coolseabird · 11 months
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vital-ire · 2 years
Ever just download all of a characters dialogue from a game and turn it into a soundboard so you can do stuff like this? 
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legends-expo · 2 years
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Triumphant declaration: the meatbags organizing Legends Consortium successfully executed a meet-up for Legends cosplayers in Los Angeles yesterday. I attempted to organize the other type of execution, but my Master and his meatbag partner were not on board.
Join us in celebrating the Expanded Universe at LegendsCon in Burbank, California on September 9th & 10th 2023!
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theabsentmindedwander · 9 months
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gaiussaidno · 1 year
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hiii, hope you are doing well!
i'm kind of desperate for cash rn, so i'm opening up messy sketch commissions at the mo! thanks for taking a look! any questions, just ask!
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aquar-io · 1 year
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hk47 says happy pride
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minyboy · 1 year
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Statement: Just a simple droid here, ma'am. Nothing to see. Move along.
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harbinger99 · 2 years
Hiiiii tumblr! Dunno if this already a thing, but here me out!
HK-47 body pillow✨
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torilaa · 1 year
Statement: To quell thoughts about my depression, I have found another holonet site called "YouTube."
Appreciation: The number of meatbags in this song brings me so much joy, Master.
Declaration: I hope you realize how much better I am than that rolling metal trash compactor.
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Bracket 1, Round G, Attack 4
Skilled Assasins
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Swordsmachine Propaganda
HK-47 Propaganda
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stew-chan · 1 year
heading out to malachor v anyone want anything before I accidentally change the galaxy for better or worse?
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legends-expo · 1 year
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Knights of the Old Republic came out twenty years ago this month! Let's celebrate by posting your favorite memories, cosplay photos, art and more all month long with the tag #KOTORmonth!
Revan: @DairyBoy117 Bastila: @bekahsoka 📸@phantom_tdaves
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americanhellkmart · 18 days
i do fw this new star wars droid but nobody is beating hk47 for the number one baddie . general grievous would win but he isn't actually a droid (disqualified)
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cuteypahooty · 4 months
i think hk47 would support trans rights. he'd make fun of you for being transphobic. but he would probably also shit-talk organics for having to use meds and surgery to slowly transition
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
What I meant, is how should I plan the writing, like reading the manga or looking for inspiration in different stories?
Generally, yes, I would suggest being familiar with the source material if you intend on changing it. Whether that's the anime or manga or binging the wiki is up to you--I personally have a the wiki and a fan translation of the manga up at all times for reference.
Now, over time and thanks to asks on this blog and my various projects, I've become extremely familiar with various parts of canon, but an encyclopedic knowledge is not required so long as you can quickly find any information you need.
This is important for a few reasons. Chiefly, many readers will be familiar with canon and will notice discrepancies, which can be both a good and bad thing. For example, I greatly enjoy using canon events as a form of Dramatic Irony, like in Haigha when the Hosu Noumu attack never happens.
Being familiar with canon is also important for characterization purposes. If you really know how a character acts in canon it's easier to know how they'll respond to changes, making their personalities feel more fleshed out.
(Note that something feeling fleshed out is not always the same as it actually being fleshed out. Both is better, but the first is all you strictly need, and you rarely want to only have the second.)
More crucially to this ask, it makes the planning easier.
I'm assuming if you're rewriting canon and asking about planning things out, you aren't strictly following the way that things went in canon, and are doing something closer to my fics, where I cascade a single change into many more. This is the reason I'm personally so acquainted with canon. Knowing how each event in canon led to others makes it easier to see how changing any event will change the rest.
For example, the League attacked the Forest Camp to discredit Heroes, to acquire Search, and to recruit Bakugou. Either the League could have gone after Ragdoll at any time (presumably, it's possible they couldn't find her, though that seems unlikely), but waited until the Training Camp so they could also deal a blow to UA's reputation and acquire Bakugou. And they only wanted Bakugou because of how the Sports Festival ended. In other words, if the League doesn't have a way to find the camp, doesn't want Bakugou, doesn't want Search, and/or doesn't care about UA, there is no Forest Camp Attack.
As for inspiration, it can come from anywhere. Canon, fanfic, other works of media, random things you see in your day-to-day life, literally anywhere. I generally recommend that writers read lots of things--not just fanfic, either, but consume all kinds of media--to see more plots, narrative voices, technical writing, pacing, etc.
You can learn so, so much by reading books or watching tv or movies or playing games that don't even seem related to what you're actually planning on writing.
For example, here's HK47 in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 teaching you how to kill superheroes Jedi
I'm not sure looking for inspiration is necessarily the best way to put it. I find that ideas are fickle things, much like cats. They rarely show themselves when you actively seek them out, but come to you on their own terms.
The more stories you read/watch/play, the more familiar you will be with storytelling and common narrative beats, and the easier it will be to see the connections between ideas. This is as true with fanfic as with any canon material.
Here's a practical example. As of writing this, I'm running a series of polls titled Let's Make A Shonen! where I had various selections of tropes, settings, and plot devices necessary to create the barebones of a hypothetical shonen series. At the end of which, I'll write up the plot synopsis of the resulting series. At this moment, Magic is winning the Power System poll by a landslide at more than twice the second-place option, and in the How Does The Protagonist Learn Their Powers poll, the front-runner is the the powers themselves are sentient.
With about 50 hours left in the poll, I've agonized a bit over how I wanted to combine these plot points, before the answer came to me. Magacite from Final Fantasy 6--where Espers are turned into crystal upon death which can be used as a means of summoning that Esper or to teach magic to the party member equipped with that Magacite. By taking this idea and tweaking it, I can fit it neatly into place as the combination of those two polls, and by extreme coincidence I can tie it into several other polls as well, such as the main antagonist being The Government and the first arc being a Fetch Quest. The protagonist needs to get the Legally-Distinct-Magacite before the government does. Easy.
This is something I'd never have thought of if I hadn't known about the plot of Final Fantasy 6, which, while overlapping, isn't a shonen at all.
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