#hohhh boy
loonarmuunar · 5 months
Might. Might make a sister Sara animatic sweats
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ectoplasmer · 2 years
hhhoh no anniversary is in less than a month
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neonfretra · 6 days
just read your nhl teams opinion post and I'm laughing my head off. sharkies clean sweep <3 <3 <3
COMPLETELY valid reason to dislike the devils, dw 'bout that (though if you ever need an infodump about them I come armed and ready!), but I will just say... macblack my beloved demon shark needle dodger... you are FAR from the only devil who's been stiffed by the terrible medical staff. imagine being sponsored by a hospital and having the worst concussion spotters in the league. radio-for-a-head is sputtering static right now I HATE THE DEVILS MEDSTAFF SO FUCKING MUCH THEY KEEP OBVIOUSLY INJURED PLAYERS IN GAMES AND IN THE LINEUP FOR NO FUCKING REASON AUGHHHHH
but I like how you looked at the entire east and went "who cares, experience shork". I aspire to be like this.
I also wish I could forget the Leafs. I also aspire to be like this.
um. in lieu of any like. actual content have pictures :]
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timo mimo......... grabby hands............... it is possible that I named my blåhaj after him..................... they're the same picture your honor!!!
but I like how you looked at the entire east and went "who cares, experience shork". I aspire to be like this.
i need you to know this line has put me in honest to god, genuine tears from laughing. oh my god i didnt even realize. like i have the standings pulled up and goin down the list i literally only care for THREE teams (the bolts, the sens, and the pens) for their proximity to the sharks. INCREDIBLY humbling. read me like an open book. im returning to this ask when im not lightheaded oh my god
ok multiple parts to this response because im goin point by point. i yap a LOT. not sorry, hello <3
the art!
OH... those wings are DELIGHTFUL!!! i love how nicely you simplified them, especially with a pen hell?? very very elegant, i hope you get a major minor obsession with angels ^_^
the devs & injuries in the nhl
how they handle injuries drive me UP THE WALL. like i personally assume teams start actin like this when theyre in hopes of playoffs when in reality its like . BABY. WE ARENT GOIN TO BOSTON. PUT THE STICK DOWN.
to make this about the sharks (you read my rankings, you know im like this) i constantly joke about the sharks being the healthiest team in the league cause all our players are out. like christ we have second most missed games on a per player basis at 459 man games lost to injury, second to vegas!
but i think its straight up because playoffs are SUCH a pipe dream for 19-wins-total san jose sharks that we dont HAVE the same pressure to play with torn muscles or broken bones. there is a reason why mackblack CAN have his 72 hours of purgatory (3 day long fever) out compared to teams who are noted to have locker room wide sickness and still getting in board battles. i think we should expose mackblack to them kinda players before the preseason so he builds an immunity to whatever they got. yeah im basically trying to vaccinate him SORRY i am getting distracted
YES, i will disappointed beyond words when the sharks start gettin better at hockey
and its like that that i cant really say its a DEVS thing now, its tradition to see what horrific injury a player played through in their locker cleanout like a more morbid new years countdown. do not want to imagine the consequences of the culture as perpetuated by both staff and players on long term health. lord. and people get mad about mark stone takin time off.
in the same ravine, different vein, hohhh boy they were NOT joking we have gotta separate leagues and medical care. nothin good has come of a doctor workin in the best interest of your team that wants you on ice ASAP and not in the interest of keeping you healthy and able to play and to live a decent life after playin. league worst concussion spotters is a HIGH bar. lird.
but in the same breath what can you do about a mess of on ice spotters? unless you plan on bringin your family doctor as a plus one. which is an absolute wild thought actually. wag jacket for my medical practitioner <3 rhinestone directly INto my open injury <3
sponsored by a hospital too... irony is rollin in its grave hello a whole rotisserie chicken of it
the devs, but more normal
wait oh god i gotta be SO honest with you when i was raggin on the devs i had you in mind as like. THEE friend of mine that roots for em and debating on how impolite itd be to drag your team. and then i remembered we both root for vgk <3
would you believe me when i say i followed them a bit? yeah i was mostly lookin for kahkonen, i do miss him though id call it a bit bad mannered of me to clearly only root for a team for one player LOL
do NOT look at vgk. or tbl. or dal. dont even look at ME.
does it actually count if im also lookin at timo meier? two players thats gotta count for umm something. two things even? because hes an exshark. yeah. oh god it really is a sharkies clean sweep. beloved stereax you have unwound me like the noble helicase. you got me checked out and in like a library book. you broke me down to my barest components. what do i even do with myself right now???
i will NOT say more lest i embarrass myself more than i have already
LOVE that you named your blahaj after him, thats very cute <3 i am endlessly enamored by the photo you chose of timo mimo, why are you so hat boy!!!
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hey isnt a blahaj also a shark
PLEASE feel free to tell me bout the devs, im sure knowin more about the team will not make me itching to throw down with their managements poor decisions any more ^_^
getting a little less normal, a little more embarrassing now
okay i need to be so honest with you. and myself. mostly myself. i was SO surprised to learn media has an eastern conference bias. what the hell is a traditional hockey market.
bringing shame to my family name by discussing the leafs
should i not be tryin to remember them if youre tryin to forget LMAO
you wanna know something more humiliating than regularly forgetting the leafs. i confuse them with MULTIPLE teams when i do remember them. NEAR EVERY BLUE TEAM. the bolts. the nucks. the sabres, when i do remember them. the blues.
visibly sweating and shaking as i stare at a wall and try to recall every bit of trivia i know about the leafs RN. if you root for the leafs i probably owe you financial compensation
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narsh-potatoes · 6 months
Never apologize for rambling abt your OCs on my post. I love y ou (and HOHHH THAT SOUNDS SO INTERSETING I'M LOOKING)
im using you as an excuse to talk about my very own home-grown blorbos now
So!!!!!!!!! i literally only have half of a design for the two of these ocs, i've only drawn one of them ONCE and i don't count it cuz i wanna redesign him COMPLETELY (that piece is not even canon, i had to do that for a class so i put stuff in there that doesn't even belong to the type of story it is </3), i've written for the two of them a couple times but im not even sure THAT'S canon anymore
(here's the art in case you don't wanna click on a link)
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i think the writing might still be canon tho, i do still kinda like a lot of the stuff it went over with that. N E WAYS.
basically there's this pair of witches (they don't. really have. names. oops. they did but i don't like them anymore) who enlisted and then eventually rose to the top of fighting this war/apocalypse/encroaching disaster that has been ongoing for a LONG time. like, they're at the end of the world but turns out the end of the world is a hell of a lot slower than anyone imagined. they've been fighting it for a long time (and it does involve actual fighting? like i like to think that this apocalypse acts more as like. locust swarm but the bugs are big big buggy boys that hates you hates you hates you and eats the magic out of the world)
and the first (we'll call him A) is the one who rose up in the ranks to be best of the best very quickly, because his kind of magic is very powerful and was critically effective in the fight. and the second guy (we'll call him B) is kind of. worst of the best. SORT OF. he was best of the best because he fought alongside A and B's brand of magic explicitly deals with the bond the two of them shared. (i call it bonds magic cuz i can't think of something better for now) (yes it's power of friendship) (there more to that but whatever) it was IMMENSELY powerful!!! not moreso than A's magic, but still!! very powerful!!! so B rose up because A pulled him up (not entirely true!!! but you get the point. nuance)
BUT THEN. sometime after they had been in the war for a long ass time, A leaves. either from shame, either he's disillusioned, something happened, he won't say. and just kind of. leaves B behind. who still is very much part of the war and won't say anything to sway A's mind because he cares too much about what he thinks
years later, B's still part of the war/doom effort. and magic in the world has kind of deteriorated so much that it's. honestly kind of hard to come across a solid magic user these days. they still teach them and still get people to join the effort, but compared to the older days, it's a lot less. people can learn magic, everyone can, but it's hard to get like. a professional, someone who has unlocked the higher abilities of magic. people like A or B.
speaking of! yeah. B is still part of the war effort. and it's NOW at the period of time where he's the worst of the best, but he's the only one they've got. they still keep him around because who else is there, really, and also he can still utilize the powerful bond magic he made way back when with A, so he's still very powerful but it's just. different. ya know? he's standing in the shadow of just the IDEA of A, and he's not even here anymore. and it's not filled with resentment, never. never resentment. he could never tarnish that. it's only ever love. and looking up to A. it didn't feel like he cast a shadow because to B, to him, he only ever cast light.
but also. A left. left him. alone.
so he's dealing with that in a perfectly reasonable manner (not thinking about it)
meanwhile A has decided to live a pastoral life away from the apocalypse and is totally not repressing his issues either. <3.
and like!!! the council or whatever that's in charge of all the witches is like "hey. B. you know your way cooler friend? you still keep in touch right?" and sends him off to go find A again after all these years to bring him back to the war and there's a whole mess of meeting again and having to meet with all the things you left unsaid, and all the everything and OOUAOUGHFF it's a whole mess.
anyways i want to make this a comic but also i kind of need to. yknow. design and draw the comic if i want to make the comic. so like. rage.
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trashiest-person · 3 months
people I'd love to know better (???)
uhh i have never done any of these kinda posts ever in my 5 years of tumblr-ing but i got tagged by @thedemises so ig im gonna do this
last song: CLOSET by Yoh kamiyama
this is actually kinda a lie cuz the last song i actually listened to was smth from one of those daily mixes on spotify
BUT is it the last some i added to the playlist of songs i like so it counts??? i guess???? pretty nice song go listen to it 👍🤠👍
also go listen to will wood and tv room (bro has 7.5k followers on Spotify PLEASE + also he made Say It Back if u ever saw it on yt)
fav color: purple, red (except not really)
i used to really like purble but tbh i don't really know what i like anymore
a big chunk my fav characters have red so i like it by association lol (+ red eyes go hard)
last movie: across the spider-verse
decided to go watch it w/ my kid cousins once and now i need to see unspeakable things happen to Spot. i will not elaborate.
sweet or spicy or savoury?
sweet & savoury
tbh all of them r good but my spice tolerance aint strong enough to devour spicy dried squid like id want to :(
relationship status: single and not lookin for anybody (+demiromanic)
id like to get a lover or lovers (i kinda wanna be in poly) at some point but not yet (not sure if i'll ever manage to :/)
last thing i googled: "portal characters"
so context: i suddenly thought of a oc idea and i wanted them to be trans and that they named xemself after a portal character n yeah
meet Wheatley lol (i know nothing abt Portal btw)
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(good lorde my style is inconsistent as hell)
(note @ringdabel they're in that prev wb we did if u wanna see thems)
hohhh boy here we go
current obsession: BOOTHILL 🤠👢🪦‼️‼️
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bros highkey actin as my will to live rn...AND he got dripped 1 day RIGHT BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY. I LOVE HIM. 250 passes + 40 pity he WILL COME HOME
im fucking insane for this guy
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so yeah datz itz i think thankz mori (i think thats ur name???????? i cant remember names)
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yumemiruuuu · 6 months
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The Happiest of the New Years from me to everyone! I haven’t been in this fandom long, but I am so incredibly glad that I’ve discovered this series when I did. To be honest, when I first found the series as the donghua, I didn’t think I would get far with it because I’ve dropped MDZS so many times (I’m so sorry, I swear I’m trying 😭), but hohhh boy was I wrong.
2 days later and I was already on Season 2, which is when I started to listen to an audiobook version that was posted on Spotify. By the second week of December, I already had my hands on the first 3 volumes, with the 1st volume being completely read through by the 2nd day of being in my possession.
I am so grateful to my friend who got their hands on the volume 8 Special Edition for me for Christmas, which I read over the course of New Year’s Eve and at the crack of dawn on New Year’s Day.
Truly, I did not expect to fall head over heels for this series the way I did since I normally don’t read romance filled reads, but I guess the universe has it’s own ways of proving me wrong.
This series will forever have a special place in both my heart and mind; it has taught me so many different things and have helped me through the processing of so many difficulties that I’ve accumulated over the course of my life.
I remember trying so hard to not get frustrated and upset, and have told myself that I’m in the wrong for having these feelings. I’ve gone back and forth from being overly positive for no reason, to feeling bitter and angry for several days because it felt pointless to force myself to be positive when life just… didn’t seem fair to me. I felt like I didn’t know who I was, who I am, and who I’m meant to be. Why I’m here, what purpose I have, and where I even was.
But this series taught me that sometimes, it’s okay to let go. It’s okay to feel frustrated, and to feel upset. It’s okay to not worry. It’s okay to not dwell. You don’t have to be overly positive and friendly all the time. You don’t have to force yourself to be out there just because you want people to like you, and care for you. Life has its ups and downs but no downs are forever, just the same as how no ups are forever.
And quite frankly, this sounds cheesy, but after starting this series, I’ve felt so much better about myself, my outlook on life, and the way the universe has its own ways. Yeah, life sucks. But life also doesn’t suck all the time. So… as XieLian had said (or at least a reiteration because I don’t have the exact quote on me) why not think about the good food that I’ve had, rather than dwell on the complicated and negative stuff that happened in the past?
Again, happy new year to everyone. And I hope to see you all and interact one way or another somewhere down the line.
(Please enjoy my TGCF shrine that I’ve set up in my room right past the door)
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Puppy Love
A/N ::: It's not what you think.
C/W ::: Y/n wearing a collar and leash, Oral F->M, pet play kink references -> A little bit <-
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Kats is getting so pissed about you shopping so much and spending all of his money on weird shit like collars and leashes, soft beds and toys.
He asks you if you're developing a new kink for pet play and you just laugh at him. But he won't stop pressing the issue. So you give him what you're pretty sure he wants and you click the leash onto the pink leather collar and strip down to nothing but your panties. Kats watches you with a poorly disguised fascination as you fiddle with the collar while you're nearly naked and on your knees. Nipples hard and a smirk on your face.
You take the leash between your teeth and crawl over to him, nuzzling his cock through his pants.
He looks down at you with curiosity as he takes the wide strip of nylon from your mouth.
Kats clears his throat and asks you what this is really all about. His voice is low and sultry.
You shrug your shoulders, but you lean in to whisper something in his ear.
His eyes widen as he looks down at you. But then he smirks and nods his head.
You feel his hand in your hair as he pulls you towards his cock, not saying anything. But you can tell that he likes it, and you're more than happy to let him have it.
You unbuckle his belt and pull his pants and plaid boxers down. His cock slips out, thick and hard. You take him into your mouth, moaning against his velvety skin about how you love the way he tastes and the way he feels against your tongue. He lets out a groan as you start to bob your head up and down, working your mouth around his tip and playing with his balls.
Kats wraps the leash around his hand a few times and tugs on it, forcing you to go faster and deeper. You choke slightly as he hits the back of your throat, but you don't stop. You just look up at him with those beautiful, sparkly tears dancing down your cheeks.
He tugs on the leash again and you can tell that he's close. He grunts your name as he finishes, and you swallow every last drop.
Kats looks down at you and smiles stupidly. You wipe the corners of your mouth with your thumb and stand to get dressed.
He's watching you, looking a little confused that you've moved on so quickly. Seeing you go to the garage, even the fact that you were leaving him sitting in the chair, pants undone, cock still hard, and that you didn't even bother to clean yourself up ... he wasn't used to it.
You come back in with a smile on your face and a small box in your hand.
He shakes it, listening to the metal clink, and scowls about the fact he has no idea what the hell is in there.
Waving your hands at him to hurry up, he opens it and pulls out a little silver circle. Spinning it around in the afternoon light, he sees that there's something engraved in it.
Your address and both of your names next to your cell numbers.
"The fuck, babe. You plannin' on gettin' lost or somethin'? You're so fuckin' weird."
You whistle loudly and in comes plopping along a little German Shepherd puppy.
He stands up, nearly forgetting to tuck himself back into his pants and looks back and forth between you and the puppy.
"Is it ... is she? The one from the other day?"
You smiled and nodded at your boyfriend looking like a little boy on Christmas morning.
He waved you over to him as he sat crouched on the floor, petting her. "I thought you'd lost your fuckin' mind for good today. But now ... hohhh baby, I'm gonna make you feel s'fuckin' good later. After I get her to sleep, of course."
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Taglist ::: @millennialmagicalgirl @darkstarlight82 @callm3senpaii
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fromdusks · 9 months
can we talk about silver fox franklin clinton because hohhh boy
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becauseplot · 4 months
hehehe glad you appreciate the angsty soft. And yeah! Fit is doing amazing. TBH... Ramon probably couldn't handle much softer than this right now anyway? Not like some of the kids can. He needs the soft! But is not yet quite ready for it. They can learn together. Even if Fit is extremely unsure of himself and thinks much worse than he's doing. (Like not-2b fucked him hence why he can't telepathy with Ramon, not anything wrong, and Ramon feels far safer without the telepathy, but that's a much, much later conversation "hey I was psychically connected to spreen and so /felt him die and experienced dying beside him/ so I'm not wanting to have more psychic connections beyond the little I need to live and you are so fucked up you literally cannot form bonds and so we match good") (And, well, eventually Pac will be allowed in too, and allowed to be very soft in a way Fit cannot be, and be able to telepathy with him or at least detect if he's in trouble and where he's in trouble. But Ramon needs to heal some before he can manage that, poor boy.)
Awwww they’re a perfect fit <33 Is that why Ramón gravitated towards Fit in the first place? Because Ramón could tell that Fit wasn’t capable of that psychic connection? Or was it just a happy coincidence that the person he got attached to happened to be that way?
Also forgot to mention but the part where Ramón is initially like “I don’t want you to be my dad” and Fit is kinda heartbroken but is also thinking like “well if that’s what he wants then I gotta honor that, this is about the kid’s happiness and comfort first and foremost” like HOHHH just shoot me in the chest it would ache less /lh.
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kuichihimei · 11 months
“I try so hard to be so happy, are you happy too?
Doo, doo, doo, doo”
0:56───•─────── 04:46
             ↻      ◁ II ▷     ↺
It was a nice, Saturday afternoon, Randy was preparing to leave for a date with Theresa, until Miguel (their second oldest and his right-hand man) stops him.
“Aalis ka na ba po?” (Are leaving already?)
“Yes, ano pa ba yung kailangan mo?” (Yes, what else do you need?) Randy said, while putting shoes on.
“Looking like that? Hindi ka pa nga po nag-suklay eh...” (Looking like that? You didn't even comb your hair yet...)
“I don't care, I'm leaving.” Heading towards the door. “Don't let anyone in while I'm out.”
“Wait— Hold on!” Miguel tries to catching up to him.
“Alteast let me comb, it... Please?”
Randy stares at his little brother's gimmick for a good moment and just coos at him. “Awww, fiiiine~ Bihira ka lang naman nagiging sweet sa akin, kaya hayaan ko na lang!” (It's not everyday that you're being very sweet, so I'll allow it!)
“Great, so we can finally tame that Pineapple hair of yours for once!”
“Aaaand there goes the sweet moment...”
He still lets Miguel comb his hair though, but it still looked like a Pineapple after combing it...
After Randy left the house, he walks towards the old fast-food joint that was around the corner, where he would wait for Theresa.
The time was 2:07, they initially agreed to meet up at 2:30, but he wanted to be early so he could surprise her this time.
Theresa arrived 10 minutes shortly after, originally expecting him to be late or arrive while fighting a giant robot or monster or something.
Much to her joy and relief however, Randy could be seen sitting at one of the tables, excitedly waving at her to come take a seat.
Even if the place was a little bit crusty, it was really nice!
The air smelt like slightly burnt meat and probably had a few healthcare violations here and there, but that's the charm to it. It was also severely understaffed, but that's not gonna cause a problem right?...
“You're early!”
“I know! Thank cheese I finally got laid off from most of my NKB's today!”
“I'm sorry, but NKB...?”
“Ninja, Kuya and Biffer. The littles suggested it to me and it was a pretty solid acronym so, why not?”
“Neat! Speaking of the littles, how are they?”
“Rowdy as ever, especially since they learned sarcasm from Howard!”
The two hit it off pretty nicely, they talked about an assortment of things, while ordering some burgers and chilli fries.
“And then, she flooded the honking bathroom! Can you believe it⁈” Randy rambles about an incident that happened at Aira's school.
“I can't even— How can someone so small, cause so much chaos and destruction in a matter of minutes⁈” Theresa chuckled in disbelief.
“Oi lovebirds, your order's ready! Come and get it!” The cook yells from the counter. (Did I mention that the joint only has one employee?)
“Theresa stay right here, I'll go get our order.”
“No I'll do it, you stay put!”
“But you're already paying for the burgers! Let me do it!”
“Nuh uh honey, you're already paying for the fries, it's only fair if I get our order.”
“Are we really going to do this cliché where we playfully fight over who's going to get the food?”
“Perhaps... Nah, I'm just kidding, we could just get our order together.”
And that they did.
Everything was going great, they continued their conversation while approaching the counter.
“I'm really happy with how our date is going! Are you happy too?”
“Of course I am, Randy! There's not a single stanked soul in sight!”
Theresa's statement was short-lived however, since the employee who called them earlier got stanked.
The monster destroyed the counter, proceeded to yeet their food away (don't worry they were in paper bags) and busted through the door, going on a rampage towards town.
“Hohhh, boy... Sorry Theresa I—”
“It's Ninja O' Clock, go do your thing...” She disappointedly encourages him to go.
Randy immediately suits up, a blinding red light flashes from behind her.
“I promise it'll be a quick fight, then we could continue with our date!” He says while running off to fight the stanked employee.
Theresa just watched him go without a word... Sighing, she looks for the greasy bag with their order in the rubble, walks outside and sits on the pavement.
‘I wonder if he'll keep his word this time...’
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brn-t · 2 years
Chapter 4...... SOON.
after getting grinch stuck on how to write this one scene, chapter four is ALMOST DONE and hohhh boy holy shit wowsers guys
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sassyshin · 9 months
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Hohhh boy
I heard things
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agarakairin · 1 year
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Hohhh boy.
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threeawfulfruits · 1 year
Finally got to see The Last Wish with @beandump !!! Whoo, that ANIMATION. The rendering, selective frame rate alterations, color, stylization, POV and angle usage, lighting, holy shiiittttttt. A visual masterpiece. This baby had better win Best Animated Feature at the Oscars next year.
Excellent soundtrack too. And a great cohort of voice actors ofc!!! Hohhh boy, Death’s voice...bruh had me “hooked” from the jump. Oofta. A genuinely terrifying antagonist with a fittingly haunting calling card. Glorious.
Wish I could have gone in completely blind, so that the impact of the “Death reveal” could have hit me in any way at all, but whatever. I didn’t try too hard to avoid spoilers.
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
you guys ever get so desperate for daydreaming ideas that you just start looking at kiss prompts because hohhh boy do i have something to admit
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lampsabout-moved · 5 years
hhhh awakening rewrite reboot
info under the cut
Alright so forever ago I had an AU called “Fire Emblem: REAwakening, which was a novelization/rewrite of awakening, to in general let me do whatever i want with the plot, while keeping in the same basic structure, and changing character details, the works. But then I realized my writing was bad and forgot about it, and now I’m revisiting it. fixing the bad shit in Awakening, like Henry, Robin, and Tharja all being plegians (a darker skinned people), but because they join your party and are good guys, they are lighter skinned. Same thing with Olivia being of Feroxian descent. since this is in fic format, the characters would have unique designs, and still use only a few weapons, but be able to branch out more and more. Some characters have changed classes, or are pre-promotes, etc, etc. Lucina never pretends she’s a guy, she introduces herself as Marth, and uses she/her right off the bat. She also never drops her Marth persona until she reveals herself as Chrom’s daughter. because i’m me, i’d prolly write some supports? idk which though.  Emmeryn kind of comes back? Like, not in the weird way it happens in canon. Emmeryn is revived by Naga, but it’s really just Naga’s spirit keeping her alive, so she’s a lot more Naga than Emmeryn.
Tharja! My Girl Tharja was dONE SO CRIMINALLY DIRTY! In this AU, Tharja is actually a bit of an aristocrat in Plegia, being high up in the Grimleal, despite not believing in their teachings at all, really only there to fuel her real passion, Dark Magic. Because of that, she is FASCINATED with Grima, a being made of pure dark magic and despair. Because of that, Tharja can sense Grima slumbering inside Robin, and that’s why she follows him around. She is in no way interested in him in a romantic way, but more of a “hey can I study your heart and maybe like, see if you’re harboring a dark god?” which also gives her more plot relevance!
this is kind of a nitpick, but lore to explain why Falchion looks different in different games? Like, Falchion takes different forms depending on who is wielding it. It takes the classic Awakening look when Chrom wields it, or a spear styled weapon when Lucina has, etc, etc, GRIMA ROBIN SHOULD HAVE FANGS, SIX EYES, HORNS, AND WINGS, ATLUS YOU ARE FUCKING COWARDS-
kids are:
Lucina: The oldest of Chrom and Robin’s kids, and future exalt. Has Chrom’s blue hair, with streaks of Robin’s light pink. Has the Fell Brand and Mark of The Exalt in opposite eyes. (I do what I want)
Marc and Morgan: Chrom and Robin’s other kids, twins! Marc has the Exalted Mark, while Morgan has the Fell Mark. (Marc = Male Morgan, Morgan = Female Morgan). Morgan has blue hair while Marc was Pink with blotches of Blue. Owain: Maribelle and Lissa’s younger kid, wanted to be a dark mage as a kid, and now has dark markings over his face and arms because of botched curses.  His personality is virtually unchanged form canon. Owain’s already perfect.
Brady: Maribelle and Lissa’s older child, pretty similar to canon, except he’s a troubadour, because I headcanon him as GNC! AlsobecausehelooksuptoMaribellealotandwantedtopursueasimilarpathasherbutshhhhh Kjelle: Daughter of Flavia and Sully (because i do what i want). Similar to canon, but some of her supports mention her being technically royalty. She hates it Severa: The rebellious daughter of Sumia and Cordelia. She’s one of the class changed characters, this time being a horseback mage. She specializes in Wind Magic (get it cause wind magic is good against pegasus knights), and dyes her hair a lot to defy Cordelia, even though Cordelia really doesn’t care. She’s also Lucina’s self appointed Retainer. Cynthia: Sumia and Cordelia’s other daughter, pretty similar to canon in personality, but what was i supposed to do? NOT give her a cheesy medieval super-heroine outfit? C’mon! Inigo: Son of Olivia and Panne, and yes, he’s a taguel. Consider for a moment, a taguel dancer unit. He’s a dancer who uses beaststones because not only is that metal as shit, but provides a really interesting class idea! He’s pretty similar to canon in personality. ALSO GeroAzu rights
Yarne: Son of Olivia and Panne, pretty similar to canon because i have, few ideas about our bunny boy Noire: We all know that Future Tharja was a massive dick to her family, and especially to Noire. Basically, Libra divorced F!Tharja, and they lived seperately. F!Tharja’s curses were still deep-seated into Noire, and created a bit of a specter haunting Noire. If you’ve seen BNHA, imagine Dark Shadow, but it looks like Tharja, is Noire’s shadow, and constantly feeds her insecurites. because of this, Noire has taken up being a kick-ass priest/light mage, in order to undo the damage her mother did. Reclaimation and Redemption babeyyyy
Gerome: Son of Anna and Cherche because I do what I want?? Not much but he’s also a big fan of merchanting. get it? cause dragons? he hoards gold? haha? Also he’s apart of the justice cabal fuck you Laurent: Son of Miriel, other parent unknown. I don’t really pair Miriel with anyone that often? So I left her spouse ambiguous. Laurent is still Laurent, and shares all of the child units brain cells with Lucina. Nah: Similarly to Laurent, I left her parentage ambiguous because EW! Nowi does not enter a relationship, because ew, and it’s implied Nah is from another timeline where an older Nowi had her. Maybe Manakete’s produce asexually? THe world may never know! Her hair color is a green-purple gradient, because it’s pretty I’m also considering adding more kids? Specifically for Kellam/Henry, Tiki/Say’ri, and Frederick/Gaius, but we’ll see. --- this got out of hand, so like, hmu if you have questions! i’d be happy to awnser.
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