firespun · 7 years
Metanoia - the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life.
 Alola finally got invited to the international league conference. It only took them nearly five years to finally recognize the region as such. Kiawe wished he had more of the captains with him, but Ilima and the new captain were fine. The others were terribly busy or had plans or in Acerola’s case, recovering. Lana had to help out with the fishing competition in Konikoni, which makes Mallow’s family restaurant an absolute nightmare. Sophocles had already scheduled a teaching event at the Observatory months in advanced. Acerola was recovering from an attack on her trial site. 
 Had the league gone the way it was planned, the four kahunas and seven captains would attend, yet Nanu refused the position and Molayne took over Hala’s spot a year later. Guess age is finally catching up to the old man- 
 Kiawe got along with Ilima and the newer captain- he didn’t know the new captain (it didn’t help that Poni was having issues with captains since Mina stepped down) well and Ilima got caught up in talking about battling with other gym leaders while at the party. Lana, Acerola, and him would have been pranking a few of the people there. Mallow would have taken over the kitchen if she found anything wrong with the food. Sophocles would have been - 
 Yeah, he misses his other friends. The trial captain let out a sigh. That Wallace guy was pretty cool - Apparently he was the previous champion before Steven. He told him about how to properly care for Lanturn’s needs and both gushed over the pictures Kiawe had on his phone of the blue Pokemon. 
 He found himself grabbing a drink he normally wouldn’t. Alcohol. It was legal here in Hoenn. Why not give it a taste? He had Ilima taste it with him and both boys gagged at the flavor. The man behind the counter suggested another type, whilst Ilima fussed at him to watch himself and walked off. Kiawe gagged with that one too. 
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 It was then Kiawe noticed a girl at the bar, looking particularly pissed off at something - or maybe sad. He couldn’t tell. How strong was the stuff he was given? It was only two shots. Leaning on the counter beside her and an empty chair, he stared at her. “Aren’t you that champion girl that handed Steven’s ass to him? Want to get some of the desserts off the dessert table?” 
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soultattered-a · 7 years
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                 “I wish I could be like the Cool Kids.”                          “...Are you sure about that?”
@autumnetic / @ketsubomi / @lukissed / @emeraldseas   @hoeinhoenn / @hikaup / @lack--two
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ultramarineguise · 7 years
hoeinhoenn replied to your post: sorry about the absence i’ve been out thot-ing...
stop stealing my FUCKING BRAND
sweetie i have been a thot since BEFORE you were even 1 year old the only brand thievery happening here is you
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musesbymeri-a · 7 years
hoeinhoenn replied to your post: Interviewers Gabby & Ty
i s2g my may is going to hop dimensions just to fight the newscasters harassing her dupes, shes Been There and will throw hands for any other mays in need ]
((PLEASE do because I already have plans for a one-shot thing where they confront May with it and she becomes a MESS.))
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beareroftheblueorb · 7 years
hoeinhoenn replied to your post:   … where’d that cloning machine that made a...
no. No
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      ... please?
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tekagen-blog · 7 years
— s.c. // @hoeinhoenn
"may, hello."
wisps of steam from a kettle of boiled water placed on the table float upwards and barely obfuscate steven's features as he greets his guest.
"i'm glad to see my letter reached you! apologies for dragging you all the way out here just for a chat... i would have tried tracking you down myself, but..." he laughs and shakes his head. "... well, all things considered, that might have been difficult, hm? and you know me, i may very well have gotten distracted by a cave if i'd tried..."
he gestures to the chair opposite him-- "please, have a seat," then to the kettle-- "have some tea if you'd like. if you'd prefer some coffee, i can go put some on for you."
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"how are things? you're staying safe, aren't you?" his queries come nearly immediately after his offers, giving little time to actually respond to them. a bad habit of his, he knows, but he hasn't realized he's doing it again. "you're being careful about your leg, right? i don't mean to patronize, of course, i only mean you mustn't neglect the proper procedures for taking care of it. prosthetics are fantastic feats of science, but even the sturdiest minerals require a certain amount of delicacy!"
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lukissed--a · 7 years
Send me a “FIGHT ME!” And I will make a description on whether or not you should fight your muse // Accepting
From one May right on to the next. You just don’t learn, do you?
Remember in my previous ‘Fight Review’ that I said not many people can say they’ve taken on Team Aqua and Kyogre? Well, that’s exactly what this May did as well. So add that into the pile, if you please.
Not only that though, she has a lot of sass in her. I mean a lot. She’ll definitely kick your ass to next Tuesday and use her verbal assassin skills to deal the finishing blow. That shouldn’t even be a question at this point.
TLDR: Who the fuck do you think you are that you think you can take May-Fucking-Maple on in a fight?! There’s a reason this girl is called Maykenzie Zales, you know.
Maybe you should just avoid people named May from now on.
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sapphiretides-blog1 · 7 years
hoeinhoenn started following you
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          “Well well well! Maple joins the party a little late, huh?~”
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soultattered-a · 7 years
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//fun fact, I love @hoeinhoenn a lot and drew maple listening to beautiful girls on repeat
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ultramarineguise · 7 years
hoeinhoenn replied to your post: { every hoenn protag’s most dreaded au – stepdad...
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rubyki-blog · 7 years
@hoeinhoenn -- starter call!
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He checked his pokénav. Right. He was on time. On the patio table were two to-go coffees and some pokémon bites, just in case. He slipped the device into his pocket, and waited until he saw a familiar figure in the distance --
-- more like a familiar swampert, much to the staff’s chagrin, but hey.
Yuuki waved, stoically.
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scambiatore-blog · 7 years
hoeinhoenn replied to your post: proteam omega is silver’s favourite show, but not...
does silver watch voltron this is important
i don’t know if he’s seen modern voltron but he’s probably watched 80s voltron. the dubbed version specifically
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soultattered-a · 7 years
hoeinhoenn replied to your post: HORSE MASK PROM
it’s been nice knowing you but i think i have to cut it off here
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stageonmay · 7 years
☙❀❧⎬@hoeinhoenn​ & @rubrendan​ ⌠cont.⌡
It was early afternoon and May was weary. She had slept for more hours than she had fingers, and yet she could still feel grogginess in her eyes. Last night had worn on her, and she wasn’t at all ready to face today. How was she going to be able to even look at Brendan without tearing up? It was kinda funny cause... before today? May hadn’t realized how bad her crush was. She’d always seen it as... well, you know... Brendan crushing hardcore on her.
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How unfair was this? Usually when a boy liked a girl and that girl liked him back good things were supposed to happen. Instead, May found herself telling her reflection to suck it up while she brushed her hair. “You don’t need Brendan. You can do so much better.”
Woulda been nice if she had bought any of that.
At least, she reassured herself, training will be a distraction. Her Pokémon were always good at picking up when she was hurting, but they were getting better about waiting to pester her until later when people were around. So, with all of the reluctance in her being, May clipped her bag around her waist and stepped out of her room.
It wasn’t a huge surprise that Brendan wasn’t in his. After all, it was lunch time, and May had woken up late. What was a surprise was that when May had asked Nurse Joy about his whereabouts, she’d explained that he was out back by the battlefield with a girl. 
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“‘A girl...?’” May felt a sense of panic as she echoed the Nurse. He couldn’t possibly...? Brendan couldn’t have a date. He couldn’t just get over her so easily when May was going to have to suffer and--
“She looks quite a lot like you, actually! You wouldn’t happen to have a twin?”
And May’s heart stopped, right before it ka-thunked into her stomach. “Y...yeah, actually... I do...”
But she wouldn’t believe it until she saw it. Sneakers kicked dust into the air as she ran across the battlefield, dread in her stomach while she pleaded to every guardian Pokémon that Brendan wasn’t really with--
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How? Why? What... “What are you doing here?!”
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dancingquccn · 7 years
@hoeinhoenn (from x)
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“O-Oh! Excuse me, I didn’t notice that it wasn’t a dress.”
The girl smoothed out her dress, letting the light shine from it like twinkling stars.
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“I had this custom-made myself... there’s special reflective seams in it that make it shine like this... isn’t it grand?”
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