#hold me I'm lonely haha
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damn... I love the view in the g.ladio DLC...
#and I'm not talking about the mountains#though those are nice too#i remember having to pause so often during my first playthrough because i loved the scenery#ash rambles 💚#ive played his dlc a lot#you need to get a kinda high score to unlock playing as him shirtless and um....#yeah...#i love the different between g.ladio's story compared to the others#p.rompto has a lonely 3rd person shooter about what it means to be alive that focuses on life and death and wanting to die and-#i.gnis has a heartbreaking story of love and devotion and sacrificing everything for the ones you hold deae#*dear#but g.ladio?!?!?!?????#bro lost a fight so he goes to a creepy ass blue cave and fights a weird sword god to convince himself that he's actually a good fighter lo#he leaves the party to go play irl d.evil m.ay c.ry#(i get the complexities behind it and his story with c.or and him talking about how he feels insecure- but shhh focus on the haha funny)#BUT YEAH. G.LADIO IS JUST COOL LIKE THAT#but back to The View#he's so handsome.. (swoons)#LOOK AT HIS ARMS#AHSJAGDJHASJ#THE TATTOOS...#HE'S SO 😍😍😍😍😍#also there's a mechanic in the dlc where he literally pulls pillars out of the ground and hits monsters with them??? hello???#but also hehe he's so strong.. carry me next!!! youve already swept me off my feet!!!#... sorry that was cheesy#but yeah i love g.ladio and he's so cool actually#by the by. i kinda hate how the fandom treats him LMAAOOO I'm not saying that i understand his character better than other people but like.#the amount of g.ladio mischaracterization i see....#whatever. im gonna kiss him. i am going to kiss him so much.#send (cup) noods tonight 🍜
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arminsumi · 11 months
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found footage of satoru's student years... recorded on the camcorder that he carried around everywhere.
warnings : heavy angst, fluff, implied death, not proofread
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[ the first footage is one minute long. there's two blue eyes widening comedically on the screen. the resolution is low and the audio is tinny. ]
"Ooo it works... well hellooooooo there... i'm... GOJO!! SATORU!! and this is... suguuuuruu getooooo... oh look at that walk, you're such a model."
[ the camera is on suguru, who's walking with bad posture. he doesn't like the camera. ]
[ he has his old hairstyle; this was recorded before his hair was long enough to be in the bun style. he hides his face from the camera. ]
"... aw, he's a model that doesn't like cameras. anyways... this is the beautiful... STUNNING... hot... talented... playing-hard-to-get... (haha kidding)... y/n~"
[ the camera pans to you. you can hear the flirty tone in satoru's voice. ]
"... we are currently walking through the gates of hell..."
[ the camera pans to the school. the resolution clears for a second to show a blue sky with slowly drifting clouds. ]
"okay. we have arrived in hell; look there's satan himself—"
[ the camera pans to yaga. ]
[ the footage ends with yaga confiscating satoru's camera and scolding him. ]
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[ a video starts off shaky. the camera is dropped on the train floor and suguru sighs. ]
"satoru...... did you just break it after having it for one day?"
[ satoru picks it up and gives a toothy smile to the screen. ]
"nah. she's all good. not even a scratch. ooh... suguru we look so hot. and look how hot y/n is... she's so scandalous — sittin' next to me on the train. this proximity's got me sweatin', baby... kidding kidding... don't gimme that look!"
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[ suguru gives the middle finger to the camera and satoru's iconic laugh sounds beautiful even through the crap audio quality. ]
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[ there's a 3 minute video that's half-corrupted of a party happening in your apartment... of just you, satoru, suguru and shoko. lykke li's "i follow rivers" is playing loudly, satoru is screaming the lyrics in broken english and suguru is recording you and him dancing like maniacs. shoko is offering her cigarette to the camera and blowing smoke into the lens. ]
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[ there's a 25 second clip of satoru aggressively kissing you until you laugh. ]
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[ there is a photo of satoru crouching to pet a cat. he's holding an umbrella. ]
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[ there is corrupted footage of laughter and a flicker of the video shows a tiny pot on a stove with ramen cooking in it. ]
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[ there's a photo of you, satoru, suguru and shoko. you and satoru are looking at each other like lovebirds. suguru is giving the finger to the camera. shoko is laughing with her eyes closed. ]
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[ a long video of satoru waking up in a hotel bed. he looks like he just woke up. he blinks at the camera, bleary-eyed and cute with puffy lips and messy hair. ]
[ his morning rasp is strong. ]
"i'm awake... but miss sleepy head and mister sleepy head are not, as you can see..."
[ he zooms in on your face. you're laid at his right, and suguru is laid at his left. ]
"here's the sleeping angel... and here's the sleeping dragon... anyways... WAKEY WAKEYYYYYYYYY!!! IT'S A BRIGHT NEW DAY!!!"
[ suguru's wakeful groan sounds groggy and disturbed by satoru's loud, piercing wake-up call. you scrunch your face as you wake up, seemingly out of a dream. ]
"satoru... what the hell is the matter with you..."
[ it's an ultra close-up shot of your nose as you mumble this. ]
"i was lonely being awake by myself, gosh. you're so mean!"
[ he experiences a voice crack. suguru gives a sleepy, murderous look at his best friend. ]
"satoru... i swear i'm gonna throw that camera into traffic one day."
[ suguru's mumbling into his pillow too softly to be taken seriously. ]
"wanna say that to the camera?"
[ suguru looks grouchy. ]
"i'll kill you."
"WOW... buddy, this is evidence if you ever do kill me... the police will find this footage... 'n put your FLAT ass in jail. aw... y/n fell back asleep look look... aw she's so fucking precious."
[ suguru and satoru admire you for a bit. there rest of the footage is corrupted. ]
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[ footage of a breakfast in the same hotel. sunny side eggs are zoomed-in on. and there's only eggs. ]
"we're too broke to buy bacon, isn't that cool?"
[ satoru gets a nice view up his nose as he tilts the camera to himself. then he turns the camera to you, who's sleepily eating this miserable breakfast. ]
"... so we just have eggs to eat... heyyyy hot babe..."
[ satoru flirts with you and you roll your eyes in response, smiling and chewing on your egg, fork in one hand. ]
"wanna hear a joke?"
"if you ever broke up with me, what would you call me?"
"an idiot?"
"your eggs."
[ you groan and stop eating because his pun was so awful, but you've got a big smile on your face and satoru is laughing heartily. ]
[ the video ends with you and satoru leaning in for a big kiss and a sleepy suguru walking into the room, itching his tummy under his shirt. ]
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[ there's a clip of you, satoru, suguru and shoko yelling happy new year and watching fireworks explode into blazing, brilliant colors. suguru winks at the camera as you hold it and you giggle flirtatiously back. there's clearly tension between you two that neither satoru nor shoko acknowledge in the moment, because the fireworks distract them. ]
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[ there's footage of you, satoru and suguru kissing. it ends with satoru kissing the camera as a joke. ]
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[ most of the footage is corrupted after this. in the next video, satoru seems a bit older. ]
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[ there's footage of a solo satoru, who's been enlightened and and burdened with being the strongest. he's on a mission alone, keeping the camcorder on as he exorcises a curse. he trots over to the camera. he seems less enthusiastic compared to the other videos. ]
"aaand that's what the strongest looks like while he's at work."
[ satoru looks smug and goofy, but something is off. his features look worn and tired. ]
[ there is already that slightly disingenuous liveliness showing in his demeanor just in this small video; the version of satoru that his students would know as just normal gojo sensei. ]
[ his smile falters as he rambles about y/n and suguru. ]
"i'm gonna give y/n a big kiss when i get home. miss you, angel. haha... why am i talking to a camera all by myself... that's so sad. i'm gonna film myself gettin' that kiss at home, just to prove i'm not some lonely idiot. i have a hot fiancé..."
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[ one of the last photos taken on this camera is dated; august 2009. it's of you and satoru sharing a big kiss... neither of you knew it at the time, but it was your last kiss. ]
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[ the next piece of footage is from 2018. it's a 28 year old gojo, his features show his maturity and the weathering of all the years he's endured living without you and suguru.]
"i found this camera while cleaning up. if i look 'n sound funny it's 'cuz i've been crying haha......"
"...... i miss you two..... haha... i can't shove the camera in your faces like i used to, now can i?"
[ he awkwardly smiles at the camera but then his face trembles and contorts into an ugly-cry as if he just remembered every single memory of his youth. ]
[ the footage ends with a broken, barely audible "fuck..." falling from the teacher's lips as he starts to cry and drops the camera to the floor. the rest is corrupted footage... just heaving sobs of the man who has no more memories to record with suguru and y/n. ]
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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sm-baby · 5 months
Most exciting part of the trailer for the next TADC episode for you?
More so an Analysis rather than things I'm excited about X3
I watched the sneak peek on loop I can process everything! Waahh!! I'm so excited for episode 2 💞 only a few weeks away! 💕
I wanna get this out of the way, I love Lizzie Freeman and Alex Rochon's Improv work on this promo 😭 they were really put in a booth together, were told to say things to promote episode two, and came up with that 😭 Genius.
The environment work is GORGEOUS! I love the look of everything, the world-building, the colors! It looks like a full-fledged movie guys! Absolutely beautiful and WONDEROUS work from the Glitch team-- it's so beautiful for half a year of work??? God damn!!
Haha! As an in-universe creation, Despite his little gags, Caine is genuinely such a good AI to make something so cool!
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You'll also notice that Ragatha is taking charge of talking with the princess! That would make sense for such fellow beautiful well-mannered women!
More on them later at the end! :3
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Dream sequence theory
Also, we all agree that these ones are all part of a dream right? Pomni is panicked, the strange sort of "slow woozy wobbly" animation exactly like a dream... even the dolly zoom!
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Then she is sent to the cellar with a an abstracted arm, but that shouldn't be the case since Caine could easily fix an abstracted arm with a snap of a finger.
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And then she wakes up, freaked out!!
Wahaha! Shout out to the Showtime server for pointing this out while we were discussing!
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This is either and "end of episode prize" from Caine, or he jumps in mid-episode to hand them a helpful item, ooorr he's telling them that that's their objective for the adventure :3
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also!! people have pointed out that Zooble isn't with the carriage with the others! Either this means that Zooble was given a surprise roll in the adventure, or she's off to have a fun solo adventure with Caine! Ohh! How exciting!
Zooble is a favorite character of Goose's, so to learn more about him and why Goose loves them so much would be so exciting!!
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Whats up with Jax?
hunched down, writing in the sand, hugging his knees, this topped with Goose's two-word description of the next episode to be "I"m nothing"... Oh Jax is gonna have a MOMENT...
We all know that no one likes the dude and he's going to get worse. I'm unsure if this will make me like the guy, but I'm optimistic!
I'm open to understanding and seeing another side of him that would make me like him! I already quite like how this scene is framed, how lonely he looks, the acting in these few seconds already tells me what kind of guy he is.
...despite one of the gummis being tied up in the corner
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If i had to hypothesize, this probably stemmed with Jax acting out, you know, the usual "being a nuisance" to make everyone miserable,
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Then It escalates
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This gets on Ragatha's nerves, first starting out as a silly "haha cute interaction" between them and it escalates while the episode goes on where Ragatha genuinely gets mad at him and tells him to stay put while they do the work.
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Speaking of Ragatha, She seems to be quite fond of the Princess! There is a part of me that wonders if she wants to sort of-- "prove" herself in a way, as a leader or otherwise. Ragatha does give me the "smart yet nice kid in class that everyone copies off of" energy... TwT This poor woman.
I don't know, just the way The Princess bends down and holds her hand, it's sort of sweetly mentorly or motherly in a way. I'm not saying this to infantilize Ragatha, I respect her so much as a mature 30-year-old adult, I say it as a testament to The Princesses' character. Princesses, Queens, and any sort of royalty have been characterized as the sort of "mother/father of all" sort of character type, which is sweet! And would be quite interesting!
I know that people are quick to do the shipping with these two, but I kind of like the idea of Ragatha wanting approval and validation.
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
I totally fell in love with Princess ❤️ My heart broke when mc broke down saying she just wants to go home, poor baby must feel so lonely and exhausted 😣
I can already imagine JK being super protective of her. Like say her superior from the company (maybe a manager or something?) is super harsh with her, thinking they're in private, but JK overhears them?
Thank you for writing such wonderful stories, I'm so excited to see how the story unfolds!
I didn't know if it was a drabble request but I'm writing it anyways haha (trigger warning for: food restrictions)
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"Since when do you eat those?!" Your manager scolds loudly, and Jungkook can clearly hear the man through the slightly open door. Maybe he forgot that hybrids have heightened hearing- or maybe he thought Jungkook had left the area entirely during his break.
Either way, he doesn't like that tone at all.
"Its just one.." you mumble meekly, which surprised the wolfdog hybrid a lot. Never has he heard you this.. submissive. Like you're trying to pacify the guy.
"One every day, possibly more, we both know you're lying right now!" He yells. "You've gained already, how do you think you'll lose that weight again before the competition?!" He scolds harshly. "All your measurements have to be consistent! We talked about this!" He tells you.
"I'm sorry.." you answer quietly.
"I'm taking those." Jungkook hears a plastic bag rustle. "You're only eating the food staff makes you, am I clear?"
"Yes.." you answer again, noticeably disappointed.
"I'll talk to Jeon, a few more hours of training each day will make that extra weight drop quickly-" He starts before he almost runs straight into the man he's been talking about, who's leaning against the doorframe with a more than dark expression.
"Thats mine." Jungkook nods towards the plastic bag. "I brought it for her to eat."
"She- I.. excuse me but she's on a very strict diet plan." The manager explains a lot more carefully now, voice entirely different. "She has a dietician-"
"Then that dietician will agree with me when I say that she needs a lot more food each day to have enough energy to burn." Jungkook explains, still blocking the doorway, before he holds out his hand, wordlessly.
"Thats not for you to decide." The man denies.
"Then we have no reason to continue working together." Jungkook says, making your eyes widen in the background, panicking. You don't want Jungkook to cut the contract so soon. He said he'll help you, what is he doing?
"...she better work that off until the contest." The man grumbles, pushing the bag into Jungkook's hand before he pushes himself past the wolfdog hybrid, who glares after the man. It's only when you pull on his shirt that he looks down on you, no anger left in his face.
"You didn't have to argue with him." You say. "He's.. always like that. I should've known he'd get angry."
"I don't care." Jungkook denies, walking into the small break room to sit down, slapping the seat next to him. "Now come here and eat. I didn't lie when I said I brought them for you."
"But-" you start, only reluctantly sitting down, though you can't talk more because he's already ripped off a piece of the sweet donut to stuff into your open mouth.
And while you glare at him with stuffed cheeks, he can't help but smile to himself.
You really are all bark and no bite to him.
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ummmlife · 1 year
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Yandere!Nanami as your boyfriend
now before we start you have to understand that the darkest and twisted part of my heart belongs to this concept of Nanami. This takes place in an alternative universe where Akutami got along with Nanami's original design as a curse user.
this man just had enough with his life as a salaryman and one day he murdered all his coworkers and boss. so this is where his whole personality changed.
Haibara's death, Geto's choosing to be a curse user before him, the higher-ups and their shit, Nanami simply had enough. he stops minding what people could think (since he's basically a crimal with a death sentence on) and surrendered to his most sicking and deepest desires.
now when it comes to you, Nanami met you after his transformation. if he had a partner before, he could have never become a criminal. this Nanami isn't the Nanami we know and love, he's worse, he already killed hundreds of people so why could he be a normal and mentally stable partner?
said that, please beware of:
Warning! ; Yandere!Nanami , nsfw (mdni) , violence and abuse , nc , obsessive and abusive behavior (from Nanami) , physical and psychological abuse , very dark themes , afab reader , evil Nanamin rawr. i swear, this isn't nice at all, so if you're sensitive, please avoid reading
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When Nanami saw you walking alone to your home on a cold Thursday night after a long day of work/study, he simply couldn't take his eyes from you. How weird, this is the first time he has this kind of need.
Nanami slowly started to walk behind you, keeping a distance of two blocks as you kept walking.
Finally, when you turned to a very lonely neighborhood to shortcut your way home, he walked faster and held you from behind, making sure to cover your mouth, — "Shh, shh, shh… Don't make a noise, I'm not planning to hurt you".
Even though Nanami is a, now very sadist and evil man, he keeps his gentleness intact… in his own way.
— "Don't you like it? I bought these specially for you, my dear". Nanami kidnapped you, fortunately he hasn't abused you (yet), he just tries to force you to believe that you're in a relationship with him. Now he has bought a new pair of handcuffs, hinged metal handcuffs. He just wants to make sure you don't run away.
He keeps you in a dark room with a single mattress on the floor and a monitor to watch you. If it wasn't because of the context, Nanami could be the most passionate and romantic man that you could ask for, but he's your kidnapper and you are in a situation of life and death.
That one time you decided to talk back to him you got beaten up in a very nasty way. — "I'm sorry, my pet. But you need to understand that my word is the last one and you shouldn't talk back to me". He didn't even bother to clean the blood from your face or the tears of your eyes that day.
Are you into nudism? No? Oh well, you better start being a nudism enthusiast! Nanami could keep you naked, why would you need clothes anyway? He likes to grope your body and kiss you everywhere, especially after a long day of working with Geto (yes, he's with Geto). — "Hmm… Your skin is so soft, my love. Ah! No, no, no, don't try to fight back. You know that I owe you, this little cunt is all mine".
Now here is where things get bad for you. If you thought that Nanami could never want to use you to please his "special needs" you thought wrong. Yes, Nanami could fuck you even without your consent, he's a massive murdered, he doesn't need your permission or pleasure to feel good, in fact, he likes your face of distress and fear when he starts abusing your holds.
— "Hah… That's it…". This man the devil himself when he gets to fuck you, the only lub he needs it's your (forced) cum after he eats you out, and if he doesn't, oh well, I hope you be a masochist. — "Hmm! Are you crying already? Haha, oh dear, I'm just starting here. I'm gonna fuck this tiny cunt until you pass out again".
Of course, all of this is your fault. It's your fault that you're here with him, it's your fault for walking alone at night, it's your fault for being so freaking beautiful for him.
Nanami is terrifying. Even if you get some kind of Stockholm syndrome, you'll live terrified of him.
Let's say that you behave very well for him, accepting every single kind of abuse he has given you and even loving him back. He won't let you leave his apartment, but you now can walk around it and even sleep with him at night. Now you can even wear clothes! Of course, with no underwear underneath, he needs easy access to your pussy after all.
Even seeing you trying to look outside the window enrages him. He can't bear the possibility of another man wanting you, that's why he kidnapped you, after all, to keep you for him and him only. So that time when you attempted to escape and he caught you, he put the handcuffs on your wrist again and locked you in that dark and cold room again, as a punishment. — "You're mine. If you ever try to run away again, I'll beat you to death".
This man has brainwashed your mind after all these months to make you believe that you have no other choice but to be with him. He knows about your family and has threatened you to kill them if you ever leave him.
— "What if for our anniversary I give your womb a baby? Hmm? Couldn't you like it?". He's being serious, he wants a family with you. — "Oh, I know you don't want any children, dear, I know. But you have to understand that it could make me really happy, don't you want your boyfriend to be happy? What kind of girlfriend could you be if you don't make me happy?"
It's not like you could say no. If you decide to oppose he will beat you up and r word you, so be smart and accept to let him breed you.
— "You're so wet tonight, dear… Fuck, so fucking wet for me". With no other option left, you feel how Nanami is stretching your pussy with his (massive cof cof) dick. The best way to conceive a baby is in mating press, so Nanami is on top of you, with his tongue deep inside your mouth for a sloppy kiss as he's pounding all his cum to your uterus. — "Hah, darling! You're taking me so well, you have been milking me for hours now. Haha! I'm not done yet, I'm gonna get you pregnant tonight". His determination is kinda scary at his point, he's getting you and himself more than overstimulating as he cums for the 3rd time tonight. — "You're gonna look so lovely carrying my baby in your belly. Mhm, just thinking about it makes me hard again".
Getting pregnant or not, you now have to accept your new life. Any concept of freedom or a happy life has been already erased from your mind, now you can only try to bear with your new reality.
Yandere!Nanami is this sickeningly and abusive man. The one who privated you of your freedom, starves you from time to time, isolated you, abused you and forced you to make a family with him. You were so damn pretty that night when he found you, he couldn't just lose his opportunity, and only hell knows how happy he is to have found you.
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good that our Nanami isn't like this at all, right? i'll write something sane and lovely about my man another day ‹𝟹
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aestherin · 1 year
goal 09: do you like sweets?
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You are fully self-aware that you have delusional tendencies, but you know yourself well enough to think that you weren't that far gone yet to the point that you will start seeing your long distance crush right in front of you.
He's probably real.
Taking notice of your presence, Scaramouche then turned towards you. His face was hard to read, other hand holding his phone and the other inside the pockets of his denim pants. His oversized black shirt was tucked, highlighting his good figure.
'Holy. He's got good style too,' you thought. It was simple, yes. But he carries outfits so damn well.
But what is he even doing here in your uni?
Since an eye contact has already been made, you flashed a sheepish smile and a light wave. Your loud personality online was such a huge contrast in comparison to how you're actually behaving now.
He just stared. 'Oh. So he's the cold type. God, he's exactly my type.'
"Aren't you going in?" You snapped out of your musings upon hearing his voice.
"I was about to. I'm starving," you chuckled. He scoffed. "I could use a bit of food, too."
"We should eat at the birthday party then."
You nod.
He looked away. "Go and eat inside. I'll find another place to eat at."
You flashed a look of disbelief. Scaramouche raised a brow in confusion. "Dude, you're literally already at a restaurant and you still want to go somewhere else to eat?"
"And you're hungry, aren't you?"
He sighed. "Look, I don't know if you know this, but the one holding a party — well, we're not on the best of terms."
Oh. Yeah.
There's that thing.
How the fuck could you forget that the love of your life is from the rival of your brother's team?
"Ah," You nod again. He seemed to take it as you understanding his reasoning and turned the other way, attempting to head off.
If only you hadn't tugged at his shirt.
"What the?!"
You led him to a lone bench at the parking lot, lit warmly by the streetlight just directly above it. "Sit there and wait for me."
"Excuse me?" He hissed. "What am I? A dog?"
"Your words, not mine." You grinned. "Just do as I say, okay? It won't be long, I promise."
He was about to retort but you cut him off by hurriedly entering the lively restaurant.
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When you got back, you easily spotted Scaramouche who was sitting comfortably on the bench where you left him. He immediately scooted over once he saw you.
"Wow," he remarked. "You know I actually doubted if you would even come back."
You chuckled as you sat and handed him his plate. "Do you have trust issues?"
"Shut the fuck up."
"Oh, so you do."
He rolled his eyes.
Your late dinner with him was mostly filled with a comforting silence, with some bits of small talk in between. The only ones left on your plate were delectable desserts, as well as the little pieces of food you left out.
"Do you like sweets?"
"No," Scaramouche speedily replied. "They're disgusting."
You subconsciously frown. "Shame. I like them."
"You can have mine then," he says as he picks up his portion of desserts and transfers them to your plate. Unbeknownst to you, his observant gaze failed to miss how your eyes sparkled in delight at the sight of mouthwatering sweets.
As he did so, Scaramouche also spotted some leftovers on your plate. "Do you not like bitter stuff?"
"My tongue can't handle them."
"Give it to me then instead of wasting food, idiot."
You let out a laugh. "Is that your way of saying you like bitter stuff?"
The man just let out a quiet "tch" before taking a bite.
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KEEP MY HEART — scara x reader smau
previous . masterlist . next
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SUMMARY —you find plenty of guys around you attractive, but there is only one you’re willing to make the first move on: the guy you first saw during your older brother’s soccer game. spoiler: he's a player from your rival university.
NOTES -> a lot has happened lmaoo i was so busy aaa -> i graduated hs finally :P -> i also submitted my requirements for college haha -> also can u guys believe i'm gonna be in college while my college smau is on going omg -> and apologies for ghosting HASDHADHA (also wtf fontaine livestream tomorrow already whaaat time flies so fast omg)
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candyskiez · 3 months
thinks about teru again. he’s so funny and tragic to me. like. ok so he got targeted by a psychic terrorist organization that sent adults to try and kidnap him at a young age. and he rationalizes it by going “i am the Protagonist this is happening because i am the Main Character” and then lives his life by that idea bc it’s that or face the fact that he’s nothing, that he’s an average person and all these things happened to him for no reason. and then he meets mob and wants to befriend him, has questions he wants to ask- here is someone who might finally understand him. and then bc teru is thinking like a Main Character i think he goes “ok so if i defeat him then we’re friends otherwise we’re rivals” bc he’s still going off of tropes and cliches. and then shigeo fucking curbstomps him and he goes “oh ok i get it im not the main character 👍 KAGEYAMA’s the main character. so i must be The Rival Character then” but it’s just a way he can act as a friend without breaking the tropes he uses to rationalize his trauma
YEAH YOU GET IT! YOU UNDERSTAND! He's so horribly lonely but also literally everything about his mindset is directly standing in the way of giving him any connection. He holds people to such high standards that they're always going to disappoint him, so he spends time with none of them. He craves constant approval and affection but none of it is enough to satisfy the need for actual connection. So he just goes through shallow relationship after shallow relationship going Yep. This is great. I am happy. And I genuinely think he doesn't realize he's NOT happy because like. When you're in a shitty situation for your entire life you don't necessarily realize things can be Better. So Teru is not captured by claw when other people are, and he can do things that other people can't, so his situation is better than most! Nevermind the fact hey maybe there shouldn't be Claw. Maybe people shouldn't be attacking random kids. Maybe this is all insane. He's just like. Wow I'm so strong and smart for evading claw, because the idea that he just was Lucky would be terrifying and take away his entire sense of safety. He needs to be the smartest toughest guy that Has Ever Existed™ because if he's not, then suddenly he could get captured or die at any moment. And that's suddenly way less haha my life is so cool! The denial juice is strong here.
Literally everything about his introduction episodes is so damn telling. He tells the body improvement club everyone always underestimates him. But he conveniently leaves out how this makes him feel, or if he's offended. We see him lose his shit when Mob says he isn't able to hurt him, so clearly he's far more affected by it than he wants to admit. But he can't be upset by it. It's an Advantage in this Battle he's in. No one takes him seriously, and that means he can get away with more shit, and that means it's easier to beat them in battle! Nevermind the fact that he works his ass off, he is not upset at all, because that would be ridiculous. It's an Advantage. He wraps literally everything in his life that hurts him up in a bow of "Actually, this is good." He cannot admit that anything about him or his life is bad. He cannot admit that he isn't perfect, or that his life isn't just a fun challenge, or that he maybe misses his parents a little bit. He like...just fully submerges himself in the idea of being a character so he doesn't have to realize how easily he could die or have his life ruined. If his parents stop sending him money, he's fucked. If claw beats him, he's fucked. He doesn't have actual connections with people, because he views them too lowly to let them in at all, and he is fucking himself over so hard with it. He needs this to not be terrifying. And he also needs to be in the right, I think. I mean, he treats all of the fights at school like a game. It feeds his ego and it means he's safe. People can't touch him and it feels good to take out his anger (he's just angry that they disrespect him, he has nothing else whatsoever to have unresolved anger about, he is completely fine and is just enjoying being able to wipe that smug smile off that assholes face. He is so okay and well adjusted!) He's just. A mess of weird ass coping mechanisms. If he isn't right, which he definitely is!, suddenly he isn't the main character, suddenly he's not just Doing Whatever, suddenly he's just another asshole. Y'know. Do I make sense. He needs to be right because if he's not right it goes from a fun game to he was just an asshole for no reason and he didn't actually gain anything at all.
God. I need to rewatch EP five, because it's insane and also tells you so much about Teru, I'm sure it's even better on a rewatch. I need to rewatch this show soon or I'll die. But like. God. He takes the idea of the only other natural esper his age he's ever met being different than him SO personally. Because he's right. He is doing everything exactly the way he is supposed to. Clearly this guy is an idiot and weak. That's why he's afraid to fight him. Clearly. He can't comprehend that maybe Mob just straight up doesn't want to hurt him. Mob thinks he's better than him. Mob needs to be taken down a peg. And then he can't hurt Mob. Then he can't break his fucking barrier. Hes fought espers before. He knows how to fight espers. He is perfectly capable of it. He has literally everything he needs to beat him and for the first time he very suddenly Can't. And this person is so different and is treating him like he's having a temper tantrum and isn't following his rules that he's formed his entire life around. Can I interest you in autistic Teru. Can I please interest you in the fact Teru has autism. Please ma'am I just want a minute of your time.
I also feel like. The fact he Needed to idolize Mob is very telling. Mob defeated him so CLEARLY he's so powerful and perfect and amazing. He still can't let go of Being Amazing, of the idea he can't fail for no good reason. He needs Mob to be special or else he means nothing. Or else he's worthless. He needs to mean something. His entire identity is hinged around Mob now which. No pressure. He needs Mob to be perfect or else he's worth Nothing. So he puts him on a huge pedestal so he doesn't have to do any reflecting and now he can have the added bonus of a friend and it's Fine! It is totally fine. He is not affected by the fact he almost killed a man on accident. He is not affected by the fact he may have severely injured several people. He is not affected by the fact Mob could've killed him. He is not affected by the fact he was wrong. None of this affects him at all. He is So Fine.
And then he switched the narrative around to haha I was the one who needed to be taken down a peg. This is fine. My world view is not in shambles. I don't need to reassess anything. Everything that happened to me is still cool and fine and I still matter because I'm in the main characters life. So it's fine. He goes from nothing matters except Me to nothing matters except Kageyama, but at first he's done absolutely zero reconfiguring.
Also like. He romanticized that fight so much. Can we please talk about that. God. Hi. This fucking kid. Someone please like. Get him a therapist and maybe a Capri Sun.
I'm too tired to write more right now and think I should probably go ahead and post but like. Yeah. God. This show. Teru makes way too much damn sense. I want to shake him. What is his problem (just spent several paragraphs analyzing his problem.)
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dreamingcloudie · 2 years
im sorry for immediately jumping into requests but i see dottore content and i immediately go gdusabjnkdsa
reader, feeling a bit bored and lonely, gathered a bunch of segments and asked if they could just cuddle with them OF COURSE they'd agree... prime comes back from a mission to see the tasks he'd assign them half done but before he could get too angry, sees you all snuggled up in a pile with the most relaxed expression on your face he'd seen in a while.......... he tells the segments to leave and hugs you himself instead (jealous perhaps? HHEHEHE)
❛❛ In My (Our) Arms You Go ❜❜
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✎ ❛❛ Dog pile!— Oof! ❜❜
Pairing(s): Dottore (& segments) x GN!Reader
Genre/Format: Fluff (oneshot)
wc: ~1.1k
Notes: Back to our regularly scheduled fluff :D This is so cute istg 😫✋️✋️Dottore and his skrunkly segments are just ANAKSHDIEJEFIS 💕💕💕 I'm sorry this is short! ^^;
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You sighed as you threw your head backwards and stared at the ceiling, the pencil that you were holding dropped onto the desk.
"I give up." You groaned into your hands.
It has only been fifteen minutes since you started to sketch random objects in the room. You thought having your mind run wild with imaginations by adding some twists to them would be the cure to your boredom. 
But it clearly backfired, it required too much thinking.
If anything, it made you feel even more bored than before, if that was even possible.
Heck, you even tried to watch the raindrops sliding down the window pane, pretending that they were racing against each other! 
No matter how much effort you put into distracting your bored out mind, you were too occupied with thoughts of your lover. 
A week ago, the Tsrista had sent out an order to Dottore, there was a mission that required his assistance in the far lands of Sumeru. And since this was an order from the Cryo Archon herself, there was no way he could decline even if he wanted to. 
So reluctantly, you had to let him go for you didn't even know how long. 
Without his goofy laughs and your daily dose of kisses, you felt lonely…
Especially with how your work schedule has been pretty hectic lately. Just as you thought you could have some peaceful moments with Dottore, he had to leave.
What kind of cruel joke was this?
What to do now… You thought as you closed your eyes.
Reading… Cooking... Beating Delta's ass up—
Wait, what?
Where did that come from? 
Reopening your eyes again, you focused on your hearing and could make out faint footsteps walking past your room along with a grumpy voice.
"I can't believe Delta messed all of this up! More work for me, ugh."
So it was a segment.
The segments…
You gasped a bit when a sudden idea came to mind. 
How fun would it be if you cuddled all of them at once?
You were getting a little giddy about your genius idea but then a realization made you doubt your plan.
They are probably busy though… You let out a huff.
Before Dottore left, he had given out a task for each of them to complete. He expected them to finish everything he asked of them by the time he returned.
But a fifteen minute break for them wouldn't hurt, right? You reasoned.
As you slammed the laboratory doors open, you slightly cringed at the loud noise it made when it hit the wall, startling some of the segments.
"(Y/n), my dear. You could've just knocked next time," Omega lightly scolded you.
Smiling at him sheepishly, you lightly scratched your neck.
"Haha, sorry."
He shook his head, chuckling at how adorable you were.
"Well, what brings you here?"
"So I was thinking… if we could all cuddle together?" You asked. 
Your voice wasn't loud enough to reach the other segments, but they could still make out the words "we" and "cuddle". All of them instantly dropped what they were doing and surrounded you.
Getting affection from their darling? And with no Prime around? Who would pass up such a great offer?
"Are we gonna cuddle?!"
"Can we really?"
"Cuddling? I wanna join!"
Well, that was a lot easier than you thought it'd be. 
Oh, how you loved their happy little faces as they trailed behind you, with you leading them to your room.
The moment you got into your room, you laid down onto your bed and sprawled your limbs out, inviting them to come join you.
One by one, each of them plopped themselves down onto the bed with you. 
Some of them held onto your arms while some intertwined their legs with yours, and a head was laid against your torso.
Though, even with this king-sized bed, it could barely fit all of them. 
Theta moved around a little to find a comfortable position when he accidentally kicked someone.
"Ow! Who kicked me?!" Delta yelped.
"Deserved, you gave me more work to do by spilling the serum everywhere!"
"Oh my— Whoever has their feet near my face, please move. It smells of rotten flesh." Omega covered his nose from… whoever feet that was.
Well, this was definitely a bit hard to get used to with how much weight was laying on top of you. 
You weren't complaining though, the weather was a bit colder than usual and they made such a great heat source.
Their bickerings died down and silence soon took over the room, only to be occasionally broken with some light snores and the soft sounds of rain hitting the window.
Ah, life was good.
After a week of being away from the comfort of the palace, he was finally back from the mission and he felt like he would pass out any moment.
The mission he came back from was hell even though it was a success in the end. Nonetheless, he was now back and he had missed you dearly.
Though before going to your room, he was looking forward to seeing how his personal project was coming along. He had calculated that by the time he came back, it would've been completed by his segments.
However, all he saw was an empty lab. What's even stranger was that the work was half-done.
Where did they go? They wouldn't abandon their work like this unless it was an emergency…
Dottore turned back and walked to your room, afraid that something might have happened.
The sight he was greeted with made his blood boil. His segments were slacking off, hugging you as they slept. But when he got closer and took a glance at you, he noticed how peaceful you looked, and it's been a long time since he had seen you this relaxed.
You were complaining about how your work was stressing you out and you weren't able to get some proper rest.
Well, he supposed he'd let his segments off the hook this time for helping you to relax.
Though, his chest tightened at the realization that he wasn't the one who was holding you.
It was his turn now.
He nudged one of the segments awake, and soon the others began to wake up as well at the movement. Miraculously, you were still sound asleep.
All of them stiffened at the sight of Prime glaring at them, oh boy, they could already hear the mouthful lecture they'd get later.
"All of you get back to work, now."
The segments scurried to get out of the room, a little down that they had to leave you so soon.
Changing out of his work clothes and taking off his mask, he slowly got into the spot beside you. Chuckling lightly when his thumb cleaned the drool that left your mouth.
His arm wrapped around you, sighing in content that he finally got to hold you again.
All to himself.
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otomiyaa · 4 months
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Ticklish Rafayel x MC / First-Person POV
Written for my dearest @ticklygiggles!
Summary: Part two of Ebb and Flow - Rafayel is feeling better, so it's a good moment to, well yeah, return to that topic of a certain ticklish Lemurian...
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Ebb day... Lemurians...
My dreams are a little funny. I wonder why, but when I open my eyes, and immediately see Rafayel staring at me, I know. I remember.
"You're up," he says. He looks like he has been waiting for a while.
"I fell asleep?" I look around. Looks like I really did sleep through the night.
Rafayel nods. "I didn't want to wake you up. Though, I felt lonely."
Pffft. The markings on his face are still visible. He's so pretty, but... I suddenly get up and grab his hand. He looks startled.
"Are you feeling alright now?" I ask. Rafayel nods slowly.
"I'm fine. It's fading."
I sigh in relief. His temperature seems a lot better too. "But these..." I reach out to carefully touch the marks on his face.
Rafayel allows me to touch him, but when I move towards his neck to touch him there, he twitches and moves his hand up defensively.
"There you go again," he complains. I can't help but smile at the memory. Rafayel is ticklish...
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"It tickles that much? If I do it more, will you laugh for me?" I ask.
Rafayel looks at me with a defiant look. "Would you actually dare?" he asks. I hold back a giggle. How is he so beautiful, adorable and bratty at once? Noticing that he's feeling better, I decide to take a shot.
"I dare," I say, and I lean towards him and start to tickle his neck. My fingers brush softly against the skin around the markings, occasionally tracing over them, and the sound of Rafayel's sudden giggles is making me feel things.
"Hehey! Wohahah!" Rafayel giggles, and I climb on top of him to straddle him and access his tickle spots from a better angle.
"No haha! Dohohon't you dahahare!" he laughs, squirming weakly as I tickle his neck with one hand and his side with my other.
"I thought you dared me to do it? Rafayel, Mr. Lemurian, you say you feel better but you still speak in riddles," I say. I remember the things he said last night.
"You can't even run away... I'll do whatever I want to you. Does that ring a bell, too?"
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"Nohoho! It d-doesn't!" Oh the pretty little liar. He's blushing so much right now.
"Not- not there, stahahap!" I carefully observe his reactions. He really does seem to feel better and he's no longer as weak, but still not strong enough to defend himself from my tickles.
"If I stop, will you at least tell me where else you are ticklish? Maybe, here?" I ask, and I slip my hand into his half-open robe and scribble my fingers against his stomach. The reward is even more laughter. Louder, brighter. I can't help but smile.
"Aahahaha! I wohohon't tehehell!" Rafayel laughs hysterically. I chuckle and add my other hand, now using all ten fingers on his stomach. It takes some balance to keep myself on top of him as he squirms and wriggles.
"You know that's basically like asking me to tickle you more, right?"
Rafayel manages to catch my wrist, but I simply turn the tables and grab his hand, pulling it up and pinning it above his head. With my other hand now free again, I poke and tickle his exposed underarm, and Rafayel's sweet giggles and helpless pleas fill the room.
"Hehehe! Nohoho! Huhuhumahahans ahahare the wohohorst!" he laughs. I smile fondly.
"And Lemurians really are ticklish and... beautiful," I whisper. I don't think he heard that last part.
Hoping I didn't bully him too much after such a rough night, I stop my tickle attack on him and cup his cheek, comforting him while he catches his breath.
"I'm sorry Rafayel. I couldn't help myself. Are you still feeling alright?"
Rafayel breathes in and out for a moment and nods. "I'm fine. I'll be more fine once I gather all my strength to tickle you back, which I will, sometime. But..."
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He grabs my hand as I caress him, and he looks at me with those beautiful eyes.
"Right now, I want you to stay by my side a little longer. Can you do that?"
I nod. "Of course. I won't go anywhere."
He wraps me in his arms and even though I no longer feel tired, I think I could sleep like this, with the sound of Rafayel's pretty laughter still ringing through my head.
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candy616 · 8 months
Souvenir from the Battlefield 💖
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~Phillip Graves x fem!Reader~
I wrote it because you asked me, love @xxavengingangelxx 💖 I'm sorry it's a pure disappointment though.
Y'all are invited to witness my embarrassment of a work. @bellgraves 💖 @rekakamado 💖 @phillip-graves-wife 💖 Please feel free to ignore even if I tagged you, my lovelies.
Warnings: An extremely UNSATISFYING (you've been warned) smut scene, a poor writing of a fifth grade, unsafe knife play (don't try this at home plz), not exactly about a knife play though, I don't know what is it all about to be honest… huh.. Slice of life maybe? I'm no Milton, but this isn't Paradise Lost either. Please don't throw stones at me. I wrote this instead of sleeping haha.
You've been dating for almost a year now, but you still lived in his penthouse that Graves barely could call a home before you appeared in his life and made this place much cozier. Before you've met, he practically lived in HQ, bases and hotels all over the world, not thinking much about having his own place. His place has always been on the battlefield. Graves didn't even have any hobbies, his passion laid only for one thing: making a difference in the world. And he was damn good at it. But being the Number One comes with price - he could never feel at home anywhere. Yes, Shadows were his home, but it was different... Until he met You. You changed his life completely. He found himself craving for more than battles, he started to want his own family, his own home. And You became that home for him. You've planned to buy a huge house, a mansion maybe, somewhere far away from city. A sweet secret place just for the two of you. But this was a rough and busy year. The war was everywhere, no rest for the wicked. And less he could do for now is trying to get home as soon as possible every time. Just like today.
Another quiet, lonely evening, you were sitting on the couch, wearing your nightgown, almost ready to go to sleep, staring at your laptop, mind absorbed with your boring work routine, trying not to think that you have to live without your ridiculously handsome bf for three days more, unable to even contact him this time due to the mission. You were so frustrated and immersed in the screen, you didn't hear someone approaching from behind.
“Honey, I'm home...” His hands were on your shoulders.
You shrieked and jumped, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Phil?! What the Hell?! I thought you are returning only in three days! Why didn't you call me? I would have greeted you properly! God, love... You scared me to death but I'm so happy you are home!” You immediately threw your arms around him, embracing him tightly.
He chuckled hearing your excited babble.
“Sorry, babe. I couldn't call. I came to ya as soon as I could. Besides, ya've been complaining 'bout the lack of excitement, so I thought I could deliver." He grinned, revealing his adorable little fangs. You let out a small, infatuated sigh and leaned into him. His eyes darkened, and he grunted, pulling you closer with his strong arms, holding you tightly in a bear like hug. He leaned in and began kissing you passionately, devouring your mouth as if he were a man starving, making you melt immediately and completely. He kissed you for a few minutes, filling your mouth with his tongue and saliva, not willing to let you go. Eventually, he sighed and loosened his grip, gazing into your eyes and gently stroking your hair. "Damn, babe, I missed ya so bad." His arms squeezed you tightly as he held you close.
“I missed you more... I wish you'd never leave me ever again.” You looked at him and noticed how pale his face was. He looked extremely exhausted. “Jeez, Phil, you need rest. Now.” You took his hand and led him to the couch, making him to sit down.
“Yes, ma'am.” He plopped down heavily on the sofa, leaned back, closed his eyes, stretched out his legs and sighed. You stroked his cheek affectionately, looking at him with love and sympathy. Your poor man deserved a vacation.
“What would you like to eat, love? We have everything you like.” You asked, already pouring him a glass of favorite, extremely expensive whiskey.
“I'm not hungry, sweetie. Well, 'cept for ya, as always.” He grinned showing his fangs again, making you want to drop everything and just take him. But you contained yourself and continued pouring whiskey, wanting to add some ice. “No, no. No ice, sugar, give it to me.” You handed him the glass and he downed it in one gulp.
“Wow... That tough?”
“Ya have no idea, sweetheart” He smirked, returning the glass to you for another one. “Well, I had t' push myself a li'l harder t' return to ya sooner. Definitely worth it.”
“You have no idea how happy I am to see you, love. But I don't want you to exhaust yourself like this...” you gave him another glass, this time with ice.
“So, ya sayin' I shouldn't come back sooner?” He takes a sip and looks at you slyly.
“What? No! You know I didn't mean it like that.”
“'Course, I know, darlin'. C'mere.” He pulled you to sit on his lap and kissed your forehead. You put your hands around his neck and started to kiss his cheek, going down to his jaw and neck, ending on his ear. You bit it and licked it, listening to his satisfied groans and feeling his hands roaming around your body, groping your butt and pulling you closer. You whined softly, nibbling on his ear harder.
“You smell like war.”
“Yeah, sorry, doll, I haven’t changed, went straight home.”
“No, I love it...”
“Ya love it, huh?” He smiled amused and, suddenly you felt something cold against the back of your neck.
“Don't move, sweetheart.”
“Phil...? What are you doing?” You froze, a bit confused.
“Just don't move, hon, alright? Ya wanted a bit of excitement, so I’m gonna give ya some. I'm just playing with ya. You trust me, right?” The tip of his combat knife started to trace down your neck, grazing your skin slightly, not breaking it.
“Of course, I trust you, love. Always. But... Are you going to cut me?”
“Ha! Cut ya? Never. I'd rather cut off my arm than hurt ya, sugar. I'm getting off on the blood of my enemies, ya know me. But seeing my sweet little girl bleed would be such a turn off. So, no, I'm not gonna cut ya, sweetheart.” He started to cut the back of your nightgown to trace your spine down further, giving you goosebumps and you shivered slightly. He stopped and put away the blade.
“Shh... I said don't move, darlin'. Not even the slightest. This thing here is extremely sharp. Don't go makin' me sad, and hold perfectly still, ya hear?” He kissed your forehead again and waited for you to nod. You relaxed your body leaning against him completely.
“Good girl.” He continued to move the knife down your spine, ripping your nightgown and pressing your body tightly to his chest with the other hand. You shut your eyes, trying to hold your breath.
“What if I want you to cut me?”
“Ah-ah. No way, sweetheart. I won't do it, even if ya beg me... Though, I'd like t'hear ya beg right now. C'mon, sugar, beg me.”
“Please...” You whined.
“Please what, sweetheart?”
“Please, love me, Phil.”
He growled loudly.
“My fucking God, baby girl. What are ya doin' to me…” He grabbed you and lifted you, turning you around, your back pressed against his chest now. One hand was around your neck, holding you gently but firmly, the other was pulling up the edge of your nightgown, his fingers caressed your abdomen lightly, slowly going down. His mouth pressed against your ear, the hot breath burns your skin, making your squirm, as he whispered.
“Oh, I'll love ya. I'll love ya so fuckin' good, baby girl.” His fingers started to stroke you slowly.
“My, my, ya're so wet for me, babe...”
You let out a loud moan, quickly covering your mouth with your hand.
“Oh, no, no, no, my darlin'. Lemme hear every sweet sound ya make...” He removed your hand from your face.
“On second thought, ya know what? Suck on it. Like a good girl, c'mon.” He put two fingers in your mouth and you started to lick and suck on it, making him growl.
“Fuck, hon, what a good, obedient girl I have here, huh? Good sweet thing...” You leaned back on him, whimpering and melting while he was stroking you with one hand and making you suck on his fingers with the other. He hadn’t touch you for two months so you were absolutely ecstatic right now, moaning loudly, your eyes rolled back.
“Good girl, good girl, my good little thing...” He stopped stroking you for a moment, shifting his hand to open up the zipper of his jeans and pull out his hard shaft. He started to grind between your butt cheeks, continuing to stroke your hot wet spot. Your breath hitched when he slid his thick finger into your core firmly and start to move it, caressing you inside. You moaned louder as he stretched you, adding the second and the third fingers, praising you, kissing your temple tenderly, his other hand groping and feeling your breasts, pinching your nipples occasionally.
“Alright, now...” He lifted you slightly and guided his length inside you, making you sit on him offhand with one swift motion. You whined and started wreathing, but he stopped you.
“No, no, sweetheart, don't you move. Stay perfectly still for me. Stay good girl for Daddy, yeah?” He held you firmly with his arm, and taking the knife again. “Now, I want ya not to move an inch, or we'll stop this. Understood?”
“Yes, love.” You whispered, out of breath.
“Don't hear ya, darlin”
“Yes, Daddy” You said louder.
“Atta girl, sweetheart.” He kissed your temple again and opened your legs wider with his knees. You both panted, moaned and sighed with every little motion of your bodies.
“Mmm... What a perfect bod ya got here, sugar. Real nice and soft, so ready for me... Close yer eyes, darlin” He murmured seductively and pressed the blade to your stomach carefully, starting to trace it slowly down your sensitive skin. You held your breath, trying not to move, as soft, muffled moans escaped your mouth.
“Do ya feel it, sweetheart? Do ya feel my hard love inside and outside? All over ya, hm? Ya like it? Ya like it, my darlin'?” The blade started to trace your inner thighs so slowly and teasingly, making it almost impossible for you to not flinch, but you managed to stay still.
“Say it.” His now rough demanding tone forced your mushed brain to focus on his voice.
“Yes, ah... Yes, I love it so much!” You whined in reply.
“My good girl.” He caressed your cheek tenderly. "Oh, my, babe, what a mess, what a perfect girl for me...”
You looked down and saw an embarrassing sticky puddle leaking from you. The sight of it made you even hotter, shutting your brain down completely. You closed your eyes again, feeling his left hand holding you across your body steadily, and his right hand slowly dragging the knife along your breasts now.
“That's right, love, ya're so good for me. Keep staying still, don't want to hurt ya even a bit. So good for me, my girl.” He grunted, bringing the knife to your neck and pressing the flat of the blade slightly against your throat. You held your breath and froze completely.
“Now. Do ya wanna say something to me, sugar?” He kissed the crook of your neck, sill pressing the blade gently. You moaned and took a deep breath.
“I love you, Phil. I love you so much.” You whined needlingly.
“Fuck, babe... I love ya more. Ya're my whole damn world, ya hear?” He took away the knife and lifted you up rapidly. His shaft slid out of you with a loud squelching sound and you let out the dirtiest moan possible. He grunted and laid you down on the couch, getting on top of you immediately. “I'm going to fuck ya so nice, babe, ya won't be able to walk for good two weeks.” He growled right in your ear, crushing you under him and nuzzling your neck. Then he stopped, his breath hot on your skin.
“Phil…? Love?” He didn't answer. “Honey...?” The only response was the sound of his calm, deep breathing. You turned your head and looked at him. Your poor exhausted love was sleeping soundly. You chuckled and hugged him tightly, letting him sleep on top of you. “Goodnight, love.” You kissed his cheek and closed your eyes. He mumbled something making you laugh a bit. You kissed the scar on his other cheek and fell asleep peacefully, your arms around him.
P.S.: Graves woke up in the middle of the night, extremely horny and fucked you silly, cumming inside you and making you cum for 3 timed in a row. Then he lifted you up from the couch and brought you to your bedroom, fucking you again in your bed. You both fall asleep in each other's arms, completely drained but satisfied. You woke up in the afternoon and took a shower together, trying hard not to start fucking again. One of the Shadow security detail brought you breakfast in bed. You were naked, covered with only a thin blanked. Both the Shadow and you were embarrassed, while Graves were grinning slyly. What a lovely bastard :c
🌸The End🌸 
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sukibenders · 1 year
FEATURING: percy jackson x reader
summary: y/n has been cooped up in their cabin for days, only leaving to attend breakfast and lunch at their siblings' insistence. it's not that they mean to, it's just that their art is doing anything but coming together as of late and it's making them doubt their abilities. good thing for them that their fantastic boyfriend is there to save the day!
contents: soft!percy, cute couple moments, possibly some angst in regards to self doubt but mainly fluff in the end, references to passing of time, worried!percy, gn!reader, no stated cabin or godly parent but mentions of siblings, percy referring to you as 'babe'
note" this is my first actual piece of written work on here, and it seemed fitting that it would be pjo related. I'm so nervous about it, so please be kind and give this some love! it's stated that the reader is in an art slump, and that's for the sake of the plot behind this so sorry to all those who aren't interested in the arts or things like that!
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You would say that it wasn't a normal occurrence for you to compare yourself to others to anyone who asked, but you yourself knew that that simply wasn't true and, in this moment, were being proved wrong as you stared at the messy array of art supplies circling around you--from crumbled papers of failed sketches to messy rags layered with dried paint. While the mess was contained to your side of your cabin, you were sure that your siblings cautious of just how long that would last.
Your appearance faired no better. Your camp shirt was littered is paint marks from sloppy movements of your hands, the orange holding more life to it than the fresh canvas in front of you. Three had laid crestfallen along the floor, thrown down carelessly during fits of frustration after another failed attempt tallied in your mind. Just when you thought things where going to go smoothly, fate had other plans and took another direction. Maybe this was a sign of the Gods punishing you, but for what? You couldn't figure out.
The more you stared at the blank canvas, at the mess around you, the more dishearted you felt. Your mind wandered to a group of kids that you had seen at the arts and crafts center last week, some Apollo campers you had assumed, albeit bitterly, when your eyes fell on their stunning art pieces making it hard for you to look away. They were so beautiful and held your attention longer than you'd hope to admit outloud. You had desired to master a similar affect with your own piece. That did not seem likely.
"But they did it so perfectly," you muttered to yourself (more like growled), hands gripping your paint brush tightly to the point where you were sure that the wood would snap under the force. "I'm sure they didn't have to go through all this." Your brows furrowed and you were just about to give up when a familiar voice spoke up.
"Man, it looks like a hurricane rolled through here." You looked up and were met with a pair of sea green eyes, of which held a mirth to them that only increased tenfold when they landed on you. "Maybe I should take you to seek shelter, just to be safe."
This caused you to snort. "Haha, very funny. I know that, if ever in a hurricane, to simply call out your name and you'll be there to save me, won't you?"
"Always!" A toothy grin broke out over Percy's face and it was almost enough to draw you back from your creativity haze. But when your eyes drew back to the blank canvas, the sense of dismay returned. Subconsciously, your shoulders sagged in response, but you were none the wiser. Percy, however, being the attentive boyfriend that he was, took notice. "I take it things aren't going as planned?"
You shook your head. "That's an understatement. This is my third attempt so far, and I can't even put paint to the material. At least with the others I could say that."
Percy shifted forward, reaching for one of the lone canvases and studied it with interest. "This one is nice," he said honestly. "Why'd you stop?"
"Because it's bad." You answered simply.
But Percy didn't believe that. "No it's not, you're just being hard on yourself." Like always hung in the air, but it was moreso a thought of your own rather than Percy's himself. The inky haired boy gave you a brief once over, brows furrowed with tinges of worry. "When was the last time you took a break? Stepped outside for something other than going to the dining pavilion?"
You blinked for a moment, attention slightly divided between your boyfriend and the work before you. "Uh, I think it was like...yesterday, one of my siblings dragged me out to the strawberry field with them." Or, at least you thought it was yesterday.
But Percy shook his head. "That was Tuesday, babe, I asked one of your siblings. Today's Friday. We need to get you out of this cabin, doing something other than painting."
Slightly shocked by clarification, you body tensed at the thought of being pulled away from your workstation, especially so prematurely into your journey. If you stopped now, what was to say that you would ever finish? Or that this was possibly your last chance at recreating and if you left now, all that went down the drain.
"I can't." You sighed weakly, hurriedly drifting your eyes to your boyfriend, who you had just discovered, that you hadn't spent much time with at all during this week. "If I don't get this piece right now, I might never-"
Percy raised a brow in response of you cutting yourself off. "You might never what?"
With a frustrated and embarrassed sigh, you explained to him your dilemma and the set backs it had provided you, refraining from looking at him the whole time. A part of you had fear some sort of mockery or lack of understanding that conjured up a simple dismissal without actually helping. You had grown accustomed to that after a few occasions and, while you didn't believe Percy to be like, it still hovered in your mind.
To your surprise, though not really, a pair of strong arms wrapped around you so gently yet fiercely that you felted tethered and set free all the same. Your face subconsciously pressed into Percy's bicep and you inhaled his scent, feeling the burdens of the weight you had placed on yourself slowly slipping away one by one. Faint tears welled in your eyes, but he made no move to comment on them.
"I wished you'd came to me sooner, I could've helped you. While not with anything art related, because it would have ended poorly for the both of us, I could have been here to keep you company and show some support."
A small sound that was a mix between a cry and laugh bubbled from your throat. "I don't think I would have been much fun."
Percy snorted. "Please, we would've had the time of our lives here. You're siblings would have kicked me out and banished me from ever entering." While this drew another laugh from you, it wasn't hard to notice the seriousness enveloping the boy's tone. "I think you need a break, for real this time and with no objections."
"This piece, can wait. You can't. So what if some other camper made a cool piece, that doesn't mean anything. It especially doesn't mean you're a bad artist just because you're having trouble recreating it." When you fell silent at his words, he rested his nose against your temple, breathing you in. "You're very talented, and that shouldn't be doubted."
A part of you wanted to argue, to say that he was only telling you that because you were dating, but the more you thought about doing anything other than laying in your boyfriend's arms, the more exhausted you felt. Maybe it was your sudden drop in weight, but Percy had maneuvered you around until you were far from the canvas that had been torturing you for hours and closer to your bed.
"Let's get you some rest, babe." He moved to lay you down when your hand reached out, stopping him. "Babe-"
"I got paint on your shirt." You said simply, eyeing how your, still paint riddled, fingers smeared over your boyfriend's tee from his abs to his side. You had been so wrapped up in savoring his embrace, that you had forgotten about your own mess clinging to your frame.
Rather than wallow in the new stain, Percy reached for a damp, less paint splattered cloth and held it to your face. "It's no big deal, but it will be if you get paint on your sheets. Let's get you cleaned up."
By the time he was finished, you were already dozing off no matter how much you tried to fight. Your body rocked and swayed softly, and the action only made Percy laugh even more. Resting you gently on to your bed, head braced against your pillow, the inky haired boy moved to stand when your hand latched around his wrist.
"Stay," You whispered, eyes hopefully. Even with how busy you made yourself, you had missed him deeply.
"I gotta clean up around here. Wouldn't want you to trip in this mess, now would you?"
This caused you to wave him off. "Ah, well you'll simply just have to take care of me again, which seems like a win if you think about it."
Percy chuckled. "Yeah, it does. And maybe I'm so inclined to be against it." He patted your side. "Move over, babe, I'm coming in."
You cheered softly, doing as told just enough for him to rest his frame an inch away from you before you practically melted into him, arms wrapped around his waist and face tucked under his chin. You could feel Percy's chest rumble in satisfaction before he followed a similar manner. The two of you laid like that for a few minutes before you whispered.
"I'm sorry for not spending time with you these last few days." You apologized. "I was just...so wrapped up in this project and my own thoughts that I lost track of time. It's no excuse, but-"
"It's all right," Percy cut in, shushing you softly as you tried to protest. He was in no mood for you to get worked up, especially over something that was so easily fixed and could be settled even further once you were rested. "I understand, and I'm not uupset. I missed you, for sure, but we'll find a way to spend time together later, once you've had a decent amount of sleep."
You nodded in agreement, a yawn pulling from your lips. "I propose a date, anywhere you'd like and we can do whatever you want. You deserve it."
"I don't think taking care of my partner necessarily guarantees a reward," Percy commented, watching with mirth as you sent an eye roll his way. "But I'll hold you to that deal later. Love you."
"Love you, too."
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ot3 · 4 months
🔥 Mia and Maya Fey? Also i really enjoyed your op liveblogs bc all the things you complained about were things I also noticed but noone else seemed to be talking about. I thought i was going insane.
i think people go way too easy on mia for how she treated maya! its definitely Correct that mia had no obligation to be a surrogate mother for maya and had the right to get out of her extremely sticky family situation, but the thing is it's Not like mia got out of her family situation, she was in it the whole time. she spent her life trying and failing to track down the mother that abandoned her, and even after her death she is Still working to perpetuate her family's bullshit.
the fact that during 2-2 she's covering for morgan to the point where you have to break her psyche locks about it is CRAAAZYY!! girl! what's up with you!
aa1 also kind of gives the sense that most of the time when mia is hitting maya up its because she needs her to be a mule for evidence and maya feels really lonely living by herself. here's a snippet of maya and mia's phone convo at the beginning of turnabout sisters:
???: Mia! What's up? You haven't called in a while. Mia: Sorry, I've been so busy. How you been? ???: Well, LONELY. And it's all YOUR fault. Nah, I'm just teasing. I've been great! I'm finally getting used to having my own place. Mia: That's good to hear. Actually, I'm calling because I have a favor to ask. ???: I know, I know. You want me to hold evidence for you?
two thins are going on here that don't really track with what we know about kurain village: 1. maya is talking on her cell phone, but there's no cell reception in kurain. 2. maya talks about having her own place, but presumably in kurain would be living in fey manor alongside morgan and pearl. logically this is pretty much guaranteed to be because they didn't fully know what they were going to do with the fey family stuff so it's a retcon, but that said my personal headcanon is that mia was paying for maya to have an apartment somewhere between the village and the city.
this way maya could be a bit away from the family shit and get some level of formal schooling, and she could be closer to mia and easier to contact. i think maya only went back to living full time in kurain after turnabout goodbyes when she decided to fully focus on medium training, which we know she hadn't really been doing up to that point.
which i think was in many ways the best mia felt she could do in terms of taking care of maya and keeping her safe but it didn't provide maya with any kind of emotional support that she definitely needed. the "i'm LONELY and it's YOUR FAULT haha jk" is pretty transparent.
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fanaticalfantasist · 2 months
The Duchess - Chapter 1
AN: This story is set in my version of the Duke and I, so it's Daphne's story but with my favourite Bridgerton brother as well haha.
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Every drawing room in London was full of the news being presented in Lady Whistledown's latest pamphlet. It passed through the lips of every young woman about to be presented at court, every concered mama and every eligible young gentleman who cared to read the latest gossip. Norfolk had been opened for the first time in over a decade.
The enormous home which acted as the london seat of the Dukes of Norfolk had been closed for so long many couldn't remember what it even looked like inside. It's halls had been left to gather dust and its fine furniture covered in large white clothes. The first activity in the great house was noticed by the maid of one small household who noticed the windows being openeded, and before long it had spread throughout London and clearly to the ears of the mysterious Lady Whistledown.
From her carriage Juliet watched as the fields slowly turned from the beautiful countryside of peace she loved into the city she was visiting for the first time in her life. Her parents had hated the place allways saying it had bought nothing but misery to them and they would't inflict that on her. She smiled a little looking at the city, thinking of all her father's descriptions that she could just about remember.
"You're away with the faries again" a deep voice made her jump out of her daydream. She looked up to see her only friend in the world Simon Bassett, the Duke of Hastings. The two had been thrown together at a young age by Lady Danbury, as two lonely children she thought they'd get along. Or at least she'd hoped they would, what had transpired was a close friendship which was fraternal in nature. Despire the late Duke of Hastings attemps to set a match between the young nobles it never took.
"Remind me again why I am doing this?" Juliet asked pushing a dark brown curl from her eyes and placing it behind her ear. Simon sighed, he hated to see his friend unhappy, he knew she was anxious, that she had a part to play that she was worried she'd fail at.
"We're both here to just show our faces, show our power and then we can runaway again" he said smirking when Juliet cracked a smile laughing a little.
"I'm guessing that's not what you said to Lady Danbury?" she asked as they pulled towards Hastings House.
"God no" Simon let out a boistrous laugh, he brushed his trousers down and got out of the carriage. "I'll see you for dinner?" he asked and she nodded.
As the carriage pulled away again and she was alone with her thoughts, Juliet took some deep breaths. The carriage held the embelem of the Norfolk family, so she knew the minute she stepped from the carriage eyes would be on her. Taking the small hand mirror she'd put into a bag she carried Juliet checked she looked every part the Duchess she was. She reminded herself this was a part she was playing, this wasn't her but the Duchess of Norfolk. She'd trained for this moment, she knew her power and knew what to do with it.
Everything about this day had been planned perfectly, to the point where Benedict was almost certain he could repeat each thing his mother had repeated to him. As he stood with his siblings waiting for Daphne's great entrance in front of the queen he would rather be anywhere but where he was at that moment. Nothing but a room full of mama's ready to push their daughters in front of the first eligable man they could come across.
"Miss Daphne Bridgerton presented by the Dowager Vicountess Bridgerton" the herald announced.
Benedict had to admit, that though he hated this and all these antiquated traditions, he was proud of the way that his sister was holding herself in front of all these people. He knew she'd be the diamond of the season, and knew the chaos that would cause in the Bridgerton household, his mother fussing and Anthony loosing his mind constantly.
With great interest Benedict watched as a herald ran towards the throne, and a message was passed on. He wasn't the only one who noticed that this was taking place, he could hear the slight murmer throughout the crowd gathered. They were all waiting to see what could have caused the Queen to pale slightly, and for those around her to look shocked.
Juliet took some deep breaths, knowing this was going to be an interesting moment for her, she had to stay calm. Running a hand down her white dress she smiled to herself. Thinking of what her mother had said to her, "Being a Duchess means being strong, no matter what anyone will say, you are a Duchess". She smiled sadly at the thought before hearing the chief herald from behind the large doors.
"Her Grace, Juliet Wyndham, Duchess of Norfolk" as he finished speaking the doors swung open. Juliet could hear the rippling murmers throughout the crowd. Slowly and confidently Juliet walked into the hall, she was keeping her eyes a head with keeping eye contact with the Queen. She oozed the air of being a Duchess, her power seeping through her veins.
She had chosen everything so prescisely, choosing to against all the traditions expected of her. No large feather, or cold trim. She wore a beautiful silk and lace dress her hair was not placed up but flowling around her shoulders, flowers delicetly spread around them and her diamonds sparkling in the light.
She kept her head held high, she knew the power she held. Juliet was well aware, as was everyone in that room including the Queen that Juliet was the most powerful person there. In fact the Wyndham family had more right to the throne than the current King and Queen did. She was richer, politically more savy and clearly admired.
"Your majesty" Juliet said clearly as she did a deep curtsy in front of the Queen before standing up again, she didn't wait to he invited too. She knew the power of the move, she was sending messages, and as many messages as she could.
"Your Grace, what an unexpected honour" the Quen was slightly stumbling for control, which made Juliet smirk.
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vistarnovels · 2 years
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SUMMARY. Su sets Kevin on a date with one of his trusty friends, [ name ]. ( he says it's to make Kevin feel less lonely. ) during the entire date, it was insanely awkward. no less than a conversation that lasted 10 seconds or so and it was quiet once more. that is until, you offered him a drink of course.
C/W. lightweight kevin, semi-public sex, barely any porn with plot, oral sex ( reader ), messy sex because horny ://, degrading, kissing with lots of spit???, they almost get caught because I like adrenaline :3, fem reader :P, DESPERATE KEVIN!!!, also praise here and there, hair pulling haha, overestimulation.., reader cries ( in pleasure of course!! ) , finger fucking, it's so fucking filthy I'm sorry :(, uhm he has big cock 🥺, dumbification....
A/N. a fun gift for my dear @kamishir0rui 💐 have fun pooka !
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The bustling restaurant was different from your current situation.
Sitting across from an individual called Kevin, you both ate in stillness, the only thing breaking the awkwardness was both of your utensils. It all started with one phone call.
One in which you wish you could've told your past self to not answer but being a friend that would put aside anything to answer a close friend's call, you hesitantly agreed to the date he had planned for you with a friend of his, Kevin.
You weren't very sure of who he was, having heard of him from Su a couple of times yet you never really dove deep into who he was. Showing you a couple of photos of him, you couldn't help but admire his looks.
He was a charmer alright. With white hair that shone, his blue eyes suited well alongside it. In the picture, he didn't crack a smile. But yet, he seemed soft just from the unknown twinkle in his as he looked at the starry night.
And that was enough to convince you to dress to impress tonight. You wore the best outfit of yours that you could find, and put on the slightest makeup but enough to not seem barefaced. You didn't know anything about him, but he made it well-known he was attractive. Though, you didn't quite expect him to be so, distant.
As you took another bite of your steak, Kevin abruptly places down his utensils, looking at you with an awkward gaze. “I apologize for, getting you into this mess. Su said he didn't like seeing me so, lonely.
Which I don't mind but he was willing to do anything to get me a date.” As you listened to him speak, you couldn't help but let your eyes wander. He wore a dark blue suit, his hair styled professionally. Seemed he dressed unwillingly.
“No, it's quite fine. This has happened more then once when it came to helping out friends that couldn't find a partner fit for them.” You wave it off with a hand, before a thought crosses your mind. “Say, care for a drink?”
You suggest as he tilts his head inquisitively with a raised eyebrow. “Well, the least I could do is get you something.” He ponders for a moment, before nodding. Seeing as he and you were already finished, you got up and packed up your stuff before taking his hand. Dragging him out of the restaurant.
“Come,” You say hurriedly. “I know a bar nearby.” You continue, as he lets you drag him willingly. Arriving there in a mere 3 minutes, you pushed the door open and tug him forward. “Let's get drinking!” You cheered, running up to the bar. He scoffs, rolling his eyes before following from behind.
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Stumbling out of the bar, you giggle as Kevin leans onto you, desperately clawing at your clothes. He pulls you into an alleyway, head hazed with lust and desire. You swore he took only two shots of wine, and he was already as drunk as a bard. It was in a quick flash that he started holding you closer to him, obviously grinding against you as he breathed heavily. “'m need you, so bad..”
That was lead you to this situation. It took no mere than 10 seconds to get your shirt off, as he starts to kiss you aggressively. He moans desperately into your mouth, his cock twitching as you claw at his back.
Shoving his tongue into your mouth, he cups your pussy, moving aside your panties. He pulls away before shifting his position, giving an experimental blow before chuckling as your cunt clenches around nothing. “So fucking desperate for cock, aren't ya?" He teases, a sly grin on his face.
“S-stop teasing..!” You breathe out, as Kevin presses his thumb against your bottom lip, pushing it in slightly. “Be a good girl then I'd give you want you want, slut.” As he presses his thumb and index finger on your tongue, your eyes roll back as he thrusts his finger into your mouth.
Being distracted, he presses a kiss on your clit, before devouring you whole. He hums, sending vibrations all over you as your whines quiet down due to his fingers.
He eats out your cunt like some starving animal, cock twitching as your fluids cover the lower half of his face. His tongue swirls around your clit, before suckling on it harshly. “fhucckk—” Your moan is muffled, hips stuttering though is swiftly held down by Kevin.
“Keep still whore.” His voice adds extra sensations to it, as you start to whine pathetically. Noticing that your muffled whines get louder and more pitched, he takes his fingers out of your mouth.
“So dolled up for me, aren't you? Wanna get your brain fucked up with my fat cock, right?” He teases, catching you off guard as your eyes blow wide. Your hand holds onto his shoulder tightly, the other one clasped on your mouth. You practically sobbed as he started to finger fuck you, pulling your hair back as you arch, eyes rolling back once more.
Fat glob of tears begin to gather, as you felt your orgasm approaching. “wan—wanna cum! needa, need to cum so bad, fuckfuckfuckfuck..!” You chanted repeatedly, as you fucked harder into the mess of his fingers. It's filthy. “Go ahead baby, cum for me.” He says, being a complete wreck from just the taste of your sweet cunt.
“thankyouthankyou— cumming, fuck 'm cumming..!” You said in a jumble of words, before cumming all over his face. Jaw slack as your vision whitened for a second or two. Kevin didn't waste a single drop of your cum, his eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head at the taste of your cum. god, he was addicted. he was damned hard, and he knew that.
“'m sorry princess— gotta fuck you so damn hard, can't resist” He mutters, unzipping his pants before lifting you. You jolt in overstimulation and shocks spike through your body as his cock grinds against your folds. he licks his cum coated fingers, watching as you shuddered at his gesture. a smirk crawls up on his face. “you nervous?” he asks, a smug grin on his face as he releases his fingers with a pop.
“answer slut, you want this cock or what?” you contemplated, you were obviously still soaking wet at thought of him taking you whole, but, he was huge. “can it, really fit?” you ask, looking at him with glossy doe eyes. he grins. “sure it will baby, you gotta calm down for me, yeah?” he then slowly slides his cock into your pussy, groaning as your velvety walls clamp down around his tip. “won't, won't fit—! too big!”
you wail, as Kevin kisses his teeth. “Sure it will, I'll make it fit yea? Just keep still for me.” complying hesitantly, he slowly pushes into you, stretching you and filling you up with merely just his cock. sheathed fully inside you, the voice of people start to come around. you panic, look at the direction of voices. but to Kevin, it felt like a gold opportunity.
then suddenly, he starts to thrust his hips forward, aggressive yet deep and sensual, as he lolls his head back in pleasure. “gotta keep quiet, k? be a good slut for me, you promised~” he says in a sing song voice, the adrenaline coursing through him as he watches you unravel even more. soon enough, they're gone, leaving you to moan like some bitch in heat. “can't! too— too much!” the overstimulation makes your head dizzy, as Kevin chuckles at your state.
“fucked dumb aren't ya, prin—cess? I swear, 'm going to— fuck!” he curses, movements sloppy as he leans down to claim your lips. you kissed back, but just as sloppily. “you gonna cum with m—me, yeah? fuuckkk, I fucking love you.” you nod feverishly, whines echoing as you pulled him closer, whispering into his ear. “I— love you, too!” You squeal when he fucks himself into you, keeping still as he cums into your cunt. and as for you, you came for the 2nd time that night, the overstimulation heavy in your body.
As he pulls out, the cum oozes out of you, making his cock twitch slightly. “that's hot.”
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brotherwtf · 3 months
i just have to say the pictures you have of these two are criminal (i need more) but also yes yes yes firefighter john x police officer gale it immediately gave me carlos x tk vibes from 911 : lone star & also they would so be THE power couple
haha I got a whole fucking arsenal anon aka a Pinterest board that I stock up on images for when I get au ideas. ask and you shall receive (I might do a dump of all my favorite ones lol)
GOD after they start dating it's like swanky music just starts playing every time they walk into a room together. Everyone is turning their head to see Gale with his coat thrown over his shoulder and John at his side, probably holding something of Gale's. Somehow, they're always wearing sunglasses, and their captains just mutter smth like "we're inside you don't need to be wearing those all the time"
but imagine the angst bro ughhhh they're so worried for each other all of the time, being a firefighter and a cop is fucking dangerous bro. Imagine like John hears there's an active shooter and Gale is on the case, his coworkers having to literally hold him down to stop him from running after Gale and using his own body as a shield. Or alternatively Gale hears of a building fire gone wrong; some firefighters, including John, got stuck in the debris and he ALSO has to be physically restrained so he doesn't lift the building up with his bare hands to rescue John.
the hurt/comfort ?! head in my hands I'm gonna start weeping. they're always there for each other when they have bad cases, always comforting when the other is shaken to their core. God they just make me so 😭😭
thanks for the ask anon! I'm glad you like the au lolol
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dark-angel-of-muses · 7 months
Ravioli Good Omens AU
Been losing my kind over this with @breannasfluff haha
Legend is a tired, bitter angel who really doesn't want to give ungrateful people blessings
Ravio is a nervous, lonely demon that is supposed to sell cursed objects at a Needful Things type curio shop but keeps all his cursed merch off the shelves and runs a normal shop. Bad for customer retention when they're cursed whenever they buy from your shop, you know.
Ravio and Legend fudge their respective reports blaming each other for whenever their work doesn't get done. Oh, Ravio wanted to sell that cursed doll to someone, but the curse was removed by that Angel! Oh, Legend tried to hand out blessings, but they were siphoned away by that terrible demon!
Meanwhile they actually just live normal lives and ignore their divine/demonic ordained duties. Legend tends a small apple orchard. Ravio has a key to his his house and if either is asked how that happened they will dodge the question.
Ravio also has a "demonic familiar" bird that's actually just a normal bird he adopted. Hi Sheerow.
Ficlet under the cut!
"Um, Mr. Hero Angel sir? Excuse me? May I come in? I'd knock but, ah, your halo is right there on the door. I'm afraid I'd rather not be horribly burned?"
Link rolled his eyes. This demon. Link never even locked the doors anymore. He was being polite by asking to come in. But he was a demon! He didn't have to be polite! Besides, Link hadn't worn his halo in years, preferring to keep it as a door knocker. The remaining angelic power scared people, which meant he could reduce the number of visitors knocking at his door asking for blessings.
Link opened the door, fixing Ravio with a critical look. "I see you've brought a friend today."
Sheerow stared unblinking back at the angel. Ravio had taken him on as a pet after the little bird made a nest on his windowsill and refused to leave.
"Ah, well. You see, I needed to bring him along. I ask for a favor. Just a tiny one!"
Link groaned, swinging the door wide and letting the demon in. If it had been a human, he would have shut the door in their face, but Ravio was.... special. They'd been in each other's orbit since creation. Link was supposed to give blessings, Ravio was supposed to place curses. For a while, they did their jobs, occasionally getting in each other's way. Link would break some curses, Ravio would steal away some blessings.
Eventually, they made an agreement to stop interfering entirely. Link was tired of handing out blessings while his Bosses were thanked, and Ravio didn't much like giving curses. Made one a bit lonely when everyone they met encountered a horrible fate. If anyone asked, they were doing the same work they'd always done, since their output was about the same.
"You want tea?" Link walked to the kitchen to start the kettle.
"Ah, it's not holy water if _you_ boil it, right?" Ravio shuffled nervously, black wings fluttering.
"No. If all I had to do to bless something was touch it, I wouldn't hate blessing so much. Besides, it's not like when you boil pasta, the spaghetti becomes demonic." Link rolled his eyes at the thought. Ravio was so nervous about cavorting with an Angel. Link knew their superiors didn't care. As long as the status quo was maintained, a little rule breaking wasn't noted by either side.
"It's not like I'm cooking for anyone else, I wouldn't know," Ravio protested.
Link dropped the black tea bags into the kettle and left it to set as he flopped into his favorite armchair. "Alright, demon. What's the favor?"
"Could you perform a blessing for me?"
Link blinked. Was he being pranked? "Excuse me?"
"It's just, I've grown fond of this little guy," Ravio scooped Sheerow into his palm, holding the bird up with one hand and covering him with the other, "And I read that birds only live 30 years, and Sheerow was an adult when I found him! If you could bless him with longevity, I would be so grateful!" Ravio bit his lip, buck teeth showing as his nose twitched.
"You do realize if your people downstairs heard that question, they would smite you?"
Ravio blushed. "Look, if it's a no, we can pretend this conversation never happened. I just thought, since we already had a deal and all, you might help me out? I do promise to pay you back! Uh, if this conversation happened. Did it happen?" Ravio's primary feathers twitched and puffed.
Link rolled his eyes. "Pay me back? What, can you curse the mealworms rotting my apples?"
"Done! They'll be cursed with an affliction so they never desire to eat again! Starvation from apathy. Lots of suffering, I promise!"
Link stared. Was he serious? He had meant it as a joke, but Ravio's face was fully earnest. He... really wanted this. Wanted to get a blessing and fully willing to pay back in a way only he could.
"Well. alright. I'll bless your bird. After all, I can't just leave him in the hands of a demon unarmed, can I? If he lives long, maybe he can tempt you into good."
"Thank you so much! I'll make sure the curse lingers, no pest will ever touch your apples without suffering again!"
He was too good to be a demon. Then again, Link was pretty bad for an angel. Maybe they fit neatly together.
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