#hogwarts legacy anniversary
animasola86 · 8 months
Happy Anniversary, Hogwarts Legacy!
My HL journey started on May 5th, but I'm just happy this fandom is still around and thriving, and I am so glad to be a part of it! It took me 10 days to finish the game in my first run (before I dove in time and time again with new MCs and spent even more days and weeks and months in the game), and this is how my precious Nebbia looked in her original (shoddy PS4) form:
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She's come quite a ways from that. Also, I wish I would have played on PC to begin with, but oh well, this way I had two HL experiences, and I am more than happy about it!
It certainly helped in keeping up my creativity and productivity over a freakishly long time. I've written 352,529 words in seven months, 270,038 on my AO3 alone, (which for me is quite a lot), I've learned to write things I have never written before (I went from innocent fanfiction writer to something I cannot talk with my family about), and all of it because of some pixels on my screen. It's pretty incredible.
And on top of that, I've met lovely people to share in my weird thoughts and delusions and overall excitement about this game and its characters. I've never been active on social media, I've always been a silent lurker, watching and consuming, but I learned that creating and sharing my work and engaging with other like-minded people is quite something, something I like to do and want to do more.
And I thank you, dear followers and anyone who stumbles upon this, for interacting with me in whatever way you choose. I see you, and I am happy you spend your time with my stuff.
I am also grateful to be a part of such a creative community. I've also never read this much in my life as I did the last nine months, ever since I stepped into this fandom. And it's not just the fanfics and oneshots and headcanons, it's the art works, the AI adventure (which bot am I gonna talk to today, hm?) we all embarked on (and bless whoever started using ElevenLabs to keep that voice kink flourishing!), the thousands of shared screenshots, all these different MCs, and all those other ways people contributed to this fandom - it was/is a joy to see you guys' different kinds of creative outlets!
So thank you, HL fandom, for your continuous contributions, keeping our mutual obsessions alive! But also for just being here, consuming and supporting and providing inspiration and motivation! Thank you!
Onto more years!
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queen-of-stoneharts · 7 months
MorgenSallow - Anniversary
Sebastian’s heart raced, just thinking already about her. He sent a note to Aida to meet him up the cliffs, before the sun reaches the horizon. For a last moment & a perfect ending of their anniversary celebration, he planned to share a broom & fly around. So he asked Albie to replace the saddle into a bigger one, to make them fit comfortably. He was deep in thoughts, he didn’t hear her arrival.
- Did I make you wait? - she spoke, as she approached him.
- Not at all. - he smiled. - Just in time… come…
He extended his hand toward her, to make her come closer. He held the broom & helped her to hop on, then he sat behind her, holding her steady.
- Can I ask you for something? Before we take off… Close your eyes. Go on!
Aida looked at him in surprise, but she did what he asked. She closed her eyes, as she sat on the broom, knowing she didn’t need to be afraid to fall in mid-air.
- Okay, hold onto the broom, we’re taking off, don’t peek!
- I won’t. - she replied.
Sebastian slowly led the broom to take off & flew off the cliffs to the sea.
- You’re not peeking, aren’t you?
- I wouldn’t. - she giggled, wondering what he's up to now.
They reached the open waters, flying meters above the sea.
- Do you trust me?
- I trust you.
Hearing this, he slowed down, to hold her arms to spread her arms out, while he managed to hold her steady. Aida let her arms spread out, she also felt his hands around her waist.
- Alright… open your eyes.
Aida obeyed, then she let out a surprised gasp. The sun reached the horizon, giving a beautiful view, flying above the sea, and the chilly breeze softly blew through her hair.
- Bash… this… - her voice chuckled in excitement. Like she doesn’t pay attention to the broom, like it’s not even below them, she felt like she was flying on her own. - This is magnificent!
She didn’t let her arms down, she wanted to savor this moment. Sebastian took the speed up, just to give a light boost to the feeling.
- I was a bit uncertain when I thought about this. - he whispered. - I hope it’s not as cheesy as I think.
She slowly turned her head back, Sebastian leaned to her led by his instincts, their lips slowly made contact. The kiss was tender & soft, and it took a long time.
- I think it’s perfect for ending this day… our day. - Aida whispered, after they pulled away. - And thank you again for this. I still cannot find the right words to describe. You gave me something i'll never forget.
- I’m glad then. - He leaned forward to kiss her again. - Happy anniversary, Princess.
- Happy anniversary to you too, Bash.
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sunnyrealist · 7 months
One Year Post!
Hey, I figured I would post something like everyone else has since we're at the one-year anniversary of Hogwarts Legacy.
I've always been a fandom lurker until Hogwarts Legacy came along. This game has completely cured my fandom blues from Star Wars. I'm completely back in my Harry Potter era (not that I really ever left, but I'm totally obsessed again).
I wrote a fanfic once when I was a teenager, long before the days of AO3. It's wild to get back into writing again (fanfic especially) as a middle-aged adult. Often I feel too embarrassed to tell people IRL what I'm writing, so I keep it to myself, but you know what? I'm going to keep doing it because I love it. I am having so much fun writing and interacting with this fandom. I'm drawing again, too! My thirteen-year-old self would be so proud.
Thank you, Hogwarts Legacy, for getting me back into some creative hobbies, introducing me to a bunch of cool people, making me try out Discord to better get to know said people, improving my sex life (HA! Sorry if it's TMI but writing and reading smut has definitely helped!), and letting my imagination run free again! My world has changed all because of this game. 🥰
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slytherinsomniari · 7 months
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I’m late but happy 1 year anniversary to Hogwarts Legacy!!! I wanted to get this done before then but since I’m a beginner with no skills, it took me longer than I thought. My drawing and coloring skills are absolute shit but I wanted to join everyone in having a character sheet and posting something for the anniversary 😅 This is my mc Sophronia de Vere from my first playthrough. She’s based off of me but obviously I can’t use my real name if I want to use her publicly, so this is the name I came up with. I wish I was good at drawing so I could have been doing so many HL pieces 😭 my mind is screaming for it but I lack the skills.
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xmdart · 5 months
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On this day, a year ago, i made my very first olileandre fanart and I haven't stopped since. These two have been my comfort and brought me nothing but happiness ever since they came into my life💘
Happy 1st year anniversary to the best thing that's ever happened to me! ❤️😊💚
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aesopsharpmybeloved · 6 months
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On this day a year ago, I published my first Hogwarts Legacy fic Some Like It Sharp. Back then I had no idea just how it would explode, and I'm still so grateful for every new read of it. But more than that, I am grateful for what followed - it was thanks to this fic that I met the incredible @tea-withjamandbread who has been the best friend to me this past year, showing me do much kindness and companionship, and I try to do my best at reciprocating. And I met so so many other friends thanks to taking this little leap of faith and publishing my work. I'll try my best to tag all, but if I miss anyone, please feel free to contact me and kick my bum for forgetting you 😅 @dzajna @thriftstorebabayaga @endeavour12345 @ynyseira @julietpricee @empyreanroses @voxophile @misssugarcat @roomofretirement @phinik-nonw @sharpcroft @ladyelizabethraven @juneymont @aesopsharpstuff @superconductivebean @coffeeandmagicaltales @gufu-vire @rebeca-r @fizzlewick @dreambender96 @coolmiaw @megskoomapirate @theauthor2103
I'm sorry if I forgot anyone 😅
Thank you all so much that this past year I was able to write, draw, and grow by your side and with your input. It hadn't been the easiest year, but I found that the rewards of it outshine all pain 💖 You're brilliant people, thank you so much.
And thank you for reading Some Like it Sharp ❤️
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localravenclaw · 8 months
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I know Hogwarts Legacy officially launched on the 10th of February, 2023, but Happy Anniversary to all the early access MC's out there! Can you believe it's already been a year?! ♡
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rypnami · 8 months
i’m feeling more sentimental about it today, so enjoy a sappy post
i may sometimes complain/vent about this fandom and its various ups and downs, but at the end of the day so much good has come out of it for so many people, and that’s something no one can take away from us. so many people are kind. from friends i’ve made to causal acquaintances i only spoke to once or twice, there’s just a lot of good people here.
it’s so nice to see how happy this game has made people. like we have a whole community of human beings that were so touched by whatever aspect of the game that it inspired them to write/draw/make edits/make mods, and not a lot of people can say that about their communities.
to @boxdstars @eternalremorse @plxnetn1ne @weirdraccoon @damn-it-a-hogwarts-legacy-blog @xantineverdoer @blueraineshadows @cuffmeinblack @hotcinnam0nspicy @gobletoffeels @grandeoatmilklatte @justanassociate @little-emerald-snake @girl-named-matty
thank you so much for being people i consider friends, and for being so genuinely wonderful to me all the time, even when i probably made it hard for you.
i hope that this time next year, we have grown stronger as a community and keep creating content, and most importantly remember to keep being kind.
much love 🩷❤️💖💕💞💝🧡💛💜💙💚
(sorry if i left anyone off the tag list btw but there’s just so many ppl 🩷)
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kiwiplaetzchen · 5 months
*sets a plate with an extra large fairy cake topped with a singular shiny, golden candle in front of Nosy's nest*
Happy Mine Day.
You absolute menace.
Happy Mine Day 💚🧁
Nosy was busy adoring his treasures when a shiny golden light suddenly caught his attention. His sparkly eyes widened, fixating on the gleaming beacon of brilliance. Abandoning his current conquest, a particularly captivating silver badge, Nosy scurried towards the source of the golden glow.
There it was - a sight that made his heart skip a beat! A plate adorned with an extra-large cake! Nosy blinked, his small heart fluttering with excitement. A cake for Nosy? A whole cake? For this humble Niffler? The very thought seemed too good to be true. Well deserved, of course, but still so unexpected.
Nosy's gaze darted back and forth between the sugary, creamy delight and Sebastian. With each passing second, the Niffler's excitement grew, and he couldn't contain himself any longer.
His tail began to wag furiously, and with a bound, he leaped towards his beloved wizard. His tiny claws finding purchase as he scrambled up to Sebastian's face to shower him with affectionate pecks and kisses, his happy honking sounds filling the air.
A few moments after his wet display of affection, Nosy gracefully descended from the Niffler Papa, and with a decisive huff, the little master of flames extinguished the golden candle. Time to dig in!
Diving snout-first into the cake, Nosy savoured the sweet taste of victory with each delectable bite. It was so delicious! And yet, amidst his indulgence, a fleeting thought crossed his mind. Pausing for just a moment, the little Niffler pondered before reaching a conclusion.
With a determined glint in his eyes, Nosy carefully selected a sizable portion of the cake, cradling it in his little paws. With purposeful steps, he waddled over to Sebastian once again, offering him the (in Sebastian's hands rather small) morsel with a honk of generosity while still wagging his tail incessantly.
Nosy would always share everything with Sebastian. That's how it always has been, and that's how it always will be.
With a gentle nuzzle of his head against Sebastian's hand, Nosy looked up at him with eyes that sparkled with gratitude and devotion. The two of them had been together for so long now, a constant companion through thick and thin, partners in crime, friends, and family rolled into one.
Every day with Sebastian was an adventure, filled with laughter, mischief, and love. And as he settled against Sebastian's side, Nosy knew that no matter what the future held, he and Sebastian would face it together, forever bound by their unbreakable bond.
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Art by the amazing @lil-grem-draws The very first Nosy fan art, and I love it so so much! Thank you once again, Lily!! 💚🌸🥹
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slytherin-paramour · 8 months
A tiny bit early but happy one year official release date for the game that barged into my life and made my world magical again!
I haven't done much, but I made this little thing with Elevenlabs 💚
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slytherizz · 6 months
💚Azkaban!Seb Fic is a year old today💚
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shanaraharlyah · 1 year
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Show 'Em (What You're Made Of)
I've seen it all a thousand times Falling down I'm still alive, am I? Am I? So hard to breathe when the water's high No need to swim I'll learn to fly, so high, so high You find the truth in a child's eyes When the only limit is the sky Living proof I see myself in you When walls starts to close in Your heart is frozen over Just show 'em what you're made of When sun light is fading The world will be waiting for you Just show 'em what you're made of ~Backstreet Boys
After setting up the group shot, I just wanted to render Hellendil after the style of the music video. X3
Setup and rendered in DAZ Studio 4.21 Public Build Beta. Postwork in Photoshop Elements 8.0
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4everflowercore · 2 years
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Selling my organs for a Romance option in Hogwarts Legacy 😩
Anyways here’s my in game OC and our beloved Potions Master. ♥️
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moongurl95 · 7 months
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OMG!!! the amount of work and time that was put into this by the AMAZING @/dreaminginther1 on HL Twitterverse!!! Even the free backgrounds she made have these adorable details (the lil Snidget, the mini Summoners' Court 😗😆)! 😮🤩😍 Maine (OP's MC) is just too CUTE! Thank you so much for including my MC in this awesome project! 😚🥰💛💙
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blueraineshadows · 8 months
One Year Later
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To celebrate the first anniversary of the release of Hogwarts Legacy on the 10th February, a group of us on Discord decided to create fan work with the theme of One Year Later.
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC
Tags: NSFW, angst, depression, fluff, smut
7.5k words.
Just before returning to Hogwarts for 6th year, MC decides to pay a visit to the boy who opened her eyes to the darkness and fire of magic.
Darkness had fallen over the Highlands, the faintest strip of colour still clinging to the horizon as MC glided across the countryside on her broom. The late August air still held a lingering warmth, the breeze pleasant against her cheeks as she dipped lower, aiming for the cosy lights of the little hamlet spread out below.
There was a charm to Feldrcroft. Quaint cottages and beautiful scenery combined with the small community of magical folk made for a warm and pleasant feel. However, MC had memories of this place that still made her spine tingle with apprehension. She felt the tightness of anxiety claiming her chest as her booted feet touched down to the ground, the trees and grass that still had their lush, green foliage looked dark and hulking in the swallowing night. 
With her gaze fixed on one cottage in particular, she wondered if the occupant would be pleased to see her. She had not forewarned him, no letter or laid plans to come and see him. She had not thought to arrange it, thinking he wouldn't want her nearby to remind him of events that took place last spring. The time apart over summer break had been the space needed to try and come to terms with it all, but she had come to realise that she had missed him. 
She missed the boy who had urged her feet onto a path that had been dubiously dark but utterly thrilling. She had not looked for such things, and yet they had to come to her. Pain and suffering had come with it, secrets and darkness that still plagued her. But at the end of it all, she had found people who shared magical abilities. Her people. This was where she belonged. 
The pull of Sebastian Sallow had not weakened since parting ways with him at the end of fifth year. Despite everything, she was unable to forget him. His smile, his eyes, the way he would tease her, his intelligence, and yes, his darkness. If anything, it was the troubled streak that split through him that lured her in the most. There was a thrill about it, a curiosity. It kept her on the edge, but it had kept her alive, too. If she was truly honest about it, she had a dark and troubled streak of her own, and it recognised his, called to it even. A kindred spirit as he had once put it.
So, here she was, standing outside of his small, country home with her palm pressed against the aged wood of his door with her heart in her mouth. Thoughts raced through her head, tumbling together to heighten the tension in her chest. Would he shut the door in her face? Would he push her away, hating the reminder that her face would bring to him? Maybe he wasn't alone inside there, and she would be intruding. The thought made her stomach twist with something cold and slippery. 
She didn't turn away, though. It's better now than on September 1st when school was back in. She wanted to see his face. She needed to know how it would be when face to face with him, without the distraction of everyone else. 
Foolish or brave, she lifted her hand from the door, made a fist, and rapped firmly. The knock sounded loud and final in the quiet dark. Her feet twitched in her boots, tingling with the sudden urge to flee. He won't want her here. This was a mistake. 
The seconds stretched as she stared at the door, fixated on the grain in the wood as her ears strained for the sound of movement behind it. She swallowed, clenching and unclenching her hands until the sound of the latch came. The door opened a crack, and the shadow of a figure appeared against a warm, low light. 
Brown eyes peered curiously through the gap, a tumble of wild brunette locks framing a freckled face that had lost its roundness in their two months apart. His cheekbones were more prominent, shadows had darkened under his eyes, and there was a grim set to his jaw that made him look harder, older. 
His hand gripped his wand, aiming it subtly through the gap as his gaze took her in, his mouth parting softly in surprise as his eyebrows lifted. “MC.”
“Hello, Sebastian,” she said, managing a nervous smile. 
His gaze darted behind her, scanning the hamlet quickly before he returned his eyes to her, adjusting his wand slightly. He was on edge, and she was quick to reassure him.
“It's just me,” she said, holding up a hand. “I… I thought I would surprise you. A little visit before school begins again, but I can leave if you would prefer that. I don't want to intrude.” 
He lowered his wand, eyes still a little wary as he opened the door a bit wider. His dark blue shirt was open at the throat, and the sleeves rolled back. He wore no waistcoat, but braces held up his dark trousers, his shoulders broad, and his hips slim. Her eyes devoured the sight of him, catching up on missed time as he pushed a hand through his messy locks and stepped back, pushing the door fully open before gesturing for her to step inside. 
“Not at all, please, come on in,” he said. His gaze also took her in from head to toe, his eyes almost disbelieving as he moved to close the door behind her. “You will have to excuse the mess, I'm afraid. I was not expecting company.” 
She smiled, her eyes taking in the untidy cottage quickly, noting the cosy fire and huge pile of books stacked haphazardly by the chair. 
“I probably should have sent an owl first,” she said, fiddling with the cuffs of her jacket. “I'm sorry. It was an impulsive idea to come.”
“But a welcome one,” he said softly.
Their eyes met, his lips curving softly as warmth slowly entered his eyes. He looked tired, the boyish look of him long gone, torn away by hardships that nobody should have to endure. But, he looked like he had been eating, his clothes were clean. He had not fallen into a pit of darkness as Ominis had feared. 
Sebastian's eyes, now filled with warmth as he looked upon her, were no longer wary, sparkling with that special something that kept her at his side. It was him, still in there, no sign of any eerie glow of forbidden magic, none of the madness or fury that haunted her secret memories. Just Sebastian. 
“It's good to see you,” she whispered. 
His gaze dipped, shadows flitting across his face as pink coloured his cheeks. He fussed with his hair again and cleared his throat. 
“Let me get you something to drink. I have tea if you would like?” He moved towards the kitchen area, looking for clean cups. 
“Tea sounds perfect,” she said. 
The sound of his own laughter filled his ears, a sound that had become unfamiliar lately, and yet he welcomed it as he gazed across at the girl sitting cross-legged on the rug before his fire. Strands of her hair had slipped from her braid, framing a face that had haunted his thoughts all summer long. 
Fear as chilling as mountain ice had lingered as he imagined her not being able to bear the sight of him. Despite her hug at the end of last term, her goodbye that had stayed with him for days afterwards, he had been convinced that time apart would lead her to abandon him. As the weeks of summer break had passed, he had convinced himself that he had chased her away, that she would glare coldly at him across the classroom when they returned, or worse, she would ignore him completely.
After all, he was a murderer. He had tempted her into darker and more dangerous acts, led her astray, and shamefully coveted her power for his own selfish wants. Who would want to stay near someone like that? 
Even now, sitting here with her in his own home, her laughter warming that ice from the back of his neck, her eyes pulling at him like gravity that kept him grounded on the wooden floorboards. Even now, he could scarcely believe that she had turned up here. Uninvited, but so very welcome. 
They had not mentioned any of the terrible darkness that had torn through them in the spring. She was chatting about lighter things, funny stories, and urging him to smile and laugh with an ease that was stealing his breath. 
He had not realised just how lonely this summer had been until now. How he craved this interaction and connection. He could not stop staring at her, and his cheeks flamed whenever she caught his gaze lingering too long. He could not be inappropriate and chase her away. Not now that she was here and smiling at him. 
A glance at the clock revealed the hours slipping towards lateness. Soon, she would be gone. He counted himself lucky she was still here at all, flicking through the pages of a book as they discussed what might be in store this school year. He didn't want her to go. He had a feeling this new and welcome warmth would leave with her. 
Going back to Hogwarts tugged at the anxiety in his chest. Another year started with no Anne by his side, his friendship with Ominis strained and distant, his heart almost hollow and shadowed at the thought of being always alone. Dare he hope that MC would remain at his side. Was he asking too much of her again? 
Lost in his thoughts, he jumped when he felt her hand on the exposed skin of his forearm, her fingertips grazing softly over the hairs there. He almost shivered under the touch. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt the touch of another person, and he stared at the delicate shape of her hand. 
“Hey, it will be alright, you know,” she said softly. “We will be alright.” 
Slowly, he lifted his eyes to hers, fearing what he would find in their depths as the shadow of memories began to cluster at the edges of his mind. She was trying to hide her own pain, but he could see it. How could he not when he had shared so much of it? Been the cause of some of it?
“I am so sorry,” he said, shaking his head. His throat tightened, and the backs of his eyes burned. “How do you not hate me?” 
Her eyes widened, and she shifted closer towards him on the rug, her hand lifting to grasp his shoulder. “I don't hate you, Sebastian. Not at all.” 
It was hard to hold her gaze. Such beauty and warmth radiated from her face it made him dip his head, his own eyelids closing as staggering memory began to invade. Those lovely eyes had shone with horror, lit with the flash of spells cast to inflict pain and injury. She had watched him bring down his own uncle, murder a member of his own family in a whirlwind of rage and frustration that replayed over and over in his dreams, taunting him. His evil tendencies could have gotten her killed, too. The very thought made him shudder right there beside the fire. 
Shame coloured his cheeks, his flesh burning with it as guilt clawed at his insides. 
She should go. She deserved better. What kind of friend was he to her? The worst kind, that's what. 
“I wouldn't blame you if you did,” he rasped, pushing his hand through his hair, his fingers gripping at the tumbled strands. “I've done some terrible things.”
“As have I,” she said firmly. Her hand cupped his jaw, and he met her gaze, her fingers cool against his flushed skin. He swallowed hard. Her face was so close, so close it made his heart thunder. “We both did awful things, and it's impossible to change that now. But, we also did good things. We helped people, too. And we kept each other alive when it came down to it. You kept me alive with your tutoring and help. I could never regret that, Sebastian. I wouldn't be here if I did.” 
He stared at her, licking his lips and blinking as a tear slipped free from the corner of his eye. “Why did you come?” 
Her eyes, glittering with unshed tears of her own, were deep pools of warmth. He thought he could lose himself and drown in her eyes. He had found them fascinating from day one, felt such a thrill when they would seek him out across the classroom. He couldn't help but stare into them now, wanting to believe with his whole soul that she wasn't going to leave him.
“I missed you,” she whispered, her thumb sliding against the skin of his cheek. She blushed, blinking back her tears. “I wanted to see you before returning to school. Before everything, and everyone became a distraction. Nobody else will ever understand what happened, only you. I just… I needed to see you, I needed to know that you were alright, that we were alright. Does that make sense?” 
He nodded. “I missed you, too.” 
Her arms encased him, and he found himself held against her, his face pressed against her chest as her chin came to rest on the top of his head. Her scent filled his nose, soft floral elements and apples, and he inhaled deeply, his mind spinning as her hands slid through his hair and down his back. He shivered, closing his eyes against the ache of tears. 
“It will be alright,” she whispered again. 
He couldn't stop it. It was like a dam being released. Scalding tears leaked from his eyes and slid wildly down his cheeks, soaking into the softness of her blouse and darkening the fabric. He sucked in a stuttering breath, his fingers clutching at her blouse against her back and wincing as a hoarse sob escaped his mouth. 
“Fuck,” he said, his voice thick and strangled as he thought to pull away, but her arms only held him tighter. 
She was so temptingly soft, so warm, and yet the solidity of her body held against his felt like a life raft in a tossing sea. The fight seeped from him as her warmth began to spread through him. He shamelessly clung to her as sob after sob tore from his throat, and his tears soaked her blouse. She soothed him, held him, her hands gently roaming over him in a touch that he could feel deep in his bones. 
How was he ever going to be able to release his grip on her? To let go would be like being cast adrift. It was terrifying, and he thought he might never be able to breathe properly ever again. He wanted her to stay right here and never leave. No, he needed her to stay. 
“I will, don't worry. I can stay as long as you need,” she said, stroking his hair with gentle fingers. 
Had he said that out loud?
He stilled, fighting to get control of his emotions as her words slowly began to sink through his mind. He swiped a hand over his face and lifted his head to look at her. He saw the flicker of pain, her sadness, and a flash of pity as she stared at him. He must look like an awful sight, red eyed and pathetic, a sad little boy. 
Her fingers ghosted over his face, gently wiping away his tears. His skin craved her touch, and he yearned for it, already missing the warmth of her chest against his face where her heart had thudded so reassuringly near his ear. 
“You'll really stay?” His voice was raw and utterly vulnerable, and he felt so very exposed.
There was no judgement in her eyes as she nodded. “Of course.” 
It was quiet. So very quiet. The soft sounds of Sebastian's sleeping breaths on the other side of the curtain should have soothed her, but she lay on her back and stared up through the darkness waiting for sleep to come and claim her.
He had made up the bed with clean sheets, his eyes drawn to her constantly as he gave her a shirt to sleep in and tidied up before bed, almost as though he feared she would disappear. Her blouse hung on the dressing screen, the fabric soaked from his tears. Oh, how her heart had broken to hear him like that, the sharp pull of his grip on her clothes revealing the pain he held tight within himself. 
Her own torment had risen up and stuck in her throat as she had comforted him. 
She should have come sooner. She shouldn't have left him alone so long. 
The strange creaks and groans of an unfamiliar house had her wide awake, her thoughts spinning over the last year. She turned her head towards the faded curtain that separated her from Sebastian and realised that in a few days, she would have known him a full year. 
Her life had changed since last September. 
From a well-behaved, decent girl to an ancient magic wielding witch who could deliver death with a flick of her wrist. Here she was, laying in a bed wearing nothing but a man's shirt and her underwear, that same man sleeping in the next bed over with nothing but a flimsy curtain to separate them. Unchaperoned and barely dressed, she thought of the expanse of Sebastian's naked back she had glimpsed when he had readied for bed. He had freckles everywhere, the sight of his shifting muscles bringing a rising heat to her skin as she had skipped her eyes guiltily away. 
The matron of the children's home would have taken the belt to her legs for daring to be so brazen, and yet she stared at the curtain beside her and wished that she could see through it. 
Blushing furiously at the thought of Sebastian's bare skin, she turned in the bed to face the stone wall, her breaths quick and uneven as a fierce ache gathered between her thighs. She squirmed and closed her eyes, trying to think of anything else but him, but his scent was everywhere, and she could still remember the hard heat of his body as she had held him earlier on.
Fighting the fire in her blood and the dark memories in her head, she fell into a fitful sleep, tossing and turning until she was twisted in the sheets. 
Movement woke her, and she blinked against morning sunlight streaming around the thin curtain, taking a moment to remember where she was. Her hair was tumbled about her face, and she reached to brush strands aside, her heart leaping behind her ribs as Sebastian peered around the curtain with a cheeky smile. 
“Good morning, sleepy head,” he said, his eyes drawn to her bare legs that hung out from the twisted sheets. 
Blushing, she tugged the blanket over them, drawing them up closer towards her as that glowing heat in her abdomen nudged awake. 
“Morning,” she mumbled. 
Sebastian held out a steaming cup. “I thought you might like a cup of tea. I'm going to make you breakfast as well. It's the least I can do after you put up with me blubbering all over you last night.”
MC sat up, noting the flush of embarrassment on his cheeks as she arranged the blankets respectfully over her waist. She smiled and held her hand out for the tea. 
“That is very sweet of you, Seb,” she said, taking the cup from him. He was dressed in clean clothes, the fresh scent of soap wafting from his skin. Her gaze lingered over him, and she found herself patting the side of the bed. Fuck propriety. “Sit with me for a moment.” 
His eyes widened slightly, but he sat, turning to face her as she wrapped her hands around her cup. “Everything alright?” 
She smiled. “Let's do something today, something fun. Maybe you could take me exploring around your old childhood haunts. What do you think?” 
A smile twitched his lips, and he fluffed his hair. “There are chores to be done,” he said ruefully. “The wood doesn't chop itself, you know.”
She laughed and gave him a look that suggested she wasn't buying it. They both knew that a simple charm would have the axe swinging all by itself. He grinned at her as she sipped her tea. 
“It doesn't hurt to do things by hand sometimes. It's grounding. It reminds us that we are human after all,” he said. He huffed a laugh and shook his head. “Merlin, I sound like my parents. How very boring.” 
“Then I will help you around the house, we can pack a lunch, and then we can go exploring. Is that grounding enough for you, Mr Sallow?” 
He bit his lower lip, the old sparkle she loved appearing in his eyes. “You've got yourself a deal.” 
With the fresh sea breeze tugging at his hair and filling his lungs, Sebastian felt the foggy, dull ache around his eyes begin to recede. His eyes still felt scratchy and his throat raw after his emotional outburst yesterday, and he couldn't help but feel rather foolish for doing it in front of MC like that, but looking at her now as she searched for sea shells in the sand, he couldn't help but feel some of the heaviness lift from his shoulders and chest. 
The breeze played with her hair, her blouse rippling with it as she picked up a shell with a smile on her lips. She looked like one of those angels painted in muggle murals, the sun glinting off her hair, her cheeks delicately pink from the late summer warmth of it. 
It was so very hard not to stare at her. His gaze was drawn to her, and his whole body pulled towards her gravity, completely caught in her orbit. It stole his breath a little and made his head spin in a dizzying but delightful way. It was one thing to appreciate a pretty girl, but it was quite another to be utterly smitten with one. And he was becoming surer by the moment that he was smitten with her. 
Like the sun peeking through the darkest storm clouds, she had appeared on his doorstep and thrown back the shadows. She had danced in the same darkness as him, held his painful secrets alongside her own, and yet she had come back to him. It was more than he deserved. 
Spotting the delicate curve of a shell in the sand, he took out his wand and summoned it, letting it hover slowly over towards MC. The shell was perfectly intact, soft pink, and white curling into a graceful shape. MC’s eyes brightened as it appeared before her, those heavenly eyes swinging his way with a smile as she held out her palm. With careful precision, he let the shell sit in the cup of her hand, his gaze soft as her fingers turned it over to examine it. 
“It's beautiful!” She exclaimed as she held it up. 
He smiled, slipping his wand into his pocket as he began to walk closer towards her, his boots sinking into the soft sand. “Very beautiful,” he agreed, but he wasn't looking at the shell.  
Her eyes lifted to meet him as he approached, daring to stand rather close so he could get a closer look at her eyes. The breeze blew strands of hair across her face, and they both lifted their hands to tuck them back, their fingers grazing against each other. 
His heart thundered under his ribs at his boldness, his cheeks warming as she stared up at him, and he made to pull his hand away from her hair, but she caught his wrist to stop him. The rapid fire of his pulse made it hard to breathe as her hand slid up to link her fingers with his, their gazes locked on each other as though there was nothing else in the world to look upon. He realised that, even though he was partly terrified of what this might mean, he could quite happily stand and stare at her all day. Forever, in fact. 
She stood on tiptoes, leaning forward as she held his hand tightly, the soft sigh of her breath ghosting across his cheek before her lips pressed against the skin there in a quick kiss. 
He thought his lungs might burst and burn if he held his breath any longer, her eyes now so close he could definitely drown in them. 
“You should smile like that more often, Sebastian,” she said softly. “You have the most lovely smile, quite handsome, in fact.” 
Before she could even think about pulling away, removing herself from this perfect moment, his other hand caught her face in a gentle grip, his thumb sliding along the divine softness of her skin as he lowered his mouth to hers. It was the merest brush of lips, a soft taste in return for the one she had placed on his cheek, the tingle of it still there, along with the desire to feel more. 
“I shall save those smiles just for you,” he promised. 
He kept hold of her hand. Even when they left the beach and headed along the road back towards Feldcroft, their fingers remained laced together. She was a perfect fit, as though her hand had been made to be held by him, and it kept the shadows at bay. His own little ray of sunlight. 
After a long day of chores and wandering around in the sun, MC had been tired, her muscles aching pleasantly as she sat and ate a simple dinner with Sebastian. It hadn't taken much persuading for her to stay at the cottage another night. With only one day left until the start of term, she would have to fetch her things for returning to school, and yet here she lingered.
A second night of laying in the bed, staring up at the wooden rafters of Sebastian's house as he lay sleeping on the other side of the curtain. This time, her thoughts were on the way he had kissed her on the beach, his lips soft and warm, the touch of them delicate and tempting. There had been a fire in his gaze that called to her. Unspoken glimmers of something that felt like she was balancing on the edge of a discovery. 
He had not tried to kiss her again, but he had held her hand, his fingers grazing against her waist or her shoulder as they had prepared dinner. How many lingering looks would it take before he kissed her again? Did she dare steal a real kiss for herself? 
The very thought made her heart flutter, and her insides flare with aching flame. 
Burying her face into the soft feather pillow, she inhaled deeply and was reminded that Sebastian's scent was everywhere. He was everywhere, burying deeply into her soul until she wasn't sure where she ended and he began. She had not thought her heart could have been stolen so soon. At sixteen, she was fairly innocent in such matters, but there was something very powerful and almost frightening about the intensity with which she felt attached to Sebastian. 
Perhaps it was the trauma, the darkness of their secrets, and the power of being held in the grip of the fallout of them. Like her, he was alone in the world, and they had gravitated towards each other. His eyes had the power to weave threads around her that drew her in tighter and tighter with each lingering glance, the dark glimmer of such gazes a lure more powerful than magic. 
It's why she was here in the first place, was it not? Despite the real concern of how he had been faring, she had longed to be close to him again. 
Drifting on the tide these thoughts were carrying her on, she didn't hear the whimpers at first, the jerking shuffles of Sebastian shifting around on his bed. The sounds of distress began to filter through to her, and she sat up, tilting her head as she gazed at the thin curtain between them. 
Frowning slightly as a distressed groan sounded through the dark of the cottage, MC slipped from the bed sheets and stepped barefoot across the boards to peer around the curtain. 
Sebastian was indeed shuddering beneath his bed covers, pale moonlight filtering through a high window, illuminating him in a ghostly glow. 
“Sebastian?” She whispered, watching him twitch and whimper. 
He didn't answer. His eyes were closed, but moving rapidly beneath his lids, and as she stepped even closer towards him, she could see beads of sweat gathering on his forehead. He was dreaming, and it wasn't a good dream either by the looks of it. 
She bit her lip, sadness clouding her face as she stared down at him, knowing too well the kind of horrors that pulled you down in your sleep from her own night terrors. Worried about startling him, she hesitated before touching him, her hand trembling a little as it hovered above his shoulder. 
Then, he yelled, a shocking, harsh scream that ripped out of his mouth. MC gasped but didn't move her hand quickly enough. When he sat bolt upright in the bed, her hand hit his face, and he was lightning fast as he grabbed her. One hand clamping about her wrist, the other reaching up to fist into the front of the shirt she wore. 
He was like a cornered cat, hissing and frighteningly strong as he shook her, dragging her bodily forward before flipping her onto her back against the mattress. She yelped, her hair fanning out across the twisted sheets as he loomed above her, pinning her to the bed with an iron grip.
She stared up at his flushed face, his eyes wild and unseeing in the pale moonlight. 
“It's me!” She cried, her hands grasping at his bare arms, his muscles rigid under her touch. “Seb, it's me, please.” 
Breathing hard, he stared, his mouth a harsh grimace, his teeth bared as he gripped her. A sharp flash of fear shot through her, realising that he could hurt her if he wanted to, and her wand was beside her bed behind the curtain. She kept still, her own chest heaving with panicked breaths. 
“Sebastian,” she whispered. 
He became eerily still, his eyes subtly widening as he stared at her, really looking at her pinned beneath him. Her pulse was racing, throbbing in her ears, as he slowly came around to the reality of the situation. 
His gaze travelled over her face, moving down to where his hand had fisted the fabric of her shirt, gathering it tightly just below her collar bone. Her arm was pinned up behind her head, his fingers gripping so tightly at her wrist that she could feel her hand tingling from lack of blood flow. 
As a result of the struggle, her shirt was twisted up around her ribcage, exposing her waist and hips, his lower body pinning her to the bed in a rather compromising position. He wore nothing but a pair of undershorts, their bare legs exposed, his knees anchored against the bed. 
“What… how did you… MC,” he stuttered, confusion creasing his brow. He let go of her immediately, straightening up onto his knees as he pushed both hands through his hair with a groan of distress. “Did I hurt you?” 
His voice was strained, a pained wince on his face as he risked another look at her. He pressed his hands to his cheeks as his gaze roamed over her exposed flesh. “Oh fuck,” he whispered. 
MC hadn't moved, her arm still angled up above her head, her other hand hanging limp off the side of the bed as she fought to calm her breathing. “I'm alright,” she murmured. 
Sebastian shook his head, closing his eyes tightly as he moaned. “Oh gods, I'm so sorry.” 
He shifted his weight off her, sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. MC sat up slowly, rubbing her wrist as her gaze lingered over the moonlight reflecting off the skin of his naked back. Her fear faded, her lungs relaxing as she watched him. He wouldn't hurt her, not on purpose. She held onto that thought.  
“It's alright,” she said quietly, slowly reaching for him. Her fingers trembled as she touched them against his shoulder blade, his muscles tensing slightly as she smoothed her hand along towards the back of his neck. “I'm okay. You're okay. You didn't hurt me.”
“But I could have,” he said, his voice cracking. He turned his head to look at her, his expression so raw and open it stole her breath. “I could have hurt you. I'd never forgive myself if…” He gulped, raking his fingers through his hair again as he shook his head. “What were you doing out of bed?” 
“I came to check on you,” she said, stroking her hand over the flesh of his back in soothing movements. “You were dreaming. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” 
“I'm not sure I will ever be okay,” he said, his voice so lost and empty as he stared at the floor. “These thoughts in my head, I know I'm not supposed to feel them, but they always find me in the quiet of night. I try to fight them away, but I’m scared that one night they might get the better of me, that I will get what I deserve.” 
Her eyes burned, and she bit her lip, her chest tightening at the sheer depth of sadness in his tone. He looked defeated, shrunken, and nothing like the boy who had faced her in their first ever duel in Defence Against the Dark Arts on her first day at Hogwarts. 
“No,” she said firmly, shuffling closer to wrap her arms around him from behind. “That is not going to be your fate.” 
She pressed her face against the flushed skin of his back, smooth and warm against her nose. Her hands snaked around to press against his chest, a slight smattering of hair there tickling her fingertips. She held him tight, imagining all of her body heat and strength of affection for him flowing into him as she did so. She hoped that he could feel it. 
“You are going to be just fine, Sebastian. I will make sure of it.” 
“I'm not sure I deserve it,” he whispered. 
Her heart clenched, and she shook her head. No. He couldn't give up. If he gave up, then she would struggle to keep her own head above the drowning waters of everything that had happened. Together. Together, they could fight it and win, just like they always did.
Her lips pressed against his heated skin, and once she started, she couldn't stop. She needed to show him. He was wanted. He was loved. He did deserve it.  
She kissed up his spine towards his neck, moving to spread more affection with her mouth along his freckled shoulder. She felt the shift in his breathing, the subtle flex of his muscles as she moved back towards his neck and pressed kisses under his ear. 
Her name whispered through his lips, and his hands slid over hers at his chest, their fingers interlocking as he held them tight and close near his thudding heart. 
“Don't give up on me,” she pleaded. “You've got this. Sebastian Sallow never backs down from a fight, remember? And this is a fight. You have to win. Do it for me, do it for Anne, but most of all, do it for yourself.” 
This time, when he pinned her to the bed, she welcomed it, his mouth claiming hers in a kiss so demanding that it stole her breath in the best possible way. Arching her back in a delicate curve, his hands roamed over her waist, sliding up underneath her back to grasp the back of her neck as his hips rocked achingly against hers. 
It was exhilarating to feel his hands against her bare flesh, the shirt riding up to expose the tender peaks of her breasts. He moaned, his mouth moving from her neck to draw one hardening nipple between his lips, his tongue sliding hotly over it in a teasing swipe. 
She had never been kissed or touched like this before, but she wasn't scared at all, not even a flutter of nerves as his hand skimmed her hip, reaching under to squeeze longingly at the curve of her behind. 
“Stop me,” he panted, his tongue swirling against her breastbone. His hand moulded her backside, his fingers brushing underneath in a devastating caress that made her mouth open in a gasp. Heat flared dangerously. 
“No,” she whined, her hand fisting into the softness of his hair. 
His groan was feral, his mouth starved as he drew her flesh into a sharp suck that left her marked, his fingers swiping deeper under the curve of her backside against damp heat. She moaned in response, her legs widening shamelessly to welcome him. 
“Fuck, you shouldn’t make noises like that. I'm not going to be able to stop,” he said, his hips rocking against her, the nudge of his arousal widening her eyes as a shock of excitement blistered through her blood. 
Heart hammering and her breathing ragged, she tilted her pelvis, her body curious and on fire as she rubbed herself against him. He sucked air through his gritted teeth and released it as a groan, his forehead pressed between her breasts. 
“MC…” He warned, lifting his head to look at her. The blazing heat in his eyes sent another thrill through her. 
Heart in her mouth, but her head determined. She wrapped her legs around him, urging him closer, and he closed his eyes with a soft moan. He caught his lower lip with his teeth, his hips rolling against her in a slow, seductive movement that had her utterly lost. 
“Are you sure about this?” He asked breathlessly. “There's no going back from it. I don't want to take advantage of you.” 
“You're not,” she said, shaking her head. “I choose you.” 
The look in his eyes almost had her in tears, the stunned softness that made him go still, his hand caressing her face before he kissed her, slowly and thoroughly. 
It was more than just answering the burn of lust that fired their blood. Each caress, each press of lips, was an affirmation of their need to feel connected. The heat of skin against skin was soothing and arousing at once, what little clothing that formed barriers was discarded swiftly and without care, their sole focus to answer the plea in each other’s eyes. 
It was new and thrilling, each fumbled touch as they explored and discovered opened up new possibilities. The erotic and intimate nature of Sebastian's fingers delving deep into her core drew low moans from her mouth. Her body opened to receive him, her heart racing and her thoughts eager to learn the feel of being joined completely with him. 
The solemn lectures delivered by her matron at the children's home drifted through her mind, snippets about carnal sin and the proper way to behave. As her hands explored the lines of Sebastian's body, she couldn't fathom why anyone should deny themselves this intimacy. 
How could this be so terrible and wrong? The way Sebastian was looking at her, the worship he gave with hands and mouth, it made her feel alive. The bonds that had formed between them strengthened, sharpening to a burning point in her chest as he finally claimed her for his own. The stinging stretch as he filled her made her bite her lip, her fingers digging into his flesh as he began to move, his own moans of pleasure filling her ears. 
This was where she was meant to be. This was no sin. This was home.
Pressing his forehead to hers, their combined breaths mere heated gasps as their bodies found a rhythm together, MC stared into the deep, dark pools of his eyes. Lost in his shadows, utterly claimed by them as the tendrils of black curled around her essence and sealed their fate. 
“You're mine,” he breathed into her mouth, pushing even deeper into her, his grip tightening. “I'm never going to let you go.” 
“And you're mine,” she said firmly. 
His thrusts stuttered, soft sounds falling from his lips as he suddenly withdrew, the slick heat of his arousal rubbing lazily against the inside of her thigh before he came, spilling thick pools of release against her trembling flesh. She glanced down, curious and flushed as it dripped slowly to the bed sheets, his cock still firm and slick from their lust. 
Their bodies couldn't be any closer, arms and legs entwined as their flesh cooled and their breathing began to regulate. With her face pressed close to his skin, she could breathe him in, every lung full was a soothing comfort enhanced by the soft caresses of his hands. 
He was hers, and she was his. Together, they would dance with their shadows, and together they would defeat them. 
The soft glow of lamps lit up Central Hall in Hogwarts, a few Prefects were chatting in the corner and not really paying attention to the girl leaning on the balcony above them, her eyes lingering over the fountain before fixing on her destination. The library door. 
MC felt her lips curve upwards in a fond smile as she remembered arriving on this very balcony exactly a year ago, her stomach a bundle of nerves as she met the curious Slytherin boy who had no concerns about breaking school rules. She had been the new girl, desperate to impress, and yet, even then, so soon after meeting Sebastian, he had easily led her astray. 
Footsteps sounded behind her on the stairs and she turned to look over her shoulder, her smile widening at the sight of said Slytherin approaching. His gaze was curious, eyes twinkling with familiar mischief as he came right up close to her and pressed a soft kiss to her mouth. 
“There you are,” he said quietly. “And what brings us here at this time of night, sweetheart?” 
MC smoothed her hands down the front of his waistcoat, her eyes playful as she looked up at him. “Do you know it's exactly one year, to the day, that you smuggled me into the library so I could snoop in the Restricted Section? I think it was the first bit of rule breaking you taught me.” 
“Is that so?” He arched an eyebrow and glanced over the balcony rail. “A whole year of teaching you how to break rules. How naughty of me. So, are you up for a little more rule breaking, then? Is that why we are here?” 
She nodded, eyes gleaming. “I thought we could sneak back down there, for old times sake, have a nose around. I have it on good authority that there are even some rather naughty books to be found if we look in the right place.” 
“Naughty books?” His smirk was positively devilish. “Do you even have to ask? Count me in.” 
Tugging her closer and kissing her again, his hand clasped hers. His handsome smile combined with the wicked gleam in his gaze was enough to send her tummy into a riot of butterflies as they pulled out their wands. With a cheeky wink, Sebastian cast his Disillusionment charm and he vanished, his faintly flickering outline tugging her towards the stairs as she cast her own charm. 
This time last year she had been shaking with nerves, her palms sweating as they outwitted old Scribner. This year, her pulse flew with anticipation as they made it through the iron gates and hurried down into the Restricted Section. The element of risk added to the excitement of being alone with Sebastian, and it wasn't long before she found herself pressed into a dark corner, his mouth on her skin and his hand under her blouse. 
Their shadows hung in the background, the darkness always there waiting for them, memories coming out to play when they least expected it. But, they had each other. They chased down the shadows with the warmth of their smiles and the heat of their embraces. 
With Sebastian at her side, she felt unstoppable, truly alive, and ready to face whatever came next. She doubted that life would ever become boring. Not with him. 
After all, they did love dark, restricted places, and they both couldn't back down from a challenge. Even when that challenge was each other. 
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grandeoatmilklatte · 8 months
A Year In Love 💚 - Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
Happy one year anniversary to Hogwarts Legacy! I can't believe it's been a whole year since the game has been released! (I can't believe it's been a whole year since I descended into madness over these boys either!)
A few of us in one of the HL Discord servers decided to all write a one year related fic, so here is my contribution to that. Enjoy!
Warnings - None! All Fluff! || 1.5k words
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Ominis stopped walking as he felt his wand begin to rapidly pulsate in his hand - a sign that he had reached his destination. He sat on the grassy ground, using his wand to guide him again as he placed a small bouquet of flowers on his aunt’s grave, which was marked by a large rock, with various smaller colorful rocks and seashells surrounding it.  
Today marked one year since the night that Ominis, Sebastian, and the new fifth year ventured into Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium, where his aunt Noctua’s remains had been found. She was the only member of his family to show him any compassion, and the only member of his family not obsessed with blood status. She was the only family Ominis felt like he had. Although the night brought back painful memories for Ominis, it also changed the course of his life forever, in the most positive way possible. It was also the night Ominis realized he was in love. 
The evening started with Sebastian begging Ominis to join him in venturing into the Scriptorium, eager to see what secrets it held. Ominis didn’t want to go, well aware that the room likely held terrible things. But Sebastian wasn’t about to let it go, enlisting the help of his secret weapon against Ominis - the new fifth year, who Ominis had been harboring a small crush on. 
“Please, Ominis?” His name sounded so lovely on her lips, he couldn’t bring himself to say no to her. She was far too convincing. His heart even skipped a beat when she complimented him on his rare ability of being able to speak Parseltongue. 
 As the trio descended into the tunnel leading to the Scriptorium; however, Ominis cursed himself for allowing his crush on the girl to cloud his better judgment. The tunnel radiated dark magic, and was full of various puzzles which opened the way to more, deeper tunnels. What started as a nerve-wracking endeavor quickly turned into anguish as they reached the entrance to the scriptorium, guarded by a door that required a Cruciatus curse to be cast. In front of the door lay his Aunt Noctua’s long forgotten skeleton, her journal pages around her body confirming it was indeed her.
While Sebastian explored the Scriptorium, thrilled by their discovery, the new fifth year was by Ominis’s side, her arms around him as he sobbed into her shoulder. Ominis felt guilty, knowing that he should have been the one comforting her after she had endured the painful Cruciatus curse from Sebastian. Ominis could feel the way her hands shook as she held him, but despite the pain she was in, she had put his needs before her own. No one had ever put Ominis first, or shown him this level of care, not even his own blood. Her kindness changed him, and it was at this moment that he fell in love with her. 
Ominis awoke the next morning deep in denial, He convinced himself that he was just clinging to her because of the compassion she showed him, and he absolutely was not in love with her. That  is, until he received her owl asking to meet outside the castle. When he found her, she explained that she had gone back in the morning and retrieved his aunt’s remains so they could give her a proper burial. Ominis fought the urge to get down on one knee and ask for her hand in marriage at that moment. 
With her help, Ominis decided on a secluded spot across the Black Lake in a little clearing for her final resting place. The area was surrounded by trees and overlooked Hogwarts - the place Ominis called home. 
As the year went on, and the two became closer as friends, Ominis fell deeper in love with her each day. They supported each other when Sebastian strayed further and further away from them, and Ominis showed her the same level of compassion she had shown him in the scriptorium after the battle against Ranrok, when she broke down in his arms after losing Professor Fig - the closest thing she had to a father. Despite the clear connection they shared, Ominis still hadn’t confessed his true feelings, fearful that she only saw him as a friend. That fear was extinguished for good on a random night, after she crashed her lips into his and confessed her own feelings for him after an after hours meeting in The Undercroft. From that moment on they were inseparable.
Ominis was broken out of his thoughts as he heard footsteps approaching. His heart raced when the footsteps got closer and a familiar scent hit his nose - her scent. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late, Ominis! Professor Weasley needed me for something after class. I hope you’re not mad!”
Ominis let out a soft chuckle at her words, knowing he could never be mad at her. He stood to greet her, placing his hands on her waist to pull her into a gentle kiss. Once she pulled away, he heard her begin to dig through what sounded like a bag, followed by the sound of a blanket being fluffed out. As if she could read his mind, she explained herself. 
“I brought us lunch, the weather is lovely, I thought we could have a picnic!” 
As they sat in front of Aunt Noctua’s grave, enjoying the weather and food, Ominis’s mind began to wander again. This time, he thought about their future together. He thought about their graduation, and how he hoped she’d say yes to his elopement proposal he had planned for right after. He thought about what it would be like to have a home of their own, far away from the Gaunts. He even let his mind wander to children. Although he was still uncertain if he wanted to bring more Gaunts into the world, if they did have a daughter, he hoped his future wife would be open to naming her Noctua. 
As he said his aunt’s name in his head, he felt a tingle of pain in his heart. She would never get the chance to see him as a married man or a father. She would never get to meet the girl who had stolen his heart and made him so happy. He hoped that she was proud of him for finding someone who loved him and treated him right, unlike the rest of his family. He hoped that she was proud of him for making a new legacy for the Gaunts.
“Are you alright, darling?” Her sweet voice laced with concern flooded his ears and broke him out of his train of thought once again. 
“I miss her…” Ominis choked out as tears began to form in his eyes. 
His fingertips registered the softness of her hands as she gave his hands a gentle squeeze. “Oh darling, I’m so sorry. I know you do. But she’s not truly gone. The ones who love us never really leave us. They’re always in our hearts and watching over us.”
Ominis squeezed her hands back, his tears freely flowing now. “I wish she could have met you. She would have loved you. I…I hope she’s proud of me.”
Ominis’s heart fluttered as he felt her lips press against his cheek. “She is proud of you. I know she is. So proud of you for doing the Gaunt name justice. She helped make you into the amazing person you are and will grow to be. She’s extremely proud of you, and so am I.”
Releasing her hands to cup her face, Ominis pulled her into a gentle, but passionate kiss. Their lips remained locked for several seconds, Ominis savoring the way her lips felt against his own. Over the course of the past year, he had kissed her many times, never once getting sick of it. He didn’t think he could ever get sick of her.  
The couple spent the next hour in the same spot, talking, laughing, and updating Aunt Noctua on things that had happened throughout the year. They stayed until it got dark, Ominis feeling the change in temperature.
“We should probably make our way back, make sure we’re prepared for the potions exam tomorrow. Thank you for joining me today.”
“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world, Ominis.”
She stood up, pulling Ominis to his feet with her. He wished Noctua a good night and assured her that he’d visit again soon before taking his lover’s hand as they made their way back towards the castle.
When they had just reached the Hogwarts grounds, Ominis felt his girlfriend stop walking, but before he could ask her what was wrong, he felt her arms wrap around his neck as she planted a soft kiss to his lips. 
“I love you, Ominis Gaunt.” she said softly. He could hear the smile on her face through her voice.
“And I love you.” he said back with a smile. And he did - he had loved her for a year, and planned to love her for many more years to come.
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