randimason · 1 year
In response to a questionnaire fielded by the Coalition for Independent Technology Research, public interest researchers listed over 250 projects that would be jeopardized by ending free and low-cost API access, including research into the spread of harmful content, (dis)information flows, crisis informatics, news consumption, public health, elections, and political behavior. Under the new pricing plans, studying the communications and interactions of even a small population—such as the 535 Members of the U.S. Congress or the 705 Members of the European Parliament—will be unfeasible. The new pricing plans will also end at least 76 long-term efforts, including dashboards, tools, or code packages that support other researchers, journalists, first-responders, educators, and Twitter users.
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Take this random Moso Monmon ^u^
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hellbatschilt · 1 year
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Liked these better without colour lol Anyways I'm thinking about my favourite guys again
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oh-meow-swirls · 5 months
y'know all of 3's bosses are great but ngl hailey's stand out a lot more than nate's. i mean her story is the one where you literally fight a FUCKING KAIJU IN A YO-GUNDAM-
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hemorrhoidbabe69 · 1 year
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Hiding in the shitter to avoid family dinner selfies
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wobblewokgaming · 2 years
Yo-kai Watch Incorrect Quotes, part 1
Mary-Lou: I'm gonna get myself some soup.
Nate: Be careful not to burn yourself, it's hot.
Mary-Lou: Pfft, I-I won't burn myself!
*thirty seconds later*
Mary-Lou: I burned myself.
Buck, confused and scared, holding Hailey close to him: W-Watcha got there...?
Nate, petting an ostrich: A smoothie.
Justin: I think this might be a bad idea...
Wyatt: Don't start thinkin' on me now!
Justin, nervous: So uh, for this party and everything, do you, uh...
Sue-Ellen, sighing: You don't know how to dress for this, do you?
Justin, panicking: WHAT IS CLOTHES???
Nate, sniffing: Calm down, I'm probably not sick. It might just be allergies.
Sue-Ellen: Okay, tell me this: are you, like, really tired?
Nate: I have depression, what do you think?
Nate, after challenging the Zenlightener and loosing for the 50th time: I CAN'T DO IT, HAILEY!
Nate: I appreciate it.
Nate, gesturing to Zenlightener, who looks confused and scared: BUT LOOK AT WHAT WE'RE FUCKING DEALING WITH, GUYS!
Hailey, barely containing her laughter: Nate-
Buck, failing to hold his laughter in as well: Nate, w-we gotta-
Nate: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY "what am I willing to put up with today"?
Nate, feral and foaming at the mouth, ferociously pointing at a horrified Zenlightener as Hailey and Buck look on dumbfounded while laughing: NOT FUCKING THIS!
Hailey: We're kinda missing something, guys.
Wyatt: Cohesion?
Sue-Ellen: Teamwork?
Mary-Lou: A general sense of what we're doing?
Buck: And Nate ain't here.
Wyatt: Oh, and that, yeah.
Nate, to the BBQ Squad: I'd die for you.
Wyatt: Then perish.
Justin: You will.
Mary-Lou: P-please don't!
Buck: Cool!
Sue-Ellen: I'd die for you first.
Hailey, getting shot by Jessica during Laser Tag: I have been tricked, I have been backstabbed, and I might've quite possibly been bamboozled.
Nate: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Hailey: I'm a knife.
Buck, from across the room: She's the little spoon.
Mary-Lou and Sue-Ellen: We're this close to falling in love with Nate.
Buck: Y-your fingertips are touching.
Mary-Lou and Sue-Ellen: Exactly.
Buck: Why's everyone so obsessed with top and bottom? Honestly, I'd just be excited to have a bunk bed!
Hailey, with a shit-eating grin: I'm gonna tell him.
Nate, smacking her upside the head: Don't you dare.
Zenlightener, cowering in fear: WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!
Nate, Buck and Hailey standing in front of Zenlightener: *bites into their whole Kit-Kat Bars like a group of heathens with shit-eating grins on their faces*
Zenlightener, with tears in his eyes: Please, stop!
Buck, to Sue-Ellen, gesturing to Whisper: How do you tell someone politely that you want to hit them with a brick?
Police Officer, cuffing Dorothy: You have the right to remain silent.
Dorothy: I choose to waive that right.
Dorothy: *screams like a fucking banshee*
Nate, to Whisper: My expectations are low, but they can go lower.
Buck, pointing at a wall: What color is this?
Dorothy: Gray.
Nate: Grey.
Buck turning to Hailey: Now tell them what color you think it is.
Hailey: Dark white.
Little Charrmer: Listen up, you little shits!
Little Charrmer, looking at Nate: Not you Nate, you're an angel and we're thrilled you're here.
Jawsome Kid, Dr. E. Raser and Nate: *screaming incoherently*
Little Charrmer, busting the door down: What's wrong, Nate?!
Dr. E. Raser: Wait, why are you asking Nate that when when Jawsome Kid and I are also here?
Agent Spect-Hare, peeking out from the broken door frame: Because Nate wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you get the chance.
Computer: Please enter a password.
Jawsome Kid: *types in Nate*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Jawsome Kid: How fucking DARE YOU-
Ghoulfather: What're you writin'?
Nate: The Government wants to know what kind of weapons we have in the house. I'm not letting them know, it's private information!
Hoaxy Coaxy, looking over Nate's shoulder: This just says "fuck around and find out" in calligraphy.
Little Charrmer: I wasn't that drunk!
Nate: You colored my face with a highlighter because you said "I was important".
Little Charrmer, hugging Nate while crying: BECAUSE YOU ARE!
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 5 months
(Look away)(So with all the hoaxy revelations of late are we getting to the point where it might turn out that DBATC was inspired by a movie that perhaps resonated with Taylor for… reasons? 🫣)(I’m still taking her at her word until she says otherwise but man today was a day on the dash lol)
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If technically you created Slackerjack and Hoaxy Coaxy.. does that mean they're like your kids?
Well I the Ghoulfather considered them henchmen BUT technically I guess
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hoaxk · 8 months
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HOAX is a three members band / group that began self-releasing short comedy songs in english and korean on Youtube under the online alias SEXY HOAXY in 2014; the name inspired by "all of the sexy hoaxes people on the internet believe in".[1]
Although, initially starting their career secretly under artistic aliases and blurred faces, subsequent growth of their online presence compelled them to disclose their activity to their family and friends and the members eventually revealed their appearances to their fans.
By early 2016, the group has shifted their lyrics to confessional, emotionally transparent with political undertones, helping their online presence to become significant , but also label them as "controversial". As a result, they had a hard time finding a record label that would represent them.[2]
Switching tactics, the group changed their name to HOAX and self-composed, produced and independendly released their debut extended play THE VANISHING OF JOE on Spotify july 18th 2017[3], relishing in the steadily growing popularity.
It wasn't until the release of their single WHAT HAPPENED TO J(H)OE three months later that their music went fully viral resulting in being offered a deal with a global recording business M4Ethat allowed them to retain ownership and control of their music and image. [4] Capitalizing on their sudden popularity, the band released their second and third EPs J(h)oe in a grave followed by Live J(h)oe in 2018 and 2019 respectively.[5]
All of three members have come under fire for their "not-celebrity-like behavior" and the many rumors surrounding them.[6] Their reaction was to create a reality / documentary series HOAX IS GOOD (later renamed HOAX PAYS TAX 2)to give insight into their personal unhinged, drama-filled lives in 2020.[7]
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ʚїɞ ˖ › ▹...MEMBERS !
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ʚїɞ ˖ › ▹ kim "charlie" daeho ( 1998 ). ... tba. ʚїɞ ˖ › ▹meijer "juul" jasmine ( 1998 ). ... tba. ʚїɞ ˖ › ▹ kwan harin ( 1997 ). ... tba.
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crashingmeteor3 · 1 year
Yo-kai Watch 3 tierlist (Help)
So remember when I said I might do a ykw 3 tierlist depending on how well people like the ykw 2 tierlist?
that was a lie. I got bored and did it anyway. Yippee! This took an unsurprisingly long time, and made me realise just how many yo-kai the third game tossed at us.
*Cracks Wrists* Oh boy here we go. Forgive if I get names wrong it is like 9pm when I'm writing this.
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As usual, we have the favourites tier, the blorbos I wouldn't be mad if they knocked on my doorbo. Except I'd be very cornfused, or scared.
Some yo-kai I like because of their designs, like Alpina, Benazaiten, Bubble Beth, Her Egglency, Legsit, Lil' Blue Bathing Hood, Sighdurr and Skillskull. Very cool dudes and dudettes. I haven't used any of them I don't think but yeah.
And then we have the yo-kai I like because of the games, or anime, Agent X/EXecutor, Cue-tee, Demandi, Double Time, Dr Nocturne, Gorgeous Ambassador, Hoaxy Coaxy, Intune, KJ, Mee2, No-Bot/Yopple Bot, Slackajack, Specthare, Treeter, Unbearaboy, Usapyon and Whisper.
So yeah most of the yo-kai. But can you blame me? Probably, but oh well.
And the other yo-kai like Ballin, Chicken Chukket and Originyan I like because m e m e.
Also I really thought Slackajack was going to better himself after I beat him up for kidnapping kids, but he didn't, shame on you. I was hoping for a redemption arc. Hailey's TED talk didn't work as well as I hoped.
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I like most of these guys because they're cool! Or because of in the game.
So this is the great tier, but also the cool designs tier, because while I don't remember some of their names, they're cool enough to be memorable for me.
Exceptions are Injournalist, Ghoulfather, Rongo Swirl, Little Charming, Silver Lining, Lionguist, Rocky Badboya, Princess Pearl and Beddy Byes, who I liked because of the game.
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This is the Good Tier! Yo-kai who are good enough to not be in neutral, but not good enough to be higher.
Nothing to say about anyone, but I'd probably move Zomboy up to Great now after doing his quest. I was tempted to put Sighborg in Neutral because he just will not befriend me and it makes me mad but I decided not to.
Fuu 2 would've been in great but the quests made me cringe. Kind of.
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And then we have everyone else, well, not everyone, but a vast majority of the yoke guys. I'd consider being in here a good thing. You're fine, you passed the vibe check.
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Don't mind the blacked out spot, I put a yo-kai there I didn't mean to, don't remember what yo-kai but that guy would be in neutral probably.
As usual, nothing wrong with these guys, there's just something off I can't put my finger on.
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Okay, I'm all about yo-kai being wacky and weird because that's the point. But Shedwin takes this too far. This man is just a hairball constantly scratching himself and getting dandruff all over my hardwood floors! His face makes me uncomfortable. He looks like the type of guy to give you a candy but it's not candy its his own dandruff, gross. And this is coming from someone with greasy dandruff hair.
I'm sorry Shedwin, but stay five miles away from me at all times.
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This is self explainatory, I don't know any of these dudes.
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coldasyou · 5 months
all the best for the interview!! sending you hoaxy vibes (like good vibes! yes ik it is a sad song but it has been lucky to me :)
and thank you I appreciate it :)
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HELLOOOOO so I'm trying to watch more of Yokai Watch 3 and I think the ghoulfamily is so neat....best part? No ones a nightmare to draw!! For the most part ajckeoofor
That is to say, here's some fanart stuffs :) (click for full picture shciekd)
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First I'll get all my Rongo Swirll stuff outta the way bc....he.....btw since im out there's more stuff I haven't taken pictures of but I'll wait till tomorrow to post those! Or later today if I'm feeling it lol
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I have yet to draw dragón (I forget his name ajcoke) bc I don't know anything about his personality or anything....I'm pretty early in the playthrough I'm watching and doing lol. That's all for now!!
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teeteepeedee · 5 months
have a hoaxy day!
this feels very ominous actually hdjsjdjf
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corneliaavenue · 5 months
everything is going to be so hoaxy soon!
good, lets give hoax the attention it deserves!
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oh-meow-swirls · 2 years
3's good at wasting opportunities tbh. why do blunder n folly exist-
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un-welcome · 1 year
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(anything with a star next to it is a link! This means the post has been done!)
Chairman McKraken ⭐️
Dr Maddiman
Dame Dedtime/Dame Demona
The Fogy Siblings (Kin, Gin, and Dou/Bronzlow)
The Wicked Elites
The Ghoulfather/Don Spiracy
Agent X
Rongo Swirll
Hoaxy Coaxy
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