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Mother of Nightmares; Queen of my Heart

She may be The Mother of Nightmares but she's a complicated character because ... uhh ... I can fix her ...

I should paint more monsters ... possibly with her as some sort of date night ...
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I finished the #StabGrot I got at some point. It's an #AgeOfSigmar model and an aide to some #KruelBoy leader ... wasn't expecting to get through it in the one sitting, or, to be so happy with it 😍

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The left brown armour (and face) is an old-style Contrast (TM) paint while the right is an old-style (GW) wash. The Contrast (TM) paint is supposed to dry so there's a (literal) contrast between the edges and the flat details. The washes have always dried more evenly.
For the Contrast (TM) system to work, the underlying white/grey paint should be MUCH brighter than what I've done here AND it should have a satin or glossy finish. I'm just messing around with an unloved elf while waiting to see if that red would dry quick enough to try something further.
At some point in the future, I'll finish both miniatures. My excitement was to see how differently the two paints acted. Both "seek recesses" but the Contrast paint is much more appropriate for doing that.
About a month after UKGE2022 the washes and contrast paint were all reformulated for some reason and I don't know if it means anything.
... okay I lied; here's what the Cultist looks like now - feel old yet?

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Objective Marked

Not much to say here. I wanted to mess around with some techniques and approaches, and, I have had this idea have finished for a few years.
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The Pipe Object Marker

Objective markers used to be 40mm wide, and, randomly shuffle their labels sometimes - so - I had the brilliant idea (6 years ago?) to make these little things ... I've now finished one of them ... which is nice ...

I did approach it in a slightly different way from usual, but, I think that this piece is ultimately just another notch on my paintbrush rather than any real innovation for me. Still a fun way to finish the weekend.
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I started working on these right before #40k ninth edition and #AoS 3rd released and wiggled the rules for objectives. I did most of the bottom two today; once I trim their edges I can start the #miniPainting (finally)
The bottom right word is self adhesive cork, cut into strips, and ABS sheets, clipped with wire cutters, that I'm trying out for Cursed City cobbles.
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Tiny mastiff/dalmatian.

Bull mastiff+bulldog shape with dalmatian coloration. Bull-dalmation!

I didn't expect to finish him in one day but here we are ready to go with the other five models in the unit ...
#minipainting#paintingwarhammer#hobbygrots#aos#warhamburgercommunity#hobbystreak#warhamfam#underworlds#warhammer underworlds#cities of sigmar#dawnbringers
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I painted "Stab Grot" on a whim recently ...
... and he's a lil treasure ...
... so naturally; he needed a friend in the form of KillaBoss
... and they're cool.
I wondered how I could "improve" the recipe and tried a single Gutrippa ...

... which was interesting but a bit "dull" on the read and green colours.
With StabGrot and KillaBoss I'd used a mustard coloured "Heavy Goldbrown" to undercoat both. With the Gutrippa I blasted the drbrushed model with some Dalner Rowley yellow ink.

I needed more/better approach! I assembled the rest of the pack, and, put texture paste on the base before slotting their feet into place. Probably should have *only* done that under their feet to reduce the amount of Dryad Bark I'd need to use to recolour the Stirland Mud after priming.

I tried to mixtures for priming black-black-grey and black-grey - I preffered the later, which is on the left. Ataraxia Painting Studio advocated for this approach to SlapChop - using a grey rather than a black as (in my words) it leaves some areas that can "get more dark" when you apply the washes. (Her videos have a manic on the verge of breakdown energy so ... go watch) Though I'm not convinced it was needed here, it did seem to look "better" ... but was a bit more satin than I'd like ...

I painted up these most recent two, adding white to the shield and trying to "airbrush" on the yellow ink only where I needed it.

I'm ... satisifed but not totally "happy" so I'll keep tweaking it. I think that tonight I'll matt medium to the primer and switch back to brush-on yellow.
#minipainting#warhammercommunity#paintingwarhammer#warhamfam#squigmongers#aos#warhamburger#hobbygrots#hamstars#slapchop#slap chop
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I whacked out another of these objective markers. I really wasn't expecting to enjoy the colors as much as I do here. Perhaps I'm FINALLY working out how I want to paint #CursedCity when I'm ready for that

... also might have spoiled the/my black primer by mixing the last 10ml with a drop of flow improver ... I think that I have "bad" flow improver ...

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#hobbyStreak 6
I like the idea that this psychotic little d*****t is just floating around across the countryside on his bouncy magic bell that flies about as well as a half functioning hot air balloon and frequently crashes into things like this fountain

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Peak #UnderBrushing for #SlapChop or #WaterGlazing

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Starting another one. Tried to do coloured priming but that's been lost again so ... next time maybe ...

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Just realised I could have been working on these for the last hour of waiting for the delivery driver 😕
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Decided to say "YOLO" and just bash forward with finishing this Relicator instead of progressing through the batch. Applied washers tonight and still have one color to do and then the highlights over those washes.

#miniPainting #ageOfSigmar #hobbyGrots #warHamburgerCommunity
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Help me man things!!!
I need to decorate these two MDF discs somehow

I'm not super confident with my ability to drill them out, but, I could manage. Any suggestions or ideas of what else I could replace them with so that the little back hand still joins the bell correctly?
I'm building this as a single miniature for a gift so ... I don't know if I have time to wait for materials to arrive, but, I I'm ready to hear any suggestions.
#hobbyStreak 5
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Et Tu NuNu?

Finished my Cato the Cat marker ... or shall I call him ... NuNu?

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