#hola fan concert
shineemoon · 1 month
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2024 ONEW FAN CONCERT 'Hola!' in SEOUL 📅 2024.10.05 (SAT) 5PM - 2024.10.06 (SUN) 4PM (KST) 📍 올림픽공원 핸드볼경기장 (Olympic Handball Gymnasium) 2024 ONEW FAN CONCERT 'Hola!' in JAPAN 📅 2024.11.21 (THU) 6:30PM - 2024.11.22 (FRI) 6:30PM (KST) 📍 PACIFICO YOKOHAMA NATIONAL CONVENTION HALL
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(no logo) ONEW Fan Concert 'Hola!' Official Poster
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fuckyeahleaderonew · 1 month
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Biggest fan 🏆✨️
Mapi Léon x reader
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warning : fluffy 💭💗
(my first language isn't english nor spanish, sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes)
Summary :
Mapi is your biggest fan
Being an athletes in a unknown sport you never expect her to show up at a national competition after she told you she couldn't make it due to some "important" football stuff.
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Mapi made it clear from day one that you were her priority, unfortunately due to her extremely demanding career you would often be left alone for days. Today was one of those days days, she had left for the US and would be comming back in 2 days, unfortunately meaning she would miss your competition.
You were a "hobby athletes", your sport wasn't know enough to make a living out of it but still to have world championship. Although money wasn't a problem with Mapi, you still preferred to be able to rely on your own.
Today was the first national competition of the season, meaning that if you placed first, you would immediately be qualified for the world championship. As you were getting ready to put your make-up on, your phone screen lighted up, call incoming, as soon as you saw your girlfriend name on the screen you didn't hesitate to answer. Seeing her sleepy face on the screen made it impossible not to chuckle at her cuteness.
(M): Hola mi amor, te extraño
hi my love, i miss you.
Hi bebé, yo también te extraño, ¿cómo estás?
hi baby i miss you too, how are you ?
Estoy cansado, el entrenamiento ha sido agotador. Ojalá estuvieras aquí.
Tired, training has been exhausting. i wish you were here
Le deseo eso al bebé, 2 días más para sobrevivir y seré todo tuyo para disfrutar.
I wish that to baby, 2 more days to survive and i will be all yours to enjoy.
Tengo que volver a entrenar, te hablo más tarde, ¿vale? Te quiero, buena suerte en tu competición.
I have to go back to training, i will talk to you later okag ? I love you good luck with your competition
You were left staring at you phone in shock, your girlfriend that would normally wait till the last second to hang up, till Alexia dragged her ass back to the field, just hang up on you without letting you respond.
Finding it weird but not thinking much about it you got your keys and got at to the competition location. Arriving to the parking lot, you meet your coach that informed you of a surprise at the medals ceremony.
Your performance was amazing, not a single flaw, not a single point deducted, just perfect. Right before the medals ceremony, your coach went up to you.
Cuando estés en tu podio no olvides mirar a la multitud.
when your on your podium don't forget to look at the crowd.
Looking at him like he was crazy, he just send a sweet smile while walking away. There was crowd but it was friends or family of the competitor nothing special.
You were annonce first overall, getting up your podium, gold medal hanging around your neck, you smiled happily at the crowd. Eyes zooming over it to find what your coach was talking about, there you find her, your girlfriend huge smile over her face, her barca flag in between her hands, clapping. She was the loudest one in the room, screaming her heart out as if she was in a concert. Mouth hanging open, you got off the podium and run as fast as you could to your girlfriend. Arms wrapped around you as you cried into her neck, the rollercoster of emotion crashing into you.
Si hubiera sabido que te haría llorar no habría venido.
if i had known i would make you cry i wouldn't have come
Hitting her in the arm after her stupid jocke, her torso vibrating from her laugh as she hold you close.
¿Contenta con tu sorpresa?
happy with your surprise ?
You nobbed eagerly, her hand finding your hair massaging your scalp.
¿Qué estás haciendo aquí? No se suponía que regresaras hasta
what are you doing here ? you weren't supposed to come back until
You were cut off by a kiss.
¿No puedo sorprender a mi novia? Nos dejaron salir temprano, así que pensé: ¿por qué no ver a mi hermosa novia, la vida de mi vida? Estuviste increíble, nena, estoy muy orgullosa.
can't i surprise my girlfriend ? we were let off early so i thought why not see my beautiful, the live of my life. You were amazing baby i'm so proud.
Mapi lips found yours one more, hands rooming along each other bobies, you felt like you were the only one left in the world. Until your friend coughed, signaling you that there were kids in the room, you chuckled a bit as you rolled your eyes. Taking Mapi hands in yours dragging her to your car, the drive home was filled with little kisses and sweet words. Arriving home, both tired from your day, you cuddled till you both falled asleep.
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Author note :
This is my first ever fic, I know I still have a lot to learn but if you have advice or request don't hesitate !
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28cum · 4 months
Hola Mile! Here is me bothering you with my dumb question, can you explain what you guys did for the OOMS fan project, that is something they do in Argentina in others events/celebrations? I really don't know anything about that and wanted to know if it has some history or just something the fans came up with only for Louis' show. Sorry for my ignorance, I just really want to learn about this. Btw that fan project is going for the history books, it was incredible.
Me alegra tanto que te la hayas pasado increíble en tu concierto. Louis was so happy thanks to all of you.
hi bby <3 not a dumb question its kind of a cultural thing we do here dfksdjf But basically, we have a folklore artist here (Soledad Pastorutti), at the beginning of her career she started to do what we did in the fan project but with a poncho while she performed and it became kind of her thing. Then people started to do it at concerts with whatever you can revolear (sorry but idk how to say that in english i dont think theres a word actually sdfjhdf) like tshirts, flags, bandanas, scarfs, etc. Here the reference for the fan project and the video of Mick Jagger doing it at a rolling stones concert <3
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harlowarchives · 1 year
Can you write something with Jack Harlow where they have a date in ikea, maybe like the reader is not from the U.S., (she could be from somewhere in Latinamerica) and she always wanted to go to ikea, and it could be like a cute montage like in the film 500 days of summer
international, ⁱ 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐰.
jack harlow x latina reader!
𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 <𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑 + ilysmmm ty for my first request boo also such a cute concept
You & Jack met at a concert he was doing in the Dominican Republic, you stood out to him because you were the only fan who knew every lyric to every song not to mention you were insanely beautiful, he interacted with you the entire show dedicating his love songs to you. After the show, he built up the courage to greet you. “Hi, I'm Jack.” He said giving you a nervous smile and then lowering his eyes to meet yours you looked slightly confused but you were just dumbfounded he assumed you must’ve only known Spanish because he followed with “Hola, soy Jack?” you broke into laughter at his rehearsed introduction as he laughed with you “I'm y/n.” you spoke. The rest of the night the two of you bonded & Jack confessed how he was crushing on you all night & that you were the most beautiful girl in the crowd.
For the rest of his trip, you two were constantly together because after his performance he was free to explore & he did that with you. Goodbyes were too harsh for both of you so he scheduled a trip to come to visit him in the US & today happens to be your first date together in the US one twist though because when he was in your country you toured him, you made him promise he'd do the same. “Ready?” He questioned looking over at you before you began to nod eagerly he opened his door and walked to your side to help you down. You and Jack walked into the store and then you began looking around in amazement, taking in Ikea & all its glory. Your mouth was in an O shape & Jack just stood and watched your wandering eyes. The two of you walked down the aisles for a bit before you came to an abrupt stop letting go of his hand you took off flopping onto a white bed with silky sheets and a mattress that felt like a cloud. “Y/N!” Jack called running towards the bed & laying down.
You had your head buried in the covers just as comfortable as can be, after 15 minutes Jack started to bore. “Y/N! I wanna show you something.” He said with a wide grin as you groaned “I wanna stay Jack! Please Jack can we stay?” you pleaded as he shook his head. “Baby, I promise it's much better than this.” He said smiling “Fine!” you submitted.
After Jack had led you blind you heard his voice “Ok, open.” You opened your eyes to a children’s circus tent, you glared at him before rolling your eyes and crawling in the tent as he followed behind you. “My baby brother & I had one of these!” He said pressing on the walls before staring off into the distance then his eyes landed on you who was staring out the window of the tent mesmerized.
“Y/N! You want to go back to bed that bad?” he asked as you eagerly nodded not listening but indulging in the bed.
“Actually J, let’s play hide & seek,” you suggested as he nodded “See! That sucky bed isn't the only fun thing to do in here.” he smiled getting giddy. You two got out of the tent and set the rules, he would hide and you’d seek. You began counting as he ran away back inside the tent with a cheesy smile on his face sitting with his feet pressed together thinking she’ll never find me in here.
You counted walking off into the distance testing out every bed in the store like Goldilocks except all the beds were just right, and employees just stared at you like the nutjob you are. You caught yourself falling asleep forgetting about Jack, but he hadn't forgotten about you. He started getting bored and looked out the window seeing a short curvy curly-headed figure asleep on the bed outside the window & then it clicked. He stormed out of the tent & walked toward you so you wouldn't blow your cover you shouted “I found you.” You said smiling looking around, as he just looked at you annoyed “You’re a great hider!” You lied, you knew exactly where he was the entire time. You had actually taken multiple pictures of him in the tent giggling, he then sat on you suffocating you “SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE!” You called.
He didn't stop he just sat kicking his feet and singing “Lalalala!” as he listened to you wheeze “Ok Amor! I'm sorry please.” You pleaded feeling a weight lift off you. You got back on your feet slumping before Jack quickly threw you over his shoulder “Ok this is the best part.” He said while the blood in your body just shifted around, you began to smell a familiar meaty scent it was strange but in a good way.
Jack placed you down and let you take in your surroundings “You mean they have food AND BEDS?!” you said your face lighting up, your beautiful accent shining through. “J, what's a Swedish meatball?” you said looking up at him “Delicious.” He said.
You two finally got the food you ordered and Jack took you to sit down in their cafeteria but you quickly pulled him from his seat, you led him back to the tent, and his eyes visibly lit up he wrapped his arms around you and the two of you munched on your meatballs and he played with your hair. You were finally ready to go about then you looked across the street “Jack! MATTRESS KING.” You ran as he chased after you.
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sukioyakio · 1 year
MIGUEL!popstar x nerdy!reader (female)
(reader appearance/personality : she an chill person,but hates when whenever she gets corrected on,but like the feeling of correcting people,she look like much of an nerd with her big circle glasses,and she never really thought about taking care of her appearance/ putting makeup, she always have her hair messy,and wearing oversized shirts and hoodies,she doesn’t really care either your have popularity,specially the boys, she treats everyone the same,and she never wears makeup,she just thinks it doesn’t do anything but make your skin have more pimples,no matter how many times her best friend wants to put makeup on her she refuses)
where reader was forced to go with her best friend to go to an concert with her,then spending her time  study,she goes with her friend,she wasn’t really interested in Miguel(well the band name will be the Spider-Man,that very much creative of me🤭) muisc,but she acted to be interested so she could make her best friend happy,she and her best friends we’re exhausted  after the concert,and her best friend offered her an ride home,she kindly refused the offer,saying “it ok,no really,I be fine I’m promise,you need to go home,so you can get sleep,you have work tomorrow morning”,she was walking alone,to her house,(it wasn’t an long way from her apartment but it was still pretty long),she was enjoying the quiet night,hearing the cars roam towards there house,until she heard an few sounds of people coming and coming towards her way (she was halfway away from the big concert),and then boom 💥 she meet Miguel,but Miguel wanting to escape from his fans, “fuck,um,hola miss,can u pls help me hide,please” Miguel say with an annoyed face,yet an bit of desperation from trying to get away from his crazy ass fans,she just look at him and the people who were we’re heading there way,she look at him,and muttered  some thing under her breath and says “fine,I’ll help you,here” she says with an deep breath,and rolled her eyes ,and takes off her oversized hoodie and hands it to him and took off her glasses and gave them to him,”there that should be an believable disguise,ok but I need you to hold my hand cuz I’m fucking blind without my glasses”,THEN boom 💥 that was was going to be one of many times of them meeting together-
I might put smut, you guys can put smut if you want it up to y’all,but I’ll like it to keep it fluff,( Miguel is like in his 26 and reader is like in her 23 and he goes to college in disguise of course,and there in the same college  as eachother😏🤭) I was planning to write this into an series but idk if anyone is planning to read this,and this is my first time posting my idea so pls send feedback (idk why in my auto correct it said help instead of feedback 😭😭💀💀)
Y’all can use the idea if you want
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swiftieinbrazil · 9 months
Taylor Swift and her 13 nights in Latin America
In 2023, after a long wait, for the first time ever Taylor Swift toured in Latin America. There were 13 concerts (nice coincidence) of The Eras Tour in 3 different countries.
In August Mexico was the first country of Latin America as well as the first country of the international leg to receive The Eras Tour. The only registry of Taylor in the country before was in 2011, where she played some songs for a small group of people aboard the Allure of The Seas, while the ship was stopped in Mexico.
Taylor performed in Mexico City for 4 consecutives nights. In Mexico, people speak Spanish, so Taylor spoke these words in the concerts: Gracias (means thanks), Te amo (means I love you) and Ciudad de México, Bievenidos al Eras Tour (means Mexico city, welcome to The Eras Tour).
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The surprise songs were:
August 24 – Mexico City: I Forgot That You Existed and Sweet Nothing
August 25 – Mexico City: Tell Me Why and Snow on the Beach
August 26 – Mexico City: Cornelia Street and You're on Your Own, Kid
August 27 – Mexico City: Afterglow and Maroon
To see my posts about Mexico concerts (click here).
Taylor after the concerts via her social medias:
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In November, Taylor came back to Latin America to perform for 3 consecutive nights in Buenos Aires, Argentina. However, the second concert had to be rescheduled due the chaotic weather. It was supposed to happen in November 10th and it was postponed to November 12th. It was her first time ever in the country.
Fun facts:
In the first night Taylor wore new outfits for Lover Act: a pink jacket to perform The Man and a pink bodysuit to perform the other Lover songs (click here to see it)
Argentinian swifties made a project where they held a paper written "We will stay" while Taylor was performing The Archer
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In Argentina, people speak Spanish, so Taylor spoke some words in the language. Instead of saying "Hi!" in the beginning of the concert, Taylor said "¡Hola!". Taylor also said: Te amo (means I love you), "Buenos Aires, Bievenidos al Eras Tour" (means Buenos Aires, welcome to The Eras Tour), and "Do you happen to have diez minutos?" (diez minutos means ten minutes) before playing All Too Well (Ten Minute Version).
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The surprise songs were:
November 9 - Buenos Aires: The Very First Night and Labyrinth
November 11 - Buenos Aires: Is It Over Now? + Out Of The Woods (mashup) and End Game
November 12 - Buenos Aires: Better Than Revenge and "Slut!"
To see my posts about Argentina concerts (click here).
Taylor after the concerts via her social medias:
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In the same month, Taylor travelled to Brazil to perform 6 concerts. It was her second time in the country. In 2012 Taylor have been in Rio de Janeiro to play for a small group of fans in a pocket show. She also released a Long Live version featuring Paula Fernandes, a Brazilian singer who sang a part of the song in Portuguese. Taylor and Paula played the song together at the pocket show.
Brazil was the country in Latin America to receive the biggest number of concerts of The Eras Tour as well as the only country in Latin America to receive The Eras Tour in 2 different cities: São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Taylor was supposed to performe for 3 consecutives nights in Rio de Janeiro. However, the second concert had to be rescheduled due to the atypical weather. It was supposed to happen in November 18th and it was postponed to November 20th. On the following weekend, she performed for 3 consecutives nights in São Paulo.
Fun facts:
It rained on the second show in Rio de Janeiro
On the third show in Rio, Taylor's shoe heel broke, she threw to the crowd and a fan grabbed it and took it to home
Kaya Scodelario (actress) attended in the last show in Rio de Janeiro
Paula Fernandes attended in the last show in São Paulo
Brazilian swifties made a project where with their cellphones they formed the Brazilian flag at the crowd (click here to watch a video)
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Taylor Swift was honored with a projection on Christ The Reedemer statue. No other international artist was honored with projection on the statue before. Brazilian swifties put a lot of effort to make it happen. Also, a lot of swifties participated in a fund rising connect with the Catholic church of Rio de Janeiro that is responsable for the Christ statue
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In Brazil people speak Portuguese. Taylor spoke these words in the language: Olá (means hi), Rio, bem-vindos a Eras Tour! And São Paulo, bem-vindos a The Eras Tour! (means welcome to The Eras Tour), obrigada (means thank you), eu te amo (means I love you).
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Sadly, a beautiful soul was lost at the first show in Rio de Janeiro. Ana Clara Benevides was a Brazilian swiftie who travelled from another state to Rio and was looking forward for her first Taylor's show. You will always be remembered! (Click here to know more about Ana)
The surprise songs were:
November 17 - Rio de Janeiro: Stay Beautiful and Suburban Legends
November 19 - Rio de Janeiro: Dancing With Our Hand Tied and Bigger Than The Whole Sky
November 20 - Rio de Janeiro: ME! and So It Goes...
November 24 - São Paulo: Now That We Don't Talk and Innocent
November 25 - São Paulo: Safe & Sound and Untouchable
November 26 - São Paulo: Say Don't Go and It's Time To Go
To see my posts about Brazilian concerts (click here).
Taylor after the concerts via her social medias:
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I'm sure every swiftie who has been in any of these nights made these shows even more spectacular.
Latin America hope to see you @taylorswift soon again ❤️
💫 Long live all the magic we made... ✨️
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gucciwins · 2 years
Ok now i need to see bel and benito meet at his concert or something. I can also imagine harry pouting if he was there bc she is having the best time with her people but also if he couldn't make the concert with her and sees from different posts that she was there and maybe benito even took her to dance on stage for  Enséñame a bailar🤭
Bel has only ever felt this type of excitement before her boyfriend’s shows. She was always surrounded by their friends and kind fans all coming together to celebrate being themselves with no judgment. Tonight, though, she's among her people. Those who understand being different and the struggles of being under represented but not tonight. No, tonight they are all seen. From everyone on the floor to the top of the stadium.
Bel brought Sarai to the show with her. Naomi opted out saying she wanted the two of them to have time together. Not one to fight with what Naomi wants, that is how they ended up with floor seats of a sold-out stadium.
As the show was set to start soon, her phone rang. It was Harry.
“Damage control,” Sarai teased.
“Hola amor.” She greets cheerfully. 
“Bel why is there a photo of you and Benito circling the internet.” 
“Oh, he– we're friends.” 
“Since when?” Harry asks in disbelief. 
“A week ago, he reached out and he said he’s a fan of mine.” 
Harry sighs, feeling a pit in his stomach. 
“Don’t worry, H. He’s a friend.” 
“That’s why I’m worried. I started off as a friend and a fan. Now we’re dating.” Harry pouts. 
Bel giggles into the receiver, “I want you my English angel.” 
“Will you call me later when you get back to your hotel room?” 
“Course, mi amor. Te amo.” 
“Love you.” 
“Oh–I got you a shirt. Bye now.” And she hangs up as she and Sarai laugh at Harry’s call. He was so sweet but there was no reason to be jealous. It’s just that Bel hasn’t given him a reason to ever be jealous and now he’s feeling it because she asked him to come to the show he was just unavailable. 
The concert has been going amazing. Benito has a way of making it feel like he’s singing just to you. Bel and Sarai have not stopped dancing and singing since he came out for the first song. As the show is beginning to wind down to the last few songs the crowd is only getting louder. 
“Ahora, para esta canción quiero invitar a mi amiga a que venga a bailar conmigo. Y/N Belmonte, ¿dónde estás?” Sarai yells as Bentio just invited Bel to go on stage and dance with him. Sarai raises Bel’s hand, a security guard comes and takes her to the stage with Sarai following close behind because after being called out so publicly there is no way she can go back into the crowd. 
Being on stage is an entire new feeling, she has never done this before. Always watching shows from the crowd with Harry. The closest was backstage at Wembley with Anne and Gemma. Now Bel could swear she felt all the screams and cheers move through her. This was a beautiful sight to see as all the wristbands were lit up. 
And so Bel danced. She laughed with the dancers she had met earlier. All taking turns to pull her close or spin her around. The song seemed to end all too quickly. As the final notes played, Bentio came towards her offering her his hand bringing her in close to spin her around. She laughed as she thanked him. Benito instead thanked her, giving her a long hug before letting her go so she could leave the stage and enjoy the last few songs of the show from up close. Enséñame a Bailar would forever be her new favorite song.
Bel riding on her high didn’t realize how much her phone was blowing up. 
Harry texted her that he loved that she got to dance on stage. Was he jealous? Of course. Though he could see how happy Bel was and all he wants in life is to see her happy. Doesn’t mean he can’t be just a little silly?
Harry took to Instagram posting a photo that Sarai had taken of Bel on stage with a large smile on her face as hugged Benito onstage. He captioned it: “I love all of the fans so much but please stop sending me these pictures of my girlfriend wrapped around another man. This is not me.” 🫶 @y/nbelmonte take me next time
@harryfan HE DIDN’T 
@belfan my girl is living her best life and i’m here for it. 
@mitchrowland i want bel to have custody of me 
@jeffazof well…i see why my phone is going crazy 
@naomii ohhh he’s jealous 
@y/nbelmonte i love you H. i got you a shirt
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[ENG] EXO Tourgram - EXO
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Full Episodes:
Special Talk LIVE with Suho & Sehun (Introduction to EXO TOURGRAM, behind the scenes during the North America Tour Concert, and free traveling stories by SUHO & SEHUN)
Episode 1 - How EXO Prepares for NA Tour (3 EXO secrets! Revealing their dorm for the first time! Revealing the luggage of SUHO, the professional tourist! And also revealing CHANYEOL’s abs!)
Episode 2 - The Beginning of NA Tour: New York (Doing rehearsals just like actual performance! The serious EXO members!)
Episode 3 - The Delivery: New York (They called a delivery of Hollywood celebrities’ favorite foods from New York’s restaurants! Which one would be EXO’s favorite?)
Episode 4 - EXO'rdium in New York (New Yorkers become EXO-holics! The live New York Concert!)
Episode 5 - Improvisational Trip in NY - Baekhyun & Chanyeol TV 1 (Home-lover BAEKHYUN on New York trip with CHANYEOL’s lead! Lost in New York! What could be the reason of them being frustrated in the middle of New York?)
Episode 6 - Improvisational Trip in NY - Baekhyun & Chanyeol TV 2 (Searching for pizzas! CHANYEOL and BAEKHYUN’s obsession to taste the New York pizza in New York!)
Episode 7 - Improvisational Trip in NY -  Kai TV (He’s a thrifty and intriguing man, a.k.a. the thrif-triguing man! KAI’s shopping in SoHo!)
Episode 8 - Improvisational Trip in NY - Suho, Chen & Sehun TV 1 (SUHO and SEHUN becoming Executive Kim and Producer Oh! And CHEN as writer Kim! What’s the big picture they’re imagining?)
Episode 9 - Improvisational Trip in NY - Suho, Chen & Sehun TV 2 (SUHO and SEHUN went to a Michelin 2-star restaurant! Producer Oh continues to take a big part as SEHUN becomes the camera man! Watching musical “Chicago” with CHEN!)
Episode 10 - Hola Mexico City (EXO’s first solo concert in Mexico! Who could be the member who had a ghost dream the night before the concert?)
Episode 11 - Second City of NA Tour - Mexico City (The stage in Mexico City seems to depict EXO’s love house! Stop being nervous and let’s start the rehearsal!)
Episode 12 - The Delivery: Mexico City (Local foods (burritos, tacos, and nachos) delivered to the waiting room! Which food surprised EXO?)
Episode 13 - EXO’rdium in Mexico City (First solo concert in Mexico! The live Mexico City Concert! They sang a love song for Mexican fans! “Ti Amo” ♬)
Episode 14 - Suho & Sehun Tour - LA Santa Monica Beach (From roommates to travel mates, SUHO & SEHUN! A real shrimp mukbang at Santa Monica Beach!)
Episode 15 - Suho & Sehun Tour - Experimenting LA Circuit Race (Every man’s dream! Experiencing circuit race at (Ferrari) Driving Center! Two men’s race with pride on the line! And the winner is…?)
Episode 16 - Suho & Sehun Tour - Las Vegas 1 (Las Vegas, a city of 5-hour drive from LA! SUHO & SEHUN crossing the dessert with a classic car.)
Episode 17 - Suho & Sehun Tour - Las Vegas 2 (Two men’s road movie! A journey to Las Vegas! But an unexpected sitcom happens in a gas station…)
Episode 18 - Suho & Sehun Tour - Las Vegas Activities (Indoor skydiving and zipline! SEHUN promises to do tumbling at the skydiving center! Could he really do it?)
Episode 19 - Suho & Sehun Tour - Las Vegas Hotel Tour & Le Reve Tour (A hotel tour with SUHO the guide! SUHO buys a gift for his best friend 000 during the tour! They also watched Le Reve Show, the greatest show on earth!)
Episode 20 - Suho & Sehun Tour - Las Vegas Limousine Tour (Enjoying in limousine the city of night, Las Vegas! All sentimental, they call members and…only one person answers their call. Who would that be?)
Gift VOD 1 (LA, the last city of EXO’s North America tour! ‘LOVE ME RIGHT’)
Gift VOD 2 (Making LA fans fever up with ‘WHITE NOISE’ by EXO)
Gift VOD 3 (EXO’s perfect choreography to 'TRANSFORMER’)
Gift VOD 4 (EXO becoming cute little dwarves during performance in LA!)
EXO members, EXO love letter (A video letter from each EXO member! Includes stories behind the scenes and comments about EXO TOURGRAM.)
Vehind 1
Vehind 2
Vehind 3
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shineemoon · 1 month
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ONEW 3RD EP [FLOW] PROMOTION PLAN 2024.09.03 (6PM KST) AUG 13 • Pre-Order AUG 14 • Concept Photo ‘Focus’ AUG 16 • Concept Photo ‘Spotlight Serenade’ AUG 19 • Concept Photo ‘Serenade Repose, Lights Out’ AUG 21 • Track List AUG 26-27-28 • Highlight Clip AUG 29 • MV Teaser #1 AUG 30 • MV Photo SEP 02 • MV Teaser #2 SEP 03 • Album & MV Release SEP 04 • Live Video #1 SEP 05-15 • POP-UP STORE SEP 10 • Live Video #2 SEP 13 • Live Video #3 OCT 05-06 • 2024 ONEW FAN CONCERT ‘Hola!’ in SEOUL NOV 21-22 • 2024 ONEW FAN CONCERT ‘Hola!’ in JAPAN
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ONEW Hola! Fan Concert Ticket Information
the fanclub verification is now open in Melon Ticket, through the fanclub verification, it will be possible to access an early ticket sale
Fan Club Verification:
Aug 30, 09:00 KST - Sep 4, 17:00 KST
Fan Club Pre-sale:
Sep 5, 20:00-23:59 KST
General Sale/Reservation:
Sep 6, 20:00 KST
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Love that Louis drinks on stage, is proud to be a stoner, skips songs and can't memorize his lyrics. Love that the band sings the songs instead of him, that you can't hear his voice as is it so weak because of his vices. That makes fans who paid for the tickets be dissapointed so they won't go to another concert nor recommend his shows. Love the empty seats, the cancelled tour legs with no proper apology. Faster he loses fans, faster he will be a no one in the industry. A drunken stoner no one.
Hola hater ten un magnífico domingo, por qué ¿que crees?? que yo sí lo estoy teniendo, viendo el magnífico concierto que Louis está dando hoy en Turín. Besitos 💋
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princeofyorkshire · 2 years
hola effie🌻 cry baby, black nail polish y flower crown
hola candeeeee <3
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
i actually don’t… i never really know what i want so i never made one lolll. i think my priority rn is graduating uni and that’s it, maybe after that i’ll want to do something else but that’s all i can think of right now
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
i sing to myself all the time i’m surprised the answer is not I Am Singing Right Now! but to be fair i just woke up an hour ago and still haven’t gotten up nor brushed my teeth soooo imma say it was probably last night!
i’m adding a read more thing now cause the next answer was unnecessarily long lol
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
ooo god ok i’ve been to a few by the same artists so i’ll put them all together!! my first concert was one direction in 2014. i don’t really have a lot of memories from it, i just remember that it started raining when i got into the stadium so i looked up to the sky with open arms and the silliest smile on my face, i was so happy and excited to see them!!! i had only been a fan of them for a year and a half so i didn’t have to wait long but it felt like i had been in the fandom forever
that same year i saw r5 which was. very random lol. my friend wanted to go but didn’t have anyone to go with, the tickets weren’t too expensive so i went with her. i saw them twice again after that show. they were always fun! the music was kinda disneyish but i liked it anyway, ross was always an absolute sweetheart so i had a great time everytime!
i saw the vamps twice and those were the most random concerts actually. the first time i saw them was in 2016 and i bought a ticket the day of the show. i didn’t even like them, but my friend’s cousin got sick and gave her her ticket, so my friend told me they were very cheap so i should buy one and go with her so i did. and i really enjoyed it! the second time i saw them tho… i don’t know what changed, but i remember feeling a bit bored? and kinda ignored lol. we had the same seats as the year prior but it was the opposite side. so like, the dude who was closest to us didn’t really. look at us. and i mean we weren’t close at all, it was a good view anyway but he just. didn’t even wave so that was kinda eh. i saw tini tho so that was something!!!
saw fifth harmony twice lmfaooo the first time was. probs the worst show i’ve been to? there was like… no interacting w the crowd at all it all felt v robotic. maybe i’m not used to shows w ppl dancing but idk. camila was the most fun at the show. also i was annoyed cause they changed the venue and i ended up w shit seats lol so maybe that influenced it. also it only lasted an hour and it was v far from my house so that sucked too lol. the second time i had pit and got very close so i liked it more but i think that’s literally the only reason, i don’t think i would have enjoyed it if i had nosebleed seats or something like that rip
i saw niall in 2018! it was a very chill concert and i really liked it!!!! i don’t remember a lot i’ll be honest i just know that i liked it. pit wasn’t that bad cause his music was very chill so i didn’t fight for my life that time!
ok finally 2022. imma start w harry. i saw him in 2018 as well but i’m putting those two together: i had an AMAZING time both times, i really love harry as a performer! my least favorite thing about his shows tho are … the fans … they are just rude and mean for no reason. last week was only bad while we were queuing outside but in 2018 they were SO aggressive while waiting for him to come out AND during the show and that annoyed me but i can’t say anything negative about harry. i had a blast both times and i still can’t believe how lucky i got this year being so close to him lol
trueno <3 my fucking beloved <3 that man has ENERGYYYY. i was so impressed by him and the other dudes performing w him. i loved the atmosphere at the show. i love how political he has become. hating on cops, loving the argies. it was everything i needed and more!
coldplay was also great. you know, i never really paid attention to them and i only went to see them cause my dad likes them and we surprised him w tickets but god, what a show. chris martin? an insane charming motherfucker. i was so happy during that show. love those silly little bracelets. love chris’ love for argentina. loved singing de musica ligera w 70k argies. it was so good. bless him and the band <3
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!!! LOUIS!!!! i still can’t believe i got to see my boy twice. i was so nervous the whole time, i wanted everything to go right (aka didn’t want to pass out lol) so thinking about it all the time made me very very anxious and i def think i could have had a better time. i still had a fucking blast tho, i couldn’t believe LOUIS was in front of me like i was actually in shock during the first show. to this day i watch my videos and go . i can’t believe i took this. lol. i can’t wait to see him again sometime next year/2024 <3
aesthetic themed ask list
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 3 (Chaos Ensues)
Wattpad Link
Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.12 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
Luna wakes up to the loud ringtone of her phone on the nightstand. She picks it up and notices it’s Nina who’s calling her. She answers the phone and a loud Nina can be heard miles away. “Luna did you saw what’s on the news?” Luna worried responds with “No Nina! Que paso? What happened?” Nina proceeds with, “Well the media won’t stop talking about Matteo hanging out with some girl named Viviana. They have even been saying that you and Matteo broke up, is that true?” Luna’s face immediately changed after hearing what Nina just said. “No, Matteo and I didn’t break up.” Luna’s voice cracked a little when answering Nina’s question. They didn’t break up but it sure felt like it. Luna has always trusted Matteo, but lately everything that’s been going on has truly challenged that for her. He’s never cheated on her but there’s always a first time for everything.
It was early for Luna and since she had just woken up, she didn’t feel like talking too much about it over the phone. “Nina I just woke up. How about this? We can meet up together with Jim and Yam and talk about it. I can really use some pep talk today and lately I just feel so conflicted about everything that’s been going on.” “Yes of course. How about in an hour at the Jam and Roller? Sounds good,” Nina asked Luna. “Sounds perfect.” Luna replied back.
During the time that Nina was talking on the phone, Gaston was doing the same thing with Matteo. “Hola Matteo. Have you seen what the media has been saying about you,” Gaston asked Matteo. “Obvio que sí. Of course, I do. They’re talking about my last concert yesterday. I just had a meeting with my manager, and he said the reviews have been amazing and the fans can’t wait for another tour,” Matteo exclaimed with excitement in his voice. “That’s great for you buddy and I’m proud of you but that’s not why I called,” Gaston tense and firm with his statement. “Then what did you call me about? Que paso,” Matteo curiously asked. “The media won’t stop talking about you and Viviana. They’ve caught you guys hanging out so much that they even think you broke with Luna. Also, while I was looking at the pictures that they showed of you two, I noticed that the girl was familiar. That’s the same girl you’ve told me about when you were on tour right? You’ve even sent me pictures of her through Snapchat. At first, I thought she was a good friend of yours, and someone to hang out with on tour, but Matteo, tell me the truth. Do you like her?” Gaston interrogated Matteo, anxious to see what his answer will be.
Matteo never really thought about it like that. He just loved having someone around on tour always there to listen and hear what he had to say. In the beginning, it felt lonely missing his friends and the love of his life. Then Viviana came and filled that gap of loneliness. “Gaston don’t worry she’s just a really good friend. While I was on tour, it was tough to get acclimated to my new lifestyle, but she was there for me and made things easier. Yeah, she’s an amazing friend but I love Luna. I always have and I will never stop loving her,” Matteo elaborated. “I understand that you love her, but I think you need to be aware of the amount of time you’ve been spending with that girl. Remember your famous now so the paparazzi are always going to be on you, trying to see what’s going on in your personal life; so, they tend to get a misinterpretation of what’s really been going on. That my friend can really hurt Luna, especially if you’re not hanging out with her as much. Remember who’s your girlfriend. All I’m saying is quidala porque sí no la vas a perder. Take care of her cause if you don’t, you may lose her.”
There was a short pause after what Gaston told Matteo. Matteo really didn’t think of it like that. “Now that you’ve mentioned it, Luna was depressed yesterday seeing me with her; but wait has Luna found out about this? Cause she can’t find out, this would make her feel devastated,” Matteo said now stressing out. He can’t lose Luna, not the love of his life. The least he ever wanted to do was hurt her. “Matteo, I think you’re a little too late on that. I actually found out about this news through Nina. She told me she was going to call Luna to tell her.” Matteo’s heart started racing. What if Luna thinks he’s cheating on her? “Gaston what do I do now? She’s going to think I’ve been cheating on her when that’s not the case,” Matteo frantically asks Gaston.
“Matteo, I recommend you go talk to Luna as soon as possible to clear everything up. Tell her what’s really been going on. I’m sure one way or another she’ll understand. Then invite her to dinner afterward. It has been a while since you guys have gone on a date. Oooh and don’t forget to bring flowers. It’s romantic and shows that you care,” Gaston said to Matteo. “Gracias amigo. Thank you, friend. You always have the best advice when I need it.” When Matteo hanged up on Gaston, he sprinted out the door to do exactly what Gaston told him to do.
Jim and Yam’s dorm room at the University
While Yam puts on her earrings, she receives a text from Nina. “Meeting with Luna at the Jam and Roller in an hour,” it said. “Jim, in an hour we’re meeting up with Nina and Luna at the Jam and Roller!” Yam yelled across the room while Jim was taking a shower in the bathroom. “Ok cool!” Jim yelled back. As Yam was prepping her school bag, she hears someone knocking on the door.
Yam opens the door and is surprised to see Ramiro with a gift in his hands. “Ramiro what are you doing here,” Yam asks gleefully. “I bought you a gift after hearing you passed all your finals. I’m so proud of you and I knew you can do it.” Yam was speechless at how thoughtful Ramiro was. He hands her the gift and inside is a handcrafted leather sketch book. “You’ve always loved sewing and designing clothing so I bought you this book. It was a little expensive but totally worth it since I know you’ll make great use of it. Maybe even when you become a famous singer you can open up your very own fashion boutique with all of your designs.” Yam instantly gave Ramiro a hug. She felt butterflies in her stomach knowing that he’s been thinking about her.
A fully clothed Jim says, “awww! You guys are so cute. Well, I would just love to see this romantic movie keep on going but we have to leave now. The Jam and Roller is far away from here and we promised Luna and Nina that we would meet them there in an hour.” Yam kisses Ramiro on the cheek and thanks him for the gift. “If you want, I can drive you guys there. I’m also heading to the Jam and Roller,” Ramiro suggested. Jim and Yam agree to what Ramiro said and quickly leave.
Simón and Ámbar’s House
“No lo puedo crear! I can’t believe what I’m seeing! How can Matteo break up with Luna to get with some random girl! Oh, when I see him today, he’s going to have a piece of my mind,” Simón exclaims. Ámbar sees Simón frustrated and tries to calm him down. “I don’t know what’s going on but before you get angry, we don’t know the truth. Rumors are just rumors. They don’t have concrete evidence like them two kissing. Look how about this when you see Luna or Matteo, you ask them yourself.” Simón tries to calm down, but his nerves get the best of him. “Your right we don’t have any evidence, but what I clearly see with my own eyes is that Matteo has been very close with this random girl and Luna doesn’t deserve that. One thing is to have a girl as your friend, but another is to be all cuddly with her, always hugging her and being with her every second of the day,” Simón stated to Ámbar in which she replied with, “Well now you know how Matteo felt when he first dated Luna and why he was always jealous of you.” Simón frowned and just realized the mistake of what he said.
“You know I’m protective of Luna. She’s my best friend and I care a lot about her. I just don’t want to see her get hurt that’s all,” Simón perturbed. “I know and that’s why you’re the person with the biggest heart in the world. Well, I’m going to get dressed so we can go to the Jam and Roller. Don’t worry, all of this will get cleared up soon. Plus, I have a meeting today with Vidia. I wonder what’s going to happen with the Jam and Roller.” Ámbar said apprehensively leaving Simón even more worried as well.
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thequeenkrys15 · 4 years
His Woman
This fic is dedicated to Miss Nadia, aka @flamediel​​
First off, I would like to apologize to you Queen, because this took much longer than I imagined, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
About a month ago, Miss Nadia underwent a lot of unnecessary hate for no reason. Really all hate is unnecessary, but it was hate nonetheless. I would like to remind everyone who reads this fic that it there is never a good reason to be malicious to someone, and that it is always better to spread positivity. In my eyes, we are all kings and queens and should treat each other as such. 
Miss Nadia, please know that to me, you are awesome. You are amazing, and marvelous and every positive word in the dictionary in every language. You are a queen, an empress a GODDESS, and if anyone tells you differently they can kick rocks because they’re peasants and queens don’t have time for peasants. And if no one has said it today, I LOVE YOU! And so does this man right here!
Pairing: Zabdiel de Jesus x Nadia!Reader
Word Count: 2950
Warnings: Slight Angst, Smut, 18+, minors DNI, protected sex (no glove, no love), fondling, fingering, oral (female receiving), fluff, and google translated spanish
Without further adeu, Miss Nadia sweetie, enjoy!
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Dating a musician was hard for anyone, especially when that musician was in a famous band like Nadia’s man. CNCO was often doing promo and concerts, sometimes it was hard to find time. And it didn’t help that the two of them were in a long-distance relationship. Some of the guys trying to hit on her in Cairo were so rude. And Nadia could only imagine all the women making themselves look “too available” for Zabdiel. But alas, he always made sure to silence her insecurities. “You’re the only one for me, Nadia, mi amol”, he would say in that thick Puerto Rican accent that always made her swoon. They always Facetimed each other every day and flew out to see each other when they could. They say time apart makes the heart grow fonder, then the two of them must be infatuated, because Nadia and Zabdiel were in love.
           Time seemed to align perfectly for Zabdiel and Nadia. CNCO got some vacation time to relax, and Nadia saved up enough sick days and vacation days two get a whole two months of paid leave. How would the two choose to spend this newfound time? Why with each other of course! Zabdiel put everything in motion the second he knew she was coming. He wanted this time off to be stress free and be filled with love and romance for his woman, Nadia. The next two months were about to be the best she has ever had.
           After getting off the plane in Miami, Nadia was overrun with happiness and joy, and just in a few moments, she would see the love of her life. As she approached Baggage Claim, it’s like the world stopped. Zabdiel had been searching for Nadia for the past 15 minutes, and once his eyes locked with hers, a huge smile spread across his face. It started as a sprint, and then a full-blown dash as they ran to each other. When the two finally had their arms wrapped around each other, a wash of calm and clarity overcame them both. This felt right, this felt like love.
“Hola mi amol, estoy tan feliz de que estés aqui”, he whispered into her ear.
“I missed you so much, baby”, Nadia cried into his shoulder happily.
           Zabdiel and Nadia broke apart after a few more minutes, wiping their eyes and walking hand in hand, grabbing her suitcases, and striding out of the airport. The two headed to his car and put the bags in the trunk. Zabdiel opened the door for his woman, and the two of them climbed in and started their ride home.
“Te amo mi cariño”, he kissed her hand.
“And I love you”, she said sweetly.
Nadia knew that these next two months were going to be a blast.
 Time Jump
             These two months were going nothing like Nadia thought it would. Don’t get her wrong, Zabdiel was treating her like a queen in every sense of the word, from feeding her fruit, to afternoon massages, to late night lovin! When it came to Zabdiel, Nadia was on cloud nine, but it was something else that was bringing her down more than usual: the fans. Now in the beginning, the CNCOwners were ecstatic about the relationship Nadia had blossomed with Zabdiel, and for the most part, they still are. There are positive messages in her inbox from the fans all the time, and they always lift her spirits when she’s down. But lately, somethings been off with them, or at least some of them. It started when Nadia was giving weekly updates to the fans about what Mr. de Jesús was up to. Even though the band was on break, he still did somethings band-related, like producing music. Sometimes when he’s in his element, she likes to get a video of him because she knows the fans would love the content. Or when you catch him doing something cute like playing with Appa, she knew the fans would swoon. Even though most of the fans were showing her love, some were showing her hate. Like HATE, hate. Like hate to the point where they were telling her to kill herself. Like, who does that? At first, she didn’t pay them any mind, because of course there were always the nay-sayers. But the comments started getting worst, like to the point where they were making her cry. She couldn’t believe there were people like this on the internet. She tried to keep this from Zabdiel as long as she could, this time was supposed to be about them, not some asshats that were trying to bring her spirits down. But of course, Zabdiel knew his woman way too well for her to keep a secret like this.
           Zabdiel had just got home from a dinner run when he walked in and noticed the apartment was eerily silent.
“¡Nadia, estoy en casa!” he shouted through the home to place her. She didn’t respond.
           He placed the food in the refrigerator and went in search of his girlfriend, finally finding her in the bedroom.
“Nena, ¿me has oído? Why didn’t you respond?”
           He turned her around in the bed, just to find she was crying her eyes out.
“¿Por que estás llorando? What happened?”
           Still trying to save face, Nadia pushed it aside to change the subject.
“Everything’s fine honey. What did you get to eat?” She was totally lying in his face, and Zabdiel was not having it.
           Before Zabdiel could ask again what had her in distress, her phone lit up with a notification, and before she could redirect his attention, he snatched her phone away.
“What is this, Nadia?” he tapped on the notification.
“It’s nothing Zab. Please don’t open---”
           But it was too late. He had opened it, and what he saw made him bubble with anger. Countless negative comments on her social media degrading her, berating her, calling her names and how she was worthless. One he scrolled past literally told her to kill herself. Are they serious? He could not believe that his so called “fans” were the ones harassing her like this. Oh, he was going to put a stop to this once and for all.
“¿Por cuánto tiempo ha estado sucediendo esto?” he asked in sorrow.
“Zabdiel, please.” She just wanted to forget about it, but he wouldn’t budge.
“How long, Nadia.” His tone was firmer, and because she knew he wasn’t going to leave it alone, she conceded.
“A few weeks.” She sighed. He huffed in frustration but spoke to her in a soft tone.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked in curiosity, not understanding why she would keep something like this from him.
“Because I didn’t want you to worry, okay? This time together was supposed to be about us, not some mean fans. I just shouldn’t have let it get to me so much.”
           At the sound of her blaming herself for this nonsense, Zabdiel wrapped Nadia up in the tightest hug he could muster, quieting her claims.
“Escúchame mi amol. None of this your fault, and I am sorry this has happened. Those are not my fans; they are just evil people with nothing better to do. I’m gonna put a stop to this in the morning.”
Nadia tried to protest, but he shushed her concerns, leaving no room for discussion. He kissed her forehead.
“If this happens again nena, you have to tell me so I can fix it. I can’t help if you don’t let me. Okay?” he held her face in his hands as she nodded, showing she understood.
           He kissed her lips tenderly, savoring the taste of her. It started off slow, but the kiss grew hungrier, more primal than anything before. His tongue slid into her mouth, dancing around each other, until Nadia’s tongue gave in to his, accepting his dominance.
“I’m gonna make you forget all about them hermosa” he whispered into her ear.
           He laid her down on the bed as he began to kiss under her jaw, moving toward her neck and shoulder juncture, suckling her pulse point. She moaned, knowing that tonight was going to be a long one. His hands held her waist, as he slid her shirt up, exposing her stomach. He kissed and nipped along the sides her tummy, forcing her shirt up. He pulled away for a split second, finally pulling her shirt off, getting frustrated with the fabric. He was mesmerized by the way her breasts looked in her black bra; he was practically salivating at the mouth.
“Eres exquisita” he leaned down to kiss her neckline, traveling to her cleavage, nipping at the rise of her left boob, and then the right.
“You have too many clothes on” Nadia said as she slid her hands under his shirt, desperate to feel him as he was feeling her.
           He pulled away to get his shirt off, as Nadia threw her bra across the room. Zabdiel was back on her in seconds, sucking her left nipple into his mouth while he fondled the right breast in his huge hand. His warm mouth was doing wonders for her body, and all the pleasure she felt was shot straight to her core. He kissed the valley in between her breasts and down her stomach, knowing exactly where he was headed. Undoing her zipper, he worked her pants off her body and tossed them to the side of the bed, leaving her in her black underwear. He sniffed between her legs, nuzzling her nub which sent a jolt up her spine.
“Hueles dulce” he sighed as he pulled her panties off her body, leaving her bare.
           He pulled her legs over his shoulders, gripped her thighs, and licked a long stripe up from her slit to her pearl, making her gasp.
“But you taste even sweeter.” Zabdiel was grinning like a Cheshire cat.
           If there was one thing people knew about Zabdiel, it was that he had an oral fixation. He always had something in his mouth, whether it was gum, a lollipop, or in this case, her pussy. And he was an expert with his tongue, knowing just where to lick to get his woman stimulated. He licked in between her lips, just so she could get a feel for him. He then licked at her clit, drawing her favorite star pattern, sending her to another galaxy. Nadia was a moaning mess, her hand flew to where his head was, physically telling him not to move an inch. But Zabdiel wouldn’t dare, he was enjoying this just as much as she was. Knowing that it was him causing his woman so much pleasure, made him painfully hard in his pants. But his woman had to cum first.
“Do you want more, my love?” Nadia was gasping for air, nodding her head frantically, but that wasn’t enough for him.
“Usa tus palabras, hermosa” he breathed into her core as he licked down her slit.
“Yes! Baby please, I need more!” she begged, desperate to chase her high.
           Zabdiel inserted his middle finger into her hot channel, and then his index, massaging her inner walls. He found that one spot inside her that made her back arch, hips rising off the bed. This action made Nadia’s eyes roll in the back of her head; she was gripping the sheets for dear life, whining. She was so close, he just needed to say it. And he knew it too.
“It’s okay nena, I got you. Dale” he sucked her pearl into his mouth, hard.
           That one word and one action, lit her body on fire. Her orgasm was explosive, mind and body in the clouds, she didn’t think she would ever come down. Zabdiel worked her through her orgasm until she returned to earth, drinking up everything she had to give him. He sat up, and peering at his face he looked like a glazed donut. He hopped off the bed for a split second, getting his pants and boxers off in one push. Nadia would have had to seen it a thousand times, but she will never get tired of seeing just how magnificent Zabdiel’s penis was. She reached out to grasp it, but Zabdiel pushed her hand away, leaning over her.
“No nena, tonight is about you. Relájate” he said as he nestled in between her thighs.
           He kissed her first, slow and sensual, pouring out all his emotions in one action. He leaned over to the side to grab a condom out of the night drawer. Once he put the condom on, he lined himself up at her entrance, and ever the gentleman, he peered up at her to make sure she was okay. Holding on to his biceps, she nodded, and he eased the head of his cock into her tight channel, taking the breath out of both of their lungs.
“Carajo nena. Eres tan apretada” he gasped into her ear.
           Once fully seated, he took a minute to let her adjust. No matter how many times they’ve had sex together, his girth always took her by surprise. Zabdiel could feel Nadia hips moving slightly against his, signaling him to move. He drew back his hips all the way, leaving only the tip in to tease her, then he slammed himself back in, to the hilt. His thrusts were slow, making love to her through his actions.
“Eres perfecta” he whispered into her ear as he kissed her neck.
She felt euphoric in every sense of the word; not only was he making her feel good physically, he was also making her feel good emotionally. Every stroke he took pulled all the negative comments out of her mind and replaced them with deep and utter bliss. She was on cloud nine, but she needed to get to the moon. She wanted to forget, and Zabdiel was the only way how.
“Faster, Papi” she pleaded, begging him to take her pain away.
           It was like a switch flipped inside his head. Nadia knew if she wanted a different side of Zabdiel, a more aggressive side, that was the one word that would do the trick. “Domdiel” appeared in a matter of seconds, gripping her hips harder, and his strokes started matching the speed of a jackhammer. Nadia felt him everywhere, from her neck down to her core. She knew there would be bruises in the morning, but she didn’t care, all that mattered was this moment right now.
“Papi, I’m close!” She held on to him for dear life, nails running down his back so hard they almost broke skin.
           Zabdiel was in the same boat, as his thrusts were starting to lose their rhythm. He reached down between her legs, drawing a nice figure eight on her bundle of nerves, sure that it will help her reach a final high.
“Cum for me, Nadia.”
           That was all it took. Her body arched and convulsed off the bed. She screamed out in pleasure as her orgasm washed over her. A white-hot light flooded the back of her eyes, leaving her in a state of pure ecstasy. Zabdiel wasn’t far behind, getting three more pumps in before he stilled, spilling himself into the rubber. He collapsed onto her, but she didn’t mind, welcoming the warmth. After a few seconds Zabdiel got up and retreated to the bathroom to throw away the rubber. He returned to Nadia with a washcloth in hand, leaning down to clean her up, being mindful that she was still very sensitive. When he was finished, he tossed the rag into the laundry hamper, and crawled into bed, snuggling up to his woman.
“Te amo, mi vida” he whispered as he drifted off to slumber.
“Te amo, mi cariño” she said back as sleep overcame her.
           In that moment, Nadia felt at peace. Not anger, not sadness, just simple peace.
Time Jump
           When morning came, Nadia found herself in bed, alone. Finding Zabdiel’s discarded shirt, she slipped it on and made her way to the living room, in search of her boyfriend. The sight that she came across almost made her cry. Zabdiel was on the couch with his phone in hand, going completely off on the fans that were spewing hate towards her. He said that he was disappointed and angry that some of his so-called “fans” would go so far as to hurt his woman intentionally. He also said that true fans would want to see him happy, and that if they were real fans, they would either show you two some love, or just simply be quiet. He saw Nadia out of the corner of his eye and decided to end the video there.
“Ahora si me disculpas, voy a salir con mi mujer.”
           He motioned for her to come sit with him, so she did. He placed her on his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know. I could have gotten over it.” She said as she leaned against his chest.
“You shouldn’t have to. Tú eres mi mujer, and I’m not gonna tolerate any disrespect, no matter who it’s from.” He kissed her on her forehead.
           The two stayed like that for a moment, just basking in the peaceful silence, until Nadia spoke up.
“So the day has just started, what do you want to do?” She looked into his eyes.
“How about my woman decides for today?” He gave his signature dimple-filled smile.
“Your woman? I like the sound of that!” She cheesed as they hugged each other tightly.
           Yeah, their relationship was hard sometimes, but being his woman, makes it all worthwhile.
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