#hold up. that was my first real shift in a real bakery
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bonbonchocolates · 9 months
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Yandere Jin x Reader, Yandere Jimin x Reader
Summary: When your husband cheats on you and an old classmate of yours comes to the rescue....
Warnings: yandere Jin, yandere Jimin, cheating, blackmailing
A/N: Again originally from my Wattpad account. I hope you like it and if you did please leave a like.
You arrived home with the bouquet of flowers in your hand. It's your first wedding anniversary and you decided to give your husband a surprise. Though you know he doesn't love you but wanted to give this relationship a chance.
As you entered inside you heard some weird noises from upstairs. Without wasting any time you rushed upstairs. You could hear the sound of your husband, he was groaning or moaning you have no idea. You got worried for him and followed the sound and it was coming from your room.
Did he get hurt?
The door was unlocked and when you opened it, the floor beneath you slipped from your feet. The bouquet you were carrying fell from your hand. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. You wanted to surprise your husband but he surprised you.
A drop of tear rolled down your face. You saw the your totally naked husband thrusting into your best friend. They were moaning in pleasure and were still not aware of your presence.
You don't want to grab their attention and get humiliated by them. So without thinking anything else you ran out of the house.
You were sitting on a roadside bench while crying. You don't know what you did wrong to deserve this. You never trusted your husband but your childhood bestfriend whom you trusted the most betrayed you. You don't have anywhere to go now. If you go back to your parents they will be disappointed at you.
You thought that your relationship with Jin was getting better after what happened between you last week. Though he was drunk but the next morning he said that he doesn't regrets it and wants to give your relationship a chance. You never saw it coming.
It was raining heavily and you were totally drenched. But you were too lost in your thoughts to realise it. Suddenly you felt someone's presence beside you and the raindrops stopped hitting your head. You looked up and saw Jimin holding an umbrella above your head.
"Don't want a pretty lady falling sick."
This is the first time you felt so happy seeing him you didn't think of anything and got up and hugged him tightly.
5 years later:
"Tae stop running."
You ran behind your four years old son. You were out of your breath but he was not giving up. He showed his little tongue to you and continued running. You chased him.
Son, yes you have a son. His name is Taehyung (A/N: Sorry, not sorry 🤣). He is your and Jin's son and currently he is four years old, soon to be five. Jin has no idea about the existence of his son. You decided it's better if he has no idea or he will take Taehyung away from you and you don't want that.
About Jin you have no idea where he is and what he is doing. Last you saw him the day you both signed the divorce paper. After that you shifted to another city with the help of Jimin. Then you got to know that you are pregnant. At first you decided to abort the baby but later realised that the baby is innocent and even Jimin convinced you to keep it. That was the best decision of your life.
Jimin has truly been an angel to you in these years. He helped you to open a bakery which was your childhood dream and took care of Taehyung like a real father. Actually he was a classmate of yours in your high school days. He even proposed you but you rejected him because he was a bad boy. But when he once again proposed to you after Taehyung was born, you accepted him.
That was the second best thing that happened in your life. Now you both are happily married and you could not be more happy. Jimin never let Taehyung feel that he is his stepfather.
(A/N: Dirty minded people 😏)
You were brought back from your train of thoughts when you heard Taehyung yell and run towards Jimin. Jimin picked him up in his lap and pecked his face with kisses. You just watched the father son duo with adoration in your eyes.
"Momma, good uncle gave me chocolate"
Your son came towards you with the packet of chocolate in his hand.
"Tae, how many times have I told you to not accept anything from strangers?"
You said making your son pout.
"Momma but uncle is good and he is not a stranger, he said he knows you."
He said with a little on his face. You couldn't help but admire how adorable your son is.
"Baby you never know. Maybe that good uncle wants to take you away from momma and daddy."
After hearing your words your son's eyes widened in shock.
"Really, momma?"
"Yes baby, now promise me you will never talk to that stranger uncle again."
"Promise momma."
You pecked his forehead. You are really worried for your son. You don't know who the stranger is but he doesn't seem like good news to you. So you want Taehyung to stay away from him.
"Baby I'm home."
You yelled and expected Taehyung to run to you and hug you but it didn't happen. Maybe he is asleep, you decided not to wake him up. You went straight away to your room and changed your clothes.
Something was odd today, this is what your gut feelings screamed. You then rushed to your son's room and heard the sound of whispering coming from inside.
"But momma said not to talk to you. She said you are a bad guy."
"Do I look like a bad guy to you?"
You heard the voice of your son and another masculine voice. The voice seemed familiar to you but it was not Jimin. You quickly opened the door and found someone unexpected there having a conversation with your son.
The sound of the door grabbed their attention. You saw your ex-husband looking at you with a smile on his face.
"Stay away from my son."
You rushed towards your son to take him away but Jin came and stood right in front of you before you could reach him.
"Correction, our son"
He grabbed your arms and pinned you on the nearby wall. Taehyung just stared at both of you with confusion written all over his face.
"I'll give you two options- first, come back to me and we can live as a happy family, you, me and our son. Second I'll kill that husband of yours and still take you with me."
"I'll never go back with a cheater."
"Y/N listen about that day, that bitch Jieun she seduced me and mixed something in my drink. I never wanted to cheat on you."
You know he is lying but now you are not the old Y/N anymore you won't fall for his lies. But somewhere inside you, you felt like he is saying the truth but you don't want to believe him.
"Will you come back with me or not?"
Jin glared at you. This time you won't let him play with your feelings. These few years without him have been the best time of your life and now you love Jimin and Taehyung loves him too. You will never leave him for a person who cheated on you with your best friend.
You yelled at him and fell a stinging pain on your right cheek. He just slapped you.
"You are a bad uncle, you hurt momma. My daddy is a cop he will put you in prison."
Taehyung tried to come between you but Jin pushed him back making him fall on the ground.
"Now will you come with me or not?"
You saw him pointing a gun towards Taehyung. You were too shocked at this point. How can he do that? Taehyung is his own son.
"You won't do that?"
"Believe me love, I can do anything for you. Even if it is to kill our son."
He let out an evil laughter. How can someone be so heartless?
"This one is too annoying. Don't worry I'll kill him and your husband. Then we can have another one."
He pulled the trigger and was about to shoot Taehyung.
Just then you heard the sound of a gunshot. You closed your eyes, the ground beneath you slipped from your feet. He shot your son. You are such a bad mother you couldn't even save your son.
You opened your eyes when you heard the voice of your son. A wave of relief rushed in you when you saw that your son was safe and alive. You quickly went towards him and hugged him. You peppered kisses all over his face.
You were too busy in your thoughts when your eyes fell over the dead body of your ex husband and Jimin standing a few feet away from you with a gun in his hand.
Jimin's POV:
I watched Y/N and Taehyung peacefully sleeping. They went through a lot today and all they needed was rest. I know it will be hard but I hope they forget about today's incident.
I got rid of Y/N's ex-husband's dead body. It was not a difficult task. I got up from the bed and went towards the balcony and admired the night view of the city.
I'm happy that Y/N and Taehyung are both okay but if I wouldn't have arrived at the right time, we would have to lose Taehyung. I thought Jin was out of Y/N's life forever but guess what I was wrong. I should have made a better plan but no worries Y/N is still with me, that's what matters.
That Jieun bitch, I'll kill her. She can't even do a simple task properly. I didn't pay her for nothing. But guess what it was not her fault that idiot was really in love with her. Alas! luck didn't favour him.
I looked back at the room where Y/N and Taehyung were sleeping. Two things that I'll make sure of are: firstly, I'll make sure Y/N never gets to know the truth and secondly I'll make sure that Taehyung never gets to know that I'm not his real father. I want them to be happy, no matter what it takes.
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
128. All Too Well
She remembers everything.
She wishes she didn’t. She wishes she could forget him, but that period of her life is ingrained in her mind, on her heart, and she finds herself having flashbacks more often than she cares to.
Tonight it’s as she stands in the kitchen, wiping her hands after cleaning up dinner, and she can picture him. She can feel the way his hands felt as he tugged her close and guided her steps, dancing in the kitchen to no music. She remembers how happy she was, how safe she felt in his arms, and it brings tears to her eyes.
In the end, it was too real for him, and he got scared, running off to California, putting an entire country between them, and leaving her feeling like a crumpled up piece of paper containing a bad joke you’d rather not remember you wrote in the first place.
She sees him in the living room, sitting in a chair, talking to Papa, and when he spots her in the doorway, he smiles and gives her a wink before going back to his chat. She sees him in the bathroom, bopping her on the nose with one of her curlers, nuzzling against her cheek and getting her face cream all over his nose.
In her bedroom, she opens her drawer, reaching toward the back and tugging out a familiar black silk tie. The smell of him has long since faded, but she keeps it here, in her drawer. It’s a little irrational maybe, but every time she considers throwing it out, she worries. She worries that throwing it out means throwing him away. Throwing everything that they had away.
And she’s not ready. It’s been six months, and she still can’t bear to move on.
They were only together - really together - for a short time, but she knows that she’s lost the greatest love she’s ever known. What he made her feel is unmatched by anyone she’s been with before or since then.
She wakes in the morning of her thirtieth birthday with his tie still in her hand, and she blinks awake slowly, the sun peeking through her window, and her heart clenches.
Thirty. And alone.
She’s always loved her birthday, but today is something of a blur, and once the kids are asleep, she feels a profound sadness wash over her.
And then a knock at the door.
She’s got a glass of bourbon in her hand (she tends to opt for bourbon on the nights when she particularly misses Lenny), and she downs it, steeling herself for what is undoubtedly going to be Joel and a fight on the other side of the door.
She takes a deep breath, opens the door, and...
It’s not Joel.
Instead, there stands Lenny Bruce, in his trademark suit, holding a small bakery box. His head is slightly dipped, and he looks at her a little shyly. “Happy birthday,” he says quietly.
“What are you doing here?” She asks when she finds her words.
He half-smiles. “There’s this bakery in West Hollywood that makes the best cupcakes I’ve ever had, but they sadly don’t deliver.”
She looks at him for a long moment before opening the door a little wider and inviting him inside. It’s probably a disastrous idea, letting him in when she’s already been maimed by their relationship before, but she can’t help herself. Wanting him, loving him, is as involuntary as blinking or cracking a joke.
He stands in her foyer for the first time in months, and as much as she just wants to fall into his arms right now, she feels more like a soldier bracing himself for battle, and he looks like he’s ready for a barrage.
It’s strange to see him feeling awkward when at one time this place was practically his home, but he shifts on his feet, looking up at her from under his lashes, and there is such a profound sensation of guilt radiating from him.
Good. He should feel guilty.
“When did you get back?” She asks as she closes the door.
He looks at his watch. “About an hour ago,” he answers. “I dropped my bag off at Jo-Jo’s and came straight here.”
She nods slowly. “How is he?”
“Away for the summer. I’ve got a spare key.” He lifts the box of cupcakes a little awkwardly. “Want a cupcake?” He asks. “Or I could just leave them and - ”
“No,” she breathes softly. “No, I...it’s my birthday. And even though I’m still so fucking angry with you, I...can’t think of anyone else I’d rather spend it with.”
He chuckles quietly. “That’s perhaps the most confusing thing I’ve ever heard, but I will take what I can get,” he says.
She leads him to the kitchen, pulling out plates and napkins before pouring them each a glass of bourbon. He raises a brow at her. She shrugs, setting his glass down in front of him. “Don’t make it a thing.”
He nods slowly and lifts his glass in toast. “To you,” he says.
She smiles softly. “I’ll drink to that.” They clink their glasses and sip, and then he opens the box.
The cupcakes inside are various colors and flavors, and she picks the one with a caramel frosting, taking a bite and biting back a moan. “Holy shit.”
He chews his bite of his chocolate cupcake. “I told you.”
“That’s almost as good as sex,” she comments before she can think about it, and he laughs.
“Almost,” he repeats with a smirk.
“Don’t flirt with me. I’m still mad at you.”
“Hey, you’re the one bringing up sex,” he bats back, cocking a brow at her.
She sighs and wipes her fingers on her napkin. “So...you’re here,” she comments, taking a sip of her bourbon.
He nods. “I am no mirage.”
She tilts her head at him, considering him, and she notices he looks...really good. His cheeks aren’t so sunken. His eyes a little brighter - still dark and smoldering, but there’s more life behind them. “You look good,” she says.
“Don’t flirt with me. You’re still mad at me.”
“Lenny,” she drawls with an eye roll, and he lifts his hands in surrender. “I meant you look healthy.”
He nods. “I...” He takes a deep breath, and it’s stunning to her to see the great Lenny Bruce struggling for words. “I didn’t want to leave you,” he says. “I need you to know that it was the hardest thing I have ever done.”
Midge swallows thickly. “Then why did you do it?” She whispers.
“Because I couldn’t be the man you deserve,” he answers honestly. “Not when I was...”
“High?” She finishes after a long moment.
He nods. “I needed to get clean. And I needed to do it for myself. If I was there for you...” She tilts her head, trying to understand where he’s going with this. “Then my sobriety always would have been contingent on us, and when you inevitably realized I wasn’t worth it - ”
“What makes you think that would ever happen?” She asks, furrowing her brow.
He scoffs a mirthless laugh. “You’re Miriam Weissman. Upper West Side goddess. One day you were going to tire of slumming it with an addict with mountains of debt.”
“Wow,” she breathes, shaking her head and trying to fight tears. “You really think I’m that shallow?”
“No. But I think you deserve better than someone who’s spending more money on drugs than food. Who can be there for you in a way I really couldn’t.”
She blinks at him and then sips her drink. “Lenny, do you have any idea how much I loved you?” She asks quietly. “How much it fucking hurt when you bailed on me? I - ” She feels herself getting louder and remembers her children down the hall. “I got left high and dry by my husband of five years, and that didn’t hurt nearly as much as watching you walk out on me.”
He nods, and she sees his eyes red-rimmed and watery. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I was so...lost, and I didn’t know how to deal with it. I’m...I’m very sorry, Midge.”
She blinks back tears and looks down at her plate, picking a bit of cupcake. “Why are you here?” She asks. “Why now?”
“Because even though I left, even though I did it for myself...I thought of you the whole time I was in rehab. Watching you on Gordon Ford...it was the highlight of my weeks.”
She swallows her bite of cupcake and looks at him, but she can’t keep the eye contact, so she averts her gaze again. “Lenny...”
“I’m not expecting anything,” he promises. “After what I did, I wouldn’t blame you if you never wanted to see me again. But I had to let you know how sorry I am for what I did. At the very least so you knew...it was never about not loving you. Because I did...I do.”
Her eyes shoot up to find his again, and she sees the wetness under his eyes where tears have started to fall. “I...I don’t know what to say,” she admits.
“You don’t have to say anything,” he assures her. “Whatever you want from me, I will respect that. I owe you that much.”
She stares at him for a long moment. “I think...you should go,” she whispers, her throat constricting with the threat of tears.
He nods. “Then I’ll go,” he says, standing and straightening his jacket. “Happy birthday, Midge. I hope you get everything you wished for,” he says quietly.
She doesn’t watch him leave, but the second she hears the front door close, she’s up like a shot, sprinting after him. She loses her slippers in the hall, but she doesn’t care. She rushes barefoot to the door, and when she swings it open, he’s not there.
She goes to the stairwell, flinging the door open, and he’s just made it to the landing when he sees her. She rushes down the stairs and launches herself into his arms, surprising him, but he holds her tightly as she buries her face in his neck.
“Don’t go,” she whispers. “Don’t ever go.” A sob passes her lips, and he holds her tighter.
He nods. “Okay,” he whispers, and she feels tears on the collar of her dress.
“I swear, Lenny, if you ever leave me like that again, I’m sending Frank and Nicky after you and no one will ever find the body.”
He chuckles through his sob. “Never again.”
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yayforocs · 5 months
CD #2
“So… today was… Today was fun! Mostly. Right to the end, anyway.” A throat clears, and the voice continues. “So apparently these are supposed to be daily missions we get sent on, so I guess I’m gonna be making a lot of these? I hope this can hold all of ‘em. Might have to grab my recorder from home or somethin’. But uh. Yeah. So, we did our first mission today! It went pretty well, ‘t least I think it did. Voltage might not agree with me, heh. But we had to go to a…. what’dshecallit a uh… ffffantasy world! That’s it, fantasy. ‘N we had to get this apple pie recipe from a bakery that’d been overrun by goblens for a tiny wizzard guy that wanted to taste the pie he’d had as a kid. So he gave us a map, thought we were part of the local adventurer’s guild or- I’m assuming local, at least- an’ sent us on our way. Fought a real weird bug-lookin’ creature on the way there, an’ I landed the killing blow!”
There’s a short pause, as if the speaker was taken aback.
“Final blow. I landed the final blow. Hm.”
Another short pause, but it’s shorter than the first.
“Anyways, we got over to this town, an’- oh yeah! Right, yeah, everything looked real like… Colorful? But like really colorful. Like someone took a regular place an’ just made the colors like… even moreso. More intense maybe? An’- an’ we had to use the necklaces to get there! So all the ponds an’ such outside, we gotta stand next to a certain one, open the wings on the necklace, twist it clockwise three times, an’ then jump in the water an’ it just takes us there, just like that! ‘Course, you gotta close the wings once you get there, an’ then do the same thing but counter-clockwise when you wanna go back, but get this: you don’t get wet! At all! Which was a big relief to me, y’know, ‘cause of my gunpowder an’ explosives an’ stuff. Don’t want any o’ that gettin’ wet.”
“But right, yeah, we got over to the town an’ found the bakery an’ snuck in, an’ there was this tree with a face right by the front door but it didn’t do anything to us, so we got in and started lookin’ around, found a safe with money in it, found a lotta empty pie boxes, and a whole lotta nothin’. At least, ‘til-”
The speaker cuts off for a second.
There’s a short hum, and a shifting noise.
“She’s uh. It’s the masked lady with the four arms. Her. Codenames person. She found a little trapped drawer that had half the recipe in it, an’ also a poison dart that she got hit with once she opened it. It was a real neat little trap, I was able to pick it apart an’ see how it worked! Didn’t find anything else in there, though. But there was this big ol’ kitchen right next to the main room area, an’ it had a buncha rolling pins an’ ovens an’ knives an’ stuff all movin’ on their own! Poked around there some, didn’t see anything, but there was a door upstairs that was like a trap door, an’ uh… I really need to- Mask. Mask an’ I went up there to listen in, while Voltage was keepin’ an eye out for a patrol of goblens he’d seen outside, an’ then one of ‘em came in through another door! Had himself a bucket of apples an’ just started tossin’ em around the kitchen, makin’ applesauce or somethin’, an’ we could hear a whole bunch more goblens upstairs too, but we were kinda trapped on the stairs for a bit. Managed to get down an’ talk to the lone one, an’ of course he yelled, which tipped off the upstairs ones, but then we got somethin’ worked out where they’d let us go find the recipe if we taught them how to make apple pie!”
“Which turned into Voltage teaching them how to make apple pie while Mask an’ I found the recipe upstairs, since he already knew how to make at least some kind’a apple pie, and… well… heh, it seemed like he was having a real fun time.” There’s a snicker. “Poor guy, I think they could hardly understand what he was tryin’ t’ tell ‘em. But it worked eventually, an’ they made their pie, an’ they were happy, an’ the wizzard was happy, an’ we got back alright. Shontil came down t’ meet us an’ ask how things went, and uh… well, I found out that even though we can go back to our own world wherever, or- whenever, I guess, we still age while we’re here.”
“So… I… I don’t really know what to think about that. I mean, it makes sense, time passes here just the same as it does back home, but… I dunno, I feel like everyone back home’s missing out on something. Maybe I should go back every night so they still get to see me- like. Grow, I guess. But if I go back every night then I’m missin’ stuff here, too. I don’t really wanna be the only one outta the team that doesn’t stay, an’ besides, we’re like. We’re… we’re here, so… I don’t wanna just… ignore the room. It’s meant to be used, so I should use it, right?”
A sigh.
“I dunno. Maybe I just need to think about it some more. One more day could- wouldn’t hurt anything, an’… I can probably wander around and talk to some people an’… an’ get some thoughts from others, too. Or if not, maybe I can find Shontil an’ ask her what most people do. Somethin’. Oh- right, yeah, maybe I can hop over to uh… what’shername- Requiem’s room? But she was outside it so maybe it wasn’t hers actually. Or maybe I’ll just ask her whenever she gives us the clothes, I could do that. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, ok, I can wander around a bit, maybe find someone else or Shontil, an’ if not, then I’ll just ask when we get the clothes, because Requiem said she’d get us some new clothes because she does that for everyone I guess? Yeah.”
“Anyways, that’s all for today, I think.”
The whirring slows, and then stops.
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phiixomath · 2 years
Keith clutched the present bag to his chest. He wiped a sweaty palm on his lap and shifted — unfortunately unable to get very comfortable in the car when it was full of five other people — as a knot twisted in his stomach. The bright blue gift wrap was quite distracting, though, and he glanced down at it, worrying at his bottom lip and smoothing down his suit jacket. 
Lance had insisted his ten-year-old niece would love anything since she frequently jumped from interest to interest, but Keith really wanted to get her something special. Something she’d cherish. He wracked his brain for days then, miraculously, managed to overhear from Lance's mother that she had recently gotten into art and was saving up to buy paintbrushes. 
Now, this Keith knew. 
He’d been painting for years, had gone through the painstaking, bank-breaking process of graduating from whatever he could scrounge to, eventually, professional-grade materials. Lance’s niece was young so he didn’t want to overwhelm her, but he went ahead and purchased a nice assortment of painting tools and wrote a small guide on his best tips to getting started to go with it.
He’d felt confident, but as they neared Lance’s house he couldn’t help the nagging doubt that he’d bought something left something out or it just wasn’t what she would want any more. 
He took a deep breath and settled back against the seat as much as he could. Hunk sat next to him and smiled reassuringly, bringing his arm around the headrest so Keith could lean back fully. Keith returned the smile and took another grounding breath. 
Just then — the clip-clop of hooves against the asphalt. 
Everyone in the car sat up, leaned, or manoeuvred in some way to look out the window, see Lance absolutely speed past them on a pristine white horse clad in a long cape and unicorn horn. 
“Huh — Lance?” Hunk called, the first to gain the ability to speak while Keith was sure his jaw was grazing his lap. Shiro slowed the car and Hunk called out again. “Lance!” 
Through the rear view mirror, Keith saw Lance's form come to a stop. He was more quite far, but Keith could make out the horse’s hind legs raise before lowering and swiftly turning to make their way over to the car. The clip-clopping grew closer until Lance was just a few feet away and dismounted. He walking up to their car with an easy smile. 
“Hey, guys!” Lance stuck his head through Keith's window and Keith immediately flattened against his seat, heart beating embarrassingly fast. “Hey, Keith.” 
“Looking good, man.” What. Oh, right, he was wearing a suit. (Lance’s niece wanted to host a themed party and went for fairy tales, which made the unicorn horn make sense. Albeit interesting and creative, the theme left him stumped but he ultimately settled on a typical suit and hoped it would pass as a prince or something).
“Thanks,” Keith replied, feeling his face heat. Lance grinned. 
“What are you doing out here?” Pidge asked, but not before casting Keith a knowing look. Keith ignored it in favour of hearing Lance explain. 
“There was a mix-up with the bakery, so I’m just gonna go pick something else up real quick.”
Lance tilted his head in confusion then brightened. “Oh! This is Macy!” He tugged gently on the horse’s reins until her face appeared alongside his outside the window. She whinnied, shaking her mane, and Keith startled when the rough hairs struck his nose. Lance laughed, sudden and loud, and carded a hand through her mane as he sent Keith a sympathetic grimace. 
“Sorry." Keith gave him a look but the edge of his mouth still quirked up. "Really, are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Keith said, unable to hold back a smile when he reached out to stroke Macy’s muzzle. She leaned into him and Lance softened. 
“Aw, she’s happy to see you," He cooed. 
Keith feigned a scowl at the change in his voice and Lance feigned a pout. He broke character and chuckled, when his eye caught on the bag in Keith’s hands. 
“Is that —"
“— Uh.”
“Oh my God, Keith! That’s — that’s amazing! Holy shit." He gasped, eyes searching what contents of the bag he could. "This is exactly the type of stuff she’s looking for!” 
Keith breathed a sigh, half at the lost surprise and half in relief. “I’m glad. I really hope she’ll like it.”
“She’ll love it, are you joking?” Lance pulled on Macy’s reins again as he backed up from the car. “When we open presents before cake, you’ll see. She’s gonna love you.” He punctuated each word and held Keith's eye before turning to smile at everyone. “I’ll see you guys at the party!” Everyone voiced a similar sentiment and he smiled.
Keith turned his face as far as he could out the window, half to see Lance easily pull himself up on Macy and half to hide his smile from the others. 
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Fernald Thinks of the Past, and Gets into a Role
Hello! Welcome to the second 'chapter' of my Seven Six Widdershins Family Members AU. Inspired by the Six Baudelaires AU by tumblr user unfortunate-stranger-losers, in this AU, the Book!Widdershins Family and Netflix!Widdershins Family are now combined together to make a family of six. This 'chapter' focuses on the Reptile Room, meaning only the two Fernalds -Verne who is Netflix!Fernald and Book!Fernald- are present. It's a mixture of actual fanfic written out, and a summary of events. More summary than fanfic, in fact.
So! Violet, Klaus and Sunny are living the best of their lives -so far- with their Uncle Monty, and plan on going to Peru with him soon. Olaf, disguised as Stephano, the new lab assistant, pretty much ruins that. Soon, it's almost time for the group of four (would be five if Monty didn't tore up Olaf's ticket) to go to Peru, and nothing has yet to happened. Well, nothing happened yet when when looking at what the Acting Troupe is doing back in the City...
“Hold it steady, Verne. Steady…steady…steady…steady…steady…steady…steady…”
“Stop saying steady so much, Harper. It doesn’t sound like a real word anymore. Why can’t we do something else? Playing cards are meant to be play with! Not building houses! We can play a nice game of—”
“You’re the one who destroyed my last two attempts of building a house of cards. They were near completion too. It’s only fair that you help me with my last attempt.”
“I said I was sorry. Twice.”
“I know. That’s why I said it’s only fair. And I don’t want to play card games, especially with you. If it’s the game I think you’re thinking of, Penny and Lucy told me how you convinced them to play, and how you won over their favorite hats. I’m not taking the chance to lose my own favorite hat.”
“You don’t have to bet on a hat. You can bet on something else. Like your scarf.”
Fernald shifted around on the sofa, eyes still closed shut, and continued to listen to Uncle Verne and Harper talking to one another. Uncle Verne was really trying to get someone else to play a particular card game. Fernald wouldn’t mind playing it, for it’s a fun game. But very much like Penny and Lucy, he didn’t want to lose anything he wager. Uncle Verne was pretty much unstoppable. No one can defeat him.
Well, except one person. But that’s in the past.
The front door soon opened up, and the sounds of two pairs of boots hit against the wooden floor of the old living room. Fernald opened his eyes, and sprung upward. He saw Uncle Verne and Harper stopping their house of cards. Uncle Verne also accidentally knocked it down again, with Harper giving out a sigh.
“I guess there’s always tomorrow,” said Harper, shrugging their shoulders in defeat.
Fernald slid off the sofa, and stood up. Fernald focused his attention onto Penny and Lucy, now standing in the living room proper. The former was holding a copy of The Daily Punctilio, while the latter was carrying two plastic bags of what Fernald hope is food. The leftover pasta and pudding were all eaten up, and Olaf well…
The bastard only had wine and beer around the house.
“Please tell me you have some grub for us, Lucy,” said Fernald, walking towards them.
“Yep! And it’s not that crap from the Anxious Clown this time!” Lucy had a giant smile plastered on her face, and her eyes twinkled like a kaleidoscope. “We got take-out food from this lovely Chinese restaurant, as well as this cute bakery that’s sadly about to close! The latter gave us free cupcakes because we were the first customers there!”
“Is the cake vanilla, chocolate, or carrot flavor?” asked Harper, approaching them.
“It’s lemon flavor,” answered Penny, unfolding the newspaper. “I say we eat the cupcakes first. You know how the boss is sensitive to the word ‘lemon’ and ‘lemony.’ By the way, speaking of Olaf, is he still at Dr. Montgomery’s home as ‘Stephano’?”
“We’re not sure. Seller went downtown to try make contact,” said Uncle Verne. “But he hasn’t come back yet.”
“I hope the jackass got arrested,” commented Fernald, and smiled. “Out of all of us, I think he deserves going to prison the most.”
“Don’t say such things, Fernald,” said Uncle Verne, giving Fernald a glare. “I’m sure Seller’s holdup is due to the Olaf’s situation. Montgomery is the most intelligent man we know. I wouldn’t be surprise if he figured out what happened to Gustav, and is doing everything to prevent the boss from taking away the Baudelaires.”
Penny kept quiet as she continued to unfold the newspaper, her hands trembling with each unfold. Lucy’s lower lip quivered, and hands the plastic bags to Harper. Lucy then rubbed her eyes, and sniffled. Fernald gently placed a hook over Lucy’s shoulder, and gives her a reassuring smile. Despite Gustav being their enemy —Fernald still can’t believe that’s his reality; same goes to Uncle Monty— Lucy’s behavior was understandable. Lucy and Penny when given the order, couldn’t go through with it.
No one wanted to murdered Gustav, in fact. Not Harper, not Uncle Verne, not even Fernald himself. It was an order from Olaf that no one wanted to do. Except that asshole Seller. However, Olaf was smart to not ask Seller of it.
“I still think Gustav should have been tied up to a train,” said Lucy, her voice barely above a whisper, making it hard for Fernald to heard. “He would be out of our way, and alive. I don’t…I can’t bear the thought of Sally eventually discovering her brother —the only family she had left— dying from foul play. You think they’ll ever find his body?”
Fernald briefly turned his head towards Uncle Verne’s direction. Uncle Verne was lowering his head, and closed his eyes.
“Who knows,” answered Uncle Verne, his voice also barely audible. “This is Olaf we’re talking about.”
Penny shuddered, and blinked a few times. She then finally unfolded the newspaper completely. She flipped some pages, and showed everyone the review written by Gomez Guzmán, actor turned dramatic critic for The Daily Punctilio after an event Fernald doesn’t like to think about. “Speaking of the boss, guess whose ridiculous, terrible play got blasted once more!”
[Trying to work HTML in the new editor refuses to make align center show up, let alone proper breaks. So breaks of sections is me rambling in brackets. Moving on now...]
The Acting Troupe take some joy on reading Guzmán’s review of The Marvelous Marriage, while eating the cupcakes all to themselves. Verne tried convincing everyone to save at least one cupcake but he got outvoted four-to-one (Fernald personally can’t understand why Verne wants to be nice to Seller).
Guzmán criticized the lack of plot and flat characters for a full page, and mentioned how a majority of the audience found themselves dozing off until the ending. Guzmán himself admitted how he had to pinched himself awake to be able to write the review.
Guzmán’s review: “The one exciting thing of this pathetic excuse of a play wasn’t part of the play at all. The reveal that everything was a terrible, yet brilliant planned ruse for the main male lead to attempt on stealing the well-known Baudelaire fortune woke everyone up. Everyone was figuratively fuming to where this critic was certain someone from the audience was ready to literally beat the main male lead up to a bloody pulp.”
Fernald, stabbing his cupcake: “I would have loved to see this with my own eyes!”
Guzmán did gave praises as they were rightfully deserved. He praised how while there were limited sets, they were easy on the eyes, and fitted the lack of plot as best it could, especially on an obvious cheap budget (which make Harper, Penny, and Lucy smile). He praised how the costumes, while also on a cheap budget, got allocated well to look almost professional (which has Verne taking pride how one of his skills is getting appreciated). In particular, it’s the unexpected pirate outfit that got Guzmán’s attention.
Guzmán’s review: “Seeing a pirate outfit on the stage in such a long time has me thinking of The Pirates of Penzance. One performance in particular, but this review isn’t meant to be reminiscing of the pleasant past.”
Penny was about ready to read the wonderful words about Fernald’s acting, and Fernald himself found himself hyping up to it (for Penny had read it before the return back, and mentioned to Fernald that it’s a good one), Seller barged in.
Seller, pointing to Fernald: “You! Get your ass out of the chair NOW! You’re the lucky one to be chosen by our boss to help out his latest scheme!”
Penny, peeved: “Good to see you too, asshole!”
Fernald, standing up: “Why does the boss need my help in particular? Surely you or someone else could take my place.”
Seller: “He thought you can redeem yourself after your little stunt during The Marvelous Marriage! Besides, he said you’re the only one who knows know to get to the late Dr. Montgomery house without needing a map. He brought up how you used to visit the herpetologist’s house alongside your annoying-ass stepfather and—”
Verne, standing up also now: “Montgomery’s dead!?”
Seller: “Dead, and dead, and dead indeed. Now Fernald, GET YOUR ASS MOVING!”
But being so late at night, Verne managed to convince Seller to let Fernald go in the morning, which Seller reluctantly agreed too. The next morning, Verne quickly gets to work on Fernald’s disguise as Doctor (O.) Lucafont. Due to the rush, Lucafont resembles more of a private detective than a proper doctor/medical examiner: trench coat and fedora hat. Lucafont has a fake mustache, and has circular red-tinted glasses that has Fernald wondering if Olaf wanted him to wear such a silly disguise.
Fernald on the drive to Monty’s house, took the chance to steal a real doctor’s medical bag that actually has medical tools. Too bad they’re not needed for the corpse. Upon arriving to Monty’s house, Fernald is order to ‘examine’ the body. He gets a bit too into the role of Lucafont, for he found a pad and pencil inside the bag.
Lucafont: *writing his ‘observations’ down* “I don’t think the Baudelaires will enjoy hearing their poor uncle cause of death.”
Inside the kitchen, Lucafont showed everyone his badly written notes of Monty’s death: killed by a Mamba du Mal. Lucafont was so into showing his notes, he failed to realize how Stephano was fuming at the notebook. Still, Stephano gives Lucafont a cup of coffee when asked, since Fernald’s role is done, and he politely asked for it (Olaf knows Fernald is a coffee fanatic, and tolerates it).
As Lucafont, Stephano, and Mr. Poe discuss driving and seating arrangement, Lucafont ended up pissing off Stephano. This is what happens with Fernald is too into his role.
Stephano: “I got it. I will drive the children in Dr. Lucafont’s car, and Dr. Lucafont can go with you and Dr. Montgomery in Dr. Montgomery’s jeep.”
Lucafont: *awkwardly pushes up glasses with wooden hand* “I’m afraid that won’t work. The city laws won’t allow anybody else to drive my car.”
Stephano, realizes Fernald is way in-character: “Oh? Pardon me for not knowing.”
Mr. Poe: “Oh my. Then what will that mean about the children’s luggage? We didn’t even discuss the matter on the children’s luggage!”
Going back to the canonical ranches, Violet had figure out how Stephano killed Uncle Monty, Klaus had read up about the Mamba du Mal, and Sunny decided to fake getting attack by the Incredibly Deadly Viper. This of course, gets Mr. Poe to freak out in the funniest way possible, which leads to Stephano slipping up about how the Incredibly Deadly Viper won’t harm her. Lucafont, realizing what might happen next, attempted to tap Stephano’s shoulder with his wooden hand. Stephano pushed back Lucafont for his interruption. Shoved him in fact.
As such, Lucafont upon seeing Stephano getting reveal as Olaf and getting caught…
Lucafont: “I daresay you deserve to get caught after everything you did!”
Lucafont still of course help Olaf to escape by offering to put him in back into his car, and to give him up to the authorities. Violet and Klaus said their goodbyes, and Sunny, being a clever baby that she is, decided to bite one of the wooden hands. Violet starts freaking out (“SUNNY!?”) but upon realizing the doctor is second hook-handed Man, tries to go after him. But of course…
Mr. Poe: *stops Violet* “He can’t be the Hook-Handed Man! That is the man is who Olaf called Nemo on his walkie-talkie! This is the man who gave the on-stage pirate monologue that was the only worthy thing of that dreadful performance! I’m surprised by your accusation, Violet!”
Violet, bewildered and pissed: “Mr. Poe, there’s two accomplices that has hooks for hands! This one just hides them with fake wooden hands!”
Fernald drives himself and Olaf back to the City and back to the house, all while breaking traffic laws and speed limits. Fernald on running away lost his other wooden hand, so now he’s just wooden hand-less. When they finally made it back at the house, Fernald told everyone what happened, and gets teased on what Sunny did.
Verne: *laughs* “I’m sorry, but it’s just so funny! You got outsmarted by an infant!”
Verne eventually stops laughing when Olaf attempted to strike Fernald across the face, with Fernald ducking in time.
Seller: “Boo.”
Olaf: *managed to shove Fernald to the floor, and begins to walk away to the Tower stairs* “The next you’re working alongside me, you better not make another damn mistake, if you want to see the light of day ever again.”
Fernald, quiet and shaken up: “…”
Harper: *crossing arms* “Said the jerk who actually made the mistake himself.”
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thecandywrites · 1 year
Monster March 2023 Day 26- Werewolf Part 2
Puppy Love? Or the Real Thing?
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Because we all know that besides the super hot werewolf sex- it's the whole 'you're my mate' thing that draws us in to werewolves in the first place. At least, for me it does. And this is also where the story leaves reality and enters fantasy. And where, I wish things could have gone, had I the courage to actually ask any of those way too fucking hot farm boys- to bend me over between the northern highbush varieties of blueberries (we are talking a single blueberry bush the size of a small car) and plow me better than the fields ever got to be. And I could have gotten just as knocked up as my mom always seemed to be when we would go. The fact that she did it twice and we did it regularly enough that the actual Leducs recognized my mom, watched the belly bump grow during summer and would come back with a little baby the next year? And they would hold my little sisters and tease them that they were almost Leduc babies the same way we have the Gerber Baby. That was fun.
Also, as you can see, I just had to face cast Tim Allen- aka- any 90's kid would recognize Tim- the Tool Man- Taylor as Sasha's dad. And then because my husband loves Justified, I couldn't help but have Nick Searcy, who played Art Mullin on Justified as Tristan's dad. Because in Justified, he played a character who I would have loved to have as a dad or even a father in law.
So even though the Leduc's sold the blueberry part of their berry farm over to the Berry Brothers a few years ago (for nealy 20 million, which, good for them.) But it let them focus on the Leduc Strawberry Farm. And the Berry Brothers turned that barn that was once just purely there for U-pick stuff and sales of the blueberries the migrant workers picked. And they upgraded that barn. And when I say upgraded, like, UPGRADED. It's all enclosed, air conditioned, it has a bakery, a restaurant/cafe. All blueberry goods and products for sale, including blueberry wine and hard cider. And you can still buy the actual Leduc Blueberries. Granted, they are A LOT more expensive than what they used to be, but, in my humble opinion, still the best and worth every penny. Like my sisters who still live in Michigan, when they come down to visit, they actually drive all the way out there just to get me a 10lb box. I think it costs them like $30 bucks now. But to me? Priceless.
But, the Leduc blueberry is a northern highbush. At least to my knowledge. Which means that bush gets huge but it also has very high chilll hour requirements. And where I live, the weather does not give me those chill hours requirements. And blueberry bushes are finickey enough, that if it's NOT cold enough, they die. Everything else- if it gets a frost, it dies. But not blueberries, they're practically polar bears, they're out there going "Bring it on! You call that cold? It's still above 0, I need that negative numbers baby!" Or at least, that's what it's like for the true northern highbushes.
Which is why I planted Kabluey blueberry bushes, which are southern lowbush crosses which need low chill hours. So I'm not without entirely. It's never going to be the same or as good as Leducs. But damn it, southern Ohio just doesn't have the chill hours to support the northern highbush varieties of blueberries. So southern lowbush with low or no chill hour requirement I must go. Not the same. But better than nothing.
Part 2
The next day, Tristan woke up extra early and braved the cold shower in order to get clean and actually dressed in his nicer work clothes and even worked out a little so he would be good and strong and ready and primed when Frank and hopefully Sasha too would come and was downright antsy all morning. 
Right at 10, a huge box truck, with Wright Plumbing written on the side came into the driveway and Tristan nearly shifted so he could wag his werewolf tail to see Sasha again. She was wearing a Cabella’s baseball cap. And…overalls and even a baggy long sleeved shirt and not a flick of makeup. But she didn’t need it, if anything she was just as pretty now as she had been when he saw her last. But she had a little tupperware container in her hands as she went up to the door, where Tristan and his dad were ready.
“Hello Mr. Leduc, I’m Frank, this is my daughter Sasha who brought you some Kabluey blueberries?” Frank said as he gestured to her before she offered the small tupperware container, opening it up for them as she did so.
“Why thank you, so kindly Miss Sasha.” Chuck smiled happily as he opened it up and took a few and threw them into his mouth as Tristan thrust his hand into the small tupperware container and got some. 
“Oh, oh these are good. Really good! Damn near perfect for a blueberry.” Chuck praised as Tristan nodded in agreement. 
“Tristan said that you know a thing or two about blueberries?” Chuck asked Sasha. 
“Not as much as your son does, obviously. I’m just getting into them. But this place has always had the best blueberries. And so we have a little farm and we worked on the orchard last year  and this year, we’ve been working on the berries, specifically the blueberries and so I got containers for all of them and I’m trying to grow them up to see which ones I like best and then figure out where I want to plant them where they’ll get the right amount of sun and best soil conditions and when which variety will be in season so we can have blueberries throughout the summer, just like you do. So if anything, it’s you and your farm that inspired me and mine. And I’m honored that you would even entertain the idea of trying them. Thank you.” Sasha explained and Chuck was ready to take Tristan down to the jewelry store to buy him an engagement ring right then and there for Sasha. He could see what his son saw- plain as day. And Tristan had been right, just meeting her in person was like being in warm sunshine. Very sweet and very personable. 
“Well I’m honored too. That’s mighty fine praise Miss Sasha. Where’d you find ‘em?” Chuck asked. 
“Oh, I brought the catalog with me. I’ll be right back.” She offered as she put the container into Chuck’s hands before she left and got the catalog and turned it to the page they were featured on and handed it over to him to look over. 
“Huh. Well how about that.” Chuck appraised as he looked it over as he invited them into the house while Tristan got another handful of the blueberries that were practically like candy to him. Because they were- in all honesty, a really good blueberry. But they were also might have been little sapphires- for how precious they were to him. 
“So did your mom go into labor yet?” Tristan asked before Sasha barked a laugh. 
“No, I wish, but the baby did drop, so now my mom can breathe a bit easier. But the other things that are precursors to labor have already happened. So she’s due any day now. But knowing her, it could either be today or a week, if not two weeks from now?.” She shook her head no with a shrug. 
“But I’ll bet you’re still relieved you didn’t have to worry about getting EMT’s into your blueberry field huh? Although nothing feeds fields like blood does. They don’t sell blood meal for nothing. Plus, you guys would have a new kind of Leduc baby on your hands eh?” She offered. And it was when she said the ‘eh’ was a very…Canadian sounding ‘aye’.
“Girl, where’d you get an accent like that? You Canadian?” Chuck asked and Tristan wanted to face palm himself. 
“Oh, she gets that from her mother. Her mother was raised in Alaska.” Frank explained. 
“And all Alaska is- is Canada to the left. So, yeah, strong Canadian accent. And he was stationed at Eielson Airforce Base- right outside Anchorage. So once he finished his servitude, he met my mom and had me and Autumn up there. So technically I’m from there too. But we moved away and moved here once Ellis came along and Grandma and Grandpa needed the help with their declining health.” Sasha explained with a dismissive wave. 
“Ellis?” Chuck asked. 
“Short for Amaryllis. She’s out of her terrible twos and has gone head first into terrorizing threes.” Sasha explained with a light laugh. 
“Mmmhmm.” Tristan hummed and nodded his agreement because his youngest brother just turned four and was just as much of a terrible terrorist as he was when he was two and three, but now was big enough to do real damage when he could and would. Especially when he shifted. 
“So yeah, that makes me Sasha-Sabine, Autumn, Amaryllis, and now Arianna. A single S in a sea of A’s. Like you Dad, living in the middle of the estrogen ocean?” Sasha teased her dad with a crinkle of her adorable nose as her dad barked a laugh. 
“So four, and still not a single boy?” Chuck asked Frank. 
“Nope, my wife says if we have another girl after this, she’s done. What about you?” Frank asked. 
“Oh, I’m on the other end of that spectrum. Four boys. Each one,  even more rough and tumble than the last, we barely got the last one house trained. We kept trying for a girl and after four, my wife just said- no. And little Tyson is four now. And those terrible twos and terrorist threes have compounded into the fearsome fours.” Chuck laughed as Tristan’s cheeks darkened because being ware- house training was a big thing especially once kids would shift at an early age. 
“They’re eating you out of house and home huh?” Frank teased which got Chuck to bark a laugh. 
“You have no idea. I keep tellin them, there’s more than enough blueberries right across the street, just for the picking.” Chuck said as he gestured to where the blueberries were on the other side of the road. 
“Well this one is trying to turn our little farm into one of those self sufficient homestead farms Renee had when she was growing up in Alaska, it’s been their pet project since we built the place in the first place.” Frank listed off as she gestured to his daughter Sasha.  
“Oh, nice.” Chuck smiled approvingly as Sasha started looking more and more like the perfect daughter in law material, especially for Tristan right about now. 
“Well with her gift for it, you better be keeping a good eye on her, or she’ll get scooped up and swept up off her feet by any other farmer, especially the blueberry farming families. I know just about every blueberry farmer from Maryland to here in Michigan all the way out to Minnisota would give just about anything to have a girl like her in their family. Most kids can hardly name their fruits and vegetables, let alone know there is a difference between the different kinds.” Chuck goodnaturedly teased as he gestured to Sasha with the magazine rolled up in his hands as Tristan wanted to die as his cheeks and Sasha’s cheeks went strawberry red. 
“Well that’s why parents should introduce kids to where their food comes from. Like blueberry farms like yours so they can find out for themselves and find out just how much work goes into it in the first place.” Sasha managed to tactfully reply with a polite smile. 
“Aw shucks Miss Sasha, you’re buttering me up like I’m a dinner roll.” Chuck waived off with a fond grin. 
“Speaking of rolls, that’s quite the southern drawl you have, Sir.” Sasha noted. 
“That’s because I’m from the hills of Tennessee. Grew up only a stones throw away from where Dolly Parton built Dollywood.” He explained. 
“Then how’d you get up here?” Sasha asked curiously. 
“Oh this is my wife’s family business. They’re the Lauschs.” He explained. 
“Oh that’s wonderful. And especially from the biodiversity that you guys have on your farms, between the different varieties of blueberries. Not only do you get a longer season, but should one kind fall prey to either a disease or other pest, at least you would have the others to fall back on. So not all your eggs are in one basket, even if all the baskets themselves are blue.” Sasha praised. 
“Girl, you keep talking about that, and Tristan’s kin will hear you and come running from a 200 mile radius, each with an engagement ring, bigger than the last.” Chuck teased Sasha. 
“Ha! Well they need to get in line. She already made a lot of friends in the apple orchard community last year with making her orchard so we can have apples from August to November. But I have a firm- bachelor’s with a degree before bachelors with a T.” Frank insisted before Chuck outright busted up laughing a deep belly laugh. 
“If she was my daughter I’d feel the same way too!” Chuck laughed.
“But enough about me, let’s get a look at that water heater.” Sasha urged her dad and his. 
“Right this way.” Chuck had the pair follow him into the basement where it was as Sasha pulled out a small pad of paper and a pen and started writing things down as Frank started to list them all off and once he was done, Sasha repeated it all back to him to make sure she had heard her dad correctly before double checking which tools he would need first before Frank confirmed that she had heard him right and once he gave her the nod, she left and got to work as he continued to inspect the basement and told them that he was going to shut the water off for a while before Chuck urged Tristan to relay that message to everyone else in the family. 
But when Tristan left the house, he saw Sasha talking to an orc who was also in a Wright Plumbing truck for a moment before she smiled nodded and patted his arm before he drove off again with a waive. 
“Your boyfriend?” Tristan asked. 
“Huh?” She asked as she opened up her dad’s work truck to get the supplies she needed. 
“The …other guy in the Wright Plumbing Truck?” Tristan asked as he gestured to where the orc had driven off to. 
“Oh. No that’s Kihro. That’s my cousin Brianna’s boyfriend. He was just asking if my family was going to be with Brie’s and go to the beach with him and his family this weekend or not. And I told him, I had no idea, it depended on whether or not my mom went into labor or not. So no, he’s not my boyfriend. I don’t have one of those myself, obviously, the whole bachelors with a degree before bachelors with a T is a real thing with myself, my sisters and my dad.” Sasha admitted as she got what she needed from the various compartments in the truck and put them into the five gallon bucket that served as her basket for all intensive purposes. 
“Oh. Well, I’m sorry if my dad embarrassed you with all that, farmers from here to Minnisota with engagement rings…thing. That was a bit excessive.” Tristan offered even though he would have given anything for one right to magically appear in his pocket. 
“It’s ok. Every father who sees plumbing as a respectable profession and sees me as a shoe in with my dad’s business, usually tries to see what it takes for their sons to date me, even when the sons have no personal interest in the first place, so if anything I’m sorry your dad did that and put you on the spot like that, you poor thing. Is he so desperate to get you married off that he tries to pawn you off on every girl who comes to the farm who shows any interest in farming herself?” Sasha asked as she sorted through the coupling attachment bags to get the right ones for the brand new water heater next to her in the back of the truck. 
“Actually no, thank goodness.” Tristan shook his head no. 
“Well, you’re lucky then. Because I get all the time, not from my dad, but every other one I meet who sees me and sees daughter in law material. If it’s not the other contractors, it’s the other businesses owners period because my dad is part of not just the Plumber’s Union, but with the Business Owner’s Association. Trying to make all the business connections they can. And it’s the home shows that they tend to come out in droves.” She muttered rather irritably as she continued to go through the various bins to get what she needed as Tristan felt a sense of panic and a sense of possessiveness try to come over him as he had to reach out and clutch the edge of the door to ground himself to keep himself from shifting to keep himself from scenting her so she at least wouldn’t have an issue with other wares at least. 
“Or the issue that came up with Kihro when he expressed an interest in Brie was that his dad was a partner with our dad’s. And he wanted to make sure it was known that he was doing so because he was genuinely interested in Brianna herself, not because she’s the boss’ daughter or that she has a stake in the company, same as me and same as all of our sisters do too. And the hoops he’s had to jump through to prove that have been quite numerous. Because that’s always going to be an ulterior motive for any other plumber, especially other plumbing outfits who want to either take us over or infiltrate or whatever. It’s something that Brie and I have simply grown up with and gotten used to. Because we are both the ones who get it the most because we spent just about every summer with our dads since we were old enough to read a tape measure. Especially when we’re both our father’s right hand girls and firstborns, and firstborn daughters to boot. Even when we both want nothing to do with plumbing as a career for ourselves.” Sasha explained. 
“Well, I’m sorry you have to deal with that. Must be exhausting having your guard up all the time and always wondering or assuming everyone has an ulterior business motive.” Tristan offered, damning himself with every word as he couldn’t even bring himself to look up at her as Sasha paused and looked at him thoughtfully and couldn’t help but smile crookedly as she subtly shook her head while biting her lip, damning herself for going off like that. Her and her tongue were going to dig her own grave one of these days before she sat down on the end of the truck in the middle to more or less be eye level with him. 
“I’m sorry your dad just practically offered you up to me on a silver platter even when you weren’t even interested just to get immediately shot down and slapped away. That was rather cruel, and I’m sorry.” She offered. 
“Oh, psh, don’t worry about it.” He tried to waive off. 
“Are you saying that to save what’s left of your pride and to ease the discomfort? Or do you really mean what you say when you say that?” Sasha practically whispered. 
“That obvious? Am I actually bleeding?” Tristan sniffed and rubbed at his nose before he tried to joke and look down at his shirt. 
“Ok, let’s clear the air and back it up a minute. And pretend like the last… half an hour didn’t just happen.” Sasha insisted as she did a reverse rolling gesture with her hands. 
“Last week we were friendly acquaintances. Do you want us to stay that way, or would you like for us to actually be friends? Or are you actually, genuinely interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with me?” She asked. 
“Well I was hoping for at least friends.” Tristan offered because at least from there, he could build from there. 
“And seeing where it could and would go from there?” Sasha questioned. 
“Yeah.” Tristan nodded. 
“I’m ok with that. Friends for now, and we’ll see how and where it could go from here.” Sasha smiled as she pat him on the shoulder and then used her touch to help herself to stand up again and finish her task at hand. She was happy he had at least braced himself to lean into it and help her up. Which she appreciated the silent ask and wordless assist, which she took as a very good sign. 
“So beach this weekend? Which one?” Tristan asked hopefully. 
“South Haven. We were getting there in the late afternoon to swim and then grill dinner right on the beach. You and your family could always come there and just happen to run into us there. Because coincidences do occur and you live right off 43 that takes you straight there. That is however, unless my mom goes into labor before then, but if that happens, I could always give you a call.” Sasha offered with a wink that brought a small, but hopeful smile to Tristan’s face at the chance she was giving him as she handed him her phone with a new contact page already brought up on it. 
“Sounds like a plan.” Tristan smiled happily as he happily put his name and number and all other contact information into her phone before he used it to call himself so he would have her number on his phone and add her to his contacts that way. 
“So how are things going on The Wright Birthing Plan homefront?” Tristan asked, trying to bring the focus back to her and back to something he knew she would be more comfortable discussing and the bright, happy smile she gave him was better than any rainbow after a pop up thunderstorm, which he could tell was in the cards for today. 
“Good. I put that 10 dollars into a fund for monogrammed scrubs.” She smiled happily as she took her phone back and slid it into her pocket. 
“My mom works at a maternity center, has been ever since we moved from Alaska to Michigan. Because in Alaska, she was practically on her own besides her own mom and other sisters. And it was my mom who was my aunt’s midwife back in Alaska. And because my dad and his brother George were Irish Twins- when George went to leave home and join the armed forces, my dad went ‘don’t leave without me’. And when my uncle met my aunt, and they got together and got pregnant with Brie, my aunt hired my mom as her midwife and because my dad and my uncle were the only family they had and that’s how my parents met. And by the time my mom delivered Brie, she was already seven months pregnant with me. And when my uncle’s father in law practically adopted my uncle, he adopted my dad too. To the point he’s practically my grandpa too. And when my dad’s biological parent’s health went downhill, my dad and my uncle both moved their families down here and took Granny and Papa with them. But my Mom has been taken it easy and specifically didn’t take on any other new clients since she found out she was expecting, because she didn’t want to be in the middle of labor herself while helping another woman in labor too. Plus Autumn called dibs on staying with my mom today anyway. But it worked out. Because when your dad called last night, I was just testing the Kablueys and they were just right about perfect today. Plus your dad was just teasing anyway. I can take a joke.” Sasha smiled fondly before she took down various pipes down and put them to the side to cut up and use later. 
“He wasn’t joking. That may have been his delivery. But he wasn’t saying that just to tease, he was trying to warn you in all seriousness.” Tristan revealed. 
“Yeah, I got the sense of that too. I can’t blame him honestly. With Corporate Farming taking more and more family farms and turning and burning the land growing only winter wheat, or feed corn or soy just for pork or beef industry. Small family farmers are having to get creative with ways to stay afloat and keep the farm, let alone their livelihood. And the old ways of tending to the land and instead of spraying weedkiller and pesticides to make the soil practically toxic and unable to grow anything other than what you very carefully plant right there all while chopping down habitat, draining lakes to make more fields or outright diverting whole river systems because they’re “inconvenient” to their big corporate plans that look great on paper but are shit in practice. And with the consumer so far removed from where their food comes from. Most of my friends can’t comprehend that that cheap hamburger meat you buy at the supermarket wasn’t born that way and have no idea that red delicious apples are actually supposed to be delicious when you pick them right off the tree when they’re ripe. And not weeks and months before and have to spray wax on them and hope they ripen up and rot before they can ripen in storage while they’re being transported to cities. And that a lot had to happen to get it to that point. And then you have retards on the other end of the spectrum who are all about ‘I only eat organic non GMO’s’ when organic farming can be worse for the environment than traditional or “old fashioned” farming. GMO’s are not the end of the world, GMO’s are the reason we have food supplies year round. Hell every domesticated dog is a GMO. And to get people to realize that with everything- there’s a damn spectrum. And neither side is necessarily “wrong”. But that don’t make ignorance about any of it “right” either. But that’s just my humble opinion. Don’t have to like it or even agree with it. I’m sure you could probably talk my ears off about it yourself.” Sasha appraised. 
“Actually, you and I see eye to eye on…everything you just said about it. I absolutely agree, there’s a spectrum to farming. And while monoculture is dangerous. Because if every house in the neighborhood has the same lock to their doors, and the burglar has the key to the lock, the whole neighborhood is compromised. But the big corporate farms don’t care. It’s all about what’s on paper and what the stock market does, without a care at all about the land and the surrounding area itself. GMO’s have their place, as long as it’s within reason and there’s a balance between them and the heirloom varieties of things. Hell I don’t think anyone would even recognize what corn, or watermelon or anything else used to look like before civilization got ahold of it. Because I can tell you, I know of several farmers tried to go full organic and they get people who drive hours just to come and get their non-GMO - organic whatever. But those people are flakey at best and while they preach Non-GMO and only organic. It’s not always what they practice, and will usually fall back on the comfort of the familiar and convenience. And honestly, in my own humble opinion, it’s usually not worth that fancy sticker they like to put on it.” Tristan offered. 
“Well I’m happy we can agree on that much at least and we definitely see eye to eye. And a lot of people have no idea, that in order to get that produce for door buster deals, it’s either mechanized farming or someone is getting underpaid to pick it in the first place. So what I like to ask those uppity snobs is- what’s worse? Abusing people or abusing the land and the environment? Because the only way to not do either- is to do it yourself. And frankly those same people are just way too lazy to do it themselves, from the comfort of their Lazy-Boy while their foreign and underprivileged housekeeper sweeps under their lazy asses.” 
“Amen!” Tristan practically crooned before they gave each other a high five which got them to both laugh. 
“But I still appreciate your dad’s warning all the same. Every really good mom tends to want to adopt and look out for every child within line of sight and earshot or hell, a five to fifty mile radius and every good dad tends to do the same. And if you don’t have any sisters. I probably represent what he would want most in one if he got one himself.” Sasha shrugged. 
“You do.” Tristan nodded in confirmation. 
“Well, he wouldn’t be the first to give that kind of warning, I’ve heard it way too many times already and I’ve heeded it best I can. Last year when I was picking out apples to plant in my own mini orchard, I had the same thing happen with all of those families too. Every dad in the business who had kids who wanted nothing to do with the family farm had the same reaction that your dad just had. So, again, I’m used to it. It happens to me, every time I interact with anyone my parent’s age.” Sasha sighed as she waived it off while she double checked her check list off as her shoulders sagged a bit and Tristan worried that himself and his dad probably pushed things too far and suddenly in Sasha’s eye, let alone mind and heart got grouped in with all the others, and in trying to get a chance, they blew it as Tristan took a step back before Sasha turned her attention back to him. 
“Hey Tristan?” She asked. 
“Yeah?” He asked as he took two steps forward. 
“Are you expected to stay in the blueberry business? Or was there something else you wanted for your life instead?” Sasha asked him. 
“Oh, technically I don’t have to. My older brother Gabe says he’s gonna take it over for my dad.” Tristan answered. 
“Well do you even like it? Or is it simply just - all you know?” Sasha asked thoughtfully, without a hint of judgment. Which helped Tristan feel comfortable confiding in her. 
“Eh, it’s ok. But I feel kinda stupid because it kinda is what I know most about.” He admitted. 
“Well you could always go into an adjacent field or be the bridge between this one and something else.” She offered. 
“How do you mean?” Tristan asked curiously. 
“Well, last year, when I was researching what apples to get for my little hobby farm. I talked to a lot of the apple orchard farmers. And how they feel like they have one kid to pass on the family farm to. But another one who has no idea what to do but they don’t really want the farm itself, just something of their own, related but not the same. So because Saint Julian has their winery close by. You could always partner up and make a blueberry wine. Or you could even join a micro brewery or even start your own and do something akin to hard cider but with blueberries. Because a lot of the apple orchards are getting into the hard cider business with a lot of their excess from the traditional U-pick style. You could always do something like that. And with my family and our business, we service a lot of other businesses so we were able to make some introductions. So there’s always that. Although this year, the apple guys are getting their feet wet so to speak and at least will be making small batches of hard cider. Which they promised me and Brie at least a cup of.” Sasha shrugged again. 
“How old are you?” He asked in astonishment. 
“I’ll be 18 in September, why? How old are you?” She asked. 
“Just turned 18 last month. But you talk and act like you’re twice as old as you are.” Tristan praised. 
“Yeah, first born daughters get that. Because first born sons are their mother’s little princes half the time. My Cousin Brie, the middle child in her family is a boy- Gavin- and you’d think he was the prince of his principality, spoiled brat, damn addicted to fortnight and roblox. But that’s better than him being addicted to porn I think.” Sasha grumbled before Tristan outright choked on his spit. 
“You ok?” Sasha asked. 
“Yeah, just…wow, you have no problems speaking your mind. And I wasn’t expecting you to go there. But you did and I respect it. And admire it, it’s refreshing. I like it that you don’t mince your words or beat about the bush. I like it that you’re pretty frank at least it’s easy to tell where anyone stands with you.” Tristan once he regained his own composure even though he was sure his ears were as red as rhubarb. 
“Yeah, I get in trouble for it a lot too. Because I lack “tact” and “discretion” and I usually offend people about two seconds after I make them laugh.” Sasha admitted. 
“Well I ain’t offended yet. Not even close.” Tristan reassured her which earned him another appreciative smile. 
“Thanks. Anyway, what I was trying to say before was that first born daughters are the second mothers- to the younger siblings. They’re the second wives to their fathers as far as domestic labor goes, like doing dishes and laundry and cooking and all that. They are therapists, confidants and assistants to their mothers. And while boys are encouraged to go out and play and do sports. It’s girls who usually have to be inside and learn how to fold more than just their own laundry, but everyone else’s. And how to fold towels and blankets and how to get various kinds of stains out and all that too. So what you see as a mature, is in reality, our childhoods are simply taken and replaced with more responsibilities than anyone else and we are forced to grow up and be mature faster than every other child in our age group because we’re expected to, and things go to shit if we don’t.” Sasha expounded. 
“And more and more, you’re seeing women having to join the workforce on top of doing all the domestic labor too, which for me, is bullshit. Because if you share your home with someone, it better be as someone who is an equal in all things. If you’re hungry? Learn how to cook. If your clothes are dirty? Learn how to wash them. If things are dirty, clean it up. Especially if it’s your own mess. Men have two hands too, learn to do that shit too. And don’t think that just because a guy has a 9-5 that gets them out of doing any of the domestic labor in the first place. And more and more women are realizing that men need to bring more to a relationship than a penis and a paycheck. Because women deserve the same pay for the same work and vibrators are totally a thing.” Sasha stressed before she looked pointedly at Tristan. 
“Still not offended. Still in agreement.” Tristan nodded which got her to smile victoriously. 
“So what most don’t think to realize is - is by doing that to girls, firstborn daughters especially, you make incredibly strong, independent, entirely self-sufficient individuals who expect the same of their domestic partners. And the reason you saw me talking to Brie’s amazing boyfriend, is because he is also one of those kinds of people. He may work with my dad and my uncle, but by the gods in heaven above, he is his own man in every respect. He could start his own plumbing business tomorrow if he really wanted to because he helps his dad run the downtown branch in Kazoo. How he got out here, is he went to get Brie some blueberries because she’s down again because her health isn’t the best. But he does his own laundry in addition to the family’s laundry, he does dishes, helps his siblings with their homework and cooks. And not just cooks, like finger licking- stick to your ribs- soul food kind of cooking too. And my cousin and I are both pretty good cooks, but he can cook us both practically under the table, when he’s not drinking us under the table in the process. Now granted he ain’t perfect. But he’s my gold standard for guys. But he’s like the one in a million kind of guy. And while I’m happy for Brie, I just wish the universe made, like a second one of him. Because my luck with guys is dismal at best and that’s why I am doing by best to cling to that bachelor’s with a degree instead of a T thing- no matter how tempting any guy usually appears for all of about five minutes before I say just the right or wrong thing and I get to unlock that ugly, self entitled, selfish prick asshole side they try to hide from me.” Sasha grumped as she managed to get the toolbox her dad would need out from under the bench where he had practically shoved it into place last. 
“Because usually when fathers ask what kind of guy it’ll take to court myself and my sisters and cousins, when we answer that it’ll be a guy who is grown, independent, completely self sufficient and is willing and capable to cook his own meals, clean his own dishes, clean his own house instead of just his vehicle and only his vehicle. And keep it that way and keep a house the same as any female homemaker is expected to- on top of their own secular work. Because that’s the bare minimum every single mother is expected to do and be. And if he can’t be the same. He’s not worth my time, or any of my sister’s time or any of my cousin’s time.” Sasha explained and Tristan suddenly felt the strongest, most intense self possession to do and be exactly that. And now he had goals to make and reach for himself. Because that was the standard a real woman like Sasha wanted and needed for himself and he felt he needed to rise to it. 
“I agree. So the brewery and the winery things sound great. You’ve done me and my family a great service, not just with this and the Kabluey blueberry thing. But those both sound like great ideas. How much would it be for an introduction into those ventures?” Tristan asked as Sasha was impressed he hadn’t argued with her about the whole domestic chores- thing. Most guys usually did. Or usually backed off and backed away at that point. But if anything Tristan had taken a strong, confident but still relaxed stance and his body language showed he wasn’t trying to hide or conceal anything and not put on a front either, which Sasha really appreciated. 
“Oh, it’d be free, you just would have to be in agreement with your brothers and your dad about it. Because you said they have the farm right?” Sasha reminded him as she began to really appraise just what kind of man was before her. He was strong like she expected any hard working farm boy to be. But he had modern and forward ways of thinking and seemed to strike a nice balance between the two. No wonder she was drawn to him as much as she was and she found she was desperately trying to grasp at straws here trying to find something, anything that would be something to make him not look like the damn fine young man he seemed to be when they saw each other last.  
“Well, not all of it. I currently have my name on about fifty acres myself. It’s where my parents are trying to cross breed a few varieties so we will have an official Leduc variety of blueberry.” He revealed. It was supposed to be a super top secret family secret that had been the last few years in the making. But for Sasha, if it was something that could make him stand out and separate himself in her mind from all the others, he was going to take it and use it.  
“Now that is what you need to bring to the table when you meet with the wineries and other microbreweries along with a variety of blueberries and their different characteristics because they may see something different in what you have than you do.” Sasha encouraged him. 
“What about breweries?” Chuck asked as he and Frank joined them outside before Sasha handed her dad the bucket of items she had collected for him and gave him the corresponding toolbox he would need. 
“Oh I was asking Tristan what he wanted do with his future. And when he mentioned that he wasn’t entirely sure, I suggested to him the same thing I told all the other kids of the orchards I visited last year, to go into an adjacent field. So a lot of the orchards are getting into the hard cider business and starting their own microbreweries to go with it. And with blueberries, they have plenty of sugars. You could totally make a blueberry hard cider or even go to the wineries. Saint Julian is pretty close to here, you could meet with them and make a blueberry wine or learn how to make your own. Or you could take Leduc farms and really make it- it’s own destination. Not just a u-pick farm. But Tristan clued me into the fact that you’re trying to cross breed different varieties, he didn’t tell me which ones, but you were trying to make your own official Leduc blueberry. So take it and either come out with a line of blueberry goods, more than just the whole- pies, muffins, scones and other baked goods, candies, fruit snacks, jellies and jams. But things like pancake mixes, salsas, wine, beer. The possibilities are endless really.” Sasha explained. 
“If you don’t mind me saying so.” Sasha added when she had a hard time reading Chuck’s surprised and floored expression.
“Sorry, did I overstep my bounds again and tell people their own business again Dad? I’m sorry. I do that. It’s not very professional…” Sasha began to apologize before Tristan and his dad both immediately interrupted her.
“No! No! Not at all! That’s brilliant! Frank, seriously. You need to be paying her the same wage you pay yourself for the hard work she does. And, Young Lady. You need to be charging by the hour to give that kind of business advice. Most business experts would charge thousands of dollars for what you just did. In fact, Miss Sasha, let me get you my checkbook, and write you a check right now for that.” Chuck insisted. 
“No, no, it’s ok. We were just bouncing ideas off of each other. It’s not meant to be business advice like that.” Sasha immediately put her hands up to stop him. 
“She even said she has contacts she could put us into contact with- for both the winery and the microbreweries.” Tristan added to his dad. 
“Well, shoot. Little Lady, you do that, I’ll give you every variety of blueberry bush we have here and every one you could ever want from here to the U.P. to Maryland to Minnisota to Indiana and even Ohio and Pennsylvania. Hell, you put us in touch with those folks and we’ll name a beverage after you and give you the royalties to it too.” Chuck offered and for once Sasha’s pretty blue eyes nearly popped out of her head. 
“Deal.” Frank agreed before he urged Sasha to pull her phone out and make those phone calls to get Chuck and his family in touch with her other contacts while Tristan helped Frank with what he needed while learning all they could from him while Chuck and his wife Crystal and their son Gabe talked to Sasha at the kitchen table as she made phone calls and set up meet and greets for them. 
“You like Sasha don’t you?” Frank asked Tristan as they worked in the basement as Tristan got to learn the names of different kinds of tools and learn what fittings were what as he helped Frank since Sasha was busy with his dad and his eldest brother.  
“I do.” Tristan confirmed. 
“Sasha has a lot of boys after her. Always has since she became a teenager. So I’ll give you the same advice I gave all of them. Sasha has had to grow up fast, not entirely by choice either. And while I regret I took a lot from her childhood early on because my father in law and my brothers were trying to start this business, because she’s had to grow and mature so early- it means she won’t put up with any immaturity in anyone else. She has no tolerance for abuse of any kind and won’t put up with any shit from anyone for anything, traditions and customs be damned. She’s a very driven individual and has always had a clear vision of what she wants for herself and all the steps she has to take to get there. So she’s going to probably want someone similar to herself in those respects. And while she can be spontaneous and fun loving, she’s also pretty serious about a lot of things. And she won’t like to take something that is a hobby for her, and have all the fun she has doing it- taken out of it- by always thinking about money and the bottom line and making a fun hobby into a side hustle and grind. She doesn’t do anything half assed and she goes head first into everything she wants to do. She’s an all in kind of girl. So beware ok? Don’t let those big blue eyes, blonde hair and cute button nose fool you, I’ve seen her cut people down to the core with a look and a remark. That razor sharp wit she has, can be either hilarious or hurtful and not much in between.” Frank honestly warned him. 
“Yeah, I’ve noticed.” Tristan nodded.  
“Our family has had to go through some hard times so I’m pretty sure the reason why she’s so hell bent on having a homestead farm is because in Alaska there was a lot of food scarcity because of the 9 months of solid winter. So ever since she’s been in charge of cooking and keeping track of our pantry. She keeps it full at all times. And it almost borders on food hoarding. But we are a big family and we go through it pretty well. So I know there’s a saying that ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’. That’s true for her. The way to her heart is through hers, at least what I’ve seen. Her cousin Brie is dating an orc and Sasha has turned greener than the orc Brie’s dating ever was- with jealous and envy that he cooks for Brie when she can’t even get her own mother to make more than a salad or her own sister to bake anything other than cookies from a tub of cookie dough and while her and I do a lot of BBQ together, especially on the weekends. Through the week, it falls to her most of the time. So maybe start there.” Frank revealed in a low murmur. 
“Duly noted.” Tristan nodded in understanding. 
“Oh and she’s into horses too. She wants to get a blue roan and call it Kabluey just like those blueberries.” Frank added. 
“Blue roan horse, food, self sufficiency and independence, got it.” Tristan repeated. 
“Good, now, hand me that coupling.” Frank urged as he pointed to it before Tristan handed it over. 
It took most of the morning, but once Frank got everything cut out and unhooked, then all the guys loaded up the water heater onto a dolly and got it out of the basement and out of the house so the new one could get put back in as Sasha was relieved to get the help and simply get the doors for them to help with getting the old out and the new put back in and turned it on and it worked like a dream before Frank and Chuck settled up while Crystal, Chuck’s wife and Mandy, Gabe’s wife, gave Sasha a bunch of recipes for blueberry baked goods while Sasha swapped them for other recipes she had picked up from the orchards she had worked with last year that she had memorized as Crystal seemed practically enchanted with Sasha and the fact that Mandy and Sasha immediately hit it off and got along as Sasha was keen to see Mandy’s little baby bump and talk pregnancy stuff over because of Sasha’s midwifing background.
Then Crystal got Sasha in touch with a family friend who had horses, specifically those blue roans that Sasha seemed keen on getting and insisted that if Sasha’s mom wasn’t in labor, she needed to come to these meet and greets too, which Frank urged Sasha to attend which seemed to surprise her, because surely the family van would be in service elsewhere during. But Frank waived off that he would see to it that she’d have transportation for the events which caused Sasha to look at her dad curiously but not put up any other argument but simply agree that she’d be there to make the introductions in person. 
“She’s perfect.” Crystal told Tristan the moment they saw Frank and Sasha off. 
“Mom!” Tristan immediately ducked and flushed in embarrassment. 
“Hey, when it’s the one, it’s the one. And if she’s your mate, she’s your mate, don’t let anything or anyone else get in the way.” Crystal urged him. 
“Mom, she may not even be my mate, this might just be puppy love and puppy love never lasts.” He contested. 
“Yet your eyes shifted every time you looked at her when she wasn’t looking at you and you thought no one else was looking.” Crystal insisted before his dad put the catalog to his son’s chest. 
“Why are you giving me this?” Tristan asked. 
“Don’t turn into a stalker, but that’s her address, Son. Take a drive, check it out and see just how high the bar she’s set up- is.” His dad encouraged him as Tristan looked at the address on the catalog and suddenly cradled the catalog to his chest like it was the most precious thing in the world. But he had to play this, very, very carefully and not fuck it up. 
#Monster March#Monster March 2023#Monster March 2023 Day 26 Werewolf#Monster March Day 26 Werewolf Part 2#I do like the idea of wares (or is it weres?) have this notion of first love#puppy love#first crush#first whatever#And then they have that 'oh you're my mate. I'm meant to spend the rest of my life with you'.#And then being at that age that you're scared and dreading yet yearning for the first to hit so you can love and lose and bleed#And get all that out of the way#And THEN find your mate#And how scared you could be at that age where it very well could be either or- or neither- or both and on the cusp of so many possibilities#if you could only take the chance and say something or do something or take the shot#And not regret your choice of innaction when the fear crippled you and anxiety froze you#But if you could get past that and face your fears and face rejection#But also possibly get the sweet reward of asking and actually recieving what you want and what you deserve#I just have a lot of feelings ok?#Especially about this#I don't know if it's the blueberries or the sentimentality and nostalgia or what#But this took me back to that time when I thought 'how awesome is it that I can pick exactly the perfect berry at the perfect moment#and it's perfect.#And how if I could have picked the perfect guy and met him right when I needed to#before worry that if I didn't marry someone soon#no one was going to want me or love me or anything and that I would never find any kind of love ever#And that's why I love werewolves so much#specifically this whole 'you're my mate#you're the one I can build my life with and we can make any place our home and make our new family of our own#and not have that fear that if I don't settle for ok because I'm scared that better will never come#how much better our lives would be.
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 5 months
My Mate - Chapter 3 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
My small form was shivering and my hands aching as I raked up the dead leaves.
Dad said I stayed inside too much and needed the fresh air.
He seemed to forget that my body temperature wasn't as high as his and the cold still affected me.
Much like a human.
The real reason we were outside was because Mom kept nagging Dad about neglecting the yard work and everything else that was wrong around the house.
I could hear him in the shed cursing to himself as he searched for some tool he needed to fix the lock on the back door.
It worked but if you rattled the door handle, it unlocked.
A new lock would do the trick but dad liked to try fixing things himself first.
"Try these," Calvin said in passing, tossing me a huge pair of work gloves.
I stopped raking long enough to pull them on and ignored how big they were.
Now thankful that I wouldn't get any blisters.
They were worn from his construction job and I wondered what it was like building houses for pack mates.
Maybe I could help build my own house for my Mate and I.
That might be fun.
Calvin disappeared into the shed to help dad and I concentrated on raking all the leaves in the backyard into one big pile.
When I was younger, I use to shift and jump through them until the leaves were scattered and I'd have to rake them up again.
I was too lazy to do that now.
My goal was to hurry up and get this done so I could go back inside to my warm bed.
Dad's cursing stopped and I could hear him and Calvin talking lowly.
It sounded serious and I wondered what it was about.
Dropping the rake, I ran over to the shed and stood on my toes to look into the little window. 
"I know it's not cool or whatever to have your younger brother hanging around while you're with friends but if I hear that you've left him behind like you did last night we're going to have a problem."
Dad growled, glaring at Calvin who looked as surprised as I felt.
I've never heard dad speak up for me, not even against Calvin and unsurprisingly it made my eyes fill with tears as I smiled stupidly.
Running back to my pile of leaves before I could get caught, I slipped and fell into them.
Giggling, I stared up at the sky with the scent of dead leaves around me and thanked the Moon Goddess for letting me hear that snippet of conversation.
Mrs. Tilly owned the only bakery in town, having run her competition out of business years ago.
It was on the strip in town, in the little red brick building.
The large glass window had the bakeries name 'Sweet Tooth' with a showcasing of different cakes.
I bit my lip nervously, peaking in through the window at the little round tables filled with the towns regulars.
A man walked out the door, a bell ringing.
I gave a shy smile when he held the door open for me.
My Mate better do things like that.
"Torin Frey," the older female came out from behind the counter and I was a little surprised when she hugged me.
She smelled like cinnamon.
Her white hair was cut short with curls, her round face wrinkled with age but she wore a big smile and her blue eyes held excitement.
"I was so happy when your mother called, you are a sweet boy, I didn't want to hire one of those trouble makers," she whispered the last part.
"Lyla said you're familiar around the kitchen," she said, talking about my mom.
I nodded.
"Good, won't have to waste much time  training."
She grabbed my hand and pulled me around the counter where a female a little older than me stood.
I smiled politely as Mrs. Tilly pulled me into the kitchen.
"Here, put this on."
She pressed an apron to my chest and I took it, doing as she said.
It was pink with the bakery's name in white letters and a tooth holding a wooden spoon and wearing a chefs hat.
"This here is my recipes and don't go blabbering them on to everyone now," she said sternly, dropping a huge binder overflowing with laminated pages onto the stainless steel counter.
I gulped, making her laugh loudly.
"Don't be scared of it, yeah? Most of them we don't even make unless they ask for it. The ones with the green dots here."
She opened the binder showing a page with a green sticker.
"These are the ones you need to know, these yellow dots are the ones frequently asked for, these red dots here are made very rarely."
I nodded along, washing my hands when she told me to before looking through the binder.
"I want you to make me something, either something from that book there or something of your own. If it's good, the job is yours."
I looked up at her with wide eyes.
I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, she was hiring me to work in a bakery but I thought maybe I'd stand at the register or something.
"Get to it," she said, waving me away.
Exhaling slowly, I looked around the kitchen.
It wasn't as big as the one at the pack house and was more industrial than mom's homey kitchen.
I really hope I don't burn it down.
What should I make?
Every ingredient I'd ever need was here.
I could literally make anything I wanted.
I'm going to make my favorite thing ever, then if I don't get the job, at least I'll get a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese icing.
I shivered just from the thought of them.
Mrs. Tilly left the kitchen and I realized I was alone.
Which was the best thing ever.
Less accidents happened when I was alone.
It wasn't hard to find everything I needed and it took less time than I thought to make everything up.
It only took about twenty minutes for the cupcakes to cook and I cleaned up some.
I couldn't help but to marvel at how pretty they were while putting them on the cooling rack.
While they cooled I made my cream cheese frosting, my mouth watering.
If I was home, I'd have no problem sucking it off my fingers.
When I finished them, I couldn't believe how pretty they looked.
Mom was a cook, she didn't have all the tools for baking but Mrs. Tilly did and I took full advantage of them.
"They sure do look nice," Mrs. Tilly spoke, making me jump.
She chuckled softly before coming up to the counter beside me.
She was a little taller than me but she slouched with old age.
"Now let's see if they taste as good as they look."
I watched intently as she pulled back the paper on one and bit into it.
Holding my breath, I watched her chew slowly, her head nodding.
"I guess we should go into the office to discuss your schedule and pay."
A wide smile spread across my face and I bounced on my toes in silent excitement.
Maybe I should thank mom for forcing me into this?
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nightcall99 · 6 months
Notes from 25.3.24
There was sponge cake in the break room today and I didn't have any. I never pass up on free food, let alone dessert. All I've had to eat today is one pastry from the bakery for lunch. I don't know if it'll keep up like this but I think so much energy is percolating through right now and food is too 3D and impedes on that process. I'm still drinking water though.
I woke up early this morning and something told me to just keep lying down under the blankets and listen to some music. I listened to the same track over and over and a lot of negative emotions came up. I felt so angry towards my mum. She has never accepted me for who I am and yesterday when she asked me Why I'm Not Normal, it actually really hurt me. I thought I had shoved it down but it came back up. She talked about me behind my back to my relatives. Every time I got goaded into snapping by my uncle, no one came to my aid. Even my sister sat there playing dumb. There has never been any love or kindness in this family. Just duty. I'm not good at communicating in Vietnamese but it got to the point where tears were running down my face as I was looking up on words on google translate with which to destroy my mum. I wanted to say, You better be careful mother, because if you keep going I will make both you and father want to die with the things I'm about to say. Don't you dare stand there looking at me and asking me that when you verbally abused me every day for years and used physical punishment when I was a child. I witnessed domestic violence, animal abuse and god knows what else I've shoved deep, deep down so I'll tell you Why I'm Not Normal and It's Because Of Both Of You. I'm really happy you were able to forget everything that happened though, must be nice. It felt like I was never going to break away from these feelings. Like they had me in a choke-hold and would forever.
LOL. But then it all evaporated. I had the best day at work after. HAHAHAH. It definitely felt like I was cord-cutting. That energy had been there for a long time and it needed to be released.
I think JZ is back. Well, I never knew him from before he went so it's like I am just discovering who he is in the first place. And I'm... genuinely interested. He's that student from the dream a few days back who was travelling back and forth from the camp to Japan. I barely talk to this kid but I had a convo with him today and it was nice. I wouldn't have minded if it had kept going. We finished at 9pm and he's one of the few male students who is actually gentlemanly and will stay back if you're a female, to make sure you lock up okay. What a legend. Also that 18 year old girl who works on the shop floor EA, is definitely there. Yesterday when I came back from that depressive episode in my car, she happened to be on break too. I still had some time left so we both sat on the ground near the dumpsters and passed a vape back and forth (btw, do it). The conversation was vibing. Then when the shift was over and she said goodbye before walking away, I felt her aura playfully jab at me. I felt it. It was the same type of jab I felt coming from SM when he looked at me. But his was ominous because of his personality. Lol.
It doesn't feel like this needs to be advertised, if it is real. As in, usually I would be running to the group to tell them but we're past that now. If you are to experience it, then you'll experience it. It's another idea on offer and maybe it doesn't serve and that's that. Anyway, it feels like everyone is in observation-mode. There's a tentative, foreboding and erratic feeling in the air. We're all waiting.
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mae-gi-writes · 2 years
just for the night . ten
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"It wasn't real. Until suddenly, it was."
Genre: fakedating!, fluff, pining, enemies to lovers sorta
"Ugh. Fight me."
"You wish," Ten smirks back at you in that obnoxious way of his and you swear you'd like to throw a brick at him.
It's Monday evening and raining. The warmth from Baro Baro Bakery is the only thing that's keeping your fingers from falling off altogether, and you honestly would not have been in such a bad mood, if it hadn't been for your insufferably cocky co-worker.
You focus on organizing the buns along the countertop, making sure that they are all aligned and well displayed while trying to ignore the dark-haired man leaning against the storage door, "don't you have anything better to do?"
"Better than watching you organize your buns? I don't think so."
"Do you really enjoy being here?"
"Couldn't have imagined a better way to spend my Monday," his smirk widens into a grin.
"I'm not coming with you."
He has the audacity of throwing you a look full of innocence, "I didn't say anything."
"But that's what you came here for isn't it?" you scowl back.
He pouts then, breaking all semblance of nonchalance as he holds up his clasped hands in an attempt to beg, "a night is all I ask. Please."
"We barely know each other, even less support each other's presence. This is recipe for disaster," you lean back, slide the counter door closed before looking over at him, "what do I even get from this arrangement?"
"This body as your boyfriend, and free food," he quickly adds when he sees you're about as murderous as chucking him out of the bakery altogether, "and my parents don't care who, trust me. They won't even notice."
Your scowl could've murdered him, "Why are you asking me?"
"Because you're the only option I have. The other girls will use this to their advantage--"
"Wow Ten," you let out an exasperated chuckle, "way to make me feel special."
"Well you shouldn't have asked--"
"If we do that, you'll cover my shifts for the next two months," you interrupt before he can retort back, "and give me all your free coupons that you get."
"Uh last time I checked I'm supposed to work up to thirty-five hours--"
"Do we agree or not?"
In the end, he had no choice but to comply to whatever ordeal you'd asked of him and you briefly wonder how bad are his parents for him to be so desperate. It isn't like Ten to ask for favours, especially not those that concern being his fake date for his cousin's wedding. According to Ten, his parents had been badgering him for ages to get himself a date or else they'd present him to someone else altogether -- someone fitting -- and fearing that they'd push him into the arms of whatever businessmen's daughter they could find, Ten had called for help out of desperation.
To say that the situation was out of hand is definitely an understatement. It's not that you don't know Ten. You do, having gotten acquainted during the last year of university when you'd decided to join the dance club, only to find that the said cocky asshole in question was actually talented, more so than others.
You're not quite sure yourself how you'd gotten such a bad first impression of Ten Lee. To be honest, nothing major had sparked fireworks between you, apart from the fact that you spent the first hour of dance class being picked apart and mocked for your lack of dancing skill.
"No, you're doing it all wrong. It's this way."
"A little higher. You need more power in your muscles."
"Do it again. No, not like that--"
It had been torture. It hadn't been fun anymore. And you'd already made up your mind to run away. Nevermind that you loved dancing in your free time. You found dancing in your bedroom much more peaceful and satisfying.
Alas, it seemed like the universe loathed youe plans for every time you tried escaping, you'd manage to bump into Ten himself. Needless to say that he dragged you to class whether it was against your will or not.
"I really don't think I want to continue--"
"Why not?" He'd raised an amused brow, "scared?"
"No, it's just--"
"Just what?"
That had done it. Never in your whole life had you been so determined to prove this little shit wrong. And so you stayed.
Now though, as you comb through your wardrobe in search of something to wear, it becomes increasingly apparent how bad of an idea this is.
The wedding is a monumental event in the Lee family. The celebrations last for three whole days, three whole evenings of family dinners and having to put on airs for people he doesn't actually like. But he does it, because of his unwavering loyalty to his family name and if not that, his grandmother, whom you learnt -- a few days before the wedding -- had been the mother figure he'd leaned upon his entire life.
"So you're telling me that nobody really matters, apart from your grandma whom I should impress?" you ask him one evening at Baro Baro as you're busy stacking the rest of the baked goods away in the storage area, "well, that doesn't put any pressure at all. Thanks for that."
"My grandma is...special. She doesn't usually speak much, so we never know what she might be thinking," Ten answers, "so I wouldn't advise you to say anything you don't mean."
"And yet, you're straight-up lying to her face?" is what you ask with a raised brow.
He has the decency to flush, "that's different."
"She wants you to get married?"
"Who doesn't?" he snorts, "practically everyone in my family is begging me to at this point, ever since Anong announced her marriage."
"What a tough life you have," you say dryly, cackling when he tosses the cleaning rag at your head, "I'm curious though...why me?"
"C'mon Y/N, use your head a little. Why you, of all people?"
"Even with logic that doesn't make sense Ten," you cast him a scowl, "so please, do enlighten me."
"For starters, you're not my type--"
Ouch. Well that didn't hurt at all. You scowl.
"--and there's no way I'm yours--"
"Damn right about that," you grumble out, reaching into the room behind the said young man to make a grab for the broom.
He follows you around the counter as you start sweeping at the floor, "--second, you have no attachments to me or my family, so that shouldn't be a problem when we have to break-up. Third, none of my family actually knows you, so we can practically make things up."
"You're a fucking walking cliché, Ten Lee."
"Wha--I am not a cliché."
"This is literally what romance novels write about."
"Are you saying I'm a romantic?" he grins at you, eyes sparkling in mischief and you grunt, shoving him out of the way in favour of finishing up your work. In all honesty, your bed sounds pretty damn tempting.
"You wish."
You've never really assisted at a wedding before -- the ones you went to as a child don't count -- so to say that you're not bothered at all would be a lie because admittedly, you're really quite curious about how this whole thing plays out.
"A wedding?" Your mother's stare is piercing, eyes boring holes into your skull. You, on the other hand, force yourself to keep gulping down your toast, "whose wedding is it?"
"Someone's cousin."
"And why are you invited?"
You try not to choke on your toast, coughing and quickly downing it with some scalding coffee that burns your tongue, "uhm--I--well, this-- my friend. It's my friend's cousin and he asked all of us to go."
"Who's this friend of yours?"
"Oh you don't know him, he's--" your mind panics, trying to scramble for any kind of information you know from your supposed boyfriend, "he's part of the dance crew I go practice with."
Your mother doesn't seem convinced, but doesn't push further and for that, you're grateful.
"We probably should go over the basics," Ten says as he walks you to the subway station after the night time shift. Part of you wonders whether he has another job, a stable income, or whether he's judt trying to figure out life, like you.
"Like how we met?" Your nose crinkles in distaste.
"We don't have to change all the facts. We met during dance class, and--and we staeted working on a piece together. For a competition."
"We'd have to make up an imaginary competition to prove it to them."
"Ah shit, you're right. Uhm, how about...we were working on something for...uh..." he's struggling and you would've mocked him if you weren't in the same boat.
"End of year performance," you shrug when he sends you a look, "it's not like we'll last till the end of the year. We're breaking up after three days."
"Yeah yeah, that works. Okay so, couple dance. And bam, we fell in love. I fell for your--uh--"
The way he glances over you makes your jaw roll. Does he really have to make it obvious that you're not his type? As if you're not aware of that already.
"Let's say I fell for your amazing sense of sarcasm."
You're not certain why it hurts, hearing it from him. But you brush it aside quickly, not wanting to dwell on it too much.
"No wonder you don't have a girlfriend," you snort.
"No. Don't and can't are too different things. In my case, I just don't want it."
"Yeah, because no one wants you," you mutter, before continuing in a louder voice, "and I fell for your sense of humour. Let's leave it at that."
"You owe me. Big time."
A few days later finds you decked in one of your sister's dresses, biting your lip nervously as you take in your reflection in the mirror. It's a simple one; black with a boat neckline that shows off your shoulders, curving along your chest, waist, all the way to your mid-thigh. One might think that it's a little too plain for such a thing as a wedding, but it's not like you'll be the center of attention. On the contrary, you wish to blend in with the background and if the dress helps, then so be it.
The doorbell ringing jolts you out of your small reverie. Casting one last look at your reflection, you sling your purse of your shoulder before wobbling your way down the stairs only to find your mother already opening the door.
Terror washes through you. Shit, you think to yourself as you quickly scramble the rest of the way down just in time for the door to reveal Ten's face.
"Hello! I don't believe we've met before!" your mother cooes in that sickeningly sweet voice of hers that makes you want to push her into the kitchen and away from the said young man, "you're Y/N's friend?"
"Indeed I am," Ten's lips curve into a smile as he bows slightly, "it's nice to meet you."
"Well if I knew that Y/N had such a handsome friend, I would've invited you over sooner!"
He laughs, "we actually work together so we're--"
And that's when his eyes find you.
There's surprise. Then shock, mixed in with something you can't quite decipher as he takes you in, your dress, down to the heels adorning your feet.
"What?" you half-bark at him, tearing your own gaze away to fidget with your purse when in truth, you just don't want to gawk at how handsome he is in his suit and tie.
"You clean up well," is what he replies, that same old infuriating smirk dancing across his lips and if you had imagined his shock a few seconds earlier, it's all replaced by his usual playful banter.
"Shut up--ow!" you recoil as your mother whacks the back of your head, "where are your manners, Y/N? Is this the way to talk to someone who's inviting you out?"
"Sorry," you don't mean it though, your scowl deepening as you notice Ten's face lighting with a devilish grin, "and stop smiling like that, it's fucking creepy."
"Apologies your highness," he bows in mock salute, before motioning toqards his car, "shall we?"
It doesn't occur to you that you're actually doing this, actually going to fake date for Ten Lee's sake, until you're sitting in his car and glancing at his side prpfile every now and then. It seems that Ten is just as wary, for he doesn't tease you as he normally does, for once actually allowing the silence to speak in his stead.
"Hey," his voice brings you back to reality. You blink at him, catching sight of the slight curl of his lips, "you look like you're about to shit your pants."
"Well maybe it didn't occur to you, but I don't particularly like lying to people," you reply snarkily.
"Who says we're lying, baby?" And with that, he makes a grab for your hand, intertwines your fingers together, and brings it up to press a chaste kiss on your knuckles.
You can't help but flush slightly, though you don't dare rip your hand out for fear of his driving skills.
"See?" He continues, dropping your still-entangled hands in his lap as hr turns a corner, "not that hard to fool people if you keep blushing like that."
"Oh fuck off," you really hope he can't hear how loudly your heart is beating.
He doesn't drop your hand until he has to park the car, swinging his entire arm back and giving you a glimpse of his collarbones peeking out of his shirt as he does so. You avert your eyes adamantly, cursing inwardly at yourself to just calm the fuck down.
Dim fairy lights illuminate the path up to the hotel venue where the celebration is taking place. Beautiful victorian pillars adorn the entrance that cascades with light flooding from the chandelier above. All around hanging from the ceiling are an assortment of potted plants, vines twirling down with such majestic beauty that it makes your breath away.
"How much did you say your family spent on this?" You croak out as you walk past the reception area in your wobbly heels. Ten, as if sensing your hesitances, places a hand on the small of your back, causing you to jolt at the sensation.
It's not unpleasant. Though it is strange, to have the warmth of his palm close to your skin.
"I don't even want to remind myself," he answers as he guides you down the white marble steps leading to a pavillon billowing with white trails.
People are already chatting by the makeshift stands adorned with the same vines, probably waiting for the said bride and groom themselves to appear. Ten leads you over to a pair of women, one older and sporting grey hair, the other looking like a younger version of herself, and you do not miss the way they glance at each other with smiles that suggest they're falling straight into your trap.
"Ma," it's when Ten calls her name that you manage a forced smile on your face, "grandma. How are you?"
"Chittaphon," His grandma is quick to embrace him, his mother following close behind.
"Hey grandma, this is Y/N. Y/N," Ten motions towards the said woman, "my grandma."
"Lovely to meet you," your throat feels dry athow intensely she seems to be studying you.
"And is this the girl you've been telling me about all this time?" His mother asks.
"Ma," Ten whines out, though the permanent grin on his face says otherwise, "you don't have to call me out like that."
"Oh as if she doesn't know," his mother retorts and without warning, makes a grab for your hands as she smiles up at you, "it's lovely to finally meet you Y/N. Ten's been telling me all about you from the moment you started dancing together."
"Oh did he?" You relish in Ten's sudden embarrassment as he is quick to splutter out, "that's not true!"
"Totally is," his mother replies, "and what a fine couple you make. When can I expect the grandkids? I'm not going to be there forever you know!"
Ten's face is practically fire engine red at this point and though you should technically feel just as embarrassed, you can't help but cackle at his face. Cute.
No! Your mind screams out, no way.
But you don't have time to ponder over the new flurry of feelings when the wedding march starts blasting through the entire room and in a bout of panic, Ten's arm shoots out to drag you in the seat beside him, just behind his family.
He leans over, mouth barely brushing over your ear, "just a warning; my mother will probably ask you to ask me to propose." He shoots you a piercing glower, "don't you dare say anything."
"Aw, but she's just looking out for her son," you wriggle your eyebrows, loving the sudden turn of events, "wasn't aware that you'e already introduced me to your family before asking me out. How cute."
A loud hush from his mother is enough for Ten to close his mouth, opting to throw you a scowl instead as you cackle silently. It seems that you've won...for now.
The ceremony is, undoubtly, beautiful and everything that a woman would ever want and you can't help but get caught up with emotion at the speech delivered by the grrom, a knot forming in your throat at the way he looks down at his soon-to-be wife like she's the most precious thing on this earth.
A brief thought crosses your mind; will there be anyone that will look at you like this?
Claps erupting through the pavillon makes you blink back to reality only to see the newlyweds walk by with brilliant smiles. Congratulations are thrown about in-between peals of laughter and, feeling Ten's hand weave through yours, allow him to tug you to the outer steps where everyone is gathered.
"What's happening?" You ask Ten in a murmur.
His lips quirk up, "oh best part, doll. Just wait," before he cocks his head towards the bride.
You turn towards the said beaming woman, bouquet clasped to her chest and before you know it, she's thrown it in the air with a whoop as the crowd gasps.
And it lands. Right in your arms.
Shocked, you drop it, scramble to pick it back up as cheers erupt through the crowd like an excited buzz.
"Oh my god, you're next!"
Ten's mother appears, beaming as she says, "so you will be next, I knew it!"
"Oh, uh--well, I'm not quite sure--" your words are interrupted by Ten's cousin rushing in to offer you his congratulations, "what an honour, Y/N! You have my blessing!"
It's so overwhelming that you freeze on the spot, unable to process that information until Ten manages to pull you away from the crowd around the corner of the pavillon, where you manage to catch your breath.
"Jesus," you can feel your heart hammering against your ribcage, voice breathless, "what was that all about?"
"Like I said, they really want me to get married," Ten shrugs, "you catching the bouquet doesn't help by the way."
"Well what was I supposed to do?" You glare down at the flowers as if hoping they'd combust if you glared hard enough, "give them back?"
He laughs at that, and surprises you by reaching over to push your hair away from your face before grabbing hold of your hand for the nth time that evening.
"Come on," his grin is wide, reaches his eyes and makes your stomach flip over, "let's not miss out on dinner. They have amazing sushi here."
True to his word, Ten is right about the sushi, for it all but melts in your mouth in a mixture of bold flavours that explode on your tongue. Even the main course -- either the option of a steak, grilled fish or beautifully cooked lentil burger for the vegans -- cannot compare to those tiny rolls of delight that make your mouth water with every bite.
Your table, despite being filled with his family, makes you feel at ease. They welcome you with huge smiles and friendly pats on the shoulder, before engaging you in conversation that makes your heart all warm and giddy. It doesn't matter that Ten doesn't love you as he should, you've never felt so comfortable with a group of people that should have picked your every flaw apart like vultures.
Instead though, they ask you about your own family, about where you grew up and what you want to be. His mother doesn't hesitate to pile up your plate when she notices it's empty, his uncle ready to pour wine the moment you're done with your glass. His cousins all fawn over you, telling you stories about Ten's childhood and his inability to make friends back when he was still young and wasn't accustomed to the country.
"He used to be so shy and reserved. I don't know what happened to him afterwards," one of the younger girls says with a snort, "he used to have girls over all the time."
"Wha--really now?" You can't help but raise a brow at Ten, who's in mid-action of grabbing some pork slices to add to his rice mountain.
"What?" He asks innocently.
"Apparently, your reputation precedes you."
"That's--stop feeding her lies!" He bursts out, half in annoyance and half in embarrassment as said cousins fall into peals of laughter, "you were always so fun to tease, Ten."
"Don't make me tell your mother about your secret night dates with that guy from your science class," he points an accusatory fork across the table.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Try me."
It's funny to see Ten in such an environment, away from your usual surroundings and from the way his eyes glow and the way his entire face crinkles up when he laughs, it seems that this night means more to him than he makes it out to be.
He catches you staring during the groom's speech after the dinner is cleared, and raises a brow in question before leaning closer, "you're drooling, doll. Speak up." He smirks.
You shove his shoulder with a scowl, "you're actually tolerable when you're not trying to be a know-it-all."
"Funny, I could say the same for you."
"Wow, nice comeback."
"See, you were doing so well up till now. One might even think you're in love with me."
The speed at which your cheeks colour deep red is instantaneous and you look away, hoping that he wouldn't see past the hair falling across your cheek.
But Ten is faster, leaning over his chair to catch a glimpse of your face, "aw," he coos at you, "you're blushing."
"Fuck you."
"Right now?"
The image is so vivid in your head that you can't help but swallow thickly, forcing your eyes to the happy couple feeding each other wedding cake as you grovel out, "you wish."
As if on cue and thankfully saving the tension building between the two of you, another round of applause fills the room as the newlywed couple makes their way to the dance floor. You focus your gaze on the pair, try hard not to let yourself cringe at the heat of the young man's eyes intense on yours.
And it's easier that way, to ignore the sensation of butterflies fluttering through your ribcage wih feelings you can't quite place into words.
You're glad when one of Ten's aunts drag him away to introduce him to some other family friends, leaning back with a soft sigh as you relish the quiet moment of peace. Because a little bit more and something would've shifted in the air between you, something dangerous. Something you cannot quite look in the eye yet.
And that something, in retrospect, is a mistake.
"Care for a dance?"
A few hours later finds you in the courtyard overlooking the lush green plains surrounding the villa, closing your eyes to enjoy the pleassnt hum of circadas and the gentle brush of the night breeze tingling the back of your neck.
It's where Ten finds you, on the bench amidst the foilage, high heels discarded at your feet while humming along to the distant beats coming from the dance floor.
You look up in surprise, eyes flitting to his extended hand to his face, "I'm not much of a dancer."
"You're literally in my dance crew, Y/N."
"Well, maybe I just don't feel like dancing today."
You'd hope that he wouldn't push further and just get back to the party. But as insistent as he is, you shouldn't have been surprised when he makes a grab for your wrist, pull you up as his other arm quickly cages you against his chest.
"We can dance here, no problem," he grins down at you, that same grin that makes your heart soften at the edges, "plus, you can't go to a wedding and not dance or you'll get seven years of bad luck."
"You just made that up."
"I just did," his grin turns bashful, "but hey, you're dancing aren't you?"
As much as you don't wish to give him the satisfaction, his smile is infectious. Soon, you find your own mouth curling up at the edges, "have I already told you how insufferable you are?"
"More times than I can count."
"It's not a compliment."
He bursts into laughter and you chuckle, shaking your head as he tugs you even closer as if on instinct, "you really are something, aren't you?"
You blink, "are you complimenting me?"
He wriggles his brows but doesn't answer, causing you to pinch his shoulder, "ow!" He jumps at the contact, a pout forming on his lips, "what was that for?!"
"For being an ass," you mutter while leaning into his shoulder and effectively hiding your embarrassment. In all honesty, Ten has been nothing but the best tonight and it's nothing but your pride that is holding you back from admitting such a thing.
That maybe Ten Lee isn't all that bad.
Oh come off it, your brain screams at you. He's been tormenting you all these years. One single night doesn't change anything.
You're so wrapped up trying to come up with a plausible excuse about Ten Lee that surprise jolts through you upon feeling the weight of his cheek pressing against the side of your head. His hand, initially at your wrist, brings it up to settle upon his shoulder before his other hand joins itd pair around your waist.
He'a humming, the softest tune of the music under his breath that makes you feel all tingly and giddy from goosebumps suddenly eroding across your skin. As much as you hate to admit it, being in his arms had never felt so...good.
Clearing your throat, you bite down on your lower lip as your cheek rests against his shoulder, "this is nice," you can't help but admit grudgingly, "you're not so bad of a partner."
He chuckles, "you're just saying that because it's cold and I'm warm."
You grimace, "I was trying to be nice."
A comfortable silence settles over you as a thought starts nagging at your subconscious. One that you cannot help to voice out after some time.
"You know," you murmur, "we don't have to pretend when nobody's around."
There's a pause. Then, he says:
"I know."
But he doesn't loosen his hold. Nor do you step away. And in the silence, there's some kind of understanding that blooms. It's warm, and crackling with a heat that sends liquid warmth down to your stomach.
Still, you stay in his arms, trying -- and failing -- not to enjoy the moment.
At some point, you're reminded of the wedding party still ongoing and reluctantly pull away when Ten suggests that maybe you shouldn't absent yourselves for so long. Though you have to admit to yourself that you're slightly disappointed as you walk back into the big hall, hanging a few paces back when he runs into some other family of his so as not to disturb their little reunion.
A pat on your shoulder causes you to turn to the source, only to find none other than the bride beaming at you.
"Hi!" She waves for good measure, a dimple on her left cheek, "I'm so glad you could make it, honestly. Y/N right?"
"Thank you for inviting me," you smile back, eyes unwillingly finding Ten's figure twirling a child in his arms on the dance floor. Cute. "Your wedding is lovely."
"Trust me, it was anything but lovely," she sends you a pointed look, "anyway, I'm glad I got to meet you now. Ten has been raving about you for so long that we started thinking you didn't even exist!"
Oh. Now that's interesting. You try to keep a poker face on, "raving about me? Are we talking about the same Ten here?" You try to joke.
"Please Y/N, that boy is whipped for you. If you knew how highly he spoke of you all the time, you'd marry him in a heartbeat."
Your chest tightens. You bite down on your lower lip, not sure how to respond to such a praise when in truth it's the furthest thing from the truth.
"And I have to say," the bride continues, not noticing your silence, "that I've never seen Ten so happy. I don't know what you're doing, but I think you're doing it really well--"
"What is Y/N doing really well?"
You don't have time to turn when sudden arms lace around your waist, a chin dropping upon your shoulder as you stiffen on impulse.
Ten, meanwhile, seems completely at ease pressing you to his chest, ignoring the pointed stare you're throwing his way.
Something jittery flutters in your stomach.
"None of your business," his cousin sticks out her tongue playfully, "we were having girl talk. Right Y/N?"
"Y-Yeah," and then, in a soft mutter that only Ten can hear, "what the fudge are you doing?!"
"Hugging you," you don't have to look at him to know that his smirk is there.
"Anyway, I guess I'll leave you two lovebirds to it," she winks at you, before throwing her cousin a dirty look, "make sure you get a ring on her finger soon. She's a keeper."
You make sure she's out of earshot, then proceed to elbow Ten in the stomach. He grunts, letting you go so that you can turn to throw him a scowl.
"What the fuck was that about?"
Hurt flickers through his face, but you go on nevertheless, "and don't tell me that was for your cousin. That was clearly unecessary."
"Chill babe," he holds up his hands in surrender, "just playing the part, is all."
"Well maybe you should've asked me before doing stuff like that."
"You were fine with me holding you earlier," Ten answers, a frown furrowing his brows, "so I thought that was fine too--"
"You don't get to decide that."
"Okay okay," his frown deepens, emotion swirling in his brown orbs as he lowers his hand, "fine. Sorry I did that, and--"
"And what's all this about you being crazy over me?" It seems like a dam has suddenly flooded through you, all sense of self restraint thrown out of the window as the words slip out like the sharp sting of knives, "your cousin thinks we're in love with each other! And she--she thinks there's a chance we might get married and-- what the actual fuck Ten, have you been lying to them all this time?"
Ten's mouth opens. Then closes. He opens it once more, only to fall short in the silence that prevails.
And as if this couldn't get any worse, a familiar soprano rings through the air, slicing through with an icy coldness.
"What is going on?"
You turn, and sure enough, terror rips through your chest as you spot none other than Ten's grandmother standing before you.
Oh shit.
You're not really sure what happened that night. After his grandmother found you screaming your head off at her grandson, she'd asked him for a private chat and before you knew it, Ten's mother had bundled you up in a taxi, smiling apologetically as if she knew about your little plan gone to wreck all along.
You hadn't seen Ten since, nor have you heard from him. A few days after the incident had you caving in to send him a simple text to ask whether he was okay, only to receive nothing in return.
Today marks a week and he hasn't turned up for work either.
You're not sure how you should feel about the whole ordeal, for it is true that he'd lied to his family, yourself, and had made a complete mess out of things. He should be reaping what he sowed.
And yet, part of you wistfully wondered whether the way he'd spoken to you, held you that night, had been built on a lie. His touch had been gentle, tender, almost affectionate.
And you find, to your utmost horror, that you don't mind it.
That night, you don't get a wink of sleep.
Maybe he's guilty and embarrassed by what he's done, and trying to disappear off the face of the earth, which means ignoring you completely. Although, since you had taken part in his whole masquerade, weren't you technically allowed to know whether he wasn't losing his mind, at least?
Your mind keeps on turning and sifting over everything that had occurred between the two of you that night, so focused on remembering how his arms had felt around your waist that you don't even realise there's a presence at the counter until they speak.
You jump, a yelp dying at the back of your throat when you whirl around only to see the said young man, decked in a light blue hoodie and white-washed jeans.
Your heart flips. There's a brief thought of panic; you wonder if you ook dishevelled.
Oh come on, Y/N. Who cares?
"Ten," your voice comes out as a weak murmur and you feel like slapping yourself for sounding like a wanton maid. Clearing your throat, you straighten, "thanks for ignoring me. Thought you got shipped to another country."
"Sorry, I was busy sorting out...stuff," he has the decency to look embarrassed for once, hand rubbing the back of his neck as he lookd around in an attempt to find a distraction.
Biting the inside of your cheek, you don't bother answering. Instead, you lower your eyes to the till, hands clenching into fists at your sides.
When Ten speaks again, it's a very soft-spoken proposition.
`"Look, I...I'm really sorry. About the lies, about everything really. I...there's no excuse and--" he stumbles over his words, pauses, starts again, "I'm really sorry, Y/N."
Your eyes flutter up to his then, and the amount of emotion swirling through his eyes makes your chest pinch with sympathy, throat tightening with emotion.
"Why?" You finally manage to croak out, "why the lies, Ten?"
A pause where he chews on his bottom lip, the silence ringing through your ears as awkwardness settles in the air.
"I was being stupid," he breathes it out, a broken echo of a murmur, "I thought that convincing my family beforehand would make it justifiable and I didn't realise until it was too late that I actually--actually like you, see you that way and...and next thing I know you're on my arm with that pretty dress and looking like everything I've ever wanted. And I'm sorry if I got carried away with it. I know you didn't like me that way and I--I wanted to at least have this night to daydream about what it would actually be like," he swallows thickly, takes another shaky breath, "to be with you."
You take in his words in silence, shocked at first at what he'd meant. And it isn't just about what he'd said but how he'd said it that resonates with you and makes your heart suddenly cartwheel in your chest.
The more you replay his words, the more it becomes clearer to you; standing in front of you, for a moment, isn't just Ten the boy who always finds faults, who always mocks you for everything that you are, but just Ten, the boy who got your heart beating like crazy when you danced together, the boy who flirted with you throughout thr wedding and who, without shame, is spilling out his hesrt for you take or break however you like.
He's probably anxious about the thoughts running through your brain and doesn't waste time to say, "I don't want anything out of this Y/N. Do with it whatever you like, but you deserved an explanation, at least."
Still, you open your mouth, only for nothing to come out.
"That's all I wanted to say," he turns away slightly, eyes quickly finding yours before dropping away, "I won't bother you again. Sorry."
And you watch as he turns his back and strides for the door, heartbeat suddenly roaring through your ears, blood pulsing along your brain as a knot coils in your stomach.
He's leaving, and he's going to leave without giving you the chance to even say something back, to give him an answer to his sudden confession.
You don't wait.
Your feet jolt forward and you barely realize you've called his name until he turns, just in time for you to hook your fingers onto his shirt and tug him in close enough that your noses brush.
The sight makes your breath stutter. You take a shaky inhale, feeling Ten's own body stiffen slightly, before he lets out a soft breath of his own.
Time stops on its axis, a pocket of infinity carved out for you and him as you softly allow your lips to press against his.
Warmth blooms, spreads through your limbs. Ten's gasp is silent, dying at the back of his throat.
Pulling back slightly, your teeth find purchase on you bottom lip as your orbs flit up to his in fear of what you'd find there.
Only to find nothing but deep, naked affection.
Your own breath staggers. Chest tightens, goosebumps blossom along your skin.
Ten holds your eyes as a silent question hangs in the air and after what seems like eternity, you open your mouth only for his hand to slip up to your cheek, cupping it in his palm before pulling you in.
He kisses you.
Fireworks ignite behind your lids. He tilts your head and you comply without much effort, quickly surrending to the way his lips move against yours, a rythm that drowns out the entire universe altogether. Your chests press together as one of his hands grips your waist, fingers pressing into the small of your back through your shirt, and a gasp falls from your mouth.
He swallows it up, mouth slotting against yours intimately as your hands find their way up his shoulders to wrap around his neck. He grunts softly as you kiss back, sighing into the kiss once your fingers card through his hair and doesn't hesitate to part your lips with his tongue to kiss you longer, harder. Deeper.
It's overwhelming, exciting. You can't get over how good it feels, about how good this feels.
You don't realise that he's backed you up to the counter until the cool wooden surface presses against your back, and as your lips part in distraction, Ten doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around your frame to haul you up before stepping between your legs.
"Ten!" You can't help but gasp at his boldness, but he only grins back, that same crooked smile you'd glimpsed of the night of the wedding.
"What?" He murmurs, breathless, nose skimming down to your neck and nuzzling the skin there. Liquid warmth pools to your core as you shiver, flushing upon feeling his fingers slipping underneath your shirt to rest on your naked skin.
His eyes are dark, intense with emotion as they lock on yours. Tilting his head and nose brushing yours once more, he doesn't hesitate to land another chaste kiss. And another. And another. Until your head is spinning. Until all you can feel, see, smell, is Ten. And Ten alone.
And when he leans in for another kiss, tongue dancing with yours, you welcome him with open arms, a small whimper muffled into the kiss.
Ten's chest rumbles before he presses againts you, and the contact makes you whine out his name in breathless stupor, a sound that causes him to smile into the kiss.
You part for air after some time, chest heaving as you lean back. The young man takes this as his chance though, lips finding their way to your jaw and presses a string of kisses right up to your ear.
It makes your toes curl in delight, even more so when he murmurs out, "I wish I could've done that sooner."
Bright red spots of colour bursts across your cheeks and your body squirms in reaction, trying to turn your head away as embarrassment rushes in, "well maybe if you weren't such a dick, you--"
You inhale sharply as his lips cage in the sensitive skin at your neck, a slow bite causing a whimper to fall from your mouth,
"T-Ten--" you try to stammer out, only to fall short with another strained gasp when he slowly starts suckling on the said patch of skin.
Your body jolts, hands grabbing fistfuls of his hair to pull him closer. You feel, at the back of your mind, the slow sensual caress of his fingers up your spine to trace the underside of your bra. You can't stop yourself from melting in his touch, head falling back to give him whatever he wants and the satisfied growl that leaves him makes your heart giddy, your stomach knot up deliciously.
It's only when he finally halts his attack and draws his mouth away that the realization hits you; you're making out with Ten Lee, in Baro Baro Bakery, and loving every second of it.
He must feel you stiffening in his arms, for his head tilts to the side in hopes of catching your gaze. And when he does, you blink at the rosy blush littering his cheeks.
"What is it?" He whispers, unconsciously stroking up and down your naked spine.
You shiver in his hold, though you lean into him as if it's second nature, "nothing," you mutter into his neck, "it's just weird."
"Weird?" He laughs.
"Yeah," you pull back slightly, "it's weird to think that just a week ago I could barely look at you without wishing to slap your face."
He scowls momentarily and you can't help but giggle, "don't look at me like that. It's true."
"Yeah maybe for you," he mutters, loud enough that it reaches your ears.
That causes your eyebrow to perk up curiously, "oh? Care to elaborate? Are you confessing something here?"
"Y/N, I literally just confessed to you."
"And I seem to have short term memory," your grin widens, loving how flustered you seem to make him with all those poignant assumptions, "are you blushing?"
"You are," he retorts hotly.
"Look at yourself, honey--"
Ten yanks you forward, chest pressing against yours and lips hovering over your own. His eyes are dark, stormy with self-restraint and that's enough to shut you up.
You swallow thickly as the corner of his lips curl up, teasing, "I could say the same for you. You're all talk until I make you speechless, aren't you?"
"Don't use my words against me."
Chuckling, Ten proceeds to press a chaste kiss on your forehead, "I'm not, doll. I'm teasing you."
Heat springs through the back of your neck and you try piecing words together to distract yourself from how close he is.
"So, uhm--" you stammer out, hating how his grin widens at your struggle, "you said something about liking me?"
"I did. And I recall you telling me you did too."
"I never said such a thing."
"Right. Yeah. You were too busy snogging my face off--" Ten's words cut off in mid-laugh while he catches your arm aiming to slap his shoulder, "oh god, you're so fun to mess around with."
"Fuck off, Ten!"
His laughter just increases tenfold and it's so catchy that you join in, grinning as you push away some of his hair away from his eyes, "you're an idiot," is what you declare.
His grin is so wide it's almost blinding, "am I yours, though?"
"If you want to be."
He moves so close he can kiss you if he tilts his head, "I want to," he whispers.
A smile breaks across your face and before you know it, your arms wind around his neck once more before you bring him down into a kiss.
“So you’re actually together?”
That is the first thing that bursts out of Ten’s mother’s mouth as her eyes dart between you and the said young man as if she can’t quite believe it herself. Your hands, clenched until white in your lap, are starting to sweat underneath the pressure of her gaze. It’s not that you fear her, quite the contrary, you’ve no doubt she’s an amazing mother with kind gentle eyes and never having raised her voice all her life at her children. But from the impression that you’d left that night at the wedding, there’s a very little chance that Ten’s mother actually wants to accept you back with open arms.
“Yes,” Ten’s hand slide into yours for good measure, breaking your fingers away as he keeps his gaze on his mother’s, “we didn’t start on a good foot, and I did ask her to accompany me because I — because I didn’t want you to worry. But whatever I said about likingY/N— this part is true.”
Silence descends as his mother’s eyes flicker from his face, to yours, then back to him. It’s clear that she’s confused. Heck, you would be too if your son suddenly turns up to say that he’s finally going out with his fake date after having caused a ruckus. Maybe she doesn’t want to trust you anymore. Maybe she’s already started finding someone else for Ten, someone more suitable, someone who doesn’t lie in the first place.
But all those thoughts fly straight out of the window the moment her face breaks into a grin too wide to be faked.
“Finally!” She claps her hands together in childish glee, her eyes crinkling up into half-moons, “I’m so happy for you! Wait till Grandma knows this! Oh Ten, I knew there must’ve been something more all along!” There's no way this could have been all fake."
Your head ducks shyly at her reaction, “I’m really sorry about that night,” you murmur out, eyes quickly straining to the edge of the table.
"As long as Ten is happy and you both are finally together for real,” his mother beams, “that’s all that matters, hm?”
You swear you could’ve hugged her. The thought is so strong it makes your eyelids water slightly.
You quickly blink the emotions away as you mumble out your thanks along with a shy smile that she answers tenfold. That is followed by Ten’s fingers squeezing your own gently, but firmly, a reminder that he, too, is here for you.
"Anyway, would you two like some mangoes? We just received a fresh batch from the neighbours," she's already standing up before you have a chance to say anything, quickly toddling out of the kitchen like it's her main mission.
"Your mom is so cute," you murmur out to Ten, who can't help but grin back at you. That same, crooked grin that makes your heart flutter in your chest.
"You know where I got my genes from?" He wriggles his brows, making you bump your elbow into his shoulder with a chuckle.
It's safe to say that your relationship has smoothened out ever since his confession. No more mockery or hatred, and that makes you wonder if there ever was any hatred to begin with, or just tension. Your sister likes to think you're the epitome of enemies-to-lovers trope and for once, you're not the one to stop her. Because it's clear from Ten's teasing demeanour and mischievous behaviour that it had always been his way of demonstrating affection.
"I was flirting with you all along Y/N," is what he says when you ask him about it while he walks you back to your house that night. His arms are full with sweets from their homeland that his mother had insisted you take, "you were just too blind."
"Well then, you suck at flirting."
He scoffs, "uh no? You're the one who can't take a hint."
"Making fun of how awkwardly I dance in front of everyone is not flirting."
He can't help but grin cheekily at the memory, "you were pretty funny though, admit it."
You show him the finger as response, which only makes him laugh even louder before landing a quick peck on your cheek, "c'mon, that was ages ago. Don't sulk with me now."
"I'm not sulking."
"You so are."
You growl at him, making him laugh even harder at the situation. And despite everything, you grin at the happiness stretched across his face like an ephemeral painting you wish to keep forever.
He's so beautiful. How have you not noticed that before? It's not his face, but more the way his face transforms whenever he's genuinely happy.
You wish you can engrave that picture in your head forever.
"Well, that's me." You stop in front of your house and without looking at your watch, know that you're thirty minutes after curfew. Though...your mom doesn't mind. Not when Ten is responsible.
His fingers catch yours, essentially drawing you back to him as he flashes you a sweet smile, "see you tomorrow?" He murmurs, bringing your knuckles up to press a kiss atop your skin.
You try not to let your blush show, "being all smooth now, are we?"
"If it's gonna make you blush, why not?" And he tugs you even closer until your foreheads touch. Then, in a movement so gentle you fear he might break, he allows his mouth to catch yours.
You all but melt, arms slipping around his shoulders as you deepen the kiss with a sigh. Ten grunts in response, pressing one last chaste kiss on your lips before pulling back to hug you against his chest.
He allows his head to rest against your temple, and when you hug him, you swear you can hear his heart throbbing in his chest.
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angry-geese · 3 years
Can I request nsfw+fluff gojo x fem!reader? (established relationships) Just gojo being horny and needy after weeks not seeing reader due to work. (Uuuu and may I add breeding kink too <3 ) Lmaooo what's wrong with me✋🏻😔 I love your works btw and just take your time💕💕 here *slides a cookie 🍪 *
YESSSS gojo + breeding kink is top tier. i got a little carried away with this one lol
When We Meet Again
Gojo Satoru x Reader
Warnings: shameless smut. oral (fem receiving), creampies, mating press, unprotected sex, fingering, fluff and smut. slight somnophilia (kinda??) fem!reader
Word Count: 3.7k
jjk masterlist
It's well past midnight by the time he gets home.
Save for a single light in the kitchen, the apartment is dark. Leftover pastries sit out on the counter, covered with a bowl to keep bugs from getting to them, alongside your keys, and an empty mug of tea. A grocery list has been stuck to the fridge. A rack of dishes sits beside the sink, drying.
You're not in your usual spot on the couch. He's not surprised. It's late. And though you don't have work in the morning, you were never one to stay up so long. You must have gone to bed already. You might have stayed up had he bothered to tell you he was coming home. But he didn't. His plans changed at the last moment, and not even he knew he'd be back so soon.
He hates being gone this long. He misses sleeping in his own bed. Sometimes he forgets just how cold a bed can be without someone else in it.
The door to your shared room is open. Though it's dark. There's a faint green glow from the alarm clock on the side table. The moon is full enough tonight to provide a bit of light; a pale silver glow fills the room. And there you are, curled up on his side of the bed. In one of his shirts. A black button up that’s a bit too big for you, with sleeves that hang well past your fingertips.
It's not like he can refuse. If he’s getting called out to help, then there's probably not someone who can go in his place. The strongest doesn't really have time to take a vacation. He’s on call 24/7. Between his teaching job at Jujutsu Tech, and the major clans of Jujutsu society constantly demanding his attention, he’s rather short on free time.
It was a tedious job. Not worth his time. Not particularly tough, albeit time consuming. But the previous two sorcerers came back with nothing. And so he was sent out. Cleaning up someone else's mess.
The first week he called every day. The job wasn’t supposed to take any longer than that. Or so you both assumed. As the second rolled through, your calls grew shorter, and less frequent. He found himself frustrated with the lack of contact. It wasn't either of your faults. Your work called for you to be out during the little free time he had. Overtime. When you did have time to call each other, you were often exhausted, and short with him. The distance was putting a strain on your relationship.
The worst part of it all; he couldn't fuck you. And for a man that could go multiple rounds in a day, that was miserable. His love language is touch. Not being able to hold you was… well, miserable.
You don't really know the extent of the effect you have on him.
He's too tired to change, and he showered before he left, so he strips to his boxers and pulls his side of the blankets aside. Tomorrow is laundry day anyway. You always choose Sundays for laundry day, because that's the day before you have to go back to work. There's just enough room between you and the edge of the bed for him to slip in.
When something makes him stop dead in his tracks.
It's your voice. You’re calling out his name. You aren't awake, and though you do sometimes talk in your sleep, tonight is different. When it does happen, it's usually nonsense. Soft, endearing babble that he can't help but listen to. He says your name, softly, but you don't respond. Enough moonlight streams in through the window to see your face. Your brows are knit in concentration—possibly frustration—and sweat beads in your hairline.
Are you having a nightmare?
The bed dips under his weight as he sits, resting a hand on your thigh. Your skin is rather warm, he notes. You roll over onto your side, burying your face in his pillow. He pulls the blankets up, tucking them around your shoulders, as you’ve kicked them down by your feet in your sleep.
There it is again. You say his name, but there's a level of desperation behind it.
There's no denying the wetness between your thighs. You squeeze your thighs together in an unconscious attempt to get some relief. Your breathing is labored.
It's only a moment later that the realization kicks in.
The grin that splits his face can only be described as malicious in nature.
His hand creeps higher on your thigh, nudging the hem of your—his—shirt up. You’re not wearing anything underneath. The sight of your slick cunt is nearly enough to make his cock stand to attention.
His gaze falls to the curve of your hips, just barely illuminated by the moonlight. He likes the light of you in his shirt a little more than he likes to admit. Though he’s never been quiet about how much he appreciates your body.
Your body freezes the moment his thumb grazes across your slit. So does he. You’re so wet. Must be a real nice dream. You roll onto your back, your legs parted slightly. The soft gasps and moans that leave you are like music to his ears. Gojo takes this as an invitation to continue, his hand moving further up your thigh, lazily tracing circles into it.
You must've missed him more than he expected.
Your body registers that someone is touching you before it registers just who is doing such. In your sleepy, dream-ridden state you don't recognize the figure in front of you. In the dim light of the room, you can make out a mess of white hair, and the reflection of dark, round glasses shoved up into his hairline. Gojo’s eyes practically reflect in the dark.
You jolt awake, sitting up. “Jesus christ-”
“‘S just me, Mochi,” he says, though it does little to settle your nerves.
If you weren't awake before, you certainly are now.
“What? You watch people in their sleep now?!” You scold. “‘Toru- you scared the hell out of me!”
You flop back on the bed. The blankets pool around your hips. You reach to pull them back up, finding your bed colder than usual.
"You were calling out my name." He says.
"Oh," you say, and though there's little light in the room, he watches your face flush, "must have been dreaming about you."
“Wanna recreate what you were dreaming?” He asks. Rather smugly, might you add.
You roll your eyes. “Go to sleep.”
"Scoot over then. I'm gonna fall off the bed."
This prompts an evil sounding giggle from you, followed by a: "fall then."
"Alright," he says, rolling over to lay on you, throwing his arm around your waist. You’re effectively pinned under him, as the awkward angle won't allow you any leverage to throw him off. He attacks the exposed part of your neck with kisses, sucking hickeys into the flesh of your neck and shoulders. His hair tickles your skin.
“‘Toru- stop!” You squeal. “Let me go-”
“Not until you apologize,” he says, planting a wet kiss on your jaw.
“Then I guess I won't let you go.”
His arms wrap around you from behind, pulling you flush to his chest. One of his hands finds your own, his fingers lacing with yours. His legs tangle with yours in a way that holds them in place. Worming out of his grip in this position would be a near impossible task.
You suppose there’s worse fates than this.
It would be easier to stay awake if he wasn't so warm. Or if he didn't smell so nice. Or if he wasn't softly rocking your body with each breath he takes. His thumb traces soft circles around your knuckles. Gojo’s breath is warm against your neck, making goosebumps rise along the soft flesh. The steady sound of it is almost enough to lull you to sleep.
"I missed you." You say. Your voice is almost too soft to hear.
“I know.” He says. His arms give your midsection a reaffirming squeeze. “I missed you too.”
“How was work?”
“A shitshow,” he says, leaning to nip at your earlobe, “but I get to come home to you, so it’s not all bad. How’s everything been around here?”
“Quiet.” You say. “Kinda boring without you. I wish you told me you’d be home tonight. I would have done something special.”
“It was a spur of the moment decision.” He says. “I didn't expect to be home so soon either.”
“We should do something tomorrow, then,” you say, “a new ramen place opened up down the street. You know where the old bakery used to be? They leased the place out.”
Gojo hums in response. Ramen sounds nice. Especially now. But he’s too tired and too horny to worry about food. Why have ramen when he has a meal right in front of him? Or a snack, as he often likes to call you. To which you roll your eyes, but there's no denying how he makes you blush.
You take back what you said about finding it easy to sleep. He’s moving around a bit too much for that. Gojo isn't subtle about it either. Nothing about the man is. He foregos subtly in favor of announcing nearly everything he does. Loudly. Who would dare stop him?
But you guess it's part of his charm. His dorky, sappy charm. You’ve kind of signed up for it, so you’re not complaining.
You scoot away from the edge of the bed a bit, thinking he needs more room. Gojo pulls you back to his chest, thinking you’re trying to run away from him.
“Quit squirming.” You hiss.
“Sorry Mochi,” he says, “just tryna get comfortable.”
And he really does mean it. But he’s been gone from you for so long that he's forgotten how nice your body feels against his. A little too nice, he’ll admit. Phone sex is nice, but it's not the same as the real thing. It gets old after a while. His hand doesn't quite compare to yours. Or the real thing. Something hard presses against your thigh from behind.
That's when it clicks. You just smell so nice. Your body is so warm against his. You look so nice in his shirt. Can you really blame him for getting hard?
You aren't sure he knows that you know. You shift a bit. It appears you’re only trying to get comfortable. His grip around your waist loosens, allowing you to settle a bit closer to him. You can't help it if your shirt rides up a bit, exposing the perfect curve of your ass. He prefers you in nothing at all, though the sight of you wearing his clothes is certainly a nice one. Any sight of you is. Gojo is shameless in the way he adores your body.
Once settled, his arms return to your waist. His head falls into the crook of your neck. He’s doing little to hide the tent he sports in his boxers. Maybe he thinks you don't notice. Or maybe he’s trying to ignore it.
“Stop that,” he says.
“I'm not doing anything,” you say, with the same evil giggle as before.
“Why do I not believe you?”
His lips find your neck, sucking a dark mark into your pulsepoint. The sudden sensation of lips on your neck makes you squeal. In your ear he coos every sappy nickname in the book that makes you blush.
You hardly notice as his hand trails lower. Your legs part just enough for him to slip his hand between them. He does nothing but seek out your warmth. Yet.
A familiar tension returns to your stomach. It's not unpleasant.
So that's what he was doing. Not that you’re complaining.
“Missed you, Mochi,” he says, gasping at the wet feeling of your cunt, “missed you so much. You have any clue what it's like being around all those weird old men all day? For days on end, no end in sight?”
It always surprises you just how bad the man can be with words, yet how good he is with his mouth.
His fingers find your clit, drawing lazy circles around the bundle of nerves. Your breath catches in your throat. You can't deny how nice his long fingers feel inside of you.
“Seems like you’ve missed me too.” He says, his breath warm against your ear.
“Whatever you want to think, old man,” you say. Though you have missed him. You always do. But there's some fun to be had by teasing him.
“Old man?!” He sounds genuinely hurt. “Don't be like that. I know you like having me around.”
“Oh really? What makes you think that?”
His fingers move to press into the tight entrance of your cunt, his thumb brushing across your clit. The soft gasp that leaves you is practically music to his ears. To give him credit, he is good with his hands.
“Did you think about me while I was gone,” he coos, “did you touch yourself while you did it? I did. Couldn't keep my mind off this sweet cunt of yours. I think I want a taste.”
Your only response is a soft moan. Heat pools low in your stomach, growing in intensity with each skilled movement of his hand. He moves so you can lay on your back. Your hands find the sheets, holding them in a death grip. Gojo nudges your legs further apart with one of his knees.
The kiss he pulls you into is uncharacteristically soft, and needy. He moans nearly as loud as you when you nibble on his bottom lip, hips lips parting, allowing the strong muscle of your tongue to explore his mouth.
Your hands work to undo the top few buttons of your shirt, exposing your breasts. His free hand comes up to grope appreciatively at your tits. Gojo has never been shy about how much he adores them. Or shy ever, to his credit. You’re his, and he would show you off to the world if you’d let him.
But sometimes he prefers to steal you into his domain, and hold you there. Close. Where you’ll always be at his side. The one place in this universe he can truly promise you’ll be safe.
You hardly notice as his kisses trail down your neck. Down the valley between your breasts. Working the last few buttons of your shirt open with his long fingers. What you do notice is the sudden absence of his hand.
Your legs part to give him room to settle between them. His head rests on your stomach. His warm breath tickles your skin.
"You gonna let me have a taste?" He asks, nipping at your thigh.
You swallow hard, eyes locked on him. Slowly, you nod.
You gasp at the feeling of his warm tongue, licking a stripe from your bellybutton to your mound. He's not touching you where you need him most. And that frustrates you. You buck your hips up towards his mouth, eliciting a soft laugh from him. He can't tease you too long. His cock is painfully hard, leaking against his thigh in his boxers. He can only hold himself back for so long.
You freeze at the feeling of a hot tongue against your clit.
Gojo eats pussy like a starving man, presented with his favorite meal. He does nothing short of savoring you. How you smell, how you taste, how you sound. He's shameless in how he adores this. Gojo moans nearly as loud as you at the taste of your cunt. Sweeter than his favorite dish. Meant to be savored.
You can't deny that he's good with his mouth. His tongue works circles around your clit, drawing gasps and moans from you.
Heat builds in your stomach, drawing you closer to your impending orgasm. One that comes upon you far sooner than expected.
Maybe you’re more pent up than you thought.
Your thighs clench around his head as you cum hard. He lets you ride out your orgasm on his tongue, working you through it with his skilled mouth. He’d stay with his head between your legs forever if you’d let him. Which you don't, as overstimulation soon registers in your lust addled mind, and you shove his head away.
The lower half of his face glistens in the dim light, wet with saliva, and your own slick. He’s far from subtle in the way he licks his lips, or groans at your taste. He may have gotten a bit too excited. It's not unlike him to get carried away. How can he resist a fertile cunt like yours?
“I think you should taste yourself,” he says. His hands move to cup your face as he pulls you into a kiss. You taste yourself on his lips. His hardened cock grinds against his thigh.
“‘Toru-” you whine.
“What's the matter baby?” He coos. “Use your words.”
“Fuck me.” You say. “I need you, ‘Toru. I need your cock in me.”
“Why didn't you say so?” He says, though the desperation in his voice is palpable.
He wastes no time in shoving his boxers down his hips, freeing his cock.
He’s not the most intimidating in size, but his cock is nice, and fairly thick, with a slight upward curve. The patch of hairs towards the base are soft, and white. Generally you don't need a whole lot of prep to take him. Which is helpful when he can't keep his hands to himself, and insists on fucking you in the bathroom during dinner. As much as he likes to take his time with you, he’ll take you anywhere you’ll let him. At work, or over every flat surface of your apartment. Not a single room of your home was spared. Not that either of you mind.
“Gotta work you open first,” he says, “don't want you to be too tight, do we?”
Between his saliva, and your own slick, you put up little resistance. He’s able to slide one finger in. Then a second, with no issue. His fingers curve, stroking your g-spot. His thumb works soft circles around your sensitive clit as he works you open with his fingers. Really, this is unnecessary. Your cunt is practically dripping with your own arousal.
He makes a show of licking his fingers, groaning at the taste of you. Gojo really has no shame.
The moan he lets out as he sheathes himself is truly sinful.
It's another moment before he starts thrusting.
Gojo needs a moment to collect himself. He’s been working himself up for hours if not days. All the nights he spent, thinking of what he’d do to you once he got home. He’s gone over this day in his head about a hundred times.
The sound of his hips slapping against yours fills the room. His taunts turn into senseless babble. Strands of praise mixed with Gojo’s overall dorky remarks. Pleas of your name, calling you mochi, baby, honey, and every other sappy nickname he can think of. His head falls into the crook of your neck, nipping and sucking at the soft skin. He’s not going to let you leave this bed until you’re thoroughly marked up.
Tension grows in your stomach like a rubber band being stretched tight. Your previous orgasm has left you overly sensitive, and leaves another orgasm creeping up on you sooner than expected. His hand falls to your stomach, working lower until his thumb finds your clit, rubbing the sensitive nub.
He presses your legs further back, shoving them almost to your chest. The stretch leaves a pleasant burn in your hips. Your body isn't really meant to bend this way, though it’s not completely uncomfortable. It's not long before he has you into a full mating press, rutting against you desperately, fucking you into the mattress. The bed frame groans in protest with each of his thrusts. Deep, and unrelenting. Gojo’s cock curves in such a way that hits your sweet spots just right, leaving you writing under him.
“Gonna put a baby in you, Mochi,” he says, “gonna breed this pretty cunt of yours.”
You nod along desperately. You want nothing more than for him to cum inside, filling you completely.
He silences your moan with a kiss, his teeth clashing against yours. His tongue presses past your lips, exploring the wet cavern of your mouth. You can still taste yourself on him.
A line of saliva connects your lips as he pulls away.
“Not gonna ask you to take all of it,” he says, “but take everything I got.”
And with that, he can't hold back any longer, painting your womb white. Gojo’s cum is normally thick, and there's normally a lot of it. Today even moreso. Two weeks away hasn't helped with that. Cum runs down your thighs in streams, ruining your sheets.
The elders aren't going to be happy that he’s so reckless with his precious seed, but Gojo couldn't give a damn. The elders can talk all they want. That's all they're good for. He gets to cum in a warm place, and that's more than any of the others can say.
He practically collapses on top of you.
Gojo shifts so less of his body weight is on top of you. And though the room is rather warm, you find yourself nuzzling into his body, seeking out his warmth. His arms have always given you a sense of security, especially when wrapped up in them. They find your waist, pulling your back flush to his chest.
For a moment the two of you lay there, basking in each other's warmth.
You’ll have to get up in a bit anyway. To clean yourself up, and change the sheets. And get a new shirt. Probably another one of Gojo’s. He’s never been against seeing you wear his clothes. They never stay on you for long, though.
You pry his arms off, swinging your legs over the side of the bed, but he notices, and tightens his grip.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asks, sounding rather offended.
“To get a drink,” you say, “I'm thirsty. Why? Do you want one too?”
“You think I’d let you go after just one round?” He asks. “You’re not leaving this bed until I’ve fucked you full of my cum.”
You're in for a long night.
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krappykawa · 4 years
fake dating headcanons with atsumu, oikawa, and kuroo
ANON ASKED: “hi i really like your writing 🥺🥺 could i request fake dating with atsumu, oikawa, and kuroo? like they told their teams that they have a girlfriend but they dont lmao so they ask one of their classmates to pretend to be their gf so the team can meet her? and they end up falling for her along the way :)) i look forward to reading more of ur works!! 💖”
atsumu x f!reader, oikawa x f!reader, kuroo x f!reader
genre. fluff
warnings. language
word count. 6.3k
note. DAMN this one got away from me ... 6.3k words for a headcanon post ...... sorry anon i’m not sure if you wanted a long post but i mean, here we are lol 
note 2. had to repost because something was up with the tags lol i hope it works fine this time
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- the team has a favorite twin and it’s osamu, we all know it
- one day after practice, the team finds out that one of the first-years managed to get a girlfriend
- most of the inarizaki vb team is single at that point in time so it starts a conversation about relationships
- somewhere in the conversation, aran says, “osamu, man. I can’t believe ya haven’t gotten a girlfriend yet. yer easily one of the best-looking people in the school.”
- osamu just shrugs, but atsumu’s like “huh??”
- “hey ‘samu and i have the same face. don’t cha mean that we’re some of the best-looking people in the school??”
- the guys in the locker room exchange glances
- aran‘s like “look, atsumu. don’t blow up on me or anything, but most girls don’t really want to date you.” (keep in mind that aran’s strictly speaking about the girls that aren’t a part of the miya twins fan club)
- “and why the hell not?”
- at this point, aran’s looking at literally everyone in the room and pleading with his eyes for help because he doesn’t want to start a fight with atsumu
- suna takes pity on aran and says, “hate to break it you, miya, but girls don’t want to date a guy who’s a massive asshole”
- now, atsumu could care less if the entire goddamn world thinks he’s an asshole, but it rubs him the wrong way that his teammates think that osamu’s a better catch than he is
- sibling rivalry pride or whatever
- so atsumu goes “i think my girlfriend would disagree because oh will ya look at that, she’s dating me!”
- he was most definitely not dating anyone
- osamu raises an eyebrow at him because to his knowledge, atsumu didn’t have a girlfriend
- “since when did you have a girlfriend?”
- osamu looks at atsumu with knowing eyes and smirks. “yeah sumu, who’s this girlfriend of yours? I don’t think i’ve met her yet.”
- atsumu knows he’s gotten himself in some deep shit
- but still he’s still full of pride, so he says, “i’ll bring her by to practice tomorrow.”
- now miya atsumu has a dilemma because there are some things he just shouldn’t lie about (because now he’ll never live it down if he can’t figure out a way to get himself out of this one)
- atsumu knows that he’s got that fanclub that would probably be more than willing to date him, but the thought of being in their presence for longer than two seconds makes his skin crawl because he doesn’t think he could handle the excessive screaming
- so that night he decides to go to the bakery down the street that he frequents because they have some of the best macarons in town
- you’re one of the bakers at that bakery that works the shift when he usually comes in for his weekly macarons so you two are acquainted
- you also go to inarizaki, so you hear the rumors that circulate around atsumu, but you don’t really pay much attention to them because he’s not that bad whenever he comes into the bakery
- like sometimes if he tries to only order 2 macarons but notices that there are only 5 macarons left, he’ll buy them all just to make your life easier
- when he comes in that day, he has this troubled look on his face. “hey y/n. can i just have my usual? oh and an iced matcha.”
- you like to keep tabs on your regulars and what they order, so when he orders an iced matcha, you know that something’s probably up (he never orders drinks from there because he said that his brother would kill him if he didn’t bring him home a drink too and having to carry the two drinks up to their apartment is hassle enough)
- you’re in the middle of making his drink when you decide to ask him what’s up “everything alright?”
- it’s almost time to close up and you two are the only two left so you figured you had time for small talk
- “i may have outright lied to my team about havin’ a girlfriend.”
- “you don’t?” that surprises you because so many girls at your school have a crush on the miya twins (you would know because your best friend is practically in love with osamu)
- when atsumu shakes his head dejectedly, you don’t quite understand what he’s so down for
- “you do know that there are like 50 girls that are practically lining up to date you right?”
- “yeah, but they’d expect a real relationship and i’m no good at those.”
- “why not?”
- “i’m too argumentative, let's just say, plus i’ve been told that i kinda come off as an asshole.”
- “and volleyball right?” you would know since he always comes into the bakery after a practice and he looks like he’s both dead and alive
- when you hand him his matcha and packet of macarons, he pauses
- “listen, don’t take this the wrong way but yer single right?”
- you almost smile to yourself because wow for a guy so attractive, his way with words isn’t great
- “i am.”
- he stands there for a good 20 seconds just looking at you with that look in his eyes that tells you that he’s trying to ask you something but he doesn’t know how to do it
- “you want me to act as your fake girlfriend don’t you?”
- cue atsumu chuckle @%EUTYDJBCJWER)*&# hhhhfs
- “ya know, i’m kinda seein’ why i get called an asshole all the time. it doesn’t sound as great when ya’ say it like that.”
- you agree to pretend to be his girlfriend, but on the condition that your best friend will be able to tag along if osamu’s gonna be there
- and that’s the start of it
- you visit his practice the next day before work and his team looks at you in surprise because they were 100% sure that having a girlfriend was just another one of atsumu’s lies
- they all kinda stare at you a little extra too because you’re really pretty
- “aye, get yer asses back to volleyball and stop starin’ at my girl like that.”
- you know it’s all fake, but him saying that kinda makes you blush anyways
- when you first agreed to fake dating him, you weren’t expecting that you’d have to spend too much time with him (he did tell you that he wasn’t looking for a real relationship) but that changes because osamu’s insistent that atsumu should at least try to be a good boyfriend and eat lunch with you and stuff
- you’re both aware that osamu doesn’t buy your little arrangement one bit
- atsumu’s got this raging pride when it comes to his twin brother, so he actually listens because now he’s made it his personal mission to convince osamu that you and him are actually dating
- it takes a while for you two to get into the hang of it, but once you do, it’s like a regular routine
- you and your best friend eat lunch with the twins (you and atsumu both watch as your best friend fumbles her way into talking with osamu), you drop by before work to give atsumu a kiss on the cheek before practice, he drops by the bakery after practice nearly everyday, and you come to his games while wearing a jersey that he lent you
- his teammates like you a lot and tease atsumu all the time because they claim that you’re way too good for him
- surprisingly, he always gets a little protective when they say things like that and always slips an arm around your waist
- one day when you’re over at his apartment, you help atsumu learn how to make macarons (with some help from osamu)
- it takes a while because he would get mad at the macarons when they would come out in weird shapes
- “stupid macarons! they got it out for me i’m tellin’ ya! they’re being like that on purpose!”
- you learn to like that about him though
- dates with him are usually on the weekends (you both drag osamu and your best friend out with you) and it’s always something fun that osamu suggests because atsumu wasn’t joking when he said he sucks at real relationships
- most of these dates consist of holding hands as you walk around the streets until osamu sees a restaurant he wants to try out
- he always insists on feeding you at least once in your meal
- he also loves doing the walrus-chopsticks face?? (he only started doing it because he liked hearing you laugh)
- as time passes, you two start going on dates without osamu and your best friend (atsumu always claims that it’s because he wants to show osamu up, but you start to notice that osamu doesn’t even find out about these dates most of the time)
- you secretly like these dates better than those with osamu and your best friend because atsumu feels more at ease and will develop a softer tone around you during these dates
- eventually, he starts to always greet you with a forehead kiss whenever you’re in public (you’re not sure if he does it just because his brother is watching, or if maybe he might be starting to like you)
- you try to make your brain forget that most of the time, he kisses your forehead before osamu even walks in
- one day after practice, you’re waiting for him because you didn’t have a shift at the bakery that day
- he walks out of the club room looking mildly pissed and you’re a little wary
- but then he gets to where you’re standing and just pulls your waist towards him and full on kisses you
- mind you, this is your first kiss on the lips with him
- it’s not a quick peck either, like you can hear the wolf whistles from his teammates in the back and you’re left breathing hard and flushed pink afterwards
- damn if that’s what his kisses are like, you suddenly wish he’d do it more often
- “what was that for?”
- “nothin’”
- sometime in the future you find out that he did that because his teammates were once again talking about your relationship and one of them joked that atsumu paid you to pretend to be his girlfriend
- he knew that what you had wasn’t necessarily real, but he just had the urge to kiss you then (he swears to you that he doesn’t know why)
- he does know why. it was because it was starting to slip his mind that your relationship was fake and the reminder made him a little mad at himself
- he realizes that maybe he’s fallen in love with you when osamu brings it up
- atsumu had asked for osamu’s help because he wanted to surprise you by making you mochis for your upcoming four month anniversary of being his fake girlfriend (typing this out was so funny, this man is so whipped he doesn’t know it)
- “ya know, when i first met y/n, i was sure that it was all fake and that you’d slip up about it one day. i guess i was wrong.”
- atsumu doesn’t say anything to that because in his head he’s trying to convince himself that “no. this is all still fake.” but it’s hard to convince himself of that when his hands are covered in the rice flower that he’s using to make your favorite dessert for your four months of faking being together
- he tries not to think about what osamu said when he gives you the gifts later that night
- he tries not to think about it when he gets that funny feeling that he’s been feeling for a while now when he sees the way you light up upon opening the box of mochis
- he most definitely tries not to think about it when you accidentally give him your second kiss of the relationship because you were caught up in the spur of the moment
- it’s on the way home back to his apartment that night that he realizes he’s fucked
- because good god he’s fallen for you
- he tries to break it off after that
- you’re confused at how sudden it is, but you let him break it off because at that point you’re already in love with him and are still too scared to say it because you keep remembering how he always said that he didn’t want a real relationship
- he tries to go back to normal after that
- but for the love of everything he just . can’t
- his eyes always linger a little too long on the door right before practice because you would always come see him before going to work
- his feet would instinctively move in the direction of the bakery after practices until he realizes what he’s doing and forces himself to go home
- his eyes would scan for your figure wearing his jersey during games until he remembers that you probably weren’t there and that you most definitely wouldn’t be wearing his jersey
- he wants to kick himself because the reason he asked you to be his fake girlfriend in the first place was because he didn’t want a real relationship
- yet here he was. wallowing because if there’s anything more he wants, it’s a real relationship with you
- osamu gets fed up with him eventually
- “take yer ass to the bakery right after practice. i’m not letting you into the apartment until you see her.”
- and surprisingly, he actually listens to his twin brother
- he walks into the bakery for the first time in a while and says “hey y/n. can i just have my usual? oh and an iced matcha.”
- you look up at him then because you vividly remember that night. how could you not?
- you’re in the middle of making his drink when you decide to ask him what’s up “everything alright?”
- “i may have outright lied to myself about loving you.”
- you nearly drop the drink in your hands
- “‘tsumu? what are you on about?”
- “i know i said that i’m no good at real relationships. but i’ve found that i want to learn to be good.”
- a pause
- “i want to learn with ya.”
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- this poor boy is always the butt of the jokes that come from his team
- seriously though. it’s always “tease oikawa day” (he teases them back so it’s all good)
- but one day, they’re all in the locker room when hanamaki brings up this girl that he’s planning on asking out because he’s not sure how to do it
- oikawa, being the little shit that he is, goes “step one, makki. have my face. step two, have my amazing personality. step three, ask her out.”
- he barely ducks in time to miss the shoe that comes flying towards his head
- “makki! such unbecoming behavior! my advice is perfect!”
- matsukawa snorts and says “perfect advice my ass. you can’t even get anyone to like you. let alone go out with you, crappykawa.”
- “don’t spread lies, mattsun.” oikawa clicks his tongue like a mother scolding his child. “or do you seem to forget the dozens of confessions i get on the daily along with the girls that you three complain about all the time because ugh shittykawa’s gonna make us late if he keeps talking to them” (he’s so dramatic lol he says that last part in this weird, whiny voice)
- iwaizumi scoffs. “doesn’t count when you reject every single one.”
- “i do not!”
- “right. right. as if you don’t make them cry because you’re so nice about rejecting them too.” (oikawa frowns at that one because he doesn’t mean to make them cry)
- “yeah, shittykawa, you’re pretty bad at love in general. i’d die before listening to your advice.” (this one is from matsukawa)
- “there’s also the fact that the girlfriend’s you did have all broke up with you because you would rather cuddle with a volleyball than cuddle with them.” (this one is from hanamaki)
- oikawa scowls at them “i don’t cuddle my volleyball.”
- “sure you don’t. just like you most definitely don’t have a name for it either.”
- “leave iwa-chan the second out of this!” (he drew an angry face on his volleyball too because he claims it looks like iwaizumi)
- iwaizumi groans. “i hate you. so so much.”
- at this point, oikawa knows they’re right, but he’s also really prideful. “and besides. i would suggest taking my advice because i got a girlfriend just today!”
- he most definitely did not
- “sure you did. hey mattsun, i bet a week tops until she breaks up with him.”
- “nah i’ll bet five days.”
- after practice, oikawa came up with a plan for the next day to get himself out of the hole he dug for himself
- he usually got confessions before school, so he told iwaizumi that he was going to school early to practice and instead waited for a girl to confess to him
- but the moment he saw this second-year walk up to him with a little box, he knew he wouldn’t be able to do it
- he couldn’t do that to this innocent girl
- and he tries to say yes to her. he really does.
- but he can practically hear his older sister’s voice yelling at him about how “even when you get popular and get confessions from people left and right, i don’t want you leading anyone on. you only accept a confession if you actually like them.”
- he’s probably more scared of his sister than he is of his own mother, so he says no to that second-year, even when she starts to frown and walk away
- he’s leaning against the gym and rubbing the bridge of his nose when he hears you
- “everything alright?”
- you two were pretty close because he found out that you had a crush on iwaizumi in your second year and tried to set you two up (it didn’t work because he’s pretty bad at being a wingman)
- even when iwaizumi rejected you, oikawa had already grown to like your presence, so you two stayed friends despite how his best friend broke your heart
- “y/n-chan! what are you doing here so early?”
- “just returning a book to the library before the librarian knocks down my door and kicks my ass for having an overdue library book. what are you doing here so early?”
- “would you believe me if i said that i was practicing volleyball?”
- you look him up and down, and the smell of fresh cologne reaches your nostrils. his uniform is neatly put together.
- “looking like that? no, no i would not.”
- “well, what would you believe?”
- “i don’t know .. the truth maybe?”
- “the truth is embarrassing and is defamation to my good name.” that makes you raise your brow at him.
- “okay now i only want to hear the truth. i will not accept anything but the truth. now tell me, what kind of embarrassment have you proved yourself to be this morning?”
- “so mean, y/n-chan! now i see why you so very adored our precious iwa-chan.”
- you groan because you don’t want to remember that rejection. “oh just hurry up and embarrass yourself instead of embarrassing me.”
- “but it’s quite embarrassing.”
- “come on, spit it out.”
- “i may or may not have told iwa-chan, makki, and mattsun that i have a girlfriend when i don’t have one.”
- you look at him like he’s the dumbest person you’ve ever met, because at that moment, you really believed that he was. “couldn’t you just … i don’t know … accept one of your many, many confessions?”
- oikawa tells you about his fear of his sister and the second-year that just confessed to him
- you find yourself admiring his sister because she’s probably the one person on this planet that can humble oikawa tooru (the next person to be able to do so will be you, but you don’t know that yet)
- after hearing his explanation you get an idea. “can’t you ask someone to fake being in a relationship with you? you know, so you don’t get the angry sister devil/angel thing on your shoulder?” (LOL if you don’t get what the angel/devil thing that i’m talking about is, it’s like when you have an imaginary angel and a devil that sits on your shoulders and criticizes every choice you make)
- “are you offering, y/n?” he has that shit-eating grin on his face again, so you know he’s mostly joking
- “hmm, i don’t know. i think you’ll have to formally ask me to be your fake girlfriend. it’s only polite after all.”
- oikawa blinks for a second because he didn’t actually think you were serious. “what?”
- “are you going to ask me to be your fake girlfriend or not? maybe throw in a flower and i’ll say yes.”
- oh. oh.
- well, he wasn’t going to let what might be his only opportunity to get someone to fake date him pass by
- he looks around and sees a small flower on the ground and picks it
- he takes both your hands and puts the flower in one of them before saying, “y/n-chan will you, take me, oikawa tooru, as your loving pretend boyfriend, and save me from irrevocable embarrassment?”
- you laugh in his face because he’s trying so hard not to laugh through his “proposal.”
- “minus points for not getting on one knee but i guess i do.”
- you mainly did it because you may have already gotten rejected by iwaizumi, but you did like the possibility of being friends with him, and fake dating oikawa would probably let you do that
- you also kind of felt bad for oikawa, knowing that he wasn’t exaggerating how embarrassing it would be if his teammates found out he was lying
- when you and oikawa walk up to the seijoh third-years while holding hands, makki and mattsun are jostling each other while iwaizumi looks mildly surprised
- “see matsun! pay up!”
- oikawa and you both look in surprise as mattsun reluctantly shoves a few bills into makki’s awaiting hand
- oikawa’s looking between them both. “what bet did you use me for this time?”
- “i bet mattsun that you and y/n secretly liked each other.”
- blink blink
- iwaizumi sees the mildly awkward situation brewing so he says, “anyways, y/n if you ever get tired of this dumbass, you’re more than welcome into our group. we’ll just kick oikawa out.”
- after that, you and oikawa fall into a dating routine easily (you have a pretty busy schedule too so both you and oikawa understand each other schedules well)
- usually this is where oikawa’s relationships fail. he spends so much time with volleyball and the team that he doesn’t really spend time with his significant others
- it’s different with you though. maybe it’s the fact that the stakes aren’t so high because it’s only a fake relationship after all, or maybe it’s because unlike his past significant others, you don’t mind spending most of your time and “dates” with the other seijoh third-years, or maybe it’s because he remembers that locker room conversation and he wants to prove to makki, mattsun, and iwaizumi that he can be a good boyfriend (even if it’s a good fake boyfriend)
- dates with oikawa are usually laid-back because he’s tired from practice (so like walks in the park, getting ice cream, or study dates where you don’t get much done because you spend most of it just laughing and cooking in his kitchen)
- you find that he’s secretly a decent cook (the only thing keeping from saying that he’s a good cook is because he can’t cut vegetables for his life, and he also managed to accidently burn the onions you were trying to caramelize).
- neither of you acknowledge the fact that since nobody’s there to see those dates, you two technically don’t have to go on them since it’s only a fake relationship
- oh and takeru LOVES you
- seriously. he thinks you’re probably the coolest person ever (he tells you one day that he thinks you’re even cooler than oikawa and oikawa is a pouting mess the rest of your day. you can only pull him out of his slump when you jump on his back and force him to run to the bakery and buy milk bread)
- sometimes you’ll come with oikawa when he needs to watch takeru
- as takeru teaches you how to receive a volleyball, oikawa will watch you two with a little smile on his face (this loser is so whipped like man people passing by reminisce on how they were young and in love once because oikawa looks at you like that. oikawa doesn’t notice that he’s doing it though.)
- you sometimes spend time at his house with iwaizumi or on select days just by yourself (mostly for study dates or for watching weird sci-fi movies that oikawa seems to love)
- since you’re at his house so often, oikawa’s mother takes a liking to you because “you finally got her boy to care about something that isn’t volleyball.”
- it’s when oikawa groans a “moooom” in response that you start to feel those pesky butterflies
- oikawa will run up to you after games and just hold you tightly (he tells himself that it’s because his fan club and the team are watching, but really it’s because he can’t thank you enough for being there because he just plays better when you’re watching)
- my god, dUDE . he has no idea that he loves you like . MAN .
- mattsun, makki, and iwaizumi always tease oikawa about how you’re so much cooler than him
- oikawa whines to you and says, “y/n-channn they’re being mean again!”
- “what do you want me to do about it?”
- oikawa pouts like the baby he is and says, “kiss,” while pointing to his cheek. you give in and a round of groans comes from mattsun and makki. oikawa looks so smug and those pesky stomach feelings come back. iwaizumi is smiling to himself.
- speaking of iwaizumi
- you two become best friends after he finds you looking dejected as you wait for oikawa to get out of practice. you confided with him about how your relationship was all pretend. you might have also told him that you may be teensy bit in love with his captain
- iwaizumi tells you that, “there are some things you just ... can’t fake. the way that shithead looks at you is one of them. trust me.”
- he also tells you that his suspicion that you and oikawa had this weird spark was what kept him from ever reciprocating your feelings and why he rejected you (oikawa literally tried being your wingman before by texting iwaizumi things like “did you see how pretty y/n was today? don’t you think she was pretty?” and “iwa-chan! y/n is so funny and that’s coming from me, so she really is funny! i think maybe you should talk to her to see what i’m talking about (≧◡≦)”)
- at this point everyone knows that you’re in love with oikawa for real (except for oikawa himself)
- everyone also knows that oikawa’s fallen for you (except for oikawa himself, and you because you refuse to believe it)
- the moment he realizes he’s in love with you is on another one of those dates that you both know you don’t have to have but still choose to have anyway
- you’re making milk bread and he’s helping to measure the ingredients when he turns around to see you covered in flour and he just kinda stops
- and he realizes
- like yeah he’s been getting that small tugging feeling with you a lot over these past few months
- but now he finally realizes it’s because he’s in love with you
- he’s staring for a long time and for a second you think he’s going to make fun of your flour-coated self, but he’s staring at you with that look and you’re confused
- “everything okay? is there something wrong? did you mess up the measurements?”
- then an idea hits him
- “something’s wrong. it’s kind of embarassing though.”
- “what is it?”
- “no but it’s really embarrassing.”
- “what .. what is it?”
- cue cheeky little grin. “i think i might’ve fallen in love with my fake girlfriend. i don’t have another flower to ask her out though. i hope she doesn’t say no.”
- you kiss him for the first time then and take pride in the fact that you get him covered in flour in the process
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- it happened the second day that you were at the tokyo training camp
- kuroo was with bokuto and a few of the karasuno first-years when bokuto started telling the first-years that kuroo had a girlfriend because he saw kuroo helping you carry your bags the day before (listen . this man is like . clueless when it comes to emotions sometimes i’msosorry)
- kuroo got this confused look on his face because he thought he would remember getting a girlfriend. “i do?”
- “don’t you? remember the girl you were holding hands with yesterday?”
- this was all some big misunderstanding
- so basically what happened was this: you’re shinzen’s team manager and you were tasked with carrying bags of equipment to the training center. kuroo was waiting for kenma to finish talking with lev (more like trying to avoid though lmao) and noticed that you were struggling so he came over to help
- kuroo figured that bokuto must’ve seen him holding the bags for you and assumed that something must’ve been going on (or maybe he looked over for the split second when kuroo held your hand in order to transfer the bags to his hand)
- he was about to clear things up when lo and behold, you walked into the gym
- “kuroo look! it’s your girlfriend! hey, come join us!”
- bless bokuto’s soul. bless that poor, oblivious soul.
- you walked up to them and looked at kuroo like “what??”
- you remembered him from the day before, but you didn’t remember ever agreeing to being his girlfriend of any sort
- he smiled apologetically at you and asked to talk to you on the side
- “what’s going on? why did he call me your .. girlfriend?”
- “look i’m sorry, bo’s a little … i don’t know. he saw me carrying your bags yesterday and assumed. i’ll clear things up, don’t worry.”
- when you two headed back to where bokuto is standing, it was obvious that kuroo’s smooth-sailing explanation wasn’t happening anytime soon
- because lev was there, and so was yaku
- “KUROO-SENPAI? THIS IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND? SHE’S VERY PRETTY SENPAI!” (bless lev’s soul too. another part of the extremely oblivious club.)
- yaku took no hesitation in teasing kuroo. “since when does kuroo ever get any girl to like him? this is new. no offense, of course.”
- kuroo tried clearing up the air by saying, “guys- listen this has all been som-“
- hinata doesn’t let him finish either lmao “YOU’RE THE TEAM MANAGER FOR SHINZEN!” (extremely oblivious club member number 3 here)
- “a team manager, kuroo? what’d you do to get her to say yes? is she a chemistry nerd too?”
- “bo-“
- they kinda just went like that back and forth, and kuroo kept getting interrupted
- you were just laughing to the side because it was kind of funny
- you also kinda felt bad for kuroo because damn his friends had like no faith in his romantic skills at all??
- maybe that was what made you say it, but after his friends were done teasing him you said, “he’s kind of a catch though, don’t you think? nerdy and funny is a girl’s dream isn’t that what they say?”
- kuroo blinked at you because what??
- once kuroo got you alone by asking you to take a walk outside of the gym, he asked, “so … what does this make us?” (surprise, surprise, he never got the chance to tell them about the misunderstanding)
- you just shrugged because really how bad could this be? “i felt bad at how much they were teasing you, so we could keep up the fake boyfriend/girlfriend thing for the week. it shouldn’t be too bad. plus it’ll save you the embarrassment of having to tell your friends that you didn’t actually get a girlfriend.”
- you guys did pretty good for the week of the training camp
- you’d cheer him on in secret if he got a spike or a block during a practice game while simultaneously still watching shinzen’s game
- you two walked around the halls when bokuto was watching just to keep up pretenses
- you learned that he’s a major nerd during these walks, which you found really endearing
- on the last day of camp, he tried to throw pieces of broccoli in your mouth (he didn’t stop until he finally got it in after his 9th try)
- you guys initially planned to “break up” after the camp was over
- but here comes bokuto again
- “hey y/n! kuroo, akaashi, and i were gonna go out for karaoke tomorrow if you wanna join.”
- you grew to like bokuto too so you said you’d come
- it was actually a really fun night
- you and kuroo sang a duet together
- he also stole some of your ramen
- you took a video of bokuto as he serenaded akaashi
- when you guys are leaving to go home, bokuto goes “you two are so cute. y/n do me a favor and don’t break up with kuroo until after the qualifiers would you? i wanna play him at his full game.” (again. seriously, he basically is the greatest accidental wingman ever)
- “we can’t break his heart, can we?”
- “no, we can’t.”
- and so your fake relationship starts
- you don’t get to visit each other often because you don’t live in the same vicinity, but you guys text often (it’s a friend thing, you both swear to yourselves)
- on weekends when kuroo’s not spending time with kenma, he’ll ask you to meet him at a park or a cafe (you two always send selfies to bokuto during every date)
- dates with him are always really fun because he’s spontaneous and also very active so sometimes he’ll take you by the hand and just drag you places
- he is not afraid to smear different colors of ice cream on your nose and call you some obscure name from some really old movie that he may have watched that week
- he also makes you push him on the swings
- the little kids get mad because what is this rooster man doing taking up a swing when he’s so old
- you laugh at him when the kids eventually come up to him and ask if they can use the swing
- dates will usually last the whole day because you’re both fine with just walking around and randomly finding stuff to do
- with all that time spent talking, you two also get to know each other really well
- like basically your life stories
- it took him a while to open up and at first he insists that you tell your story first, but after a while you notice how he starts letting little things about his life slip here and there until he starts telling you bigger portions
- you also get really close with kenma
- not close close the way him and kuroo are, but kenma would probably see you as his second closest friend
- that’s why sometimes kenma tags along with you guys (it doesn’t feel like third wheeling or anything because both you and kuroo enjoy kenma’s presence as much as each other’s)
- eventually, once you two got the hang of it, you’re like the couple that everyone likes
- because you’re both pretty funny and overall just have nice vibes
- his team starts to call you mom and dad as a joke because sometimes when shinzen doesn’t have practice, you’ll stop by at nekoma at the end of practice just to say hi
- they’re not wrong about the mom and dad thing though (it’s a really cute dynamic though i swear)
- your team used to not like him at first because they were protective of you, but eventually they reluctantly warmed up to him
- they threatened to demolish him if he hurt you though
- you guys have lots of study dates too!!
- since you’re both busy because of volleyball related things, a lot of your schedule lines up with each other (this also means that kuroo knows when you haven’t had time to study)
- you’ll be sitting on his bed on your stomach with your legs draped across his thighs as you read your textbook and he’ll be sitting against his bed frame reading one of his assigned readings (i also like to think that kuroo has glasses for these readings that only you and kenma have seen)
- sometimes, when you finish studying before he finishes, you’ll come up behind him and just start to play with his hair
- his hair is actually really soft despite looking like a bird built its nest in it
- you also have two of his jackets that are just lying around your house
- he likes when you wear them because he thinks you look so cute (he doesn’t tell you that though)
- after a while, it’s like both of you have forgotten that this was all a ruse just so bokuto wouldn’t get heartbroken after you two break up
- at this point, kuroo has learned all your quirks, habits, and has also memorized your schedule
- like … he doesn’t realize that he’s fallen for you until someone points it out
- he realizes he’s fallen for you on the day that shinzen loses in the tournament (this would be your last match)
- now nekoma just played a game, but kuroo’s first instinct is to check whether or not shinzen won (he’s been doing this for every game in the tournament)
- when he sees that you lost, he knows that you’ll be sad and in need of a pick me up
- as kenma and him are packing up, he says, “shinzen lost today. i probably can’t make it to your house tonight. y/n will probably want to go out with her team for a bit, but she’ll probably crash at my place. do you think i should make her a strawberry cake? or maybe she’ll want onigiri? no, she’ll probably want the cake. she always gets the little smile with her one dimple whenever she eats my strawberry cake. makes me proud.”
- kenma’s just looking at kuroo with arched eyebrows because HIS BEST FRIEND IS WHIPPED
- kuroo doesn’t get why kenma’s looking at him like that because he thinks about things like that all the time. “what??”
- oh kenma knows your relationship is fake
- so he just looks at kuroo and says, “try to refrain getting down on one knee today. i doubt you have a ring, and i’ll bet that y/n will want a confession of you being hopelessly, madly in love with her before you propose by the way.”
- kuroo kind of freezes and blinks at him.
- “wh … what?”
- “kuro, do i really need to spell out for you that you’re totally smitten with her? you have been for a while now.”
- “have not.”
- “yes, you have.”
- “have not.”
- “yes, you have.”
- “have not.”
- “yes, you have.”
- at this point, kuroo knows that kenma’s onto something, but kuroo doesn’t wanna jump to conclusions until he sees you again
- when you knock on his door and run straight into his arms that night, he knows kenma’s right
- like you’re balling into his chest and he gets that feeling that he wants to hold you forever and never let go
- and he knows. he knows.
- after you start to calm down, he offers you the cake that he made just for you
- he swears that he feels ten times lighter after he sees that exact smile with the exact dimple on your face
- now kuroo may be loud, and rambunctious at times, but when he loves, it’s quiet, simple, but not any less there
- as you finish eating the cake, kuroo notices that there’s a few pink crumbs on your lips
- and he kisses you
- like a “slow, hand on the cheek, nose touching after he pulls away” kind of kiss
- “i made a realization today. kenma told me to hold back on proposing, so i’ll go with confessing instead.”
- you’re looking up at him with your heart beating hard in your chest
- “i think you might’ve made me fall in love with you.”
sorry if there are any mistakes lmao i tried catching all of them but ... 6k words ...... yanno. .....
7K notes · View notes
leviiattacks · 3 years
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author note :: honestly not my best at all..... like at all..... this was actually pretty good but the entire draft got deleted and i just lost all my effort but i felt bad for starting it and not completing it for anon so you may take whatever i have managed to salvage. i hope u enjoy it :’( i am extremely sick rn and yeah writing is the only break i am currently getting from anything :-) SO AGAIN I’ M SORRY ANON..... i may write a 10k + word fic on this though so i can redeem myself bc this is just disappointing 😭
word count :: 3.3k
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every single thursday you stop by ackermart. maybe it’s because the day is convenient for you or perhaps it’s because of a certain cashier that works the evenings...
HAHA it’s got nothing to do with a cashier why would it have anything to do with a cashier? :-)
today is like any other. you walk through the fresh produce aisle then proceed to make your way towards the bakery section picking up a loaf of bread
it’s stupid, you know it is but... you think you’ve worked up enough courage to speak to him today!!
and who is him you may ask?
levi at till number four. his tired eyes always happen to pierce into yours and his calloused thumbs brush past your skin when you hand him your rewards card
levi is what his bright red name tag says and although he doesn’t look like a levi you’d like to think your crush isn’t stealing someone’s identity so you believe that it’s his real name
anxiously fiddling with your basket you’re beginning to think this was a horrible idea
the girl ahead of you is flirting up a storm with him and although he’s not reciprocating it by any means you still feel deterred
levi bags the last of her groceries and looks up at her when she asks for a way to contact him. he doesn’t look mad... just bored?
“ma’am. this is an ackermart i don’t think it’s appropriate you ask me for my number. the customer service line is listed on our website.”
the woman raises a brow looking completely flabbergasted. okay, if everything before this wasn’t a warning THIS sure was
she stomps off when she realises levi isn’t kidding and you think you’d feel bad for her maybe if she was more respectful about it
“next customer.” levi calls over his shoulder and you shuffle forward pretending to be engrossed in your phone
“cash or card?” he asks plainly.
you hear the BEEP of your groceries being scanned and think on it for a while before replying with “cash”
you’re clearly pretty good at your pretend to be totally into your phone act because levi tries to get your attention but you don’t hear what he has to say till the third time he repeats himself
but even then you’re still unsure what it is he’s said????
looking down you see his hand is stuck out in front of you and now you’re even more confused
faltering for a second you look at his palm and then speak
“um, i guess your hand is nice? it’s pretty big compared to the rest of you actually.”
“i was asking for your cash?” he says and now you look at his palms in mortification
gasping you yANK your hand into your purse as you laugh awkwardly fishing around to find your money
“oh, OH i knew that. just kidding!! i mean- i meant that thing about your hand?? but i thought it was- i funny? yes the joke funny? i’m-”
he leans back into his spinning chair and sighs contently. “you’re not making much sense peaches.”
“pe- peaches??” you repeat. no way you’ve heard that correct
levi lazily points at the abundance of the aforementioned fruit in your grocery bags
“you must love em.”
“i, well yeah i do like peaches but i also like...” um??? what food would make you look sophisticated and professional?
“FRENCH CUISINE :-)!!!!” you say rather proudly
“...cool. i guess.” levi hands you your grocery bag which is basically an invitation asking for you to get out
he doesn’t seem mad but he’s definitely going to look back at this encounter and laugh his ass off at how stupid you are
hanging your head down low in embarrassment you make your way out towards your car
there’s always next time!! maybe you can practice in the mirror yeah that does sound like it would help!!!
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okay so.
it is officially next time.
actually you never got the opportunity to practice in front of the mirror because you chickened out of looking like an idiot even if it was in the privacy of your own home
but!!! you did try to practice some cool pick up lines because who doesn’t like a good pickup line or two??
the two mini milk cartons in your hand and the pack of doughnuts you have tucked under your arm aren’t too heavy so you aren’t too worried about having to wait in the line
for some reason the guy in front of you keeps turning around and glancing at you as if you don’t even exist
you are not casper the ghost
also casper is a little boy and you definitely aren’t a little boy
finally after a good five minutes the man ahead of you is having his stuff scanned but he’s STILL doing it. even levi notices and gives him an odd look which borders annoyance and anger.
“can i pay for your groceries? maybe walk you to your car?” the stranger asks suddenly
so that’s what this is, he’s simply taken an interest in you
my god this is new but it is uncomfortable and you’d rather say no
“oh, i actually walked here and no thanks i can pay for my own. enjoy the rest of your day!!” you hope your white lie is enough to fool the man but instead of agreeing as any other person would he looks majorly deceived
“i saw you in the parking lot.” ok this is getting a bit too uncomfortable for your liking
“c’mon i’m offering to buy your shit too?”
his voice is raising and you’re not sure what exactly you can do but thankfully for you the manager steps in and takes him away before any more threats can be made
the man had taken up so much of your attention you almost forgot levi was even there until you turned back around
“do you want a member of staff to accompany you to your car? it’s getting dark out.” levi’s comment helps ease your nerves and you try to laugh off what just happened
“i’m good :-)” you say shaking a little. you’re unsure if it’s the cold or the fact you still haven’t completely calmed down
“you sure peaches?”
“i haven’t bought any peaches this time.”
“you’re still peaches to me.” your cheeks flush at his confidence
wait, maybe this is your chance. you’re the last person in his line and they’re closing up for the day so...
“could you walk me to my car?”
and to your surprise even before you can take back what you’ve said levi agrees
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it stays like that for a while.
every thursday levi walks you to your car by the end of his shift, all the while the two of you exchange a few words together
like last week you asked him what his favourite colour was (he said purple) you’ve learnt about his hobbies (he’s a decent cook), you’ve even found out about some of his own personal problems. he had mentioned suffering with insomnia in passing.
to be honest each and every time he walks you to your car he has to notice that you begin to park further and further away from the front entrance. but if he does notice he doesn’t say a word about it
“is that all you’re checking out?” you ask with a cheeky grin plastered across your face
looking down at your new dress your lopsided grin is far from fading away any time soon. you especially picked this one out after asking levi what his favourite colour was last week
god. this is so embarrassing but never actually have you had a crush this huge
levi who’s sat behind the counter shoots you a look which almost seems to be on the verge of uninterested. he isn’t entertaining this at all or this is just his typical bored face, you can’t really tell
BUT..... you still have a huge crush on him and you aren’t one to give up this easily
for the record you don’t harass him or anything, just the occasional hint is thrown around but he’s either really dense or doesn’t care
his expression does you no favours, you can’t tell what he’s thinking half the time
“you’re always buying energy drinks... might want to cut down on those they’re no good for you.”
warmth blooms in your chest. he’s just saying it to make small talk but the fact he even thinks to bring that up has your heart fluttering
“i- well- yeah i will!! just have a few overdue essays to get over with :-)” twiddling your thumbs together you think that makes your nerves too obvious so you begin to scratch at the back of your neck
if anything is a dead give away it’s your constant neck scratching, thankfully levi hasn’t picked up on it
“so you wore purple today?” his eyes linger on the thin straps of your dress and you feel the goosebumps rise up onto your skin immediately
“oh yeahhhh-”
“did i tell you yellow was my favourite colour last week?” he asks holding up a neon yellow pack of crisps and for the first time you see him smile
he looks so ?!|>\€|^ pretty ?!/)/&
wait?? yellow??
“didn’t you say purple?”
“no?” he crosses his arms playfully over his chest thinking for a bit
“maybe i did but no it’s really yellow.” he says as he hands you your bag
nodding your head you smile “yeahhhh sure it is.”
damn, now you’re going to have to find a yellow dress just to make him revert back to purple because who even likes yellow?? that’s a deal breaker right there??
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it’s been two weeks!!
and a yellow dress has been found and secured B-)
it’s been a pretty rough day at work and you need to desperately collect a pack of green tea and get going
you don’t know when exactly being a secretary meant you had to babysit your boss’ children but that’s what the last week has entailed
being made to work overtime to this extent has had an effect on you and you’re ready to head home as soon as you swing by ackermart
not seeing levi for a week made you a little :-( because to be honest he’s the highlight of your thursday evening BUT!! you’ll be able to see him today at least
walking in through the entrance you’re met with connie smiling right at you, he holds the door open for you and smile back greeting him
“so you didn’t come last week...?”
it’s weird for him to ask that, after all you don’t really speak to anyone here apart from levi, you’re surprised you’re enough of a regular to be known by name
“oh i didn’t think anyone would notice? but yeah i had to work overtime you know what boss’ are like.” groaning you crouch down and look at the pot noodles on display
“i didn’t notice it. boss man did.”
“boss man?” you ask feeling out of loop
“levi.” connie answers as he hops into the backroom
isn’t he just a cashier??
“you still look confused.” connie remarks as he heads back out with a cardboard box full of pringle’s tubes
“levi’s the boss man, this is his store. he literally only ever mans the cash register on thursday evening because of you.”
at that you start laughing because it makes no sense at all to you
there’s no way connie is being serious
“good one.” you say as you stand up with a chicken flavored noodle in your hand
“i’m not kidding?”
turning around you give him a skeptical look
he sighs and shakes his head.
“listen. me and the part timers are tired of making bets on when he’ll give you his number and i bet that it would happen today so if you could confess to each other that would be perfect!!!”
“who said i like-”
“anyone with a brain can tell you both like each other.” he’s rolled his eyes so far into the back of his head you begin to take him a little more seriously now
“i... did i make it that obvious??” you’re directly facing him trying to get out as much information as you can
“yeah. very. at least levi wasn’t as bold.”
“i think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick he definitely doesn’t like me.”
connie gives you an “are you fucking with me?” look and you look away trying to distract yourself with the the canned goods lining the shelves
“he was worried sick when you didn’t come in for the entire week. he even asked me if he scared you away.”
“maybe i’m just his favourite customer?”
“favourite customer my ass he has a crush on YOU. confess.”
playing around with the ends of your sleeves connie sees he’s fighting a losing battle unless he gives you definitive solid proof
“please... i’ll get free barbecue if i win the bet and i’m kinda broke rn :-(” okay, you do want connie to eat well and be treated and maybe this is a good thing. if levi doesn’t like you then you can move on!!
“i’ll think about it.”
before connie can continue talking you make a beeline towards the tea aisle whilst throwing a “see you next time!” over your shoulder.
by the time you’ve gathered all of your groceries your basket is full to the brim. you’ve been lingering as much as you can out of fear but you think you’ve collected just enough courage to ask for his number
looking at the cash register levi is sat there and your shoulders slump. he’s probably going to say no and you’re going to look like a huge loser.
right as you’re about to take a step towards him levi finally spots you and gives you one look before standing up from his seat
“hi!” you wave at him
“...hey!” he smiles wide but he bites it back pretending it was never there in the first place
placing your basket in front of him he eyes what you’ve got
“hm... lots of peaches as per usual peaches.” the nickname that rolls of his tongue makes you tremble a little. will he call you that after you fuck everything up with this stupid confession?
his tongue pokes at the inside of his cheek when he gets to the heart shaped box of chocolates
“a gift for a friend? didn’t know you had those?” he teases as he scans the barcode
“gift for a crush!” you reply back enthusiastically as you dig through your wallet looking for your card
levi doesn’t respond for a few seconds and an awkward silence fills the air. you glance up to see him looking at you open mouthed in shock
“good luck.” he murmurs under his breath he’s not even returning your gaze at this point and is hurriedly scanning through your barcodes
“you okay?” you ask worrying about his mood
“yeah, yeah. great.” he’s quieter than usual.
the rest of your encounter is the same, levi silently bags your groceries and you can’t tell if this is a good or bad response.
just as he’s about to place the heart shaped box into your plastic bag you lunge forward holding his wrist to stop him
“no i don’t need those.”
he cocks his eyebrow upwards trying to analyse your expression and gain an understanding of your thoughts
“don’t tell me you’re chickening out. whoever it is will say yes.” he scoffs as he places the chocolates into the bag handing them over to you with a warm smile
there it is again. the fear returns and you swipe your tongue over your slightly dry lips.
no way.
is he telling you to confess to someone now? so he must not like you?
taking the bag away from him you scratch your neck out of habit and huff feeling frustrated
“he keeps giving me mixed signals.” you say hoping he catches your drift
“give him the chocolates and let him put two and two together. don’t even say anything.” his advice would be great if he weren’t the guy you were trying to confess to in real time
nodding you reach into the bag and bring the box back out before gently placing it in front of levi
“are you serious?” he asks and your face drops seeing the possible displeasure in his eyes
great, connie and the part timers just over analysed he doesn’t like you, obviously he doesn’t like you, why would he like you?
without looking back you hurry out, the embarrassment is eating you away now and the thought of ever returning to ackermart isn’t even feasible in your mind
at this point you may as well change your name, identity, dye your hair, have a few children and wear sunglasses the next time you come back so you look like a soccer mum and not the foolish y/n who thought they had a chance with their cute CASHIER???
god, you probably look like a creep
the sound of footsteps can be heard behind you and labored breaths follow before levi calls out for you
“please wait up.” he grumbles. slowing down your pace you let him catch up to you. he grabs at your wrist and sighs in relief
turning you see him savour the air
is this the part where he confesses he likes you too or—
“your receipt you forgot it.” he gasps as he opens your hand for you and places it into your palm
fingers clasping shut onto the paper you feel the humiliation seep into your pores
“open it.” he offer you a boyish smile and your nerves don’t let you find comfort in it
you grimace as you fold it open, you’re imagining he’s charged you an extra £100 for having unwanted feelings for him and if that’s the case you’ll die on the spot
but instead your eyes light up in joy. you’re pleasantly surprised
inside of the receipt is his phone number haphazardly sprawled across in black biro - you even double check by comparing it to the number for the customer service helpline
“if you just wanted to return the chocolate this is embarrassing.” he’s the one who’s now scratching at his neck and you find that he’s endearing this way
the streetlight from above illuminates him, the shadows cast over his face and his brows aren’t furrowed as they usually are
you open your mouth to reply but connie cuts you off unintentionally. he can be heard YELLING into his phone ecstatic that his plan has worked out
you and levi look at each other and laugh, reassuring the other of what has just happened.
you guess this is the start of something new? maybe??
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oitommothetease · 3 years
Invisible String (11/?)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female reader (Modern AU)
Word Count: 2.3k words
Warning : fluff, angst, shitty Steve, Don’t ask me why I make Steve so unlikable in every thing  I write( PS I’m still mad at endgame Steve), mention of sex
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If someone had told you that you would wake up snuggled to your boss — naked — you would have told them to fuck off and leave you alone. Not that the idea of James in your bed was repulsive, no, it was actually quite the opposite. You wanted him so much that it scared you because he — well, he was so gorgeous, and you were you. And he even looked better lying in your bed while the sunlight peaked onto his face from the window, making his stubble and hair appear golden-ish. Even as hard his exterior was, everything about him, mostly sleeping in your bed, appeared soft. 
“You know, watching people while they sleep is kinda creepy,” James said, his voice gruff from sleep and you felt heat rushing through your body. God, his morning voice was so hot. It took a second for your brain to register his words and when it did, you moved your gaze away from him.
“You’re beautiful,” you blurted out. You could feel him rumbling as he rubbed his still sleep-dazed eyes.
He gently lifted his hand to place it on your face, caressing your cheek softly with his knuckles as he said, “You are beautiful."
You jokingly rolled your eyes and shifted your face slightly to plant a kiss on the inside of his palm. “Don’t you have a club to run?” 
“The club can wait,” Bucky’s hand trailed off from your face to your waist and he flipped you, situating you on his lap and kissed you lazily while his hands roamed around your body. 
Bucky felt like he was dreaming, he felt as if any moment you’ll slip out of his grasp and he would have to wake up. This was too good to be true, you were too good to be true. After an incredible morning, which included him pounding into you in your bed and then on the kitchen worktop and then in the shower. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself, he needed to touch you — feel you — make sure you were here with him safe. 
It wasn’t just sex, it was so intimate that it felt so much more. The time when he wasn’t buried inside you, you’d talk about everything. He told you that when he was a kid, he loved baking. His mom worked, so he spent most of his time helping his sister with her new hobby. Rebecca soon grew out of it, but Bucky didn’t. He told you he’d love to open a bakery in a foreign country.
“You know, we can go to Europe,” you suggested. “You can open a bakery and maybe some chocolate whiff is all I need to break out from my writing slump.”
Bucky’s heart ached at your confession, he was delighted to know that he wasn’t the only one that was fantasizing about a future with you. He had never told his ambitions to anyone, mainly because when he did tell someone, they laughed at him. His career and exterior did not match his dreams, and soon those dreams died. But you made him desire that peaceful life. He wanted peace and tranquility in his life with you. Maybe tomorrow he would wake up and realize that this was some dream, and he was alone in his apartment and not in your bed. 
“Have you thought of a name yet?” you asked, “For the bakery.”
“Did you recall that song you were humming?”
 “No,” you said, “But I’m sure it will make a great bakery name.”
You curled up into his chest, you were almost asleep. He kissed the top of your head, refusing to succumb to sleep, holding you tightly so that even if this was an elaborate fantasy that his mind had conjured, he was adamant to still make the most of it.
After leaving your house to get ready for work, that's when he finally realized that this was real. You were his, and he was yours in a sense that no amount of words could comprehend. You hadn’t put any official labels on your relationship, but the way you moaned his name and breathlessly whispered, “I’m yours. All yours.” multiple times in his ears was enough.
Bucky hated when people called him James, it reminded him of his father, but the way you said his name with adoration filled in your eyes and tone made him content. You made him feel content and happy with everything you did without even realizing it. Bucky hoped he could do the same for you — make you feel at peace.
“I’ve been calling you since morning,” Steve commented the moment Bucky entered his office. He eyed the group of people — Steve, Sam, Clint, Pietro, Wanda, and Peter in his office before exhaling. Although Bucky was their boss, that didn't deter them from treating him like the friend he was. He didn’t mind that either, these people gave him a sense of belonging — a family, and he would give his life for them just like they would for him.
“I was asleep,” Bucky lied. And of course, his friends didn’t buy it.
“I came by your place this morning. You weren't there sleeping,” Steve retorted. He didn’t like how his best friend who he saw as a brother was hiding things from him. 
Fuck, Bucky thought. Admittedly, he wasn't at his place, he was at yours. He didn’t know what to say when six sets of eyes were looking at him expectantly. He couldn’t tell the truth, he wasn't a kiss-and-tell kind of guy. He wanted to avoid telling because you met these people every day, and it would become awkward for you; but mostly he didn’t want anyone to find out because it was so new for him that he was scared to even mention your relationship, terrified of jinxing it. 
Just when he was about to muster up an excuse, a soft knock on his office door snapped everyone’s attention towards the entrance. Bucky’s relief was short-lived the moment he realized it couldn’t be anyone except you. Now everyone was looking at Bucky impatiently, waiting for him to respond. 
If it were anyone else Bucky would have asked them to go away, but it was you. You were knocking at his door. He wanted to see you, see the marks hidden behind the concealer or collar when he sucked your neck a little too hard the previous night and this morning. Mainly, he wanted to see you.
“Come in,” He said, ignoring the stares his friends were giving him. His breath hitched at your sight, you were really breathtaking. You weren't looking at him or anyone in the room. No, you were holding two coffees and a bag of donuts in your hand. Your eyes were focused and you were looking inside the bag, searching for a dish to put his donut in, when you said, “I knew you'd skip breakfast after you left this morning. I brought you -” 
“Y/N,” Wanda cut you off.
Bucky internally thanked Wanda because he didn’t have it in him to stop you from speaking.  And that’s when you finally looked up and were met with seven people staring at you. Sam, Wanda, and Pietro were looking at you with a smirk on their face. Peter looked down at his feet. Clint was clueless and confused. Steve wasn’t looking at you, he was staring at his best pal who lied to him about his whereabouts. And Bucky’s eyes were fixed on you and when yours landed on his, he smiled at you and shook his head, telling you that he got you.
“What are you doing here, Y/N? Your shift doesn’t start till night,” Pietro informed, he was clearly teasing you. And soon a sense of understanding came to Clint’s senses when he joined the dots and his eyes widened before a smirk formed on his lips.
“I… I,” you stuttered. Your brain couldn't come up with an excuse this quickly. Bucky opened his mouth to say something, but you raised your hands and the packet of donuts with it and excitedly said, “I brought doughnuts!”
“Thank you!” Bucky exclaimed, swiftly walking towards you, taking the donuts from your hand, and placing it on the table. He draped his arm around your waist before leading you outside his office. His friends knew now, he wasn’t going to tone down the PDA in front of them. He just didn't want you to feel awkward or under anyone's subjection.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know,” you started once you were away from everyone. “I wouldn’t have if I knew -”
Bucky’s lips landed on yours, stopping your rambling. His arms snaked around your waist, pushing you flush against his chest, and you wrapped your hands around his neck. “It wasn’t your fault,” he mumbled adjacent to your lips and you sighed in relief.
“I just wanted to bring you breakfast since we couldn’t have it,” you pouted, flusteredly thinking about the morning activities that stopped you from having breakfast.
Bucky beamed down at you and planted another soft kiss on your lips. “How about I make it up to you at lunch,” he suggested, “I'll bake something for you too.”
You nodded excitedly and were about to leave when Bucky gently took your wrist in his hand. “Doll, text me when you reach home, yeah?”
Bucky dreaded going back into his office, he knew he would be bombarded with questions and knowing smirks. He decided to rip off the band and entered the office. “Okay, go for it, ask away.”
“How long has this been going on?” Steve was the first one to question.
“I mean, officially since last night.”
Sam was about to drop a snarky comment when Pietro chimed in. “Who asked who out?” 
“I asked her out,” Bucky answered, and was bewildered. “Why is that important?” 
“I knew it!” Wanda cheered and raised her hand, palms up, towards the blond. “Pay up,” Pietro grumbled before handling her sister 20 dollars.
“You guys bet on us?” Bucky asked and was met with amused snickers from everyone except Steve. Peter stepped forwards before saying, “I had no part in this, Mr. Barnes.”
The twins rolled their eyes before Steve interjected another one of Sam’s almost snippy comments. “She is the reason you attacked Rumlow, isn't she?”
Sam raised his hands in frustration and turned towards his husband. “Come on, babe. You just had to ruin the fun.”
Bucky exhaled and answered honestly, “Yes, but I can’t tell you why. You just have to take my word for it and trust me that he deserved it.”
“Buck, I’m not saying I don’t trust you, but you have to understand where my fear is coming from,” Steve said, “I know Rumlow and I know he's planning something big. We have to be careful. You can't be distracted by this girl, pal.”
Bucky was furious. He did not expect his best bud to say that. Steve knew how much Bucky pinned for you, he knew how much Bucky wanted you. How could he just say that about you after knowing all of this? “That’s rich coming from you after you told me to be happy.”
Bucky huffed in disbelief, his voice filled with venom. “Well, guess what, pal? She makes me happy.”
Nobody dared to intervene between the childhood friends. Everyone knew that Steve was saying stupid shit out of concern, but Bucky couldn’t see it. Bucky would fight anyone for you, even his best pal.
“You attacked our enemy because of this girl that you’ve been with since what — a day?” Steve scoffed sarcastically, and Bucky’s breath was drawn and his fists balled.
“I attacked him because he-” Bucky cursed himself and inhaled sharply. He couldn’t do this to you, it wasn't his decision to tell. You had decided that nobody would find out about what Rumlow did to you, not even cops, and Bucky respected your decision. He wouldn’t do this to you, especially not out of anger and in front of multiple people you didn't even know.
Before Steve could say something, Bucky’s phone vibrated on the table. A text, Bucky assumed it was you, informing him that you had reached home. You — thinking about you made him take a breath and calmed him a bit. He decided he would text you in the privacy of his office, after his friends would leave. He would text you back or better call you when he wasn’t fuming with rage at his best friend, then he would take you out on a lunch date. 
Bucky was about to reach for his phone when Clint finally spoke up, “Steve, we will be careful, okay? We will contact our sources and find out about Rumlow’s plan.”
All the heads present in the office accepted this decision. Sam scolded Steve and Bucky and made them hug out their issues like kindergarteners. Peter offered to make a drink and everyone made their way downstairs towards the bar, leaving the office and Bucky’s phone unattended.
What Bucky didn’t know was that Rumlow’s plan was already in action, in reality, he had even succeeded in his plan.
If Bucky had checked his phone, then he would have realized it wasn't a text from you, instead, it was a text from an unknown number with an attached photo. The picture was of you tied to a chair, your eyes half-lidded with drugs and tears, and a bruise forming on your left cheek.
TAGS :  @bananapipedreams @akkinda10 @rivers-rambles21​ @emmabarnes @valsworldofcreativity @boofy1998 @marvel-3407 @mybuck @priii @coffeebooksandfandom @ladydmalfoy @shaking-a-jar-of-bees @elizamalfoyy
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thetargaryenbride · 4 years
You Are Worth It [Levi x Reader]
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Summary: You were ready to do anything for this man and if that meant defending him from your own comrades, then so be it.
Set before and during the No Regrets OVA
This is for @vennilavee  ‘s Writing Challange. I had fun writing~ 
This scenario is actually a part of my OC’s story BUT I decided to change it up a bit here and there and make it into a Levi x Reader instead. Enjoy!
Word Count: 7646
Warnings: Violence, Vulgarity, Profanity, some gore, some harassment
Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader
Feedback is deeply appreciated~!
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The Underground.
It was a foul place – lawless – full of thugs, drunkards and creeps. Unfortunately, it was also the home of women who most of the time had no other choice but to sell themselves, it was the home of sick people who only wished to glimpse the sun, and it was the home of malnourished orphans who died like flies in the dirty streets. And nobody was doing anything to help those in need.
Nobody but you.
You remembered the first time you set foot in the Underground. You were just but a little girl, holding tightly your step-mother’s hand as she made her way through the muddy streets, not caring whether her dress would get dirtied. You smiled fondly at the memory. Your step-mother’s friend had lost the rights to her citizenship and was hurdled into the clutches of the Kingdom of Shadows, being forced to work as a prostitute. But the two women kept being friends and your step-mother frequently visited to bring her food. You went only once but it was more than enough to break the pretty picture you’ve imagined – of a place safely tucked below the Inner Walls, with glowing crystals and beautifully shaped stalagmites. It was a hellhole.
You still thought of yourself as a little, naïve girl. You blamed your parents’ coddling. You were supposed to be more aware of the real world as a teen and almost young adult. You wanted to know the truth and the horrors that accompanied each day. That was one of the reasons you also wanted to join the Survey Corps. But you had promised to yourself that you’d join after you face the hell that is the Underground and after you offer some help to those who need it. After all, how could you fight and protect people from the Titans, if you couldn’t even protect them from fellow humans?
“Listen now, little lady, I know that you wanna do some charity shit down here but we also have work to do instead of escorting you. Just because your father is the Deputy Commander-,” grumbled the Military Police soldier from behind you but you didn’t pay him any attention. Instead, your ears strained to hear another sound – a child crying. You hushed the soldier and before he had the chance to give you some scathing remark, you walked away from him and towards the sound. The alleys were too narrow and the repugnant smell of piss and alcohol was heavy in the air but you tried your best to ignore it and kept walking. Turning right, then left, you came to a dead end. And there it was – the child – crouching on the ground with his knees pressed to his chest and little hands rubbing at his eyes.
You approached slowly and knelt down, your gown puddling all around you, the light blue fabric immediately getting mudded and dirtied.
“It’s all right. I’m here. No one is going to hurt you. I got some food too,” you spoke gently as to not startle him as your hand took out an apple from your bag and handed it to the child. He looked at you with big eyes and you offered an encouraging smile. That smile fell off your face the second you heard the clicking of a gun right behind your head. It pressed against you roughly, almost ruining your perfect bun. The child simply stood up and ran away.
“Now, don’t move, pretty thing. We don’t want to accidentally blast your head, do we?” came in a man’s gravelly voice, sending shivers down your spine. You dared not move as you felt him getting closer, his breath tickling your neck. “Ya better get those money ready, lass," he hissed out and you willed your body to stop shaking. It was impossible. Were you going to go out like this? Murdered by some thugs? Were you going to rot in this very same alley? Before you got the chance to see the outside world?
There was a swooshing sound. You closed your eyes, anticipating the worst, but then strangled grunts and coughing was heard, making you snap your head in the direction of the sound. Your eyes widened as you saw the two men fall dead on the ground, clothes soaking with the crimson blood that leaked from their throats, some managing to drop onto your cheek. Your eyes focused on a third man who was cleaning his knife. He didn’t pay you attention as he pocketed it and turned his back on you, ready to walk away.
“W-wait!” you called out and he halted. Let me at least see your face. Let me at least learn your name. “You saved me… I-“ you stuttered out but he interrupted you roughly, turning around to look you in the eyes. He was the most handsome man you’ve laid eyes on. The pampered, powdered noble boys couldn’t hold a candle to his rugged looks and the aura he was giving off. He had raven hair, locks falling around his eyes, pale skin and sharp eyes the color of a stormy sky. His clothes were a little bit baggy but even like this you could tell his body was built nicely so you assumed that he was a thug as well. Speaking of clothes, his were way too clean and pristine for someone living in such a filthy place.
“Don’t waste your breath. Go back upstairs to your gold and fine porcelain. You don’t belong here,” he spat out and your eyebrows furrowed as you slowly stood up, coming face to face with him.
“I’m sorry but you can’t say where I do or do not belong to. Maybe I don’t really fancy the world you speak of,” you told him firmly and his gaze lingered on your for awhile.
“You’re a lunatic then,” were his last words before he walked away.
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You didn’t listen to the man. One bad experience and some rude words weren’t enough to convince you otherwise. In fact, that made you more stubborn and you soon found your way in the Underground once again. This time you carried a knife. Your grandfather had taught you how to throw them and you regretted not bringing one last time.
The day passed by in a blur. The heavy bag full of bread and left-over pastries from your family’s bakery was now empty and you were ready to head back home and take a long bath. But you stopped when you heard a commotion. You bit your lip. You didn’t want to risk getting caught up in something again. But your heart was beating faster and your body felt warmer the closer the sound got and you supposed that there was some supernatural force that was pulling you towards it. Soon enough, you found yourself in the midst of a brutal brawl. The same guy who saved you a few days ago was being ganged up on. He was surprisingly holding his ground, sending lethal punches and kicks his enemies’ way. But you should’ve known they would fight dirty as one of the members sneaked behind the guy and prepared to shoot him in the back.
Your body moved before you even ordered it to, hand grabbing the knife hidden in the pocket of your dress and throwing it. It embedded into the head of the thug and he fell. Everything stopped for awhile. You could see the two members of the group looking at you with both shock and rage. You could see the surprised expression on the guy’s face, his arm up in mid-punch. Then there was a bang and you felt a searing pain in your middle region. Your vision blurred and the last thing you saw was the guy who saved you pummel the remaining members of the gang to death and scream something at you.
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When your eyes fluttered open, they saw an unfamiliar ceiling. Your first instinct was to stand up and run but your body was too tired and the only thing you managed to do was shift and move your head.
“Finally awake?” came in a voice and you gasped as you saw the same guy. Had he saved you? What exactly happened in the first place? You wanted to ask him multiple questions but the one you settled on was:
“Are you all right?”
He shot you an incredulous look.
“You were the one who got shot, dumbass. Worry about yourself,” he grumbled, furrowing his brows and you let out a weak chuckle.
“You are right… You know, we’ve saved each other’s lives so many times already and yet I do not know your name.”
“It’s Levi,” he answered your silent question and you smiled as bright as you could.
“Nice to meet you, Levi! My name is Y/N! Y/F/N!”
His eyes widened a fraction as he stared at you, a spark of what seemed to be recognition, relief and even fondness could be seen deep within. He uncrossed his arms and walked out of the room. You counted the minutes awkwardly, fiddling with your fingers or clenching and unclenching the sheets, before you finally decided to sit up. It was a struggle. The bullet had got you in the upper stomach but apparently he had nursed you back to health. You noticed that your torso was neatly covered in clean bandages as the blankets slid down a bit, making you shiver at the bareness of your arms. You blushed at the thought of him seeing you like this but nothing could be done. And you didn’t care that much about dignity and nudity when it came down to saving lives – others’ or your own.
Your thoughts were interrupted when he walked in the room, carrying a plate with peeled and sliced apples. For a moment, he stood by the doorframe simply watching you, before he made his way towards you and sat on the corner of the bed, placing the plate on your lap and outstretching his other hand. Your eyes fell on what he was holding and you gasped as memories from years ago flooded you.  
The day when you had been so curious you had begged your step-mother to take you with her. She had agreed and you had made your way to the Underground. You had stuck close to her as she walked into what you now knew was a brothel.
“Carol! It’s so good to see you!” exclaimed your step-mom and the other woman chuckled as she gave her a hug.
“You didn’t have to bring so much food again. I’m so grateful to have you.”
You smiled as you watched the two women converse but your attention was stolen by a figure in your periphery vision, making you completely turn around. It was a boy. He didn’t seem to be much older than you. He was wearing a ragged shirt that reached his knees and some worn out pants but his hair looked clean and neatly cut. He watched you shyly, interest sparkling in his eyes as he took in your appearance. He had probably never seen a noble in such a place. You smiled and waved at him and he mirrored you after his hesitation worn off. You took a few steps forward and smiled brightly at him.
“Hi, there! What is your name?”
“Levi,” he uttered and you put your hands on your hips. You probably looked ridiculous – a child with lots of baby fat, trying to look and give off a motherly aura.
“You are very thin, Levi. That just can’t do!” you exclaimed in disapproval as you reached into the bag of food your step-mom had brought, taking out a few apples and placing them in your white apron. You neared the boy and beckoned him to take them. “Here, take these! Dad always says that an apple a day keeps the doctor away!” you grinned.
He gulped and his hands trembled a bit when he took the fruits from you, eyes gazing into your own with such gratitude and respect. And because you were so focused on his features, you noticed some smudged dirt on his left cheek. You clicked your tongue as you grabbed a handkerchief from your pocket and proceeded to wipe his face since his arms were busy balancing the apples from falling out of his grip.
“You got some dirt here. It’s very important to stay clean, you know,” you told him gently and he nodded.
“My mother says the same,” he whispered and you smiled as you tucked your handkerchief in his pocket.
“Then you keep this and make sure to stay clean,” you smiled at him before your step-mom called you and you had to bid him goodbye.
“Wait!” he called out and you looked at him over your shoulder. “What’s your name?” he asked timidly and you grinned at him again.
“Y/N! Y/F/N! It was nice meeting you, Levi! I hope we can meet again!”
But you never met him again. When next time your step-mom had returned from her visit and you had asked about the boy, she said he was nowhere to be found but there was a rumor that one of the women working there had passed away and her child had disappeared.
“We meet again,” you sent him a watery smile as tears gathered in the corner of your eyes. You didn’t know why, they just did. You never pegged yourself as an overly emotional person but life was a mysterious companion.
“Yeah,” drawled the man quietly and for the first time since you’ve met, that permanent frown was replaced by a small, soft smile.
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Since that fateful meeting, your visits to the Underground became more frequent. You didn’t only want to do charity but you wanted to visit Levi. He told you to not come back. That it was dangerous. But you didn’t listen. You wore simpler dresses – not the big, intricate gowns. You tied your hair in a simple ponytail or bun – not the stylish hairstyles screaming that their bearer was a noblewoman. You usually never wore jewelry with the exception of the earrings your step-mother had gifted you, but you took them off during your visits, trying to blend in the best way possible. Of course, you were a woman, therefore it was only natural to attract creeps. But you managed to deal with them. You just wanted to help children and see Levi. Was it that much to ask?
“Eeh! There is a body of water this huge? And full of salt!? I cannot believe it!” exclaimed Farlan.
“It’s true! It’s written in a book that’s been banned by the government! Why do you think they banned it if it wasn’t true!?” you shot back.
“So, you mean to tell us that there are also fields of sand and multicolored lights in the sky in North?”asked Levi while he was focusing on polishing his knife.
“I know it may sound too incredible to believe but I know it’s the truth! I just know it! And I’ll go beyond the walls and see it for myself!” you grinned enthusiastically and Levi’s eyes moved from the knife and onto your form, one eyebrow raised in both question and challenge.
“Hooh? And how are you going to do that? By going on lavishing balls in Mitras?”
“By joining the Survey Corps!” you declared and the silence became so heavy that you could cut it with a dull knife. And suddenly, all hell broke loose.
“What?! Are you insane!? You actually want to join them and go fight titans?!” shouted Farlan as he stood up from his chair and you mirrored him, crossing your arms.
“I’d pick the titans ten times over the political wars we’re waging in the capital and all the hypocrisy and backstabbing!”
“You’re gonna get eaten! Do you really want to face such a death?!”
Their shouting match was interrupted by Levi’s almost frighteningly low tone, making them sweat and gulp.
“Oi, brat... Tell me you’re not serious… Tell me you’re just…in a phase or something,” he said as he put the knife on the table, his attention now fully on you. You sighed as you slowly sat back down on the sofa, a sad smile gracing your features as you looked at the two men. You contemplated but in the end you decided that you had to tell them.
“I’ve been serious ever since I saw my mother get eaten years ago,” you confessed and their eyes widened.
“What?” stuttered out Farlan as he slumped back down on the chair.
“I haven’t told you, have I? I was…five when mom…snapped, for a lack of better word… She told me that she wanted to see the outside world and I… I was so excited!” you gripped the fabric of your dress so tight that your knuckles turned white. “We sneaked outside the walls and… I was saved just on time by a Survey Corps soldier… My mom on the other hand,” you uttered, biting the inside of your cheek until it bled. “Shiganshina will always be my hometown. I can’t stay in Mitras. I can’t! My place is not inside the walls.”
“I thought you were… noble,” murmured Farlan and you chuckled.
“That’s half the truth. My father IS the Deputy Commander of the Military Police. Even before that, he was rich and powerful, coming from a family full of soldiers and nobles. The most respected family… One day he met my mom in Shiganshina. He was already married at the time but… One thing led to another and…here I stand,” you explained. “He would send money but I never saw him until…that day,” you gulped but the pain and bad memories were replaced by determination and bravery.
“I’ll join the Survey Corps. I’ll see the outside world. And I swear to you, once I am capable, I’ll get you two citizenship. I won’t let you rot in here,” you stated firmly and the men could only stare at you with both concern and fondness.  
。☆ ❅ ★━━━━ ❅ ━━━━★ ❅ ☆。
In the end, you did exactly what you wanted. You joined the Survey Corps after graduating top of your class. At first you were placed in Ness’ squad but after your first expedition and after you showed incredible skills and potential, you were moved to Erwin’s squad. You proved how great of a strategist you were and you showed them your political skills when it came to dealing with the Royal Assembly. That gained you lots of respect from the higher ups within the Survey Corps. You also built a name for yourself as Humanity’s fastest because all fellow soldiers who’ve seen you fight, including veterans, have said that there was no one faster. You didn’t brag though.  
Now, a year later, you were a squad leader yourself and there were rumors that you would be promoted to Captain. You smiled at the thought. You pushed your body and mentality way over the limits to prove yourself worthy as fast and as efficient as possible in order to gain a title – to gain power – because thanks to that it would be easier to save them.
Just hang on for a bit more, Farlan, Levi. I’ll soon be able to get you out of that hole.
Flagon’s fist hit the table as he growled in irritation, interrupting your thought process.
“Quite frankly, this is humiliating!”
“I couldn’t agree more,” nodded another Section Commander by the name of Deckan Caddel. His demeanor seemed calm but his eyes were glinting with a murderous intent. You never liked him. Sure, he was great soldier. But he joined purely out of revenge and bloodlust – because his father was eaten. He didn’t care about protecting Humanity. In fact, he always had such disregard for people, especially those who weren’t from Wall Sina like himself.
“Are you honestly telling us, who have always held formality in high regard, to accept a bunch of criminals?”
You had half a mind to tell him to chill the fuck out but you bit your tongue. Flagon was a good guy beneath his prejudices.
After discussing the newly recruited members and the formation that Erwin suggested, the meeting was over and everyone left. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Deckan ogling you before he walked off. You narrowed your eyes but brushed it off as you made your way to the private quarters aligned with your office and prepared for bed. Tomorrow morning the said criminals would be introduced to the others and it will be decided in which squad they would be put on.
。☆ ❅ ★━━━━ ❅ ━━━━★ ❅ ☆。
You were…shocked. The criminals everyone were talking about were none other than Levi and Farlan accompanied by a younger girl. Your mind didn’t even comprehend Commander Shadis’ words or the trio’s introduction. You were too busy staring at them, still unable to process that they were here, donning the noble uniform of the Survey Corps. You gulped down the tears threatening to spill and patiently waited for the introduction to be over. While Flagon was busy with subtly expressing his disdain of the three being placed on his squad and sending sharp glances Erwin’s way, you finally managed to gather the strength to come closer and into their line of sight.
The moment Levi’s eyes clashed with yours, you felt like crying and running to embrace him. Your heart started beating faster and your body warmed up after feeling so cold for literal ages. You didn’t know how this man; why this man; had such an effect on you…but you loved it.
His eyes widened and he subtly elbowed Farlan whose attention shifted to where he was looking at. He wasn’t as subtle as Levi though and his reaction was quite open as he pretty much gawked at you. Both men’s eyes shone brightly with fondness and relief.
Even when everyone were dismissed and allowed to go back to their own business, you didn’t. You quietly followed after Flagon as he walked the new recruits to the barracks.
“You two men will sleep here,” you could hear Flagon instructing them from your place in the hallway. “You lot have been living in the dumps of the Underground but do try to keep this place clean,” your eyes widened comically and you almost choked on thin air. Just as you supposed, Levi’s outraged “huh?” followed right away and he neared Flagon threateningly, breaking his personal bubble.
“W-what’s with that look?” stuttered out the man and you decided to intervene before it had gotten out of control.
“Now, now, Flagon, you used to sleep in those barracks too. But you’ve probably forgotten that they always have been dirty,” came in your voice, making everyone’s heads snap to your direction. Farlan’s lips twitched in a smile but Levi’s face was composed. Flagon clicked his tongue.
“And what are you doing here, Y/L/N?” he asked with a sigh and you shrugged, fully entering the room.
“I just came here to make sure you don’t start a fire or something,” you shot back teasingly and he rolled his eyes before turning his back on everyone.
“I’ll leave you to it. And next time don’t try to approach a commanding officer with such attitude. Maybe Y/N will be able to teach you some manners,” snapped Flagon and Farlan tried to salute respectfully.
“Yes, sir!”
“Your hand’s upside-down! You begin training early tomorrow! I expect you to be punctual!”
The moment Flagon was out of sight and earshot you didn’t hesitate to throw yourself at the two men, hugging them tightly. Farlan was quick to return the embrace but Levi froze for awhile, hesitating, before he awkwardly patted your head as you sobbed.
“It’s you! I can’t believe it!” you pulled away and took a good look at them. “You seem healthy. I’m so happy to see you! I still can’t believe that it’s you who Erwin recruited. He must have seen incredible potential! We have so much to talk about-“ your rambling was interrupted by a coughing, making you face the redheaded girl.
“I think we haven’t officially met! My name’s Isabel Magnolia! Nice to meetcha!” grinned the girl and you smiled at her, shaking her hand.
“My name is Y/F/N. It’s pleasure meeting you! You are probably confused as to how we know one another but I’ll tell you everything!” you hooked your arm around hers and tugged her towards the door. “I’ll show you to the girls’ barracks and,” your gaze flickered to the boys, finding Levi’s and holding his for awhile. “I hope I’ll see you two shortly.”
。☆ ❅ ★━━━━ ❅ ━━━━★ ❅ ☆。
You had talked to Isabel until the late hours, telling her about your background, about how you met Levi and Farlan, about your life in the Training Corps and then as a soldier in the Survey Corps. There was so much to talk about and you really wanted to make friends with her since she seemed to be someone very important to Levi and Farlan.
The next day had rolled fast and before you knew it, everyone were up and about – training. The three newbies were to be evaluated today – their skills tested.  
Levi was walking amongst the horses, mind wandering off to the mission at hand. If he wanted it to be successful, he had to play by the Survey Corps rules and one of them was to learn how to ride. Isabel had no problem with it. She seemed to be natural. Then again she has always been an animal lover so he wasn’t surprised at how fast she grasped horse riding. Farlan had some troubles with the horse he had chosen, the mare too feisty for him to handle. And Levi? Well, he still hasn’t chosen one.
“I think she likes you,” came in your gentle tone and he sighed, grateful for the momentary distraction. You came to stand beside him and before he could ask, you pointed ahead, making him focus his vision onto the beautiful black mare that was intently staring at him.
“You know, it’s not only you choosing the horse. The horse has to choose you too,” you told him as you both approached the mare and Levi slowly outstretched his hand, allowing the animal to sniff him before licking it. He smiled when she nudged his hand, beckoning him to caress her.
“Her name is Danika. I raised her,” you smiled and he lifted his eyebrows. “And this is Astaroth. My partner,” you grinned as you pointed to the horse right next to Danika. He was the biggest horse Levi has seen amongst all Survey Corps horses and the only one with such unique coloration.
“He seems a bit…different than the rest,” he mused and you hummed in agreement.
“They had found him outside the walls a bit before I joined. When I tell you he was wild, I mean it. They hadn’t been able to tame him never mind how many times they tried. Then I came and tried. My way. And it worked. He became my partner since then. He’s the strongest and fastest horse in the SC history. Trust me, it’s not easy riding him into battle sometimes but I’ve grown used to it,” you explained and he huffed.
“It’s not only about growing used to it. You yourself are probably a great rider. A natural,” he commented and you shrugged.
“Maybe…Say, do you want to ride together?” you asked and he nodded.
That’s how you found yourselves riding the horses deep into the forest and away from all the ruckus in the training grounds. You wanted Levi to truly feel and experience the riding and bond with his horse which took some time instead of immediately jumping onto the animal and rushing it into gallop like what most did. And while the silence was comforting, you decided to break it.
“One of the perks about being a part of the Survey Corps is that you get to live surrounded by nature. Just look at it. Look how beautiful and peaceful it is. Fields upon fields and forests upon forest. So much greenery and beauty,” you sighed dreamily and Levi hummed in agreement.
“It’s not bad.”
“At the same time if you get tired of the peace and quiet, you can just roam the halls of the castle or the training grounds and sink into the pleasant noise of soldiers chattering, laughing, eating and training together,” you smiled as you looked at the man. The green shadows the trees cast upon him and the flickering-through-the-trees light bathing him made him look so beautiful, so relaxed…so gentle. Then your thoughts wandered off to a place deeper and darker.
“I still can’t believe that you’re here. That you chose to join the Survey Corps… I’ll be honest with you. I don’t think you guys are ready to be soldiers. Not yet. You need so much training and the expedition is too soon and,” you realized you were rambling so you took a breath and exhaled slowly. “I just…I just feel like Erwin’s offer and your decision will bring some catastrophic consequences. I trust my intuition. It has never failed me.”
“A bit too late for that now,” huffed the man and you bit your lip.
“Why didn’t you wait a bit more for me? I’m sure you calculated almost three years in the Training Corps and then one or so more until I get a higher rank-“
“I thought you were dead,” he interrupted you with a soft, heavy tone that surprised you.
“There were a few times when I would overhear the MP soldiers talking. They spoke of failed expeditions and death. They mentioned you too. Humanity’s Fastest, huh?” he shot you a wry smile and you blushed but held his gaze as he kept talking, the smile turning into frown. “Not long after, I heard them talking about a particularly nasty expedition that resulted in lots of death. That even you weren’t fast enough to escape.”
“Oh, Levi…It’s…It’s my fault for not finding a way to contact you. Trusting someone blindly and waiting for years is just…not possible or rational,” you looked away and squeezed your eyes, your grip on the reins tightening. Levi shook his head.
“I don’t blame you. It’s not like you could’ve come visit personally or sent letters. So you don’t blame yourself either, brat.”
The following weeks were a pure bliss. You spent all your free time with Levi, Farlan and Isabel, filling them in on everything that had happened throughout the years and helping them adjust to the world above.
But dread came. It came too soon for your liking – in the form of the 23rd Expedition.
。☆ ❅ ★━━━━ ❅ ━━━━★ ❅ ☆。
Your squad was mostly responsible for support and defense. Whenever someone shot a black or a purple signal, your squad was to go and assist the squad that had shot the flare.
That’s how you had clashed with Flagon’s squad and you had to combine your strength in order to kill the horde of titans that had appeared suddenly. It was overbearing and a member of your squad was nearly eaten by an abnormal. It was an aggressive abnormal, like nothing you’ve encountered before. Despite the warnings of your squadmates, you had jumped into action, slicing off its hand and entering its mouth in order to grab the girl’s ankle and haul her out. The tongue had been so slippery from the leaking saliva that you had slipped and half of your body had fallen into its mouth. When your arm ceased holding its mouth at bay, it clamped down – not hard enough to snap you in half but hard enough to cut into your meat. Levi had been the one to save you, slashing at the titan and then catching you as you fell once the monster had released you.
Now he was standing awkwardly to the side, fists gripping tightly the handles of the swords, yet shaking, as you were sitting on the ground, back leaning against your horse who had crouched down to serve as your pillar, with the female soldier you had saved wailing and fumbling with the bandages.
“Calm down, dear, it’s not that deep. I just need you to tie the bandages very hard, ok? Like you’re tying a corset,” you encouraged her weakly but her hands seemed to shake even more. Levi tsked as he grabbed them from her hands and shooed her away silently. He grabbed your arm and carefully helped you up, turning you so your back was facing him.
“Wow, Levi, you sure know how to treat gunshot wounds,” you commented as you observed the way he had nursed your injury. It had been a few days since the incident and you were already able to move. The man shrugged.
“Used to it.”
“I have to return home. My family must be worried,” you muttered as you looked apologetically at him. “Do you think you can help me put on my dress? The corset is a pain and it still hurts when I stretch.”
“Tch, come here.”
“Ouch! That’s too tight!”
“Just bear with it.”
He pulled sharply at the bandages, the sound of fabric rubbing harshly against fabric and skin almost sickening as well as the way your waist and belly seemed to become flatter and flatter due to the force and how tight he was tying the bandages around your abdomen. You kept silent. The only thing you allowed were small grunts of discomfort slipping through your lips.
“O-oi, isn’t that too much?” snapped Flagon but you shook your head.
“It’s better than bleeding out. Besides, I need to go to Erwin and the Commander,” you grunted and Flagon furrowed his eyebrows.
“I don’t like this weather. I have a bad feeling about it. It wouldn’t be wise to keep fighting if it starts pouring. It wouldn’t be a problem for the titans but it will be a major hindrance if we cannot see clearly. I’ll go to the center and talk to the Commander,” you explained while Levi finally finished with bandaging you. Your eyes locked and you exchanged gratitude silently. His gaze stayed longer on your form, eyebrows slightly furrowed in concern before he got onto his horse.
“You do have a point. The weather will be very problematic but on the other hand, we cannot cut the expedition so soon. We just left the walls,” reasoned Flagon and you sighed as you climbed on Astaroth. When he felt you on top of him he finally rose to his legs.  
“We can go back and wait until the weather is better, then continue. We are not going to lose anything if we just wait for a bit in Shiganshina.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think that the Royal Assembly will be understanding regarding this matter. They are already up our asses, threatening to defund us at every turn. This will be a good opportunity for them to spit on us yet again,” he growled and you sighed. He had a point, but still…
“I don’t give a rat’s ass about the Royal Assembly. I can deal with them. But I won’t risk the lives of my soldiers and comrades,” you declared firmly and your squad smiled as they looked at you with love and admiration. You were a great leader and you were already thinking and behaving like a Captain. That’s why you were so deserving of this title.
“Let’s go,” you commanded and everyone turned their horses, ready to gallop towards the center.
“Y/N,” Flagon’s voice halted you and you half turned to face him. He had a solemn look on his face. “You can’t save everyone.”
“I can try.”
。☆ ❅ ★━━━━ ❅ ━━━━★ ❅ ☆。
Flagon had been right. So right about you not being able to save everyone. You realized that as you stared at Farlan’s body – bitten in half and lying in the mud with his intestines hanging. Or Isabel’s head at Levi’s feet. Flagon and his squad’s bodies were distorted and strewn throughout the field alongside their horses. It was a nightmarish sight to see. Even more so than usual. Who would have known that there would be more aggressive abnormals? You wanted to throw up right here and now but you were too focused on Levi. Levi whose raw, pain-filled, raging screams you had heard just a few minutes ago. Levi who was trying his hardest not to cry, yet his tears were still there mixed with the remnants of the rain droplets. Levi who screamed at Erwin, confessing that his true goal was to kill him before falling to his knees, seemingly giving up on life.
After Erwin spoke to him and left alongside his squad, Levi didn’t move from his position, eyes hidden behind his bangs, but you still knew that they were focused on Isabel’s head, probably flickering onto Farlan. Your squad members looked at you worriedly. You were too still and unresponding. They weren’t used to seeing you like this.
You gulped as you took a few hesitant steps forward, kneeling in the mud beside the broken man. The same man who you now, after this gruesome expedition that almost cost you your life, finally came to realize you held feelings for – feelings stronger than what someone would hold for a friend.
You gently took his bloodied hand and his eyes snapped to you when he finally lifted his head.
“Let’s go home,” you whispered as you sent him a small smile and he lowered his head again. Despite all, he allowed you to hold his hand and help him stand up and lead him to his horse.
The journey back to the walls was silent. Levi was to ride with your squad. You wanted to watch over him. You were at a total loss. You didn’t know what to expect from him. Therefore you didn’t know what would be the best way to comfort him. One thing was for sure. You had to be ready for him acting like a cold dick and trying to push you away. You supposed that with personality like his, that behavior was to be expected.
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And you had been completely wrong. He didn’t do anything like that. He didn’t push you away. He wasn’t cold. In fact, it was the total opposite. He accepted your comfort. He accepted your affection, albeit hesitantly. He allowed you to be near him and make him company. You didn’t talk much. Just being near one another was enough.
He thought that you were the only person he had left now. Like hell was he going to push you away. He wanted to be strong and go through this alone. He didn’t want to burden you with his pain. He knew you were suffering too. Yet deep down he bitterly admitted that he needed you to be there for him. He needed you to hold him. He needed your reassuring words and your company that soothed the aching throb in his soul.
“Do you believe in reincarnation, Levi?” you asked him one night as the two of you were seated on the rooftop, staring into the skies.
“I don’t know anymore,” he whispered.
“I do. I believe that this body is just a shell and when it crumbles, our soul leaves and finds another one, either on this world or on another. Just look at the sky! It’s so huge! And I’m sure that there is more behind it, the further you go. Worlds upon worlds,” you smiled breathlessly and he raised his eyebrows, looking at the stars intently, as if trying to see beyond them the worlds you were speaking of. “I like to believe that all my friends who die get reincarnated into a world beautiful and free of titans and get to live normal and happy lives. That’s why I think that there is a certain beauty and relief to death, even if it hurts so much.”
“It doesn’t sound half bad,” he breathed out and you gave him one of those warm smiles that poured light into his heart. The type of smiles that almost had him smile back.
He was probably exaggerating but from now on, you truly were…
His everything.
He didn’t care about anyone else. Why should he? It’s not like they cared either. In fact, they kept calling him a criminal. They kept being rude and condescending, mocking him at every turn. Hange, Erwing and Mike were the only exceptions so far, willing to befriend him and actually putting an effort in doing so. And you of course. The rest of the higher ups kept quiet so he didn’t know how they felt about him. But out of all, there WAS one bastard that just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. He always went overboard with his insults and disrespect that even some of the cadets who used to hate Levi thought it was barbaric and had a change of heart regarding the matters.
Yeah. His name?
Deckan Caddel.
But you? You were brilliant. Every time Deckan would insult Levi openly, you would jump in his defense and insult the bastard just as fiercely which would make him glare dangerously at you before storming out. Levi always berated you.
“Tch, I don’t want you getting in trouble, dumbass. It’s not worth it.”
But to you it was more than worth it. So you fought. You fought for Levi.
And everything was good until one night, after waking up from a particularly nasty nightmare, you had rushed out of the comforts of your personal quarters and down the hallways. You wanted to go all the way to the male barracks and seek Levi’s comfort but a figure had halted your journey, making you stumble and almost fall down the stairs if a large hand hadn’t grabbed your arm roughly, shoving you against the stone wall.
“And just where is the little slut going?” taunted Deckan and you wriggled, trying to get out of his grasp.
“Let me go!”
“Nah, I don’t think so. Just who do you think you are, huh, little girl?” his voice sent shivers down your spine as his hands held your wrists so tight you swore you heard the bone crack. “I don’t care whether that sewer rat is your lover or your fuck buddy. You aren’t a Captain yet. So if you continue to oppose me and publically humiliate me just to defend him… I’ll make sure to break the life out of you, you hear me?” he growled as his knee slammed into your abdomen, causing you to groan in pain and cough out bits of blood. Said knee then slid down and came to rest between your legs, pressing onto your crotch and making your eyes widen in panic as your struggling became more fierce. “I’ll break you in every single way,” he drawled and his other hand went to grab your chin, squeezing it tightly. “And then I’ll make sure to suspend you from the Survey Corps,” he spat out and your eyes widened. “Or better yet. Now that I think about it, an accidental fall down the stairs might just do the job for me,” he smirked deviously and you gulped, anticipating his next crazy move.
Before any of you could do anything, a hand shot out from the darkness. It grabbed Deckan’s collar and harshly pulled, causing the man to steer off balance and lose his footing. You watched with a combination of relief and horror how everything happened as if in slow motion – him outstretching his hand in order to grab onto something, his body going further away from you before hitting the stone and proceeding to roll down. A thud was heard some seconds later, followed by a painful groan.
Then the sound of someone’s kick connecting with someone’s jaw echoed through the hallway, finally snapping you out of your stupor as you looked down to see Levi crouching down next to a beaten and bloody Deckan who was barely conscious.
“Touch her again and during the next expedition I’ll personally shove you into a titan’s mouth. I’m done with being silent and taking your shit, you filthy swine,” growled Levi and Deckan could only look in fear through his swollen eyes, barely nodding his head. Levi tsked before he climbed the stairs once again, taking your hand and quickly leading you into your office.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you whispered as he closed and locked the door.
“So I should’ve let that mongrel push you down the stairs?” he spat out and you shook your head. “He deserved what he got. I don’t regret my decision.”
“No, but-“
“Don’t! Just…don’t…” yelled Levi before his voice settled into a pained groan, almost cracking as his head lowered letting the bangs cover his eyes, his body slouching against the door. You knew that look. The vulnerable look. “Please, don’t get hurt…not because of me,” he mumbled. “It’s not worth it.”
You frowned as you approached him. Without hesitation, you took his face into your hands and kissed his forehead before you settled his head onto your chest, arms engulfing his form.
“How many times do I have to say it? I’ll die for you if I have to. Because it is worth it. It is worth it if it’s for your sake,” you whispered into his ear as one hand went to stroke his hair and he relaxed in your embrace, sighing softly as his own arms went around your body, pulling you even closer.
“Live for me instead.”
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imagineredwood · 3 years
“So, I was hoping you’d wanna marry me too?”
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Request: Angel being super cheesy and proposing at Disney.
Pairing: Angel Reyes x female reader 
Warnings: Mentions of Angel being slightly insecure but nothing really, mainly just fluff 
Word count: 1.2K
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“Is it good?”
You nodded in response to Angel’s question, a smile on your lips as you enjoyed the bite of the Minnie Mouse cookie. Angel chuckled and reached over to brush a few crumbs from your lips, still finding you to be the most beautiful girl in the world. His eyes always held love and affection when they looked at you, and you were thankful that despite all the things you had been through with him, both personally and regarding the club, that love had never dwindled. You and he were just as enamored with each other as you had been on your first date.
What number this date was, you had no idea.
Angel took you out whenever he could. It didn’t have to be lavish and expensive, nor did it need to be far away. Just a simple quick lunch with Angel was enough for you and he tried his absolute best to always give it to you. You didn’t ask for much, so when you had asked if he would take you to Disney, Angel had done whatever he needed to do in order to be able to take you. He had picked up extra shifts at the yard back-to-back and had cleared it with Bish, the president signing off on him taking a few days to spend with you on a mini vacation.
All of them knew Angel’s plans, except you.
You were oblivious to the diamond engagement ring that was tucked away inside the pocket of his jeans and Angel absentmindedly ran his hand over it as he watched you continue eating your cookie.
“We can grab a couple more before we go so you can take them home.”
You grinned at the thought, Angel always the pleaser. With your cookie free hand, you reached across the table and placed yours on his. The Mayan instantly flipped his over to hold onto yours, a lopsided smile on his own lips.
You shrugged, Angel seemingly always unconscious of how well he treated you.  
“I’m just lucky to have you. You always spoil me.”
He chuckled and shook his head, that little bashful smile coming to his face the way it always did whenever you praised him.
“It’s just a cookie mami.”
Using your hand, you motioned to the theme park around you.
“A Minnie Mouse cookie, that you got me for breakfast, at an amusement park, that we’re at on vacation, because you busted your ass to be able to take me. It’s not just a cookie. You’re like…my own Prince Charming.”
You grinned at your own pun, nodding your head over to the Prince Eric cut out over by the bakery counter. Angel looked down, feeling heat bubbling up on his cheeks. He scolded you playfully.
“Stop. You’re making me all soft and shit.”
You both laughed, your foot kicking at his softly under the table.
“You’ve been soft. I just bring it out.”
Angel’s smile stayed, brown eyes sparkling as they looked at you.
“Yeah, you do.”
Finished with your cookie now, you drank the rest of your milk and then stood, Angel throwing your trash away for you before grabbing your hand and leaving the bakery. The sun was bright in the sky, a soft breeze that made the weather perfect to be outside. You both walked around hand in hand, taking in all the bright colors and laughing children. You watched as families walked around together, matching hates and backpacks, a dad holding his youngest child up on his shoulders so they could get a view of the giant castle up ahead. You poked at Angel’s side and then motioned to the dad and his child once you had his attention.
“That would be you.”
You laughed and so did he, but your joke hit differently for him. He could see it. Never before could he really see his future clearly, but now with you, it seemed like every day he had visions of your future together and building a family with you. He could see himself doing another one of these vacations, except with your children. He could see himself buying you another Minnie Mouse cookie, and buying one for his daughter as well. Holding his son in his arms while you all walked around, your daughter holding your hand. He could see it perfectly and cleared his throat as he pulled himself from his daydream.
“Yeah, that would be me.”
Wrapping your arms around his, you continued walking around until you got to an aquarium. You both headed in, eyes adjusting to the darkness as you looked around. It was huge, various aisle for you to go done and read about the fish that were housed there. The families went over to the brighter and more busy area, Angel and you going off to the darker and more secluded aisle. It had more reading to do, and you figured that was why people had avoided it.
The darkness and subtle movements from the swimming fish calmed you, but it had the opposite effect on Angel. Not because of the environment itself, but because he knew that now was his chance to pop the question. There was no one in the aisle with you, the area quiet and serene. With a sigh, he figured it was now or never.
“Hey, uh,”
Your turned to look at him with a smile, your face falling as you took in the look on his.
“What’s up?”
The Mayan fumbled with his words for a moment, the nervousness almost getting the best of him. It was your hand on his forearm, gentle and reassuring, that gave him the push.
“I know this is cheesy since we’re at Disney and it’s like yeah, of course, everyone does this here, but I just wanted to get away with you and have fun with you because I love you and- “
Your finger to his lips quieted him down and stopped his rambling.
“Angel, slow down. What are you even talking about?”
Taking a deep breath, he delved into his pocket and retrieved the small navy-blue velvet box. Your eyes widened and you looked up at him sharply, only to move your gaze down as he got down on one knee.
“I just really fuckin’ love you and I wanna be able to do stuff like this with you forever. I wanna bring you here and bring our kids here. I wanna get you cookies for breakfast and just…I wanna marry you.”
Angel opened the box and showed you the ring, a hopeful look on his face as he looked up at you.
“So, I was hoping you’d wanna marry me too?”
Your tummy filled with butterflies and you nodded enthusiastically, tears prickling your eyes as happiness consumed you.  
“Of course, I will.”
Angel blew out a breath and stood as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He hugged you to him tightly, both of you embracing affectionately. Finally separating, he pulled the ring from the box and slipped it onto your finger perfectly. Locking eyes, you grinned and shared a quick kiss, looking over to the side as movement caught your eyes. There stood an elderly couple, both smiling warmly as they looked at you and Angel.
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@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl @elcococruz @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast @iambabyharry @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114 @saturnsaree @multiyfandomgirl40 @destynelseclipsa @sadeyesgf @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben @all-the-boys-to-the-yard @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla
Mayans MC taglist
@dazzledamazon  @abunnykisses @briana-mishell24 @angelreyesgirl @wrcn9fvlcver @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @veracruz-djarin @appropriate-writers-name @cind-in-real-life @blessedboo @montanaraed @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @emoengelfurleben @blowmymbackout
Angel taglist
@cardenasarmy @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @maciiiofficial
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