#hobbit relationships my beloved
frodo-with-glasses · 9 months
I absolutely love the way you draw everyone!! Especially pippin and Frodo I love the movies and can’t imagine anyone else as Frodo or pippin but it’s hard to think of Elijah wood as older than billy boyd. Your comics perfectly capture the dynamic of an older cousin dealing with his endearingly annoying younger cousin
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Awww, thank you so much! This is such a sweet message to receive, especially when I haven’t been posting much these past couple of weeks. But thank you! Frodo and Pippin’s relationship is probably one of the most underrated sources of hilarity in the books, and I’m so glad my little comics can bring out the comedy in it! Frodo being an Exasperated Older Brother is such a huge mood and I adore it.
(Also your url and avatar are incredible LOL)
Thanks again! Have a wonderful day!
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lathalea · 1 year
Wild Strawberries
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Moodboard by @linasofia 😍
Fandom: The Hobbit Relationships: Thorin x f!OC Warnings: smut, pure smut, so help me Mahal Rating: E (18+)
Summary: Several years after Erebor is reclaimed, Thorin decides to celebrate his beloved wife's birthday... and is very enthusiastic about it. A/N: This story is a birthday gift for @legolasbadass from Linasofia and yours truly. Once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LB! 🎉🎁🎈
You can find this fic on AO3.
Khuzdul: Bunnelê - my treasure of treasures
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Leaving the northmost spur of the Lonely Mountain behind him, Thorin entered the forest at its foot. The lush, dark emerald sea of pine trees surrounded him; each of them at least as tall as two grown Men—their rapid growth being the result of the magic the elves of the Woodland Realm bestowed upon this land in exchange for goods only Erebor could provide them with. It was a bright summer day and the sun speckled the undergrowth of the forest with gold, as if someone scattered countless coins across it. A small smile curved up Thorin’s lips at the recollection of that very profitable agreement with the Elves and the role his clever wife played in hammering it out a couple of years ago. Anila… Ah, his sweet Anila and her talent of finding useful information in ancient tomes and musty treaties. Then, her cunning negotiation tactics side-blinded the Sylvan negotiator, driving every single clause home. The precedent she found—dating five hundred years ago—was instrumental in cornering the Elves and making them agree to their conditions. There was nothing better than the taste of flawless victory… especially if followed by a private but intense celebration that took place in his marital bed. 
Taking in a deep breath, Thorin allowed himself to close his eyes and feel the tension leave his body. Being the king of a prosperous Dwarvish kingdom was a great privilege, but also a sizable burden; one that could have felt almost unbearable at times—if not for the assistance of his royal consort. Thank Mahal for the ancient tradition that required the king to take a wife. At first, this was to be an arranged marriage but one day spent in Anila’s company when they met for the first time, a year after Erebor was reclaimed, was enough for Thorin to know this would be an union of both hearts and minds.
Today was a special day: his wife’s birthday. Thorin’s most trusted companions and aides were working deep in the mountain, at the shore of the underground lake, preparing the celebrations for the evening: there were hundreds of candles to be lit and put onto minuscule boats that would float on the lake; countless flowers to decorate the caverns; dozens of dishes to be served, music and dances to be planned, and many other surprise attractions to be planned. Thorin’s task was to divert Anila’s attention until it was time for the celebrations—and diverting his lovely wife’s attention happened to be one of his favourite pastimes.
And so he found himself on the forest path, with a full picnic basket in his hand, on his way to Anila’s favourite hideout. From time to time, she would disappear with a thick roll of parchments and a quill and then return hours later with a mysterious smile on her face and ink-stained fingers. Thorin would take her hand into his, place an ardent kiss over her knuckles and ask what she had been up to. The smile on her delicious lips would widen, she would hide that roll of parchments behind her back, rise up on her tiptoes, peck his cheek, and murmur into his ear, “It is a secret of the state, my king.” The sultry tones in her voice would make his blood sing in his veins—that was a clear invitation to flirt, and with Anila, that game two of them played often ended with their clothes scattered all around, and them panting, their bodies entangled, in the most unusual places of the Mountain.
That was his Anila, an incandescent mix of fire and tenderness.
Today, she mysteriously disappeared before he woke, and now he was finally on her trail. He took a few more steps ahead among the brambles, careful not to make any noise, when he saw a familiar silhouette sitting on a blanket. It was Anila; her back was turned towards him, but he would recognize the dress she wore, one of her favourites, and the silky waves of her beautiful hair everywhere, dark as smoky quartz, the braids that adorned it, and the marriage beads with the sigil of his house he offered her over the marriage anvil on the day of their wedding. Her hair was side-swept to the right, uncovering the column of her neck, and Thorin licked his lips at the sight, wanting to press them against that smooth skin and taste it.
Later, he scolded himself. He was on a mission, after all.
After slowly placing the basket on the ground, he soundlessly kneeled inches behind her. Whatever Anila was doing, she was clearly focused, so much so that she did not notice his approach. Only when his hands covered her eyes from behind, she squeaked in surprise.
“Guess who…” Thorin murmured straight into her ear, his voice low and sensual. He was very much aware of the effect his voice had on her and he was determined to make a good use of it today.
“Thorin…! You scared me!” she chuckled, looking anything but frightened. Anila turned her face back towards him, taking his hands into hers and lowering them onto her lap. He still held her in an embrace and did not plan to let her go.
“Have I?” He lifted his eyebrow in amusement, moving his lips closer to hers. “May I remedy it somehow?”
Anila blinked, her eyes glittering with mirth.
“That would depend on the remedy, my king,” she offered.
He brushed his lips oh-so-lightly against hers. They were as soft as he remembered, and she smelled like those blue flowers he never remembered the name of, so sweet and innocent, like the break of a new day. When she held her breath as their lips joined for a few heartbeats, a sign that he had her full attention, Thorin deepened the kiss with as much tenderness as he could muster, his hand delving into her cascading hair, until he felt her body pressing against him in anticipation for more. A large part of him wanted to continue, coaxed by her dizzying closeness and that little sigh she gave, but he needed to follow his plan. It was his wife’s birthday and this day needed to be perfect—just like her.
He moved back slightly, giving her cheek a slight caress with his fingertips and trying to ignore the wave of arousal he felt looking at her slightly swollen lips, like fresh raspberries, her shining eyes, and her heaving bosom. She wore a green dress, one of her favourites, that happened to be one of his favourite garments of hers as well due to a generously revealing neckline. Mahal, this plan of his was more difficult to carry out than he thought. He was supposed to be the one offering distraction, not the other way around.
“I brought the remedy with me, my queen,” he hummed, placing the heavy basket between them and sitting down beside it. It contained the best delicacies the royal kitchens had to offer.
“A lunch?” she peeked under the colourfully embroidered piece of cloth that covered the basket. “It smells lovely.”
“I cannot allow my wife to starve, can I?” Thorin replied, taking in the way she looked at that moment—with a playful smile and golden specks of sun kissing her face, one of them dancing at the tip of her nose. He wondered whether his plan of having a romantic midday meal with his wife would be ruined if he was to kiss that very spot now.
“You are a very attentive husband. Let us eat, then!” Anila decided, putting away a stack of parchments from her lap to the side. Her fingers were stained with ink.
“May I ask what you were working on?” Thorin said, taking out all kinds of food from the basket. Freshly baked bread, three kinds of cheese straight from Dale, white radishes, a jar of honey, hazelnuts and a bottle of good wine from his private cellar.
“You may,” Anila reached for the bread. “But I will not tell you. Not yet, at least. It is not yet finished.”
“So it is as I feared. You are writing a memoir of our scandalous marriage,” Thorin crunched on a radish with gusto.
He adored making her laugh and the way her laughter found its way to her eyes.
“I doubt Erebor is ready for such a read,” she uttered between giggles. “Besides, technically speaking, the events pertaining to our marriage are a state secret and therefore cannot be made public.”
“Perhaps it is for the best. I do not think I would be happy if our whole kingdom would know of my wife’s talents,” he cast her a meaningful glance. “I would rather keep to myself the things you can do with your… ouch!”
A piece of bread hit him right in the middle of his chest as Anila cleared her throat loudly.
“... brilliant mind. I meant your brilliant mind!” Thorin explained, trying to make his words sound as sincere as he could.
“Truly? Is that what you are thinking about at this very moment?” she teased.
“What else? I am still in awe about the way you handled those envoys from Minas Tirith,” Thorin hoped he looked like an embodiment of innocence at the moment.
“Oh? Remind me?” Anila tilted her head and gracefully licked her honey-covered fingers. It made Thorin swallow hard. That vixen. She knew very well what she was doing to him, but he was going to be strong and so he continued this charade.
“That expression of shock on their faces when they understood they would be discussing matters of state with a woman! And the realisation that you completely outwitted them!” Thorin could not help himself but chuckle at the memory.
“Ah yes, I seem to remember something along these lines,” she admitted, lazily taking another bite of bread and looking into his eyes. A drop of honey landed on her shapely bosom, making Thorin lick his lips as it glistened in the sun.
“And so you should, bunnelê. You used their greatest weakness against them marvellously. I will never understand why the People of Men underestimate their women so,” he reached out to take her hand and placed a kiss on it. Not over the knuckles, oh no, his lips found the centre of her palm and pressed against her skin. She smelled like flowers in bloom and tasted like honey. Despite the food they ate, his hunger was far from satiated.
“Cultural differences, my love,” Anila replied, cupping his bearded jaw before freeing her hand from his. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of her fingers brushing against his beard. “One of our greatest assets when dealing with Men.”
“Exactly as I said, brilliant mind,” he gave her a playful smirk that coaxed a silvery burst of laughter from Anila.
This atmosphere—and their mutual teasing—reigned throughout the whole meal, accompanied by the twittering of the forest birds and gentle rustling of trees. You are a lucky Dwarf, thought Thorin, enjoying the feeling of content, laying on his side, his body weight resting on his elbow as he admired the sight in front of him. A beautiful day spent with a companion who is not only beautiful but also smart… to the point of putting your willpower to a test with her merciless teasing. And she happens to be your wife. Just look at her, the way the summer breeze plays with her hair, the way she takes a sip of wine, her sensual lips wrapping over the edge of her cup, or the way her fingers seem to dance in the air as she explains something about that newest decree on mining safety. And the way she speaks your name, with so much feeling and softness in her eyes. Is she not perfect? The true queen of your heart?
Thorin would never put these thoughts into words, of course. His wife would surely think him ridiculously mawkish and overly sentimental. The king of the Khazad of the Lonely Mountain should be anything but ridiculous. The best course of action was to keep such maudlin thoughts to himself.
“I think a dessert is in order,” he decided after a few more moments of his reverie.
“A dessert? I feel so full, I do not think I can eat even a bit more,” Anila sighed.
Thorin simply said, “Wild strawberries.”
“What?” she gasped.
He placed a small woven basket in front of her, its contents covered with peppermint leaves.
“How…? This forest is too young for wild strawberries…” she whispered to herself, removing the leaves and seeing small, oblong ruby-red shapes laid out in layers. “They smell delicious. It has to be magic!”
“Try one and see for yourself,” Thorin gave her a triumphant smile. Surprising his wife was something he never had enough of. Perhaps it was also partially because of the enthusiastic way she showed their gratitude, but even a king could be self-indulgent from time to time, he decided.
“A rider from the Woodland Realm brought them at the break of dawn,” he divulged his secret, admiring the way his wife put one of the berries into her mouth. She closed her eyes and hummed approvingly.
“You asked King Thranduil for a handful of the first wild strawberries of the season?” she then asked.
“And he agreed?”
“And sent a messenger to you in the middle of the night?”
“As you can see,” he pointed at the berries in front of them.
“Are you truly telling me you had a peaceful conversation with Thranduil during which you agreed on something? Without shouting and cursing each other’s ancestors five generations back? I think I will go with the ‘magic’ explanation,” Anila shook her head, but Thorin noticed the sparks of laughter in her eyes.
“I did not say there was no shouting involved,” he humoured her.
“If you say so,” she chuckled and took another berry. “Mmmm… They are very sweet. Have you tasted them yet?”
Thorin shook his head.
Without a word, she put the berry into his mouth and let him close his lips over her lingering fingers a moment before she retreated them.
“Very sweet indeed,” he admitted, still feeling her caress against his skin. “Just like you.”
Now it was his turn to take a berry and offer it to Anila. Her lips opened a bit and she gently took it between her lips, the tip of her tongue brushing against his fingertips. A wave of heat passed through him, a multitude of thoughts flooded his mind, but not a single one of them was mawkish.
Before he had a chance to react, she put another berry into his mouth and sealed it with hers. A low purr escaped him when their lips met, her kiss even sweeter than the fruit, and he tasted her to his heart’s content. There was tenderness and gentleness in that kiss, but the song of her supple lips dancing against his spoke of fire kindling inside her—and in his mind, Thorin agreed that it was time for another kind of distraction. He covered her cheeks with a myriad of feather-light kisses, whispering words of adoration into her ear as her fingers ran through his hair, caressing his scalp, eliciting a groan of pleasure out of him. He pulled her closer and deepened the kiss, revelling in the way she responded to him, their bodies pressed against each other, their lips on fire. Then his lips traced a smooth trail along the line of her jaw, and found the way to her neck. Each of his kisses aimed at claiming her skin, every single inch of it. She tilted her head back invitingly and he continued his explorations, his lips finding the sensitive spot below her ear, and then adorning that place at the juncture of her neck and shoulder with kisses, precisely the way she liked it. When she rewarded him with a moan, he felt her body tremble in anticipation. Thorin was still hungry, hungry for her, even hungrier than before, and he refused to restrict himself any longer. Not on a day like this. 
He lay her on the blanket, her eyes shining, her cheeks slightly flushed, the round peaks of her breasts rising and falling, her hair scattered around her head, glowing in the sun like a halo or richly veined marble, and he found himself in need of stealing yet another kiss.
“Anila,” he murmured, “you are breathtaking.”
She did not reply—busy with stealing a kiss from him this time and wrapping her arms around his neck—while his hand travelled down until he felt that round, supple softness under his palm and the warmth that seeped through the thin fabric of her gown. He played with the idea of simply ripping her bodice—her whole gown—apart and feasting on her naked body until dusk and beyond… and then wrapping her in his cloak and smuggling her back into the mountain for a long and eventful bath, the birthday celebrations be damned, but this tempting plan had to wait. Instead, he gave her breast a gentle squeeze and proceeded to undo the front of her bodice while his lips slipped down her neck and found the sweet spot on her left breast that tasted like honey.
“The High Council…” Anila gasped as his tongue swirled over her skin and then his lips closed over the spot again. “That meeting tomorrow… They will be scandalized when they see that hickey, my love…”
“We both know they will not say a word about it,” he chuckled. “Just as it happened last month, remember?”
“I forget what a clever strategist you are. Yes, I remember, Master Finulv was speechless, Balin pretended not to notice anything, and you could barely keep awake during that council meeting. That high collar doublet suited you very well, by the way,” she admitted, helping herself to the buttons of his tunic.
“It was my attempt at covering the proof of my wife’s fiery temperament,” he smirked, observing Anila’s nimble fingers at work. “I do not think I was successful. Master Bragi did not dare to lift his gaze from his notes even once.”
His wife’s only response was a chuckle just before she covered his lips with hers.
Among the kisses and caresses generously bestowed upon each other, among their whispers and sighs, they eagerly shed most of their clothes. Thorin gave out a satisfied hum, admiring Anila’s sun-speckled skin, the alluring curves of her body glowing as if imbued with the light of thousands of Ereborean diamonds. He was certain there were words that could describe this vision of ethereal beauty before him, but he could not find any. 
“My king seems to be lost in thoughts,” he heard her say playfully. “Allow me to help you.”
Anila lowered herself in front of him and her hands started roaming his body, releasing him from his trousers. Her kisses burning a bold path on his lower abdomen, and he found himself unable to take his eyes off her; of her nimble fingers wrapping around his already hardened manhood; of her hair like silk between his fingers, of her lovely lips that closed over his tip, of her sultry gaze, of the soft heat he was delving into, of her palm that…
“Anila… Mahal…” His wife knew him so well and she knew exactly what would please him, but today was not about him. “Allow me to take care of you first.”
“I was under the impression that you were in the mood for dessert,” she looked up at him innocently, licking her lips. Vixen. Merciless vixen. And he wanted more of her.
“Oh yes, I do,” he smiled, moving towards her.
“A dessert…” she gave out a chuckle when his lips greedily closed over her nipple, lavishing it with attention. Between the gentle nibbles and soft kisses scattered over her rosy peaks, among her sighs and his praising murmurs, his hands painted devout patterns along her body, in an act of physical worship. Thorin did not wish to stop; he craved to cover all off her body with his kisses, to bedeck it with his caresses, to offer his queen endless ecstasy. He wanted to offer her as much pleasure as he could and revel in her rapture. Soon she was stretched beneath him, pleading for more, her fingers entangled with his hair as his tongue drew spirals around her navel, his lips covered the softness of her lower belly, his hands caressed the roundness of her hips.
When his kisses finally moved to her thighs, and his hot breath skimmed the mound between them, Anila whispered, “Have mercy...”
“What do you wish for, my queen?” He lifted his gaze to her face, her eyes hooded with pleasure, her lips slightly parted, her breathing fast, her fingers playing with her nipple. What a beguiling view it was.
“I want you to please me, Thorin,” she whispered, parting her legs slightly. This was the only invitation he needed.
“Your word is my command,” he replied. Settling himself between her legs, he cupped her bottom, enjoying its round firmness. It fit perfectly in his large hands and he lifted her slightly. Anila moaned in delight when he eagerly buried his mouth between her thighs, his beard brushing against them. She writhed beneath him as he showered her most intimate places with kisses and caresses that brought her the most pleasure. His tongue explored the folds of her womanhood. The taste of her arousal made him even harder than before, made him dizzy with desire for her, but that had to wait. Now he was intent on pleasing her this way and so his lips found the most sensitive point on her body, tenderly tugging on the silky bud, and then started sucking on it. He heard her whimpers, her incoherent mewling spurring him on, and he continued his ministrations, pleasing his queen. 
He gripped her thighs firmly when his tongue sank rhythmically into her, evoking waves of elation, one after another, each of them stronger than the previous one. Thorin recognized the signs all too well, and he drove her further and further, among the heights of pleasure, bringing her closer towards the very peak of ecstasy with every caress. Purring into her flesh, he caressed her swollen nub with his thumb, feeling how she arched against him as waves of pleasure sent tremors of ecstasy through her body, and he relentlessly kept on taking her even higher until her blissful moans and praises echoed through the forest. He stopped only after Anila went completely limp beneath him, one of her hands letting go of the fistful of the blanket. 
Thorin moved up towards her, pressing his lips to her shoulder, and then brushing a stray lock of hair away from her face. Her eyes were shut, her face flushed, her long eyelashes casting small shadows on her cheeks, beads of sweat covering her forehead. His caress caused a small smile to bloom on her lips, but her eyelids remained closed.
“Is my queen pleased?”
“A little bit…” she muttered, smiling still. “But I wouldn’t mind a second… no, that would be a third course.”
“Insatiable woman,” he whispered teasingly, kissing her collarbone. His fingers busied themselves in lining out the shapes of her breasts and unhurriedly following the curves of her ribs. Then his tongue joined in, exploring new, exciting paths on her body, each of them punctuated by her moan. Mahal was a great architect indeed, creating such wonders as this woman beside him. Compared with the elegant lines of her body, he felt like a block of unhewn stone; and yet when she lay so close against him, it felt as if they were made from the same piece of rock. Perhaps the Creator put all of his energy into making Thorin’s life companion perfect and decided it was enough. In fact, she was more than he could ever hope for. Absent-mindedly, he took Anila’s hand into his and placed a tender kiss onto her wrist.
Anila gave out a content sigh and opened her eyes, oblivious to his thoughts.
“Insatiable? It is because you have spoiled me rotten,” she stated. Her hand found its way to the back of his neck, coaxing him closer to her, and when she closed the distance between their lips, he hummed approvingly. A new fire woke in her and there was hunger in her kiss, the same hunger that had been wreaking havoc through his body since the moment he saw her alone in this place. Her hip brushed against his erect member and he let out a low growl-like moan. Patience was not one of his virtues.
Anila found his hand and placed it over her breasts.
“Make love to me, Thorin,” the words were simple, but the timbre of her voice brought a much deeper meaning with them. And the desire in her eyes met with tenderness in her gaze.
“My queen,” he murmured, offering her an affectionate kiss, the softness of her lips giving him a promise he was eager to see fulfilled.
His kisses were careful, measured, and yet thorough, each of them aiming at telling her things he was unable to say with words. One of his hands caressed her body, eliciting sweet little sighs from her, until it found the secret trail that led his fingers to the treasure she hid between her legs. The moans that filled his ears in response to his feather-light caresses sounded like music.
“Is this to your liking, my queen?” he asked while his fingers explored her boldly, dancing in circles around all her sensitive spots and enticing even more moans from her. This, combined with feeling how aroused she still was, caused his manhood to throb even more in anticipation. He took a deep breath, trying to control himself.
“You know it is very much to my liking,” she admitted, bestowing a smile upon him. “But I need more.”
Thorin could not stop himself any longer. Taking his manhood in his hand, he growled with arousal, feeling her wetness against him. Anila tilted her hips, offering herself to him and he cast her a satisfied look, devouring her with his gaze. It was not long before he pressed his tip to the heat of her core. An unhurried thrust of his hips brought him home, his torments rewarded at last. He lowered himself over her and repeated the movement, studying her face as she bit her teeth into her lower lip.
“Yes, Thorin, more,” she whispered, taking deep breaths. 
As he covered her body with his, Anila seemed so small under him, almost fragile, and yet she was perfect. He knew he needed to be gentle with her at first, and he did that gladly, anticipating the bliss that awaited them both. He could feel how snug she was around him, how an occasional tremble of pleasure came from deep within her as he carefully moved another inch forward.
As her body accommodated to his hardness, he gave another slow thrust, filling her completely. Her breath hitched and she welcomed him with a small cry of pleasure.
“My lovely, lovely Anila,” Thorin whispered, unmoving, his lips brushing against her forehead, his thumb running across her cheek. He knew his size was a challenge for her, but every single time she took him in with passionate eagerness that multiplied his arousal. “We fit so well together, do we not?”
“We do,” her melodic, dreamy voice reached him, her breath wafting against his sensitive earlobe. “I don’t think I will be able to let you go.”
With these teasing words, she wrapped her legs around him, lifting her hips slightly. That made him burrow himself even deeper into the dewy paradise of her womanhood.
“Then don’t,” he rasped out. “We can stay like this for as long as you like. Only say a word, my queen.”
“Then take all the time in the world with me,” she decided.
And so he did. With his movements slow and measured, his eyes remained on her face, revelling in the growing signs of ecstasy he noticed. Anila, his wife, his queen, deserved all he could give her—and more. Her first (or rather third) peak of ecstasy came soon, just after he changed the pace, murmuring seductive promises into her ear. Her lengthy moan rang out in the air as her body trembled with ecstasy. It took all of his resolve not to follow her over the edge at that very moment, but Thorin denied himself that pleasure. He was not finished with her, there was more he wanted to give. He paused, cradling her face in his hands, placing a tender kiss on her burning hot lips, waiting for her to recover, but Anila’s affectionate gaze once again rested on him as she asked for more.
Soon he found himself finding the perfect rhythm, sinking inside her for what seemed forever. As he drowned in Anila’s eyes, their moans intertwined, celebrating the union of their bodies. They were drifting away together on the sea of their shared passion. Every thrust was a promise of endless joy Thorin would offer her, every caress was imbued with his adoration, echoed by his whispers until they came together as one. She clung to him, responding to his every move, her nails sinking in his back, driving him forward, demanding more, and he gave it to her in a series of rapid thrusts, the waves of their bliss growing higher to finally wash over them in pure rapture.
“Happy birthday, sweet Anila,” he murmured as he rolled on his back, his arm wrapped around her, but she only hummed something incoherent in response and cuddled up closer to him under the clear blue sky above.
They remained in a sweet, languid embrace for an eternity—or perhaps minutes—Anila’s head resting on Thorin’s chest, her arm limp across his stomach, her hair scattered across his body, his nose full of her flowery scent. Their breaths evened out and the only sounds around them came from the birds in the trees and he found himself drifting off to sleep.
“Thorin…” Anila breathed into his skin after a longer while. 
“Hmmm?” He opened one eye reluctantly.
“You are as wild as these berries,” she pointed towards the forgotten fruits, now scattered among the grass.
“Am I?” He hummed into her hair.
“I think I will have to personally thank King Thranduil for your fervour,” she replied with a smirk.
“Don’t you dare, wife… unless you’d like to be spanked,” Thorin protested.
She chuckled and he felt her hand travelling down his abdomen, “Is that a promise, my king?”
“Insatiable woman,” he managed to say before her lips stopped him from talking for a very long time. For perhaps all the time in the world.
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thelordofgifs · 4 months
Friday Fic Recs: Long WIP edition
I’ve been thinking a little bit about the (very arduous) process of writing longfic, and how much of a difference support and cheerleading can make on that particular journey; so, although it’s been a while since I’ve made a Friday rec list, I thought I’d put one together celebrating all the incredible in-progress longfics in the Tolkien fandom I’m keeping up with at the moment!
Atandil series by @eilinelsghost. Such a gorgeous graceful moving exploration of Finrod and his relationship with Men, and the slowest and most sensual of slow burns in his romance with Bëor. The amount this series has made me THINK – about love, and hope, and memory, and Taliska grammar – is off the charts, and to top it off it’s written in the loveliest most Tolkienesque prose.
we will make this place our home by @leucisticpuffin. Ohh this AU is just like a warm gentle hug after a long day. The “kidnap fam but make it a classic children’s novel” concept is so so inspired, all the characterisations are so nuanced and moving (Maglor my beloved!!) and the OCs will steal your heart.
And Love Grew by @polutrope. On the other end of the kidnap fam spectrum, this complex and careful examination of the time after the Third Kinslaying is SO brilliant. Incredible characterisations of all the key players, some truly fascinating OCs (Dornil!!) and of course beautiful graceful prose.
tongues of the sky series by @welcomingdisaster. The first fic in this series, seabird, was written for me and I can be SO obnoxious about this :) but also it’s a wonderful moving ultimately hopeful fix-it AU with note-perfect russingon and m&m dynamics. The sequel, sparrowhawk, is currently in progress and soooo good.
ashes, ashes, dust to dust — the devil’s after both of us by @that-angry-noldo. This is SUCH an original and fascinating take on an AU where Maedhros and Maglor take Finarfin captive to bargain for the Silmarils, featuring incredible character dynamics and a terrifyingly eldritch Eönwë.
and all his towers cast down by @actual-bill-potts. What if Finrod survived the events of the Leithian? Well, angst and trauma, to start off with. And also beautiful beautiful writing, impeccable characterisation and a Maglor-Lúthien teamup!! I adore this AU.
All That Glitters Gold Rush AU series by @allthatglittersisnotgoldrush. This one is LONG LONG LONG, but also SO worth it. Ever wanted to see the entire Silmarillion retold as a western, complete with a terribly tragic and complicated Maedhros, Morgoth the terrifying slave-owner, and a beautifully multicultural Doriath? The authors have you covered.
And the Stars Shine the Same series by @runawaymun. OC-centric fic is such a rare delight and this series set in early Third Age Rivendell is just wonderful, tender and complicated and with a truly incredible Elrond.
Retelling the Hobbit comic by @retellingthehobbit. Something a little different, but I binged all of this comic retelling of The Hobbit on a plane recently and GOD it’s so so beautiful. A truly gorgeous art style, and slowly converting me from a Bilbo/Thorin sceptic into an enjoyer!
In Heart by @tanoraqui. An AU where Fëanor takes the Doom of the Noldor as a what-not-to-do manual and ends up making better choices! Featuring incredible worldbuilding and fantastic characterisation.
Please add on the longfics you love in the reblogs! Let’s get some love going for these difficult beasts!
(Couple of incest recs under the cut.)
naught green upon the oak series by @welcomingdisaster. A CoH-inspired Maedhros/Maglor AU in which Maglor winds up with amnesia after his encounter with Glaurung. I’m SO insane about this series that I can’t be coherent but it is fantastic and chilling and devastating with the most beautiful prose aahhh.
Strange Currencies by @jouissants. Maedhros is re-embodied at last only to learn that he is married to Maglor: a touching and painful post-canon fic interleaved with incredible flashbacks to the First Age.
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wordbunch · 1 year
Their love song (Taylor Swift edition) > The Hobbit characters
a/n: welcome to my little self-indulgent celebration of 700 followers! 🥳 EVEN IF you're not a fan/don't know the songs, I hope you can still like and support this fic - a lot of time and love went into it! and by all means come talk to me about it or suggest your own songs! love you all so much and thank you for reading my stories and being a WONDERFUL community 💕💕💕 i've never written for many of these characters so i'm excited!
BILBO ♡ sweet nothing
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Undoubtedly, the world can be really difficult and overwhelming at times, and it is then that the two of you find comfort and safety with each other. You don't even need to be doing anything special, it's enough to just be existing together and enjoying the simple pleasures of life in your own little world, it is the love that feels like home.
BARD ♡ mary's song (oh my my my)
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Most certainly a family man who loves his town and his people, and he deserves this lovely underrated song. He would always choose to pursue a committed, lifelong relationship, have a family with you and be a part of the community. Eventually it would be so nice to reflect on decades of love and support, still by each other's side and still in love.
THORIN ♡ gold rush
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pun mildly intended This dwarf can be a little intimidating, despite his height, and he is a very captivating presence, who can also be a little arrogant at times. You weren't sure how you felt about him at first, but after getting to know each other, you realized there was a heart of gold hiding in his chest, just waiting for someone to unlock it and be fiercely loved by him.
FÍLI ♡ invisible string
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He is a romantic soul who believes in destiny, and finding the love of his life who is meant just for him. He is thankful for all the things in both of your lives that brought you together, even if they seemed bad at the time - but they resulted in a beautiful love story in the end, and he will be devoted to you forever.
KÍLI ♡ paper rings
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Although he is a bit more playful and fervent, he is the person who falls absolutely head over heels, and nobody saw it coming at all, which makes it an even sweeter story to tell. He doesn't care about any circumstances, he just cares about being close to you, no matter when, where or how.
TAURIEL ♡ mastermind
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She thought she was being very smooth when you caught her eye, and she was convinced that you couldn't tell that she was absolutely melting inside whenever you were near, but to her absolute astonishment, you noticed fairly quickly. Still, you let her play her little game and "win" you over, though you had been won for longer than she was aware.
THRANDUIL ♡ don't blame me
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His love is intense, passionate and even a little bit possessive, but he disregards everybody's comments and opinions on it. Why should he care? It only matters that he found the perfect person who loves him with all his flaws and virtues, and he likes to make it known that he would do basically anything for them.
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc @entishramblings @thesolarangel @silversword7000
@friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @averys-place @valkyriepirate @emmaarenstarr​​​​​​ @noldorinpainter​​​​​​ @asianbutnotjapanese @adamgetawaydriver @fenharel-enaste
@ironmandeficiency    @starryeyedrogue ​​ @dinofromspac3  @wisheduponastar​ @lady-of-imladris​ @frodo-cinnamonroll @unethicallypleistocene @deadlymistletoe @suncran @high-sea-husbands @asianbutnoteastasian @aidansloth @sweetpea-thoughts
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sonics-atelier · 3 months
Ales and Adventures: The Tale of Thorin and Bilbo in the Shire
For @bagginshieldweek24 Day 2 : Developing Relationship + Thorin in the Shire
Summary : Thorin adapts to life in the shire rather well, cue fluff and peace because that's what bagginshield deserve.
a/n : I saw a post where the person said that thorin would live in the shire and make the best ale ever and be very proud of it so i was inspired to write this. Also Thorin is a competitive bitch.
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In a quaint corner of the Shire, far removed from the usual hustle and bustle of Hobbiton, there lived a dwarf named Thorin Oakenshield. After his adventures and the tumultuous events of reclaiming Erebor, Thorin found solace and peace in the Shire, a land of rolling hills and hearty folk.
Thorin had settled into a cozy hobbit hole next to Bag End, courtesy of his dear friend Bilbo Baggins. Though it was unconventional for a dwarf to live in the Shire, the hobbits welcomed Thorin with open arms, for his tales of adventure and his boisterous laughter added a new vibrancy to their lives.
Thorin quickly became a beloved figure among the hobbits, not least because of his unparalleled skill in brewing ale. Thorin had brought with him ancient Dwarven recipes, passed down through generations, and his ale quickly became the stuff of legends. It was said that a single sip could warm even the coldest night and lift the heaviest heart.
Each evening, the Green Dragon Inn buzzed with eager hobbits waiting for Thorin's latest batch. His ale was rich, dark, and frothy, with a depth of flavor that no hobbit-brewed ale could match. Yet, this did not deter the local brewers, who saw in Thorin a friendly rival. Bilbo, always one for a good challenge, often found himself caught in the middle of these spirited competitions.
One sunny afternoon, Bilbo and Thorin sat together in the garden of Bag End, enjoying the gentle breeze and the scent of blooming flowers. Bilbo, ever the curious hobbit, asked Thorin about his secret to making such exceptional ale.
Thorin chuckled, his blue eyes twinkling. "It's all in the heart, Bilbo. A good brew needs patience, care, and a bit of magic from the old Dwarven ways."
Bilbo smiled, taking a sip of the ale. "It's truly remarkable, Thorin. Have you ever thought about sharing your secrets with the rest of the Shire? I'm sure the other brewers would be grateful."
Thorin stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Perhaps. But there is something to be said for a little healthy competition. It keeps everyone striving for their best."
As the weeks went by, Thorin's and Bilbo's bond grew stronger. They spent many evenings together, discussing everything from the intricacies of brewing to the wonders of Middle-earth. Bilbo found in Thorin a kindred spirit, someone who appreciated the simpler pleasures of life while still cherishing the memories of grand adventures.
. . .
One evening, after a particularly successful batch of ale, Thorin invited Bilbo to join him for a walk under the stars. The air was cool, and the night was lit by the soft glow of fireflies. As they walked, their hands brushed occasionally, sending a thrill through Bilbo's heart.
"Bilbo," Thorin began, his voice low and earnest, "I've found something here in the Shire that I never expected to find."
Bilbo looked up at him, his breath catching. "What's that, Thorin?"
Thorin stopped walking and turned to face Bilbo, taking his hand. "I've found a home. And more than that, I've found you."
Bilbo's heart soared at Thorin's words. He squeezed Thorin's hand gently, his eyes shining with emotion. "And I've found you, Thorin. You've brought so much joy and adventure into my life. I can't imagine it without you."
Thorin smiled, his thumb tracing circles on the back of Bilbo's hand. "Nor can I, Bilbo. Nor can I."
As the days turned into weeks, their relationship deepened. They shared quiet moments by the fire, exchanged tender glances across the table, and stole kisses under the cover of night. Their love grew, a steady flame that warmed them both and brought a new light to their lives.
One day, the Shire held its annual brewing competition, an event that brought together all the best brewers. Thorin entered with a special brew he had been perfecting for months, while Bilbo, encouraged by Thorin, submitted his own ale as well.
The competition was fierce, with each brewer presenting their finest work. The judges, a panel of esteemed hobbits, took their roles seriously, savoring each sip and debating the merits of each brew. When it came time to announce the winner, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation.
To everyone's delight, Thorin's ale took first place, with Bilbo's coming in a close second. The crowd erupted in cheers, celebrating not just the winners but the spirit of camaraderie and friendly rivalry that the competition embodied.
As the festivities wound down, Thorin and Bilbo stood together, mugs of ale in hand, overlooking the jubilant crowd. Thorin raised his mug to Bilbo, a broad smile on his face.
"To love, friendship, and the joys of life in the Shire," Thorin said, his voice filled with warmth.
Bilbo clinked his mug against Thorin's, his heart full. "To many more adventures, my dear love."
And so, in the peaceful, sun-dappled hills of the Shire, Thorin and Bilbo continued to forge their bond, sharing laughter, stories, and the best ale Middle-earth had ever known. Their love, like Thorin's ale, was rich, deep, and full of heart, a testament to the simple, enduring joys of life.
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- @sonics-atelier 2024 , do not repost or reuse in any way , shape or form .
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Always my beloved; Thorin Oakenshield x reader
*Author’s note*
For my first ever Thorin Oakenshield story I hope I did you Thorin fans justice with this sweet little oneshot. So @firestrike004​ thank you soo much for your patience and I hope you all enjoy this fic.  
Not really any warnings just injuries, some fluff, some angst (fairly minor but still some people need warnings).
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We knew the risk of going on this quest, but never did I think we’d come across the bane of Thorin’s family, Azog the Defiler.  We had believed he had died back at the battle of Azanulbizar from his wounds but low and behold there he was astride upon his infamous white warg.  We barely made our escape thanks to our burglar as well as the Great Eagles I had read so much about as a young dwarrow-dam.
Now we decided to take some rest to rest and for Thorin to recover.  The wounds from Azog’s warg were probably the worst I had ever seen and I’ve doctored warg bites before.  But thankfully with both mine and Oin’s help, my beloved should be back to his old strength within a few days.
Aye I did say beloved. Thorin and I are currently in the courting stage of our relationship, and have been for these past 5 summers. He had made a vow to me that once he would reclaim Erebor, we would finally be wed and I would rule at his side as Queen Under the Mountain.
Of course at first when Gandalf had persuaded Thorin to go on this quest, he wanted me to have absolutely no part in it.  In fact he had tried to send me off to live with his cousin Dain in the Iron-hills for safe keeping until the Mountain was reclaimed.  And being the stubborn female dwarf I am, I can be just as stubborn of not more than Thorin Oakenshield himself.
After some heated words, and even a fight to decide my fate, Thorin had kept his word that after defeating him in combat I had a right to go alongside the Quest.  In fact I was one of the first after Dwalin and Balin had agreed to follow Thorin.
I had just changed out Thorin’s bandages as well as flushed out any signs of infections before they could spread and cause his healing to delay or worse make him sick. As I returned to put my stuff back into the pack, I caught sight of Bilbo sitting down to some of Bombur’s stew. I walked over to him and asked.
“Mind if I join you?” he turned to me.
“Not at all (Y/n).” Hobbits truly were polite people.  Even back at his home when I was the only one out of the 13 dwarves to not to help myself to his food cabinet, he graciously tried to offer me something before one of the boys took it for themselves.  I took my seat next to him and he asked, “Do you mind if I—”
“Oh not at all Bilbo, please eat. Mahal knows we’ve been practically starving you since this quest began.” When we were in Rivendell and I caught Bilbo eating both dinner and supper within just a few short hours apart he had told me that Hobbits have seven meals every day.  I took it upon myself to first apologize for starving the poor lad and then when breakfast came that day, I had helped the Elves with serving something not only for the Dwarves but for Bilbo as well.
As he went to his stew, he took a few sips before looking around and whispered to me.
“How’s Thorin?” the lad truly has grown fond of my beloved.  Especially after what had happened along the Misty Mountains.
“He’ll live fortunately. Unfortunately for him, he’ll have to be put on bed rest for the next 24-48hours before he can even move. Warg bites are nothing to sniffle or chuckle at. And believe me getting Thorin to stay on bedrest is a challenge in on itself.”
“No doubt I imagine. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of it being Thorin’s wife.”
“If it hadn’t been for you, I would’ve been called Thorin’s widow.” He stopped his eating and looked at me.  I placed my hand on his shoulder and continued, “What you did last night Bilbo, it’s something that I can never truly repay you for.”
“There-there really is no need to repay me. I just did what anyone of you would’ve done. Though I don’t know why I did without no skill of a blade it was all just—”
“Instinct. I get the feeling. But I am grateful nonetheless my friend.” I patted his shoulder.  “And if you’re up for it later today, Bofur and I can show you a thing or two about fighting. Same with Fili and Kili.” He nodded.
“I do appreciate it (Y/n).” I smiled at him before standing up and went off to join the others for my own meal.
Truthfully I don’t know what I would’ve done had I lost Thorin last night.  He and I have known each other since we were young Dwarves in Erebor, my father being one of the King’s proudest and strongest fighters but was sadly killed when the Dragon took our home.  My mother tried her best but she too succumbed to grief leaving me with no family, till Thorin stepped up.
He helped support me when we worked in the villages of Men and when we were finally able to make a temporary home in the Blue Mountains, that’s when my feelings for him began to deepen.  And eventually he came to accept he felt the same for me and never did I think Thorin would ever choose a wife, he never really showed much interest in wanting to court anyone, not since we lost our home.
I reached up to the left side of my hair, brought some of the hair that rested on my back to the front but something was missing.  No it-it cannot be! I looked down at my hair and brushed through it with my fingers and couldn’t see the courting beads Thorin had braided into my hair.  Not only that but some of the strand felt uneven (particularly where the braid once rested).
My heart raced as I tried to remember where and when the last time I felt the braid was. Obviously it was still intact at Rivendell, the Goblin tunnels I still had it, when Azog attacked us and—oh makk an E ha’ak!  When I fought alongside Dwalin, Fili, Kili and Bilbo to hold off the orcs from Thorin before the eagles came, one of them must’ve cut my braid off without my knowing!
A million thoughts were racing through my head.  First it was to curse the orc that did this and that I vowed to kill them if they ever show themselves again.  But most of my thoughts trailed back to Thorin.  What would he say? How will he react? Will he still want to be my One? Will he be furious that I lost his courting bead?
In our customs, a courting bead is so precious and is never given away lightly (especially if your One is someone like Thorin is).  By gaining the bead you’ve not only come to accept your One’s feelings for you, but also accept a courtship and eventual marriage to bond the two of you into one. Losing it or returning it is like having your heart getting grind up, slammed with a forging hammer until it’s nothing but tiny little pieces and then returning the heart to the one who gave you the courting bead.
And never have I once undid the braid nor removed the bead from my hair ever since Thorin gave it to me.  Everyone knew where it lied and if they saw it gone……what would the other’s think? I was so focused on my thoughts that I barely registered that I had walked into someone. When I looked up I had seen that I had walked into Gandalf.
“Oh Gandalf, forgive me.”
“No worries my dear (Y/n).” he looked me over and continued, “You seem to be worried about something.” I looked around to see if any of the others were nearby.  When I saw that no one was within hearing range, I asked Gandalf to come closer to my height with my two fingers.  He knelt down and I whispered to him.
“I’ve lost Thorin’s courtship braid.” He separated from me for a bit as I further explained, “It must’ve been that orc I faced off against when Azog caught us along the Misty Mountains. Gandalf, what if Thorin takes notice of it? Or someone already has and will tell him?”
“Now, now my dear, let’s not jump to conclusions.”
“But Gandalf you know what courting braids mean in our culture. You know what losing one’s courting bead means? I—I can’t lose Thorin. Not again, especially not after last night. He’s all I have left in this world.” He placed both of his hands on my shoulder.
“Thorin may be stubborn but I know he would never do that to you. You both have been through far too much to let something like this be the final straw to divide you both. Remember it’s not just him that’s helped you, you have helped him as well.”
He wasn’t lying. After his grandfather’s death and his father going missing, Thorin was practically lost in how to help our people. Whilst I too, grieved over my father I also had to support Thorin for he was hurting just as much as I was.  We depend on each other and support one another, the other’s beacon of light in the dark mines.
“But how do I tell him Gandalf?” I asked uncertainly.
“You’ll know just what to say my dear girl.” I took a deep breath then exhaled.
“Okay Gandalf, I trust you.”
“And you’ve learned to never doubt it.” He gave me a soft wink before going on his way.  I took a deep breath before heading back to rejoin the others.
The day was spent helping Bilbo train with his sword, scouting out for Azog or his orc pack, and helping Oin with Thorin’s wounds.  Which was what was happening right now, I held onto Thorin’s hand as Oin was once again flushing out the slightly infected bites and stitching them back up. Thorin was tense throughout the whole process.
He never did like to show pain whenever he had to get patched up.  Said he was afraid that others would view him as weak.
“Alright Thorin, just continue to not move about so much and those wounds will heal up quickly.”
“Thank you Oin. I know I’m skilled as a healer but I am nowhere near your degree of knowledge.” I told him.
“Do not doubt your own skills milady.” He told me.  “We’ll be lucky to have you as our Queen once we reclaim the throne. The first Dwarf Queen to be skilled in the knowledge of healing that could be rivaled by the Elves.” Him saying that suddenly gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach.  As much as I do trust Gandalf in his words from earlier, there’s still a lingering shadow of fear that’s clung itself onto my like a thorn that won’t come out.  He soon left Thorin and I alone and I heard my One say.
“He’s right you know.” I turned to him.  “Never before as a Dwarf woman been so knowledgeable about herbs, healing methods and skills as you have my beloved. Erebor will be lucky to have you as it’s Queen.” He cupped the side of my face, “My only regret is that it will take us longer to get there.”
“Your health is what we should be focused on right now. I would rather Erebor have a King in good health rather than poor or worse dead.” I brushed the long strands of hair from his face before I began braiding it.
“Every hour lost hasten Durin’s day.” I rolled my eyes.
“Thorin. Durin’s day is not going anywhere. It lies on the same day as it always does. Not a week before not a week after. As I said, I would rather have you in good health to rule at my side, than you pushing yourself only to make your health worsen. Even if I have to bind you to this tree I will.”
“Reminds me of the time when you did just that to get me to have me teach you how to fight. Is that how you intend on delivering punishments? Bound the prisoners to trees with your tight knots?”
“Only to those truly stubborn enough not to follow either mine or Doctor Oin’s orders.” We both laughed softly before I gave him a soft kiss.  I felt as his hand went from cupping the side of my face to going around the back of my head, right to where I knew he’d always like to stroke his courting braid.
I separated our kiss and quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled it away from my head.  Immediately I could see the thoughts spinning in his head like a spider’s web.
“What is it (Y/n)?” he asked me.
“Nothing.” I quickly said.
“It’s not nothing. Never before have you stopped me from touching your hair.”
“I—I haven’t had the chance to brush my hair yet.” Even to me that was a pathetic excuse.  Thorin’s brow rose skeptically then he asked me.
“What’s really going on?” I sighed deeply and turned my head away from him.
“I cannot say.”
“Why not?”
“I just can’t.”
“(Y/n), amrâlimê.” He lifted my chin up to look into his deep blue eyes.  “What was it you once said to me when we first began courting?”
“That there should be no secrets between us.” I answered.
“So why are you starting now?” I sighed heavily, already feeling the wetness of tears forming under my eyes.
“I’m afraid.”
“Afraid of what?”
“That I’ll lose you.”
“(Y/n). These wounds of mine aren’t—”
“It’s not the wounds or in battle that I fear amrâlimê, it’s—” I took another deep breath before I took the section of my hair where he had given his courting bead and showed him how it was now gone.  As I expected his eyes widened in shock as he reached out for the cut strands of my uneven hair and brushed through them.  Almost hoping the bead would reappear along with the braid but it was gone.
“How long has it been missing?” he asked.  His voice stern as I knew he was trying to suppress his anger.
“I only noticed it this morning. My best guess is that it was the orc I was fighting with along the mountainside when Azog ambushed us. I’m sorry Thorin, this is my fault for allowing that foul creature to even graze my hair. I should’ve been more careful I should’ve been more aware of what I was carrying upon my head. I was careless, foolish and—” I was stopped by the feeling of his arms wrapped around me tightly.
“But you are not hurt, yes?”
“Then that is enough for me.” I separated our embrace and looked at him in shock, his eyes that were once filled with shock and anger now appeared soft and gentle.
“I don’t understand. Thorin, my courtship braid to you has been severed. Your courting bead lost forever.”
“Mere objects. A new braid can be made, a new bead can be strung into your locks. But there is only one you,” he cupped my face into his hands, his thumbs gingerly stroking the apple of my cheeks just above the strands of my own beard.  “And I could not bear the thought of losing you.”
“You—you still wish to court me?”
“You are my One, (Y/n). Who else would I want as my Queen?”
“I just…..I know how special our courting traditions and symbols are. I was worried if you took notice of your bead and braid missing that you—you wouldn’t want to be with me anymore.”
“Amrâlimê,” our noses softly grazed one another’s as we stared deeply into each other’s eyes, “I would rather share one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone. You are my One, and nothing will ever change that. As I said, I can give you a new braid, I’ll find you a new bead. A more finer bead once we reach the mountain and reclaim our home. But there is only one of you. And I would be a fool to let someone like you go.”
He then pressed his forehead to mine and I shut my eyes as I felt his love and strength enter me as our forehead remained together.
“I am sorry I doubted your love Thorin.” I said after awhile of silence between us.
“There is no need for apologizes. You are always be my beloved, no matter what the world gives us…..”
“We’ll always be One.” I finished our vows that we made for one another when we first began our courtship together.  He soon moved his lips over mine and once again we kissed.  
His hand going back towards the area where my braid once stood, and I felt his fingers softly brush through those strands of hair and I felt myself finally relax under his touch.
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anxiteyandsleep · 5 months
hi there spring! :D i'm the anon who made the thranduil hcs request, and they are so so lovely, thank you so much💗
um i don't know if you write poly relationships, so feel free to ignore this request if you don't do that.. but if you do, may i request some fluffy headcanons about how thorin, bilbo, and a male dwarf reader might settle down together after the trip to the lonely mountain? (also thorin is alive in this au because canon is painful and he deserves to be happy dang it :^3)
Wahh thank you so much the requests <3 I have no problem with doing poly as long as it's like a paring that's healthy/I like ! ❤
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° it definitely took you and Thorin time to adjust to living in the shire, though it's peaceful and the perfect place to relax after such a long, tiring and dangerous journey.
° once Bilbo got all his belongings back from the other hobbits, he rearranged things so there was room for yours and Thorins things, even buying weapon stands !
° Thorin at first is still recovering from his injuries, you and Bilbo have to practically tie him down so he'll rest because he kept wanting to help in the garden, making food, unpacking, everything.
° Bilbo insisted you two get your own armchairs, it was very important to him that you and Thorin had a lovely place to sit and read, or smoke.
° Thorin really enjoys gardening, he gets pretty competitive about it to!! He'll grumble sometimes about how his vegetables are far better than a neighbors, that he took better care of his garden than them. You and Bilbo find it adorable
° hearing you and Thorin sing is absolutely something Bilbo loves, he'll sit in his living room, on his beloved armchair, just listening to your songs fill his home. It's precious to him and he has no problem letting you and Thorin know that
° the biggest thing was having to get a new bed for you all to comfortably sleep on!!! The first few weeks had a lot of sleepless nights caused by accidentally elbowing each other, yours and Thorins beards getting in Bilbos face, as well as trying to be careful with Thorins injuries.
° Bilbo did get a much bigger bed, you all have plenty of room to lay comfortably but of course you still cuddle, Bilbo quite likes being snuggled between the two of you, despite him complaining about your beards being scratchy at times.
° the other hobbits are really confused by you and Thorin but are polite, it's just not common to see dwarves everyday but they adjust. And they definitely like how you guys party!
° also when Frodo is born, he has three uncles now and he brags about it when he's a little kid. Frodo will be like "oh yeah well uncle Thorin was actually a king so we're rich :3" "all my uncles fought a dragon and survived!"
° he's you three's biggest fan and loves braiding Thorins hair, and yours if it's long enough!
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streets-in-paradise · 6 months
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Relationships: (Platonical) Eowyn x (Fem)Gondorian!Reader / Eowyn x Aragorn (crush talking)/ Pippin x (Fem)Gondorian Reader
Warnings: Use of she/her pronoums
Summary: As a prelude to the celebrations on the victory over Saruman, the ladies of Rohan and Gondor participate in a simple encounter that seils their friendship validating each other's feelings in dark and lightfull topics concerning their hearts.
Note: For my dear friend @beautifultypewriter, inspired in her Gondor Girl concept. ( If you happen to like this one, I will keep working on releasing one more going full into the idea I brainstormed to you in dms)
Even after witnessing his demise, the voice of Saruman kept haunting her mind for a while during the trip back to Edoras. Despite being warned about it, she had certainly not behaved properly when facing the evil wizard responsible for the orc attack that caused the death of her brother followed by the kidnap of the hobbits. For once, she was the one doing exactly what Gandalf told her not to do and paid the price.
As a result of her angered search for a confrontation, she made herself another target of the prideful scolding. Saruman shifted guilt with skillful rhetoric, saying it was her who failed Boromir and let him die. The charm of his voice got her heart stricken with guilt. Although he didn’t waste much time on her, his insults were precise. He called her a wild beast that in nothing resembled the grace of a gondorian lady, a standing proof of the inexorable degradation in the lineage of Numenor that the ruling of Aragorn would not fix. In his conclusion, he didn’t forget to mention that Denethor would have rather been freed of a daughter than robbed of his eldest son. 
From all those claims, he presented at least one truth. 
The reminder of her father’s indifference was the last thing she needed at that precise moment. After acquiring a modest glory in the battlefield for the first time in her young life, being forced to think of Denethor was like having the victory being taken away. Her wins were twisted into flaws, making her feel once more relegated to the obscure spot he reserved for her back home. 
Only the sweet voice of Pippin bringing her back from the self absorption as they were riding away from Isengard managed to counteract the perverse effect. Given the rushed nature of their reencounter, he accepted no one else to take him merely because he wanted more time with her. The excited ramblings from her beloved hobbit about the escape from the orcs, his adventures in Fangorn, and his involvement on the attack plan of the Ents were enough to ease her heart.
On his part, Merry didn’t hesitate on reclaiming his share of the honors while hearing the tales from close, but he also understood that his cousin was trying to impress his lady. In return, Gimli told them in a prideful tease about the bewilderment that a certain gondorian shieldmaiden had caused among the Rohirrim through her courageous acts fighting alongside him, Legolas and Aragorn in the front line at Helm’s Deep. His comments made Pippin’s impulse to present himself in an heroic light increase with his admiration of her. 
It was simply lovely and she didn’t doubt in filling him with praise until he became a blushing mess hiding behind her. At the same time, he had accidentally reminded her of how proud Boromir would have been if he could have seen them together again after performing such great actions and that thought casted the sadness away. Time for celebrations was approaching and that brought a different, simpler reminder to her calmer mind. 
Until then, the people of Theoden had only met one side of her. Precisely the one she had forbidden at home, since they knew her as the warrior maiden of the Fellowship initially playing wolf on sheep’s clothing for Wormtongue only to reveal herself moments later. Since that fight the situation allowed her to never get back in disguise. The refined lady of Gondor once seen in Rivendell never stepped Rohan, but she thought it would be fun if she would make a comeback for the party. 
Let no one say ever again that she had no glimpses of the grace legends attributed to her bloodline.  
Presented with all the comforts that Eowyn could share with her, the transformation became an easy and midly fun previous step. It gave them time to have a good long talk together while taking part on a lady-like activity that wouldn't raise any concerns. The niece of Theoden had her own personal interest guiding a sudden want to perform feminity, one her friend knew that she wouldn't comment with anyone else. Revisiting her wardrove in the calm of her bedroom while talking of the latest events she didn't got to witness was a good start for both. For instance, she was a witness watching for her and willing to share details that her relatives didn't bother on comment to her before.
" He died doing what he loved, ... backstabbing his master. " The gondorian joked into her telling of Wormtongue's death. " Your uncle, infinitely kind hearted as he is, was still offering him a second chance. I think that worm realized he had made a strong bet on the wrong horse, but Legolas gave him no span to show the king any regrets. An arrow to his chest, quite ironical way to die considering what he did. "
Eowyn gave her a half smile, unsure of how to feel besides from a deep relief.
" His black heart craved only power, control over me."
The girl knew exactly what she meant. Her meticulous work hidding the most controversial aspects of herself from her father's sight weren't enough to keep her fame completely clean. Rumours had spread subtly, and to many men craving control those have came out as attractive. If the only daugther of the Steward was wild as the forest, every single one of them believed themselves to be the one that could tame her.
" You are free of him." She sweetly concluded, holding her hand and abandoning her sight from the beautifull garments to focus completely on her. " And we can still hate him in secret, if you wish. I have encountered my own amount of despicable noblemen in Gondor, but none of them has yet sold to the dark power hoping to receive me as spoil of war from the looting of his own countrymen. You resisted with courage, one of the kind that many soldiers in the battlefield won't understand. I do, and admire you for it. "
It was the most heartfelt compliment Eowyn had received in a good while and it was hard to explain why a surprising happiness invaded her.
" You, my friend? After obtaining glory for both of us? "
The gondorian was eyeing the blue fabric of a cute dress she was considering to choose.
A reminder of the sea, of her mother.
" Would you believe me if I tell you that your domestic feat remains more impressive to me than all my killings at Helm's Deep?" She suddenly confessed. " Being alone in Minas Tirith with Denethor would be a nightmare on itself. To that add one of my brothers dead and the other one exiled, while also having to flee from the advances of a repulsive man seeking to submit me through resignation. Inviting me everyday to accept him as some inevitable fate, remiding me I'm alone in the world ... I don't think I would have endured it as well as you did, always keeping your royal dignity."
Eowyn had sat on the bed and, dress in hand, her friend followed.
" If you think I'm strong, please look at yourself, because your strenght inspired me that night."
" In some twisted way that escapes all forseen ends, justice was served. " Was her simple reply. " Your brother and my cousin are avenged."
The garment was carefully placed at their side as the guest rushed to hug her.
" Vengeance is not over, because you are going to look gorgeous for your crush and have fun. " She mischievously whispered. " Haven't you think about it? The hatred on Grima's eyes as he was leaving Meduseld was too focused on Aragorn, and now I think I see why ... "
The rohirrim lady looked up in shamefull surprise.
" No, you don't! " She attempted to defend herself in a playfull tone, breaking the contact. " That's not true, and I don't know how it occured to you, but ..."
" But Arwen is leaving with her kind, as far as I know, so I don't see an issue." The gondorian encouraged her. " I got to meet her in Rivendell, and I meet her father ... If I had one as wonderfull as Elrond, I would too seek to follow him. Besides, you are my best friend and Aragorn has become like a brother to me. if a mortal woman shall eventually come to cure his sadness, I would rather her be you. "
Her eyes were shinning with hope, but not only to the kind voice inspiring her yet a third kind of courage to face her growing feelings for the Ranger.
Loneliness fading, like ice slowly melting, to the certainty of knowing she had found a friend. Another presumably lonely young woman, at least in terms of companionship that could be found of other women, who had so quickly shifted such strong affection towards her.
" As my beloved friend that you are, I beg you not to feed my dreams so soon."
" Allow yourself to dream for a while, you deserve it" The foreign girl insisted. " If things don't work as we expected, we will deal with that later ... Together. "
She liked the sound of the last sentence, but kept her objections.
" How? Do you know the cure for a broken heart? "
" Let that brave heart of yours to take the risk, not only by the blade its strenght can be measured. " The gondorian concluded, then kissed her forehead. " If turns out my brother of the sword is not the one, I still have one more blood brother to introduce you to. And if you don't like that one, I'm pretty sure Merry has no hobbit lass waiting for him at the Shire. "
Her positivity and will to comfort her ended up getting a few chuckles out of her. Not exactly because of the jokes, but due to the happyness she found in her insistent support.
" I believe your love for the halflings is starting to put Gandalf's to shame."
The called out lady smiled, clearly on remembrance of her own infatuation.
" One stay in Rivendel and days of travel on our quest was all it took for Peregrin Took to win me over, and he wasn't even trying. " She began to tell. " There are some men of Gondor that think not much different from the says of Saruman about me: a wild beast, only to them I'm a fair one ... And all wildeness is up to be conquered and rulled, owned to make use of. They approach me like a mare in need of taming, thinking they will perform the miracle of my submission. Do you understand now how could I have fallen for one of hobbits that released the forest? "
She could have continued, but no more words were needed to make her understand the core of her reasoning on her feelings.
" Wouldn't you prefer the green one?" Eowyn pointed out, regarding the dress choice. " In homeage to Fangorn, and your love."
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sotwk · 11 months
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I am pleased to announce the fanfic projects I have decided to prioritize and tackle for my attempt to participate in this year's NaNoWriMo event!
This announcement is also my way of requesting everyone's patience for any delays in fic/hc requests, asks, or messages that I have yet to respond to. I am slowing down or putting those on hold for this month so I can properly give my attention to the NaNo goal.
My personal NaNo goal is not so much to hit 50K words, but to write fanfic words every single day for the whole month. Therefore, none of these projects will likely be finished by the end of November (except maybe the THAUC fic because deadlines), but I hope to make at least some decent progress on them.
I hope the works I produce from this month will sufficiently reward your patience and understanding. ❤️
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Project One:
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This is for the @fellowshipofthefics writing event, "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Collaboration". I cannot reveal any details other than it will feature Legolas!
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Project Two:
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Other Paths We Might Take - Boromir x OC - Multi-chapter
Spin-off sequel to my Reader one-shot, "Breathe". This is my "Boromir Lives" story, rooted in the SotWK AU. (Every story in the SotWK AU links to Thranduil and/or his family to some degree.)
This tale focuses on Boromir's romance with a commoner from Gondor, which began in TA 3008 when he was a newly-appointed Captain of Gondor. Their relationship encounters numerous obstacles leading up to his departure for Rivendell. How does Boromir survive Amon Hen, and will this AU path lead him back to his true love?
Special thanks to @scyllas-revenge who is the muse of this story and my untiring cheerleader.
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Project Three:
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Change the Stars - Eomer x OC - Multi-chapter
Spin-off sequel to my Reader fic, "Taken". Also set in the SotWK AU, this story will continue the angsty romance of this pair (and switch out of "Reader" mode to OC), once I've completed and posted "Part 3" of "Taken".
It will delve into the history of Eomer and his beloved shield-maiden, with flashbacks to their shared youth, while taking us through the rest of their seemingly(?) ill-fated but sweeping love story.
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I would love to discuss any of the above with you, so please don't hesitate to send Asks or Messages or Smoke Signals!
Please support all your writer friends during NaNoWriMo, as this can be a bit of a stressful month for us. (Yes I know it's self-inflicted, but honestly we are doing it because we are trying to improve ourselves as writers!)
Thank you as always to the kind friends who regularly send me love and support. <3
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stardustdiver · 5 months
get to know me!
tagged by @robo-dino-puppies uwu
last song: i am the sea (was looking for the limsa lominsa daytime music for a wint character sheet)
currently watching: im like 4 episodes into dr stone, waiting for frieren to go free on crunchyroll and/or dungeon meshi on blu ray, not much of an anime nerd but they caught my eye lol. also distractable podcast
three ships: uuuuhhh.. TheiaxDeryk, fitzsimmons, UriangerxMoenbryda (moen my beloved, i will avenge you)
favourite colour: purple!
currently consuming: ..air? idk i brushed my teeth and am lying in bed ready for sleepies
first ship: fitzsimmons, my sweet nerd blorbos im so sorry the writers tore you apart every season and made your traumas increasingly worse
birthplace: durham, england
current location: bed, england
relationship status: aroace, n/a
last movie: i uuuuhhhhhh..... i was in the living room briefly while my sister was watching the hobbit? does that count? i cant remember what i last watched start to finish... though wendigoon's uzimaki(?) video was like 2 hours long.... maybe that counts
tags for (if you want) @magefeathered @meatball-headache @krazykitsune @shivasdarknight @oneiroy and anyone else wanting to join in 👉👈
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anemoia-blue · 5 months
Hello again, or welcome!
I'm Anemoia-Blue (She/Her), But you can call me Blue, Annie, Or Really any other fun nicknames! My blog features my friends, mutuals, interests, And my stories! You'll most certainly see some of my blorbos being featured in various illustrations (digital or non), and I'm always happy to talk about them.
This blog is a safe space for LGB folk, Autistic folk, Writers, Artists, and all y'all sillies! However, this blog is NOT a safe space for MAPs, Proshippers, Pro child transitoners, Wilbur Supporters, Kink, Pro Palestine, Etc. If you're a blog with any of these qualities, I will block you.
I am a Minor, so please, be cordial with comments and such. My special interests include Regretivator, Phighting, Doors, A dusty trail, FNAF, SCP, Minecraft, Frogs, Sharks, Horses, History (WW2 and Wild West), PJATO, TADC, Faith (The unholy Trinity), Morel Orel, and My Au(s).
I am Christian, but my religion and relationship with my God doesn't, and will not stop me from loving everyone for who they are, Gay, transgender, or not. Y'all are valid, and you should be proud of yourselves for who knows you are.
However. Do not call me a 'cis' woman. I am a woman. I am not cis, I am just a woman. If you don't agree, then block me. I will not force my religion down your throat, don't force your delusions down mine.
My favorite musical artists are Caravan Palace, Mother Mother, Will Wood (and the tapeworms), Caro Emerald (my beloved 😍), AC/DC, IDKHBTFM, Tally hall, The Offspring, Lemon Demon, Jack Stauber, Hozier, Ashnikko, and others I can't remember right now.
I play video games, yes, such as Helldiver, Stardew Valley, Sims 4, Valheim, Destiny 2, Fallout New Vegas, and Minecraft.
I have many ocs, as stated earlier, but my main blorbos are separated into TWO stories (though I may post about more of my characters).
Meridian: Warren Dakota and Wendigo Grimm. Second Chance: Walter Bloodsworth, Mary Bloodsworth, and Miguel Bloodsworth.
My favorite Movies are Hereditary and Midsommar (by Ari Aster), The Hobbit trilogy, Labyrinth (1996), Clue starring Tim Curry, and Thor Ragnarok! (My favorite TV shows are Morel Orel, Bojack Horseman, Shogun, Brooklyn 99, Futurama, and Hannibal!)
I have two webtoons out currently! Here's where to find them!
Second chance
So, yeah. That's a bit about me! Welcome back, or welcome to my blog! -Annie B 🧿
Character blogs:
Second Chance:
Mary: @a-spoonfull-of-cinnimon
Walter: @totally-not-a-hitman
Miguel: @your-local-freebird
Wendigo: @elijah-grimm-the-wendigo
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conundrumoftime · 9 months
2023 fic round-up
Total works: 26 plus two old fics I uploaded from 2004 and 2008, across 6 fandoms
Fics I started writing on the power of irresistible vibes hoping a cohesive plot would turn up and it did:
Banquets have burned for you - Haladriel, M, written for eastwynds for the Haladriel fic exchange. The second time I have leaned heavily on Aeschylus for fanfic (first was years ago for Battlestar Galactica which lends itself very well to Greek myth and tragedy, but it worked for Numenor too). I am slowly coming round to writing a sequel for this one next year some time.
Say it like the sunrise when it’s talking to the fog - Celeborn/Glorfindel, Silm-LOTR, written for @yletylyf for the Trick or Treat exchange. Saw the pairing on a pinch hit list and the vision struck me like some sort of revelation. This was so much fun to write!
Things I wrote this year that I would not have seen myself writing:
Longfic: Shadow-Bride, Haladriel, now at 30 chapters and nearly 170k words. I have always been a shorter fic person and haven’t done epics and I am so pleased this one’s still going fine. It’s helped to have the basic plot already planned while the space around that structure has let me develop it as it’s gone along. This fic is my beloved precious baby.
Mpreg: technically (because it’s a shapeshifting Sauron taking the form of Galadriel), in To hold all the promise of blue-velvet dark, TROP, Celeborn/Sauron. I am pleased with how much this one stayed ambiguous w/r/t whether Sauron was indeed doing this to get to Galadriel or whether he started off with that intent but just got more into it than he'd planned, one thing led to another, etc etc. I think probably the second one.
Favourite AO3 tag used this year:
'Sapir-Whorf hypothesis as a metaphor for the pain at the heart of your marriage' on Softest of Tongues, Silm-LOTR, Galadriel/Celeborn.
Things I couldn’t get enough of writing this year:
Noldor-Sindar drama. I just. It’s so compelling, and I think all? of the elf/elf pairings I’ve written use it as background somehow.
Celeborn/Sauron - like @liminal-zone I have gone fully off the deep end with this one. It’s been a speed run from “haha what if THIS crackship?” to “please be seated for the 57-slide Powerpoint presentation on how It All Makes Sense.” Started when I wrote a Twitter Haladriel promptfill where Sauron referred in passing to “your pretty Sindar prince” and, well, here we are.
Galadriel and Celeborn’s marriage: I have many thoughts about established relationships as fandom ships which are for another post, but, this one’s got a lot of intriguing hints in the canon plus Noldor-Sindar drama plus more ways to write about Galadriel so I am very into it now.
Trying to fit Celeborn into Rings of Power canon, which led to the whole series offics with half-Maia Celebrían being raised by a Celeborn who knows that and is a good dad to her while working through some things himself.
Individual bits I was really pleased with:
Description of Annatar, the only time I’ve written him: [Celeborn] thinks of tiny, whirring cogs, all turning in perfect precision; of fine metal filigrees making up each fibre of Annatar’s hair, of his skin as some kind of silk stapled into place at the seams. Rarer gifts than gold, Celeborn/Sauron, Silm.
Maedhros in my Third Kinslaying Elwing/Maedhros fic knowing how to do a double hip carry for baby twins: It would make every nightingale sing, Silmarillion.
Modern-day Sauron in Blood Sugar (Haladriel) having a print of Caravaggio’s ‘David with the head of Goliath’ on his wall - the painting in which Caravaggio, in exile and facing a death sentence for murder, painted the severed head with his own face as a gift to the cardinal who could grant him a pardon.
Sauron in Tar-Mairon of the Shire (TROP fluff) as the Lord of Gifts giving away presents on his birthday, Hobbit-style.
Strangest anon hate comment:
Among all the “ugh kys freak” comments which do get a bit repetitive after a while, the one that accused me of ‘pretending to be a multishipper’ stands out. Wut.
Fandom resolutions for 2024:
I’m staying away from goals around fic completion or targets because that doesn’t work for me. Instead, I’m making more of a conscious effort to write and enjoy the things I like the way I like them. This is a pretty basic fandom tenet and I shouldn’t need reminding, really, but sometimes in polarised, fighty corners of fandoms or places where there’s a lot of fanon it can feel like anything outside fandom norms will come across as starting discourse, and there’s nothing more stifling to writing and generally having fun in fandom than wondering “what’s it going to sound like I’m saying here?” all the time.
The other fics:
The Stars My Destination, Babylon 5. Bester thinks about the nature of death.
Life After Death, Alias - wrote this in 2008. found it in my old LJ archives and uploaded it this year.
When all the leaves are gold, Silmarillion, Galadriel/Celeborn. Everything is fine in Doriath. Everyone is happy in Doriath. No you can't leave.
All that Glitters, TROP sequel to that - where Celeborn has been for the past several centuries.
Civil Twilight, TROP, Haladriel and Galadriel/Celeborn, continuity fits with the previous two fics, I love this one and am so pleased with how well it worked.
Changeling, Silmarillion, Fourth-age Maglor. Wrote most of this in 2004 (it's old enough to vote!) and never finished or posted it because the Tolkien fandom used to be terrifying to me; finished and uploaded this year.
A green thought in a green shade, TROP Galadriel/Celeborn, another 'where has Celeborn been?' angle.
Made of sterner stuff, TROP, Disa, motherhood, ambition, dwarf culture.
So Wide a Sea, TROP Haladriel and Galadriel/Celeborn. Wrote this near the beginning of the year and then said afterwards that it was kind of fun to write Celeborn but I probably wouldn't be doing it again. [comedy trombone noise]
All the kinds of alive you can be, TROP, and it's Celeborn/Sauron but Sauron in the guise of Galadriel so - pairings are messy. I was playing around with doing a longer 'what if Sauron took the form of Celeborn' thing which I'd done a bit in Shadow-Bride and then thought "wait..."
I have loved flowers that fade, TROP, Haladriel, went in a bit heavy on the Athrabeth.
Suo Gân and Arda Sahta, TROP, baby half-Maia Celebrían being raised by Galadriel and Celeborn. I got so yelled at for writing these and at one point I had multiple anon hate comments on AO3 and people self-righteously condemning Those Haladriels on Twitter, which given it's G-rated fic about a baby which was all correctly tagged and not compulsory reading was I feel a bit of an overreaction.
As little might be thought, a followup to those with Celeborn talking to Elrond about fatherhood.
Weighed against our future, TROP. Haladriel 'missing scene on the road to Eregion' fic.
The turn of the tide, TROP, 4th-age Haladriel angst.
Though I sang in my chains like the sea, TROP, Haladriel, gapfiller for ep2 and their time on the raft.
And white winter, on its knees, TROP, little Haladriel 'what if she accepted the raft proposal' fic.
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emyn-arnens · 1 year
Eyyyyy, I forgot to tag you in the self rec meme, so I'm tagging you now! Hit me with your top five!
Thank you so much! It seems we're all cheating and doing six instead of five, so I'll do the same because I'm indecisive. :D Here are mine:
and I will love with urgency, but not with haste (T, Aegnor/Andreth, 3.1k): Aegnor and Andreth spend a summer evening in a glade near the shores of the Aeluin. I wrote this for the Gates of Summer event last year, and it holds a special place in my heart as one of the first Tolkien fics I posted.
As the Hare Flees Before the Wolf (T, Celegorm & Eöl, 1.8k): Eöl meets Celegorm while pursuing Aredhel and Maeglin, and things go very badly for him. This was one of my pieces for Tolkien Gen Week this year, and it was a fun exercise in writing from the POV of a non-sympathetic, definitely-in-the-wrong character.
Here at Journey’s End (G, Frodo & Legolas, 1.6k): Frodo and Legolas stay in Middle-earth for those they love. @dreamingthroughthenoise mentioned how little Frodo and Legolas’ relationship is focused on in the fandom, and it got my brain spinning and this was the result. This fic is also to blame for igniting my interest in Hobbit and Elf friendships, which culminated in my Periannath a Edhelrim series.
in the hills of dorthonion (G, Aegnor/Andreth, 4.1k): Aegnor and Andreth get to know each other in the woods and hills of Dorthonion. This is a Secret Santa fic I wrote covering their first meeting and the very beginning of their relationship, with a side of cultural exchange.
Over Seas of Starlight (G, Frodo & Gandalf, 3.7k): On the journey West, Frodo discovers Gandalf's true nature and learns of the country that will soon be his home. This is another fic I wrote for this year’s Tolkien Gen Week, and it holds a special place in my heart for the sheer amount of research that went into figuring out what Frodo might plausibly know about Gandalf’s nature.
West, West Away (G, Sam & Thranduil, 3.6k): Sam and Thranduil find unlikely kinship on the journey West. While not likely to have happened in canon, I’m very fond of the idea of Sam and Thranduil bonding over leaving beloved homes and their children to sail West and comforting each other through their loss.
I'm not sure who's been tagged yet, but I'll tag @dreamingthroughthenoise @hhimring @halfelven if you haven't done this yet and would like to.
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perotovar · 9 months
tagged by my beloved @iero thank you, love!! <3
Last song: "spellbound" by siouxsie and the banshees
Currently watching: nothing atm but i probably should start chipping away at my "to be watched" list lol
Three ships: thorin/bilbo (the hobbit), joel/tess (tlou), arthur/charles (rdr2)
Favorite color(s): dark green and maroon
Currently consuming: some homemade apple cider~
First ship: realistically? uhhh it was probably a band rpf and i don't like to think about it lmao
Relationship status: singleeee
Currently working on: now that my pero fic is done, i'll be working on ch7 of itbotn!
Last movie: uhhh maybe poltergeist? around halloween? lol
np tags: @kedsandtubesocks @sp00kymulderr @undercoverpena @chronically-ghosted @ezrasbirdie @beskarandblasters @swiftispunk and anyone else that wants to!
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laurinque · 2 years
Okay. I’m going to start 3 lists. A list of things we expect to see in The Rings of Power Season Two, a list of things I hope to see in Season Two, and some things we should see by the end of the series.
A. Things we can expect to see (some but not all of these have been mentioned in interviews with the show runners, writers, or actors):  1. Backstory for Adar and Sauron’s relationship 
 2. Círdan the shipwright (!!!) I’m guessing this involves Gil Galad
 3. Rhûn We know nothing about Rhûn so the creatives may go wild and create something amazing. I hope so! The wizard and Nori will go there. They may not like everything about it. (”To the East I go not.”)
 4. The death of someone named Durin. I won’t try to guess the number following his name.  5. Arondir not dying, please I beg of you. Will we see him again with Adar? Hopefully with Bronwyn
 6. Isildur and Berek and their adventures getting out of Mordor
 7. Celeborn (and Celebrían as I am reminded by @erinti-of-the-maiar )
B. Things I would love to see in Season Two, a wish list:   1. Revelations about Isildur’s mother   2. A revelation about Theo’s father   3. Anarion and what he’s doing and thinking about, and just more about the faithful of Númenor and the west of Númenor   4. Everything about Adar from his youth before he met Morgoth onward: his name, his age, his lineage, how he was turned from a young elf, possibly of high breeding, maybe even someone who saw the light of the Two Trees, to what he is now. Not every gory detail of course, just the gist of it. I want more Adar content. C. Things we should see by the end of the series in random order (we can all probably agree on most of these):   1. The making and distributing of the 7 dwarf rings and 9 human rings, including the turning of the Nazgûl. Kind of hoping Eärian won’t be one of them but I've already written off Kemen. (Theo?)  2. The Harfoots settling and starting the Shire. And as one brilliant person suggested, the wagon wheels becoming doors  3. Ar Pharazon becomes king, attacks Sauron in Middle Earth, Sauron surrenders. Sauron taken as prisoner to Númenor, chums up to Ar Pharazon and together they cut down and burn the White Tree and prepare an attack on the Undying Lands, yada yada yada then giant wave like in the palantir  4. Elendil and his sons escaping the destruction of Númenor and establishing cities in Middle Earth including Minas Tirith, eventually fighting Sauron in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, Sauron loses a finger, etc.  ;-)  Death of Gil Galad and Celebrimbor.  5. Somehow, the beginning of the Rohirrim? It seems unavoidable   6. Arrival to Middle Earth of more wizards. I’ll be angry if they do to Radagast my beloved what the Hobbit movies did to him.    7. (Wishful thinking) At least a glimpse of Bombadil   8. The story of the ghost army?   9. Dragons?  10. Galadriel establishing Lothlórien, Elrond establishing Rivendell. That’s enough to start. I’m sure I’ll think of more, especially for the wish list. Please join in if you want!
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What do you do when the rent needs to be paid, your body is riddled with nerve pain and the other bills piling up threaten to send you spiraling? You do what you are good at, of course, and hope folks like the result enough to pay you for it! Let's face it: the economic state of the world is in the absolute shitter and survival itself is a challenge these days if you are not born to the right family or the correct circumstances.
You seek escape through roleplaying, to become someone else for a while and sink into a world where anything is possible. You read fanfiction to seek solace in the relationships and hardships experienced by beloved characters from your favourite works of fiction. You might be someone trying to alleviate the dour cloud of existential dread in others through ASMR or roleplay videos.
I can attest to the efficacy of every method- only sometimes, you can't find anything that scratches a particular itch. Your rare-pair has an empty tag filled with cobwebs and tumbleweeds. You struggle to get the lines in your script to sound natural and compelling.
This is where I come in. My name is Froggie, and I want to translate the ideas you have in your mind into words for you.
Why you should commission me: -I am a queer, neurodiverse, disabled gremlin
-I offer affordable pricing
-You can help me pay for my groceries (please god, I just want to eat)
-I like when I can create something rad for someone
-Work that requires physical labour is difficult for me to reliably do at this time as I am very early in treatment. Fibromyalgia sucks, dude, but I'm always looking ahead.
-I won't steal your firstborn child and replace it with a pinecone with googly eyes hot-glued on. Probably.
I have been writing ever since I could hold a pen (then later on, type on a keyboard) and possess a deep passion for story telling. Let me help you bring your ideas to life!
What I can write for you: -Your D&D character's backstory
-An original roleplay character's backstory
-D&D NPC creation for Dungeon Masters
-Help world build, create settings and plan a story for a homebrew D&D campaign
-Self-insert fanction
-'Your name here' fanfiction
-NSFW fanfiction (I will require proof that you are 18+ for this please!)
-Drabble collections (usually following prompts)
-One-shot fanfiction
-Fandom and original themed poetry
-ASMR Roleplay and comic scripts
-Original short stories
My writing strengths are: -Detailed settings
-Compelling dialogue
-Romantic tension
-Natural sounding script dialogues
-Vivid use of language
-Appropriate use of metaphor and themed imagery
I am knowledgeable in the following fandoms:
-Final Fantasy FFXIV
-Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel
-Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit (both original book and the Peter Jackson movie adaptations)
-The Legend of Zelda (nearly any game in the series)
-Stardew Valley
-Baldur's Gate 3
-Dungeons & Dragons/ Forgotten Realms
If you don't see one here but want to request something, please let me know! Even if I am unfamiliar with said fandom, I am willing to research so I can write your favourite characters right!
All requests are to be private messaged to me so we can sort out the particulars. I want to make sure I know what you are looking for and that my writing reflects that. If we move ahead with an order, I will provide you with some questions regarding your preferences!
I charge $1 USD per 100 words. Any orders that exceed 3k words I will request half the payment upfront. Any word overages will be rounded down in price (i.e. 530 words is still $5 USD).
I also offer personalized animal doodles for $5 USD! There is an example of my work on my ko-fi page.
I accept payment via Paypal and Ko-fi!
You can find an example of my writing here!
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