#hoc netflix
the-kestrels-feather · 8 months
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So I'm watching House of Cards with my parents
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pinkglitteronvinyl · 8 months
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Top Controversial T.V. Show in the United States.
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rickybaby · 11 months
Please please listen to Nate Lawrence and Chris talking about Daniel on their podcast.
They talk about a little moment they had with Daniel and F1 journalist Dan Knutson who unfortunately had to have his leg amputated, and how Daniel came up to him to ask how he was and genuinely being concerned about his health and would have stayed there talking to him if someone hadn't had to come and take him away.
They talk about how a touching moment it was, how Daniel has that kind of empathy that no one else in the paddock has and how Daniel said i shouldn't really complain about my injury now.
Nate then goes on to talk about how affected Daniel was by Romain's crash and how he later came up to Nate to ask what he thought about what Daniel had said about f1's handling of the broadcast afterwards and Nate being surprised at how Daniel genuinely wanted to know his opinion because drivers usually never asked journalists questions . Nate talks about "the happy go-lucky guy you see on Netflix, there's actually a pretty big heart there."
Lawrence describes how genuine a person he is, how he "wants to know about you, wants to genuinely be around you, if he hears you're unwell or something's happened, he'll seek you out."
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minimarvelh · 7 months
At the breakfast Tony will give him a huge portion of pancakes with colourful cereals, which Stark calls "as if the elfs puked a rainbow at them", to which he will receive a light slap on the arm from Pepper and her famous disapproving look. „Don’t swear near the kid”
After the breakfast, Peter will probably ask Tony to watch SpongeBob with him, because it’s Saturday and he doesn’t have any school.
At first, Tony will saying in disgustingly exaggerated way that he has a lot of work to do and that actually it’s a kids show, but Peter, knowing better, will eventually drag him into the couch area, tug him in an octopus hug, glueing them together so that the Stark would have no chance to escape. Tony will have no choice but to defeatedly exhale, relaxing in the arms of his child and bury his arm into Peter’s curls.
The it will be already afternoon and pepper will probably cook miso soup, so Peter need as fast as possible try to make his homework.
So he’ll probably ask Tony to help him with physics, math, Spanish, English, literature..and, well, with everything.
Tony will probably complain about lazy teenagers in these days and how back then it was better. but he still will help.
Once they will end, Pepper will call them to eat.
Still quizzing a tired Peter on some probably history topics, will they sit down to lunch.
During lunch Pepper will tell hilarious stories from Tony's past while he will try to deny everything listening to the amusing Peter’s giggling.
After they will finish eating, Pepper would remind Tony about the papers he needed to look over and then she would go to take a bath.
Meanwhile, Peter will go to his room, impatiently calling the Ned and for about an hour losing connect with the reality, rambling about Star Wars fics.
After that, hanging up and entering the living room, Peter will find Tony lying on the sofa, glasses on his nose and a Satrkpad in his hands, who, most likely, will methodically going through some documents sent by Pepper.
Not wasting any seconds looking at his domestic mentor, Peter will take the remote and lie down next to Tony, one leg draped over him, the other rummaging around the floor scrolling Netflix.
Chances are, if Peter will hug him, watching Horseman Bojack, Tony will lose all of his concentration hugging his kid next to him and eventually to Pepper’s future dissatisfaction, will become invested in series and will forget about said documents.
After their snuggling Tony will go and make them hoc chocolate, while Peter will explain to him everything about fan fiction.
Tony probably wants to know about it more.
Then Pepper will come and talk about their plans on Sunday which will end Peter pleading Pepper to watch new “Star Wars: the Clone wars” and how can Pepper say now to these big brown puppy eyes?
It’s impossible.
So the rest of the day they will eat popcorn and watch Stat wars, until pepper would remind them that they will still need to eat dinner. Time will complain that he is adult and if he doesn’t want you to eat dinner he will not. But at the end they will order some Thai food.
While waiting for the order to arrive Tony and Peter will likely go to the workshop where Tony will look at the diagrams, making some corrections while Peter will talk and pet dum-e, calling him good boy.
30 minutes later Pepper will call them to eat and they will go and eat together, talking about their plans for the week.
After that they will return to their laying activity and will end up watching the whole season of that show.
Tony will argue about the illogicality and the holes of the plot, while Peter will vehemently refute his comments.
Will 99,9% chances Pepper will stroke Peter’s hair whispering him that he did today a good job.
Most likely, Peter will fall asleep next to Pepper with his legs at Tony lulled by the warmth of two adults, with whom he feel the safest he’s ever felt.
Most likely, Tony will not want to wake the kid and will slid his hands under Peter’s body and carry him across the couch into his chest right to the kid’s bedroom, tucking his blanket and kissing forehead.
Which will make Peter whine at the loss of contact and he will probably slip “dad”, which lately has been slipping into his speech more and more often, especially when he is sleepy.
But each time it sounded like the first time for Tony as he will held his breath and his heart will race and race.
"I'm here bambino," will Tony whisper, kissing Peter again and stroking his hand, staying in the room until the kid finally falls asleep.
Then Tony will go into the living room, where a little bit drowsy Pepper will smile tiredly at him and the two of them will go into the bedroom.
In the morning, Peter will wake up and first thing will head into the kitchen area, where Tony will greet him, kissing his forehead while the kid wraps his arms around him like a koala. Then he will do exactly the same with Pepper, getting at least a million kisses from her giggling as the woman playfully kisses his cheeks, forehead, curls smiling at the kid.
At the breakfast Tony will give him a huge portion of pancakes with colourful cereals, which Stark calls "as if the elfs puked a rainbow at them", to which he will receive a light slap on the arm from Pepper and her famous disapproving look.
I really don’t know what is it hahah
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riverofmolecules · 2 years
it feels like so many tech companies are floating on just speculation and are basically hemorrhaging money while trying to fool people into throwing themselves down as ad hoc tarmac so the plane can finally take off,
including ones we may think of as household names like uber and netflix,
and it’s weird that they have not popped yet
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roeroserose · 1 month
1. Tôi không biết phải quay lại bao nhiêu lần, người ta mới nhận ra vấn đề nằm chính ở sự quay lại. Bởi khi trở về được một thời gian, họ thường lại chia tay vì chính câu chuyện cũ. Tất nhiên, vòng lặp chỉ chấm dứt, khi sự quay lại chấm dứt.
Ta có thể yêu một người rất nhiều lần, và lần nào cũng đổ vỡ vì cùng một lý do.
2. Đàn ông hay chia tay trước, nhưng cũng thường đòi quay lại trước. Anh biết lúc nào cô sắp vượt qua, để chọn đúng lúc mà quay về. Có những người rất giỏi khai thác sự thiếu quyết đoán của người khác. Chỉ khi cô ấy không chắc chắn, ta mới còn cơ hội.
Con trai sợ nhất những người phụ nữ cứng rắn, vì họ biết mình chỉ được phép sai một lần. Khi được tha thứ vài lần, bạn biết họ sẽ còn tha thứ được thêm.
3. Còn yêu là còn mềm lòng, nên sự yếu lòng đó sẽ còn tiếp tục được sử dụng. Tôi rất muốn tin vào sự quay lại, nhưng chỉ khi cả hai đã trải qua những thay đổi lớn. "Cô/Anh ấy không phải là giải pháp. Họ chỉ là một vấn đề khác".
Người ta bảo “lần thật sự rời đi, tiếng đóng cửa rất nhẹ…”. Cuộc chia tay cuối thường không kết thúc bằng một tiếng khóc, tiếng giận hờn hay tiếng giải thích.
Chỉ là chào nhau thật nhẹ và không cần một lời gì nữa.
2 tuần nữa khai giảng lớp Online:
Ảnh phim: Mad Men (Netflix)
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multiverseofseries · 2 months
The Idea of You: Anne Hathaway per una rom-com come non se ne vedevano più
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Notting hill con il suo successo che perdura nel tempo ci ha dimostrato che la storia d'amore tra un personaggio famoso e una persona "normale" abita i sogni anche dei più razionali di questo mondo. L'allure di questo incontro funzionerebbe lo stesso se la situazione non solo si ribaltasse, ma addirittura l'interesse amoroso di una donna comune, per quanto dalle sicure e ammalianti fattezze di Anne Hathaway, fosse un giovane uomo della metà dei suoi anni? Il film che ci pone questa domanda è The Idea of you, su Prime Video, trasposizione del romanzo omonimo, ormai un classico tra gli amanti del genere, scritto da Robinne Lee. La risposta alla domanda è positiva ed entusiasta e lo commenteremo in questa recensione che elogerà la capacità del film di regalarci la favola, il romanticismo ma anche una plausibilità, una connessione non scontata con la realtà di questi tempi, per quanto sia dissacrante.
The Idea of You, la trama
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Anne Hathaway e Nicholas Galitzine, protagonisti di The Idea of You
Anne Hathaway interpreta Solène, dal nome francese per via dei nonni, da poco divorziata, gallerista d'arte e mamma 40enne di una adolescente, Izzy (Ella Rubin). Finita ad accompagnare la figlia ed i suoi amici al famoso festival di musica Coachella, per sopperire all'improvvisa defezione dell'ex marito, si trova in un proverbiale "meet cute", l'incontro casuale da film per eccellenza, con Hayes Campbell (Nicholas Galitzine), leader della boy band August Moon di cui "era" fan sua figlia alle medie. La connessione tra i due è lampante e immediata e Solène si ritrova nella sua galleria, pochi giorni dopo il Festival, il bel Hayes. Nasce una storia nascosta da tutto e da tutti fino a che, come Notting Hill ci ha ben insegnato, non arriva ai giornali. Le critiche non si fanno attendere ma con nostro stupore, la reazione non è quella romanzata e stereotipata che si potrebbe immaginare.
Quando Harry Styles incontra Fiona Apple
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The Idea of You, su Prime Video dal 2 maggio
Sin dal trailer era evidente che il personaggio di Hayes Campbell si ispirasse all'Harry Styles dei tempi degli One Direction. Interpretato magistralmente da Nicholas Galitzine, già adocchiato come perfetto e tenebroso partner romantico della cantante e attrice Sofia Carson in Purple Heart, amatissimo su Netflix, Hayes rappresenta il potenziale della musica pop, ancora relegato dentro il sistema boy band ma pronto a spiccare il volo, proprio come il suo modello, Styles per l'appunto, nella realtà.
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Nicholas Galitzine versione popstar
Se è inevitabilmente il pop e tutto il classico e intenso romanticismo che ne deriva, a rappresentare Hayes, è invece la disillusione 90's della voce graffiante e malinconica di Fiona Apple a definire la Solène di Anne Hathaway. La cantautrice newyorkese non è solo menzionata più di una volta come una sorta di guida spirituale ma la sua musica, vedi Paper Bag, fa da colonna sonora agli stati d'animo di Solène. Non un caso dunque che la musica del film sia tanto curata da creare ad hoc il vero profilo degli August Moon e vari brani significativi all'interno del film tra cui Closer ed un singolo, Dance before we walk, pronto a sbarcare su tutte le piattaforme di podcast e ascolto musicale. Il regista Michael Showalter, lo stesso di The Big Sick, che firma anche la sceneggiatura insieme a Jennifer Westfeldt costruisce le realtà dei due personaggi, nella maniera più curata e naturale possibile. A sua disposizione due attori consapevoli e perfetti come non si vedeva da tempo.
Anne Hathaway può tutto
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The Idea of You: Anne Hathaway, Nicholas Galitzine in una scena
Il paragone con Notting Hill non è solo calzante per la situazione, ma è funzionale nell'ottica di Anne Hathaway, erede di Julia Roberts anche se con un profilo e una collezione di ruoli più variegato. Se non ci avesse convinto con l'Oscar per Les Miserables o le sue indimenticabili performance da Pretty Princess negli anni '90, qui dà il meglio di sé: fragile, fortissima, ingenua, fiduciosa, affascinante, consapevole e sexy. La chimica con Nicholas Galitzine è palpabile e cresce man mano che i due condividono la scena. Ma il modo con cui, aiutata da una brillante sceneggiatura, Hathaway comunica con Solène è così vero da farla sentire vicina ad ogni 40enne. Se i 40 sono i nuovi 20, Hathaway porta sullo schermo tutte le incertezze, le insicurezze e i sentimenti conflittuali che questa frase porta con sé. La saggezza di Solène guarda oltre la popstar che c'è in Hayes ed è lì che sboccia l'amore.
Tra favola e realtà
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The Idea of You, una scena: una rom-com da non perdere
The idea of you è una favola perché magico e surreale, è il primo incontro tra i due, l'apparizione di lui nella galleria d'arte poco dopo e quel primo bacio al pianoforte che, per la sua carica erotica eleva la relazione tra i due oltre il livello standard della chimica registrata nelle solite commedie romantiche. Nonostante la situazione eccezionale, il tour di Hayley in Europa dove Solène lo accompagna nascondendosi da occhi e orecchie indiscrete e le camere d'albergo piene di sesso e cibo spazzatura, c'è una forte realtà. Ed è così che nel momento in cui la notizia della relazione tra i due arriva al mondo, Hayley scopre suo malgrado quello che sappiamo già del momento storico in cui viviamo: "la gente odia le donne felici". Va bene che un uomo più grande stia con una più giovane, ma che una cougar, per giunta madre di una adolescente, stia con un ragazzo più giovane e lo sottragga ai sogni di migliaia di 13enni è inaccettabile. Attraverso la violenza dei social, questa dolorosa verità arriva dritta allo stomaco di Solène, sua figlia e Hayes, l'unico che continua a sognare. Ed è a questo punto che il film, già ottimo nel riuscire a rappresentare la dura realtà, fa un ultimo passo in avanti: pur raccontandoti la favoletta, il mondo attorno a quella favola non pretende di cambiarlo.
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The Idea of You: Anne Hathaway, Nicholas Galitzine in una scena
Non ci sono lezioni di vita che Solène può impartire a quel pubblico immaginario che la insulta e la condanna. Non c'è nessun interlocutore e nessuna stampa che come succedeva in una riuscita rom-com Il presidente, una storia d'amore con Michael Douglas, abbassa la testa e si pente dei suoi peccati e la sua intolleranza e lascia che i due siano felici. L'amore romantico può arrivare, all'happy ending è dietro l'angolo, ma The Idea of you ricorda che ci sono sempre delle condizioni, rinunce e compromessi da fare. Ai quarantenni là fuori, intanto: appuntamento al Coachella nella prossima primavera, chissà che non capiti a tiro una popstar.
In conclusione The Idea of you, trasposizione cinematografica del bestseller omonimo di Robinne Lee, confermo che l’attesa sarà ripagata. Con Anne Hathaway ormai sempre più impeccabile e Nicholas Galitzine, coppia dalla chimica e l’amore perfetto, il film, su Prime Video dal 2 maggio 2024, è sia favola romantica che sguardo realistico alle relazioni al tempo storico in cui viviamo, sotto lo sguardo giudicante dei social.
Anne Hathaway può fare tutto, non sbaglia più un colpo.
Racconta la favola ma non vuole cambiarne il mondo attorno.
Hathaway e Nicholas Galitzine costruiscono una chimica e una relazione credibile.
Sogna fino alla fine, forzando un po’ la realtà.
È plausibile ma meno credibile quando vede i suoi interlocutori non reagire ai social.
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shereen1 · 8 months
Unlocking the Buzz: A Guide to TikTok Ads Payment for Savvy Marketers
TikTok's vibrant, trend-driven landscape offers phenomenal marketing potential. But navigating the platform's ad system, particularly navigating payments, can seem like deciphering ancient hieroglyphics. Fear not, enterprising brand builders! This comprehensive guide empowers you to conquer TikTok ad payments, unleashing your inner advertising alchemist.
The Two-Pronged Payment Path:
TikTok Ads offers two billing options: Prepay and Autopay. Choosing the right one depends on your budget flexibility and campaign preferences.
Ideal for: Smaller budgets, limited spending, ad hoc campaigns.
How it works: You top up your ad account with a minimum amount, then ad costs get deducted from your balance. Think prepaid phone plan!
Advantages: Greater control over spending, no surprise charges.
Disadvantages: Requires manual top-ups, potential campaign pause if funds run out.
Ideal for: Larger budgets, ongoing campaigns, set-and-forget convenience.
How it works: Link your credit card to your ad account, and ad costs get automatically charged as they accrue. Like that Netflix subscription you can't quite quit.
Advantages: Seamless campaign execution, no need to monitor balance.
Disadvantages: Less control over spending, potential for unexpected charges.
Payment Spellbook:
Now, let's delve into the mystical realm of actual payment methods:
Credit cards: The most common wand, accepted in most regions. Visa, Mastercard, and American Express typically reign supreme.
Debit cards: A viable option in some regions, but check compatibility beforehand.
PayPal: An alternative wand for those wary of sharing card details.
The Enchanting Process:
Ready to conjure ad campaigns?
 Here's how to cast the payment spell:
Log in to your TikTok Ads Manager. This is your cauldron, the hub for all your advertising adventures.
Navigate to the "Billing" section. Think of it as the potion ingredients menu.
Choose your billing option: Prepay or Autopay. Remember, once you pick your path, changing it requires the incantation of "TikTok Support."
Add your payment method. Enter your card details like a seasoned alchemist reciting a formula.
Top up your ad account (Prepay only). Choose your desired balance, like selecting the right vial size for your potion.
(Optional) Set spending limits (Autopay only). This helps prevent unforeseen budget explosions.
And the magic begins! Launch your campaigns and watch your audience engagement brew.
Pro Tips for Payment Wizards:
Budget wisely: Set realistic limits and track your campaign performance to avoid ad budget burnout.
Review billing statements: Regularly check your billing history for unexpected charges or discrepancies.
Stay updated: Payment options and policies may evolve, so keep an eye on TikTok Ads announcements.
Seek help: If you encounter payment hiccups, don't hesitate to contact TikTok Support. They're your friendly ad-venture companions.
Beyond the Payment Portal:
Mastering TikTok Ads payments is just the first step on your marketing conquest. Remember, effective campaigns require compelling content, targeted audiences, and strategic optimization. So, go forth, armed with your payment knowledge and marketing ingenuity, and make your brand resonate on the vibrant stage of TikTok!
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super-lad · 10 months
i'm reading a wired article about how in 2016 three teens sometimes running shitty DSL connections got so good at hacking they knocked several big sites (amazon, twitter, facebook, etc.) off the internet for a few hours and were subsequently hired by the fbi. article highlights include:
the apparently high stakes world of amateur hackers where kids and teens take down random sites and each other's routers for skill improvement, petty revenge, or by typical internet fashion: for the shits and giggles. sometimes, they'll SWAT each other if they're mad enough. it's like lord of the flies in there.
these teens having personal problems IRL and sublimating their feelings of powerlessness into an almost god complex with deciding when servers gets to live or die
one guy bombarded his school's router with so much data that it fried from overheating
one target's router had a dynamic IP that would constantly change so they instead targeted the town they lived in and took down all the networks feeding data to that area. collective punishment y'all, they were monsters
exhibit a for why you don't need an app for your fridge. someone can infect it with zombie scripts to send DDOS attacks with 650,000+ other dumb IoT devices ad hoc to throw a terabit (1 TRILLION BITS) per second at whatever they wanted. do you know what your average computer's bandwidth is? maybe 10~ megabits if ur connection is really good.
starting a business to protect Minecraft servers from DDOS attacks and running DDOS attacks on their own prospective customers to unknowingly convince them to use their protection services. that is like a twisted form of vertical integration
there's so much more with how big and uncontrollable their hacking program got
oh and they didn't even get prison time for unleashing the biggest DDOS tool ever that brought multiple big-name websites down over years because they *checks notes* helped the fbi arrest other cybercriminals they knew and taught them their cool hacking tricks over the span of five years to deal with derivative programs of their original hacking tool! they were like in their early twenties at this point come sentencing time. ummmmm. wtf. white privilege is truly fucking real lmao.
recommend reading this. it's really a cautionary tale as to why you don't need IoT devices. your lightbulb doesn't need to be connected to the internet lol. and the reason they even caught the guys was because they received user metadata from google on a burner email address and matched IPs with their business email. that's why you should seriously consider how much of your personal data goes into service provider's blackboxes.
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jayhorsestar · 1 year
..so convenient over widow now.. prenup closing, negotiating prenup again, thinking Netflix movie of 'lily collins of 2022, the ad-hoc thief inside the chalet on oranges orchid in Cali. and he asked for the 150 gees, only to receive the 300 gees. which the prenup would had said perhaps even higher, because forecasting perhaps a 2nd marriage was to happen to a point in time, Hollywood studios on strike (ie.labor grounds, the 401(k), or not really all) during summertime!! both actors and writers. m
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granlibroderefes · 1 year
NETFLIX / HOC - Presidential Broadcast Case Study
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React JS compare to Angular 2
React JS compared to Angular 2
A while back, we wrote a piece comparing Angular 2 and react. In that piece, we outlined the advantages and disadvantages of different frameworks and offered recommendations for what to select in 2017 depending on the situation. So, how is the front-end garden faring in 2018?
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Because JavaScript frameworks are evolving so quickly, today's versions of Angular, ReactJS, and another contender on the market, Vue.js, are regularly updated. Let's take a look at the demand as it has been reflected in Google Trends over the past five years. Angular, React, and Vue.js are each represented by a blue, red, and yellow line.
The graph demonstrates that between 2013 and 2014, there was a slight variation in the number of React and Angular questions. Then, we observe that the difference between them grew for a brief time. From the middle of 2016, these demands were balanced, and
React began to expand and become closer to meeting Angular needs
. Although the Vue.js framework was still not very well known, it was slightly increasing its market share among frameworks, indicating the potential for future growth. In recent years, Angular and React have become nearly evenly matched, making them the most practical front-end frameworks available.
ReactJS's benefits and drawbacks
ReactJS is a JavaScript toolkit that Facebook released as open source in 2013 and is excellent for creating large web apps with often changing data.
Advantages of ReactJS
simple to learn. Due to its straightforward syntax, React is significantly simpler to learn. All engineers need to do is recall their HTML authoring abilities. No need to fully understand TypeScript, as with Angular.
The highest degree of reactivity and flexibility.
Virtual DOM (document object model) enables the organization of documents in HTML, XHTML, or XML forms into a tree from which web browsers may parse various web app components more easily.
When used with ES6/7, ReactJS can handle heavy loads.
on a simple basis.
With this type of data flow, downward data binding means that the child item cannot impact parent data.
A JavaScript framework that is completely open-source and receives regular updates and enhancements thanks to the efforts of developers around the world
Lightweight due to the ease with which the user-side data processing can be simultaneously represented on the server side.
The majority of the migration procedure may be automated thanks to Facebook's "codewords," which make the process in general fairly simple.
Limitations of ReactJS
Lack of formal documentation — due to ReactJS's lightning-fast development, there is no room for the necessary documentation, which is now somewhat disorganized due to developers' ad hoc contributions.
React is agnostic, therefore developers occasionally have too many options.
React JS demands an extensive understanding of how to integrate user interfaces into the MVC framework because it takes a long time to grasp.
Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, New York Times, Yahoo, Khan Academy, Whatsapp, Codecademy, Dropbox, Airbnb, Asana, Atlassian, Intercom, and Microsoft are among the companies that employ ReactJS.
Angular 2's benefits and drawbacks
The 2009-founded, super-heroic Angular JavaScript MVVM framework is fantastic for creating incredibly interactive and incredibly interactive web applications.
Angular 2 advantages include:
Improved RXJS, a quicker compilation time (under 3 seconds), and a new HttpClient launch are some of the new improvements.
Developer developers can obtain all the information they need from thorough documentation without having to consult their colleagues. This calls for extra study time, though.
Two-way data binding allows for unique app behavior and reduces the possibility of errors.
Developers can work independently on the same app area utilizing the same set of data thanks to MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel).
dependency injection of features about modules and modularity in general about parts.
Limitations of Angular 2:
The intricate syntax results from the original Angular framework. However, TypeScript 2.4, which is used by Angular 5, is the easiest to learn of the bunch.
Migration issues may arise while switching from an earlier version to the most recent version.
Upwork, Freelancer, Udemy, YouTube, Paypal, Nike, Google, Telegram, Weather, iStockphoto, AWS, and Crunchbase are among businesses that employ Angular 5.
Read More:  Some tricks to learn to react to js quickly
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graphickilop · 2 years
Godzilla city on the edge of battle miana
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Godzilla city on the edge of battle miana series#
XAI will also return to perform the film’s theme song The Sky Falls.Ĭity on the Edge of Battle was given a theatrical release in Japan on May 18 and will be premier worldwide on Netflix. Returning to compose the soundtrack, it marks Takayuki Hattori’s fourth Godzilla film score. Tham gia Discord ti ây hoc Telegram ti ây nhn thông báo anime mi nhanh nht. This revealed the sequel’s Japanese title, Gojira: Kessen Kido Zoshoku Toshi, which featured a poster of Mechagodzilla and the follow up’s 2018 release date. Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle (ánh giá 10/10 t 1 thành viên) ang ti. Meanwhile Galu Gu, the leader of the Bilusaludo, discovers that the Houtua’s spears are sourced from the “nanometal” used to build Mechagodzilla, long thought to have been destroyed at the foot of Mount Fuji in the 21st Century.Ĭo-directed by Kobun Shizuno and Hiroyuki Seshita, City on the Edge of Battle was announced in a second post-credit scene in the theatrical release of the original film. The Houtua tell Haruo that their god was destroyed by Godzilla and left behind eggs.
Godzilla city on the edge of battle miana series#
Produced by Toho Animation and animated by Polygon Pictures, it is the 33rd film in the Godzilla franchise, the 31st Toho-produced film in the series and the second entry in the anime trilogy after Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters.įollowing the events of Planet of the Monsters, Haruo Sakaki is rescued by Miana, a girl belonging to an indigenous tribe called the “Houtua,” descendants of the humans left behind. Similar to other films in the Kaiju (Japanese for “strange beast”) genre, the film features humans and robots against the biggest Godzilla to ever be seen in an interplanetary struggle for survival. Amidst a summer of live-action comic book adaptations, Netflix is expanding its library of animated features with Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle set to premier on July 18.
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slottrust · 2 years
Sketchpad tv
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#Sketchpad tv mac os x
#Sketchpad tv tv
The thesis described Sketchpad, a human-machine communication system that. I have played with Apple Configurator via USB, but there aren't any Apple TV-specifc policies, the generic config options are not compelling to me for my environment. For years television graphics were produced in the most traditional way with.
#Sketchpad tv tv
The behavior of how local clients cache Apple TV hosts is interesting, too.Ĥ) Does anyone use ad-hoc point-to-point AirPlay on their Apple TVs (Bluetooth/Wi-Fi)? Thoughts, comments, opinions?ĥ) Do you use MDM to manage your Apple TVs? What type of polices are you using? What is your main reasons/goals for using MDM? I have Meraki for iPhones & iPads currently, but am looking at other MDM options this year (mainly AirWatch and JAMF). FREE Shipping on orders over 25 shipped by Amazon. 1899 (4.75/Count) Get it as soon as Mon, Aug 22.
#Sketchpad tv mac os x
We currently use a single Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (a WLC5508 running 8.0.1 code).ġ) How many Apple TVs can be displayed on Mac OS X or iOS clients? Is there a maximum number of devices that can be discovered?Ģ) How many Apple TVs do you have? Anyone out there have hundreds or thousands of Apple TVs?ģ) Can you offer best practice guidelines for managing Apple TVs en mass? Tips and tricks regarding topology, DHCP, VLAN, DNS? Getting them to show up and be discoverable is sometimes tricky (and mysterious) in terms of how mDNS works. 5.5' x 8.5' Sketch Paper Pads, 4 Pack, 400 Total Sheets (100 Each), 68 lb/100gsm Premium Paper, by Better Office Products, Spiral Bound Artist Sketch Book, Acid Free, Cold Press, Natural White. Waiting to see what the the next Apple TV will look like at the fall 2016 Apple Event. Im not managing them with MDM yet, but I likely will be begin managing them in 2016. I manually configure my Apple TVs with a local loopback address for DNS, which prevents the devices from routing to the Internet and connecting to iTunes, Netflix, etc. You can use it as long as you keep it free. Sketchpad.pro is also an open-source project. The embedded graphic editor can be customized to fit your needs. It is possible to embed Sketchpad.pro editor into another web application. Our Apple TVs are basically "magic wireless projectors" for conference rooms and offices. Sketchpad.pro is designed to keep light, fast and simple. All Apple TVs get IPs via DHCP on their respective native VLAN for the geographical area that they are located in (i.e. We use our Apple TVs for 100% Conference Room Mode. The number of Apple TVs we have will likely grow in 2016. I currently have 25 gen 3 Apple TVs in production.
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crimsondusk-991 · 4 years
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gonebackto505 · 4 years
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Robin Wright as Claire Hale Underwood, 47th President of the United States.
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