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killua-zoldyck2 · 4 years ago
K-On !!
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ramblinganthropologist · 5 years ago
Oh boy I wonder what Duolingo is gonna teach me to-
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You know, I didn't need my heart today.
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melancholicpiscesblog · 4 years ago
Best Anime Waifu??!!
Tsumugi Kotobuki vs. Mitsuri Kanroji
Who will win??!
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merry-kuroo · 5 years ago
Just finished K-ON today and it easily became one of my favorite animes. When I started this show, I was going through a big mental health crisis and having heart papiltations and panic attacks. So to sit back and watch the girls make the most of their youth and enjoy life in general was really refreshing. K-ON definitely helped me cope with this summer.
The openings and endings were all super catchy too. My favorite openings are Go! Go! Maniac and Utauyo!! Miracle (which is currently stuck in my head). My favorite ending was No, Thank You.
I teared up when the seniors sang their song to Azusa. They called Azusa their angel 😭😭 it doesn't get any sweeter than that 💕
My favorite duo in K-ON was Yui and Ritsu because they were both really chaotic and played off each other really well 😂
I can see why K-ON became so popular 😊 I'll be watching the movie this weekend...I'm not ready to say goodbye to Ho-kago Tea Time 😢
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tsukikoayanosuke · 5 years ago
Night Raven's Light Music Club is basically Ho-kago Tea Time from K-On!, right?
I demand an anime ending song like Don't Say "Lazy" if they do make an anime adaptation
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reifidan · 5 years ago
Edo tensei ı. ıı. ııı.
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killua-zoldyck2 · 4 years ago
K-On screencaps
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nihosenpai · 3 years ago
Tenshi ni fureta yo - H.T.T
nee omoide no KAKERA ni
namae wo tsukete hozon suru nara
"Takaramono" ga pittari da ne
ねえ(nee) - right!!, isn't it right!!
思い出(omoide) - memories
カケラ;欠片(KAKERA) - fragments
名前(namae) - name
(つ)付ける(Tsukeru) - to attach,join;つけて(tsukete) - connective form
保存(hozon) - conservation, preservation
宝物(takaramono) - treasure, valuable
ぴったり(pitari) - tightly
sou KOKORO no youryou ga
そう ココロの容量が
ippai ni naru kurai ni
sugoshita ne tokimeki iro no mainichi
過ごしたね ときめき色の毎日
そう(sou) - right!!
ココロ;心(kokoro) - heart, spirit
容量(youryou) - capacity, volume
いっぱい(Ippai) - full
なる(naru) - to become
くらい(kurai) - approximately
過ごす(sugosu) - to pass(time),to spend;過ごした(sugoshita) - past form
ときめい(tokimeki) - beating(heart)
色(iro) - colour
毎日(mainichi) - everyday
najinda seifuku to uwabaki
HOWAITOBOODO no rakugaki
ashita no iriguchi ni
oite kanakucha ikenai no kana
おいてかなくちゃ いけないのかな
なじむ(najimu) - to become familiar with;なじんだ(najinda) - past form
制服(seifuku) - uniform
上履き(uwabaki) - indoor shoes
ホワイトボード(HOWAITOBOODO) - white board
落書き(rakugaki) - doodle, graffiti
明日(ashita) - tomorrow
入り口(iriguchi) - entrance, entry gate
おく(oku) - to put, place;おいて(oite) - connective form
かな(kana) - (I)wonder
demo ne, aeta yo! suteki na tenshi ni
sotsugyou wa owari ja nai
kore kara mo nakama dakara
issho no shashintachi
itsumademo kagayaiteru
zutto sono egao arigatou
ずっと その笑顔 ありがとう
でも(demo) - but
会える(aeru) - to meet,会えた(aeta) - past form
すてき(suteki) - lovely, wonderful
天使(tenshi) - Angel
卒業(sotsugyou) - graduation
終わり(owari) - the end
これから(korekara) - from now on
仲間(nakama) - companion
だから(dakara) - because
一緒(issho) - together (with)
写真(shashin) - photograph
たち(tachi) - (our)group
おそろ(osoro) - same, matching
キーホルダー(KIIHORUDAA) - key holder
いつまでも(itsumademo) - forever
輝いてる(kagayaiteru) - shining
ずっと(zutto) - always
笑顔(egao) - smile
ありがとう(arigatou) - thank you
nee sakura no ki mo chotto
setake ga nobita mitai
mienai yukkuri na SUPIIDO demo
桜(sakura) - cherry tree
木(ki) - tree
ちょっと(chotto) - a little
背丈(setake) - stature, height
伸びる(nobiru) - to grow,extand;伸びた(nobita) - past form
みたい(mitai) - seems like!!
見える(mieru) - be able to see;見えない(mienai) - negative form
ゆっくり(yukkuri) - unhurriedly
スピード(SUPIIDO) - speed
kitto ano sora wa miteta ne
nando mo tsumazuita koto
soredemo saigo made aruketa koto
きっと(kitto) - undoubtedly
あの,それ(ano,sore) - that,the
空(sora) - sky, Haven
何度(nando) - how many times
つまずく(tsumazuku) - to stumble;つまずいた(tsumazuita) - Past form
こと(koto) - thing, matter
最後(saigo) - conclusion
まで(made) - until
歩く(aruku) - to walk;歩けた(aruketa) - past form
fuwari houkago no rouka ni
koboreta onpu no hane
fuka fuka tsumoru made
kono mama de iretara ii no ni na
ふわり(fuwari) - softly, gently
放課後(houkago) - after school
廊下(rouka) - corridor
こぼれる(koboreru) - to overflow;こぼれた(koboreta) - past form
音符(onpu) - musical note
羽根(hane) - feather(wing)
ふかふか(fukafuka) - soft(and fluffy)
積もる(tsumoru) - to pile up
この(kono) - this
まま(mama) - as it is
いい(ii) - good(positive)
demo ne, fureta yo! ai subeki tenshi ni
tadaima tte itaku naru
kono basho wa kawaranai yo
MEERU no jushinbako
tobikiri no yume to deai kureta
ongaku ni arigatou
ふれる(fureru) - to touch(feel);ふれた(fureta) - past form
愛(ai) - love
すべき(subeki) - ought to do
ただいま(tadaima) - I'm home
言いたく(iitaku) - I want to say
場所(basho) - place
変わる(kawaru) - to change;変わらない(kawaranai) - negative form
メール(MEERU) - mail
受信箱(jushinbako) - in-box (eg.for received emails)
マル(MARU) - circle
した(shita) - done
カレンダー(KARENDAA) - calendar
とびきり(tobikiri) - best
夢(yume) - dream
出会い(deai) - meeting, rendezvous
くれた(kureta) - gave
音楽(ongaku) - music
eki no HOOMU kawara no michi
hanaretete mo onaji sora miagete
YUNIZON de utaou!
駅(eki) - station
ホーム(HOOMU) - platform
河原(kawara) - dry river bed
道(michi) - road
離れる(hanareru) - to be separated;離れて(hanarete) - connective form
同じ(onaji) - same
見上げる(miageru) - to look up at,見上げて(miagete) - connective form
ユニゾン(YUNIZON) - unison
歌おう(utaou) - to sing
demo ne, aeta yo! suteki na tenshi ni
sotsugyou wa owari ja nai
kore kara mo nakama dakara
daisuki tte iu nara
daidaisuki tte kaesu yo
wasuremono mou nai yo ne
zutto eien ni issho da yo
大好き(daisuki) - like(very much)
言う(iu) - to say
返す(kaesu) - to return (something)
忘れ物(wasuremono) - forgotten stuff
永遠(eien) - eternity
English translation:
Hey, if we could put our names
On a piece of our memories and preserve it
Wouldn't that be the perfect "treasure"?
Right, these excitement-colored days
That have passed have filled our hearts
To their full capacity
The familiar uniforms and indoor shoes
The doodles on our whiteboard
I guess we have to leave them behind
At the entrance to tomorrow
But hey, we met one! A wonderful angel
Graduation isn't the end
We're buddies from here on out!
Pictures of us together
Our matching keychains
Will shine on forever
And always, we thank you for your smile
Hey, the cherry trees
Seem like they've grown a bit too
Though its too slow for you see
I'm sure, the sky above us saw it all
All the times we tripped
But also all the times we walked on till the end
The wings of the notes we played
Overflowing gently into the hallway
Until it piles up to be cuddly
It'd be fine if it stays the way it is now
But hey, we were touched! By a lovely angel
This place will never change
You could almost say, "I'm home!"
Our email inboxes
Circled dates on our calendars
We were able to encounter an extraordinary dream
So we say thank you to music
The platform at the station, the path by the riverside
Even if we're apart, we can look up at the same sky
And sing in unison!
But hey, we met one! A wonderful angel
Graduation isn't the end
We're buddies from here on out!
If you say you really love us
We'll answer that we really, really love you!
There's nothing else we've forgotten
We'll be together forever and ever!
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choaseyebrows · 5 years ago
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Spent the last idk how long making a k-on school uniform in Animal Crossing so I thought I'd upload this picture of the keions in my room multiplying and spawning new tiny gremlin keions. #canyoutellwhatmyfavoriteanimeis #kon #keion #hokagoteatime #mioakiyama #tsumugikotobuki #ritsutainaka #yuihirasawa #azusanakano #lolatdarthvadertryingtobeapartoftheband https://www.instagram.com/p/B_QqF0YpzBa/?igshid=rick5n545jt8
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charitycart · 5 years ago
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Ahh I really miss drawing fanart and my old anime style. Anyways here is a #drawthisinyourstylechallenge but this time its Yui from the anime K-On. I really liled this show when I was younger and Mio was always my favorite character. But for real though all of them were cool. What did you guys think of the anime? . . . #kon #hokagoteatime #animefanart #animedrawing #mangagirl #animeart #dtiys #femalecharacter #procreateart #ipadartist #procreateartist #procreateillustration #artistoninsta #artistonig #fanart #artoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B-0EKVXFeeU/?igshid=16jfwrjqtre1d
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bisilva-art · 6 years ago
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Akiyama Mio from K-on! . . . . #akiyamamio #fanart #animefanart #konfanart #hokagoteatime #digitalpainting #digitalart #procreate (at Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzoNQpQnZY0/?igshid=8kzrlpkgm2ck
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hobikeyfimartdijital · 3 years ago
Spy x Family Anya forger sticker
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brechtian · 5 years ago
The 7 As My Tumblr Blogs Idk Blame @ultravioletlesbian
@kimmalyn - Frank (booklr; frank is one of the only ones who reads a lot since he doesnt have dyslexia or adhd. talks about classics then gets annoyed when his low effort memes get 1000 notes)
@dickinsonfemme - Piper (by far my most lesbian blog. mostly politics & donation boosts with some aesthetic stuff and selfies mixed in. By far the most socially acceptable blog)
@cloudwarf - Jason (ttrpg blog. jason plays d&d but only as lawful good human fighters with normal names and hero complexes. Not reflective of me. Not many original posts mostly rbing art and dnd resources. Reflective of me)
@vr1srezi - Leo (my h*mestuck blog and leo is by far the most likely to have read h*mestuck and still be a fan in 2020. he writes rambly long metas connecting complex symbolism at 2am peppered between sbahj shit posts)
@tylesbian - Annabeth (it's a tv/movie/theatre blog with like 40 followers bc i dont care. Consists of a lot of jokes about hating movies and television while ocasionally dissecting why the 3 things she does like are perfect & genius)
@hokagoteatime - Hazel (anime blog w a focus on magical girl anime + k-on and hxh, all of which are up hazel's alley. also shes 13 of course she runs an anime blog. She stans Alluka & owns a sailor moon shirt so do i❤)
@patrickriordan - Percy (ironic i know but the only one funny enough to run an author parody blog except he actually has no idea who the author is. he did it to make annabeth laugh but she lied about knowing who the author is too)
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negro-saurio · 4 years ago
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Debería dibujar a todas la keioncitas? 🤔😂 . #azusa #nakano #azusanakano #azunyan #kon #keion #keions #konanime #konfanart #htt #hokagoteatime #moe #manga #mangaart #anime #animeart #fanart #draw #drawing #paint #painting #digitalart #artedigital #illustration #ilustracion #sketch #artwork #arte #art #negrosaurio https://www.instagram.com/p/CIqx3QaBKcl/?igshid=bj7b752nkud3
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itachi-otaku · 7 years ago
#BlackMetal #Kon #HokagoTeaTime #HTT #anime 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤘🤘🤘🤘☻ https://www.instagram.com/p/BnKsIGpjCdm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1eyv1oljd2y7m
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pikkochan · 7 years ago
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I finally got my waifu band!❤ this is my most loved musical anime. The characters and story were so precious, they were never super famous, so I think that's why I loved it. It felt more down-to-earth 😄 that drum set was a pain to set up lol... #yuihirasawa #mioakiyama #azusanakano #tsumugikotobuki #ritsutainaka #keion #けいおん #HTT #放課後ほうかごティータイム #afterschoolteatime #hokagoteatime #anime #animefigurine #figurecollection #otaku #otakugirl #waifu https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmd8IVlFMV-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p3i4pqn6ggbx
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