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【#香港女孩 】大家估吓係咩嚟? 天氣凍冰冰啦!女孩子都係想要啲溫暖啫🥺💕 購買連結:https://shopinbear.com/product/liberfeel_innocence_series_hand_warmer_and_portable_charger/ . . . #暖蛋 #充電器 #潮流特區 #聖誕節禮物 #聖誕節 #耶穌出世啦 #hkig #hk #hkgirlfriend #hkboyfriend #hkfamily #hkkids #shopinbear #滴迪熊shopinbear #時尚 #香港 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cluu4fZylPT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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【Tree Health & Sports】 🎡地址:將軍澳唐賢街33號 Capri Place, B03鋪 🎢電話:(+852) 6063 7470 🎠營業時間:星期一至五( 11:30a.m. - 6:00p.m.) 星期六日及公眾假期(11:30a.m. - 8:00p.m) 如果不是Tree Health & Sports 的會員的話 只需要在餐龐消費HKD 200或以上 就可以進入兒童放電區 其實之前有介紹過 但因為場地有翻新加了滿多玩具的 所以再來介紹一下 🍴食物方面 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑 依間親子餐廳係 首間主打日式料理 食物質素算唔錯 每次黎必點既 🍝【明太子忌廉意大利面 HKD 96】 因為小肥陽���中意食 🍑【白桃梳打 HKD 48】 又是之前點過的 但不知道是不是錯覺 沒之前的味道好 然後還點了 🍟【炸魚薯條 HKD 88】 但小肥陽一點薯條都不吃 可能想著要去玩了 🎈玩樂方面 🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑 🛝巨型攀爬木滑梯 對於媽媽我很不友好 太難攀爬了 滑梯超級滑 在滑梯下方 收埋咗之前嘅舊玩具 例如捐窿嘅蟲蟲 同埋唔同形狀嘅立體軟墊 🏠兒童小房子和巴士小滑梯(新增) 有間細細地嘅屋仔 就係因為依間屋仔 小肥羊係咁話喺屋企 然後唔食飯都想入間屋仔玩 個巴士滑梯都係新買 小肥羊成日同人搶司機位 🏗巨型發泡膠積木(新增) 係舊攀爬滑梯上面 有一堆新玩具 五彩繽紛既巨大發泡膠積木 小肥陽很喜歡玩 (最後發現原來是之前的圍牆) 🚗騎乘玩具區 (新增) 有拍照用的電單車, 有韓國Tayo Bus 兒童車, 有美國 Little Tikes, kitty 款同taxi 款車 小肥陽超中意坐依款車, 一見到就衝入去坐 唔落黎 🍎迷你市場加木滑梯 (新增) + 舊廚房區有仿真的水果蔬菜 感覺已經被摧殘得差不多了 都破破爛爛 不齊全了 而且不知道是因為清潔方便 或者是不想玩具被破壞的原因 水果蔬菜都包左膠袋 完全沒有那種原本的觸感 一點都不好玩 #牧陽人日記 #香港 #港媽 #香港媽咪 #親子 #香港親子 #親子好去處 #香港親子好去處 #放電好去處 #香港好去處 #打卡勝地 #hkmum #hkbaby #hkmama #hkmumblogger#hkbabyboy #新手媽媽 #育兒日常 #育兒日記 #hkkids #週末好去處 #放電 #放假去邊 #親子餐廳 #親子活動 #將軍澳好去處 #將軍澳playhouse #將軍澳playroom(在 Tree Health and Sports) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgYmOhrJnv9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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<Duett Music - 👶🏻Babies Pre k-1 class> 天然呆babies好可愛!#不要太快長大 🐷🐻🐼🦊 Duett Academy of Music www.duettmusic.org Tel: 2327 2221 WhatsApp: 9141 8171 #tuenmun #yuenlong #tinshuiwai #sheungshui #hkkids #music #hkmusic #babies #cute #cutebabies #hkig #kindergarten #summer #nursery #音樂 #幼兒 #piano #violin #guitar #cajon #musician #kidsstyle (at Duett Academy of Music)
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Enjoying a morning jam, time and rest before the afternoon. It’s the second last day of our exhibition in Hong Kong and we are overwhelmed with many wonderful moments and heartwarming memories. . Looking back we can just praise God over all and we are deeply thankful. It’s a journey of learning and people taught us a lot about what space they need to dream. So thankful. Thankful to see how people interacted with the space, what they took out and how they changed it to the way they feel comfortable. . It’s like a naivety drawing, you have a empty paper and you give it around, everyone adds his lines, his thoughts, his handwriting too it and it creates a wonderful picture. Thanks for coming and being a part of this big dream! . Open today: 3 - 9 pm (talk about India from 8 - 9 pm) Last day tomorrow 3. June: 12 - 6 pm . . . #naivetylam #naivetylamily #exhibition #dream2africa #dreams #dream #music #dad #musik #familyproject #artistfamily #unschooling #singing #hkkids #hkfamily #hk #hkig #jamsession #guitar #music #familyband #improvisation #堅離地夢想 #展覽 #尖沙咀 #音樂 #父女 (at Hong Kong)
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The first low calorie, lactose free , enriched with protein chocolate is available to whole Asia ,suitable for kids and delicious. @espadahk #guangzhou #shenzhen #xangai #852 #hongkong #homekong #wanchai #macau #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #bjj #bjjkids #bjjgirls #hkfoodie #hkfood #hkhiking #hkkids #discoverhongkong #discoverybay #chocolatelover #healtychoice #healtysnack #hkwellness https://www.instagram.com/p/CMTn19ClfOO/?igshid=104muw1wvawnh
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#Repost @heather__parisi • • • • • • Hong Kong 🇮🇹 Psicosi Pneumonia! A Hong Kong è allarme da quando nella regione del Wuhan in Cina è scoppiata una epidemia sconosciuta. Per ora a Hong Kong sono stati riscontrati 17 casi. Ma la prudenza non è mai troppa. 🙏 🇺🇸 Obsessive fear of Pneumonia! Warning for Hong Kong Residents since there is an unknown epidemic break out, coming from Wuhan in China. For the time being, 17 people have been admitted to the hospital. Never underestimate caution. 🙏 #heatherparisi #umberto #hkkids @@elizabeth_parisi_anzolin_ @dylan_parisi_anzolin #hklife #hktwins #amolamiavita https://www.instagram.com/p/B6-zG-PqR6b/?igshid=tly8fmrsehtq
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Easter 🐣 is coming! Sunday April the 21st to be extra 💐 here is our Easter camp for kids and if parents want to join in they can too 💕🌷 Call us on - 9017 4307 Or email [email protected] 👨🏻🍳 👩🏻🍳 👫 🌸 🌼 . . . . . #hkig #igershk #discoverhongkong #explorehongkong #hongkonger #unlimitedhongkong #easter #workshop #fotan #shatin #hongkongkids #littlestepsasia #hongkongmums #hkmum #hkkids #hongkongfood #hongkongfoodie #hungryhunterhk #cookingclass #cookingworkshop . . . . . #dailyfoodfeed #lovefood #eatingfortheinsta #spoonfeed #huffposttaste #infatuation #buzzfeast ##buzzfeedfood #rslove (at Hungry Hunter) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu-ezwBH_7B/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o9qifhvo16su
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【#女友禮物】手仔凍冰冰呀,點樣算呀? 呵護雙手係每個女性嘅重要任務💕 手仔太凍,就會乾,乾就會裂,裂就會痛🥺 做男朋友嘅唔係唔識做呀?! ~聖誕節買咗禮物未呢? ~DM 我哋啦!或者喺下面連結購買吧! 購買連結:https://shopinbear.com/product/liberfeel_warm_series_intelligent_display_electric_hot_water_bottle_01/ #暖水袋 #暖袋 #潮流特區 #聖誕節禮物 #聖誕節 #耶穌出世啦 #hkig #hk #hkgirlfriend #hkboyfriend #hkfamily #hkkids #shopinbear #滴迪熊shopinbear #時尚 #香港 https://www.instagram.com/p/CltIhxNSKk6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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🎡地址:九龍橫頭磡聯合道198號樂富廣場 Zone B 3205-3208號鋪 🎢電話:3615 0159 🎠營業時間:星期一 、二:14:00am 至 8:00pm 星期三、四、五: 1️⃣ 11:30 am 至 15:30 pm 2️⃣ 16:00 至 08:00 pm 星期六、日及公眾假期: 1️⃣ 10:00am 至 01:30pm 2️⃣ 02:00pm 至 05:30pm 3️⃣ 06:00pm 至 09:00pm 消費滿HKD 100 就可以做會員 仲會送一張Fullhouse Kitchen滿屋廚房 HKD 20 餐券 不過無強迫一定要食佢開既依間 間餐廳都會做街外客 因為唔係個樂園入面,而係旁邊 平日|星期三、四、五|會員|一大一小HKD 180 🍴食物方面 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌓 100 fun 樂滿紛x Fullhouse Kitchen滿屋廚房 其實應該係快餐黎 要出去點餐 食完要自己收餐盆 媽媽我就點左 🍄【黑松露野菌海鮮意大利飯 HKD 106】 飯套餐有配餐湯【意式雜菜湯】 同野飲【海鹽芝士四季春】 小肥陽呢就 叫左個【兒童餐HKD 72】 主食:🍝【香草茄汁肉丸意粉】 小食:🐽【豬肉腸】 飲品:🍎【蘋果汁】 甜品:🥭【啫喱杯】 🌈設施方面 🌕🌕🌕🌕�� 每個遊戲設施入口都有,多到好似唔洗錢咁 【美國SWIPE BB 威寶 消毒搓手泡泡 】消毒雙手,溫和無酒精,不刺激,免沖水配方採用歐洲優質醫療級消毒成分除菌達99.99% 🔐 進入遊戲區前,會有儲物區 🚼育嬰室或者廁所都要去商場先有 🎈玩樂方面 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 👶 開心小天地 Kid's Play Zone 有個陽豬最愛既切水果Game,仲有小量波波俾小朋友掉螢幕,互動遊戲,仲有兩條小滑梯 🙈之前係巨型浴缸波波池 Giant Bathtub Ball Pool 依家無哂波波 條滑梯快係好快 但完全無有波波瀡落去咁開心 但滑梯係好玩既 🍳滿紛廚房 Little kitchen 個廚房頂無左,蔬菜水果玩具都玩到有啲殘舊,但都五臟俱全既 🏰探索小繩堡 Hide & Seek 跑左無兩下,因為視線高,見到個迷你車場就唔玩繩網啦 🚕迷你車場 陽豬最愛玩得最耐既地方,架車兜完一圈又一圈 叫佢去下旁邊跳彈床佢都唔肯 食完野想玩就見到要排隊先有得玩 🌳庭院挑戰陣 Courtyard Training Camp 完全無人玩,但我諗我陽豬應該未夠膽玩,所以遠觀之。 ✂️滿分學堂DIY Academy 岩大個啲既小朋友,有專人坐係到教佢地做小手工 🎉開心嘉年華 Carnival Game Room 有掉彩虹呀!係個到換左個鎚仔俾陽豬豬!佢超開心 🌵沙池小屋 食完野之後,其實陽豬已經Low Battery,但都仲話要再入返去,咁媽咪就帶陽豬玩埋依個無玩過既偽沙池(明明係一粒粒木粒)之後返到屋企仲發現佢收埋左一粒係條褲到(換片時發現) #牧陽人日記 #香港 #港媽 #香港媽咪 #親子 #香港親子 #親子好去處 #香港親子好去處 #放電好去處 #香港好去處 #打卡勝地 #hkmum #hkbaby #hkmama #hkmumblogger#hkbabyboy #新手媽媽 #育兒日常 #育兒日記 #hkkids #週末好去處 #放電 #放假去邊 #親子餐廳 #親子活動 #港島區親子餐廳 #樂富好去處 #樂富playhouse #樂富playroom (在 100 Fun) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfIR8oXJ1y8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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<Duett Music 👶🏻 Babies Pre k-1> . . 體感訓練🐻🐷好大個練習場!又要爬,又要跳,仲要呱呱叫!👼🏻 . . . Duett Academy of Music www.duettmusic.org Tel: 2327 2221 WhatsApp: 9141 8171 . . . . #cute #hkkids #playgroup #hkmusic #babyboy #babygirl #babies #drama #tuennun #yuenlong #tinshuiwai #littlemusician #preschool #cutebabies #prekindergarten #hkig #followme #fun #happykid #duettmusic #幼兒 #學前班 #musicschool #媽媽 #屯門 #暑期課程 #家長 #香港媽媽 (at Duett Academy of Music)
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When ever we arrive at the exhibition space she would take her papers and pens to build up her own working space. . Today we will be there from 2.30pm Till 6pm - looking forward to see you! . #naivetylamily #naivetylam #naivety #lamily #exhibition #art #hkkids #hkfamily #hk #hkig #swiss #installationart #dream2africa #dream #dreamer #working #tomorrow
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whats hong kong like? im visiting this summer & i was wondering if u have a few recs of places to see or eat at! thank uuuuu miss queen
hi!!! thank u so much for asking me hehe. here is some basic things i can think of rn in a few categories:
mong kok, aka smack dab in the center of the city where a lot of young ppl hang out: the market on tung choi street, ctma centre, a bunch of street foods and bobas on dundas street across from h&m, full cup cafe (the entrance is in a creepy alleyway but so worth it!), more east is a fish market n pet market. also has a lot of street kiosks with cheap charger cords, lighters, water, etc. in case u need. also a lot of the buildings are apple malls that specialise in things like camera gear, men’s suits, fake nails, hypebeast clothes, cosplay .. funnest thing is to go up or down a random escalator that you see a lot of ppl going in and see whats in there.
sham shui po, a local area but with some cool shit: dragon centre for a japanese style apple mall w a bunch of floors, huge toy market and fabric market, jewelry-making stores if u can find them cause i always forget where they are.. there’s a ton of diy markets basically and a quick google tells u which streets are for which but its harder to navigate than mk for sure.
tsim sha tsui, aka more international area but kinda ‘suss’: go to the one (a mall)’s 16th floor for some quiet, a very good view, and possibly the smell of weed .. but onlt some of the elevators go there so youll have to be patient, hk art museum, k11 musea (it’s new i havent been but its supposed to be good!), chung king mansions first floor IF YOU DARE (rumor is that they don’t have cameras past the second floor because policemen are too scared to go up there)
central: LAN KWAI FONG IF YOU ARE OF AGE OR LOOK IT some of the best bars for younger ppl are china bar, fire n ice, chocolate, and play. pregame at seven eleven doe. also a lot of art galleries open during the day! just look up what is on that month nd there will be a list with locations. visit tai kwun prison it’s cool. food in central is more pricy as this is a more international area. in general kowloon side = ‘more local’, island side = ‘more white’.
misc: kubrick, elephant grounds, mum’s not home, and coffee academics are the best hk cafes hands down! also flying pan for 24 hr breakfast. also skip ocean park, disneyland, and imo victoria peak lmao. if you want an adventure i recommend taking a ferry 2 cheung chau, its a fishing island with a decent beach and great food. u can also take a taxi from tsing yi station to ma wan fishing village, whcih is abandoned and you can explore the houses although its a bit hard 2 find. if u are gonna go to a temple go to 1000 buddhas but be warned lots of steps. sothebys is always open in admiralty if ure bored and you wanna look at auction art. hk is fairly easy to navigate in my opinion the key is realizing there is a ‘central’ road in each area (mk = argyle street, tst = nathan road, central = queen victoria) and mapping where u are based off of tht. also dont b scared of minibuses! im sorry i said too muhc but like i wanted to b helpful and i had so many things LMAO . hk is a gem in that every time you go to an area you find something new. last thing is that in causeway bay or central midlevels or even tst, a lot of the fishier small buildings (usually have sex store (OH GO TO A SEX STORE THEYRE GREAT FUN) sex hotel (ALSO GREAT FUN IF YOU WANT A NAP) and spa advertisements on the stairwell), do not have a private rooftop. you can go all the way up the top. there will be no door or it will be open . and chill like an #hkkid. HAVE FUN I SAID SO MUCH BUT RLY YOULL LOVE IT
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#Repost @heather__parisi • • • • • • Hong Kong 🇮🇹 A Hong Kong la fase del "tutti a casa" è passata. E' stata una misura necessaria e fondamentale nell'ottenimento dei risultati fin qui raggiunti. Ora la città comincia a muoversi piano piano. Ma non bisogna abbassare la guardia e il governo di Hong Kong ne è pienamente consapevole. Sembra oramai certo che la chiusura delle scuole sarà FORSE prolungata sino a maggio e che tutte le manifestazioni pubbliche, sportive e non, rimarranno vietate a tempo indeterminato. Il governo di Hong Kong ha anche intrapreso alcune iniziative destinate a risollevare l'economia e tra queste quella di versare sul conto corrente di ciascun cittadino €1,200 come aiuto. Stay safe 😷🙏🍀 🇺🇸 The "everyone stay at home" phase has slowly eased off. It was thus a necessary thing to do & fundamental in arriving to a point with excellent results. We are slowly slowly getting back on track. But never will we lower our guard, as the Hong Kong Government is well aware. The schools might be extending the reopening date towards May & all public events, sports & not, will be prohibited indefinitely. The Hong Kong Government has started new initiatives destined to raise hopes & to revive the economy. One way, is to put €1,200 into each & every Hong Kong citizen's bank account, as a way to help out. Stay safe 😷🙏🍀 H* #heatherparisi #umberto #hktwins @elizabeth_parisi_anzolin_ @dylan_parisi_anzolin #hklife #hkkids #coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #COVID19 #amolamiavita https://www.instagram.com/p/B9nf9OpqXgc/?igshid=m37km1pmkox3
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FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM captain_oli_youtuber
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Learn magic at Clearwater Bay Primary School, starting 14th September @ 2:45pm. Don’t miss your chance and sign up today! Learn magic with simple, everyday objects that are super easy to find and use: elastic bands, lollipop sticks, napkins, cups, pencils, crayons, paperclips, and toothpicks. Highlights the importance of recycling, creativity, hand-eye coordination, forward planning, fine and gross motor skills, acting, gaining confidence, and much more. #WizkidzMagic #CWBS #ClearwaterBaySchool #AfterschoolActivities #MagicMatters #HKMagic #LearnMagicHK #MagicWorkshop #KidsMagic #HKBirthdays #HKParties #SummerActivities #SummerCampHK #HKMums #HKMoms #HKKids #MagicLessonsHK (at CWBS) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnOAKpfgeNl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b39gk8ygfwy8
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#牧陽人日記 #香港 #港媽 #香港媽咪 #親子 #香港親子 #親子好去處 #香港親子好去處 #放電好去處 #香港好去處 #打卡勝地 #hkmum #hkbaby #hkmama #hkmumblogger#hkbabyboy #新手媽媽 #育兒日常 #育兒日記 #hkkids #週末好去處 #放電 #放假去邊 #親子餐廳 #親子活動 #港島區親子餐廳 #北角好去處 #北角playhouse #北角playroom https://www.instagram.com/p/CdvmL0SJ1MB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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