Asteroids And Kenny Assets
Asteroids Ship Movement and Kenny Assets #gamedev #hobbygamedev
It’s time to make Asteroids again. It’s become familiar, having made it in Java, Python and Game Maker I feel I have to create a version in Unity. I haven’t tackled a purely 2D game yet and this is an easy candidate. Initially I thought I would make a game using nothing but Kenney assets. I even created a few spaceships from his Space Shooter set. The set was a blast to play with, like LEGO but…
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PONG! In Unity 5, And A New Production Logo: Robot Monster Games #gamedev #indiedev #hobbygamedev Whenever I am learning a new language or engine I eventually create a version of Pong. It was the first home game system I owned as a kid.
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At Night The Sky Falls: Finished
At Night The Sky Falls: Finished, http://bit.ly/1DBx1IJ #1GAM #gamedev #hobbygamedev
At Night The Sky Falls is the 2nd game I’ve created towards my goal of one game a month. It’s a simple Missile Command clone with a variety of incoming enemy projectiles. It’s been much more of a learning experience than last month’s game Boss: Boss. For Boss: Boss I was following various tutorials as I came to understand Monodevelop. For this one I flew solo, only occasionally referring to…
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At Night The Sky Falls: "Warning!" State, Game Over Tweaks #1GAM #gamedev #hobbygamedev #Unity3D #indiedev It was a busy day but I squeezed in an hour of tweaks this evening. I added a flashing "WARNING!" message with robotic voice over to announce the start of the level.
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At Night The Sky Falls: Asteroids, Plasma Bombs, Game Over State
At Night The Sky Falls: Asteroids, Plasma Bombs, Game Over State #1GAM #gamedev #hobbygamedev
Yesterday was another migraine day. I stayed in bed until almost 7pm. Regardless, I still managed to do a little work on the game before midnight. Coding was definitely out of the question due to sheer lack of mental fortitude. I created a plasma particle system with a trail of bleeding particles in about half an hour, about as long as I could stand to look at a screen. Today after I had mostly…
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At Night The Sky Falls: Menu Screen #1GAM #gamedev Despite intense neck pain, I was at least able to create a start screen today and add a few post-rendering effects today.
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At Night The Sky Falls: Working Score and Damage Visuals #1GAM #gamedev I live the evenings when I hit all my marks for the day. Tonight I added a score overlay and points for destroying incoming missiles.
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At Night The Sky Falls: Exploding Laser Beams! #1GAM #gamedev Tonight was all about laser beams. With a little effort I was able to figure out how to use the Line Renderer to create laser beams that emit from the Tesla coils and creates an explosion at the terminus.
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At Night the Sky Falls: Health Bars Today is day 6 of my 2nd game a month: At Night the Sky Falls, a Missile Command clone.
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Feb. 1 Game A Month, Complete: "Boss: Boss"
Feb. 1 Game A Month, Complete: “Boss: Boss”
I finished Boss: Boss on Feb. 24th after 19 days and about as many hours. It’s a simple top-down SHMUP and mostly unfinished, but the basics are there. It has a start screen, power-ups, two varieties of enemies and a boss battle. There’s a game over state as well. There are no levels, the same just reloads, and power-ups don’t persist, but more could be added to make it a full fledged SHMUP.…
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A First Boss for Boss: Boss! It was a productive evening. I laid down the base for a first boss but only after I spent most of my time cleaning up a few bugs and reorganizing the project.
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One Game A Month: Day 10 - Boss: BOSS!
One Game A Month: Day 10 – Boss: BOSS!
Mardi Gras celebrations were this weekend which for me means gumbo and beer. We had heard the nearby town of Manitou Springs was having a gumbo celebration, but a lack of beer and traffic deterred us. Instead we made our own, and now I sit here bloated from too much food. Still, the code must go on.
Today was day 10 of my One Game A Month challenge. I’ve only had about 2 hours in the evenings to…
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One Game A Month, Day 8, power-ups If only I had started four days sooner. I'm on day 8 and the month is on day 12.
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One Game A Month: Cats are distracting
One Game A Month: Cats are distracting

At least mine is. Left alone in an empty room and a task, I could still manage to find something to distract me. As a child in elementary school I was diagnosed with ‘hyperactivity’, this was at least ten years before the increase of ADHD diagnoses begun to become a hot news item. School was difficult, sitting still was nearly impossible, I was constantly in trouble, wooden paddlings were a…
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Tonight was productive, despite only having 4 hours of sleep last night. A few months ago I tried…
Tonight was productive, despite only having 4 hours of sleep last night. A few months ago I tried to break a lifelong addiction to caffeine, primarily from cola sources. I still have my morning coffee, and my mid-day coffee, and sometimes my evening coffee. Last night around 8pm I decided to drink a cola to get a little extra energy to help me work on my project at least until midnight. As 1:30…
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A New Player Enters: "The Baby"
A New Player Enters: “The Baby”
Yesterday was a bust, at least as far as my project is concerned. I did start the day with a hike through Red Rock Canyon, so at least I got some exercise. However after a superb Mexican meal, so delicious I found myself unable to stop eating, I felt the previous day’s migraine resurfacing. Despite my goals for the day, I knew I would be better off spending the rest of the evening on the couch…
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No Zero Day meet Migraine Day
No Zero Day meet Migraine Day
It’s 8pm and I feel like my day has barely started. Last night at 11pm a migraine erupted rather spontaneously. I stayed in bed until 3pm today. Migraines always leave me depleted, drained of all energy and drive until usually the following day. Fortunately since the move to a dryer climate they have decreased as I had hoped they would. I doubt they will ever truly vanish. When I decided to…
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