, but I don’t think you could ever be.” he teased.
A shiver ran down your spine at his tone, your nerves fluttering in anticipation for how rough he was going to be. “Please.” you whispered so silently the boys almost didn’t hear it.
“Please what, pup?”
“I want you..” you whined, wrapping your hand around the bulge in his underwear, running a finger over the pre-cum soaked head.
“Your wish is my command.” he breathed against your lips, both lustfully and lovingly.
Without a beat, the boy had you on all fours, ass in the air towards him. You gasped as he pushed against your entrance. He groaned at the juices glistening all down your thighs, landing a rough slap to your right buttcheek that had you jolting forwards.
He was going to destroy you.
He’d always been rough when fingering you or fucking your face, but you knew from rumors in previous years that he’d been holding back on you this whole time. The rumors had always been very detailed, raving about how they couldn’t walk for days afterwards. And that was about to be you.
Your walls pulsed at the thought. The thought of him pounding into you, lightly bruising your thighs with his thrusts. Filling you in places not even James had reached, especially in this position. The thoughts had you unconsciously pushing back on him, bringing his head even further into you.
“Impatient, are we?” Sirius teased, placing a hand on the small of your back to keep you still.
“She’s a needy slut. Maybe fuck it out o’ her, Pads.” James quipped, causing your walls to pulse. You loved when the boys degraded you, and James’ words made you wish he’d done so while inside you.
“Please, daddy..” you whimpered, roaming back into subspace as you waited impatiently for Sirius to fill you up.
“‘lright, pup.” he complied, ramming fully into your cunt.
Your mouth was left open, a moan caught in your throat as the boy all but bruised your cervix.
“I.” He pulled all the way out, thrusting back in roughly. “Want you.” Again. “To be as loud.” Again. “As you can.” Again. “F’me, yeah?” Again.
By now you were panting, drool leaking from your open mouth as he relentlessly slammed into you, skin slapping against skin and panting sounding throughout the room.
“How’s she s’pposed to scream for you when you’re fucking the breath outta ‘er?” James chuckled, causing you to glance over to where he was watching you and stroking his cock.
You groaned at the sight, and Sirius somehow slammed into even you harder. “You can moan for him but not me, pup? I said I wanna hear you.”
“‘m sorry, daddy-” you gasped, pleasure travelling up your spine.
Your brain revolved around nothing but Sirius and his cock stretching your walls deliciously. Unable to remember a time when he wasn’t inside you. Unwilling to ever not have him in you again. Sirius was appreciating the view of his cock disappearing inside you, and thinking much the same thoughts, causing him to rut into you faster and harder.
All three of you groaned at the faster pace, James releasing on his stomach at the sight of your tits bouncing forward with every one of Sirius’ thrusts.
“Such a good cockslut.” Sirius praised as your moans filled the room, now ripping from your throat rather than getting caught in it.
“Daddy-” you gasped at both the boys as James started circles on your sensitive clit, causing your arms to give out.
“Gonna come on Pads’ dick, baby? Squeeze his cock so good he graciously fills you up with his cum?” James asked in a gruff voice.
Sirius groaned, “Better thank me, puppy. Giving you m’cock so well. Gonna fill you with my babies, yeah?”
His words, paired with his cock ramming into you and James rubbing circles on your clit, finally sent you over the edge. You came with a scream, your cum automatically spilling out onto your thighs and James’ hand.
“Good girl-” Sirius breathed, thrusts faltering as he neared his own release. “Beg me for it, puppy. Beg me to fill you with my babies. To give you my cum.”
“Pl-please daddy..” you blabbered mindlessly, your third orgasm still racking through you, “Please fill me with your babies.. I want your babies..” Tears were now streaming from your eyes from the stimulation, but your foggy brain didn’t register them, overcome by the need for Sirius to fill you up. Fill you so full.
Sirius came inside you with a loud grunt, stilling while fully sheathed and shooting his release deep inside you. You moaned at the feeling, falling completely limp on the bed when he finally pulled out.
“Fuck, F/n.” he panted, sitting back to catch his breath.
James rubbed your back fondly, “Let’s get you cleaned up, darling.”
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« Part One || Masterlist || Epilogue »
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Happy Holiday to my moots! Tagging moots: @whaleofatjme1920 @coffee-latte-sprite @bl00dyfistz @mayday-shun-lighty @angeltheproxy @misshavoc @comic-gamer02
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why-i-love-comics · 4 years
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Marvel Holiday Special - "The Big X-Mas Blackout" (1992)
written by Stan Lee & Richard Howell art by Steve Lightie, Al Milgrom, & Renee Witterstaetter
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animatedpixie · 4 years
Jack Frost: *lighty knocking on a bright pumpkin door* you ready bones?
Jack Skeleton: *opens the door* Mhm? Oh? Jack Frost? Is that you? What’s going on?
Jack Frost: Eh North told me to get y’all ready for Halloween *he glances up as he lays his staff over his shoulders*
Jack Skeleton: but.. it couldn’t be time yet?hadn’t New Years just happened?
Jack Frost: oh right.. I forgot you aren’t allowed outside considering what you did to North a few years ago..
Jack Skeleton: What did you say Boy?
Jack Frost: Oh nothing! Just.. well it’s not New Years anymore.. it’s just about to turn to  October
Jack Skeleton: well surely we have more time
Jack Frost: wellll *he crinkled his face* you may need more time this year.. y’all still have to plan how to deal with trick-or-treating and making sure they all have masks and.. *he starts to go off on a rant, holding his fingers up and listing off things, looking at the bright moon*
Jack Skeleton: woah slow down Frost *he raises his hands* what is all of this?
Jack Frost: Oh *he turns his attention back to the skeleton as he tilts his head* guess I should explain huh.. let’s just start off by saying. 2020 is the worse year yet.. a huge pandemic has been going on the guardians need to make sure children are safe with every holiday this year.. it hasn’t been easy.. Bunny had a hard time with Easter and.. *he trails off and his eyes slowly widen* wait.. did we even do Easter this year? *he calls out*
Jack Skeleton: Jack! For the love! Would you stay focus!
Jack Frost: *he quickly throws frozen clipboard made from ice* that’s the list of things that need to be done! I have to go check on Bunny! *he throws himself up and leaves with the wind*
Jack Skeleton: *blinks and stares at the clipboard* “people must be six feet apart” *he reads* what?
(Enjoy this random little interaction I imagine happening, This was inspired by the fact I can’t remember what I did for Easter, heck I can’t remember much from this year at all. I mostly started blocking stuff from my memory. I have yet to decide if that’s good or bad 😂😅)
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telli1206 · 5 years
Merry Christmas to Us (Part 2)
My follow-up to a dark core four Holiday fic by @bunny-lou. I plan to write a part 3 too. I just loved the one-shot too much not to finish the story line <3
Part 1 written by @bunny-lou is linked here.
Somewhere in the distance, Carlos hears a hiccuping and sobbing that sounds faintly familiar.
Slowly, he leans back on his forearms to prop himself upright. The sounds and images around him start to come into focus, pushing through the fog in his brain as he continues to blink furiously, forcing his eyes to completely open.
The sobbing gets louder.
He squints a little as a bright light floods into his eyes, and through it he can now make out a blue form hunched in front of him.
“Evie?” He croaks, finally recognizing his friend’s cries.
An intense throbbing pain in his forehead causes his hand to to fly up. He groans, dragging his fingers across a painful knot above his left eye. Where did that come from? Last he remembers, he and Evie were walking down the last alley beyond the clearing to her castle and Hell Hall. After that is all a blur.
Evie. He drops his hand and ignores the bump in favor of her when she lifts her head to look at him. He’s shocked to see a splotchy, tear-stained face. Her normally perfect makeup is streaking under puffy red eyes, mascara and blush running down her cheeks in wavy lines of black and pink.
Carlos has never seen her beauty so disheveled, imperfect. He can see hurt in her eyes, her chest heaving from her sobs. He puts a hand to his chest, holding his breath for just a moment as he feels his heart constrict.
“Oh Carlos! Thank evil you’re ok!” She throws her arms around his neck, knocking him back a little and making him wince from the pain in his head. “You’ve been out for so long, I was starting to think they really hurt you!”
He drops his arms behind his back to brace himself for Evie’s hug, and feels an uncomfortable lumpiness underneath him. Looking down, he realizes they’re on a strange bed, with an oddly stale smell. The whole room has a dank, musty aroma to it.
Room? How did we end up here? He’s mind starts to flood with questions.
“Who’s ‘they’? Where are we? Whose place is this??” He blinks slowly and takes in the room they’re sitting in. He recognizes some of his clothes, his books...even the rug from his treehouse.
“Why is my stuff here?!”
“Th-they said we’re Christmas gifts...for themselves.” Evie’s chest starts heaving as the tears flow freely.
“Our moms! We-we’re never going to see them again! Carlos, th-they think they’re saving us! We’re never going to leave here.”
She chokes on her words and drops her head to heave a sob on Carlos’ shoulder. He puts a hand up to her head and pats it lighty, trying his best to console her. But he can’t process what she’s saying...it just doesn’t makes sense. 
“Christmas gifts? Who would...?”
As if on cue, the lock on the door suddenly creaks and the door swings open. A cool breeze sweeps in, along with a familiar tall, tanned form with a tangle of long, dark hair.
“Puppy!” He practically sings, in an unexpectedly high-pitched voice. “Nice of you to join us! Welcome home!”
Jay stands near the door, smiling from ear to ear, his eyes trained on Carlos. Carlos stares back with his mouth tipped open, too surprised and utterly confused to speak.
From behind Jay, Mal stalks in to view, stopping to look at Carlos and Evie, crossing her arms and shifting her hips to the right as a small smile creeps across her face.
“Finally. The gang’s all here,” she chirps happily.
Mal and Jay quickly descend on the bed, Mal plopping down right next to Evie and placing a hand on her knee. Jay deftly swoops behind Carlos to hook one arm roughly around his waist, pulling him in forcefully so his back is against Jay’s chest.
Carlos feels too weak and dizzy to struggle, but he twists his body anyway and tries to use what little strength he has to push against Jay’s chest.
Jay quickly reacts by winding his arm even tighter, and turns his head around to face Carlos and let out a low growl. “Don’t.” he says, his voice stern and firm. The heat behind his eyes is enough to paralyze Carlos momentarily. He decides drop his hand and let it go, for now.
Jay visibly relaxes when he sees Carlos give in and rests his face next to Carlos’ ear, turning his nose towards him to ruffle it playfully in his hair. Carlos stiffens in his hold, surprised at this gentle sweetness from the usually rough thief.
Recently, Carlos had sensed eyes on him while out and about with his newly formed (gang?) group, consisting of Evie, Mal and Jay. He wasn’t sure who or why, so he ignored it. But he got quite a shock when he caught Jay staring at him as he hoisted himself over a window ledge, he’s eyes darting down to a strip of Carlos’ abdomen that had peeked out from under his shirt.
When he locked eyes with Carlos he turned away immediately, and Carlos has just assumed it was accidental and thought nothing of it...even though the feeling he had of eyes on him still lingered.
But Carlos can’t stop himself from flashing back to that feeling now, with Jay’s arm is so tightly wound around him, his other hand lightly sliding up and down Carlos’ arm while he deeply inhales into black and white hair.
The feeling of Jay’s gentle touches has Carlos wincing. He’s deep into the feeling of his complete lack of control in this moment, anxiety creeping in because of the uncertainty of Mal and Jay’s plans for him and Evie.
It’s all too much. His mind is reeling with fear, and his pulse is starting to quicken and he can hear his heart trying to pound right through his chest. It’s deafening.
His thoughts quickly turn back to Evie. He looks over and sees Mal tracing her fingers in small circles on Evie’s knee, while her other hand is gently cupping Evie’s cheek as she tries to comfort her.
“Princess, I promise this is for the best. You’ll see soon enough. We actually have a surprise for you. Jay and I thought it might make the move a little bit easier.”
Mal looks over to Jay, whose grin spreads even wider. He nods excitedly as he looks right to Evie.
“Your first adventure out already! We thought it would be a good way to start things out. Show you that we really trust you.” He points a finger gun out at Evie and gives her a wink.
Mal glares at Jay and rolls her eyes at his cheesy move. “Like Casanova said - Christmas is coming early for you. We sent a fake invite to a free spa weekend for mommie dearests and they took the bait.” Mal’s sneer grew seemingly wider as she shared their plan. 
“It was almost too easy. They were out of there almost as soon as they got the letter. Obviously they’re SO concerned about what happened to their missing children. They didn’t even look for 24 hours before running off on you,” Mal snorted, her eyes darting from Evie to Carlos.
Both glanced back at each other and hung their heads low, dejected.
A tiny sniffle erupted from Carlos as some tears welled up in his eyes. Jay gave a small pout and dropped his chin to Carlos’ shoulder, looking up at him. He was genuinely sad to see Carlos in pain.
“Forget about those crazy bitches, they have no idea what they had with you two. What’s the saying? You don’t know what you had until it’s gone. If either of those nut jobs have half a brain, they’ll be seeing their mistake soon enough. Too bad it’s too late for that anyway.” Mal smirks and stands, wrapping one hand around Evie’s wrist and yanking her upright off the bed.
“You and I are going to take a trip over to your old home sweet castle to pick up some clothes and things - whatever you want that you think will make this place more homey,” she says as she waves her arm around, gesturing at the room.
“Once we’re back, Jay will take the pup out with him to Hell Hall and do the same.”
Evie tilted her head and looked over at Jay and Carlos. Jay, sensing her confusion, pulls Carlos even closer to him and cracks a smile.
“As insurance, beautiful,” he coos as Carlos squirms against him. “As much as we want to trust that you and the pup will obey us, for right now we’ll be taking turns leaving the lair with each of you so you won’t make a run for it. I doubt you’ll want to risk me doing anything to our sweet puppy here if you manage to escape without him.” He roughly squeezes Carlos’ face in one hand and turns him to face Evie.
Evie’s eyes widened for a moment, and then fell defeatedly as she let herself willingly be pulled by Mal out of the room.
“That’s a good princess,” she hums. “We’ll be back before you know it, and you’ll see Carlos is safe and sound here.”
Carlos watches helplessly as Evie disappears, and feels arms tighten even more around his waist as the door closes.
“Alone at last,” Jay sighs into Carlos’ hair, tracing his nose down the back of Carlos’ neck until his face rests in the crook.
Carlos sits painfully still, forcing himself to form words.
“So, w-we’re...Christmas gifts? Me and Evie?” Jay’s smile widens from ear to ear has he nods excitedly. He drops his arms and pulls himself across the bed to face Carlos.
“You’re my first...” he winks. Carlos blushes a little at the use of those words, as Jay leans in to touch his finger lightly to Carlos’ nose. “...Christmas gift. And you were definitely worth the wait.”
“But, w-wh-wh-what does that e-even m-m-m-mean??” His voice cracks at the forced-out words.
Jay’s face is so close.
Then he’s leaning in even more, but Carlos doesn’t move. He can’t move. His eyelids shutter closed, and he braces for contact.
But nothing happens.
He opens his eyes and sees Jay right there, but he’s stopped moving. Suddenly, Jay pulls back to sit upright again.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to kiss you.” He says flatly.
Carlos is stunned. “You-you’re not? Th-th-that’s not what you want?”
Jay can’t help but smile wider, cupping Carlos’ face in his hands and leaning back in. Carlos wonders if his face could crack like that. “Oh no. Make no mistake, I definitely want to. I can’t even tell you for how long. For months, that’s all I’ve thought about. Kissing you.” He says while he traces circles with his thumb along Carlos’ cheek. “Well...maybe that and a few other things...” Jay quips, waggling his eyebrows.
Carlos looks down and flushes an even brighter red.
“But we decided we have to set limits.”
“Limits?” Carlos draws his eyebrows together in a confused stare. “ We?”
“Me and Mal.” Jay explains. His drops his hands from Carlos and pushes himself back, still sitting on the bed. He maintains his eye contact, still locked onto Carlos.
“There’s plenty that we want to do to both of you. And as gifts to us, we won’t deny ourselves some...pleasures,” he says, throwing Carlos a wink. Carlos winces slightly and shrinks back..
“But Mal and I don’t want you to feel like this situation is even worse than what you and the princess had at home with the hags.” He huffs, pausing for a second, his facial features tense oddly, seemingly out of nowhere. “So we thought it was only fair to let you call at least some of the shots.”
In Carlos’ head, it still doesn’t make any sense. “So...what does that mean for us?” Carlos isn’t even sure he wants to know the answer, he doesn’t need to build anymore on his confusion.
“It means...” Jay starts as he gets up on his hands on knees, “no kissing on the lips without permission. We don’t want you to feel like you have no control. But...”
He’s crawling toward Carlos now, closing distance between them quickly. Carlos startles and flings his arms backwards as he pulls up his knees and shimmies his whole body backwards on the bed as much as he can. Much too soon he’s already against the headboard pressing his back against it firmly as if trying to get it to move and make more room for him to go.
Jay’s eyes darken and his smile grows increasingly sinister once he registers Carlos’ predicament.
“...we do have plans to seduce you both, by other means.”
Carlos’ words ball into a massive lump in his throat. It makes it hard to even swallow, let alone speak up in protest. 
Jay places both hands on either side of Carlos, boxing him in against the headboard. As he moves in, Carlos squeezes his eyes shut and turns his head to the right. Jay smiles at the sliver of neck flashed in front of him.
He eagerly dips down and starts nibbling at the Carlos’ neck, earning a few tremored squeaks from Carlos’ lips. After a few silent moments, he opts to move his mouth upward again,  to lick and plant a few open mouthed kisses along Carlos’ jaw, choosing to trail back down his throat soon enough
Jay descends at a teasingly slow pace, stopping to lavish every inch of skin with tiny kisses. After a few minute he stops short, pausing and lifting his head to glare at the neckline of a black and white striped t-shirt.
Jay grunts at the intrusion, bringing up both hands to wrap his fingers tightly around the neckline. In one swift motion, he grabs at the cotton fabric and pulls it apart, ripping the shirt apart loudly. Carlos gasps, collapsing his body into itself and against the headboard to hide his newly exposed skin. But Jay pushes back the torn fabric and lets a hand rest against Carlos’ freckled chest. He glances up and down the full length of the toned torso, letting his gaze end at big gorgeous eyes, wide with shock and a hint of fear.
Jay runs his tongue along his lips as he meets Carlos’ gaze. “You’re so hot,” he softly mutters under his breath. Carlos can feel his blush move down his chest and out to his ears, and he looks down to avoid Jay’s eyes. Jay smirks and dips down to attack more skin.
His lips continue along their original path, starting at Carlos’ collarbone and leaving little kisses, nips and bites as he goes.
Jay chuckles quietly to himself at the tense skin he can feel under his kisses, and comes to a stop as his mouth reaches the button on red shorts. He looks up when he hears Carlos’ breath hitch, and sees his eyes squeeze tighter over his clenched teeth. Gently, Jay decides to trace his tongue in a circle around Carlos’ soft belly button.
A shrill yelp breaks the silence, as Carlos arches his back, bucking his hips up and away from under Jay.
Jay jumps back and laughs a little at the unexpected fire erupting from the smaller teen. He sits back and watches Carlos scoot out from under him, a tangled mess of limbs as he tries to get back as far as he can. Once he feels his back slam against the headboard he takes a breath and straightens himself to sit fully upright.
A few barely audible whimpers escape his lips as the shock starts to wear off. Carlos tries to calm himself, his breaths slow and shallow to steady his still trembling chest.  He wraps his arms around his partially bare chest, bringing his knees up to meet his arms. He squeezes himself tightly together as he dares to look across the bed, shrinking back a little when he meets Jay’s stare, a slight smirk still painted across his face.
“Relax, puppy. Sex is off the table too. Do you think we’d expect consent for a little kiss, but not for that?” Jay rolls off the bed and walks across the room, pulling open a dresser and grabbing a black t-shirt. He tosses it over his shoulder and onto the bed next to Carlos.
“We’re not trying to make you and the princess uncomfortable - we want you to feel good.”
Carlos reaches for the black shirt, quickly shrugging off his torn clothes to throw the new piece over his head. He pauses a moment to take in Jay’s words, then lays his hands down on the bed on either side of him, palms down. He presses his fingers down into the bed as he glances at them. A fleeting urge to launch off the bed and bolt for the door surges through him. Even though he knows Jay will have him before he takes two steps off the bed, he just can’t suppress a desire to run.
But Jay hasn’t taken his eyes off Carlos. He keeps smiling at him.
“When Mal and I are done with you and the princess, you’ll be begging us for it,” he grins wider. “Kissing, sex...all of it. We’re going to make you feel so good, you’ll be on your knees, pleading for more. Begging for Mal and I to be the ones to give it to you.”
Carlos tries to stay tall and fan out his chest, but he can feel his shoulders hunching, willing himself to curl back into his body. He concedes to the fear still twitching inside him, instead opting to bury his face back into his knees to avoid looking at Jay, to show him the red flush that he knows is sweeping across his entire body from tip to toe.
And Jay just keeps smiling. 
“Aww, come on pup. You know, giving gifts can be just as fun as receiving. And I definitely love when I get to be the giver.”
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shannie-writes · 6 years
Day Nine - Zero and the Elusive Gift
This is Day 9 of a 12 Days of Christmas collaboration made with myself, @canismajorflowershop , @kashimalin-fanfiction , and @serenity-writes . You can find the masterpost here.
Zero looked through his horse’s saddlebags at the end of a road in Central, counting items one by one, matching them to their recipients in his head. Ridiculously bright green and red bonbons for Edgar. A set of pink gloves to match Jonah’s scarf--he had been complaining how the cold air was causing his hands to chap. A new flask for Kyle, since the one he had gifted him last year was seeing wear and tear from the constant use. A soft blanket for Alice, as he could tell she still wasn’t used to her first winter here in Cradle. A giant bag of chocolate-covered pretzels to share with his unit. Each of the Chosen Thirteen for the Red Army had a special item in the bags. All but one.
Zero sighed, belting the bags closed, mounting his horse again. He still hadn’t found a gift for King Lancelot. He had known him for some time now, but it was still difficult to read him, more so than Edgar most days, and he wasn’t vocal about things that bothered him like Jonah was. Lifting his chin, Zero decided to go around the shopping district one last time to see if anything would pop out at him.
He was reaching the end of the cobble street and about to give up when a display window caught his eye. Steering his horse closer, he looked down at the item, toying his bottom lip in his teeth before he dismounted, lighty tying his horse to a post before going in to make his final purchase of the day.
A few days later, Christmas came and went in a blur of food, gifts, games, and visits with old and new friends alike.
Everyone loved their gifts, much to Zero’s relief. Edgar waxed on about how much care Zero put into all of them and how much he appreciated his attentive nature. Zero didn’t remember much else from that particular speech, as he had tuned out after a few seconds in. Alice had given him a tight hug, much to his embarrassment, and had wrapped the blanket around herself immediately, walking around the party in it. Even King Lancelot seemed to be happy about his gift, a twinkle reaching his eyes after opening it, though it faded quickly and he gave Zero the same monotonous thank you that everyone else had received.
Zero couldn’t say he had been hoping for a bigger reaction, it was very much in King Lancelot’s behavior toward him. But he had hoped that the gift would have made a larger impact.
The next morning, all of the leaders collected in King Lancelot’s office for a meeting. The holidays weren’t exactly over, but there were no breaks for the army. Stepping into the room, it took Zero only a second before he saw his gift for King Lancelot sitting on the desk.
The small stuffed lion was perched on a pile of paperwork, the light children’s toy a poor replacement for the usual paperweight. Its button eyes were made of red glass, glinting in the light of the room in direct contrast with the pale off-white fabric that made up the body. That was, after all, what had caught Zero’s attention to it in the first place. It wasn’t an exact replica of Shine, but the resemblance was there.
Zero’s gaze slipped over to meet King Lancelot’s, who glanced at the lion and back to Zero, the tiniest of smiles touching his lips. Zero nodded and moved into place next to Edgar, straightening up as they each waited in turn to report, a soft smile rising to his own lips.
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Just A Good Ol' Boy Cooter's Garage Hazzard County Duke of Hazzard 80's TV Show Flannel Shirt
Just A Good Ol' Boy Cooter's Garage Hazzard County Duke of Hazzard 80's TV Show Black White Plaid Button Flannel Shirt delivers handsome, versatile style starting with this flannel button-up shirt in super-soft fabric. This is a perfect gift for any 80's Sitcom Fan of Duke of Hazzard, or even yourself!
This long sleeve flannel shirt offers a collar, button front closure, long sleeves with button cuffs, two (2) button flap chest pockets and reinforced seams with a supper soft finish.
SIZING: These shirts vary, many are unisex and come in men's sizing. They can be worn by both men & women. Ordering your normal t-shirt size is recommended for a regular fit. Going 1 size up works well for a baggy/oversized fit. Women's or Children's Specific sizing will be noted on the photo/variation options selected.
FABRIC: All these shirts are made of cotton or a cotton/poly blend, 55% cotton, and 45% viscose. Measurements and thickness vary slightly by brand.
Care instructions: Turn item inside out, machine wash cold, no bleach, no softener. Do not dry clean. Do not iron. Air dry is recommended.
Due to different picture lighting settings the actual color might vary a bit from the pictures.
Please also know that although every effort is made to photograph my items accurately, color may differ slightly from photos due to different monitor settings. Please contact me with any questions about the color or size of any item before purchasing. Have something in mind that you’re looking for? I love custom orders! I can make custom changes to all existing designs that are currently available in my shop. Please send me a message, and I’ll be happy to help!
After a package leaves my hands with the post office, Granny & Grandpa's Custom Creations is not held responsible. Current Turnaround Time due to upcoming Holidays - 1-5 Business Days. While we always use priority shipping options, once shipped we cannot guarantee delivery due to the backlog current being experienced USPS/UPS/FedEx. If you have a strict deadline, please message me when ordering so that I can note any rush requests. Ownership of packages turned over to USPS transfers to the Buyer. We are not responsible for lost, held, damaged packages or delayed packages, once your package(s) leaves our Shop it is completely out of our control. Thank you for understanding!
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#flannelshirt - #grannygrandpascustomcreations
Just A Good Ol' Boy Cooter's Garage Hazzard County Duke of Hazzard 80's TV Show Black White Plaid Button Flannel Shirt delivers handsome, versatile style starting with this flannel button-up shirt in super-soft fabric. This is a perfect gift for any 80's Sitcom Fan of Duke of Hazzard, or even yourself!
This long sleeve flannel shirt offers a collar, button front closure, long sleeves with button cuffs, two (2) button flap chest pockets and reinforced seams with a supper soft finish.
SIZING: These shirts vary, many are unisex and come in men's sizing. They can be worn by both men & women. Ordering your normal t-shirt size is recommended for a regular fit. Going 1 size up works well for a baggy/oversized fit. Women's or Children's Specific sizing will be noted on the photo/variation options selected.
FABRIC: All these shirts are made of cotton or a cotton/poly blend, 55% cotton, and 45% viscose. Measurements and thickness vary slightly by brand.
Care instructions: Turn item inside out, machine wash cold, no bleach, no softener. Do not dry clean. Do not iron. Air dry is recommended.
Due to different picture lighting settings the actual color might vary a bit from the pictures.
Please also know that although every effort is made to photograph my items accurately, color may differ slightly from photos due to different monitor settings. Please contact me with any questions about the color or size of any item before purchasing. Have something in mind that you’re looking for? I love custom orders! I can make custom changes to all existing designs that are currently available in my shop. Please send me a message, and I’ll be happy to help!
After a package leaves my hands with the post office, Granny & Grandpa's Custom Creations is not held responsible. Current Turnaround Time due to upcoming Holidays - 1-5 Business Days. While we always use priority shipping options, once shipped we cannot guarantee delivery due to the backlog current being experienced USPS/UPS/FedEx. If you have a strict deadline, please message me when ordering so that I can note any rush requests. Ownership of packages turned over to USPS transfers to the Buyer. We are not responsible for lost, held, damaged packages or delayed packages, once your package(s) leaves our Shop it is completely out of our control. Thank you for understanding!
Thank you so much for supporting our "small Granny & Grandpa's Shop", we truly appreciate YOU!
Please visit www.grannygrandpascustomcreations.com/shop to view more of our creations!
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#flannelshirt - #grannygrandpascustomcreations
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