acrlicandsteel-blog · 10 years
At Night The Sky Falls: Finished
At Night The Sky Falls: Finished, http://bit.ly/1DBx1IJ #1GAM #gamedev #hobbygamedev
At Night The Sky Falls is the 2nd game I’ve created towards my goal of one game a month. It’s a simple Missile Command clone with a variety of incoming enemy projectiles. It’s been much more of a learning experience than last month’s game Boss: Boss. For Boss: Boss I was following various tutorials as I came to understand Monodevelop. For this one I flew solo, only occasionally referring to…
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geminstallmichael · 10 years
I swear this is the last Tetris! But I have finally, finally hacked together all the todos including proper rotation, all the pieces randomly generating in random positions and orientation, and suitably rage-inducing difficulty level options. Refactoring to come before I post the Github repo, but I have already accomplished more with this than I ever expected.  (Now to start from scratch and do 20 hours of Rails reading!)
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halfwaythroughmonday · 10 years
To have tried for something but not really given it full attention or effort is a cowardly move, a defense mechanism so that when it doesn't work out in our favor, we can tell ourselves it's just because we didn't really try, and that if we had really tried maybe it could have gone differently. Don't give yourself that easy way out. Actually being capable of doing something (as opposed to merely theoretically capable of it) includes an ability to consciously avoid that excuse, to fully take on all the complication and challenge that comes in the details of getting something done right.
@HobbyGameDev, "Stay With It, Stay In It, Keep At It," http://www.hobbygamedev.com/adv/stay-with-it-keep-at-it/ Have you ever seen someone turn the tables on an overpowered ganker? Upset an expensive net-deck with their patchy card collection? Overcome lag, poor game balance, a dropped connection, an interruption, or bad luck? It's spectacular. In-game skill defeating meta-game or extra-game injustice. The hardship isn't fair. We should remember that, should cry for a balance fix, for cheaper cards, for Comcast to stop throttling our goddamn connection when we're playing Dota. But in that moment, in that game, with no mid-battle patch coming, the only way to win is to beat the odds. To work when you're sick. To go on a date when you're exhausted. To get to the gym when your car is broken, your schedule is packed, or your friends stopped going. To adapt.
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green-game-farm · 11 years
I hopped over to Hobby Game Dev earlier and randomly looked through the posts and I found a series of video tutorials about programming in an open-source IDE called Processing for wannabe-programmers starting out (perfect!). The first video covers some of the basics of Processing's language, which is very similar if not identical to C# (though I haven't seen a lot of any of these), where teacher Chris DeLeon does a pretty good job of showing how fun working in Processing can be (if you find drawing rectangles with code fun). So anyway, I just thought I'd share this in case any of you felt like joining me in learning to program. Okay, link to the tuts' right below, c'ya!
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alexthaii · 11 years
Space Invaders in Unity (Pt.1)
I read an article on Hobby Game Dev (www.hobbygamedev.com) about getting started with game development and they recommended following this strategy:
The Console Decades Ladder Make something of 70′s complexity first – on the order of Pong, Breakout, or (if you’re feeling fancy) Missile Command. Once you have one or more games of 70′s complexity behind you, move on to one or more games of 80′s complexity, before going on to 90′s complexity, and so on, sticking at whenever phase you prefer.
So to start, I’m going to recreate the gameplay from Space Invaders! The gameplay seems simple enough and I figure it would be a fun exercise. Here it is so far.
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A HobbyGameDev entry, done in podcast-style, about some of the ways that randomness can be used to accomplish various effects in gameplay.
The complete transcript can be found at HobbyGameDev
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acrlicandsteel-blog · 10 years
At Night The Sky Falls: Asteroids, Plasma Bombs, Game Over State
At Night The Sky Falls: Asteroids, Plasma Bombs, Game Over State #1GAM #gamedev #hobbygamedev
Yesterday was another migraine day. I stayed in bed until almost 7pm. Regardless, I still managed to do a little work on the game before midnight. Coding was definitely out of the question due to sheer lack of mental fortitude. I created a plasma particle system with a trail of bleeding particles in about half an hour, about as long as I could stand to look at a screen. Today after I had mostly…
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geminstallmichael · 10 years
A sneak preview of the physics model of my CLI Tetris clone in Ruby. Gameplay coming soon!
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acrlicandsteel-blog · 10 years
HobbyGameDev: The Importance of Prototyping
HobbyGameDev: The Importance of Prototyping
I’m a lousy planner. In high school, I would write essays in final form. I couldn’t stand, nor appreciated the value of, the process of rewriting. Having unregulated ADHD, the task of rewriting was like mental anguish. I could barely sit still long enough to write the first draft much less a second or, god forbid, a third re-writing. In college I got better at taking the time and consideration…
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