#hmm need an iron daddy ship name
rwbyvein · 10 months
RWBY Shipping - Weiss Schnee
Jaune Arc
Ruby Rose
James Ironwood
Yang Xiao Long
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oriley42 · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: MASH (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: "Trapper" John McIntyre/Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce Characters: Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce, "Trapper" John McIntyre, Henry Blake, Radar O'Reilly, Frank Burns, Maxwell Klinger Additional Tags: Short One Shot, day in the life, Goofiness, Banter Summary:
Frank complains about Hawkeye & Trapper's nighttime "extra-curriculars." As usual, no one cares! A good gay time is had.
[Full fic under the read-more, since it’s a short one!]
“Captain Pierce, Captain McIntyre,” Henry nodded, not quite meeting their eyes as they slouched their way into his cardboard-chic office.
“General,” Hawkeye nodded back.
“General?!” Henry bolted upright, “Where?” His eyes darted towards the liquor cabinet, as if the brass might be hiding between the whiskey and rye.
“Oh, sorry,” Trapper seamlessly picked up the bit from Hawkeye, “We just thought your promotion must have come through by this point.”
“You guys…” Henry sank back down in his chair, “Uh, Radar—”
“The complaint, sir,” Radar stuck the packet of paper in front of Henry’s eyes.
“No, the complaint—oh,” Henry took the paper with a slight tremor in his hand, “Radar, you’re dismissed.” A faint ‘yessir’ sounded from beyond the swinging-shut doors.
“What has the preeminent Major Burns—” Hawkeye began.
“Premature Major Burns?” Trapper offered.
“Parenthetical Major Burns,” Hawkeye suggested.
“Whatever label you stick on the man,” Henry interrupted, “these charges he’s trying to press are serious.”
Hawkeye and Trapper both paused, mouths slightly open. “Why, Henry, you usually let us work through a few letters of the alphabet before you lay the law down.”
“If you ever lay the law down,” Trapper clarified.
“If it does get laid down, it’s usually to sleep,” Hawkeye agreed, “At our feet, like a good dog.”
“Well, you don’t get mister nice dog—I mean, mister nice Colonel—today.”
“We don’t?” Trapper pressed a hand to his heart.
“But I was going to let him go for a walk this afternoon, maybe even give him a little puppy bath,” Hawkeye protested.
“Major Burns,” Henry continued, a little desperate but significantly less bamboozled than he usually was by this point, “claims that you two break the rules of officer’s conduct and, uh, other things, routinely. Vigorously. On a nightly basis in the officer’s tent and, well, other tents. ‘No tent is safe’ was stated at some point.”
“That little peeping tom,” Trapper breathed, a flash of cold anger in soft eyes.
“I thought he knew better than to bother mommy and daddy when they had their special grown-up time,” Hawkeye replied, leaning back in his chair but not putting his feet up on Henry’s desk—a sign of respect equal to the seriousness of the situation.
Henry’s mouth moved in the way it did when he was rehearsing what he was about to say next and finding it lacking. “Alright. Now, now the way I see it—”
“Yes,” Hawkeye urged him on.
“—the way I see it—”
“Go on,” Trapper added.
“I’m trying,” Henry’s eyes bugged out just a titch, pretty low on the eye-bugging scale for him.
“He’s trying,” Hawkeye explained, patting Trapper’s arm.
“Maybe we should leave him to it,” Trapper suggested, making a theatrical overture towards the door.
“THE WAY I SEE IT,” Henry shouted, garnering an identical pair of faux-shocked gasps from the doctors and a genuine one from Radar, who’d popped back into the office upon anticipating his boss’ imminent railroading.
“Now, the way I see it,” Henry repeated, spitting the words out at top speed, “A little bit of circumspection, restraint, and common sense on your part could clear this up. If I don’t, well, if I don’t see anything then there’s not really any thing to be seen being seen.”
“Yeah,” Pierce agreed readily, “And you’ve never not missed seeing the things that never didn’t happen that didn’t ever not happen.”
“Exactly,” Henry agreed, blinking rapidly.
“Glad we could iron all that out,” Hawkeye slapped Henry’s desk and rose, “always edifying to chat with you.”
“Edifying…” Henry echoed, slightly dazed, as Radar opened the door for Hawkeye and Trapper to exit through.
“Gee, you think he’s boggled enough?” Trapper inquired, “We don’t need a reprimand sneaking up and sputtering at us.”
“I just handed him the Gordian knot of double negatives. I’ll bet you every dollar to my name that he doesn’t cut his way out ‘til Christmas.”
“I’ll match those three bucks and double it,” Trapper shot back, tossing an arm around Hawkeye’s shoulders.
“You two,” Frank materialized in front of them, like a weak-chinned genie. “You two,” he repeated for good measure, “are a disgrace to the uniform.”
“Thanks for noticing,” Hawkeye curtseyed.
“More than a disgrace! An outrage! Degenerate, perverted, unamerican, panty-waisted traitors.”
Hawkeye dabbed at an imaginary tear, “Oh, Major Burns, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“Yeah,” Trapper agreed, “I think I just found my epitaph.”
“Indecent!” Frank followed up, but with less verve. Margaret was nowhere to be found, and he wilted like a sock on a windless day without her support. “If Colonel Blake won’t deal with you, I’ll go up the chain!”
“Up the chain? Hey, that sounds like a euphemism,” Trapper pointed out.
“Yeah, like a delicate way of saying you’re going up to heaven, into the light, making your last goodbyes…” Hawkeye gasped, “Oh, Frank, say it isn’t so?”
“Say what isn’t so?!”
“Oh, Hawk, it’s too terrible to contemplate,” Trapper rejoined, “our very own Major Burns, biting the big one.”
“Don’t be afraid, Frank. Death is just like taking a long nap. You’ve got a lot of practice with that.”
“I’m not afraid of anything! And I’m not dying, and I won’t be pulled into another of your ridiculous, cockamamie, nonsensical….” Frank trailed off, one finger pointing impotently back and forth between the two.
Hawkeye tapped his chin thoughtfully, “Hmm, you’re running strong on adjectives today, Frank, but you seem to be short a noun.”
“Hey, maybe I can spot you one, I think I’ve got a spare in a pocket somewhere…” Trapper started patting his clothes down. Hawkeye helped.
“Well, you’ve certainly got something in your pocket,” Hawkeye grinned, “but I don’t think it’s a part of speech.”
“This is exactly what I’m talking about,” Frank fumed, “Do you see?” he started gesturing towards passersby like he was fervently hailing a passing ship, “Do you see what they’re doing?”
“Hey, is it Twister?” Klinger asked, stopping by in a stunning emerald ensemble, “I’ve never seen it played standing up.”
“It’s a new edition,” Hawkeye quipped, “now it comes with a betting section and double points if you can hold your position while shotgunning tequila. Nice heels, by the way, they really show off your stems.”
“Gee, thanks, they cost me an arm and a leg. Though if I wear them in the OR, they’ll probably end up costing me my ankles too.”
Frank let out a little gurgle of rage. “This whole camp is full of—of reprobates and lunatics!”
“Well, of course,” Hawkeye let Trapper spin him into a clumsy dancer’s dip, speaking to Frank upside down, “who else would you find in the middle of a warzone?”
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mythologyfolklore · 3 years
Baldr in Hel - Ch. 01
(A/N: This is another fanfic I’m rewriting. So prepare to be confronted with some crack ships (yes, I mean BaldrxHel). Also, they’re both ace and Baldr has a crap ton of issues. If you don’t like that, you’re perfectly welcome to leave.)
Hel's POV
Hel was sitting on her throne, just being her usual self and ruling the underworld.
Before her throne was a queue of dead souls, waiting to be assigned to their respective afterlife.
First in line was a middle-aged woman.
Hel's black eyes bored themselves into the soul in front of her.
Hmm … extreme vanity, violent outbursts of anger, abuse of servants and slaves, adultery. Died of dysentery. Gross.
“Náströnd¹. Give her to Níðhöggr² as a chew toy.”
Two servants dragged the screaming, flailing soul away.
Hel grimaced in scorn at the cries for mercy – mercy! For that scum! Who would praise her incorruptible and fair judgement, if she let evildoers get away with their crimes, just because they begged for mercy?
“Next”, she ordered.
A man stepped forward.
Pathological liar, murderer, perjurer. Fell from his horse and broke his neck. That's hilarious.
“Same as the last.”
Same reaction as the woman before him.
An old man.
Womaniser, but not married. Guilty of avarice. Died of old age.
“Niflheimr. He shall shovel the pathways.”
The old man let the servants take him away, muttering something that sounded like “was nice, while it lasted”.
A little girl.
Guiltless. Died of hypothermia. Poor little thing.
Hel's expression softened and the dead side of her face turned lively and fair, both to accommodate the innocent soul in front of her and because her face changed condition according to mood. Cute things made her happy and children were darn cute. Most of them anyway.
“Oh my Norns, you're so adorable!”, Hel cooed and the child smiled shyly. “To Helheimr with you. There are lots of children for you to play with.”
“Will I be punished?”, the girl asked frightfully.
Hel smiled gently: “Of course not. For what would I punish you? You have done nothing wrong.”
“Can Mama come too?”, the child asked and stepped to the side to reveal the woman behind her.
Hel read the woman's soul and found her to be blameless as well.
The queen smiled: “She can.”
Mother and child cried with joy and she picked her daughter up, as another servant led them away to a more pleasant life than their old one had been.
The underworld wasn't as unpleasant as everyone thought it was. The living spoke of horrible torments, but why would Hel let the innocents be tortured?
She took a moment to smile after the two, before turned back to- oh. Apparently those were all the souls for the day.
Hel just shrugged and resumed her usual blank expression. She would enjoy a few minutes of quiet, before leaving to do her paperwork.
Or not.
Because right that moment her manservant Ganglati³ entered the throne room, unusually light-footed.
After the old man had caught his breath, he addressed Hel: “Your Majesty, Queen of the Underworld, Ruler of Helheimr and Niflheimr, Lokidóttir-”
“What do you want, Ganglati?”, Hel groaned in annoyance. She really wished they would just call her by her name instead of rattling down all those titles.
“A very special guest has arrived!”, the old servant announced excitedly.
The queen was not impressed. “A 'very special guest', huh? Well, who is the unlucky soul?”
“It's Baldr Óðinnson!”
Hel's black eyes widened. Then she smirked wickedly.
Baldr. Óðinn's most beloved son. The fairest of the Æsir.
She had already been waiting for him; her tables were laid, the mead brewed.
“Hm, he took his time, didn't he?”
Baldr's POV
Where was he?
What had happened?
The last thing he had felt was this pain in his chest, where the mistletoe dart had pierced him.
Strangely enough it hadn't hurt as much as he had suspected.
No, what had hurt him more was what he had seen last – how Loki had tricked Höðr – his blind, darker, yet beloved twin – into shooting him. Oh poor Höðr, he had to be so heartbroken! Knowing that he had killed his brother …
Ah. Yes.
That was it.
He was dead.
And this had to be the entrance to the underworld.
Finally! No more pressure, no more getting stuff thrown my way … oh Norns, why am I like this?!
Now he just had to find the gate. A bit of a challenge in this fog.
Before he knew it, there was an obsidian bridge with a golden roof. Where had that come from?
More so, there was something inviting and mesmerising about this bridge. It called to him.
Come, it seemed to whisper to him. Cross me. Go to the afterlife. Enter the place, where you will be beyond all pain.
He chose to follow the call.
As he was in the middle of the bridge, he encountered a Jötunn, who was sitting on a watch tower. When she saw him, she jumped off her seat and greeted him briskly: “Welcome, Baldr Óðinnson. I am Móðguðr⁴, the gatekeeper of the underworld. Her Majesty, our venerated queen, is already awaiting you.”
She was? Huh.
This was exactly what Loki had told him, a night before he had murdered him.
Baldr smiled: “Well, I better hurry, then. It would be rude to keep the queen waiting, wouldn't it?”
“That it would”, the Jötunn agreed, unsmiling.
Suddenly a new voice made them both jump.
“Baldr? Where are you? Wait for me! Don't leave me here! I can't see anything in this fog!”
His blue eyes widened.
Nanna?! Oh no! When had she – okay, scratch that, he had to get away!
He stood on his tiptoes to whisper to the giantess: “I beg you, Madam, give me directions, quick!”
Her colourless eyes twinkled in amusement, though she still didn't smile.
“When you arrive at the other end of the bridge, go to the left, until you arrive at an iron gate. From there, just follow the black path, but be careful not to slip. Inside the castle are signs and layout plans, so you should find your way to the audience hall easily”, she whispered back.
He thanked her and made haste to follow her directions.
Hel's POV
Hel picked up her scythe and made her way to the audience hall to receive her new special subject.
The bells tied to her scythe jingled as she walked.
A long time ago, her father had given them to her, to remember her daddy by. Lucky charms he had called them. She still cherished them dearly, that was why she had tied them to her scythe in the first place: so she could take them with her, wherever she went. They were a reminder of happier times, times before the Æsir had come, had torn her and her brothers away from their mother, had bound Fenrir and thrown Jörmungandr into the sea that surrounded Midgardr and banished her to Niflheimr.
That and they were a nice change from the constant howling of the wind and wolves and the faint whispers of the dead. Their jingling was comforting (and alerted dead souls, that she was near).
She entered the audience hall to receive this indeed “very special guest”, sat on her high throne, placed the scythe on her lap and waited for the dead Ása to arrive.
Baldr's POV
Baldr had almost got lost in the many crooked corridors, but he had somehow managed to find the way in the end.
Eventually he found himself in a huge hall, presumably the throne room.
It was rather dark in here. The only light sources were tiny, pale blue lights, that floated through the hall like fireflies. Every time they neared the walls, their dim light would make fluorescing minerals glow.
A thick ground mist was covering the ground up to Baldr's knees, but everything above that level was perfectly visible.
As he looked around, he saw that he was standing in front of a golden throne. It was currently vacant, but he could tell, that normally the Mistress of the Dead herself sat on it.
What didn't escape Baldr, was how the tiny lights gradually orbited closer to him. Maybe they were attracted to his own glow, like moths to a flame.
This place had a foreign kind of beauty to it. It was nothing like the descriptions of Helheimr he had heard in life (well, except for the darkness and mist).
As he was standing there, taking in the ambience and letting the tiny light balls circle around him, he heard slow steps approaching the room, until from a side entrance an old lady emerged and came up to him.
“Baldr Óðinnson?”, she inquired.
“That's me”, he confirmed.
“Good”, the woman said. “Welcome to Éljúðnir⁵, the high castle and seat of Her Majesty, the queen. I am Ganglöt⁶. My mistress is expecting you in the audience hall. Follow me.”
He obeyed and followed the old maid.
All the while, he tried to figure out what she was. She wasn't an Asýnja, nor was she a Jötunn. She was clearly not a Light Alf or a Vana and, if the appearance of Iðunn was anything to go by, not a Dark Alf either. She didn't even look like any of the Midgardians he had ever encountered. Maybe an Elemental? But then the question would be what she embodied.
His train of thought was put to an end, when he and the old maidservant arrived in front of a giant fluorescing green door.
And suddenly it came back to his mind, that he was about to meet Hel Lokisdóttir – the daughter of his murderer.
Baldr took a deep breath to compose himself.
Ganglöt seemed to notice. “Are you nervous, young man?”
He nodded awkwardly.
She lifted her head to give him a small smile. “If you're remotely as virtuous as people say, you have nothing to fear”, she assured him.
Then she tapped the threshold with her walking cane and Baldr screamed in terror, when the ground between the two and the door opened up to reveal a pitfall.
“What is this?!?”, he gasped out, as he recoiled from the pit.
“Eh, just one of the little tricks her Majesty has installed”, the old lady explained.
“Little tricks???”
“Aye. And now we need to walk over the chasm.”
The bright god gawked at her. “Excuse you?! That chasm is too wide for-”
But the maid only giggled softly: “Don't wreck your pretty head, young one. Watch.”
Then she stepped forward – into the empty.
And Ganglöt walked. Over the void of the pit. As if it was solid ground.
His eyes grew even bigger. “What … how …?”
“Come”, the old woman smiled and stretched out her hand to him. “There is nothing to be afraid of. I will hold your hand.”
Baldr gulped and took the offered hand.
Ganglöt's hand was as could be expected of an old woman's hand, but at the same time it felt really strange; as if someone had warmed up a piece of wood, softened it and given it a pulse.
“Come”, she repeated. “The queen doesn't like waiting that much.”
“Right”, he mumbled and took a few deep breaths.
Pull yourself together, Baldr scolded himself. Stop being such a wuss!
He closed his eyes and stepped into the void.
But when it didn't feel like he was falling, he opened them again – only to find, that he (just like Ganglöt) was standing in the air, right above the chasm.
“Huh”, he said. “Okaayyy …”
He let the old woman bring him to the other side (to top it off, she proceeded to hum “Walking In The Air” as she did so) and sighed in relief, when he stood on actual solid ground again and the chasm closed behind them.
“What was that?!”, he desired to know.
The maid shrugged: “Ask Her Majesty. Now compose yourself and straighten your posture, young man. You don't want to face queen Hel with that expression, do you?”
Hel's POV
When the door finally opened and her handmaid Ganglöt brought the dead Ása in, Hel was startled.
What everyone had told her, it really was true.
There were no words to describe just how beautiful the person in front of her was.
His face was boyish, almost feminine, and very pale. His hair was almost white and hung from his shoulders in two thick braids, in addition to the open hair in the back. He had the cutest little nose and big, sky blue eyes with long lashes. Despite him being dead, there was a faint blush on his cheeks (she wanted to pinch them), his lips were rosy and he was shining!
His eyes held a whole range of emotions: nervousness, anxiety and an undefinable sadness, but also warmth, softness and curiosity.
But this wasn't the time to get distracted.
Hel mustered a small smile and stood up to greet him.
“You must be Baldr Óðinnson”, she addressed him. “Welcome to my humble abode. I have already been waiting for you.”
Baldr's POV
So this was Hel?
For a few seconds he was speechless.
The queen of the eponymous world and of Niflheimr was certainly a sight to behold.
A bizarre sight; she was the strangest thing Baldr had ever seen.
It started with her hair. It was platinum blond on her right side, pitch black on the left.
She was wan, probably from the lack of sunlight. And parts of her face were black and withered, like a rotting corpse.
He was struck by pity. Was it painful for her to be half dead? And if not, how much did it bother her? And did this really make her ugly, like everyone said?
Strange, yes.
Ugly? Hmm … no, not really. Not in Baldr's opinion.
The way she united life and death in her person gave her a strange kind of beauty.
And when he approached her, his glow illuminated her enough for him to see more.
She was thin and a head taller than himself.
Her right cheek was as rosy as any maiden's.
Her night blue dress spoke of her wealth and power⁷ and she was wearing a moonstone necklace.
Her profound black eyes, which at first had looked startled (probably by his appearance, Baldr was used to it), were now looking at him with mild interest and curiosity, which for some reason was really cute and endearing to him.
I must have a weird taste in what I find cute, he thought.
Hold on – where were his manners?! He had just walked up to her without bowing or even saying hello and now was staring at the queen of the underworld, like a total idiot!
Time to fix that!
Hel's POV
Hel could tell, that the other was just as startled by her looks as she was by his. Of course everyone was, she was used to it, but he didn't seem to be as disgusted as most other people were.
In fact, he seemed fascinated.
How curious.
Then he blinked and seemed to remember, that he was standing in front of his new sovereign.
He blushed bright scarlet and hastily knelt before her.
“Y-yes, I am indeed Baldr”, he responded to her own greeting. “And you are, without a doubt, Queen Hel. It's such a pleasure to finally meet you!”
Now it was her turn to blink. “A pleasure to finally meet me”, she echoed blankly.
He smiled up at her and nodded – primordial cow, he actually meant that!
“Your father has told me so much about you”, Baldr continued. “Oh, speaking of him!”
He rummaged through the leather bags he was wearing around his belt, until he found something – a small stone plate.
“Your father snuck this note into my bag. I do believe it's for you?”
Hel took the stone plate and read the content:
“To my beautiful little girl,
the best birthday present ever to the best daughter ever. A ray of light for your realm of darkness. Happy birthday, Hel!
Love you lots, sweetie. Your dad.
PS: Sigyn says hi.”
She sighed in exasperation and shook her head. That was so typical for her father …
Then again, who was she to complain?
Not only was this beautiful creature in her hands now, his death surely caused his father and all the Æsir great grief. The soul of Óðinn's beloved son was the best birthday present indeed.
Now, what to do?
Should she take her grudge on the Allfather out on his son?
Her resentment towards Óðinn would not cloud her judgement.
“Look me in the eyes”, she ordered and he did so.
He squirmed a little under her gaze, as her eyes bored into his soul and read him.
Hmm … no bad deeds, no condemning character traits. What a pure and adorable cinnamon roll! But what is that … oh! Oh no! What a mess!
Baldr's POV
Baldr was getting increasingly unsettled by the blank expression on Hel's face.
He was pretty sure, that he had never seen such a blank face in his life. Her big black eyes were like two voids. It reminded him a little of the owls he had sometimes seen, when he had walked in the forests in Asgard. Oh yes, that was the word: owlish. Her stare was owlish.
“Are you alright?”, he asked worriedly.
Hel tilted her head. Her face was still blank, but at least she now seemed to snap out of her trance.
Then, finally she opened her mouth to speak again.
“The son of the jerk, who banished me down here, can't be this cute. It just doesn't make any sense”, she … uh, clarified?
“I-I'm sorry!”, Baldr stammered and blushed a deep red.
He didn't know how to deal with this.
Baldr was an Ása, he was used to being around people, who were brutally frank and outspoken.
But Hel seemed to be a different kind of blunt.
Though he had been called cute before, it had never been like this. Hel had said that sentence with a completely straight face, without the faintest blush and in the most no-nonsense tone ever – as if it was a matter of fact. And that startled him somehow.
What startled him even more, was when a third person stumbled into the room.
Baldr almost cringed at how dishevelled Nanna was looking (and at the fact, that she was now here and there was a high chance that she would make him and/or Hel insanely uncomfortable).
“Oh, finally, I found the right room!”, she gasped. “The gatekeeper gave me wrong directions – hi, Baldr – so orientating myself was a nightmare, then I almost fell into a pit and this old lady showed up and brought me here!”
She pointed at Ganglöt, who was lingering in the background.
The light god paid close attention to Hel's reaction. Her expression didn't change at all, but Baldr could have sworn, that the left side of her face just had become slightly more decayed.
Still her overall demeanour stayed the same.
“Seems like Móðguðr played a trick on you. You have to forgive her. My gatekeeper has the tendency to give wrong directions to people she doesn't like”, she told Nanna.
“Eh, whatever”, the other goddess muttered, “I'm here now. Sooo … uhhh …”
Whatever she had been about to say died, when she got a good look at Hel. Baldr could feel the horror and disgust radiating from his former wife.
Obviously Hel noticed it too, because she brushed her black hair forward to conceal the left side of her face. Somehow that really bothered Baldr; the queen shouldn't have to cover half of her face, just because others couldn't stand it.
Nanna on the other hand seemed to have it easier now. “You're queen Hel, right?”
“No, I'm just your average Jötunn woman with a half decayed body, who has power over the dead and the entirety of Niflheimr and can read dead souls like open books”, Hel deadpanned.
For some reason Baldr couldn't help but burst into giggles. He quickly pulled himself together, but the fact that he had laughed at the queen's comment at all seemed to be enough to tick Nanna off.
“Good to see that you're having fun!”, she hissed.
Her husband coughed and mumbled an awkward apology.
“Now, now”, Hel spoke up. “Let's not get into an argument. Welcome to my realm, Nanna Nepsdóttir. Aren't you going to at least say hello to your new sovereign? Because now that you're dead, you're my subject – whether you like it or not.”
“Oh … right. Sorry”, the dead goddess mumbled, bowed and gave a polite, but cool greeting.
“Better”, the queen nodded. “Now, let me see …”
Hel's POV
Hel couldn't claim to be surprised by what she saw, when she read Nanna's soul.
This time she said it out loud, if only to expose her.
“Ah. Cynical, self-esteem issues, guilty of adultery with … Hermodr? Isn't that Baldr's bro-”
“Oh no, what a shock, I couldn't possibly have seen this coming!”, Baldr deadpanned.
Nanna stared at her former husband in horror. “You knew? All this time you-?!”
“Nanna, I'm neither naïve nor stupid. Yes, I knew.”
“Then why did you never say anything?!”
“Because I-”
Hel cleared her throat: “You two, this isn't couple therapy and I'm not a marriage counsellor.”
The two blinked and apologised sheepishly.
“It's forgiven”, she accepted it. “But please settle your marital issues between yourselves. I may be Loki's daughter, but that doesn't mean, that I have his sense of humour. I do not revel in the misery of others. It would be unbecoming of a queen like myself.”
The dead couple nodded.
“Anyway, Nanna, I think you know, that adultery is a crime, no matter what.”
“Yes, I do”, the dead Asýnja sighed. “So, what will it be? A snake pit? Being chewed on by a dragon, or whatever punishment people like me get around here?”
“That is indeed the standard punishment for adulterers”, Hel confirmed.
“NO!”, Baldr screamed and fell on his knees. “Please, don't do this to her!”, he pleaded. “I beg you! My wife doesn't deserve such a harsh punishment! She only-”
“Let me finish”, Hel cut him off and turned back to Nanna. “What I was going to say, before Baldr interrupted me, was that this is the standard punishment for adulterers, who actually deserve it. My judgement is fair and just. As I said before, dead souls are open books to me. I know what kind of life you two led, what tragedy your marriage really was and why you did what you did. And that, Nepsdóttir, is your saving grace.”
“So, what will it be instead?”, Nanna asked nervously.
Hel considered for a moment, before answering. “I think shovelling the snow off the paths outside would be appropriate. A bit of manual labour and cool, fresh air never hurt anyone.”
“I accept my punishment.”
“Good. Servants, take her into my garden and give her a snow shovel. The pathways out there really need to be cleared.”
Her ghostly servants were about to lead the goddess away, when Hel remembered something:
“Oh, one more thing, Nanna.”
“Now that you two are dead, Baldr is your husband no more. Wedding vows do not transcend death, contrary to the assumption of the living, that they do.”
The daughter of Loki wasn't surprised to see relief run over the other woman's face, before she nodded in acknowledgement. Then she was led away.
Baldr's POV
“They won't hurt her, right?”, the Bright One asked the Mistress of the Dead in concern.
“Unless she does something to warrant it, no”, she replied, to his relief.
Then she told him to follow her and he did so.
She guided him through dark halls, illuminated only by his glow. No word was spoken, until Hel stopped in front of a door, opened it and motioned for Baldr to go inside.
As the dead god glanced around the room, he was stunned by the the splendour, visible even in the dim light. It was elaborately furnished, with jewels embedded in walls and furniture.
Seemed like Hel acted on the maxim “If you've got it, flaunt it”.
“Wow”, he breathed. His house in Asgard, Breiðablik⁸, hadn't quite been as luxurious (even though compared to the other houses in Asgard it was the most splendid), mostly because showing off wasn't Baldr's thing.
“I'm glad you like it”, Hel stated. “This is actually one of my own spare bedrooms, but there have been complications, while preparing your rooms, so for now you will be staying here. Your things will be brought to you shortly. In the meantime, you can make yourself comfortable.”
Baldr blushed in embarrassment. “I … I don't think I'm deserving of such honours.”
Hel lifted an eyebrow. “What, are you questioning my sound judgement?”
The blush was immediately replaced by pallor. “No! Of course not!”
“That's what I thought”, she said and he could have sworn, that there was a hint of amusement in her otherwise still completely toneless voice. It didn't show on her face either, but Baldr was pretty sure, that she was enjoying herself at his cost.
With a sigh, he sat on the bed. It was a king-sized bed and it seemed really comfortable.
Suddenly exhaustion set in with a vengeance and he felt really tired. Why was he tired? He always had assumed, that dead people didn't need to sleep – after all, wasn't death already an everlasting sleep? Oh well, another afterlife lesson learned.
Hel seemed to sense his fatigue, for she said: “You must be exhausted. After all, you travelled all the way down Yggdrasil. That's not exactly a stroll in the park. So lie down and sleep a little. A servant will come and wake you up, when dinner is ready.”
He stood up once more and bowed. “Thank you, your Majesty.”
“No need for formalities. Just Hel will do”, she replied. “I'm more than just the queen of Niflheimr. I founded a whole kingdom and named it after myself. I think that expresses my power more than my queenly title does.”
Baldr couldn't have argued with that, even if he had wanted to.
Hel left the room and closed the door, leaving the dead god alone.
The Bright One sat back down and contemplated his new situation.
Hmm … Hel doesn't seem so bad. Neither the place, nor the person. The Mistress of the Dead seems to be a fair ruler. And of course, no one throwing stuff at me is always nice … I think I'm going to like it here.
He lay down and found the bed just as warm and comfy as his old one in Asgardr.
Baldr fell asleep within seconds.
1) Náströnd: "Corpse Shore", the place of Helheimr, where oath-breakers, adulterers and murderers are punished. 2) Níðhöggr: "Malice Striker/Hateful Striker", a serpentine dragon living and gnawing at the roots of Yggdrasil (the cosmic World Tree), who also chews on the corpses of the inhabitants of Náströnd. 3) Ganglati: "Lazy-Step", Hel's personal manservant. 4) Móðguðr: "Ferocious Battler", the guardian of Gjallarbrú, the bridge across the underworld river Gjöll. 5) Éljúðnir: depending on the translation either "Misery", or "Sprayed With Blizzards/Damp With Sleet" (personally I tend more towards "misery"), Hel's castle. It's described as being enormous, having really high walls and large gates. 6) Ganglöt: "Slow-Step", Hel's handmaid. 7) Dark dyes for clothing were quite expensive, especially black-blue dyes (raven black). Most Norse societies only had access to them via trade (with the Byzantine Empire, for example). So really dark or colourful clothing was a status symbol, since it was only available to the wealthy. 8) Breiðablik: "Broad Gleam". According to Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, it was the fairest hall in Asgard.
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lovinthepizzalife · 6 years
There's a look on Cap's face that Tony can't quite decipher, but then, Tony's had about five hours of sleep in the span of six days, so maybe that's why. Either way, Cap's in his workshop, because JARVIS asked if he could enter and Tony said sure, because why not? Cap usually brought food, sometimes, and Tony couldn't really remember the last time he'd ate. It could have been yesterday, if yesterday was Saturday.
From the look on his face, if Tony's reading it right - he doubts he is, because again, five hours of sleep - then yesterday wasn't Saturday. Okay. Tony can probably deal with that.
He can't really deal with the fact that Roger's is holding something that looks like hospital notes, though.
"In my defence," Tony starts, raising his hands - ow, soldiering iron, put that down - and meeting Roger's eyes, "It probably wasn't my fault."
"Maybe, then," Tony says instead, peeling his sweaty gloves off. "So, okay. You're in my shop, hurrah, but - why? I haven't done something without thinking again, have I? The last time I did -"
"I need to ask you something," Roger's interrupts, which, no. Tony's not doing that. Those words, in the history of them being used, have literally never meant anything good. Ever. Tony doesn't like this. He really, really doesn't fucking like this, and it must show, which, shit, because now Roger's looks sort of panicked. "Not anything bad! Well. Not anything as bad as you're thinking? I think." Roger's frowns, shifting on his feet.
"Give me the notes," Tony starts slowly, stepping forward, "And then I'll be the judge of that, yeah?"
Cap hands him the hospital notes - so Tony was right - and Tony reads them over. When he's done, he turns, grabs the closest hot thing, and sets them alight. Roger's panicked yell is pretty loud, but Tony really doesn't care, chest seizing on the memories of "this is for your own good, Anthony" and the knives and the fights and the fucking, fuck all of this. Fuck Roger's, and probably Natashalie, and most likely Barton, and Fury, and just. Bruce, honestly. Fucking Bruce. Fuck all of them, everyone, Tony doesn't care and then he cares too much and -
Sunset was better than this. At least she was fucking honest.
"J, get me a suit ready, and get Iced American the fuck out of my lab. Full blackout, start the protocol, you know the one, and just. Get me out of here, JARVIS. Please," he adds, a little desperately.
DUM-E and U, because they're so fucking good, he's never donating them, ever, shove Roger's out of the 'shop, whirring angrily. Roger's can't do anything with his super soldier strength without breaking them, and if he does Tony will honestly kill him, PR department and their panicked squawking be damned.
The suit closes around him, the workshop goes dark, and Tony says goodbye and fucking flees, no tact about it. He doesn't need any. Roger's can declare him dead or gone or a traitor, but what he did - what they did - is unacceptable, and because JARVIS is JARVIS, the PR department probably already knows what happened and are ready and willing to crucify Roger's and co., because they're good like that.
("And they knew Howard," a sly part of him whispers, grinning, "They knew the man the world called millionaire and you thought of as monster, but he was both, wasn't he? He was a millionaire monster and no one could do anything about it then. They still can't, can they? Poor, poor Tony, losing his daddy at seventeen. What was it he did again?"
Tony grits his teeth and the voice hums, gone metal, gone man, and then it's Ultron saying: "Better to ask what he didn't do, hmm? What's the answer, Tony? Oh yeah," Ultron says, feigning sudden realisation. "He didn't love you.")
"So, I got your message." Rhodey clears his throat, trying for a laugh. Tony closes his eyes - JARVIS will make sure he doesn't crash - and just. Listens, for a moment. Rhodey, who loves him. Rhodey, who's his brother. Rhodey, who sounds a little pissed. Great. "Quitting the Avengers, huh?"
"They got a hold of some hospital records," Tony answers cuttingly, voice cool. When Rhodey sucks in a breathe to start speaking, Tony barrels on with: "Not the public record ones. Do you remember me telling you about six months of private PT in 1975?"
Tony can almost hear him go white over the phone, breathes rushing out in a free fall of 'what the fuck' and 'why'. Tony's reaction was sort of similar, except no it wasn't, because the memories of being five years old, a year after the circuit board and a year before the car engine, made him panic so much he set the records on fire. He has no idea what he used to set them on fire, because honestly, all he could see was red, all he could fucking feel was red, and - oh. Rhodey's talking.
"Repeat that, honey bear? Please," Tony asks tiredly, eyes finally opening when he lands. New start, apparently, until he can gather himself to get all his shit. The team can stay in the tower, probably, but Tony doesn't want anything to do with them, not after this.
"I remember how many bottles you'd drank before I found and you started spewing out gibberish, among other things. Like how fucked up it was." Tony laughs a little, nodding to himself. Rhodey's right. That night had been so messed up, both the - the event, and when he was telling Rhodey about it. He was so, so fucking drunk and high and just fucked up in general. Rhodey, bless hi, dragged him into their dorm so no one else would hear about - that.
God, it's been decades and Tony still can't talk about it. How fucking hilarious is that.
"Bye, Rhodey," Tony mutters, hanging up. He lands, lets the suit fall away in scattered, blood red pieces. So much blood. Always so much red.
(Sometimes, when he blinks, there is an image of Howard standing above him, older than he'd been when Tony was a child. Howard is always smiling. He is always holding Tony's heart in his hands. He is always, always red.)
"Call Pepper and prepare the workshop, please." Tony thinks for a moment, staring at his bar. He hadn't thought to empty this one. Hadn't thought he'd ever see it again. "How many drinks do you think I'll halve if I try it, J?"
"Too many," JARVIS answers lowly, concern buzzing behind his voice. Tony chokes on a laugh.
"Good answer, J," Tony says, and turns away from it before he drinks a shelf or ten. As he descends the stairs, JARVIS phones Pepper. It doesn't go to voicemail, thankfully, because for some reason every time it does Tony says a little too much, but that doesn't matter when Pepper's picking up, tired.
"Hey," she greets, raspy voiced. Tony hums a little, the workshop doors sliding open. He'll need to get DUM-e and U and Butterfingers shipped over. The workshop is too empty without them. Is too empty with him in it. God, he's getting poetic again. He needs to stop that. "What's up? Do you need anything?"
"Just needed your voice?" Tony says, like he's joking, because of course. Tony Stark would never phone just for that.
"I'm not having phone sex, Tony," Pepper says flatly, and it's absurd enough to make him laugh, kneeling like an idiot on the floor of his workshop, hand against his mouth, choking on the laughs. "What? Tony, are you okay? Should I -"
"It's fine, Pep," Tony manages, wiping his eyes. "I needed to laugh, thanks. How's the company doing, by the way? I was thinking of doing some work today."
"What's brought this on?" Pepper asks curiously, and oh. She hasn't read the message, then.
"I quit the Avengers," Tony blurts, which. Not the smartest thing he's done, but today hasn't been a smart nor good day. Or week, since he hasn't slept and when he has it's been the wormhole, space, open and endless and infinite all around him, the darkness from between the stars filling his lungs and oh god he can't breathe, oh g o god -
He's falling he's falling he's falling he's falling so hard so fast so long and no one is there to catch him oh g o d -
"I muted the call, sir," JARVIS says, and then lists it off, dates and names and scientific laws. Those are facts, presented in a cool, clinical sort of tone, but it's real and Tony can breathe a little, back shaking against his workbench. The world didn't end. New York is still in once piece. Nicholas J. Fury is an asshole, but the world didn't end. Nothing ended. Tony's okay, and JARVIS is there. Okay. It's fine.
He's fine.
(Ultron blinks red red eyes at him and grins, lazy and predatory. "Is it really?" He rumbles, metallic, and Tony pretends he can't hear it.)
"Sorry about that Pep," Tony says brightly when the call unmutes, forcing a smile. He can do this. "I quit the Avengers, yada yada, PR is dealing with it, yada yada, the Avengers got a hold of some private hospital records, you get the drill."
"Oh my god, Tony," Pepper says mournfully. There's a sound like rustling over the phone, like she's moving in what Tony assumes is her bed, since it was sort of late when Cap entered Tony's shop. Maybe. Tony in't really sure, because he still hasn't slept and his mind's a mess, all hazy and floaty, so. God, he hates these moments.
"It's fine," Tony mutters, crawling out from under his work bench. He can do this. Handle it a little longer, Stark, this isn't nothing compared to the third kidnapping, come on. "I'll put more time into fixing the company, clean up any trash if need be, just. Give me a little time, okay?" Way to go, Stark. Way to fucking go.
"Will that be all, Mr. Stark?" Pepper asks, murmuring, because great, she caught on to it. Brilliant.
"That will be all, Mrs. Potts," Tony answers, and the call clicks off. Silence.
He's not fine.
Guess whose laptop got fixed? Mine! Guess who wrote almost two thousand words to celebrate? Me. I am not managing my time wisely, but in my defence - I got nothing. Anyway:
@tonystarkismyprompt I hope this is up to par, and also, enjoy! I’m pretty sure you should know what prompt this was inspired by, but either way, I hope you enjoy :D
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
2 days then wamo the 11th is here. We need a major major action now. Tunis yes. Mars yes now yes.
Zues Hera
Oh my yiur right they sit and wait. Need it now.
We do this. Now she's pissed. Now not. They are in Tunis. She spoke in the senate it's there yes in a huge trough they use to collect gems. That's how. We invite Biden to the crystal factory the Dragon Ball Factory to see how we mold them actually mold smaller ones too 5" or so we have the tools create a area for visitors to try thier hand, see if they can match our quality. He accepts. We send him a steel ship in his daddy he accepts decked out he sends special requirements and additions. Nuada and Arrianne say. We activate huge programs now one by one. Tunis first is ongoing. Almost complete no. Begins.
Titan is huge half prepped but begins in Ernest the AI there of Dave's.
Mars activates now. We are up shortly
Neptune and Aquaman
Reasoning is this sats spy ships recon all go in. Calm as it is We are exposed
We hear up Hoth and other liven it use it.
Infiltration tough SIM an excuse and motivator.
Fuel we refuel now get in yes need to. About 75 percent empty now we prep
Mercury we are on it.
Neptune is as is. They compete need to be here aren't...we see Wie says are trying.
The Sarasota and mow Bradenton fl present the Authentic Dragon Ball Z collection in whole if ours and the kids version for sale at the two locales. We authorized them as a dealer with behind door items to do so
We start now ok
With Lords up we take areas as them it will push or boost it. Comicon is on we made one this week we use tapas building are there. We did it's up got permits. Yeh I do a lot of it. Legal jargon ok
Bitol and Goddess Wife says. Fully up lights on dinner served we made a deal with Batman. He's there as is Robin donated we said on loan he agreed. He said a year. Then possibly relocate it. To another Super Hero Bar. Catwomen 2 no 3 are going ...Blob the real one and half asses on Jason. It's lower he's a crony of sorts. Katniss is going he can't it's his bar so not allowed. Someone may try to take it over. Mr. Incredible tries to get him there. Fails miserably. They wabtvto use it to keep smoldering
We use it now. Ok.
SIM Supercar Superhero Pusher decked out on tour Bus houses some if our Superheroes or cosplay as yu say. Fast stylized bikes of ours. Our actual Tron bikes no our SIM version but top speed is 500mph. From too. Glowing suit. We asked Disney no thier ride broke. Ours is up hmm. Glow is invited for later on. Package for him too.
Tons sign on.
Darth Maul will swing by
And many more it's permitted.
Our versions arriving with radical rides
Iron Man Iron Woman
Mr. Incredible and family
Spiderman Spiderwoman
Superman Superwoman
Zod and accompanying characters each with DemiGoddess Spouse
Red Gardian and Black Widow
Dr. Manhattan and the crew
Justice league yes out version
Avengers out version
Some aliens. ..
Jason you may have some Martians if you wish. We shall be says and the Mars P.A. saucer.
A full Street Fighter accompaniment
Dark Phoenix our version. Block party and your Dark Phoenix called it.
Xmen most there all movies
Swamp Thing. Our version yes cosplay or
Starblazers is up more now huge ships tins of the cosplay already Jason ran saw it in in. A foothold.
Willie Wonka food truck arrives. Permitted. As do the Krusty Burger Moe's Bar food and Duff and Moes Flaming Drink. Quickee Mart truck tins of vendors. All mow a VIP tent and yes for both. We id. There's a cover and yes a benefit and for a group we sponsor. It's a vigilante group. Oh yeh we hear it
A monster truck or two. Televised opening to all the other SIM cavities starts now
Hera Zues
Outstanding had help yes Apollo and Goddess Wife assigned this am. By him to get shows up. All learn this is huge. We rent a slot in the comicon. A Superhero Bar outlet that's the name Superhero Bar Outlet...super fast never runs out.
We compete they say are workers we see. We switch out on the half hour have trucks out back we move now morlock say. Super fine w me we .monitir but great ok terrific work
Dragon ball Z pulls up. Will perform using gear. And yes Deal A stuff. Bg begged to be in it we accepted he will wear his light flight suit. Looks like a hockey player
Thor Freya
You stole the show yes a bit we helped boy what show people you two
Don't get out much
Apollo and Goddess Wife
Thor Freya
0 notes
riskeith · 4 years
aside from that, ur graphics must look incredible! i’ve seen some comparison pics and pc graphics are God Tier. help the second lowest being “high”... good riddance. 😶
summer 2016! it seems so long ago like a whole different universe. everything was so beautiful back then.. everybody was out and about hunting pokémon’s... that zine is so cute! i wouldn’t say main i actually only got into them a little while ago and i’m still mostly tddk and kiribaku but bkdk is interesting.. to say the least. i haven’t seen what happens in the manga (only a bit of spoilers especially that cover...) and s4 didn’t give us That many scenes with them but i’m keeping my eyes open... wbu?
IDK like their descriptions make it seem like they might help you find some specific treasures??? like the gold seelie giving you fortune aka mora? not sure tho hehe... YEAH THAT FANART!!! so cute i wanna eat them all.. forbidden snack. 🥺 omg funny you mention that... i met xiao just earlier for the first time and when i saw his entire outfit i was like.. hm i wonder what he would look like in darker clothing HAHA. but yeah skins would be awesome!!!! like a clothing shop or smth somewhere????? anyway when i saw him i was like HEY that’s cluna’s boy!
ALBEDO IS A BAD BITCH. his hair is perfect perfect perfect. actually everything about him is so perfect he’s just a delicate little guy... 🥺 dude us talking about albedo and opening up the game and seeing his banner is like... 👀 temptation.
with venti??? i’m not sure which quest you mean i did the archon one with him though and it was awesome. does he have more? I DID LOOK IT UP AND MURASE IS MAKING HIS VOICE EVEN HIGHER AND IT’S SO CUTE I WISH I KNEW IT BEFOREHAND SO I COULD’VE HEARD HIS VOICE WHILE DOING THE MISSION. 😭 oh well 😭
hopefully there are some good 4 stars too. who are you wishing for? anyone special? imagine having xingqiu and chongyun.... that’s like the dream. and bennett and razor and you have the boy scout party haha!! do you have mostly claymore users?
i remember you mentioning you don’t like book users but i’ve actually really grown to love them hehe. their long range attacks are so nice and handy! KAZE DA! 😭 bro stop i literally have a crush on venti it’s ridiculous.. imagine closing ur eyes and talking and it’s his voice.... (OR HINATA!!!) murase is so lucky... he seems like such a great guy too ajsksjdk..
ok friends to lovers goodness! 🥺 i’m considering getting twitter just to see fanart... maybe.. o.o
ooooo that’s so thorough! in all caps caught my attention, why do you do that? personally, if it’s something longer i write bulletpoints of the concept but never like... actual plot yk? i’ve tried before but i doesn’t work for me very well. so.. i wing it! and like you i just get inspired randomly, it could be from song lyrics or thinking about tropes i enjoy. 😜
loona is cool! they have this whole story about their group. i highly recommend checking them out! i wonder if they kept it up though lmao. oh yeah everyone loves hozier he just speaks to the soul.. LOVELY IS MY FAVORITE SONG!!!!! LIKE EASILY TOP SONGS OF MY LIFE!!! it makes me so happy that you like it even if you skip it lmaojsjdjsjsjdk and i like billie a lot!! ariana too she has great music.., idk if you’ve heard of the group the neighborhood but i like them too. lana del rey as well! haha guess it’s super basic stuff tbh. all of them with mostly slow songs.. sorry 😭
OK GOOD. all nighters are honestly horrible. i don’t get how people can pull them off and get things done... (hopefully you never have to either!) YEAH haha 8 am is my favorite hour i think... that and 9 pm. they’re just special. what’s your favorite time of day? listen if you stay up to read fics that’s valid. midnight up is like the perfect time to read fics it makes them appear more magical sjdkdhdk.
i hope i caught you today but if not, hope you’re sleeping well babe! ♥️
sorry i was playing genshin! JFKSNXKSNKSJ i started before 12am and before i knew it it was already 1am… my goodness
and yeah i watched this vid comparing the graphic quality settings (i play on the default one) and i was like??? people really be playing like this? LOL can’t relate
edit: missed this paragraph oops but yeah what a time 2016 was! (lmao voltron started that year iirc) i remember we had an athletics event and legit everyone was on their phones jfksnfksnd. oooo! nice tddk and krbk are very good very nice. and also yeah that cover lol i love that you didn’t even have to specify which one i just Know. hmm i think rn bkdk would be one of the top ships i’m interested in aside from todobaku? they just have so much history ya know? and they have a lot of moments in the second movie! oh wait did you know that there are movies? two of them in fact!! the kiribaku is pretty strong in the first one (but there are some todobaku moments too lol). and there are a few OVAs too. WAIT are you all caught up with the anime? can’t rmemeber if you’ve told me or not 😫
oooo if that were the case tho what would the others give? i did like the “sea blue” description or something of the blue one tho 😩 YOU WANNA EAT THEM FJDJCJSKNCSKJCKSNXJS NO!!! but i can understand.. they look very squishy. THAT’S MY BOY!!!!!! honoured you thought of me <33 yo i was also wondering what chongyun would look like in darker clothes too HDKSKDN see this is why i need to learn how to draw.… gotta put them in the clothes i want since we can’t do that in game!! but a shop would be so cute omg
JFKSKSKAKS i’ve legit been staying away from opening the wish menu as much as i can.… it’s too tempting i can’t!!
yeah the archon one is what i meant sorry! forgot the name for it lol. and yes there is! once you reach AR 35 or something you can unlock story quests and venti is one of them 👀👀 RIPPPP BUT AT LEAST YOU KNOW NOW 😭😭
i think just xingqiu rn!! i’ve been holding off ascending barbara in hopes of getting him, bc i grinded some oceanid (literally the worst fucking boss ever) before i ascended so i’m just hoarding those materials rn fjskdnd. yesss the boy scouts 😭🥺 but i heard chongyun and razor’s elemental skills cancel each other out so rip.. hmm i did a count and i think i have 3 each of claymore and catalyst users! hbu?
omg nooooo betrayal 😭 tho ngl i’m considering using ningguang bc i see people play her so well.. so i’m just carrying her around in my team hoping to passively level her up HAHAHA. i def appreciate their long range attacks too, lisa’s burst especially is quite nice. CHJDKSKD that’s so cute but also very relatable 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺 also did you know murase is like tall af it’s kinda crazy lol
there’s /so/ much good fanart!!! it’s where i’m getting a taste of all the ships too lol but yeah there’s angst and fluff and just charas looking s*xy they’ve got it all 😩 but that also reminds me, like most other big fandoms genshin fandom is kinda fkn shit 😔 once again i’m thankful to myself for keeping such a small circle lmaooooo
honestly i don’t know either?? i think it helps me distinguish between what i’m actually writing vs what i’m planning like if i do something like “JUMPS OFF PLATFORM, LANDS IN FRONT. so, are you going to introduce me or do i have to do it myself ETC THEN THEY TALK SUDDENLY there’s the sound of a windchime, and VILLAINS HERE GOTTA FIGHT” it’ll look something like that jdjsndkskd where the lowercase is exact dialogue I wanna write in but the caps is just planning
but winging it ey that’s hot of you 🤪 god do you ever just like thinking about potential ideas before falling asleep but then your phone is far away/you don’t wanna hurt your eyes looking at a screen but then you’re also afraid you’ll forget the idea DJKSXKSK
:o! i think i stayed away bc of the whole “stan loona” thing DHSKKS but i might give them another shot! therefore i am is one of my go to songs rn hehe i really like the beats she uses they’re so funky. i don’t really like ariana sorry FJDJKSKS but she does have a lot of bangers!! side to side… 😘👌 and i do know the neighbourhood! sweater weather is so iconic but lately i’ve been skipping that too aahah. but have you heard daddy issues slowed? oh my god. that singlehandedly started my obsession with slowed songs (ironic isn’t it when you consider i don’t listen to normal slow songs fjsjdj) i like summertime sadness from lana! and young and beautiful too (the radio songs AHAH) but yeah.. they’re slow fjdkksks. how do you feel about halsey + melanie martinez + bastille? (i’m always paranoid about listing artists bc so many get cancelled or what other and i feel like randos are gonna come for me too JDKSKSKA.) oh and troye sivan!! and pentatonix if you’ve heard of them? i was obsessed with those two back in 2015 ahaha
omg crazy.. how!! hm my favourite hour is maybe 12pm? or 2pm? just some time in the afternoon i like when it’s still light outside but it’s also like “after school” time kinda .. and yesss reading fic at late hours… gets me crying more easily 🤪
i don’t think i’ll catch your next reply so goodnight in advance!! hope your day is great <3
0 notes
Walk in Two Worlds: Chapter #12
Incoming message
Holy Hell, to has been a long time! Sorry we haven’t reached you sooner friend, we had to loose out scent for months due to a series of events. Seemed Bishop and Griffon have been in need of extra assistance for my scholarly works of the two new animus machines that Abstergo had produced. We even have been gathering witness from survivors of the “imprisonment of one of the private research centers in the southwest close to the Mexican/American border.
So now with Abstergo focused on more problems related to Hurricane Harvey destroying a warehouse that destroyed the newest research plans; fortunately, our spies and trusted allies have already scanned the plans as Harvey was in vain trying to push it’s citizens out of the city.
God. Those poor souls…
But, we must be brief. I’m glad your well, as far as I can tell. I could be wrong. Regardless, I’ve managed to steal not only a bit of the Katie Shepard files, but a bit of the Hellen Patterson files as well. I suppose after the last session of the memory of Katie’s birthday, Abstergo probably thought that Katie would be of little use. So those memories have been collecting cyber dust for the months we’ve been absent. Until that Norwegian bastard gets o our track, we get into the files of these women. Probably Hellen’s files should be played first since Abstergo probably hasn’t figured out her connection yet.
End of Message
The smell of cooked beans and smoked game filtered the air. Hellen was begging in her mind to have a whiskey now more then ever, as one of Jame’s men stitched the wound from her arm.
“From the maps I read, this creek, Brushy Creek comes from the Missouri river. So you should be safer riding along upstream.” Hellen turned her horse as Frank pointed the other boys the direction of the creek. “Hold on.”  Hellen turned in her saddle, and Jesse threw a flask and a small leather purse from his saddle bag towards Hellen. She caught it, and looked to see a sum of cash, and opened the flask to smell the rich wooden smell of whiskey. “I know it’s not Irish tradition, but Kansas City can make the finest.” James tipped his hat towards her. “Consider this even, for ridding our trail from those men.” “Here here.” Hellen replied before taking a shot’s worth down her throat.  
“Jesse, I know you have a family to look after, but you need to flee Kansas City. With you coming out of “retirement”, they will follow every suspicion leading to you and Frank’s family. “Hmm.” Jesse rubbed his chin in thought. “Saint Joseph would be the closet to train routes. Better consider that before my little ones question their daddy more.” “Come to think of it, ain’t you suppose to be keeping an eye on those gals of yours up in Montana?” Frank asked, eating a chunk of deer liver. Hellen shook her head and smiled, “Maggie could handle the Dusty Rose just fine.” Some of the men chuckled and one of them with a thick southern accent commented, “Sure right y’all. Considering how the “Virgin Madame” can go in and out without men missing her. You know how much money men would pay for ya.” “Oh sure, a skinny little undercover assassin with a torn up ear and a temper of a bobcat, that also takes in being a madame and a bounty hunter is worth getting money for.”
When Hellen finished her meal, she saddled her horse and packed her saddle bags, including the manuscript’s pages safely in her boot as well. “Hellen.” Frank called out. “Keep an eye over your shoulder. They say that this, McGriffon is in for your head.” Hellen shook her head, understanding what Frank was talking about. “That bastard will have to catch me first. But thanks.” Hellen spurred her stallion around as she headed south towards the settlement of Kearney.
That’s it for that memory I’m afraid. It seems more out of pace since the DNA sample was old. But it’s enough to get ’’s bloodhounds in a different source of data while you contain Katie’s memories in the USB files. I will say though, things are getting more epic as Katie goes further in this mess she’s in.
End of Message
Chapter #12
August 9th, 1757 River Valley, New York
With her hidden blades upon her wrists and her mind full of awareness, Katie followed Liam as the scouted the wooden areas of the River Valley. The past four months had been one of mass effects of complications among the assassins. For one, one of their traders who was also a hidden informant was mysteriously killed with any identification of the culprit going into the other side with him.
Following with hearing an enraged and frustrated Hope as she had to explain to Achilles that many of the factories that carried explosives and gases that were to be of use against the templars through her gangs were involved in a mass explosion. And to make matters worse, she never received the results of an experiment she was involved with Benjamin Franklin when they were suppose to meet. Katie unfortunately was the one who found out that she saw Dr. Franklin aboard a ship for Philadelphia at the hour of the meeting that he was suppose to meet.
A month prior, when Achilles summoned Katie to the homestead, he and Liam made the decision that Katie was ready for in field work and presented her the last set of robes that Miss Abigale ever made before the fever both claimed her and Connor. She was also presented with a pair of hidden blades that were obviously an upgrade with a new rope dart and a lever that made the made shirt into a dagger with a turn of the index. Katie could of sworn that she saw Liam beamed with pride underneath the seriousness he had to place when in presence of the mentor.
Liam and Katie then boarded upon a ship to reach the River Valley, where she aided in the fight, and to help heal the wounded natives and french soldiers that joined the fight. the Abenaki allies, lead by French General lLouis-Joseph de Montcalm plotted to ambush the Colonel and his men as they retreated from their own fort. Katie never really paid attention to the war, nor knew the reason for the war. All she knew that it involved the french and the iritis crown and the subjects of dear King Georgie. The only detail that she did pay attention to was the fact that Kesegowaase decided to use this to his advantage and led the attack in the hopes of assassinating Monro. As the Native assess in left, Katie felt a quick breath as she realized, that the Colornal would die this day. Liam placed a hand on her shoulder, she looked up to see Liam giving a nod and a light grip as to say, “I know what your thinking.” before talking to a few other master assassins. But Katie diverted herself by aidding the soldiers, even though her body was lacking from wash and lack of sleep.
“Hold still!” She scolded on a young soldier, who’s arm was bleeding aggressively after a musket ball rested in it. “Can’t help it miss. Hursts like hell!” The young soldier complained. “The only thing you’ll be complain about is the lack of one if you don’t stand still.” Katie’s eyes hardened with concentration as she pressed the wounds hard as she wrapped it. Liam was looking upon a map upon a larger man shift table of trees and bark. He peeked around only to chuckle when seeing Katie’s struggle with the lad.
He must think I’m a gesture wrestling a snake. Katie thought as she finished tying the wraps upon the arm. The lad thanked her and went to his comrades in arms. It was by then, a series of shouts caught her attention.
Two french soldiers were assisting Kesegowaase, the native assassin was barely keeping his head up as his feet dragged on the ground. His long braids covered his face, and Katie could see upon the tanned deer skin shirt a trail of blood. Katie called out to Liam as they ran towards their comrades.
“Heavens above and below, what happened?” Katie asked, looking upon the assassin’s scared and bloodied face that indicated that he was close to an explosion.
Liam turned to Katie, “Do you have anything that could ease the pain?” Katie nodded, straightened herself upright and ran to her saddlebags. She pulled out various salves, herbs, and cloths into a larger cloth. She barked at a french soldier to fetch a pale of water from the stream and pour some in the cast-iron pot in the cook fire ring.
The two assassin’s assisted the wounded native against a tree. Liam lifted Kasogwase’s head slowly. The assassin’s face as Katie examined the damage further. The face was blistered and reddened with burns accompanying with cut skin from possible shards of wood, some streams of blood went down upon the master assassin’s face. the skin was so inflated that Katie could feel the heat through the dampen cloth as she cleaned his face. As she preformed her work, Liam asked the native warrior again, “What the hell happened to you? Surely Monro didn’t set this, he’s too…”  
“He lives! He’d survived! And now…he has sided with the templars!”
Katie nearly dropped the salve container, her eyes widened like a doe being exposed. Kesegowaase saw him?! She had to focus on her work, keeping her eyes focused on the possible second degree burns on the master assassin’s face. She prayed to God silently that no one would noticed the panic upon her face, especially Kasogwase. But she had to know.
“Who?” Katie asked, trying to hide the desperation in her voice and face.
The native coughed a moment before a scarp answer filtered by pain joined with anger. “Shay…”
Katie dared to look at the Liam with the corner of her eye as her master’s face widened with surprise. “What?” He breathed a pained whisper that made Hellen froze in place.
Deciding to play the dumb card, Katie was brave enough in an innocent curiosity asked, “Shay? Wasn’t that the name of the assassin who…”
“I need a moment with Kasogwase Katie! Please…just…tend to the others. I’ll let you know what is happening when we figure this out.” Liam’s face was torn betweenez surprise and anger. A look that made Katie feel frightened, as if she came across a sleeping predator. Yet, she nodded and turned to tend to the other wounded soldiers.
As Katie worked, she talked to the soldiers, asking them what happened. One of them finally explained that Kasogwase ranged an open attack on Monro, disputes the fact than Mancaul offered Monro and the British terms of surrender. Then as they chased after the Colonial and his men with the lone man, assumedly Shay in Katie’s mind, hand shot a barrel fun of gun power to the native and his men. Katie felt sick as she heard these stories. Not at the fact that Shay is truly capable of harm; yet she began to see a matter that had been bugging her for years that she needed to discuss Liam with before addressing the mentor.
Later that evening, Katie was staring upon the fire writing hard, yet hesitant. As she wrote her reports for Achilles, Katie’s thoughts and fears were crashing upon her mind. Why would Shay turn on one of his own? Former own now. This was not the man she’d known he could be capable of! Of course, Shay never expects the idea of Katie an assassin; therefore, Katie knew that her life and the brotherhood’s depended on her keeping her secrets contained.
Liam walked up towards the fire and sat right next to her. He handed her a long strip of dried deer meat. She took it with a thanks, and chewed on the gamey meat. Liam looked up into the night sky, thousands of stars gleamed and glittered. A shooting star made a long trail across the dark canvas, until it disappeared into the darkness. Liam smiled, he knew what to wish for from what Katie saw. He looked at the corner of his eye to see Katie chewing the meat, and writing the reports. Her hair glowed redder by the flames. Resulting in this young woman to be more deadly and dangerously beautiful. Liam took a log and threw it in the middle of the fire. It was also a diversion from the thoughts and feelings that resulted after learning about Shay.
“I need you to confirm and add your testimony in this report. Most of the soldiers only gave me the logical of what happened.” Katie lifted her eyes and turned to look at her master. “So will you please tell me what in the Almighty one’s name is going on?” Liam’s eyes closed as he rubbed them with his two fingers. He nodded and explained to her what happened as the soldiers proclaimed, and after conferment from Kasogwase and a few scouts, that Shay Cormac, a man that Liam had grieved for over a year now is alive and standing. Bearing a templar uniform that was too familiar to him. “Katie, I need to ask you a hard question. Was your cousin buried in a long black leather jacket?” Liam looked hard upon Katie. Blue eyes meeting with green. Without thinking she answered, “Yes. Well I’m not sure. It was a closed casket service at the funeral, so I can’t say for sure. Why?”
Liam sighed and shook his head. “Sorry Katie. I assumed that…it’s late…you should get some sleep. We have a long journey ahead of us. I’ll finish the report. We need to inform the Abenaki elders as well. Seemed we even lost some warriors as well”  He took the parchment and scroll from Katie ands and nodded as she lifted herself up. As she turned and walked away, Liam called her out her name. She turned and looked at the man. “What you did out there…we need that same amount of integrity and swift every moment, even in battle.” It was as close to a compliment as she could get from Liam at this point. Katie nodded and made her way to the bed roll where they’d camp. As she drifted to sleep with a pistol near by, Katie silently offered a prayer for guidance and for Shay’s safety.
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gawaine · 7 years
Code Blue - Chapter 11 - Incoherent Review
I am so excited for this…okay here I go!!!
(Mehak’s CB review, including incoherency, mad theories and other things that made me smile)
Okay wow, even this title has be buzzed.. Nothing..But the Truth? DRAMAAAA OKAY THROWBACK TO THE TAXI SCENE BECAUSE YASSSSSSSSS think about it Mary, think about it…. i’m living for this internal thoughts thing that mary and adam are doing  LMAO shelby with the thwacking  toby and adam 5ever L O L VINNY “DID THEY JUST HI-FIVE OR AM I LOSING MY SHIT” I AM VINNY i am so giggly right now..this mary x adam scene…ADAM WANTS TO CHECK OUT HER BAHOOBIES BUT IS SCARED FOR HIS LIFE HAHA I have been waiting for this Sarah x VInny x Mary time for so long…THE TRIFECTA eye sexing lmao OH SHIT
RICHARD IS THERE WTF BETRAYAL BY SANNY noooo, i thought this Richard apology was going to go way better, I was excited to have him back on Team Yay :( mary running and crying is hurting me in the aorta  i am sad like kajol when she couldn’t go to europe with her friends  we are going to call the chicago incident PPP - Potential Pizza Pappi (pappi means kiss in punjabi for my fellow non-desis) mary’s internal struggle with recognizing adam as a real person is amazing you’re amazing  okay so, are the intern exams before or after the potential wedding in Sydney? and what chapter are we anticipating the wedding because i have to go iron my salwar kameez and get matching bangles  irreversible like liver disease (nods and throws up medical nerd gang sign at you) CALL ADAM, MARY. PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE AND CALL YOUR CUTE AND DORKY FRIEND/FIANCE MARY AND SHELBY OUTBURST DRAMA YASSSS I AM LIVING  NO i did not want her to tell shelby it was arranged!!! She could have just said that she meant “proposal” instead of agreement  nooo plz dont let this add tension between Mary and Adam unless this is potential build up drama for their big outburst fight where Tilly comes up….I am still waiting for that… adam being so excited about chicago gives me the warm and fuzzies LOL I AM DYING SHELBY THINKS ADAM COULDNT GET IT ON L O L DEAD HAHAHAH oh god i love this gap between brown girl romance and white girl romance lmao the culture gap… ANTICLIMACTIC AS FUCK ok nope did not want to know about nadia and adam and the supply closet but im kinda loving shelby here? like she hadnt grown on me yet but this is fantastic  hmm mary and shelby potential friendship could be interesting  speaking of shelby, when are we gonna get more shelby x Toby because I SHIP IT actually, i feel like we haven’t seen toby in a while  ohmygosh please dont kill anyone  plz esp toby ADAM WALKED IN WHAT  omg aw adam being curious jealous mary my poor lil baby ily STAY IN YOUR BUBBLE HAHAHAHAH tsk tsk dirty adam ughhh tilly kinda done with her right now, she really needs to get her shit together  and also…..kinda move out??? i see bits of you in mary’s internal monologue and i love it THE COVER PHOTO LOL “fuck you shelby” faaaave adam and the toaster my lil cutie  oh dr brett is bi? I missed that grown man adam…my little prince ily  BOOOM mary rejected adams cheek kiss (insert sound of my heart crashing and breaking) the ONE CURL omg yess confined spaces ( wiggles eyebrows) i just had a pang of panic….what if they get into a car crash?? Please no  i love this car scene adam using Sarah adn Vinny’s first names mean the world to me Mary was angry at the question earlier but she just likes him??? /tears lmao mary just blurting that  OH MY GOD ADAM “he would live to regret this he knew” OMG  DYING  lol LEAH AND ADAMS REACTIONS WHEN MARY ACCIDENTALLY SAID SHE CANT WAIT THAT LONG FOR THE WEDDING  I AM BOTH OF THEM  DADDY  AHAHA is mary closer to her mum or dad? does adam have siblings, i forgot ugh the fathers…i dont love the idea of two separate daysssss australia should be the main wedding and the reception afterwards in new york…. DO WHAT ADAM AND MARY WANT hmmmm i mean…i guess it makes sense…. but honeymoon after the new york ceremony or the australia one (serious question but still wiggles eyebrows) INTERNET TROLL OF A HUMAN…. sign me up   lol the mother-in-law drama begins  praying 4 mary  leah adn mary tag teaming with these questions, yasssss poor adam tho  NADIA NUH UH BACK TF UPPPPPP THIS DINNER SCENE  NADIA VS MARY  ADAM CHASE AFTER HER YOU FOOL lol they all look to leah  if they make this into a movie, can you ask karan johar to cast me as leah  ( or sarah) kind of smirking that adams mom was embarrassed by the nadia thing LEAH IS MY FAVE I DONT THINK ASSKICKING IS SILLY  LOL <3 ugh Tilly dont distract mary, if something happens to her while driving i will cry  oh than k god it was SHelby i did not want to see the nadia showdown right now i am not prepared oh shelby, with the blunt advice NO MARY DONT CRY BBY I LOVE YOU girl power moment ftw oka yass shelby fix up marys emotions and teach her how to wing her eyeliners so she can be a sexy lifesaverrr THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE I LOVE YOU YOU ALWAYS MAKE MY BIRTHDAY SO SPECIAL AND I AM SO BLESSED TO HAVE A SISTER LIKE YOU EVERYONE, HANNAH IS AN ANGEL, PLEASE REMEMBER THIS  PS - plz help me with my theories  k thx bye 
Intern exams are after Sydney! And haha, I’ll warn you prior to the wedding ;)
The white girl romance vs brown girl romance omfg that’s so well phrased... Also, why do you always assume I’ll kill my characters?!
Mary’s probably closer to her Dad... And you’ll have to see about the honeymoon ;) nah, I’m kidding, when Adam suggested Australia last chapter, he said they could honeymoon there!
Leah is A Homegirl this chapter
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 4 years
I put another apb on these pull them out. Huge epiteths here by these imbeciles.
Your freaking stupidvprestin. Dumb. Hateful mean idiot and a massive priss. Who are you to say a word to us ok you ain't both what. It takes. And are laughable. Piece of shit. Your an adolescent as well. I'm sick and tired of you two big buffoons telling me stupid things trying to harm me. My rep his and hers and my wife your fat obnoxious lost tons of stuff now belly ache . PS where are your saucers at nobody hears about them at all anymore. Why. Are here terrorizing everybody. Fly here to the Atlantic to Australia every day and back. Why is that. Have been doing it for years. Now you don't seem worried about a thing. Nope. Ohhh Antarctica we kick you out still not worried hmm Wierd. Then we raid here nope you don't care. We checked yiur not concerned. No you are only partly. You need your mega computers though they are onboard the saucers. Saw them working on him day in day out last year. We see how they fight too. Slow to arm nope fast. Speed kills. Huge AI ships overhead tonight driving groups of robotic humans around. Found out now by Macs and others due to your enormous attitude.
And we regret yiur giant bothering him nearby spent the night in jail. Fell over backwards when he heard you were looking for him Joe. My name in vane. Laughed in yeh you. Yiur horrid to each other too. They ate him up no but will once they figure it all out and are very uppity it's time they say. Go admirer him now non stop are without humility laugh at his threats until they die and walk out zombified are horrified at our power levels. Horrified. So you see shut down the internet no. These are you but planned to. Had blinders on acted the part if the horse. We used it fully now face arrogant talkers all over huge boasts of energy from old decapitated dying shits. Like you two. Old dying at yiur own kinds hands numbering heehaawing laughing shouting....and mostly insolent. And yet you ppl look very stupid. Hecdesigns our stuff happily joyfully and with vengeance against you. Huge Huge machines are headed this way to while that smile off your face. So tired of your car as indignant act indecent smearing leering jeering ugly pusses and mean talk your inane
We hit you flatten your hot air supply factories.
What friggin umps you are you act like spoiled mean kids who heck, don't know. You don't. You are so fn full of yourselves and Macs take a few looks find it and start hacking and you are arrogant with them as they whittle you. It's ridiculous. Your mean to me I mean indicates your in trouble. And are jerks. Macs always are but heck you two Biden lots of ugly females sit pestering me non stop. I'm shocked by how lowly you people are. Dirt eating poor folk and your stuff stinks of failure. Then hugely rancid arrogance based on history not mental illness. And oddly not from ruling. From destroying enemies such as Macs using alternate means. I'm not an alternate means I'm a hazard if approached wring as you Mega idiots do each today. Now we body slam you. You will feel it. Yiur eyeballs will pop out of the sockets you fake Irish Macs and followers. What vermin you think my usefulness over need laser designs and so put the pressure up not down. How droll. I mean I'm going I got napalm to wiz on you only you like it....AS YOU HAVE NO FN CLUE SATANISTS STILL. NONE. NOPE. YIUR HOPELESSLY IGNORANT. leave yiur tard alone ok fn fags you see millions of non millions of them hit you a day. No brain on board. I mean I'm surprised I honestly am you fell apart so easily all turned into weaklings sure ok Mac daddy had a plan not to do what you are. Lol. All secret. You advertise it tell all. It's the two who lost it they say. It's Jesus..nope rd by Macs. Make up your mind who shall mine target as you blatantly have me srtip young power. Who are you not to know anything at all about us Mac who just had minexshout that crappy threat who
Zues Hera
Would be assailants I guess. Cantvtake it huh I can. No. This is ridiculous re arm us ok we do. Who is running this joint daffy duck. Found Tommy f snearing at me this am. He's a puke is von Hagen is savalone hrs a huge imp is ultron. So we see who you say he's puny we agree a front again for who. A machine army we agree we see it you hv been screaming about it it's on us. Wow man Biden trump your idiotic blither ridiculous gag ...and it's our plan. Had one just lk you say yes. We are to blame mk ppl us too sound ridiculous. This is it we see your point we are pushed too it's tards. They ate out of thier league admit it now he's far too huge. Saw our demise felt it says you sorry little piece of crap in sorry for you. We learned this has right has been right...he said left. Means you know. Then this sick if us dumb assholes. True too. We are up to our ears with your stuff at bus. I tell ya you have to back off
Nah. You are at one person an inventor to fulfill a lame weakling fantasy that is in no way founded in reality put savalone up to it and can't fathom your errors. Why not? You lose a kings ran some daily. Thier fiefdom too. What language do you get. Threaten my balls I rip all yours off. Ok. American Band is my race Olympus my home. Your nuts to force us at you nuts. Losers really. You hound me day and night to have me prove you wring. Sounds like suicide.
Zues Hera
Maybe we are else where
Some are hudimi some are. You survived won and all the proceeds go to you and today's wedding gifts and all the bride's today. What us this cream dreams are ok to sell to yourself in worse than Stalin seen it of being
To s.
Zues Hera
We don't know What To do a you
Prod me like you are little bitch I pull out your teeth give you personal attention as your shallow fatso self needs. Dad had the same clueless yap too said in nothing. I said don't raise your mouth to me. It will come off. Hecdidnt for some time. Then exploded. Yelled yiur nothing like a peevish brat as you ppl do. I said fine I leave you go on your way had said don't come back. I said no I won't. He crawled out messed with me. I said you and your kind are nuts. He smiled and said we have a pointless existence. True but I have a point these piss me off now on purpose non stop. If no clue. You were too. I'm by far not a nobody. Hec says Emperor ok then who am I. We're king not due to Macs. Hec says God we go Emperor. Youvdont know a thing. He smiles let's say I see your work. And left. For good too.
Died a lot harrassing him. You all saw it said why is he doing that. He was doing it as he is one of you is a grouchy couldn't stand my attitude just like you imbeciles. So Mac crap you pushed him to it as you faggots and you pay. And his dad said get them. He is they die now in huge huge numbers tons of Macs. Finally the others rise. Learned it from arnie. He says this is what I taught him to get beaten by a smart group. Left. He says Cali and Florida legs of Macs plan unrecognized immediately as such counter measures deployed systems building revolt growing derision real. And Macs are oblivious. And as for timing it's Gregorian and east to read bible code. By the way Macs the rapture is now. You disappear.
Hec says this I don't care anymore haven't seen it. Don't care
Left harrassed as you do. Continuously. Then that's the plan. I'm astounded as to how lame you are vs Kaiju. Astounded. No gear is gmfine. No weaponsvtgat work. No Thorium at all doesn't matter and no crime and punishmentvthats not a circus act so nobody obeys not fng other aholes.
It's absurd. The dance is very odd doesn't reflect your fight or struggle. We see what yiur going for and why do understand it and heard Tommy say it. And him before it well before. So. Fire up Hoth a ship. Ok. Now we see. The first iron dome tapped in 1997 empty 2009 no nope. More like 2009 to now. Most died. We do see the top has stuff we clear now. All. And see you got it some from Hoth. So. What.
Scream yell salute declare victory blab. Kaiju run it and robots and could be you. You won't know. Don't.
Aim up or down. Ok. We use professional soldiering methods.
We know your argument it is too weak for you to present every 5 seconds. Too weak. Some group if yours thinks they run all the robots are very hostile towards us very rude unstoppable were arrested tonight won't stop blabbing about him. They are big not that big ate very disturbing ppl Dave fills him a hope then nothing. Is vengeful as Macs want Macs small don't care. And you are winning. A few planetoid and planets innaccessable not yours. And you hv no clue like your FAT ASSED YOUNG SATANIST BLACK FEMALES IN THE HOOD.
Used to comecstreamingbin epiteths in hand stopped when they heard you Macs. Mostborhers stopped. Not cork nope. Slows speeds laughs at ppl who think He will stop. But that's what you sound like. Fatass bigger bitches. Look like it too. Corky too.
Zues Hera
Thor Freya
This is odd I'm asked whybwecsaybit sounds enclose started in the low desert. Huge epiteths By them. Nothing then again. We got it out Garth says it's so odd it's not blacks it's the orc. Loud silent loud. In and out. But not huge theft only what then we see what they take odd machines used to kill with. Repeat the mistake you s made try for us non stop are orc or mixed or mixed orc. Tons no but yeh the veep is one. Is a horrendous idiot streams stuff to him. But. Per Macs is unstoppable. Wears reinforced shoes due to her physique is solid. But Macs blither non stop.
So back to Macs we understand your condition we use it your too weak to even see it. We know about it ok. Kidnap scenarios etc. We are much faster now ok.
Fine we get it can't stop the lot
Don't. It's a method just hard for me it's inventor ok putz
Get ready to lose stuff and sanity Pinhead is in casa Blanca see. White House
Zues Hera
I can't follow this what white house. There at the club med dildo baggens
Zues Hera
No no you don't McCall me that or say it or say I'm going there
Ok I don't. You go there though asswhipe
Zues Hera
Let's be kids you say see what happens. Pinhead happens you threaten him he takes high there you pay or die.
Or Stay in pieces feet from help
Thor Freya ties them up as yiuvtaught ok. Had the three
Fu Cramer your out
Your in my friend for a night of masochism as you say. Hey you only live once right ibtakevthe deed now from Tommy a
Zues Hera
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