#hody to be precise
You know that thing when one of your favourite characters is someone that the rest of the fandom hates? Like, you hate the character just as much as everyone else, but at the same time, they somehow manage to worm their way into your heart and become one of your favourites despite being one of your least favourites? You KNOW that they're a bad person, and you get why they're hated, you really do hate them too, but you kinda... just... fall...?
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I hate love HATE but kinda love this racist brute...
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confundida25 · 3 months
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I need to talk about them, so lets talk about them!
First of all, i love them, i love the modern clothes, i love the vibe, the dancing theme, everything!
The consistecy! Irida look so cute, so unbelievable cute, i adore the black top and the weird sleeves over the top, in the animation of the dancing you can tell they are two different pieces, wich is complete in brand with Irida honestly bizarre original outfit, she like the overintricade clothes, The golden belt is nice but what really sell the look for me are the big chunky shoes. Irida IS the girls with the big chunky shoes, i love that that prevails no matter what she is wearing. Same for the shorts, she is a short girl, i bet she is hot and swety for all the dance and Irida just hate it so her body need to breathe, good for her. Also also the cherry on top is the little bow in her head, cute, young, fresh, honestly she is the moment.
I like that is not her normal shade of pink, is slighly different so its feel similar but not like if she is force to only wear one color. the color match with her zoroark companion not exactly with her original palet.
In resume Irida look like a real girl in a modern dance competition, i could see a teenager using this for an event. Also the alternative colors are really nice, the purple is cool. 10/10
I must admit im not a huge fan of Adaman´s outfit. Im sorry, he look like a secondary caracther in a 90´s movie. still handsome and everything, but because is him. The jacket over the hodie, is not very inspired and i don´t understeand the sun print over his chest?? like what are those??. The blue is just his normal shade of blue... and the black is like... ok i guess. What i really like is the detail of the necklace, i feel like that is on brand with his style, the sligly high hairstyle and what i think is a watch on his wrist?? Adaman should wear a watch, one of those super precise conect with a satelite kind of watch and he should be unsefearable because of that.
Also also, the alternative yellow version is hideous.
Adaman is a like a 7/10. i have seen better fanarts of modern clothes for him, still fun tought.
In resume, i love them and i envy all of you for having a good phone that allow you to play the game. I scream when i saw the video and hear their voices, i can´t belive they have voices.
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meloarto-me · 2 months
Hi! I love your fishman stuff, I can never find any Hody Jones writings! Any chance you could do how Hody (and maybe some of his officers like Zeo or Dosun or maybe even Hyouzou) would be like in the bedroom? No worries if not! Love your writing!
New Fish-Man Pirates x Female Fishman NSFW
Yes, I think none of them looked at the human. So now you are a fisherman.
(I thought I was the only one with some strange fascination with fishermen, fortunately I am not alone 🦈🦈🦈 👀👀)
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(I hope you enjoyed it (: Again, I apologize for the mistakes)
𓆝 𓆛 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟  ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆛 𓆟
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🦈 Hody Jones 🦈
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🦈 Well, he's in charge. Not you, understand that. 🦈 He loves BDSM, but not on himself. On his partner, of course. 🦈 Binding. 🦈 Biting. 🦈 Suffocation. 🦈 Excessive stimulation. 🦈 That all comes into play. 🦈 Hody just loves the fact that he has total authority over your smaller weaker body. 🦈 He likes to look at you after the whole act. Tired, barely conscious. In your own blood, bruises and the marks of him on you. It's just something that excites him even more and he would be ready for another round again.
🦈 I can also say that these things go beyond the bedroom. Like. 🦈 Semi-public sex is another thing he likes, as if he takes you anywhere without being embarrassed that someone will cover you. Most often this happens in his office. 🦈 Hody also often leaves a vibrator in you just to tease you. Because he can 🦈 He plays with its settings gdu he is bored and watches your reactions. The more nervous you get, the more he turns up the toy's movements. Just try to reach, you will be severely punished. (Which of course makes you happy).
🦈 Returning to semi-public sex I imagine that a couple of times (three maybe four?) that he was inside you while he was sitting on that means of the ship on the couch. You couldn't move because he was talking to one of his officers (Pray no one notices.). 🦈 Hody also has a dream to have sex in front of the public. Of course, no one can touch you. I can only watch. (Anyone who tried to touch you would die.)
👣 Zeo 👣
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👣 Controlled to the point of pain.
👣 He doesn't rush with anything, he does everything accurately and precisely.
👣 Preparation before sex takes him a long time. Why? He just likes + over-stimulating you is, according to him, mega erotic.
👣 Zeo after all the preparation will not master. As if you're sensitive as hell anyway, you've already reached many times (on his lips, fingers or tongue.) and you're already like a trembling leaf in the wind. Then what's left for him besides pleasing himself?
👣 Zeo also likes mirror sex.
👣 He can see all of you and you can also watch this fisherman fuck you.
👣 Sometimes he will also become invisible so that you can see the inside of you impaled on his cock. (Do you know more or less what this is about? No?… I mean he is sitting on the bed, you impaled on his kuu… and he is invisible)
👣 He prefers to do such actions privately, it's something intimate and you need trust for that.
👣 Sometimes after such actions he leaves you alone in bed (He will take care of you first) Before he leaves he takes your panties and leaves.
👣 Maybe he would share you with the captain.
👣 He wouldn't share, it's just a fantasy that will stay in his head forever.
🔨 Dosun 🔨
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(Oh in the ass, what should I write here…)
🔨 Difference in Size? Size breakdown? Somehow, that's what it's called, that's how his slickness is.
🔨 The fact that he can turn around, position it the way he wants is just uuuummm for him.
🔨 The added bonus is that after a stressful day, you let him get off on himself sexually.
🔨 He is a switch, once he wants to dominate, once he doesn't. It depends on his mood for the day. (I don't know what to write here)
🐙 Hyouzou 🐙
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(The third right arm of the male is actually an organ used for copulation called hectocotylus , which is introduced for a known purpose. Did you know?)
🐙 Well it will play with you with its tentacles. Well as you can see he is an octocotylus.
🐙 He's a total top, I don't think he'll give up power over himself to anyone.
🐙 I think he may have once cultivated sex for money, until he found a partner.
🐙 Many dirty talks, whether in public (Then he whispers in your ear) in the bedroom or in the bar. Everywhere you would be he tries to tell you what he will do with you next. These are not polite things.
🐙 When he is sober (Almost never) he starts to bite you until you bleed. so that a mark remains.
🐙 He is also more aggressive then.
🐙 He will throw you on the bed and take you the way he wants. (Lots of playing with his tentacles, get this. THAT is his greatest asset.)
🐙 He likes it when you play with his tentacles, even if it's not erotic he will make it so.
🐙 He often tugs on your hair. (It doesn't count if your hair is short or long.) He pulls on you for a kiss, or during a rough morena. Whatever.
🐙 Blade play.
🐙 Yes he will use one of his swords on you.
🐙 After intercourse I drink alcohol again, he will not take care of you. He offers alcohol instead.
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𓆝 𓆛 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟  ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆛 𓆟
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lobamariane · 1 year
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Se consultarmos o que existe de registro das histórias criadas pelos povos originários para explicar o início da vida na terra logo vamos dar de cara com uma serpente.
No primeiro episódio da série Flechas Selvagens chamado A Serpente e a Canoa, Ailton Krenak narra rapidamente algumas dessas histórias de forma que é impossível não estabelecer conexões, costuras entre ideias similares nascidas de povos de diferentes pontos geográficos do mundo. O entendimento sobre as serpentes é tão importante que a cristandade precisou vilipendiar esse símbolo para que seu plano de dominação e invasão de um deus sem nome pudesse ter algum sucesso.
Quem me falou sobre as serpentes foi Amanda, primeiro através do pensamento de Antonin Artaud, depois através da bruxaria .Só muito mais tarde compreendi que as duas vias-serpentes formavam uma só estrutura num entrelaçamento que lembra outro par de serpentes, o par que carrega e transporta nossas informações genéticas.
"Se a música age sobre as serpentes, não é pelas noções espirituais que ela lhes traz, mas porque as serpentes são compridas, porque se enrolam longamente sobre a terra, porque seu corpo toca a terra em sua quase totalidade; e as vibrações musicais que se comunicam à terra o atingem como uma sutil e demorada passagem; pois bem, proponho agir para com espectadores como para com as serpentes que se encantam e fazer com que retornem, através do organismo, até as noções mais sutis." Antonin Artaud
No lugar onde cresci mora uma serpente conhecida como Dique do Tororó. Ao longo dos anos aprendi a brincar de dar voltas no seu corpo cheio de curvas. Aprendi a olhar para as suas águas escuras e fazer perguntas.
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Até que um dia eu sonhei com ela, uma serpente verde esmeralda, escamas aveludadas, olhos vermelhos e brilhantes. Era dia estávamos na beira de um rio, havia uma cachoeira com uma gruta ao fundo. Eu estava dentro d'água quando a serpente subiu pelas minhas costas e soprou três perguntas no meu ouvido. Desde então, artista que sou, me dedico a respondê-las. E desse jeito ela nunca mais foi embora.
Hodie Mihi Cras Tibi Que saia pela boca O santo que habita em ti
Hodie Mihi Cras Tibi Serpentes nos abracem Noite nos revele
Oração da Roda Gigante, Amanda Maia
E ela continuou aparecendo em pensamentos, mensagens, sinais, flechas, até que costurei a canção que dediquei a 12ª edição do Sarau Boca Acesa, ação de movimento e provocação de artistas nesse agora, realizado pela Guilda Anansi como parte do ministério da Tradição da Mariposa. 
"Serpente,vem me perguntarsinto o seu rastejartoco a pele da Lua"trecho de Serpente, Mariane Lobo
Se, como diz Krenak, todos os seres são textos diferentes que compartilham a mesma Fonte, a Vida, quantos mistérios existem em cada degrau da escada espiral formada pelas serpentes que formam nosso DNA? Como não perguntar?
~ a primeira imagem é do lambe serpente mariposa que colei no ponto de ônibus da praça castro alves.
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squishy-min-mochi · 11 months
u know a matriarchy isn't an inherently oppressive thing the way patriarchy is right? the few times matriarchies have existed in human communities they've been non-violent towards men and non-misandrist. meanwhile no patriarchy has ever existed without misogyny. matriarchy IS equality.
woman generally have neither the desire nor the tendency to exploit, abuse, or rape men the way men do to women, not even when they have the social power to do so
I actually wasn't very educated on the topic of matriarchies when I made my post, and a lot of other users have informed me about this very thing!! I have a much better understanding of it now, and I really like how you've worded your ask. It's really precise and I fully agree that in the real world, matriarchy is closer to- if not the embodiment of- equality.
I really appreciate your ask anon, thank you for taking the time to inform me < 3
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cienie-isengardu · 4 years
Luffy and Zoro, equality presented by Wano Arc...?
The feeling of equality between Luffy & Zoro has been sitting on my mind a lot lately, so I finally decided to write down my chaotic thoughts on that matter. 
First, to be precise: I’m not talking about power levels between Straw Hats because One Piece proved on many occasions that power alone is not a good measure how one character will fare in a fight or that beating X does not automatically guarantee beating Y. In Thriller Bark Perona took down Luffy, Sanji, Zoro and Franky without a problem, but lost to Usopp out of all people. At the same time, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji will always be the main fighters of Straw Hats no matter the gap of power between them. Everyone is powerful on their own, but they may fare better in different fighting settings. I personally tend to think that Luffy and Zoro are closer to each other in terms of power, raw strength and will, but this is not exactly the matter of equality I wish to talk about. What I wish to talk about is how the Wano arc set Luffy and Zoro apart from the rest of the crew in a more tangible (visual) way.
Even before Wano Arc, Luffy and Zoro were singled out by narrative on various occasions. The most memorable is: the first meeting with Shichibukai (and Mihawk acknowledging them both), taking a beating in Mock Town to Nami’s dismay and Bellamy Pirates’ amusement, earning the title of Supernova and with that becoming part of the Worst Generation, independently attacking Charlos/Tenryūbito (though sadly, Zoro was stopped by Bonney) or killing together a dragon on Punk Hazard. In all cases, Luffy and Zoro were set apart from the rest of the crew and even other pirates, sharing unspoken understanding of other actions and needs or becoming a part of something bigger and more dangerous. 
Luffy will always be the captain (leader) and as the main character, the hero saving the day at the end of the arc. At the same time, Zoro may never be officially called the vice captain by other crew members (which is fair, Straw Hats Pirates don’t care nor have any need for ranks) but narrative puts him as the protector of crew (i.e. Kuma), the leader in the absence of Luffy what consistently is marked by narrative boxes (i.e. “Zoro team”,”Zoro side”) and the layout of frames (Zoro taking the central position that normally belongs to Luffy) or even having some confrontation with the final boss (Arlong, Hody). Zoro is also treated like the voice of reason; even if his words are harsh and emotionless, he will speak what must be said for the Luffy and crew’s sake (Alabasta, Davy Back Fight Arc, Water 7, Enies Lobby, Zou). He is also the one that provides Luffy comfort and support in dire situations (Usopp leaving the crew). 
Luffy cares equally about his nakama, yet the narrative likes to single out Zoro as someone usually standing by him but also as someone taking Luffy’s position of captain very seriously. Further details adding to the feeling of equality set up by narrative include the visuality of their most notable scars (under left eye/left eye and middle of chest), the running joke of people mistaking Zoro for an actual captain of Straw Hats Pirates or acknowledging him as a dangerous “beast”, Luffy and Zoro’s very similar mindset and attitude towards fighting powerful enemies and all the parallels in which both captain and first mate* did the same things on various points in the manga or color spreads/covers (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x).
In general, the story established how despite their different nature of extrovert and introvert,  Luffy and Zoro are similar when it comes to the serious and trivial matters about whose I could talk for days. What is vital though, for years such treatment of Zoro created the feeling of equality between him and Luffy. Not in the power sense per se because narrative has never been objective about that, but how they progress from rookies to men getting closer and closer to fulfilling their dreams.
And now the Wano Arc seems to single them out in ever more visible ways.
For one, anime dropped the individual eye catchers for the whole crew, except for Luffy and Zoro. At the end of each, all Straw Hats are showed standing together:
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In both cases, Zoro is on Luffy’s right and both carry similar looking katanas: Kitetsu II and Sandal Kitetsu III. The swords may have different colors, but their tsuba have the same patterns, which double the feeling of equality between those two. 
Manga provides similar moments, starting with chapter 912
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and cover of volume 91 (which was used for Luffy’s eye catcher apparently) and inside illustration included in volume 92
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Then from all the crew, only Luffy and Zoro were pretending to be ronin (the masterless samurai), seen in box info
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while the rest Straw Hats played the role of ninja (Chopper), kunoichi (Nami), ghost (Brook), geisha (Robin), toad oil salesman (Usopp), carpenter (Franky) and soba cook (Sanji). Even Law, another Supernova and equal to Luffy, hid his identity pretending to be some sort of wandering monk. And thinking logically, Law would be better ronin because unlike Luffy, he knows how to use sword in fight. 
Another visually prominent detail - Zoro and Luffy are the only one Straw Hats who have kimonos with ornaments resembling the sun that may be a symbol of the coming dawn, foretold by Lady Toki. A dawn that will end Kaido and Orochi’s reign on Wano.
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Luffy’s ornament is straight taken from the crest of the Kozuki clan (and resembling the symbol Alabasta Kingdom). I have much more to tell about Zoro’s design but that will need wait for another time. For now, though it looks much sharper is no less reminiscent of the same solar symbol. Adding to the sign their status of ronin and we may call Luffy and Zoro, figuratively speaking, the samurai bringing sun (hope, new era, peace) to a country plunged in darkness, most likely in nearest future fulfilling late Kozuki Oden’s desire to defeat Kaido and open Wano  to world.
Of course, all Straw Hats, Heart Pirates, Minks and people of Wano are working together to defeat Kaido but Luffy and Zoro were visually set apart from everyone from the beginning of the arc. There is also their personal, strong connection to Oden’s children: Momonosuke and Hiyori who both were very impressed and protected by Luffy (Momonsuke) and Zoro (Hiyori).
Another detail binding Luffy and Zoro more to Oden and setting them apart from the rest of characters are new things they have acquired through the course of the arc. Namely, the better understanding & advanced techniques of Busoshoku Haki (Luffy) and late Oden’s great sword Enma (Zoro). Both things are capable of hurting Kaido.
Usually, during the arc, Luffy gets separated from the crew for the longest part of the story. And indeed, he gets struck first in prison (where he managed to win over imprisoned there samurais) and now, during battle, is running to face Kaido escorted only by Jimbei and Sanji (who wandered away in chapter 997). Surprisingly, Zoro too was separated by quite a long period of time, in which he met and befriended Yasue, Hiyori and Toko before he rejoined the crew for the final battle. Luffy and Zoro are the Straw Hats that openly admit they want to face Kaido in fight.
Another detail setting them apart from the rest of the crew: interacting with (and in case of Zoro, beating down) other Supernovas. They met Hawkins at the beginning of arc and fought him (Sanji too, met Hawkins and Drake once in public baths but ran away, securing Nami, Robin and Shinobi well being), then Killer and Kid before and during battle, Apoo and Drake which whom they had small crash, but now Drake were working with Roronoa against Apoo. Ironically, Drake is a friend with Coby who is a friend of both Luffy and Zoro. Coby literally met those two before Nami debuted. Also, the Supernovas allied with Luffy are learning in hard way that dealing with Zoro is not less stressing that working with Luffy.
How the Wano arc will turn out will show the upcoming chapters, for now though, not only Straw Hat has a strong connection to people of this land. For one, there is Tama, that both Luffy and Zoro came to like very much and literally started wreaking havoc in enemy territory because of her. Twice. Then there is mentioned connection to Oden - symbolic samurais of dawn and carrying Momonosuke and Hiyori’s wish to defeat Kaido and save the country but also Zoro’s personal connection to Shimotsuki clan that was hinted time after time and briefly explained in SBS that may or may not play bigger role, especially since Shimotsuki clan support Kozuki family. Which only adds to the whole connection between Luffy and Zoro and (good) people of Wano.
I feel like Wano arc was set up to establish the equality of Luffy and Zoro, not in the power sense that so many fans love to argue about, but as the relationship between them. Not just as captain and (powerful) subordinate but more like partners, the way Roger and Rayleigh or Kid and Killer are seen. The manga put a lot effort in creating parallels and the visual similarity between those two characters to dismiss the potential hints of Luffy and Zoro slowly falling apart from the crew in the sense of the role they will play in this and maybe future arcs.
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princesscallyie · 4 years
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Alrighty, I’m gonna be officially dropping the kids cause... I love them all. 😔❤️Just short descriptions for them. We’re gonna be counting down to youngest to oldest. I’ll update this post once I get them done.
Age: 9 | Zodiac: Pisces
Magical Ability: Flicker 2.0. An upgraded version of his mother’s ablility where he can perform unlimited flickers in a longer time frame. The range where he can transport is also larger. He can be basically untouchable for about a minute.
Vander is the youngest child of Hody and Topaz. He is a bright energetic child, who can’t seem to sit down and is quite a chatter box (undiagnosed ADHD). He is the baby of the family and sure acts like it, since he’s prone to whining and gets quite jealous. He’s a mama’s boy and Topaz likes to enable his hyperactive behavior to Hody’s dismay. He comes off as annoying but just wants to be everyone’s friend. It seems he has no concept of personal space. He is definitely the nicest out his siblings and is the most positive. Compared to the pessimistic Turq, the selfish Delphine, and the nonchalant Phyrus, he’s the one to bring everyone together with an encouraging pep talk. People underestimate him when it comes to fighting but because of his ability, he has the most untapped potential. He just needs to learn to settle down and focus. He’s closest with his mother and his uncle Sputter.
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Age: 12 | Zodiac: Aquarius
Magical Ability: Mist. He can create a shroud of thick mist that conceals his movements and lower the visibility of his enemies.
Phyrus is the third child of Hody and Topaz. He is a tactical yet sarcastic preteen who is lovingly known as a smart ass. He enjoys stumping and outsmarting people, and isn’t afraid to joke and roast people mercilessly. He is really nonchalant and a bit aloof which comes off as him not caring, but he’s just introverted and doesn’t let things bother him and just goes with the flow. He’s a potty mouth who cusses as much as his mother which Hody disapproves of. He’s pretty much the family jokester and has a variety of nicknames for everyone he knows. He’s not much fighter compared to his parents or his brother Turq, but he’s still pretty decent and can defend himself if needed. He uses trickery and evasion to get the upper hand. He’s the best swimmer out of his siblings and his fighting effectiveness triples once he’s in the water. He enjoys reading in his downtime. He’s closest to his brother Turq and his grandfather Cole.
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Age: 15 | Zodiac: Leo
Magical Ability: Wave Dance. She can control large waves with elegance and precision with a variety of ballet moves which she can use to cause major damage.
Delphine is the only daughter of Hody and Topaz. She is a spoiled and sheltered girl who seemed to get everything she wanted growing up. But as she grew older her Fire Nymph spirit started emerging from her and she longed to get out in the real world and fight. She is a bit conceited and thinks she knows it all and likes to let everyone know how “perfect” she is. Despite this she is huge philanthropist and does enjoy helping others out. She takes her princess duties seriously. She’s a daddy’s girl and like Topaz and Vander, Hody enables her egotistical behavior. The girl can get away with anything with him. Hody tried to get her into dance to deter her from wanting to fight, but that didn’t work and she simply combined the two to form her unique fighting style. With her long flame and her being trained by the legendary Coral, she is quite skilled, with her magical attacks being her strength. She’s closest to her father and Coral.
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Turquoise “Turq”
Age: 19 | Zodiac: Scorpio
Magical Ability: Pressure Cooker. He can rapidly heat up water and use the stored energy to make explosions. And though rare, he can heat the body water in someone and basically blow them up in a gruesome way.
Turq is Hody and Topaz’s eldest son. Unlike his siblings, he was born a bastard as a result of his parents numerous flings. He is generally a moody young man, and many consider him standoffish or a bit mean. Though he’s just blunt and not really a people person. He likes to keep to himself mostly and is territorial when it comes to his belongings and personal space. He’s surprisingly very loyal to his family and close friends and will protect them at all costs. He is the strongest fighter out of his siblings and even stronger than both of his parents. This is because of the titan blood that flows within him. He has a slightly faster attack style than his mother but still not as fast his father or the blazing Vander. Though his swings most certainly pack some power. He uses the now revitalized Ocean’s Kiss that he threw in the Great Volcano when his Uncle Astro gifted the sword to him as a young teen. There’s a lot of tension between him and father and they often bump heads. Hody puts immense pressure on him because he’s the bastard halfblood prince who’s next in line for the throne. Turq being a titan doesn’t help Hody’s weariness of him. Hody means best but his overbearing strict parenting style keeps a Turq at an arms length. They do have their close moments though. He’s closest with his uncle Astro and his best friend Jez.
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side-lizabeth · 3 years
In Short? I liked it WAAAAAAAAAY more than Fish-Man Island, which isn’t such a big surprise, honestly.
In long?
The very first moment that Wano got mentioned in this arc, I was excited because I really really want to get there due to... spoiler stuff that’s happening now in both manga and anime. BUT what I wasn’t expecting is to be revealed the why on why Wano arc is that important and it blew my freaking mind.
Trafalgar Law is a very clever dude, ngl. If I already liked him in Sabaondy and after Marineford, I NOW JUST LOVE HIM. You can never know what’s in his mind and I kinda like that???? He’s not the type of character that I tend to like but this time I’m all for that. I trust him and I know he shouldn’t be trusted but I just don’t care.
NOW THE DOWNSIDE of him appearing here was the bodyswap thingy, and I’m once again telling to whoever’s reading this:
I sincerely hope freaking Whole Cake Island makes the best redeption arc for Sanji, because jesus motherf*cking christ if he needs to be stopped from being flanderised as nothing but a perv that goes after women, with some slight touches of “being Nami’s knight and prince charming wannabe” sprinkled all over his pervyness. If someone like me who’s fighting her own redeption arc towards stopping thinking of (and mainly hating) Sanji as nothing but a perv, his fans must be more than done and exhausted with this protrayal and I can’t blame them. I actually feel very bad for them.
Appart from that, the “the navy was kidnapping children and testing on them to create super soldiers” wasn’t something I was expecting but I’d lie if i’d say it wouldn’t surprise me coming from the navy either. The only thing that surprised me was who the voice actor that I knew would make an appearance in this arc, this time just so happens to be Suwabe Junichi, was protraying here and just so happened to be the corrupt head of the navy’s G5, Vergo.
Once again, One Piece can easily be defined as expect the unexpected FOR A REASON.
Also, the fact that Caesar Clown’s voice actor was DB’s Frieza’s voice actor, Nakao Ryusei, was *cheff kiss*. I can see why they did it and holy f*ck it it was a really good match. And the Luffy VS Caesar fight? Dope and way more entertaining than Hody Jones’ fight.
Now I’m starting Dressrosa arc (i’m only skipping filler after the time skip because I was recomended to do so, don’t mind me) and based on the very few things I’ve seen now plus the spoilers... this is going to be an interesting ride. Specially as someone who lives in Spain but the S isn’t silent this time. Although to be more precised, I was actually born there too. And still lives there.
I could just dissect all the influences of the worldbuilding of Dressrosa that I only know for now, but that would be too long to write here(?) and there are some stuff that, at first glance at least, I can’t tell where they come from, because I don’t recall anything remotely similar to it in spanish folklore, but I guess I just need to watch it and then maybe i’ll realize that “hey, this thingy could actually come from this thing from this area”. Who knows?
Although I’m not an expert on all spanish folklore since depending on the region, all the folklore there is vastly different than the one next to it (my case for example) so...
Once again, I’m expecting the unexpected from Dressrosa and the first unexpected thing I found was the number of episodes this arc has... because yes, i’m watching it and not reading it.
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septembersung · 6 years
The Liturgy, more than anything else, is penetrated with the spirit of continuity, and dispenses this spirit to those who live in it. The daily repetition of the holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Hours is a specific expression of continuity, of the sense of the necessity for always sacrificing to God, who contains all values, so as to praise and thank Him. The frequent repetitions in the Liturgy, which certain people consider unnecessary and wearisome, testify precisely to this continuity. The Gloria Patri must accompany each Psalm because our prayer must again and again turn expressly to the mystery of mysteries, the Trinity; the superactually existent adoration must be actualized now. Due account is here rendered to God, who is always equally new, equally significant, ever demanding worship, love, adoration. How often is the "Deus in adjutorium meum intende" (O God, come to my assistance) repeated! What a spirit of continuity in the awareness that this supplication is, at every moment, time! How often does the Confiteor return! The Credo which is so frequently repeated manifests a sense of the necessity for continuity in our faith. This continually renewed realizing of revelation educates us in continuity. How often is the Alleluia repeated, and the Hodie of Christmas! In the Liturgy, we are immersed in the world of eternity where there is no room for the power of the habitual or the sensationally new. The unfading splendor of God's eternal beauty and holiness, the eternal new sweetness of the God-man are always equally timely, always equally thematic.
Dietrich von Hildebrand, Liturgy and Personality, 1933. (Hildebrand Project, 2016), p.99-100.
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Day 11: Rome, Part 3
Today we are heading to Vatican City. This morning we’re touring the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica, and early this evening we are singing for Mass at St. Peter’s. I’m thankful to be feeling 100% again today.
Our same local guide from yesterday, Linda, meets us at the hotel and rides with us to Vatican City. Once inside the Vatican Museums, I realize I’ve been mistaken about what these are. I’d thought these would be museums about the Vatican and the history of the Catholic Church, with relics and historical artifacts and documents from across the church’s 2,000-year history. Instead, the museums house the Vatican’s collection of art—sculpture, paintings, maps, tapestries, etc.—collected across the ages. Given the age, wealth, and influence of the Vatican, it’s a pretty great collection. We walk through entire rooms dedicated to particular types of sculptures, long corridors lined with giant tapestries or intricate maps of Italy, and several courtyards where popes of old wandered or reclined.
While outside in one of the courtyards, our guide explains the art inside the Sistine Chapel, since guides are not allowed to explain it once we’re inside. There are large placards scattered throughout the courtyard for precisely this purpose. Linda tells us that Michelangelo famously painted the ceiling featuring scenes from Genesis along with his Last Judgement on the far wall, while the walls were painted by other masters years earlier. We examine the placard showing the ceiling and the Last Judgement as Linda points out their curiosities, including some of Michelangelo’s signature details and the faces of some of his detractors on their way to Hell.
Our winding tour through the museums leads us into the Sistine Chapel. We’re not allowed to take photos inside, but I can’t resist discretely capturing a few snapshots. It’s a little overwhelming inside, since nearly ever inch of every surface is painted with a colorful biblical scene. Don’t get me wrong, these are masterpieces, but t’s like I don’t know where to look. I spend most of my time admiring the Last Judgment and trying to soak up this place where popes are elected. I wish we’d learned about the election process in a bit more detail; this is one of quite a few areas where Linda falls short for us, but there is just a ton of stuff to look at and go over here. It would probably take days or weeks to fully appreciate all that the Vatican has to offer, but we’re doing it in less than a day.
From the Sistine Chapel, we head into St. Peter’s Basilica. Entering the basilica for the first time is a special moment; it’s mesmerizing. The best adjective I can use to describe St. Peter’s is BIG. And gold. (It’s the largest church in the world, of course.) The dome itself is five stories high. The apse is at least as large as our churches at home. Each of the side chapels is massive and ornately decorated, many with popes buried within. We don’t spend nearly enough time in here, which makes me glad we’ll be returning this afternoon for Mass. I capture as much as I can on my camera to admire and remember later. Much too soon, Linda escorts us out. I’m irked at how little time we’ve gotten inside before needing to move on to lunch.
More irksome still, we zip outside St. Peter’s square to show the group our mid-afternoon meeting point without so much as a glance at the piazza. I immediately rush back inside the courtyard for the rest of our free time (about 45 minutes) to walk around and just soak it all in. I get some great photos, especially once I take out my zoom lens. I’m glad to have this time to explore the square by myself; I wish I’d had this time to be inside the basilica, too.
I head to our meeting point outside a large souvenir shop. I’m early, so I head inside and pick up a couple souvenirs for my family since I’ve been pretty lax about souvenir shopping up to this point. (Souvenirs just aren’t always important to me; I like photos and memories.) Once the group has assembled, we walk through an underground passageway to a surprisingly nice parking garage where our buses are waiting. For lunch this afternoon we’re going to Trastevere, the area, literally, “across the Tiber.” It’s a quieter, more authentic neighborhood with lots of restaurants and cafes along small side streets and miniature piazzas.
A group of eight of us (most of the usuals and a few fresh faces) find a family-owned restaurant called Mario’s that is offering a three-course lunch special for 16 euro. Dollar for dollar, this is probably the best meal of the trip for its value. We start with red wine and bread, then I have a first course of spaghetti al pomodoro (with tomato sauce), a second course of pork steak, and tiramisu for dessert. It’s all delicious. Strangely, this is the first time I’ve had spaghetti during the entire trip.
We wander around the neighborhood a bit looking for coffee, then wait for a little while back in the square close to where the buses will meet us shortly. There’s a footbridge that I step onto briefly for views of the Tiber, though the view from here is nothing special.
We bus back to St. Peter’s square, where we stand in line for about 30 minutes to get back in the basilica. Once inside, we have another 15-20 minutes to explore and use the restroom before getting set for our performance at 5:00pm Mass. Somehow we’re able to fit the entire choir in the small space near the organ clearly made for a choir half our size.
We sing Angele Dei before Mass, Hodie Christus Natus Est and the Prayer of St. Francis during, and There Is No Rose after. No doubt this is one of my favorite performances of the trip. I spend the entire Mass looking around at the gorgeous basilica and marveling at the fact that I got to sing here in my lifetime. This is a memory I’ll cherish for a long time.
On the way out, I squeeze in a few more minutes of exploring and picture-taking. The inside of the basilica takes on a warmer glow after sunset without the intrusion of natural light. Cari and I are seemingly bringing up the rear of our group on the way out of the basilica and back to the bus, but when we get to the parking garage, we realize Miranda is missing. There are a few minutes of panicked waiting and searching before we are able to get in touch with her, and soon enough she is back on the bus and we’re on our way. Evidently Miranda was behind Cari and me and we didn’t know to look for her as we were leaving.
I meet up with Micah, Emily, Ted, Lauren, and Sylvia (Kattner) for supper. We stop at a kebab shop just down the street from the hotel. It’s delicious—a combination of flavors I haven’t had in a while since it’s not pasta or pizza (think barbecue meets street taco). We also top at a grocery store so I can grab some beer and wine. Then we hang out for a while back at the hotel, drinking and talking. It’s a lovely evening with friends to conclude a day spent admiring the wonders of Vatican City.
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tumimmtxpapers · 7 years
Monitoring immune-checkpoint blockade: response evaluation and biomarker development.
Monitoring immune-checkpoint blockade: response evaluation and biomarker development. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2017 Jun 27;: Authors: Nishino M, Ramaiya NH, Hatabu H, Hodi FS Abstract Cancer immunotherapy using immune-checkpoint blockade (ICB) has created a paradigm shift in the treatment of advanced-stage cancers. The promising antitumour activity of monoclonal antibodies targeting the immune-checkpoint proteins CTLA-4, PD-1, and PD-L1 led to regulatory approvals of these agents for the treatment of a variety of malignancies. Patients might experience clinical benefits from treatment with these agents, despite unconventional patterns of tumour response that can be misinterpreted as disease progression, warranting a new, specific approach to evaluate responses to immunotherapy. In addition, biomarkers that can predict responsiveness to ICB are being extensively investigated to further advance precision immunotherapy. Herein, we review the biological mechanisms underlying the unconventional response patterns associated with ICB, describe strategies for the objective assessments of such responses, and also highlight the ongoing efforts to identify biomarkers, in order to guide treatment with ICB. We provide state-of-the-art knowledge of immune-related response evaluations, identify unmet needs requiring further investigations, and propose future directions to maximize the benefits of ICB therapy. PMID: 28653677 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] http://dlvr.it/PQgD3y
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