#hmm. 4/10 i appreciate they tried
elminster-big-naturals · 10 months
okay so i've had all day to think about it and actually i think the epilogue party kinda sucked and i sorta wish i hadn't actually played it
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mayimkjs · 22 days
Mikoto's Notable T2 Timeline Convos (EN Ver)
Taken from the FOOL's MATE research doc
1) 2022/10/06, Mikoto's birthday
Sakurai Haruka Mikoto-san. Um, are you ok……? Kayano Mikoto Ah, Haru-kun. It’s been a while since we last talked, huh. Yeah, I’m fine. Are you doing ok……? Sakurai Haruka Ah, I’m fine. I’ve been enjoying myself, a lot. Um, I’m sorry, for avoiding you.  I was a bit scared. Of you, honestly…… Kayano Mikoto Ahhh, yeah. I’ve been lashing out whenever I go to sleep, right? ……it’s fine. Even I think you’re right to be scared. You know, I kinda just hate that I don’t even know what’s going on myself…… haha. Kayano Mikoto Ah, but despite all that you still came and talked to me because it’s my birthday, right? Thank you, you’ve grown into a good man.
Mikoto has cast himself away.
His relationship with Haruka is completely different as he's now scared of Mikoto.
Mikoto is understanding of his fear and thinks Haruka is in the right.
He has no idea what's been going on and thanks Haruka for the birthday wishes.
2) 2022/12/15, Kotoko's birthday
Kayano Mikoto Ah, Koto-chan. It's been a while. We were isolated for some time but, how are you doing? Lots of things happened, but for now let's get along. Here, it's your birthday right? I figured that no one would come celebrate it for you, so I came to wish you a happy birthday. Yuzuriha Kotoko ...What a carefree person you are.  Someone as atrocious as you won't be forgiven next time too, surely.  When that time comes, it'll be your last. Next time, I'll kill you. Kayano John Haah? Why don't you try it then, you lunatic.  I'll crush anyone who tries to harm me....  I'll make sure to thoroughly beat you at your own game...!! Yuzuriha Kotoko Hmph. The boundaries have gotten more blurred, it seems.  Your existence itself is a crime. I will give you your punishment.  This is MILGRAM's, Es', and also my own decision.
Mikoto and Kotoko were separated for some time. He still wants to get along with everyone and wishes her a happy birthday.
Kotoko then threatens Mikoto
John fronts and threatens her back.
3) 2023/10/06, Mikoto's birthday
Kayano Mikoto Is it true… There’s really another me? These tattered clothes, and scaring everyone, it’s all because of him.  They say I'm a murderer... Isn't it unreasonable to expect me to believe that? Kayano Mikoto Can you hear me talking like this?  If you can hear me, then answer me.  Why are you doing such horrible things? Hey. It's your fault things have become like this. ……Answer me!! Kayano John Ah, ahhh!! Because, I did it for your sake...!  Because you would break apart!! Kayano Mikoto - - What am I doing...?  There's no way you'll conveniently give me an answer. I should just stop thinking about everything already...I'm tired......
Mikoto has completely isolated himself at this point.
He’s trying to communicate with John but is unsuccessful. Even though John responds, Mikoto can’t hear him.
4) 2024/08/05, Kazui's Birthday
Kayano Mikoto Well, you know... I appreciate your feelings, but... I don't know what I might do, even I'm not sure myself. So I think it's best if we're not together for a while. Besides... haha, aren't you scared, Kazu-san? Mukuhara Kazui Hmm, due to my job, I'm used to dealing with troubles youth. You must have your reasons. I don't feel like prying. Well, come over if you feel like it. Staying alone all the time will make you feel down. I can keep you company if you need to relieve some stress. Kayano Mikoto Yeah... I'm not really used to relying on others, you know. How should I put it, I feel like I'm being a bother. I can't bear that feeling of being pathetic... I guess I'm being very Japanese about this, haha... Mukuhara Kazui Hmm... well, that's fine. If that's easier for you, I won't force you. But you know, people in their 20s are still kids. It's admirable that you're hard on yourself, but I think it's okay to cause a bit of trouble for others. After all, I'm nearly 40 and I'm still a kid at heart.
He’s starting to confide in others more.
He still thinks he’s a monster and that other’s shouldn’t be near him. 
Kazui is offering to help Mikoto out by listening to him when he needs it.
He’s admitting that he has a problem about bothering others.
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irithnova · 5 months
Ok I think. We need to appreciate how goofy/embarrassing Mongolia can be so here's the post (will be talking about edgier stuff at some point but let this man flop around if only for a second):
During the Yuan the words "buluo" and "buzu" were virtually non existent in important Chinese texts despite the frequency of the words used before. It's most likely this exclusion was not accidental and was a result of the Yuan rulers being sensitive to the barbarian connotations of the word. Yes Mongolia was offended by being called a barbarian by China and told him to stop
He was totally acting all new-money and spending his newfound wealth on the most ridiculous shit, like a literal fountain that dispersed 4 different types of alcohol
Thinks throwing money at things is some sort of fix-all
Went on a 40-day bender when Ogedei ascended to Khanhood
Did I mention he was an alcoholic?
Would take on the advise from advisors that came from everywhere but China.
Made his own version of a racial hierarchy with Mongols and other Northerners being at the top and Southern Chinese being at the bottom ("who's the barbarian now?!!")
Categorised his Chinese subjects into 10 ranks, with Confucian scholars coming 9th - below prostitutes
Chinese criminals got way harsher punishments than Mongol criminals
No sinicization here folks - this dude was NOT wearing Chinese clothes or eating Chinese food. In fact a lot of Mongol rulers never even bothered to learn the language. Mongolia probably knew it but would make China speak Mongolian with him anyways
Despite all this he was absolutely addicted to Chinese stageplays you have no idea how much Mongol rulers loved that shit
Got defeated by Ainu and response sent him gifts to try and get him on his side
When I tell you how possessive he was of Ilkhanate I was not joking, there were certain Ilkhanate rulers like Ahmad who tried to break free from Yuan influence by having the inscriptions of the coins refer to Islam rather than the Yuan Khan, but after him under Arghun, Yuan suzerainty over Ilkhanate coinage was reinstalled - it's speculated this was encouraged by Khublai (ruler of the Yuan)
Could not accept that the Yuan dynasty divorce was real and so called the remains of his empire the "Northern Yuan" ("You see the marriage never ended I'm just living in the Northern half of our house. It's called the Northern Yuan. Yes it's perfectly valid fuck off")
Went all surprise-pikachu-face when years of being a megalomaniac lead to his Northern subjects finally turning against him
During the four Oirat era, the Oirat confederation called themselves the four "tumens" (tumen = 10,000) of Oirats. Mongolia responded by basically going "hmm... FOUR tumen you say? Well... we are the SIX tumen of Mongols... Checkmate"
Again during this time, (Chinggisid) Mongols would record how Oirat rulers would "bully" Mongol rulers,. A lot of these accounts were greatly exaggerated as many of these so called Oirat rulers were actually just visitors who had nothing to do with the Oirats
The Choros Oirat clan had an origin myth that involved emerging from a sacred mother tree. Mongolia responded by hijacking this story and making it so that Genghis Khan came down and #defeated this tree
Definitely coped + seethed hard when the Dalai Lama started giving non-Chinggisid Mongols the title "Khan"
Once Mongolia was incorporated into the Manchurian-lead Qing dynasty, he was making almost all the exact same complaints China once made about him but now directed at Manchuria and did not sense an inkling of irony in any of it ("Why does this teenager think he can boss me around! He's uncultured and the only culture he gets is from me! He doesn't know anything about anything!)
During the era of communism and Russian influence in Mongolia, I've read that some Mongolians complained that the Russians "drank too much" errm... Pot calling the kettle blac-
Some non-historical ones which are still based in fact somewhat but just also overall goofy as hell:
He is weirdly freaked out by cats
He fucking loves KFC I swear there was even some Mongolian TV show about KFC workers.
His love for Chinese stageplays now has a 21st century equivalent: cnovels. Guiltiest pleasure
He's very... moe, around Tibet. Make sure to back away from them if you see them with each other unless you wanna hear some weird shit
Pretends he doesn't like Kpop. He does
Thinks calling Tuva a kleptomaniac rather than a thief is some sort of politically correct upgrade and doesn't understand why he's still offended by it
>"Buryatia should be a part of greater Mongolia again" #panmongolism"
>Makes fun of Buryatia for being "too Russified"
>"Inner Mongolia should be a part of greater Mongolia again #panmongolism"
>Makes fun of Inner Mongolia for being "too Sinicized"
If Kazakhstan is really annoying him he'll ask him if it's past his bed time
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yujeong · 2 months
Question from the Fanfic Writers Ask Game:
11. What’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? Also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
I'm extremaly curious to know what type of fandom research people do and learn about their discoveries.
Hiiii! Thank you for taking interest in this, I appreciate you sending me the ask ❤️ Hmm, I have a weird relationship with research: I always feel I do 1. No research at all and 2. Not enough, when I acknowledge to myself I had to look up at least SOME things for my fics. In general, I am ignorant about a LOT of stuff, so research feels daunting and scary and even when I discover what I want to, I don't know how to incorporate that into my stories or if it's even correct information. I feel super self-conscious about it, which is why I normally don't write fics that require knowledge I'm not at all familiar with. Cowardly, sure, but the potential mistakes are too many for me to take that risk. (I'm learning though! The next fic I'll post will include some Thai cultural stuff related to Dharma that I had to thoroughly study about. I can only hope I won't screw it up.) Self-deprecation aside, I'm going to share some of the stuff I had to research for my fics - posted or not - to help people understand what I mean:
1. I had to look up various medical facts about stabbing (how deadly it is, how much time someone needs to heal etc), due to a scene that involved one in The Knight's Pawn, 2. I looked up videos of Muay Thai sparring matches in order to be able to write a sparring match in The Knight's Pawn - as well as see the differences from western boxing. Muay Thai is also something I've researched for another fic and to properly understand Pete as a character, 3. I had to look up sooo many chess terms for The Knight's Pawn, specifically for the chapter titles and summaries. Fun fact, the title of the fic makes no sense in chess; I told my irl friend who plays chess as an amateur about it and he proceeded to lose his mind lmao, 4. This will sound silly probably, but I studied Bangkok's map in order to be able to figure out a driving path for a trip down memory lane. I specifically wanted to figure out the distance between the main and minor family compounds (fun fact, it's approximately 15 minutes by car and 1 hour via public transport). I also looked up Lumphini Park and it's how I found out about dragon lizards! Very cool creatures, I wouldn't go near one ever, though, 5. I don't know if this one counts, but for the things you can(not) change, I had to watch Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox around 5 times in order to be able to portray the parallels correctly haha, 6. Since just a mission was based on ApoBuild's Bvlgari event, I looked up the venue it took place in, which is Icon Siam near Chao Phraya River, one of the most famous shopping malls in Bangkok, 7. For To Consume and Be Consumed's 1st chapter I had to... um... look up if it's possible for someone to not get an erection even if both the prostate and the penis are stimulated for a long period of time. The results suggested it is, so I tried to not stress over it too much 😅 The reception of the chapter was a lot better than I anticipated too, so I was happy with it, 8. Now, to start off about the fics that haven’t been posted yet and to remain in the spirit of the horny, I've looked up about autoerotic asphyxiation, if it's safe to use ice cream during sex (it isn't), if it's safe to have sex when someone is sick (it depends), the effects of GHB and how damaging a human bite can be (a lot if it's not treated immediately due to the bacteria in our mouths), 9. In the same realm, I've done a LOT of studying about La Pietà, the famous sculpture by our boy Michelangelo, so much so that for a while I couldn't escape it - I was seeing it everywhere. I'll keep the reasons for doing such research hidden for now, but it does involve smut xoxo, 10. I've only scratched the surface for this one, but I have begun studying about chronic pain for a post-canon VP fic I want to write. It doesn't involve smut and I don't think it will, but you never know, 11. Again, idk if it counts, but I've read Uzumaki for a NonWhite/TeeWhite fic I want to write one day, in order to draw parallels and whatnot. I'm very into parallels in case you haven't noticed haha, 12. Last, but certainly not least, the most difficult thing I've been researching and will probably never stop researching is Buddhism. To truly get Pete, you need to understand even the basics of Dharma and there are just so many things I don't know about it. Baby steps, but I'm getting there.
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meowizard · 2 years
Could you rate the rest of the ancients and legendaries's forms while chopping wood?
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he's hmm. he's. doing bad. like really bad. his arm looks like it's on a total swivel and I'd say he's likely to pull something if he weren't already probably built. idk how muscle really works ummmm his feet are stanced weirdly too but he's hitting low 2/10
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berry dangerous. she's leaning forward eeever so slightly, which takes a little chance of hurting herself off. still don't love the way she straightens her arm like that. there's little to no arc, and it looks like shes swinging it a very odd angle to the tree shes trying to hit. 1/10.
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pity points for literally not being able to use two hands but. her stance is weak and her grip is weak and her whole.,., *gestures* is weak. idk she's so frail and clearly uncomfortable i feel bad 4 her. i guess she's hitting below her waist at least. 5/10
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fyktjstshydktjstjstus her bestie was birch wood cookie? right? in her story? and does that have anything to do qith her hitting this sO BADLY. her hand is,.,. holding it backwards and upside down at the same time? i can't make head or tails of this i just tried to make my hand look like hers and i can't. shes also following the swing with her head, ie not at all using her peripherals, ie risking someone else gets hurt umm i appreciate she's not going for a huge swing, but that's moot with such a horrendous hand position. 0/10
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windowsandfeelings · 10 months
20 Questions Game for fic writers
tagged by @terrainofheartfelt and @slumped-in-the-arms-of-fiction (<3 <3 <3!)
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 25! (But I've written a lot more that are scattered across ffn and livejournal. I've been at this a while.)
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 153,671
3. What fandoms do you write for? Eternally Gilmore Girls, lately also Nancy Drew, and not for a while, but perhaps most notably Gossip Girl. (I've written for other fandoms, too, but not recently.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? All the Lights that Light the Way are Blinding (Gossip Girl) November 24, 2016 (Gilmore Girls) Met You at the Right Time (Gilmore Girls) The River in Egypt (Gossip Girl) The Boyfriend Tour of North America (Gilmore Girls)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to, but I'm definitely behind on it at the moment. I so appreciate every comment I get (okay, every nice comment I get), and I want to acknowledge them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmm...I don't really do angsty endings. Maybe I Am Sorry to Tell You? But that's mostly because Lost hadn't actually ended yet when I wrote it so I didn't have a way to get Rory and Jess off the island. But it wasn't really presented as angsty. (I have occasionally considered writing a sequel.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them? IDK, maybe MYatRT? Just because it takes such a long time to get to it, but I think it's earned.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Occasionally, yes, mostly on All the Lights..., or people commenting on other fics and shitting on All the Lights... in the process.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? I write v v v light smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written? lol, I wrote a Barney Stinson/Buffy Summers ficlet once.
I would say I'm not a huge fan of crossovers, but I wrote a bunch of short ones back in my lj days because a couple of my friends had a crossover fic contest...really more like drabbles.
And then of course there's I Am Sorry to Tell You. Because I got really into Lost at one point and had to find a way to combine it with Gilmore Girls. And honestly I think it came out pretty well.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think so, but I've definitely seen stolen fics.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yeah! Someone translated All the Lights... into Russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I can't remember. Maybe back in my ffn days? Nothing is springing to mind.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? LITERATI 4 LYFE
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I'd like to finish Saturn Return someday, but I don't really know where it will go. Which is why it's unfinished.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, probably? I wasn't comfortable writing dialogue for a long time, but especially since taking screenwriting classes a few years ago I feel much more confident in it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I struggle hard with plot. You want me to figure out what's going to actually happen in a story? Ugh!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I would probably only do it in French or maybe very basic Spanish, because that's the extent of not English that I'm confident in.
19. First fandom you ever wrote for? I'm pretty sure the first fic I ever wrote was a continuation of someone else's post-season 1 Gilmore Girls fic that they hadn't finished, but I never published it. (I still have it. It's hand-written...and bad. Because I was 13.) The first one I ever published was a Harry Potter fic on ffn. Also bad. Very unfinished.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? 100,000% Met You at the Right Time. I could not be more proud of that thing if I tried. It was a labor of love, but it also came out exactly the way I wanted to, which is just...nearly impossible to imagine. Like I could quibble with some of the writing, especially in the first couple of chapters, but at the end of the day...it's really good. Which is not a humble statement, but it's true.
tagging: @wonderlandleighleigh @oh-bonerline @strangenewgirls @stellaluna33 @georgianadarcies and anyone else who wants to do it
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sinners-if · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Thank you to the myth and legend @cheerstotheelites-if for tagging me in the 15 questions for 15 mutuals game. Unfortunately, I am too shy to tag a whole 15 mutuals but I appreciate all of you, and if you would like to join in feel free! @ingenio-academy-if @ichor-if @emberwood-if @kalorphic & @acatslifeif
Apologies if you’ve already played!
1. Are you named after anyone?
I am not anymore! Instead, one of my very good friends helped me pick out the name “Vesper”.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Hmm, yesterday - it was a rough day. But I got myself a little treat to make up for it.
3. Do you have kids?
Yes, I have two squishes named Maeve and Bruce and a dinosaur plush named Hades.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
All the time. Coping mechanisms chime in on three.
5. What sports have you played?
I’ve tried my hand at quite a few, but I spent several years competitively playing volleyball. If anyone would like to form a team lmk. thx.
6. What’s the first think you notice about someone?
What sort of mood they’re in. Knowing how to interact (if I have to) helps with my social anxiety.
7. Eye color?
My ID’s say green, but I would say they’re blue with two chunks of hazel on the bottom.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
There’s a time, place, and mood for both, but I would say movies with happy endings are my choice.
9. Any special talents?
My ability to avoid social interactions, maybe? I’m more of a mediocre jack-of-all-trades in all my hobbies: games, drawing, athleticism, etc.
10. Where were you born?
Middle of nowhere in the American Midwest - Iowa.
11. What are your hobbies?
I have my fingers in way too many pies. Video games, art, hiking, building puzzles, and obviously writing.
12. Do you have any pets?
Not right now unfortunately, but I’ve had dogs in the past.
13. How tall are you?
5’5” :(
14. Favorite subject in school?
Anything history related! Or geography too.
15. Dream job?
Writing and editing is my dream job. (In 3rd place after being an astronaut or archeologist.)
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breakaway71 · 11 months
20 questions writer meme!
Tagged by @galauvant, thank you bb! Retrospectives like this always give me the best kind of nostalgia about my writing, and I could use that right now, in the middle of some heavy projects. <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 242
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,200,157
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently? Julie and the Phantoms, Back to the Future, and Stranger Things are the biggies. I also always include Supernatural, because one way or another it always drags me back in unexpectedly.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Say it Sweet (Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles, truth serum)
2. Give All My Secrets Away (Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, hurt/comfort, wing!fic but not in the way you expect)
3. All That's Best of Dark and Bright (Teen Wolf, Dere/Stiless, trans MTF Stiles and falling in love and rescues and ~feels)
4. Family Matters (Julie and the Phantoms, gen, Ray accidentally adopts the whole ghost band and Reggie in particular and some stuff happens, idk, lots of good dad stuff)
5. Ad Astra Per Tentaculum (Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles, space AU, Stiles is an alien. With tentacles.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try really hard, but often fail. Not because I don't appreciate my readers, I do, so much, but it often feels like social interaction in my brain, and some days, that's a lot harder than others. It really comes down to how many spoons I have. I have better luck with new fics, and even then, it's a real toss-up if I manage. *hides face in shame*
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh. Hmm. I don't write a lot of angsty endings, honestly, but probably all those things i didn't say. Supernatural Dean & Sam gen fic, and it's. I mean, it's major character death, but in a weird way, and the ending...okay, yeah, it's a lot, but it was also meant to be hopeful?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Basically everything lol. No, really, I love me a happy ending, if I tried to pick, we'd be here all day. I guess one of my more recent(ish) ones I have a serious soft spot for is the 88 mph (take off, last stop) verse (Julie and the Phantoms band-as-family time travel gen fic) - the ending of the main story itself is pretty damn fluffy and happy, but the timestamps kind of add to the feeling. :)
8. Do you get hate on fics? I've been very lucky that in a couple solid decades of writing fanfiction, I've only ever gotten a small handful of negative comments. And maybe only one or two I would consider actually hateful.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Rarely, these days. I did so a lot more before I realized I was deeply ace. Sometimes I still indulge, but the mood of a story has to fit just right for me to go there. As for what kind, I mean, I've hit a lot of bullet points lol, but overall it tends to be more about ~emotions than the actual smut itself.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? CROSSOVERS ARE MY WHOLE ENTIRE JAM, seriously, I live for them, the crazier I can write and make work in a way that makes people screech about me using black magic, the happier I am. Probably the one I'd consider "craziest" in terms of HOW DID THESE TWO FANDOMS WORK TOGETHER THEY ABSOLUTELY HOULD NOT HAVE WORKED TOGETHER was Good Dreams, Sweet Prince - a Julie and the Phantoms/The Sandman crossover, canon-compliant to both universes, where Reggie is Dream's son. (It's also probably one of the crossovers I'm most proud of, honestly.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not any I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I've been asked many times, but it was never something I was comfortable with. There's a level of trust you have to have, not being able to be sure that a translation is true to the spirit of the fic, and it's a level of control I've never quite been able to give up. I feel bad about it, honestly, because I'd love more people to have access to my work. Maybe someday I'll get past my brain stuff about it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No(t yet)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? This question is deeply unfair and I rebel, I have too many I love with every piece of my heart, too many I've never been able to give up even when my fandoms have shifted and changed. I can't even pick an all-time favorite just for Supernatural!
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? There are a lot of them, unfortunately, but I'll probably say my Julie and the Phantoms/Voltron Reggie/Keith crossover fic for sure. It was something I started at the height of my love for both fandoms, but the ideas got way too big for me at the time. Then I lost the fic notebook with most of my outlines and notes for it, and that was kind of the nail in the coffin.
16. What are your writing strengths? Overall, I think my ability to get into a character's head and really nail the characterization. (Which is not to say it's always perfectly true to canon - I've taken a lot of liberties with Reggie, for example, because the show didn't give us a lot to work with besides "comic relief". But I at least know when something I write is veering a little too far from canon to be believable anymore.)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Action scenes, for sure. And plot. Most of my fics are just ~vibes where plot occasionally creeps in. Sometimes it works and comes together surprisingly well, sometimes it's just ~vibes right through the bitter end lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I will do so very sparingly, but it's not something I generally trust myself to do well.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Pokemon, although Harry Potter was the first fandom I ever finished anything for. (Sadly (or, well, not) none of those stories exist on the interwebs anymore, they were all on older sites/forums that either no longer exist or went through a few too many purges. I still have a few of them fics in theory, but they're on floppy or zip discs I can't access, and most were written in programs that don't exist anymore.)
20. Favorite fic you've written? Oh hell. My answer to this changes with the tide, honestly, but one of my most favorites is my Detention trilogy. Dean/Gabriel, student/teacher AU. I think a lot of people were scared to read it because, well, teacher/student (not to mention an unpopular ship), but I worked damn hard to balance a very fine line with that fic, and I was so proud of how it turned out.
Tagging @ladyeternal178, @bananakarenina, @zubenpics, and anyone else who sees this and wants to participate in the fun!
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brekkie-e · 1 year
Horizon Asks
Thanks for the tag @maybirdie I salute you
1. Ride or die ship (your otp): Ereloy. Duh. Not even a question. Brain rot of the most severe nature.
2. Most annoying ship: I stand by the sentiment that we all need to stop with the shipping war drama in this fandom. So before I say anything more, I don’t find any of your ships annoying. I’m putting these down as “scroll past them” ships because they don’t suit my personal taste. Kotaloy and Kotallo/Talanah. His inclusion in these might come off like it’s something against him which is ironic cause he’s actually one of my favorite characters? I think the weak point of them for me is that they both feel like hot jock/hot jock, and apparently I cannot appreciate a ship that doesn’t in some capacity adhere to opposite’s attract. But I can see why it works for other people and if it makes you happy, I support it.
3. Second favorite ship: Abadund/Morlund, and for whatever reason Ourea/Sylens. I love imagining Sylens’ ears absolutely burning while he eavesdrops on her conversation with Aloy about what she had thought of him.
4. Favorite platonic relationship: I am OBSESSED with the dynamic between Kotallo and Alva. Obsessed I say. They are precious to me.
5. Underrated ship: It isn’t a ship, it’s a half built dingy that I am assembling myself but lost the instructions for. Talanah/Ivvira. In a very “enemies to lovers” scenario where Ivvira keeps finding this arrogant Carja traipsing through her lands and tries to kill her, but Talanah keeps defeating her and it’s driving her up a wall.
6. Overrated ship: Honestly I don’t really have opinions about other ships??? Like if it isn’t Ereloy or one of the other’s I’ve listed then genuinely it’s just sitting there, and I don’t care about it. Now if they were to make one end game, and it feels like I’m blindsided by it? Maybe I’ll have an opinion. But atm not so much. Just let me sit in my corner with my ships in peace.
7. One thing I would change in canon: Seconding the “one?” Vibes. There are a lot of nit picky things I would like to alter about how they handled Erend in Forbidden West, but ultimately he did play a good role in some of my favorite scenes. So I think if it came down to choosing the one thing I would change, it’s hands down Varl’s death. It felt like a lot of character development wasted and it’s frustrating to know that we won’t get to see the relationships he was developing grow any deeper. I think if you have to rely on character death to create an interesting story or to traumatize your characters, then youre not being creative.
8. Something canon did right:
9. A thing I’m proud of creating for the fandom:
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My darlings.
10. A character who is perfect to me: I guess Alva’s already taken so…… hmm. I love Joruf’s vibes ngl. The man is so tired, and I just adore how he and the other vanguard treat Aloy like she’s one of the gang. The energy of Aloy showing up in the Daunt and Joruf acting like his coworker came in mid-shift to help him with a disaster was top tier.
11. The character I relate to most and why: I had to really think about this. I think I’m going with Zo? Mom friend to the core, but also known to cause problems of my own when the need arises. Like’s plant’s and nature and has a creative side. Values her community, but also criticizes the faults she sees in it.
12. Characters I hate the most: I mean the obvious, Faro sucks ass. But boy howdy did the Ceo give me the creeps too. Also I have a complicated relationship with Avad. Like the dude has done incredible stuff for his people, and I think he’s a great guy. But his blunders with Aloy (which i think are more an issue with how his interest in her was written than with the fact he’s interested period) and his dreams of handing off responsibility to his little brother rub me the wrong way. But it’s complicated, I can appreciate him.
13: Something I’ve learned from the fandom: To focus on what makes me happy, and stay in that lane. I think fandom is best enjoyed when you know what you want out of it, so you cater your online experience to that. Mary Kondo your blog. Block tags that don’t work for you. It doesn’t need to be because you absolutely hate something and the people involved. It just ensures that the content you see is catered to what sparks joy for YOU. If youre only dedicating so much time in a day to being online, don’t you want it to be time spent engaging with stuff that makes you happy?
14. Three tags I see out on ao3: hurt/comfort and slow burn? I don’t seek out enough tags lol
15: A song I strongly associate with my otp/favorite pairing: Bloodsport by Raleigh Ritchie, NFWMB by Hozier, Giant by Rag’nBone Man and Saviour by George Ezra. This question made me so happy. I am actually working on an Erend playlist rn that has a bit of an Ereloy spin on it. Oh also She’s Always a Woman by Billie Joel. Still a gem.
Tagging: I think everyone I know in the fandom has already been tagged?? But if that is untrue and you see this, please feel free to jump on board and consider yourself tagged by me!
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2. "I'm ambitious. I'm going to find *all of it*. All the pieces."
KIM KITSURAGI - "All of it?" The lieutenant raises his brow. "There are junior officers out there, eager to prove themselves. I would leave *some* for them, but okay. Let's find *all of it*."
New task: Find all armour pieces
CALL ME MAÑANA- "A Mesquese epic then, all across Martinaise." He glances south, where the canal runs: "I hope it will be a real *bonanza* for you."
4. "Thank you for the cooperation, sir."
CALL ME MAÑANA- "No problem." He finally takes a swig from the flask. "If you see that kid, thank him from Call Me Mañana. Thank him for showing me the *way*."
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - He is sincerely grateful he is not tracking down pieces of armour right now.
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2. "I'm looking for assistance with a *dead body* situation."
CALL ME MAÑANA- "Body still hangin' in the tree?" He rubs his chin as if pondering his core beliefs. "Aye, that's a rough pickle... can't help you with that, sorry."
"I'm not really an admirer of dead bodies. Might be someone else from the Union can render assistance..." He shrugs.
"Does this mean you can let me through the gate?"
CALL ME MAÑANA - "I don't operate in that capacity. I'm not a *granter of passage*." He takes a swig and points up the stairs with his flask. "The passage grants itself."
EMPATHY [Challenging: Success] - Beneath the jolliness he suddenly seems doubtful.
"That simple? I just walk in?"
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Aye -- walk right past Measurehead and go in."
"Past Measurehead?"
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CALL ME MAÑANA - "Yeah, the two-and-a-half-metre tall Semenese supremacist there." He points to the bridge above the gates. "Walk right past him..."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "... then press the button to unlock the door..."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "... then go past him again..."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "... and you enter the harbour through the office. Esta!"
"Hmm, for some reason it doesn't seem like it's going to be that easy..."
"Uh. Gotcha. I think I have some questions for you first."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Don't worry, I'm sure it's not *completely* impossible. For example, you could best Measurehead in a physical confrontation."
"Or you could convert to his Semenese supremacist world view. Or, hmm," he strokes his moustache, "maybe it actually *is* completely impossible."
"Has anyone here ever bested him in a physical confrontation?"
"Has any of the scabs tried converting to his world view?"
"Got it. Another thing..."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Not yet, no." He fixes his eyes on you, evaluating your prowess. "He's... incredibly strong."
2. "Has any of the scabs tried converting to his world view?"
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Jean-Luc himself would say the philosophy has proven... *overly heroic* for the scabs to convert to. Not enough intuition."
3. "Got it. Another thing...."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Sure." The man whistles a jaunty tune, the wind rustling his whiskers.
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2. "I'm a bit short on *money* right now. Can you give me some of it?"
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Sure thing, my friend, I can help you out." He flips a coin toward you.
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[Hand/Eye Coordination - Medium 10] Try to catch it.
Let it fall on the ground.
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HAND/EYE COORDINATION [Medium: Success] - The coin lands into your hand as if it has always belonged there. The swallow returns.
Say nothing, pocket the coin.
+5 XP +0.10 real
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Always glad to help out the RCM. Shame I can't do more -- things are meagre at the moment, due to..." He nods toward the protesters.
"You know -- the winter's fat is slowly running out and all. Still better than scabbing, though."
"The Union has problems getting by?"
"Every little bit helps, you know."
"Gotta spend money to make money."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Nothing to worry about, really. The jam's a bit of a mess, cargo can't get in or out. The rationing is a bit stricter, is all. Supplies should last the strike, though."
"Every little bit helps, you know."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "I'm always glad to help out when possible -- not like these slithering scabs." He looks at them in disbelief.
2. "What's the strike about anyway?"
CALL ME MAÑANA - "You know... serious business." He smiles. "I'm sure the big boss would be glad to tell you. You'll have to ask him first."
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - He's a chatty guy. *Wants* to talk about the strike. Return once you've met the Union boss, and are on a better footing with the organization.
3. "Nice talk. Gotta get moving." [Leave.]
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A hermetically sealed door. Locked by electronic means.
There's no lockpicking or door-kicking this one.
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MEASUREHEAD'S BABE - "Yeah, Measurehead, his body totally betrays his degeneracy," the young woman at the giant's side agrees.
AUTHORITY [Medium: Success] - Don't say anything, size him up first.
Say nothing, size him up first.
"What do you mean, my body betrays my degeneracy?"
"My body does *not* betray my degeneracy!"
"My body is unimportant. We're with the police and we need to get to the harbour."
"We don't have time to get into this now." [Leave.]
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MEASUREHEAD - "ARE YOU ADMIRING MY MORPHOPHYSIOLOGY?" A ripple of muscle passes underneath his skin. He lets you look.
Puff out your chest, still say nothing.
"What do you mean, my body betrays my degeneracy?"
"My body does *not* betray my degeneracy!"
"My body is unimportant. We're with the police and we need to get to the harbour."
"We don't have time to get into this now." [Leave.]
MEASUREHEAD - "WHAT IS THIS *ANDROGYNOUS* DISPLAY OF SEXUAL MATURITY?" He looks down at you, taking stock of your physique.
ENDURANCE [Medium: Failure] - Merely standing up makes you sweat profusely. Your breathing is erratic. Your own heartbeat in your ears grows frantic and you feel your blood pressure rise.
MEASUREHEAD'S BABE - "Jean-Luc, his body is betraying his degeneracy pretty hard..." She holds her nose. "Maybe you can ask him to leave?"
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just-an-inchident · 1 year
Thank you Pi (@f-ferrari-forever) for thinking about me and tagging me. I appreciate it! :)
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope, my parents just liked the name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
That was three days ago, because I got a little emotional about something.
3. Do you have kids?
I don‘t have kids and I don‘t want kids. I find them kind of annoying and don‘t want to take responsibility. Managing my own life can be hard enough sometimes.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Hmm, sometimes I do. But not a lot I think.
5. What sports do you play / have you played?
Way too many. I tried a lot as a kid. Athletics, swimming, gymnastics, football, volleyball, badminton, dancing. I don‘t do any sports at the moment though.
6. What‘s the first thing you notice about other people?
I don’t know? Probably their face or their appearance in general.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way! I hate scary movies. Saw the last horror movie literally ten years ago.
8. Any special talents?
I can solve a Rubik‘s Cube (the 3x3 and 4x4 version). I am also pretty good with flags and nerdy geography stuff. Let’s also add overthinking to the list. Can‘t think of anything else at the moment.
9. Where were you born?
Let’s not be too specific here and say Germany.
10. What are your hobbies?
Nothing special. I like going for walks to stay fit and get some fresh air. Sometimes I read or listen to music or watch F1. Now and then I hang out with my friends. I have been planning to make a few day trips now that my bachelor thesis is done and I have more free time. But apart from that, I just chill in bed and watch a lot of stuff on Youtube or Twitch or whatever.
11. Do you have any pets?
Currently not. We had a cat when I was little and I definitely want to get a couple of cats when I live on my own and can afford it / have the time to care for them. I am insane about cats. Cats are the best!
12. How tall are you?
I‘m Charles’ height, so pretty tall. May have lied about that at some point, too. Oops.
13. Fave subject in school?
Geography and French my beloveds! These were so much fun.
14. Dream job?
I have no idea. No job would be the ideal job, let‘s be honest.
15. Eye colour?
Unfortunately, it’s brown. Boring and simple.
I am tagging my bestie @dnfstrategist as well as @moodyfairy14 @altisssimozucca and @pressradio :)
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ladyaj-13 · 2 years
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2022 Writing Evaluation
1. Number of stories posted to AO3 this year: 30 - see my 2022 fics post!
2. Word count posted for the year: 190,426
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction, Endeavour, Kingsman, Eagle of the Ninth
4. Pairings: Harry/Louis, OT5, Liam/Zayn, Liam/Louis, Niall/Louis, Louis/Harry/Nick Grimshaw, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, Niall/Greg James, Louis/Greg James, Gen fic, Morse/Jakes, Morse/Max, Harry/Eggsy, Marcus/Esca
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: Follow Your Arrow
Bookmarks: ditto
Comments: double ditto
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
It would be easy to pick FYA as the longest thing and my first big bang, but I think I’m actually going to go Bit by Bit and All at Once. I had a lot of fun writing this one, and it’s very Liam focused, but I liked finding ways to fold each of the other boys in, and try to make the development natural. I think (I hope!) I succeeded.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
Check the Body. By week five of Wordplay I was a bit burnt out, lol. I’ve read it back and it’s not as bad as I thought at the time, it’s even kind of sweet, but I posted it not liking it and almost didn’t make a fic post. I did in the end, but I don’t like that much either!
8. Share or describe a favourite review you received:
I can’t pick one! I love and appreciate every review. A special mention to @lalalaartje though, for reading I think every single 1D fic of mine and commenting as they went. That was a good week or two 😀
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Right now? And the last week or two of Wordplay. Any time I’m feeling uninspired but trying to force myself to write (or just want to write but what comes out is… hmm).
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
All my Kingsman fics, because I’ve tried to write Kingsman many times, particularly in 2016/2017, and never got anywhere. So when I finished a Kingsman fic I was pretty taken aback. And then I wrote three more.
11. A favourite excerpt of your writing:
From Blind Date - I had such fun writing the dialogue in this fic. Niall is the host of the TV show Blind Date, an ex-pro golfer. Louis is the eligible bachelor contestant who has a crush on Niall:
“I catch the odd game,” Louis says, hedging for the middle and hoping they call them games, not matches. He fast-forwards to Niall’s shots and interviews and ignores everything else. “Don’t test my knowledge, it’ll be embarrassing for both of us.”
“Nah,” Niall says with an easy grin and a clap to Louis’ shoulder. “Mainly embarrassing for you, I reckon,” he teases.
“Well, that's probably true.”
“So - excited to meet your dream man?”
“Who’s to say I haven’t already?”
Niall looks confused. “You - really? You’re meant to be single. I mean, it’s only a silly show, but if you’ve got a boyfriend then why-”
So much for a bit of light flirting to test the waters. “No, I - I’m single. No boyfriends to be seen. Need an ITV dating show to get me laid, that’s me.”
Niall laughs. It sort of takes the air out of the room, seeing it in person, and Louis is going to have a hard time concentrating on whatever contestants they’ve dredged up with Niall standing right there in front of him. Even if he is uninterested.
“I don’t believe that for a second, not with a face like yours.”
Ok, maybe not so uninterested. Just clueless. He can work with that.
“No, I can see it now. The panel draws back, and contestant number two, the keeper and holder of my heart, takes one look and runs. Probably into the arms of contestant number three.”
“What happened to contestant number one?”
“Secretly straight,” Louis whispers, taking the opportunity to lean in close to Niall’s ear. “Only here because he’s trying to become an influencer and score an advertising deal for hand sanitizer.” He nudges Niall with an elbow as they start walking over to the set. “You’ll have to do the gallant thing and take me out for drinks instead.”
“Or maybe you’ll find the love of your life, and score a joint advertising deal for hand sanitizer.”
“Please, I’m worth yoghurt at least.” Niall laughs again, and Louis grins. It seems easy to make Niall laugh, and he loves that. No question, they could be great together. “I very much doubt you’re right, but just in case you are - I guess then I’ll owe you a beer for finding me true love.”
“Are you always like this?”
“Like what?”
Niall shakes his head and they step out into the glare of bright studio lights. He seems to be considering his next sentence carefully. “Funny,” he says finally.
Louis shrugs. “I like to think I’m pretty hilarious,” he admits, then lets his tone become serious. “But I’m not always joking.” 
12. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I’ve made further steps into smut, adding sprinklings of it here and there. I don’t think it’s ever going to be my go-to, it’s just not my main interest, but I’m becoming more comfortable with my ability to write it.
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
I’d love to write longer fics. I feel like I hit my stride this year with four fics over 20k, and I’d like to extend on that. I have so many ideas that need that space (or more!) to breathe, and I feel like I’m ready now and trust in myself enough to write those ideas and stick with it.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer:
I’ve got to mention @larrieblr and @laynefaire as beta and artist respectively for making my first big bang experience so wonderful. Also big thanks to @allwaswell16 for championing rare pair fics and writers, both through her podcast which I look forward to every month, and running the Louis Rare Pair fest.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Little throwaway things - in Follow Your Arrow, Louis has a hoodie that I also own. On a deeper level, emotionally there’s a fair bit of me in Moths and Butterflies.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Just go where the muse takes you, because writing something you’re not interested in is basically impossible and also this is meant to be fun. But also recognise when you need to push through with a project, because you’ve come too far to let it beat you now.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
My 2023 Big Bang! Also I have a white knight!Louis famous/non famous fic which has been 80% written for far too long, and a couple of shorter one shots I would love to post (a Zouis beauty pageant one; a magical cat!Louis one, an omegaverse Larry, etc. etc.) not to mention several extra instalments in my sleepy Nouis series.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
I'm so late to this I don't know who hasn't done it! If you haven't, you're tagged :)
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pathos-p · 2 years
"Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game" but i got tagged in it so i am gonna answer all of them 'cause theyre fun
questions by @/i-like-eyes
thanks for the tag @king-chook!! ^^
1. Art programs you have but don't use
i thiiink i have a license for clip studio paint that came with my old wacom tablet but i never rly used it. also used to have krita installed for the longest time but just always felt off to me idk why. don't currently have it installed anymore tho
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
to their right is a bit easier i think. not smth i consciously notice, mostly i'm just thinking abt when im doodling on the margins of stuff they usually are looking to the left of the page
3. What ideas come from when you were little
uhhh idk tbh, i dont think much of my art draws from that
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
cityscapes !!! i love cities they r so pretty and cool looking but goddamn theyre so hard to draw
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
80-20? i post everything that i finish. basically the only stuff that doesnt get posted is sketches i give up on
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
hmmmm not that i can think of rn...
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
watercolour !! i've tried it a few times and Struggled but i love seeing ppl's work in it
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
so many animatics ..................... also many comic ideas ..................... i get so many ideas that i just never start on or start and only do a little before losing the hyperfocus/fixation and just Cannot continue them. it sucks
9. What are your file name conventions
usually the character name, maybe a bit of description of what theyre doing... idk not much of a convention to it
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
hmm i like jackets :)
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
yes, usually music. sometimes random youtube videos like stream highlights or video essays.
12. Easiest part of body to draw
uhhh hair? maybe idk. hard question bc it varied a lot depending on what kinda style and just. sometimes smth is hard in a particular drawing then easy later idk
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
i cant think of anything i will edit it in if i think of anyone
14. Any favorite motifs
in my drawings i dont feel like i use any much. mostly i pull motifs from whatever im doing fanart of lol. in music, i like religious motifs (but not like. ones abt christ or bible stories, rather heaven, hell, god/divinity, angels)
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
at home pretty much exclusively. in bed lol
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
idk i feel like the stuff im better at is the stuff i like bc i practice it more for fun lol
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
not usually
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
surprisingly little. mostly bc i do more digital art lol
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
weapons and nature. especially ice for nature
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
i cant think of anything ill add it if i do
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
i love rougher styles, like ones with a lot of visible brushstrokes and bold lines and shit. so cool. idk how to make it look good lol i dont have the confidence in my lines for it
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
none... probably i should change that
23. Do you use different layer modes
yeah, often i use a multiple layer for shading then a variety to colour adjust at the end
24. Do your references include stock images
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
cant think of any
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
there was this poem i wrote about capitalism and how shit it is and someone thought it was abt interpersonal relationships/smth along the lines of a breakup. i rly didnt mind it tho i thought it was cool bc the emotion was not far off, the sense of betrayal and abandonment. just a very very different subject
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
no lol
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
i ran a zine (digital only) for the dimension 20 zine jam! and also made art+writing for others in that :D also was part of a polygon yt fanzine a while back
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
spider-man (not the MCU, mostly tasm and a few of the comics)
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
i rly like the cj comic i did i am genuinely so goddamn happy with the result so . even tho it did very well by the standards for the fandom its for and my current follower base it is underrated
alternatively this one https://www.tumblr.com/pathos-p/704380503765221377/tridential-sovereignty?source=share bc it didnt get all that much attention on any social media site but i think its cool !!
(mostly only using recent ones bc i dont wanna dig back further esp onto my old twt acct, too much work lol)
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angelofdiamond · 2 years
I've see Sonic Prime (literally I have devoured the series) and what I can say is.....IS BEEN ABSOLUTELY AMAZING 🤩💕🤩💕!!!!! (⚠️ Spoilers; analysis; references and extra below ⚠️)
The characterization of the main cast and how the alternative dimensions -worlds explore the traits of the main characters : Amy in Rusty Rose version his perseverance ; Rouge in wild version his double-cross with the others but also his gold heart ; Tails in Nine version how much the bullied affect him and his desire of peace (in addition I love the fact that now is a real kitsune!) and Knuckles in Knuckles the Terrible his obsession with the treasures and the fact that him want protect the gem above all to seem almost Gollum from The Lord of the Rings! Prime don't explore only Sonic lesson but a whole exploration of the main cast at 360°....and what say about Shadow hm? Him is more but very more mature than before (always edgy eh xD ) : him don't want fight at force Sonic but stop him for "constrict " to listen because involuntarily him has make a really World earthquake and I know that is wrong constrict someone to listen with a fight but...eh Shadow is made so isn't totally soft or isn't Shadow but I appreciate very much that him has tried in someway to help Sonic. And there's so more where I can begin? Oh would talk about the many references shall we? (And before that there's someone that say : " but is totally different!! " Put the pitchfork down 😅 I know that they've changed a bit the reference from the other media but they're always the reference from the other media how I can say for be more specific...hmm I know! Is like the plastic surgery for beauty : you have make the change but you're always yourself )
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1° reference : Hovercraft Shoes from X when Chris made this shoes for help him to don't drown!! (For be clear I don't know if this shoes that don't allow Sonic to drowning are appears in other games) see that X is still take into account hm?? ;
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2° reference: The cam laser battle always from X when Sonic try to escape for help Cream and Cheese to evade. Same center of the point but this time him want to help Nine to escape ;
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3° reference : when Sonic "fly " to see the city from above is the same way him see Station Square on X but this time there isn't the rollways but a building 🏢 that help him to going up ;
4° reference : when Sonic with angry voice tone say : " You want to test me? Now I have a question for you : how make angry a hedgehog?? Answer! Hurt his friends! " Don't remember a certain scene when him snap out hm 👀 ?
5° reference : Sonic breakdance from the whole franchising ;
6° reference : episode 4 is internally based on how a whole forestation prevented other lifeforms from surviving or rather barely surviving...doesn't remember a certain plan of a certain villain in X who wanted to make entire galaxies and universes only for beings that are plants and make other planets uninhabitable by preventing survival or barely (also if a bit changed obviously) hm? ;
7° reference: in the episode 7 one of the old pirate crew has a bandana with a Chao pirate stamp on the cloth ;
8° reference: Sonic has always a kind soul toward all the species and this is show in the jungle episode with the flickies and the giant palm tree in addition him use the other senses, specially the ears, for scope-out the surrounding and isn't the first time that him use this ability 👀 ;
9° reference : there is a flashback of Sonic 3 in the episode 7 ;
10° reference: Knuckles let the others call him Knux and is funny because is the nickname that Sonic gave to him for tease Knuckles and in fact this nickname make Knuckles angry and until Frontiers and Prime ( I don't know if there're other parts where is allowed that others call him Knux) him don't like this nickname ;
11° reference: the greatest fear of Sonic is to drowning in the water but seem muted in a big fear of the water (except for drink and clean himself and the places obviously) ;
And now with the little extra :
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The current gag has changed place 😂 (but this is also a reference from X when Sonic see a camion and was scary- surprised) ;
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Is the first time that I see Rouge behave like a real bat 🥹 ;
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His expressivity is so cute!!!!!!!! When him is really sorry make this face... don't you wanna hug him tightly!? ;
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Sonic don't show the ( grief) tears to anyone!? I'm sorry Naoto Ohshima but should reconsider the whole phrase (also if they are tears of joy for a Chili Sea Dog of doubt origin 😅) ;
Seem that is Shadow his greatest rival...now (I'm sorry Knuckles 🥹) ;
Strangely for the moment Amy how Rusty Rose is the only that has fight Sonic more than Shadow! If we don't count the robots ;
Sonic in the first episode has said that him hate lasers ; smog ; concrete and evil robots but be careful that could misunderstanding this things guys and I can explain : Sonic don't hate the laser ability gave by the Wisp or hit like a laser but only the laser that someone aim to shot him with a weapon and the same for the concrete if you notice : Station Square ; Soleanna ; the other cities from Unleashed are make of concrete, and in Station Square maybe there is less smog but Sonic don't hate this place but hate the situation when someplace are full of smog ; concrete and evil robots under the domain of Eggman how is happening in Forces. Him don't hate the human places where there are this thing (maybe not so much the smog also if less lol) because him know that this cities in someway haven't destroyed the beauty of the nature ( is enough to see how is beautiful Soleanna; the Unleashed cities during the day time and the home building pf his friends make with concrete and other stuff) in less words hom don't like when the concrete is used for evil than good and I know that don't explain fully in the episode this thing but is enough to see his reaction in the games for notice that him don't hate the human cities or other " good" building make with concrete;
The Tornado seem had two owner now : Sonic and Tails but more Tails for the moment ;
All the version of Amy has a piece of the 🌹 : Thorn Rose 🌹 or a metallic version if someone decide to make a sculpture: Rusty Rose 🌹;
Second Sonic Loreposting the loop de loop is take from Dark Brotherhood as reference for the New Yoke loop de loop ;
Speaking of New Yoke the name is a mutation and union of : New York + yolk +yoke = New Yoke as for Spagonia = Spain ;
The fact that the anthropomorphic animals haven't a human alphabet but a mix with something created from them and some human letters seem true also if they can easily read invitation letter from Eggman (and I think him use the human alphabet) ; the Dr.Gerald notes and other stuff from human language... much probably they can read it but they can't easily play it back ;
And now the treasures of all the whole series (rights going to @latin-dr-robotnik for the image below ( I have forgot to screenshot this thing during my vision of the series I'm sorry latin😭 ) ladies and gentlemen drum roll please 🥁🥁🥁....
(from latin-dr-robotnik ) : his wink move!!!! The feels guys...the feels 🥹 ;
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And last (for the moment)but not less important my precious treasure...my precious screenshot during my vision of the series THIS INTERACTION BETWEEN THE DUO WORTH IT TO SEE ALL THE WHOLE SERIES!!!
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Final consideration for the part one : Sonic Prime seem beginning how a sort of successor of Boom but is totally different and I love it 😊!!! Those are been the eight episodes more funny; intense; full of references and characterization from the dawn of X and this has center my whole heart because I love how they've make Sonic here and is perfect so because is always himself but with a extra that is to chef kiss 😘. The fights aren't bland and every episode, also if "short" , is like a geode : seem ugly but in reality hide a beautiful treasure and the only shame is that they're eight and not at least 10 episodes but is better so. The only flaw, excluded the episode; is that some parts seem make too rigid and other don't as for example the movements of Sonic during the run in the jungle or in the city after fixed the shoes and gloves could make a fluid run for this parts but is the minor flaw. The almost major flaw is that in Sonic there is almost a Sonic Boom version inside him when behave like a jerk toward his friends and him isn't so except the fact that don't listen easily or if you make him wait too much 😂 and I know that was a emergency but sometimes is better slow down just for listen what the others want to say to us that continue to running and Shadow has learn this lesson in the hardest way...in addition this time someone ask to Sonic what plan is in course since in X and maybe also in other games or IDW is show that him don't talk spontaneously about the plans until someone don't ask , in some cases Sonic talk about them spontaneously only when is him to make plans ...is been a little contradictory in this part but was in running for help his friends then could be forgive? I don't know sincerely but is for sure in the list of the minor flaw. I've appreciate the opportunity for Sonic to show also a sentimental side and this happening many times in the series : the talk between Thorn Rose ; the talk between Nine ; when say to the giant Flickie to fly in freedom; when " communicate" with the giant palm tree ect...show that also if behave in the way that all we know this wouldn't mean that couldn't be more under this "cool behave" that him has and Sonic isn't perfect and I appreciate this because let us the opportunity to know him better than before and for sure show more the ambivert traits than introvert at this point also if in addition the needle of the balance tend more to extrovert and party animal side at this point (I've loved the limbo scene xD ). Sonic here is soft ; a cool guy ; a little lovable and detestable jerk ( sometimes) ; funny ; wise ; sentimental...is all this and slowly SEGA let show to us this many shades of him like the Paradox Prism we have only see the point of the iceberg but if you notice carefully is from the dawn of X and go on on some games that Sonic has this shades , very carefully hide in little situations but they're and also if know or could imagined that at someone Sonic Prime version could don't like and some " fans " could make another toxic hate toward the series with some bad comments , this series is worth it to see because isn't boring and don't let you be boring give this desire to see how end and at the end could not notice and you've finished already the series...how say before , and if I'ven't say it I say it now , I can't wait for the part two also for see if Nine could become totally crazy for the suffering (as in the episode 6 ) or is more like Thorn Rose and Shadow put together?
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idledreams4 · 3 months
Ranking my top... 10 Supernatural characters at 3 in the morning (cause this can't go wrong at all)
CHARLIE. Hands down it's my girl Charlie. She is my spirit animal. Honestly I'm just her irl but without the hacking skills (though I AM working on those!!!)
Dean. My baby has to take second. I'm sorry. Idk to who but I feel like I need to apologize for this placement.
Crowley. Have you met me? You should be surprised he isn't higher. I was kinda iffy about him at first. I was very wary when he first started working with the Winchesters, but by season 6 (I think it was 6? Maybe 7?) I was locked in. The little Crowstiel arc was the last nail in the coffin
Lucifer. Shut up I know I have a type. There was a point I'd put him above Crowley but my loyalty is with the new king apparently. (I'm as shocked as you are I assure you). BIG fan of Casifer by the way. Samcifer was one thing but Casifer? Ugh these fallen angels are more than welcome to ruin me
Hmm... Bobby. I've gotten really attached to him. Maybe I've been spending too much time in my made up fantasy worlds lately but he feels like an uncle to me.
The girl who wrote Supernatural The Musical. I love spn, I love musicals, and I LOVE subtext. Someone should make the musical a reality and I should play Dean. I'm happy to audition but is it reallllly necessary? Come on we allll know I could do it
I'm running out of characters I like uh oh... I guess Cas? Idk. I don't have a problem with him or anything, I love him. He's hilarious and I relate to him on sooooooooooo many levels (hi, fallen angel here) he's just not one of the characters I usually think of when I'm thinking about my favorites
Ruby. I kinda want to swap her and Cas cause I think I may like her just slightly more than him. She's hot, she's a demon, and she got Sam to start the apocalypse, what's not to love?
Oops I haven't said Sam yet. Well he isn't my favorite and I'm actually pissed at him, but he gets to be number 9.
That original crossroads demon. I forget her name but again: she's hot, and she's a demon. And even though she's been dead since before the apocalypse I cannot forget her.
And you know what: here are my 5 most hated characters too. I'm going in reverse order so my absolute least favorite is like a dramatic reveal.
5. Darkness. My only problem with her is that she's getting in the way of Destiel. Oh and she wasn't very appreciative of what Crowley had done for her, but I care more about the CW making her Dean's (unwanted) romantic interest rn.
4. Sam. Yeah he was on the favorites list, because I did like him, but he screwed up bad enough that he's here. Where do I start? He didn't look for Dean. He worked with Rowena. He ignored Dean SEVERAL times, usually resulting in some sort of apocalypse/end of the world scenario. HE GOT CHARLIE KILLED. He put Lucifer back in the cage. He tried to just give uo and die. Honestly I could keep going on but since it's almost taken me a full hour to write this already I'll stop here.
3. Metatron. He's an asshole. I don't know what else to say. I hate him and he has a REALLY punchable face
2. Chuck. Honestly I don't know why I hate him so much. I think it's just because I actually have beef with God. (Again: hi, fallen angel here. Gotta love them celestial daddy issues) Ever since I found out this fucker was God I've hated him for just abandoning all his creations and watching everything go down.
Rowena. God I hate that even THIS sounds like her, but I see wayyyyyy too much of myself in her and if I didn't hate her guts I'd love her. As we can tell by where I put Crowley, I'm not a fan of her for abandoning him, torturing him, manipulating him, stealing his throne, betraying him, etc. but I ESPECIALLY hate her for getting Charlie killed. I wish that I was the one who got to snap her neck instead of Lucifer. Fuck. This. Bitch. In. Particular.
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livealittleoc-cb · 8 months
🖤 + Ace/Felix 🥰🥰
1) my muse’s initial impression of yours: “He’s so pretty~ …FUCK HIS VOICE-.” / His voice stuck out forever after that 🤣
2) my muse’s favorite physical attribute of yours: His freckles and eyes, he finds them of so pretty he can stare at them for ages
3) my muse’s favorite personality attribute of yours: How hmm how do I word it? 🤔 Protective he can be over the people he cares about, over him
4) a moment that made my muse realize how much they care about yours: I think he subconsciously knew from the minute they met that he cared about him but when him and Hyun fell again is when it like reinforced in his mind that ‘damn he fell so hard and would give his life for this man, would live life for this man’
5) something my muse never found the words to say to yours: how much he appreciates Felix, appreciates everything he gives him, appreciates how much he tries to be a good boyfriend
6) something my muse wishes they had never said to yours: Saying anything with his disagreement and upset with Hyun and his relationship, everything that lead to the second fall
7) something your muse does that makes mine feel safe: I feel like he feels the most safe when Felix thinks of him, like yeah he feels safe in his arms, but when he gives him something and just goes “it made me think of you” it just kinda brings him this sort of weird safety/calm it could literally be a piece of paper he doesn’t care as long as Felix thought of him
8) something your muse does that makes mine smile: cook! Watching him cook and bake and whenever he tries to teach Ace how to bake anything
9) something my muse wants to protect yours from: Protect him from whatever will make his sunshine stop being his sunshine 
10) ways my muse says ‘i love you’ without saying those words
Kisses, Kisses, KISSES
Cuddling into Felix’s Chest and Just Talking~
Listening to Felix Talk About His Day
Holding Hands, Playing with His Fingers
Words of Affirmation!
Handmade Gifts!
♥️: My Sunflower! 🥰 Did you find any interesting answers? *giggles and holds his hands*
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