#hms north star
maridemira · 9 days
Thomas Morgan: What Happened to Him?
Welcome or welcome back to a Beechey post. In this essay, we'll take a look at Thomas Morgan and what happened to him. He was a sailor in a rescue mission sent to find Franklin and his crew and was famously buried in Beechey Island becoming the fourth grave of the island. But what do we know about him exactly? Stick around as we dive deep into this mysterious somewhat forgotten man.
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We know very little of Thomas Morgan, but according to a post here, Morgan was 33 years old when he died. This information can immediately tell his estimated birth year which can be dated to around 1820 to 1821. He was reportedly a sailor since he was 6 years old for reasons unknown. He doesn't appear in records again until much later in life when he became a crew member of the HMS Investigator which accompanied the HMS Enterprise. This ship was abandoned in 1853 after it was beset in ice. After a period of being abandoned, the ship sunk at an unknown date but it was still upright in 1854, reportedly.
The crew of HMS Investigator were rescued by the HMS Resolute and were brought aboard the North Star after the HMS Resolute became beset. It was here that the more trouble began for Thomas Morgan. In the post I mentioned, according to the ship's doctor Alexander Armstrong, who provided an unofficial yet detailed account of what happened during those 4 years, Morgan had a tumor removed in 1852 and spent more than 110 days in medical observation. He was reportedly very weak that he had to be carried in a makeshift cot on a dog sledge. On May 22, 1854, he died at the age of 33 and was buried on Beechey Island 4 days later. He was never disinterred nor his coffin was opened.
Now, much of this came from the post mentioned above but I did read and skim through Dr. Armstrong's account and he did state that Morgan died after a long illness, so it goes in line with how long he has been ill for. So based on what we know, let's try to make a timeline for Morgan:
1820: Possible earliest birth year, most likely late 1820.
1821: Possible latest birth year, most likely early 1821.
1826-1827: Employed as a sailor at the age of 6.
1848: Set sail to find Franklin and his men
1854: Death and burial at the age of 33.
Please note this timeline may have some errors
This timeline may be very short but it does give some insight into his life before the failed rescue attempts. And as a thanks for the information, I will tag @petoskeystones and hopefully you found this post interesting.
Sources: Alexander Armstrong's unofficial narrative, the post.
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northstarscowboyhat · 8 months
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Cool down doodle from last night. I think the greatest tragedy with older!Clover is they probably grow to about 6'1. But because their family is mostly giant monsters, they assume they're short.
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grechsblog · 27 days
got mirabelle to 47 lvl and now can unfreeze friends
thank GOD
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inuyashaluver · 8 months
can you please do one where less and reader is dating but some rumour came out ( like reader is cheating) or something because reader is seen with someone else quite a lot and they just have a argument but it turns out that reader is just planning to propose to less? Ur fics are the BESTTT
i can’t believe you - alessia russo
alessia russo x reader
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description: in which your special surprise for your girlfriend gets spoilt by cheating rumours
warnings: angsty, mentions of cheating, multiple tears shed, miscommunication but happy happy ending
a/n: ahhh! this was so 🤍, thank you so much for the love, baby!!, i hope you enjoyyy ❤️ no joke, i teared up while writing this because i felt bad
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you and your girlfriend, alessia knew each other better than you knew yourselves. you knew each other majority of your lives when you played for the same youth clubs.
you followed each other everywhere. whatever alessia did, you did, whatever you did, alessia did. it was simple.
you were two peas in a pod and that’s how you liked it, after your years of friendship, you both began dating when you studied in north carolina. she loved to tease you that you only made a move because she wore the captain’s armband, you would not confirm nor deny.
when you both came back from college and signed with manchester united, people saw the true alessia and (y/n) that were obsessed with each other.
it was a random day when you both went to training, hand in hand with cheesy smiles as you enter the change room that had numerous groans of teasing echoing in the room.
you both find it really hard to be apart from each other but alessia genuinely thought the world would end if you weren’t holding her hand. your cubbies are directly next to each other but she drags you to squeeze in hers.
if you get up to move, she’ll pout at you until you kiss her to make her feel better. you know her little tricks but you’re not complaining.
you stand up from her cubby after lacing your boots, squeezing her thigh before you get up, “where are you going?” she protests immediately, rushing to grab your hand to stop your movements.
“to the bathroom, baby, i’ll be two seconds” you giggle affectionately, kissing the crown of her head before making your way to the bathroom. her eyes watch you intently as you walk out of the room before ella plops down next to her and puts her in a choke hold.
“can’t survive without your little girlfriend, huh, less?” she teases, alessia grumbles and pushes her off, “fuck off, yes i can” she scoffs with a roll of her eyes. ella’s smirk turns into bright laughter when alessia’s face visibly brightens when you come back.
alessia glares at her until you come to stand in between her legs. she immediately wraps her arms around the back of your thighs while her head rests on her stomach. you smile as she leans into you as you play with the ends of her ponytail.
“why is my girlfriend pissed, tooney wooney?” you tease, giggling when alessia pulls you closer, almost making you fall on top of her.
“i just said she couldn’t live without you” she shrugs, alessia rests her chin on your stomach to look up at you. “baby, tell her i can!” she pouts, you smile amusingly at her and nod with a coo, “you can, lessi” she smiles satisfied and buries her face into your jersey, missing how you winked at ella.
you don’t blame your girlfriend though, you’re always together, it was the normal for both of you. ella masks her laugh and winks back at you before moving off so you could sit in your regular spot next to your girlfriend.
she immediately kicks her legs into your lap, you pull her closer while you smile sweetly at her. she puckers her lips at you and you close the gap without any second thought, kissing her gently a couple of times before pulling away and hyping her up for training.
“come on, star girl, training!” you tap her legs and she groans, shaking her head. “no, babe” she challenges, you smile at her, “hm, yes, babe” you tease her with a grin. she narrows her eyes at you for a second and rolls them when you cock your head at her.
“fine” she huffs, placing two hands on your hips to pull you into another kiss, one of her hands moves to the back of your head to deepen it and you have to push her away with quite a lot of strength to separate. “lessi” you warn, she squeezes your hips in response, you lean closer to her so her lips ghost yours, “training” you whisper, pecking them quickly and leaving her a flustered mess.
you pair up for training and giggle with each other, your bright smiles contagious for everyone on the team.
when you and alessia moved to arsenal, things couldn’t have been better. you both fit in like you’d been there all along. you and alessia moved to a new house and everything was just perfect. you two were extremely happy, so happy that you had a special plan up your sleeve.
it was extremely hard to keep it a secret but you were finally ready to propose to alessia. you’d bought the ring years ago, literally when you came back from college but the times didn’t feel right.
but everything recently had just been falling into place, you just needed the perfect plan, and who else would you employ other than leah williamson to help you out?
you and alessia were extremely close with leah, having known each other for years. you wanted to ask lotte but you and her collectively agreed that alessia would catch on quickly.
and so you started the planning with leah.
“baby, i’m just going to leah’s to help her with something around the house” you rush out after you both get home from training. she looks up at you confusingly as she sits on the couch, you always cuddle and watch something when you got home.
“what does she need help with?” alessia questions, watching you scramble to get things together. “just a flat pack or something, baby” you say randomly, her eyebrows furrow but she chooses not to question it. “oh okay” she says quite sadly and you feel bad, instantly.
“i’ll be back soon, love, i’ll get takeout for dinner and we can cuddle when i get back” you suggest, smiling when your girlfriend’s expression softens. “okay” she smiles, nodding at you, you lean down from the back of the couch and kiss her gently, pulling away with multiple pecks to her cheek making her giggle and squirm.
“i love you” you whisper in her ear, “i love you too” she whispers back, you grin at her again and kiss her quickly once more before rushing out the door.
over the span of two weeks, alessia was left at home for most of them. she trusted you with every bone in her body but things were popping up in the media that she couldn't help but look at them. pictures were popping up of you and leah in town, shopping, hanging out and people were questioning your loyalty.
alessia knew you wouldn’t cheat on her, she knew how much you love her but she’s only human, maybe the photos didn’t look friendly, you were hanging out with leah a lot, you were leaving her at home to be with leah. thoughts were lingering and she couldn’t help it.
the reality was that you and leah were perfecting the little details for your proposal. the plan was simple: you would take out alessia to dinner at her favourite restaurant, getting her flowers and chocolate.
after that, you would take her to the beach where you have an elaborate set up waiting for her. a large heart made out of rose petals with candles lighting up the sand. a photographer would be hiding and you would propose.
then, you’d take her back home, all your nearest and dearests waiting for the two of you. photos would be plastered of the two of you all over the place, it was alessia dream proposal, you knew she would love it.
you’d come back one night after being at leah’s all day basically, you were proposing tomorrow. alessia went to get dinner with lotte, which ended up being cut short by the blonde crying in lotte’s arms asking why you didn’t want her anymore. (you didn’t know this)
“baby?” you sing out excitedly, your eyebrows furrow at the human golden retriever not bounding over to you like she always does. you rush and get your jacket and shoes off, moving closer into the house to try and find your special girl.
it was when you entered the dimly lit living room that you heard the soft sniffles coming from a bundle of blankets that you felt your heart shatter into pieces.
“lessi?” you ask softly, moving the blanket off her to see her tear stained cheeks and red nose.
she cries more when she sees you, “don’t, ‘lessi’ me, i can’t believe you” she cries, harshly wiping the tears off her cheeks. you sit down next to her instantly, “hey, what’s wrong?” you place a hand on her thigh and she tenses, you pull back instantly with a pained expression.
“you” she sobs, her body is wracking with tears and you don’t know what to do. “baby, what did i do? talk to me” you plead, your own eyes are filling with tears at seeing alessia sob, in all your years of dating, she’s never cried this hard.
“you don’t want me anymore” she chokes out, “you want leah” the tears are falling at a frantic rate and she’s rubbing them so harshly with the sleeves of her (your) hoodie.
“what?” you exclaim loudly, “what are you talking about?” you grab both of her hands and wipe her tears off her cheeks, much more gently than she was previously doing.
“you’re never home! if you don’t want to be with me anymore fucking break up with me, say it to my face!” she sobs, you pull her to your chest and she thumps her fist on it.
“i don’t want to break up with you, alessia, please-” you start but she hits you again, it’s not enough to hurt you physically but it’s doing wonders emotionally. each one felt like a stab to the chest.
“why are you always with leah, why don’t you want me anymore?” she cries, leaning into you slightly as you hold her to you tightly. “fuck, alessia, no, baby, me and leah are just planning something, please, it means nothing” you assure, she shakes her head. another hit.
“but it does mean something, you’re not here, i’m alone every night, my fucking phone is blowing up and it’s driving me insane.” her tears are soaking your shirt but you don’t care.
“alessia, look at me” you say sternly, she swallows the lump in her throat and looks up at you through her wet lashes, she sniffles when you make eye contact.
“alessia, i love you, i love you more than anyone in this world, leah is a friend, our friend and that’s all she is. you’re my person, i love you” you choke out, tears were falling down your own cheeks now and alessia instinctively wiped them.
“you know what? fuck it!” you get out of the embrace and sprint to your bedroom, throwing it apart to get the ring you’ve been hiding for years. you stumble as you run back to her on the couch and look at her breathlessly, ring in hand behind your back.
“leah has been helping me in planning something very special for you” she sniffs as she looks at you, listening to you intently.
“i had this big, fucking, elaborate plan but it’ll have to wait for tomorrow, i don’t care, i’m doing this now” you quickly wipe a tear before getting down on one knee. alessia gasps loudly and covers her mouth with her hands, she’s sobbing all over again.
“alessia mia teresa russo” you choke out, taking a deep breath before taking the ring out from behind your back, alessia’s eyes widen when she sees the ring, sobbing uncontrollably.
“my pretty girl, my favourite person in the whole world. the first time i met you when we were 10, i told my family that i was going to marry you and i kept my promise” you swallow, she looks at you trying your best keep her composure, each word clinging to her ear as you spoke.
“my alessia, you’re kind, smart, beautiful and the sweetest person alive and that’s only some of the things i love about you.” you take a deep breath, tears were falling fast and hard for both of you.
“i love the way you can’t sleep without me scratching your back, the way your nose crinkles when you laugh, the way you drag me along to all your nail appointments to make me get matching nails with you”
you both let out a wet laugh, alessia looks at you with sweetest expression, her eyes were filled with love, but nothing compared to the way you were looking at her right now, she takes a mental photograph of it to replay it forever.
“you’re my best friend, my person, i couldn’t imagine a life without you, and so, i’m asking you to be my best friend forever, will you marry me?” you ask nervously, alessia lets out a sob and nods, pulling you into a bone crushing hug while kneeling on the floor with you. her face buries itself in your neck as you both cry, clutching onto each other for dear life.
“i love you, i love you so much” you coos, running a hand through her hair while her arms grip you tightly. “i love you” she breathes out, moving back to look at you. “my future wife” you breathe out in slight disbelief, her heart jolts. “my future wife” she parrots under her breath, her eyes tracing all over your face before you pull her into a passionate kiss.
it’s frantic and needy but soft and loving all at the same time. you’re moving completely in sync and she hums against you in relief. she pulls away to rest her forehead on yours, “i’m so sorry for everything” she sniffs, choking back her tears as you look at each other. “don’t be sorry, baby, it’s okay” you coo, moving a stray piece of hair from her forehead.
“fucking media bullshit” she grits out, you laugh affectionately and peck her lips a couple times, she smiles into you, “fucking media bullshit” you say in agreement, looking at her with a cheeky smile.
“can i put the ring on you, beautiful?” you grin as she nods instantly, “yes please” you take it out from the box and slip it in her finger, a complete, utter perfect fit. her breath hitches when she sees it on her finger, looking up at you then back at the ring and back at you again.
she surges forward to kiss you again, “i love you” she mumbles against your lips, you smile into her, “i love you too” you grin, kissing her deeply as you pull her to sit on the couch. after a whole lot of kissing and talking, you and alessia cuddle, she lays on top of your chest as you run your hands on her back under her hoodie.
“can we still do the proposal you planned?” alessia looks up at you from your chest, “but you have the ring already, baby” you chuckle, pinching her cheek affectionately.
“but you worked so hard on it, i feel awful” she admits, pressing a gentle kiss to your sternum. “i’ll still do what i planned and you can wear the ring, lessi” you smile, “you don’t need to feel bad at all, i can’t even imagine how you felt, i'm sorry i wasn't there for you” you look sad and alessia scrambles to straddle your waist.
“no, we’re not going to be sad, we’re forgetting all of this and being happy alessia and (y/n) who are now engaged” she says sternly, you smile up at her affectionately while running your hands over her thighs. “okay, baby” you coo, smiling when she leans down to kiss you.
you do your original proposal as planned and alessia and you share tears at every location. it was so special for the two of you and you were so appreciative of each other. ‘in love’ was an understatement.
when you get back to your house to all your guests, alessia looks at you like you hung all the stars in the sky. you do an emotional speech about alessia before thanking everyone for coming, she cries again when you never take your eyes off her as you spoke about her so affectionately.
you do your rounds together gaining congratulations and as soon as she sees leah she sprints to her. she pulls her in a tight hug and apologises profusely, leah’s eyebrows knit together in worry and confusion as she hugs your now fiancé, looking at you for any answer and you wink in response.
alessia then grabs your hand, dragging you off to look at all the photos around the room, smiling and laughing at old memories.
so no, your proposal didn’t happen the exact way you wanted but you got your girl in the end. it was definitely a story for the books. you love each other dearly and it shows.
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liked by leahwilliamsonn and 44,232 others
alessiarusso99: my best friend, cheers to forever 🥂🍾 i love you x
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yourname: my beautiful girl, i love you so much
↳ alessiarusso99: i love you, baby
leahwilliamsonn: my babies are all grown up
↳ alessiarusso99: i’m so sorry, i love you
↳ leahwilliamsonn: why do you keep saying sorry
↳ yourname: long story
ellatoone: told you! i knew you couldn’t live without her, cheers to my sisters 🥂
↳ yourname: tooney wooney!! sister forever 🥂
↳ alessiarusso99: i won’t even lie, it’s true
↳ ellatoone: sappppppp
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unformula1 · 5 months
Lando proposing to you with “bless the broken roads”
bless the broken roads (LN4 x gn!Reader)
lando and you don’t think you’ll find someone. liar. w/c: 1237 masterlist(read more) a/n: I tried my best lol. I'm sorry if this isn’t what you wanted. Please correct me if you wanted something else!! TW: one use of y/n
There was a running joke between Lando’s friends. “Lando will never find true love.” 
After years of being single or chasing someone to no avail, Lando’s almost beginning to accept his curse. However, as much as he joked about it, he really wanted someone. He needed someone.
It was a death cycle. Lando would find someone, they’d lead him on, then down bad Lando would take over, then he’d take his chance and fail. Then after all that work, he would be pushed back onto his broken road.
He was beginning to accept that he was really never going to find someone.
But he never gave up. He kept searching.
You don’t know how long it was since you felt someone loved you romantically. You missed that feeling. Spending forever just finding someone who would love you back and then getting absolutely no fruit was tiring, it was exhausting.
You know when you finally find someone, you’d give them the world and shower them with all the love you had in you. You constantly tell yourself how there’s one grand plan for you to find the one person you’ve been longing for and all you have to do is wait.
Waiting for years isn’t easy. 
You’re losing hope, walking along a broken road.
Lando and you met some time ago, but you two hit it off almost instantly. Both of you were made for each other, the chemistry was through the roof.
Lando never failed to make you laugh. Even on your darkest days Lando was like a beacon of light, a bundle of sunshine. He smiled a lot, which you admired whenever you could.
You never failed to make Lando feel appreciated, which Lando would never admit no matter what, but deep down you knew Lando loved that. You made time for Lando, and you stayed with him come hell or high water.
Life wasn’t easy for you. There were countless nights where you cried in his arms, you cried your eyes out with him, and you felt safe. You felt safe with Lando. There were sleepless nights where everything just got too much and right next to you was Lando, holding your hand, and that was all you needed. You felt safe with Lando. 
Life wasn’t easy for Lando either. Sometimes his busy life got a little too hectic and chaotic, he’d come find you. Lando felt protected by you, although he’d never say. Sometimes people got too far and everything felt like a crumbling mess, he’d come find you. Lando felt protected. He wanted to be next to you, whenever, wherever you were.
Then one day, everything fell together, sort of. Lando asked you to be his “other half”. Long story short, you said yes and kissed him in the sunset.
It had become a common occurrence for you and Lando to lie down on empty grass fields or the rooftops and look up into the skies, to talk about your lives.
You open the door to the rooftop. Lando doesn’t usually do these a night before the race. A cold blast of wind blows against you as you walk out. Lando is just standing there, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets, as he looks out into the city.
You walk over to Lando and slide your hand around his waist and he giggles as you do so.
“I like the sky tonight.” You say and Lando hums an approving ‘hm’.
“I like it too. Starry night.” Lando replies, shifting on the spot slightly.
“You know in the wilderness, people would use stars to guide them.” You say, pointing at some random stars.
Lando hums.
“Especially the North Star, because it lies above Earth’s North. So they used it to guide them.” You smile while saying it.
“Everyone else before you was like a North Star.” Lando speaks.
You turn to Lando, cocking up an eyebrow.
“They guided me to find you.” Lando clears his throat, smiling widely as he looks up into the sky while speaking.
“You’re adorable.” You reply which earns you an honest chuckle from Lando.
You shift closer to Lando and he does so too. Both of you stand next to each other, bodies touching. His warm hands slide out of his pockets and around your shoulder, it makes you feel comfortable despite the cold winds blowing against you.
“I used to dream of days like these.” Lando admits, his voice is soft and just for you to hear, “Never thought they’d come true.”
“I did too.” You chuckle.
“I thought they were lost dreams.” Lando continues, “But yet here you are.”
“Yea…” You take a deep breath, “Here we are… you’re the love of my life.”
Lando shifts even closer to you, pulling you into his embrace. The hug is tight and it lasts for a while, you hear Lando’s soft sobbing which he usually doesn’t do publicly.
“Are you okay?” You ask, voice laced with concern.
Lando takes a deep breath, clearing his throat, “There have been many people I’ve tried to love before you.”
You nod.
“None of them have been as good as you. I never thought I’d meet someone who understood me, but you came.” Lando takes another deep breath, “I honestly never thought there’d be someone for me…”
“Neither did I, honestly.” You chuckle as you place your hands on Lando’s shoulder.
“When I asked you to be the love of my life, I didn’t think you’d say yes.” Lando shuffles his feet and sniffles a little, “But you did and I could not be more grateful.”
You smile at Lando and he smiles a little too.
“My entire life has been like a broken road, filled with pitfalls and traps, loss and despair. All my life I’ve wanted to just be for someone, and now I have.” Lando takes a step back.
He reaches into his pocket before getting down on one knee. The backdrop of car honking and people chattering suddenly fades into silence and the stars shine brighter than ever. All the lights shine at him and you two are in the spotlight.
“I never want to live without you again. Will you marry me?”
The world around you freezes, all you see is Lando, on one knee, holding a ring in his hand, his eyes filled with tears. 
“Yes.” You say softly.
“YES!” You repeat but louder, and admittedly, more cheerfully.
He slides the ring onto your ring finger and gets up. You take no time to rush into him, your arms swinging around him and pulling him in. 
“I’ll make you the happiest person ever, I promise, all those years of finding love, I’ll give it to you and only you.” Lando says as he lifts you off the ground, planting a kiss on your lips.
It feels like forever on the rooftop before both of you walk back down to Lando’s room, holding each other’s hands.
It was nothing special, just both of you on a silent rooftop. To you, it was everything. Every single attempt to find someone who would love you back, every lost road that both of you set on, every heartbreak you two went through, all culminating in that few seconds.
You loved Lando. Lando loved you.
Both of your broken roads, leading right into each other’s.
Bless the broken roads that let both of you to each other’s arms.
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dawn-dream-crusader · 11 months
DMC boys hedacanons - Sleeping positions
Due to his non-caring attitude about himself, he dozes off right on his chair most of the time. Legs on table, hands hanging down, a magazine on face instead of a sleep mask. Just how he likes it and just how Morrison usually finds him.
When on couch, he sleeps like a little child, really. It's that one position, when hands are under pillow (even though Dante's is flat like a pancake), legs pressed to chest. He seems to relax more than ever while sleeping like this. Gives him memories.
And when you're with him, he would hug you with one of his arms and pull you closer, so your head lays on his chest, so you could hear his heartbeat, how far he's ready to go for you. Dante remembers a similar picture from his magazine, and chuckles slightly, throwing your arm over his body. These pictures lack sensuality. He pats your head and takes your hand just to plant a little kiss on your palm. You mean more to him than any photo could ever convey.
"Hm? What's it, strawberry? Nothing? Then sleep again. I don't want you to knock out on our tomorrow date."
Before meeting up with Dante again, Vergil used to curl up in a ball on ground or a tree to keep himself warm, wrap in his coat, press Yamato to his chest, getting ready for a battle with any entity that would come by. He would wake up from the littlest sound, swinging his sword and accidentally cutting down a tree. There was no rest for him.
After reconnecting with his humanity, Vergil sleeps on a firm bed that Dante bought for him, in his room in Devil May Cry. Now, that he feels a bit safer, he naps, throwing his limbs all apart, still pressing Yamato to his chest, in a grip of disturbing thoughts still covering himself with his coat.
With your help, he slowly becomes more comfortable with not having his katana right next to him. Vergil lays Yamato on ground and finally gives in to his urges: he wraps his arms and legs around you, pressing you closer to him instead of a weapon. He nuzzles your hairline, holding your hands in his, making sure every part of you is warm. As strange as it is, Vergil can't help himself but shower you with compliments all night. He whispers to you, how much he loves you. How much he wants you to stay with him, by his side. Everything that he doesn't know how to say when you're awake.
"I wish I had met you sooner. My star. Maybe, something would change in my life... if you were next to me."
This sweet boy is definitely what you need, if you like people who kick in their sleep. Every night has the same scenario: Nero throws off his blanket, wakes up from cold and then puts in back on, and in the morning he can't understand how to untangle himself from it. One time he used devil magic and burned the blanket to ashes. Don't try at home.
And with you, he wraps you in. Nero'd sleep at the North Pole with no clothes whatsoever, but he'd totally make you a walking mummy from blankets. Even though he is the best listener, Nero won't let you take your rest without anything to warm you. He's a caring guy, just like his father, but at least, he doesn't suffocate you with his limbs. Nero hugs you and pulls you close, so he feels your breath on his neck. A cute guy.
"Where is this damn blanket.. Here it is. Look, I want you to be healthy, so you don't catch cold. Got me? Nice, baby."
P.s. Very short. I woke up and decided to write.
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darlingofvalyria · 1 year
❝—Aemond, just shove your fist up my skirt!❞
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part 02 | baby, all you gotta do is trust me
chapter summary:
[ Cregan is a menace in bed (sexily), Aemond is a menace on social media (derogatory), Helaena is a menace (lovingly). ]
[ 4,715 ] [ series masterlist ] | best friend's brother!aemond targaryen x f!reader, ft. cregan stark x f!reader & aemond targaryen x alys rivers,
contains— smutty beginnings, a bit angsty, mostly fluff - nsfw: p & v sex, orgasm denial, degradation kink, mating press - lemme just introduce you to firefighter!cregan stark ahe - toxic alysmond but both of them are at fault, fwb situations, fake dating, slow-ish burn - sad sack aemy is a pathetic meow meow - viserys i has a spank kink, no i will not elaborate further - no use of y/n - no gods, no kings, no betas.
a/n— it's entirely my fault, i know. i made cregan too hot. aemond might be a bit op w/ his relationship with reader, but he & her have a comfortable past...soz. comment, reblog & like at will, mwa ♡
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There's this thing that Cregan does with his hips.
It's always that sweet spot when your legs are either over his shoulders or haphazardly splayed against his waist, wide open as he drilled into you like a miner trying to find gold (and he would argue that in fact, your orgasms are gold to him)—
There's that moment when he feels you clenching, when you're so close to the precipice of seeing heaven that the motherfucker of the North slows down, sweat-slicked and breathing hard, he slows down enough at the haze of you reaching orgasm where he just.
Produces waves across his body, keeping a slow, toe-curling momentum with his hips, body-waving his dick in and out of you in a slow but purposeful movement— and he's smirking down atyou're fucked out state growing irritated doing something for him.
And before you're truly out of that orgasmic state, about to curse his entire bloodline of ruined orgasms forever or push him off his own godsdamned bed and break his stupidly good penis, he's bracing himself against the side of your head, laughing— not meanly, just amused, the asshole —and asks, almost like he's just asking you for the weather, "Does the pretty little slut want to cum?"
And he's not really asking, because he's grasped your thighs, shoving you into a mating press, and having you see stars in seconds.
"You think my neighbours called 911?" he muses, fixing his hair while in front of the floor length mirror in his room as you lounge about lazily on his bed, already washed and dressed for your own shift at Meleys, sans your pants. That's still in the living room from where Cregan yanked it.
"Hm?" you ask idly, not really focused on the conversation as you scrolled through IG, rolling your eyes at Aegon's post; Hel's big brother was in Ibiza getting sun-tanned in the morning (as much as his pale as fuck skin could tan) and getting it down at clubs at night, liking it nevertheless.
"Your scream at the end there was so loud, I'm pretty sure you broke Mrs. Beesbury out of her coma." You look up at Cregan's menace of a grin, playful and goofy in his tight shirt and thick work pants for his shift at the fire station. "I might be expecting five jars of honey from Mr. Beesbury as thanks."
You roll your eyes at him, laughing. He always got like this post-orgasm; loose and goofy and prone to making the dumbest jokes. It's cute, and on a good day, it does it for you.
It's not like you don't find Cregan attractive. It's how you got into this FWB situation with him in the first place; the dark hair, the scruff on his face, the firefighter bod— and by the Seven, what. A. Bod — when he and his co-workers stumbled into Meleys two months back, seeing your former high school crush aged up and hot had you on your knees for him in the back alley faster than he can hold you from the roots of your hair and grunt.
On a good day, it's easy to see getting past the easy arrangement of sending emojis to alert you wanna get dicked down and him sending a tongue and a heart, sending memes just for the hell of it at random parts of the day— breaking the easy friendship, the nice arrangement, and see where it gets you two, with Stark. On a good day, you can be submerge in the what-if, cute couple-y scenarios and giggle.
But despite the orgasm that could shatter a septa's vows quicker than you can say 'Oh holy Mother', your good day was tentative, broken with a click.
Aemond had made his first social media post since breaking up (the latest one) with Alys.
A darkened bathroom with explicit, orange-glowed lights that covered most of his person but not the slick show of water, freshly showered, against his torso, his chest, his abs. Droplets clung in places one would imagine licking him all over.
You know that bathroom to be the one in his high class gym, one of his favourite places. Since the toxic cycle with Alys started, he frequented it more. Aemond Targaryen was a man of routines and sharp o'clocks, so you know this isn't particularly off-key for him. But the posing (mostly) completely bare with water on his wiry muscles?
"Oh, this whore." You can't help it, as much as it irritated you— because it is clearly a means to get it across that he is newly single without actually saying anything, you can just imagine his DMs firing up with notifs — you couldn't help but giggle at the absurdity.
Aemond Targaryen. Publicly posting a thirstrap.
As public as his social media can get, it's a private account with less than 200 people.
A call rings in your phone, Helaena's face flashing, and you're still giggling when she half-shrieks, "DID YOU SEE HIS IG STORY OH MY GOD."
Your gaze meets Cregan, his bushy, dark eyebrows firing upward upon being able to hear Hel's voice while you winced. You put her on speaker as Cregan giddily comes closer to the phone.
"Good evening to you too, Helaena," you say warmly, giving Cregan's arm a light kick, mouthing, 'Don't you have work?'
Stark had the audacity to shush you, pressing a finger against his lips. You mouth, 'Gossip.' In a mature response, he stuck his tongue out.
Truly a wonder that not twenty minutes ago, this man had you keening over an orgasm.
Helaena continues on, "— I've had enough of this. I already have one slutty brother, I cannot have another one. There can only be two sluts in this family and no more. And that backlit? Seven hells, the whorishness."
"Hel, babe, you are not a slut." You meet eyes with Cregan who waggles his eyebrows, pursing his lips in an air kiss. "Trust me."
Hel snorts. "I know that, I meant my father. The whore of Babylon got nothing on Viserys first of his name, spank king extraordinaire."
If you could simultaneously choke on air and saliva, you would. "Helaena Targaryen!"
Cregan smacked his entire face down on his bed and ate his covers to muffle his laughter, his body shuddering as he did his best. His ass did look good in this view.
"What? Stranger may have mercy on me, but I tell you, before he died and before their marriage imploded, and at times traumatically problematic, they sure did get it freaky when they could. They gave it a good run and traumatised me in the process. I shouldn't have insisted my room was that close to them, maybe I would have ended up being an upstanding citizen of the community."
Cregan flips up, giggles spilling him as he muffled it with his hands. You kicked him again, trying to keep him away from your phone lest Hel figure out where you were again.
"Helaena, my love, compared to your brothers, you are such an upstanding person of the citizenry, the mayor should be giving you an award at this point."
"Right? Maiden have mercy, how busy do you think your shift is going to be tonight?"
You bit your lip guiltily while Cregan smirked, standing up as he finished lacing his boots. Hel thought you had gone straight to work, making up excuses about trying out a new recipe for next month. "Um. Not sure? Probably not by much, it's a weekday."
You don't lie, not really. Cregan mouths 'liar' and throw a pillow at him.
"Good, I'll send Aemond to you tonight. I already told him yesterday and he kind of just made a noncommittal hum— praise hands for another traumatised child of Alicent Hightower who has his own brand of communications issues —" You can just see Helaena's hard eye roll, and you massaged your lips to keep your laughter. The first time you met Hel, you never would have thought she slapped-back self-deprecating jokes out of her pockets faster than you can think a response to the last one. She was sweet, kind, a floral, bohemian girl with her pastel lavender pants and daisy flower clips.
And then you met her, vibed, and there was a dark funny humour to Helaena Targaryen that you always fought just bursting out laughter at the most inopportune of moments.
As sweet and floaty as she appeared, she was a menace.
"— anyway, Mr. Social Whore is going there later tonight, I made him promise. I said if you don't tell me he didn't come, I'm posting every photo I have of him from his naked baby pics to pre-pubescent Teen Teeny-Weeny Aemond, I do not care."
You whistle. "Damn, Hel, okay, I'll tell you when he comes."
"Good. OPLAN Get Aemond Out of This Bad Track Before He Fully Becomes Aegon 2.0 has now commenced. I love my brothers, I truly do, but I can only handle one Aegon at a time. I cannot be scrolling through social media in fear for my life times two, bestie, I refuse." Hel's voice pitches. "I'll talk to you later, bye, babe."
"Bye, Hel!"
Before you could put the phone down, she calls out, teasing, "BYE CREGAN!"
Silence. Then Cregan laughs, calling out, "Bye, Hel!"
The last thing either of you heard is her tinkling giggle before she drops the call.
"Fuck," you mutter, call finished.
Cregan wolf-whistles. "She's good."
You throw another pillow. "It's because you kept giggling like a schoolgirl!"
"Excuse me, that was a manly schoolgirl giggle, I'll have you know." He picks up his keys, winking. "Come on, I'll drop you off at the bar before I pole dance the night away to my job."
You cracked, snorting through the mental image of Cregan Stark, Lead Firefighter of the Ice Wolves Division, shaking his ass on the pole. You pad to the living room. "I'll give you a dollar for your troubles."
"Cheap ass!" he shouts after you.
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Aemond arrives two hours into your shift, a little awkward— no doubt remembering your silent judgment of him the morning of his post-break up affair as that has also been the last interaction you've had with him before this, almost a week ago, and now here, meeting you at the insistence (and plotting) of his sister.
Your eyes meet ice water blue. He freezes, then straightens up, giving you a shrewd tilt forward. A nod. It's jerky, mechanical. You roll your eyes, mouth twitching, before you motion him over.
You are already making his favoured drink starter, Sazerac, when he slides into an empty seat on the bar. Your back is to him, refusing anymore interaction, and you know the usual comfort he finds in the eased silence you provide is nonexistent.
Out of all of Helaena's brothers, you've always liked Aemond the most. You teased him it was because the others are Aegon, duh, and Daeron, still in high school and never really around you "old people", but it's also because it's so easy to be around Aemond. When Helaena introduced you to the tall, lithe man who hummed politely at his sister's introduction of you, you found him intriguing.
It's not just the scarred eye, or the pretty, almost marble-statue visage (because by gods, seriously. The Mother took her sweet, loving time crafting the fourth Targaryen, bloody hell— like those cheekbones? With that cupid's bow lip? Okay, Mother, you have your favourites, we get it), or that he tended to keep himself in the background, let everyone else stretch into the conversation.
He often dipped in and out of the social pool like a mirage; a trick of the eye. A nod, a hum— almost, always an answer to someone else's direct question or someone— usually Aegon — dragging him into the conversation with an anecdote needing an input, not matter how inane.
And it intrigued you.
You took yourself and your drink of choice at the time— a Shirley Temple — and sat right beside him. He looked up at you, that one eye of violet widening slightly because you had just. Plopped beside him, thighs touching, before he smoothens out his expression, shifting at your direct eye contact and small smile.
"Can I... help you?" he finally asks, thoroughly waylaid but trying not to appear so.
"The scar." You nodded to his face as he froze. "Tell me about it."
His face had been so controlled, so guarded, when he tersely said, "My sister didn't tell you?"
"Nope. It's not something for her to tell me, isn't it? It's a personal thing. Most scars are." You shrugged. "Even if they aren't, I'd prefer if you tell me. It's your body. Your body your story."
He stared at you for a quarter of a minute before he asked, "Are you drunk?"
"No, why?"
"You're too... forward."
You smirked. "I've been told. So are you telling me or nah, pretty boy?"
And he stared at you for a minute longer, or two, or three— the stare flickers to emotions so fast; shock, confusion, flatter, his own intrigue — before he told you about a stupid fight between children, about a stupid reason par another, and though his words had been concise, obviously keeping a hell of a lot more between vowels and tightened jaw, you don't press him. You let him talk.
At the end, you said, "Badass. Definitely less of a lame reason than what I was imagining, but 9/10 story. Your voice really sold most of it. It's good for telling stories."
In his brain, you could just see the click when his eyes flicked to his sister and back to you. Ah, so that's how they're friends. And he hums, truly, more than anything, stumped by you. And you smiled.
"You're definitely going to be my favourite Targaryen Brother."
It's no wonder then, that you two had gotten close. You had forced a friendship out of him, and the very unattached guy to literally anything new— suspicious of offerings, angry at pity, wary of kindness — had taken into it with a white flag.
So when the whole Alys situation happened, things shifted.
"Sazerac," you announce finally, placing the drink in front of him. He thanks you with a quiet hum, having stopped fidgeting now that you've acknowledged his existence. You raise your eyebrow as his sips turns to gulp, crossing your arms.
Just because you had promised Hel you were going to help him, doesn't mean you were going to make it easy for him. He knows you're pissed; despite the calm structure he had composed himself in, you can see the twitch in his fingers, the way his eye turned away from you the moment you refused to project your normal, warm aura with him.
He settles his drink down, watching the rim of the glass for a minute before he speaks, low and steady. "You're angry with me."
You snort softly. "Wonder why you think so?"
He sighs. "I didn't mean to. To let it get this... messy." He winces at the word, hating it.
You sigh. "Aemy." He comes alive at the familiar nickname, sitting straighter, a relief on the edge of a cliff. "Honestly, I don't give a shit. You want to be trapped in this mess? You don't want to listen to other people tellign you, 'hey dude, maybe no?'"
He winces, remembering the third time he and Alys had broken up. The police car, Aegon vomitting, Hel crying. It makes you roll your eyes.
"Sure, have at it. Have fun, in fact. There's only so much sympathy I can give you for seeking out the problem that you know is a problem before I get tired. Before I stop giving a shit, because there's someone else I love that is starting to get hurt by it. I can only love you enough as much as you are willing to help yourself." Your eyes then narrow, half-glaring into him. "But what I'm truly getting angry about is how much this is affecting Helaena."
"I understand." He sighs again, calling your name but you raise a hand.
"Hold on, I have a bone to pick with you."
You look at him. A second. He waits. And waits.
He speaks up. "Yes?"
You sigh. It's hard to stay mad at him, you've always found so. "I don't know. I had paragraphs to say to you in front of a mirror, but now that it's you I'm looking at, everything just went away." Under your breath, you mutter, "stupid pathetic meow, meow face."
His mouth twitch. Ah. The familiar Targaryen smugness. Pinch Cocky Aemond is back. "Did my face distract you too much, ñuha riña my lady?"
You roll your eyes, unable to hide your own smile. If you called him Aemy, he called you the High Valyrian, his ancestral tongue, my lady. To tease, to establish comfort. You've always liked this better, being closer to Aemond than despising him for his stupid choices and big feelings he has a hard time unraveling, so he makes said stupid choices.
It's ease, it's familiarity, and you both fall into a high step.
"Okay, nerd, so what did Hel—" A customer calls you. "—One sec. Sorry about that, what can I get you? Ooh, nice choice, alright give me a minute." As you pulled a measuring cup and gin, you nod back to Aemond. "What did Hel tell you we're doing exactly?"
"That you're helping me... with Alys." A hesitance. "I know you don't like her—"
"— whoa, hold up, Aemy, I like her. I like her very much. I think she's a bad bitch, absolutely sexy, and clearly, she has good tastes which I respect her for." He had the good graces to blush, still sort of unused by the compliments you so freely give him. "What I don't like is how your relationship with her— here, hey, you're welcome! — has evolved. You were so good with each other, Aemy. And then..."
You mimic a sound of a crash and burn, and a tiny person screaming. He huffs out a laugh before sobering.
"I know." He sighs. "I don't... I don't understand it myself. There's a part of me that recognises I should walk away. And then there's another part that is just... it's Alys."
His palms, open and upturned, falls on the counter. Pensive. Begging. A confused, wanting penitent looking up at a god asking for direction. "I've loved her for so long." His voice quiets, like the words are sacred.
"I've loved her for so long," he repeats as if the words have worn itself out on his tongue, "it's hard to see past her. Ñuha riña, she has always been my future. It's all her. I don't know anything else outside of her."
You pour an Arbor Gold in a stemmed glass and pushes it to him. It's his favourite drink and he smiles at you, at the care, at the memories.
"I understand that," you say carefully. "And I already promised Hel I'd do it, whatever you need of me, to make her see you. But you should know that I'm doing this more for her than for you because... Aems, I believe you deserve so much more. A love that's exciting without it being harmful. A love that's pretty, as easy as breathing. One that doesn't hurt at the edges and pinches like a barbed wire."
"Is that possible for me?" he asks ironically, trying for a joke but you catch that lilt at the end. At that exhale. So much of his history had been broached by pain, borne from it. There are injuries that run so deep, they continue to bleed.
He places the wineglass down. "Yes."
You smile. "Yes."
You don't know if he believes you, or if he just indulges in your starry-eyed view of his future, but he smiles nevertheless, as best as he can and murmurs a gratitude.
It's pacifying, insecurity. You let it go for now because there's nothing you can say to a person truly down to trust your words.
"You're going to do this, then?" he asks. "For Alys and I?"
You shake your head. "I'm doing this for Hel and no chores for a month." And you, to show you that there's more past a future that you and I both know doesn't exist anymore. That if you prolong it, ignore how deep the barbed wire has gotten into your skin, it'll be too hard to untangle it when you realised you've bled out enough.
So will you just wear the pain proudly after that?
You shake another order in place, pulling ice and mint. You raise an eyebrow. "I've always known I was going to help. Are you willing to do this? Honestly Aemy, this can go two ways. One, she'll realise losing you is the worst thing that can ever happen— truly losing you to someone else, or two, she thinks you're truly moving on from her. And that's assuming she even thinks it's real, like I mean come on, it's me and you."
He arches a perfect silver eyebrow. You had already asked him if he gets his eyebrows done, and apart from Helaena messing with him back in high school, has been all natural. You think he's lying.
"And what is me and you?"
"Aemy, come on. I'm your sister's best friend. We're like... I dunno, family? She's always known that."
"Doesn't mean she's never felt jealous of you," he hums, swirling his wine with pinch fingers. It's elegant. Entrancing. The red liquid swirls and there are knots and strain in his hand, going through his arm.
And despite the bags under his eye, he still looks so good. Silvery blond hair wrapped in a low half updo, the shirt that hid nothing of his muscled chest.
His words sink in, breaking you from the hypnotizing reverie of looking at a marbled statue. "What? She felt jealous of me?"
He smiles gently, a little bit cockily. "Ñuha riña. Of course she did. Just because she understood your place in my life, in Hel's, doesn't erase the fact that you're gorgeous and we get along well. She liked you, truly, but she isn't blind. It's nothing that you've done, even she knew that. You're just too perfect."
You blink at him, unable to stop yourself from blushing. He chuckles meanly.
"Shut up."
He exhales a laugh. "I didn't say anything!"
"You know what you did." You give him the stink eye before you serve two more customers, thanking at a pretty hefty tip from one of your regulars, bidding him goodnight as he left. It is a slow night, you didn't lie to Helaena.
You almost don't catch Aemond murmuring, "I've missed this. I've missed you. I never like it when you're pissed at me."
"Good," you joke. "So you can watch yourself better. But yeah, I've missed you too. So how are we doing this?"
"I thought you had an idea, having agreed to Hel's plan before I even knew there was a plan."
You roll your eyes. "Well, I've had a few ideas here and there... it's more your comfort I'm worried about."
He frowns, pouty lips pursing. "My comfort?"
You place your palms behind the bar and hitch yourself up by your physical strength. He leans forward, confused still. You smirk. "Well, Aemy, I'm wearing a skirt."
"I... I don't know what that means, ñuha riña." He blinks his one good eye. "Nice skirt? You look pretty."
You force a pout instead of getting flustered by the compliment out of the blue. "I forgot you weren't all that popular in high school."
"No need for insults," he deadpans.
You laugh. "We're going to make Alys jealous, right? It'll be too much to hard launch my new status of existence in your life when you just broke up... but... if we can allude, at least..."
"I-" His frown deepens, the skin on his other eye, the scar, pinches as you see his mind whirr and whirr where your mind was reaching. "I'm still confused."
"Gods, alright, I'll just show you."
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"Dude, bro, just put your hand under my skirt—"
"Ñuha riña—"
"Yeah, you know what, godsfuckingdamnit, if I alienate you that bad just shove your fist up my skirt, yes, Aemond, just shove your fist up my skirt!"
He calls your name, tips of his ears beet red, as a few patrons turn to you two, bewildered and a little amused. You wave at them but you sigh noisily at him. You're sat beside him on the counter, your phone on one hand with the camera app open, and you're glaring at him.
"Are you seriously telling me you've never placed your hand on Alys' thigh?"
"Of course I have!" He lets out a strangled sigh and groan.
"What's the difference?"
"I've never done it so publicly," he explains as calmly as possible, as if he's talking to a child. "And with the idea of posting it for everyone else to ogle. I've always just done it... under a table. Or. On her knee..."
"You're blushing so hard, you look like a tomato?" You snort. "I'm your fake Alys now, and we're soft launching an intimate relationship. This is basic."
"You're not my fake Alys. You're not my fake anytihng and you're not Alys." he says seriously, frown sharpening into a point before he exhales, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Can't it just be my hand over yours?"
 You frown, forgoing the uncomfortable twinge from not my anything and not Alys. "Is this uncomfortable for you? Am I making you uncomfortable?"
"It's not that, never that." He purses his lip. "It's the opposite. I don't want to make you uncomfortable with my touch."
"Aemy," you say softly, smiling slightly. "I am giving you permission. Wouldn't have suggested it otherwise. And you touching me has never made me uncomfortable. Now, come on. Hand on my thigh, pretty boy, so I can take this pic and get the ball rolling."
There's a second more of restraint, of holding back, and before you sigh and suggest something else— maybe he is truly uncomfortable with you, with you not being anything to him, and not being Alys, but is too polite to say anything — he places his palm, warm and heavy, against your exposed thigh.
It's a... new sensation. You've held hands with Aemond before, smacked it a few times even, but it's different when it's on a more... well, when it's not on a non intimate area of your body. New skin, new nerve endings to his familiar warmth and crease.
It makes you swallow how big his hand is compared to your whole ass thigh. Thumb to pinky and he nearly swallows the gaps.
He really has pretty hands. Knotted veins twisting upward to muscled arms.
Both of you nestle in the quiet, just staring at his hand over your thigh.
"Okay," he says, voice even. He's taller than you, always taller even when you're both sat down, and he's closer to the top of your head at this distance, his breath flutters against your hair. "What now?"
"I... take the picture." You blink, shaking your head slightly, as you take his drink and add your hand within the frame so it looks like you mean to take a photo of your drink and not the glaringly obvious hand on your thigh, before you you angle it. You take one, two, three. A few different angles before you feel you've got a few nice ones. "Okay, done."
It feels cold when he takes his hand away, giving your thigh a soft tap before it's back on the counter. He hums.
You get back on the work, choosing one and posting it promptly on your stories. You place Meleys' location and a kiss mark emoji before you post it.
"It does look intimate," Aemond hums, observing the story from his own phone. "But why did you post it on your account and not mine?"
"She's your ex, Aemy," you say, hopping off the chair and moving back behind the counter. The world re-orbits. Everyone back in their positions, the lines clear. The planets move in their normal trajectory again.
"She'll know it's your hand. And if we post it on mine, it has more of an impact, don't you think? We're friends on IG. She sees it on my stories, a man's hand on her thigh, in a background that's no doubt a bar. The hand is sorta familiar. And you posted that slutty mirror pic earlier tonight."
He blushes, you smirk. Planets and moons orbit back, their pace slow, their lightyears fast. Best friend's sister. Sister's best friend.
"If she doesn't recognise your hand at first, your story will prompt it on her brain. It's not a hard connection, you've been together for years. It's a girl thing. An exes thing. Bingo bango, the brain is running. Surely it isn't Aemond's hand? Even if it is... is it truly romantic?"
He exhales. "You're... kind of an evil genius."
"Just kind of? Damn." And you smile because he laughs, the sound spreading warmth across your chest.
Yeah, this is better. It always feels good when you and Aemond are on the same team, when you're not mad at him and vice versa, no matter how stupid the reason.
Saturn rings snap, black holes sink and swim in galaxies so far, far away.
You put your phone on DND as soon as the first five notifs pop up, prompting a barrage of other notifications. When you took a glance at it, it's all a varying degree of 'WHAT THE FUCK', 'WHO THE FUCK', and 'GO GET THAT DICK, GIRL OMG!!'
Only Helaena's message matters, and it brings a smile on your lips.
Another ping.
'Also— what a bunch of harlots'.
You show it to Aemond and both of you burst in stupid laughter.
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TAGLIST (message to be added! please ensure you are able to be tagged to get notifs): @fan-goddess @snh96 @valeskafics @opheliaas-stuff @tempo-rary-fix @fantasticpeaceharmony @diannnnsss @iamavailablesstuff @spinachtz @at-a-rax-ia @bespinnn @tsujifreya @moonlightfoxx @kemillyfreitas @joyouart @bananzaa @honey-on-mars @alexa4040 @cinnamonbambii @wintrr13 @wxb-slingrr
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laurenairay · 8 months
Lately you've been on my mind - E. Pettersson
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I’m jumping in as a pinch-hitter as part of @wyattjohnston’s winter fic exchange, with an Elias Pettersson story for @typical-simplelove! I really hope you enjoy this Claudia– I had a lot of fun creating something from the prompts you gave me, and I was just so inspired that I wrote it all in one day! And thank you Demi, for being a sounding board for me as I put together my ideas.
Summary: Brock Boeser is the ultimate match maker – he knows he is. And he is determined to set his friends up.
a.k.a. you and Elias are both friends with Brock, and keep finding yourselves in moments alone.
Words: 4.9k
Warnings: idiots to lovers, self-doubt, Brock is a meddler
Title from: Adore you, by Harry Styles
2019 was already shaping up to be a fantastic year. The sun was shining brightly, the January air was crisp and cold, and you had Spanish Banks dog park essentially to yourself, seeing that it was excruciatingly early in the morning.
But damn if the views of the North Shore mountains weren’t worth it. Your dog seemed to agree, with the way he was running up and down the sand. You’d lived in Vancouver all your 20 years so far, still living with your parents where you’d decided not to go to university, and it was moments like this that reminded you just how fortunate you were.
Your peace and quiet lasted for all of another half an hour before you heard enthusiastic barking from behind you. Recalling your dog to your side – which only took a couple of attempts, which was an improvement – you turned your head to see what was coming your way, only to freeze at the guy you saw walking towards you.
A guy that was clearly the up-and-coming star of your family’s favourite sports team, the Vancouver Canucks. Brock Boeser, in the flesh.
“Hey, sorry for interrupting your quiet.”
His smile tightened slightly when he realised you clearly knew who he was, with whatever your face was doing, but you quickly shook your head to reassure him. No, he was here just the same as you, to walk his dog. You could be cool with that.
“It’s a beautiful off-leash park – it would be a shame not to share it,” you shrugged, smiling back at him.
Brock immediately relaxed, easy a tension you didn’t realise you had.
“Who’s this beautiful pup, hm?”
“This is Bailey. I’ve had him, like, three months now? He’s only 18 months old so he’s still learning not to jump up, but he tries his best,” you mused.
“He’s perfect…”
Yes, Brock was definitely a dog person.
“…a border collie, right?”
“Yeah that’s right. He was abandoned a few months ago at a shelter my mom volunteers at, and I barely had to beg her to let me adopt him,” you laughed.
Brock just grinned. “Coola was a rescue dog as well. I adopted him back in February last year, after the All Star Game, but he lived in Minnesota with my parents while I finished my rookie year. I know the feeling of not being able to resist a sweet little dog.”
At least he understood.
With a smile, you motioned for Bailey that he was allowed to run again, and within moments Coola was joining him, the two dogs playing in the surf.
“So, you live here then?”
You and Brock walked your dogs for nearly another hour, the two of you talking like you’d known each other all your lives, before Bailey flopped at your feet, a clear sign he was done and ready to leave.
“Looks like that’s my cue,” you said dryly, making Brock laugh.
“Definitely,” he teased, “but hey, maybe we could exchange numbers? I’d love to walk Coola with you and Bailey again, now that I know they’re friends.”
You hesitated slightly, unsure whether he actually meant that, but the earnestness in his eyes told you everything you needed to know.
“Sure, I’d like that. Bailey could use all the friends he could get,” you mused.
Brock just grinned.
“I don’t know, I have a feeling we’re going to be pretty good friends as well.”
Nearly five years on and you were (somehow) genuine friends with Brock. He’d been right, against all odds. There was just something about his straightforward friendship that made your life that little bit easier, knowing that you could rely on him to be a breath of fresh air, no drama. And you knew he appreciated your chilled approach to pretty much everything, never judging him, always his biggest supporter – both on the team and for him as a person. Brock Boeser was probably one of the best friends you’d ever had, and you cherished everything about him, like an older brother you didn’t realise you needed.
Brock had always insisted that you needed to be integrated into every part of his life, so you spent more time with his team than you ever thought you would (and hadn’t that been a starstruck moment, when you’d first attended a team gathering). He pretty much brought you to all gatherings, events, and anything to do with Coola (and now Milo), and while at first it had been overwhelming, you’d quickly adjusted when you realised just how ridiculous his teammates were.
So it wasn’t a surprise to Elias Pettersson when he walked into Brock’s house and saw you sitting on the sofa surrounded by dogs.
“Well this looks cosy.”
You grinned at his teasing words, waving him over. “It’s good to see you too, Elias.”
He shared a small private smile with you, lifting Milo’s legs to take a seat on the sofa next to you. The dog in question huffed out his displeasure but didn’t move, allowing Elias to settle in properly.
This guy, more than anyone else, was the teammate you enjoyed spending the most time with alongside Brock. Elias was definitely the most sane of all Brock’s Vancouver friends, and his dry sense of humour always had you in stitches. It was rare that he showed much of himself to anyone, as reserved as he was, but the more you’d gotten to know him over the years, the more you recognised the little signs of his reactions and collated them like hoarded treasure. And the more that Elias had gotten to know you, the more willing he seemed to be to share jokes and smiles and laughter with you, forging a friendship of your own.
And yes, sure, you couldn’t deny that you found him attractive – you’d be crazy or blind to think otherwise - but he’d never shown a hint of interest towards you in that way. And there was no way you’d ever say anything unless you were sure things were reciprocated (there was just no way), so you were more than happy to have him as a friend. Elias Pettersson was an unmistakeable joy in your life, and the last thing you wanted to do was ruin that.
He really was so handsome though.
“I’m surprised Brock isn’t buried under puppies like usual,” Elias said.
“We haven’t been long back from walking the dogs, so I said I’d get them settled while he showered and got ready to head out with you,” you explained, running your hand over your Bailey’s head.
“He does need to look pretty enough to leave the house, that’s true,” he mused.
You couldn’t help but laugh, the both of you knowing Brock needed no help in looking pretty, Elias just smiling widely.
It just goes to show how wrapped up you were in Elias’s attention that neither of you noticed Brock standing at the bottom of the stairs, eyes lighting up at your laughter and Elias’s smile.
It was early, far too early, but here you were fulfilling Bailey’s every need. You were wrapped up warm, puffer jacket, woollen hat, gloves, and scarf, walking your border collie through Hadden Park, allowing the travel mug of coffee to wake you up fully while you took in the views surrounding you. Bailey was in his element, trotting about and sniffing every single leaf and twig, and it was only your phone buzzing that broke you out of your silent contentment.
From: Brock Hey, are you walking Bailey?
To: Brock Yeah we’re at Hadden Park Wasn’t sure if you would be getting up early after your game last night so I didn’t text
From: Brock Hah yeah fair enough Do you mind if Petey comes along?
You tried not to fantasise about why Elias was so willing to join you both on a dog walk, so early on a day off. You tried so hard.
To: Brock Of course I don’t mind
From: Brock Of course?
You felt heat dancing across your cheeks. Damn it Brock.
To: Brock You know I think Petey is great.
From: Brock Well I definitely do now.
You groaned, already able to picture the smirk on your friend’s face.
To: Brock Don’t be dumb I’ll see you soon
The last thing you needed was Brock teasing you, especially in front of Elias. The last thing you wanted was Elias to feel uncomfortable around you, just because you find him attractive. The last thing you could bear would be if you lost your friendship with Elias just because Brock was reading into things that weren’t true.
But there was nothing you could do for damage control until Brock was in front of you. All you could hope was that he didn’t make you look like an idiot.
It couldn’t have been more than 20 minutes before you saw the familiar pair walking towards you, dogs at Brock’s side, and you found yourself smiling despite your trepidation. You gave them both hugs in greeting, travel mug long empty and placed in your bag, Bailey barking happily.
“What a beautiful morning,” Brock said happily.
“Cold but beautiful, sure,” you mused.
Elias nodded his agreement, thick scarf wrapped in loops around him, Brock just laughing.
“Petey, you don’t mind taking Coola while I walk Milo, do you?” Brock asked.
Elias narrowed his eyes, as if trying to read into Brock’s words, but Brock just kept smiling at him.
“Sure, I can walk Coola,” Elias eventually said.
The moment that Coola’s leash was in Elias’s hands, Coola darted forward, Elias crashing directly into your body. It was only through his quick reflexes that you didn’t end up on your ass, his hands clutching at your hips while you clung to his jacket.
“Coola! Chill!”
Brock’s giggled words did little to calm his dog down, all three dogs dancing around your feet as Elias steadied you. His face was impossibly close to yours, breath practically mingling. How had you not realised how blue his eyes were before this? His lips were parted slightly, as if he was still processing, but it was only when Bailey bumped into both of your legs that he abruptly let you go, and you dropped your hands too.
“Sorry, sorry,” he blurted, stepping away sharply.
“No apologies needed. It wasn’t your fault,” you said, shaking your head with a weak smile.
“Aww you can’t blame Coola for being excited,” Brock grinned, kneeling down to give fuss to both his dogs.
There was something in his smile that you just couldn’t put your finger on. Hm.
“Shall we walk then, if they’re so excited?” Elias said dryly.
All three dogs started barking at the word ‘walk’, making you laugh and nod, Brock just grinning even wider.
From: Brock Petey is taking the roadtrip losses really hard. Come over tomorrow?
You don’t know what it was that possessed you, but the moment you received those texts from Brock, you knew you had to do something. Elias was such a stoic guy, so reserved in his emotions, so the fact that it was obvious enough he was suffering that Brock asked for your help? There was no way you weren’t going to do everything in your power to ease any tensions they had, especially Elias.
There wasn’t much you could do, but you could do this.
When you arrived at Brock’s house the next morning, you were only mildly startled to see Elias opening the door instead of Brock, his eyes flashing in surprise before he smiled.
“Did Brock not say I was coming over?” you said hesitantly.
The last thing you wanted was to intrude.
“He said we were going for brunch, but this is a welcome surprise,” Elias said, smiling softly.
Oh. Now you felt stupid.
Wait, a welcome surprise?
“I don’t know what is making your face do that, but I’m not lying when I say it’s good to see you,” Elias said firmly.
“Alright, I believe you,” you mused.
Elias just grinned, walking over to the bottom of the staircase.
You rolled your eyes fondly at Brock’s assumptions. It wasn’t like you had much else planned for today, but still!
Elias laughed at your matching volume, making you smile back at him, a light flush dusting across your cheeks. His laugh was magical and you weren’t going to shame yourself for liking it.
“Brock’s just finishing his hair and then he’ll be down. That’s what he said anyway,” Elias explained, sitting down on the arm of Brock’s sofa.
“He’s got an image to maintain, can’t be looking anything less than perfect,” you teased, the familiar joke making you smile.
Elias just snickered, shaking his head. You leaned up against the back of the sofa, standing close enough to Elias that the blue of his eyes was almost hypnotising, before you remembered why you came over in the first place.
“It feels a little silly now, but I heard from a little bird that you were taking things a little rough, so here’s a little something,” you said.
“Brock needs to keep his mouth shut,” he grumbled.
You just laughed, reaching into your bag to pull out the gift. But as you placed it in his hands, Elias froze.
“What’s this?” Elias said, eyes wide in shock.
You bit your bottom lip, before letting out a shaky breath. Here goes nothing.
“You were having a bad day. So I made you a hat,” you said simply, trying to keep your voice light and airy.
“You made me a hat? You knitted this?”
Elias stared down in wonder at the soft light blue woollen bundle in his hand, a look of pure astonishment on his face. It was only then that you realised how close it was to the colour of his eyes.
“Uh, yes, I did? I got back into knitting recently, so it’s nothing fancy, but I just wanted to make something to cheer you up?” you said, trying not to cringe at yourself.
“No-one’s ever done anything like this for me before.”
Your lips parted in surprise at his soft words.
“Really really,” Elias nodded.
“I’ve never had a hat made for me either.”
You flinched at the sound of Brock’s voice coming from behind you, Elias immediately scowling over your shoulder.
“Wouldn’t want to cover up your Prince Charming hair,” Elias grumbled, shoving the hat into the pocket of his hoodie.
You didn’t mention the dark blue hat you’d knitted for Brock that was tucked into your bag. Brock pouted as you snickered, slinking into the kitchen, leaving the two of you alone again.
“Look, I know it’s not really my place. And that we’re just friends because of Brock. But these losses were just a bad blip – you’re going to get over them in no time at all, and be back to destroying the other teams like you were born to,”
Elias smiled wryly. “It doesn’t feel like that right now. But thanks.”
You pursed your lips briefly before huffing out a breath. Telling him what you really thought was hardly the most embarrassing thing you’d ever done.
“You make me so proud. You know that, right?”
“What?” Elias frowned.
“You go out there, every single day, and give this team, this city, your all. Your pour yourself into everything that you do, always give 100%, and as your friend, as someone who has known you for years…I am so proud of you.”
As your cheeks heated from your words, Elias swallowed heavily, a flush dusting across his own cheeks.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve this, to deserve your kind words, but I appreciate it. Thank you,” he murmured.
Your heartbeat raced at the intensity in his eyes.
“Brunch? Can we go?”
Elias scowled again at Brock’s grinning interruption but walked away towards the front door. You were read to grumble at Brock yourself, until you saw Elias pull the knitted hat out of his pocket and slide it on over his hair. It looked…perfect.
“Are you good?” Brock asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I’m great.”
Your voice was far breathier than you would ever admit.
Another month, another team event. This time Brock had invited you to be his plus one to a formal gala, hardly the first time he had asked and yet this time he practically begged you to come along. You didn’t need him to beg, you could admit that much – the events were always fun and hey, you got to dress up nicely – but his behaviour was strange, even for him.
Either way, Brock had looked ecstatic when you said yes, even going as buying you a gorgeous midnight blue evening gown, sleeveless and high-necked, as classy as it was beautiful, so you were going to complain. He could have his secrets – you knew you’d get it out of him eventually.
He picked you up after you’d gotten your hair and nails done, make-up subtle but elegant, wide smile on his face as he drove the two of you to the event. You didn’t have time to be suspicious about his good mood as the two of you greeted his teammates and their better halves, your attention consumed by all the cheek kisses and compliments, but you should’ve known he was up to something. Because the moment that the two of you joined Elias at a table with a few chairs around it, Brock all but disappeared, leaving the two of you completely alone.
“Hi Brock. Bye Brock,” Elias said dryly.
“I have no idea what’s gotten into him tonight, I am so sorry,” you sighed.
“Hey, no, don’t apologise for him. I’m sorry that he’s abandoned you already,” Elias said, frowning.
“Well at least I’m near a chair,” you said, huffing out a laugh, “High heels are not my friends.”
Elias immediately pulled a chair out for you to sit on, and you felt a gentle heat brush across your cheeks at the gentlemanly action.
“Thanks Elias,” you said, more shocked than anything.
Not too shocked to smile at him as he sat down right next to you, after picking up a couple of flutes of champagne from a passing waiter. If he wanted to join you…well, you weren’t going to complain. Not if you got his attention all to yourself.
It can’t have been more than an hour before Brock wandered back over, but by the flush on his cheeks and the glassiness of his eyes, he was more than a little tipsy. Damn it Brock.
“You’re not going to ask this beautiful woman to dance, Petey?”
Elias immediately blushed furiously, eyes narrowing at his friend, making you want to die a little inside – but also to shield him.
“Oh no, these heels are killing my feet already. Elias is just being kind enough to keep me company,” you said sweetly.
Brock snickered, shaking his head, but walked away without any further pestering. You both sat there for a moment in silence, reeling from the short conversation. What the hell was that, Brock?
“You didn’t have to make up a lie to defend me,” Elias said, finally looking at you again.
“I wanted to.”
The mortification that filled your body upon your blurted words was immediate and all-consuming, especially with how surprised Elias looked. How could you save this? How the hell could you save this?
“Besides it’s the least I could do for Brock dumping me on you in the first place,” you said coolly, shrugging, trying to calm yourself down and failing miserably.
Elias hesitated before something flashed across his face, and he looked at you with an expression you’d never seen from him before. It made you shiver. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
You’d spent so long convinced that he didn’t see you that way, that he wasn’t attracted to you in the slightest, and now that he’d said this? Giving you enough to let yourself hope, to admit to yourself that your sweetest daydreams and deepest fantasies could actually be reality?
While your mind raced, full of swirling realisations that perhaps things weren’t so unrequited after all, Elias just watched you, expression just as intense as before. It wasn’t until you let out a shaky breath, smiling a tiny smile at him, that he nodded, clearing his throat.
“Another drink?”
“Yes, definitely.”
Movie nights were sacred. It didn’t matter who they were with, not really, but now that you had your own tiny apartment, a night in watching your favourite movies and eating your favourite snacks was always the best way to unwind. Usually Brock was your only companion, or Brock with a few of his teammates, and that was the plan tonight. Brock and Elias were both joining you for a movie night and you couldn’t wait to have a chilled night in with two of your favourite people. Even if your whole world had been shaken up only last week at that eventful team gala.
The pizzas you’d ordered hadn’t long arrived before Elias arrived at your door, beers in hand, and you let him in with a happy smile.
“Thanks for inviting me,” he said, smiling shyly back at you.
Your breath caught in your throat at the sweetness in his face, and you found yourself just nodding.
“You know you’re always welcome. Come on, pizza just got here too.”
Elias all but raced you to the kitchen, making you laugh as he opened the cardboard lids. But your phone buzzed before you could reach for a slice.
From: Brock I can’t make it tonight. Have fun. Both of you.
You heart started racing at his implications, knowing deep in your bones that Brock never intended to come this evening. Had he known all along, how you felt about Elias? And how you hoped Elias felt for you too?
Surely not.
But then again, Brock always surprised you. You had always tried not to underestimate your friend, but it appeared that you’d fallen for that sweet innocent smile just the same as everyone else.
“Is Brock on his way?”
“Brock isn’t coming.”
Elias seemed to hesitate, making you inhale sharply.
“Did you want to reschedule?” he asked, wincing.
You could be brave, right? Or at least take a step towards bravery?
“You’re already here…so we can still have our own movie night?” you suggested, unable to stop yourself from chewing your bottom lip.
Elias’s eyes flickered down quickly towards your mouth, before he cleared his throat and smiled softly at you. “Yeah, of course we can. Also means we don’t have to listen to Brock whining that we aren’t watching one of his rom com choices.”
The dryness of his tone made you giggle, immediately cutting through the lingering awkward tension. You could absolutely do a movie night just with Elias. You could absolutely handle being alone with him like this.
The two of you ploughed through the pizzas while you watched one of you go-to action movies, laughing and talking all the way through, even finishing the popcorn and a couple of beers each by the time the credits were rolling. Bailey had happily sat by your feet the whole time, actually behaving himself for once, and you couldn’t remember a time when you’d felt so content. So relaxed and happy. Brock had always brought that out in you, and now that Elias had too? It just filled you with butterflies in the best way.
“Shall we watch another?”
“Definitely,�� you nodded, smiling up at him.
Elias smiled easily back. “You choose? I’ll clear up.”
Before you could protest or even help him, Elias had picked up both pizza boxes and all the empty beer bottles, leaving you alone on the sofa. You heard him opening the trash can, snapping you out of your surprise, so you started scrolling through Netflix again, eventually deciding on a light-hearted comedy just as Elias re-entered the room. Bailey had trotted out to his own bed when Elias left, so it really was just the two of you now.
Something that made your breath hitch in your throat was the way that Elias sat down closer to you this time. Unmistakably closer, close enough to feel the heat from his body and to smell his cologne. He did that on purpose, there was no doubt about it. But his face gave you no answers, nothing more than his usual smile around you, so you let it go. Overthinking things was definitely not the way to go, you knew that much.
It didn’t make your heartrate calm down at all though.
You pressed play to get the movie started, lightly tossing the tv remote onto your coffee table before settling back into the sofa, letting the familiar introduction wash over you.
It took ten minutes for everything to change.
Elias wasn’t a big hugger. You knew this. Brock knew this. The whole of the Vancouver Canucks knew this. So when you felt a pressure along your shoulders, you tried not to flinch, realising it was his arm stretching across the back of the sofa when his hand lightly brushed your opposite shoulder. Elias…Elias had put his arm around you. He’d put his arm around you? You glanced up at him, trying to get any sense of his thought process, but his eyes were resolutely glued to the television, his body a frozen line of tension. All over again, your heart started racing. You were right after all. Maybe…maybe Elias really did have feelings for you, just as he’d finally hinted at the team event, and now he was making a gentle move in the most Petey way ever.
The ball was in your court.
Ever so slowly, you relaxed against under his arm, sinking into his side, head resting on his chest. You could hear just how fast his own heart was racing and it made you smile, feeling giddy that he was just as affected as you were, even more so when his arm draped around you properly. This was really happening. Elias Pettersson had really instigated snuggling with you on the sofa. This was better than any dream you could’ve imagined.
The next thing you knew, you were blinking your eyes open. The sky outside was pitch black, the curtains still wide open, and the Netflix landing page was glaring bright. But the main thing you noticed? You were curled up against Elias’s side still, head resting on his chest, his arm having fallen down to your waist and his head lolling back on the sofa. You’d fallen asleep together? Was there anything more cliché than that? Still, it felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest with how right it felt to be in Elias’s hold. His hands were so large and so warm, the heat spreading through the contact on top of your sweatpants. His chest was so solid and calming under your cheek. And as you lifted your head, ever to slightly to look at him properly, even just through the light from the TV he looked so handsome. Beautiful and peaceful. But there was no way that could be comfortable for him, and the last thing you wanted was for an aching neck to put a damper on what was the perfect evening.
So you lightly rested your hand on his chest, shaking him gently until you heard him grunt in displeasure.
“Hey, Elias, we fell asleep on the sofa,” you murmured.
He immediately groaned, making you laugh softly, smiling at him as he finally lifted his head.
“I was having such a good dream,” he grumbled.
Then he seemed to freeze as he realised where he actually was, taking note of how you were still tucked into his side, and where his arm and hand were holding you.
“Damn it, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“Hey, no, we both fell asleep eh?” you said, interrupting with a smile and a shake of your head, “It’s fine, Elias. We were both cosy.”
He swallowed heavily before nodding.
“I don’t think I’ve ever fallen asleep on the sofa with someone before,” he mumbled, “It was…nice.”
You felt your cheeks heating up with the gentle compliment, your smile letting him know you felt the same.
“I should go,” he said softly.
Well, now was your moment. Now was the time to be brave where you’d never needed to be so brave before. After everything that had been building between the two of you…now was the moment.
“Or, maybe you could stay, and we could talk in the morning,” you offered as calmly as you could.
You felt Elias inhale sharply where your hand was still resting on his chest.
“The kind of talk that I’ve been wanting to have for a while?” he asked, hope evident in his eyes.
Oh wow.
For a while?
You felt like you were floating as his words sunk in.
“Yeah I think we’re on the same page,” you murmured, your blood thrumming with possibility.
The smile that spread across Elias’s face made your heart soar, and you found yourself smiling just as widely back. And when he leant forward to press a soft kiss to your forehead, you’d never felt more alive.
You could only imagine Brock’s satisfied grin when you told him.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 7 months
Aether - "Mysterious Adeptus, Sky Weaver"
In which the Traveler and Paimon unknowingly come across a mysterious adeptus by the name of Sky Weaver while the two are exploring near the sparsely populated cliffsides of Mt. Mingyuan. Or; In which the long-forgotten tale of the adeptus Sky Weaver is uncovered by Aether from the lips of the various Adepti of the Nation of Liyue and the people who know them.
Prologue | Part 1 | (1.5) | Part 2 | (2.5) | Part 3 | (3.5) | Part 4 | (4.5) | Part 5 | (5.5) | Part 6 | (6.5) | Epilog | Extra 1 | Extra 2
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“Now that we've helped Fujin tend to the soil, Paimon has noticed that it's a lot prettier in Chenyu Vale.”  
The floating fairy-like creature chirps as she hovers along the dirt path by her blonde companion's side.
“Speaking of prettier things. Traveler, did you notice that the sky here in Chenyu Vale is much different from the skies in the rest of Liyue?”
The golden blonde next to her stops and turns his gaze onto her, raising a brow of skepticism. His eyes then raise to the darkened sky that hangs above them and take in the sight.
What Paimon said was true. The sky truly was different from the rest of Liyue and any other region that the two had visited so far. As it was night, the sky was a deep midnight blue with swirls of violet and turquoise that seemed to glow from within the cotton-like clouds that partially obscured and circled the shining white moon. Stars speckle the suspended landscape of night haphazardly, their droplets of white add an almost otherworldly quality to the already ethereal scene. And, of course, the faded silhouette of Celestia looms ominously in the distance, creeping north ever so slowly. It truly was unlike anything that Aether had ever seen before.
“That's–… how did I never notice it.”
The golden blonde mumbles as he looks up in wonder and amazement, but also confusion. 
Why was the sky in Chenyu Vale so drastically different from anywhere else? What was so different about this place? How was the sky this way in the first place? It was strange; like the sky was altered by something to be this way, and although Aether wanted to think that something like that was impossible, his expectations have been demolished and rebuilt countless times since he descended into Teyvat.
The small bob-haired fairy floated in front of his face and waved her arms about to attract his attention.
“Hey, if you're curious about the sky, why don't we head back to Yilong Wharf and ask the locals about it? Maybe if we're lucky we'll run into Cloud Retai– uhm… Xianyun again; she might know too!” 
Paimon suggests before turning and floating further down the dirt road toward their new destination.
Aether hums, giving a curt nod as he follows his guide back to the wharf.
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“Uuugh! Paimon is so tired! Why is Chiwang Terrace so far from here anyway!? It's already daytime!”  
Paimon whines as she slowly floats along with her blonde companion at a snail's pace in a slumped-over position.
“How about we head over to Jiulue Teahouse? We can sit down and eat some of the local dishes then we can start asking around.”  
The outlander chuckles softly as he reaches over and pats the floating girl on the head in sympathy before grabbing her and carefully holding her under his arm. Paimon only sighs and gives her friend a nod as she's carried off in the direction of the teahouse. 
On their way over to one of the nearby stalls, Aether spots a storyteller on the outside stage; maybe this storyteller has a few tales about the skies here. Though, after a short deliberation, he lets his floating companion go and buy food for the two of them while he goes and speaks to the storyteller; with a reasonable allowance, lest the girl buy out the stall's entire stock and empty his mora pouch.
Once the two part ways, the golden blonde sees the older man leaving off the stage, seemingly emptied of his arsenal of tall tales. So he waves the man, who he learns is named Jiewu going by the nearby chatter of patrons, down.
“Excuse me! I know that you just got off the stage, but I was wondering if you had any stories about the skies of Chenyu Vale?”  
He asked straightforwardly; getting a comical sweat drop from the older man at his bluntness.
Jiewu mutters a bit as he pinches his chin between his thumb and forefinger; his crow's feet becoming more pronounced as he squints his eyes in thought. The older man takes a glance up at the magnificent sky with a bland expression, as if it were the most mundane thing that he'd ever seen before. It was almost as if he didn't notice anything significant at all. Strange.
“I can't say I have any stories about the sky, young man. I've no clue why you're interested in something like that, there's nothing very spectacular about the sky.”  
Jiewu confusedly drones out; raising a thick brow at the blonde and taking another glance at the sky above.
“Was there anything else you needed, young man? If I'm not home soon, my wife will have a fit”  
The older man asks in a still polite but slightly rushed tone, making it clear that he wanted the conversation to end quickly.
Aether only shakes his head and allows the man to take his leave. Turning around, he sees Paimon floating toward him with bagged food in hand and an annoyed expression on her face. He raises a brow at her, silently asking what was wrong.
“Paimon asked the stall owner about the sky while waiting for the food, but he only looked at Paimon with a weird face and said ‘there's nothing really special about the sky, is there?’. And the other people Paimon asked said something similar!”  
The floating girl loudly complains before digging her hands into the bag, pulling out a skewer of food and angrily chomping on it; letting out muffled mumbles about giving the stall owner an ugly nickname.
Aether only sighs as he motions for his fairy-like companion to follow him.
Their next stop: Mt. Mingyuan!
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As the traveler scaled the cliffs of Mt. Mingyuan, he kept hearing the sound of a paper bag rustling and the unmistakable munching of food. A metaphorical vein bulged out on his temple as he whipped his head around to look at his floating guide.
“You— Paimon, give me the bag! If you eat everything again, I swear I'll feed you to a cryo slime!”  
Aether growled as he recklessly took one hand off the cliffside to swipe at the bag in Paimon's hands, the girl dodging every time.
Unfortunately, all the wild movements made him lose his foothold in the cliffside and sent him plummeting towards the ground below. In too much shock to deploy his wind glider, all the golden blonde could do was stare upwards at the screaming Paimon who too was frozen in fear. 
But then… on the wind, he heard a faint whisper of droplets landing on the surface of water…
From beneath him, Aether felt a soft embrace pushing him upwards; the quiet sounds of shifting waters made him look back. What he could only describe was a small cloud of heavy mist with a ring of water swirling around it. The strange cloud lifted him, and Paimon when it reached the height she was at, up and over the cliffside, where it then came to a stop and seemingly patiently waited for him to get off. 
The golden blonde shakily stumbled off of the helpful cloud and fell on his bottom on the grassy cliff top. His heart beat erratically and his whole body trembled as the adrenaline finally caught up with him. He didn't even register the tearful apologies of his floating friend as she hugged him and sobbed into his chest.
“...One did not think that mortals had become so foolish over such a short time…”  
A gentle voice softly whispered from a place that Aether couldn't locate.
“...You shall consider yourself lucky that one was present to witness your fall, lest you no longer be among the living…”  
The voice spoke familiarly; it reminded Aether of how Xianyun and the other adeptus spoke. Surely this voice must belong to another adeptus that he just hadn't met yet.
“...Descend the mountain and return to a safer location, the cliffs of Mt. Mingyuan are no place for young mortals like yourself…”  
The voice spoke again, this time though, it seemed to be coming from the cloud that saved him from his fall. With every syllable pronounced, the cloud of mist gave off a faint but ethereal glow in a medley of colors. Colors that were reminiscent of the night sky that he had seen just yesterday.
Breaking from his adrenaline-fueled trance, Aether shakily gets to his feet and takes the still-sobbing Paimon into his arms. He spared a glance back at the cloud, tempted to stay and ask it about its possible connection to the mysterious skies that he had been wondering about, but one look at the disheveled companion in his arms and he knew his answer. He'd have to worry about that later, his dear friend needs him right now.
“Can… Can I ask you for your name?”  
The golden blonde asked, almost sounding as if he was begging with how his voice trembled.
“...One's name should be of no concern to you at this time; you must go now…”
The ‘cloud’ softly answered back, as if it were trying to coax a sleepy child back into a dream.
With that answer, Aether nodded and headed down the mountain with careful and measured steps, occasionally giving quick glances down at the sleeping Paimon's tear-stained face. He sighs, perhaps he can just ask about this mysterious adeptus another time, he has much more important things to worry about now.
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jocelynscrazyideas · 4 months
Just friends? pt. 2 | Matt Rempe x Reader
pt. 1
Summary: making your way up to your dream job was difficult, but leaving it may be harder that ever.
Warnings: language, small portion of smut, eating, THE NOTEBOOK IS MENTIONED😛🥲
A:N- it’s really short but yuhh
It’s been a good month of dating my bestfriend. I’m just scared that if anything goes wrong, that we wouldn’t be the same.
I’ve understood that when or I should say, If we breakup, we of course won’t be friends, but I wnat to talk. Keep up in life. Support him.
Matt has made it clear that it’s me, and only me. I know, dating an nhl player will be hard, because there is always someone out there thinking your boyfriend is cute.
“Dumper?” Matt calls out for me. I’m getting ready in his bathroom. Today, it’s the first day in off season. The rangers had won the third round of playoffs, but we didn’t make it to the end.
You might be wondering why Matt calls me dumper. It’s a long story, taht im glad to walks down with you.
“Matt!” I groan as he thrusts into one last time. He releases into me, I feel I’m going to cum as well.
“You cum dump.” Matt laughs out. He cleans us up, and stands up to throw the tissues he used to clean up away. “I do not!” I yell out, I know I do. It makes sense to me.
Why would I cum in like five different times if I feel I’m going to release at one time?
Matt comes down onto me and kissed me from my knee up. He hits my neck and sucks down until I feel nothing.
“Nice hickey.” He chirps at me.
“Oh yeah? I wonder wher i hit it from.” I sarcastically joke with him. He gets hurts from that and lays down on my bare chest.
His brown hair all over.
It’s dark. Bedroom lights are off and the only thing lighting the house is the stars.
He cuddles into me for a few hours while I talk and yap about school, and when I should get my job.
“Where are you?” Matt yells for me.
“Bathroom! I have the interview today!” I let Matt know that I’m fully booked, and don’t have time for him.
“Well can we watch a movie tonight? Play some uno!” Matt asked me as he walks into the bathroom. His warm chest connects like a puzzle into my back. He leans into me and kissed my neck. He lays his fluffy hair into the crook of my neck. “I love you.” Matt whispers into my ear.
“Three months.” I say. I pushed him off my shoulder and cussed at him.
“Hey shithwsd?” I laugh at him.
“Hm?” Matt moans in his sleepy voice.
“Go shower. I’ll drive you down to the office.” I follow up. Matt has locker clean out today, many last minute interviews and press conferences.
I dropped Matt off at the arena and sat in my car.
Maybe he’s the one for me. The one guy that I won’t mess up with.
“Hey baby! How was the interview?” Matt asked me as I walk into the kitchen. Matt is cooking us some dinner and I set my purse down. I fall on the couch.
“That bad?” Matt questioned.
I felt my heart drop. How do I tell him, “No it was good… it’s the fact they don’t have an official employment spot for me here in New York. If I took the job, I would have to move to Wyoming.”
Yeah, no.
“Um, it went pretty well.” I replied, my high pitched cracky voice squeaked out. I think Matt knows I’m stressed. I’m sure I have actual sweat droplets swimming down in my face.
“You’re lying.” Matt looked down at me. He standing above me form the couch.
“No im not.” I laugh out. I stand up and dance with him back to the kitchen.
“Oh my love. My little baby.” I say as I rest my head into his chest. He smiles down at me and he picks me up.
“Give me.” Matt gestured to my foot as he set me down on the counter top.
I eye the stove that he left on. “What are we eating tonight?” I ask him. I try to distract myself.
God. Maybe I shouldn’t take the job.
He looks back at the side over his shoulder, and continues to take off my left shoe. My right foot is hanging and I kick him.
“Oh, uh I made some eggs, just so we could eat some toast and eggs. I was lazy, sorry.” Matt explained. He turned red in embarrassment.
“No. It’s perfect.” It’s the little things. I have to take things into consideration, not just the fact he does big gestures. He does this small thing that matters to me. Like, cooking dinner every night. Or just listening to me talk. Even if he doesn’t care, or deep down isn’t listening, he still looks like he cares.
Matt smirked and he dropped my left foot, only to un tie my right shoe. Once he finished he picked me up and kissed me. “What movie?” Matt asked me as I sit in our couch.
He plates everything into a large bowl and hands me a few slices of apples. “You’d be such a great dad.” I muttered.
“I’m sorry. A father?!” Matt exclaimed. He looks me up and down, smirking. Teeth out. His eyes look at me, I feel him leaving closer.
He grips onto a blanket as he sits down on the couch right beside me.
He turns the TV on to play the notebook.
I cried at the en of the movie. Matt holds me as he sleeps in my arms. He snores and he shakes as I weep and cry.
Matt looks up as his head rested on my breasts. “Are you okay? Why are you crying?” Matt mumbled. He rubs his eyes once he kissed my left boob.
He gets up and puts out dishes away. He cleans up the couch, and picks me up. “The movie that sad?” Matt asked me. I understand this season was hard so I let him sleep during the movie.
“You’ve never watched The Notevook?” I inferred, I look outside our window and Matt sets me down.
“I have, but I always fall asleep.” He looks at me and he pulls his clothes off. He’s left in his under set and I do the same. I unclamp my bra and lay in bed. I slide my panties off and lick them to the floor.
Matt fliers with me and he tightens his arms around me.
“I love you.” Matt reminded me, for the hundredth time.
“I have to move, if I take the job.” I let out.
Matt loosens his grip and he breaths in. “So take the job.” He said.
“It’s hard, but we can always fly out together.” Matt implied. We lay in bed. Not thinking about anything, well other than the fact I could leave.
Right when life gets good.
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lipeg · 9 months
Rodrigo Beast florist of metal: Let me see, if I understand, she
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Rodrigo Beast florist of metal: Was it a fucking dog with a horn that was on fire?
Jaune: Hm
Rodrigo Beast florist of metal: So when you left fairytale land, that dog turned into this!
Jaune: Yeah
Rodrigo Beast florist of metal: That's a Japanese thing
Riccardo The demonic saint: Begin
Rodrigo Beast florist of metal: This can only be Japanese, there's no other explanation, just look at her
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Jaune: I don't see anything much
Rodrigo Beast florist of metal: She can only have come from a Japanese, because she's blonde, ok she has heterochromia but one of her eyes is blue, she has big breasts, a criminal ass, she's 190 tall! She's got a six pack! Thighs the size of Jaune's head! Plus she's a perfect wife! Do you really think she could have come from a North American!
Jack Prince of the Eighth Circle of Hell: But American comics have always had beautiful women
Rodrigo Beast florist of metal: Yes, I can't deny that! Have you ever seen one like this
Jack Prince of the Eighth Circle of Hell:....................... OK you win
Jaune: What is a Japanese?
Rodrigo Beast florist of metal: A
Ken Guardian of the Fire Gates: * His oni face changes to an Asian human face *
Jaune: He reminds me of Ren * He reminds me of Ren *
Rodrigo Beast florist of metal: He's more Chinese than Japanese, Asian people share very similar characteristics, you can tell the difference between a Japanese and a Chinese person
Neo: " Do you have a problem with Japanese? "
Akin, The one whose spear pierces the stars: He hates Japanese
Rodrigo Beast florist of metal: Can you hate them? The Greeks popularized incest, the Romans popularized rape, the Babylonians popularized zoophilia, the Japanese popularized tentacle sex and pedophilia
Jaune and Neo blink, they look at Riccardo
Riccardo The demonic saint: Yes, he's a racist but he has an argument that reflects on the subject
Kai, Warrior of the sea of ​​stars: It's true, he can make a Japanese hate being Japanese * Kai pointed Ken *
Vert Black Dragon: If you think about it, they could have sex with Barghest, Neo gets on her tits while Jaune sticks his cock in her.
Neo: 😯
Jaune: Barghest out of that. I won't let you corrupt my little Barghest
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Riccardo The demonic saint: I want you to leave me out of it, what you do between four walls is trouble
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francixoxoxo · 2 months
ik you're taking a break but this is here no pressure for when you come back I just wanted to send it while it's in my head <3
had a thought of pirate billy teaching mermaid reader about the constellations and the stars and how sailors and pirates use them so often <3
Ok this is sooo cute
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The stars have always been so beautiful to you, you hadn’t discovered them until you finally came to the surface. It felt like a reward for doing something so rebellious, so dangerous and independent. For finding yourself, you found the stars.
You and Billy had been laying on a large rock jutting from the shore, your scales catching the pale moonlight and shimmering iridescent blues, pinks and purples. Colors Billy couldn’t even hope to name, but was willing to devote his life to memorizing. You’d been staring up at the stars, while Billy stared at you, and you breathed, “You’re so lucky to have the stars.”
“Hm?” Billy’s brows drew together, he tore his eyes off you to look at the navy sky. The stars were clear, dappling the night like spots on a fawn. You were just as innocent and pure as you sighed wistfully, “They’re so beautiful. I wish we had them below the water.”
Billy hummed softly, finding your hand on your belly and intertwining your fingers. “Well, they got you underwater. Figure that evens the scale, baby girl.” His words brought a smile to your lips, a giggle bubbling past them, and he brought your knuckles to his lips. He smiled against your soft skin, pressing a little kiss to your hand and murmuring against it. “Yanno, they’re a little practical, too.”
“Really? How?” You lifted your brows, ever curious. Billy nodded, proud to have an actual knowledge of the topic as a sailor. “Like a map y’aint gotta worry ‘bout misplacin’.” He lifted your hands, forming your hand into a point aswell as his own, gesturing to a specific constellation.
“That one’s Orion, s’ a classic.” Billy hummed. You squinted, trying to make out the dazzling stars. “It looks like a guy holdin’ a bow with his arm up. Y’see?” At your little nod and smile he moved your interlocked hands, grumbling to himself for a moment to find another.
“That’s casseopeia, y’use that one t’find your direction..” Billy cooed to you, looking over constantly to drink in your twinkling, curious eyes as they lit up in recognition. “And y’use it to find that one, the lil’ dipper.”
“Why do you need to find the Little Dipper?” Your brows furrowed a bit in confusion. Billy chuckled a bit, rubbing his thumb over your hand affectionately. Somebody else might’ve thought you were stupid; Billy understood that you had a raw, true and honest thirst to know everything. “Well, see that bright star at the end? By where the handle’d be?”
“Mhm.” You instantly recognized that one. You recalled your first night above water, you’d been so afraid to peek more than your face above the surface. You spent practically the whole time staring up at that star, admiring the demure glow of it. It seemed so unreachable. So otherworldly. Perhaps that was how Billy felt about you.
“Well, that’s the Pole Star. The North Star.” Billy explained with a bit of pride in his low timbre. “It’s how we get t’port when we can’t tell our cardinal directions, yanno? If y’know north, y’know south, then west, east, you get it.” He looked over at you, his blue eyes flicking over your face, your beautiful features illuminated by the moon. Your eyes were wide and doey, your smile faint but ever-present.
“Beautiful and useful.” You summed, and Billy grunted in agreement. He brought your knuckles to his lips, peppering a few kisses along the back of your hand.
“Very beautiful.” Billy agreed softly, his eyes opening and lifting to meet yours. There was that familiar glint in them that made you certain he wasn’t just talking about the stars and constellations.
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jadeazora · 10 days
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Oh, I played a couple Moemon hacks (Mega Moemon FireRed and Star Emerald) since I'd never tried them before and wanted to see the gijinka designs! Let me introduce y'all to the girls (and Luxray, Swampert, and Medicham)! If I had any complaint, it would have been cool to see them do away with the human trainers entirely, and just use following Pokemon sprites to reflect Team ace for NPCs or whoever's leading your party, so you can pretend it's like, RPG adventuring groups or something, but that's probably too much effort to bother with on a hack somebody already put a lot of effort into, so I ain't faulting them for it 😅
First time using Medicham on a playthru run btw. I used one in XY for a few battles with friends, but he was fun to use. Definitely the strongest one of my Moemon FR team.
Star Emerald was really fun tho, they have EXP ALL since they pitched up the Lvs a lot, but there's a great place to grind north of Oldale in that water route when you unlock Surf. HMs are also optional, and they give Key Item equivalents. Definitely worth a shot if Moemon hacks interest you! 😁
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myreia · 1 month
wip wednesday
tagged by @lilas, ty!! 💖
tagging: @birues @thewitchofelpis @hylfystt @anneapocalypse @lilbittymonster
@thevikingwoman @galadae @janzoo @bearlytolerant
This is from a chapter of a thing I am working on for a prompt and I may have gotten carried away with Thancred's POV but... hm. Something will happen here eventually haha. General Shadowbringers spoilers.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Water sloughs off the great giant leaves of a plant he cannot name. The artificial rain begins above, misting across the vibrant foliage, droplets pooling in the creases of its leaves until it overflows and follows the predictable pull of gravity down. Most lands in the pot below.
The rest spatters on the floor.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
The sound sets his teeth on edge.
Biting his tongue, Thancred opens his eyes and adjusts his position, ignoring the way sweat creeps across the nape of his neck as quickly as the droplets form on those leaves above. This was not his first choice, but as Y’shtola and Urianger have taken over the Cabinet of Curiosity, the twins are split between the Crystalline Mean and the Musica Universalis, Ryne returned to their apartment to rest, and the Wandering Stairs is dangerously alluring with its arsenal of wine and beer, there are precious few places left to be alone and think. A few Hortorium workers have taken note of him, but all have had the good grace not to inquire about his presence. Perhaps they welcome a rare new visitor watching their aquaculture in practice, or the look on his face has scared them off from asking.
Either way it suits him fine. He has no desire for trivial small talk.
Not when Aureia is dying.
Drip. Drip.
His crossed arms dig into his chest, his coat pulling taut in the shoulders. Strange how his mind makes all these useless connections. He would rather it didn’t. Perhaps the Hortorium was a mistake. That damn dripping is too close to rain, and thoughts of rain remind him of the outside world and the blistering sky above.
The mark of their failure. The mark of Aureia’s failure. They promised to return the night sky, and now…
His jaw clenches hard, dull pain radiating out through his teeth. It’s easy to recall when Aureia conquered the first lightwarden—the memory is seared on his heart. He was cutting through the woods in the far west of Lakeland, leading Ryne off the beaten path. Her pace was slow—stopping and starting, stopping and starting—falling further and further behind each time she paused to look at something in the distance. A dangerous thing to do in the middle of the woods with vermin all around and a powerful new sin eater sighted in the area. Finally, he had had enough. He rounded on her, a reprimand on the tip of his tongue—
He never said it.
The heavens ripped open. Ryne watched, back straight, silent and firm as the wound streaked across the sky from the north-east. From Holminster. He followed her gaze, hair raising on the nape of his neck, suspicion twisting in his gut. He reached over his shoulder for the hilt of his gunblade.
And then the sky rippled and bled black, as if every last bit of the everlasting light had been sucked out of it.
For the first time in her life, Ryne saw the night.
He knew, without question, what had happened. He knew Aureia had arrived on the First, knew she was bound to approach Lakeland’s lightwarden sooner rather than later. It was why he was ushering Ryne as far away from the Crystarium.
“Look, Thancred,” she said, her voice so small and yet so strong. “Stars.”
Stars. The likes of which Lakeland hadn’t seen in a hundred years. The likes of which they may never see again. He remembers those constellations; they were the same as the ones scattered across Mor Dhona’s skies.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
He exhales a breath, staring absently at the rushing underground river and too-bright plants. Anything to push the memory from his mind. He allowed himself to become hopeful once Philia had been slain. Hopeful that there would be an end to this living nightmare. Hopeful that the First could be saved. Hopeful that Minfilia’s legacy would not be wasted in vain.
How could he not, after what they both just witnessed? How could he not, knowing that it was Aureia’s hand that changed the course?
Fool. Deep down he knew the solution was too easy, the ask too great. An expert in aetherology he is not, but he doesn’t have to be to recognize the simple truth: no one can contain that much light and keep it in check, not even the bearer of Hydaelyn’s blessing. But he chose to ignore what his instincts were screaming. It was easier that way. To choose to hope, rather than face the reality of the circumstances.
This is the one time where he wishes his instincts had not been proven right.
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Can I please have some New York, England, and the Dutch Empire angst? New York being hurt by England and feeling depressed because his father left him for some nutmeg? (True-story)
Thank you!
Yes you may :D
Then Netherlands was kinda the closest thing to a father that New York ever had. He was better than England anyways, and New York could actually see him as a dad.
^Which is why New York was so.... crushed. when Netherlands gave him up for spices and riches on another side of the world. He loved Netherlands (in a family way). Didn't Netherlands love him too?
Now as for Great Britain. Great Britain wasn't necessarily abusive, but more so neglectful. New York barely even knew anything about Great Britain other than he was some guy with a stick up his ass, and seemingly held a bit more power than England did.
England, however. Was a fucking MONSTER. Towards the colonies, but more so towards the gold star colony, New York. What Great Britain was looking for, was a war weapon, and something to take after him. What England was looking for, was power and a punching bag essentially (no one knows why).
But alas, England was kinda under Great Britain's rules, so he still had to try and get what England wanted out at least one of the colonies.
Maryland? Too soft hearted and caring.
Connecticut? He knows what's right and is not afraid to speak up if he thinks something is off.
New Jersey? Too stubborn and consumed with "womanly" activities like flowers.
Pennsylvania? Too brash and stubborn.
Massachusetts? Also too stubborn and spiteful to allow the British to get the better of him. And England found him annoying.
Georgia? Well. Let's say that England was a tad....racist. And Georgia, like the others, was stubborn as hell.
North Carolina and South Carolina were always by each other's sides and would allow no harm to be made to the other. Plus they would be quite the handful to deal with.
Virginia? Well....Great Britain specifically said to leave Virginia alone for some reason (he wanted Ginny to be more so in the side of education and stuff, rather than warfare)
Delaware? was much too interested in marine life and the ocean to even bother trying to listen to any training or anything.
New Hampshire? Well. Only God knows where he was half of the time (he's in the woods 24/7 and has become one with nature /hj)
Rhode Island? Too small. (haHA-)
That left him with.... New York. New York was young, and naive, and desperate for a father figure , and he was obedient (scared) and always did as he was told (because he was scared).
Hm. That could work.
So yeah! England was a horrible piece of shit to New York and quite literally left no room for defiance from New York! New York did basically everything England said, took all the beatings and everything. Have I mentioned all that England did to him in the prison during the Revolution? (Yes I have, there's a lot about it in my other posts).
Yet by the time the Revolution was over, New York was but a mere husk of a person. He was weak, and broken, and uh. England had no use for him anymore! Luckily, New York was rescued.
If he hadn't been rescued though, things could've ended much much worse for New York....
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randomfoggytiger · 6 months
Collector's Edition: Cars and Conversations (Part I)
Mulder and Scully have traveled a lot a lot a lot during their years in the basement-- surely, they had pretty cool conversations on the road?
Loose chronological order below~
As he climbs into the passenger seat of his father’s Lincoln, Fox yawns. The dashboard clock reads 5:03 AM and the smug tilt of his mother’s lips suggests that the early hour is the result of considerable negotiation. The tires crunch on the driveway and his mother waves at him absentmindedly from the porch as they depart. She doesn’t make a habit of smiling, but in the dark, Fox thinks something close might be on her face.
The drive is quiet this morning, save for the news on the radio and the whistle of the wind through the cracked window. Sunflower seeds sail over the glass and Fox takes a few out of the bag, chewing on them for something to do.
“How’s work, Dad?” he asks as they pass Fall River.
 Young Mulder is tossed back and forth by his begrudging parents.
the fbi basement bulletin board - Chapter 5 (Tumblr)
“Hm. Well you probably don’t need a medical professional to tell you this, but if you keep moving it around, it’s going to take longer to heal. You need to rest it.”
“Noted, doc. And you just missed the turn, by the way.”
S1 Mulder is bad at directions-- especially with a sprained wrist.
Local Radio (Tumblr)
Driving out to a little town in Indiana hadn't been in the original plan, but the business of Memorial Day weekend had removed flying as an option. They needed to reach their destination within 24 hours. So here they were, en route to another place that didn't even warrant a dot on the map (you've seen one, you've seen them all, he sometimes thought to himself).
Mulder is amused at a crazy radio station (and at Scully's reaction.)
Christine Leigh's (Alt. Ao3) Maybe?
"Okay, here we are." Maggie said this as she pulled off the highway and onto the road that would take them into Democrat Hot Springs. She was surprised that there wasn't more traffic. This town, if she remembered right, was supposed to be some sort of a resort area. Five more minutes, and they were in the parking lot looking up at the familiar sight of the neon arches, and that's all that mattered. 
Captain Scully is back from deployment; and Maggie senses something is off with her youngest daughter.
@thatfragilecapricorn30's (Ao3) Tell Me You Love Me - Chapter 1
“How do you know where I live?” he asked.
Scully’s cheeks reddened; she was hoping he wouldn’t notice or find her actions inappropriate. “It was, uh, it was in your personnel file. I wrote down your address after you called me at home after the last case. I figured I may need it at some point.”
Mulder smiled. “Just trying to see if you’ve been spying on me.”
Post Deep Throat Scully can't shed her keyed-up nerves after driving Mulder back home.
@scullywolf's (Ao3)
Her eyes narrowed. “How far up north?”
“California’s a big state, Scully.”
“I’m aware of that. How far?”
He decided there was probably something very interesting over in the corner that merited staring at while he answered. “About 300 miles. Give or take.”
Eve Mulder sheepishly wakes Scully.  
Red Museum
Sure, the old man wasn’t a member of the church, and similarities between him and Brother Andrew were all but nonexistent, but the cryptic “There’s something I’d like to show you,” with no further explanation, was enough to set her mental warning bells chiming. She was a grown woman, with a gun, but that didn’t mean she loved the idea of jumping into some random stranger’s truck after only the briefest of exchanges. Mulder joined her at the truck’s window, an unspoken question on his face.
Red Museum Scully communicates her anxieties to Mulder without a word.
The car company rep agreed to come and pick her up, and she sat down on the curb for only a minute or so before getting up again to pace off her nervous energy. A hundred horrible scenarios played themselves out in her head; at least ninety of them involved Mulder getting into car wrecks of varying degrees of seriousness. In order to keep herself from panicking, she tried to focus on the task at hand, which only made her angry that she was even in her current position in the first place.
Demons Scully has to call in a new rental car.
“All I’m saying,” she said pointedly, “is that it could be worse. We could be crammed in a room right now with a bunch of other agents, and instead we’re at least driving around through what you have to admit is some fairly scenic farmland.”
Mulder spared a moment to mourn their lost office. 
Drive Scully appreciates being out in the field with Mulder again.
Dreamland II
"...Mulder, I’m not proud of how long it took me to realize what was going on. I was about ready to drag you in for an MRI. Some sort of delayed-effect brain trauma from your trip out to the Queen Anne was the only thing I could think of to account for your dramatic change in behavior. Only it wasn’t you at all–”
“Well, you believe it now, and that’s all that matters. Now how do we fix things?”
Dreamland II Mulder and Scully catch up before heading back into the fray.
@cactustree's (Ao3) Fast Times and Slow Drives
She startles when she feels a warm hand on top of hers, and her eyes snap open as though jolted by an electric shock. She looks over to find Mulder studying her, his eyes darkened with concern.
“Watch the road, Mulder,” she murmurs, pulling her hand away from his.
“What’s wrong, Scully?”
Post Genderbender Mulder banters away Scully's apology with facts.
@h0ldthiscat's (Ao3, Alt. Ao3)
She swats him away with one of her small hands when he touches her head and helps her into the car, but the look she shoots him lacks her usual antagonism, and the purse of her lips doesn't quite convince him that she's annoyed.
"Do you want another one of these before we hit the road?" He shakes a half-empty bottle of Gatorade at her as he slides behind the wheel, but she shakes her head once, firmly, and presses her lips together in a thin line, making them even whiter than they are.
Post Darkness Falls Mulder drives them home.
7. things you said while we were driving
She shoves the sunshade back up and clears her throat. “Can we go?”
He notices for the first time that her eyes are wet, that her chin is quivering despite her best attempts to control it. Remorse and guilt wash over him as he remembers an offhand comment from earlier in the week that explains her makeup, her nicer-than-usual suit, the set of her jaw. 
Post Never Again Mulder's remorse soothes Scully's feelings.
Can I ask for a fic tonight? :)
“Was the drive okay?” she asks.
Mulder jerks his head back to the still open door and says, “Ask your son, he drove.”
William appears in the doorway, duffel bag slung over his shoulder, tawny hair in his eyes. “It was fine, Mom.”
“Good,” she says, shooting daggers at Mulder with her eyes, daggers that say she can’t believe he let their son drive in a snowstorm....
AU-- Revival era Scully is not pleased Mulder let college age William drive back in a snowstorm.
@crossedbeams’s (Ao3) I-Spy
‘I love this song!’ I explain, whizzing the twizzler I have pilfered from Mulder’s junk food haul around in some vaguely rhythmic pattern. I love music I just lack the skill set to express that love very elegantly.
Mulder chuckles at my enthusiasm and cranks up the volume, ‘I never would have had you pegged as a Clapton fan’.
S1 Scully tells Mulder about her family road trips.
@slippinmickeys's (Ao3, Gossamer)
Prompt Drabble Collection - Chapter 25 (Tumblr)
The thing was, it was next to impossible to see out the windshield. 
Scully loved thunderstorms. Having spent a large portion of her youth in San Diego, they were still a novelty, even after years on other, more weather-prone bases and college campuses, and if she'd been home, she would have pulled up a chair next to her window and curled up there with a mug of tea, watching the light play in the sky and the water ping sharply against the glass. 
However, as a driver she was cautious, and with Mulder, well, she had a reputation to uphold: He was the engine. She was the brake. 
S1 Scully drives through a storm, donuts and a dozing partner included.
@brownies-and-tea/browniesandtea's Collect Call
“Mulder, it’s too late.” Scully sighed and leaned against the rain-streaked window of the car.
"I can't believe you're thinking fondly of that awful motel."
"I'm thinking fondly of a decent night's sleep." she stretched across the passenger seat.
S1 Mulder pursues a lead with Scully, from car to phone booth.
Ten's Learning to Breath (1/2)
In the elevator the women leaned him against one of the walls and kept talking to him, worried that otherwise he would go back to sleep and start sliding to the floor. Dana asked him questions, like his name and address, to keep him alert. She was relieved when she received the correct answers.
They got him into the backseat of Maggie's car, careful not to bump his head. Dana immediately raced around the car and got in the back herself. She fastened his seatbelt and watched as he leaned back against the headrest. He was asleep again before Maggie turned the key in the ignition.
AU-- Post One Breath Scully, Maggie, and Melissa are shocked at the state of Mulder's apartment.
J. C. Sun's Car Ride
My partner is next to me, as he always is, but for the first time in months, he's wearing his glasses. They make him look like an owl: a giant, somber six-foot owl perched in the driver's side seat. However, I doubt any owl has ever rolled his shirtsleeves up to the elbow and cradled a book in his lap, or chased the paranormal for a living. Nor do I think any owl has ever looked quite like him: the slightly twisted nose, the clear hazel eyes and the annoying, annoying little lock that, even now, droops across his forehead. It takes a wrench of will to resist the urge to reach out and to smooth it into place.
Post Firewalker Scully is bonded to Mulder now.
transient luminous events
He is still just standing there, the sleeves on the turtleneck he didn’t need to wear pushed up at the elbows. She is suddenly, vividly aware of the car, of the hot metal and the smell of rubber in stagnant humidity. Duane Barry’s trunk smelled like a spare tire. Her mouth goes cloth-gag dry.
“Can we?” she asks. She waves her hand at the road ahead and wonders how she’s so sure of this: He’d have known what she was asking even if she hadn’t.
“Sure,” Mulder nods. He looks relieved. He grabs their flashlights from the glove compartment and hands her one, and the flood of Pfaster’s headlights behind her eyes softens and clarifies into two beams that will never outrun her. And they walk.
Post Irresistible Scully confronts Mulder on his bubble-wrap method of protection.
if you weren't so
She tilts her chin up at him, at the usual angle, and finds that the geometry between them is the same.
“I need to talk to you,” she says. “Something’s happened.”
Behind him, his not-wife drags a recliner over the threshold in reverse, yelling at the houses that all look like hers.
“I have to talk to you alone.”
She says “alone” like she always says it and wonders if she meant to do that. There are days when she’s sure she could leave him in the dirt and still wind up in a room with him at the end of the world. As they slip behind the truck, she's gripped by the idea that to Joanne Fletcher, she is the woman Mulder shouldn’t be with.
AU-- Dreamland II Mulder and Scully try to find a way back to each other.
theramblinrose's Irresistible - Chapter 5/Chapter 6
“I didn’t know when I’d hear from you,” Mulder said.
“I’m at the airport,” Scully said. “I’ve got a car. I’m driving in. I just wanted to call before I left.”
“Anything wrong?” Mulder asked.
“No,” Scully said. “Honestly—everything’s feeling pretty right, Mulder.”
AU-- Irresistible Mulder and Scully are juggling their new relationship, a surprise pregnancy, and the fallout from the nefarious Pfaster.
eponine119's Same Old Fight
-Turn it back, he'd insisted, his knuckles white on the steering wheel with the effort of keeping the car on the narrow twisting road, This is making me jumpy.
-I don't know why I let you drive.
-You didn't have any choice.
-Mulder, pull over and let me drive.
S2 Mulder rescues Scully after their blowout fight almost ends with an explosive conclusion.
Walter Skinner's 'From Left Field
"But I don't see why Skinner should care about the book. It didn't mention *him*, and it didn't even use our names." Scully stood in front of the bookcase, scanning the shelves. "We didn't divulge anything classified; I'm sure the reading public thinks the whole think is a joke."
"But they had the nerve to claim I ate *twelve* piece of sweet potato pie!"
She pulled the book down. "Skinner's going to complain about your eating habits?"
"But I *hate* sweet potato pie, Scully. You know that, remember? I turned green at the gills last Thanksgiving, when your sister-in-law offered me some."
Post Jose Chung's From Outer Space Skinner has his thoughts on the book.
Sweet Home D.C.
"But the reception . . ." She looked out the window at the 1 AM darkness. "I think we both need to get some sleep. Turn the radio back on if you want to."
He did.
<< . . . Sweet home, Alabama . . . where skies are so blue . . . sweet home, Alabama . . . Lord, I'm coming home to you . . .>>
"That guy's got something wrong with his head, Scully."
Mulder and Scully, switching songs and swapping gum.
Cassadaga Bound
Dana squinted out the car window. "I don't think there's enough room in this town for all the witches, or demons, or devils in Florida, let alone the world."
S3 Mulder detours he and Scully to a fortune teller's.
“We’re not lost.” Mulder shot her a look then turned back to the road, correcting for the drift. “We’re directionally challenged.”
Making a guttural noise deep in her throat, Scully glanced out the window.
Mulder, the car, and a ditch.
@sunlightscully's (XF Writing Challenge - Food)
They have perfected the art of car eating. The driver orders and pays and hands the greasy bag over to be unpacked. The passenger unwraps the driver’s burger. They share fries.
When he pays she asks for the bare minimum and nothing too expensive. He orders extra large milkshakes and pretends he doesn’t see her stealing sips. They compensate for each other. Ketchup has not been spilled in years.
Mulder realizes he loves Scully.
Starbuck's (FFN) Wake Me When We Get There
"Shouldn't be much longer, Scully."
She made no acknowledgment, lying her head upon the seat once again. He continued driving as she drifted in and out of consciousness. White line. White line. Yellow line.
"Wake me when we get there, Mulder."
Mulder keeps the volume down so his partner can sleep on the long drive home.
@wtfmulder/@momdadimpoppunk's (Ao3) drabble; pay no mind
Scully paces around the car, branches and leaves snapping quietly under her weight. But she’s not angry, not at all, or nervous. She occasionally bends down to steal a sunflower seed from him and pauses to crack it before continuing her little loops.
Mulder and Scully find their own ways to entertain themselves when the rental car breaks down.
@incidental-ao3/incidental's Febuwhump 2023: The Truth is Out There (And the Fic is In Here) - Chapter 18
“No, Mulder, I should be keeping you awake, you’re the driver.”
“But I am awake,” he argued reasonably. “So there’s no reason for you to torture yourself when you could catch another few hours’ rest.”
“Don’t be dramatic, it’s not torture,” she scoffed. He smirked.
“Could’ve fooled me,” he said. She scowled sleepily.
Scully tries not to fall asleep, and Mulder ruminates on life before lights.
@mulderbabe77's Taco Stands and Regrets
He pushed down a little harder on the gas pedal.
“Are you gonna throw up?” He gulped, hoping to hear a no.
“Nope,” she answered and for a moment he almost sighed with relief. “The other thing, I think,” she finished, grimaced again and held a hand to her cramping stomach.
“I’m on it!” He sped the car up a little more.
Ten minutes later they could see the exit just ahead. Mulder was shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
Mulder and Scully both get food poisoning while on the road.
@hamster-on-fire/fade_into_the_dusk_with_me’s For The Sake Of Driving (Ao3)
They’d do this sometimes. Drive. They were always driving, it seemed. But when it was dark like this & he was scared like this, or tired like this, or just utterly numb like this, it was different. The curve of the road up ahead could feel like a whole conversation; the silence, an opening, & they’d both sit there, like staring at a sterile wound.
Mulder and Scully help each other decompress on long, long car drives late into the night.
Timemeantnothing's On the road again
“We helped keep the Germans from getting Thor’s Hammer.”
“Mhmm,” Scully hummed, turning the corner.
“It was Einstein, Scully. We protected Albert Einstein.”
“That was very good of us to do.”
Mulder and Scully, driving: hot ladies, aliens, cheek kisses, Triangle rambles, and Millennium contentedness.
Thank you for reading~
**Note**: I am a "separate the art from the artist" person through-and-through; but my lists will no longer be featuring writers that have blocked me-- tooooooo much drama has been kicked up over that issue.
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